Ted, of course, is fighting back. Now he is going after Don Lemon. This makes sense, because Don Lemon has the highest profile of any black person on CNN.
And in case you didn't notice, Teddy doesn't like black folks too much.
"Unable to leave well enough alone, Ted Nugent took to Twitter on Friday evening to bash Don Lemon presumably after viewing the segment in which the CNN host accused the rocker of giving a disingenuous apology for his “sub-human mongrel” Obama remarks.
Speaking with Ben Ferguson this afternoon, Lemon suggested Nugent’s apology came with too many caveats and sounded “like he’s apologizing to himself or, possibly, to powerful Republicans who might have gotten him to take it back and do it fast.”
“If @DonnLemmon [sic] is a journalist Im the prez of the NAACP,” Nugent wrote on Twitter....
If @DonnLemmon is a journalist Im the prez of the NAACP" [Source]
OK Ted, we get it, you are certifiably nuts. Now the big question is this: How many more GOP supporters are out there like you?
Finally, I am not sure if I am happy or sad to learn that the noose found around the neck of the statue of a civil rights icon at the University of Mississippi was put there by members of a well respected college fraternity.
It's a good thing because it is not a hoax. This is good because when people lie about these things it diminishes and trivializes the real racism out here.
It's a bad thing because you would think that college educated young people would be too smart to embrace the ignorance that is usually reserved for your garden variety racist.
The three former members already face vandalism charges, but the university has also turned over its evidence to state and federal authorities. If it is determined that the noose — which was accompanied by an old Georgia flag bearing the emblem of the confederacy — represented a threat to other students, they could face hate crime charges.
The man who found the vandalized statue last Sunday said that two men walking away from the scene were uttering racial epithets. “I came up on a couple younger-looking boys by the loading dock that were yelling ‘white power’ and ‘f— n—–s’ on my way back over towards the statue,” he said. “When I rounded the corner of (the George Street House), I noticed the rope and the flag, and it definitely showed the Confederate flag.”
Just frat boys being frat boys.
Why is ted so important to you?
FN said...
The folks over at CNN are really upset at Pedophile Teddy,
Was it rape-rape?
I ask because if one leans left and is well connected in hollywood that age thing isn't a problem even when drugs/alcohol are involved.
"Today it pains me to see the Black State of Affairs. I was not going to comment tonight until I saw a commercial telling "television land" a new show is coming next month. It will be about youth African American YOUNG.. YES, YOUNG girls dancing n a pure sexual manner. Oh yea. these will not be mixed nor white girls. How can my people expect other race of people see us self portrayed as sluts. Maybe I have gotten too old for the imagery that African Americans display."
THIS is why i suggest folk STOP pretending that only the SONS of the Black nation suffer immensely.
only the daughters of the nation suffer then suffer some more being blamed for their suffering...
NONE apply this devilish notion MORE than Black men.
folk KEEP worshiping Malcolm X while steadfastly REFUSING to DO what Malcolm X lost his LIFE...
i might be too ancient + old to sit QUIETLY acting like i did not notice that HUGE elephant in the room.
as SOON as the Black Panther party folk STOP acting white when it comes to the flagrant fouls committed against Black women, by "heros" like Cleaver.
THEN continuing to discuss something from history that BM have in LARGE #s looooong ago thrown right out the window...
will make more sense.
in the midst of the chaos + confusion that can only be the result of BM worshiping themselves + any other strange Yahless notion...i have zero motivation to play along.
as it relates to the exploitation of little Black girls:
maybe BM would wake up if they realize they got next?
selfish self centered creatures they tend to be in large numbers.
the little boys are getting it ALREADY...folk just aren't talking about it.
what with the little boys can't be molested notion quite a few folk embrace.
THAT comment above + the tone of it struck a nerve.
there was nothing protective about it. IF folk can't be bothered to protect girl children...
the little girls are just out their on their own, huh?
bm'hood ain't interested if they can't whine at white folk, huh?
the same thing folk moaning about in the dunn case...
a bmale was in the white guy's shoes in another case. a black girl in the bguy's shot to death shoes in this other case.
guess what?
black folk could not care less.
it is about racism. keeping up appearances. protecting po' bm from everything under the sun. ESPECIALLY accountability.
personally, THAT madness makes me want to puke + snicker wickedly when the ptb throw bm in dresses. folk want to act like little frightened girls, rather than men. the devil got a dress for ya. seems rather fitting...
that ain't right, for me to feel that way.
but then so is the Black stank attitude toward the daughters of the Black nation.
"Just frat boys being frat boys."
God bless 'em.
It's just a tiny little protest against the tyranny of Black Run America, but this chance for righteous outrage must not be missed!
Y'all need to keep in mind the fact that we have passed Peak Negro, and you really ought to start backing away from advocating for white genocide and start looking toward a more reasonable and equitable way of co-existing with the majority culture.
Keep pushing White America, and the nooses won't just be used on statues.
The times they are a changin'.
what little black girl owners of television networks would be self portraying YOUNG black, finally not mixed, but black girls in this manner?
why is it that Black men that can smell/spot crafty counsel quickly when it comes to bm...suddenly lose all ability when it comes to Bw/Bgs?
what is that?
why do so many BW act like they can't see THIS sad state of Black affairs?
ok...'bout to leave the fields. i can't patiently today.
@ Granny from a thread or two:
yes. i know who i am + who Yah created me to be.
cyber + real life haters, phase me not.
most folk are NOT thinking.
why would i waste a second worrying about what they are...thinking?
Blessings all!
I'm shocked Ted attacked a blah man and there is still racism in Mississippi.
Yes Pilot X. No one should ever be allowed to attack a black man in the media. Black men are sacred and delicate and must only be worshiped and condescended to, never spoken to as if they were thinking, able adults.
"what little black girl owners of television networks would be self portraying YOUNG black, finally not mixed, but black girls in this manner?"
Of course they wouldn't. But their Jewish pimps would.
Bill said...
Why is ted so important to you?
If eyes are keen and attention focused, one will notice that liberals are prone to panning for racism. Which is understandable given its discovery about 80 years ago as a rare and valuable commodity. Since this time, peoples of all shapes and colors have scrambled into white countries (where the element is found exclusively) in hopes of obtaining an enriching sample for themselves. Though as geologists have warned for decades, careless strip mining has fouled the environment, and the deepest veins now lie fallow. This has necessitated innovative extraction techniques, with many liberals now queuing months to deploy the Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscope in hopes of detecting ever more minute traces. Demand vastly exceeds supply, with mere shavings now worth more than Sheldon Adelson.
Everyone wants some of their own. But alas, we have entered the age of peak racism. It is now a legacy resource, with quantities insufficient to power the modern Economy. So we spirit away our precious last stores–now hidden in deep underground bunkers. Their whereabouts revealed to none but the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, their transgendered dominatrices…and the rest of the entire world. Racism, racism everywhere…but not a thought to think.
The carnage continues. With soulless white brigands now having nearly extinguished the American black population, poaching sights have now been turned to innocent statuary.
"The University of Mississippi said Friday that students could face criminal charges for placing a noose on a statue honoring the college’s first black student"
So a cord was draped over a stone representation of a man who once attended college. Consider my interest fully piqued, sir.
"Sigma Phi Epsilon, a social fraternity on campus, said in a statement that the men were a part of the group’s chapter at the university. The chapter, which said it told investigators about the role its members may have played in the vandalism, was suspended."
So if one placed a dunce hat atop, say a typically inert Bill O'Reilly, would he be considered to have been “vandalized?” And would the culprit’s social associates be punished for the “Episode?”
" The university’s police department has been leading the investigation. "
Investigation. Law enforcement levity, I suppose.
"It was also unclear Friday what charges the men could face, but the F.B.I., which has been assisting the university, said earlier this week that the vandalism could bring federal charges. "
FBI. Federal charges. A cord on a block of stone. Can’t leave something this grave in the hands of local hicks.
" On Friday, an F.B.I. spokeswoman referred questions to the university. "
Excuse me, do we have any information on the statue’s current condition or prospects for recovery?
" The incident has emerged as a source of deep embarrassment for the university "
Yes, one would hope so. The humiliation of even discussing this cipher event in sententious tones should be sufficient to remove all involved.
As ridiculous as this “Racist Episode” is, chills should follow the righteous sneer. You should all see with eagle-eyed clarity the present trajectory. It is a very short noose from draping textiles over an inanimate object, to related atrocities. Who wants to wager that racist remarks will never warrant an FBI investigation (excluding anti-white, natch)? What if these hurtful words were uttered over the Internet where their venom can be spread even more virulently? And what white public figures would stand athwart history when that first sortie is launched? Gratuitous prosecutions for “racism” are coming.
I just feel fortunate to still be at-large.
Why get so excited about a burning piece of wood? It's just wood and fire right? Why worry about the pointy hoods the guys who set the fire wear, it's just cloth?
Translation, "I should be able to air my racism at will without any repercussions".
"I should be able to air my racism at will without any repercussions".
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
That's why we need a white history month. For white kids to learn the dirty history of whiteness. It's the only way we'll ever join the human race.
WC, thank you. Unfortunately, there will never be a white history month. It would uncover the truth about whiteness.
"For white kids to learn the dirty history of whiteness"
Liberalism is a cultural cancer. People like you, the ones who control the media and the schools, have been telling whites they are subhuman for 50 years now.
If you were intellectually consistent Whitey, you would kill yourself.
Here's to consistency.
Blogger whiteys conspiracy said...
That's why we need a white history month. For white kids to learn the dirty history of whiteness. It's the only way we'll ever join the human race.
12:29 AM
Now just what do you think Kinky Con and Bill are going to say about your comment? Hint: it won't be pretty.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"For white kids to learn the dirty history of whiteness"
Liberalism is a cultural cancer. People like you, the ones who control the media and the schools, have been telling whites they are subhuman for 50 years now.
If you were intellectually consistent Whitey, you would kill yourself.
Here's to consistency.
12:39 AM
Whitey, I am glad you are alive. We need more people like you. The world would be a better place. God bless you. The world needs less of anon.
Kudos to the U Miss students for poking an giant stick in the eye of the BGI.
A length of cord left on a "Civil Rights Icon" - but not an "icon" to white students - and why should it be? Blacks and their fellow travellers refuse to respect the "icons" of white culture - especially Southern white culture - so what makes you think you can demand unilateral "respect" to your "icons" ???? You know a society's sacred cows by whom you're not allowed to question, let alone.... mock.
The fact that young students, who should be, by now, fully indoctrinated into PC culture and grovelling BGI compliance, are NOT is further evidence that we are past peak Negro.
I routinely hear white college kids use the word "Nigger" at groups of blacks, and it's not in a joshing, hey, do-I-get-an-honorary-black-card-I-listen-to-rap kinda way; it is used with the full force and intent of the way the word was meant and means. That never occurred before the Golden Age of Obama, before the planet was healed and the oceans stopped rising, and his fart-sniffing magnificence deemed he would lead us out of the wilderness into the promised land of black supremacy over all. I don't agree with such language, but find it interesting that it has found a resurgence in the next generation.
Okay, so CNN is "pissed" at Ted Nugent.
Oooooooo, I bet he so scared.
I mean, really, who cares? All 42 of CNN's total viewership? They've lost any relevance as well as viewers.
That was laugh out loud funny. Thanks for the smile, Field.
In case you don't know, CNN is on the rise in viewership faster than any of the competition.
Granny watches CNN 50% of the time and FOX 50% of the time. She loves Bill O'Reilly. But who doesn't? Only a fool would claim not to like Bill.
The third victim of a Christmas day shooting in Newark died recently after 3 weeks in the hospital. For those of you who missed out on this story, a brief recap. A 15-year-old angry at a 14-year-old for flirting with his 14-year-old pregnant girlfriend decides to gun him down on Christmas day. In a burst of gunfire, the 15-year-old kills the 14-year-old and hits two other teens “by accident.” Though the mother of one of the “mistaken” victims called the shooting an “accident,” for a 15-year-old gunman to hit two people’s vital areas on a dark, cold Christmas night, that sure as hell doesn’t seem like an accident. Of final note, according to comments underneath the article in the link below, one of the 14-year-old victims of the shooting had two (!) kids.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Why get so excited about a burning piece of wood? It's just wood and fire right? Why worry about the pointy hoods the guys who set the fire wear, it's just cloth?
Translation, "I should be able to air my racism at will without any repercussions".
12:02 AM
And yet ...... you're still here. Week after week you bemoan the state of blacks in America, and how racism is everywhere and blacks are soooooo oppressed.
America is bad for blacks. Check. Given that it was an ideal (more than a geographic slab of dirt) that was conceived, developed and built by white people for white ideals - is it surprising to you that a permanent underclass that has never developed anything meaningful, or contributed to the advancement of the human race (except for breeding like animals) feels out of place in a world that they can't fully understand? You like to use the technology conceived, designed and built by whites, but have no clue about how to conceive, build and design your own cutting edge technology, so you continue to stay and hitch a free ride, just like any other parasite that has found an obliging host.
All the blacks here love to spout off about how educated they are, wealthy, mobile ... so pack your trash and leave. You've bitched the last 50 years and I've got news for you -- white America is done bending to your never ending demands and has had enough. You want this utopia where blacks run the show and everyone looks like you and acts like you? Then move. Leave. Go. And please, take Kanye West with you. He's forever moaning about "racist America" and threatening to leave - I guess being the spoiled rich kid of an undeserving Affirmative Action winner isn't enough.
Whites owe blacks nothing, and whites have every right to celebrate their history, their culture and their values in their own ethnic communities, undiluted and unpolluted.
Ted is totally harmless, a peaked (pekid) relic who peaked in the 70's. I heard he soiled himself to get out of serving his country. I heard that he said he would be dead or in prison if President Obama was elected, and now he's apologizing for statements made in the typical pale male faux cloak of sarcasm.
Like Mike Dunn, he is nothing more than a sadistic narcissistic coward who believes he is at the center of the universe. These people need help in order that they may learn how to distinguish fact from fantasy and it's not cute anymore.
To him and the rest of his ilk all I can say is... you had a nice run and that's just the way it is.
"To him and the rest of his ilk all I can say is... you had a nice run and that's just the way it is."
Who will you live off of when his ilk's run is over?
I am offering more illumination to a comment I made two nights ago and I would like this commenter to come down to basic English grammar so I know what she is saying.
First... I hope that I am wrong but she said that I worshipped Malcolm X. I was alive and active during the time of his civic activism. If you were not there you can't imagine the pride my peers had for a Black man that was no longer willing to be second class and not protected. You see.. at birth I was born in a time where the race issues were ubiquitous. My family and civic life was all about what we witnessed EACH AND EVERY DAY. So Malcolm X offered hope for a people that was tired of praying and begging the white man for civility. So no we had not the time to worship no man. They all had MAJOR faults and I contend they entered the civil rights period at the right time.
Now about the main issue that this conversation started from. I made a comment about a new TV show coming that may show the young Black female in a negative light. As if we need more than we have now. I am sorry that these girls are placed in this position by whomever. Yes the men of post civil rights era has abandon their little off-springs and the mothers. But I am also sorry that you are dead wrong when I was included in their mess. I have three sisters, A Black wife of 40 years, many nieces- all American educated and older aunt that the men of my family TAKE CARE OF. I also having been a nurse for 30 plus years have been I hope an addition to the women that I have worked with. I sometimes in the last 30 plus years wished for more men to take care of their families. You must understand I have been an adult during the Black races' dissolution of the family. So YES... I don't want it to be said that I have disrespected anyone with respect to who I will always be.
A fact. During the civil rights fight, women took a secondary role solely because America was/is driven by the white male. Therefor it was the struggle of the Black man against the white male for these rights. Me, being there, knew women held our families together economically, morally and MOST of all emotionally. The Black women has been the strength since we first arrived to America. I would be foolish to besmirch her.
Ending I would like to apologize if I misunderstood what your message was. I have always been able to ignore what "some" say. I have heard it all but when Blacks have a problem with what I say I would like to able to come to common ground. My Lord, since civil rights I have had too many at odds with Blacks about a part of our history that was needed. You got to take my word for it because I was there . I have marched, boycotted and face to face confrontations (Mar72 Hampton VA charged with 15 felonies). And no, Hell no...who would imitate Malcolm now. You will be just another crazy Black that "I was scared of".
Man Field, I didn't know Ted Nugent read your blog. He is all over you.
Good post Brotha Panther.
"And yet ...... you're still here. Week after week you bemoan the state of blacks in America, and how racism is everywhere and blacks are soooooo oppressed."
While you bemoan the plight of the oh so oppressed white man. Continue.
"America is bad for blacks. Check. Given that it was an ideal (more than a geographic slab of dirt) that was conceived, developed and built by white people for white ideals - is it surprising to you that a permanent underclass that has never developed anything meaningful, or contributed to the advancement of the human race (except for breeding like animals) feels out of place in a world that they can't fully understand? You like to use the technology conceived, designed and built by whites, but have no clue about how to conceive, build and design your own cutting edge technology, so you continue to stay and hitch a free ride, just like any other parasite that has found an obliging host."
Free ride? What have YOU done for society? What have YOU built or are we just talking average white people? This is getting interesting.
"All the blacks here love to spout off about how educated they are, wealthy, mobile ... so pack your trash and leave. You've bitched the last 50 years and I've got news for you -- white America is done bending to your never ending demands and has had enough. You want this utopia where blacks run the show and everyone looks like you and acts like you? Then move. Leave. Go. And please, take Kanye West with you. He's forever moaning about "racist America" and threatening to leave - I guess being the spoiled rich kid of an undeserving Affirmative Action winner isn't enough."
Wow, how exactly would you know what kind of kid I was? Tell you what son, if your granddaddy couldn't scare us off when it was "legal" to intimidate and kill us what chance does a keyboard coward like yourself have of uprooting us? Hell, my people have been on these lands longer than yours so I have more rights to claim ownership than you. Nice try.
"Whites owe blacks nothing, and whites have every right to celebrate their history, their culture and their values in their own ethnic communities, undiluted and unpolluted."
You gotdamn right YOU don't owe me anything. You can't afford to pay me anything. And you have every right to celebrate your trailerpark trash "culture". No one is stopping your monster truck rallies and NASCAR son/ Have at it, hell, I may leave a tip at your register when you ring up my fries Jethro. Tell your sister/cousin/wife goodnight.
Yes Porter, we will always watch out for racism, because we understand that folks like would love nothing more than to bring us back to those good ole days.
Quote Nazi-boi
"The Army, Navy and Air force should be as small as circumstances warrant. Police and Fire departments should only be as powerful and prevalent as needed. Healthcare should be between me and my doctor. Welfare should be temporary and not be for the able-bodied."
O.K. so you admit these things are statist and that they are very necessary.
Well done, I knew we would get there eventually.
You and Hitler would both love for these institutions to be as bloated and oppressive as possible. That's because you are both fascists.
FP said... "why is it that Black men that can smell/spot crafty counsel quickly when it comes to bm...suddenly lose all ability when it comes to Bw/Bgs?"
Words of Truth and Wisdom.
And of course it would make sense black girls catch their own demise (disrespect, rape, abduction, molestation) just because a few gyrate on television...
But black boys are always innocent victims even though a number of them do burglarize homes, carry guns, and the rest seem to drive around disturbing the peace while falling into the traps of the hateful racists.
Carry on folks.
NFL to adopt 15-yard penalty for use of racial slur?
White democrats suffering from guilt do what they think is best for black people.
What happens if a black person says it to another black person? Still a penalty?
What about a teammate using the phrase to another teammate? Still a penalty?
"You and Hitler would both love for these institutions to be as bloated and oppressive as possible. That's because you are both fascists."
So the proponents of ever increasing welfare states are fascists?
Now you get it! Socialists are fascists, albeit ones who are a bit slier and more patient when it comes to exterminating their opponents.
We are making some progress here. You are almost to the point where you can admit to yourself that there is a segment of the population that you would have no problem sending to the concentration camps.
This is going to be so liberating for you, you'll be a new Cow.
^ their hearts are in the right place but the execution leaves something to be desired.
In reference to the proposed NFL rule.
Quote Nazi-Boi
"So the proponents of ever increasing welfare states are fascists?"
I said nothing like that, as you well know. I see that your intellectual defeat is so total, you are grasping at desperate straw man arguments, and/or playing infantile word games.
Let's look again at what the world renowned biographer of Hitler and the Nazis said.
"it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth of socialism. Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living ‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’."
(source:The Coming of the Third Reich, Evans, p. 173)
"The source of this development lay in the irresolvable contradictions of German and international capitalism. The consequences of World War I and the onset of the global economic crisis in 1929 had ruined broad layers of the working class and middle class. German society was deeply divided; democracy existed only in name. The Weimar Republic survived on the basis of emergency decrees and presidential cabinets as it headed towards a social explosion.
Under these conditions, Hindenburg decided to entrust Hitler with the reins of government. The Nazis were needed to crush the workers’ movement. They had mass support among desperate layers of the petty-bourgeoisie and the lumpen proletariat, which they mobilized against the organized labor movement. The destruction of the labor movement was the prerequisite for the preparation of the war of conquest that German business so urgently demanded.
Hindenburg’s decision was supported by the heads of the army, by big business and by the bourgeois parties. Hitler did not have to conquer power; it was handed to him by the ruling elite. The claim, however, that the majority of Germans supported Hitler is patently false.
In the last election before the handover of power, held in November of 1932, the two major workers’ parties, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Communist Party (KPD), received half a million more votes than Hitler’s NSDAP. The workers hated the Nazis. Not only did they vote against Hitler, they wanted to fight him. But their leaders proved incapable of conducting such a struggle.
The SPD, which had crushed the proletarian revolution of 1918-19, had no intention of mobilizing the workers. The party took refuge behind the state, which it claimed would tame the Nazis. It encouraged illusions in the police and in the army and Hindenburg, whom the SPD backed in the Reichstag election of 1932. Nine months later, Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor."
(source: '80 Years Since Hitler's Coming to Power,' by Peter Schwarz. Emphasis is mine.)
I pray that all is well with you. You've been coming across my mind lately.
@Anon 1:28,
Quit trying to advertise Bill O'Reilly using my name as an endorsement. I do not endorse men who bloviate or who sexually harass women or who insult Sylvia's Restaurant. I am a loyal user of Sylvia's seasonings and watching O'Reilly would be like stabbing her and all women in the back and that's not who I am as a person.
The only Bill I watch on TV is Bill Moyers and that is every once in awhile.
C'mon PC, we all know Hitler was a liberal, socialist Democrat. He was trying to spread socialism when the forces of small government lead by Ronald Raygun defeated him.
Yeah Granny I dig Bill Moyers, he breaks down the IRS "scandal" like no other journalist.
"you are grasping at desperate straw man arguments, and/or playing infantile word games."
Says the man who is arguing that the man who created the National Socialist party was not a socialist.
I have shown you how socialism and fascism are sister ideologies.
I have demonstrated how socialism and fascism organize society in identical ways.
I have cited historical facts that prove socialism and fascism result in the same crimes against humanity.
Yet you persist in denying what is so patently obvious. I think you are just too much of a pussy to admit that you really dig something so evil.
And you know you do. You know you would absolutely love to send me and other wrong thinking people away to a place where you'd never have worry about anyone getting in the way of the glorious future you have planned for the world.
Because that's what socialism and fascism are all about: Making the world conform to your desires. No matter what it takes.
So come on Cow. If you are going to Talk the Talk, you have be willing to Walk the Walk.
Ted Nugent is the HEART of the GOP party and he is an excellent representative of their beliefs.
He is a Democrat dream come true, he'll save the Democrats some money come election time.
"Of course they wouldn't. But their Jewish pimps would.
11:05 PM"
not sure if you are trying to be stank or not.
KNOW this:
those that claim they are Hebrew but are not...
"pimp" all. it is their right + religion in relation to what they call goyim.
je Wish folk + Hebrews are best never confused. though the wishers specialize in confusion inducing white lies framed by their wicked scribes.
folk would be wise to note that Messiah Himself has ALREADY called it:
John 8:44- Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.
now none is moreso "pimped" than the dumb white boy goyim.
negro million ignorant dollar babies.
now as soon as devilish + possessed bishes get clear on THAT and call things what they are/act like they know:
new day.
folk quick to put "pimp" + Bw/Bg together.
i politely, in the sweetest of tones, submit a solid
F U defeated satan...
in perpetual response;)
nope. not.sorry.
nor trying to pretend that i am. nope.
it would be wise to know:
i AM quite serious + fully persuaded.
folk want to tell me how to be me.
while reserving the right to be their Yahless, wack azz, selves.
how convenient.
+ defeated.
i don't like the words, thoughts, programs, scripts, pure UNCUT RACIST/SEXIST NONSENSE that is NONSTOP directed at BW/BGs.
folk need to take ALL their 1%, talented 10th, well connected for generations resources AND go fix THAT
NEVERENDING injustice + crime against humanity.
there is no silence. waiting. or any other placating that will satisfy at this point in history.
throwing up a ain't Nia Long fine post = will NOT cut it. so that we are clear.
THEN come see me about MY tone.
since folk want to post up the Ben Affleck affirmation post AFTER i leave info that tells the Real about all these demons that hop the globe committing all types of crimes against humanity. UN, Planned Parenthood, CDC, etc. all these organizations do the exact opposite of what they lead the sleeping masses to believe.
then sick demonic bishes congregate over here acting like the continent of Africa is anything less than demon possessed. there are demons running through- white devils, yellow devils, curried devils, and of course the black slave devils that just can't wait to sell out their brethren. all devils determined to chop down + destroy those people.
it is white supremacy, lack of humanity, and a hate for Truth that has folk claiming anything else.
the gov't lies to hide gov't ties.
the hands of the US gov't are drenched in the blood of the world people.
the hands of americans are bloody as a result of our collective refusal to be UNdistracted long enough to seek the Truth of how things really are. much less actually Stand up and Speak it.
oh...that will get you killed. ssshhh! gotta hide the Light. be quiet. be afraid. la la devilish la.
instead, most americans are willfully ignorant + selfish. as long as they are comfortable. ha ha...we get to use the world's resources. folk have actually said that out loud to me more than once. smh.
quite similar to how hard folk are riding for devils over here in the field. folk riding for white devils + black devils. while bickering about the double standards, lies, hypocrisy it all thoroughly entails on all sides from all participants in the circus show.
apparently folk are not realizing all roads lead to hell in such a case.
but that's right...new school teaches there is no such thing as hell. no Yah. no hell. just do what thou wilt as the whole of the law...get that mammon. anything for $...
all day.
and anybody who is NOT new over here should know by now...
you folk are highly "educated".
blank stare.
it is understood that some things are better left unsaid, btw.
got a message from the Heavenlies to let 'er rip though...if i felt like i just needed to.
warned in advance of a set back that will turn for Good with patience;)
it's on.
whoever threw me up on google.
thank you.
i asked for help. didn't mean that but hey. shouldda been more specific. lol!
He said be Bold.
Mighty forces will come to my aid.
i AM just fool enough for Him/His Word to Believe + act accordingly.
it's all Love, 1 Corinthians 13 style to the best of my ability. without allowing defeated devils to take advantage nor bully;)
for Real.
for Real.
"Ted Nugent is the HEART of the GOP party and he is an excellent representative of their beliefs.
He is a Democrat dream come true, he'll save the Democrats some money come election time."
I don't know Granny, he is firing up their base. While those who vote for them are stupid the gop insiders aren't. This is free publicity. They believe what Ted is selling them, read what an anon poster above wrote about white kids saying "nigger" more and more and doing it purposely to create a reaction. A blah man in the WH has brought out alot of ugly and Ted is just the man to bottle this crap up.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
^ their hearts are in the right place but the execution leaves something to be desired.
Summed up the democrat party in one simple sentence.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
In case you don't know, CNN is on the rise in viewership faster than any of the competition.
1:26 AM
Well, thanks for that Anon. The numbers do vary, based on which source one uses, but let's pick the Prog-centric "Variety" for discussion purposes - they do note that CNN viewership is increasing:
Yes ... increasing in viewership from 300,000 to ... a few more. In a nation of 300 MILLION people. That's nothing, that's a mere drop in the bucket, and it certainly isn't "influential". That's a Special Interest drum circle for the already indoctrinated to re-up their confirmation bias.
Well Bill at least the Dems are trying to do what they think will help while the Repubs try to legislate their bigotry. Given the choice......
Still a Black Panther-
i see you.
let me come back to you, sir. for a whole host of reasons.
feeling a bit heated by the disrespect that goes UNchecked while folk relentlessly worship the forbidden, helpless, hopeless,defeated, golden bm calf over here.
let me execute a pattern interrupt- that our exchange might be productive;)
Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy said...
FP said... "why is it that Black men that can smell/spot crafty counsel quickly when it comes to bm...suddenly lose all ability when it comes to Bw/Bgs?"
Words of Truth and Wisdom.
And of course it would make sense black girls catch their own demise (disrespect, rape, abduction, molestation) just because a few gyrate on television...
But black boys are always innocent victims even though a number of them do burglarize homes, carry guns, and the rest seem to drive around disturbing the peace while falling into the traps of the hateful racists.
Carry on folks.
10:48 AM
@ Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy:
this pure fiction action flick right here:
"But black boys are always innocent victims even though a number of them do burglarize homes, carry guns, and the rest seem to drive around disturbing the peace while falling into the traps of the hateful racists."
appears to be on a perpetual loop over here + across the nation.
with the wise guys on a quick stop at the Truth, saying stuff like this, all fast:
"Yes the men of post civil rights era has abandon their little off-springs and the mothers."
while skating to the next zero accountability, non problem solving statement.
THIS is why i need to pattern interrupt that line of discussion. men are by nature hard wired to be Protectors, Providers, Problem Solvers, and Producers.
there are too many UN-P's going on right now for me...unprotective, unproblem-solving...
He sent me with Scripture salt and those talking out of both sides of their mouths WILL feel it.
particularly since i have PERSONALLY with my OWN EYES watched 'ole timers teach the newcomers how to game:
"Fat Chance" at 4:31 am wrote:
While you bemoan the plight of the oh so oppressed white man. Continue.
I don't "bemoan the plight of the oh so oppressed white man".
You would like to believe that whites feel oppressed. I don't feel "oppressed", nor do my husband or sons feel "oppressed". If anything, they find great amusement in the belief of blacks that whites are replaceable and they can maintain and run civilization without the talent and knowledge of the white male. Gee, that's working out so well for black-run South Africa. They can't even field their own air force anymore.
I know that part of your quest for revenge and retribution is your need to feel that whites feel "oppressed". Sorry to disappoint!
Reply to "Fat Chance", con't...
We just don't choose to participate in any of your spheres of influence that seek to try and "oppress" white males.
It's called withdrawal of consent, and it is peaceful and lawful and doesn't involve physical threats or intimidation, but is highly successful.
My DH was remaining in the workforce in a particular organization as a second career because he enjoys the companionship of other like-minded creative professionals in his area of expertise; as a legacy trust fund baby, it isn't because we need the money.
This organization went full Progtard and parachuted in an unqualified black man as the "head" with the expectation that the whites males in key leadership positions would cover up and extend and pretend for this figurehead (who immediately rushed to issue press releases trumpeting his place as the "First black ______". My DH took a few days to suss this character out, and the consensus was that he is a unqualified, radicalized affirmative action placement, so my DH tendered his resignation rather than play extend and pretend for this jackass. My DH's replacement then took a few weeks to sort out what a loser and charlatan this "HNIC" was and also resigned rather than play extend and pretend for this jackass. The key leadership positions are now vacant and my understanding is that they are interviewing Indians for the positions, which will be the death of this organization, which is based on creative problem solving and innovation - skills both Indians and blacks clearly and demonstrably lack. I do enjoy having him home fulltime as now we can travel more without time limit restrictions or people at working pinging him on his mobile device. So that's a bonus on top of working to destroy a Prog captured entity. Win-win!
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
"A blah man in the WH has brought out alot of ugly and Ted is just the man to bottle this crap up."
It's called a "backlash", and it's just getting started.
Y'all just kept pushing way too long.
Reply to "Fat Chance" comments, con't:
Free ride? What have YOU done for society? What have YOU built or are we just talking average white people? This is getting interesting.
I hold several patents in the areas of chemistry,chemical engineering and biomedical innovation. I contributed immensely to the groundwork that allowed for the cataloguing of the human genomic library. I also inherited a very successful business that was a leader in engineering innovation upon the death of my father.
Upon the Prog apotheosis of teh Won, pretendident, I left the workforce and I sold my father's business to the Chinese (literally, the equipment was dismantled, packed up and shipped to China) and helped add to the unemployment situation in this nation. I won't do anything to help or support the policies of this pretendident or his entourage. Thanks, but no thanks. You can't compel me to participate or contribute. No amount of teh Mooch screeching, hectoring or lecturing will change that fact. There are many more in my circle who did the same. We have lots of free time and I enjoy gardening, having more opportunity to take part in Northern European centric cultural events, and teach at a homeschooling cooperative for privileged white kids. It's a very fulfilling life. Thanks for asking!
My DH, prior to accepting the position at the now Prog captured organization which he just resigned from to make a political point that he won't be a BGI enabler, developed weapons systems and perfected drone systems that are highly successful at killing large numbers of brown and black people. He was able to travel overseas to watch their success in person, casually eating bag after bag of popcorn (literally!) as thousands of them got whacked on the big screen in real time. His only regret is that they weren't able to kill more of them because of restrictive ROE's about who can be identified as an bonafide enemy combatant. Sigh. On a good note, because he was part of the development and testing of these systems, he also understands how to defeat the technology when the loser Progs try and turn them loose against the majority White population in this country. All said, his contribution to humanity is invaluable, reducing the number of parasitical future breeders by a fairly significant factor. Win!
Last reply to "Fat Chance's" snark:
Wow, how exactly would you know what kind of kid I was? Tell you what son, if your granddaddy couldn't scare us off when it was "legal" to intimidate and kill us what chance does a keyboard coward like yourself have of uprooting us? Hell, my people have been on these lands longer than yours so I have more rights to claim ownership than you. Nice try.
I'm not a "keyboard" coward. I get in the faces of black people and other miscegenation experiments every chance I get. In an interesting sociological development, prior to the Prog Apotheosis of teh Won, blacks would get right back in your face, which was highly entertaining. Now, they suck it up and take it. You can see they're fuming, but they stuff it down. On one level, that's more satisfying, but somewhat disappointing. It's much more enjoyable to see them publicly lose their sh!t and have Class A chimpouts.
The jumping to conclusions is humorous. Your ancestors have not been "on these lands" longer than mine - more and more evidence is being uncovered about the colonisation of European peoples here long before the slave trade or the colonisation by current north american indians. In any event, my more contemporary ancestors conceived, established and sustained the current experiment that was "America", which your ancestors did not. Those are the facts, as uncomfortable as a they may be for an "85" average IQ denizen like yourself.
As far as "uprooting" - I think you misunderstand. Your kind are currently trying to invade and colonise "Whiteopia's" not realising that you are safer within majority black communities. Whatever. You may have the current "legal" right to invade and attempt to colonise where ever you wish, but that is a far different matter from being "accepted". And more and more race-aware whites are refusing to accept any mix of miscegenation experiments in their communities. It's an awakening and a Renaissance of sorts.
The pretendident has made EVERYTHING about race - message received.
And your comment about "uprooting"... shows your ignorance. The Jews inside Germany in the 1930's also made the same stand - no one was going to "uproot" them, nor force them to leave, they had businesses, they had established themselves, they had the "right" to be there. All of that is technically correct. But such a stance was heartbreakingly and willfully ignorant of the prevailing political sentiment and the shift in those sentiments. The only difference between blacks and Jews today is that you don't need to mandate blacks wear yellow stars to pick them out of a crowd. Do you really think HoldHerr and his "Just-Us" department is going to be able to keep you safe from harm 24/7, 365? I don't advocate physical harm to anyone that isn't an identified armed conflict enemy combatatant, but I can't say the same for many others who are no longer content to put up with living in BRA. The younger people especially are hardened politically after being force fed Prog indoctrination in the schools, and there was quite a lively discussion at the post office with some elderly white men who said anyone who has received a terminal diagnosis should take out a few, um, I believe the term was, "young bucks", as a favor to humanity and legacy to their children and grandchildren. Let me reiterate, that is not my preferred solution to the issues, nor would I advocate the same, but I can certainly appreciate why some would feel that way.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Well Bill at least the Dems are trying to do what they think will help while the Repubs try to legislate their bigotry. Given the choice......
3:38 PM
Wrong. The Dems don't even bother "legislating" their bigotry and biases anymore, but that would involve working with people with different ideals to achieve a consensus. No, instead they just mandate their bigotry through executive fiat and extra-legislative regulation.
Yeah, the continue end run around the democratic process is going to end well.
folk are QUICK to cop to BM gaming white women. think crying azz TO, i need a home loan, you know i love you Becky. for the modern this is how it goes down.
quite a few ww are lettin' it rip on youtube about the game as well...
these SAME ONES will take to their graves the wickedness quite a few BM feel ENTITLED to do to BW/BGS. will act like anyone mentioning inconvenient Truth about the Real deal = too _____________ , to have an opinion. fill in that blank with whatever. these defeated ninjas stay clever.
and guess what?
ALL these jokers come FROM BW + ARE RELATED to BW. have BW as their sisters, cousins, wives, etc.
Truth be told...these related women get much of the hurt, first. they just keep it on the low. for appearances + not to stop the flow of their shoe $ (lol!) or mad $ savings.
when they do speak out...don't nobody care. had a brotha that stays "snowed in" + not working. lol! talking to me about michael jordan. let him know i wasn't a fan. asked him if he was aware daddy jordan was raping mj's sister? of course, he had no clue. saw him google just to make sure, before he commenced to calling me a lie. lol!
stop snitchin'.
about that:
what will NOT happen is my SILENCE when i see CONGO/RWANDA american style being set up+ implemented.
dancing young, finally UN F'ING MIXED, Black girls doing ANYTHING UNWHOLESOME + UNSEEMLY =
and who cares?
the elder menfolk that should be TEACHING the next ones, or just RESTING rolling through making statements like this:
"Today it pains me to see the Black State of Affairs. I was not going to comment tonight until I saw a commercial telling "television land" a new show is coming next month. It will be about youth African American YOUNG.. YES, YOUNG girls dancing n a pure sexual manner. Oh yea. these will not be mixed nor white girls. How can my people expect other race of people see us self portrayed as sluts. Maybe I have gotten too old for the imagery that African Americans display."
instead of issuing the call, as an elder no less, to BM to PROTECT the women + children. you know that which menfolk are called to do...
instead folk decided to comment with THAT.
i won't even try to be quiet.
congo/rwanda america style is here.
while BW are programmed to see EVERYBODY BUT the ones that murder, rape, molest, abduct, abuse etc. them with impunity + silence:
their own treacherous sons + brothers...
as the enemy.
then everybody else gets a turn to pile on more disrespect, dehumanization, hatred.
while folk don't even try to care for the most part when we go missing. come up dead. are raped daily. (she's lying!)
this is without adding those whose religion mandates human sacrifice...
i am offended by the ugliness that is being set up to utter silence.
why in the world would i sit anywhere and concern myself with the feelings of folk that clearly don't give a solid DAMN about offending me?
there is a cost for Speaking.
there is a cost for silence.
i would rather, and exercise my will, to pay the cost for Speaking.
silence is for cowards that clearly DON'T KNOW the Word nor Power of the Most High.
Leviticus 19:29- Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.
men, all colors, are in violation.
Black men take all things to new levels. it is my heart + soul desire to see them awake.
turn their hearts + behavior to Him/His Word.
that He might heal our nation.
as it is written.
Tough Love.
it is hard for all parties involved. those that Love you will tell you the Truth.
for those that choose sin...fear is a part of the way it all works.
so you will have devils declare this type of nonsense:
"Dixiecrat said...
It's called a "backlash", and it's just getting started.
Y'all just kept pushing way too long.
3:58 PM"
if folk don't know who they are and who makes them Strong...
they will believe that.
instead of Him/His Word:
Joshua 10:8- And the Sovereign said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.
i Believe Him/His Word over all that i think i see.
my ways are unorthodox + not really subject to mass approval. lol. this is not a popularity contest. He said come as you are...He can use whoever he sees fit.
i get that i am an unlikely candidate. lol! that's what's so wild about it! lol!!!
what other folk do = their free will + their personal business.
for Real. i pray we all make it home, in Messiah's Name.
Well, Mr. So-called oppressed white man are there any non-white people that you so-called oppressed white folks do not want to annihilate?
Annihilation seems to be a habit with your kind when non-whites desire equality, the same freedom, and to live in peace, and you don't have complete control to dictate their lives. You know how y'all like to be in control and dictate to non-whites.
Delusional Anonymous said...
I hold several patents in the areas of chemistry,chemical engineering and biomedical innovation
Which is why you're on a Black blog looking to boost your pathetic self-esteem level?
Click your size 12 crusty heels Dorthy and come on back from Oz. There's a large bolus of risperidone that has your name on it, waiting for ya', LOL!!!
@ Black Panther Forever @ 3:30
I always admire your responses and the work that you have done over your lifetime to try and improve the condition of the black family and larger black community.
However, decades later, it is clear that the high water mark of the "ideals" falls short in reality. The rubber has hit the road, and the "ideal" of a peaceful, integrated society will not happen. Each group is too vested in advocated solely for their own interests, and research has affirmed that "diversity" is not a net positive, that "diversity" only serves to disrupt communities and diminish the sense of trust and social cohesion, which is necessary for a successful, open community.
The only real and workable solution at this point is to realize Lincoln's dream of repatriating blacks from America, so that they can realize their full potential in their own homeland. There were some initial starts with Haiti and Liberia, but the critical mass of educated and talented blacks was not enough to develop and maintain a workable society.
It's the only viable solution left. Blacks have made it clear that they are incapable of properly assimilating into the majority white, European culture. It is time to admit the reality.
The recent death of Jordan Davis is an excellent example. The lens by which that event was viewed by black or white observers was radically different. Blacks felt Davis and his pals had the "prerogative" to play their "music" as loudly as they wanted to, and had the right to threaten whites as aggressively as they thought they could get away with.
Whites are tired of the hyperaggressive provocations of blacks and the "noise pollution" of blacks - including their music - in the public sphere. I have spoken to many police officers, who agree that Dunn had the basis for a valid noise complaint. You don't have the right to pollute the public space with your filth. I have just as much right to peace and quiet as you do to "enjoy" your "music". That's what headphones are for.
A recent example was just last night. We were at the Chik-Fil-A enjoying our meal. Lots of cute white tykes were playing quietly in the playroom. The place was busy, but quiet. People were having civil conversations in muted tones.
In walks a group of teens, one of which was a black male of about 16 or so. Baggy pants, tats, surly attitude, the whole bit. The white teens were respectful, but the black immediately screeches as loud as possible: "DAMN! Look at the line! That's bullSHIT!" as he "swaggered" past our table.
Without turning around, I immediately raised my voice and said very loudly so everyone could hear, "Well, you can always count on the nigger in any group to have an inappropriate outburst".
Others at my table observed the reactions of the patrons and said many smiled or nodded in agreement - the teens with their black token left.
Well, there are some east Asians that are useful and do contribute to the global community, but aside from them, nope.
No matter. Bill Gates, Soros and their pals are actually busy working on items to complete their envisioned extermination of a large percentage of the global population - white and non-white, using a multi-prong approach: contaminated vaccines that prevent the implantation of a fetus, GMO foods that have spermicide spliced into them, manipulation of the high kill Spanish flu for an even more reliable LD.
But they're funding all the "right" front Prog groups, so y'all can look the other way and be distracted by some Tea Party activists who seek to restrain government spending.
See how that works? Go check out the Georgia Guidestones one day if your in the 'hood.
There's a large bolus of risperidone that has your name on it, waiting for ya', LOL!!!
4:38 PM
God, you're such a pathetic idiot. You're always talking smack and pretending you know what is going on around you. I can only imagine what a pain in the ass you would be if you actually ever stepped foot in a lab.
Risperdal is not typically given as a bolus or "push", it needs to be managed and titrated up. Bolus therapy is usually given only for life-threatening situations, such as an initial push of antibiotics, insulin, etc.
Is that what they gave you the last time you had your involuntary admission? Someone of your delusional capabilities clearly needs something far stronger. Lithium is still a reasonable choice for candidates like yourself.
I am here for research purposes. It is always helpful to know what lies are being pushed down the Prog food chain and end up in the sewer, so one can mount a reasonable defense against the effluent.
But thanks for the predictable outburst. You're as reliable as the cuckoo clock that marks the hours at your rehabilitative "institution".
Just waiting for the (sigh) tedious reference to a trailer park in 3, 2, 1.... the default position of the threatened.
Risperdal is not typically given as a bolus or "push", it needs to be managed and titrated up. Bolus therapy is usually given only for life-threatening situations, such as an initial push of antibiotics, insulin, etc.
My hope was that the "bolus" would "kill you". But it's clear that literary terms like metaphor are lost on "intellectuals" like you.
And chik-fil-A?? WOW, BIG spender. I guess those "patents" aren't paying off as much as you'd like.
Now come on Dorthy, click those heels, why don't cha!
And change that to "bolus" to 10M KCl, you're a waste to humanity.
"I'm not a "keyboard" coward. I get in the faces of black people and other miscegenation experiments every chance I get."
Sure you're not. We believe you.
"I hold several patents in the areas of chemistry,chemical engineering and biomedical innovation. I contributed immensely to the groundwork that allowed for the cataloguing of the human genomic library. I also inherited a very successful business that was a leader in engineering innovation upon the death of my father."
Bwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!Oh damn your trolls are hilarious Field!
"Blacks have made it clear that they are incapable of properly assimilating into the majority white, European culture."
Thank the gods for little miracles.
Oh looky, you inherited a business from daddy. A spoiled brat from an Affirmative Action white male. Great job. Too bad you couldn't make it on your own.
"Without turning around, I immediately raised my voice and said very loudly so everyone could hear, "Well, you can always count on the nigger in any group to have an inappropriate outburst".
Others at my table observed the reactions of the patrons and said many smiled or nodded in agreement - the teens with their black token left."
"I hold several patents in the areas of chemistry,chemical engineering and biomedical innovation. I contributed immensely to the groundwork that allowed for the cataloguing of the human genomic library."
Let's vote, which part of this genius anon's story contains more bull shit? LOL!
"Frankly, those who give in to racism and prejudice may just simply be rather unintelligent. One study suggested that those who gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies were more inclined to form and hold racist and prejudice views, because the conservative ideologies stress hierarchy and “resistance to change.” But we all know that progress just for the sake of “progress” is equally meaningless.
It may be that those who hold deeply rooted prejudice, and racist views, may actually just not know any better, or are cognitively incapable of being free from bias. Several studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between intolerance, racism, and prejudice in general, with reduced cognitive ability, and lower integrative complexity (putting different, separate, ideas together). In an analysis of two large-scale data sets, it was found that lower intelligence in childhood predicted greater racism in adulthood. A secondary analysis of a U.S. Data set, also confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on anti-homosexual prejudice. People with lower cognitive abilities were found to interact less with individuals of other races.
Although valid, this data shouldn’t imply that all racists are of low intelligence: it is likely that some are merely manipulative psychopaths. But the findings could suggest that those children of lesser intelligence are more likely to establish and hold racist, homophobic and other small-minded and prejudice views."
This is on full display here.
"And chik-fil-A?? WOW, BIG spender. I guess those "patents" aren't paying off as much as you'd like."
Ha! Well, small minded conservatives eat there because the owner doesn't like teh gays.
"The Dems don't even bother "legislating" their bigotry and biases anymore"
Yep, they leave that to the Republicans. Trying to pass an unconstitutional bill that allows businesses to refuse services to teh gays? Really? That's a good idea in 2014? Dear god, where do you find these people?
Still a Panther-
this right here, is an interesting choice of words:
"I am offering more illumination"...
considering that FN made a similar statement a thread or two ago.
folk stay flipped + twisted over here.
what about folk clarify? find comments insightful?
illumiNOT on all the defeated devilish rest. final Word + permanent Universal fix;)
how 'bout that?
twisted + flipped is all folk can hope to be when free-styling + own strengthing a spiritual battle, i suppose. them not knowing what's written about who we war against. it clearly says NOT the flesh.
they are just repping the wrong side altogether. dupe or devil style.
i am no judge.
just tossing out the possibilities + watching spiritual fruit + trying spirits by His Word.
when all the words are processed...the bottom line = fear.
"And no, Hell no...who would imitate Malcolm now. You will be just another crazy Black that "I was scared of"
yet, you...
Still a Panther?
see why i don't really have too time i want to devote to this convo?
white folk (the man + the woman. get THAT. ya'll keep stumbling on the woman part. for Real. continuing to do so just makes ya look dumb.) have taught you to be afraid of a bullet.
fear for your enslaved life.
when what is written is the exact opposite.
the Righteous are called to be as Bold as lions...
understanding the adversary is pacing to and 'fro, like a lion, too. seeking who he can devour.
UNprayed up + NO Sword of the Spirit wielding = spiritual prey.
open your spiritual eye and see the prey get gobbled daily.
folk can't be bothered to humble themselves to read a book.
a political publication.
which would give folk their history.
folk actually believe when liars whiten that which good solid common sense should immediately help folk spot as a white leprous (disease of the mental, spiritual + all other kind) lie.
one's mind can't auto correct from mental + spiritual enslavement without the Knowledge.
too too many things...making noise. distracting.
to keep folk from knowing the Truth, the Way...that they might be free.
wisdom+ my schedule does not permit too much more time devoted to convo. though i will say this:
folk pointing to their "Black wives" REALLY crack me up at this point in history.
true story:
back when i really believed that being around Black folk meant less racism/headache, i went to work with this 'brotha' at his firm.
he, too, was married to a Black woman. she knew him + held him down before he graduated dartmouth and opened his co.
this bullet headed, arrogant, pookie with a degree, basturd could not wait to tell folk how her marrying him was the best thing she ever did. like he did her a favor. of course, he was "joking".
which is usually what BM like to come with when saying the most disrespectful, degrading, uncalled for crap. think lil dress wearing kevin hart. he just playin' though...folk need a sense of humor.
Anonymous 4:47,
You're not one of those conspiracy theorist follower's are you?
I do not believe in conspiracy theories. In fact, conspiracies do more harm to humanity than an atom bomb because they instill fear in weak minded, naive people. Fear does not equal a sound mind.
Fear is just as dangerous as a weapon of mass destruction because it is destructive and disruptive to peace among human beings.
I desire peace among my fellow human beings, myself. I wish the day would come that the world destroys all weapons, but that might be wishful thinking the way the world is headed now. It is as if some in the world are determine to destroy all of the inhabitants of the world with wars and murders.
i watched as he posted his pics of his two boys + his wife around his office.
while he ran game on every sleeping woman of all colors that set foot in the office. like it was his own personal dating spot. lol. leveraging of course, his Black wife. lol!
he had a special love for dogging out the Black women interns from the colleges. be clear he "pimped" pretty hard the ucla/usc girls, too.
all this "pimping" is why folk ain't really all that committed to doing nothing but complaining about what is. they too busy trying to benefit from the chaos.
on the flippy, there are many wives that know the score. this is how wives + girlfriends end up in the same circles/spots/gatherings.
Isaiah 4:1- And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
suffice it to say:
there are many many many married to Black women menfolk that stay doing the most. always have been. there seems to be more now. so when folk run that disclaimer down to me...it always makes me laugh.
maybe a stroll through FN archives...mcnair...from a few years ago might be an interesting read for ya? you will have no choice but to notice...even when there is no fear of being literally shot, quite a few BM STILL choose not to Stand and Speak on the side of Truth + what is Right.
the most never trying to read Scripture folk, suddenly start worrying about appearing "judgmental"...
some BW help keep the mess going. please know that i know.
too much i have said before.
what i am speaking of goes back much farther than a couple thousand years, for those with limited Understanding.
John 8:58- Yahushua said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Exodus 3:14- And Almighty said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Yacob/Yahuthim, I AM hath sent me unto you.
IF i believed what i see + hear, i would conclude that this is hopeless.
i AM thankful for always + forever that He saw fit to redeem me from the pit. to reveal Him/His Word to me.
Still a Panther, i have nothing but Love for you.
we may agree to disagree.
i was not yet here for the next leg of my mission when Malcolm X walked the earth. Dr. King, either. however, i walk with them even now. the spirits of our ancestors are with me at all times understanding that spirits never die.
we owe those that have gone before US much more than our collective behavior renders. we are doing them a disservice on many levels. as our nation regresses into sin/spiritual bondage.
anything outside of Him/His Word will come to naught. we appear too hard headed to get that simple nugget...for now.
Well, I gotta go. I have a few things I need to get done today.
Have a blessed and victorious day!
"Fear does not equal a sound mind."
No wonder conservatives are so screwed up. Boogeymen are everywhere, that's why they all need to carry guns.
"Oh looky, you inherited a business from daddy. A spoiled brat from an Affirmative Action white male. Great job. Too bad you couldn't make it on your own."
Slight correction, she didn't inherit shit, her husband did.
All she did was screw her way out of the trailer park.
"All she did was screw her way out of the trailer park."
I'm not even too sure about that. Calling people niggers in public, if that ain't trailer park behavior please tell me what is. Let's not even talk about the psycho husband who eats popcorn while cheering peoples' death. We got us a winner here. Do you think that chemistry degree really means meth cook?
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
Risperdal is not typically given as a bolus or "push", it needs to be managed and titrated up. Bolus therapy is usually given only for life-threatening situations, such as an initial push of antibiotics, insulin, etc.
My hope was that the "bolus" would "kill you".
You should be grateful to the Anon for imparting some medical knowledge your way. It's not like you will ever the chance to learn something like that as a student enrolled in an accredited medical school.
You will never be a doctor.
Ms. Queen said...
"All she did was screw her way out of the trailer park."
You couldn't screw your way into a trailer park.
Even hillbillies have standards.
Anon@4:40,u have a very active imagination.
You should write for FOX News. ;)
Dear Field,
The issue of the Chick-Fil-A encounter seems a matter of some dispute.
Here is something that is NOT a matter of dispute... that half of all negro babies in NYC are exterminated as a matter of choice by the handmaidens of black genocide, Planned Parenthood and affiliated groups.
Hitler did not have it as easy, where now the baby mommas line up to be relieved of their burdens as a CHOICE.
Yet, niggers focus on the word "nigger" and some woman from suburbia who seems to have the gift of getting you all riled up.
Your priorities are all jacked up. Go ahead, get all bothered by the word "NIGGER". There go another 7 fetuses. Make the moral choice... which is more destructive to a people? Why is it that black women overwhelmingly choose to not deal with birthing or raising a Traygone or Kit Durrant?
It is either by abortion (50%) or neglectful non-parenting that another 50% of the sons of black america end up as wards of the state.
Know what can make this better? I know, a gubbmint program, an EBT card and some new bakkabaw shoes to encourage them to rob and shoot one another some more.
Maybe the problem is within the black community, such as it is, Field. The crimes, the inhumanity, the dysfunction. Maybe the mothers choosing abortion are right in this case.
"You couldn't screw your way into a trailer park."
And that's a good thing.
"Here is something that is NOT a matter of dispute... that half of all negro babies in NYC are exterminated as a matter of choice by the handmaidens of black genocide, Planned Parenthood and affiliated groups."
And how many white babies are aborted or do you just care about Black babies? Just curious. My guess is PP aborts white babies too so is that white genocide? Haven't thought this through too well have we troll?
"It is either by abortion (50%) or neglectful non-parenting that another 50% of the sons of black america end up as wards of the state."
Where did this troll pull these stats?
What have you done lately for the black community? What tangible results have you created? I don't care how much money you gave, what did you do with your own hands and sweat to help the blacks out?
Just asking, giving you an opening to lay it all out there.
Mr. Troll's Ass,
I suggest that the following be checked for the reported stats of negroes in trouble:
It is difficult to accurately state the true level of black social dysfunction, as it has been systematically under-reported for political purposes. An example is Trayvon Martin, who would have had his life saved by an arrest. Instead, the school police let it ride.
The black abortion rate is also a tough issue to get a dot on. A guy who you may ask, as he is an authority on such things is a Bill Baird in New York (Long Island).
He was a big time abortionist back in the late 1980's or so. Saw him once working as a secret Santa during a Christmas party, asked him on the side what he was all about. He saw himself as a compassionate man who was trying to save the community from itself. Find him and ask him yourselves. I doubt he is on the record about that, anywhere.
This link is to the Danville, Vermont historical society's page. It references some of the inside baseball of the former slave repatriation effort back to Africa.
It is interesting to note that those staunch Yankees, the Quakers and abolitionists alike were disgusted by negroes. Way to keep it classy, Yankees.
Of more note is, when they tried at some point to drop off some returnees, the locals in what is now Liberia felt so accommodating to this, they threatened armed response if they were debarked. I see negroes are not even welcome amongst other negroes. In such a case, who gets to call whom "Nigger"?
I do believe I asked how many white babies are aborted. Well?
"Where did this troll pull these stats?"
Please do not give that ignorant insecure sub-human mutated inferior racist creature a tag that is similar to mine. I do have a regular ID, but I've been having issues logging in, so I've been liking this one just fine, don't make me change it.
Now, I wish the superiority-delusional folks could hurry make up their minds, either 70%-80% black mothers supposedly have a dozen OOW black children in their homes, OR black women are supposedly having abortions at high alarming rates. Which is it? You can't have both.
And you have to wonder, why the hell does the anti-black hateful folks who are heading for extinction care if black mothers are aborting black babies? You would think the less blacks the better. Or perhaps black abortions might diminish their ample supply for black penal slaves, and/or bodies for their racist arrogant rampaging shootings.
Every time one of these racist creatures bring up the "black abortion" myth, I beg them please focus on their own white baby killing whoremaidens, the ones who have been trashing their white/sometimes brownish membranes for generations. And at far more rates than any other race of women combined. Go look up those ugly stats in America/Europe, that's if you can find half of them, which are swept under the rug thanks to private doctor services, or the ones that go down as "emergency D&Cs". White women just love to have them their routine D&Cs. LOL!
Damn sickening racists, I'm going to bed.
@Anon 1:28,
Quit trying to advertise Bill O'Reilly using my name as an endorsement. I do not endorse men who bloviate or who sexually harass women or who insult Sylvia's Restaurant. I am a loyal user of Sylvia's seasonings and watching O'Reilly would be like stabbing her and all women in the back and that's not who I am as a person.
The only Bill I watch on TV is Bill Moyers and that is every once in awhile.
2:37 PM
Baloney. You watch Bill O'Reilly damn near everyday and you know it. My dear Granny, there is no shame in watching O'Reilly. Afterall, he is one the most watched newsman in the country. He is also one of the most powerful men in the world. So, you are watching the right man.
Anony 12:53,
Nope, he did not make it on the list of the powerful men in the world.
Sorry, but my cousin is the MOST powerful man in the world and he made it on the list.
Now! granny--> sticks her tongue out at Anon and gives major eye rollage.
Those DNA test leaves no stone un-turned.
Okay, anon, I'm just joking.
But now, O'Reilly does not rate a place on the list of powerful men in the world. If he did, he paid the person who type the list to type an error, I mean fib.
Ted Nugent is nothing but a public embarrassment at this point. Nearly everything that comes out of his mouth is offensive.
I imagine even most conservatives wish he would just go away.
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