OK Grant and Jalen, enough already. Grant, did you really have to write a response (in the New York Times of all places) to Jalen's comments? Come on brother, methinks you are a bit too sensitive.
"..it was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. I am aware Jalen has gone to some length to explain his remarks about my family in numerous interviews, so I believe he has some admiration for them.
In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.
I am beyond fortunate to have two parents who are still working well into their 60s. They received great educations and use them every day. My parents taught me a personal ethic I try to live by and pass on to my children.
I come from a strong legacy of black Americans. My namesake, Henry Hill, my father’s father, was a day laborer in Baltimore. He could not read or write until he was taught to do so by my grandmother. His first present to my dad was a set of encyclopedias, which I now have. He wanted his only child, my father, to have a good education, so he made numerous sacrifices to see that he got an education, including attending Yale.
This is part of our great tradition as black Americans. We aspire for the best or better for our children and work hard to make that happen for them. Jalen’s mother is part of our great black tradition and made the same sacrifices for him.
My teammates at Duke — all of them, black and white — were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball. I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court.
It is insulting and ignorant to suggest that men like Johnny Dawkins (coach at Stanford), Tommy Amaker (coach at Harvard), Billy King (general manager of the Nets), Tony Lang (coach of the Mitsubishi Diamond Dolphins in Japan), Thomas Hill (small-business owner in Texas), Jeff Capel (former coach at Oklahoma and Virginia Commonwealth), Kenny Blakeney (assistant coach at Harvard), Jay Williams (ESPN analyst), Shane Battier (Memphis Grizzlies) and Chris Duhon (Orlando Magic) ever sold out their race." [Article]
Grant, I am going to have to disagree with one person on your list: Billy King. I will leave it at that. But those of you from Philly will know what I am talking about... Still, we get it, you had to defend your family's honor. You also had to defend yourself against accusations of jigging your way through Duke. I defended you last night, (BTW, in that article I referred to Hubert Davis as a Dukie. To all of you Tar heel fans out there, I offer my sincerest apology.) but I cannot defend your response. The whole New York Times thing kind of feels like overkill. I sure hope Coach K didn't give you a call and asked you to pen something. After all, it's not good for recruiting to have even well "polished" young men thinking twice about your school because other folks in their community view it in a negative light.
Finally, I see that a republiclown up in New York has a great idea about how to get you Negroes working again:
"BUFFALO – Jack Davis a congressional candidate caused controversy by saying that Latinos should be deported and African Americans should be bused to farms to pick crops.
Buffalo News reports:
Several sources who were in the Feb. 20 endorsement interview with Davis confirmed his comments, which echo those he made to the Tonawanda News in 2008, when he said: “We have a huge unemployment problem with black youth in our cities. Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”' [Source]
"..it was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. I am aware Jalen has gone to some length to explain his remarks about my family in numerous interviews, so I believe he has some admiration for them.
In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.
I am beyond fortunate to have two parents who are still working well into their 60s. They received great educations and use them every day. My parents taught me a personal ethic I try to live by and pass on to my children.
I come from a strong legacy of black Americans. My namesake, Henry Hill, my father’s father, was a day laborer in Baltimore. He could not read or write until he was taught to do so by my grandmother. His first present to my dad was a set of encyclopedias, which I now have. He wanted his only child, my father, to have a good education, so he made numerous sacrifices to see that he got an education, including attending Yale.
This is part of our great tradition as black Americans. We aspire for the best or better for our children and work hard to make that happen for them. Jalen’s mother is part of our great black tradition and made the same sacrifices for him.
My teammates at Duke — all of them, black and white — were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball. I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court.
It is insulting and ignorant to suggest that men like Johnny Dawkins (coach at Stanford), Tommy Amaker (coach at Harvard), Billy King (general manager of the Nets), Tony Lang (coach of the Mitsubishi Diamond Dolphins in Japan), Thomas Hill (small-business owner in Texas), Jeff Capel (former coach at Oklahoma and Virginia Commonwealth), Kenny Blakeney (assistant coach at Harvard), Jay Williams (ESPN analyst), Shane Battier (Memphis Grizzlies) and Chris Duhon (Orlando Magic) ever sold out their race." [Article]
Grant, I am going to have to disagree with one person on your list: Billy King. I will leave it at that. But those of you from Philly will know what I am talking about... Still, we get it, you had to defend your family's honor. You also had to defend yourself against accusations of jigging your way through Duke. I defended you last night, (BTW, in that article I referred to Hubert Davis as a Dukie. To all of you Tar heel fans out there, I offer my sincerest apology.) but I cannot defend your response. The whole New York Times thing kind of feels like overkill. I sure hope Coach K didn't give you a call and asked you to pen something. After all, it's not good for recruiting to have even well "polished" young men thinking twice about your school because other folks in their community view it in a negative light.
Finally, I see that a republiclown up in New York has a great idea about how to get you Negroes working again:
"BUFFALO – Jack Davis a congressional candidate caused controversy by saying that Latinos should be deported and African Americans should be bused to farms to pick crops.
Buffalo News reports:
Several sources who were in the Feb. 20 endorsement interview with Davis confirmed his comments, which echo those he made to the Tonawanda News in 2008, when he said: “We have a huge unemployment problem with black youth in our cities. Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”' [Source]
Of course they will Mr. Davis. It's not like we aren't going to pay them this time.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 366 of 366lying inept vdlr:
cc any link u have ever found where i am missing u fool
oh the kuntbreaf has began to single space her sentences again the measure affect of the lunch time med dosage has worn off she is now even more pissed than earlier today perhaps we can make this troll mad enough to cause a blood vessel to pop and it will leave us alone forever more!
muah muah muah!!!!!!!!
socratic poser wigga:
once when i did link uiuc...that rabid psycho uneducated bitch said:
"alicia banks is not that alicia banks"
eff all of u retarded inept mfs
hater harlot moron vdlr:
is there a list of great chicken head turbo breeders online that list u????
any captions will be fine!
"socrates said...
I will say from quick google searches, there seems to be nothing to confirm Ms. Banks' claims of her various achievements.
I see she has posted some very far out conspiracy theories. I actually think chemtrails and contrails are different, but the links she has up, at least one I'm checking into now, makes chemtrails look kooky.
She did disappear without explaining why she can get to world net daily but can't get to a legitemate news website. Ok, I see she has returned. For someone who is supposed to be so set against neocons, she is way over the top with her anti-Obama schtick. Okay Ms. Banks, what prompted you to link to some white sexual predator in response to my bringing up Cosby. She is definitely sounding like a sophist astroturfer. Bringing up Cosby was clearly on-topic.
Her internet presence is clearly prolific. She says she's a columnist, but elsewhere she is described as an internet columnist, whatever that's supposed to be.
I see all these awards for who's who in America but no proof.
There was something referencing The Atlanta Constitution or something. She should be able to scan a copy of her being written up. If she was such a popular radio host, surely there must be some credible witnesses who can verify this. She lists all these radio stations she worked for, such as WRFG - WIGO - WPGU - WBML - KPFA -WGST - KPFB - KFCF.
Such things should be easy to prove.
2:19 PM"
Socrates, ask her to tell you about the time she was abducted by aliens and anally probed.
check the dates
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
You made the claim that whites don't want to know or don't want to believe that much of the prostitution business is run by whites.
To believe what you wrote, you have to live in your own isolated world.
As I stated, whites are so amused by the business that turning it into Broadway shows and movies is old hat.
Nevertheless, you believe only what swirls around in your own head.
Meanwhile, for years organizations such as COYOTE have fought for legal changes that would permit prostitution. I believe the leaders of these organizations are white.
and why is the woman with the 250 iq using abbreviations for profanities yet calls others vulgar? do eye smell a hypocrite here? eye suppose so cuz kuntbreaf is not only a hypocrite to her own professed beliefs she is a man hater a anti black leadership propagandist and an overall malignant narcissistic cow! oh wait let me not defile the name of a sacred Hindi animal she is a malignant narcissistic fool!
and once again kuntbreaf ignores the real issues at hand which is her bragging and lack of verification of her credentials and tosses out ad hominesms like candy sorry sweetie pie were all onto u ya kuntbreaf moron!
nobody in their rite mind whose ever authored any paper would be so evasive about proving their claims anybody in academics knows that papers show competency in an area especially if one is a teacher...or at least purports to be...
You use the N word like racists do. You attack Obama like right woos left conspiracy astroturfers do. Are you saying the archives proving a write up done by a legitemate newspaper can be found on the internet? Because if it can be, I will find it unless you're lying. Or why don't you just link to it yourself if it's so easy to locate? That would shut up anyone describing you as an internet fake. So why not just cough up the proof?
and notice how the malignant narcissist tries to back the anon into a corner asking the anon to show its credentials well that isnt the topic at hand is it? this anon doesnt brag or boast about what they do but YOU do ya loser! so put up or shut up ya mental midgit idgit!
check the 2011 dates
and when i finally find me
recall this
i will still slay u all with ease!!!
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
So why not just cough up the proof?
2:35 PMsocrates
cuz socrates she can't plain and phukkin simple she cant prove shyt of what shes claimed in any capacity but if u giveher enough lead time shell find a site that references somebody named alicia banks that turns out NOT to be her
and odd for a scholar not to have any links to their publications on their websites!
phonies are detected!
and socrates if u look at any and all of the whose who awards u can BUY them and put ur name in a book and the uiuc alumni award recipients past and present are online and she aint mentioned once in their alumni archives so shes fulla shyt!
van, you posted:
More good news: The infant mortality rate hit a record low of 6.42 deaths per 1,000 live births…"
Unfortuntately, this statistic is pushed up by deaths of black infants, some of which are explained, and some of which are totally mysterious.
begging socratic racist lib poser:
truth has no color.
my yt channel is superb and popular because i post truths about hobama...
and your white lies will do nothing to stem my authentically black greatness
where is your channel wigga???
i will never research me for u
hop to it and stfu!...
dazzle me dimwit!
u begging ass uneducated unaccomplished hating inept mfs are truly pathetic...
and every campus and radio station i list has a listed office
call them u fools!!!!
Ok Alicia. I'll try my best. But you should be able to show a minimum of good faith. Let's keep this simple. If you are who you say you are, I will do my best to help you confirm it. Though your not providing a link is highly suspicious. Yes or no, can the verification of your write up by the AJC be verified by archive.org? I don't have time for games.
credentialess lifeless degreeless hairless lickless vdlr:
go bitch go!!!!!!!!
go find me!!!!!!
no need to call them they list how the radio stations were founded on their websites and not once is ur cast iron underbelly craterized face mentioned not once kuntbreaf and btw u r so NOT on topic ya hypocritical shyteater!
socratic beggar:
it is not a lack of empathy
and i do know u all need my help
is an addiction to the amusing drama
go find me dude!!!!
hop to it!!!!
socratic beggar:
it is not a lack of empathy
and i do know u all need my help
it is a refusal to waste my time with haters and an addiction to the amusing drama
go find me dude!!!!
hop to it!!!!
no need to call them they list how the radio stations were founded on their websites and not once is ur cast iron underbelly craterized face mentioned not once kuntbreaf and btw u r so NOT on topic ya hypocritical shyteater!
What papers were you a columnist for, or are you just saying being a blogger is what you meant? Did you ever write a book? Can you provide the Library of Congress number? You sure don't seem to be trying to do even the minimum to prove your gravitas. I'm not saying you are a fake. If you're not, then it would certainly make sense for you to provide some proof of your claims.
bitchy buggaboo vdlr:
accuracy trumps eloquence bitch!!!!
socratic arrogantly ignorant inept wigga:
what is senseless is how u feign anything i post would not be denied as always....
wigga boy...just go find me!
and find the truth about cos and hobama too
bold bumbling turbo breeding hoodrat vdlr:
what in the hell makes u think u deserve proof from me about anything???
even your ebt card/weave???
ditto for your socratic poser faceless wigga homie!!!
ude think someone with a 250 iq would be more eloquent than to call someone a bitch eye mean what a common insult! eye expect a bit more from like ya know the smartest person on the planet and all...kuntbreaf banks that is...
sorry ur excuse that accuracy trumps eloquence is bull hockey u simply dont have the intellectual capacity to think of anything clever to say less a few catch phrases that get old after a few comments from ur ugly self so sweetie pie u seem to be incompetent in all areas of ur life fix that chrick buceta breaf banks that is...
awardless blogless channeless hairless vdlr:
nig bitch pleez!!!!!!!
ude think someone with a 250 iq would be more eloquent than to call someone a bitch eye mean what a common insult! eye expect a bit more from like ya know the smartest person on the planet and all...kuntbreaf banks that is...
sorry ur excuse that accuracy trumps eloquence is bull hockey u simply dont have the intellectual capacity to think of anything clever to say less a few catch phrases that get old after a few comments from ur ugly self so sweetie pie u seem to be incompetent in all areas of ur life fix that chrick buceta breaf banks that is...
unclever vdlr:
u know as much about "clever" as u do birth control/condoms...NADA!!!!!!!
socrates, it doesn't matter if she is who she says she is. or was. who's who in america is a fraud. people pay to get in it.
if you look at what she posts, she's done nothing in 10 years. if you begin to follow this blog, you also find that she is on her all day long, every day. she clearly does not have a job.
she's insane. there's no too ways about it. i do believe that she is posting somewhere from a hospital that gives her internet access.
you'd do well to ignore her, tho it's awfully hard when two thirds of the posts are either her lunacy or the anon egging her on.
ask her why she doesn't have a facebook page. because she's a fraud.
socratic wigger:
i am not insane
but i do make envious slackers like maria and vdlr insane....grin!
and i do love that like crazy!!!!
lickless vdlr/mareally a pathological liar dumped by a cheater:
have u don any more than collect child support for 10 yours mareally a cheater's financial baggage????
u and uts are herein far more than me
all weekend and evenings too
u r a hypocrite a hater and a fool
carry on
lick this!!!
For a man who won office talking about change we can believe in, Barack Obama can be a strangely passive president. There are a startling number of occasions in which the president has been missing in action - unwilling, reluctant or late to weigh in on the issue of the moment. He is, too often, more reactive than inspirational, more cautious than forceful.
Each of these instances can be explained on its own terms, as matters of legislative strategy, geopolitical calculation or political prudence.
Ok, let's start with Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-06. I see there might be some scams out there. Your name attached to that only brings back some circular feeding mechanism with no proof.
Empire Who's Who
Someone wrote, "Its intresting that upto 90% of their "featured" members joined in 2005. Does it mean that company is relatively new?"
Thanks Maria. I'm having trouble keeping up with this thread, but I am starting to see your explanation makes the most sense. Though I'm not calling her insane or an astroturfer. I just don't know. Why does FN allow this? I guess he values free speech so much, he doesn't realise this type of thing drives off good people.
there are many cloned "who's who"
orgs...they rip off wannabee fools like the vdlr
empire is one of those
but there is only one real ancient academic one
ALL of my awards are real academic ones from THAT org
i have never bought an award in my life
neither has that broke dreg hater the vd;r as they take no ebt cards
i have earned them all of my life
here is a bone dog:
tom brokaw and i have the same REAL who's who in american colleges and uiversities award...
mareally a scrub slut:
if i sat on my pasty ass waiting for a check for the last 10 yrs as u have i would be broke and homeless...
alicia banks said...
socratic wigger:
"i am not insane"
Except in the bedroom. Let me tell you, the lady can play.
there are many cloned "who's who"
orgs...they rip off wannabee fools like the vdlr
empire is one of those
but there is only one real ancient academic one
ALL of my awards are real academic ones from THAT org
i have never bought an award in my life
neither has that broke dreg hater the vdlr as they take no ebt cards
i have earned them all of my life
here is a bone dog:
tom brokaw and i have the same REAL who's who in american colleges and uiversities award...
In my humble opinion, there are certain people who come across as either being paid fakes or useful idiots. If she is mentally ill, then all I can say is God bless and wish her the best. Anon should let it go too. It's not cool to instigate someone who appears this fragile. Without a paystub, there's no way to say she is astroturfing. She might truly believe the things she posts. Though I must say the amount of links that superficially prove her gravitas yet the lack of any real proof has me thinking this could be astroturf. I just don't know.
The wayback machine is down so I'm unable to see how far back the archives go for http://ajc.com.
hey wigga socrates:
i am more real than a wigga like u will ever be
u r a fake bob marley
my kudos/careers/locks/black skin/black mind are all real...not virtual wishes like yours
and even the whites in the tea party are blacker than u
they are black enough to see the real blaickish hobama
there is nothing fragile about me
i prove that by the sturdy black and blue ass whippings i unleash upon uneducated hater mfs like u daily
yeah right
try again asap
at least that is better than the vdlr:
"u r not that alicia banks"
u lying hating mfs repulse me
unhealthy uneducated wiggas:
u better pray u live to see "wayback" as i do fool
i am proud to be 47
i do not have to claim dumb young toxic fatal arrogantly ignorant perpetually uneducated and inept slacker nigs/wiggas like u
u should also pray u will wear wayback as agelessly as i do...bet
socrates is so elevated spiritually that eye feel bad for saying all that mean stuff to ab eyem not joking and maria is right thanks for letting me see the light
muah troll who hated ab but realizes now its simply a waste of time on someone who is not worthy
alicia banks said...
"i am proud to be 47"
And she tastes 17...alicious
I'm thinking paid fake. It's been my (unpaid) bread and butter looking into people like this. It's called amateur internet cybersleuthing. I haven't been following this blog too much. I like FN's writings but these comment threads are tough to get through and seem to have gotten worse. I guess Ms. Banks is good at what she does. All she has to do is provide some proof, and I'll retract my opinion. But I'm not going to keep chasing her "bones" that lead to dead ends. She obviously can't prove her gravitas. It's obvious it would be easy for someone to do so if the claims were true. She can rant about it being on everyone else to confirm for themselves what she claims is so easy to find. But all she needs to do is provide some real proof, and she'd look good. But she doesn't. It's sad. Field Negro should try to either back up her claims or disprove them, and then depending on that, allow her to continue on his blog or give her the boot. I've already wasted too much time on this.
where is your facebook page?
no one is here more than you. i have a job and a real life, which many people who regularly post here can attest to.
you..um, not so much.
pathetic begging socratic wigga:
nice hungry try but there will be no more bones.
that dumb bitch vdlr ignored all of her 2011 bones long ago!!!
your lack of reseacrh skills do not constitute a problem for me.
diito for all of your fellow inept hater assnons
best wishes...go!!!!!!!!
mareally a retarded cave bitch:
i have no facebook page
facebook is for drones like u who want no privacy in that cia database
myspace is better for now
but facebook just bought it
so i may kill my page anyday
while u can
mareally a narcoleptic nincompoop:
OK, I take back everything I said. I DID find something on Alicia, and on Wikipedia, believe it or not:
socratic wigga hater:
when and if u do find me....
please do tell the vdlr and maria how HUMBLE and RETICENT i have been about my kudos...
I'm pretty sure I know who anon is. He was Keith Moon at Daily Kos, though he never admits all his handles, like a magician can't give away his trade secrets. It's not really a coincidence. He has posted at My Left Wing as did Field Negro. It's how we all know Francis Holland. It's cool, anon. Just let me channel the Cos and advise you that cleaning up the salty sailor talk will make you more readable. And it's cool that you've seen the light. I know you love internet fight clubs, so no need for you to feel guilty. Ms. Banks obviously is into it, and you love that stuff too, so it was what it was and hopefully it is no longer what it is. That last bit of schtick I stole from Bill Bellichick. He said it is what it is. Though I bet he stole that from someone else. Maybe from Milton Berle. Oops, I see you are still with the salty sailor talk. You should drop that. And for you Alicia, you are now officially on ignore. I am never afraid to put people on ignore or leave a website if it's verbally violent.
wigga socrates:
unlike u
fn is an actual black man
and i doubt that he would be as soulless as that atheist maria and you and pretend that the kkk and the iliterate never on topic xxx fool vdlr should linger here as i am banned....
no fake bro mf like u will ever censor me
Stop bothering with the logical inquiry into alicia banks.
She's just a nut. Nothing more. Nothing less.
You've already reached the only significant conclusion -- nothing about ab can be verified. The only source for information on ab is ab.
Circular and useless.
yeah, me and 500 MILLION other facebook users!
and just FYI, my CS ck is 1/10th my income and i don't wait for it and i don't need it and i haven't been getting it for 10 years. keep up the lies.
scared maria:
there are millions of people as stupid as u all over the world
needs slaps:
"no socrates...do not make that upiity nig look legit...do not prove us all wrong and make us eat kosher crow!!!!..."
socratic wigga
ignore the kkk kike and go!!!!!!
mareally a heartless soulless godless hypocrite:
u just erased my toil and incomes
for the last 10 yrs wirh a lie u lying bitch!!!!
how dare u lament alleged lies now???
how brazen is this cave bitch????
muah muah muah actually socrates eyem not the guy u think eye am maria knows who eye am and so does the administrator of this blog eyeve never visited daily kos either
to be quite honest that internet nutjob wacko made me so mad that eye decided to take out my daily anger on her like depositing a nickel into the bank and it has been a release but your presence made me see that eye can channel my anger in other ways and dont have to get into silly internet fights with mentally ill sociopaths.
eye wont be posting like this again and if someone else tries to imitate my style it is an imitation
thanks for the enlightenment socrates.
eff u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unlicked vdlr:
lick this!!!!
Alice Walker
Be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Take the contradictions
Of your life
And wrap around
You like a shawl,
To parry stones
To keep you warm.
Watch the people succumb
To madness
With ample cheer;
Let them look askance at you
And you askance reply.
Be an outcast;
Be pleased to walk alone
Or line the crowded
River beds
With other impetuous
Make a merry gathering
On the bank
Where thousands perished
For brave hurt words
They said.
Be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Qualified to live
Among your dead.
socratic lying wigga:
u LIE like hobama!!!!
i am not vulgar or a curser
i am also no doormat for any bully hater mf herein
i am far more eloquent and wise than all of u
but i will never be a doormat
u may find that i am a comm scholar
interpersonal & org comm
so i speak to alley nig dreg bitches like the vdlr in the only lingo they spew and know
get over that asap
whipped assnon vdlr:
"dyam i am tired of getting my hapless hyena ass pulverized by this fierce lioness alicia banks!!!...
and i took 2 fragile fake wiggas down with my flea bitten felled ass today too...she slew my trifling triple team!!!....dyam!!!"
i feel u slain dreg...
errbody just ain't able!...nahmean???
mareally a proud moron:
do u and your black stud uts ever read anything...ever?????
In January, Facebook made a troubling announcement that it plans to allow third-party developers to request access to the home addresses and phone numbers of users. Despite Facebook's insistence that it will protect its users, I believe this policy will place users at great risk. That's why I wrote a letter with Sens. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to CEO Mark Zuckerberg urging him to stop plans for this new third party access to personal data. Armed with nothing more than a Facebook user's phone number and home address, anyone with an Internet connection and a few dollars can obtain personal information they should never have access to, including a user's date of birth, e-mail address, or estimated income. In fact, by using this information, an identity thief could get almost all of the data he would need to apply for a loan or a credit card in the name of an unsuspecting Facebook user.
needs slaps:
u ignore all racial realities...
i expect u to ignore my black reality/real kudos etc too
u r more racist and inept than hitler....he perished too
carry on u kamikaze kkklown kike
slain lickless vdlr:
hobama really hates broke mongrels like u and disses u daily!!!
lick this!!!
go cos!!!!
AB is an astroturf Troll. Any person with any sort of accomplishments over the past few years has an online presence. Even me. You are left with the idea of a loon typing stuff...but I would posit the incessant wite drivel is the attempt of a wite dude to
1. lie to the miggers
2. giggle that they got one over them stoopid miggers
3. lets them spout utter Gooberish
4. hijacks a blog away from AfAm concerns into wite Heeyuckian fears
5. lets them pretend they do more than live off family
Cripes, I have Internet stuff...and I am not Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Or a b-ball player.
You'll note that AB assumes we have jobs and won't take the time to track him down. Or that we lack the skills. It's the job. Unlike AB, we don't have a 'Mom's Basement' welfare system.
Socrates, nice posts. Made me think a bit. Which is one of the points.
Ummm..how many of the last R 'assaults' were faked? ALL of them. And why would a D or I shoot out windows? What does it gain them? Well, if the Rs can claim victimhood...it draws attention from Govs Walker, Snyder, Daniels and Kasich. Just on sense...it is Rs. But then...all those Govs lied...and are proud of it. Stealing your wages to give the money to the already rich. Reverse Robbing Hoods :)
sexist racist poser molded moron:
this does nothing to erase your serial failed bs...
we are still waiting for any ONE link of any kind for u
we are real blacks slaying your psycho white ass daily
molt: Ummm..how many of the last R 'assaults' were faked? ALL of them. And why would a D or I shoot out windows? What does it gain them?
None were faked. This is what thug politics looks like.
Acorn, SEIU, OFA are Obama's brownshirts.
CDC..why is it that the piece is AP (lies fer Jesus) and FOX (lies for Fascists)?
Try the CDC page...http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2011/p0316_deathrate.html
or the report..http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr59/nvsr59_04.pdf
Odd thing...just who is the author? Was this a bushmole? If so, the whole work is suspect. If not, then it is just Media Pretties making up a story because they have space to fill...and really don't want to ask why Governors Walker, Snyder, Kasich and Daniels want to crash wages.
wigga fool socrates:
why do all of u linkless fools have such an aversion to evidence???
it is deeper than the typical nig/wigga hatred for any reading
read more
link more
spew bs less
works for me
ALL of the alleged assaults upon Rs were either faked or lies. Every single one. Denial only shows you enjoy the lying.
AB is crazy, but Mold is psychotic
doctor roid:
shame u have disgraced a genuis with such a silly assed "post".
it is a stellar example of the mindless swollen bs that passes as debate herein though.
carry on
I just had a vision of one of the TeaBaggers explaining to a judge how those vicious ACORN ladies terrified him into shooting her in the back. Or how an SEIU RN is soooo scary that brave heroic TeaBagger had to open fire on her as she horrifyingly shopped for groceries at a Whole Foods.
What stellar courage! This will save the Republic...a chickenhawk using the necessity defense on an 40 kilo woman...from behind.
Ms. Banks: needs slaps:
u ignore all racial realities...
i expect u to ignore my black reality/real kudos etc too
u r more racist and inept than hitler....he perished too
carry on u kamikaze kkklown kike
I copied and pasted that, because she deletes her posts quite often.
No_slappz, it took a while, but you're correct. There's no there there. She might have been a radio personality back in the day. I bet she was. All those awards? I'd bet against that.
She is in that Dick Gregory category of having been left wooed by right. The most famous sources for doing that have arguably been Lyndon LaRouche and Alex Jones.
A lot of people for whatever reasons have drunk the conspiracy chatter grape koolaid or grape drink according to Dave Chappelle.
I do not think she is paid to blog. I think she is ultimately a victim no matter how anti-social and nasty she gets.
There were folks like this before the internet, but now the schlock is so readily available that the number of duped has grown exponentially.
I just perused her blogspot. For links she has Alex Jones, William Cooper, and Jeff Rense. The last one is probably where she picked up her Joooo hate.
I bet she was something special back in the day, but somewhere along the way she fell through the cracks of her social support system.
My final conclusion is she is a pure example of right woos left. She just so happens to be African-American. Thus it is tough to see this at first. Not many African-Americans have blogged at Daily Kos. I bet the numbers attracted to this illuminati schtick have been dramatically lower. She is an anomaly. This is what's so intriguing about Alicia Banks. There can't be too many that fit her specific background, and probably only a handful who actually blog like she does as an African-American.
She does hide it well, but those links at her blogspot confirm my diagnosis.
And Anon, I know you'll never admit you're the dude I think you are. You deny it. I'm not backing down. It's all good with a bag of chips. Neither of us can prove a negative or something. You're no ratfink, not even to yourself. I will say this. You do have some of those Holland skills. There have been the few, the proud, the good "trolls" who think alike, are into truth, and like to methodically try to figure some things out that most others couldn't be bothered with. If you add it all together, I believe the collective we have made a difference no matter how small it may seem.
how brazen is this cave bitch????
Oh jeez now she's asking LAA to back her up. If you ever notice...LAA knows when it's best to stay out the crazy farm.
lying fake hater socratic wigga:
u lie like hobama!!!!!!!
even about ajc!!!
no archives?
no ph calls?
u r more inept than i thought
just like all the other sorry mfs herein
i am still a star
and i will die one
got envy???
i prove that by beating u bata male bitches/vldr cloned bitches until u see stars daily...
my blogspot was closed long ago
see more here:
alicia banks said...
mareally a heartless soulless godless hypocrite:
u just erased my toil and incomes
for the last 10 yrs wirh a lie u lying bitch!!!!
how dare u lament alleged lies now???
how brazen is this cave bitch????
3:48 PM
oh, sure. i erased some imaginary post of yours? and how would i do that? only field can erase posts. liar. you posted nothing.
i am brazen but i am not a cave bitch, and you just by this passage, have proven again that you're nuts.
Anon, you make a strong case that she could be paid astroturf. She could even actually be a black woman and still be doing that. Heck, she could be the poster who goes by the name of Tinoire who admitted to working in military intelligence during the Reagan years and is close with Michael Rivero. It's just that without a paystub, it's hard to know whether she is a paid fake or deluded.
mareally a wicked witless retard:
u know i meant that figuratively u lying godless demonic bitch
as in
u posted a lie about 10 imaginary yrs of my life then whined about being lied on...as always
u wimpy wench!!!!
lying lame socratic wigga:
i never erase any posts u liar
i edit them etc....
u remain arrogantly ignorant
i knew u would
it is typical of young dumb lazy fools like u
i am an ultra liberal radical afrocentric indy public intellectual
i always have been and will be
therein is the problem
wtf r u virtual black boy wannabee?
when did u ever shine anywhere???
any yr?
shine on this!!!
It is a cruel hoax that those on the margins of society should derive vicarious pleasure from the image of a black First Family, no matter how compelling, when their material condition continues to decline. Racial pride cannot be a substitute for the material benefits—food, clothing, shelter—and dignity that come from struggle. As King said, "If a man doesn't have a job or an income, he has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness. He merely exists."
Progressive critics of president Obama are following a rich tradition of challenging authority championed by King and others. Like King, they should not let anything—not racial solidarity, fear of the rightwing, or the administration’s self-preservation interests—stand in the way of the hell-raising, marching and organizing needed to transform our world for the better
Which is worse? To be a black woman in South Africa? Or a woman in an Islamic nation? How about being a black woman in an Islamic nation?
Ain't Africa a great continent?
South Africa has finally agreed to the demands of “corrective rape” activists. Hold the government accountable to that promise.
A small group of lesbian activists from the poverty-stricken townships of Cape Town walked into South African parliament on Monday and convinced their government to finally start fighting the country’s decades-old scourge of "corrective rape" -- where men rape lesbian women to "turn" them straight. You made that moment possible.
Late last year, these activists called on the world to help them pressure their leaders to take action on corrective rape. We answered their call, and more than 170,000 Change.org members from 163 countries joined with them, making this the largest campaign of all time on Change.org.
Three and a half months later, they succeeded. Teaming up with 23 major South African organizations, they got some of the most powerful officials in the country to agree to bring together various government arms and civil society groups to develop and implement a national action plan to combat corrective rape.
The ministry officials asked for details of specific cases in need of immediate attention, committed to a series of meetings beginning in six weeks, and promised to present concrete proposals to prevent corrective rape by the next meeting.
It’s an astounding victory, far beyond what we ever could have imagined when we set out late last year. Now these activists need your help holding the government accountable for its commitments.
If there was any question about the effect you had, the chief of staff himself confirmed it: At one point in the session he explicitly said, in a pleading voice, "Please don't petition us again."
But that’s exactly what we need to do. The government is making a series of urgent decisions on sexual violence legislation in the next few weeks, and South African activists need your help in pressuring them to follow up their words with tangible action.
How am I lying about you being or not being in the AJC archives? I said archive.org was down when I tried to access your alleged plug by a real newspaper. I also just saw your blogspot, and those links I mentioned were on your blogroll. No, I'm not going to check out your new website. Anon might be right. You could be some form of honeypot. Ha, cia is in her name, for what that's worth. Damn, she really does have a strong case of the crazies. Whether it's an act or not, some kind of warped sophist ploy, I just don't know.
maria said...i am brazen but i am not a cave bitch
No, you are a saucy little vixen who needs some gravy on her giblets. Let's do this.
faker by the hr wigga:
ajc is not down
your skills are
then u slur and dismiss me before u reseach ajc????
then u join the resident kkk kapo as u cheer the research u have admittedly failed to do???
eff u both
2 racist blackfaced fools
one using rasta grease paint
one using jew ashes
ironic irie poser wigga:
u r a blatant liar and a bold fool
u are a wm pretending to be a "bro"/"researcher" and using bob marley as a photo....and daring to call anyone else fake????
and unable to check ajc.com????
how mighty white of u inept lying wigga!
Anonymous said...
AB is an astroturf Troll. Any person with any sort of accomplishments over the past few years has an online presence. Even me. You are left with the idea of a loon typing stuff...but I would posit the incessant wite drivel is the attempt of a wite dude to
1. lie to the miggers
2. giggle that they got one over them stoopid miggers
3. lets them spout utter Gooberish
4. hijacks a blog away from AfAm concerns into wite Heeyuckian fears
5. lets them pretend they do more than live off family
Cripes, I have Internet stuff...and I am not Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Or a b-ball player.
You'll note that AB assumes we have jobs and won't take the time to track him down. Or that we lack the skills. It's the job. Unlike AB, we don't have a 'Mom's Basement' welfare system.
Socrates, nice posts. Made me think a bit. Which is one of the points.
Ummm..how many of the last R 'assaults' were faked? ALL of them. And why would a D or I shoot out windows? What does it gain them? Well, if the Rs can claim victimhood...it draws attention from Govs Walker, Snyder, Daniels and Kasich. Just on sense...it is Rs. But then...all those Govs lied...and are proud of it. Stealing your wages to give the money to the already rich. Reverse Robbing Hoods :)
MOld, Socrates and the Anon are one and the same, this is his thing. AB stop getting angry and analyze the posts. Isn't it amazing that MOLD forgets his current handle and all of a sudden knows how to use periods, craft a sentence and use words other then fake ebonics? He got callled several times already and in a desperate attempt to shift focus, now they/he/it are calling you Astroturf, wonder where he got that concept from.
Check it out, it is not hard at all to see oh and funny enough Socrates is a White guy with a Black Guys picture. Mold claims he is a Black Woman who when he forgets writes like a white guy, there is no such thing as coincidence. They are all one and the same!!!!
When it comes to ab, you're looking for some rational core. There is none.
The ab person is a psychiatric case. Nothing more.
This screwball is a person who is supposed to take medication, probably for a bi-polar condition. But being in the manic phase is more fun than following doctor's orders.
Have you noticed that Charlie Sheen has dropped from sight? He must be in the down phase of his mania.
Socrates, I know it gets a little crazy in here, but you should stick around. You seem like you may have a lot to offer.
AB sis, they are not going to understand your passion, don't let them pull you in (wink).
AB said: "u just erased my toil and incomes for the last 10 yrs wirh a lie u lying bitch!!!!"
Then Maria said: "oh, sure. i erased some imaginary post of yours? and how would i do that? only field can erase posts. liar. you posted nothing."
ROFL!! Maria, I think she meant that figuratively.
By chance, are you related to a "Rose Nylon" from the Golden Girls?
but there are so many faceless poser lewd psycho hater lying... fools herein i just cannot keep up!....
and maria/uts/vdlr post as assnons often too
No-Slappz is criticizing another poster? Wow, pot meet kettle.
mareally a bubble headed bimbo!!!!
and always the retro saint too...i despise maria!!!!!!!!!!
BTW Socrates, No_Slappz is our resident racist. There are others but you'll see it's the grand wizard around here.
they are all liars and cretins
but it is bragging about their lack of google skills that repulses me most!!!
how can a faceless virtual mf like molded question someone like me who has been online since 1990 and OUT all over america and all over the radio/mags/newspapers etc since 1976????
its a shame when ballzack has more rationality than bucetta bref
More thug politics.
What does democracy look like in liberal upside-down world, where everything is the opposite of what it's called? When Wisconsin patriots tried to get signatures to recall the obviously unfit Democrat state senators who tried to block the democratic process by hiding out in another state, it looked downright ugly:
"The petition rally was originally scheduled at a local Merrill restaurant but was relocated after the proprietors received many phone calls and felt they needed to back out. The committee then set up in front of the Lincoln County Courthouse to offer citizens an opportunity to sign their names to the petition. Over 1,000 calls had been sent out the previous day notifying area residents of the petition rally.
Upon arrival, members of the recall committee were encircled by union protesters carrying signs and a leader with a mega phone who began chanting and ranting loudly. They packed in tightly around the petition collection table so as to prevent those attempting to sign from doing so. At one point, a pro union protester, pretending to be interested in signing the petition, wrote profanity across a partially collected petition form, than began ripping up the completed petitions that were in close proximity.
The policemen who were there, and who were standing in close proximity to these events as they unfolded, did nothing to assist those collecting the petitions as they were being destroyed, despite such an action being a Felony under Wisconsin law. Police also did nothing to clear the walk way for citizens that wanted to sign the petitions. Recall Committee members received many phone calls the following day from Merill area citizens who stated that they showed up to sign the petition, but were too afraid to get out of their vehicles and approach the recall table."
Why would police sacrifice public safety rather than do their jobs? Maybe because they belong to public sector unions too. Count this among the many excellent reasons even a lib like FDR would oppose public sector unions.
Not Obama though. The shenanigans in Wisconsin are right up the alley of a guy whose only real work experience is as a community organizer.
wicked lying poser wigga:
u r unfit to wipe the sweat from alex jones' proud wm brow
how dare u slur him to mimic retarded black kids herein???
where is your rebel media empire?
lying socratic wicked wigga:
who made the law that says any person must agree 100% with anyone they cheer/link/quote...???
who knows anyone in their life whom they agree with 100% about all issues???...
intellectuals do not heed to such moronic laws
my links do not define me as your fake bro id does u
i know u r inept as a reader and researcher as most fools herein
i dare u 2 find one lie in any link...take your time
i respect and link all truths from any source
always have
always will
i hate david duke
he is a clone of the kkk jew needs slaps
but he is ALSO posting some of the best videos to yt
filled with truths about hobama's wars for oil and opium etc
and i proudly link them all
kudos to david!!!
where is your blog/channel/vid/link???
get your life online!!!!
socrates was a racist wm fraud clone of u...he stole all of his wisdom from ancient sages in africa too
befitting moniker u trifling tubob
ude think someone with a 250 iq would be more eloquent than to call someone a bitch eye mean what a common insult! eye expect a bit more from like ya know the smartest person on the planet and all...kuntbreaf banks that is...
sorry ur excuse that accuracy trumps eloquence is bull hockey u simply dont have the intellectual capacity to think of anything clever to say less a few catch phrases that get old after a few comments from ur ugly self so sweetie pie u seem to be incompetent in all areas of ur life fix that chrick buceta breaf banks that is...
and notice how laa only shows up to support ab but belittle maria just another rogue state manifestation of the nasty foul diseased kuntlickin banks troll! usually it will stop around 615PM EST or so so soon we will be flooded with other anons that are just as irritating as she is but clearly come from her twisted diseased mind
You know it's getting vicious when all the posters at FN are accusing each other being a white male.
It doesn't get any more serious than that.
Happy St. Paddy's Day, motherfuckers!
butch bitch stalker vdlr:
only on this blog
can a vulgar mf like the vdlr
who NEVER EVER even reads fn's posts can pose as some saint/sage
while blog cops ignore all her antics and scream for my arrest
get a life u uneducated filtby dreg!!!!
let me go!!!!
eye wonder why someone who purports to be a teacher of *cough* 'gifted children' would so brazenly insult a person she perceived to have children? in fact it is almost as though this irrational troll has a hatred for young fertile women also seems like she has a hatred for children that are not considered 'gifted' do u suppose that any reasonable group would hire her to be around children of any type?
based upon her behavior here eye would file a restraining order against the cast iron skillet underbelly shytstainlickin kuntbreaf moron myself if she dare try come near any kid in my charge!
nd notice how laa only shows up to support ab but belittle maria just another rogue state manifestation of the nasty foul diseased kuntlickin banks troll! usually it will stop around 615PM EST or so so soon we will be flooded with other anons that are just as irritating as she is but clearly come from her twisted diseased mind
6:00 PM
ab, you have nothing to show for the last 10 years of your life, other than psych visits. you didn't post anything as usual.
you claim to be sys opps--who for?
you don't have a facebook page because you're a fraud.
as i said, the who's who books people pay to get into, and if that's all you can show then you just make my point.
and once again kuntbreaf ignores the real issues at hand which is her bragging and lack of verification of her credentials and tosses out ad hominesms like candy sorry sweetie pie were all onto u ya kuntbreaf moron!
nobody in their rite mind whose ever authored any paper would be so evasive about proving their claims anybody in academics knows that papers show competency in an area especially if one is a teacher...or at least purports to be...
i respect david duke more than any faceless assnon on this blog
because he reads and researches and stands by his own beliefrs like a man with his own real face!!!!!
mammy maid vdlr:
mareally miss anne owes u a mess uh corn pone bitch!!!!!!
git huh to pay up nigh..heah???
alicia banks said...
"i respect david duke more than any faceless assnon on this blog
because he reads and researches and stands by his own beliefrs like a man with a face!!!!!"
And he schooled Field in a debate!
yep maria just called kuntbreaf out and rightly so! eyem happy you are telling these nasty sows off maria because you contribute to the site and should not be diminished because you are from another ethnicity were all human just the same which is why kuntbreaf is such a disgusting and distorted figure eye cannot abide bullies in any capacity and folk need to stand up to them even if it means calling them vulgar names u got to speak to nuckas in a language they can understand and clearly this fool understands very little
the blog cops are faceless scared bullies who cannot handle my legendary slayings herein and used to black women/gays being meek masochistic doormats...
NEVER THAT!!!!!!!!
i will never play hobama nazi to the vdlrs' hoodrat hobama!!!!!
alicia banks said...
"i respect david duke more than any faceless assnon on this blog
because he reads and researches and stands by his own beliefrs like a man with a face!!!!!"
kuntbreaf banks
And there you have it folks. Alicia Banks is a seriously deluded self hating nihilistic pinworm having kuntlickin asswypin fool! talkin bout she respect the ex grand wizard of the kkk eye wish KID from Ohio wsa here to rip u a new asshole right now ya idgit!
ab, you have nothing to show for the last 10 years of your life, other than psych visits. you didn't post anything as usual.
you claim to be sys opps--who for?
you don't have a facebook page because you're a fraud.
as i said, the who's who books people pay to get into, and if that's all you can show then you just make my point.
lying lewd loon vdlr:
karen is white
so is spc
so is david duke fool!!!
i love all they post
even spc pissing on fake libs like u and socratic wigga!!!!
and i am the LEAST racist person here
that is why i refuse to excuse and worship that blackish hobama
i despise nigs and wiggas
maria is the epitome to explain why
i adore alex jones and he is a wm
black racists love hobama like u do bitch!!!!!!
ab, you have nothing to show for the last 10 years of your life, other than psych visits. you didn't post anything as usual.
you claim to be sys opps--who for?
you don't have a facebook page because you're a fraud.
as i said, the who's who books people pay to get into, and if that's all you can show then you just make my point.
and notice how the malignant narcissist tries to back the anon into a corner asking the anon to show its credentials well that isnt the topic at hand is it? this anon doesnt brag or boast about what they do but YOU do ya loser! so put up or shut up ya mental midgit idgit!
ude think someone with a 250 iq would be more eloquent than to call someone a bitch eye mean what a common insult! eye expect a bit more from like ya know the smartest person on the planet and all...kuntbreaf banks that is...
sorry ur excuse that accuracy trumps eloquence is bull hockey u simply dont have the intellectual capacity to think of anything clever to say less a few catch phrases that get old after a few comments from ur ugly self so sweetie pie u seem to be incompetent in all areas of ur life fix that chrick buceta breaf banks that is...
ab, you have nothing to show for the last 10 years of your life, other than psych visits.
alicia banks said...
"i respect david duke more than any faceless assnon on this blog
because he reads and researches and stands by his own beliefrs like a man with a face!!!!!"
kuntbreaf banks
And there you have it folks. Alicia Banks is a seriously deluded self hating nihilistic pinworm having kuntlickin asswypin fool! talkin bout she respect the ex grand wizard of the kkk eye wish KID from Ohio wsa here to rip u a new asshole right now ya idgit!
i posted the comments that were tripled at 608. i did not post as anon and i never do. not sure why that happened.
ab, as i have said, you don't know me. there's no reason to hate me, and all i feel for you is pity.
Ok, archive.org has some beta system not working. The classic form is and Ajc.com only goes back to 1996. How convenient. I guess someone could order up a copy, or maybe someone in Atlanta can check it out on microfiche for free. She's lying that proof is available on the internet. She's a troll who's into raising the noise to signal ratio and ultimately a waste of time. Even if someone could prove she's lying about the newspaper plugging her, she has plausible deniabilty of being batshit crazy. One can think she's paid to disrupt, but that would be fruitless. Hal Turner got busted. I don't see that happening with this total freak. Whether she's paid to post, crazy, or both, I don't give a shit. I have lost a bit of respect for Field-Negro allowing some Alex Jones and Jeff rense fan dominate and thus ruin his comments section. Way to go FN. You've allowed this person to drive off good people.
615 has come and gone will the kuntbreaf coohole comment further or is it gone for the day? eye hope that nasty shytlicker is out of here!
whitey bulger wrote:
You know it's getting vicious when all the posters at FN are accusing each other being a white male.
It doesn't get any more serious than that.
Van...how convenient and interesting that the ideer of wingnuts doing recall petitions against Ds is a wingnut meme. Even the business-friendly MSM has left this pile of poo alone.
As if telling the same lie over and over and over makes it true. Wonder where I done heard that one?
Too late...your buddies were caught being liars and don't like the concept of Democracy...which includes personal responsibility and accountability.
Reminds me of how non-local wite folks 'pretestorated' the bush voe count. Because counting ALL the votes meant bush lost.
Anonymous said...
Any person with any sort of accomplishments over the past few years has an online presence.
Even me.
Since time in and time out you fell to provide proof,we are left with the idea that you are a loon typing stuff.
I have Internet stuff...and I am not Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Or a b-ball player.
Ok, please provide us with proof..Or keep on making shit up.
Socrates- "Why does FN allow this? I guess he values free speech so much, he doesn't realise this type of thing drives off good people."
Field has deleted two of my comments which were not even close to ab or anon's comments.
maria, i beg of you. please do not expose and tear ab down. show some mercy.
why should maria show some mercy? ab has never shown her any and that nasty sockpuppet clone laa has made many jokes at marias expense
u should let ab bask in the glory of her feces laden stories and learn a lesson or two!
this is what she does to maria she waits till maria doesnt post to say horrible things and then gets the last word in well buceta breaf welcome to karma where u get ur just deserts ya nasty goatwarden!
that nasty liar fraud and overall loser pollutes this blog day in and day out with that nonsense but wele get her wele get her! and bye for now!
Field, what's up with the pervert in Philly grabbing the behinds of women??
Anon, you should get some of your posts deleted. You should know better than to go off with so much salty sailor talk.
You see, you're making it tougher for the reader to decide. This isn't because your Keith Moon/Noom schtick seeps out. Heck, obviously FN is loving some heated discussion, even when it borders on the crazy.
But you are sounding like a creep in many of your posts. Learn graashopper to appreciate the trollbust from the higher ground. Think like Kung Fu. More peace and love and less knee jerk self-defense that makes you look like a goon. Noise is noise, even if overall you are in the right.
She's busted. She knows it. Even if she is who she says she is, she has failed to prove things meaning she needs to stop spamming her fake gravitas schtick.
The love she has shown for David Duke, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense means this ballgame was over by the fourth inning. She said something like her blogspot got moved, blahg di-da, but then it came out. She then called someone a kike. She's still kissing Alex Jones' ass. He is a far right wing conspiracy theory freak. Point. Game. Set. Match.
But your homophobic and other slurs are focked up. I can't respect that. Plus you're a wimp not to create a blogger account and stick to one username. Your sock puppet schtick is lame. It's had its moments, but like donkeytale's misspellicism schtick, sometimes it would be better to store that carnival outfit in the attic. I think it's time for you to grow up as a blogger or stifle it if you can't remain a human being. Go do a John Lennon primal scream at those moments. If you wouldn't talk this way in front of family and friends, then step away from the keyboard and find a way to compose yourself.
You might attack me for these comments or deny what I am 99.999% sure of. It's not a stretch for either of us to have come across this milieu. FN used to be related to Mary Scott O'Connor. Same as us. Well, blog wise.
It's just a shame that a smart, good writer like FN has allowed some conspiracy theory freak to take a dump of her far right wing conspiracy theories on his blog.
Maybe she doesn't go over that stuff much here, but it's out there. She's into William fricken "sassa frassa" Cooper! She's besically a redneck trapped in a black woman's body. As Mr. T used to say, "I pity the fool."
She got her ass kicked. If FN wants his comments section to suck, that's his call. I think he's a fool for not reigning in Ms. Black Fake Lefty of the Year. I love the dude, but this blog has turned into Ozzy Osbourne going off the rails on a crazy train.
It's just gonna keep degrading into you're a wigga, and she's a nacker, na ne nah ne nah nah. Crazy is as crazy does.
they are begging me to show them how to research me
i refuse
but anyone is welcome to help these inept envious liar
socratic lying wigga:
it is amusing and pathetic that you would ask a black man to punish me for being a fan of veteran wm rebels who are revered without being blackfaced caricatures like u
both jeff rense and alex jones are real rebels
which is more than i can say for a crazy bald head in blackface like u
blogless vdlr:
like hobama u lie
i blast mareally a wigga slut/mareally your miss anne immediately in real time
always have
always will
u r powerless to silence me on this blog
just like u r powerless to buy a bogus who's who award with your ebt card
get over both asap u trifling trick
wtf is your blog moron????
got html????
bold bitch boi socratic wigga:
i never respected u
and your blatant lies and lack of research skills have not improved that fact one iota
not to know is sad
but to lie like u do know is worse!!!!!!
why do u let the vdlr ignore all of your posts?????
"Field, what's up with the pervert in Philly grabbing the behinds of women??"
I think there is a conservative convention in town. :)
crazy wigga slob marley:
no one has ever kicked my ass
especially in this fray of fakers/wiggas like u
u better ask somebody who is really black boy
i am a legendary lioness slayer
and u got your blackened white face clawed off so badly today that u even lied about ajc archives online for all to see!!!
shame u slob poser!!!!!!!
blind slob marley:
u have ignored many sane posts by me today
vdlr never post anything on topic and nothing but the vulgar xxx psycho butch dyke stalker rants u have called out today...
u are arrogantly premature as u judge lie and slur about all herein
slow your wigga roll
or u will continue to be smashed u sloppy poser
slob marley:
i am the most real lefty i will ever meet
that is why i refuse to pretend that blackish hobama is anything more than a more brutal/elitist/bloody/racist/snarky clone of gwb
your wigga caricature/hobama nazism includes the racist coddling of that blackish hoax hobama as bro like authenticity...
i get that
eff u
post my ajc reply to his ajc lie
the archives date back to 1985 online and i am all over them
post my tribute to bill cooper too
we all owe him....
Sorry Field, that was me at 8:47 pm, I didn't realize I was logged into my other account.
i adore mumia!!!
"Teachers Ba-ad!"
[col. writ. 3/9/11] (c) '11 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Have you noticed that politicians flit from boogey-man to boogey-man, a process of demonization that is usually little more than misdirection from more pressing problems?
According to a number of new governors across the country, the newest boogey-men (and I guess boogey-women) are teachers, who are portrayed as greedy, selfish, and overpaid.
Now -- honestly -- who better fits such a profile: teachers, or politicians?
But politicians control the public purse -- and the microphones of power. They are thus well-placed to scapegoat people who are often the hardest working, least thanked, least respected and poorly paid public workers of them all: teachers.
Every school year, tens of thousands of teachers dig into their own pockets to purchase pencils, markers, paper -- and sometimes books -- for other people's children. Each year, some local government or school board slashes staff, divides a budget, or cancels a school construction contract, for they know that teachers -- being teachers -- will make do. They accept it, because many of them love teaching children, and see it as more of a mission than a job.
At bottom, this is about politics -- not economics. It's about crushing teachers unions that trend Democratic, and donate millions to Democratic candidates. it's also about the goal of weakening and destroying public schools, the better to promote the business of private education.
Like many political ideas, it's penny-wise and pound foolish. For it discards the central role of every society, since antiquity, to teach the young how to survive in the world to come.
Public education is failing today not because teachers are paid too much, or educational institutions are awash in too much public money; rather, they are getting too little.
This is especially so where the need is greatest, in America's central cities, where funds are raised through property taxes and many parents dwell in rental housing.
The erection of the business model means those who can afford the luxury of education -- and only them - will be able to buy it.
It also means the further crumbling and erosion of the empire.
--(c) '11 maj
Dirty Red, thanks for your comments. If the NYT was overkill, then where should Grant Hill poster his respone to the total ignorance of someone for whom college was a waste of time?
Maybe he should have spray painted his response the wall of his neighbors' garage.
You prove that some posting here has enough intelligence to understand what Grant Hill was saying. Most of the posters here just need some other excuse to blame someone else for their problems.
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