His killing has sparked outrage in that city and in certain communities across the country, and now there are cries for the Mayor and police chief to step down. (One out of two is a start)
Sadly, this is nothing knew to the city, as there has been a sick culture of those in law enforcement abusing the power given to them for some time.
S0 you know about Laquan McDonald, but I bet you haven't heard about the case of Ronald “Ronnieman” Johnson. His mother is displaying true field Negro behavior and refusing to take the settlement offer from the city of Chicago for her son's death.
"The mother of a man shot and killed by Chicago police last year said she has rejected the city’s proposed settlement and wants it to release dashcam footage of the slaying because it shows her son was unarmed when he was killed.
The mother of Ronald “Ronnieman” Johnson, Dorothy Holmes, told reporters during a press conference Tuesday that she has declined a proposed settlement by the city of Chicago in her federal civil lawsuit over her son’s death. Holmes said she will not take hush money from a city that has been doling it out in the millions to cover-up questionable police shootings, like the $5 million paid to Laquan McDonald’s family this past summer.
'You can’t put a price on my son’s life,” Holmes said with a shaken voice.'
Her son was running through Washington Park on Oct. 12, 2014, on Chicago’s South Side when Officer George Hernandez shot him to death. Then, a familiar story was told to the press.
Johnson had a gun, Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Pat Camden told the media. (Camden is the same de facto cop spokesman who claimed McDonald “lunged” at police with a knife, causing them to open fire.) Hernandez was not in uniform and driving an unmarked car when he responded to a call of shots fired. Johnson became an automatic suspect because he was running. Camden said Johnson was carrying a gun when at one point he turned toward Hernandez, causing the officer to shoot.
Holmes and her attorney said they’ve seen the dashcam video and it shows police are lying.
'He’s running with palms up,' said William Calloway, an activist who speaks on behalf of Johnson’s family. 'The video’s not blurry. It’s not grainy. It is clear as day.'
'They killed him and he was unarmed,' he told The Daily Beast.
Even worse, according to a stunning and volatile allegation by Holmes’s attorney, is that police framed Johnson after they killed him by planting a gun on his person.
'Her prerogative the whole time has been to get this officer arrested and indicted,” Calloway said of Holmes.'" [Source]
For now these are just "allegations" of police misconduct and a cover -up; hopefully we will be able to see the video for ourselves to determine if the "allegations" are true.
*Pic from newsone.com
I wish they would drop a bomb on the entire police department in Chicago. They are not cops they are a mob and a racket that get away with murder anytime they want to on the South Side.
I feel sorry for our peeps who live in Chicago. They are susceptible to police brutality or murder at anytime. Hell, a bm can't even go jogging without putting his life in jeopardy with the police.
Chicago is a police prison state, esp on the South Side. Of course, PX will deny this.
Hmmm, this sounds pretty fishy. The victim's mother and her attorney have seen the footage? If that's true, it makes me pretty skeptical about their cover-up claims. If you're trying to cover up misconduct, you definitely wouldn't share the incriminating evidence with the victim's family. You'd "accidentally" erase it, or misplace it in an evidence warehouse somewhere.
Planting a drop gun on someone the cops just shot would indeed be explosive. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens with this story.
Why are negroes so darn TESTY? Always in scrapes and scuffles and scrapes with everyone around them! They can't remain calm, they can't talk reason, all they do is scream "RAYCISS" and talk about their dicks.
What a race of retarded failures you are. I pray everyday for an Ebola pandemic.
@ Anon 10:50 -
S. Chicongo is a "police prison state" (?) because it is full of negroes. It wasn't a police prison state when it was full of Poles and Lithuanians and Italians. Only when Homo Africanus reigns supreme does a city become a 24-hour armed prison camp.
Detroit, East St. Louis, Newark, Camden, New Orleans, Memephis, Oakland, Port Au-Prince, Mogadishu, Johannesburg .... See a pattern yet?
PS - I think the FBI is on its way to your house right now ... :)
Chicago PD leads the nation in officer involved shootings with 50 a year, has 8000 officer misconduct complaints per year, ran its own off the books Abu Grhaib for years.
Anon@3:14, I pray that your girl will come back to you one day and leave that Negro she ran off with.
Field, the police department seems to be a magnet for racist people. They can act out their racists beliefs daily without having to stand account for them. I hope that the dashcam video is made public.
Man, the Kiwis know how to do a funeral don't they? One of the most emotional things I have ever witnessed.
Saying goodbye to a giant.
Another day, another violent, drug addicted, armed black male lacking impulse control( or as the natives would call him "gentle giant")is killed by the police.
With society not allowed to hold blacks accountable for their actions, of course the police are to blame.
At least 8 people were killed in Chicago over Thanksgiving weekend.
No protest marches. No cries of 'black lives matter". Not a peep.
With the white police chief forced to resign, blacks continue to collect white scalps.
That should keep the natives happy.
Racist Threats Against NJ University Tracked Back to Black Protest Leader
A black alumnus of Kean University was charged by police Tuesday for making series of anti-black death threats against the university over Twitter.
In the midst of the November student protests at Missouri University and Yale University, nearly 100 Kean students took part in rallies against racism. But shortly afterwards, a Twitter account called @keanuagainstblk promised violence against black students, making both bombing and shooting threats. “i will kill every black male and female at kean university [sic]” the account promised.
We have war on terror.
We have war on drugs.
We have wars on gangs...
This is war in the homeland, against citizens by our paid civilian protectors in our case, terrorist cops. Until, good cops like Frank Serpico drop a dime on these rodent cops, most people will continue to view them as the criminals they are.
In addition, the "super predator" mentality that was screamed in the 80s and 90s that led to 100.000 new cops on the streets even when crime was declining. Yes, the Clintons-we vote for them! To top it off, U.S. wars have led to military equipment being pass to civilian police departments across the country. US Veterans being shot like they did with Afghan and Iraqi resistance fighters or civilian. Police departments usually get leftover military tools after foreign adventures by the military.
Global policies have international impacts, and drastic local outcomes. Ever wonder why police department opt more for veterans on the force? Warriors are not usually trained to interact with civilian population.
Honestly, we are all complicit in these militarization of civilian police actions. We should vote in politicians that support our lives, communities and our children's education. This fictional singular two party state illusion is destructive to the poor, people of color...
It's hilarious that TPC can't figure out how to make a hyperlink correctly. Hint: you have to specify the "href" field, like this.
You have delusions of adequacy. All the love of glitter and pomp, like that funeral, is part of the syndrome.
"who lost his life in what seemed to be a callous and cold hearted way"
Field, I would never have suspected that you have a true gift for understatement.
@ Feeled 6:49 -
Negroes literally have the minds of children. You try to show them a relevant fact or figure, and they start shouting, "I HOPES YO WOMAN RAN OFF WIFF A BLACK MAN! MUH DIK! MUH DIK!" (You've used that one several times before, BTW, Feeled.)
Good job, Feeled. Now I know why they keep you out in the cotton patch, and not in the house.
Even CNN is reporting it now...
Former intel chief says WH worried over re-elect 'narrative'
Obama was served poorly by a small circle of advisers who were worried about his re-election prospects at the time.
The Pentagon's inspector general is investigating complaints that top intelligence officials manipulated reports to make the threat of ISIS look minimal.
Lied us into war for his re-election.
I remember the old days when dumbocrats were against presidents lying us into war.
What changed?
The FieldNegro said...
Waiting on another video in Chicago.
The pattern continues.
The video of a police shooting like this in Chicago could have buried Mr. Emanuel’s chances for re-election. And it would likely have ended the career of the police superintendent, Garry F. McCarthy.
And so the wheels of justice virtually ground to a halt. Mayor Emanuel refused to make the dash-cam video public, going to court to prevent its release. The city argued that releasing the video would taint the investigation of the case, but even the attorney general of Illinois urged the city to make it available.
Then the city waited until April 15 — one week after Mr. Emanuel was re-elected — to get final approval of a pre-emptive $5 million settlement with Mr. McDonald’s family, a settlement that had been substantially agreed upon weeks earlier. Still, the city’s lawyers made sure to include a clause that kept the dash-cam video confidential.
The mayor and city officials covered up the video for the mayors re-election.
Anything less than the mayor and every city official involved being fired will be another victory for the dumbocrat party at the expense of Blacks.
I know that you aren't smart but please explain how keeping us out of a war equates to "Lied us into war for his re-election."
uptownsteve said...
I know that you aren't smart but please explain how keeping us out of a war equates to "Lied us into war for his re-election."
Kept us out of war? That's a silly comment.
Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS
But Bill,
How did Obama "lie to get is into war"???
It has been the righties who have been clamoring for boots on the ground for 2 years now.
uptownsteve said...
But Bill,
How did Obama "lie to get is into war"???
If you were interested you would have already googled it.
It has been the righties who have been clamoring for boots on the ground for 2 years now.
Stay focused.
It has been Obama promising no boots on the ground.
I think Anon @11:44 is going through the same love jones as his racist friend. Poor thing.:)
"All the love of glitter and pomp, like that funeral, is part of the syndrome."
You clearly have not seen the video.
There is no glitter there is no pomp.
Only dignity. A subject I'm sure you know nothing about.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I pray everyday for an Ebola pandemic
You DO realize that whooteemoos are the LEAST likely racial group to survive an Ebola pandemic, right?
D*MN, it's one thing to be racist, but you're a dumb muthaf**ker to boot!
If anyone's interested in the San Bernardino Police looking for the suspects. This is the radio frequency they are on.
"You DO realize that whooteemoos are the LEAST likely racial group to survive an Ebola pandemic, right?"
Really? The Liberian who flew to Dallas with his active Ebola infection died; of his nurses, two were infected and both survived.
Black Africans do things like washing the bodies of Ebola victims despite being told not to, infecting themselves. White people are smart enough to avoid getting infected with Ebola. Thomas Eric Duncan's infected Black nurse got on an airplane despite feeling ill. It's no wonder you people can't keep a city running.
When I lived in Chicago, I saw corruption, a white guy slip a white cop a payoff as they walked by each other on State Street. Brutality, a white cop beating a white handcuffed prisoner in front of an apartment building. And racism, a cop struck up a conversation with me and went off on a racist rant about black people. I don't know what the cop's race was, but he was brown. He seemed like the type who would shoot a teenager because of his race. In general, I think Chicago cops are more streetwise and capable crime solvers than cops in cities like L.A. But they are also probably more prone towards corruption, brutality, and rights abuses. They are less likely to be politically correct.
Hey, I'm all for throwing the cop who shot the boy in prison, where he'll hopefully get the buttsex for many years, until his butthole is finally wo out, and they shank him.
I hate cops. I don't care what the color.
BTW....STFU, Queenie, and show us your numerous Degrees.
"It's hilarious that TPC can't figure out how to make a hyperlink correctly. Hint: you have to specify the 'href' field, like this."
Okay, Grand Wizard Bold, don't get your white sheets in a bunch now. Here's your proper hyperlink:
Alabama cops planted drugs and weapons on innocent minorities, and the DA covered it up
By the way, it's worse than the headline would suggest. These backwoods Bubbas are members of a hate group that advocates for blacks to be sent back to Africa. Frightening.
For all people are criticizing the Chicago PD at the moment, they have made measurable progress since the days of the Jon Burge horrors.
Down in Dixie, it's still 1953.
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
BTW....STFU, Queenie, and show us your numerous Degrees.
Why don't you show the half gookeymoo where to buy miniature condoms.
Black STOOGE!!!
Why are whites so darn TESTY? Always in scrapes and scuffles and scrapes with everyone around them! They can't remain calm, they can't talk reason, all they do is scream "RAYCISS" and talk about their dicks.
What a race of retarded failures you are. I pray everyday for a meth pandemic.
There, fixed it for ya.
Detroit, East St. Louis, Newark, Camden, New Orleans, Memephis, Oakland, Port Au-Prince, Mogadishu, Johannesburg .... See a pattern yet?
Backwoods Mississippi, trailer park Kentucky, shithole West Virginia......see a pattern yet?
10:16 PM
Anonymous Hillbilly Translator said...
Detroit, East St. Louis, Newark, Camden, New Orleans, Memephis, Oakland, Port Au-Prince, Mogadishu, Johannesburg .... See a pattern yet?
Backwoods Mississippi, trailer park Kentucky, shithole West Virginia......see a pattern yet?
10:17 PM
Hey Hillbilly. We're having us a really nice party to celebrate the opening of our dam. Why don't you come see us, and be our guest?
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
BTW....STFU, Queenie, and show us your numerous Degrees.
Why don't you show the half gookeymoo where to buy miniature condoms.
Black STOOL AKA Melena!!!
Just needed to fix that.
A white gang is slaughtering black peoples' sons and daughters; that's the bottom line.
Hey Hillbilly. We're having us a really nice party to celebrate the opening of our dam. Why don't you come see us, and be our guest?
Nah, you're too busy fingerbanging your sister. I'll let you at it.
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