The man literally told the crowd that we are losing our culture and that he would rather build a wall to keep the Mexicans out than to keep our government running. To top it off, he even hinted that he might pardon the racist sheriff, Joe Arpaio.
trump was unhinged and out of control, and at one point I honestly thought that he would start waiting for a laugh track after he completed every sentence. His new chief of staff, poor man, has to be wondering how he got himself into this mess.
trump, once again, made himself out to be the victim, and he flat out lied about what he said after the happenings in Charlottesville. In case you are keeping track that's 1,001 lies to the American people since taking office. That, my friends, is a lot of lies. Even for a politician seeking political office.
Imagine that, a woman died in the protest, and trump is still running around whining about what transpired like he is the true victim.
But even worse than the lies andred meat he was throwing to his (half-full) auditorium of "deplorables", was the shameful way he calle the rancid d out the two senators from the state that he was standing in. It was bad enough calling out Jeff Flake, but calling out the other senator who is battling cancer ---and who some consider a war hero--- was beyond the pale. It fired up his crowd so much that one of his sick deplorables was calling for the death of the man.
Hillary Clinton leaked portions of her new book today, and in it she called trump a "creep" that made her skin "crawl".
Yo Hillary, welcome to the club.
It's amazing he has any support much less a stadium full of mouth breathers. And for the record he did more than "hint" that he would pardon Sheriff Joe.
If Clinton, had had the balls to check Trump during the debate, she may have won.
Funny how in one of the audio excerpts played on CNN this evening, Mrs. Clinton mention two options: (A) remain calm and focused or (B) confront Trump head on saying "Back up you creep." Of course, she chose Option A; yet in hindsight, wished that she chose Option B.
Equally amazing, Pilot, was the black Trump supporter near the front row directly behind the president at the Arizona rally vigorously waving a banner "Blacks for Trump." Not to mention, he wore a t-shirt with the message "Trump and republicans are not racist." Interesting to behold indeed as the president rants about the crooked media and the attempts of counter-protesters to dismantle "their culture."
By the way, possible spoiler alert in terms of Mr. Field featuring "Blacks for Trump" in the next Caption Saturday.
So Grassley said he has no objections to releasing the transcript of the ten hours of testimony given to the Judiciary Committee by Glenn Simpson about the veracity of the ever more corroborated Steele Dossier. He didn't say anything about the 40,000 pages of documents Simpson submitted to back up his testimony, but I imagine we'll be seeing some of those, also.
Everyone did the Fergus Lang shuffle when it came out and focused on the hooker pee, and largely ignored the whole "coordinated with the Kremlin" and "was financially compromised" parts, just like they focused on the "grab them by the pussy" tape that came out the same day as the intelligence report on the ongoing Russian interference in the election.
Hillary is at least right about one thing: Fergus is a major creep.
-Doug in Oakland
I could not believe coming across article written by Stephen Crocket of The Root regarding the guy holding up sign "Blacks for Trump."
Conservatives call McCain a RINO. I call him a war pimp. He opposed Trump and voted for Hillary because she supported his "moderate rebels" and Trump didn't. Feel sorry for the victims of McCain's "moderate rebels", not for him.
If Clinton, had had the balls to check Trump during the debate, she may have won.
Sadly, all she had to bring to the game was her clitoris.
But seriously, Arizona is the haven for dickhead republicans in the west. Wingnuts who can't stand the fact that California now awards the top eight political posts in the state to democrats, and of course has a congress entirely controlled by democrats, either fantasize about fleeing to Texas or Arizona, or in some cases they actually do it. They consider it a disgrace to live in California.
That said, except for the marijuana-shiffing dogs they use to make money off of tourists from California and their outrageous border policy, Arizona at least a few years ago, was a very spiritual place. The democrats and liberals still live there. They're just outnumbered. John McCain has definitely brought a pair into play this year. I hope he beats this cancer long enough to keep hiking the Oak Creek and several thousand more barbacoas in Sedona.
I also dig the Zuni, Hopi and Navajo cultures. Totally beautiful. Best local live music on the planet? Don't miss the Rhythm Room in Phoenix on McDowell Road.
His shirt should have read 'Black (singular) for trump' as he was placed out front as the token.
And what do expect from trump?
He identified with 'victims' in order to stir their passions and get elected.
I read about that guy cooning for trump as well. Seems he has some issues.😐
He fits right in with trump,though.
Cons of a feather stick together.
You mean the "white Republican sheriff", Joe Arpaio?
"We came, we saw, he died" and laughing about the rapist passing the lie detector test, were pretty creepy. I wonder if Hillary's book will make her donors feel better about the 1.2 billion they wasted?
Like all Trump supporters, and especially all minority Trump supporters, he's not really the best sort of person.
"Michael the Black Man" at Trump’s Phoenix rally is former cult member who thinks Cherokees are destroying America
I'm from Cherokee-iowa. Cherokee, iowa in Cherokee County, iowa. We ain't out to destroy nobody much.
I'm guessing the token black guy was paid to look stoopid like the rest of Drumpfuck's supporters.
Speaking of paying supporters, I am still waiting for proof that George Soros has paid anyone to protest anything anywhere.
We already know, and it has been proven, that Drumpfuck is not above paying people to show up and pretend to support Drumpfuck.
I'm guessing the token black guy was paid to look stoopid like the rest of Drumpfuck's supporters.
I don't doubt that he was paid to show up.
He doesn't seem to need any help looking stupid, though. That part comes naturally to him.
Trump and his handlers don't care about this. As long as there's a black dude standing there at the rallies, his followers can convince themselves they are not racist. None of them will bother to Google Michael the Black Man's bizarre background.
“'The Real K K K Slave Masters Revealed...& they are CHEROKEE Indians (Hidden Babylonians),' [Michael's] website reads."
Always remember: The Cherokee are Babylonians (hidden ones). And they are the KKK.
And they are bad.
Trump got all the best endorsements. It was like Ted Nugent, Chachi, and this guy.
Right. Like Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
And FJ: The Meat Puppets were from Tempe, and Princess Sparkle Pony was from Tucson.
Republicans ruin everything.
-Doug in Oakland
Chump will never get over his 'Obama was President before me' complex.
"Republicans ruin everything."
No the Democrats and Progressive Center Left types do that. Socialism is a failed model.
Cons of a feather stick together.
6:16 AM
yes, explains the high Negros incarceration rate nation wide. You guys love to toss that salad in prison.
You gotta see Trevor Noah and Roy Wood Jr's takedown of that guy. Hilarious.
F and F check this out.
And FJ: The Meat Puppets were from Tempe, and Princess Sparkle Pony was from Tucson.
Hint please?
Tucson is of course where the demon Loughner tried to off Gaby Giffords.
I was just saying how I visited Sedona, Oak Creek and the Grand Canyon in 2008 and had one of the best vacations of my entire life.
Somehow the sheriff dog just couldn't detect my well-hidden stash when we were pulled over for a routine smuggler/terrorist check on our way to Sedona. I remember playing a lot of scrabble in our little Forest House.
LOL, Pilot: Awesome the way Trevor Noah is thriving tenfold as host of The Daily Show. Segment of Michael - The Black Man is on point.
So Trevor Noah takes a show which had 1.7 million viewers and turns it into one with a bit over 1 million viewers. This is a Black "success".
Kind of like Blacks turned Detroit into a "success"... a "success" that they realized they needed a White mayor to rescue them from. Black people can only produce filth, failure and corruption unless they have adult supervision.
Only somebody that goofy could do that! Ha!
Oh, okay. I was tired last night. :)
Better than white "success" like James, a successful orbital engineer.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Orbital engineer! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Noah is doing a pretty good job. It's not easy to follow an icon. Just ask trump.😉
Ask that mandolin player that had to follow Garrison Keillor!
I only watched the condensed version of the Arizona/Arpaio rally, but according to one of my right-wing acquaintances, Trump famously proposed that the Civil War might have been unnecessary had Lincoln the diplomatic skills of Andrew Jackson.
Jackson was not the worst white supremacist of the 1830s, but he certainly carried his own weight.
I was so offended that Trump would pander to the idiots who believed that Lincoln might have capitulated to the slavers rather than defend the union. I just can't express my thoughts in words.
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