Now let's see how FOX News and all his apologist picks at all the fleas from lying down with this racist deadbeat and tax cheat.
The guy owes the government over a million dollars and has the nerve to say that it is "Negroes" who are getting over on the government. Unbelievable!
Anyway, as is to be expected, some republicans and right wing-nuts are already distancing themselves from a man they were calling a "patriot" just a few days ago. (BTW, I love how Glenn Beck called out Bundy but embraced a similarly bigoted and ignorant, Phil Robertson.)
You have to love it; because nothing scares a racist more than another racist revealing what they really believe, publicly.
"Conservative media titan Sean Hannity, formerly one of Nevada rancher Clive Bundy’s strongest advocates, expressed his vehement disgust Thursday with the latter’s remarks on slavery
Bundy’s comments “are beyond repugnant to me. They are beyond despicable to me. They are beyond ignorant to me,” Hannity said during his radio show.
He then turned his anger toward Democrats who would use Bundy’s comments to attack conservatives.
“They want to say that conservatives are racist. Conservatives hate women,” Hannity said. “Conservatives want old people to die, granny over the cliff. They want the young people to fend for themselves. They want to poison the air and poison the water.”
“People that for the right reasons saw this case as government overreach now are branded because of the ignorant, racist, repugnant, despicable comments of Cliven Bundy,” he said.
After playing a clip of Bundy trying to clarify what he meant, Hannity said: “Just turn it off. I don’t want to hear it anymore. It’s obnoxious, ignorant.”
Oh what a difference a day (and some daylight) makes.
Field, maybe you should have given advice about them fleas. Since you lie with all those who call Clarence Thomas "negro" and other racist names.
Unbelievable? Hypocrisy is the way of life in the fields.
"what they really believe"
Another day another liberal telling us he knows what people he has never meet believes, thinks and feels.
He was Sean's best friend just the other day. Ha! Anyone with half a grain of sense, as my mom used to say, could see that man was a few clowns short of a circus and something really really stupid was going to come out of his mouth. The man said he didn't recognize the USA for fuckssake! How many more clues do you need to tell this guy lives on his own planet? And I love how Hannity immediately goes into attack mode as if it was a hated liburul who said that stupid racist shit.
Cue the trolls where half of them will pull a Hannity and find someway to blame liburuls and democrats and the other half which will agree with Bundy and they will ignore the fact that they are giving two different messages from the same team. Damn, I'm half thinking about missing my London flight to watch Sean tonite! Can't wait to watch The Daily Show when I get back.
Wow, the Master of false equivalences is calling somebody a hypocrite because they called Clarence Thomas a Tom? Dude, he IS a Tom and Cliven Bundy is still a racist. If we poll 100 blah people 99.5 will agree that CT is a Tom.
BTW Kinky, what are your feelings about Bundy's comments or are you too busy pulling a Hannity and attacking liburuls and dems?
Kinky this guy is a Fool...
This topic didnt even need to be discussed, but he decided to open his mouth and tell us whats in his heart...
Not that we didnt know this already..
The hate groups that came out of the woodwork could just SMELL this guy a mile a away...
You should expect Field to get his Clown on..
Even though the guy really isnt that important , and he has basically killed his own message..
Clown on Field...Clown on...
The wingnutts running away from from Mr. Bundy like cockroaches when the light goes on, should have known, perhaps even (Glen Beck) did know better, but just couldn't help themselves. How was an armed standoff, by deranged terrorists, behind women & children shields, ever going to work for them?
Most of all, this tells me that Rand Paul & Ted Cruz (with almost no time left to learn) are not nearly ready for prime time. No wonder Jeb Bush is sniffing around the money-men ( who's sigh of relief I could hear all the way out here on the Left Coast) who put his brother in office.
His candidacy could only have make sense against Clinton & there is no other mainstream candidate out there on the horizon in a mainstream weighted system. It seems that like all republics turned empires eventually, we're officially an oligarchy now.
Clarence Thomas has been called much worse by the left over the last days-hell ever since he got appointed. Yet field, PX, Granny refuses to call out their fellow libs.
Hypocrisy.Double standards. What's the other word?
Right BIB. This guy was a kook. But this wasn't about Bundy. It was about the abuses that go on at the BLM.
Tee hee.
Kinky, light shine cockroach run.
Well Kinky, let me give you one of those GOP apologies.
I apologize. My words were taken out of context. I didn't mean to offend Uncle Thomas. I have black friends.
Clarance Thomas is concurrently white racist's favorite black man, and black peoples' least favorite black man. Polish that turd as much as you want.
I get a college republiklan like Hannity being blindsided when his deranged hero's clay feet melt. Rick Perry, the self-exposed emptiest of suits, yeah I see that. But people like Cruz & Paul with supposedly first class political staffs?
So granny, like field and many on the left, condon racism.
Not surprising. People who complain about/claim to fight/chase racism tend to be the most racist.
Hypocrisy. Double standards. Par the course for the left.
Clarence Thomas is an offensive name/term to most cognizant Black Folks...
Kinky I would hope you learn to use more counter intuitive figures to compare when engaging in these types of arguments....
Try using Dr. Cornell West for example....
Good God...Man ....
I shouldn't have to tell you how to structure your arguments...
Naww just playing Kinky...LOL
Some of your comments are cool but sometimes you go off into the far reaches of Conservatism to even make sense...
Kinky, do you believe that Mr. Bundy was just misunderstood? Serious question.
BIB, what do you think of Chris Christie declaring that the good collie weed will never become legal under his watch?
Nope, I don't condone racism, but Clarence Thomas does.
@Whitey, Hannity does not have a college education. He was a drop out.
Get em Granny!
STFU Caucasian troll
No one on this earth is as racist as you, Kinky; Well maybe welfare cowboy Craven Bundy. And when it comes to racial hypocrisy both of you win the cup and the certificate!
Yeah Kinky, what do you think of Bundy's comments? If you want to talk about hypocrisy how is it that you want to accuse us of not calling out racism while not calling out racism? Why just CT? How come you never pipe up when Al Sharpton is called racist names? Selective outrage? You only defend conservative negroes? Dude, if I'm a hypocrite then you are the most high of hypocrisy. Your boy BiB gave you some advice, you may wwant to heed it.
Kinky Con said "Not surprising. People who complain about/claim to fight/chase racism tend to be the most racist."
Really? Seriously? LOL!!!!!! LMFAO!!!
RFLMFAO!!!!!! Naw. You Kiddin' LOL!!!!
Whoooooo Boy. Oops! I farted. Sorry
none of these people i trust, i don't trust white's no more, i just can't. they support these kind of people in secrecy then smile in your face and lie too ya, how you think these people got in offices? white folks. my mom said birds of feather flock together
Um no.. Bundy wasn't misunderstood.
His comments were racist.
Linking Fox News and Republicans to his (Bundy's)comments? The guilt by association game is often lost by the ones (the left) who play it most..
Let's don't absolve the BLM. This whole thing started over a turtle. And water.
What would have happen if the feds decided to just start killing folks like they did at Ruby Ridge?
Then Bundy would have been in white heaven with 72 sheep...
Don't link Fox News/the gop to that guy? Really? You didn't notice they were hanging from his nuts 2 seconds before he went Rick Santorum? I guess you also fail to realize the gop/faux news tends to attract Bundy types. I know you guys think we're dumb but even blah folks see the connections.
Methinks this Bundy dude is gonna keep comedy writers employed for a while.
And the funniest part is the wefare/moocher rancher is calling us dependent on the gubmint and should pick cotton. Oh the dumb is soooo strong on the right. No wonder Bundy was their hero, especially college dropout Hannity.
Bundy made the wingnuts look like fools once again. Wingnuts just saw that he went up against the big bad Obama Government and call him conservative. His comments showed how conservative he really is. He spoke their truth. Now they are trying to distance themselves from him. Too late.
Well, the conservatives like Hannity who backed this dude have made themselves look even lamer than usual.
I mean, it's not like every country redneck is a racist, but this guy hangs out with those pissed-off, gun-toting militia goons? That is a major red flag. A huge percentage of those guys are freaking racists. They're always blathering on about how they want to "live free," but really, they just want to be free of people who are not white.
And then there is the abject stupidity of this cause from the get-go. These guys spend all the rest of their time bitching and moaning about "Obamaphones" and the pittance poor people consume in food stamps, but suddenly this parasite Cliven -- who's hardly impoverished -- comes along, and they're defending his right to illegally mooch of the government? Just because he's from the Fox News demo of crotchety old white dudes who like to spew a lot of patriotic rubbish?
No principles at all, these wingnut jokers. It's poetic justice that this blew up in their faces.
Bundy did nothing but speak the truth, right my negroes?
Fuck Sean Hannity.
BIB, what do you think of Chris Christie declaring that the good collie weed will never become legal under his watch?
Hes right... The only problem is 1. Just his stance alone on Cannabis ensures he isnt touching the White House in 2016
2. He might be in a Orange Jumpsuit before the end of his term .
So yes hes pretty accurate on that regard.
No surprise there Granny, but I'm pretty sure he was a CR; his show so epitomizes them. I remember them emulating Newt Gingrich's bomb-throwing in all of my public policy classes at my alma mater; especially during the LA revolt. They taught me where I stood better than the professors.
BIB exclaimed to Kinky,
"Good God...Man ....
I shouldn't have to tell you how to structure your arguments.."
This hilarious! BIB has me in stitches..I can't stop laughing. LOL
No doubt, Kinky is going to get the shit beat out of him tonight.
BTW, where is Bill? Maybe Bill isn't as dumb as PilotX and PC thinks he is. lol...but maybe it is still
On a serious note, Bundy sounds like he has early on-set of Alzheimers, coupled with a low IQ. That's a terrible combination...hopeless.
Field, in the video did you notice Bundy didn't actually say negro, I swear that racist thieving plunderer said "niggro".
And what's with these racists now trying to make black women the face of abortion? As with "welfare" and "affirmative action", is this word the new associating code for black now? White women have the highest rate of abortions and they well know it. I'm tired saying this. That's why they hate abortions so much (lack of control over women and too many dead white babies). But they won't say it publicly to deface the false virtue of white womanhood. It's got to be some sort of racist delusional transference syndrome. WTF.
I thought they said 70% black women/mothers have a dozen out of wedlock children in their homes. So I'm lost here... Why won't these racist demented demons make up their minds?
Check this:
This is supposedly the full version of the interview.
Mild benign racism at worst. If not, hit me solidly and repeatedly with the dookie stick.
Still think he sucks on the government t*tie
"Mild benign racism at worst."
I swear to your god, you couldn't make it up.
Colbert: "Hannity And Bundy Go Together Like Ku And Klux."
Hey guys, look at this.
'Jolene' sung by that woman with crazed blonde wigs, sounds way better when played at 33.33 r.p.m.
Does that work for all country records?
@Trollonymous Burgundy:
"And what's with these racists now trying to make black women the face of abortion?"
Black women are approximately 12% of the female population but more than 1/3 of abortions in America are done on black women.
More black pregnancies in New York City are terminated than result in a live birth.
"Of course we "Negroes" knew how he felt all along."
I'd be interested to find out how you knew it "all along," Field. Really. We knew he wasn't too swift, but that doesn't ALWAYS spell bigot.
Or maybe I haven't been watching this buzzard's statements too closely.
Why do you keep using the term "right wing nuts"? Does the nuts term only apply to those who are conservative? What term do you use for left wing person? Is there also a disperaging term for those Americans? Are there left wing nuts?
Anyway..I don't know why...but I am surprised that ANYONE is stupid enough to think ANYONE would be better off under slavery. Where did this person get the idea that all blacks are not working and living off of government handouts? I hope his former supporters will not just flee from him...but try to educate him on this matter.
I still hope someone will explain to me how someone can owe one million in grazing fees.
Ignorant anon said: "...more than 1/3 of abortions in America are done on black women. More black pregnancies in New York City are terminated than result in a live birth"
Either you just made that up, or you read it on the subway graffiti and you ran with it.
Was that 1/3 percentage collected from just the inner city abortion clinics? Go figure. What about the entire nations clinics? And the private doctor offices in suburbia? I guess those are called random Dilation and Curettage (D&C's) and other discrete procedures that go on those insurance forms. Most just pay cash up front and those "stats" don't get reported either way.
Why do you think a growing number of younger white women have been flooding the fertility clinics. Not just because they have more financial resources. After they finally get married or shacked up they soon have problems conceiving. Majority of these white women usually disclose they've had abortion procedures in their past. The rest won't even admit it.
And I don't know why you people care if black women have abortions. Wouldn't that be a good thing? You wouldn't have to say "go back to Africa" so often. Having unplanned children is a quick route to personal hardship. More welfare queens and fatherless criminals. You people are so fickle and disoriented with your racism, it's perplexing. Why so worried? I guess these so called black abortions might higher the chances of personal achievements and therefore racial prosperity/advancement among blacks.
With you people, it's always something dubious like that.
I think MLK said it best... Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious STUPIDITY.
I think MLK said it best... Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious STUPIDITY.
Slavery might have made the Europeans fronting as "Americans" mucho money, but it sure as hell drove them out of their damn minds. Now you're nothing but a gang of rich monetarily, racially insane nitwits. Just remember, you'll never see a Brinks truck trailing behind the hearse your butts gonna ride in when your lives end eventually.
I'm not surprised at how so many white folks are placating this man's actions.
This isn't just about the "negro" word being used (personally, it doesn't bother me), but it's his ignorant racist ideals that are disheartening and offensive.
At the end of the vid, in frustration he said his statements weren't for the world, but for private families. So what does "private families" suppose to mean? LOL
I meant "ideology"
Just how racist/republican/conservative Bundy is?
This how.
"I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders," he says. "But they're here and they're people. I worked side-by-side a lot of them. Don't tell me they don't work, and don't tell me they don't pay taxes. And don't tell me they don't have better family structures than most of us white people."
"When you see those Mexican families, they're together. They picnic together. They're spending their time together," he said. "I'll tell you, in my way of thinking, they're awful nice people. We need to have those people join us and be with us."
What a racist mofo...
Ok, so he says something nice about Latinos but he's not racist when he says all blah folks would be better off as slaves. Kinky's pointy hood is showing again.
"What a racist mofo..."
Well, we agree on something at least.
Incidentally, how did you get it into your tiny head that his views on Mexicans was relevant?
Kinky quoting Bundy: "I'll tell you, in my way of thinking, they're awful nice [Mexican] people. We need to have those [Mexican] people join us and be with us."
(But not those Blacks though... oh no. We don't need em no more, they got too uppity, looking for fair wages and equal rights like the rest of us real folks.)
btw, how many of those "Mexican" folks who "come over against the constitution" pay taxes?
Bundy is full of shit anyway. A typical disoriented racist.
Your using bad examples again...
This a bad subject area to try and gain traction on....
Especially when/if this guy keeps talking.
A racist who hearts mexicans? Who would have thunk it? I know. I know. It's not relevant because it doesn't stroke racial paranoia.
Just stop PX. Your (along with others here including field) faux outrage is based on politics and hate of Fox News.
"btw, how many of those "Mexican" folks who "come over against the constitution" pay taxes?"
Don't you watch MSNBC?
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
..they called Clarence Thomas a Tom? Dude, he IS a Tom and Cliven Bundy is still a racist. If we poll 100 blah people 99.5 will agree that CT is a Tom.
I think the KKK should rebrand themselves and only go after Uncle Toms and House Negros.
If the KKK goes after the same black people democrats and field negros hate it will be a win/win for the KKK and the democrats.
Besides for the stormfront crowd, do white people ever say other white people are not white because of their beliefs?
'Besides for the stormfront crowd, do white people ever say other white people are not white because of their beliefs?"
It's a black thang. You wouldn't understand Bill.
That whole democrat plantation thing is a myth.
Bill, will u condemn your fellow republican, Bundy, for his ignorant comments? Or do u want to keep building straw men all day?
Anon@6:56AM, please provide a link to what you are alleging.
I will wait.......
field negro said...
Bill, will u condemn your fellow republican, Bundy, for his ignorant comments? Or do u want to keep building straw men all day?
He's an ignorant shit.
If I was a republican I would condemn him. Whatever my condemning him means to you.
Speaking of condemning, are you going to condemn democrats when I ask you?
"fellow republican" ?
Please provide a link to a voter register or ballot that shows Bundy a republican and how he votes.
Field continues swim in hypocrisy.
Field, when are you going to condemn racist/hateful statements directed at black republicans (or any minorities that disagrees with Obama)by democrats?
To the person that just jacked my blogger account, F*CK YOU.
Kinky Con
Hey Kinky...If it makes you feel any better...
Field has called me "White" or "Uncle Tom" plenty of times for criticizing O.....
In fact he, and Pilot X have called me " White" pretending to be Black on several occasions..
We just agree to disagree on a whole Host of issues.....
Doesnt mean too much to me really...
I know who I am...
and I also know WHY Field defends O so voraciously....
I dont take it personal.
Just make your argument
un breakable..
The way your structuring it right now leaves it to be completely unraveled...
No effort...
Here u go, Kinky:
BTW, I agree with u. Not cool jacking your blogger account.
BIB, stop trying to play nice with Kinky. He is not your friend and he will never respect you. He probably thinks you took that pic while you were in your cell. Trust me.
Thanks FN. I thought about mentioning you BIB. I didn't want to send any hate your way.
"He probably thinks you took that pic while you were in your cell"
Not nice..
First off, I don't hate anyone especially because of their political orientation. Secondly where the fuck does your hypocritical non defending of anyone other than clarence thomas ass get off demanding Field or anyone denounce anybody! Same shit Hannity does. If I or any person of color wants to view someone negatively that's my/our perogative. The days of the white man telling me/us how to think/feel are over son. I'm sorry you missed those days ut they are in the rear view mirror. Now, there are sites for conservative bootlicking negroes that you are free to visit at your convenience. I'm sure they will support and defend sellout uncle toms all day to you.
And Bill, to the stormfront crowd the people who don't agree with them are "race traitors". Ask Kinky, he's a regular over there.
BiB, kc is a dimwitted racist con and you think he can formulate an "unbreakable" argument? Good luck with that. And your sucking up to him doesn't make me think you're any blaher.
"BiB, kc is a dimwitted racist con and you think he can formulate an "unbreakable" argument? Good luck with that. And your sucking up to him doesn't make me think you're any blaher..."
Now you KNOW I really dont care what you think, and you alreaady know this Pilot... LOL
You can write "Blah people" a million times over...
My comment to Kinky was just to expose his weak argument...
Sure I couldve done it
Mean spirited, and rude...
It is kinda amusing watching people try to defend this guys comments...
While he going back , and digging himself deeper....
Just Not my style....
Well, as long as you finally got the whole YOUR/YOU'RE thing down you we can call it progress.
BTW, Kinky gives less than a shit what you think but continue sucking up bro.
"BTW, Kinky gives less than a shit what you think but continue sucking up bro."
Still trying to bait me I see ...
Im not a fish ...
U cant Hook me...Nor put a battery in my back ..LOL
My mannerisms are completely different than yours....
Im in my Lane... Stay in yours...
Heres a great idea for a campaign commercial.... Im sure somebody can put this together.
Picture "Chris Crispy" walking down that winding driveway with his White Bathrobe on...
Picking up the Newspaper....
With the ominous Bridge clearly seen in the background....
or.... we could just start yelling out Hey "Nucky" in his Town Hall meetings....
That's it PX. Let it all out.
Release the hate. Tell us what you really thinkerate.
Now breath.
Hypocrisy can be such a hard thing to defend. The guilt by association game is getting much harder to win.
Still, your racial rhetoric is uncalled for.
BTW, you shouldn't call someone 'stupid" or "dimwitted" while misspelling so many words.
Have a great weekend PX and everyone in the fields.
Well kinky, I'm glad your fingers are small enough to type on tiny keyboards and care enough to spell check but even if I misspell every single word I still wouldn't come across as foolish as you.
On another note the UK is pretty cool.
Yeah Bib, stay in the white er I mean right lane. Freudianism slip.
Things that make you say HUMMM said
Clarence Thomas is not a "Tom" he is the worst of the worst...... a "SLAVE CATCHER"!!! They were from all races and economic backgrounds.
It never fails racist whites love to throw up those "model citizen" thinking that flattering those other people of color will score them some help in their racist motives. LOL!
Evidently, they think that other people of color are dumb and can't see through their racist motives. Since they've included them as their objects of hate as well when they don't need them. LOL!
Yep, they've labeled those other minorities in the same terms as they did blacks throughout history. There is not a male of color that they didn't label "savages or dangerous male".
They've even turned against their own white women too. Just the other day I read GOP say that women don't need equal pay because "They're lazy". Now, where did I hear that term "lazy" before. LOL!
I guess they don't take into account that folks have sat back and observed them over the years and see through their B.S. If they only knew.
Trollyburgundy, you on a roll. You go girl! ^5.
Oops, I forgot to add and labeled their women too as sluts using those stereotypical terms.
"Yeah Bib, stay in the white er I mean right lane. Freudianism slip."
I know you have this fantastic fantasy about me being White , and all... but seriously its Old, and you should get out more...
Not everyone thinks the same way you do...
Still in My Lane....
Pilot constantly rubberneckin ...
bout ta Crash... LOL
Everybody put that mental picture in your head of "Chris Crispy" in the White Bathrobe channelling Tony Soprano of the Garden State....
Classic campaign ad...
If he even makes it that far....
The one thing that racist whites have not learned and that is that people are people and that whites are not the only folks on this earth that were born with brains.
There is no such thing as superior race. Every single group of people has good and bad in their group. That's human nature. Some folks are not gonna do right no matter what regardless of skin color. Some folks have moral values and just want to live in peace and get along with their fellow human being and pursue their dream.
Some folks need to learn to live and let live and stop trying to be in control of others.
It's raining out this way and cold. I'm going lay down for a spell. Not feeling well.
Have a blessed day!
You gone take that bait BiB! (In my Ike Turner voice).
And fuck you for getting that image stuck in my head.
blessings all!
ESPECIALLY to my haters/motivators and peepers;)
Hope you feel better Granny.
"On another note the UK is pretty cool."
For all it's faults, (and believe me they are legion) you will find your racism antennae twitch way less often in the UK than in the USA.
Generally in Western Europe there are just fewer racists than in the USA, you can feel the difference. But it's a mixed picture. Here is my racism-chasing survey of Europe.
In the UK racism is just unfashionableat the moment. Islamophobia isn't though sadly.
in France they hate everybody who is not French regardless of race, creed or colour. So if you are black and French you are OK(ish). If you are black, white, yellow, red and any other nationality you are fucked.
In Germany people under the age of 45 are cool providing you are not Turkish. Above that age watch out.
In Holland you are fine in Amsterdam but go twenty miles in any direction, and you are in apartheid country.
The Belgians are too busy hating each other to worry about foreigners.
Austrians and Swiss are so stiff and formal all foreigners are convinced that they are hated. So it's kind of difficult to say.
Italy. Draw a line through Sienna anything north of that and you are generally OK. Just don;t go south of that line.
Portuguese are the most relaxed of any southern Europeans, I'm guessing it's the influence of Brazil.
I've only spent three days in Spain, and I've never been to Greece, so I'm not really qualified to have an opinion.
If you ask a Russian girl for a dance, she will spit in your face.
Finland. Oh. my. god. It's like being in Japan. The girls can't do enough for you, but their husbands will get jealous.
Sweden. Very, very tolerant people, but it doesn't matter because you'll be so bored, you will just want to catch the first plane home.
Seeing as how I posted comments the other day that defended him, I figured I'd better come back here.
1. Yep, he's a wingnut for real, as opposed to an opportunistic wingnut.
2. In retrospect, his willingness to pay grazing fees to Clark County, Nevada should've tipped me off. But I wasn't up on the "posse comitatus" nutcases.
3. I suppose he has a point about the slavery of dependence that a portion of the black population finds itself in, but it's kinda hard to ask anyone to dig through all the rest of the shit for that kernel of corn.
4. His story about being the scion of a family that had been there for 125 years was also a lie. Didn't know that a few days ago either. It seemed plausible; I'm friends with a fifth-generation rancher. They do exist. Just not this guy.
5. I'm still wondering whether the feds needed to be as heavy handed as they've been. That's not my sympathy for him talking, but a matter of asking whether this is the way the feds should have proceeded against him. That said, I hope there'll be more follow through about the details of the case.
6. Racism's not a crime. You don't have to like him to defend his rights, any more than the ACLU liked the Nazis when they defended their right to march through the heavily Jewish suburb of Skokie, Illinois.
Purple Cow forgets the anti-semitism and mooslim rape epidemic sweeping across Europe?
Go figure.
What do you mean "you people"?
Grinder said: "3. I suppose he has a point about the slavery of dependence that a portion of the black population finds itself in"
And you are still a piece of racist homo shit. You just couldn't help yourself. I was waiting for you to show your racist pretentious butt pirate ass.
I hope you feel better Granny.
Question for the black folks here.
Why do you guys care so much if people like you or dont want to live near you? This is America..freedom of association. Every race knows that blacks dont like them and are all about themselves..but do they bitch and complain about it 24/7? No.
Why is there no uproar about Mexicans hatred towards blacks? They are basically forcing them out of their neighborhoods in L.A county, engage in violence in cities like Chicago, Oakland and Los angles..but no complaints about them right? Nope..only whitey.
Why is Martin Luther King so worshipped and admired by the black community. .yet many blacks dont want to live by what he stood for, I.e. "judge people by the content of their character and not by their color of their skin"?
"Why is there no uproar about Mexicans hatred towards blacks?"
Because 'mexicans" overwhelming vote democrat.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
And Bill, to the stormfront crowd the people who don't agree with them are "race traitors".
That's what I said.
Kinda like those that don't agree with black democrats are uncle toms and house negros.
Giveme evidence of mexican violence towards blah foiks. Do you live in Chicago? We get along pretty well.
And you are still a piece of racist homo shit. You just couldn't help yourself. I was waiting for you to show your racist pretentious butt pirate ass.
And you're a nasty homophobic piece of shit who ain't one bit different than Cliven Bundy, except that you just hate someone else and were waiting for an excuse to puke it out. Not to put too fine a point on it.
Grinder said: "And you're a nasty homophobic piece of shit who ain't one bit different than Cliven Bundy"
I'll take your word for it. After all, you should be a pro at identifying "pieces of shit" by now. At least I don't hide my inner feelings. I am who I am, no need to pretend and meander like you. But I see you...
And you of all people should not be calling anyone "nasty". Just saying...
FN folks, please don't call grinder any names. He doesn't deserve that. Isn't it obvious he is a fair man without a racist bone in his body.
But some of you Negroes want to make grinder out to be a racist, which he is not.
BBB- (Bundy's Black Bodyguard)
LOL..this fool needs "evidence".
Heres another Pilot Dunce:
And another.....
I could go all day Pilot...
Heres more bro...
You need more Pilot dunce?
This Pilot X is so ignorant and consumed with white hate that he supposedly has no idea about Black and mexican racial tension.
Imagine whites now and days "racially clensening" black neighborhoods?? It would be non stop 24/7 national news.
Ita amazing what the liberal Marxist media wants to keep quiet.
More "evidence" for the ignorant Pilot Z.
Oh wow, an OPINION piece. That should settle everything. And look, it's from the LA Times. I was asking about Chicago specifically, I haven't noticed racial problems between blah folks and Latinos. But what would I know, I just live there.
Dumb ass, I specifically stated Chicago. Reading comprehension problems? Move along asshat, move along.
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