The latest high profile "stand your ground" case from that wacky state should be quite interesting.
In this particular case, unlike the case of Trayvon Martin, both the shooter and the victim were people of color.
Most of the Zimmerman supporters will not give the shooter in this case the benefit of the doubt, because this shooter is not a white [Hispanic] neighborhood watch guy, who shot some "young black punk" in self -defense.
And then there is the flip side: The same people, who called for an arrest and thorough investigation of George Zimmerman, should be asking that the same level of scrutiny be placed on Claudius Smith.
"The gunman accused of chasing and killing a 21-year-old man at a west Orlando apartment complex on Thursday told police he was pursuing a suspected burglar and acted in self-defense after he was attacked.
A police account of the shooter's self-defense claim obtained by the Orlando Sentinel suggests this could be the latest local homicide in which the state's controversial "stand your ground" law becomes a factor.
Police were called to the shooting just before noon Thursday at the Fountains at MetroWest apartments. They arrived to find 21-year-old Ricardo Sanes dead in the grass, surrounded by six .45-caliber shell casings.
The alleged shooter, 32-year-old Claudius Smith, was caught later Thursday. Smith told detectives that he had shot someone "in self defense," according to a police report.
Smith said he was inside his house on Carter Street when his girlfriend, looking at a outdoor surveillance monitor, spotted someone in dark clothing "walking around his yard," who "was last seen climbing over the fence into" the apartment complex.
Smith told police he had been having "a recent problem with burglaries at his house ... and he was certain the unknown male was responsible," a police account states, so he "began chasing the unknown male."
According to police, Smith admitted jumping the fence into the apartment complex, armed with a .45-caliber handgun, where he said he saw Sanes "looking into windows of apartments as he walked past them."
Smith admitted pulling his gun and confronting Sanes, and when Sanes tried to walk away, Smith said he grabbed Sanes' hooded sweatshirt and tried to force Sanes back to his house "so the police could be called."
Smith told police Sanes "punched him in the mouth and grabbed for his gun."
"[Smith's] immediate response was to pull the trigger and fire shots at [Sanes]," [Source]
I bet that if he is arrested Claudius Smith will not be getting thousands of dollars from supporters all over the country to pay for his legal defense.
Stay tuned.
Mr Field, isn't this killing just another black-on-black street killing? I mean, this type of stuff goes on everyday in the black community. So why would Claudius Smith be jailed? It would make no sense to Whites.
Mr Field said, "I bet that if he is arrested Claudius Smith will not be getting thousands of dollars from supporters all over the country to pay for his legal defense."
No, Whites won't be sending thousands of dollars to a bm so he can have a legal defense. Why? It's simple....He is Black and Blacks are not liked by Whites, Asians, or Latinos. Therefore, no money will be sent.
Mr Field, I am surprised that you don't know this. Other Blacks and Whites do. Bill certainly knows. PilotX certainly knows. PC certainly knows.
However, Claudius can certainly receive thousands of dollars from Blacks! But we ALL know that's not going to happen because, like Whites, Blacks are numb to the daily killings of Blacks. It's just a normal day in Black America.
Brother Field, sometimes I think you are blind to what's happening in our own race.
You kiddin' me? The only thing Claudius is getting is three hots and a cot for the next 25 years or more.
"white [Hispanic]" Is that like Obama being a white afrikkkan?
Funny Claudius Smith isn't getting near the msm coverage.
Claudius Smith isn't getting near the hate from the left.
Has the black panthers or nation of islam put a bounty on Claudius?
Oh wait... Claudius is black. No story or outrage here.
If only there was a way massa could trick plantation negroes into beleeverating Claudius is white.
Field, still trying to turn Zimmerman white? No matter how hard you try , fn, Zimmerman will always be hispanic.
And a person of color..
"Field, still trying to turn Zimmerman white? No matter how hard you try , fn, Zimmerman will always be hispanic."
No need to turn Zimmerman White, as long as the person he shot was Black. Any non-Black will get all the white financial support he needs for killing a bm. The ghosts of slavery and Jim Crow still runs deep in Florida and in the minds of Floridians.
Field, Claudius looks like he is from Jamaica. Damn.
In this particular case, unlike the case of Trayvon Martin, both the shooter and the victim were people of color.
No, by the calculus of the Left, it is exactly the same. The half Hispanic George Zimmerman is as much a "person of color" as our half black President Barack Obama
Leave white people out of all this colored savagery.
Claudius Smith is a hero, just like George Zimmerman. A stand-up guy out defending his neighborhood from pieces of shit like Ricardo Danes and Trayvon Martin.
The sooner we all get out there and kill ourselves a criminal the sooner we get our civilization back.
Happy shooting, y'all!
FN fans, here is a video re:race that shows and proves that O'Reilly is not a racist. FP, pay close attention:
"FP, pay close attention"
Anon 10:23 pm-
i promise, i will.
though my paying close attention seems to do him in every time;) he can't help himself, it seems...
just out of curiosity...are you the same Anon that thinks the other whipcracka determined to divide + distract the people Bill is just awesome, too?
Some of you FN fans need to watch the O'Reilly video about race. It will change your mind about Bill. The man doesn't even see color of a man's skin. So O'Reilly is not the racist you try to make him out to be. In other words, you have been dead wrong about Bill and should do the right thing and apologize. You too, Field.
FP, you have a lot of "I'm sorrys" to say to Bill. Better get started tonight because it's going to take you a lot of years to clean up the wrongs you've made. Now don't you start laughing...this is some serious stuff.
FP, "just out of curiosity...are you the same Anon that thinks the other whipcracka determined to divide + distract the people Bill is just awesome, too?"
How did you know it was me? Are you psychic?
"you have bad laws you get bad results"
just like when you have bad black mamas, you get bad black males.
Anon 10:39pm- IF you choose to believe when folks tell you they don't see color...that will be your personal business. good luck with that.
for me, it will always be a great red flag.
Dennis Miller, who is a comedian, asked your lying guy if he heard himself.
IF you want to believe white americans voted for biracial BO because he is Black. again, your business. folks harping on the white mother might be an indication of otherwise, but hey- folks can't see color. why would they notice anything else?
my question: how did they notice he was a "Black" potus? folks can't see color, right? THAT is the fave new school bold face one folks like to tell.
the pure uncut racist hatred thrown that man's way, while he behaves like an inept civil servant; just like all the rest of the corrupt to the core politicians= yet another clue that folks can't seem to see.
Anon, may i suggest that you UNattach yourself to fox/faux news. it is skewing your sense of reality.
i owe Bill exactly no apology for anything. if anything i have complimented him while i called him out.
some of US see clearly. we notice color, propaganda, white folks telling HUGE/little white lies, etc.
then some will nod in agreement when Bill O indicates that race, really isn't a problem today. he doesn't even notice race unless he is reviewing crime statistics.
let US not fall out over the two whipcracka Bills. ok, Anon? we may agree to disagree;)
if anything you should give me some cyber dap (fist bump for the white folk) for sitting through colorblind Bill O fox/faux news, fair + balanced segments. i would only do that for you;)
no. i AM not psychic.
i just pay attention + ask questions +connect dots.
both Bills are full of it most days.
stands to reason if you like/are taken in by one- you would be taken in by others with the same m.o.
Natty head, i guess it is always a good day to slam BW.
do you ever sit + think about what's wrong with ww the reason their sons bring so much death to nations? unprovoked?
for every story about crime...folks could find a grip of satanic to the core white folks to obsess over.
folks like to mention the duke trial + brawley as proof that BW are always lying about everything.
does this reason/logic extend to ww?
i ask since you are the latest hater of Blacks that just can't seem to stay away. maybe you could help me understand white logic?
'cause if that logic extends to ww...every single time one of them cries rape or crime by Black folks- there are hundreds of years worth of reason to give ww the lie eye. from now on...since two Black women render Black women out of further human consideration from now on.
why would this be an occasion to slam BW?
you + i know that you do it as a swipe to the Black nation.
when you get done, please consider this:
white folks have exactly no time to obsess over Black people.
the other white folk/Jews that now run america into the ground, might be the bigger fish ya'll need to focus on...they are taking folks out with plans to off more white folk style. that means a pretty hefty body count. while ya'll love to pretend to such friends with the notion of non violence.
i suspect if you had nappy hair + could see clearly, some of this would make more sense to you;)
FP, "if anything you should give me some cyber dap (fist bump for the white folk) for sitting through colorblind Bill O fox/faux news, fair + balanced segments. i would only do that for you;)"
My dear FP, thanks for sitting thru that tape. I owe you one. Many hugs.:-)
FP, "let US not fall out over the two whipcracka Bills. ok, Anon? we may agree to disagree;)"
FP, it would take a lot more than two whipcracka Bills to make me fall out with you. You are special, they are not.
BTW, I laughed when you said, "i owe Bill exactly no apology for anything. if anything i have complimented him while i called him out." lol
i Love you Anon 11:18pm/11:29pm!
you know i do;)
ps. i laughed out loud when you told me not to laugh since it was not a laughing matter.
couldn't help it;(
then you had me rolling with the years to undo my whipcracka Bill wrongs. lol!
much Love Anon. thanks for the cyber hug;)
you know...there is nothing stopping the gentleman that wants to chase down + shoot fleeing suspected robbers to death, from doing precisely what zimmerman did.
those that believe he has the right to do what he did can put their $ where their beliefs are.
how is this something to pick at white folks over?
would you donate to his cause FN? get your other long $ friends to match your contribution?
white folks will NOT lead the way with Black folks standing together.
a house divide among itself will not stand.
this is Truth re: all houses.
Black folks will need to wrap their brains around this Truth. obsessing over historical enemies that have zero intent of ever loving US + chasing racism = waste of time. by all means shut down racism when folks dare to bring to you directly. but chasing after it? seeing it where it is not? can't see how that will ever be fruitful...
Anon @10:39, are you a paid FOX News troll?
In Europe all Hispanics are considered white, it's completely baffling to us that they could be classified as anything else. Good luck going to Spain and Portugal and telling the people there they are not white.
What happened with bringing the killer of Trayvon Martin to justice? NOTHING!!! Where is the NAACP, NUL, JESSE JACKSON! Al Sharpton..and the US government? Why did I believe that ANY of them were not lying....this time when they claimed they would seek justice. OBAMA and those members of the Congressional Black Caucus..what have you done? NOTHING.
Bill O'Reilly not racist? Why did he sprew the racist lies for weeks and weeks..claiming that African Americans murdered 10,000 persons last year in the USA? He has a staff who I am sure did the FBI report..the most recent one which reported the TOTAL number of murders was under 8000. Of that number 4000+ were committed by WHITES.
Barbbf, first of all, O'Reilly never said what you are claiming. Secondly, anybody can make a mistake. That doesn't make them racist. Thirdly, there IS a big concern about the continued increase in black on black killings in our community, year after year. That's more important.
Blogger field negro said...
Anon @10:39, are you a paid FOX News troll?
4:45 AM
No I am not. I just another brother who has been out of work since Obama has been President.
However, if FOX wants to pay me, I'll take it. Like so many of our folks, I desperately need a job.
You really ought to come to terms with accepting Bill as a man who loves Blacks.
Now Hannity is a different story. I question whether he is not a racist. It's hard to tell.
But Bill has said again and again, over and over again, that he is not racist. FN, how many times must he say it before you Negroes will accept the truth?
Bill just wants to help us. Obama won't help us, so let Bill O help us. You'll be glad you did. Please do a positive post about O'Reilly as soon as possible...time is moving, we haven't a moment to waste!
Anonymous Barbbf said...
What happened with bringing the killer of Trayvon Martin to justice? NOTHING!!! Where is the NAACP, NUL, JESSE JACKSON! Al Sharpton..and the US government?
Why did I believe that ANY of them were not lying....this time when they claimed they would seek justice.
OBAMA and those members of the Congressional Black Caucus..what have you done? NOTHING.
6:59 AM
Justice was served by a jury of six women in Florida. Al Sharpton asked that we let the justice system determine whether Zimmerman was guilty or not. Well, he was found innocent. What more could you ask for?
"But Bill has said again and again, over and over again, that he is not racist. FN, how many times must he say it before you Negroes will accept the truth?
Bill just wants to help us. Obama won't help us, so let Bill O help us. You'll be glad you did. Please do a positive post about O'Reilly as soon as possible...time is moving, we haven't a moment to waste!"
Bill, this isn't big and it isn't funny. You just look kind of pathetic.
The Purple Cow said...
"Bill just wants to help us. Obama won't help us, so let Bill O help us. You'll be glad you did. Please do a positive post about O'Reilly as soon as possible...time is moving, we haven't a moment to waste!"
Bill, this isn't big and it isn't funny. You just look kind of pathetic.
Projection PurpleCow.
You could ask FN to verify your assumptions, but then, facts would get in the way of your agenda.
Better just keep assuming instead of using facts.
FN said...
The latest high profile "stand your ground" case from that wacky state should be quite interesting.
Since you're a lawyer, would it be out of line for me to ask where in the transcript the zimmerman trial the zimmerman defense team played the "stand your ground" card?
Well sunshine, i agree with you. Hispanics should be considered white. Hell, most Arabs and Asians should be considered white.
recently conducted a study examining racial disparity using FBI data on 43,500 homicides from 2005 to 2009
Additionally, there are far fewer white-on-black shootings in the FBI data — only 25 total in both the Stand Your Ground and non-Stand Your Ground states.
Something about those FBI facts seem strange. Can't put my finger on it.
The Purple Cow said...
In Europe all Hispanics are considered white, it's completely baffling to us
So anybody that says republicans are racist towards Hispanics are lying?
Why did a white republican have to apologize for saying "wetback?"
Do black politicians ever apologize for using the N word when talking about other blacks?
Double standard.
Purple Cow:
Spaniards and the Portugese are definitely not white, with the exception of some Castillians. Italians and Greeks and most other southern Europeans are not white. They are too tainted with Moorish blood. Jews are not white.
"In Europe, all Hispanics are considered white, it's completely baffling to us".
Not true.
I thought you lived in the UK, not Europe. That hardly makes you an expert on what white Europeans think or feel.
If you were actually white, you would understand the ethnic and cultural tensions now percolating within the EU over the "open borders" decree.
Southern Europeans, which includes Spain and especially Portugal, are definitely "not white".
Did the black Claudius Smith shot wait behind some bushes, and then confronted and attacked him? Did Claudius Smith have his head repeatedly smashed in against the pavement while being told he was going to die? Does Claudius Smith have verifiable injuries to back up his claim of "self-defense"?
If not, then I don't understand why you would attempt to make parallels between this case and the justified Martin shooting.
And, like the Zimmerman case, this is not a SYG case, and you are wrong to call it so.
Is Al Sharptongue gonna get down and demand "Justice"? Will shakedown artist teh Crumpster sign on for a mega-payoff? If the two cases are "the same", I guess we'll just hafta wait and see.
"Spaniards and the Portugese are definitely not white"
Well as I said, the Spanish and Portuguese will disagree with you.
"I thought you lived in the UK, not Europe. That hardly makes you an expert on what white Europeans think or feel."
1. The U.K. is in Europe
2. I lived on mainland Europe for 27 years, returning to England in 2010.
3. I had a Portuguese great grandmother.
4. I had a Spanish girlfriend for 18 months and employed two Spanish technicians in my sound studio.
You on the other hand, have never owned a passport, but apparently that makes you and expert on European affairs.
PC, do you have to have a passport to be an expert? Geezh.
Quote Sweet Cheeks
"So anybody that says republicans are racist towards Hispanics are lying?
Why did a white republican have to apologize for saying "wetback?"
Do black politicians ever apologize for using the N word when talking about other blacks?
Double standard."
I struggle to comprehend just how stupid you are at times Billy boy, but please explain how the attitude of Spanish and Portuguese people in Europe has got any fucking thing to do with the attitude of you and your racist buddies in the US of A?"
I wan't talking about your attitude to Mexicans I was talking about Spanish and Portuguese attitudes to their own identities. Whet flight of logic connected the two in your tiny little mind? Please explain.
You're such a fucking loser Billy-Boy, no wonder you've got fuck all interesting to do with your life.
"PC, do you have to have a passport to be an expert? Geezh."
No, but you have to have a passport to travel you dim-witted cunt.
The Purple Cow said...
Quote Sweet Cheeks
"So anybody that says republicans are racist towards Hispanics are lying?
Why did a white republican have to apologize for saying "wetback?"
Do black politicians ever apologize for using the N word when talking about other blacks?
Double standard."
I struggle to comprehend just how stupid you are at times Billy boy, but please explain how the attitude of Spanish and Portuguese people in Europe has got any fucking thing to do with the attitude of you and your racist buddies in the US of A?"
Talking about zimmerman being white and now you are talking about what the spanish and portuguese in europe believe.
On an American blog no less.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"PC, do you have to have a passport to be an expert? Geezh."
No, but you have to have a passport to travel you dim-witted cunt.
12:01 PM
So what? Traveling has nothing to do with being an expert, fool. Your trouble is you are not very clear in your comments and you use very vile sexist words.
"Thou shalt not use profanity."
PC, YOU need some religion.
Bill, double standards have been heaped on Blacks for centuries. Slavery, Jim Crow, police brutality, etc...
Now you are complaining about "double standards?" Do you not have any shame?
Let me ask you this: Do you know anywhere in history where AAs were wronged by injustice? Surely you must know of 'one'?
Quote Little Billy
"Talking about zimmerman being white and now you are talking about what the spanish and portuguese in europe believe.
On an American blog no less.
1. It's not an American blog you fucking moron, there is no such thing as an American blog. America does not own the Internet.
2. Why wouldn't anyone talk about what Europeans believe? You were a European once, it's not that long ago that your grandma was being raped by Cossacks.
"So what? Traveling has nothing to do with being an expert, fool. Your trouble is you are not very clear in your comments and you use very vile sexist words. "
Oh really?
So please explain why I was told on this very thread that I had no right to comment on mainland Europe because I hand;t lived there for three years??
You twats need to get your arguments straight.
"Thou shalt not use profanity."
PC, YOU need some religion."
God doesn't exist, and even if she did I would hope she would have something more fucking important to worry about than my fucking profanity.
PC, "God doesn't exist, and even if she did I would hope she would have something more fucking important to worry about than my fucking profanity."
12:25 PM
God does exist but you are too far gone to notice. God is not a 'she'. God knows everything and deals with everything because God made everything.
Don't think for a minute that God doesn't know you cuss. There is nothing that God does not know...not even the turning of a leaf. PC, you headed for hell because of your arrogance in the face of God. Have you noticed that Christianity is coming back? People are hungry for God. You had better wake up!
The Purple Cow said...
Quote Little Billy
On an American blog no less.
1. It's not an American blog you fucking moron, there is no such thing as an American blog. America does not own the Internet.
Don't live in denial.
2. Why wouldn't anyone talk about what Europeans believe? You were a European once, it's not that long ago that your grandma was being raped by Cossacks.
You want to talk about my grandma being raped? If that helps you make it through the day, go ahead.
When done, let's get back to the original subject of zimmerman being hispanic. What county does zimmerman live in? What country owns the internet?
"God does exist but you are too far gone to notice. God is not a 'she'. God knows everything and deals with everything because God made everything. "
Oh good, I was hoping you would say that.
Why did God send a Tsunami to kill an entire school-full of Japanese infants?
Please explain.
Were all the little Japanese children sinners who deserved to die?
Or was it all part of 'God's Unknowable Plan'?
"When done, let's get back to the original subject of zimmerman being hispanic. What county does zimmerman live in?"
In what way is this relevant?
I was commenting on the attitudes of Hispanics in Europe. You don't get to tell me what I can and cannot comment on sunshine.
The days when white schoolboys like you got to tell black men what they can and cannot comment on are long gone sweet cheeks.
What country owns the internet?
Precisely none.*
Christ, you are such a fucking loser Bill-oh. No wonder you have nothing else to do with your life.
*Though of course, like all good things an Englishman invented the World Wide Web.
The Purple Cow said...
Oh good, I was hoping you would say that.
Why did God send a Tsunami to kill an entire school-full of Japanese infants?
Please explain.
Let me add a few questions for God...
Why did you make fried foods unhealthy?
Is Obama the chosen one?
Is the Hokey Pokey what it's really all about?
Is that it Bill?
Is that all you got? That's the best answer you could come up with?
god drowns little children BUT he made fried foods unhealthy
It appears to be game set and match to me!
Christ, you are such a fucking loser Bill-oh. No wonder you have nothing else to do with your life.
The Purple Cow said...
"When done, let's get back to the original subject of zimmerman being hispanic. What county does zimmerman live in?"
In what way is this relevant?
Maybe the title of the thread?
"Sorry Claudius, you ain't no George Zimmerman. "
I was commenting on the attitudes of Hispanics in Europe. You don't get to tell me what I can and cannot comment on sunshine.
Feel free to comment on this or any American blog, we Americans have this free speech thing going.
So, any idea when you're going to get back to zimmerman and leave this commenting on what other people (people you call white), think behind?
Republican Freeing Slaves Pretender, there id no need for the Nation of Islam or the Black Panthers to place a bounty on Claudis because he was subsequently arrested, you idiot. Unlike Zimmerman who remained free for weeks!
Nat Turner
Maybe the title of the thread?
"Sorry Claudius, you ain't no George Zimmerman. "
Again, totally irrelevant.
"Feel free to comment on this or any American blog, we Americans have this free speech thing going."
So this blog written by a Jamaican that I am reading in the UK is "american" is it?
How do you work that out?
"So, any idea when you're going to get back to zimmerman and leave this commenting on what other people (people you call white), think behind?"
None of your fucking business cuntmuppet.
The Purple Cow said...
Is that it Bill?
Is that all you got? That's the best answer you could come up with?
god drowns little children BUT he made fried foods unhealthy
It appears to be game set and match to me!
You win.
Now I'll sit back and watch you get the prize of God answering your questions.
Or not.
Do you really believe God is going to answer your question here?
@Billy Boy, just because "stand your ground" wasn't officially brought up by Zimmerman's defense team doesn't mean that the case wasn't a stand your ground case. It wasn't put forth because that was their strategy, IDIOT!
Nat Turner
Quote Sweet-Cheeks-Billy-Boy, the well-known loser.
"Do you really believe God is going to answer your question here?"
I haven't asked god any questions largely because she does not exist. My question was to the other imbecile Anonymous 12:40
Sorry of this is all too difficult for you, sweet cheeks..
"PC, for a non-believer like you no explanation will do. So I am done with you."
TRANSLATION: I have no fucking clue how to answer that one, let's desperately dream up a cop-out as fast as possible.
Bush signed the law, pushed for by gun rights advocates, in 2005. “This law does not apply to this particular circumstance,” Bush said after an education panel discussion at the University of Texas at Arlington. “Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn’t mean chase after somebody who’s turned their back.” – Jeb Bush, March 2012
Nat Turner
LOL @ this comment thread.
let me say for the record that there is no such things as "just another black on black..."
Black life has value.
the person that decided it made sense to chase someone down + murder them over stuff is on the wrong side of all Laws.
since this lost soul is acting white= Black life has no value. let him follow through on his project. he surely must have some inkling of the fact that "blind", white lady justice can see his Black behind.
you get what you get...when operating outside of the Law. if wise, zimmerman 2.0, would ask for forgiveness, mercy + grace.
as Black folks push the disarm agenda...they may want to consider the following little nugget of history:
racist devils declaring Moor blood "tainted" anything are bold + pure comedy. ya'll know the planet gets the righteous, wicked plucked from earth treatment, right?
good luck convincing these other vicious, savagely racist white folk they are not white.
to say they will violently disagree is an understatement.
truth be told...i have met pale mexicans that get patriotic + adamant about their whiteness. lol. i could provide ph #+ address for one such lost, mentally shackled soul that cracks me up with this pitiful routine. lol. but i won't...this is america + folk can be what they want to be after all;)
the khazars that have hijacked judaism + the set apart lands are indeed white folk.
that selective, you can't be white nonsense...
lying edomites need to stop that strong delusion crew behavior.
ya'll have no choice but to keep madonna + kim kardashian, too. lol.
wake up, already.
@ least you are consistent.
you, a male, = a cow, in your world.
of course, according to said logic Almighty would be a "her" that you clearly think is hateful. so you hate her right back.
now...if only you could find Wisdom. according to Scriptures, Wisdom = her;)
Wisdom- she laughs at you daily. just as it is written that she would do for those too arrogant to seek His Word/Him that they might know her. can't get to know her, in true sense, without knowing His Word/Him.
that's what's written + Real.
as you were, son. 'ole purple cow...
chaos + confusion. out of this will come order. just of the variety folks refuse to believe...
old world order.
folks truly believe all the brand new HUGE/little white lies.
Focussed Porpoise, you are clearly totally insane. I don't know what your drugs regimen is but I think you need to go back and see the nice man in the white coat about changing things around a bit.
Your alleged god does not exist, your scriptures are a charter for the promotion of homophobia, rape, slavery and murder.
"God is love" christians say, yet this allegedly omnipotent and omnipresent "loving god" sends a tsunami to drown an entire school full of infants. To make things worse, we have to clear up the mess and cope with the horror and misery his actions create but we are not allowed to ask why he/she did what he/she did because it's all part of "god's unknowable plan", apparently. Well fuck that.
If it turns out this god of yours is real, I will just say this to him/her:
"Fuck you and fuck your 'unknowable plan' you malignant psychopathic murderous devil."
If god is real he owes us a grovelling apology
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"PC, for a non-believer like you no explanation will do. So I am done with you."
PC replied, "TRANSLATION: I have no fucking clue how to answer that one, let's desperately dream up a cop-out as fast as possible."
2:34 PM
PC, you always put words in the mouths of others. How self-righteous... That's like talking to yourself: You ask a question, then you answer it. There is definitely something wrong with you.
I think god is both male AND female. Oh oh, does that mean that he/she is actually a transsexual?
This is all so confusing. :(
PC "If god is real he owes us a grovelling apology"
6:10 PM
No, YOU owe GOD an apology. YOU should fall on your knees and ask forgiveness for your profane attitude toward HIM.
PC, you are an ugly fool.
Brother Field, it's been almost 1 year since I commented on FN. That's because I caught a lot of shit from some of your FN fans for speaking the truth about it's depressive to be a bm in America. Looking at this post about Claudius who killed that 21yr old brother....It's depressive to be a bm in America, ESP. in Florida.
This post is a bonafide depression. And that's the truth...I am so depressed.
dpressed negro
ps. aren't you going to welcome me back?
The Purple Cow said...
Your alleged god does not exist
If it turns out this god of yours is real,
If it turns out this God is real, you will be screwed eternally.
GZ calls the police and asks for the police to come investigate TM.
GZ follows TM after TM walks out of sight.
TM confronts GZ, strikes GZ knocking GZ to the ground, straddles GZ and commences to pound on GZ "MMA" style.
GZ shoots TM one time.
Claude leaves his house without calling 911, climbs over a fence, finds Ricardo, grabs Ricardo's "hoodie" and then as Ricardo starts swinging shoots 5 times, and leaves.
50 has to track Claude down.
You just suck as lawyer to be able to see any similarity between these two situations. But as the story reads, Ricardo worked to get those 5 bullets, but this isn't a SYG case with any merit.
Hey Field...
I know your probably exhausted with all the Racism chasing.........
but have a look at Jamaica getting poised to sign a deal to grow Medical Cannabis for Canada... :)
That would be a clear challenge to U.S. Prohibition. Which is being forcefully torn down on a state by state basis.
Good thing O hopped on that "Legalization" train at the last minute with his recent comments to the New Yorker about Cannabis...
You shoulda put him up for "Field Negro of the day" on that one.
Is it true that the Black Hebrew Israelites consider themselves the descendants of Black Eqyptians,Latinos and Native Americans, whom they consider to be the original real Hebrews, but not of Blacks from Africa, whom they consider to be absolute savages, as per this article?
Many Hispanics in America are white European. Many are mestizo. A small percentage are black.
All claim to be non-white, because of all of the advantages our government confers for being anything but white.
Most "Hispanic activists" actually look whiter than Romney.
Lol at Purple Cow.
The fact that you have Portugese relative proves my point.
You're not white, so you can't comment or have an opinion on "who" is white. After all, whites are told again and again - including on this blog - that whites can't comment on who is "authentically black".
And yes, we do tell Hispanics and Southern Europeans that they aren't white to their faces. There is quite a lexicon there.
Your insecurities are bleeding through again. I love the default position here that anyone who disagrees with you or points out your errors is less "educated" than you.
You are not European, and you're definitely not British. You're a parasite in my ancestral lands - like a moth drawn to a flame, you sought an advanced civilization that your people are incapable of providing.
And your ignorance is breathtaking. Just astounding some days.
Scafirmative Action:
Yes, I will agree that the Hispanics in South America that are descendants of the Swiss and German settlers are White.
There are some Brazilians of northern Italian descent that are genetically Swiss and they are White and stunningly beautiful, because they have not intermixed with the others and have stayed within their community.
The others - no - absolutely not.
FP says:
that selective, you can't be white nonsense...
Spoken as only someone who is not White, who doesn't understand what it means to be White - genetically, culturally, historically, can say.
Do you understand where the expression "blue blood" came from?
BOO HOO Mr Field LMAO pullleeeze
Now you and i both know the deal?
see you still have that wanna be Afrikan fuck boy faggot anonimusty on board
Seems like he won't cut you lose until you give him a chaser ROTHFL don't hit me no mo!!@
Wait till he finally finds out LMAO
Colt Mossberg shut the fuk up u ass hole.! I hope u die mother fukker.! Ricardo Sanes was a cool and happy young man pushing forward in life.! I hope you your kids an wife die soon.!
Shut the fuk up u ass hole. I hope u die mother fukker.! Ricardo was a cool and happy young man pushing forward in life to take care of his son and family.! You and your kids and wife should die soon u fukkin scum bag.!!
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