Thursday, March 25, 2010

Living in right wing bloggerland: Those threats against the democratic lawmakers weren't real.

I would like to thank my man Greg Fuller for sending me the following article from Media Matters. It kind of sums up how right wing blogs have been reacting to the anarchistic and hooligan style tactics of their wingnut friends.

"Right-wing blogs trivialize threats against Democrats
Right-wing blogs have responded to reported threats against Democrats who voted for the health care reform bill by trivializing the threats or suggesting that the reports are false, condemning the threats but making excuses for them, suggesting that Democrats themselves are to blame for receiving the threats, or suggesting other acts of violence that people could commit against their congressional representative.

Right-wing blogs trivialize threats, make excuses, blame Democrats
Big Government: "We doubt these threats are actually real and, certainly wouldn't condone them." In a March 25
post, the "Editorial Panel" of Andrew Breitbart's wrote: "Democrats and the leftist media are all atwitter about alleged threats of violence against Congressmen who voted for ObamaCare. We doubt these threats are actually real and, certainly wouldn't condone them." The post continued: "But, here's a tip: Hey Democrats, if you are worried about an angry public, how about not passing a sweeping government expansion opposed by 70% of the public. Just a thought."

Big Journalism's Walsh: Media "never once stops to question whether the Alinsky Party is, you know, exaggerating or even lying." In a March 24 post on Breitbart's about a report noting House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer warned Democrats about potential violence, Michael Walsh wrote: "Naturally, the media accepts this allegation at face value, and never once stops to question whether the Alinsky Party is, you know, exaggerating or even lying -- as the spiritual mentor of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton taught it to do." Walsh later stated: "So listen up, MSM [mainstream media], and consider this speaking out: God forbid that anything should happen. But if it does happen, try not to leap to pre-planted conclusions that fit the narrative: 'Democrats good/Republicans bad.' "

Gateway Pundit: "Suddenly the State-Run Media is Horrified that Politician's [sic] Home Addresses Are Published on the Internet." In a March 24 post responding to reports that the FBI is investigating an incident at the home of Rep. Tom Perriello's (D-VA) brother, at which a gas line was allegedly cut, Jim Hoft wrote, "Suddenly the State-Run Media is Horrified that Politician's [sic] Home Addresses Are Published on the Internet." Hoft further wrote: "This week an angry tea party activist published the address of a Virginia Congressman on his blog and suggested that Tea Party Protesters go visit this socialist at home... The tea party organizer did not direct anyone to harm the Congressman. But, that won't stop the leftist media from going berserk over the incident."

Confederate Yankee: "[H]ave a swing" at "your Congressman" instead. In a March 24 blog post, right-wing blogger Confederate Yankee wrote that it is "totally unacceptable to threaten" Congress members' "relatives or friends and put them in danger." Confederate Yankee added: "Go to your Congressman's office and scream at him in the most colorful language possible. Hang him in effigy at protests. If you're willing to do the time for the crime, have a swing at him."

NewsBusters: "The Media's Myth of Right Wing Violence." In a March 24 NewsBusters
post, Mithridate Ombud wrote that while "[t]hose who commit violence in the name of politics deserve political change no more than they deserve leniency in sentencing," President Obama's "desire to continue ramming through the most divisive legislation -- against his own creed -- isn't helping bring calm to even the most peaceful conservatives. And while the evidence of a violent right is scarce, there's no limit to liberals attempting to make conservatives look evil." Ombud further stated, "Whether this is a shortcut to 2nd Amendment action, valid concern, or just a bunch of crybaby progressive politicians over reacting to criticism, it's hard to tell." Ombud concluded: "The media and politicians who are trying to construct a meme of conservative violence as we run up to the 2010 elections should only face the weapon they fear most; the ballot."

Dan Riehl: "Dems Have Only Themselves To Blame For Threats." In a March 24 post on his blog titled, "Dems Have Only Themselves To Blame For Threats," Dan Riehl wrote: "No one should seriously enjoy seeing this type of thing going on. Though, I'd add, the Netroots crowd would have absolutely no problem with this were the shoe on the other foot. But it's not. It's on theirs." Riehl later wrote of Democrats who received threats: "These malignant little tyrants want to play the victim? After victimizing America with their pathetic antics, their corrupt practices, all to push a destructive ideology America has long rejected? The Democrats are the real criminals here. They have torn the fabric of America with a repulsive world view they now hope to thrust upon the American people, whether we like it, or not."

John Hinderaker: Threats "being played up in the press because the Democrats want to dampen the anger that has erupted" over health care reform. In a March 24 Powerline post, John Hinderaker wrote, "We condemn political violence in virtually all circumstances; certainly in all circumstances that could arise in our democracy." Hinderaker later wrote that "[t]he current threats (assuming they are real, as I assume some of them are) are being played up in the press because the Democrats want to dampen the anger that has erupted over their adoption of a government medicine program through a series of legislative maneuvers that are in some respects unprecedented." From Hinderaker's post:

We condemn political violence in virtually all circumstances; certainly in all circumstances that could arise in our democracy. Threats of violence, sadly, are not uncommon in politics; let alone "harassment." Even insignificant conservatives like us have been threatened with violence on several occasions, and the linked article notes that Jim Bunning received threats after he temporarily held up the extension of unemployment benefits a few weeks ago.

The current threats (assuming they are real, as I assume some of them are) are being played up in the press because the Democrats want to dampen the anger that has erupted over their adoption of a government medicine program through a series of legislative maneuvers that are in some respects unprecedented. It is important for the Democrats and their press minions to understand that there are many millions of Americans who regard Obamacare not just as misguided public policy, but as an illegitimate usurpation of power. I am one of the many millions who are outraged at the Left's attempt to destroy the private health care system that has served my family so well, and who regard Obamacare as illegitimate.

As for the threats, we will take them more seriously if they result in the cancellation of a public appearance by a liberal due to security concerns. But that never happens to liberals, only to conservatives. It happened again last night. That was in Canada, of course; the home of government medicine and little regard for free speech. No coincidence, that.
Lopez: "Threats are wrong. But they also are somewhat commonplace." In a
post on National Review Online's The Corner blog, Kathryn Jean Lopez quoted from Hinderaker's Powerline post and downplayed the threats against Democrats:

Threats are wrong. But they also are somewhat commonplace. Take deep breaths and work harder, is my advice to anyone to receives one.

Let's not pretend that Obamacare critics are all violent or otherwise breed violence. And let's not pretend that John Boehner and Eric Cantor, or Jonah Goldberg and Kathryn Lopez, haven't been subject to ridiculous -- albeit disconcerting -- threats, too. This is bad news, but it didn't materialize this Saturday or Sunday with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag.

Fox News figures condemn threats against Democrats -- but then make excuses for them
As Media Matters for America has
noted, several Fox News hosts and guests -- including Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade; Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, S.E. Cupp, Charles Krauthammer, and Stephen Hayes -- have been quick to first condemn the threats against Democrats but then immediately make excuses for or dismiss the seriousness of the threats."

Don't you just love the "threats are wrong-- but" arguments from these wingnut blogs?

Personally, this shit is mild to me. I come from a place where we kill our political enemies. So sticks and stones if you get my drift. Still, this is A-merry-ca, we are supposed to be civil with our politics and in our political discourse. Violence and threats of violence is not the A-merry-can political way. At least not anymore.

Oh well; bring it on wingnuts. We will be right here.


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Jody said...

M.Rigmaidan said: "My personal feeling is that the government doesn't need to be in the business of marriage in the first place. Consenting adults should be able to get together in whatever arrangement they see fit. And if that was the case, this conversation wouldn't be happening to begin with."

Oooh we are almost at a place where I can agree!! The problem is, the State uses the term "marriage" to describe a legal contract. To the State, it is ONLY the legal obligations and benefits that it concerns itself with. The confusion began when the State allowed religions to confer the "Legal Status"... the minister/rabbi/imam/priest say, "By the Powers vested in me by the State of __________ you are married.." The State vested Legal authority in religion. This is where the legal separation of Church and State should have been made and in my opinion, something that if changed, would speed up legal rights for gay and lesbians.

Too many religious people confuse their faith's understanding of "marriage" with the legal definition. They are not the same. One deals with the community/spiritual union... the other, the legal rights and responsibilities. To prove my point, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists say no to gay marriage in their churches.... Quakers, Unitarians, Episcopalians, Reformed Jews say yes and perform same sex ceremonies all time. So not even religions all agree about marriage.

However, we are a secular nation of laws, and so religious beliefs have no place in deciding who should and should not get married... the solution should be that No One is legally married by the Church. Then the Church could allow or deny marriage to whoever they choose, based on their faith, which it already does.

And, to your answer about why families cannot marry each other.. I know you know the answer, but the answer is simply an issue of survival of the species...prior to the middle ages in Europe, marrying immediate family was common as a way for the wealthy to maintain control of wealth.. problem was, the inbreeding threatened that legacy through severe birth defects, mental illness and miscarriage after miscarriage... Common Law was created and our currentlaws are a legacy of them. Actually, there are all kinds of archaic laws on the books in most states. Most law students have great fun finding the most bizarre, of which there are many.

alicia banks said...


bar rocks and so do u!

that is a fav sight online...i link them often!

they are my heros re hobama!!!

have a great weekend bro

much love and respect,

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Jody I completely agree with you. If I had my druthers, the church would perform marriages according to its traditions and so forth. Other than that, I don't think the state should be in the business of marrying people or of registering people who have married. Some say that they began collecting marriage stats as a matter of public health but I am not completely convinced of that. Census data ought to give them that information...

As to my earlier statements about polygamy in Utah, I actually support what the locals do in their own environment. In their belief system polygamy is okay and so it would be foolish to come up with a blanket mandate to prohibit polygamy in that environment (although it is technically illegal).

Further evidence that marriage is defined by locales is the city of San Francisco. The mayor performed gay marriages long before CA passed domestic partnership laws.

This is because the LOCALE of San Francisco found it expedient to allow gay marriage. Given the population there, it makes sense that the people would agitate for it before civil unions became legal throughout the state.

This is not rocket science. Maria, do you have anything to add other than a snide comment here and there?

You haven't answered the question at all. Jody had the decency to do so and I think that propagation of the species makes sense to disallow sibling relationships. But it still doesn't explain the nuances in marriage laws from state to state, like why one state allows first cousins to marry while another state will only allow second cousins and farther out to marry. Local customs and mores play a role...

LACoincidental said...

M. Rigmaiden said...

LAC, I don't know about single payer systems being sustainable in the long term. To be honest with you, I think we've reached the carrying capacity of our worn out health care structure(s).

If being healthy is a human right, then associating costs with being well puts us in an inherently contradictory position. Profit incentive and delivery of medical care should be exclusive of one another such that EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE can tell us which medications are truly effective and so forth, not just the 'studies' performed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Not only will the financial underpinnings of the health care industry need to be reworked, so will the financial structures of our banking system. If these structural problems are not addressed, then anything else is just putting a band aid on the problem that is bound to rear its ugly head in time.

MR two points --

You're correct, the overall restructure of our financial basis for healthcare must be re-worked for any system to be sustained. But like I said, it would cause utter chaos to rework overnight.

I don't think that a government-sponsored single payer system is a cure-all -- that's lefty la-la stuff. National health systems aren't werewolves, there are no silver bullets.

Single Payer is certainly better than the spider's web of for-profit insurance we have now, but again -- major changes would need to be made which can't happen overnight. And like Medicare there is always the threatens because of the direct link to taxation. Again, every system has flaws.

Also, countries such as the Netherlands and Germany have private healthcare -- but their model is far different than the mafia style shakedown of our current system. And there are still issues of adequate food access etc that no healthcare reform bill could ever address.

As for health being a human right -- most civilized nations have discovered that providing citizens with basic healthcare just makes economic sense. A nation of sick, invalid people simply can't drive an economy. And we have do on some level ensure some guarantees of public health. Most of us have public water and garbage services and almost every school district requires you to be vaccinated before you enter school.

Now we can agree to disagree (I know, shocker right?) but those are just my thoughts.

alicia banks said...


"I actually support what the locals do in their own environment."

spoken just like the kk kabout emmet till and all the other black men lynched in amerikkka!!!!


spoken just like the slaveowners who hated abolition!!!!


spoken just like that ousted justice of the peace in al who hated interracial couples and banned them from his ct!!!



alicia banks said...


"I actually support what the locals do in their own environment."

& spoken just like skinheads who would STILL lynch your own son anyday afterschool just for daring to be in their way as he exits his LEGALLY INTEGRATED school in their "locale/environment"!!!


Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Too many religious people confuse their faith's understanding of "marriage" with the legal definition. They are not the same. One deals with the community/spiritual union... the other, the legal rights and responsibilities. To prove my point, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists say no to gay marriage in their churches.... Quakers, Unitarians, Episcopalians, Reformed Jews say yes and perform same sex ceremonies all time. So not even religions all agree about marriage.[/quote]


when YOU can get the STREET PIRATES that you defend to RESPECT not only the LAW but the RIGHTS of the "Least Of These" Human Being that they have assaulted - I would be far more inclined to agree with your.

Instead you impose YOUR STANDARDS only upon people who you believe are RESPONSIBLE enough to KNOW BETTER.

mellaneous said...

M.Rigmaiden said:

"In terms of the school in Mississippi, the administrators were in a tough position. Given the fact that VOTERS of that state determined that marriage is solely between a man and a woman, the mindset of the people is quite clear. If the officials had the dance and let the girl in with her girlfriend, the Christian and Family coalitions would have raised hell and likely sued.

If the officials had the dance and did not let the girl attend, then the ACLU would sue for discrimination. And here we are. The school district was in a rough spot and I think electing NOT to have the dance made the most sense out of a potentially volatile situation."

There are some serious holes in this house of straw you built.

The school decision had nothing to do with marriage. There is no law in Mississippi that barred the two gay girls from going to the prom.

What they did was wrong. There are no two ways of looking at it. The prinicpal tried to enforce his/her prejudices. And you may be right she maybe have been trying to enforce some homophobic mores, but the law supercedes mores and you know it. And principles of morality supercede the law.

So what if the school had been sued. And I don't think it would have been sued. I think it was the administration that made a big deal of this thing and not necessarily outsiders.

I disagree with this theory of yours.

And just so you don't go jumping on me, I never said that anyone should abuse you,(verbally or otherwise) nor did I suggest it. I simply said I could understand the anger that was directed your way.

I try to be temperate on this blog and have never called anyone out of their name (yes I use descriptive terms on occassion but I don't name call and you should know that I always discourage it).

And speaking of disagreeing, I also found this statement problematic.
"If a majority votes to take away a human right from a minority, that vote is null and void. But if the majority votes on what is deemed a privilege then we are stuck with what they voted."

What if a majority decides that breathing is a "privilege" you shouldn't be allowed to enjoy, do they then have the right to take it away because they are the majority.

You have to be careful with these loose analogies, they can come back and bite logic in the butt!

You did however answer my question, however, I do have a better idea of where you are coming from.

Anonymous said...

MR you ugly big faced vampire looking bafoon. Laaudio tried that exact messed up comparison on another post disguised as curiousX and she got slayed by AB and JOdy. You're late... can't you gaybashing fools learn from each other's slaying? you people compare gay rights with incest and abuse, see your bias? don't you do that again.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]For CF and other Neo-cons -- how can you excuse threatening law makers? That has no place in uncivil discourse in modern politics. Also, if you don't like the legislation -- are you saying you LIKE our insurance system as it stands? Wow.[/quote]


Prior to becoming a LAWMAKER all of these people were EQUAL HUMAN BEINGs - prone to have diarrhea at times - just like the rest of us.

I notice that as YOU and others seek to hold these LEGISLATORS, POLICE and other AUTHORITIES to a HIGHER STANDARD the truth of your viewpoint and ideology comes out.

Here is the truth for you to chew on a bit LAC. You are able to both HOLD THESE AUTHORITIES ACCOUNTABLE and ask that others show them DUE RESPECT only because you respect the ESTABLISHMENT ORDER and know you can leverage your will upon it more than you can the AVERAGE MAN.

Again - I would be more impressed if you were able to take this same message of RESPECT that you ask this Common Man to have to his STATIST AUTHORITY figure and instead have COMMON MAN to COMMON MAN respect.

This is your greatest weakness based on what I have read from you on this blog. (Jody and Mellaneous as well).

We hear your voice asking some IGNORANT Right-Winger - one out of a cast of thousands - who as an individual yelled out hatred, spit or threw a rock. You do this because your goal is to IMPUGN THE WHOLE for ideological and political purposes.

It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that when it came to Anti-War protests (or even the violent protest in Portland YESTERDAY over a police shooting) the sight of HATRED and IGNORANCE wasn't quite as disturbing to you.

The question that I have for you LAC is: Can YOU define that standard of civility that you apply to those who you have leftist sympathies for in the same way that you have for these people in question?

Gregory said...

If same sex marriage were merely a matter of localities determining the matter then this would be a non-issue. However, states are obligated by the Constitution to honor marriages performed in other states. Just like a driving license from one state is valid in all states.

This is why those who oppose SSM get their holy undies in a twist over the subject. A gay marriage in California would by definition be legal in Mississippi. Some will point to the Defense of Marriage Act but it has not been challenged in court and may not be valid constitutional law. That will probably require a trip all the way up to the SCOTUS.

FWIW, I think SSM will eventually be accepted across county and a generation from now people will wonder why it was ever an issue in the first place. Just like inter-racial marriage.

Anonymous said...

if it wasnt for 100,000yankees burnin down my home town y'all spooks would still be pickin cotten...
Like that Malcolm the Xth said,

By any means necessary...


alicia banks said...


i never abuse anyone herein who does not abuse me first

if me and dicedicyicy want respect from me
they better learn to dish it out to me & gays as EQUAL humans or they will continue to be served in kind!!!



"I actually support what the locals do in their own environment."

that is exactly what the good old locals in jasper tx said about james byrd's murder by his pals in their environment too....shame!!!!

alicia banks said...

if mridiot and dicedicyicy want respect from me
they better learn to dish it out to me & gays as EQUAL humans or they will continue to be served in kind!!!

respect begets respect and venom begets venom...ONLY!!!!

Anonymous said...

MR you ugly big faced vampire looking bafoon. Laaudio tried that exact messed up comparison on another post disguised as curiousX and she got slayed by AB and JOdy. You're late... can't you gaybashing fools learn from each other's slaying? you people compare gay rights with incest and abuse, see your bias? don't you do that again.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

"However, states are obligated by the Constitution to honor marriages performed in other states"-Gregory

Gregory I would beg to differ. The Constitution says nothing of marriage, which is why it is a tenth Amendment/states rights issue.

Certain contracts are not necessarily transferable from state to state. Nevertheless the spirit of what you said has been heard. In time, I hope that it is not an issue at all. And if you look at literature in social science publications, you'll see that they are moving away from labels like gay and lesbian anyway. This is because these labels are inaccurate for the class of people who might have relations with members of the same sex but don't self identify as gay or lesbian. The terms WSW and MSM are now used. It's better to label behaviors, than to label people according to their behavior which can become politicized etc.

mellaneous said...

LAC ditto

LAC said;

"As for health being a human right -- most civilized nations have discovered that providing citizens with basic healthcare just makes economic sense. A nation of sick, invalid people simply can't drive an economy. And we have do on some level ensure some guarantees of public health."

Why didn't you just say this in the first place. I mean the leftist idea wasn't a la land idea.

I think the point is to make health care available to everyone, in other words to make it happen. To will it, kind of like the defense budget or the war in Iraq.

The problem of course is that the ruling class does not want this to happen because it would ultimately take some resources out of their pockets, and because of course it would take profits away from their friends.

And of course one solution would have been for the folks to take to the streets and demand Universal Health Care (and everybody knows what I am talking about don't get semantic on me)

But instead folks took to the streets blinded by their own narrow self interests ( and ironically egged on by rich shock jocks, well off think tanks, the health insurance companies themselves and other corporate shrills)and overlooked the needs of everyone.


alicia banks said...


ONLY the most rabid black fools quote a document penned by slave owners as some beacon of humanity...

the constitution says nothing LEGAL about anyone who looks like YOU being human either you witless wench!!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 5:47- Oh please, I remember that thead, Alica Banks and Jody did not slay LaAudio/CuriousX because she hit them both with a hard challenge, they still can't explain themselves.

Gregory said...

You may beg to differ all you wish. The Constitution doesn't mention driving licenses either. The issue is reciprocity and that is why the issue is so hotly contested.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Why do black defendants in drug convictions get 200% to 500% longer sentences than their white counterparts?[/quote]

Low & Country - you attempt to argue both ways:

* These discrepancies are NOT in the "same court / same district circuit". You also fail to talk about the outcomes in court systems that are overrun with court cases and the Public Def is inclined to cop a deal to clear his docket.
* When "Mandatory Minimums" are established to EQUALIZE the sentences - YOU start attacking THEM for "locking too many people up".

Why do resumes with black sounding names get 50% fewer callbacks versus whites with lower qualifications and even those with felony records?

Low & Country: This question requires some INTROSPECTION FROM YOU:

Are you SATISFIED that the "felony records" test and the employment discrimination that it suggests IS the PRIMARY reason for the White Unemployment rate being about 7.9% and the Black at about 16.3%?

Do you see that in pursuing this you are prone to do RACISM CHASING rather than make note of the lack of development IN THE AREA THAT YOU TOOK POLITICAL CONTROL OVER.!!!

In 100% Democratic Milwaukee WI the NEGROES were pissed that WHEN THEY EXITED THEIR OWN DAMNED CITY to go find a JOB in the suburbs that they faced DISCRIMINATION. To KNEEGROWS WHO THINK LIKE YOU the greater offense was that the WHITE FOLKS who moved the hell away from you don't want you have a job WHERE THEY NOW ARE rather than the fact that you TOOK OVER THE POLITICS OF THE CITY yet FAILED to note how your CONFISCATORY POLICIES impacted the CONSUMERS OF LABOR who are loathed to work wherever an ideology like YOURS has them as cows ready to be milked until they are anemic after the exercise.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

And LAC, I really did mean I didn't know about a single payer system. I don't fully understand the complex economics behind the model itself. All I can say is that I certainly don't want to pay the taxes that the Dutch and Germans have to pay! They really get raped and my husband only gets to take home 68.3% of his income after all these deductions, which is a lot!

One thing we can agree upon is that the structures need to be changed and change cannot happen overnight; not on the scale that is needed. So incremental steps ought to be taken and that is what we are seeing somewhat...

alicia banks said...

assnons are mental midgets with no morals and no memory!!!!

mellaneous said...

AB I feel you and I did notice that M Rigmaiden threw some bombs your way. You are aware that some folks come on to see if they can get you going(lol) So I wasn't picking on you. But good point will call out others as well.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Well Gregory, reciprocity being the issue is not the same as saying that the Constitution mandates that marriages from one state ought to be honored in another. And in certain situations that is still incorrect.

If first cousins marry in a state that allows it, and then they move to another state that disallows first cousin marriage is their destination state obligated to honor their marriage?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]The OFCCP has determined that 75% of companies it surveys routinely flout the basics of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but they don't have the agents to do random inspections of these companies more than once per decade.[/quote]

(This one is easy folks)
Since once great cities like Rochester, Camden, Baltimore, Newark, Akron, Cleveland, Gary, East St Louis were ECONOMIC POWERHOUSES PRE-1964 and thus were fruitful enough to draw the JIM CROW ERA BLACKS OUT OF THE SOUTH as they were attracted to the jobs......logic tells me that IT WASN'T THE DAMNED 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT that GAVE those Blacks who were lifted up to the Middle class their prosperity.

NOW YOU HAVE THE 1964 ACT but these cities don't have JOBS!!!!

Hire more GOVERNMENT INSPECTORS along with the 16,000 new IRS Agents to do the Health Care - they will soon see that there are far fewer VENUES FOR JOBS that they need to inspect.

Thus your analysis is FRAUDULENT!!!
You need to focus on THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF JOBS - the PLATFORM by which this DISCRIMINATION that you focus on takes place. WHEN YOU HAVE NO DAMNED JOBS - it is IRRELEVANT to focus on:

* Unions
* Overtime
* Lunch Hour Rules

Your flawed ideology is far more complicit in the destruction of these jobs than you are given to accept.

alicia banks said...



i am a lioness with sharp white fangs to match my big sexy white eyes...and i use tacky tools like mr. to keep them sharp!

no real christian would ever condone homohatred nor the horrific wilding locals inflict upon these 2 lesbian children...

rabid black homhaters like mroctaloon have no brains/hearts/consciences/souls/memory etc

and they CLING to CRAZY bogus arguments in lieu of all listed above!!!...shame!!!

the good news is
most people osd of ms like glaad/wanda s/ellen d etc are making them superstars who will be set with scholarships for life etc...

often good things come from evil abusers by default!

thank god!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought AB and LaAudio/Laincogi were now friends? Oh well maybe I missed something.

mellaneous said...

CF said:

I am NOT going to allow YOU or Ben Jealous to talk in THIRD PARTY TERMS when it comes to EDUCATION FOR THE NEGRO!!

In 2010 the Negro has far more FAVORABLE PEOPLE leading him in instruction than at ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY!!!!

If you proclaim that his EDUCATION IS INFERIOR then you may as well cut to the chase and admit that YOU BELIEVE that HE IS INFERIOR. For today HE EDUCATES HIMSELF!!!!!

CF do you ever read what you write. Anyone who reads this blog know how you beat up on the Democratic leadership of public schools in many inner cities. You scream and holler about them being quasi-progressive whatever and how they are doing such a terrible job.

So when I point out that the children of poorer black folks who live in the inner city are not getting the quality education that children in the suburbs and even some cities get you try to argue the other side.

Come on man! You clearly want to be a representative of the black Conservators. How will you be able to accomplish this when you keep posting such contradictory and irrational stuff.

Can you say CONTRARIAN?

Anonymous said...

How does the Banks troll manage to turn every thread into a gay discussion?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Mellaneous we can agree to disagree. The majority cannot vote to take away breathing because it is a fundamental human right. That was a ridiculous analogy and was totally irrelevant.

Marriage is not a right. I noticed that you did not and likely cannot answer the questions I posed about society putting restrictions on marriage, like why siblings cannot get married or cousin marriage. The ONLY person that did so was Jody. I think that people are avoiding answering my questions because it will show them the logical fallacies of their way of thinking.

If you exalt the democratic republic one day then get mad at the results it produces the next, that is inconsistency but not my fault. People have to accept that votes may not always go their way.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

And I realized that once again I am talking about the same old bullshit I talked about in another thread wasting my time and breath.

Have a nice weekend FN.

mellaneous said...

CF said:

"Since once great cities like Rochester, Camden, Baltimore, Newark, Akron, Cleveland, Gary, East St Louis were ECONOMIC POWERHOUSES PRE-1964 and thus were fruitful enough to draw the JIM CROW ERA BLACKS OUT OF THE SOUTH as they were attracted to the jobs......logic tells me that IT WASN'T THE DAMNED 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT that GAVE those Blacks who were lifted up to the Middle class their prosperity.

NOW YOU HAVE THE 1964 ACT but these cities don't have JOBS!!!!"

Slow down CF I am sure you didn't mean this the way you came off.

You imply that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was no big deal.

-A reminder; the 1964 gave black folks the RIGHT TO VOTE, it made it UNLAWFUL TO DISCRIMINATE IN PUBLIC FACILITIES, IN GOVT, IN SCHOOLS and in JOBS.

-It also reinforced blacks rights to EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. It pretty much forced them to apply the US constitution to blacks as well. It sought to reinforce the 4th and 14th ammendments.

-The jobs you so casually refer to weren't all open to black folks before 64 and some still didn't obey the laws post 64, but had to be sued into compliance.

-There were jobs available to blacks in some of the industries up north before 64, but most were mired in entry level jobs being passed over by sometimes their less qualified white workers.

-Can you say affirmative action for whites!

-CF you should stop this!!

-Some things are too serious to be contrarian about. Some people who follow you (because of your insistence on blaming all black folks problems on themselves and ignoring the institutional racism and structural injustice)on this blog may get mislead.

-BTW the factories left because they got better deals in other states like much lower taxes or no taxes and in some cases free land.

-And then some left the US because they got an even better deal no taxes, free land, and they got to pay the workers slave wages.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Since the vast majority of jobs in this country aren't advertised but are filled by word of mouth and contact networks, the old boys' network is just as salient as ever.[/quote]

You realize not how IGNORANT you are.
I can just imagine the REMEDIES that you would TRY to put forth as you attempt to combat REALITY. I can imagine a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT REPOSITORY where EVERY "Consumer of Labor" REGARDLESS of the size would have to enter every job opening into a Government Registry Website. Before he can fill the job your regulations would have to be followed.

Ironically the EVIL large corporation that I help steal customers money for - has policies on POSTING their positions on the company web site - INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

WHO YOU KNOW is ALWAYS going to be there. Do you choose a RESUME over a person with a known character and quality? When a Division President moves in a large company she typically tries to REASSEMBLE her team of VPs and Directors because ultimately her job is on the line. She either PRODUCES or is FIRED. Thus bringing people along who have a track record is quite normal.

Here is the deal folks - ME TELLING THE TRUTH of how it works proves ME to be a SELLOUT to the system.
Low & Country CONDEMNING the system as DISCRIMINATORY has him as the HERO. This is ONLY because he HAS NEVER and WILL NEVER be in such a position in which HE HAS HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE TO MANAGE and will get FIRED if the numbers don't look as expected.

The brief period we had affirmative action saw some of these trends get reversed, with no evidence of inferior hires as a cost (not that that would be an sufficient argument against the program, mind you). How unsurprising that it got shot down.

The meltdown of the cities known as the "Rust Belt" have DESTROYED more employment for Blacks than you can EVER point to AFFIRMATIVE ACTION as having CREATED EMPLOYMENT FOR BLACKS.

The most vile part about you and people who think like you do is that YOU DON'T SEE ANY CONSEQUENCE to your THEORIES. In your view every inch forward is PROOF of your correctness. Any 3 inch reversal of fortune down the hill is proof of RACISM!!!

I challenge you to go into any of the districts that YOU HAVE WON and are relatively ALL BY YOURSELF - and build up the POWERHOUSE using any combination of:

* Union Labor
* Affirmative Action
* Harsh and Punitive Regulation
* And Government Confiscation Of The Salaries of the people WITHIN THIS DOMAIN ONLY - near to the point of SLAVERY and SERVITUDE


Instead yours is a VICTIMS STORY!!!!

The most unfortunate Black person in 2010 is one who FOLLOWS YOUR THEORIES blindly. He indeed will remain "The Least Of These" with great assistance from YOU.

In fact, just having a white sounding name is roughly equivalent to eight years of job experience for the black man.

Think about it Low & Country:

1) Lets say that WHITE FOLKS don't hire Donte'vion and Lawrquesha - YOU NEED TO ask the parents about the VALUE OF THE NAME

2) What VALUE do they have where - a CPA or MBA - won't get a job BECAUSE of the name, thus the company sees little worth in the person wearing the name tag?


Their names POINT THEM OUT!!! Yet they have a POSITIVE Reputation.

Are you sure that it is JUST the Melanin?
What have YOU done as a grand REBRANDING attempt? Mostly INWARD but also OUTWARD?

I would LOVE to hear YOU adopt the Spike Lee phrase "Black people - WE'VE GOT A BLACK PRESIDENT NOW - we can't keep accepting this any longer".

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]I can go on and on. You can BELIEVE that there's no employment discrimination, but if you want to make that claim, you better damn well have the evidence for it, because the sociological data on the other side is rich and compelling for decades.[quote]

Low & Country - There is a trial going on TO-DAMNED-DAY where a WHITE WOMAN is using the former CEO of Delalb County Georgia - a BLACK MAN - for employment discrimination.

Thus if YOU believe that employment discrimination will go away then it is YOU who are the fool.

The real question is about POSITIONING, POWER and QUALIFICATIONS to the point where you can achieve a certain level of attainment of your interests.

YOU can't even HARVEST ECONOMIC GROWTH where you have NEEDS for SERVICE, NEED for work in the areas where you have political control. Instead you focus on RACISM CHASING.

[quote] Yeah, so why are blacks routinely underrepresented? [/qutoe]

This is something that YOU NEED TO BE ASKING YOURSELF!!!
As you move up and see job opportunities that require more advanced SKILLS there are far fewer Blacks in the pool to choose from ANYWAY. You instead choose to focus upon DISCRIMINATION rather than the FORFEITURE that takes place as the BLACK TEAM doesn't show up after having lived in the:

* Cultural Standards that you allow to go lax

* The FAILURE of the schools that you now control

* The FAILURE to create adequate business and economic opportunity in the places that you now have POLITICAL CONTROL.

Someone needs to PUT YOU ON TRIAL.
Allow YOU to argue the RACISM TRACK while ME - the LEAD PROSECUTOR makes note of the POWER index that you have to POTENTIALLY TRANSFORM THE PEOPLE as compared to the record rate of SQUANDERED HUMAN RESOURCES that you have after convincing people to buy into your CRAP.

mellaneous said...

M. Rig we can agree to disagree. You however understood my analogy, the point was that your analogy was a bit spurious because you assume that the majority should be able to determine what is and what is not a privilege.

I heard and understood your point about mores I get that. I understand why folks discourage certain types of marriages. I got it, I did.

I however was talking about the fact that a school took away the right of a child to go to a prom and how wrong that was and you never addressed my problem with it.

Don't get frustrated when you get caught comparing apples to oranges.

You would in no way have stood for your kid being denied the right to attend her prom for whatever reason, unless she threatened to blow it up. That's what I am talking about and you keep bring marriage into the equation.

It doesn't fit. Speaking of bad analogies. But again it gives me an idea of where you're coming from.

Spoken with no malice, just want to see if I can challenge your thinking on this thing.

Trapped in SC said...

Are you mad, Destructive Wingnut.

If you are, I don't care.

You sure are posting a lot.

CF, I believe that the operative term for you is HACK.

You aren't a prophet. You are a HACK. And a misinformed, self hating one at that.

You don't have the intelligence level necessary for informed debate.

I'm wasting my time with you.
You're a black guy that dresses up like a conservative and then plays make believe. You're no different than the people who dress up as a wizard at the Renaissance fair.

You don't even have to worry about the bullshit that is your Randian theories where it concerns the black communities. You probably aren't really "black", And I bet that the community of black folks probably would shun you anyway, since in this war we are fighting, we wouldn't share our collective foxholes with neoconservative cowards like you.

You have the most self serving and misinformed analyses that could possibly exist.


Like I told you before, get a newspaper subscription and get your ass to a community college before you debate me.

And if you want to post some more, you can.

I'll allow it. This time.

Fucking black wingnuts. I've seen it all now.

Gregory said...

M. Rigmaiden,
I agree, this is off topic and pointless. I am also not gay, so the issue to me is not personal but one of fundamental societal fairness.

I would direct your attention to a couple of points, addressed in brief.

First, the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution. Article IV, Section 1 states: “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.” There are some established exceptions to this clause. These exceptions include: “a forum state does not have to respect the judgment of a sister state that purports to transfer title to real estate within the forum state.” And “A state does not have to respect “penal” judgments from other state courts.”[5] However, there is no “policy” exception. Thus the driving license example.

Second, the Supreme Court cecided that Marriage is a fundamental right, as ruled in Zablocki v. Redhail (1978). Also, the Supreme Court recognized in 1967 that the freedom to marry is “essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness” and “one of the basic civil rights of man.”

Third, Amendment 14 of the Constitution guarantees citizens of the United States equal rights and equal protection under the law.

For those reasons, and others, I think it only a matter of time before SSM is a reality. Sorry I didn't get back earlier but I had some real work to attend to.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]You can't reply to even the basics of white privilege theory[/quote]

Low & Country - THERE IS NO NEED to confront you on the point of "White Privilege".

The ONLY possible outcome of this is that YOU are going to get me on your tour bus and have ME to take a tour of the GHETTO. You are going to attempt to "make me a better human" by introducing me to SUFFERING, POVERTY and IGNORANCE.

You are NO DAMNED DIFFERENT than the Sandra Bulloch character in the football movie in which she said "NO HE made ME a better person" after she brought the stray Negro home with her. YOU want ME to be a better person by looking at these things.

I challenge you to MAKE BETTER OUTCOMES for the "Least of These" by DEVELOPING THEIR COMPETENCIES!!!


IF ONLY Black folks didn't just CLAP to Farrahkan but translated his words into action. You agree with his "The White Man Did It To Us" part of his speech but despite CLAPPING for the part that says "Do not receive your food from your long time enemy" YOU are the first one complaining that "the mashed potatoes are too salty and thus might raise your blood pressure. Someone is trying to kill me from hypertension".

If your END GOAL is to ELIMINATE RACISM or set up some controlling force so that it will be eliminated - LET ME HAND YOU THE STRAIGHT RAZOR for your throat right now. it is NEVER going to happen.

If you weren't so IGNORANT you would see that you are positioning yourself TO-DAMNED-DAY for the NEXT INTERVAL OF TIME.

With your main benefactor being $13,000 billion in DEBT and it going fast to $20,000B YOU ARE A DAMNED FOOL if you believe that your best strategy forward is to be EQUALLY SERVICED from this dwendling trust fund rather than DEVELOPING SOME COMPETENCY where the hand that WIPES YOUR BEHIND in the hospital receives a SALARY from what YOU paid in based upon YOUR OWN productivity rather than SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHT to ENTITLEMENT!!!

Get Thee Behind Me FOOL.

I am not taking a bite out of your apple. The my mind won't survive the poison.

Gregory said...

Spell check is funky today, that should read "decided" not cecided

mellaneous said...

ditto M Rig we obviously don't disagree about everything

M Rig said:

"If being healthy is a human right, then associating costs with being well puts us in an inherently contradictory position. Profit incentive and delivery of medical care should be exclusive of one another such that EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE can tell us which medications are truly effective and so forth, not just the 'studies' performed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Not only will the financial underpinnings of the health care industry need to be reworked, so will the financial structures of our banking system. If these structural problems are not addressed, then anything else is just putting a band aid on the problem that is bound to rear its ugly head in time."

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]You imply that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was no big deal.[/quote]

Mellaneous - can we agree that it was YOU who added the adjective "No Big Deal"?

I said:

The ADDED GOVERNMENT REGULATION in these placed DID NOT BUILD UP these places!!!


What is so hard for you to understand this point?

I did not speak to the other, non-employment BENEFITS of the 1964 Act.

maria said...

oh, dear god. marriage happens in a church only???? no, no, no!

and rm you keep saying:
Marriage is not a right. I noticed that you did not and likely cannot answer the questions I posed about society putting restrictions on marriage, like why siblings cannot get married or cousin marriage. The ONLY person that did so was Jody. I think that people are avoiding answering my questions because it will show them the logical fallacies of their way of thinking.

and you're just wrong. i did address this, and i said that YOU were taking something to its illogical extreme.

marriage is a right. you saying it isn't doesn't mean it isn't. some places--fewer every day--refuse to acknowledge this right. you are increasingly in the minority.

Trapped in SC said...


Ring a bell?

Kevin Jackson fits the description of the “sellout” that everyone thinks of when you hear the words “black republican” or “black conservative”. I had no idea who Kevin Jackson was yesterday but the more I learn and the more i realize he exemplifies the self loathing complex some of these people have. To him, black people are only democrats because they want a hand out from the government. The Democratic Party is the “great enabler” that strives to keep blacks down and keep them begging for help. It’s a basic right wing talking point that he’s swallowed whole and is now regurgitating in an attempt to sell his book and make a name for himself.

It’s this type of black republican that makes me irate. You know, the self hating/loathing piece of shit kind. I’m beginning to understand this type. Unlike the few moderate black republicans that I do respect, these kind of black republicans aren’t in it because they believe in the conservative philosophy but rather because it affords them the opportunity to be different. These were the black kids who growing up took shit for being “too smart” or “talking white.” They were picked on and shunned by their peers. Now that’s a story I can relate to because the same thing happened to me. But unlike them, I don’t hold resentment to my own race. I didn’t climb the ladder of success and then kick it away and scream down to those below ‘See, I made it on my own without handouts…you should too.” It’s like some syndrome were they feel so much disgust for their own race, that they run to white people for acceptance. And because they are so ready to bad mouth the people who put them down, i.e. other blacks, white republicans support them. The Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannity’s of the GOP trot these black republicans out to tell their “story” about how they grew up poor and were teased and joked for wanting to learn and achieve. Then some great white republican hero comes into their lives and “shows them the right way” and well…here they are. As someone on Twitter put it…it’s ‘The Blind Side’ but without Sandra Bullock.

But here’s the ironic thing. That whole “I made it on my own without handouts” or “My race has nothing to do with what I am” statements are far from the truth. The truth is, these types of black republicans didn’t get to where they are because of their own hard work. No, it’s rather because they happen to be black people who support an agenda of racism, classism and bigotry displayed by certain groups in the Republican party. It’s hilariously ironic that these same people who run away from their race and pride themselves in “Not getting handouts” are only in their positions solely because of their race. Its just another version of affirmative action that these fools so oft rant about. The GOP/Tea Party movement use these people to explain away their racism by trotting them out on some “See, we have black friends” attempt and in return they let the turncoats sit at the table with them and get their table scraps. Of course this is only after the GOP gets itself in trouble. After President Obama kicked their asses in 2008, Republicans vote for a black party chairman in Michael Steele. Of course they continually tell him to “stay in his place” and “remember his role” because it’s not to run the party…but rather to have a black face to say “See, we are diverse.” Same thing with the Tea Party movement. After failing to condemn the escalating bigotry against well respected congressmen (particularly a Civil Rights icon) the GOP is now inviting resident house Negroes like Kevin Jackson into the plantation house to help “fix” the GOP’s image. Give me a break.

End of Part 1

Trapped in SC said...

Part 2

And that’s just par for the course. As much as black republicans like Jackson will claim that the Democratic party is using blacks, the truth is the GOP is pimping him out against his own people and he’s barely getting anything in return.

Look at what Jackson’s bio says in his book. He calls himself the “Black Glenn Beck.” Ignoring the fact that he’s aspiring to be a guy who was a drug addicted college dropout and now misinforms people daily about history he doesn’t understand, if Jackson is the black Glenn Beck where is his $30 million contract? How come Limbaugh makes $400 million? If the republican party is where you need to be at, if they are inviting African Americans and minorities…why don’t any blacks have big contracts or prominent radio/TV shows? How come blacks are only put on display when it’s politically necessary for the GOP? If the Republican party is the party that supports blacks, then how come they always seem to be told to get to the back of the GOP bus? The way I see it, if you’re going to pump this bullshit and sell out your race…sell out for more than 6 pieces of silver.

Now let me say, not all Black Republicans fall into this “self hatred” mold. There are some who I might not agree philosophically with, but I can still respectfully agree to disagree with. They are intelligent and aware enough to know when lines have been crossed. Take former Secretary of State Colin Powell for instance. During the 2008 campaign Powell spoke out against the kind of hatred and rhetoric we saw this past weekend. Now there are some who called Powell a “sellout” when he worked in the Bush White House and they were completely wrong for that. Selling out doesn’t mean having a different political philosophy. No, selling out means ignoring integrity to promote one’s self and make yourself look better at the detriment of others who were in the same situation you. The difference between Powell and a self hating negro like Kevin Jackson is very simple. Powell doesn’t flaunt his republican membership as if it’s some kind of pass into an exclusive club, screaming “Look at me I’m different.” And he definitely has no problem calling his own party out for vile behavior. But while Powell sees a clear line between civil debate and political differences, those like Jackson just see a clique of “cool kids” they want to be a part of…even if that means betraying their own race, morals and integrity. Sorry, but no thanks. If that’s what it means to have my “eyes opened” to “reality”, I’ll keep my integrity and self worth.

Found this online. thought is was apropos.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]CF, I believe that the operative term for you is HACK.

You aren't a prophet. You are a HACK. And a misinformed, self hating one at that.

Low & Country:

The other day I went into a "fish joint in da hood". I listened as two Black men were discussing how the government was trying to oppress us today. (Wiretapping, police searches, etc)

Then I heard the shorter guy "schooling" the other one as the subject turned to Black male homelessness. He said that many of the folks sleeping under that bridge are running from child support payments and other responsibilities.

When the "homeless" guy left I started talking to this guy. He turned out to be a preacher. We did not say one word about "Magical Jesus" - only about PHILOSOPHY as applied to the issues that we are seeing today.

Long story short (I will save the long story for my own blog) when the brother minister left the place he said to me "There are not a lot of MEN who think like you today".

SUMMARY - The JUDGMENTS of me - GOOD AND BAD - that come from people who have INTEGRITY AND CREDIBILITY are far, far, far more important to me than a BLUE CRAB like you.

I REFUSE to humble myself under ANY FORCE that IS NOT WORTHY. I didn't say that I lack humility. I have DISCERNMENT. You are not worthy to be my mentor.

You don't have the intelligence level necessary for informed debate.

This is the favorite part of my debates with CONTEMPTUOUS NEGROES.
The very one's who PURPORT to be out to help the LEAST OF THESE are so frequently the first one's who call people STUPID.

Do you think that if Low & Country sees ME as lacking intelligence that he views the "Least Of These" Black man who he has under his protective wing as an EQUAL HUMAN BEING?

The truth is that as long as one is INFERIOR to Low & County - he will dutifully work to NURSE HIM BACK TO HEALTH.

Just don't let that NEGRO TRY TO FLY and soar higher than LOW & COUNTRY. Low & Country would LAND, knock on the hunter's door, borrow his rifle and SHOOT that Negro BIRD OUT OF THE SKY!!!!

"HOW DARE HE fly with his natural abilities after I FIXED HIS WING BACK? With his WING NOW SHOT OFF - let HIM REPAIR HIMSELF and see how far he can get without MY HELP"

WHAT LOW AND COUNTRY DOES NOT SEE is that GOD gave that bird his wings.

The fact that Low & Country bases this bird's existence upon his DAMAGED STATE rather than the BLUE PRINT FROM GOD - will ONLY result in Low & Country seeing this bird as an injury survivor. He WON'T bother to make note that one day this BIRD is going to REPRODUCE and inculcate the next generation of birds that he is responsible for, bathing them in the CONSCIOUSNESS that he has.

Why doesn't Low & Country go back and work from the blue print from the CREATOR of the bird? What agenda is he following?

LACoincidental said...

mellaneous said...
Why didn't you just say this in the first place. I mean the leftist idea wasn't a la land idea.

I think the point is to make health care available to everyone, in other words to make it happen. To will it, kind of like the defense budget or the war in Iraq.

The problem of course is that the ruling class does not want this to happen because it would ultimately take some resources out of their pockets, and because of course it would take profits away from their friends.

And of course one solution would have been for the folks to take to the streets and demand Universal Health Care (and everybody knows what I am talking about don't get semantic on me)

But instead folks took to the streets blinded by their own narrow self interests ( and ironically egged on by rich shock jocks, well off think tanks, the health insurance companies themselves and other corporate shrills)and overlooked the needs of everyone.


Actually, my issue was never with the concept of universal coverage in a form. But the concept that we could magically build a single payer system out of thin air, overnight without sending the entire health care system to a grinding halt is la-la land nonsense.

Like the defense industry and banking, the insurance industry is so woven into our national economy that tilting the apple cart too much could cause some serious problems that nobody left or right truly wants to bear the consequences.

Now, a Public option? Perfect compromise, because it accomplishes what single payer advocates want (universal coverage) without causing another financial bubble.

Again, I'm very progressive in terms of big ideas, just I also demand to see the solution through systemically to avoid unnecessary consequences.

Constructive Feedback said...

Hey Mellaneous:

I have a question for you.

I am sure that you have checked out my own blog properties:

and have noted that I have developed a model of the world in which we live as:

The American Political Domain

and the

Community Cultural Consciousness and Competency Development Domain.

MY QUESTION TO YOU IS - why is it that you allow others to frame everything as "Black Republicans" are the big threat while YOU aren't inclined to CHECK Low & Country for his NEED to throw everything in the "American Political Domain"?

Since it is a GIVEN that most Blacks are complicit with the prevailing order in the "American Political Domain" as it relates to their HOPES in solving our problems -----WHEN will you start REBUKING people like Low & Country telling them:

(Mellaneous speaking)

South Carolina - though I am naturally inclined to agree with you because of my own ideological preferences - we have to also agree that KEVIN JACKSON HAS NO POWER WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY.

Thus your redirection attempts upon a FORCE WITH NO POWER must be motivated due to your OWN INTERESTS rather than in mitigating a NEGATIVE FORCE that has enough POWER to upend the Black community.

South Carolina- please don't reference me as a co-singer in your scheme. I am actually SERIOUS about problem solving.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Well no Maria, you are incorrect and have absolutely nothing to back up what you are saying but your words. Anybody can do that. Throughout your sporadic comments, never once do you address the substantive questions about where limitations on conduct via marriage come from. To answer that question would make you realize how silly you are behaving.

As to your comment Mellaneous, I never compared what is happening to that girl with gay marriage; they are clearly not the same thing. What I did say was that given how the voters of the state feel about same sex marriage, the school administrators did the right thing in canceling the prom. They likely didn't wan to get saddled with legal liabilities from both sides of the fence. I've said all this already and you're accusing me of being upset because you supposedly poked a hole in what I said. Nothing could be further from the truth. I get irritated when people misquote or misinterpret what I've said.

And that is all I will say on this issue. The horse has been beat dead already.

Gregory, thanks for the citation. Marriage is still not a right for every adult person. As I said before society puts restrictions on it. And how does that article in the Constitution play out when the policies of two states are almost exactly opposite? I think couples are allowed to marry in Vermont if they are homosexual. However, I don't think that a marriage from Vermont has to be recognized in Mississippi where the voters voted in that marriage is between two people of the opposite gender. These types of skirmishes between state laws will continue to surface until the Constitution is amended via a Defense of Marriage Act or an Inclusive Marriage Act.

mellaneous said...

Preach Trapped preach

This is so especially true:

"That whole “I made it on my own without handouts” or “My race has nothing to do with what I am” statements are far from the truth. The truth is, these types of black republicans didn’t get to where they are because of their own hard work. No, it’s rather because they happen to be black people who support an agenda of racism, classism and bigotry displayed by certain groups in the Republican party. It’s hilariously ironic that these same people who run away from their race and pride themselves in “Not getting handouts” are only in their positions solely because of their race."

And I feel this as well:

"I didn’t climb the ladder of success and then kick it away and scream down to those below ‘See, I made it on my own without handouts…you should too.” It’s like some syndrome were they feel so much disgust for their own race, that they run to white people for acceptance. And because they are so ready to bad mouth the people who put them down, i.e. other blacks, white republicans support them. The Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannity’s of the GOP trot these black republicans out to tell their “story” about how they grew up poor and were teased and joked for wanting to learn and achieve. Then some great white republican hero comes into their lives and “shows them the right way” and well…here they are. As someone on Twitter put it…it’s ‘The Blind Side’ but without Sandra Bullock."

mellaneous said...

Okay M.Rig we have clarity. I will drop this discussion, but so you are clear, your statement below I totally disagreed with, in my mind they did the "wrong thing."

M Rig said:
"What I did say was that given how the voters of the state feel about same sex marriage, the school administrators did the right thing in canceling the prom. They likely didn't wan to get saddled with legal liabilities from both sides of the fence."

-They sent an awful message to the young people, that is if their decision was based on what other folks thought, as you say. I would think that we want young people and people in general to do the right thing regardless of what the majority may think.

- My contention is that they (the administration) had a choice and were not bound by the prejudices of people of the state. And cancelling a prom because they might be sued (which I doubt, but okay) is just not acceptable.

Just my opinion.

alicia banks said...


mrlyinghomohater knows that millions of legally wed hets have never set foot in any church...and are atheists!!

and this lying wench mroctaloon also knows that hatreds should never be laws!!!
that is why she has not wasted one moment responding to my valid queries about racial segregation laws...

homohaters can never engage honest debate because ONLY lies can justify their homohatred
lies like:

"all marriages are religious.

homosexuality is not natural.

god does not make homos in all species etc"...

as long as these ignorant evil fools tell themselves such lies
they can justify their hatred of homos....when they ever tell any truths, their own hatred is exposed!!!

whites had to tell themselves that blacks were NOT human in order to abuse them as slaves too....

and this too shall pass

assnons are blind asses.

homos hate assnons!!!!

Gregory said...

My last comment on this because it is too off topic.

As I said earlier, DOMA has not been challenged in any real way, so the issue of its constitutionality has not been determined.

The Full Faith and Credit clause is why you don't have to get married again every time you cross the stateline with your husband. Regarding the first cousins example, if enough kissing kinfolk felt aggrieved they could challenge the laws under similar reasoning. However, since they can get married in CA then their marriage is valid in states where such unions are prohibited.

That is why, for instance, so much of the money that passed the anti-SSM initiative in CA came from Utah.

Anyway, this is a long way from being settled but I think in the end those opposed to SSM are going to have to find a better source for their opposition than Leviticus. They will need something that proves societal harm in allowing gays to marry.

alicia banks said...


thank u!!!
that is REALLY it!

gay marriage is NO threat to het marriage like:

het divorce
single het moms
deadbeat absentee het dads
parenting issues.....all ARE!!!

but the gaybashers like octaloon are too busy policing my bedroom to save their own legal marriages!!!!

Gregory said...

Don't flame my ass for saying this, but it might help your cause if you didn't call people names like "octaloon". Even if you are called names first.

Just sayin...

maria said...

actually, i think that's one of her better names.

i think ocaloon is kinda clever. it has a melodious feel to it, and addresses the fact that, eg, i "say stuff" that's wrong but what she "says" is true. that's loony, and too funny.

i didn't say a human right couldn't have limits on it. but that doesn't NEGATE the right. or DEFINE it.

i did take issue with you saying why can't kids and parents marry means that marriage isn't a right. it's non-sensical and two steps from saying animals can brides and grooms to humans.

and saying i post sporadically is uh, supposed to be an insult, is it? i mean, there's not been much meat here. and i am dammit on deadline.

alicia banks said...


cc that to octaloon/assnons et al...

just sayin...



here is more on mumia:

alicia banks said...



& mroctaloon just gets loonier and pissier and more putrid piss colored with each post...

have a wonderful weekend,

Gregory said...

Fair enough. We all have our own styles.

alicia banks said...



and i love u and yours!

have a great weekend


dyam!!! this your kin?:

agape2010 said...

@ CF:
First of all I thank you for being respectful so that a true dialog can take place. :)

And I am going to take it line by line. My answers to you will be in parenthesis. :)


I just posted a response to you but my stupid Chrome browser crashed. (oh my!)

Now I am pissed.(don't sweat the small stuff :)

I won't retype my diatribe (yes!) but will ask you a concentrated set of questions.(ok:)

Why do you ask me where the Street Pirates have learned their violence?
(I don't refer to them as street pirates, I prefer to call them people who tell stories of what poverty looks like up close. They are able to tell these stories because they have lived in poverty. Poverty breeds crime, poor health, poor education, has higher levels of lead poisoning which translates into higher levels of learning disabilities, hearing impairments and Down Syndrome, just to name a few. Further, when a population of people have been conditioned over hundreds of years to believe one thing about themselves, which is that their skin color is bad, and they cannot overcome their skin color, it is going to take as many years for them to reach the level of self acceptance they need to move forward. Surely there will always be others that lag behind.)

It appears that you are assigning the liability for their actions today upon the White man. (The liability is not mine to assign. I merely gave plausible reasoning as to why violence will perpetuate only more violence. When you live in a place that is under armed guard, you too will feel the need to take up arms. It is instinctive to your self preservation.)

Over the past 2 months I have purchased 2 distinct "Mix CDs" (YOU bought CD's out of the trunk of a car??? I am so proud of you! :)

from two unrelated rappers who were selling them in front of stores in the metro area (one of them in an upper middle class Black area).
(yes, these days everyone is selling something somewhere:)

BOTH OF THEM contained the same VIOLENCE and SELF-HATRED for those who were threats to them yet who look just like them. (It's a sad problem for the black man in America. They feel the need to defend themselves from one another. I don't know if this translates into self hatred or self preservation. I will leave that to researchers and look for the research when it comes out).

Agape (yes sugar?) - do you find it interesting that in your wisdom (I would not go as far to say that I am all that wise - smart yes, intelligent maybe, wise...the jury is still out on that one :)

you are able to tell me HOW these people who are contemporaries of yours (contemporaries? did you arrive at that correlation? I never lived in the hood, I was in poverty only while transitioning during my college and university years also known as transitional poverty)

have been DAMAGED (by White Supremacy)(any time one group has power over another group it damages BOTH groups - now if you really need the research on that I can pull it and send it to you. But I honestly think you already know :)

agape2010 said...

For CF: (cont.)

have been DAMAGED (by White Supremacy)(any time one group has power over another group it damages BOTH groups - now if you really need the research on that I can pull it and send it to you. But I honestly think you already know :)

yet I don't see you (CF, I don't know that you ever SAW me. And I know you have ever really READ me except for now. I don't use the internet to explain myself or my opinions. I work hard at what I do. I was in the "trenches" for a long time, and I am now out of the trenches and work on policy issues. The issues I deal with affect people's everyday life.
When I was in the trenches I worked with people in poverty and the disabled. The majority of these people were white. Contrary to popular belief, more whites seek services than do blacks or hispanics. Blacks tend to go to their church and hispanics tend to pull in resources from each other.)

many others (I don't speak for others) seeking to stop the spread of their virus of self-hatred that they sell one CD or iTunes download at a time. (This is a very complex issue that is trying to be addressed by those far wiser than myself. First you have the companies that make wealth, they throw millions at people who have never had anything substantial in their lives, and then you have the people who buy this type of music...which, as you know, can be bought out of the trunk of a car anywhere :)

I would be more impressed if you were to tell me how the MAJORITY OF BLACK FOLKS have found a way to avoid such violent acts - DESPITE their "Slave History" and thus are not doing what these people who HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY SLAVERY are doing?

(This is an easy one. the reason people hear less of the stories of the true nature of blacks is because it does not sell. I am not here to sell or buy. I am not here to educate. I am here to engage my own brain while listening to SOME of the others. I usually come here to have a laugh or to watch you go into a diatribe :) I will say that the impact of slavery still exists in this country for BOTH whites and blacks. The majority are able to rise above those circumstances, while some lack the ability to do so. I believe it has more to do with individuality, determination, will and strength. (nutshell) I am sure others will disagree. I personally feel that I have a duty to help those less than fortunate, which is why I am involved in issues that reach people on a macro level rather than a micro level. Will it last always I don't know. What I know for sure is that the fight in this country is, and has been, between the white man and the black man. The evidence of this is supported by the recent actions taken by some since the majority of Americans voted for the current president).

Now CF: Are you SURE there isn't any other way I can impress you...:)


Thank you for your valuable time (can I get a bootleg of the Farrakhan speeches...?)


agape2010 said...

@ CF:

And I was the one that ended up writing a diatribe...:p Never again!


Constructive Feedback said...

[QUOTE]CF do you ever read what you write. Anyone who reads this blog know how you beat up on the Democratic leadership of public schools in many inner cities. You scream and holler about them being quasi-progressive whatever and how they are doing such a terrible job.[/quote]


Why do you seek to PUT ME ON TRAIL?

Do I need to show you videos of BLACK PROGRESSIVES who are complaining about their schools, a short time after having VOTING FOR the school board that presides over the schools?

I appears that you are OFFENDED by me POINTING OUT THE COMPLICITY.
You are far more comfortable at me LOOKING AT THE SUBURBS.

Attention White People reading this: SUBURBS = WHITE FOLKS.
Riverdale GA USED TO BE "the suburbs". Now it is majority Black, has problems and thus THEY don't call it the "Suburbs" any longer.

So when I point out that the children of poorer black folks who live in the inner city are not getting the quality education that children in the suburbs and even some cities get you try to argue the other side.

It is clear to me Mellaneous that YOU, Low & Country and Black Diaspora need to be KEPT into a framework lest you gain your strength by focusing on the CARROT that is always INCHES away from your grasp.

Mellaneous - WHY do you focus upon the suburbs so much? Many of these urban schools have WON their struggle for control over the school system. It sounds like the Metro-Detroit region in which you live has a school board which you as an individual has some part that you played in shaping it.

The thing that has me pulling my hair out with you and Low & Country is that REGARDLESS of the control that you obtain over an area of your interest this VICTORY is never going to translate into your ACCOUNTABILITY.

You have ABUNDANT EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS in the area that we speak of. This does not necessarily translate into your focus upon leveraging THEM - the ADULTS IN THE COMMUNITY as the key resource that will train up these young people.

Let's translate it into manageable bites Mellaneious. ONE DAY that 16 year old girl and that 14 year old boy that you talk to will one day be the ADULTS that you will look toward as the management of the community in question.

Are you now working off of this vision for them or do you have some other agenda?

If only that post Katrina t-shirt was more than just words printed on a shirt, made by a Korean:


mellaneous said...

Agape you are the man/woman. Have a good weekend.

You too Field, Jody, Trapped, Granny, AB, MRigmaiden,Uptown Steve, Anons

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote] Poverty breeds crime, poor health, poor education, has higher levels of lead poisoning which translates into higher levels of learning disabilities, hearing impairments and Down Syndrome, just to name a few. [/quote]


2 weekends ago I watched the documentary "God Grew Tired Of Us". It focused upon the "Lost Boys Of Somalia". They survived a brutal ATTACK upon their villages in which ALL MALES were intended to be KILLED during a midnight raid. The boys that survived ran into the bushes, barely escaping with their lives. They walled by foot more than 150 miles to a camp in Kenya. MANY OF THEM DIED ALONG THE WAY.

For me THIS was the "Hard Knock Life" that NO RAPPER could compare to.

A portion of these young men were emigrated to America. After experiencing this BRUTAL EXISTENCE the majority of them got JOBS, got EDUCATION in America despite this being a foreign land.

I can't agree with you that POVERTY BREEDS VIOLENCE.


I would take this group of Somalians as neighbors sooner than I would some people who have been brain washed in the culture that some have adopted here in America.

[quote] Further, when a population of people have been conditioned over hundreds of years to believe one thing about themselves, which is that their skin color is bad, and they cannot overcome their skin color, it is going to take as many years for them to reach the level of self acceptance they need to move forward. Surely there will always be others that lag behind


I strongly disagree with your RECOVERY TIME. Can we agree that the mark of EFFECTIVENESS is the efficiency that one system has in accomplishing the same end game as another. Simply put I am NOT willing to wait for 400 years for the NEGRO TO BE HEALED.

We have our best chance upon the BIRTH of a new Black baby. The real question is: WHICH OF THE "SLAVISH WAYS" DO WE ALLOW TO JUMP ACROSS THE GENERATIONAL SYNAPSE and which do we allow to fall into the valley and DIE from the impact of the fall? Do you see that your 400 years concept allows for too much mischievousness?

I recall talking to a family friend from Antigua about 18 months ago at this time who argued that with the election of Obama.....NO RACE has ever recovered from SLAVERY so fast. I rejected his claim. I said that ONE BLACK MAN got elected. The state of the BLACK AMERICAN PEOPLE are a very different issue.

[quote]I don't know if this translates into self hatred or self preservation.[/quote]

We only need to look at the deadly results. For the INDIVIDUAL it might mean "Self-Preservation". For the community of terrorized individuals - it means self-destruction.

[quote]yes sugar?[/quote]
Before I go any further - PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE A FEMALE. I got tricked already by my gender assignment to Mellaneous. :-)

[quote] was in the "trenches" for a long time, and I am now out of the trenches and work on policy issues. The issues I deal with affect people's everyday life. [/quote]

Indeed but at times POLICIES with the best of INTENTIONS also trigger unintended consequences.

What was ON THE FACE "good intentions" was actually achieving the goal of keeping the Black man DEPENDENT and thus CONTROLLED.

Constructive Feedback said...

the reason people hear less of the stories of the true nature of blacks is because it does not sell.

For those Blacks who want to be SOLD rather than discovering the TRUTH and/or CONSCIOUSNESS about themselves - you might be right.

The real question is - WHAT might they allow themselves to be SOLD OUT TO? Sometimes the highest bidder inflicts the most COST to them.

[quote] I will say that the impact of slavery still exists in this country for BOTH whites and blacks. The majority are able to rise above those circumstances, while some lack the ability to do so[/quote]

Thus I say that YOUR JOB and MY JOB is to form as close of an accurate model of this world as possible. Study what makes some Blacks able to surpass this beast while others are ensnared in its grasp and then DISTILL the essence of what works and then EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT these best practices.

Now CF: Are you SURE there isn't any other way I can impress you...:)

Agape - you are alright with me. I am already impressed.

As far as the Farrahkan recordings. Stay tuned. I have about 15 segments that I have documented that I now need to rip from the 4 CDs and then post with commentaries.

If we can turn applause into execution - 95% of the problems would be MANAGED via conscious attention.

Anonymous said...

Comrades! Give up your freedom and prosperity so that people with $400 cell phones and $200 sneakers who bitch about $20 co-pays can have free health care! It is glorious! All hail Obama!

alicia banks said...


same to u too bro



posted a column for u and your coven...thanks 4 the inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

[quote] I will say that the impact of slavery still exists in this country for BOTH whites and blacks. The majority are able to rise above those circumstances, while some lack the ability to do so[/quote]

Especially when the obsessive use of slavery as a fetish for those who seek to exploit black people's pain for their own power so thoroghly permeates the body politic. Wallow in your resentment and stoke your hatred all you want; it will bring nothing but more chains. Freedom and life are there for those who reject the lies of those who crack the whips.

agape2010 said...

@ CF:
I am going to answer you line by line. My responses are in parenthesis. Please read in conversation form..

I just posted a response to you but my stupid Chrome browser crashed. (wow!) Now I am pissed. (don’t sweat the small stuff:) I won't retype my diatribe but will ask you a concentrated set of questions. (YES!)

Why do you ask me where the Street Pirates have learned their violence?
(I prefer not to call them street pirates. I prefer to call them people who tell stories about what poverty looks like up close and personal. Of course there are some that do not have a story to tell and will make one up. But certainly the majority of people who rhyme their story into a dance song are telling listeners what poverty looks like. Poverty is a very violent place to be. People do not have enough basic resources, and the resources they do have are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Poverty breeds physical, mental and emotional violence, it costs more to live in poverty, it is inconvenient for mass transportation and due to the tax base city services are minimal, so trash abounds. People in poverty have high levels of lead content which leads to higher levels of learning disabilities, hearing impairments and Down syndrome among other things. I believe these are important stores to tell.)

It appears that you are assigning the liability for their actions today upon the White man. (No, I asked you why you could not attribute it to slave holder descendents. I assign the liability of poverty and its affects to everyone who has a stake in ridding its elimination. From the people in poverty, those that can help eradicate it, those that make money off it, and those in poverty. WE ALL SHARE BLAME. And… I merely gave plausible reasoning why it CAN be attributed to our European assimilation, leanings and education.)

Test Blog said...

Sorry I have been away, having an not well child. The threads are long, trying to catch up and read but don't have the time.

Have read most (not all) of your & AB's commentary re: the prison industry.

I don't disagree. One thing that you left out that annoys me is that even though we supposedly live in a culture of "rehabilitation and redemption", once you are a convict, there is no RnR. I fail to understand why if a "convict" then gets on the right path, does the right thing, becomes a "positive" member of society, the record can't be expunged after a suitable length of time. The dichotomy confuses me.

And it bothers me intensely the growth of the prison industry.

Something else re: the "justice" system you may not be aware of -- in VA here, after conviction, you have a very, very small window to come forward with exculpatory evidence to overturn your conviction. I think it's something ridiculous like 3 weeks or 3 mths, I could be wrong.

Anyways, even if a group of well intentioned law students took up your cause and were able to find evidence in your favor, the VA courts don't want to hear it.

I'm serious. They would rather execute an innocent man rather than grant someone an exculpatory hearing, thereby, and I quote, "destroying the integrity of the process".

Things like that make me very afraid for the future of our kids.

Test Blog said...

From what I've been reading around the Innertubes, both the black and white sides seem to be very entrenched in their positions re: the threat drama post HCR.

Don't want to get into it, not because I don't have firmly held beliefs, but because I don't think it's helpful dialogue and therefore, doesn't advance the cause of trying to LISTEN to each other.

But I have to throw one thing out there, that I also asked on a far-right blog:

Do you want REVENGE or do you want RESULTS?

The black community seems to be hung up on the concept of revenge against the white middle class and the concept that the WMC owes them and should "pay up".

The white community seems to feel that lower income/disadvantaged blacks just want handouts and aren't interested in improving their personal situations.

Both viewpoints are incredibly wrong and very, very stupid.

Guess what? The white middle class is not the problem for the black community. They do not hold the power to oppress blacks to the extent most black feel.

But leveraging black resentment against the white middle class and whites against the black underclass serves to deflect from the machinations of the upper class.

I'm sure you have the numbers, Mell much of the world's wealth do the top 1% hold?

And you want to convince me that the white middle class in this country is the problem?

That's "revenge" thinking on BOTH sides.

RESULTS means looking past that and asking, how can we work together to do what's best for the MAJORITY of America and not the upper 1%?

Because both BLACKS and WHITES are in the 99% majority.

Hugs to ya

agape2010 said...

@ CF:

Yes. I am definitely female and there is no mistaking it :)

It seems that you have the same perceptions some of our great ancestors (Douglas et al.) that believe cream will rise to the top. And it certainly does.

I also feel that SOME of the things you state can be described as accurate...I think your expression of that is what people have a problem with.

While I think that we cannot as a people and country wait at all, I do think that WE ALL have a duty to make this country better for all people. After all, our ancestors built this country, shed blood for this country and we do have a stake in it.

The proverbial HOW is where people often disagree.

And...I am impressed as well :)


agape2010 said...

@ Granny:

As you can see I do love to laugh :)


Test Blog said...

Liked your "diatribe".
You have a very generous heart.
And more patience for CF, CAPS AND ALL than I.

Anonymous said...

"It seems that you have the same perceptions some of our great ancestors (Douglas et al.) that believe cream will rise to the top. And it certainly does."

Or as in the case today, sometimes it is the scum that rises to the top.

agape2010 said...

@ Mell, CF, Granny, Trapped:

It was real (very old skool, huh :)


agape2010 said...

@ Karen:

Thanks! and


Test Blog said...

Re: Single Payer Myth

Single Payer is not the Holy Grail so many Progressives think it is.

The beginning of the fallout from HCR is just the tip of the iceberg.

Both my endocrinologist & neurologist have signs in their waiting rooms today stating they no longer accept Medicaid/Medicare.

This mirrors what happened in the Cdn system when it morphed from private ins to single payer.

The Progressive New Democratic Party decided to cap costs in the same manner they are proposing here.

Physician income was capped at $150K/year GROSS. Every single dollar after that was clawed back. Didn't matter YOUR expenses, insurance, overhead. This was deemed "enough" $$$ for you.

I noted that lawyers, who sue the physicians, driving up malpractice insurance costs, did not have THEIR incomes capped or court awards. Like here. But I digress.

The end result? Physicians worked part time until they made their $150K and stopped working, or opened up second clinics outside the country, or left all together. Our best cardiologist and pediatric surgeon left to set up private clinics in the WI. Pts now travel there and have to pay cash up front. And they do, if they can afford it. Access is restricted. In the old days, physicians could sell a thriving practice when they wanted to retire. Now, you can't give them away.

Last time I was home, had dinner with my old boss. Physician recruitment used to be in my area of responsibilities. They are losing physicians to out of country and he asked, (laughing) if I would be a head hunter for them to find doc's.

Reminds me of a situation I had here when my second was 10 years old. He needed lots of occupational therapy, etc. I was working fulltime, and my husband was overseas. Tricare stated I was entitled to some homecare and some respite care. Sounds great, right? Except that he was on psychiatric meds that were being used by the pediatricians "off label" (which happens alot). No one would come to the house and look after him b/c of the so-called "psych" issues.

So I had a "defined benefit" which I couldn't use because I couldn't find a provider. I ended quitting my job instead.

Which is pretty much a summation of what's going to happen with HCR.
You can have all the "insurance" you want, but if you can't find a provider, you have nothing.

Access and quality will go down.
For everyone.
I guarantee it.

Test Blog said...

@ANON 10:02
After my dear friend was murdered, I couldn't understand why her family would work with the DA to have the death penalty dropped for her murderer.

I wanted to see him hang, I wanted it to be painful, I wanted revenge.
My heart cried out for it.

Her mom told me,
"Forgiveness is the gift you give your own heart."

No matter what the injury, the pain, the suffering, it's important for your OWN healing to forgive and move on.

It doesn't negate the injury or injustice; it just allows YOU to be free.

Test Blog said...

Re comments on the other thread --
Yes, I did get a visit from the SS in Feb 2008 based on allegations made against my by a rabid O-bot.

I have never wished harm on ANYONE. As someone who has been an activist since I was old enough to hand out flyers and sign up new members for ratepayer's meetings, I believe in the system. We settle our differences by the ballot box, by the peaceful transfer of power, not by assassination.

Re: K Street. Yeah, you outed me. I worked as a lobbyist. I thought I was going to put my experience and expertise and passion to work effecting change and helping craft positive policy.

Instead, most of my days were spent courting Reps at expensive lunches, writing checks from my assoc'n PAC account and arranging fundraisers. Did I say writing checks? It was almost enough to make one lose faith in the system. :(

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Gregory, while off topic, your statements bring up important points in terms of how our laws are interpreted and how the democratic process works across state lines. Apparently the reciprocity between states tends to arise out of common law from waay back in the day. With regard to marriage, we are in a different ballpark altogether precisely because of what I said earlier. You have one state that allows gay marriage then another where the voter specifically confine marriage to only between a male and female it is not a requirement for the state where marriage is restrictive to RECOGNIZE or CELEBRATE the gay marriage from another jurisdiction. Same applies to incestuous or bigamist relationships.

This is a contentious area of law because of the different attitudes among locales that comprise the states. This article in FindLaw does a very good job explaining the complexities involved in reciprocity and marriage across state lines.

Anonymous said...

Notice how they talk very little about the spitting incident if a brother spit on any congressman it would be like the rev wright clip 24-7 cycle you good white people better get your cuzin cooters operating correctly,we gotta lot of walking dead NIGGERS who dont have shit to loose about now!

Anonymous said...

"Notice how they talk very little about the spitting incident "

Cause there was no spitting incident. The whole story is a lie!

alicia banks said...


i despise the nazi pat b

but even he is correct about the libel and slander of tea partiers who dare NOT to worship hobama!!!

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