Dude in the car is an asshole, playing games and running his mouth. Cops get killed walking up to cars they've pulled over. By fishing around under the seat, he deserved to have the gun pulled him in the first place; by bating the officer he deserved to have it kept on him.
Don't play game with cops. Guns are serious business.
The guy was reaching under his seat. I understand the reason for the dun drawn. I do not understand the police officers need to engage in small chatter after that. The guy in the car did cooperate the officer did his job, to me, this is a non-issue.
...and dud in the car is not an asshole. because police get killed for walking up to cars they pull over should not give them the right to treat everyone like this.
The problem here isn't that the cop had the gun trained on him for 9 or whatever amount of minutes.
The problem here is that the officer felt the need to pull out that gun for a mere traffic stop!
Now, first of all let me say that if the occupants of that car had been Black, they would not be alive today, but I think we're all well aware of that. They were brown,with I what believe sounded like a white woman in there also. In the eyes of some people this makes them just a notch less threatening and 'savage'.
What the problem is, is that there are what are referred to as 'slave patrols' or 'race soldiers' in the force and masquerading as officers of the law, and their sole intent, indoctrination and purpose is to 'catch the slave' and lock him up to the torture of prison, which will ruin his mind and probably his physical health forevermore.
Walter Scott RIP did not need to die for a 'broken taillight' which was what he was pulled over for. His only outstanding warrant was for child support, which is why he ran, trying to get away from the torture of another prison stay. Garner RIP for selling loosies, and we could go on down the long list, but ya'll know.
Innocent people trying to make a buck any way they can to take home to their family. Because there are no jobs for them and their usefulness is no more.
So yes the occupants were not black and so they were not killed immediately. But the problem here is the profiling of poor Blacks and Browns for minor meaningless offenses, for the sole purpose of at best incarcerating them, and at the very least humiliating them!
Cop parks behind car, walks back to his cycle and claims guy his rummaging around under his seat. Super vision is what it is and he should have been able to see there was/was not a gun under the papers the guy was actually reaching for. From the langwidge used in video I assume both parties were POC.
What if driver had a surprise sneeze and jerked his hand to his face? Bang bang, yer dead.
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
I have been stopped for speeding (and having a nonfunctional tail light) a few times. Each time, as soon as I stop my car and turn off the engine, I reach over to the glove box to get out my registration and insurance card. That is what I had always understood was the correct thing to do -- until recent years when so many instances of nonwhite people being shot, no questions asked, for doing exactly that, and even when tell the officer stopping the car that's what he's doing/going to do. I'm convinced now that were I nonwhite, I would be dead.
As for the situation in this video, I didn't realize until I read one of the comments that the people in the car aren't nonwhite. That probably explains why at least the passenger and possibly both of them aren't dead.
That said, situations of people ending up shot in what begins as a traffic or other benign -- specious? -- reason -- no turn signal when changing lanes, broken tail light -- have received so much attention, everyone who is stopped should know not to reach for anything. Just put your hands on the steering wheel or the dash board where they are clearly visible to an officer who has stopped them. This passenger might have been outraged or angry or thinking he was safe to be lippy with the officer, but he should have kept his yap shut and hands up and visible and said nothing. When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer.
Guy in the car had the "luxury" of demanding his freedom of speech while facing a cop's gun. A white face buys you that luxury. You don't get that right if you're non-white. Ends up in the morgue with Mama crying. That's how THAT would end.
When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer. >>>>
This is EXACTLY what Philando Castille was doing when HE was shot!
This is going to continue unto the some high profile Black person gets killed.
When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer. >>>>
This is EXACTLY what Philando Castille was doing when HE was shot!
This is going to continue unto the some high profile Black person gets killed.
12:10 PM
I assure you, no Black person has that high of a profile that it will merit change. These people are out there liken pre programmed robots, pre programmed to kill.
There's always an excuse to shoot the Black, and you know how whites say that all blacks look alike, so that will be the excuse. "he looked like the guy that had committed this or that crime" BANG BANG BANG...
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
10:35 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
But that's not the point Mike. The point is that the rules do not allow for pulling out a gun for a mere traffic violation!
The point is that had they been Black we know the ending would have been very different.
The point is that, these are basically unnecessary stops, done for the purpose of either garnering income for the state via fines, and thus further adding to the legal financial burden of the unemployed person! and/or arresting poor people (ie, Black,Brown) on outstanding bullshit warrants such as child support! And/or humiliating them, as has been done to many Black professors and professional people, with interminable questioning all done to establish the white mans dominance over them, even culminating in illegal and unwarranted arrests!
"That probably explains why at least the passenger and possibly both of them aren't dead."
No, it just shows that the idea that whites don't have to play by the rules too is just plain false.
But y'all see what you want to see.
1:00 PM
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules"
We see cops getting away with murder and shooting people who reach for their wallet after being asked to show their license. If the body cam indicates some kind of justification that the video doesn't show, the cops should show the body cam video. Until they do, there is no reason to believe them. And not showing the body cam video is a good reason to not believe them. We know cops cover up their crimes. I don't know if this incident was a crime or not. But someone who overreacts shouldn't be a cop. It seems like the cop could have asked the people to get out of the car instead of holding a gun on the guy.
Indian pretends to be African to get in medical school. (Lower standards for Africans).
1:02 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Affirmative Action was implanted for Black people in order for them to be able to progress and join the middle class.
Remember what LBJ said, and I'm paraphrasing I don't remember the exact words,"The negro was given freedom and placed at the start of the race missing one leg", or words to that effect. I'll post it when I look for and find it.
Remember when they gave the slaves their freedom, many or most did not know how to read or write because it was forbidden by the white master. So basically they were relegated to the same kind of labor, only perhaps this time with some menial pay, but with all of the cruel, humiliating apartheid/segregationist, racist sanctions still upon them. In addition to the psychological harm done by all of the brutality that the white master had imposed upon them, ie., rapes, sodomy, beatings, separation/destruction from family,death. etc.
and to think that the wealth and world dominance that America enjoys today was built on the backs, blood,sweat and tears of Black people.
The crux of it is that Affirmative Action was implanted for the Black people! Not for Asians, Indians or anyone else!
You have every right to question an officer why you were stopped. If the guy was speeding he should be willing to cooperate with the officer without having a gun drawn and pointed at him.
After Drumpfuck's and Sessions words of wisdumb about turning police loose and injuring suspects I would not be surprised to see more citizens with CC permits start gunfights as soon as they get stopped if not earlier.
Lilacpr-my point was no one died in a situation where writing a simple ticket should have ended the story before a gun was drawn. It could have ended much worse for both sides. Was there any video from the cop's camera?
It's unclear whether the passenger's actions really warranted the officer drawing his gun in the first place. But I would think that typically, the procedure would be to pull the car's occupants out of the vehicle one at a time and cuff them, and then search for weapons, rather than keep a gun trained on them the whole time.
Maybe the cop didn't do that because it was only him there with two people and he didn't feel he could maintain control of the situation, so he called for backup and waited?
It's unclear whether the passenger's actions really warranted the officer drawing his gun in the first place. But I would think that typically, the procedure would be to pull the car's occupants out of the vehicle one at a time and cuff them, and then search for weapons, rather than keep a gun trained on them the whole time.
Maybe the cop didn't do that because it was only him there with two people and he didn't feel he could maintain control of the situation, so he called for backup and waited?
2:15 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Exactly! and you bring up such a good point! The officer was alone! Alone and yet he had the chutzpah to stop a car with 2 people in it! Quite the over zealous,gungho little man no?
What the hey was so urgent about giving these brown people a ticket or whatever his plans were?
The entire thing reeks of misconduct. That officer was obviously not following the rules of safety and conduct which they also have to adhere to and practice.
Lilacpr-my point was no one died in a situation where writing a simple ticket should have ended the story before a gun was drawn. It could have ended much worse for both sides. Was there any video from the cop's camera?
2:02 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I understand that's your point Mike, but that's not enough. Because it could just as easily have gone another way.
My point is that the cops are too gung-ho and over zealous in making these frivolous stops and then abusing of their power, humiliating people. And that's never a good thing, for anybody.
"Exactly! and you bring up such a good point! The officer was alone! Alone and yet he had the chutzpah to stop a car with 2 people in it! Quite the over zealous,gungho little man no?"
Well, it's his job to do so. It sucks for the officers who have to work without a partner, though. And, as this video shows, it can suck for the general public, too.
I'm guessing that officers being forced to work alone is a budget thing. Maybe the fact it took nine minutes for backup to arrive is a budget thing, too. It could be there's not enough cops serving that area. Although, this is Silicon Valley -- shouldn't they be flush with cash?
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
10:35 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike I don't mean to harp, but it's just too nonchalant and sounds uncaring to chalk it up to "I am calling it a draw with no winners on either side". Because it's not a game, it's real life, and it had the potential to have losers on both sides.
This is a situation that must stop, because just as that time no one got physically hurt, and I say physically because an unnerving situation such as that one is bound to bring mental discomfort to both parties for some time to come! It had the potential for a fatal outcome for either or both parties.
Well, it's his job to do so. It sucks for the officers who have to work without a partner, though. And, as this video shows, it can suck for the general public, too.
I'm guessing that officers being forced to work alone is a budget thing. Maybe the fact it took nine minutes for backup to arrive is a budget thing, too. It could be there's not enough cops serving that area. Although, this is Silicon Valley -- shouldn't they be flush with cash?
2:34 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So true! But in that case, the officers have to use common sense! Dontcha think? Is garnering money for the state more important than possibly your life?
Yes it may be Silicon Valley, yes it may be flushed with cash, but we all know how that is, the state doesn't give a shit what happens to them out on the street! The officer has to use his common sense, if he's got any that is...
In the above video, a police officer responds to what he thinks is a broken-down SUV. When he approaches, the driver exits the vehicle holding a rifle, and so the officer understandably shoots him. The man who was shot, whose name suggests he is Latino, either wanted to assault a police officer or else he is a major dummy. Or perhaps this was a "suicide by cop" attempt, who knows? (The man's gun turned out to be unloaded. And luckily, he survived being shot.)
So the danger to uniformed cops making traffic stops is certainly real. The problem appears to be that many officers do not seem able to distinguish between real threats and imaginary ones. They are poorly trained -- and, let's face it, often not too bright -- and this is compounded by racism and a total lack of accountability for cops who are reckless or violence-prone.
"One hundred years ago, the slave was freed. One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin. The Negro today asks justice. We do not answer him--we do not answer those who lie beneath this soil--when we reply to the Negro by asking, "Patience."
"What did you expect? I don't know why we're so surprised. When you put your foot on a man's neck and hold him down for three hundred years, and then you let him up, what's he going to do? He's going to knock your block off."
(Regarding rioting (1968), as quoted in Judgment days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the laws that changed America (2005), by Nick Kotz, Boston: Houghton Mifflin. p. 417.)
"As a man whose roots go deeply into Southern soil I know how agonizing racial feelings are. I know how difficult it is to reshape the attitudes and the structure of our society. But a century has passed, more than a hundred years, since the Negro was freed. And he is not fully free tonight. It was more than a hundred years ago that Abraham Lincoln, a great president of another party, signed the Emancipation Proclamation, but emancipation is a proclamation and not a fact. A century has passed, more than a hundred years, since equality was promised. And yet the Negro is not equal. A century has passed since the day of promise. And the promise is unkept. The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day will brighten the lives of every American."
And this is the one I was looking for:
Address at Howard University (1965)
"You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now, you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action.
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules" ---
Cops have it in their heads now that every person they come in contact with might murder them, when the reality is that they are way more likely to murder someone they are trying to control the behavior of. Being a cop isn't even as dangerous of a job as a few jobs I have had, and I never got so paranoid that I felt like drawing down on everything that moved. But that's the way they think now, so we just get to deal with it. This wouldn't really have to be the case if it wasn't for the drug prohibition laws that have the cops and the public so hateful and mistrustful of one another. And that's before we even get to the racial issue, as the "war on drugs" was a racial and political program from the gate, and they have admitted as much. It's always the pretext for depriving citizens of their civil rights: "they might have drugs, so we have to stop them and search them, and look for any other laws they might have broken" when they probably weren't doing anything disruptive of the working of the society to begin with.
I've had the cops draw on me a few times, and I have learned when to talk and when not to. It's just not something you can communicate to them at the time that they see themselves as powerful but in danger, but I see them as an adrenaline addled twentysomething pointing a handgun at my head. And of course, being white, they're not quite as likely to shoot me for no damn reason at all as they are someone who is browner than I am. Anyone who has ever had to stare down the bore of a handgun being held by someone who already isn't making any sense to you knows why this tactic needs to change. Maybe back in the late eighties, when it really was dangerous, this kind of fear-based aggression might have been more justified, but even then it was questionable. Perhaps if a pot-smoking hippie held a gun to Jeff Sessions' head for ten minutes and wouldn't explain to him why, he might get a clue as to why it's not a good policy, but probably not. Those who don't usually get guns pointed at them are less likely to learn anything from it when it does happen, because they know they don't have to, which is sort of the root if the disparity.
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules" ---
This absurd and you know it.
3:46 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sure, because you have the 'because I'm white and I say so' syndrome, know it well, all white supremacists have it lolol! Good luck with that! xD
The blame lies with the NRA and wingnuts telling people you are entitled to all the guns you can carry in public and if someone gets in yer face kill them.
Baltimore cops videoed themselves, again, planting evidence. That is at least twice. What's up with that?
Remember what LBJ said, and I'm paraphrasing I don't remember the exact words,"The negro was given freedom and placed at the start of the race missing one leg", or words to that effect. I'll post it when I look for and find it.
LBJ also said: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” And I agree, it would not have been fair to expect blacks to able to compete on level ground after being excluded for so long.
Remember when they gave the slaves their freedom, many or most did not know how to read or write because it was forbidden by the white master. So basically they were relegated to the same kind of labor, only perhaps this time with some menial pay, but with all of the cruel, humiliating apartheid/segregationist, racist sanctions still upon them. In addition to the psychological harm done by all of the brutality that the white master had imposed upon them, ie., rapes, sodomy, beatings, separation/destruction from family,death. etc.
Fair point, although slavery did end over 150 years ago, as noted above, blacks were excluded from full participation for another century.
and to think that the wealth and world dominance that America enjoys today was built on the backs, blood,sweat and tears of Black people.
This is completely false. The wealth of this country today owes almost nothing to slavery. In fact, the economic contribution of slavery was marginal even in the early 1800's.
The crux of it is that Affirmative Action was implanted for the Black people! Not for Asians, Indians or anyone else!
Yes, but it has metastasized into preferences for everyone who is not a white male. It is a joke that someone can come here - even illegally - and immediately qualify for special preferences because they aren't white. And the primary beneficiaries of AA have been white women, the most pampered class of people on the planet.
Only American blacks should have ever received AA - no one else, including African immigrants whose ancestors were never slaves.
"Being a cop isn't even as dangerous of a job as a few jobs I have had, and I never got so paranoid that I felt like drawing down on everything that moved."
Being a cop isn't the most dangerous category of worker, but it is more dangerous than average. It's more dangerous than working in an office or a mall, let's say.
There are more dangerous jobs, of course. If you were a delivery driver, Doug, then you worked one of them. The difference, though, is that you couldn't make your job safer by endangering others. You couldn't reduce your risk of collision by shooting the other drivers. A roofer can't reduce his risk of falling to his death by shooting the roof.
Cops CAN do exactly that, so they inevitably will. And since they will always have the right to defend themselves, so we'd better find a way to train them and constrain their actions properly so innocent people don't die in such high numbers.
LBJ also said: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
This is completely false. The wealth of this country today owes almost nothing to slavery. In fact, the economic contribution of slavery was marginal even in the early 1800's.
Yes, but it has metastasized into preferences for everyone who is not a white male. It is a joke that someone can come here - even illegally - and immediately qualify for special preferences because they aren't white. And the primary beneficiaries of AA have been white women, the most pampered class of people on the planet.
Only American blacks should have ever received AA - no one else, including African immigrants whose ancestors were never slaves.
4:03 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I don't for one minute doubt that LBJ said that, and many more disparaging remarks about Blacks! he was after all a 'good ole southern boy' and I believe in that sense he was straddling a very difficult fence. But he did say the other things on behalf of the Black condition also, and they were heard!
As for the wealth of this country, of course it's due to the plantations et al.,worked with free labor! Of course!
Cotton, sugar cane, tobacco,etc., that they grew here and in their colonies! That is the base of it all!
But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)
"But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)"
Do the mules deserve 'reparations' too?
How about the shovels?
If black slavery created the wealth of America, how is it that Africa, where slavery has existed forever and continues to this day, is not fabulously wealthy?
"But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)"
Do the mules deserve 'reparations' too?
How about the shovels?
If black slavery created the wealth of America, how is it that Africa, where slavery has existed forever and continues to this day, is not fabulously wealthy?
4:48 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hahaha! I know it's quite the touchy subject for white supremacists! Lol!
I have news for you, white supremacist America is a GLOBAL empire, in case you did not know. They rule all over the world, including and especially in Africa, where they have plundered the land for minerals,gemstones and metals! Plundered, soiled and damaged and ruined.
Do a little research why don't you? Might be surprised at what you'll find out ;) Cos obviously there's a whole lot you don't know.
"Payment from the government, not from "others" ==========
Where the fuck do you think the government gets its money from?
The idea that slavery was the source of wealth for modern America is absurd. The South was very poor compared to the North. The vast bulk of wealth back then was generated by free laborers of the North. And all of that is almost nothing compared to the wealth of America today.
Some people got exploited in the past by some other people. None of those people are alive today. If you have a case against someone alive today, take him to court. Otherwise, you are just trying to claim something that isn't yours from people who owe you nothing.
White police officers are more on edge with black suspects when more often or not it's a white guy who does the unthinkable when he (the cop) least expects it.
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
My apologies. This should have posted last night. I wrote it and forgot to publish.
Dude in the car is an asshole, playing games and running his mouth. Cops get killed walking up to cars they've pulled over. By fishing around under the seat, he deserved to have the gun pulled him in the first place; by bating the officer he deserved to have it kept on him.
Don't play game with cops. Guns are serious business.
The guy was reaching under his seat. I understand the reason for the dun drawn. I do not understand the police officers need to engage in small chatter after that. The guy in the car did cooperate the officer did his job, to me, this is a non-issue.
...and dud in the car is not an asshole. because police get killed for walking up to cars they pull over should not give them the right to treat everyone like this.
The problem here isn't that the cop had the gun trained on him for 9 or whatever amount of minutes.
The problem here is that the officer felt the need to pull out that gun for a mere traffic stop!
Now, first of all let me say that if the occupants of that car had been Black, they would not be alive today, but I think we're all well aware of that. They were brown,with I what believe sounded like a white woman in there also. In the eyes of some people this makes them just a notch less threatening and 'savage'.
What the problem is, is that there are what are referred to as 'slave patrols' or 'race soldiers' in the force and masquerading as officers of the law, and their sole intent, indoctrination and purpose is to 'catch the slave' and lock him up to the torture of prison, which will ruin his mind and probably his physical health forevermore.
Walter Scott RIP did not need to die for a 'broken taillight' which was what he was pulled over for. His only outstanding warrant was for child support, which is why he ran, trying to get away from the torture of another prison stay. Garner RIP for selling loosies, and we could go on down the long list, but ya'll know.
Innocent people trying to make a buck any way they can to take home to their family. Because there are no jobs for them and their usefulness is no more.
So yes the occupants were not black and so they were not killed immediately. But the problem here is the profiling of poor Blacks and Browns for minor meaningless offenses, for the sole purpose of at best incarcerating them, and at the very least humiliating them!
Cop parks behind car, walks back to his cycle and claims guy his rummaging around under his seat. Super vision is what it is and he should have been able to see there was/was not a gun under the papers the guy was actually reaching for. From the langwidge used in video I assume both parties were POC.
What if driver had a surprise sneeze and jerked his hand to his face? Bang bang, yer dead.
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
I have been stopped for speeding (and having a nonfunctional tail light) a few times. Each time, as soon as I stop my car and turn off the engine, I reach over to the glove box to get out my registration and insurance card. That is what I had always understood was the correct thing to do -- until recent years when so many instances of nonwhite people being shot, no questions asked, for doing exactly that, and even when tell the officer stopping the car that's what he's doing/going to do. I'm convinced now that were I nonwhite, I would be dead.
As for the situation in this video, I didn't realize until I read one of the comments that the people in the car aren't nonwhite. That probably explains why at least the passenger and possibly both of them aren't dead.
That said, situations of people ending up shot in what begins as a traffic or other benign -- specious? -- reason -- no turn signal when changing lanes, broken tail light -- have received so much attention, everyone who is stopped should know not to reach for anything. Just put your hands on the steering wheel or the dash board where they are clearly visible to an officer who has stopped them. This passenger might have been outraged or angry or thinking he was safe to be lippy with the officer, but he should have kept his yap shut and hands up and visible and said nothing. When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer.
Guy in the car had the "luxury" of demanding his freedom of speech while facing a cop's gun. A white face buys you that luxury. You don't get that right if you're non-white. Ends up in the morgue with Mama crying. That's how THAT would end.
When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer.
This is EXACTLY what Philando Castille was doing when HE was shot!
This is going to continue unto the some high profile Black person gets killed.
Stalkers are asshats said...
When the officer asked for registration/license/insurance, the driver or passenger should have told him where those items were and then asked for permission to get them so they could give them to the officer.
This is EXACTLY what Philando Castille was doing when HE was shot!
This is going to continue unto the some high profile Black person gets killed.
12:10 PM
I assure you, no Black person has that high of a profile that it will merit change. These people are out there liken pre programmed robots, pre programmed to kill.
There's always an excuse to shoot the Black, and you know how whites say that all blacks look alike, so that will be the excuse. "he looked like the guy that had committed this or that crime" BANG BANG BANG...
mike from iowa said...
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
10:35 AM
But that's not the point Mike. The point is that the rules do not allow for pulling out a gun for a mere traffic violation!
The point is that had they been Black we know the ending would have been very different.
The point is that, these are basically unnecessary stops, done for the purpose of either garnering income for the state via fines, and thus further adding to the legal financial burden of the unemployed person! and/or arresting poor people (ie, Black,Brown) on outstanding bullshit warrants such as child support! And/or humiliating them, as has been done to many Black professors and professional people, with interminable questioning all done to establish the white mans dominance over them, even culminating in illegal and unwarranted arrests!
That's the point, a very serious point.
"That probably explains why at least the passenger and possibly both of them aren't dead."
No, it just shows that the idea that whites don't have to play by the rules too is just plain false.
But y'all see what you want to see.
Indian pretends to be African to get in medical school. (Lower standards for Africans).
Get real, negroes said...
"That probably explains why at least the passenger and possibly both of them aren't dead."
No, it just shows that the idea that whites don't have to play by the rules too is just plain false.
But y'all see what you want to see.
1:00 PM
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules"
We see cops getting away with murder and shooting people who reach for their wallet after being asked to show their license. If the body cam indicates some kind of justification that the video doesn't show, the cops should show the body cam video. Until they do, there is no reason to believe them. And not showing the body cam video is a good reason to not believe them. We know cops cover up their crimes. I don't know if this incident was a crime or not. But someone who overreacts shouldn't be a cop. It seems like the cop could have asked the people to get out of the car instead of holding a gun on the guy.
Yisheng Patel said...
Indian pretends to be African to get in medical school. (Lower standards for Africans).
1:02 PM
Affirmative Action was implanted for Black people in order for them to be able to progress and join the middle class.
Remember what LBJ said, and I'm paraphrasing I don't remember the exact words,"The negro was given freedom and placed at the start of the race missing one leg", or words to that effect. I'll post it when I look for and find it.
Remember when they gave the slaves their freedom, many or most did not know how to read or write because it was forbidden by the white master. So basically they were relegated to the same kind of labor, only perhaps this time with some menial pay, but with all of the cruel, humiliating apartheid/segregationist, racist sanctions still upon them. In addition to the psychological harm done by all of the brutality that the white master had imposed upon them, ie., rapes, sodomy, beatings, separation/destruction from family,death. etc.
and to think that the wealth and world dominance that America enjoys today was built on the backs, blood,sweat and tears of Black people.
The crux of it is that Affirmative Action was implanted for the Black people! Not for Asians, Indians or anyone else!
You have every right to question an officer why you were stopped. If the guy was speeding he should be willing to cooperate with the officer without having a gun drawn and pointed at him.
After Drumpfuck's and Sessions words of wisdumb about turning police loose and injuring suspects I would not be surprised to see more citizens with CC permits start gunfights as soon as they get stopped if not earlier.
Lilacpr-my point was no one died in a situation where writing a simple ticket should have ended the story before a gun was drawn. It could have ended much worse for both sides. Was there any video from the cop's camera?
It's unclear whether the passenger's actions really warranted the officer drawing his gun in the first place. But I would think that typically, the procedure would be to pull the car's occupants out of the vehicle one at a time and cuff them, and then search for weapons, rather than keep a gun trained on them the whole time.
Maybe the cop didn't do that because it was only him there with two people and he didn't feel he could maintain control of the situation, so he called for backup and waited?
Anonymous said...
It's unclear whether the passenger's actions really warranted the officer drawing his gun in the first place. But I would think that typically, the procedure would be to pull the car's occupants out of the vehicle one at a time and cuff them, and then search for weapons, rather than keep a gun trained on them the whole time.
Maybe the cop didn't do that because it was only him there with two people and he didn't feel he could maintain control of the situation, so he called for backup and waited?
2:15 PM
Exactly! and you bring up such a good point! The officer was alone! Alone and yet he had the chutzpah to stop a car with 2 people in it! Quite the over zealous,gungho little man no?
What the hey was so urgent about giving these brown people a ticket or whatever his plans were?
The entire thing reeks of misconduct. That officer was obviously not following the rules of safety and conduct which they also have to adhere to and practice.
mike from iowa said...
Lilacpr-my point was no one died in a situation where writing a simple ticket should have ended the story before a gun was drawn. It could have ended much worse for both sides. Was there any video from the cop's camera?
2:02 PM
I understand that's your point Mike, but that's not enough. Because it could just as easily have gone another way.
My point is that the cops are too gung-ho and over zealous in making these frivolous stops and then abusing of their power, humiliating people. And that's never a good thing, for anybody.
"Exactly! and you bring up such a good point! The officer was alone! Alone and yet he had the chutzpah to stop a car with 2 people in it! Quite the over zealous,gungho little man no?"
Well, it's his job to do so. It sucks for the officers who have to work without a partner, though. And, as this video shows, it can suck for the general public, too.
I'm guessing that officers being forced to work alone is a budget thing. Maybe the fact it took nine minutes for backup to arrive is a budget thing, too. It could be there's not enough cops serving that area. Although, this is Silicon Valley -- shouldn't they be flush with cash?
mike from iowa said...
Since no one actually was shot and no cops were hurt during the filming of this video, I am calling it a draw and no winners on either side.
10:35 AM
Mike I don't mean to harp, but it's just too nonchalant and sounds uncaring to chalk it up to "I am calling it a draw with no winners on either side". Because it's not a game, it's real life, and it had the potential to have losers on both sides.
This is a situation that must stop, because just as that time no one got physically hurt, and I say physically because an unnerving situation such as that one is bound to bring mental discomfort to both parties for some time to come! It had the potential for a fatal outcome for either or both parties.
Okay, promise I'll leave you alone now :D
Anonymous said...
Well, it's his job to do so. It sucks for the officers who have to work without a partner, though. And, as this video shows, it can suck for the general public, too.
I'm guessing that officers being forced to work alone is a budget thing. Maybe the fact it took nine minutes for backup to arrive is a budget thing, too. It could be there's not enough cops serving that area. Although, this is Silicon Valley -- shouldn't they be flush with cash?
2:34 PM
So true! But in that case, the officers have to use common sense! Dontcha think? Is garnering money for the state more important than possibly your life?
Yes it may be Silicon Valley, yes it may be flushed with cash, but we all know how that is, the state doesn't give a shit what happens to them out on the street! The officer has to use his common sense, if he's got any that is...
For anyone who is looking to understand why cops are so paranoid and trigger-happy during traffic stops, they are all afraid of this happening:
Video shows split-second reaction as deputy shoots armed man in Littleton
In the above video, a police officer responds to what he thinks is a broken-down SUV. When he approaches, the driver exits the vehicle holding a rifle, and so the officer understandably shoots him. The man who was shot, whose name suggests he is Latino, either wanted to assault a police officer or else he is a major dummy. Or perhaps this was a "suicide by cop" attempt, who knows? (The man's gun turned out to be unloaded. And luckily, he survived being shot.)
So the danger to uniformed cops making traffic stops is certainly real. The problem appears to be that many officers do not seem able to distinguish between real threats and imaginary ones. They are poorly trained -- and, let's face it, often not too bright -- and this is compounded by racism and a total lack of accountability for cops who are reckless or violence-prone.
LBJ quotes:
"One hundred years ago, the slave was freed. One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin. The Negro today asks justice. We do not answer him--we do not answer those who lie beneath this soil--when we reply to the Negro by asking, "Patience."
"What did you expect? I don't know why we're so surprised. When you put your foot on a man's neck and hold him down for three hundred years, and then you let him up, what's he going to do? He's going to knock your block off."
(Regarding rioting (1968), as quoted in Judgment days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the laws that changed America (2005), by Nick Kotz, Boston: Houghton Mifflin. p. 417.)
"As a man whose roots go deeply into Southern soil I know how agonizing racial feelings are. I know how difficult it is to reshape the attitudes and the structure of our society. But a century has passed, more than a hundred years, since the Negro was freed. And he is not fully free tonight. It was more than a hundred years ago that Abraham Lincoln, a great president of another party, signed the Emancipation Proclamation, but emancipation is a proclamation and not a fact. A century has passed, more than a hundred years, since equality was promised. And yet the Negro is not equal. A century has passed since the day of promise. And the promise is unkept. The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day will brighten the lives of every American."
And this is the one I was looking for:
Address at Howard University (1965)
"You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now, you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action.
The above are excerpts from
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules"
This absurd and you know it.
Cops have it in their heads now that every person they come in contact with might murder them, when the reality is that they are way more likely to murder someone they are trying to control the behavior of.
Being a cop isn't even as dangerous of a job as a few jobs I have had, and I never got so paranoid that I felt like drawing down on everything that moved.
But that's the way they think now, so we just get to deal with it.
This wouldn't really have to be the case if it wasn't for the drug prohibition laws that have the cops and the public so hateful and mistrustful of one another. And that's before we even get to the racial issue, as the "war on drugs" was a racial and political program from the gate, and they have admitted as much. It's always the pretext for depriving citizens of their civil rights: "they might have drugs, so we have to stop them and search them, and look for any other laws they might have broken" when they probably weren't doing anything disruptive of the working of the society to begin with.
I've had the cops draw on me a few times, and I have learned when to talk and when not to. It's just not something you can communicate to them at the time that they see themselves as powerful but in danger, but I see them as an adrenaline addled twentysomething pointing a handgun at my head.
And of course, being white, they're not quite as likely to shoot me for no damn reason at all as they are someone who is browner than I am.
Anyone who has ever had to stare down the bore of a handgun being held by someone who already isn't making any sense to you knows why this tactic needs to change. Maybe back in the late eighties, when it really was dangerous, this kind of fear-based aggression might have been more justified, but even then it was questionable.
Perhaps if a pot-smoking hippie held a gun to Jeff Sessions' head for ten minutes and wouldn't explain to him why, he might get a clue as to why it's not a good policy, but probably not. Those who don't usually get guns pointed at them are less likely to learn anything from it when it does happen, because they know they don't have to, which is sort of the root if the disparity.
-Doug in Oakland
Get real, negroes said...
But they didn't "play by the rules"! They back talked and questioned the police, and they didn't get shot! So because they are light beige and a white woman, don't have to exactly "play by the rules"
This absurd and you know it.
3:46 PM
Sure, because you have the 'because I'm white and I say so' syndrome, know it well, all white supremacists have it lolol! Good luck with that! xD
The blame lies with the NRA and wingnuts telling people you are entitled to all the guns you can carry in public and if someone gets in yer face kill them.
Baltimore cops videoed themselves, again, planting evidence. That is at least twice. What's up with that?
Lilacpr said...
Remember what LBJ said, and I'm paraphrasing I don't remember the exact words,"The negro was given freedom and placed at the start of the race missing one leg", or words to that effect. I'll post it when I look for and find it.
LBJ also said: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” And I agree, it would not have been fair to expect blacks to able to compete on level ground after being excluded for so long.
Remember when they gave the slaves their freedom, many or most did not know how to read or write because it was forbidden by the white master. So basically they were relegated to the same kind of labor, only perhaps this time with some menial pay, but with all of the cruel, humiliating apartheid/segregationist, racist sanctions still upon them. In addition to the psychological harm done by all of the brutality that the white master had imposed upon them, ie., rapes, sodomy, beatings, separation/destruction from family,death. etc.
Fair point, although slavery did end over 150 years ago, as noted above, blacks were excluded from full participation for another century.
and to think that the wealth and world dominance that America enjoys today was built on the backs, blood,sweat and tears of Black people.
This is completely false. The wealth of this country today owes almost nothing to slavery. In fact, the economic contribution of slavery was marginal even in the early 1800's.
The crux of it is that Affirmative Action was implanted for the Black people! Not for Asians, Indians or anyone else!
Yes, but it has metastasized into preferences for everyone who is not a white male. It is a joke that someone can come here - even illegally - and immediately qualify for special preferences because they aren't white. And the primary beneficiaries of AA have been white women, the most pampered class of people on the planet.
Only American blacks should have ever received AA - no one else, including African immigrants whose ancestors were never slaves.
mike from iowa said...
"Baltimore cops videoed themselves, again, planting evidence. That is at least twice. What's up with that?"
black cops, that's what
Can trust Chinese not steal. Not possible in united states no trust. mexican and black nigro will take more than give
"Being a cop isn't even as dangerous of a job as a few jobs I have had, and I never got so paranoid that I felt like drawing down on everything that moved."
Being a cop isn't the most dangerous category of worker, but it is more dangerous than average. It's more dangerous than working in an office or a mall, let's say.
There are more dangerous jobs, of course. If you were a delivery driver, Doug, then you worked one of them. The difference, though, is that you couldn't make your job safer by endangering others. You couldn't reduce your risk of collision by shooting the other drivers. A roofer can't reduce his risk of falling to his death by shooting the roof.
Cops CAN do exactly that, so they inevitably will. And since they will always have the right to defend themselves, so we'd better find a way to train them and constrain their actions properly so innocent people don't die in such high numbers.
Yisheng Patel said...
LBJ also said: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
This is completely false. The wealth of this country today owes almost nothing to slavery. In fact, the economic contribution of slavery was marginal even in the early 1800's.
Yes, but it has metastasized into preferences for everyone who is not a white male. It is a joke that someone can come here - even illegally - and immediately qualify for special preferences because they aren't white. And the primary beneficiaries of AA have been white women, the most pampered class of people on the planet.
Only American blacks should have ever received AA - no one else, including African immigrants whose ancestors were never slaves.
4:03 PM
I don't for one minute doubt that LBJ said that, and many more disparaging remarks about Blacks! he was after all a 'good ole southern boy' and I believe in that sense he was straddling a very difficult fence. But he did say the other things on behalf of the Black condition also, and they were heard!
As for the wealth of this country, of course it's due to the plantations et al.,worked with free labor! Of course!
Cotton, sugar cane, tobacco,etc., that they grew here and in their colonies! That is the base of it all!
But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)
"But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)"
Do the mules deserve 'reparations' too?
How about the shovels?
If black slavery created the wealth of America, how is it that Africa, where slavery has existed forever and continues to this day, is not fabulously wealthy?
Anonymous said...
"But of course no white will admit this, because that opens the door to the subject of reparations and money due descendants for all of the unpaid labor! ;)"
Do the mules deserve 'reparations' too?
How about the shovels?
If black slavery created the wealth of America, how is it that Africa, where slavery has existed forever and continues to this day, is not fabulously wealthy?
4:48 PM
Hahaha! I know it's quite the touchy subject for white supremacists! Lol!
I have news for you, white supremacist America is a GLOBAL empire, in case you did not know. They rule all over the world, including and especially in Africa, where they have plundered the land for minerals,gemstones and metals! Plundered, soiled and damaged and ruined.
Do a little research why don't you? Might be surprised at what you'll find out ;) Cos obviously there's a whole lot you don't know.
Anonymous said...
Do the mules deserve 'reparations' too?
How about the shovels?
4:48 PM
Amazing how you can equate "mules" and "shovels" to human beings! Just amazing! But especially telling...
If he was that nervous he very well could have stayed back and waited for backup.
Amazing how people think they deserve payment from others for stuff that happened 6 generations ago.
1969 prophecy that racial preferences would cause the exact grievances of protesters today:
So twitter has banned a bunch of fake accounts (bots) that were spreading propaganda for president four-year-old, after he thanked one of the bots.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
Amazing how people think they deserve payment from others for stuff that happened 6 generations ago.
5:40 PM
Payment from the government, not from "others".
For "stuff that happened"? You call the accumulation of all of that wealth by the forefsthers of this great nation,"stuff that happened" ?
"Payment from the government, not from "others"
Where the fuck do you think the government gets its money from?
The idea that slavery was the source of wealth for modern America is absurd. The South was very poor compared to the North. The vast bulk of wealth back then was generated by free laborers of the North. And all of that is almost nothing compared to the wealth of America today.
Some people got exploited in the past by some other people. None of those people are alive today. If you have a case against someone alive today, take him to court. Otherwise, you are just trying to claim something that isn't yours from people who owe you nothing.
Sure, because 'you're white and you say so'
White police officers are more on edge with black suspects when more often or not it's a white guy who does the unthinkable when he (the cop) least expects it.
"more often or not"
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