Monday, September 26, 2011

Propaganda alert.

Always beware of wingnut propaganda:

 "This should be required reading for every man, woman and child in the UK , United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, etc.                    

"I'm 76 and I'm Tired"
– by Bill Cosby

I'm 76. Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard
since I was 17. Except for some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.                 
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.                   

                      I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honour"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to. 
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and mandrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance.
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.

I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.                   

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.    

I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's bedeck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government. 
Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 76. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and her children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. 


There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
This is your chance to make a difference. I'm 76 and I'm tired."

The stuff you just read was in an e-mail that has been making the rounds in certain circles. I, like some other folks, immediately became suspicious after reading it.

Shout out to someone named Emma ***** (Won't publish her last name) who did the research and exposed this fraud:

As I suspected, the Cos did not write that wingnut drivel. But nice try.
Finally, poor O, you Negroes have been really giving him the business. I guess that's why he went to the CBC shinding in D.C. and told you Negroes to shut up and stop complaining. Well, as is to be expected, some of you Negroes had some choice words of your own:
“I’m not sure who the president was addressing. I found that language a bit curious,” Waters said today. “The president spoke to the Hispanic Caucus… he certainly didn’t tell them to stop complaining and he never would say that to the gay and lesbian community who really pushed him on don’t ask don’t tell or even in a speech to APEC, he would never say to the Jewish community stop complaining about Israel.” [Source]
Ouch! I think the Negroes are getting restless. They haven't been feeling the White House love, lately.  
O, here is a thought; maybe it's time you allow Michelle to make the rounds on the Negro PR circuit. They still have love for her. You, on the other hand, not  so much.


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Hal Burton said...

uptownsteve said...
Goober Burton

"Obama has virtually shut down exploratory drilling. This will result in large decreases in domestic oil production over the next few years."

How so? If domestic oil production is up amongst the present leases?

My God, are you fucking dumb.

It takes several years to develop oil production areas.

Any production now is in areas that were leased at least several years ago, BEFORE Obama was president.

The effects of Obama's killing lease grants won't show up until several years in the future.

Get it?

uptownsteve said...


Where the fuck were the WMDs??????

Don't dance or evade.

Just tell me where they were.

alicia banks said...

hey lack:

kiss my anger!!!

someday when u wake up
u will share that anger...

and your belated anger will be!!!


your break up with your beloved hobama will be fugly!

ditto for all his bromanced/dl minions

Anyone who can live in this cruel, elitist, sexist, racist world and not be angry is insane/in denial. It is righteous to be angry in an evil world. Anger MUST be expressed. If I ever stop penning my anger, I may begin to express it in other ways. I may use fatal sex, bombs, crack, cocaine, alcohol, guns, or knives instead of my pen…

From Straight, No Chaser: “I write because I am angry. Angry at either being ignored or defined and spoken for by others… When we look in the mirror, it's hard to put on a happy face, since no matter what we do we remain who we are, black women in America, invisible at worst, unattractive at best. When was the last time you saw a black male public figure with a brown or dark-skinned wife whose hair wasn't conked or woven?

I used to try and escape my rage in notions of love, sex, orgasm, but even that does not work very often anymore. My rage's appetite has grown over the years, become more specific. Now it can only be satisfied by action, and not the pelvic kind…Recognize, understand, and put your rage to use…My rage is often so tangible I can have a conversation with it…There is no way to stay alive, a black woman in this culture and not feed my rage. Fed regularly, my rage grows stronger, wiser, more cunning…My rage is always present, never late, short or full of maybes...My rage, like Papa, don't take no mess. My rage says nothing to me but yes! yes! yes! And why not? What a host she has found in me, in this nation, in this moment...What better feeding ground for my rage than right here, with me, a black woman existing in a culture that despises women, and black people most of all. I am a two-fer in American hell. I have no intention of burning silently.”

uptownsteve said...

Goober Burton

"Any production now is in areas that were leased at least several years ago, BEFORE Obama was president."

But you still haven't explained how the oil production in these areas will DECREASE as you claimed.

Don't freak out, just answer the question.

tee hee

Hal Burton said...

"But you still haven't explained how the oil production in these areas will DECREASE as you claimed."

Um, because the oil runs out after a while.

Then you have to find some more.

Got it?

uptownsteve said...

BTW Slappy

I'm still waiting for you to name one tax rate that has increased over the last two and half years.

You goobers have no idea how much I enjoy exposing you.

BDC said...

uptownsteve said...

Where the fuck were the WMDs??????

Hidden, then moved to Syria in the months leading up to the Iraq War. Bush spent 9 months working for UN approval, giving Saddam plenty of time to shuffle his WMD out of the country.

alicia banks said...


wtf has the repub hoax hobama done to convince fools like u that he is a liberal??????


Cc that bs to troy davis/sean bell/oscar grant/any libyan!!!

In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.

Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.

alicia banks said...

hobam is no liberal

he is a bankster
and a warmonger
and a racist
and a dl dog
and a cia agent
and a kenyan etc

but he is certainly no liberal!!!!

"President Obama began his presidency with a bang, signing executive orders that placed the power of the presidency behind the restoration of the rule of law and gave meaning to the president's stated view that America must lead with its values," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "Unfortunately, since that time, the administration has displayed a decidedly mixed record resulting, on a range of issues, in the very real danger that the Obama administration will institutionalize some of the most troublesome policies of the previous administration – in essence, creating a troubling 'new normal.' We strongly urge the president to shift course and renew his commitment to the fundamental values that are the very foundation of our nation's strength and security."

According to the ACLU's report, the first 18 months of Obama's presidency have been marked by a pattern wherein significant achievements for civil liberties have often been followed by setbacks. For instance, the positive step of releasing Justice Department memoranda that purported to authorize the Bush administration's torture regime was followed by the troubling decision to fight the release of photos depicting the abuse of prisoners in CIA custody. The administration's commitment to dismantle Guantánamo has been undermined by its assertion of the authority to detain people indefinitely without charge or trial. And prohibitions against torture have been weakened by the failure to hold top Bush administration officials accountable for their role in the torture program.

uptownsteve said...


"Um, because the oil runs out after a while."

What's "a while"?

Seems that we've been pumping in the Gulf forever.

uptownsteve said...

Hidden, then moved to Syria in the months leading up to the Iraq War.


Total rightwing fairytales.

No basis in reality.

Here's one for the cheap seats idiot.


alicia banks said...


no prez has ever abused more people like that brutall hoax hobama

there is NOTHING liberal about the rabid elitism of that bankster hobama!!!

what is so liberal about bilking the poor globally for global banksters???????

Princeton University professor Cornel West campaigned for President Obama in 2008, but more recently called him a “black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs.”

West and Tavis Smiley, host of a PBS talk show, are on a 16-city tour poverty bus tour highlighting economic disparity and especially the nation’s black poor. They arrived in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday for a midday event at the Marriott Wardman Park.

Obama’s policies are not being spared.

“It’s not just about the president,” Smiley told the AP. “Having said this, it would be nice to hear the president say the word ‘poor.’ To say the word ‘poverty.’ We get conversations about the middle class. Well, the new poor are the former middle class. But we can’t get this president or any leaders to say the words ‘poor’ or ‘poverty,’ much less do anything about it.”

Smiley and West, who host a radio show together, have emerged as prominent critics of the Obama administration, and their tour has touched off an intense debate, especially among black media. Rev. Al Sharpton is not a fan of their efforts; others are more supportive.

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...

busy day!!!...

no prez has ever abused more people than that brutal hoax hobama


alicia banks said...


u post droves of bs and lies


always evade the simple fact that hobama has cloned and BESTED gwb in every worst way




take as long as u need

Hal Burton said...

uptownsteve said...Seems that we've been pumping in the Gulf forever.

Not the same wells.

BDC said...

halfwitsteve said...

A bridge too far.

uptownsteve said...

Hey, what does "BDC" stand for?

Let me guess.

Big Dumb Cracka


alicia banks said...

More proof that msnbc = hobama tv

During his speech, Obama attempted to fool the black audience into thinking he was one of them and not a paid teleprompter reader for Wall Street by dropping the g’s at the end of his words.
“Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,” Obama lectured the audience. “Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”
However, after the Associated Press accurately transcribed Obama’s dropped g’s, MSNBC aired a debate segment asking whether the decision not to “clean up” Obama’s words was “racist”.
“On MSNBC, the African-American author Karen Hunter complained the news service transcribed Obama’s speech without cleaning it up as other outlets did–specifically including the “dropped g’s,” reports Yahoo News.
“Hunter called the AP’s version “inherently racist,” sparring with New Republic contributing editor and noted linguistics expert John McWhorter, who argued the g-less version “is actually the correct one,” noting that the president’s victory in the 2008 election was due, in part, to how effortlessly “he can switch into that [black] dialect.”
It goes without saying that Hunter’s claim is completely ridiculous. Obama’s dropping of his g’s was blatantly deliberate. If the AP had “cleaned up” his speech it would have been completely misleading and inaccurate.

alicia banks said...

see that racist deluded fool hobama clown BET

funny how this blackish fool only gets angry at black

uptownsteve said...

funny how this blackish fool only gets angry at black events...

Even funnier is how you only get angry at black men.

Did you say you were actually voting for Ron Paul?

Ron "Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." Paul?????

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Essence73T said...

Slap the Nut(El Colt 45) said," must have missed all those "Illegal" Eastern Europeans running around. What fence are they climbing over?? Please expound.

As far as jobs.....if ALL the illegals were deported from this country, there would be plenty of jobs for Americans. You might have to pick a little produce, but, hey, that never killed anyone, right?"

No need for the Eastern Europeans to jump the fence....they jumped "the pond"...welcomed with open arms as the Cubans in Florida(can't say that for the Haitians).

alicia banks said...

muddy ruddy beta male bitch coon clown uts:

have u ever even met a black man hobama bitch???

u lie like hobama!!!

Have u no shame Leroy????

tavis and cornel are bm i adore...

hobama is not a bm and hating him has nothing to do with any bm
hobama is half black
just as u r half brained

i hate hobama because he is a more racist and brutal clone of that wm gwb
the same clone of hobma u once hated u lying blind nig…remember???
gwb is not a black man.
though he was blacker than his blackish cuz hobama

tavis and cornel are bm i adore...
and i revere and love many more bm whom pathetic perps like u disgrace!!!!

they are all over my blog u lying moron
and they love their hair/skin/mamas etc


see many black men i love here u liar!!!!

alicia banks said...

Evil lying Coon nig uts:

U lie like your wet dream hobama u dl demon!!!

These are all penned for black men u mud colored moron!!!


I have penned MANY more tributes to black male kings I adore…
you amoral LYING conked LYEINGcourt jester!!!

alicia banks said...

hey lack:

we just want hobama to be as black as he is iowan...see?

alicia banks said...

uts and lack:

u r 2 bottom bitches in hobama's stable of black fools


After remaining silent during the execution of Troy Davis, the president can hardly justify his decision to speak out on behalf of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates when he was arrested on his front porch. He also has a difficult time justifying military action in Libya, citing the fact that innocent civilians are being killed by incompetent leadership. The truth is that many of the things that we’ve said about Libya’s slaughter of innocent civilians can now be said about the White House. Fortunately, there’s no country out there powerful enough to invade the United States, for our hands can be just as dirty as our victims.

So, in light of the fact that African Americans should not expect any semblance of targeted political support from President Obama, shouldn’t that also imply that he should not expect preferential treatment from us? When my friend mentioned that we would never expect a white president to speak up for Troy Davis (Jimmy Carter is, actually, a white man), I simply asked her, “So, you would want us to respond to Barack Obama as if he were just another white guy?” She was silent after that.

If Barack Obama were a white man, that would mean that there would be collective outrage over speeches like the one he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus Convention, where Black people were told to “stop complaining” about the highest unemployment in nearly 30 years. It would mean that we’d expect the same things from President Obama that we would have expected from Bill Clinton or anyone else during their time in the White House. I would dare to say that if Black unemployment had risen to 17% under Clinton, he would be hammered by the Black community for refusing to consider targeted economic policy.

field negro said...

"America is about indvidual freedom, not tribal spoils"

Now they tell us.:(

It sure looks like it worked for them.

Steve, you are killing em with facts today I see. Facts are always good. Unless, of course, you are a wingnut.

krystal*lyte said...

Anyone who can live in this cruel, elitist, sexist, racist world and not be angry is insane/in denial. It is righteous to be angry in an evil world. Anger MUST be expressed. If I ever stop penning my anger, I may begin to express it in other ways. I may use fatal sex, bombs, crack, cocaine, alcohol, guns, or knives instead of my pen…


and NEVER underestimate the POWER thereof!

alicia banks said...



did u see that fool uts bash ron paul for SPEAKING about the PIC as he boldly and simultaneously remains silent about that blackish hobama FUNDING the PIC as no prez ever before???!!!

what a gd shame that shameless coon uts is!!!!,_but_that_is_what_obama_wants

mellaneous said...

Hey LAC why did you pair me with AB we don't have the same political perspective.

What kooks have I been known to quote unless you are saying MLK and Malcolm, Jesus and other revolutionary minded folks were kooks then that would be alright because then I would understand what you think of those folks.

but otherwise please name a kook I have quoted.
My point is consistent I have and had no expectations from the candidate Obama or the president Obama to rescue the working class in the US or the world from continued capitalist exploitation and appropriation.

I keep saying and you know I have a point that it is time to try something new.

And AB is right one who is forward thinking ought to be a bit perturbed by the gross injustices that make up this social/economic/political system that even many of its victims love so much.

uptownsteve said...


"Steve, you are killing em with facts today I see. Facts are always good. Unless, of course, you are a wingnut."

Thanks Field.

There are a couple of us determined to hold down the fort against these goober trolls.

Anonymous said...

"Steve, you are killing em with facts today I see. Facts are always good. Unless, of course, you are a wingnut."

Unless, of course, like Steve, you make them up.

uptownsteve said...


Oh you mean like tax rates went up under Obama?

Where's Slappy BTW?

krystal*lyte said...


I'm really over "O" after not saying a word about a alleged innocent BLACK man being sentenced to DIE.. and then turning around telling us to put on our marching shoes..smh

What people fail to realize at times is that 50% of O is WHITE and 50% of him was raised in a Hawaiian paradise and educated in the madrasas of Indonesia..

How do YOU as a black female connect to his experiences?

how does that black kid struggling amidst the drugs and crime to make good grades or get a great job to leave the ghetto connect to being told to "stop complaining"?

or the middle class vet dad or mom who is out of work but still has bills to hold down?

he wants us to sac up and we're still waiting for him to do the same.. We'll push and we'll try to recover the pieces that was taken away from us (rebuilding).

It's quite hard to rebuild when you don't have any tools. It's quite hard when the person holding the tools is someone who you are unable to relate. Role model?


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