"An annual Spring Break party near the University of California Santa Barbara turned into a sprawling riot after a university cop was smashed in the face with a backpack full of liquor bottles, authorities.
More than 100 people were arrested and 44 treated at hospitals during the Isla Vista street bash known as Deltopia before cops and sheriff’s deputies cleared the crowds with tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets.
“It was an emergency situation where we had to call in mutual aid,” Santa Barbara Sheriff’s spokeswoman Kelly Hoover said. “They have had civil disturbances before in Isla Vista, but it has been many years since something like this.” [Source]
It might have been many years since they had something like that in Santa Barbara, but they just had something like that in Arizona, and East Lansing, and Cincinnati, and Lexington....are you starting to see a trend? If you don't I can't blame you. This is not the type of thing that our media focuses on. Just harmless college kids blowing off a little steam. Not like those "knockout games" those
Finally, congrats to Captain America for pulling in over 90 million dollars this weekend.
Nothing like wrapping a super hero in red white and blue to get Americans to go buy some pop corn and watch a movie with a few of their closest friends.
Ethan Sacks, writing for the New York Daily News, says that the movie cuts it right down the middle.
"One of the keys to Captain America's successful political acrobatic act is that the writers — since the days of Joe Simon and Stan Lee — have for the most part dodged any direct partisan political messages. Quick, where does good old Steve Rogers stand on immigration reform or universal health care?
"I can't answer you what lever he'd pull at the ballot box," says "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" co-screenwriter Stephen McFeeley.
Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige says that even though Captain America runs around draped in a flag, he's far from the company's most controversial character.
"I've always argued that Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.'s character in the 'Iron Man' movies) should be a much more polarizing figure than Steve Rogers," Feige recently told the News, "Tony is a billionaire, a one-percenter who used to build weapons, sell them to the military and then they were used all over the world. You don't get more polarizing than that.
"What was great was and ('Iron Man' director Jon) Favreau got this all the time, people would go, 'You totally get the conservative viewpoint, it's wonderful.' And Democrats or liberals would say 'It's such a liberal testament it's wonderful.' It works for everybody."
Still, it was a lot easier to write the character when creators Joe Simon and Jack Kirby debuted him in March 1941, punching out Hitler on the cover of his first issue. After all 12-year-old boys didn't want to have a helping of vegetables with their dessert.
"I did my best to avoid actual politics," says Stan Lee, who wrote the character in the '60s. "He just saw things in their raw form-- either good or bad, and he felt it his duty to battle the bad."
It's harder to do that nowadays in an era of more sophisticated movie-going audiences.
“That is part of the difficult aspect of the character for sure,” said Anthony Russo, who directed the movie with brother Joe, of the political tightrope they walked.
“It’s one thing to dress up in the flag during World War II and rally the troops, it’s another thing in present-day America to do it.”' [Source]
Oh yes, "present -day America", where everything comes down to your politics; even how you watch a damn movie.
Field. Your low iq is showing again. The Lexington and Arizona demonstrations were drunk college kids blowing off steam. They weren't engaged in racially motivated hate crime assaults like those black yutes in Louisville or the black attacks on the truck driver in Detroit. Of course the media always censors the racist anti white motivations of the black criminals. Again you people are just predominantly violent savages that hate white people. What is wrong with you people?
"Not like those "knockout games" those black kids play which is far more dangerous."
Yes, you are right, these drunken college kid "riots" haven't killed anyone. Nor are they examples of vicious racism combined with nihilistic violence, as is the Knockout 'game'.
You are a fundamentally unserious person. You are also amoral, as no one in good conscience would excuse racist murderers to demonstrate his own race loyalty.
Anon9:44pm, You are wrong about Field's IQ and prejudices. And where did you get info about a truck driver in Detroit being attacked? I need to see a link about that.
The fact is there is no link. Otherwise, Field would have posted it already.
Brother Field? He is one of the most honest bloggers in the blogosphere.
I'm thinking you have a deep-seated prejudice against Blacks. We are ALL children of God. Are you related to Bull Connor? Wake-up.
Polar Bear, "You are a fundamentally unserious person. You are also amoral, as no one in good conscience would excuse racist murderers to demonstrate his own race loyalty."
9:57 PM
Polar Bear, where do you live? I thought you were becoming extinct due to climate change. I only ask because I have been emailing Field to please do a post on Polar Bears, but he has yet to answer my request.
Do you think he is a racist? I can't imagine Mr Field, a Jamaican Philly lawyer, as being prejudiced against Whites. I mean, the man dated ww, for pete's sake. Would he date ww if he were a racist? Of course, not.
"Oh yes, "present -day America", where everything comes down to your politics; even how you watch a damn movie."
"Present-day America" is a place you can get fired for donating to a 2008 Proposition that a majority of Californians supported.
Think of that: Holding the same opinion that Barack Obama had up until two years ago in now a fireable offense.
You can thank the Left for the politicization of everything.
Dear Mr Field, If you can write a post about Captain America, then certainly you could write one about Jesus Christ.
When? God knows FN needs it.
Let me know when these white rioters start killing each other and beating people into comas.
Then you can make comparisons to the 75 or so blacks that have happen since dear leader was elected.
Kinky.Con said...
Let me know when these white rioters start killing each other and beating people into comas.
Like THAT would make the news......
Hold on, does what the Russians are doing in the Ukraine count? Those are REAL White folks anyway, not you tainted down versions in this country.
Please, please, please. I can't take this shit anymore. Can't we all get along?
Kinky, I'm counting on you.
UCSB & UC Davis are the UC campuses that parents still sent their kids to study & not much else at because nothing ever really happens there.
Blah blah blah. Why don't you write about those n@gg.. uh I mean blah, uh I mean urbane kids who are racist and are hunting good white folk. How dare you report on white kids letting off some steam after finals. I mean what harm could a bag full of bottles smashed in someone's face do afterall? 75 whole attacks on whites! That's like a whole 0.00000001% of actual crime! Get to it! Ignore white crime and focus on the negroes!
Here u go bro. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/motorist-beaten-mob-critical-condition-23200319#.Uz9DjQF2Lec.email
Detroit. What 40 years of black government gets you. A dying city.
white guy, "I mean what harm could a bag full of bottles smashed in someone's face do afterall? 75 whole attacks on whites! That's like a whole 0.00000001% of actual crime! Get to it! Ignore white crime and focus on the negroes!"
11:40 PM
Please, please, please. Can't we all get along? Easter is just around the corner and I can tell all of you are Christians except Field...he's Jamaican.
I am hoping you Whites and Blacks will have a change of heart and realize that we ALL are God's children. There is no need to fight or to make any discernible differences between us. We are ALL brothers and sisters.
Brother Field, please do a post on the upcoming resurrection. It could be the difference between heaven and hell for you.
"Detroit. What 40 years of black government gets you. A dying city."
Freedom has failed.
"75 whole attacks on whites!"
It's actually a lot more, but how many racially motivated attacks have there been on blacks lately?
The last case I know of was James Byrd, in 1998. his death became a campaign theme by the democrats. They even made a movie about that one that they make kids in school watch to this day.
But thousands of racial attacks by blacks against whites since then, and nobody gives a shit.
Go figure.
"Detroit. What 40 years of black government gets you. A dying city."
11:49 PM
You are sooo wrong for putting this burden on Blacks. Sure my peeps tried running the city without the support and help of Whites.
But we learned how to run a city from you folks. Hence, you folks played a vital role in urban failure. I mean, Detroit actually belongs to Whites. Hell, we're just the slaves working for you.
Anon, "But thousands of racial attacks by blacks against whites since then, and nobody gives a shit.
Go figure."
11:59 PM
Anon, there are many Blacks who DO care. I am Black and I care very deeply for Whites. In fact, I am outraged at what some of my peeps do and say.
I just want you to know that there are Blacks who are with you to the end. I predict one day brother Field will get the message and cross-over too.
40 years of Black politicians was not the causative factor in Detroit's demise. Check the time lines for the leaving of the industry that pushed Detroit. Living in America during the times that was stated (40 years), I have seen more cities handed over to Black pols when the liabilities of the cities were too much for the capital held. I am not telling anything new. Common sense; the white man don't give/lose anything in America that is valuable. ...{as a side bar) I spent a week in Detroit this past summer and I noticed that certain businesses and property was still in the hands of the entitled. Airports, hospitals, ball fields still generating cash.
By the way check out the low crime areas so you know where the resources are being protected. I don't have any beef with that. My disgust may be greater than yours. Have you heard of the perfect storm? Minority pols in positions to bring honor and integrity to a race spiraling in decline and they give it all up to take care of their wants.
About the rioters. I see two opposites. One group thinks they are lacking and the other group thinks they must be seeking. Rioting to steal small consumer items that more than likely the government provides (telephones and shoes) further my contention that we are not inherently criminal- we are inherently lacking in smarts it takes to be a criminal. I know of few situations in America whereby the Blacks had any smarts in the criminal arena. Selling dope exclusively in your neighbor hood shows that YOU ARE ALLOWED to peddle your wares. In my life I have seen too many dope "round-ups" by police after they (police) have been "watching surveillance" for years. Bet that don't happen in the majority communities.
Save the feedback on its' our fault. Just like the Irish has a legacy of potatoes and green here in America we have two major players that are culpable.
Now about the whites. These kids are bored and now showing cracks in regard to seeking fulfillment. They too are coming out over this last decade of psychological neglect. Needless to say comparing their decade to our centuries of psychological neglect sadly reflects what is happening in America of the differences in "How to Riot". References obtained from having to live in two social spheres. And we all have that.
"But thousands of racial attacks by blacks against whites since then, and nobody gives a shit."
Except white guys who come here and cry about it. Go to stormfront, you will find a sympathetic audience. Then again since most crimes against white folks are committed by white folks you may want to look in a fucking mirror once in a while since you're so fucking concerned about crimes against white folks. Because you're right, here we don't give a shit so buh bye! And stop coming here crying like a little girl.
"The last case I know of was James Byrd, in 1998."
Key part of your sentence THAT YOU KNOW OF. Of course you wouldn't know of any racial attacks by whites because you spend all of your time on sites that talk about negro crime. Ok, go ahead and lie and say you don't. Stop your bitching, there are hundreds if not thousands of websites dedicated to highlighting negro crime and this is but one of few that cater to blah folks who want to discuss what we want to discuss. You are free to take your white ass to one of those other sites and blab about dangerous darkies to your hearts content. We don't do that here, well except for Kinky and Bill but they ride the little bus and can't figure out where the special ed room is so they try to pretend they belong with the regular kids. Once again, if you don't like the topics discussed here take your lilly ass elsewhere. Trust me, you won't be missed.
"Ok, go ahead and lie and say you don't. Stop your bitching, there are hundreds if not thousands of websites dedicated to highlighting negro crime and this is but one of few that cater to blah folks who want to discuss what we want to discuss."
what does 'blah' mean?
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Kinky.Con said...
Let me know when these white rioters start killing each other and beating people into comas.
Like THAT would make the news......
Hold on, does what the Russians are doing in the Ukraine count? Those are REAL White folks anyway, not you tainted down versions in this country.
You are Black, what a stupid comparison to make.
Putin took over Crimea with less violence than happens in an hour in any place there are more than 13% black population.
Anon@9:44 if u divide my IQ by two, it will still be higher than yours. Of that I am sure.
Anywhoo, is "blowing off steam" what they calling calling committing crimes these days?
Riots are serious.
Black Panther whups Captain America's butt!!
Watch this video Field...there is big Comic Book world controversy on why BP's Movie has been so slow to be made!
"Anywhoo, is "blowing off steam" what they calling calling committing crimes these days?"
Interesting these kinds of crowds ATTACK POLICE and it's considered "celebrating".
Blogger Lehigh Valley Black News Network said...
Black Panther whups Captain America's butt!!
Watch this video Field...there is big Comic Book world controversy on why BP's Movie has been so slow to be made!
7:41 AM
Brothers and Sisters, remember it's just a Marvel Comic. It's not real. There are too many movies made today that is not good for American minds because they are fantasy.
One more movie of this sort only makes matters WORSE. Pray Spike Lee does not make such a movie.
Besides I doubt if any white actors would take the part. You see, they won't sell-out their own kind for money like we do.
field negro said...
Riots are serious.
Only when the government can blame the riot and death of an ambassador on a youtube video.
Otherwise, what difference does it make at this point?
@Focused Purpose or False Prophet
What does the same sex marriages performed on the Grammys have to do with black kids acting badly at a Philadelphia High School?
Are you saying that gays are making blacks kids act badly at school FP? What was the point FP?
Has everyone here noticed how obsessed FP is with gay people? She literally has gay people on her brain day and night.
Re: FN @6:06AM...
I like that: "If you divide my IQ by two, it's still higher than yours".
Also, FauxNews and MSM are silent re the epidemic of (mostly white male) college off/on-campus fraternity parties' rapes and permanent injuries. News coverage of so-called, "Black-on-Black" crime and fratricide is more profitable.
Meanwhile, here on the plantation, we spend trillions of disposable income elsewhere; then complain about gentrification. Sheesh; go figure.
Anonymous said...
@Focused Purpose or False Prophet
What does the same sex marriages performed on the Grammys have to do with black kids acting badly at a Philadelphia High School?
Are you saying that gays are making blacks kids act badly at school FP? What was the point FP?
Has everyone here noticed how obsessed FP is with gay people? She literally has gay people on her brain day and night.
11:35 AM
FP has not commented here for a couple of days. YOU must have her on YOUR brain day and night.
However, that's probably a good thing. The Lord works in mysterious ways.:)
Go see the movie, "GOD's NOT DEAD"...it might change your life.:)
May you find peace of mind in your life. Your comments indicate that you really want peace but don't know where to look. Hint: you won't find it on FN.
Do as we say, not as we do.
If government employees can brawl, shouldn't "we the people" also be allowed to?
NYPD, FDNY Engage In Wild Fisticuffs At Nassau Coliseum
Wow. The NYPD and FDNY really got into it. All this violence is mind-boggling. One would think in these modern times with advanced technology humans would also advance as people. Not so. We are still the angry mean-spirited animals as the Neanderthals.
We will never change. Self-destruction is our tendency and it feels like that is exactly what is going to happen.
anyone have recommendations for a safe city for a professional Black whom some people call White here? I have nothing against Whites, they are nice people. I just need to get out of Philly from my mean-spirited racist peeps, as indicated by the writer of this post.
I sometimes wonder if brother Field is for racial harmony or racial chaos? From his posts, he doesn't seem to care. the man needs Jesus.
I have Jesus. He owns the landscaping company that I use. He is a good man.
"Interesting these kinds of crowds ATTACK POLICE and it's considered "celebrating"."
In all of these events, one kid attacked the police.
A single example does not a pattern make.
Blogger field negro said...
I have Jesus. He owns the landscaping company that I use. He is a good man.
1:10 PM
Blasphemy! You are going straight to hell. I was going to give you a call for lunch on me, while in Philly but I won't and can't hang with a person who thinks the owner of a landscaping company is Jesus.
So, you missed out on a free lunch with a brother who you keep calling White.
WN(white negro)
Gosh. Whenever I come over here the comments amaze me.
One thing remains alive through all the violence, and that's racism.
San Diego is nice and safe.
Field..your folks are the problem.
Signed- Every other race
You can thank Black folks for never letting "Race" end in america Hattie..seems to be the one thing they cant stop talking about.
Funny, I don't see too many of my "folks" in those pictures of kids rioting.
"You can thank Black folks for never letting "Race" end in america Hattie..seems to be the one thing they cant stop talking about."
Because god only knows white folks NEVER discuss race.
field negro said...
Funny, I don't see too many of my "folks" in those pictures of kids rioting.
That's because you are the one picking the pictures.
Not everyone who reads this site is a dumbass.
Happy Days are Here again Field...
Check the Front Page for all the Left Wing news sites...
The people involved in the BridgeGate Scandal have been meeting with Federal Prosecutors over the weekend.
Namely David Wildsetin...
Looks like NJ may be able to rid themselves of olTony Soprano before that mayoral term is up....
Now before you go jumping for Joy....
Check out the "Drudge Report" , and "Smoking Guns" website
I can remember telling all the ObamaLovers in here that Sharpton was IDENTIFIED by people close to Assatta Shakur to be an informant and was actively working to capture her.
I was met with...
"Ohh your crazy BIB"
"Ohhh you just wanna Hate O-Bomber"
Crooks... on Both Sides....
Just in Case you needed some links...
field negro said...
Funny, I don't see too many of my "folks" in those pictures of kids rioting.
I wonder how many of those rioters are Obama supporters?
Oops, I wasn't supposed to point that out?
Funny, I don't see many of your "folks" in this yearlykos convention photo.
Funny, I don't see many of your "folks" in this Obama campaign staff photo.
Blogger Hattie said...
Gosh. Whenever I come over here the comments amaze me.
One thing remains alive through all the violence, and that's racism.
3:34 PM
Hattie, what do you think FN is about, racial harmony? Get Real. People who post on FN are racists, both Black and White. Why do you think Field gets so many hits on his blog? Americans love this racist shit.
They spend their entire lives mirroring their hatred in each other's heart. Isn't America great?
Check out the "Drudge Report" , and "Smoking Guns" website
BIB, "I can remember telling all the ObamaLovers in here that Sharpton was IDENTIFIED by people close to Assatta Shakur to be an informant and was actively working to capture her.
I was met with...
"Ohh your crazy BIB" "
Well, you ARE crazy because Rev Al Sharpton is one of the pillars of our community. To say he worked with other Whites to capture Shakur , would be saying that Rev Al is a sell-out. That is just not possible.
Some racists are trying to frame the man of God. I am SURE Field will break it down for your naivety.
Field, please make this your next post. And please, slam BIB for having the gall to even think this, let alone post it. I swear, some of our people....
Field, did you see those Negroes fighting at the Ice Hockey game recently?
Opps my bad, Negroes don't play hockey.
DQAE, instead of talking about the fight at a hockey game, shouldn't you be checking out Rev Al selling-out our race? Oh, I forgot...we don't talk about things like that....shssss.
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
Black man gotta lot a problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick
An' everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
An' nobody wants
To go to jail!
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it
Everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
Nobody wants
To go to jail!
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
Are you taking over
Or are you taking orders?
Are you going backwards
Or are you going forwards?
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
(source:The Clash)
Naivety? ??? Are u kidding me???....This has already been discussed at length...Traitors to the Black Community have to be called out ...You stay sleep ..enjoy your slumber....but don't try and cover for him...
BIB--"Traitors to the Black Community have to be called out ...You stay sleep ..enjoy your slumber....but don't try and cover for him..."
6:42 PM
We can't afford to be calling Rev Al out. You are the 'only' one doing it. What's the matter with you? Rev Al is the pillar of our community. YOU are trying to take away our strongest PILLAR!
Not even Field or FP have mentioned anything against Sharpton and FP is a person of truth. Do you realize you are weakening us?
SELL-OUT!! I hope Field will do a post about people who sell-out their leaders.
If the Rev is our strongest Pillar...We are most CERTAINLY in trouble....
This information has been well known to those who REALLY have been on the wrong side of our Govt...
Ask anybody in the Black Conscious Community....
Redacted documents show the truth.
The Smoking Gun aint TMZ....
Just sayin....
Crisis averted!
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Monday Pfeiffer "humorously" suggested selfies would be banned, and there has been "no discussion of a ban" at the White House.
Selfies will still be the fad at the White House.
That was a close one.
Brother Field, please talk to brother BIB. He seems to have gone astray. I know you don't appreciate what's being said about Rev Inc. This is only going to stoke the fire at FOX on the Factor with Bill O'Reilly.
It's so hard being Black.
BIB, thanks for bringing the Al Sharpton FBI informant story into the conversation.
It's a serious issue, and I plan to do a post on it soon.
Dr.Jeántel said...
Field, did you see those Negroes fighting at the Ice Hockey game recently?
Opps my bad, Negroes don't play hockey.
Queen, did you those Negroes discussing the latest ground-breaking cancer research?
Oops my bad, Negroes don't do science.
You will never be a doctor.
Blogger field negro said...
BIB, thanks for bringing the Al Sharpton FBI informant story into the conversation.
It's a serious issue, and I plan to do a post on it soon.
8:15 PM
Holy shit! I don't believe it. Brother Field, I hope this is not going to be one of those,
"If Obama wins, I will run down Broad St naked" comments.
Please tell me it's not one of those. Please tell me you 'really' mean it this time.
Dear BIB, I apologize. It seems that you were right and I just didn't want to admit that we were sold down the river, FOR THE FIRST TIME.
I don't know what else to say except that "who" can we trust in our race? Nobody?
My God, who do we have to turn to except God Himself? We are doomed unless we do.
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