I actually saw people cheering, and liberals are ecstatic that the man they view as pure evil is leaving the halls of power.
My question to all the people who are cheering the demise of Bannon is, why? Why cheer Bannon's departure when trump is still the president?
It's not Bannon who told the country that Nazis are the same as peaceful protestors. It's not Bannon who encouraged right wing thugs to beat innocent people. It's not Bannon who declared that Mexicans are rapists and that the first African American president of this country was not born here. It's not Bannon who said that it's cool to assault women. It's not Bannon who told a lie on the former president of the United States, and it's not Bannon who is constantly trying to delegitimize the news media by referring to everything that's true and doesn't fit into his sick world view as fake news.
Anyway, while the left is happy and rejoicing, Bannon's people are declaring war. To them this is trump giving in to multiculturalism and political correctness. This is not the America they envisioned when the put the bigot in chief in power. They thought that they could work hand in hand, but now, dare I say it, trump might be caving to pressure.
*Pic from Time Magazine.
Bye Felicia
"Anyway, while the left is happy and rejoicing, Bannon's people are declaring war. To them this is trump giving in to multiculturalism and political correctness."
With Bannon's firing, Trump has caved to the pressure of the dreaded "globalists" and made some enemies among his racist base. That's not "HOORAY!", but more "hooray." (And don't explain to me about how "globalist" really means "person who wants a restrained foreign policy." No, it doesn't. Foreign policy is way down the priority list for Trump's base, so "globalist" has become mostly an alt-right dog whistle for "guy who's not racist enough.")
Sure, Bannon's removal is not Trump's removal, but at least it's something. The fewer racist maniacs in the White House helping to reinforce the president's already-racist inclinations and egg him on to further atrocities, the better. And the more people out there furious at Trump and turning their back on him, even if it's for the wrong reasons, the better.
Until we can get rid of him, I'm all for limiting the damage he can do.
LOL @ Granny, hey Granny how have you been?
... "globalist" really means "person who wants an interventionist foreign policy."
Any whooteemoo/chinkeeemoo, care to explain what the Viking shields are used for?
Revenge time for Bannon?
"'I’ve got my hands back on my weapons,' the former White House chief strategist, who returned as executive chairman of Breitbart News late Friday afternoon, told the Weekly Standard. 'I built a f***ing machine at Breitbart. And now I’m about to go back, knowing what I know, and we’re about to rev that machine up. And rev it up we will do.'”
Get your popcorn ready. It could be time for some exciting Nazi-on-Nazi fisticuffs.
"Any whooteemoo/chinkeeemoo, care to explain what the Viking shields are used for?"
Honoring their imaginary Norse god ancestors? Although the terrifying Thor effect is somewhat spoiled by the khakis and polo shirts.
It's like Trump dropping another turd into his golden toilet. A guy like Trump probably likes to play with his turds a little bit.
The bitch from hell will still have the president's ear. He will probably be able to do even more damage. Hopefully he will be picked up by some alert U.S. Marshall or AG, and held on some very real charges before he disassembles our way of life.
Bannon is a creep, and I'm glad he's not in the West Wing any more, but really, he was just part of the package deal made with Mercer to pull the Trump campaign out of the death spiral it appeared to be in, a deal which also included Kellyanne Conway.
Word is that Bannon met with Mercer on Wednesday and Trump this week also, so it might be more informative to figure out what Mercer is up to because he appears to be the key player in this dumpster fire of an administration.
And then there's the porn and methlab story about Bannon, which really gives hard working porn and meth makers a bad name...
I mean, he has most of the characteristics of a meth user, but the porn?
-Doug in Oakland
80 IQ Idiots... You Bolsheviks are being played and don't even know it. If you get your wish and the totalitarian overlords of the left pull off the cabal, immediately they will get rid of your "Useful Idiot" asses in true Commie form. Cointelpro is playing the tune and you all are dancing fools.
If all the outdated farm equipment were sent back home in 1864 as it should have been, after all, stolen items should always be returned. Then none of this faux hysteria about statues and the like would be occurring.
Hi Yisheng,
I've been doing okay. What about yourself?
Anybody who doesn't realize the news if fake is brainwashed by it. People in Nazi Germany didn't realize their news was fake either. The explanation for 9/11 is scientifically impossible. They lied to start a war with Iraq and the Democrats wouldn't even prosecute Dick Cheney. The NFL banned Colin Kapernick though. He protested against the fascism. They supported terrorists to overthrow Libya and to try to overthrow Syria. Now they lie to beat war drums with Russia 24/7. But the VIPS findings have seeped in to some of the mainstream media and a congressman has started dialog on negotiating pardoning Julian Assange in exchange for his proof that the Russians didn't do it. Watch for the Fake News to pretend they didn't know, just like they did when people started catching on to Iraq and Syria. Watch for them to suddenly stop talking about Russia.
Mercer and his daughter are something else. Apparently, her and her father like to dress up and play all sorts of kinky games together. I feel like I want to puke.
Anybody who doesn't realize the news if fake is brainwashed by it. People in Nazi Germany didn't realize their news was fake either. The explanation for 9/11 is scientifically impossible. They lied to start a war with Iraq and the Democrats wouldn't even prosecute Dick Cheney. The NFL banned Colin Kapernick though. He protested against the fascism. They supported terrorists to overthrow Libya and to try to overthrow Syria. Now they lie to beat war drums with Russia 24/7. But the VIPS findings have seeped in to some of the mainstream media and a congressman has started dialog on negotiating pardoning Julian Assange in exchange for his proof that the Russians didn't do it. Watch the Fake News to pretend they didn't know, just like they did when enough people started catching on to Iraq and Syria. Watch for them to stop talking about Russia.
James Clapper called the analysts assigned to the intelligence assessment "hand picked." The chairman of the Iran/Contra investigation that covered up Reagan' deal to not have Iran release American hostages while Cater was president, Lee Hamilton, was "hand picked" to co-chair the 9/11 Commission. And PNAC (new Pearl Harbor) member John Leehman, was "hand picked" to be on the Commission. None of the mainstream media even mentioned what the ex president of Iran told us about Reagan's treasonous deal. Cheney sent Scooter Liby and John Bolton over to the CIA to get analysts who knew Iraq's aluminum tubes weren't for a centrifuge reassigned, etc.
Here's a quote from the Russia intelligence assessment: “judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.” The media tells you it is a fact that Russia hacked the DNC.
But the assessment did get specific about how RT News helped interfere in the election. They hosted a debate of third party candidates, covered the Occupy Wall Street protests, and reported on the dangers of fracking.
Newsweek just published an article about how Hillary's friend and menotor, Robert Byrd, formed a KKK chapter with 150 membors.
David Duke endorsed Keith Ellison for DNC chairman. He sees standing up to Israel as antisemitism, which is a plus to him. It is sort of like Bannon being non interventionst. Our government is full of interventionists who kill innocent Muslims because Israel pays them and their funamentalist Christen constituents want the end of days. But you don't have to be antisemitist to see that Israel has too much control of our politicians.
Bannon was the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike trying to prevent the dike failing.
Bannon swears revenge on Drumpf and everyone else. Wingnuts are destroying their party and a part of America, too. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Can't wait for Obama to get blamed for this.
Whenever I want a dose of jaw-dropping stupid, I come here.
"He now joins a growing list of trump aides to get the "You're Fired" treatment from the former Apprentice host."
Bannon resigned August 8. And you'll notice that the news DID NOT LEAK. This means that most if not all of the leakers in the WH have been purged or silenced. This is bad news for you.
"It's not Bannon who told the country that Nazis are the same as peaceful protestors. It's not Bannon who encouraged right wing thugs to beat innocent people."
The country already noticed that Nazis—calling themselves Black Lives Matter and Antifa—were assaulting and killing people with near-impunity. That's why they elected Donald J. Trump. They're fed up with ochlocracy.
They're also fed up with Black crime, Black criminals and their apologists.
"It's not Bannon who declared that Mexicans are rapists"
The Mexicans did that with things like rape trees.
"and that the first African American president of this country was not born here."
Zero did that, with the blurb on his own book declaring he was born in Kenya.
"It's not Bannon who said that it's cool to assault women."
What women let you do is not assault. If he wanted to, DJT could have a hundred women come through the Oval Office every day for the rest of his administration for the thrill of letting him grab them by the pussy, and he'd never lack for volunteers.
Thank goodness DJT isn't a sleazeball like Kennedy and Clinton.
"it's not Bannon who is constantly trying to delegitimize the news media by referring to everything that's true and doesn't fit into his sick world view as fake news."
It's not Bannon who wrote a style guide which specifically calls for the race of minority perps to be omitted from news stories (that would be the AP and most other MSM). It's not Bannon who editted the audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call to take out the dispatcher's question that he was answering.
And it's not Bannon who's completely disconnected from reality in your posting. It's you.
"Get your popcorn ready. It could be time for some exciting Nazi-on-Nazi fisticuffs."
Get used to disappointment.
Before you know it, supporting Trump will become a politicsl liability for Tea Party congressmen. Trump's willingness to sign any shit legislation they throw at him won't compensate for the toxicity of his association with their re-election campaign.
Yeah, well, hold the unicorns, it ain't happened yet.
But I'm staying tuned--it could.
The most immature "adult" in the history of presidents, at 71 years old!!!
Speaking of skinheads, hearing the ones who now renounce that belief system is quite telling. Especially the fact that are more often than not, they are losers in real life.
Losers, the whooteemoo tag phrase.
Whenever I want a dose of jaw-dropping stupid, Baldingo brings it with him. Ficks tit fer you, hater.
Baldingo lies again. Straight from the Bannon horse's ass to Baldingo's mouth- On August 7th , I talked to [Chief of Staff John] Kelly and to the President, and I told them that my resignation would be effective the following Monday, on the 14th,” he said. “I’d always planned on spending one year.
Baldingo the lying, liar's lyingest, lying liar ever.
That black hating Baldingo caused the Syrian cease fire to fail. Is there nothing Baldingo won't do to fuck up the world?
He wasn't fired................
To think wingnuts went ballistic because Americans had elected a black community organizer as Potus-TWICE!
Obama come back. Your country needs you now more than ever. You fuckers done giving Drumpfuck more chances to become presidential? Of course not. You'd have to admit you screwed the pooch royally and you just can't swallow your racial hatred enough to do the right thing.
I hope you all choke on your racist bile. Be good for you to strangle on stomach acid.
"If you're a Nazi and you're fired, it's your fault,
If you're a Nazi and you're fired, it's your fault,
If you were spotted in the mob
and you lost your fucking job
If you're a Nazi and you're fired, it's your fault."
-Doug in Oakland
Whenever I want a dose of jaw-droppingly stupid, I come to Mandingo from Iowa.
Timeline: Feeled, in this poast:
"He now joins a growing list of trump aides to get the "You're Fired" treatment from the former Apprentice host."
Me, in response:
"Bannon resigned August 8."
Mandingo, in his utter cluelessness:
"Straight from the Bannon horse's ass to Baldingo's mouth- On August 7th , I talked to [Chief of Staff John] Kelly and to the President, and I told them that my resignation would be effective the following Monday, on the 14th,” he said. “I’d always planned on spending one year. "
The disparities between Whites and Blacks could not be more clearly delineated. No matter how clearly and explicitly the facts are laid out, Blacks canNOT grasp them. This is proof that they are not truly human and must go back to Africa. Or just go. Whites need not care where or how, so long as they're gone.
"To think wingnuts went ballistic because Americans had elected a black community organizer as Potus-TWICE!"
With at least 3.5 million illegitimate names on US voter rolls (not to mention people fraudulently voting in the name of citizens) there's no reason to believe that Zero was legitimately elected even once, let alone twice.
Not that Mittens was a serious opponent. He just sided with the Demonrats against Trump. RINOs have no legitimacy. His father was not eligible for the presidency because he was born a Mexican citizen; Mittens has to go back.
James Bold @12:42 PM
I know why you really come here. You're an insecure male that can't have a normal relationship with a female. You're venting rage.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Cant wait for the new network!!
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