I am watching "March Madness" and it's Maaaad. Two of my teams I had going deep in the tourney already got knocked out. I am glad I don't gamble for a living. --Mrs. Field would have to live in her car.--
Anywhoo, it's St. Patrick's Day, and I have an interesting anecdote to pass on to you.
Today, as I always do on St. Patrick's Day, I wore a green tie to work. It wasn't exactly in sync with my sartorial senses but I went with it. (I will explain why later.)
So I am out at lunch and I recognize a female friend of mine who was out with one of her friends. I didn't know the other young lady so she introduced us. After we exchanged pleasantries girlfriend asked me me if I was Irish. I explained that I was not (duh!), but my wonderful assistant who the city was kind enough to assign to me almost ten years ago is Irish. And so, out of respect for her culture, I usually wear a green tie on this particular day. Girlfriend gave me a whatever look and I immediately started looking around for the "Drop Squad."
"Why, a black man can't wear green on St. Patrick's Day?" I asked half jokingly. "Not if he isn't Irish", she said. Girlfriend was as serious as any "Drop Squad" wannabe could be. Our mutual friend jumped in and tried to save the day with a comment or two, but it was too late, the APB was already out for me. We said our good byes, and after one last stare-down from Ms. "Drop Squad" I was ghost.
Now, here is the thing; in some ways I understand where girlfriend is coming from, and, if it wasn't for my relationship with my assistant, I probably wouldn't be recognizing St. Patrick's Day by wearing green. But life isn't always about a culture or a race at large, sometimes it's about individuals, and individual relationships. Girlfriend thought I was selling out by wearing green, and even after I explained why, she still wasn't buying it. Too bad for her. She clearly didn't understand my relationship with my assistant, and, to be honest, I didn't expect her to. No harm no foul. She will live with her perceptions and life goes on.
Still, I wonder if she celebrates Christmas, or the 4th of July. Or, for that matter, Valentine's Day? I am betting that she does. But yet she took the time to sweat a brotha in a green tie. *shaking head*
Help me out fam. was girlfriend being a bit too sensitive or should I drop the green next year?
1 – 200 of 281 Newer› Newest»Keep the tie, Field. It's a harmless fun thing to do. I'm Celtic (Irish and Welsh) and forgot to wear green today. No one pinched me but then they likely wouldn't dare. There is too much PC around. What's the harm? By the way, you might enjoy a dvd of Frederick Douglass' long stay in Ireland. He considered the Irish comrades, as oppressed colonized peoples. He write about them in some of his books. Unfortunately, the Irish in the US of A turned on the Black people in the Draft Riots and proved themselves not to be brothers and sisters at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Draft_Riots
Alas. If there is a reason to avoid the green, this is it.
She's an idiot. She's probably manless and bitter. One of these chicks that pay way to much attention to other people's lives instead of focusing on her own. I say keep on supporting you assistant and her heritage.
Half the people at work aren't white and wore green, a bunch of them went to Sherlock's after work, which was instigated by a guy from Indonesia. I bet half the white folks who wore green at work today weren't Irish. What exactly was your friend's objection?
Be an independent thinker, Field, and keep the tie. Personal relationships trumps "toeing the race line."
However, I understand where ol' girl is coming from. Why celebrate St. Patrick's Day when a lot of whites criticize any and everything that celebrates black culture such as Black History Month and Kwanzaa (I don't care for Kwanzaa or Christmas, myself. But that's another story)?
Drop the Drop Squad girl. St. Patrick's Day over here is bigger than it is in Ireland. It's an American holiday and you're an American so wear your green tie and have a beer. In fact, next year, wear one of those leprechaun hats. And get a sombrero for Cinqo de Mayo.
that wigga slob marley is green with envy
and a green googler
that is why he is blatantly lying about the ajc archives online that date back to 1985
hilarious nonsense
Don't worry about it, Mr. Field. My dear departed father, who was nowhere near being Irish, was born on this day. He departed the earthly plane in 1992; his white ancestry was German.
My dear departed mother, who's white ancestry was scots-irish, always prepared an Irish meal for him on his birthday. We all understood the "tossed salad" aspect of Black American ancestry, and for us, anyway, the particular "white" strain" didn't matter.
I miss both of my parents, strong in their Blackness, and Americaness both.
Do your thang, and may God Bless you.
Philjaz said...
"She's an idiot. She's probably manless and bitter."
That's because must black men are worthless or in jail.
Everybody is Irish on St. Patty's Day. Girlfriend should have a shot of Jameson's to kill the bug that's up her ass. :-)
Nacker, I said archive.org wasn't showing anything for before 1996. Thanks for the link. Was that so difficult?
The AJC only lets one search for articles and not read them. There's no way for anyone to see any context. Are there internet links proving the awards? That would be nice.
Anyway, I'd rather stop interacting with you. I don't respect anyone who supports Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. I don't respect people who call people kikes and other derogatory names. It sounds like you have anger management issues.
I don't think a Wigga like myself can use the N word, but I concur with the whitey above me that everyone is Irish on this day.
Field, your assistant is more important in your life than that sick angry bitch. I trust you won't be seeing her anytime soon, unless you are a masochist? Well, some brothers like women like that. Ask Kid...just kidding.:)
Why would you NOT join in celebrating St Patrick's Day, esp if your devoted assistant is Irish and Welsh? Actually, if you drink enough on that day, you will feel like you are part Irish, anyway.
I wish I had been there with you. I would have told that bitch, "Mr. Field gets to wear whatever the hell he wants; and he really doesn't give a F*@# what you think!!"
Inspiring, aren't I?
Finally, why have you been moderating and deleting my comments, dear brother? After reading hundreds of comments out of the sewer on the last thread, I can't imagine what could be so offensive with mine.
I thought you believed in free speech, even for a brother like me?
Girlfriend was over sensitive, it was probably a PMS day for her. Keep the tie.
Not sure if you are referring to me and my comment that all are Irish on St. Patrick's day, but I am a sister. :-)
Field, forgot to tell you that I think the bowtie is great.
Can't worry about what others think or you'll never be able to do anything. BTW The corned beef I made to eat during the games is the bomb.
"Not sure if you are referring to me and my comment that all are Irish on St. Patrick's day, but I am a sister. :-)"
Socrates is 'colorblind'. I wonder if he knows Rottenkid?
Field wear the green and drink the green beer next year!
Field, what nice gesture did your assistant show you for Black History month or Kwanzaa?
My one Grandfather was Danish with some Irish heritage. A cousin sent a group message this morning through face book asking if we should all wear something green (my poker face). And if she hadn't send it out, I would have never known what today was.
She's an idiot. She's probably manless and bitter."
Yup, never fails. I just knew somebody was going there.
Wow Sharon. My eyesight must be going. I went by the small picture. Clicking on your profile I now see. Please forgive me. In my own quirky way I was just trying to say that stereotypes and treating others any differently based on race is idiotic. I'm not saying there isn't racism and other stuff. I assumed from the Wisconsin part and made an ass out of not u but me. I'm glad I clicked on your photo. You are easy on the eyes. You've a perfect smile. Take care.
again slob marley:
u r a blatant liar
like that dreg vdlr/vulgar down low retard, u have no desire to research
only to lie and slur
i adore and revere bill cooper
he gave up lots of green as a bona fide cia agent to become a proud wm rebel
he was a proud revolutionary warrior and a faceless blackfaced witless wigga wimp like u dares to insult his eternal legacy????
he was never a scared poser like u
we are conspiracy SCHOLARS!!!
proven realities trump mere theories
and conspiracies are real u fool
bill was executed for the rebel truths he exposed that cowardly morons like u dismiss still...
u need no green cash to get a free public library card where free help is given to help you learn to research u foolish hater
the great eternal warrior bill cooper was irish
and he would have loved your green tie!
hypocritical slob marley:
how did u leave white males jeff rense and bill cooper and alex jones out of your we are the world rainbow bs above???
and if all colors are cool, then
why is your white face painted black herein u twisted racist lying poser????
I spent time in Ireland. I am confident they would have told your friend to stifle it. The Irish love outsiders. They see how everyone has a soul. America, on the other hand, is kind of rough. I don't drink much, but I'm grabbing myself a brewski. Why can't we all just get along?
they never say such bs about pissy bitchy "mehn" like slob marley!!!
I don't know anyone on this blog but kind of Field Negro, Francis Holland, and gutter mouth from the sewer thread. I haven't read this place enough to have an opinion on rotten kid or anyone else. I'm not looking for trouble. Oh yeah, that beer. It's a Pabst. Good stuff cheap.
slob marley:
nothing is rougher than a blackfaced wm court jester bashing white heroes like jeff/alex/bill etc
u repulse me mf!!!
and u disgrace and repulse rebel bob marley's white dad too u poser clown!!!!
I've had Bob Marley as an avatar for years. What's that phrase I'm trying to remember... Oh yeah, don't feed the trolls!
slob marley:
why the sudden restraint now fool???
u rushed to judge me and defend that stalker bitch vdlr earlier?
why get all cautious now mf????
i just saw your "blog" u joker
my post on haarp in japan is breaking viewer records u hater bastard!
When I said gutter mouth from the last thread, I didn't mean Alicia. I'm gonna try to ignore her.
Enjoy the Alicia Banks Show everybody!
slob marley:
i will never ignore liars and fools like u
and i did not ignore how u pasted no ajc link to expose your ajc lie
slob marley:
that is it truly right???
my real peter tosh is outshining your fake bob
just as my real lioness ALWAYS fatally claws vdlr's rabid hyena!!!
i demand equal rights and justice mf!!!!
and u will have no peace as long as u blatantly lie on me!!!!
slob marley/enema:
thanks for the gray cherry atop your eminem moments u poser
La♥audiobooks said...
Field, what nice gesture did your assistant show you for Black History month or Kwanzaa?
Black history month is not a holiday. You'd know that if you were not manless and bitter.
Neither is Kwanzaa. It's multi-day mishmash of Marxist nonsense invented in 1966 by man who is a race monger, a violent thug, a rapist, a torturer. Kwanzaa is a big pile of nothing, just like Barack Hussein O'bama.
And keep your hands off me lucky charms.
"Black history month is not a holiday. You'd know that if you were not manless and bitter."
Apparently you missed the point.
Green Tie and Guiness= O.K.
Listening to House of Pain= unforgivable.
Don’t even get me started on negros and leprechauns.
Hey Field someone should have told her that when you wear green on St. Patrick Day you get free beer. Let me quote a fellow Clevelander John Hinton:
"Klansman says he don't want to take the day off and celebrate Martin Luther King Day. How prejudice can you be that you don't want to take the day off. I'll take the Grand Dragon's birthday off and say happy birthday you son of a bitch."
Some bm said, "She's an idiot. She's probably manless and bitter."
LAA, "Yup, never fails. I just knew somebody was going there."
LOL. So did I. It was so predictable. And Field's post made it all possible. I wonder if the sister was more bothered by the the brother(Field) with a white woman on his arm, than the green tie? We'll never know because brother Field is telling the story and he hasn't been in church for a looong time.
Think About It: A brother in a Tucker Carlson green BOW tie with a White woman. It probably was too much of an outrageous sight for that sister to behold and she lost it.:)
Mr. Field, did you get the feeling that she was subtly calling you an "Uncle Tom"?
Btw, Are you a graduate of DUKE?:D
Kid, "Klansman says he don't want to take the day off and celebrate Martin Luther King Day. How prejudice can you be that you don't want to take the day off. I'll take the Grand Dragon's birthday off and say happy birthday you son of a bitch."
ROFL..Kid, you are a funny dude.
AB, I love your photo. You are a good-looking woman. No one can dispute that.
Field, anon@2:38am is messing with you.
That woman had issues. Why are some people so small minded?
My Caribbean parents have not a drop of Irish blood and yet my mom would make corn beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day.
The yeas have it! I am rocking the green again next year.
La~Audio, she does bring me bun and cheese on Easter, and she has even tried to make a Sorrel drink for me on Christmas.So what do you think of her, now?
a lot of people who aren't irish wear green. why shouldn't you? maybe it was the fact that it was a bow-tie set her off. some folks, you know, just don't get those....but she sounds like she's got more issues than this one.
my daughter wore green to school and isn't irish in any way. we celebrate passover with our friends. petty things shouldn't divide us.
as the day begins, field, could you please ask AB to behave today? i think this topic is begging for a response from you.
thank you
well socrates baited that kuntbreaf coohole and she stayed up last night to argue like the mentally ill child she really is and maria what do u expect field to do about kuntbreaf? he values free speech so much that he allows any and every body to say whatever they wish so long as it isn't about a serial killing black guy cannibal! like buceta breaf over here!
and why give that coohole so much attention maria? eye think ure addicted to the drama and so is socrates he seemed elevated but as time went on he started baiting that goat warden! see that nasty filthy buceta licking idgit DESERVES to be abused!
sophia what if you are black american and irish? do you love one side and hate the other or just say phukk it and eat the corned beef and some black eyed peas? muah muah muah!
Girlfriend doesn't have enough to do in her life. Take that energy and go do with it.
Wearing that tie has probably endeared you to your assistant. When she wants to cuss you out for asking you to work late, she won't because she knows you're good people.
Wear the Green. It's sort of Kente cloth...a way of connecting.
Thanks for the Kwanzaa link. Who would have thought privileged wite dudez could be so affronted by the idea of a Black Holiday? Were not some others created for mercantile interests?
A little conspiracy curiosity is good. It lets you understand bushmoles, christmoles and the antics of the bush appointees. Too much, and you become a patsy for the conspiracy sales. All those Goobers buying the gossip and 'tales' from the Mena-nites. Like the Heeyucks never quite got that most of the anti-Clinton fantasy was from very jealous Gomers. Or those that BillC stomped politically...and with such ease that he never noticed.
StPats should be a day we celebrate the Irish and their contributions. don't see how it would be limited...unless you are British;)
I am a "caucasian", as you know, what I have best heard discribed as "Southern Appalachian Mutt" (Celtic/Franco/German mixture...a 'mean cross' so I'm told).
As a musician who specialises in folk/Celtic music, I say, if it's good, own it! As an old Irish song invites, "Come To The Bower".
Probably the two best bagpipers in our area are "persons of color". There is a gentleman whose family is from Nigeria (he was born in Glasgow... been to mainland Europe, Nigeria, and Glasgow...which is why he came here)who is probably the best, and if some wag wants to make a comment about the Black Watch, well, he'll prove to you that he was in fact a piper with them, and is proud of it.
The other is a young man whose family is from India, but he is a great ulean pipe player, and is up and coming as a banjo picker.
Yesterday was my day to play at the library (harpist) and a gentleman who is from Ireland actually thanked me for doing the "real stuff", not the cliche'd music usually heard. He sang with me, wonderful voice. He is an electrician, had actually thought to make his living as a musician, but wants and needs...
But he sang a song called "You're Not Irish" which he said pretty much told the true tale of his musical career here. The chorus goes:"...You're not Irish, you can't be Irish, you don't know Danny Boy, nor Tooralooraloora, nor even Irish eyes, you've got a helluva nerve to say that you're from Ireland, so cut out all this nonsense and sing Mc Namara's Band"
So, wear your green tie, eat corned beed and cabbage and soda bread (well, if you want to annoy Mrs Field, maybe ;-D) and enjoy.
Me? I'll provide music for the programs honoring the troops of the 'Sable Arm', listen to Quincey Jones, Samuel Taylor-Collerage, William Grant Still...I'll read Octavia Butler, Phillys Wheatly, Chester Himes... when I visit my son's mother-in-law I'll have "jerk", johnny cake, salt fish, mangos, and know that "Daddy's Sauce" is in there.
I will walk with my grandsons and daughter-in-law proudly, and celebrate their heretige. And feel fortunate that I'm in a place and time where I can enjoy such satisfying fare.
Anonymous said...
and why give that coohole so much attention maria? eye think ure addicted to the drama and so is socrates he seemed elevated but as time went on he started baiting that goat warden! see that nasty filthy buceta licking idgit DESERVES to be abused!
Socrates/Mold/Anon - Stop it. We have had enough of your sybil show.
A Nigerian friend of my parents did his Masters in Dublin and announced unequivecaly that Irish people are the most racist nation on planet earth.
However when he moved to Moscow to complete is PhD at Patrice Lamumba University, he decided that no, it was actually Russians who win that title.
Girlfriend needs to get a life. When your life is so empty that you start getting upset about the colour of tie that some guy you don't know is wearing - it's time to take a long vacation.
A friend of mine, Dierdre, - grew up in Dublin. She told me that Saint Patrick's day was just a normal, unremarkable day of the week in Ireland until about 20 years ago. It was in the early '80's that the idea of partying and celebrating St. Paddy's day was imported from America. It was largely an initiative of the well known large brewery and the Irish Tourist Board.
It's Lumumba - not Lamumba.
Jeeze I'm stupid.
How quickly we forget our revolutionary heroes.
Like Philjaz said...
and furthermore...
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.
---Dr. Seuss
St. Patrick's Day always represented America's hypocrisy on race to me.
Every year on March 17th, people of all stripes celebrate the Irish by wearing green, marching in parades, partying, and waving Irish flags.
Irish-Americans themselves strut their stuff and regal in their history..
Erin Go Bragh.
But many of these same people recoil at African-American celebrations and parades (notice how black the celebrations are?), regard them as divisive, anti-white or un-American.
Why is it okay to for the Irish to strut their stuff in St. Patrick's day and the Italians on Columbus Day but black self-glorification is threatening?
UTS, nice question.
Not too many years ago the Irish thinking they were just as good was cause for debate.
O'Negro said: 'And keep your hands off me lucky charms."
No worries, rest assured.
And it must feel good to finally say that, online. Something tells me you've never had the need to say it in your personal life.
"La~Audio, she does bring me bun and cheese on Easter, and she has even tried to make a Sorrel drink for me on Christmas.So what do you think of her, now?"
She's just trying to stay in your good favor and secure her job. Just kidding, she sounds like a keeper :).
Yesterday, St Pat's Day, Obama held a brief press conference to give his position on the risk of nuclear fallout from Japan.
He was wearing a green tie.
the drop squad would never be concerned about something as trivial as a tie
that film began as a gifted young media senior's short film...and spike lee loved it so he made it a feature....
why diss the entire drop squad to put one hostile bimbo in check?
one of the best wigo shows i ever hosted featured callers calling in with their own lists of blacks who needed to be dropped
clarence t was the hobama of the month then...he was on all lists
the secret svc in atl called to harass me about threatening the life of a fed judge...because the fed suit who was taping "OUTLOOK" that day had no idea that the drop squad was just a classic film...
i think your trivial references will only add to such confusion about a film that is more relevant than ever in the age of kim k, dl eddie long, and hobama nazis...
The DROP squad is a fictional group of guerrilla deprogrammers, urban Black Panthers for the socially misguided. Eriq LaSalle, an ambitious advertising executive in a Madison Avenue firm who plays on offensive stereotypes to sell products to the black community, is their next target: they kidnap him off the streets and put him through a intensive, harrowing, and sometime violent regime of psychological battering to put him back in touch with his roots, Meanwhile, a struggle rages in the organization between its idealistic leader (Vondie Curtiss-Hall) and his aggressive right-hand man (Ving Rhames) over the direction the organization should take: the formerly nonviolent intervention has transformed into an elaborate, highly stylized form of psycho-drama only steps away from A Clockwork Orange. The cartoonish exaggeration of the flashbacks, blunt symbolism (from the icon-laden decor to names like Stokely, Garvey, and X for the DROP squad members), and preachy tone turn the film into a misguided circus that can't decide if it's social satire or political propaganda. Despite good performances throughout and a strong visual style, first-time director David Clark Johnson's feature fails to develop his provocative metaphors and promising concepts into a well thought-out drama. --Sean Axmaker
dropping the vdlr would be redundant
she is human trash/disposable
her turbo breeding mama clearly dropped her on her head long ago...it set off a vulgar cursing tourette syndrome she flaunts herein daily...
Steve said: "But many of these same people recoil at African-American celebrations and parades (notice how black the celebrations are?), regard them as divisive, anti-white or un-American.
Why is it okay to for the Irish to strut their stuff in St. Patrick's day and the Italians on Columbus Day but black self-glorification is threatening?"
Good perspective. I share these sentiments.
No slappz
A buddy of mine asked why there were no nationally recognized Jewish celebrations.
Another said that they were too busy making money off of everybody elses celebrations.
I did notice that Macy's had a sale on everything green this week.
LOL. Steve is on a roll this morning.
in keeping with your green theme
my GM was a wimp clone of armstrong williams
the fed caller made him turn green with fear...
he wanted me to change the topic as soon as they called
at risk of being fired
i refused to stop/censor MY show!
i came back from a break...& told my audience EVERYTHING
it enraged all and they made even MORE calls with ct at the TOP of their lists...
it enraged people who were content to listen before...
i kept my job and won more fans
we are all more powerful than we know
all we need is courage!...we need it now more than ever
the courage to call out hobama/wtfu etc
the vdlr is powerless
she is far too green with and disabled by envy
I told you we are more in sync than not.
Now if you can just stop hatin on bruthas.
BTW, my paternal great-grandfather, Reuben Fair, was Scotch-Irish hillbilly from Edgefield, SC who married a half-black half Irish woman named Marian Turner and a son and a daughter. The son was my grandfather Moses Fair, who was often mistaken for white when he moved to Phailadeplhia in th 1940s.
There was a whole lot of race mixing back then in Edgefield County.
Home of Strom Thurmond you know.
the drop squad will always have a special place in my memory and heart...
it does not deserve to be associated with an upgraded clone of the vdlr
'Now if you can just stop hatin on bruthas."
:) Likewise. And you stop hating on the sistas.
good morning!
have a regal weekend Queen!
Fair enough.
FP brought out the worst in me.
You as well AB! :)
Steve, no hating also includes no hating on FP. You can do it.. :)
She's not here. I'll leave her out.
i miss fp daily!
if you are lurking Queen FP
have a royal weekend too my poetic legendary sista fire!
i miss your fierce flames!!!
outtatownsteve wrote:
A buddy of mine asked why there were no nationally recognized Jewish celebrations.
Other than Israel Day, Jewish celebrations are tied to religious and cultural events that do not include you or your buddy.
Another said that they were too busy making money off of everybody elses celebrations.
Your envy of Jewish industriousness is clearly eating you up.
I did notice that Macy's had a sale on everything green this week.
I suppose your preceding statement is an attempt at some kind of insult, but because your wits are impaired, your comment makes no sense.
ditto laa
i respect the sentiments too...
i never march in any parades
i evade meaningless symbolism
the flames of revolution MUST be fanned with far more than the winds of marching feet!
i crave less marches and more
protests/shutdowns/shock activism/radical civic rebellions/electronic sabotage etc....
more huey and larry kramer...
and less mlk and mike moore
though i adore them all
outtatownsteve, you wrote:
But many of these same people recoil at African-American celebrations and parades (notice how black the celebrations are?), regard them as divisive, anti-white or un-American.
The black celebrations are un-American, as anyone who has ever attended a Louis Farrakhan event know.
Why is it okay to for the Irish to strut their stuff in St. Patrick's day and the Italians on Columbus Day but black self-glorification is threatening?
Because the white events do NOT include non-stop attacks on America.
The defining characteristic of black events is their focus on black grievances. Love those gatherings where Malik Shabazz is on the dais.
Or the Al Sharpton Up With Criminals get-togethers.
The Million Man March, the one-year anniversary gathering of the Million Man March in NY City, which I attended. Real love fests.
ab, just admit it. you clearly never leave your house/hospital room, let alone join marches. you are not fooling anyone.
and some of us italians disavow columbus day, and i also disavow any holiday/celeb that shows people's pride in something they didn't accomplish--like their heritage. i might be glad to be italian and enjoy what that means but i am a proud? no. i was born italian. it is not something i achieved. george carlin had a good bit on this.
have a beautiful weekend!
lying envious mareally sitting at hm waiting on a child support check now:
i am a genius
i type fast
i work 40-60 hrs per week in addition to ALL else i do
i am in my ofc now...
got hate wigga whore?
mareally awake worried about solo bills and brats:
if i was unemployed like u
i would NEVER be online this early m-f!
i sleep late on my days off!
No Slappz
You are a lying piece of garbage.
You know damn well you didn't go anywhere around a crowd of black people, particularly black men.
I attended the original Million Man March, October 16th, 1995 on the Capitol Mall and it is still one of the most inspiring and fulfilling memories of my life.
One Million Black Men, gathered together in peaceful assemblance of self-reflection and recommittment.
No crying about whitey, no demands for government help, no finger pointing.
One million men, one voice.
"I (SAY YOUR NAME) PLEDGE that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself. I, from this day forward, will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically and economically for the benefit of myself, my family and my people.
mareally miss anne has no job and no clue:
if u knew how i toiled all day while i simultaneously and effortlessly slay u and your house nig boys/mammy maids/wigga peer morons all day
u would be in awe of me!!!
mareally a brazen bimbo:
u have no papers on me as u do the vdlr
u will ring no wake up bells for me
u will never police my posts/set my schedules etc
where is your mammy maid/blog???
Obama looks worse and worse every day.
The UN granted permission to establish a no-fly zone over Libya.
Within hours of getting the message, Khadaffy declared a ceasefire.
In other words, once again, muslim leaders prove their cowardice in the face of opposition that can blow them off the face of the earth.
Muslim leaders only attack helpless, virtually unarmed civilians. Their brutal and depraved history is well known, but usually ignored.
Therefore, Obama could have issued the same ultimatum weeks ago -- and saved a lot of lives. But, like most people with Islamic sensibilities, he showed no concern for the slaughtering of muslims by other muslims. What a guy.
needs slaps:
hobama will ravage africa asap...
be patient.
your genocidal racist dreams will come true....10 fold.
The United States is poised to recolonize the African continent through the U.S. Africa Command, Africom, “an army that can subdue any attempts by Africa to show its own military prowess.” The purpose is to ensure “that governments in each country are run by people who toe” the U.S. line, and secure Africa's resources for itself. “Thousands of Africans who died in colonial prisons and in war fronts during the liberation struggles, will have shed their blood for nothing if Africa is recolonized
African revolutionaries now have to sleep with one eye open because the United States of America is not stopping at anything in its bid to establish Africom, a highly-equipped US army that will be permanently resident in Africa to oversee the country's imperialist interests. Towards the end of last year, the US government intensified its efforts to bring a permanent army to settle in Africa, dubbed the African Command (Africom)as a latest tool for the subtle recolonisation of Africa
africom = africon
'But, like most people with Islamic sensibilities, he showed no concern for the slaughtering of muslims by other muslims. What a guy."
Forgive me for having a Maria moment, but does this straw man statement make sense to the rest of you? Thanks.
btw, I'm not an Obamaholic, I was just wondering...
outtatownstevie, you wrote:
You are a lying piece of garbage.
The other day I mentioned my recent visit to the Hue-Man bookstore and you came out with the same accusation. I mentioned some flyers I picked up from racks just inside the store by the front door.
If you wanted to make a reasonable effort to prove I was lying you might call the store and ask about the flyers I mentioned.
One -- Sharon Epperson speaking about financial planning in late April.
Two -- a flyer about the reading of a play by Ed Bunnel about Ashanti Shakur, the cop killer now living in Cuba.
You know damn well you didn't go anywhere around a crowd of black people, particularly black men.
The one-year anniversary of the Million Man March was held in NY City on the streets near the United Nations. I was there listening to Farrakhan speak. He said AIDS was an illness created by Jewish scientists and spread among blacks with the blessing of the US Senate. That was one of many vile statements he made.
He's a despicable reptile. Hopefully his case of prostate cancer will finish him off soon.
I attended the original Million Man March, October 16th, 1995 on the Capitol Mall and it is still one of the most inspiring and fulfilling memories of my life.
Nothing came of the march. Nothing.
One Million Black Men, gathered together in peaceful assemblance of self-reflection and recommittment.
Nothing came of it. Nothing.
No crying about whitey, no demands for government help, no finger pointing.
If there was no finger-pointing, then there was no honest assessment of the source of black problems. But that lack of honesty is consistent with the outcome of the march, which was -- nothing.
i have explained this before. having "blog" is not a job. i have no interest in wasting my time. i work for money, in contrast to you. any idiot with internet access can blog.
i guess "office" is the code word the medical staff like to give the patients so they feel more at home. lol!
not one of your posts in any way has every indicated that you actually have a job, with a boss, have friends, leave your house and in anyway experience the real world of people.
saying online all day and reading right wing and mostly white bloggers like you do is not evidence of life.
sorry, it just ain't. i asked you for the name of your employer yesterday and you refused to provide it. you post under your own name (allegedly) so they clearly wouldn't care.
what exactly are you hiding?
la audio, you wrote:
Forgive me for having a Maria moment, but does this straw man statement make sense to the rest of you? Thanks
Strawman? Hardly. Look up Jihad. It is what their crazy god and their crazy prophet demand. One jihadi against another. That's acceptable. Iraq vs Iran. Sunni vs Shiite, muslim against muslim. Jihadis all.
UTS, Slappy confuses the Million Man March with the TeaBagger Kajillion, MuhMillion counting thingie.
Or one of the NotHomoEroticorPatriarchalatAll ProfitKeeper rallies.
I did note that Slappy used wingnut talking points to infer they had attended. All it proved to me is that some wite guy in their Mom's Basement do hate the Farrakhan. And Slappy will repeat what someone else wrote.
UTS, have to admit I was toiling in the workplace. Yet...every single person who went has the same tone to their discussions. Even the Gomers who thought they would see eveel. Then again, those who pretended to go...seem to share the same...ummm...themes.
mareally a scared racist lying black studs' slut:
spoken again like the true nazi that you are
i have a great life/wife/careers/friends/kin
i am blessed and busy!
and i still manage to be a scholar and work for a living
and read everything
while u sit on your lazy illiterate nasty canine cave ass and find no time to do anything more than woo bm rejects and lie!!!!!!!
get your life shrew!
then u will not have to lie/envy mine!!!
u r not the fbi u crazy bitch
i do not have to show u my papers
u r here all day just like i am fool!!!
i have never used a fake name as u do
not even on the air
i am not a coward like u hater
handle that like u do stray black erections dizzy bitch!!!!
No slappz
"If you wanted to make a reasonable effort to prove I was lying you might call the store and ask about the flyers I mentioned."
I don't need to call any store.
You're a racist coward who uses the internet to vent his hate, fear and resentment of blacks.
I've known a dozen people like you over the years.
You talk $hit from a safe vantage point but face to face with blacks unprotected by positon or institution you crap in your pants.
You didn't go nowhere near Harlem or any Million Man March.
No slappz
"Therefore, Obama could have issued the same ultimatum weeks ago -- and saved a lot of lives. But, like most people with Islamic sensibilities, he showed no concern for the slaughtering of muslims by other muslims. What a guy"
This coming from a guy who cheered as Bush invaded an Islamic nation which neither attacked us nor posed any threat to us and slaughtered about 100,000 of it's citizens.
What a clown.
Poor Slappy, here they go and want to be smart...but instead of doing that icky Liberal study thingie...they figured it would be much easier to repeat the stuff allegedly smart folks said on the TV.
Even my non-academic knowledge of the term 'jihad' beats the Gooberish Slappy wants to sell. What's wrong Slappy? Don't know who to hate now that the Russians refuse to be the set piece villains? Thinkerate that 'Merican ignorance is so great that we will beleeverate the silly fears you wish to impart? Risk? I drive a car. Seems to me that has far greater probability of fatality than the no-chance of a Muslim attack. But...then you would go back to being a nobody.
Gosh, just like high school. The fans in the stands think they do just as much. Except, they don't.
"do not have to show u my papers"
you mean your psych hospital work release papers? those would be great!
you're a fake and a fraud. i am done with you.
Mold, I was there at the MMM March and the few whites you saw were cameramen and newsmen.
There was a gaggle of Hasidic Jews at the midpoint of the Mall on the side of the gathering chanting "Screwie Louie" but the brothers were all told to ignore them which we did.
You had to admire their guts though.
mareally running in shame as always:
yeah right bitch
and u r so sane that u demand papers on people who post
eff u
nothing is faker than an old lying hating hag maytag wigga in heat
UTS, I beg to differ in that Obama is not a leader. He is more an administrator. While this is fine for many tasks...we do expect more from a President.
Still, bush picking a fight with a much weaker nation to bolster his nonexistent manhood is telling. The 'snuff films' from the prisons for zero intelligence...the vast uncounted Iraqi dead (over 1 million)...the outright theft of the national oil...and the lies that were sold to the US for excusing the bushWar are all why the US is 'exceptional'. Even better, we let the Perps go uncharged. That sets really bad precedent. It encourages Heeyucks and Goobers to do bad things. It gives credence to the idea of no justice...how many pot smokers were sent to jail during the same time?
hobama is a weak inept hoax
as the world implodes no less!
he has no skills other than as an expert vocal reader
how long will u worship a mirage???
Every day for almost the last two months our television screens, radio broadcasts and the pages of our newspapers have been filled with the pictures, sounds and words of the most tumultuous events any of us can remember in the Arab world. The outcome of these events, once the dust has settled, could literally change the world. Yet Obama seems content to sit this one out. He has barely engaged in the debate. Such ostrich-like behaviour is not untypical of the 49-year-old President who burst through America’s colour barrier to become the first African-American to occupy the White House.
Two days after taking office in January 2009, he pledged to close down the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, which has become notorious for holding detainees for years without trial. Obama promised to lose the prison within 12 months and to abolish the practice of military trials of terrorism suspects. It was an important promise. America’s reputation had been severely tarnished by revelations about the conditions at Guantanamo, by reports of waterboarding and extraordinary rendition (transporting prisoners to a third country for torture) and by the appalling treatment of detainees in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/235196/Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-#ixzz1Gxti5VEf
UTS, which flavour of Hasidim? Some are like Amish..just want to be left alone to live their brand of religion. Others, are so bravely brave..knowing the police will protect them.
hobama is increasingly and inexcusably inept
and arrogantly detached from reality!
see his suicidal swagger daily!...
The price of gas is going through the roof, Gaddafi is massacring the rebels, Saudi troops are in Bahrain, Iran is saber rattling over the Saudi`s meddling, Japan is facing a crisis of Biblical proportions...
What is the the response of the cool and detached Leader of the Free World? Obama, with his family in tow, left today to take in the sights in Rio de Janeiro. The First Family plans on climbing Corcovado mountain where the Christ the Redeemer statue stands.
Ostensibly it`s an official five-day trip to Latin America, but it leaves the impression that Obama is fleeing the intractable problems facing American and the world.
Who wouldn`t want to ogle the Brazilian hotties instead of dealing with the devastation in Japan or the upheaval in the Middle East and North Africa?
I think this group was from Brooklyn and they are generally rightwing, very racist and belligerent.
uptownsteve said...
One Million Black Men, gathered together in peaceful assemblance of self-reflection and recommittment.
The million man mtyh has been debunk many times.The numbers were less than 250,000.
No crying about whitey, no demands for government help, no finger pointing.
You must have missed the "leave dem white bitches alone" and OJ is innocent signs.
Anonymous said...
Still, bush picking a fight with a much weaker nation to bolster his nonexistent manhood is telling. The 'snuff films' from the prisons for zero intelligence...the vast uncounted Iraqi dead (over 1 million)...the outright theft of the national oil...
Please prove factual proof that over 1 million Iraqi's have been killed and oil has been stoled.
Oooooo never mind.You can't provide proof cause thats just more shit you made.
The only way libertards can defend Obama is to keep bringing up Bush..
There's is no defense for the most incompetent president we've had since Jimmy Carter.
Obama is the black Jimmy Carter.
No slappz sez....
"Nothing came of the march. Nothing."
You only say that because you're pathetic racist clown who knows nothing about the black community except your hatred and fear.
I know for a fact after the MMM that in many urban communities, particularly New York and DC, there were drops to 30 lows in street crime, teenage pregnancies and drug abuse.
Up until the recent recession, black businesses were being created at a faster rate than any other ethnic group.
More blacks went into community organizing and elective politics.
uts-"I did notice that Macy's had a sale on everything green this week."
no_slappz-"I suppose your preceding statement is an attempt at some kind of insult, but because your wits are impaired, your comment makes no sense."
LOL. this is a great blog, and it's free. Thanks Field.
u r right about the mmm
but needs slaps is a rabid racist who will never see any POSITIVE black realities
UTS, probably the Jewish version of chickenhawks. Bravely having others doing the fighting and dying while they heroically stand behind police and taunt peaceful marchers.
SPC, what you claim is debunking is outright lying by wingnuts who wet themselves over the idea of AfAms in such numbers. Most reputable (non-wingnut or agenda-seeking) counters said the March was well above one million.
As far as the Iraqi count...you'll have to do this search thing. I hear Google works pretty well. You just want to beleeverate...but I will tell you that the number is valid and it irks you. Oh, pretty much the entire globe uses the million plus count. Duh.
Keep mewling about how bad Carter was and it will remind us that st reagan was vastly worse. Unless you were Paris Hilton.
Obama is digging his own problems. If he does the Great Giveaway of Social Security, the Rs have a guaranteed lock on all three branches...unless the candidates are Goobers like Palin and Bachmann. Think about it...the US would prefer a nitwit who busses businessclones to the R choices.
mold said...Who would have thought privileged wite dudez could be so affronted by the idea of a Black Holiday?
MLK day: Fine and dandy, inspriational even.
Kwaanza: Absofuckinglutely ridiculous.
The Purple Cow said...
A Nigerian friend of my parents did his Masters in Dublin and announced unequivecaly that Irish people are the most racist nation on planet earth.
However when he moved to Moscow to complete is PhD at Patrice Lamumba University, he decided that no, it was actually Russians who win that title
Actually, the Chinese make them all look like pikers.
UTS, thanks for the post. I had wondered why so many Heeyucks were so gleeful over the bushRecession as they were low-skill, low-info. But with this...there would be fire-sales of Capital, the ability to place StoopidGoober Legislation (shock Doctrine) before people realized that the pants-wetters were elected, and the removal of AfAm businesses.
The latter was one of the 'secret' reasons for lynching and witch hunts. Seems it's easier to murder a person then steal their stuff...than it is to do the tasks yourself. AfAm has a store...makes the nickel..is accused and lynched...goshaheckarooties...whocouldaknowed that the Cheney kid was there to buy it?
"The million man mtyh has been debunk many times.The numbers were less than 250,000."
Debunked by WHOM?
Sean Hannity?
"There's is no defense for the most incompetent president we've had since Jimmy Carter"
Oh I see that FAUX TV and Rimjob have the brainless dittoheads trained to rant the big lie.
"Incompetent" "Muslim" "Socialist" "Kenyan"
While Obama cruises to a second term.
Look at the GOP lineup.
Whose gonna beat him?
"Kwaanza: Absofuckinglutely ridiculous"
Don't celebrate then.
Nobody is forcing you.
uptownsteve said.."But many of these same people recoil at African-American celebrations and parades (notice how black the celebrations are?), regard them as divisive, anti-white or un-American."
Not at all, just dangerous as hell. If you put a bunch of black people together and throw in a little alcohol, it's just a matter of time before the heads start getting cracked and the bullets start flying. White people who attend black parties get jumped. Simple as that.
But on that note, we really need a black holiday where we can all party harmoniously. Obviously, MLK King Day is a more appropriately sober celebration. It can't be some racial grievance day either, or no one else will show up. Any ideas? NFL Draft day? Wayne Brady's birthday?
Just a few black girls having fun:
"Not at all, just dangerous as hell. If you put a bunch of black people together and throw in a little alcohol, it's just a matter of time before the heads start getting cracked and the bullets start flying. White people who attend black parties get jumped. Simple as that."
Yeah Johnny. Been to alot of black parties, have you?
These heeyucks (I like that word Mold) are not to be believed.
BTW johnny, I know a lot of white girls at black parties who did the jumpin', if you know what I mean.
"BTW johnny, I know a lot of white girls at black parties who did the jumpin', if you know what I mean."
In your dreams.....
needs slaps:
all students of all races are wild heathens due to toxic/absent/drugged/jailed/fertile parents "moms/dads" like the vdlr
no race of kids has any monopoly on savagery
white news editors just covet black kids' wild videos as they ignore wildER whites
who do more
see this white boy brawl/slay the elder white female bus driver!!!!
outtatownstevie, you wrote:
You talk $hit from a safe vantage point but face to face with blacks unprotected by positon or institution you crap in your pants.
You didn't go nowhere near Harlem or any Million Man March.
Wow. I live in New York City. You ran for the hills.
Since you are in such deep denial about most racial matters, it wouldn't matter if I posted a photo of me in front of the Apollo or in the Hue-Man bookstore. I supposed you would say it wasn't me.
Anyway, I gave you a way to test my claims. You can be certain those flyers are not floating around other parts of the city. Nor would I be able to make two correct guesses about flyers in that store.
Here's another one. There was also a flyer about a fiction writing course and a poetry course that started last week.
The one-year anniversary of the Million Man March was held outside the UN. At that time my office was at 711 3rd Ave. The crowds filled the streets from 43rd to 46th and the avenues from 1st almost to 3rd.
There were very few whites in the crowd. Despite your denial, Farrakhan gave his standard stump speech blaming whites for everything, while giving special attention to Jews.
He also said abortion was a white plot to exterminate blacks and urged all black women to have as many babies as possible. He expressed the usual NOI demand of free land and financial support to create an NOI country within the US.
I wanna know why so many black folks are jehova's witnesses, but love to celebrate xmas. I don't get that.
Black parenting skills:
Severely beaten toddler clings to life in Brooklyn hospital
Last Updated: 11:46 AM, March 18, 2011
Posted: 10:56 AM, March 18, 2011
Comments: 1 More Print A toddler who was severely beaten is clinging to life in a Brooklyn hospital this morning, police sources said.
Cops responding to a 911 call found the 17-month-old toddler unconscious at 9:05 a.m. inside his Fountain Avenue home yesterday.
The toddler was rushed to Brookdale Hospital in critical condition.
He had visible bruises all over his body, police sources said.
Police are questioning his foster mother and father, police sources said.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/severely_beaten_toddler_clings_to_cWCw5gUUhA4OgBWpIUe4GP#ixzz1GyDnwOM8
needs slaps:
u r a blind racist fool
WHITE parenting skills
As for the tie FN, good for you man. There was no reason for her to give you the stinky eye over a tie. What if you wore it the day before or after St Patties Day. I too wore a green shirt for the same reason as you FN.
And before AB, LAA, NBC and DADT get in me because of the white chicks..You might want to holler at the 4 black woman in our office who also wore green, I suspect for the same reason as FN and myself.
On a side note:
GOP Bill Would Force IRS to Conduct Abortion Audits
Were you raped? Was it incest? And other questions the government's tax cops would have to ask women who've terminated pregnancies.
What happened to the government staying out of peoples business?
needs slaps:
like all inhumane ills
toxic horrid murderous parents come in all races
and as global pookies reign
it will only worsen in all races
ask the vdlr
i have no problem with your beckies
i am not a racist like black hobama nazis
i have a problem with you using them as the focal point of each post/every topic etc
carry on
:46 AM
Anonymous said...
UTS, probably the Jewish version of chickenhawks. Bravely having others doing the fighting and dying while they heroically stand behind police and taunt peaceful marchers.
SPC, what you claim is debunking is outright lying by wingnuts who wet themselves over the idea of AfAms in such numbers. Most reputable (non-wingnut or agenda-seeking) counters said the March was well above one million.
Who are these reputable counters?
Please provide with facts and links.
As far as the Iraqi count...you'll have to do this search thing. I hear Google works pretty well. You just want to beleeverate...but I will tell you that the number is valid and it irks you. Oh, pretty much the entire globe uses the million plus count. Duh.
Didn't think you had any facts.
Keep mewling about how bad Carter was and it will remind us that st reagan was vastly worse. Unless you were Paris Hilton.
Only Libtards think the way you do.
So I am out at lunch and I recognize a female friend of mine who was out with one of her friends. I didn't know the other young lady so she introduced us. After we exchanged pleasantries girlfriend asked me me if I was Irish. I explained that I was not (duh!), but my wonderful assistant who the city was kind enough to assign to me almost ten years ago is Irish. And so, out of respect for her culture, I usually wear a green tie on this particular day. Girlfriend gave me a whatever look and I immediately started looking around for the "Drop Squad."
Is her friend black?
i have a problem with you using them as the focal point of each post/every topic etc
Each focal point..I don't bring them up until I see you and LAA comment using RK mixed in with blackish, beckies, OOW, OJ, super euro-nig or whatever other description.. when my black ass isn't even in the conversation. So yeah until you stop, I won't.
Moving on.
Wow Sharon. My eyesight must be going. <<
Yes, there are black folk in Wisconsin. And thank you. :-)
"In your dreams....."
No, more like your nightmare Johhny Wad.
Barack H. Obama Elementary to close
"The Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park, N.J. will be shuttered this summer, largely due to low enrollment"
What is President Obama doing about anything? The most alarming answer – your guess is as good as mine – is also, frankly, the most accurate one. What the President is not doing is being clear, resolute and pro-active, which is surely a big part of his job description. This is what he has to say about the popular uprising in Libya: “Gaddafi must go.” At least, that was his position on March 3.
Since then, other countries – most notably Britain and France – have been calling for some kind of intervention. Even the Arab League, a notoriously conservative organisation, has declared support for sanctions. But from the White House has come only the blah-blah of bland statements filled with meaningless expressions
and vague phrases. Of decisive action and leadership – even of clearlydefined opinion – there is precious little sign.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/235196/Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-#ixzz1GyKv8jtX
Thank God for Britain and France.They show courage while Obama fills out his bracket and parties down with Kool and the Gang.
Even Jimmy Carter is sayin' that he looks good compared to the man child in the Whitehouse.
Just like the defict hit a record high in Feb.,the cost of living for Americans also hit a record high.
Thanks Obama.Only brainwashed Libtards hope Obaam gets re-elected.
"Obama" BTW, hows that hope and change workin' for ya??
No slappz
"Wow. I live in New York City. You ran for the hills."
I'm still trying to figure out your point here.
You live in a white neighborhood in Central Brooklyn.
I live in a majority black county in a majority black neighborhood.
Being the ignorant racist that you are, you can't accept the fact that most black folks don't live in the hood and in many cases live in very prosperous safe suburbs.
"Since you are in such deep denial about most racial matters,"
Puh-leeze fool.
You hang around a black blog everyday ranting your fear and inadequecy while presenting your racist fantasies as fact.
the middle class of all races is dead and dying globally by design
most blacks DO live in the hood...
you have to lie about black middle class utopias to love hobama
carry on
Each focal point..I don't bring them up until I see you and LAA comment using RK mixed in with blackish, beckies, OOW, OJ, super euro-nig or whatever other description.. when my black ass isn't even in the conversation. So yeah until you stop, I won't.
Moving on. RK
that is what u get for arguing with a mentally ill coohole! that nasty buceta lickin moron is doomed! maria knows this...
uptownsteve: "I live in a majority black county in a majority black neighborhood."
Poor bastard. You must have bars on your windows and razor wire around your yard.
maria said...
a lot of people who aren't irish wear green. why shouldn't you? maybe it was the fact that it was a bow-tie set her off. some folks, you know, just don't get those....but she sounds like she's got more issues than this one.
my daughter wore green to school and isn't irish in any way. we celebrate passover with our friends. petty things shouldn't divide us.
as the day begins, field, could you please ask AB to behave today? i think this topic is begging for a response from you.
thank you
6:57 AM
as the day begins, field, could you please ask AB to behave today? maria
why ask field to tame a wild rabid beast the only thing to do is let it run rampant until it tires itself out or dies from exhaustion!
there really are more ghettos and trailer pks than gated enclaves
and more renters than owners in all races
more section 8 apts than condo complxes etc
u need to get out MUCH more often... beyond your blessed elite black circles/cocoons
and an entire generation of blacks have been foreclosed into poverty!!!
The more than half of Black Americans that pay rent are the butt end of government housing policy. The U.S. makes a religion out of home ownership, but “only 4.5 million renters in this country receive some level of government subsidy. Public housing, always treated as a pariah, could wind up on the auction block under President Obama’s PETRA plan. “By forcing local authorities to take out private loans and mortgages against the value of [public housing] properties, they run the risk of those properties being lost to the banks in the case of default
Most of the news coverage of the housing crisis has focused on the plight of homeowners: declining home sales, the continuing and unabated rise of foreclosures on single-family homes, and the growing number of mortgages that are "under water"—that is, the loans are for more than the actual value of the homes, with the decline in home values.
But there's a hidden housing crisis that gets little or no attention—the increasingly difficult struggle of millions of people to find affordable rental units, and to pay the rent once they do find someplace to live. Their numbers are only growing as the wave of foreclosures continues
Black middle-class neighborhoods are hollowed out, with prices plummeting and homes standing vacant in places like Orange Mound, Whitehaven and Cordova. As job losses mount — black unemployment here, mirroring national trends, has risen to 16.9 percent from 9 percent two years ago; it stands at 5.3 percent for whites — many blacks speak of draining savings and retirement accounts in an effort to hold onto their homes. The overall local foreclosure rate is roughly twice the national average.
The repercussions will be long-lasting, in Memphis and nationwide. The most acute economic divide in America remains the steadily widening gap between the wealth of black and white families, according to a recent study by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University. For every dollar of wealth owned by a white family, a black or Latino family owns just 16 cents, according to a recent Federal Reserve study.
ask maria to stop posing as the fbi/blog cop etc
ask the vdlr to suck a bar of soap and grow a brain and read your post etc....
cookie hoarders are usually very disturbed persons that steal cookies from children and the elderly then let them mold the point is not that they like cookies but rather that they want to exert power and control over cookie holders what a sick sick sick individual buceta breaf banks that is...
golly ude thinkerate that someone wit a 250 iq could synthesize the thoughts of others succinctly without having to cut and paste but liars always disappoint...buceta breaf banks that is...
and funny that above ab is now TELLLING field negro what to do that nasty buceta licking sow bully has a lot of nerve she was the neglected piss smelling kid that stole other kids coookies on the playground at school and now she sexually abuses other women at her care facility so has to be left alone what a nasty mean cookie hoarder!
cookie hoarders are usually very disturbed persons that steal cookies from children and the elderly then let them mold the point is not that they like cookies but rather that they want to exert power and control over cookie holders what a sick sick sick individual buceta breaf banks that is...\
cookie cookie cookie me like cookie!
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
Wheezy O'Toole
"Poor bastard. You must have bars on your windows and razor wire around your yard."
No what I do have is yellow toothed goobers like you knocking on my door on the weekends asking if I need any handiwork done. After calling me "Sir".
uptownsteve said...
No what I do have is yellow toothed goobers like you knocking on my door on the weekends asking if I need any handiwork done. After calling me "Sir".
You must have a three inch dick to go along with your 85 IQ.
Barack Obama promised the Muslim World A New Beginning in June 2009 speech in Cairo"
“I know — I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to the war in Iraq. So let me be clear: No system of government can or should be imposed by one nation by any other.”
Today the Obama Administration voted to bomb Libya. At least he is consistent.
Today the Obama Administration voted to bomb Libya. At least he is consistent.
2:31 PM
he is a gottdam war monger and hypocrite!and dont try to rationalize bombing innocent women and children and breaking up families by war because we all know that is what happens with this type of shyt
UTS, the term Heeyuck came from a Troo Beleever who felt that rural was the same as benighted...so they did their level best to refuse the Enlightenment. Funny thing, their kids were not so keen. Child labour and all.
SPC, try reading some valid sources. Dateless witeDude Blogs are fun...mostly because they vastly overestimate their appeal to women not so desperately poor as to marry to eat. When your 'glamour shot' shows a distinct lack of grooming and dental hygiene...you tend towards the DND (Do Not Date) end of the spectrum. Yeah, Depp does this...but he has skillz.
bush is my pick for worst ever...and will likely be chosen so by History.
Carter wasn't that bad...but some folks need to keep saying that. The attention then goes away from the massive fraud and corruption of the st reagan choices, the inability to compete without cheating, and the oft-stated goal of st reagan to destroy the American Middle Class.
You have to start with Fact. You may disagree with my conclusions...but you will at least have a clew.
@uptownsteve: I'm the one who stole the lawnmower and the ratchet set out of your garage. I left the gay porn collection under your workbench alone. Nasty.
Obama addressed the nation on Libya.
He said it's okay with him if Khadafy stays in power as long as he stops slaughtering people with weapons mounted on airplanes.
Obama said the US is going to do NOTHING to help the Libyans getting slaughtered as long as Khadafy slaughters them in a way that is permissible according to UN sanctions.
To underscore his point, and to let his buddy Muammar know he has little to fear, he promised he would NOT send US troops into Libya under any circumstances.
So there you go. Obama proves his contempt for people struggling for freedom against one of the most outrageous and brutal thugs of the last century. Sick
Obama Administration: New Orleans PD not shooting enough whites . From WWLTV:
“The [Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's] report found from 2009 to 2010 all 27 incidents of NOPD deadly force were against African Americans, and in 2009 the department arrested 500 black and 8 white males under age of 17, which diverges "severely" from national data.”
Disparate impact, I tell you!
In 2000 (the most recent data I can find), the NOPD was 51% black. I can't find anything in the Obama Administration's report on the racial identity of these NOPD police officers they are criticizing. That seems like a bit of an omission for a Civil Rights Division report, no? How often does that division forget to mention the racial makeup of an organization they are criticizing?
What former Mayor Ray Nagin called "Chocolate City" had its first African American mayor in 1978 and its first black police chief about a quarter of a century ago. A residency requirement for cops worked to discourage working class whites from joining the NOPD.The NOPD, which had always been shady, became notoriously gangsta in the late 20th Century.
This part of the Civil Rights Divisions' report on the New Orleans' Police Department report makes interesting reading in light of the Civil Right Division's requirement that the Dayton Police Department hire more marginal applicants. NOPD hired hundreds of officers during a relatively short time period following Katrina. In its press to hire these officers, NOPD reportedly lowered its recruiting standards, essentially removing the physical agility requirement and asking the Civil Service Commission to score the written portion of the application less vigorously.
"... At the time of our review, the attrition rate for the latest recruit class was nearly sixty percent. Of the sixty-six recruits that successfully completed the recruitment and background investigation, thirty-nine were eliminated from the training class.... we heard the consistent complaint that the Training Academy routinely graduated police recruits who were sub-par and not fit for duty."
Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is working to New Orleansize the Dayton Police Department.
Prediction: Nobody in the Obama DOJ will ever notice the contradiction between their complaints about New Orleans police applicants being scored less vigorously on the written test and their simultaneous demands that Dayton police applicants be scored less vigorously.
That would be HateLogic!
i read all of your posts verbatim...
in keeping with today's theme:
tell the vdlr to suck a big GREEN bar of "IRISH Spring" soap to clean her incessantly filthy pus GREEN explicitly vulgar XXX "vocab"....
outtatownsteve, you wrote:
You live in a white neighborhood in Central Brooklyn.
Mostly white. But definitely mixed. About a block and half away are a couple of houses in which blacks live.
You'll never guess what happened there early this morning. You won't believe this, but there was a shooting. A shooting. Can you imagine a shooting in a black household?
The NYPD crime scene investigators were there when I went by.
The victim is expected to die.
It just never stops.
bald headed lying hallucinating
who are u quoting???
i never posted any of that bs
quote me or stfu
muah muah muah muah muah nasty sow bully! thinkeratin that her hateratin is appropriate in the leastmy name is alicia banks i was a radio personality in my own mind while i was really in the crazy house i sexually assault other women that im attracted to cuz no man ever gave me the time of day cuz im ugly and smell like rotton cookie dough i like to make fun of white girls that i wish i could be i like to talk mess about black girls who are prettier then me cuz i am a jealous ugly bitte incompetent lying sackashyt!
POINTLESS lying lockless lickless vdlr:
u lie like that corp ho hobama!!!!
YOU are the only one here who i accurately refer to as a turbo breeder
and to whom i will always refer to
i have never posted anything about the mccains...
other than to praise mccain for his superb defeat speech
alex jones is a rebel media idol
not a hair idol
i grew my locks so that i would not be bald like you and i could look like mumia etc
see much more on my hair u hairless hater!:
mammy maid vdlr:
i know miss anne is the epitome of female beauty to fugly euro fools like u...
but i have never seen anything more beautiful than my wife/janet jackson/pam grier etc
to each their own
ditto for u and rk
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
dl oj vdlr:
i am not shocked at all that u think cindy mccain is sexy...
but beware
yo missy maria may be jealous!
dl butch:
my wife and i are both super femme lipstick lesbians
mumia is gorgeous in any gender!!!
Gee Slappy, where was your fauxtrage for the Franco killings...the contra murder squads...the disappeared?
Bleating that Obama deals with TheMostEveelPerson(tm) only makes it funnier when we see bush smooching a Saudi and you are so very, very quiet.
There are worse people. Ted Rall does some nice pieces on Central Eurasia...if you are looking for villains. Can't have a melodrama without villains.
So now the Obama Regime says they be not enough black people in the military.
He wants the military to LOWER its standards and cut out swimming pools so more blacks will apply.
vicious vdlr:
i only degrade YOU and your turbo breeding clones
and just as u all have no remorse for breeding our race into hell
i am not sorry!!!
get used to that like you do routine VDs
SPC, although bush is gone...the desire to repeat the buffoonery remains. I would like to end that bit O' Stoopid. Appointing Goobers to office where they can affect others is not a wise idea.
As far as Obama...Gitmo, bushWar continuation, Social Security, the gutlessness over WI, and Manning. Any one should be cause for pause...but then one sees who the Rs are wanting. THEN...Obama looks great!
Try picking a more left Tom Ridge...and you'll see a mandate.
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
200 nucka 200
inhumane inattentive vdlr:
u lie like hobama!!!!
got glasses?
not shot ones for henny?
i praise and revere many black men herein daily
KING FN included....u lewd liar!!!!!
ie i adore:
grant hill
chris rock
john conyers
jesse j jr
herman cain
and many many more
u lie like hobama ho!!!!
bully! thinkeratin that her hateratin is appropriate in the least alex jones told me to bully people and make up lies about myself on the internet
obama is a prostitute
john mccain is a good man
cindy mccain is sexy
i have luxurious lox cuz alex jones told me to grow my hair and wear a dunce cap
blah blah blah blither blither cut cut paste paste snippet snippet kuntbreaf blither bytch aint never said anything
now kuntbreaf is talking about growing out her mangy dog breaf locks? who gives a flying phukk? the epitome of incompetence is when one fails to see their own shortcomings buceta breaf is a case in point
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
unglued uneducated unfocused unstable vdlr:
got valium in the weed stash???
untruthful unlicked vdlr:
read a mf book
and get some help asap
any woman who disagrees with me must be a prostitute that has baby daddies or screws black guys indiscriminantly alex jones told me that all black guys are stupid and inferior alex jones told me that charlie sheen was the voice of god worldnet daily told me that obama was the son of satan u best believe dont ya know...other women wear weeves and drink liquor if they are smarter then me cuz my deluded other selfs told me so...buceta breaf banks that is...
untruthful unlicked vdlr:
read a mf book
and get some help asap kuntbreaf
u telling sombody to get help is like the underbelly of a cast iron skillet calling a teapot black nucka! get da phuk outta here wit that nonsese thats just ur way of saying u cant handle this anon ur way of saying that u r tired and dont know what else to say Miss Educator...buceta breaf banks that is...
nasty sow bully trying to tell field negro what to do ya disgusting nasty foul lying heifer oh wait cows are good ya lying sack of dog dung how bout that kuntlick! my name is alicia banks i claim to be a scholar but nobody can independently verfiy anything i say my stuff isn't on archive.org because i never wrote shit i had no idea that other smart people would research this mental fiction ive created cuz i dont know how to think deeply or ahead i claim to be the smartest person on the planet but cant think critically to save my life nor can i furnish proof of said statement i am a fraud
got valium in the weed stash???buceta licker
golly ude think that someone who has never smoked and drank would not know so much about drug combinations so liar how long u been mixing drugs?
fertile educational uneducated vdlr:
ANY teacher knows what you weed head parents do
your babies tell us ALL
u ain't know?
illiterate vdlr:
EVERY VULGAR RANT u post proves u need to read a mf book
4 real tho.
uneducated unskilled/unfamiliar wirh any degree/campus/theses/essay/univ records/transcripts etc:
YOU are degrading every man and woman herein NOW!
by pretending they are as inept at researching me as u and slob marley are...
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