It's open thread Wednesday folks, so I need you to give me your thoughts about whatever you want to post about.
I know that America is kind of going through it right about now, because we are "shocked" that we elected such a racist to hold the highest office in the land.
Still, there is a lot in the news to talk about, so let us get your thoughts.
Most white men in all socio-economic and educational brackets voted for Donald Trump PERIOD. Most white women followed along with their men who have scared them into thinking that people of color will be taking over. PERIOD!
When it comes to equality. It is not in their hearts or minds to do what is right. Let's remember it had to take legislation and laws to FORCE them to end racial discrimination. And the silent majority of elected officials all secretly feel the same way. Look at how practically none of them will acknowledge that their president shows racism and bigotry.
People like Van Jones getting on CNN and crying like a baby every time his feelings get heart and hoping to appeal to the heart of the president and practically begging the president to denounce the KKK, and white nationals is pitiful to watch.
Also, what I find surprising is that the Jews have been silent... I guess they forgot that Hitler killed 6 million of their white Jewish people.
People don't want to acknowledge that Judaism is a RELIGION. Judaism is NOT A COLOR OR A RACE. Hitler "brainwashed" white people to hate and kill 6 million JEWISH PEIOKE WHOW WERE WHITE LIKE HIM.
Question: What's the hell is the president going to do when the Hitler loving Neo-Nazis grab their torches and go after his Jewish daughter and Jewish son in law? Answer: He'll do NOTHING...he'll be brainwashed into thinking that they should become "Blood and Soil" because after all he thinks that these hate groups are "good people."
Just what the hell do these Neo-Nazis think is being taken from them? How many corporations are black owned? How many black men do you see in the office where you work? How many black men do you see in management positions at the office where you work?
How many black men are paid lower wages than their white counter parts in a deliberate effort to ensure that blacks never catch up to whites? How many black men do you see owning homes in your neighborhood? How many smart black men are being discouraged and deterred by racist white educators from pursing opportunities of higher academic achievement and instead steered into day laborer, security, maintenance and other low paying menial jobs? How many black men do you see on college campuses?
What black man kept any white man from going to college? How many black men that do obtain higher education and are given jobs in corporate America become prey and victims of harassment and racial discrimination in the work place on a daily basis with no chance of bing promoted?
What black man kept you from going down to the farm and getting a job picking crops? Do you know how many black men with lots of income and good credit are denied mortgage loans that are being given to their white counterparts with low income and bad credit?
If 2 men showed up for a job interview (1 white and 1 black) with the same education, work experience, and qualifications... 9 times out of 10, the job will go to the white counterpart..
Re: Just what the hell are blacks taking from whites?
Let's not forget how blacks with excellent credit and don't know any better, are steered into high interest rate car loans at rates that are in some cases 5-times higher than what they should be offered.
This RT News documentary seems to be getting a lot of acclaim.
And this is a video about the racist cop I wrote about yesterday. If you want to do something, call Springfield MA and demand that he is fired before he kills somebody.
Salon and The New York Post have joined The Nation and Bloomberg News in reporting on the Russia hack debunking analysis. Maybe the truth will come out if enough of them become afraid of looking stupid as the last one lying. They will pretend they didn't know, but they did.
One of the people in that VIPS group of intelligence and cyber analysis experts is Ray McGovern. He is an ex CIA analyst who exposes a lot of stuff. He debunked lies about Iraq, etc. He says we don't have a 4th estate anymore. But we have a 5th estate, the internet, mainly YouTube. At least one person in the group, I forget who, is associated with consortiumnews. They have published a lot good information that the corporate media won't tell you. They have a lot of information about Reagan's treasonous "October Surprise" deal with Ayatollah Khomeini. I remember I read about the intelligence we had refuting that Iraq didn't have WMDs there. But there were various sources that culminated in me realizing that the build up to the Iraq War was false.
I am skeptical about things. I check out information before I accept it. And I would like to know more about where VIPS saw the Guccifer 2.0 metadata. But I have been telling people that it is very unlikely that Russia gave Wikileaks anything, for quite some time. A congressman just met with Julian Assange to see his evidence that it wasn't Russia. Get ready to have your bubble burst.
Hopefully people realize that the CIA worked to overthrow Libya and Syria by now. Evidence of that has been available for a long time. A lot of you probably haven't looked at the proof that our "moderate rebels" were ISIS. Don't let Trump derangement syndrome prevent you from realizing that the CIA, Obama, Hillary, and the congressional intelligence committees, created ISIS with recruits from Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups.
Personally, I have never met a Jewish person I didn't like. But I have never met Netanyahu or anybody who I knew was associated with AIPAC. Jews and Zionists are not the same thing. I read a Zionist article fretting that young Jews are increasingly not accepting Zionism. Orthodox Jews have long been anti Zionist. That's not to say a lot of people, Jewish and otherwise, aren't duped by Zionists. Most of our politicians are Zionists. AIPAC pays them to be. A lot of them recently signed a bill proposal to outlaw your 1st Amendment right to boycott Israel. Their boss, AIPAC, wrote it. Don't forget to pay your taxes. The government needs your money to kill Palestinians with.
So the big, bad, Nazi who carries a handgun and works out "to be better at violence" breaks down and cries on Facebook because he has a warrant? I've had various reactions to discovering I had a warrant, but none of them involved crying, maybe because I knew how one gets a warrant before I ever did the thing that got me one? Perhaps he's afraid of being buggered in jail by a brown person? Do they tell Nazis horseshit like that? If so, good. Couldn't happen to a nicer Nazi.
A common theme in Ray McGovern talking about a 5th estate and young Jews turning away from Zionism is turn off your TV and look stuff up on the internet. There is fake news on both, but the internet also has the truth. I recommend H A Goodman and Jimmy Dore on Youtube. Ben Swann was really good. He has apparently been blacklisted, but his old videos are about very pertinent subjects and they have factual information you don't know. H A Goodman and Jimmy Dore are liberals who do include their honest opinions. Ben Swann only reports facts. None of them are anything like Alex Jones. In fact,Jimmy Dore spit on AlexJones.
Alex Jones makes me as a black woman very hot. He's smart, well-spoken, masculine and treats a lady like a lady, irregardless of her color. I've met him - he's sexy as hell! When my bae finally leaves me or goes to prison, I'm going to look for a white man to marry.
It's not a bunch of dumbass brownshirts pretending to be extras in a B&W horror flick from the 1930s. These scumbags played their hand. They lost. I am heartbroken for the friends and family of the lady who died. But I'm not afraid of these punk-ass loser, Hitler Jugend wannabees.
Fuck every last one of them. Obviously Virginia is a state severely infected with NRA/ALEC derangement syndrome. Hopefully, open carry will not be the law of the land very much longer. As far as these Nazi goons causing any further trouble... I wouldn't worry too much. If they do receive permits for their misguided, sick demonstrations, it will be very clearly stated that the protest zones will be without any weapons of any kind.
Two things scare me. The retard demagogue Trump fucks up NAFTA, a trade agreement of which he has zero understanding. If my Mexican beer goes up in price, there will be armed revolution. The scariest thing about NAFTA that I recall was allowing Mexican big rigs to drive in California. Now that they have more money, it has not been a problem.
Twice as fucking scary, the monster without a brain successfully teams up with Paul, (Sanpaku), Ryan and destroys the U.S. tax code as we know and love it. We would understand the detriment of a ballooning national debt as never before once it leaves the orbit of being sustainable at all. We would only have three tax tiers and the tax table. Knowing Trump and his minions, the highest percentage would be for poor people because a lower percentage of an enormous income is still more money.
Steve Bannon has his faults and I'm not sorry to see him go, but he was non interventionist. It is more suspicious that Gen. Flynn was purged. He was a hawk on Iran, but he was against supporting ISIS and he advised Obama against doing it. His problems could have been leaked because of infighting within the administration, or by the neo con deep state. The NSA collects all electronic communications, and Wikileaks exposed that the CIA does too. Wikileaks revealed a lot about establishment corruption, and about the CIA's capabilities. Who better to control with blackmail than perverts. Perverts are allowed to rise tothe top.
They don't have to kill people anymore like they did in the JFK days. They got rid of Howard Dean (who has since sold out) by showing the scream over and over. Tom Dashle talked too much about Cheney asking him to not investigate 9/11. Anthony Weiner ranted about shipping off the WorldTrade Center srteel before it could be investigated. Even Max Cleland lost re-election after he called the 9/11 Commission a sham. Cynthia McKinney got negative press and wasn't re-elected either.
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you” - Chuck Schumer to Rachel Maddow about Trump disagreeing with the CIA about Russia.
I would say what the white supremacists have to say is hate speech. But suppressing free speech is a slippery slope. Unpopular speech is what needs protection. They did have a permit to demonstrate and the anti racist people didn't. Both sides did get violent. Trump didn't come out against racism more at first because he is racist. And his example exacerbates racism. He has been doing that all along. He campaigned on Fox News talking points. But if you do look at what he said from a non emotional, impartial, and strictly legal standpoint, it was probably accurate. He might make a perfect juror for our legal system.
The white supremacist mentioned Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown in the Vice News documentary. I don't agree with our legal system. If I were a juror, my decisions would have been that Zimmerman shot Martin after Martin was getting off of Zimmerman to let him go. And Brown probably hit the cop, but the cop appointed himself judge, juror, and executioner, and murdered Brown. I realize the system is designed to let guilty people go instead of convicting innocent people, but my opinion is probably less in line with the establishment's than the white supremacist's was on those cases.
-A Black Woman In Conshohocken. I admit that I don't watch Alex Jones. When I see things that don't seem credible I don't bother with the souces anymore. Others, like Jones, are right about some things but I don't trust their information. At times I have even suspected that Jones might promote fake conspiracy theories to discredit real ones by mixing fake ones in with them. But maybe I'm just mad that I can't wear my khaki pants anymore without being acused of being a crisis actor.
Felix Sater sez he knows he and the shit fer brains bogus potus are headed for jail. Good. Throw away the key and then nuke the place once it is filled with wingnut traitors-meaning all wingnut pols, even those yet to be shit out on fenceposts and grow up to cause harm to everyone except the wealthy.
Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit
tr**p's statements shouldn't be that surprising. He showed his true self during the election year. It's all the ignorant morons who voted him into office that need to answer for this disgraceful period in our country. Of course that doesn't absolve tr**p of anything. He is still incompetent and dangerous.
Max Cleland got swift boated by a right wing nut job draft dodger and was accused of being a traitor because he didn't back dumbass dubya's war whole heartedly.
Max Cleland lost three limbs in a grenade attack in VietNam- a country no wingnut has ever been able to point out on a map because they pretty much are all draft dodgers.
Tammy Duckworth, another Dem veteran who lost her legs piloting a helicopter in Iraq was accused of cutting and running from wingnut military policy. Imagine a vet with artificial limbs being accused of cut and run.
So now that they have proven us right about them (that given their choice, they would have a goddamn Nazi sympathizer in the white house) we can't allow them to amplify their numbers by suppressing the votes of non-Nazi sympathizers. They deserve to be represented in the government, but only proportional to their actual numbers.
And as for any upcoming rallies or protests by the goddamn Nazis, we need to calm the media hysteria and deal with them in an appropriate manner. I'm thinking of Molly Ivins, and her story about the KKK march in Austin in which the KKKluckers, who had to be bused in, got off of their buses and marched down the street with their little pointed hoods on their little pointed heads as the Austin crowds on the sidewalks mooned them as they passed.
Van Jones IS married to a WW, so I don't expect him to disparage a WM too much.
Van does plenty of disparaging of Trump. The problem he has, though, is all too common among national political commentators, which is Charlie Brown Syndrome.
Just like Charlie Brown keeps thinking Lucy will one day let him kick the football, Van seems to think one day Trump will make a dramatic turnaround and become a decent human being. And he gets disappointed when that doesn't happen.
Trump is a bad guy. He will never stop being a bad guy. He can only be removed, not reformed.
So Bannon reportedly made porn and had a meth lab in his house in Florida. He seems to fit the profile of a meth user, but the porn? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
America's foremost public intellectual chimes in
The always eloquent and insightful Governor Paul LePage has decided to share his very important opinions on the removal of Confederate statues. Paul says that if we knock down monuments to national traitors like Stonewall Jackson, next it'll be the monument to people killed on 9/11!
“'Whether we like it or not, this is what our history is, and to me it’s just like going to New York City right now and taking down the monument of those who perished in 9/11,' LePage said. 'It will come to that.'”
Why would we do that? He didn't give a reason ... because there isn't one, because that's insane. The threat of the 9/11 memorial being dismantled is as real as LePage's African-American drug-dealing, white-woman-impregnating pals D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty.
Please Boycott and do NOT use the $1.00, $20.00, #50.00 and $100.00 dollar bills! As they depict slave owners on them! Please send them to me, and I will see to it that they are disposed of properly! Thank you very much
Attention, White House staffers: Your buffoonish boss is at the Twitters again
Our very inclusive and multicultural president has weighed in on the recent ISIS terrorist attack in Spain. With the usual helpful Islamophobia, naturally.
Trump tweeted: “Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!”
It is a repeat of something he had said during one of his rallies with his moron supporters back on the campaign trail:
“'They were having terrorism problems just like we do,' Trump said. 'And he caught 50 terrorists who did tremendous damage and killed many people. And he took the 50 terrorists, and he took 50 men, and he dipped 50 bullets in pig’s blood.'”
This is a piece of white supremacist Internet lore that references actions that were purported to have been taken by the U.S. military against Muslims they were fighting during the occupation of the Phillipines over a century ago. And there are several things wrong with it:
1) It's not historically true. It never happened. 2) It is offensive to suggest that fighting jihadis requires insulting the entire Muslim faith. 3) It's just dumb as hell. Islam does require its adherents to refrain from eating pork, probably because, in ye olden days, eating pork carried a high risk of contracting trichinosis. Pork is not, however, kryptonite to Muslims. Being executed with bullets soaked in pig's blood will not condemn them to Hades. Muslims do not fear the pork.
I'm going to have to stop posting until I get a blog avatar! :D. Wasn't me but kinda funny though! Anyway my great grandma was a slave over here, so tecnicly I'm entitled to $ xD
Yes, Lila, an avatar would help tenfold; perhaps similar to Yisheng's innovative images :-)
On another note, must respectfully disagree with these menfolks taking CNN political contributor, Van Jones to task. Well, God forbid displaying the kind of emotion that renders one a bit tearful, mostly empathazing with relatives, friends and fellow citizens enduring the thoughtless words and actions of a chief executive who is supposed to be the president of all Americans.
Kudos to Mr. Jones, with raw emotion and courage, lending a voice to pain most of us have been feeling since 11/08/16.
The easiest way to create an avatar is just to start your own blog. Just go to
This should bring up a screen that tells you to, "Create Your Own Blog."
All you need is a valid email address. Just come up with a screen name, (you already have that,) and a password. Then dream up a name for your "blog." http://lilacs and or something like that.
Then just do one post. "Why I Like Lilacs."
Eventually you will figure out how to associate a .jpeg picture file with your blogger id. This will become your avatar whenever you login to your blogger account. That's what the Field has. That's what I do. That's the old school thing. It's easy.
The easiest way to create an avatar is just to start your own blog. Just go to
This should bring up a screen that tells you to, "Create Your Own Blog."
All you need is a valid email address. Just come up with a screen name, (you already have that,) and a password. Then dream up a name for your "blog." http://lilacs and or something like that.
Then just do one post. "Why I Like Lilacs."
Eventually you will figure out how to associate a .jpeg picture file with your blogger id. This will become your avatar whenever you login to your blogger account. That's what the Field has. That's what I do. That's the old school thing. It's easy.
Why do niggers hate white people so much when it is white people and other working class that provide all their food,water and shelter,EBT,LINK,SNAP...................
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***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
This is a commercial free blog.
Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Most white men in all socio-economic and educational brackets voted for Donald Trump PERIOD.
Most white women followed along with their men who have scared them into thinking that people of color will be taking over. PERIOD!
When it comes to equality. It is not in their hearts or minds to do what is right.
Let's remember it had to take legislation and laws to FORCE them to end racial discrimination.
And the silent majority of elected officials all secretly feel the same way. Look at how practically none of them will acknowledge that their president shows racism and bigotry.
People like Van Jones getting on CNN and crying like a baby every time his feelings get heart and hoping to appeal to the heart of the president and practically begging the president to denounce the KKK, and white nationals is pitiful to watch.
Also, what I find surprising is that the Jews have been silent... I guess they forgot that Hitler killed 6 million of their white Jewish people.
People don't want to acknowledge that Judaism is a RELIGION. Judaism is NOT A COLOR OR A RACE. Hitler "brainwashed" white people to hate and kill 6 million JEWISH PEIOKE WHOW WERE WHITE LIKE HIM.
Question: What's the hell is the president going to do when the Hitler loving Neo-Nazis grab their torches and go after his Jewish daughter and Jewish son in law?
Answer: He'll do NOTHING...he'll be brainwashed into thinking that they should become "Blood and Soil" because after all he thinks that these hate groups are "good people."
...Things that make you go hmmm.
Just what the hell do these Neo-Nazis think is being taken from them?
How many corporations are black owned?
How many black men do you see in the office where you work?
How many black men do you see in management positions at the office where you work?
How many black men are paid lower wages than their white counter parts in a deliberate effort to ensure that blacks never catch up to whites?
How many black men do you see owning homes in your neighborhood?
How many smart black men are being discouraged and deterred by racist white educators from pursing opportunities of higher academic achievement and instead steered into day laborer, security, maintenance and other low paying menial jobs?
How many black men do you see on college campuses?
What black man kept any white man from going to college?
How many black men that do obtain higher education and are given jobs in corporate America become
prey and victims of harassment and racial discrimination in the work place on a daily basis with no chance of bing promoted?
What black man kept you from going down to the farm and getting a job picking crops?
Do you know how many black men with lots of income and good credit are denied mortgage loans that are being given to their white counterparts with low income and bad credit?
If 2 men showed up for a job interview (1 white and 1 black) with the same education, work experience, and qualifications... 9 times out of 10, the job will go to the white counterpart..
Re: Just what the hell are blacks taking from whites?
Let's not forget how blacks with excellent credit and don't know any better, are steered into high interest rate car loans at rates that are in some cases 5-times higher than what they should be offered.
...happens all the time.
yishthing farted...
"Whooteemoos can't "white wash" all that shit because the blood of millions of people can NOT be washed away!"
Nope, wrong again you furniture eater. It's hundreds of billions! Get your narrative straight.
This RT News documentary seems to be getting a lot of acclaim.
And this is a video about the racist cop I wrote about yesterday. If you want to do something, call Springfield MA and demand that he is fired before he kills somebody.
One thing both sides in Charlottesville appear to agree on is that the cops stood down.
That should be Vice News in my comment about the documentary.
Salon and The New York Post have joined The Nation and Bloomberg News in reporting on the Russia hack debunking analysis. Maybe the truth will come out if enough of them become afraid of looking stupid as the last one lying. They will pretend they didn't know, but they did.
One of the people in that VIPS group of intelligence and cyber analysis experts is Ray McGovern. He is an ex CIA analyst who exposes a lot of stuff. He debunked lies about Iraq, etc. He says we don't have a 4th estate anymore. But we have a 5th estate, the internet, mainly YouTube. At least one person in the group, I forget who, is associated with consortiumnews. They have published a lot good information that the corporate media won't tell you. They have a lot of information about Reagan's treasonous "October Surprise" deal with Ayatollah Khomeini. I remember I read about the intelligence we had refuting that Iraq didn't have WMDs there. But there were various sources that culminated in me realizing that the build up to the Iraq War was false.
I am skeptical about things. I check out information before I accept it. And I would like to know more about where VIPS saw the Guccifer 2.0 metadata. But I have been telling people that it is very unlikely that Russia gave Wikileaks anything, for quite some time. A congressman just met with Julian Assange to see his evidence that it wasn't Russia. Get ready to have your bubble burst.
Hopefully people realize that the CIA worked to overthrow Libya and Syria by now. Evidence of that has been available for a long time. A lot of you probably haven't looked at the proof that our "moderate rebels" were ISIS. Don't let Trump derangement syndrome prevent you from realizing that the CIA, Obama, Hillary, and the congressional intelligence committees, created ISIS with recruits from Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups.
Assnonnymous Assnonymous said...
yishthing farted..
Why you nasty, fart smelling, ass sucking muthafucka'!!!
Personally, I have never met a Jewish person I didn't like. But I have never met Netanyahu or anybody who I knew was associated with AIPAC. Jews and Zionists are not the same thing. I read a Zionist article fretting that young Jews are increasingly not accepting Zionism. Orthodox Jews have long been anti Zionist. That's not to say a lot of people, Jewish and otherwise, aren't duped by Zionists. Most of our politicians are Zionists. AIPAC pays them to be. A lot of them recently signed a bill proposal to outlaw your 1st Amendment right to boycott Israel. Their boss, AIPAC, wrote it. Don't forget to pay your taxes. The government needs your money to kill Palestinians with.
So the big, bad, Nazi who carries a handgun and works out "to be better at violence" breaks down and cries on Facebook because he has a warrant?
I've had various reactions to discovering I had a warrant, but none of them involved crying, maybe because I knew how one gets a warrant before I ever did the thing that got me one?
Perhaps he's afraid of being buggered in jail by a brown person? Do they tell Nazis horseshit like that?
If so, good. Couldn't happen to a nicer Nazi.
-Doug in Oakland
A common theme in Ray McGovern talking about a 5th estate and young Jews turning away from Zionism is turn off your TV and look stuff up on the internet. There is fake news on both, but the internet also has the truth. I recommend H A Goodman and Jimmy Dore on Youtube. Ben Swann was really good. He has apparently been blacklisted, but his old videos are about very pertinent subjects and they have factual information you don't know. H A Goodman and Jimmy Dore are liberals who do include their honest opinions. Ben Swann only reports facts. None of them are anything like Alex Jones. In fact,Jimmy Dore spit on AlexJones.
Alex Jones makes me as a black woman very hot. He's smart, well-spoken, masculine and treats a lady like a lady, irregardless of her color. I've met him - he's sexy as hell! When my bae finally leaves me or goes to prison, I'm going to look for a white man to marry.
-A Black Woman In Conshohocken
I'll tell you what scares the shit outta me.
It's not a bunch of dumbass brownshirts pretending to be extras in a B&W horror flick from the 1930s. These scumbags played their hand. They lost. I am heartbroken for the friends and family of the lady who died. But I'm not afraid of these punk-ass loser, Hitler Jugend wannabees.
Fuck every last one of them. Obviously Virginia is a state severely infected with NRA/ALEC derangement syndrome. Hopefully, open carry will not be the law of the land very much longer. As far as these Nazi goons causing any further trouble... I wouldn't worry too much. If they do receive permits for their misguided, sick demonstrations, it will be very clearly stated that the protest zones will be without any weapons of any kind.
Two things scare me. The retard demagogue Trump fucks up NAFTA, a trade agreement of which he has zero understanding. If my Mexican beer goes up in price, there will be armed revolution. The scariest thing about NAFTA that I recall was allowing Mexican big rigs to drive in California. Now that they have more money, it has not been a problem.
Twice as fucking scary, the monster without a brain successfully teams up with Paul, (Sanpaku), Ryan and destroys the U.S. tax code as we know and love it. We would understand the detriment of a ballooning national debt as never before once it leaves the orbit of being sustainable at all. We would only have three tax tiers and the tax table. Knowing Trump and his minions, the highest percentage would be for poor people because a lower percentage of an enormous income is still more money.
All the AIDS-ridden micro-dicked black boys are out tonight.
@Farting Janitor -
We "love" the US tax code? The fucking fuck ...?
Steve Bannon has his faults and I'm not sorry to see him go, but he was non interventionist. It is more suspicious that Gen. Flynn was purged. He was a hawk on Iran, but he was against supporting ISIS and he advised Obama against doing it. His problems could have been leaked because of infighting within the administration, or by the neo con deep state. The NSA collects all electronic communications, and Wikileaks exposed that the CIA does too. Wikileaks revealed a lot about establishment corruption, and about the CIA's capabilities. Who better to control with blackmail than perverts. Perverts are allowed to rise tothe top.
They don't have to kill people anymore like they did in the JFK days. They got rid of Howard Dean (who has since sold out) by showing the scream over and over. Tom Dashle talked too much about Cheney asking him to not investigate 9/11. Anthony Weiner ranted about shipping off the WorldTrade Center srteel before it could be investigated. Even Max Cleland lost re-election after he called the 9/11 Commission a sham. Cynthia McKinney got negative press and wasn't re-elected either.
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you” - Chuck Schumer to Rachel Maddow about Trump disagreeing with the CIA about Russia.
I would say what the white supremacists have to say is hate speech. But suppressing free speech is a slippery slope. Unpopular speech is what needs protection. They did have a permit to demonstrate and the anti racist people didn't. Both sides did get violent. Trump didn't come out against racism more at first because he is racist. And his example exacerbates racism. He has been doing that all along. He campaigned on Fox News talking points. But if you do look at what he said from a non emotional, impartial, and strictly legal standpoint, it was probably accurate. He might make a perfect juror for our legal system.
The white supremacist mentioned Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown in the Vice News documentary. I don't agree with our legal system. If I were a juror, my decisions would have been that Zimmerman shot Martin after Martin was getting off of Zimmerman to let him go. And Brown probably hit the cop, but the cop appointed himself judge, juror, and executioner, and murdered Brown. I realize the system is designed to let guilty people go instead of convicting innocent people, but my opinion is probably less in line with the establishment's than the white supremacist's was on those cases.
-A Black Woman In Conshohocken. I admit that I don't watch Alex Jones. When I see things that don't seem credible I don't bother with the souces anymore. Others, like Jones, are right about some things but I don't trust their information. At times I have even suspected that Jones might promote fake conspiracy theories to discredit real ones by mixing fake ones in with them. But maybe I'm just mad that I can't wear my khaki pants anymore without being acused of being a crisis actor.
Anon@9:09 PM, what u said about Van Jones is on point.👍😏
Felix Sater sez he knows he and the shit fer brains bogus potus are headed for jail. Good. Throw away the key and then nuke the place once it is filled with wingnut traitors-meaning all wingnut pols, even those yet to be shit out on fenceposts and grow up to cause harm to everyone except the wealthy.
tr**p's statements shouldn't be that surprising. He showed his true self during the election year. It's all the ignorant morons who voted him into office that need to answer for this disgraceful period in our country. Of course that doesn't absolve tr**p of anything. He is still incompetent and dangerous.
Mike from Iowa, you are so full of shit. Must be all the cow patties you keep snacking on.
American Neo-Nazis are weird. Anti-fascism is one of the cornerstones of this country.
Interesting Take here: Why Black Folks Need Confederate Monuments
Van Jones IS married to a WW, so I don't expect him to disparage a WM too much.
Trump defends statues of traitors😖
Dexter from Nebraska said...
Mike from Iowa, you are so full of shit. Must be all the cow patties you keep snacking on.
9:29 AM
Let's see yer proof, shit fer brains. Put up or shut up-proofless.
Max Cleland got swift boated by a right wing nut job draft dodger and was accused of being a traitor because he didn't back dumbass dubya's war whole heartedly.
Max Cleland lost three limbs in a grenade attack in VietNam- a country no wingnut has ever been able to point out on a map because they pretty much are all draft dodgers.
Tammy Duckworth, another Dem veteran who lost her legs piloting a helicopter in Iraq was accused of cutting and running from wingnut military policy. Imagine a vet with artificial limbs being accused of cut and run.
So now that they have proven us right about them (that given their choice, they would have a goddamn Nazi sympathizer in the white house) we can't allow them to amplify their numbers by suppressing the votes of non-Nazi sympathizers.
They deserve to be represented in the government, but only proportional to their actual numbers.
-Doug in Oakland
And as for any upcoming rallies or protests by the goddamn Nazis, we need to calm the media hysteria and deal with them in an appropriate manner.
I'm thinking of Molly Ivins, and her story about the KKK march in Austin in which the KKKluckers, who had to be bused in, got off of their buses and marched down the street with their little pointed hoods on their little pointed heads as the Austin crowds on the sidewalks mooned them as they passed.
-Doug in Oakland
Van Jones IS married to a WW, so I don't expect him to disparage a WM too much.
Van does plenty of disparaging of Trump. The problem he has, though, is all too common among national political commentators, which is Charlie Brown Syndrome.
Just like Charlie Brown keeps thinking Lucy will one day let him kick the football, Van seems to think one day Trump will make a dramatic turnaround and become a decent human being. And he gets disappointed when that doesn't happen.
Trump is a bad guy. He will never stop being a bad guy. He can only be removed, not reformed.
So Bannon reportedly made porn and had a meth lab in his house in Florida. He seems to fit the profile of a meth user, but the porn?
-Doug in Oakland
The always eloquent and insightful Governor Paul LePage has decided to share his very important opinions on the removal of Confederate statues. Paul says that if we knock down monuments to national traitors like Stonewall Jackson, next it'll be the monument to people killed on 9/11!
“'Whether we like it or not, this is what our history is, and to me it’s just like going to New York City right now and taking down the monument of those who perished in 9/11,' LePage said. 'It will come to that.'”
Why would we do that? He didn't give a reason ... because there isn't one, because that's insane. The threat of the 9/11 memorial being dismantled is as real as LePage's African-American drug-dealing, white-woman-impregnating pals D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty.
Van Jones is a fool for thinking that a micro dick like Butt Trumpet could ever change for the better.
Please Boycott and do NOT use the $1.00, $20.00, #50.00 and $100.00 dollar bills! As they depict slave owners on them!
Please send them to me, and I will see to it that they are disposed of properly! Thank you very much
(copied from a friend)
Maybe Trump is redeemable! He could go to a reeducation program for racists!
But wait, no, I forgot -- Trump already got rid of that program. So we're still screwed.
This Group Has Successfully Converted White Supremacists Using Compassion. Trump Defunded It.
Damn PR, o know you voted for PEEOTUS and all, but don't you think you're taking this just a leeeeeeetle, too far, lol?
Besides, those bills you listed should be given to the descendants of slaves for all that free labor that built this country.
Bannon looks like some poor slob's nightmare of a Mother in law. Think Jonathan Winters dressed up as a Granny.
Our very inclusive and multicultural president has weighed in on the recent ISIS terrorist attack in Spain. With the usual helpful Islamophobia, naturally.
Trump tweeted: “Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!”
It is a repeat of something he had said during one of his rallies with his moron supporters back on the campaign trail:
“'They were having terrorism problems just like we do,' Trump said. 'And he caught 50 terrorists who did tremendous damage and killed many people. And he took the 50 terrorists, and he took 50 men, and he dipped 50 bullets in pig’s blood.'”
This is a piece of white supremacist Internet lore that references actions that were purported to have been taken by the U.S. military against Muslims they were fighting during the occupation of the Phillipines over a century ago. And there are several things wrong with it:
1) It's not historically true. It never happened.
2) It is offensive to suggest that fighting jihadis requires insulting the entire Muslim faith.
3) It's just dumb as hell. Islam does require its adherents to refrain from eating pork, probably because, in ye olden days, eating pork carried a high risk of contracting trichinosis. Pork is not, however, kryptonite to Muslims. Being executed with bullets soaked in pig's blood will not condemn them to Hades. Muslims do not fear the pork.
*Philippines, not Phillipines
Lincoln delivering Getty's bird a dress. Stop it! You guys are killing me.
I'm going to have to stop posting until I get a blog avatar! :D. Wasn't me but kinda funny though! Anyway my great grandma was a slave over here, so tecnicly I'm entitled to $ xD
Yes, Lila, an avatar would help tenfold; perhaps similar to Yisheng's innovative images :-)
On another note, must respectfully disagree with these menfolks taking CNN political contributor, Van Jones to task. Well, God forbid displaying the kind of emotion that renders one a bit tearful, mostly empathazing with relatives, friends and fellow citizens enduring the thoughtless words and actions of a chief executive who is supposed to be the president of all Americans.
Kudos to Mr. Jones, with raw emotion and courage, lending a voice to pain most of us have been feeling since 11/08/16.
LOL, Mike: The photo and caption made my evening :-)
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
The easiest way to create an avatar is just to start your own blog. Just go to
This should bring up a screen that tells you to, "Create Your Own Blog."
All you need is a valid email address. Just come up with a screen name, (you already have that,) and a password. Then dream up a name for your "blog." http://lilacs and or something like that.
Then just do one post. "Why I Like Lilacs."
Eventually you will figure out how to associate a .jpeg picture file with your blogger id. This will become your avatar whenever you login to your blogger account. That's what the Field has. That's what I do. That's the old school thing. It's easy.
Good luck,
Flying Junior said...
The easiest way to create an avatar is just to start your own blog. Just go to
This should bring up a screen that tells you to, "Create Your Own Blog."
All you need is a valid email address. Just come up with a screen name, (you already have that,) and a password. Then dream up a name for your "blog." http://lilacs and or something like that.
Then just do one post. "Why I Like Lilacs."
Eventually you will figure out how to associate a .jpeg picture file with your blogger id. This will become your avatar whenever you login to your blogger account. That's what the Field has. That's what I do. That's the old school thing. It's easy.
Good luck,
I like it! Lilacs and Lavender! Thanks a mil!
Lilac, looking forward to seeing it.
Why do niggers hate white people so much when it is white people and other working class that provide all their food,water and shelter,EBT,LINK,SNAP...................
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