I want to believe that the Japanese are being on the up and up about those damaged reactors. I really do. Because if they are not, we might have some issues.
Anyway, Peter King conducted his modern day witch-hunt...I mean hearings, this past week, and here is a shock; like others, I don't feel any safer. (Gee, I wonder why?) Still, I am glad to see that the hearings didn't go as planned for Mr. King.
"Peter King didn't just outrage American Muslims on Thursday - he broke a grieving mom's heart.
Anyway, Peter King conducted his modern day witch-hunt...I mean hearings, this past week, and here is a shock; like others, I don't feel any safer. (Gee, I wonder why?) Still, I am glad to see that the hearings didn't go as planned for Mr. King.
"Peter King didn't just outrage American Muslims on Thursday - he broke a grieving mom's heart.
Talat Hamdani, whose NYPD cadet son Salman was killed on 9/11, watched King's controversial hearing into the radicalization of U.S. Muslims with mounting fury.
'This is an indictment of the American Muslims,' she said. 'When 9/11 happened, I lost my son. ... And now, my country has been taken away from me.'
A Pakistani immigrant who grew up in Bayside, Queens, Mohammed Salman Hamdani perished while rescuing Sept. 11 victims, and his remains weren't found for six months.
During that time, the young cadet's reputation was smeared by speculation he was in cahoots with the terrorists simply because he was a Muslim. He was declared a hero posthumously.
'My son was investigated even after he gave the ultimate sacrifice,' Hamdani said, her eyes welling up with tears. "Until his remains were found.'
Hamdani scoffed at King's stated reason for a congressional hearing - that U.S. Muslims are doing too little to fight terrorism.
'Peter King - he lost the battle,' said Hamdani, who now lives in Suffolk County. 'He lost his battle.'
Hamdani spoke out after Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) - the first Muslim member of Congress - denounced King's hearing and broke down crying as he invoked the memory of Salman Hamdani.
'His life should not be defined as a member of an ethnic group or a member of a religion, but as an American who gave everything for his fellow citizens," he said, wiping his eyes.
Ellison's unexpectedly emotional testimony silenced the hearing room, but King appeared to be unmoved by his wrenching words.
King, who has been accused of mounting a witch hunt against Muslims, was on the offensive from the start.
'To back down would be a craven surrender to political correctness,' King declared. 'Despite what passes for conventional wisdom in certain circles, there is nothing radical or un-American in holding these hearings."' [Source]
No Peter, to "back down" would show that you have a shred of decency and that you care more about this country than your own selfish political ambitions. But you are a wingnut, so I know that would be asking for too much.
Ms. Hamdani, your son did give the "ultimate sacrifice", and I am sure that he loved his country more than Mr. King does.
"like others, I don't feel any safer. (Gee, I wonder why?) "
Because you are has what you accuse others of -- a wingnutt.
"During that time, the young cadet's reputation was smeared by speculation he was in cahoots with the terrorists simply because he was a Muslim. He was declared a hero posthumously."
I'm glad the patroit act{signed 6 weeks after the attack] had this line in it: “Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.”
"No Peter, to "back down" would show that you have a shred of decency and that you care more about this country than your own selfish political ambitions."
Yes fields,lets close our eyes and pretend Muslims don't want to destroy this country.
"Ellison's unexpectedly emotional testimony silenced the hearing room, but King appeared to be unmoved by his wrenching words."
Of course king would appear to be unmoved, He is a lawyer, like you.
I doubt that the Japanese are going to be truthful. They will gloss it over to prevent mass panic. But unfortunately I foresee another wave of cancer victims in the not so distant future as a result of this nuclear accident.
Mr.King is trying to keep the memory of Bush alive.
Lets take a look at Mr. Ellison...
He loves him some cop killas{what Liberal don't}.
He's a fan of racist Louis Farrakhan.
He didn't pay his taxes for 8 years {liberals always seem toforget to pay uncle sam}.
Had a hard time remembering to pay his speeding tickets.
He once sttod outside a court house and screamed " “we don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace".
Also, Mr. Ellison has ties with groups that are associated with terrorism{ CAIR,MAS,ICA} just to name a few.
Why did he cry like a baby? Could it be he was afarid of being exposed?
SPC is the new face of amerikkka, or is it the same old face. Scared bunch of cowards who think they are the only real 'mericans. Conservatives are like the Borg on Star Trek, they all look and think alike.
King is just further exposing the R's for who they really are and hopefully they'll pay dearly in 2012 which is why they are trotting out new voter rules to suppress the vote. We have the numbers on our side and they know it.
Did you like the list SPC has on Ellison? He once said "no justice no peace" ooooooh such a bad boy. he even likes Farakkahn. Well we gotta lock him up right now, why wait. No mention about King's terrorist ties huh? Typical conservative hypocrisy on display oh wait that's right, only Mooslims are terrorists.
Field said, "No Peter, to "back down" would show that you have a shred of decency and that you care more about this country than your own selfish political ambitions. But you are a wingnut, so I know that would be asking for too much."
Brother Field, you actually have the audacity to judge someone else about "decency"? Lord have mercy.
I have been on FN for years and NOT once have you had the decency to admit your mistakes, including the small ones. And you have the nerve to talk about King for not having a shred of decency for not backing down from what he believes?
When have you "backed down?" Let me answer that for you bro. NEVER. And you NEVER will. My dear brother Field, you are like the pot who calls the kettle black.:)
I have compassion for the Muslims in America, even though it takes a hearing on their asses to make them come to the forefront. I never heard one peep from their community when the Trade Centers went down. The next time I heard from a Muslim was when that jackass wanted to build a mosque on ground zero.
Now, that was a BIG INSULT TO AMERICA. Was that a "decent" thing to do? Hell, even the dumbest brother in the ghetto would know better than to try something like that.
Anyway, I will be in Philly next week. How about taking me to lunch at one of those fancy Philly restaurants? they DO have such places don't they?
PilotX said...
SPC is the new face of amerikkka, or is it the same old face. Scared bunch of cowards who think they are the only real 'mericans. Conservatives are like the Borg on Star Trek, they all look and think alike.
King is just further exposing the R's for who they really are and hopefully they'll pay dearly in 2012 which is why they are trotting out new voter rules to suppress the vote. We have the numbers on our side and they know it.
Did you like the list SPC has on Ellison? He once said "no justice no peace" ooooooh such a bad boy. he even likes Farakkahn. Well we gotta lock him up right now, why wait. No mention about King's terrorist ties huh? Typical conservative hypocrisy on display oh wait that's right, only Mooslims are terrorists.
Since 9-11, what do 70%-80% of the people arrested/convicted of terrorism charges have in common?
Shhhhhh i'll give you a hint......their not white,their not tea partiers,and they don't want to destroy this country in the name of Sarah Palin.
PilotX said, "King is just further exposing the R's for who they really are and hopefully they'll pay dearly in 2012 which is why they are trotting out new voter rules to suppress the vote. We have the numbers on our side and they know it."
Stop fantasizing and dreaming. You nitwits had the biggest numbers on you side EVER when Obama was elected. Inside of two years you had lost practically everything. Now that's what a call 'geniuses losers.' Nobody could manage to lose so much in so little time. It really boggles the mind. But for lefties it's the natural order of things. lol
SPC, "Since 9-11, what do 70%-80% of the people arrested/convicted of terrorism charges have in common?"
Uh, ummm, let's see. Boy, this is a hard one. Oh, I know. Is it the white man? As a black man, when I don't know an answer I always go to 'default', like PilotX........Anyway, can you give me, a lefty Field Negro another hint? Because the one you gave is too hard...it sucks. Ask mr. X.
If Ellison is a fan of Farrkhan, as some people have claimed, then he is the biggest hypocrite in the world for whinning about a "community" being "demonized".
Congress has had hearings solely about white hate groups. How is this any more offensive then having hearings soley on Muslim hate groups?
People also ask why there aren't hearings on anti-abortion terrorists, Timothy McVeight, the KKK despite the fact there have been hearings on every single one of them. There have been plenty of hearings on militias. There are no forthcoming hearings on McVeigh because he has been dead for a DECADE. Ditto for the Columbine shooters.
Lets defer to Bill Maher
Bill Maher To Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison: The Qur’an Is A ‘Hate Filled Holy Book’
Here's some highlights.....
“I would say the threat from radicalized Muslims is a unique and greater threat. It is the greatest threat. Let me give you the reasons why I jotted down why.
One. It’s been going on a thousand years, this problem Islam and the West. We’re dealing with a culture that is in its medieval era.
It comes from a hate-filled holy book, the Koran, which is taken very literally by its people.
They are trying to get nuclear weapons. I don’t think Timothy McVeigh would ever try to get a nuclear weapon because I think right-wing nuts, they think they love this country and they are not trying to destroy this country. They want to get it away from the people that they see as hijacking it. That’s different than Muslim extremists who want to destroy it.”
Also Bill Maher compared his Muslim conversion to being in prison.
Now fields, If Mike Huckabee had said this,you would worte 5 post condemning the Huckster.
Why is there silence in the fields tonight??
Cause Bill is on team Liberal?
"Lets take a look at Mr. Ellison...
He's a fan of racist Louis Farrakhan."
"he even likes Farakkahn. Well we gotta lock him up right now, why wait."
Use all the sarcasm you want but the first point is 100% valid. Whinning about people being demonized if you a supporter or apologist of Farrakhan/Nation of Islam is like being in the KKK and complaining about the NAACP being racist. Just a fact.
Tavis Smiley does this same crap. He was complaining that Maher demonizes Muslims. Unfortuntaly no one had the balls to point out he promotes Farrakhan on his State of the Black Union as a "great scholar". Yet no one had the guts to point out Smiley, like Ellison, is just fine with demoizing and just fine with hate groups, as long as it's being done by people of their ethnicity and it is directed towards Jews, gays, etc.
Has Ellison complained about any of the hearings focusing on white supremists? After all white supremists have killed less people in the last 20 years then Islamic terrorists have in the last 20 minutes. White supremists have killed fewer black folks in the last 75 years then black-on-black violence in the last six months. Would Ellison bring this up in order to protest hearings about white hate groups?
Anonymous said...
Has Ellison complained about any of the hearings focusing on white supremists? After all white supremists have killed less people in the last 20 years then Islamic terrorists have in the last 20 minutes. White supremists have killed fewer black folks in the last 75 years then black-on-black violence in the last six months. Would Ellison bring this up in order to protest hearings about white hate groups?
Keep spreading the truth.....Lawd knows we need some in these fields.....
To the Republican Bloggers on Field's site:
Why do you hate the troops and America so much? While the people of Northern Africa and the Middle East set up democratic governments racist, dumb, ig'rant, cross burnin' hillbillies want to remind them to kill and hate America again. I don't want the Ronald Reagan trained al-Qaeda to attack us again. First those bad governments they live under are courtesy of Uncle Sam. A lot of those weapons used on them are made in the good old USA. Can any of you assholes read Arabic because people in the Middle East can read English, French, Italian, and Hebrew among other languages.
People are not as dumb as the Republicans are. That guys in the White House middle name is what saving your sorry asses.YOU ALL ARE TRAITORS ! Oreilly begs for the Coit Tower in California to be hit by al-Qaeda. Beck wish people would feel the way they did a few days after 9/11, what was that scared ?
BTW for all the violent passages you find in the Koran you can find just as many in the Bible. You Republicans can always find the passages where us poor have to go and fight your wars. You use 9/11 as a excuse to bash the left and take over in the mid term elections. Google Josh Mandel and see how the right played the Muslim Card. Hillbillies are awake now that the right is trying to get rid of Unions. The 9/11 card won't work anymore.
'To back down would be a craven surrender to political correctness,' King declared. 'Despite what passes for conventional wisdom in certain circles, there is nothing radical or un-American in holding these hearings."' [Source]
King mistakes displaying a little bit of empathy for "political correctness". God help these people.
"Yes fields,lets close our eyes and pretend Muslims don't want to destroy this country."
Yes SPC, let's all pretend to be afraid of the Muslim boogeyman so we won't be distracted by the efforts of Wall Street and self-serving Conservatives to turn the country into a neo-Gilded Age shell of its former self.
Kid, thanks for setting the record straight for those ignorant Repubs like Rev Right and SPC. You are a breathe of fresh air because you always slam dunk SPC and Rev Right. I feel so good when you do it, bro.:)
Slam 'em again, Kid...Slam 'em again bro. Too bad that bagel slappz isn't around. Then you could get a piece of him too. I have noticed that when Kid shows up, all the Repub Whites and Blacks run for the hills. You're the man, Kid.
Muslims aren't destroying the country, the Koch brothers and the Republican Party is doing that.
Come on, Kid, that's just preposterous! These are just God-fearing REAL Americans who are just working to take their country back from those Marxist, Socialist, progressive hippy muslims who want to kill us because they hate our freedoms!
It's like I said last year; wingnuts always promote fear. First they went after African Americans, then Mexicans, then Muslims, then Gays, and at last Unions. You can throw in the Poor and Middle Class now. Always something to be afraid of.
Question. Unions are a private organization right? How can the Wisconsin Governor tell the members that the union can no longer collect dues from its members? That it's now up to the members to pay? I'm asking you as a lawyer.
Finally, Teabaggers once the smoke clears, you will see that you've been used and kicked to the curb. The Carl Rove wing of the Republican Party will never let you lead them.
"Has Ellison complained about any of the hearings focusing on white supremists? After all white supremists have killed less people in the last 20 years then Islamic terrorists have in the last 20 minutes. White supremists have killed fewer black folks in the last 75 years then black-on-black violence in the last six months. Would Ellison bring this up in order to protest hearings about white hate groups?"
Your efforts to make white supremists seem harmless in comparison to the Islamic and black-on-black "threats" are...amusing, to say the least.
Yet as a January 2011 terrorism statistics report — compiled using publicly available data from the FBI and other crime agencies — from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) shows, terrorism by Muslim Americans has only accounted for a minority of terror plots since 9/11. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots.
In fact, right-wing extremist and white supremacist attacks plots alone outnumber plots by Muslims, with both groups being involved in 63 terror plots, 18 more plots than Muslim Americans have been involved in...
... Anti-Government/Anti-Tax Extremists: There have been 36 plots by right-wing extremists since 9/11. These attacks include Joseph Stack’s suicide attack on a Texas IRS building and Joshua Cartwright, who became enraged after the election of Barack Obama and “believed that the US Government was conspiring against him.”
KKK/NeoNazi/White Supremacist: There have been 27 plots by white supremacists since 9/11. These attacks include a
Unknown/Miscellaneous: There were five attacks that federal crime officials did not categorize.
Christian Extremists/Anti-Abortion: There were three attacks by anti-abortion extremists and Christian extremists. The killing of abortion provider George Tiller is the most prominent of these attacks.
Black Supremacist Cults: There were two plots by black supremacist cults.
Jewish Extremists: There were two plots by Jewish extremists. The most prominent of these was a plot by Robert Goldstein to attack a local Islamic center with home made C4 and other explosives.
Extreme Anti-Immigrant: There were two plots by anti-immigrant extremists. One of these was the attack by Shawn Forde, who murdered a Queens deli clerk and was motivated by racist and anti-immigrant feelings.
Anti-Jewish: There was one plot by an anti-Semitic extremist. Norman Leboon made anti-Semitic threats against Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).
Anarchist: There was a single plot by an anarchist. Joseph D. Konopka “wreaked havoc in 13 counties by setting fires, disrupting radio and television broadcasts, disabling an air traffic control system, selling counterfeit software, and damaging the computer system of an Internet service provider.”
Man, I can't post a link without Blogger snatching it up.
Hey Field,
Check out Virginia Soentgen's new YouTube videos by simply Google searching or AOl searching the name:
virginia soentgen
or the name:
sam stretton
Your readers will want to watch these extraordinary videos which expose public corruption gone wild in pa., and these videos catch attonrey sam stretton in the act of Lynching his very own client, the black and innocent Virginia Soentgen.
Very truly yours,
Paul J. Soentgen, III.
"Shhhhhh i'll give you a hint......their not white"
How about I give you a hint on the proper use of "their".
"Stop fantasizing and dreaming. You nitwits had the biggest numbers on you side EVER when Obama was elected. Inside of two years you had lost practically everything"
With the latest overreach by the GOP you're saying the 2012 elections are a lock for your side? And I'm fantasizing? Good luck with that because you know the numbers are always down in an off year election right? Right?
I'm sure this will certainly endear the support of women to the GOP right? What is with you insane MF's? How anybody can defend this insanity is beyond me. I'm glad the GOP won the house so we can see how insane they are and BTW, where are the jobs guys? Oh that's right they're too busy trying to execute women for having a miscarriage. Sick.
Good luck in 2012.
"Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots."
The Muslim population in the US is estimated at about 1.5%
You say that 60% of terrorist plots are commmitted by Muslims.
Okay, 1.5% of the population, 60% of the terrorism. So it is bigoted to say most terrorism is committed by Muslims, and way out of proportion to their % of the pop? According to you, that is a FACT
I take that back. According to wikipedia Muslims make up .6% of the population. So .6% of the population and 60% of the population. And why are people who think most terrorism is committed by Muslims bigots?
I'll just talk about Muslims the way Jermiah Wright, our President's spiritual adviser, feels it is appropriate to talk about Jews. Is that okay?
Finally, Teabaggers once the smoke clears, you will see that you've been used and kicked to the curb. The Carl Rove wing of the Republican Party will never let you lead them.
But at least the Teabaggers will nearly die trying their hardest to impress the GOP. The politicos chosen by the Teabagger sect of the GOP are busy delivering economic "shock doctrine" to their respective states. Tax cuts to favored industries that are supposed to spur on economic growth but end up draining the state's financial coffers. Taxes that can't be raised thanks to ideological doctrine and reluctance of people who don't understand, think they understand (or understand too well) how low taxes result in slashed budgets. Projects (such as Florida's high-speed rail line) that would bring jobs and economic growth are being shitcanned by shortsighted Republicans pandering to the Teabaggers. Social programs are being put on the chopping block while the bloated defense budget, industry subsidies and tax cuts remain sancrosanct.
In the state of Alabama, people are too busy chasing corrupt Democrat officials to realize the GOP is just as corrupt and that their roads, schools and infrastructure are turning into complete shit. We've ran out opportunities to increase revenue and add jobs on the grounds of "morality" and denying Democrats any avenue to fund their corrupt schemes. The GOP have their own separate avenues for that sort of thing, so they're not that worried.
Anonymous said...
I'll just talk about Muslims the way Jermiah Wright, our President's spiritual adviser, feels it is appropriate to talk about Jews. Is that okay?
You mean the Rev. Wright that helped get a American Pilot back from Syria. The same Rev. Wright that saved a President's life and got a commondation for it. The same Rev. Wright that on his wiki page is a photo of him saving President LBJ life with Bill Moyers LBJ's press secretary.
When some Black people shoot up white folks like Richard Poplawski or Dr. Tiller's killer let me know.When a Black person plant a bomb on a parade route like the guy they caught in the Northwest at a MLK day celebration, let me know.
It's time to "profile" the hillbillies.
Mack Lyons Said....
In the state of Alabama, people are too busy chasing corrupt Democrat officials to realize the GOP is just as corrupt and that their roads, schools and infrastructure are turning into complete shit. We've ran out opportunities to increase revenue and add jobs on the grounds of "morality" and denying Democrats any avenue to fund their corrupt schemes. The GOP have their own separate avenues for that sort of thing, so they're not that worried.
Mack speaking of too busy to handle important problems, Dayton Ohio just got forced by Eric Holder to dumb down the police force exams as few Blacks could pass the tests.
WHy do you think Blacks do so poorly on intelligence testing and have such low competence levels with lifes skills that the rest of America is "morally" forced to continue to dumb down so Blacks can be included? Even if this means hiring totally incompetent people who will endanger the safety of and effect the lives of others? WHy do you think this is and how much longer can a nation of janitors survive?
If "Islamists" are that big a danger, I guess King hasn't flown out of Dulles lately.
Go through the TSA checkpoints and see who's manning them. Or who is doing the service work about the place, driving the shuttles, getting your bags, sweeping the floors...?
Go to your VA hospital and see who the doctors are that are caring for the old veteran, and the returnee from Afghanistan or Iraq.
Name tags read like something out of Arabian Nights.
And yet, this seems not to be a great threat to anyone.
Yes SPC, let's all pretend to be afraid of the Muslim boogeyman so we won't be distracted by the efforts of Wall Street and self-serving Conservatives to turn the country into a neo-Gilded Age shell of its former self. Thank you Mack you ain't Lyins.
It's Political prestidigitation, look over here not over there, fear this but don't fear that, believe this lie but don't accept the truth, these are GOP mantras straight from their play book, intro to Conservative Thought 101. Todays vocabulary word is Neofeudalism :
Neofeudalism literally means "new feudalism" and implies a contemporary rebirth of policies of governance and economy reminiscent of those present in many pre-industrial feudal societies. The concept is one in which government policies are instituted with the effect (deliberate or otherwise) of systematically increasing the wealth gap between the rich and the poor while increasing the power of the rich and decreasing the power of the poor
WTF!!! Gilded Age indeed I would personally like to thank all of the anonymous conservative posters on this site for shepherding in a new era of backwardness for elevating stupidity and creating the framework for the New Middle Ages welcome back serfdom!!
Speaking of affirmative action,the Obama regime is forcing the city of Dayton to lower its standards and test scores so blacks can pass the police recruit exam.
Why can't blacks pass the same kind of exam that white,asian,and hispanic people do?
So if you run into a black police officer in Dayton, you know you are being protected not by the best,but affirmative action hires.
Yep, just another example of Eric Holder taking care of his people.
Peter King should change his last name. I was thinking "Peter McCarthy" would be much better.
Its said to see people refusing to acknowledge Muslims pose the biggest threat to this country.Picking up a few more votes is more imporant to Liberals than protecting Americans.
The refusing to acknowledge the threat that Muslims pose,caused the Ft.Hood massacre.
Aahh yes, the Great Yellow/Irish/Japanese/German/Commnist/Moooslim Peril. We must do what the wingnuts order...or we shall all surely die. Their way is the only way..all others lead to death.
Why, exactly, should I listen to Goobers? What Heeyuckian Agenda is being pushed? Gomer wants to be scared poopants over Muslims...why should I? King wants to raise his brand awareness...and gets miffed because we remember that not too long ago his brand was known to be contaminated.
Note how the wingnuts go immediately on the attack. They never address the IRA problems of King...or the McCarthy-ness of t he proceedings. They infer that other hearings were held to investigate wite terrorists...but offer no proof. Actually, there was interest during the bush and st reagan times...but the hearings were quashed. Must have slipped their minds...after all the danger from Moooslims is somehow far greater than from wites.
Why aren't the cons pushing for Traditional power at this time? Could it be that Japan brings up memories of Detroit, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island? I might be more worried...but the MSM had 'specials' on the situation featuring the interview of the Poof, about Poof's opinion on the impact this would have on Poof, Poof's friends, and how Poof would react. The 'experts' seemed to all be quite photogenic...and the Khyron said 'expert'...but Bristol Palin was also given the same level of deference. I want to see Nuke experts...power plant operators, physicists, research scientists.
The one who did know about this and was on MSM was 'shouted down' by the team of pretties. One inferred that Science was too tough for his pretty head. While the other pretty tried to indicate their experience as 'window dressing' was exactly the same as a few decades of Science.
The problem with inducing serfdom is that so few moderns are so stoopid as to beleeverate gawd made them poor. The rich kept picking class war fights and thought they were so grand and glorious and Galt and Randy. Not so. Most humans avoid conflict. It's stressful, usually only makes jerkholes happy, and really wastes time. The rich bullying of swiping money from folks was mitigated by the ability to live on credit charges or inflated house equity. Wonder what happens when there are no alternatives? Think I'll give up my modest lifestyle for wingnut Therie? Umm...I'll prefer to tax the rich until it hurts. Then I'll set the IRS on them. Once they pay the same level as I, then we'll pretend to listen.
SPC, I would posit a greater threat to the US is the ongoing, one-sided class war. This includes the Goober desired elimination of collective bargaining, child labour laws, workplace safety, privacy protections, medical care, and Social Security.
Muslims with much better academic and experience credentials than you and all your friends...not so much.
I literally laugh at your attempt to demonize people I know and respect. I chortle at your puerile need to have an 'Other'. I snicker at your compulsion to have someone to lynch. I genially smile at your juvenile 'reserch'.
Yes, yes...you heroically and bravely warn me in breathless prose about the dangers of Muslims, lesbians, and day-care centres. You yell on street corners about my sinful nature...which is far, far worse than anything done by Foley, Vitter, Gringrich, McVeigh...wait a sec. All I am is a foodie. I pretty much harm no one. How is my GREAT SIN so bad?
Don't look at King, who supported the IRA that bombed kids and civilians. Don't ask why this weenie is drumming up hatred. Why did King like the killing arm of the IRA? Where are the jobs, Mr King? The Rs pretended to run on jobs...yet, here we are...trying to demonize citizens for the crime of..what, exactly? Not being Fundie Heeyucks?
"Yes fields,lets close our eyes and pretend Muslims don't want to destroy this country."
I don't have to close my eyes and pretend; I know that 99% of the Muslims in the world do not want to destroy this country.
Can I say the same about white folks in this country and minorities? Think about it and then get back to me.
"Liberals always seem to forget to pay uncle sam".
You mean like these guys?
And these?
So Bill Maher is your go to quote machine for the day? Man you really have some problems.
"Anyway, I will be in Philly next week. How about taking me to lunch at one of those fancy Philly restaurants? They DO have such places don't they?"
Sorry, I will pass. That would be a wasted hour out of my life that I would never be able to get back.
Besides, I don't know any restaurants that play live banjo music. ;)
Field, Le Bec Fin? Tony Luke's?
There used to be a really nice place in Ephrata.
Heck...they can even do diner or Dutch.
C'mon, Field, I play the banjo, too. Cut us some slack, here!
I also play harp and violin and fiddle, as well as others.
I admit it, when I play my violin (Fritz Keisler, Mendelsohnn) I play a 'violin' which has four "strings", when I play "Flop Earred Mule" et al, it's the same instrument, but it has four "strangs".
But I also play the oud and rebek...guess I'm 'suspect'.
My father was a counter-intelligence officer in the army during the 50s, early 60's and was called upon to investigate personel who had been reported as "disaffected".
He never talked much about it, but I heard him talk about two occasions when people were deemed threats because they didn't like sports, having been drafted, and one of the ungrateful whelps compounded these enormities by disliking hotdogs as well.
The focus has shifted, but the mentality continues on.
Sorry Sarge, you are right; I didn't mean to slam the Banjo or Banjo players. I really wanted my friend to know that there is no music that he could jig to. :)
Mold, I am not a big fan of French cuisine, so I would have to pass on George Perrier's spot. Toney Luke, (the father) on the other hand, is good people, but summer is coming so I have to lay off those wonderful rolls. :)
Field, how about pork?
All the tourons run the stairs...and eat 'greasesteaks'.
There is also the local trolley 'burb restaurants.
Oh...the place in Morgantown! French Country...and just wonderful.
Rev Wit, nice pretense. Can't make bad words about a 9/11 responder as your buds desperately need the 'halo'.
The assaults upon Muslims were documented. Some posters just recently asked about the brave sirRobins who bravely shot unarmed people for the crime of not being a Goober.
Beleef becomes silly when the Facts show you are wrong.
Field, sorry...but I do miss the eveelbigcity and edible food. There's this dog place...hole in the wall...grubby...cheap. But the mystery tubes are...yum. Up in dutch country there is a burger joint that serves tons of everyone. DAs, Judges, police, Perps, businessclones, hookers(same thing), news folks. Greasy goodness.
Miss it.
Lord have mercy. This kid is out to lunch. NO REDBLOODED AMERICAN wants an attack on America, except black dem losers like you and Macklying. You two always see the Republicans as racists, but you fail to see the same racists in your OWN untrustworthy party.
Not only that, you folks haven't even noticed that Obama has some outstanding political traits that are clearly Republican, such as:
BLACKS HAVING THE HIGHEST RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN HISTORY. What kind of Prez would want such a distinguished honor? A Dem Black Prez, that's who.
Kid, you, Mack and the rest of your insane progressive liberal black dems who are busy criticizing the Republicans ought to look in the mirror and then STFU.
As I told Field he was the pot calling the kettle black, so it goes for ALL you black dems. Now take your IRRELIGIOUS butts to church. There you will find GOOD CONSERVATIVE BLACKS WHO WILL TEACH YOU HOW ACCEPT EACH OTHER, AND TO BE TRUE HUMAN BEINGS.
FakeAnon, Gaffney and Bolton are AfAm and D?
Hmm...it's much easier to induce a Fascist State when there is an OMG!!9/11!!Emergency!!
Plus, Heeyucks and wingnuts love watching others in pain...especially when wingnuts and Heeyucks caused it.
Field, "Sorry Sarge, you are right; I didn't mean to slam the Banjo or Banjo players. I really wanted my friend to know that there is no music that he could jig to. :)"
Well, I for one hate the sound of the banjo. It reminds me of Okies in Oklahoma near Lawton, Okla. My father was stationed at FT Sill outside of Lawton which has to be the most racist hillbillie banjo playing place on earth. Come to think of it, Oklahoma IS the most racist state in America. And the Blacks are the most plantation minded people in the black race.
Brother Field, fyi: I don't dance to anybody's tune. Not even to the progressive liberal anti-Republican anti-God tunes you jig to. I live and dance to a tune where there are no Black and White or Brown races, which you know nothing about.
Nevertheless, I still enjoy your blog...It's quite entertaining.
“When the ice is lost, the earth’s crust bounces back up again and that triggers earthquakes, which trigger submarine landslides, which cause tsunamis,” Bill McGuire, professor at University College London, told Reuters.
Global Climate issue...
Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc., your people are messing with me again.
"Brother Field, fyi: I don't dance to anybody's tune. Not even to the progressive liberal anti-Republican anti-God tunes you jig to..."
Be honest, if the tune is a little right leaning, will you jig?
Anon, "Anyway, I will be in Philly next week. How about taking me to lunch at one of those fancy Philly restaurants? They DO have such places don't they?"
Field replied, "Sorry, I will pass. That would be a wasted hour out of my life that I would never be able to get back."
Ah Field, you break my heart. I was thinking it would be an opportunity get together and enjoy each other's company as human beings without a prejudiced eye. It could be an opportunity to learn from each other, but most importantly, it could be an opportunity to learn tolerance, patience love of your fellow man.
But I forget your mind is "full" of hardened opinions and presuppositions. I still love you, even though your mind cannot take in anything new or unlearn anything old. You truly model the proud prejudiced man-and you are Black! You and Stormfront have something in common.
BTW, biased people tend to end up chasing their own shadows. Do yourself a favor Field, Hang up those R running shoes-it's a waste of time.:)
"Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc., your people are messing with me again."
ROFL. Happy Sunday, brother.
Is Rep. King calling for Muslims to be rounded up, or asking them to step up and help?
That was cheap bit of theater presented by Keith Ellison. Too bad his sob story is complete crap. From National Review the day of the hearings:
“Does Ellison’s account check out with reality?
No. It is actually pretty close to the opposite of the truth. In fact, six weeks after the September 11 attacks, before Hamdani’s remains were identified, which Ellison implies to be the turning point of public perception, Congress signed the PATRIOT Act into law with this line included: “Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.” That is, Hamdani was actually singled out for particular high honors among the thousands of victims of the September 11 attacks.
There’s little evidence of the “rumors” of which Ellison speaks, either. Poke around yourself. Go to Google and search for Mohammed Salman Hamdani’s name, using various time frames from before today’s hearings (say, in the week after the September 11 attack). You’ll discover two discordant sets of returns: none for sites and news reports accusing Hamdani of being a terrorist, and many thousands of pages honoring him as a hero while claiming that he was “widely accused” of being a terrorist.”
There have been almost no incidents of violence directed at American Muslims since 9/11. This is a remarkable record of tolerance from a society that has suffered thousands of dead civilians. Is it too much to ask that our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslim stand with us against terrorists? Apparently, when you do, they cry.
Salman Hamdani was rightly treated as hero. Ellison has slandered the whole country through this shameful performance.
Ellison also testified:
>Solutions to the scourge of domestic terrorism often emerge from individuals within the Muslim community—a point I address later in my testimony. However, demanding a “community response” (as the title of this hearing suggests) asserts that the entire community bears responsibility for the violent acts of individuals. Targeting the Muslim American community for the actions of a few is unjust. Actually all of us—all communities—are responsible for combating violent extremism.
Singling out one community focuses our analysis in the wrong direction.<
Once again, this far left Minnesota Congressman was dead wrong.
More than 80 percent of all convictions tied to international terrorist groups and homegrown terrorism since 9/11 involved radical Islamists.
The Investigative Terrorism Project reported:
>More than 80 percent of all convictions tied to international terrorist groups and homegrown terrorism since 9/11 involve defendants driven by a radical Islamist agenda, a review of Department of Justice statistics shows.
Though Muslims represent about 1 percent of the American population, they constitute defendants in 186 of the 228 cases DOJ lists…<
Why would a U.S. congressman puposefully lie about the facts on domestic terrorism? Rep. Ellison ignored facts and instead spouted bogus propaganda.
The Establishment Press is having conniptions over the King hearings because they are getting in the way of their Narrative: that white male conservatives with pitchforks and torches are The Threat. Recall the MSM response to the Tucson shootings — It’s Limbaugh's and Beck's and O’Reilly’s fault — and how they went on for days and days in that vein long after there wasn’t a shred of credibility left. Or look at the various Schillers of NPR.
The King hearings send the perfectly appropriate message to Muslims in America that we are tired of their losers trying to (and sometimes succeeding at) at killing Americans and that they need to do something about it.
We should have had these kind of hearings years ago, but they would have undermined the Bush Administration's main claim to fame: that they had protected us from all terrorist attacks. Moreover, they would have raised questions about Bush's Grand Strategy of Invite the World - Invade the World - In Hock to the World.
"On the afternoon of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed the 49 year old owner of a gas station in Mesa, AZ. He was a Sikh. His family believes that he was killed because he "looked Middle Eastern." Additional shots were fired at a Lebanese clerk and at the home of an Afghan family.
On the evening of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed a Pakistani Muslim store owner in Dallas, TX.
Adel Karas, 48, an Egyptian-American grocer was shot and killed near his International Market store in San Gabriel, CA. He was a Copt -- neither Muslim nor Arab. No money was taken. Police are investigating the murder as a possible hate crime.
A man drove his car through the front entrance of Parma Mosque in Cleveland OH.
Also on Saturday, a Christian of Egyptian origin was shot dead in California.
Near Chicago, IL, there was a march in which about 300 anti-Arab youths waved flags, shouted "USA, USA," and attempted to march on a mosque in Bridgeview, IL -- a suburb southwest of Chicago. Colin Zaremba, 19, said: "I'm proud to be American and I hate Arabs and I always have." Three demonstrators were arrested.
In Chicago, a Molotov cocktail was thrown t an Arab-American community center. There were no injuries and little damage.
In Huntington, NY, Adam Lang, reportedly a drunken driver, 75, allegedly tried to kill a Pakistani woman with his car. He later followed the woman into a store and threatened to kill her for "destroying my country."
In Gary, IN, a man wearing a mask pumped over 20 bullets from a high-powered assault rifle at a Muslim, Hassan Awdah. He survived. Hassan is a U.S. citizen, born in Yemen.
In Lynnwood, WA, a mosque was vandalized.
In Suffolk County, NY, a man allegedly made anti-Arab threats and pointed a handgun at the employee of a gas station. He was arrested.
In a prison in Washington state, two inmates fought over an anti-Muslim slur.
a gasoline bomb was thrown into the home of a Sikh family in California.
Two mosques were firebombed with Molotov cocktails during the weekend of OCT-20-21. They are located in Burlington and Mississauga, near Toronto ON Canada. Kendrich House, 35, from Oakville ON has allegedly been charged."
Yes, facts are always good. ;)
I had a hearty laugh over Congressman Al Green's ethnocentric assertion that the KKK is a bigger threat.
I can't think of anyone smart enough to be a threat who would be dumb enough to belong to whatever is left of the KKK. And the fact that a Texas congressman is more worried about paying back any white person for past transgressions than any present danger we might all be facing leads me to believe that stupidity and egotism are bigger threats than any terrorist group ever could be.
How shattered Al would be upon discovering that there aren't a bunch of hooded white men out to get him. Yes, Al, lots of white folks think you're not too smart, not too ethical and probably not very sane but we're more likely to kill ourselves than you being as it has somehow become more possible for a deranged idiot to get elected to public office because of who he is than for a sane, rational, competent individual to get elected on the basis of sound reasoning and competence as evidenced in past performance.
Field Negto; "Yes, facts are always good. ;)"
10 years, a country of 320 million people, and the one poor Sikh guy who was killed by some Yahoo is still being waved as evidence of an anti-Muslim pogrom waged by the American people.
Pathetic, Field, just pathetic.
The next time some negro kills somebody of another race, ethnicity, or religion, make sure you use the incident to indict all of black America, OK?
I mean it's nice and all that someone's finally gotten around to addressing the issue but I'd gotten kinda used to the idea that we'd simply be taken over for being too apathetic to protect our borders or screen foreigners for hostility to our culture and our government. Seeing the unavoidable and inevitable, I keep my passport up to date, have a burka tucked away just in case I need a disguise on the way to the airport and am currently shopping for a stable little country to evacuate to.
"I had a hearty laugh over Congressman Al Green's ethnocentric assertion that the KKK is a bigger threat."
Al Green is a Congressman? in America? Lord have mercy.
"The refusing to acknowledge the threat that Muslims pose,caused the Ft.Hood massacre."
So SPC, what caused the shooting in Arizona or are we just concerned when killings involve Muslim perps?
IMHO, there were two similarities 1 a mentally disturbed individual and 2 guns.
Rev Right, "Pathetic, Field, just pathetic.
The next time some negro kills somebody of another race, ethnicity, or religion, make sure you use the incident to indict all of black America, OK?"
Preach, Rev, Preach! nail his ass to the cross!
"Yes fields,lets close our eyes and pretend Muslims don't want to destroy this country."
So SPC is that all Muslims? I happen to know quite a few that aren't out to destroy America, or do you know something I don't? Sounds like the same talk a few decades ago about Black people, "they" are out to take what we have so we gotta stop em. The modern Klan ladies and gentlemen, allways looking to stereotype and demonize "others". Why not just let the AZ shooter go?
PilotX said...
"The refusing to acknowledge the threat that Muslims pose,caused the Ft.Hood massacre."
"So SPC, what caused the shooting in Arizona or are we just concerned when killings involve Muslim perps?
IMHO, there were two similarities 1 a mentally disturbed individual and 2 guns."
The difference is that one of the nuts shared an ideological motivation that has motivated over 16,900 other attacks since 9/11.
Jerod Loughner's motivation was to combat the government's use of grammar as mind control. He was alone in this worry.
Hasan and the other 16,899 yelled "Allah akbar" when they started killing.
Get it now?
In your logic, we should be equally worried about the threat from people who may kill government officials over grammatical mind control as we should about those who kill in the name of Islam. Does that sound as stupid to you as it does to me?
"Preach, Rev, Preach! nail his ass to the cross!"
Hold up there! Easy with the "cross" reference, you are making me nervous. I know that old habits are hard to break, but think of the children.
"There have been almost no incidents of violence directed at American Muslims since 9/11. This is a remarkable record of tolerance from a society that has suffered thousands of dead civilians."
Given the facts that I just gave you, do you want to rethink your position? Or do wingnuts just like to make things up as they go along?
"WHy do you think Blacks do so poorly on intelligence testing and have such low competence levels with lifes skills that the rest of America is "morally" forced to continue to dumb down so Blacks can be included? Even if this means hiring totally incompetent people who will endanger the safety of and effect the lives of others? WHy do you think this is and how much longer can a nation of janitors survive?"
Nice Stormfront talking point. But I'd expect nothing less, since most Stormfronters are generally insecure about their own ethnic identity and thus seek to put others down in order to boister their own racial image.
Your argument was once shared by those seeking to continue the "peculiar institution", on the grounds of blacks' "natural inferiority" (at least in comparison to whites) making them useless for anything other than manual labor and the occasional sexual tryst.
Today, your fellow Stormfronters are content in casting blacks as a permanent underclass on the grounds of these "attributes".
"Given the facts that I just gave you, do you want to rethink your position? Or do wingnuts just like to make things up as they go along?"
No, field, one is "almost none", isn't it?
All of your other incidents are mostly speculative as to motive or futile stupid gestures that didn't hurt anybody. It's a ridiculous argument that requires ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. But that's what lawyers are for, right?
"Pathetic, Field, just pathetic.
The next time some negro kills somebody of another race, ethnicity, or religion, make sure you use the incident to indict all of black America, OK?"
Isn't that what you guys do anyway? Every time a black person is involved in criminal activity, the entire black community is placed under indictment, as though this was irrefutable proof that blacks are simply no good and deserve...hmm....exactly what do they deserve?
For the same reason people were propagandized into treating blacks like subhumans to lessen the conscious sting of inslaving other human beings, people are being propagandized today into treating blacks like subhumans to justify the existence of a permanent and perpetual underclass, as well as having the warm knowledge that no matter how poor or trashy they are, at least they know they're better than those niggers.
There's nothing new under the sun.
"All of your other incidents are mostly speculative as to motive or futile stupid gestures that didn't hurt anybody. It's a ridiculous argument that requires ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. But that's what lawyers are for, right?"
So far, all of your arguments seem to come straight from within the confines of your derriere. There's no proof to back up your assertions and proof to the contrary that largely invalidates your Muslim extremist strawman.
Those "16,900 other attacks since 9/11"? I did some research and oddly enough, I couldn't find any info other than this odd "Religion of Peace" website. The statistics offered there indicate that all of those attacks were carried outside of U.S. soil and those attacks were either sectarian in nature or aimed at national and foreign security forces working in those areas.
Rev Right, "In your logic, we should be equally worried about the threat from people who may kill government officials over grammatical mind control as we should about those who kill in the name of Islam. Does that sound as stupid to you as it does to me?"
Preach, Rev, Preach! nail his black ass to the barn!
I would say "cross" but Brother Field is sensitive to that word. But "barn" works.
"Jerod Loughner's motivation was to combat the government's use of grammar as mind control. He was alone in this worry."
actually, he wasn't. there are thousands of people who claim the govt. is controlling their minds thru electric shocks and other means, including surveillance.
they all came out of the woodwork last week. they also claim that, since their testimony that their "torture" has increased. one of the speakers actually cited loughner.
Mack Lyons said.."Isn't that what you guys do anyway?"
I don't.
"There's nothing new under the sun."
Not to you, apparently, still stuck in an intellectual rut, where truth matters less than waht side you are on.
"There's no proof to back up your assertions and proof to the contrary that largely invalidates your Muslim extremist strawman."
That's just idiotic dude. You have no excuse for being that dumb.
And the religion of peace keeps tabs on Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide, including the US.
The score is nearly 17,000 to 1, maria. You are really straining.
Mack Lying, "I couldn't find any info other than this odd "Religion of Peace" website."
As usual, you find some obscure questionable site to validate your illogical and irrational reasoning. But that makes sense. Illogic is hard to justify.D
maria, I am so glad that you are on this blog. we need a strong mind like yours to take on Rev Right. All of the other FNs are too weak.
"As usual, you find some obscure questionable site to validate your illogical and irrational reasoning. But that makes sense. Illogic is hard to justify.D"
In that case, I'm just doing what you guys do on a daily basis. Seems to work out well on your end.
"Not to you, apparently, still stuck in an intellectual rut, where truth matters less than waht side you are on."
I guess this means you've run out of "facts" to dazzle and awe us with.
i found the testimony quite sad. you should watch it. and yes, they all CAN be crazy.
PilotX said...
"The refusing to acknowledge the threat that Muslims pose,caused the Ft.Hood massacre."
So SPC, what caused the shooting in Arizona or are we just concerned when killings involve Muslim perps?
The liberalization of our mental health system in this country.
The fact there were no police/ security there.
Many reasons.....
I guess this means you've run out of "facts" to dazzle and awe us with.
You mean such as you when an honest question is asked you immediately switch into the "its all propaganda permanent victim, change the name it will hide reality mode?
Woe-wees me, the ever strong, proud, part of the underclass who demands standards are removed so they can play the game without the rules that apply for the rest of us and then angrily blame those who are propping them up.
Religion of Peace.com is a scam. As is the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
Ummm...when your 'sorces' for information are scam artists asking not-so-bright folk for money to combat the increasing Comnist/Librul/Mooslim Menace...you really do need to find better ways to make your points.
No, Gaffney doesn't count. Neither does Bolton. You have to pick folks who are sane and use Reality-based Data.
Odd how it is Goober wites who are doing the productionating and propping up and stuff. Welfare Queen never left their wite, pointed heads. Shirley Sherrod alone made over three times your wage...and she actually pays taxes.
Part of me would like to see the wite wingnuts get their Goober desires. Since the eveelbigcities subsidize the rurals and suburbans...where ever will the money come from? Oh, why site a plant in Heeyuckistan at $7/gallon gas when I can find city dwellers who will toil for the same wage?
Maria, strange how a mentally ill Muslim is indicative of Vast Mooslim Conspiracies to steal wite wimmens and kill lotsa wites...but a wite dude who uses wingnut vebiage is a 'lone gunman'...and we've had a few of those. The IRS hater, the loser who shot P-burgh cops, the Nickel Mines poo, the waste in Maine...
Sound like more projection...
SPC, what we have in the US is the st reagan method of mental health...if you can afford it...you get it. If not, you are Fwee Market and able to Rand on children until the police arrive.
Look up Ayn's Favoritest Dude.
Under Universal, many would be encouraged to seek help. Oh...no wonder wingnuts don't want this. The Voices would stop. The mania would cease. And the pretense of 'normal' would end.
Fallacies of Logic.
False Dilemma
Appeal to Ridicule
Argument from Repetition
Fallacy of Distribution
Fallacy of Presupposition
Single Cause
Anything look familiar?
"Preach, Rev, Preach! nail his black ass to the barn!
I would say "cross" but Brother Field is sensitive to that word. But "barn" works."
Honestly, I am not too fond of "barn", either. But I appreciate the gesture.
Not me, I've got a pic of a local barn used for eliminating the Black Menace. Seems the offender did the horrible crime of being a profitable small retail merchant. He also charged wite folks the same as AfAms. He sure learned a lesson! Taught real good by the Heeyucks and Goobers. Shame that no one wanted to sell stuff anymore.
Anonymous said...
Fallacies of Logic.
False Dilemma
Appeal to Ridicule
Argument from Repetition
Fallacy of Distribution
Fallacy of Presupposition
Single Cause
Anything look familiar?
Yeah, throw random words out with no thought cohesiveness at all, they all fit as does the nonsense when I see your name signed as the author....oh I get it now, you are a published author on FN blog....
STF you rambling nincompoop. Your obviously dealing with a walnut size brain in your chimpian like head.
I don't see Rep King's hearings as a "witch hunt".
Conducting hearings into radical, fundamentalist Islam is long overdue IMO.
The Muslims who have conducted terror, and continue to conduct terror across the globe are outliers of the faith -- much the same as other fundamentalist radicals of other belief systems, whether that be Christianity, "Earth Liberation Front", Communism/Collectivism, etc. It doesn't have to be "religious" fanaticism to be dangerous.
We have elected to organize ourselves as a pluralistic, open Republic. People of all faiths since the founding of the Republic were welcomed to practice their religion in peace and without the interference of the State. We have struggled with putting into practice the promise of individual liberty, but it doesn't mean we should just capitulate because of imperfections in striving towards that goal.
However, when the belief system runs right up against the core of human rights and individual liberty, then we have a problem.
The radicals who want to impose Sharia, oppress women and others not of their faith, etc. fall firmly into this camp. Part of their ploy is to use our systems of justice, openness, and tolerance against us.
Not gonna happen.
Rep. King’s red scare
washington post
By Dana Milbank, Friday, March 11, 3:15 PM
Peter King staged his investigation into the loyalty of Muslim Americans in an appropriate place: a hearing room once used by the House Un-American Activities Committee.
The New York Republican was eager to avoid the Red Scare taint, and he allowed the 84-year-old dean of the House, Democrat John Dingell of Michigan, to open the session with wisdom learned during his time as a chairman. “I kept a picture of Joe McCarthy hanging on the wall so that I would know what it was I did not want to look like,” Dingell said, cautioning the committee not to “blot the good name or the loyalty” of Arabs or Muslims.
But the ghost of Tail-Gunner Joe would not be denied. It found a host in the body of freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.), who asked Los Angeles Sheriff Leroy Baca, a witness, about his work with a large Muslim group called CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
“You are aware that this is a Hamas and . . . Muslim Brotherhood entity?” the lawmaker asked, pronouncing Muslim as “moo-slim.”
“No, I’m not aware of that,” the sheriff replied.
Cravaack informed Baca that CAIR was founded by two people identified by the FBI as “Hamas members.” “Basically you’re dealing with a terrorist organization,” he said.
“If the FBI has something to charge CAIR with, bring those charges forward,” Baca replied, coolly.
Cravaack was indignant. “Are you saying that the FBI was wrong in identifying that CAIR is part of Hamas, an entity of Hamas?”
This is the very definition of McCarthyism: false allegations of subversion. King didn’t even bother inviting the group to defend itself.
I’m no fan of CAIR, which was one of about 300 unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist finance case of 2007. But the FBI doesn’t call CAIR a terrorist group. Nor does it allege that CAIR was founded or financed by Hamas. In America, if somebody has committed a crime, even somebody unpopular, we bring charges. We don’t float Internet rumors at a congressional hearing.
Happily, King won’t become another Joe McCarthy. This time, the opposition has no fear. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), a Muslim, sobbed as he testified about a Muslim American who died as a first responder on Sept. 11, 2001; King looked away. It could not have been any more comfortable as King and his white Republican colleagues listened to Democrats — most of them black or Latino — speak up for another minority. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Tex.) theatrically waved a copy of the Constitution and proclaimed: “This breathing document is in pain!”
King and his courtiers were evidently sensitive to appearance, because many of them prefaced their accusations the way people sometimes say “some of my best friends are gay.”
“I have many Muslim friends,” said Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.).
“They are our neighbors and our friends,” agreed Rep. Scott Rigell (R-Va.).
Instead, King’s men found a safe alternative for their ire: American Muslim leadership. They were calling for regime change, urging Muslims to find friendlier leaders.
“Responsible Muslim American leaders must reject discredited groups such as CAIR,” King demanded, invoking the group’s “unindicted co-conspirator” status.
King’s aides displayed a poster with the words “Don’t talk to the FBI” for most of the hearing. “Thankfully, FBI Director [Robert] Mueller has ordered the FBI to cease all dealings and contact with CAIR, possibly and probably because of this type of placard and poster which was posted by San Francisco CAIR.”
King neglected to mention that the poster was from the 1980 Puerto Rico independence movement, or that CAIR called for the poster to be removed from its affiliate’s Web site after it was posted in January.
Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) delivered an extended condemnation of CAIR, warning that it “is hurting the American Muslim community.” One of the witnesses complained that CAIR was coercing Muslims to support imams and mosques. Another witness said CAIR had been “extremely insulting” to American soldiers.
Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said “we need to know exactly who our enemy is” before asking the witnesses for their views on CAIR. King joked that his hearing had been “attacked by everybody from CAIR to Kim Kardashian.”
As the barrage continued, the Los Angeles sheriff appealed for reason. “CAIR supported the development of the Muslim American Homeland Security Congress,” Baca said. “Furthermore, they support the Muslim outreach program that I’m doing. . . . I have not experienced anything that suggests that CAIR supports terrorism.”
What’s this? Evidence that contradicts the committee’s accusations? How un-American!
"You mean such as you when an honest question is asked you immediately switch into the "its all propaganda permanent victim, change the name it will hide reality mode?
Woe-wees me, the ever strong, proud, part of the underclass who demands standards are removed so they can play the game without the rules that apply for the rest of us and then angrily blame those who are propping them up."
Nah. Some whites want to play the game with a special set of rules that apply to them and only them. Oh, and those rules can be changed on a whim whenever whites feel their non-white counterparts have figured out what's in the special rulebook.
For all this talk about how blacks act like "permanent victims", some of you conservatives are giving them a run for their money. I've never seen a group of people whine so much in my entire life.
"Nah. Some whites want to play the game with a special set of rules that apply to them and only them. Oh, and those rules can be changed on a whim whenever whites feel their non-white counterparts have figured out what's in the special rulebook."
Oh, like having the cutting scores for employment lowered?
I can imagine the howls of outrage if a white, Conservative Attorney General talked about "my people".
So sick of it.
'Karen' well wite dude, any proof ELF is as dangerous as religio-crazees? Or do you just want to smear?
Odd how the hearings were only on Muslims. How about the poygamists who 'wed' chidren, the teefless wite supremacits, the conservative Catholic priests who molested kids...and the hierarchy that enabled the molestation, the US Zionists?
The spin piece you cited was an AP release. Shall I detail the numerous conservamoles in the AP? That AP has a conservative habit of 'forgetting' relevant material?
The main idea is that the city is seeking more minorities...as it has discriminated against them. Wonder how the AP 'writer' deciderated it was then a need to lower entrance scores...maybe the 'writer' just felt it had to be added.
Maria, they need show trials. Governor Weasel showed how little the current Rs care for the public and the plan to give all the money of the middle class to the rich.
Mack, it is 'projection'. Where they accuse others of doing what they are guilty of. Ted Haggard, Gringrich, Santorum, Toomey, Foley, Kochs, Scaife, KenStarr, Watt..I'll run out of space.
Fallacies of Logic can be found on Wikipedia..and .edu sources. As of now, they are the same. Pretty funny when all the wingnut 'arguments' are textbook fallacies.
Poore, poore 'Karen'...wites is so having it bad.
Umm..JFK spoke of his group. As did Johnson. And st reagan. And Bush. Clarence has his peers, the raincoat brigade.
Must be tough to have an AG who sides with adult humans who live in a Reality-based universe.
Field, "Honestly, I am not too fond of "barn", either. But I appreciate the gesture."
Just like a Negro, no matter how hard you try, he is never satisfied.
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