The thing is, though, no one should be surprised. This is not an unusual way of thinking for men in the majority population of a certain age here in America. I am dissapointed at all the people doing like Inspector Renault from Casablanca who are "shocked" to see that an NBA team owner can be a racist.
The fact that Sterling held these views has been the worst kept secret in the sports world, and yet he was allowed to continue owning the Clippers and reach into his deep pockets to purchase high priced free agents and an equally high profile African American coach. (Please don't tell me that Doc Rivers didn't know about Sterling. He ---like the LA chapter of the NAACP---should be ashamed of himself.
I was having a debate on twitter about who of our latest news making racists was more dangerous. I thought that it was Sterling, others, on the other hand, thought that it was Cliven Bundy.
I picked Sterling because of the personal power and influence that he has. The others chose Bundy because of the dangerous people around him and the political influence that he (and folks like him) has.
I suppose that you could go either way.
It's interesting to note that Cliven Bundy's racism was sure to be exposed at some point. He is clearly not as sophisticated as Sterling and not as practiced at hiding his true feelings. Sterling's racism was revealed because he pissed off his lover. Bundy's was revealed because he just kept talking.
Finally, just a quick thought before I go. I was wondering, why aren't these guys considered "thugs"?
NASCAR drivers are red necks not thugs.
Field still isn't telling the unwashed that Sterling is a Democrat. I wonder why?
Kinky Con.
"Field still isn't telling the unwashed that Sterling is a Democrat. I wonder why?"
Kinky isn't telling folks Cliven Bundy is a Republican. I wonder why.
Meanwhile the dullard Charles Barkley offers a customarily ignored gaffe: “We (the NBA) are a black league.” Verdict: Neither repugnant nor reprehensible.
Sterling told his whore that it's okay to have sex with black guys, just don't bring Magic Johnson to a Clippers game, and the President has to interrupt his state visit to Indonesia to comment on it.
Bundy clumsily points out the fact that about 1/3 of black America has, left to their own devices, built lives that in many ways are worse than the lives of their slave ancestors, and even Sean Hannity wants to burn him at the stake.
This is a fundamentally unserious country.
Donald Sterling is NOT Jewish. No Jew would take a racist attitude like Sterling. He is not a Jew.
Please do not put Jews in the same racist bucket as Whites. Jews have better hearts.
Sterling's girlfriend is beautiful and smart and basically loves bm but depends on wm for security.
But isn't that the way it is, for bw? Consider the plight of bw, which most bw on FN won't discuss because of the embarrassment and shame.
Thank goodness there are White, non-Jewish men like Sterling around willing to give a bw and a Latino an opportunity to better herself.
So why must she keep bringing Blacks to the games? I don't understand why she wants to aggravate him and lose her chance to live 'rightly'?
I bet even Granny understands what I am talking about.
Of course Sterling hates black people, he's a Jew. The good thing is that he hates white people even more.
President Obama should still cash his checks, and the NAACP should still give him his award. Democrats need to stick together.
"and even Sean Hannity wants to burn him at the stake."
Sean Hannity would probably burn himself. Typical stupid Republican.
Sterling is a Jew? And he is a Democrat? I don't believe it. If that were the case, Field would have made that clear in his post.
Nope.... Sterling is just what Field posted him to be: White, racist and a Republican. And Field does not lie. He is always for truth, and calling it the way it is.
Wow. You don't bite the hand that feeds you...
Of course, Sterling is a Republican! He is White and stupid.
Why the Fuk are people calling that woman a black?!?
The reason people are calling that woman Black is for the same reason Negroes call Tiger Woods Black. But neither 'consider' themselves Black.
But we are kinda desperate. We want to be associated with famous people who we want to be Black.
However, this lady is considered Latina. It's obvious. Just by looking at her hair and hearing her accent, there is no way she is Black in heart and mind.
Sterling just wanted her to stop bringing Blacks to his games. Just because she did, doesn't make her Black, just like Tiger is not Black.
So our "literary" president thinks racism occasionally "percolates up", does he? It's down there in the murk, you see, sometimes rising (accompanied by the Jaws theme, no doubt) to break the placid surface. But, how does the mass dissemenation of a private, illegally recorded conversation constitute percolation? Isn't more like an aggressive drilling down to find "racism"? And why is there, apparently, no faction out there in favor of privacy? Why is there no respectability allotted the argument that one's private life should remain private, even when dealing with the tender sensibilities of black Americans and liberals?
Where you been FIELD? Those NASCAR drivers are considered "bad boys". But never "thugs". Only black men, black teenagers, black children and black toddlers can be "thugs".
Dale said...
So our "literary" president thinks racism occasionally "percolates up", does he? It's down there in the murk, you see, sometimes rising (accompanied by the Jaws theme, no doubt) to break the placid surface. But, how does the mass dissemenation of a private, illegally recorded conversation constitute percolation? Isn't more like an aggressive drilling down to find "racism"? And why is there, apparently, no faction out there in favor of privacy? Why is there no respectability allotted the argument that one's private life should remain private, even when dealing with the tender sensibilities of black Americans and liberals?
12:13 AM
Dale, you 'see' too much. You are too thorough for FN. People aren't that smart nor are they questioning what the President says. As a matter of fact, they NEVER question the President...
Privacy? What's more important is to know what people are saying about Blacks in the privacy of their homes, and 'minds'. I personally want to know every thought that goes on the mind of Whites. Because I KNOW they are racists.
That would be the final proof.
The unedited version of the Cliven Bundy interview:
Attentive viewers will note that Bundy is criticizing the federal government and liberalism, not any racial groups. His attitude toward blacks and Hispanics is clearly benevolent; he is taking their side.
Black former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes confirms that there is nothing “racist” about what Cliven Bundy said.
What does race have to do with a corrupt and tyrannical government deliberately driving ranchers out of business anyway? You probably know the answer. Anyone the authorities want to destroy, they portray as a “racist” — i.e., as a thought criminal. If Bundy is a racist, he is wrong in all matters, as is anyone who agrees with him about anything; therefore the federal government was right to send in 200 heavily armed agents to terrorize his family.
Imagine a medieval king encountering resistance while trying to steal someone’s land, then denouncing him as a witch to erode his public support. This is the exact equivalent.
Well, at least this story proves that rich Whites are accepting Latinos and not Blacks. Latinos will soon melt into the mainstream of America.
That's all the more reason for passage of the immigration laws, so that Latinos can fulfill their destiny in America.
Mr Field, I am having a hard time believing Mr Sterling is a racist. I mean, he was just trying to get her to understand the complexities of how racism work in America.
He himself is not a racist but got to be a billionaire by following the rules of society. Trump has done the same too. But even Donald Trump is questionable when it comes to being a racist. There is no proof that Trump is a racist, either.
In any case, I predict this thing will blow over soon and those two lovebirds will settle down as if nothing ever happened.
Go Clippers!
"The reason people are calling that woman Black is for the same reason Negroes call Tiger Woods Black. But neither 'consider' themselves Black.
...this lady is considered Latina. It's obvious. Just by looking at her hair and hearing her accent, there is no way she is Black in heart and mind."
You are right... some black people can't help but to claim trash into the black race. However, a lot of black men are notorious for this when the ambiguous suspect is female. This mind-trick pathology has always given black men the upper hand to not only practice colorism, but to openly mingle with actual non-black women without being called a "sell out" etc.
Furthermore, even black biracial and non-white ambiguous looking women have always known this. That's why many don't seem to "move on" to other race of men so easily. Most of these women lurk and stick around the "black scene" in order to benefit from that type preferential attention which black males have historically given them (a full blown self-esteem high). That's why Mr. Sterling's bought Latina is an idiot.
It annoys me to read comments online claiming she is a black whore or black gold-digger etc. This woman is not "black". Not only does she not look "black", but she was raised by a non-black Latin mother/woman in a non-black Latin environment. It should also be obvious that her mindset, along with appearance, never subjected her to the same social/racial experiences as the average "black" woman in America.
And of course some whites are going to peddle the "black woman" coin because they want to promote the "he is not racist, he has a 'black' girlfriend" bullshit.
Hey Field, I have two questions for you and would appreciate an honest answer about the Negroes up in arms over the Clipper owner remarks to his girlfriend.
1)What was the offensive racist, I repeat racist remark(s)he made to his girlfriend according to subtitles in audio?
2)Have you explored the possibility that all this ruckus has absolutely nothing to do with racism but rather a well developed plan to unseat the Clipper owner from the NBA so a minority can have ownership in the second largest market in the NBA?
Who could the NBA select you ask. Maybe retired Laker EMJ - wink, wink. Just saying.
By the way, I would have liked to have seen this uproar from all these Negroes with Barney's & Jay Z. Two black youth wrongfully accused in Barney's and Jay Z does a song and dance to sell his winter line. We sure could have used the same uproar from these Negroes to Boycott but they were nowhere to be found. Smell that field, it's the wonderful aroma of BS.
I swear... some of these white folks would defend and pacify another white racist even if it kills them.
Even if it's blatant, a KKK member wearing his hood and frock... "Have you explored the possibility that he was doing laundry and a sheet fell on him?"
So annoying.
And wait a minute, are black people to be called "Negroes" again now? Was there a recent official memo?
You guys are really making a big deal of this "Sterling is a Democrat" thing, huh?
The guy donated a measly 6 grand, back years and years ago. Doesn't really prove much, since lots of rich guys throw around money to both parties. The freaking Koch Brothers have given money to Democrats, on occasion, when it served their interests.
As far as I can tell, Sterling's not particularly politically active at all. He's donated money to a bunch of philanthropic causes -- but only because everyone already thought he was a racist, and so Sterling's been trying hard to buy himself some goodwill (which is pretty much blown, now).
So I guess your "liberals are the real racists" rant has failed again. But when you catch George Clooney or Paul Krugman instructing a crowd on how "the Negro" was better off picking cotton, feel free to come back and try and make your point. Personally, I won't hold my breath.
Maybe Anon 1:34 is an Uncle Remus after all. It's getting harder to tell.
Either way, I could care less what Sterling said. Why are some black people so outraged? The man is a racist, most off them are. Nothing new.
If he was telling his Latin or Asian girlfriend to not bring "black women" to any of his games, you wouldn't be hearing shit from certain individuals nor comments from the President. But make hint to "deny" black males their "civil right" to mingle with a non-black woman at a gathering and prepare for a black outrage festival.
Much of what is known about Stiviano and the Clippers owner is laid out in a series of bitter legal filings made over the last few months.
Nearly 50 years Sterling's junior, Stiviano was sued last month by Sterling's wife, Rochelle, who seeks the return of the duplex as well as a Ferrari, two Bentleys and a Range Rover she said her husband bought for Stiviano.
Rochelle Sterling alleges in the lawsuit that her husband met Stiviano at the 2010 Super Bowl in Miami. The suit describes Stiviano, 31, as a seductress who targets wealthy older men like the 80-year-old Sterling.
According to property records, Stiviano purchased the duplex in December 2013. But Rochelle Sterling says that she allowed her husband to pay for the house, believing that her name would be on the deed along with his.
Sterling also gave Stiviano $240,000 for living expenses, according to Rochelle Sterling's lawsuit, amounting to $2 million of community property that he allegedly spent on Stiviano without his wife's knowledge.
In a response to the lawsuit, Stiviano argues that Rochelle Sterling must have known that her husband of more than 50 years had romantic relationships outside of his marriage.
Stiviano's court filing ridicules the notion that the "feminine wiles of Ms. Stiviano overpowered the iron will of Donald T. Sterling who is well known as one of the most shrewd businessmen in the world." Stiviano's papers, however, do not acknowledge that she was in a romantic relationship with Sterling.
"Neither Ms. Stiviano, nor this office has ever alleged that Ms. Stiviano is, or ever was, Mr. Sterling's girlfriend," Nehoray said in a statement Sunday night.
Nehoray wrote in court papers that his client was "a veritable fixture" at Sterling's business offices. A Clippers spokesman said Stiviano does not work for the team, though he said it is possible she is employed by one of Sterling's other business ventures.,0,7604260.story
Assuming the tape is authentic, Sterling needs to be suspended from the team's daily operations immediately. He needs to be pulled out of that courtside seat from where he once heckled his own players. He needs to be banned from the locker room where he reportedly once told women guests to "look at those beautiful black bodies." He needs to be locked out of a front office where Elgin Baylor once claimed his former boss had a "pervasive and ongoing racist attitude."
The NBA needs to run Sterling out of his office the way Major League Baseball twice ran Marge Schott out of her office for expressing racist views, as she was stripped of her ownership duties of the Cincinnati Reds during the 1993 season and from 1996 through 1998.
According to a statement released by the Clippers on Saturday afternoon, "Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect, his views, beliefs or feelings. It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes, and how he has lived his life."
Yet there are reams of documents indicating otherwise. Columns here and elsewhere have long pleaded for the NBA to take action on a man who, according to sworn testimony, once said of his apartment tenants, ". . . all of the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean." This same man also allegedly said, "I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house.",0,7545973.column
Cliven Bundy Facts:
I. He and his Family has never owned the Disputed Land.
1. Bundy Claims his family has owned the land since 1877, before the BLM existed and before grazing permits were required.
2. However, Clark County property records show Bundy bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 and included no rights to BLM land.
The Bundys didn't start grazing on the land until 1954.
3. The land is part of the Las Vegas Grazing District, established under the Taylor Grazing Act on Nov. 3, 1936. This was 10 years before the Bundys owned the land.
4. The BLM was founded in 1946, two years before they bought the land.
II. $16 Million Profits From Federal Land.
Why can't Bundy use his 160 acres for grazing?
Answer: money. Bundy is using Federal Land to graze cattle because he wants more cows and 160 acres isn't big enough to handle all the cows he wants. With Federal Land, he can have more cows and make more money.
Nevada land only supports one cow per 20 acres so he can only graze about 8 cows on his land. But using Federal Land, Bundy is grazing an extra 3,387 head of cattle. (We know this because Bundy owns $1.1 million in grazing fees over a 20 year period. So $1.35 per cow per month works out to 3,395 cows.)
Net Profit per cow is running about $250. That means Bundy is making an extra $848,765 a year by using Federal Land. Even if he paid the government grazing fee, his profit would still be $818,765.
Over the 20 years of the dispute, Bundy has made $16 million.
III. Ranch Welfare. Bundy has received $8.2 million in services from the Tax Payers.
1. Bundy Refuses to pay $1.35 per head, per month to graze his cattle on Federal Land saying the land belongs to the states.
2. If the land in question were state land, Nevada charges $15.50, so instead of owing $1.1 million to the Federal Government, Bundy would owe Nevada $12.6 million. Private land runs $14.50 and $20 per head, so private costs would be between $11.8 and $16.3 million.
3. Even if it was State Land, Bundy couldn't graze it, because the Nevada withdrew all grazing rights in the area in 1993.
4. The government spends millions maintaining the land and keeping it suitable for grazing. The Government routinely kills predators, removes trees to create more grazing land, drills wells, builds dams, controls weeds spread by cattle, fights fires and builds roads to access the land. The Government Accounting Office, it cost the government $8.10 per head to maintain the land. That means that, Bundy is receiving $8.2 million in services courtesy of the Tax Payers.
Ole' Clive thought his fame and all those "patriots" who were supporting him would permit him to show his true colors and those colors are ugly and anti-American. First of all, he has been shown to have lied about his position there in Nevada, as he claimed his parents and ancestors had been on the land since 1877. That is a lie, a type of lie which is pants on fire type. His family didn't live in the area until his parents bought 160 acres, not thousands and thousands of acres, in 1947. They bought 160 acres of land and Clive thought that should entitle him to use all the "government" land he wanted without paying the small lease money per year which was charged by the BLM. Those lands are federal lands, meaning they belong to all Americans, and Clive owed all the rest of us the lease money he has refused to pay for years. That means he has been STEALING all that money from all of us.
Now, he has demonstrated he is just a low life racist, as well. Most of us who understand Clive's type and understand what their true colors are to be found when one peeks behind their curtains, highly suspected he was probably a racist, a hater, certainly a misogynist if his good buddy and pal found it appropriate to put the women folk out front if there was shooting, and finally, he is just a common crook, yes, a crook. He doesn't like the "negroes" getting government subsidies, as he puts it, but Clive has been taking "government" subsidies and taking the profits from growing melons and all those cattle on FEDERAL LANDS AND THEN REFUSING TO PAY THE MINIMAL charges for using that land which belongs to all of us.
Obviously, Clive thinks subsidies and mooching and making a lot of money by stealing the grazing on that land is fine for Clive and "his kind" but he just hates anyone else whom he thinks is getting "subsidies" or welfare or whatever, when he is nothing but a common bigot, racist, misogynist, anti-government person except when it pleases him, THIEF. One does not get the right to select the laws one obeys or just to award oneself the right to use public lands because one is self-entitled and a piece of garbage. He should be forced to pay up, and if he can't or won't pay up, seize the entire 160 acres of his real property, his equipment, money, and cattle for the money owed in back lease money, for all the court cases where he has cost the government, meaning all of us money, for failing to heed the court, and most of all for the shameful crap against the BLM agents. Then, seize the land as they would seize the property of any law-breaking theif.
Anon@1:34, if you were serious about that first question you can join Mr.Sterling at his next racist anonymous class.
I turned on the TV this a.m. and even Aljazeera is calling the Sterling rant "controversial." Someone please explain to me the controversy. Seems pretty plain what was going on. A controversy whether he should be allowed to continue as owner? I don't think that was meant; what was meant by "controversial" is always "hey, we just report the news, we make no judgments." Wonder if they'd call the gassing of Syrian children "controversial." Enough with that word, wusses.
"I was having a debate on twitter about who of our latest news making racists was more dangerous."
Eric Holder or Barack Obama.....
Focused Purpose's favorite BWE activist, Muslim Bushido, has some choice words about the Sterling uproar. Check her out at http:/ Check out the blog Bougie Black Girl as well.
Trollonymous Burgundy said...
And wait a minute, are black people to be called "Negroes" again now? Was there a recent official memo?
1:56 AM
There never is an official memo, never has been. It just happens:
You wake up one morning and you are no longer a 'colored', you are Negro.
You wake up one morning and you are no longer a 'Negro', you are Black.
Then you wake up one morning and you are no longer 'Black', you are African American.
The only consistent label for us is the N-word, mostly used by AAs toward each other...out of love, of course. lol
There is a growing and popular word for us, by a racist wm, that has been accepted and sanctioned by 'some' of FN's finest... That word is 'Blah'. Of course, not every AA feels that way. Only those with the lowest of low self-esteem loves the stinking word.
Trollonymous Burgundy @1:34AM, thanks for the comment. It was clear and insightful and very true. In fact, it's a truth that has been staring at Blacks right in their 'faces' for a long long time.
It's a sign that we don't like ourselves very much.
Of course, we will never admit that.
However, if you watch how we behave toward each other, and the names we call each other, and 'who' we 'actually' want to claim as Black, like Tiger or Stiviano-- then one wonders 'who' or 'what' is being Black is?
Pharrell described us well in his definition of the "New Black":
"The 'new Black' is not a pigmentation of skin...It's a mentality that is either going to work for you, or it's going to work against you."
I'm not a Pharrell fan, but I know the truth when I hear it. I hear and see it in action, everyday.
Better be careful, Sterling is a holocaust survivor.
"I'm not a Pharrell fan, but I know the truth when I hear it. I hear and see it in action, everyday."
Yeah, you can see the truth right here on FN. And huge lies, too. LOL
anotherbozo said...
I turned on the TV this a.m. and even Aljazeera is calling the Sterling rant "controversial." Someone please explain to me the controversy.
Sterling is a democrat that was scheduled to get a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
That's the controversy.
So SC Republicans don't think they're dumb enough, they want to go full on imbecile. Jeezus never mentioned public skoolz so we have to get rid of em. Only in the gop can we find this level of idiocy.
"Sterling is a democrat that was scheduled to get a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
That's the controversy."
Only in your moronic mind son.
This thought provoking post has attracted an awful lot of commenters who are incapable of critical thinking.
Listening to the alleged Sterling tape is revealing.
Sterling clearly wants/expects his MIXED girlfriend to "erase" her racial identity.
Sterling wants his girlfriend to relinquish her half-black/half Mexican identity and become "white". This was probably not the first time he said things like this to her. Apparently she got fed up. I wonder will she get to stay in/keep the million dollar condo she reportedly lives in? Sterling wife is suing her for "embezzlement". Stay tuned.
Sterling is nothing more than a modern day Massa with a mulatto bed wench, COMPLETELY tolerated by his White wife.
Same story, different generation.
Bill, Kinky, and our other neo-nazi trolls have completely run out of things to say.
Why is this surprising to Normal Black people? Come on we
Know all to well that we work with and for plenty of men and women who feel like this. We walk beside them, talk with them, some of us fringe-sick types even sleep with them.
That woman is not Black she is
Mexican. His racism and probably worse was okay when she was happy with him. Why bring this out now? To keep us off focus and agitated about some bullshit that was already known? Normal Black folk have this unerring need to be used and fight everyone's battles. Sterling employs many Black males who had no problem licking his boots before the sheet got aired... and some, more than happy to stay in his employ.
There are a line of Black Republicans male and female ready to suck his toes daily, and coronate him Jesus.
Clive Bundy. Welfare Queen, Thief, Liar, Thug,Racist or rather The Next AMERICAN Hero is
is too basic, too average, too
Rudimentary to discuss, except
To ask just one question; In a country that gleefully watch the destruction of Black males, and police kill little Black boys with water guns; How the hell is Clive Bundy and his welfare cohorts who took up arms against the Federal Government still ALIVE?
When will African American women come together to save ourselves and our children?
Why is this surprising to Normal Black people? Come on we
Know all to well that we work with and for plenty of men and women who feel like this. We walk beside them, talk with them, some of us fringe-sick types even sleep with them.
That woman is not Black she is
Mexican. His racism and probably worse was okay when she was happy with him. Why bring this out now? To keep us off focus and agitated about some bullshit that was already known? Normal Black folk have this unerring need to be used and fight everyone's battles. Sterling employs many Black males who had no problem licking his boots before the sheet got aired... and some, more than happy to stay in his employ.
There are a line of Black Republicans male and female ready to suck his toes daily, and coronate him Jesus.
Clive Bundy. Welfare Queen, Thief, Liar, Thug,Racist or rather The Next AMERICAN Hero is
is too basic, too average, too
Rudimentary to discuss, except
To ask just one question; In a country that gleefully watch the destruction of Black males, and police kill little Black boys with water guns; How the hell is Clive Bundy and his welfare cohorts who took up arms against the Federal Government still ALIVE?
When will African American women come together to save ourselves and our children?
Trollonymous Burgundy said...
And wait a minute, are black people to be called "Negroes" again now? Was there a recent official memo?
What's the name of this blog, dumbass?
Negro is just Spanish for black.
How about we just call you Whiners?
"Bill, Kinky, and our other neo-nazi trolls have completely run out of things to say."
This happened months ago. Now we get the reruns. At least he stopped the hypocrisy/double standards shit.
"How about we just call you Whiners?"
Nah, that's already taken by white males. Whah whah whah!
PilotX must be white then, because he is the whiniest bitch on the internet.
I'm not going to tell you my, or my wife's, race, nation of origin or ethnicity. And I'm not going to tell you that racism doesn't still exist today and go unpunished. But anyone who thinks that using the word "negro", "cotton", or "slavery" in a paragraph calls for denunciations with words of "disgusting", "inappropriate", "horrendous", "vile", "egregious" or "racist", as all the pundits cried out this weekend, are either ignorant, idiots or malignant or any combination of the three. We all know what the man was trying to say, and he's largely right, even if slavery itself is a horrific experience, his point was that they're still on a plantation, and still (albeit much more pleasantly) deliberately enslaved.
Bundy's problem was he didn't couch his "plantation" comments in a metaphor.
Another two minute hate created by the press -- and the Conservatives. This country is assured of failure when they throw a citizen under the bus for not being artful enough with his free speech.
You are naive if you don't think Obama was specially selected by the Democrat party, specifically for the purpose of shutting down free debate on the fundamental and radical transformation of America. Democrats and their media water-carriers have so framed that debate that if you don't like what Obama is doing, whatever it is, no matter how inimical his actions are to your political principles, no matter that your reaction to his policies would have been exactly the same if John Kerry were in the Oval Office instead of Obama, you must be a racist for opposing him, and there is no other possible reason. There is no doubt in my military mind that this was a preconceived strategy.
Denise said: "How the hell is Clive Bundy and his welfare cohorts who took up arms against the Federal Government still ALIVE?"
I too noticed that, I couldn't believe it. Those white men were "very ready" brandishing their weapons and still able to sleep in their own beds that night.
A black militia in America openly brandishing and daring the Feds? Hell no. Could you imagine if they were black men/women? They would have been riddled with bullets at the drop of a hat! No exaggeration. We all know it. And the nation would not have given the Feds fault.
Anon said: "However, if you watch how we behave toward each other, and the names we call each other, and 'who' we 'actually' want to claim as Black, like Tiger or Stiviano-- then one wonders 'who' or 'what' is being Black is?"
I hear you.
On another note, I'm getting sick of the racial labeling myself. In a perfect world it would be ideal to subscribe to the "we are one human race" ideology, but society can't seem to be on the same page (only only "said" when it's convenient). Sometimes I think if earth was to be invaded by Martians, things would get different real quick.
Trollonymous Burgundy said...
A black militia in America openly brandishing and daring the Feds? Hell no.
Slaves don't fight, they just obey.
That's how Field keeps his room in the House.
Finally, just a quick thought before I go. I was wondering, why aren't these guys considered "thugs"? - Field Negro
Because they don't have THUGLIFE Tatooed on their chest!
"That woman is not Black she is
Mexican. His racism and probably worse was okay when she was happy with him. Why bring this out now? To keep us off focus and agitated about some bullshit that was already known?"
Yes, you are right. I am surprised that more so-called FIELD NEGROES haven't noticed that she is Mexican, and not Black. In fact, it's not in her heart to want to be Black.
denise, "Normal Black folk have this unerring need to be used and fight everyone's battles. Sterling employs many Black males who had no problem licking his boots before the sheet got aired... and some, more than happy to stay in his employ."
Yes, right again. I bet every bm involved with the Clippers, whether coaching or playing, has known about this since Elgin Baylor's suit against Donald for being a racist.
Having said all this, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing much comes of this. To me, it's less of a problem to be ignored than the murder of Trayvon...and we know NOTHING, i.e. no form of justice came from this.
Bottom Line: When it's a Black and White issue, White always win in these times.
Bill, it turns out that our friend Sterling is a registered republican.
He did give $ to two dems in the early nineties.
Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Sterling is a huge Obama donor.
What difference does it make what Party he belongs to???
A Dirtbag is a Dirtbag...
Dem or Repub....
As if belonging to one of these corrupt entities precludes one from racism.....
This shouldve led into a discussion about What we as Black Folks are creating for ourselves.
What shouldve happened is for all of them to refuse to play break the contracts , and a group of Older retired well Known Basketball Legends could sign each player to a New Team;
New League...
That they OWN....
In Financial Protest...
Financial Retribution could be SWIFT, and Sweet
Instead we are reduced to weak gestures in solidarity that dont mean too much of anything...
That doesnt mean I think they shouldnt play....
Given the alternatives they made the right choice.
Its just Sad...
That the argument morphs into ...
What political party this CHUMP belongs to.....
"Liar. Sterling is a huge Obama donor."
We await your evidence with baited breath.
"The owner is reported to have said some incredibly offensive racist statements that were published. I don’t think I have to interpret those statements for you; they kind of speak for themselves,” said President Barack Obama on Sunday."
Anybody know what President Obongo is talking about? What exactly was racist about this old guy said?
Bundy did not say anything truly controversial. He did not refer to an IQ gap or genetic disposition to violence, and he certainly didn’t say he approved of slavery. In any event, Cliven Bundy’s other views are utterly irrelevant to his dispute with the Federal Bureau of Land Management.
For what it’s worth, my own cursory reading suggests Bundy may well be legally in the wrong, arguably on technicalities, but the federal reaction was extraordinary and further evidence of the disturbing brutalization of U.S. law enforcement, which combines paradoxically with its abject collapse in other areas i.e. border security. After Ruby Ridge and Waco, nothing can be ruled out.
What EXACTLY is wrong with what Cliven Bundy said anyway?
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Is that racist? Or is it an indictment of what our government has done to black people?
Does anybody not think the plight of black America 150 years after Emancipation is unfortunately problematic?
Bundy’s comparison to slavery—posed, it should be noted, as a hypothetical—was clearly meant to cast a sympathetic light on the unfortunate plight of American blacks, which he attributed (in these comments at least) solely to a culture of welfare dependency.
Cliven Bunday in Hispanics:
"Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know, I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people; and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them. Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people join us and be with us… not, not come to our party."
Some racist.
Sterling's aged male ego was crushed by comments from other men, about how, when he's not around, his girlfriend is sure seen a lot by herself in the company of famous studs like Matt Kemp. And, you know, Don, people will talk.
So, Sterling tells her to delete from her public Instagram various pictures of herself and some celebrity swordsmen in which he doesn't appear.
At some point, maybe, she points out that all the guys Sterling is objecting to are black. (I don't know that, but everybody else in the world is assuming that Sterling brought it up first and I don't see any proof one way or another.) Being an old coot, he eventually admits that she has a point. He says something like society assumes that women who publicly hang out with black jocks and entertainers are having sex with at least one of them, especially if their alternative source of sexual satisfaction is a rich octogenarian.
Her lawyer coaches her to make "blacks" synonymous in their conversations with the concept of the men her boyfriend objects to her being seen with outside of his company. So, she then gets him in the illegally recorded conversation to talk about how society sees "blacks."
That's what you get for trusting a whore.
"Being an old coot, he eventually admits that she has a point. He says something like society assumes that women who publicly hang out with black jocks and entertainers are having sex with at least one of them, especially if their alternative source of sexual satisfaction is a rich octogenarian."
Well, Hugh Hefner is older than Sterling and he's having sex with even younger women...two or three at a time. How do you explain that?
field negro said...
Bill, it turns out that our friend Sterling is a registered republican.
That makes the NAACP giving him a lifetime achievement award all the more suspicious.
Giving a lifetime achievement to a racist democrat is par for the course, but giving it to a known racist republican is beyond common sense.
Bill, I like the way you think. You consistently out think Field and all the other resident id's. Of course, I'm sure you'll agree that it doesn't take
This video of a list of racist owners and GM's shows that they are ALL White. Now, why is that? Can someone explain that to me? Could there be a mistake in this video?
"Anybody know what President Obongo is talking about? What exactly was racist about this old guy said?"
Yes, we always do. You, and folks like you on the other hand, not so much.
You are clearly ignorant and proud of it.
If under bush the state department would have cited the left would have exploded.
In 2014 the Obama state department cites dailykos.
Dailykos prev wrote about other leaders ref apartheid, but not mentioned in story
Children playing in government jobs.
Obama promised change.
I bet most people thought the change was going to be positive.
"You consistently out think Field and all the other resident id's."
Bill couldn't "out think" me while I am sleeping.
His constant use of the NAACP straw- man makes no sense.
No one is defending their actions.
field negro said...
Bill, it turns out that our friend Sterling is a registered republican.
Can you name another racist "republican" the NAACP has given a lifetime achievement award to?
Have you ever heard the expression "follow the money?"
That money leads to the bank account of democrats.
Check this out Filed. A few years old but still a funny read. Dude wanted to save negroes from having to put up with racist managers. Ha!
"Bill, it turns out that our friend Sterling is a registered republican."
Wait a minute, you mean Bill is wrong? He didn't check to find out if his information was correct before posting? Noooooooo! Say it isn't so Field! If he would have done that he would apologize and promise to never do it again.
field negro said...
"You consistently out think Field and all the other resident id's."
Bill couldn't "out think" me while I am sleeping.
His constant use of the NAACP straw- man makes no sense.
No one is defending their actions.
Hell, any explanation for giving a lifetime achievement award to a racist republican.
I believe it's all about $$$. Sterling has it, the NAACP wants it. $$ before principles.
Or like you asked me to do, will you condemn the NAACP for giving a known racist a lifetime achievement award?
Or do you hold me to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
"Field still isn't telling the unwashed that Sterling is a Democrat. I wonder why?
Kinky Con."
No way Bill AND Kinky could be wrong. Just physically impossible! They would both apologize and admit to such immediately because they are such upstanding and factual people unlike most conservatives who make up their own facts. Are they like the Bill Kristols of this blog? Blowhards who are conservative and always wrong?
field negro said...
His constant use of the NAACP straw- man makes no sense.
No one is defending their actions.
I have NEVER had contact with the Nevada bundy guy and YOU asked me to condemn him. Remember, or do you need a link.
Have you ever had contact with the NAACP?
When you condemn the NAACP for giving a known democrat donating racist a lifetime achievement award I will believe you are not defending them.
Do as you say, not as you do.
The Los Angeles NAACP announced it is giving Sterling back his donations and not awarding him a lifetime achievement award.
Guess all the bad press forced the NAACP to give back the $$$.
You're off the hook FN, the NAACP is giving sterling back his money.
Which explains why he was getting the award in the first place.
"Once you hire blacks you can never fire them"
How true! No matter how poorly they do their job. Just look at President Obama.
You can't fire president Obama. He was elected by the people. Twice!
Do you want to impeach him?
Anonymous Bill said...
The Los Angeles NAACP announced it is giving Sterling back his donations and not awarding him a lifetime achievement award.
Guess all the bad press forced the NAACP to give back the $$$.
You're off the hook FN, the NAACP is giving sterling back his money.
Which explains why he was getting the award in the first place.
8:06 PM
Thanks for the info. One would never get such information from Field. Again, you are a focused thinker who is on a much higher truth level than Field. You cover all the bases....Field only covers one...the one he wants you to know . For his benefit, of course.
"Guess all the bad press forced the NAACP to give back the $$$."
Yep. No more T-bones and Courvoisier every night down a the Colored People's club. It's back to pork chops Olde English.
Field, the African American Political Pundit has brought this article to my attention, because you referenced "color arousal" and my 2007 article in which I argued that Extreme Color Aroused Ideation, Emotion and Behavior Disorder ("Extreme Color Aroused Disorder") is a mental illness that deserves diagnosis and treatment. That 2007 article really stands the test of time because it is so clear that Donald Sterling's attitudes and behaviors constitute a mental illness.
How can it be otherwise when his attitudes have made him the subject of the largest housing discrimination settlement on record, and other law suits, and yet he is incapable of changing his ideation and behavior? He doesn't even WANT to get better, which makes him similar to other antisocial personalities.
Sterling's ideation, emotion and behaviors are repugnant, but that's because he has a very extreme color aroused disorder that has gone unconfronted, undiagnosed and untreated. Hopefully, now that will change in that at least Sterling will receive a the sort of intervention that alcoholics and drug addicts receive when their behaviors are destroying them and others.
On a political level, when I compare the behavior of Donald Sterling's players to those of the Black men who gave a Black power salute in the 1968 Olympics and the struggle of Muhammad Ali against color-aroused treatment of himself and others, it certainly seems that our current professional sports players have become muted, complacent and that they perhaps value their financial viability more than they value utilizing their enormously high public profile to advance the color interests of themselves and Black people in general. Black players seem relatively muted and neutered, compared to the players of the 1968 Olympic games and Muhammad Ali. What has happened to Blacks in sports over the last two generations?
This, I imagine, is a very difficult week to be a Black person in the United States of America. I live in Brazil, where making statements such as those of Donald Sterling is illegal and "not subject to bail". People go to jail in Brazil for making statements such as those of Sterling and Cliven Bundy. As a result of such statements being illegal in Brazil, they are also much more rare, at least publicly.
Meanwhile, counter to the decision of the US Supreme Court this week, in Brazil there are seats set aside for Black people in state, federal and even private colleges and the colleges are compelled to accept a certain percentage of students who HAVE NEVER ATTENDED PRIVATE SCHOOOLS as grade school students. These are not perfect interventions, but the recognize a need to level the playing field of color and class. Unfortunately, the United States seems to be going in the other direction, after a few generations of halting and half-hearted efforts to deal with the legacy of slavery and segregation.
I don't know what the problem is with Obama's popularity, after reading an NYT article forwarded to me by the African American Political Pundit that says that Obama is at a new political low in his public standing. He seems to have sought to upset no one and ended up upsetting everyone.
In a sense, his response to Donald Sterling is bullshit. Obama said he had nothing to say about Sterling's rants because 'when an ignorant person is displaying his ignorance, you just let him continue.'
Is that really the strategy that has led Black people forward in the United States? To just let "ignorant" color-aroused antagonist people continue to express their color-aroused antagonism publicly?
Much to the contrary, Color of Change has achieved change by directly confronting public color-aroused antagonism wherever it appears.
Obama could have used this as a moment to say, "I told you so", arguing that much of the opposition to him and Obamacare, and much of the rabid obstructionist Congress's attitude comes from the same well of anti-Black antagonism that motivates Sterling and Cliven. He could have argued that the Republican Party's strongest historical base is the part that hates Blacks and wants to punish them, which is why Republican governors have refused to expand Medicaid to whites, because it would also help Blacks.
Obama's analysis is tepid, fearful, and only barely more outspoken than that of the neutered current professional sports players. He should send his vice president or his attorney general out to really skewer the class of color-aroused antagonists represented by Sterling and Cliven, since he is incapable of making this statement himself.
I guess you can't entirely blame Obama for his stance. If he criticized Cliven and Sterling this week, he might find himself corralled into a beer summit with both of them in the week to come, at which he would say he understands everyone's viewpoint - even that of those who, like Sterling and Cliven, believe that Black people are "lazy" and "they smell".
To his credit, Obama said that he believed the NBA president would take meaningful action, but he did NOT urge that the NBA president take action and Obama expressed no intention to take any action of his own, such as ordering an investigation by the attorney general.
Maybe, politically, it really is better to let Sterling be the story instead of taking the attention away from what Sterling has said and done. But, that doesn't address the question of why Obama, according to polls, is at the bottom of his public valuation.
"But, that doesn't address the question of why Obama, according to polls, is at the bottom of his public valuation. "
Because he is a petty, vindictive failure of a President who lied to the entire country about what his healthcare takeover really was.
Hey Son (Field)
I support you 1000% on this and today i listened to Silver..I am not sure that its enough but the players are pleased ME? I want him OUT no more $$$$ at all Sell the team get paid and get out! I would hsve loved to see those bros not play tonight but i bet they win! Which will mean that Jungle fever will get$$$ Oh well!! Lets watch. It would be real nice if the players walked and that LA boycotts STOP HIS $$$
Field u know that those race care nuts are hoods with side jobs They are about to come here and act like hoodrats seeking Afrikan american men and women duh!
"I am not sure that its enough"
You will be, soon!
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