Meanwhile, a man the New York Daily News called a terrorist must be smiling at his handy work these days. The leader of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, has managed to buy off just about every politician in Washington.
Just imagine this for a minute: There was actually some sensible gun legislation that would have blocked terrorist (yes, I said terrorists), the mentally ill, and felons from buying guns, but the GOP said no. I know I know, I am shocked, too.
To them, any such legislation might weaken the "right to keep and bear arms", because any day now the evil government led by the Kenyan Muslim might kick our doors down and take all of grandpa's guns from the attic.
"To say it's okay for would-be terrorists to buy guns after what happened in Paris in California shows just a total disregard for public safety and a total fear of the NRA. and it's hard to believe the NRA could be so unreasonable. They're digging their own grave,"
No they are not Senator Schumer, they will be just fine. Money can fix everything. Politicians need it to get reelected, and a clueless electorate----- after a few ads that distort the Second Amendment, will vote them right back in.
Speaking of the San Bernardino shootings, as a result of said shootings, Islamophobia is now running rampant. It started with the media, and it just took off from there. (The ignoramos leading the GOP pack actually made this asinine statement: "Take a look. I mean, you look at the names, you look at what’s happened. You tell me,” Trump said, adding he thinks “it was terrorism" You can't make this stuff up folks. And that's not the only one. There are plenty more like that in the orange colored one's arsenal. Good for Chris Matthews for calling him out.
The GOP is doing their best to politicize the entire sordid episode because god forbid they miss an opportunity to score political brownie points at the expense of the dead. Their minions and thralls are actually calling on "moderate" Muslims to fix their Muslim problem. Imagine that. I don't recall us telling moderate Christians to fix their Christian problem when Christian mass murders were terrorizing us. Or, for that matter, telling suburban moms to fix their child problem when their kids were killing their classmates in record numbers.
The thing is, this type of ignorance and Islamophobia is playing right into the hands of Isis. They want us to lash out at Muslims so that they can say to other Muslims: See, this is what they think of you. Being a moderate Muslim will not help you. They (the West) will be against you no matter what.
Thanks to the right wing and their fellow fanatics, the Isis plan seems to be working.
*Pic from tweeted by Everytown.
"Thanks to the right wing and their fellow fanatics, the Isis plan seems to be working."
Yeah, that's the ticket. Obama is blameless on this one.
The FieldNegro...
There was actually some sensible gun legislation that would have blocked terrorist (yes, I said terrorists), the mentally ill, and felons from buying guns, but the GOP said no.
Kinda like the no-fly list?
How did that work out for the rich & powerful ted kennedy?
Do you believe the government making a list of scary people and denying them rights before even being charged with a crime is the correct solution?
The FieldNegro said...
sensible gun legislation that would have blocked terrorist (yes, I said terrorists)
I'll call your bluff...
I am under the impression neither had a criminal record. The female half passed a government background check to get a visa and enter the country. The other one was a government employee. Neither were on a government watch list.
What sensible gun legislation would have prevented the San Bernardino shooting?
Bill, you have a lot of nerve to challenge Field. You are one uppity white guy.
"The GOP is doing their best to politicize the entire sordid episode because god forbid they miss an opportunity to score political brownie points at the expense of the dead
Hillary Clinton, two hours after the shooting:
"I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now."
Ignoring the fact that the "gun" did nothing on its own.
"Thanks to the right wing and their fellow fanatics, the Isis plan seems to be working."
Another Muslim terrorist act, and all Field can do is attack the people he really hates: White conservatives. Just like the Obama administration..
Yesterday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said "that ever since the attacks in Paris last month, she is increasingly concerned with the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric… that fear is my greatest fear.”
Her greatest fear: not the slaughter of our own citizens at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists, but "anti-Muslim rhetoric" - the dreaded but mythic "anti-Muslim backlash" that never happens.
“My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is ‘We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on,’” Lynch said.
Isn't fear based on actual instances of Muslim terrorism to be expected?
Lynch went on to declare she intends to use the DOJ to protect Muslims from discrimination and violence: “When we talk about the First amendment we must make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”
So our Attorney General's response to the worst act of terror on American soil is to belittle the concerns of of a frightened populace and threaten the free speech rights of American citizens. One would think that her first words would be to reassure those whose her job it is to protect that the government is doing everything it can to stop future terrorist killings. But no, the people she is promising to arrest are those who say something that could be threatening to Muslims.
In other words, as her boss says: "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam".
Smiling? LaPierre and Butt Trumpet are sucking each other's cocks right now. Yeah there was some sensible gun legislation, and had it been passed 30 years ago when the NRA went from a mainstream organization focused on gun safety to an extremist one focused on gun worship, then yeah, there would be far fewer guns available now to terrorists, the mentally ill, and felons. But we are where we are, which is, the NRA has won. And what have they won? The "2A" is not a right but a responsibility to bear arms, an obligation to compete in a personal arms race. Hatred, bigotry, and ignorance has also apparently won. And if you want to resonate with feeble minded voters then you better be a bloviating blowhard like Butt Trumpet.
"Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America."
I wonder if AG Lynch will hold Imams to the same standard:
The mosque's current Imam, Shaker Elsayed, has said in the past that the killing of a Jewish man was justified because he "adopted a position against all Arabs and Muslims." Elsayed has also defended a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, saying that the FBI was involved in a "war on Muslim institutions." In 2013, he called for armed jihad against the United States.
Or Black Lives Matter:
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.
"Do you believe the government making a list of scary people and denying them rights before even being charged with a crime is the correct solution?"
When it comes to guns, that sounds perfectly sensible to do.
In fact, the whole problem is that owning guns is seen in America as a right. That's severely effed up. (The Second Amendment itself is a historical accident that originated with the Founders' utopian and immediately aborted plan for the country not to have a standing, professional army. Now we have the most powerful professional standing army on the planet.)
In any sane country, owning a gun, if you're allowed one at all, is a privilege that you earn.
We make some basic demands of people that want to drive cars -- that they are physically capable to drive, that they know how to drive, that they pay for liability insurance, etc. That's because cars can kill people.
The demands for owning a gun should be substantially higher than for driving a car, because it's not merely the case that guns CAN kill -- they are actually MEANT to kill. That is what guns are for. As long as the application process for obtaining a gun is reasonable, I have no problem with not handing out guns to any jackass who merely wants one.
As for the objections to the no-fly list, the biggest issue is that the list is completely opaque. 1) The government sticks you on it without telling you they did so, 2) they won't reveal their criteria for why they put you on it, and 3) if you were somehow put on the list in error, there is absolutely no way to appeal to be taken off it. (My understanding is that there has been some small improvement in that direction very recently.)
None of those terrible no-fly list features are an unavoidable part of a gun application process. This is a nonsense analogy.
So the President has some responsibility for this? I guess Bush is forever stained by 9-11.
Good job Ms. Lynch, I am glad that the AJ is speaking out in such a manner.
Our ideals should be stronger than our fears.
"Islamophobia is now running rampant."
Immigrant Islamic prosyletizer beheading a co-worker, like soldier Lee Rigby in London? "Nothing to do with Islam, you islamophobe!" Seventeen dead at a Christmas party in SB? "Nothing to do with Islam, you islamophobe!" Thousands dead in the WTC on 9/11? "Nothing to do with Islam, you islamophobe!"
Nigga, PLEASE! You should know by now that we are not as stupid as your family and friends.
James Bold is your typical ignorant redneck. I could have named as many made killings and atrocities committed by his white brothers.
If ignorance is truly bliss he must be the happiest man on the planet.
CBS News
NEW: Shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik passed DHS counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting for K-1 visa
I wonder if the same agencies are going to screen all the syrian refugees.
Will there be any changes to improve the system, I haven't heard Obama mention fixing the failed vetting system.
It is truly ironic to see someone who was able to obtain a JD (though likely on an affirmative-action grading scale) use the word "ignorant" in its ghetto sense instead of its dictionary meaning.
If you can't even communicate in standard English, you have no business residing in the USA.
Gotta love how the liberal media runs cover...
Correction (Dec. 5): An earlier version of this report said Tashfeen provided a nonexistent address to U.S. officials when she applied for a fiance visa. Local residents say the version of the address provided is not precise, but the family does own a house in the neighborhood.
Of course the address is "not precise."
She wanted to kill Americans and she knew that putting down a "not precise" address would help her.
A recent UK study found that both anti-Muslim hate crimes and the number of anti-Muslim hate groups (so-called "counter-jihad" organizations) are growing in Western countries.
"The report, released today, also documents the counter-jihad movement in the US, where there are 42 anti-Muslim groups, such as ACT for America and the New-York based American Freedom Defense Initiative, and in Australia, citing 12 groups, including the Q Society, a Victoria-based grassroots anti-Islamist organisation that claims volunteer-run chapters across the country."
I see.the truth hurts.
Anon@4:12, thanks for the 411.
If politicians want to get serious about dealing with gun homicide, they really need to look at where it is occurring and why, right?
From what I've read, cities like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Camden, Philadelphia and DC are the most violent cities in terms of gun homicides.
Don't all these cities already have strict gun laws? What else do they have in common?
They all have been Democrat strongholds for decades, so could that be the reason? Maybe. Anything else? Of course not. That’s it. Nothing else to consider here.
Oh. Wait for a comment. Yawn.
Philly is one of the biggest cesspools.
Field used to post the daily killings in the sidebar, from the City of Brutha Loved.
Notice, he doesn't anymore. I've asked him WHY?....but he doesn't answer.
Murder rate is actually down in Philly, so there is that.
Carry on.
"Citywide the murder and violence rate is running significantly ahead of last year's. 692 people have been shot so far this year - 161 murdered.
In 2014 at this point there were 621 wounded by gunfire - 149 shot dead." By Vernon Odom
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Please check the trends for the past few years as opposed to earlier years.
Why do I even bother?
Wingnuts are just not very smart.
You are a liar that gun homicides are down in Philly.
Take your quibble with the adjective 'significantly' up with the abc news, local reporter who wrote the referenced article.
How about addressing the post above, Field? Coward.
It is truly ironic to see someone who was able to obtain a JD (though likely on an affirmative-action grading scale)
No it's ironic that someone who is uneducated and probably unemployed has the nerve to comment on someone with superior education and intellect. Carry on inbred racist.
Uh huh. Field doesn't address why he deleted the KILLADELPHIA count from his sidebar. Again.
And...STFU Queenie, you rotten nigger ghetto bitch.
Blogger field negro said...
Murder rate is actually down in Philly, so there is that.
Carry on.
some folks say, that turds aren't actually brown. So, there is that, too.
Carry that in your government-funded colostomy bag.
NOW. What happened to the sidebar? Say it, or say "wingnuts" are just crazy and imagining things.
Is that the best you can do
"it's ironic that someone who is uneducated and probably unemployed"
I am more educated in English than you are, and also in mathematics through the calculus of complex variables, quantum mechanics and other things. I am semi-retired, my employment status is of no consequence.
"has the nerve to comment on someone with superior education and intellect."
The point is that whatever education they've had has given them NO intellect. Whatever fancy words they've learned, they cannot even use them correctly in a sentence 8 times out of 10. E.g., "ignorant".
"Carry on inbred racist."
It's the hood rats who are inbred, because none of them have any idea who their fathers are let alone their grandfathers. You have many unwitting half-siblings conceiving children together. I, on the other hand, know that my parents came from widely separated lines of descent. Envy me. It's all you can do.
"the ball-sucking Queenie says: I am more educated in English than you are, and also in mathematics through the calculus of complex variables, quantum mechanics and other things. I am semi-retired, my employment status is of no consequence."
Uh huh. Semi-retired. After sucking off the teat of White-tax paying Americans for God knows how many years. No "Degrees" no Jobs, just a a ghetto slum cum-sucking cunt.
Tell us all again, and regal us, with your "whittemoos & gookemooees type English"
You putrid bitch. You were probably Trayvons momma, just never new who the sperm donor was....
Bawhahahaha!! (thaht's some more lame-assed, stoopid, Non-English shit.
12:18 AM
I am going with the Doc being more educated since I am more personally familiar with her and not the single-wide living, moonshine drinking, one.
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
I am more educated in English than you are, and also in mathematics through the calculus of complex variables, quantum mechanics and other things.
Really Bitch? That's some shit you got of Wiki, and you KNOW it. At best, you're a retired high school Physics teacher, that flunked out of grad school BECAUSE YOU'RE A DUMBASS!!! If not, put your muthf**kin degree in your avatar and PROVE you're more educated........Oh that's right you CAN'T which explains why you waste so much time spewing meaningless jibberish my direction.
BTW, how many shades of crimson did you turn posting that bullshit anyway, 22?
Last thing, I'm teflon coated in 10 ^ 1,000,000 coats of titanium which is why your posts get more humerus with each posting, LOL!! I survive AND thrive as the often the ONLY Black person in the room/meeting/departmental seminar/conference because that's what brilliance does.
So carry on, your ignorance and anger are just further proof that I succeed where you've OBVIOUSLY FAILED!!!And I KNOW your type, every now and then a white boy like YOU, sees me studying/working at my local Whole Foods with one of my books (Adv Stats, Python, Cancer Biology, ect) and then STUPIDILY trys to make conversation as if they know they know whatda' f**k I'm doing, ROTFL!!! Pathetic, I tell ya'!!!
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
I am semi-retired, my employment status is of no consequence."
We get it, you're a crusty ol' single/childless bastard, for whom neither cialia or viagra works, huh?
May the forces of Alzheimers, incontinence, and bed pans be with you my friend!
PS- Consider this my LAST direct communication to your stupid, senile ass.
I am semi-retired, my employment status is of no consequence.
In other words UNEMPLOYED.
I, on the other hand, know that my parents came from widely separated lines of descent
This is true, James' parents were only first cousins which in his pamily is very very widely separated.
HA! Look at the clueless Yisheng! She missed that the Lt. Commander was quoting me without attribution. She is also too ignorant to know the difference between "humerus" (the bone of the upper arm) and "humorous". The difference between the "-us" and "-ous" suffixes was something I learned in elementary school. It's one of the first things one learns as a student or even an avid reader—and she doesn't know it.
"I survive AND thrive as the often the ONLY Black person in the room/meeting/departmental seminar/conference because that's what brilliance does."
I'll bet there are a lot of eye-rolls among the people whose poker faces aren't that good. I'll further bet that they have all kinds of horror stories about the entitled Black harpy at work to share with their families, spouses and friends at the bar.
When racial quotas are finally abolished, you are going to be on the unemployment line so fast your head will spin.
America doesn't have a gun problem. We have a black crime and Islamic terrorist problem. End of story.
Anon@10:15,nice of u to come up from your bunker to post on the blog.
Sorry, America still doesn't quite look like what it did back in 1950.
I hate to break this to you (not really), but if all the Blacks, Indios/Mestizos, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, shitlibs, etc. were removed from the USA, it would look just about like Mayberry and have about the same population as in 1950. Further, your insane and inflammatory actions such as insisting that Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are saints makes it almost certain that there will be a civil war that will bring that about.
Prepare your exit strategy so you can execute in 24 hours, because that may be all the time you have.
James Bold said...
HA! Look at the clueless Yisheng! She missed that the Lt. Commander was quoting me without attribution. She is also too ignorant to know the difference between "humerus" (the bone of the upper arm) and "humorous"
Nice catch, James. She really is a moron.
"Nice catch"? Several members of my family would have given me holy hell if they caught ME making such an elementary error. We take the language seriously; after all, our ancestors are the ones who created it.
What a bunch of dumbasses with too much time on your hands rehashing days old shit.
BTW, the ONLY thing your ancestors created was another flavor of moonshine.
... writes Yisheng using her (White-invented) computer, made of (White-invented) plastics and alloys, running software written in (White-invented) languages, powered by the (White-invented) electric grid... the jokes, they write themselves.
No wonder you're a deluded fool. Delusions of adequacy are the only thing between you and suicide.
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