- : something that serves as conclusive evidence or proof (as of a crime or scientific theory)"
So tell me field hands, does this latest e-mail revelation about little Donald hooking up with a Russian lawyer to influence the American election rise to the level of a "smoking gun"?
Forget about "Smoking Gun." How about "Smoking Dumb!"
Vladimir Putin is America's President. I'll bet Putin is laughing his ass off.
No it's not a smoking gun. Russia had nothing to do with the elections. and if they did and America is that messed up then it doesn't really matter does it!
But...when will MAGA happen? and the wall? and race soldier assassinations? and jobs, and all the other stuff?...Oh yeah, congress doesn't want...wait a minute, sounds like...sounds like...sounds like...same old, same old.
and the beat goes on, ladeedadeeda, ladeedadedeeee xD
This is just typical. Like all of the other stuff liberals have been warning them about for forty years or so, we tried to warn them about this, too. Not only did Hillary herself bring it up during the debates, but Malcolm Nance was on Joy Reid's show in the middle of the summer of 2016 talking about how the Russians were interfering in our elections and most likely using Trump as an asset.
The fucking intelligence services released a statement that they had decided with high confidence that Russia was interfering with the election, but it didn't get much attention because the fucking Access Hollywood tape got released the same damn day.
But, really, does it even matter? If Jr. gets indicted for the obvious felony he just confessed to, do you think a full pardon won't be issued before he even has to suffer the indignity of a trial?
And if Mueller connects the dots and recommends legal action against president four-year-old for whatever laundry list of felonies he manages to scoop up (his crew will more than likely at the very least find a bunch of shady financial stuff) does anyone with two working neurons to rub together really believe the poltroons in congress will do anything about it?
No, none of this will matter until the Democrats take back congress, and with the voter suppression program that's being expanded even as I write this, the odds of that are only even at best, even given the carnage and scandal already produced and likely to follow.
And even then we may never get anything resembling justice out of these creeps, just like we didn't get any out of Cheney and co. for the torture they did.
We told you fuckers not to do this, and you did it anyway. Now have fun watching your lives go down the shitter.
-Doug in Oakland
Wussup, Field? Why you aint done a post about Bakari Henderson yet? This's a Brother who got killed by a bunch of pussy ass cracker bitches just becase he dick is bigger then they'res and he talked to a white women!
This is bullshit! White people are such faggot's!
"Vladimir Putin is America's president."
If only! VP kicked out the (((oligarchs))) who looted Russia's wealth, built his nation's defenses back up and revived Russia's economy!
#Putin 2020!
Smoking gun? You all are smoking CRACK. Just when it looks like he's down, Big Dick Trump always manages to come back stronger than ever. This will be no different. This impeachment shit will go nowhere, just like the "hurr durr muh Russian hackers!" or "grab 'em by the pussy" controversies.
Keep crying, bitches, keep crying. Your tears are DELICIOUS.
Remember it took 8 years (two terms in office) for white middle class and poor white Americans to realize that the Bush administration "sold them down the river" because their only interest was keeping themselves and other rich folks rich. They made billions off of seizing Iraqi oil.
So, it will take just as long (two terms in office) for them to realize the same thing about Trump. Trump's only allegiance is to the Trump label.
So, black folks may as well enjoy the "ring side seat" cause they don't even consider black folks as being any of the fabric of "dimes that make American dollars" when it comes to anything having to do with making America great again.
I wonder what Omarosa and the rest of the dancing, smiling, grinning, head shaking "yes" monkeys have to say about all of this now.
One needs to keep one's eye on the ball. The Affordable Care Act, Obama's legacy. There is a systematic program to destroy anything Obama accomplished just because he was the one who accomplished it. Otherwise how to explain this?
Obama finally got passed a law saying that students defrauded by (usually online) universities that have closed down don't have to pay their debts to them. DeVos just trashed that law. Why? She has that many crooked friends she wants to help? No, it was because it was something Obama accomplished. Likely driven to it by Trumpfuck.
He still remembers being publicly humiliated by Obama at the Correspondents' Dinner, I'll bet. He's a child. Rationality, concern for a hundred thousand citizens, has nothing to do with it. Revenge!
The justice department refuses to hand over Sessions transcripts of his meetings with Russian officials. They refuse to hand over Sessons comments from his speech to anti-LGBT group in California.
Remember, in spite of all the coincidences in this case, the probe is fake news.
iowa's wingnut shit fer brains congressweasel-Cantaloupe Calves King threzten to re-open investigation into HRC's server if Dems don't drop the Russian probe.
There was collusion. How far does it go?
Interesting. This is the state's attorney who refused to seek death penalty for a cop-killer and was removed from the case. Prolly just a coincidence she was stopped.
Iowa's wingnut shit fer brains congressweasel-Cantaloupe Calves King also wants to cut off food stamps and Planned Parenthood funding to find the money to pay for Trump's useless wall.
Not going to happen, but this is yet one more example of what a hateful sack of trash Steve King is.
Must be something to this Trump Russia thing because it's all over the news in Europe. Just got back from Ireland and they must have "fake news" over there because this latest thingamajig is on the Front page of the Examiner, Limerick Daily and the Times.
The NY Times finally admitted that the "17 intelligence agencies" was really three. Two with high confidence and one with moderate confidence. The NSA which collects electronic communications had moderate confidence. None of them had any proof. None of them ever even got to see the DNC's server. You would have known stuff like this a long time ago if you got information from Youtube instead of from TV. And you don't have to watch conservatives. H. A. Goodman does the best reporting on this. He voted for Barry Sanders and then Jill Stein. Trump has committed war crimes but the media praises him for them and spreads fake news demonizing Russia. As Van Jones said, the Russia hysteria is a "nothingburger".
Now we don't want the wingnuts to get confused and try smoking their meth out of their guns...
-Doug in Oakland
How does stuff like this happen and why is it allowed? The police should be in jail along with the prosecutor, judge and jury.
Mike: Justice wouldn't publish his remarks, but the Federalist did:
I guess they were too proud of it to STFU.
-Doug in Oakland
Steve King is certifiable.
NO!! More sparklefarts media liberal bullshit.
NYT makes a mistake-maybe and the whole world comes crashing down on them. Drumpf and his entire administration have bone nothing but lie about this and we get- it's fake news. Drumpf blamed Lynch for letting Russian lawyer into the states. She had a client on trial and came to represent him.
Drumpfuck's Russian buddies are all mixed up in this collusion. Don't allow fake noise to distract you from the fact the Drumpfuck crime family are all guilty.
Thanks, Doug. That is more bs than I ever saw in any cattle yard as a farmer.
And Field is right about Looney Cantaloupe Calves dickhead from iowa.
Now Drumpf is changing his story about fake Russia story.
He just now remembered he heard about this meeting last June.
This is a good article about the Russia situation: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/09/ten-problems-with-anti-russian-obsession/
U.S. sponsored genocide of Libyan blacks and more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECko3KDC2w8
Interesting article, Limpbaugh. I find it curious that everyone's veracity is being called into question except the Liar in Chief who had lied every step of the way in this investigation.
Every step Drumpf has said is fake news or outright lies and so far he is the one that has been lying. His campaign not only had meetings with Russians, they have had multiple meetings. No collusion- Drumpf Jr admitted he colluded with a known Russian agent and lawyer.
Now Drumpf admits he knew about the meeting in Drumpf Dump North that led to collusion. The fake news isn't so fake anymore.
Another one bites the dust. How long before the Clinton hit squad gets blamed by right wing tv?
Mike from Iowa - the "kremilin linked" lawyer's link to the Kremlin is that she once represented the son of a Russian government official. And she didn't even have any information on Hillary. She talked about Americans adopting Russian children or something like that. Unfortunately, the only fake news Trump complains about is when he thinks they lie about him. He doesn't fight them lying us into war, or in the Russia case, lying us into a cold war to sell weapons and escalate in Syrua where we support ISIS to overthrow Assad. Russia doesn't want the pipeline through Syria and we do. We are on the wrong side of the proxy war. There are all kinds of examples of fake news on Youtube. You can see where CNN inserted their own reporter asking the questions Andrea Mitchell asked, etc. Yes, Trump is a liar. There is plenty to complain about policies, appointments, and him protecting ISIS.
Wrong again sparklefarters!!
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