That said, I have to wonder if right-wingnuts now still believe that it's a joke to think about climate change as a serious threat to the country.
Something else happened over the weekend that has me wondering why Rham Emanuel still has a job.
"Family members of two people killed by Chicago police during a weekend shooting joined activists Sunday to call for sweeping changes in the way officers interact with the city’s black residents.
“Police are supposed to serve us and protect us, and instead they kill us,” said Janet Cooksey, whose 19-year-old son, Quintonio LeGrier, was shot and killed early Saturday when police were called to his house for a domestic disturbance. “What’s wrong with this picture?”
Bettie Jones, 55, who lived downstairs from LeGrier, also was shot and killed. The officers were responding to a report of a man carrying a bat, and opened fire after LeGrier became combative, Chicago police said in a statement. Jones was shot by accident, authorities said.
The deaths were the first fatal police-involved shootings in Chicago since the release last month of a video showing the 2014 police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. The video’s release led to a series of demonstrations in the city, including Christmas Eve protests on Michigan Avenue.
City and church leaders responded to the latest shootings at a news conference and vigil Sunday. They criticized Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s response to police shootings and pushed for changes to the way officers treat residents and are trained to respond to volatile situations." [Source]
The good Mayor has been ignoring his police department for years and he has failed to take steps to correct their behavior on prior occasions. Frankly, I am surprised that the people of Chicago allowed the problem to fester for this long.
And, with all due respect to Dr. Ben, race does play a role in these poor police decisions.
Finally, another incident over the holidays has me wondering how our Christian brothers and sisters can celebrate the spirit of Christmas by burning the house of worship of members of another religion.
"A fire caused major damage at a Texas mosque on Friday afternoon, and authorities are calling it somewhat suspicious.
Firefighters shortly arrived on the scene, followed by arson investigators. There was major damage to the inside of the mosque and there were apparently multiple points of origin, suggesting it was arson and not an accident."
I am still waiting on some of the GOP front runners to condemn this act of hate. Because, let's be honest, if this was a Christian church (the exception being a black Christian church of course) burned by people who we suspect to be Muslims, the pontification and condemnation would be endless.
I hope you all will enjoy what's left of your holidays.
*Pic from
As Emanuel says, just like his reptilian former boss in DC, “Not a smidgen of corruption…”
I have never liked Rham Emanuel. Their are some politicians in Chicago who would be Republicans but they are DINOs instead, because they know they could never get elected as Republicans. People voted for Emanuel because he was in the Obama Administration. I think Obama had him as an enforcer, a sort of congressional whip for the White House. His skill is that he is a dick. I know one thing that formed my opinion of him was when he said, "F*#k the liberals. They have nowhere else to go." But the voting public being ignorant is no surprise. Look at the presidential candidates. Banks, Wall street, big oil, big pharma, and weapons manufacturers, etc. pick the candidates by sponsoring the lying media. People who watch Honey Boo Boo have scored better on current event surveys than Fox News viewers. Actually, it was people who don't watch news. MSNBC plays down and lies about how badly we were lied into the Iraq War, etc. There is no truthful big corporate news. But truthful information is out there on the internet camouflaged by misinformation. If you want to know about something, turn off your TV and research it on the internet. Figure out what makes the most sense.
Just a LOL personal moment I'm having going back three days now.
Last year, one of those news channels had Bill Nye on to talk about climate change. The host was playing devil's advocate and said, paraphrased, "With this one of the coldest winters on record, many are starting to question the validity of global warming." Nye, as smart as he is, replied calmly and accurately, again paraphrased, "The weather and the climate are not the same thing per se. Just because you have a really cold season doesn't have anything to do with global warming."
Now, fast forward a year later, and a host asked Nye, "How do we explain having one of the warmest winters on record?" (Prepare to cringe!) Nye answered, "Two things. One, El Nino. Two, global warming."
So, sure, run climate change deniers down as nutty right-wing zealots, Bible-thumpers, and treat them like assholes. Go right the fuck ahead. But Bill Nye, a brilliant man whose face has become the "climate change" brand in recent years, cannot even stop from shooting himself in the foot. How in the fuck are people supposed to accept climate change? The scientist who's the face of it cannot even avoid the typical progressive political double-think involved in pushing it as a partisan issue. Weather cold = don't matter. Weather hot = it matters! lol
When it's a flood: Climate change! When it's a drought: Climate change! When there's too many tornadoes: Climate change! When there's a lack of tornadoes: Climate change!
Even Bill Nye is fucking up mightily in speaking about it.
Want more people on board with it? Stop making it political, stop making it a catch-22, and attempt to educate instead of playing the Alinsky card and dragging the dead into the discussion to capitalize on their misfortune.
The FieldNegro said...
has me wondering why Rham Emanuel still has a job.
He's not a rethug.
Different standards for your party FieldNegro.
Despite all my posts here I've obviously failed at trying to alert you to this. SMH.
"That said, I have to wonder if right-wingnuts now still believe that it's a joke to think about climate change as a serious threat to the country."
Of course it is a joke, as big a joke as you trying to understand "science".
This is why negroes should not be allowed to vote.
"Finally, another incident over the holidays has me wondering how our Christian brothers and sisters can celebrate the spirit of Christmas by burning the house of worship of members of another religion."
I'm wondering how you know that it was Christians who burned down that mosque?
Turning science into a religion is why we have kooks like Bill Nye demanding to have skeptics thrown in prison. He’s a good reminder that you can be batshit crazy and still be able to design a decent toaster. The amusement park manager, Neil deGrasse Tyson, made it through a doctoral program, but found better money in peddling pseudo-scientific nonsense to rich people.
Nye is not nearly as smart but does basically the same gig. He gained some minor celebrity making kids laugh on TV while doing parlor tricks and now he is obsessed with getting on TV or mentioned on the Interwebs. That usually means saying asinine things that the Cult can use to claim Science! proves they are right about everything. It’s why he peddles himself as a scientist when he is nothing of the sort. He is actually more of a Nazi:
"Yeah, you’re leading to my next point. Part of the solution to this problem or this set of problems associated with climate change is getting the deniers out of our discourse. You know, we can’t have these people – they’re absolutely toxic. And so part of the message in this book is to get the deniers out of the picture,"
He is dehumanizing the people who disagree with him and his cult’s beliefs. That lets him dismiss them without consideration. It’s a pretty short trip from where he is now, calling the infidels “toxic”, to a place where he is demanding they be rounded up and shot.
Again, Nye is just an attention whore saying increasingly deranged things in order to get people to notice him. He has figured out that his fake scientist act works on the hard thumping crazies of the Cult of Modern Liberalism so that’s his act. If juggling chainsaws was popular with the public, he would be out there doing that instead of peddling this nonsense. The dangerous part is that being a spokesman for the kind of zealots who want to get heretics "out of the picture" can make one rich and famous.
“Quintonio” must be Ebonics for “fifth kid.”
Sorry Field, this didn't happen in the South and didn't involve white cops, so these Black Lives Don't Matter.
And Rahm ain't going nowhere unless Obama says so, and he ain't sayin' so. Barry and Rahm go way back together, to Man's Country.
I've never heard of this Bill Nye guy so I can't vouch for his validity, but what he said in the two interviews Josh allegedly watched is not in itself contradictory. Of course 'climate' and 'the weather' are two entirely different things. So we cannot say that any one individual weather event (a snow-storm or hot day for instance) is down to global warming, and of course global warming theory predicts that some parts of the world will get colder. However in the year 2015 which is on course to be the hottest year in global history, to say that does not have a roll to play in an exceptionally warm entire winter would be idiotic.
What's with this phrase, "weather and climate change are not the same thing?" For most people, weather is weather, climate is intimately intertwined with weather.
Some of you so called geniuses need to explain the difference for FN viewers.
"The good Mayor has been ignoring his police department for years and he has failed to take steps to correct their behavior on prior occasions. Frankly, I am surprised that the people of Chicago allowed the problem to fester for this long."
Chicago voters are apathetic and uninformed. Rahm keeps information from us and then when we discover it we just don't care. No one should have been shocked that Rahm is an asshole who runs a corrupt city. I wouldn't be upset if he gets recalled but we had a chance to recall him earlier this year and no one cared. Elections have consequences. these cops also need to get training to handle situations without resorting to deadly force. You mean to tell me big bad ass Chicago cops can't handle a dude with a bat? GTFOH.
"What's with this phrase, "weather and climate change are not the same thing?" For most people, weather is weather, climate is intimately intertwined with weather."
Old adage, climate is what you expect weather is what you get. Ha!
Mr Field, "I hope you all will enjoy what's left of your holidays."
Mr Field, why are you a kill joy with this post? Rahm Emanuel is a fine Mayor. It's just that he doesn't know what to do about all the black on black violence in Chicago.
You must admit those Negroes are out of control and everytime they call the police, you KNOW it's serious stuff going on in their families. What would you do if you were the police? Wait until they hurt you before shooting? Get Real.
Blacks in Chicago need an in-depth course in anger management.
Old adage, climate is what you expect weather is what you get. Ha!
5:24 PM
I don't know any more than before, PC. Can't you break it down? Or do you NOT know the difference between climate and weather?
And now (surprise) Cleveland Officers Loehmann and Garmback will not be indicted in the murder of Tamir Rice. The incestuous relationship between local prosecutors and police is a disgrace. The grand jury process where the prosecutor acts as judge and defense attorney and shapes the jury at his sole discretion is a travesty when the prosecutor does not want to prosecute. Police actions that result in fatalities must be investigated by a special prosecutor, as has been enacted in NY by executive order in the aftermath of the Eric Garner murder.
As for enjoying what's left of the holidays, well that's gonna be a little difficult over here.
The subject of the mental health of the islands people is once again thrust into the spotlight with the tragic massacre of three officers by a companion who was obviously and unfortunately not getting the help he so desperately needed.
There is a pall of gloom over us now.
"There is a pall of gloom over us all"
At least Obama is still President, so there's that.
The Purple Cow said...
"...2015 which is on course to be the hottest year in global history"
Only a fool or an ideologue would believe that statement.
PC, I really need your help in explaining the difference between climate and weather. As a matter of fact, here in America we DON'T know the difference even with a British dictionary!
Can you break it down for us FN folks?
Wow! You guys don't have dictionaries in America?
How about Google? Do you have that?
Climate is the statistical study of weather usually over a thirty year period. Weather is the atmospheric conditions on any given day. This makes climate considerably easier to predict than weather. In the same way that if you roll two dice a thousand times you can predict accurately the number of times each combination of dots shows, or if you toss a coin a thousand times you candy with some certainly about half the time the result will be heads.
Weather on the other hand is a bit like trying to predict the height of the fifth wave that comes on to a beach. Much more problematic.
Why does Rahm Emanuel still have a job? Because he was recently re-elected (not resoundingly, but he squeaked by) and he's got three-and-a-half more years in office. And because there is no provision to recall him.
Based on his having been re-elected, I'd say it's pretty clear that voters care more about Rahm's support among the wealthy business elites and his promises to bring cash into the city than about how he treats the city's poorer residents. Emanuel is a centrist Democrat: liberal on social issues, but effectively a Republican on the economic issues.
As far as reform of the police is concerned ... that's complicated. I can't lay all the blame at Rahm's door, as I do with his economic policy decisions (such as his school closure spree or his brilliant plan to close the city's budget holes with fines from traffic cameras). It's not easy to clean up a longstanding institutional culture of impunity. And keep in mind that Chicago PD already is improved from where they started out just a couple decades ago. Events like the catastrophic fuck-up over the weekend that unnecessarily left not one but two people dead may seem like the worst police misconduct can get. But that is not the case.
Remember, in the '70s and '80s, Jon Burge ran a renegade detective squad whose standard operating procedure was to torture suspects into making false confessions, with some even ending up on death row. Not a matter of police incompetence, there, just pure evil. That is the true rock bottom, as bad as things can get for a police department.
I guess we'll see what is the effect of the Justice Department's probe into the police department. Maybe the feds will provide enough pressure/assistance to keep the reform momentum going.
Hey PilotX, which of the seven principles of Kwanzaa is this?
"I think Obama had him as an enforcer, a sort of congressional whip for the White House. His skill is that he is a dick. I know one thing that formed my opinion of him was when he said, "F*#k the liberals. They have nowhere else to go."
That was pretty much the case. Obama made him chief of staff mainly due to his reputation for nastiness, because Obama felt he needed a thug on hand to help him deal with asshole Republicans. Emanuel's nickname was Rahmbo (after Stallone action hero Rambo). He lost the middle finger on his right hand in an accident, and there are jokes that this constitutes a serious disability for him.
In public, Emanuel is capable of acting like a polished, reasonable, professional guy. In private, he turns into a Chris Christie-type bully to anyone he disagrees with. Much more an ass-kicker than a consensus-builder.
"I guess we'll see what is the effect of the Justice Department's probe into the police department. Maybe the feds will provide enough pressure/assistance to keep the reform momentum going."
Who do you think runs this country?
Climate is the statistical study of weather usually over a thirty year period
Oh goody, then there is no such thing as global warming as for over half that 30 year period - There has been no warming.
Case dismissed.
Who do you think runs this country?"
And you think that everyone in the Justice Department is Rahm Emanuel's best buddy, to the point they'll turn a blind eye to police misconduct? Or that Obama owes Rahm that much that he'd pressure them to?
Nope. Things are not that friendly in Democrat-land.
"Nope. Things are not that friendly in Democrat-land"
Democrats are more in lock-step than the Stalinist era politburo.
Josh you are quite the Bill Nye aficionado. Climate change science does not begin and end with Bill Nye, no doubt you've heard that 195 nations have just signed on to cut greenhouse gas emissions. But assuming your quotes are accurate, I get your point, so let's turn to your conclusions. Stop making it political? Who is politicizing it?
"We’re not going to make America a harder place to create jobs in order to pursue policies that will do absolutely nothing, nothing, to change our climate ... America is not a planet" - Marco Rubio
"Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory for a big government politician who wants more power. Why? Because it is a theory that can never be disproven." - Ted Cruz
Attempt to educate? Do you think there is any possibility to educate the likes of "Wingnuts Are Right", "Z Man", and the rest of these Bernie Goldberg rejects? Good luck with that.
I told everyone on this board awhile back that Emanuel was a snake and up to no good. When he first ran for mayor he came to my sister's church and she went on and on about how nice he is. I told her when the devil comes calling he is going to be nice too. Turns out I was right, but the blame goes to the people of Chicago. You can't complain if you vote or don't show up to vote for his nonsense.
"Democrats are more in lock-step than the Stalinist era politburo."
The Stalinist-era politburo "agreed" on things because if they didn't, Stalin would have the dissenters assassinated or sent to the gulag, and their images airbrushed out of all public photos, as if they'd never existed.
Contrary to Republican fantasies about "Tyrant Obama," he is not having his political enemies whacked. (Which is too bad, actually. Nothing amuses me more than the thought of Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell running in terror from a drone.)
PC, how's that ban on Trump going? You guys gonna keep his ass out? Ha!
On another note, doesn't Trump sound like the male Palin when he speaks?
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Nothing amuses me more than the thought of Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell running in terror from a drone"
You are a good Stalinist, just like your comment handle indicates.
"On another note, doesn't Trump sound like the male Palin when he speaks?"
Sorry Pecker but the last 30 year climate normals do show warming. And the 30 year period has no special effect on climate but was chosen because that's a long enough period to account for variations.
But the 60 and 90 year climate normals do not.
The Bettie Jones shooting is the perfect Obama-era scandal, featuring more black anger about a police chief and once again a wholly Democrat controlled city government which somehow manages to elude all responsibility.
And of course, the guy at the top is vacationing. Of course he is.
Let's face it, Donald Trump will be our next President. In truth, we all must admit that he is the most qualified to handle the job during these threatening times.
Everyone knows Hillary can't handle anything.
As a bm I can only face the truth of Trump becoming President. He has my vote over Hillary.
Mr Field, have you talked with Anon, Inc regarding my job? As I mentioned before, I am on probation for 30 days. 10 days have already passed. Please don't fail me.
What portion of the difference from the new Normals and the previous Normals was due to climate change?
Compared to the previous Normals, the new Normals includes the decade of the 2000s and loses the decade of the 1970s. As the 2000s were warmer than the 1970s, this has had a warming influence on the Normals. Comparing these decades using our best data set for climate change analysis, the USHCN, we find that the decade of the 2000s was about 1.5F warmer than the 1970s. For maximum, minimum and mean temperature the difference, respectively, was 1.37F, 1.55F and 1.46F. As the Normals are an average of three decades, this would warm the new Normals by approximately 0.5F. The difference between these values and the actual difference between the reported 1971-2000 Normals and the new Normals are caused by station moves, changes in observing practices or instruments, etc.
Climate Normals are three-decade averages of climatological variables including temperature and precipitation. This product is produced once every 10 years. The 1981–2010 U.S. Climate Normals dataset is the latest release of NCEI’s Climate Normals. This dataset contains daily and monthly Normals of temperature, precipitation, snowfall, heating and cooling degree days, frost/freeze dates, and growing degree days calculated from observations at approximately 9,800 stations operated by NOAA’s National Weather Service.
"But the 60 and 90 year climate normals do not."
Who uses 60 and 90 year climate normals?
"For Northern Hemisphere temperature, recent decades appear to be the warmest since at least about 1000AD, and the warming since the late 19th century is unprecedented over the last 1000 years. Older data are insufficient to provide reliable hemispheric temperature estimates. Ice core data suggest that the 20th century has been warm in many parts of the globe, but also that the significance of the warming varies geographically, when viewed in the context of climate variations of the last millennium.
Large and rapid climatic changes affecting the atmospheric and oceanic circulation and temperature, and the hydrological cycle, occurred during the last ice age and during the transition towards the present Holocene period (which began about 10,000 years ago). Based on the incomplete evidence available, the projected change of 3 to 7°F (1.5 - 4°C) over the next century would be unprecedented in comparison with the best available records from the last several thousand years."
PilotX said...
"Based on the incomplete evidence available, the projected change of 3 to 7°F (1.5 - 4°C) over the next century would be unprecedented in comparison with the best available records from the last several thousand years."
Both unprecedented as well as impossible.
1. Temperature records from around the world do not support the assumption that today’s temperatures are unusual.
2. Satellite temperature data does not support the assumption that temperatures are rising rapidly.
3. Current temperatures are always compared to the temperatures of the 1980’s, but for many parts of the world the 1980’s was the coldest decade of the last 100+ years.
4. The world experienced a significant cooling trend between 1940 and 1980.
5. Urban heat island effect skews the temperature data of a significant number of weather stations.
6. There is a natural inverse relationship between global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels.
7. The CO2 cannot, from a scientific perspective, be the cause of significant global temperature changes.
8. There have been many periods during our recent history that a warmer climate was prevalent long before the industrial revolution.
9. Glaciers have been melting for more than 150 years.
10. “Data adjustment” is used to continue the perception of global warming.
Number 10 may be the most compelling because it underscores that anthropogenic global warming is not just an error or a hysterical fantasy, but a systematically orchestrated lie. A little more detail:
For the first several years of my research I relied on the climate data banks of NASA and GISS, two of the most prestigious scientific bodies of our country. After years of painstaking gathering of data, and relentless graphing of that data, I discovered that I was not looking at the originally gathered data, but data that had been “adjusted” for what was deemed “scientific reasons.” Unadjusted data is simply not available from these data banks. Fortunately I was able to find the original weather station data from over 7000 weather stations from around the world in the KNMI database. (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute). There I was able to review both the adjusted and unadjusted data as well as the breakout of the daytime and nighttime data. The results were astounding. I found that data from many stations around the world had been systematically “adjusted” to make it seem that global warming was happening when, in fact, for many places around the world the opposite was true.
You didn't answer my question Global warming isn't science. Who uses 60 and 90 year climate normals?
I do.
"When one reviews all the data, both from thermometers and paleotemperature proxies, it becomes clear that the Earth has warmed significantly over the last 140 years. Global warming has occurred. Multiple paleoclimatic studies indicate that recent years, the 1990s, and the 20th century are all the warmest, on a global basis, of at least the last 1000 years. The most recent paleoclimate data reinforce this conclusion using longer records, new proxies, new statistical techniques, and a broader geographic distribution of paleo data"
PilotX said...
Ujammaa celebration in Louisville:
PilotX said...
"When one reviews all the data, both from thermometers and paleotemperature proxies, it becomes clear that the Earth has warmed significantly over the last 140 years
And it has cooled significantly over the past 65 million years. That's what the climate does - change. And it all happened naturally, not because of insufficient taxation and regulation.
Record cold in LA tonight:
Time to start spewing out more carbon.
"And it has cooled significantly over the past 65 million years. That's what the climate does - change. And it all happened naturally, not because of insufficient taxation and regulation."
Sure, but we're changing it at an accelerated pace. Of course there will be significant change in 65,000,000 years but we're worried about the pace it's changing now.
"but we're worried about the pace it's changing now."
You are, because the government wants you to be.
In truth, there has been no warming for 19 years.
Relax, the world is not ending.
Record cold in LA tonight:
Record warm in Montpelier, VT on the 24th
MAXIMUM 66R 239 PM 53 1957 29 37 40
MINIMUM 37 1118 PM -23 1989 11 26 35
AVERAGE 52 20 32 38
"In truth, there has been no warming for 19 years."
Temperatures are trending warmer. And the last two years have had record warmth so that means there IS absolutely warming.
Winter storm set to hit Montpelier Vermont this week:
PilotX said...
"In truth, there has been no warming for 19 years."
Temperatures are trending warmer. And the last two years have had record warmth so that means there IS absolutely warming.
You can show any trend you want by picking the right period. Give it up man, the weather changes. What are you, some kind of climate conservative, afraid of change?!
"Thirteen of the 15 globally warmest years on record have now occurred since the year 2000. The other two years were 1997 and 1998, during which the strong El Nino mentioned above was in place.
December 2014 was the 358th straight month with global temperatures above the 20th-century average. The last month colder than average on a global scale was February 1985."
"You can show any trend you want by picking the right period. Give it up man, the weather changes. What are you, some kind of climate conservative, afraid of change?"
Actually somewhat concerned about the direction we're headed. Also I was just showing that you are incorrect in your statement that there has been no warming in 19 years. That statement is simply false.
"Ujammaa celebration in Louisville"
Not quite, Ujammaa started a few minutes ago. Nice try though.
PilotX said...
I was just showing that you are incorrect in your statement that there has been no warming in 19 years. That statement is simply false.
You weren't showing anything. There has been no global warming for the past 19 years:
"Not quite, Ujammaa started a few minutes ago. Nice try though."
Are you saying the yoofs in Louisville jumped the gun on their Kwanzaa riotT
What about the yoofs in Memphis?:
"You weren't showing anything. There has been no global warming for the past 19 years"
Really? 2014 was the warmest year in modern history and 2015 appears to be even warmer. That seems to be a warming trend wouldn't you say?
"The Global Surface Temperature is Rising
Global Surface Temperature
Global annual average temperature measured over land and oceans. Red bars indicate temperatures above and blue bars indicate temperatures below the 1901-2000 average temperature. The black line shows atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration in parts per million.
Global average temperature is one of the most-cited indicators of global climate change, and shows an increase of approximately 1.4°F since the early 20th Century. The global surface temperature is based on air temperature data over land and sea-surface temperatures observed from ships, buoys and satellites. There is a clear long-term global warming trend, while each individual year does not always show a temperature increase relative to the previous year, and some years show greater changes than others. These year-to-year fluctuations in temperature are due to natural processes, such as the effects of El Ninos, La Ninas, and the eruption of large volcanoes. Notably, the 20 warmest years have all occurred since 1981, and the 10 warmest have all occurred in the past 12 years."
"You weren't showing anything. There has been no global warming for the past 19 years:"
Thanks, but an article on a conservative radio station's website authored by an economist isn't exactly peer reviewed science. Nice try though.
"PC, how's that ban on Trump going? You guys gonna keep his ass out? Ha!"
As I understand it, that will be dealt with next time he applies for a visa. There is certainly a prima facie case for keeping him out of the U.K. as "Inciting Racial Hatred" is an imprisonable offence here, and that legislation has been used to keep people like Duke and Farrakhan out of the country in the past.
My guess is that this government would not ban him as he has too many business interests in Scotland that he could pull out of if he was pissed off. However, he would certainly not be able to say the sort of things he says in The U.S.A. without ending up in the slammer "at her Majesty's pleasure" as they say. So he would defo have to tone down his rhetoric.
Check out today. A look back at the year in police shootings of unarmed black people. Only 31 "highlights"-- space limitations, you understand.
Does "" give us a look back at police shootings of unarmed white people? Sine year in and year out forever there have been more unarmed white people shot by the police. I guess space limitations would be an issue.
The Purple Cow said...
"PC, how's that ban on Trump going? You guys gonna keep his ass out? Ha!"
As I understand it, that will be dealt with next time he applies for a visa. There is certainly a prima facie case for keeping him out of the U.K. as "Inciting Racial Hatred" is an imprisonable offence here, and that legislation has been used to keep people like Duke and Farrakhan out of the country in the past.
Leftwing logic-
Trump bad cause he speaks truths that hurt our leftwing feelings.
And Muslims who support terrorism and who are turning Sweden into the rape capital of the western world, are welcomed by the left with open arms.
Quote: The Right Has No Brains
"Leftwing logic-
Trump bad cause he speaks truths that hurt our leftwing feelings."
Umm, you do realise it's a conservative government in the UK, don't you? Y'know, the one that's considering not giving him a visa?
"And Muslims who support terrorism and who are turning Sweden into the rape capital of the western world, are welcomed by the left with open arms."
Please show us one example of the left welcoming rapists with open arms.
I'l wait...
"That said, I have to wonder if right-wingnuts now still believe that it's a joke to think about climate change as a serious threat to the country."
Seems like it was only yesterday the left was fear-mongering about global cooling. Just like the boy who cried wolf, field is left wondering.
"The good Mayor has been ignoring his police department for years and he has failed to take steps to correct their behavior on prior occasions. Frankly, I am surprised that the people of Chicago allowed the problem to fester for this long."
Still, some will ask "What Democrat Plantation?".
"Finally, another incident over the holidays has me wondering how our Christian brothers and sisters can celebrate the spirit of Christmas by burning the house of worship of members of another religion"
Please provide proof that the alleged arsonists burned the mosque down in the name of Christianity.
Don't have any? Jumping to conclusions because you hate Christians?
Thought so.
"I am still waiting on some of the GOP front runners to condemn this act of hate."
And we are still waiting on you field to post about the arrested made in the latest cases of black church burnings.
"Because, let's be honest, if this was a Christian church (the exception being a black Christian church of course) burned by people who we suspect to be Muslims, the pontification and condemnation would be endless."
Since we're being honest and all, if the arsonist had been white, field's "pontification and condemnation" would be endless.
10 Reasons Donald Trump Should Be Our Next President
1. Donald J. Trump will make American great again.
2. Donald J. Trump will rebuild our middle class and lift people out of poverty.
3. Donald J. Trump will remake America into a country in which everyone benefits and can be successful.
4.Unlike Obama, Donald J. Trump won't be licking the balls of radical Islamist.
5. Donald J. Trump will destroy ISIS and any terrorist threat our country faces.
6. Donald J. Trump will only allow good muslims to be in our country.
7. Donald J. Trump will help the poor and middle class by stopping the flow of illegals in our country. This will result in higher wages and lower crime rates.
8. Donald J. Trump will call the liberal media and the left out on their lies.
9. Donald J. Trump will be the hope and change president that Obama could only dream to be.
10. Donald J. Trump will be the post-racial president. Donald J. Trump will heal our nation's racial wounds that was caused by the Obama infection.
WOW!!! Like me, i know everyone can't wait until Donal J. Trump is elected!!!!!
Seems like it was only yesterday the left was fear-mongering about global cooling. Just like the boy who cried wolf, field is left wondering.
Holy shit, teh stooopid is really really strong in this one but then again he's a conservative. By comparison he makes Bill look smart. Keep up the good work.
WOW!!! Like me, i know everyone can't wait until Donal J. Trump is out of the race!!!!!
There, fixed it.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Please show us one example of the left welcoming rapists with open arms.
I'l wait...
Where should we start?
With immigration polices?
Should we talk about leftwing politicians and the leftwing media using cover-ups,denials, code words and threats of prison to shield muslim rapists?
But Donald J. Trump is bad!!!!!!
WOW!!! Like me, i know everyone can't wait until Donal J. Trump is elected!!!!!
Only stupid people and conservatives support Trump and think he's going to win. Then again you have to be pretty stoooopid to be a conservative.
Holy shit, teh stooopid is really really strong in me. Strong like the black schlong David Brock wishes was in Hillary Clinton. But then again, i'm a liberal so i'm gay like that.
Only stupid people and liberals think Trump is going to lose. Then again you have to be pretty stoooopid to be a liberal .
Quote: The Right Has No Brains
"Where should we start?
With immigration polices?"
Yeah that'll do, start there. Show us...
"Only stupid people and conservatives support Trump and think he's going to win."
Tautology alert - Tautology Alert - Tautology Alert - Tautology Alert
PX you KNOW the idiot you're arguing with about global warming CLEARLY didn't study in a STEM field, right?
I have "STEM" degrees you couldn't spell. Go back to washing glassware for the people who can.
The Purple Cow said...
"There is certainly a prima facie case for keeping him out of the U.K. as "Inciting Racial Hatred" is an imprisonable offence here,"
What an Orwellian fascist state you live in, one where calling for increased screening of refugees from areas that have sent religiously-inspired terrorists that have killed Americans is "inciting racial hatred", a charge that can get you imprisoned or banned from entering the country.
I doubt things have gotten as degenerate as you assert, but any state that imprisons citizens for expressing opposition for his government's importation of unassimilable colonists from hostile cultures with values inimical to his own deserves to be smashed.
The FieldNegro asked...
10 Reasons Donald Trump Should Be Our Next President
Dissatisfaction, anger dominate year-end reviews of Washington
According to a new CNN/ORC Poll, 75% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed, and 69% are at least somewhat angry with the way things are going in the U.S.
It claims to have a STEM degree....bwahahahahahahahahaha! Oh stop it.....
Thanks to the wonderful red team and that wonderful Paul Ryan who is so committed to the Democrat agenda, the IRS now has the power to prod the State Department to revoke the passports of those who are in arrears on taxes; this is coming coincidentally at the time when the Feds will no longer recognize MO and IL and a bunch of other states’ drivers licenses because they don’t comply with the Unreal ID law. Which means one would need a passport just to hop an airplane, except, the IRS wants to revoke passports.
Why would the Republican Party, which, at least in the observation of outside observers, is raging against the IRS abusing Tea Party and conservative groups under the Obama/Lerner/Koskinen troika, give the IRS more power?
Because the RINO wing of the Republican Party was in with the Democrats on the IRS abuse of Tea Party/conservatives. Meaning that, as usual, any pretense that the party at large wants to do something or even cares about the IRS and its abusiveness is all talk, just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk.
Yes, it's contradictory. Either temperature matters or doesn't matter. One cannot have it both ways; one cannot say it's meaningless when the temperature seemingly rebuts "warming," yet claim that it does matter when the temperature is in line with warming. It's double-speak bullshit. It's simple logic: IF warm weather is what means global warming, then cold weather necessarily means the opposite. Nye knows better than this and stuck his foot in his mouth with contradictory statements. He's a legit scientist. He should know better.
But, sure, I'm just lying about it anyway and he never said such...because reasons. Hell, there is no Bill Nye that exists even! Pics or it didn't happen. lol
Yeah, I mentioned Bill Nye, so I'm quite the aficionado! The PX school of logic: Josh mentions something in one fly-by comment = he's harping on it and in severe distress about it. lol
Ah, my fucking personal troll carry-on luggage. How I've missed y'all!
PilotX said...
Kwanzaa was invented by 1960s black power radical Ron Everett, aka Maulana Karenga. Even in the swamps of hippie era radical politics, Karenga stood out as a particularly unsavory character. His United Slaves outfit murdered rival Black Panthers, and Karenga himself was convicted of torturing women, using vices and hot soldering irons among other implements. Kwanzaa was created explicitly to divide Americans by alienating blacks from the Christian holidays that unite us.
"It's simple logic: IF warm weather is what means global warming, then cold weather necessarily means the opposite."
Not true. Global warming models predict that warming will cause parts of the planet to cool.
"Kwanzaa was created explicitly to divide Americans by alienating blacks from the Christian holidays that unite us."
Not at all. It gave blah people a holiday that celebrated our heritage while being expressly non-religious. Believe it or not not all negroes are Christians. Just found out one of my good tennis buddies is also an atheist. He decided to come out of the closet. Ha! But thanks for your concern anon.
"Global warming models predict that warming will cause parts of the planet to cool."
But taken as a whole global temperatures are increasing.
"The PX school of logic"
Using the Josh freak out over everything response "FUCK YOU JOSH".
"But taken as a whole global temperatures are increasing."
Yes, undeniably. However, an overall increase in global surface temperature will cause parts of the Earth to cool. For example the northern hemisphere has a greater ratio of land to sea than the southern hemisphere, and because the sea has a greater capacity to absorb heat than land, then this will cause a differentiation between the hemispheres.
"Not true. Global warming models predict that warming will cause parts of the planet to cool."
You're fighting men of straw here.
PX, yeah, I guess I do freak out -- when I mention something one time in a fly-by comment and then you qualify that as me freaking out and in severe distress. LMMFAO!
No Josh, you freak out over everything. And you can stop bringing me up anytime you feel like it. Thanks. Then again we all know your propensity for starting shit.
I get ya PC but teleconnections are somewhat indirect and non-linear. Antartica will presumedly get more snow, cooling effect, due to increased moisture caused by higher air temps, Europe may cool due to a lessening effect of the Gulf Stream caused by increased Arctic ice melt. I agree with your assessment.
Anonymous Global warming isn't science said...
I have "STEM" degrees you couldn't spell. Go back to washing glassware for the people who can.
Thanks for proving my point!!
Meteorology IS a Science but since you've gotten that confused with Methaddictology, your confusion and stupidity is forgiven.
No go back to washing nutsacks.
The Purple Cow said...
"But taken as a whole global temperatures are increasing."
Yes, undeniably
I deny it.
Over the long term, global temperatures have been decreasing. During the Cretaceous, there was no ice at the poles.
Yishbag said...
Meteorology IS a Science but since you've gotten that confused with Methaddictology, your confusion and stupidity is forgiven.
But yours is not, as there is no excuse for remaining technically (and grammatically) illiterate after spending 40 years trying to get a STEM degree.
When you get done with those beakers, you'd better get to work on the toilets.
Anonymous nutsack warmer said...
But yours is not, as there is no excuse for remaining technically (and grammatically) illiterate after spending 40 years trying to get a STEM degree.
A degree in EVERY decade of my life except the first, that's how we Caribbean descended folk roll.
So stop being "jelly" that I got mine with more to come and that despite the privilege of half-whooteeemoo skin, you can't get YOURS.
That 50% half-whooteemoo is a Bee-yotch, ain't it doh?
Kwanzaa was founded by an FBI informant who used hot a curling iron to keep his blah ho's in line
"I deny it."
Yes, that's because you are a fucking moron.
"Over the long term, global temperatures have been decreasing. During the Cretaceous, there was no ice at the poles."
Uummmm yes, but here's the thing, the increase in global temperature during the second half of the 20th century is more than twice as much as seen in the previous 8000 years.
"Uummmm yes, but here's the thing, the increase in global temperature during the second half of the 20th century is more than twice as much as seen in the previous 8000 years."
The thermometer was invented less than 400 years ago. Accurate records for parts of the world go back at best 150 years, less for most regions. Satellite data is available for the last 40 years.
Making definitive statements about the weather 8,000 years ago marks you as the moron.
And ignoring the fact that the 1930's were the hottest decade on record marks you as a disingenuous ideologue. But we knew that.
Temperamental aren't we Josh? You post off-topic nonsense and have a shit fit when you get called on it? You have a lot of Butt Trumpet in you bro.
What STEM degree do you hold Mr. Isn't a science?
By the way Doc, speaking of STEM and meteorology. I was messing around on Dr. Marshall Shepherd's website and found out he is an Alpha. Ha! I had to reach out to him on his FB page. If you've never heard of him he is a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Georgia, past president of the American Meteorology Society and host of the Weather Channel show "Wx geeks" on Sundays.
If you've never heard of him he is a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Georgia, past president of the American Meteorology Society and host of the Weather Channel show "Wx geeks" on Sundays.
Cool, and NO surprises he's an Alpha.;)
But as a Alum Georgia's BIGGEST rival, I don't pay much attention to the Bulldogs, LOL!!!
"But as a Alum Georgia's BIGGEST rival, I don't pay much attention to the Bulldogs, LOL!!!"
You're a Gator? Ha!
PilotX said...
"But as a Alum Georgia's BIGGEST rival, I don't pay much attention to the Bulldogs, LOL!!!"
You're a Gator? Ha!
I've posted about it before along with the other 3 universities from which I've graduated. ;)
Empire Beauty School ain't no university.
The spirits of the Slaves and Native Chiefs are kicking ass, they do that occasionally.
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