Honestly, when I first heard this story I wasn't as upset about her ignorant screed as I was her apology after she found out she might be getting a pink slip.
Like what is it with racists when they are caught being.... well a racist? You said what you said, now own it.
What this country needs is a Racist Amnesty Day. Kind of like those Purge movies. Just for one day the racists among us can post all the vile disgusting things they want about black people and there will be no consequence.
Clearly there are a lot of things that racists want to get off their chests, and I am afraid that our PC culture is stifling there ability to let go with their racial outbursts. (Isn't that right Mr. Seinfeld?)
Oh yeah, the rant:
"This makes me ANGRY! This officer should not have to resign,” wrote Karen Fitzgibbons, formerly a fourth-grade teacher at Bennett Elementary School in McKinney, on her Facebook page on Tuesday, according to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. The page has since been deleted.
“I guess that’s what happens when you flunk out of school and have no education. I’m sure their parents are just as guilty for not knowing what their kids were doing; or knew it and didn’t care,” she continued. “I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone.”
Fitzgibbons, who had worked for the school district for 16 years, according to the Avalanche-Journal, ended her post with this sentence: “Now, let the bashing of my true and honest opinion begin…GO!” She got her wish. The post went viral, and outraged readers called for the school district to fire her."
See, now if we had a Racist Amnesty Day she could have waited until then to post her rant and the school district could not have done a darn thing about it.
But alas, there is no such day, and so....
“I let my emotions get the best of me, and instead of taking a deep breath, vented in an inappropriate way,” she wrote. “I am truly sorry. I don’t want my comments to reflect poorly on my district or campus, as the words came from me, not them. …
“I am ashamed of my post. As I look back and reflect, I see how hurtful those words sounded. It is my hope that my sincere apology will be accepted,” [Source]
Translated: I have bills to pay, please don't fire me for saying publicly what all of you see in the privacy of your own homes.
The other story is about this NAACP president in Washington who has claimed the black card.
Talk about twists and turns.
Anyway, back to this sister....I mean eh... white woman, passing herself off as a sister. Seems she always wanted to be down with brown. Girlfriend even got a scholarship to Howard and now teaches African American studies at a local college. She married a black man and even declared on facebook that her daddy is black.
But not so fast, her real parents have thrown a monkey wrench into her plans.
"Rachel has wanted to be somebody she’s not,” Ruthanne Dolezal told KREM. “She’s chosen not to just be herself but to represent herself as an African-American woman or a biracial person. And that’s simply not true.”
Maybe she just didn't like the name Dolezal and figured if she went black she could change it to something simple, like Johnson. I mean there is Jungle Fever and there is Jungle full blown flu. Girlfriend has it.
But seriously, apparently the NAACP is standing behind her, because she has done a good job as the president of the chapter out there, and they claim that she is a real asset to that community.
I say good for them. No one said that the president of the NAACP has to be black, and there are certainly members of that organization all over the country who are white. If they feel that she is doing a good job they should stand behind her.
I do have some issues with her, though. Like her taking the scholarship to Howard, and her possibly lying about racists threats made towards her.
Other than that, I say no harm no foul from where I sit. Sure her parents are disappointed, and there are white folks all over the country wondering why someone would give up their white privilege and go to the dark side. I say get over it.
We live in a world now where it's cool to switch gender, so why not our race?
As long as she can pass all the necessary requirements and the Drop Squad determines that she is not a spy, we will take her.
OK, Now that you have taken care of the important 'stuff' of the day.......
I'm sure you are aware your crush on Lark Voorheis can come to an end now that it is trending that she eloped to Las Vegas.....My, My, My the Field needs to write about this so he can take a break from all the 'so called' silly stuff of the day lately. ;)
When President Obama first got elect, some folks who where raised to believe they were better then everyone else because of their whiteness, lost their fucking minds. They never took 'personal responsibility' for their attitude, and blamed everyone else. They had Foxnews and right wing nut radio to justify their bullshit. Since they refuse to take personal responsibility, it's Obama's fault.
Joey Crawford will ref game 6 so that there will be a game 7. That's my prediction.
Every day is Racist Amnesty Day down at police headquarters...
-Doug in Oakland
Even when "Black," white woman moves to the top....
Are you really "Black" Field Negro?
I must ask. I must. I must.
"See, now if we had a Racist Amnesty Day she could have waited until then to post her rant and the school district could not have done a darn thing about it. "
Whose parents give an interview with birth certificate in tow? Must have picked that idea up at a republican dinner. No offense, Bill.
Reminds me of The Color of Water book where the author writes about his white mother telling him she is light skinned. It all worked out.
"We live in a world now where it's cool to switch gender, so why not our race?"
You are right Field, why the fuck not?
It sure is confusing here today in Obamerica.
On the same day, we have a school teacher being fired for expressing the stone cold truth about the utter incompatibility of dealing with underclass blacks in a white school system, while across the country we have a race-baiting NAACP president under fire for falsely claiming to be black.
So is race, like gender, now something anyone can claim on a whim, and then change their mind five minutes later? Would you fuck Caitlyn Jenner?
And what kind of society comes down so hard on those who dare speak the truth?
You have to know where this is this is all going.
I'm going down swinging.
Maybe every day should be Racism Amnesty Day.
I'm not convinced that expressing unpleasant opinions outside one's workplace should be a firing offense, as a general rule. Really, why should employers be firing people for anything that didn't happen on the job? (Though perhaps we could make an exception for those professions in which even the mere possibility that their prejudices might carry over into their work activities is absolutely intolerable -- like cops and judges.)
Many seem to have a belief that we can somehow punish people into not having bigoted attitudes. But bigotry doesn't really work like that; you're just driving the hate underground, not fixing it.
I realize that there are probably some black folks out there who don't really care if these sort of firings really do any good for society whatsoever, but are just glad to see a racist white person suffer for their prejudices.
Okay then. But maybe you ought to consider that it can happen to you, too. Said any mean or unfair things about white folks on your Facebook feed recently? This black woman did and her boss told her to hit the bricks.
The main question I want answered about this Rachel Dolezal chick is, did everyone around her reaaaally think she was black? Or were they all simply too polite to broach the subject?
Because, having seen photos of her, I'd immediately have been inclined to ask, "Are you a white woman with afro hair extensions?"
But maybe this is one of those questions that's too dangerous to voice, like asking a woman with a big belly if she's pregnant ... or just fat.
"We live in a world now where it's cool to switch gender, so why not our race?"
I'm sure this will come as a huge relief to Depressed Negro. Now no one will taunt him anymore for being a black man who's not really black. Why, he might even stop being depressed!
Mr. Field Negro, are you really Black? Or, is this blog a scam by a white guy designed to stir up racial animosity? I see you don't want to reply to the question. Your silence is very telling. Like the earlier inquisitor, I too must ask.
Anon@3:48, do u know how to use Google? Try it.
Now'on to more important things. As the first person to comment above said, Lark is now married. And to some loser she met on facebook no less.
I am, in a word, crushed. :(
Looks like the liberal taliban has struck again. How long before she is beheaded?
"What this country needs is a Racist Amnesty Day."
Can the racial grievance industry survive a day without being outraged and feeling victimized?
Good thing blacks don't need a special day to post all the vile disgusting things they want about white people. Blacks know they can do it everyday without repercussions.
"and there are white folks all over the country wondering why someone would give up their white privilege and go to the dark side.
Everyone knows black privilege trumps white privilege any day. Every day.
Liberalism really is a mental disorder....
The FieldNegro said...
Other than that, I say no harm no foul from where I sit
After bush left office, why did lying became so acceptable to dumbocrats? Has even a single family saved $2500 on healthcare like Obama promised?
There must be a good reason a dumbocrat voting white woman would say she received un-postmarked hate mail in a PO box only the post office and the NAACP has access to. There must be a good reason the NACCP would want a liar representing them.
Sure, it strokes more racial hate, but hey, isn't that the point of fake hate crimes committed by dumbocrats? To scare and piss off non-white people into supporting the dumbocrat party?
Awww poor Field, ROTFL!!!
Rachel' looks like members of my own family and her father almost certainly has African ancestry like MOST Americans.
So what's the problem here?
No, you ignorant bitch, both her parents are 100% white.
The deeper question for a racial-grievance blog like this is why would a white woman want to pass for black?
Why would she think lying about white hate would confer racial credibility on her?
What is it about America in 2015 that makes white identity something to shed?
Why would people run from 'privilege'?
Is there such a thing as "black privilege"?
Is it right to assign moral standing based on skin color?
The FieldNegro said...
Other than that, I say no harm no foul from where I sit
She lied to investigators about hate mail in the NAACP PO Box.
Officers concluded that the mail had not been properly processed through the post office, and was likely put directly into the post office box, without being mailed at all. They said only a few people have access to the box: the USPS employees who work there, and the boxholder.
A liar is caught lying again. This time to scare Black people.
No harm no foul.
Universities have given up finding racism against anyone except whites, so they now search for “microaggressions,” a concept that confirms the liberal tenet that all whites are racist, since by not being racist, they commit a microaggression, which is racist. The University of California Office of the President Janet Napolitano provides examples by listing statements that should not be uttered because they are microaggressions, including:
• “When I look at you, I don’t see color.”
• “There is only one race, the human race.”
• “America is a melting pot.”
• “I don’t believe in race.”
These statements are racist because they imply that minorities should assimilate, and because they are examples of “denying the significance of a person of color’s racial/ethnic experience.”
Do not claim not to be a racist; that would be a racist microaggression, because it would be “denying the personal experience of individuals who experience bias.”
Believing in America, the land people flock to from all over the Third World so as to experience racist oppression, is a microaggression. Under the rule of President Napolitano, you must not say the following:
• “America is the land of opportunity.”
This politically incorrect statement implies that even sacred persons of color bear responsibility for their own lack of achievement, which according to liberal dogma can only be caused by racism.
By the same token, the following sentiments are explicitly forbidden:
• “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
• “Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
The traditional concept of merit undermines official ideology. Only nonwhites have merit in a sense that is meaningful to progressives.
It is also racist to observe actual racism. This statement is proscribed:
• “Affirmative action is racist.”
Microaggressions can also be sexist/heterosexist. UC’s microaggression list warns against using the pronoun “he” in an offensive manner.
A more profoundly insane ideology than political correctness would be inconceivable.
For the year or so I've been posting here, I've understood fully the political leanings and the reasons for these types of posts. But even after all this time, I'm still baffled every time someone--you, me, anyone--extrapolates from one person, or even a few people, the state of "America." For fuck's sake, there are 200 million white people in America. Yes, some of them are flaming fucking racist fucktards. Some of them are also bass ackward religious loons who refuse to take medicine because they think prayer will extend their life expectancy from 35 to 37 years. I know for a fact that many black commenters on this blog wouldn't like it one bit--and don't like when it happens one bit--if someone takes the action of one black person and says, "Well, this is what the entire black community is up to today!"
Going after a moron like this ditzy bitch -- ah salute! Rip her a new one. But I don't get how an individual is extrapolated to the whole. It baffles me.
"and there are white folks all over the country wondering why someone would give up their white privilege and go to the dark side."
And I love how race baiters constantly project on white people that they have this mystical, magical "privilege" thing. Hey, I'm sure you folks don't know about the millions upon millions of whites in abject poverty on skid row, in mountain hollers, in the back country and bush, in trailer courts, out in the county -- the motherfuckers who get trashed worse than Narlins, but because they can't cry victimhoom, they just have to rebuild their West Virginian communities without federal government Superman and the Incredible FEMA because they don't fucking matter. You only know what you learn, so I don't begrudge black folks who view all white people as cul-de-sac, green-lawn-having, middle-class-living Buffys. White poverty is a world rarely explored because no one gives a fuck when white babies starve and the like.
So if you're a poor-ass white person, your odds of receiving financial aid or a full scholarship increase exponentially if you can claim some sort of minority status. Hell, even what's-her-face, that white-ass liberal political bitch, checked "Native America" to help her. And she was from money. Even still, her best bet was to feign victimhood.
There is privilege in America. No bout a-doubt it. Some motherfuckers are exceedingly better off than others from birth. But it's not white; it's green. We live in a world where monetary privilege is the only kind that matters. You think LeBron's kids are going to suffer the plight of ghetto black folks and get choked out by the police? Negro, please. You need green to have privilege. This meme of "white privilege" is excessively more divisive than anything this stupid white bitch said.
But, yeah, I know: "But white people have white shampoo and white Band-Aids!" lol Oh, the hysterical cries of unfairness are deafening!
SPD suspends all cases involving Rachel Dolezal
Lying about hate crimes isn't working out well for Rachel.
Did she not understand mail delivered by the USPS has a date stamp/barcode on it?
What was the purpose of her repeated fake hate crimes if not to scare/intimidate Black people?
Field, why do so many people of your political party report so many fake hate crimes? Aren't there enough real hate crimes in 2015 to keep dumbocrats happy?
Jesus Josh, grow a fucking pair of balls already.
Why do you need validation from racist progressive negroes? The more you beg, the less you'll get. You cannot make common cause with people whose core demand is your dispossession.
The issue with race-baiters isn't justice, it's power. Trying to logically convince them it's bullshit is a waste of time - they know it's bullshit. But it is bullshit that has been very effective in expanding power. They are not going to walk away from it until it doesn't work anymore.
There are blacks who realize they have interests that overlap with those of white Americans. You won't find them around here.
You are smart enough to know bullshit when you smell it. Call a spade a spade and don't apologize for it.
Elevate your game already.
Lying about being Black or your political opponent... it's all good if you vote dumbocrat.
Ex-campaign worker admits lying about San Diego congressional candidate
On Friday, the ex-staffer admitted in federal court that he lied when he claimed to have gotten anonymous emails threatening that he would never work again in politics if he revealed things about DeMaio.
Todd Bosnich, 29, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice by lying to the FBI about the emails. Until Friday, it was not known publicly that the federal government was investigating the emails.
During the campaign, Bosnich had told reporters that he was ''positive" that the emails came from DeMaio or someone close to him.
But in his guilty plea, Bosnich admitted that he sent the emails himself through a dummy account and then took the emails to the Peters campaign who turned them over to the San Diego Police Department.
Why do dumbocrats need to lie about every thing? Is their agenda that dysfunctional they can't be honest?
As shown here and on millions of other internet sites with comment sections whites regularly post racist remarks with no consequence so everyday is Racist Amnesty Day.
I agree with Wes, so many of the whootemeehoos lost their minds when the darkies moved into 1600 Pennsylvania.
As far as sistagirl in Spokane let's have a race draft like Dave Chappell suggested. We can trade Rachel for Deneen Boralli who was on Hannity's show the other day defending the cop in McKenny, TX. First round draft pick. Also two things,first there are very few blah folks in Spokane and secondly jungle fever runs rampant in the Pacific Northwest. Most couples are interracial and you can't want two feet without a white girl trying to holla.
"Also two things,first there are very few blah folks in Spokane and secondly jungle fever runs rampant in the Pacific Northwest."
From what I hear, Spokane is at the "black-people-unfriendly" end of Washington state. It's geographically and culturally closer to Idaho than to Seattle, and Idaho was where all of those nice white supremacist folk had once planned to move to together and start some kind of Caucasians-only microstate. The Aryan Nations used to be based out of Hayden Lake, Idaho, until the SPLC sued them into financial oblivion and seized all their land.
PilotX said...
As far as sistagirl in Spokane let's have a race draft like Dave Chappell suggested. We can trade Rachel for Deneen Boralli who was on Hannity's show the other day defending the cop in McKenny, TX.
Because for PilotX, race loyalty trumps truth every time.
PilotX said...
"you can't want two feet without a white girl trying to holla."
I'll bet PilotX could walk 20 miles without a holla.
@12:14, is an expert in phenotypic genetics analysis?
Listen heffa, swallowing for your Johns doesn't make you a DNA/genetics expert ok? You're just good at "sample collection".
I'll bet PilotX could walk 20 miles without a holla.
Except from your mom.
Because for PilotX, race loyalty trumps truth every time.
What truth? That an asshole cop slammed a naked teen girl to the ground? Oh that's right she was blah so it's ok. Carry on.
Yisheng once again illustrates that she is too dumb to ever be a doctor.
When reached by BuzzFeed News late Thursday, Rachel Dolezal’s father, Larry Dolezal, said that he and her mother are both white.
“She’s our birth daughter and we’re both of European descent,” he said, adding, “we’re puzzled and it’s very sad.”
Ever notice how she spews a bunch of anti-white racist statements, then always obliquely implies that she has substantial white ancestry by saying how light she is or things like "Rachel' looks like members of my own family".
What a piece of work. Or more accurately, what a piece of shit.
And you have to love the old school racist language "race loyalty". Really? I guess this asshole anon will be talking about northern agitators and negro race soon.
Anywhoo, what blunt posted above is utter BS.
And, for the record, when white people say "I don't see color" I automatically get suspicious.
The parents of Yisheng claim that their daughter has stayed away from them in order to maintain her image.
"Yisheng has chosen to distance herself from the family and be hostile towards us," her mother told CNN on Friday. "She doesn't want us to be where she is, she doesn't want to be seen with us because it ruins her image."
"We are her birth parents," Yisheng's father added. "We do not understand why she feels it's necessary to misrepresent her ethnicity."
Speaking from their home in Troy, Montana, her parents told CNN's At This Hour that their daughter's identification as a black woman "started kind of gradually, maybe around 2007 or so."
Though they noticed changes years ago in Yisheng that they considered to be an "artistic, expressive representation of identifying with African Americans," they later found out she was claiming to be black. They say they've never gotten any explanation from their daughter. Yisheng has never claimed in their presence to be African-American, her mother said.
"She has not explained to us why she is doing what she's doing and being dishonest and deceptive about her identity."
Yīshēng said...
Rachel' looks like members of my own family and her father almost certainly has African ancestry like MOST Americans.
If you are saying your family is ugly, I can believe that.
And most Americans do not have African ancestry. The average "black" American has 20% white ancestry. Over 95% of whites have zero African ancestry.
PilotX said...
And you have to love the old school racist language "race loyalty"
Race loyalty is your life, PilotX. You put blahness ahead of everything.
"Over 95% of whites have zero African ancestry."
Yeah right. If you want to believe that, you carry on believing it, son.
field negro said...
Anywhoo, what blunt posted above is utter BS.
Au contraire my disingenuous brown friend:
This is the world you progressives have created. Are you telling me you don't even know what it is you shill for?
The Purple Cow said...
"Over 95% of whites have zero African ancestry."
Yeah right. If you want to believe that, you carry on believing it, son.
I will.
Mr. Field Negro,
Google could not verify that you are Black. So that was less than helpful. But I did see a reference to Hate Sites.
Hmmm, sorry to hear that. Do they consider Jamaican to be the same as black?
"The main question I want answered about this Rachel Dolezal chick is, did everyone around her reaaaally think she was black? Or were they all simply too polite to broach the subject?
Because, having seen photos of her, I'd immediately have been inclined to ask, "Are you a white woman with afro hair extensions?"
But maybe this is one of those questions that's too dangerous to voice, like asking a woman with a big belly if she's pregnant ... or just fat.
3:14 AM"
the decided orange hue= dead give away.
but then...
orange is the new Black.
Shabbat Shalom all!
Dear Mr. Field Negro,
I simply don't know. The racial lines are quite blurry these days. There are white women pretending to be black. There are people saying Obama is white. Then, there's you. My suspicion is that you're a white supremacist who has created a spoofing site designed to increased racial tensions. We may never know, but your site fits the profile because of the extreme racial comments I see here from you and others (who may also be you). Regardless, you should try to unite people, not divide them. If you are a white supremacist, then you are certainly accomplishing your hateful mission. Nothing here would endear any white person to the black cause. On the contrary. It damages it.
Suspiscious Reader
"Good. I can come out the closet now. I've always wanted to be black...
2:15 PM"
a white person once told me that Black was cool, like they were sharing a long hidden secret. then they ran away, like sharing that little ditty might cause problems.. lol. like someone was chasing them. so this confession surprises me not KC. this is america, you can be whatever you feel + want to be. was in a business forum, recently, with money men discussing business and the whitest man ever managed to insert "hit me up" into his presentation. LOL.
we all hail from the human family despite all the history that suggests that some nations missed the memo. ironically the quest to push others out of the human circle, only finds them outside of the human circle with a looooooooooong history to support the assertion.
i am with with Yah and Believe in repentance + redemption.
"it wasn't me," doesn't quite cut it when folk hold tight to the bloody spoils.
@Anon from the last thread that asked...
that lady is clearly an orange white lady to me. but then passing Black folk don't look white to me either. @ the end of the day, it doesn't matter. if Black women can be blonde with added hair they could never grow- then white ladies can be orange with Black husbands, insisting they are Black. who cares, really? men in dresses that feel like women and insist they are the "new normal woman," are hailed as heroes. so let that orange cornrowed lady be.
folk born to white folk FEEL Black all the time. this is how Black folk have been hollerin' 'bout the first Black potus for YEARS.
@ the end of the day, i don't care either way. color doesn't matter, just tell the Truth.
ALL colors come from Black.
this is just a fact.
@6:43pm- i have been saying ALL along that the police state is for everyone.
we are One. however, folk need to come in His Spirit and with Truth.
don't demand i am in silence in order to slap me with a Love label. no. Love will make folk tell the Truth and let the chips fall where they may.
THIS is what most don't seem to get.
it is not about a Black cause. it is about Truth and justice for all of humanity. folk would think in this "Chr-stian" nation that more Edomites would get this. i mean it IS written in The Book.
the book of Maccabees was taken out...
but there it is CLEARLY written that the heathen would think to open the book and paint it in their image.
THIS is NOT working out so well...
'cause there are other Edomites that are hellbent on taking down ALL nations. they seem to especially hate white Chr-stians nations. read of rituals where white male babies and black female babies are the delicacies sought out.
Messiah point blank called these folk devil children. talk to me 'bout Love! lol. IF folk had not painted all in The Book white, they would see the sore thumb that is sticking out like no one's business. doesn't fit a whit of prophecy on any level. those free styling outside The Book may expect to STAY shook, not sure in which direction to look.
those that think this is Black run america, have CLEARLY missed MANY memos. lol. folk don't get into any office unless they have been compromised/tried/proven to do the bidding of the hidden hand that pulls the strings for ALL governments across the globe. clue: who controls the money? follow the money trail...
those not down are taken out.
side-lined, maligned, marginalized, criticized, lied on, character assassinated.
others are point blank murdered.
it is not about color. never has been. it is about walking in His Spirit and Truth. the Hebrews are getting it FIRST and all other nations may expect the same. what is done to the least WILL be done to the greatest.
i am not that smart.
just know what is written. as it is written so shall it be done.
it is my prayer in Messiah's Name that ALL nations will wake up.
IF folk Understand what is written, ALL nations will gather to One. He is NOT a man that He should lie. call it a Book of "fairy tales" if folk are so inclined.
free will.
Blessings & Shabbat Shalom all!
@4:13, you're just jealous neither men or women find you attractive.
Try an elk, maybe they won't confuse you with a moose like humans do.
"the book of Maccabees was taken out..."
Can you elaborate on this? What is the book of Maccabees and how important was it?
Who are the Edoms, Edomites? Are they followers of Lucifer or what?
Looks like somebody finally pulled Field Negro's card! I love it!
"Race loyalty is your life, PilotX. You put blahness ahead of everything."
Not such a bad thing. I'll wear that badge. I know in amerikkka we're supposed to be ashamed of our blahness.
"I'll bet PilotX could walk 20 miles without a holla"
Ha! I knew your trolls were racists but I didn't know they were playa hatas too. Wow. Not surprised though.
Anonymous Blah like me said...
Hey Blah, what was the "truth" in McKinney, TX? Why was Deneen Borelli defending the cop whose own boss said he was out of control? Enlighten us please.
Three truths seem obvious:
1) Whites will increasingly suffer incursions into what they believed were safe spaces.
2) The police buffer in these areas will recede as officers come to understand that conflict with blacks means career ruination–this leading eventually to armed inter-racial civilian group confrontations.
3) "We’re not racist!” has become a debased currency.
Anonymous said...
"the book of Maccabees was taken out..."
Can you elaborate on this? What is the book of Maccabees and how important was it?
Who are the Edoms, Edomites? Are they followers of Lucifer or what?
8:25 PM
an Apocrypha will give you the book of Maccabees. all Scripture is profitable for learning, reproof and chastening. so we are called to study to show ourselves approved on purpose with purpose. folk that have made merchandise of His people are not allowed to tell the Truth, really. in exhange for tax breaks, they have made the State the head of their churches not Yah Almighty of Abrahim, Isaac and Yacob. hence the warning that those who lead US lead US astray.
Edomites are white people. though most seem not to know this. this is the problem with lying..it deceives most the owner of the lying tongue. so many lies told they can't seem to find their way back to any Truth. Obadiah teaches that their wise men will be cut off. i think it is safe to say that THIS prophecy is well underway. Edomites are the gentiles that hail from europe, the isles of gomer. aka Esau in The Book.
not all edomites are lucifer lovers. satan's babies come in all hues just as Yah Almighty's do. so we must try the Spirit by the Spirit. not look at the outside and decide we know...
there is a synagogue of satan. these DO in fact worship lucifer and do evil deliberately. Messiah called them out and IF folk paid attention, obeyed Scripture and feared no man, more would call it. not ALL that call themselves Jewish fall under this banner. those at the top...calling the shots...
mos def.
america is run by these.
those thinking Black folk run america...
wake up.
@ the end of the day, i pray ALL nations will wake up.
these devils mean serious soul snatching business...
Blessings all!
"If you are a white supremacist, then you are certainly accomplishing your hateful mission. Nothing here would endear any white person to the black cause. On the contrary. It damages it. "
Would you like some Tylenol for the truth that keeps hurting?
White people have such ingrained simple minded prejudices that it is going to take a concerted societal effort to re educate the majority of our race to the reality of their own bigotry.
Ms. Dolezal is a liar and a fraud. She is probably a good person who truly has done exceptional work for the African American faction of our society, but she perpetrated some psychotic fraud which is like an ugly umbrella covering up everything she has done that was good. Why oh why couldnt she have just been Rachel Dolezal, white woman and done her thing?! Why? Because she is a very sick woman.
Dear Mr. Field Negro,
You are still dodging the question. Are you really white? If not, then why evade the question with jokes about Tylenol? Your followers deserve the truth.
Really, Really Suspicious Reader
So many retards in this comment section.
"Elevate your game already"
Get a fucking name already.
All you anons look alike. And there's at least 8 of you who break my balls in posts habitually. How do I tell you maroons apart? Stand on your own two feet, son.
Three truths seem obvious
1. You didn't answer my question
2. You didn't answer my question
3. You didn't answer my question.
It also seems as if you're just accepting that blah people are somehow inherently dangerous. From many reports it was the white woman who started the confrontation. You must be one of those "race war" preppers. Good luck with that.
Fuck white people. Fuck them up their asses.
Conservatism really is a mental disorder....
There, fixed it for ya
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