I think Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore has a different take on the scriptures.
I bet the good book was not around when he (Moore) was allegedly sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl back in the day.
The GOP can't seem to catch a break these days. Roy Moore, if you believe the polls, will soon join his colleagues in Washington. And if you believe the well sourced story from the Washington Post, his buddies in the senate will have a pedophile to answer for.
Of course this will be nothing new to them. They have been defending a president who has been accused of sexually assaulting numerous women, and who has admitted that he likes to assault women all along.
As long as they can push through their agenda, it doesn't matter how morally bankrupt their ideological soul-mates are. Down in Alabama the auditor general of that state is actually using the aforementioned bible to defend the actions of Moore.
" Even if the allegations of sexual misconduct made against Roy Moore are true, it's no big deal that he was a 32-year-old man initiating an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old girl, because the Bible is filled with stories of older men with younger women, Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler told The Washington Examiner Thursday.
"Take the Bible, Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance," Ziegler said. "Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist. Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. There's just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual."'
Who knew that pedophilia was a religious thing? So let me get this straight, Roy Moore is Joseph and his poor (alleged) 14 year old victim is Mary? OK then.
The news of Mr. Moore's alleged escapades comes on the day we learned that the president was offered five women as a gift from the Russian government on a trip there in 2013. His bodyguard said they didn't take the Russians up on their offer, and that he just laughed about it.
That's the bodyguard's story and he is sticking to it.
"Roy Moore, if you believe the polls, will soon join his colleagues in Washington. And if you believe the well sourced story from the Washington Post, his buddies in the senate will have a pedophile to answer for."
RealClearPolitics polling average has Moore with a 6-point lead. And this story just broke, so that lead could go down over the next month.
I'm amazed to say it, but it's not inconceivable that Alabama could send a Democratic senator to Washington. Mind you, I wouldn't bet any of my own money on it happening. I'm only saying that it is not totally out of the realm of possibility.
As to the Bible justifying junior high school-aged brides ... are we gonna bring back polygamy, too? The Bible was pretty fine with men having multiple wives. I'm guessing most modern voters aren't.
Also cool in the Bible, but not so much in 2017 America:
* Murdering your kids if they smart-mouth you: "And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death."
* Slavery
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...these "MOE FOES" have hit an all time low.
Trying to normalize and justify sexual harassment and pedophilia by making a reference to the Bible.
Always using the Bible to justify everything from slavery, to Manifest Destiny.
May God help our children, and our women and protect them from these SAVAGES!
...And mothers need to STOP prostituting their sons and daughters. If your child tells you they've been molested GO TO THE DAMN POLiCE AND PRESS CHARGES...don't wait until 20 years later after your child's life is totally ((&^%$$#@!!!! up!
I wouldn't believe a fucking word the Washington Post writes or says. Especially when it comes to one of their ideological enemies like Roy Moore.
This shit-tier attempt at character assassination will only harden his voters.
That's what they do and will continue to do.
That's his story...and he's sticking to it. After all he has a great example...the POTUS
Women need to unite and stand up to this...if not, then this country will be set back 100 years!
Well "sourced" and "Washington Post" should never be in the same sentence, much less paragraph.
Failure again. So sad.
What is it with these Republicans and kids? Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley and now Roy Moore.
Five years after Democrat Senator Mendez was credibly accused of fucking a 15 year old prostitute in the Dominican Republic, when he was Senator, his Republican colleagues still haven't expressed any outrage.
Five minutes after an accusation of Roy Moore hitting on a 14 year old in 1979 come out, and a half dozen cuck Republican Senators are calling for him to drop out of his senate race.
In fact, McCain's statement says he doesn't even care if the allegations are true or not.
What a cocksucker. That's why we are purging the GOP.
Women need to unite and stand up to this...if not, then this country will be set back 100 years!
We need to take this country back at least 200 years.
I wouldn't believe a fucking word the Washington Post writes or says.
And what news sources do you recommend?
PilotX said...
What is it with these Republicans and kids? Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley and now Roy Moore.
Blacks are 92% more likely to be child molesters.
"And what news sources do you recommend?"
Every single bit of news needs to be verified through multiple sources.
Syria declared victory over ISIS today. It wouldn't have happened if Hillary was continuing Obama's CIA program to recruit, arm, train, and pay ISIS or if she got her no fly zone to shoot down Russian and Syrian planes. Obama and Hillary are ISIS.
Blacks are 92% more likely to be child molesters.
white racist trolls are 99% more likely to be inbred.
Every single bit of news needs to be verified through multiple sources.
What multiple sources do you use Clown?
Roy Moore doesn't need to withdraw. He couldn't get it up so couldn't stick it in. Now we know what that little shit water pistol is for.
"Anonymous Walter Cronkite said...
I wouldn't believe a fucking word the Washington Post writes or says.
And what news sources do you recommend?"
Come on, you know that the blog's hate trolls get all their "facts" from Stormfront. Or some "Pepe the Frog"-themed Reddit forum.
These are not people who are fond of reality.
Mr. Morality huh? Hypocrites.
Come on, you know that the blog's hate trolls get all their "facts" from Stormfront. Or some "Pepe the Frog"-themed Reddit forum.
But their bitch asses never admit it. Punks.
Reuters says Hillary instructed Fusion GPS & Russian Lawyer to try and Bait Donald Trump Jr into colluding with Russia— it failed Big League.
Republicans are 100% more likely to diddle kids.
Roy Moore was a controversial, famous figure before -- as the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, getting into hugely controversial rows about a statue of the Ten Commandments at the court. And yet this didn't come out then?
Decades after the alleged incidents, the women come forward? At the same time the Democrats are fighting more desperately than ever to get a piece of the federal government back?
I call bullshit.
Blacks are 92% more likely to be child molesters.
I call bullshit.
Of course you do, you Republican child molestors like to stick together.
These child predator savages are constantly acting like they are the victims.
The real victims are the children and women that they victimize who have to live with the mental, physical and emotional problems that result.
Definitions for Dummies:
Child - anyone less than 18 yrs old.
Adult- anyone 18 years of age or older.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if these pedophile predators are violating their own children.
I'm sure that some of their own children also have "HORRIFIC" stories to tell.
It's interesting how the ones that tote the Bible and preach the gospel, and point fingers at gays, and make judgements about women's rights and hold themselves to be the most moral are the biggest sinners, hypocrites and CREEPS!
Definitions for Dummies:
Child - anyone less than 18 yrs old.
Adult- anyone 18 years of age or older.
So, since Barack Obama Sr. was fucking Stanley Ann Dunham when she was 17, he was a child molester?
So, since Barack Obama Sr. was fucking Stanley Ann Dunham when she was 17, he was a child molester?
Depends on the state. But we know for damn sure Roy Moore is a child molestor. Republicans are child molestors!
The Republican speaker of the House was in prison for molesting boys. Republicans love to molest kids!
Maybe Roy Moore should have had the 11 Commandments in his courtroom. The 11th being Thou shalt not molest little kids!
"But we know for damn sure Roy Moore is a child molestor"
Actually the allegations were that he "hit on" an underage girl.
No molestation occurred.
Holy shit, the donald's own party doesn't trust him with the nuclear codes. They trusted Obama though.
No molestation occurred.
He had the little girl touch his junk. To everyone on the planet except for child molesting Republicans that IS molestation. You Republicans are sick and stick up for child molestors.
Didn't trump go into the dressing room while little girls were changing? Boy, Republicans are some molesting mother fuckers! Where is the religious right when you need them?
Butt Trumpet has the solution. Send Jefferson Beauregard back to the Senate and make Judge Roy Stringbean AG
I wish Roy Moore would touch my junk.
The intensity of black disillusionment speaks to something else. American blacks enjoy a lush standard of living far beyond their native capacity to supply. This fact is one the feet of their African cousins reiterate at every opportunity. Yet they are increasingly miserable and immiserating.
I think that is because man does not evaluate his fortune in absolutes, but in relation. Blacks are furious that they see so many whites with so much more. Whether they themselves have more than ever before, or the capacity to ever accommodate their own material aspirations is never considered. Already abundant in nature, this envy is fertilized to nausea by an entirely separate tribe in the media. Thus when a group endowed with modest powers of circumspection and already prone to hysterics, is prodded continuously with woke propaganda, the only surprise is that a whole 12 percent of them are somewhat content. Of course this discontent can be easily alleviated through benign separation.
vanity fair? seriously?
The deep state likes to have pedophiles in positions of power. They can blackmail them and get rid of them when they want. The Washington Post is controlled by the CIA. AOL owns the WP and AOL also has a contract to provide cloud service storage to the CIA that is worth almost twice as much as the WP is. The WP lies, but they also have connections who can watch you through your smart TV etc., so maybe the allegations are true.
"Actually the allegations were that he 'hit on' an underage girl.
No molestation occurred."
You must have missed the part where he placed the 14-year-old's hand on his penis.
Her testimony makes it sound not entirely consensual, but even if she consented, that would still have been statutory rape, even in 1979 in backward-ass Alabama.
"The deep state likes to have pedophiles in positions of power."
Makes sense, better vite how we want or them skeletons will start dancing out of the closet. House of Cards type shit.
"Blacks are furious that they see so many whites with so much more."
I don't see this among my peers and I know a lot of blah people. I travel a lot and I see many whites with much less than myself, family and friends. It's almost funny when white racists try to tell us what we think. Interesting hypothesis but still a fail.
Field, do you envy whites for what they have? How about you PC? Doc?
BTW that sentence is atrocious. I know whomever wrote this doesn't have more understanding of the English language. 😂
How much you wanna bet Porter cut and pasted that bullshit from some other site. Another white supremacist moron trying to sound smart. Dummy posted that dumb shit on a blog that had nothing to do with what he wrote (oops, stole). Stay on topic Mr. Superior Race.
"The deep state likes to have pedophiles in positions of power. They can blackmail them and get rid of them when they want. The Washington Post is controlled by the CIA. AOL owns the WP and AOL also has a contract to provide cloud service storage to the CIA that is worth almost twice as much as the WP is. The WP lies, but they also have connections who can watch you through your smart TV etc., so maybe the allegations are true."
And you are controlled by the tinfoil-hatter conspiracy websites you frequent.
Here's the site Porter writes. I guess he has to spread his bullshit around because nobody reads his bullshit. Just some more I hate blacky whites are so smart and negroes lack impuse control blah blah blah. Thanks for the input Porter but you aren't welcomed here or at least have enough impulse control to stay on topic. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
"Who knew that pedophilia was a religious thing?"
Lots and lots of Catholic priests.
So Roy Moore tried to fuck a 14 year old girl when he was 32?
It's Alabama, why didn't he just get his mom to adopt her? It would have been SOP if she was his little sister.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
Anoymous @ 1:30 AM. H A Goodman and Jimmy Dore are liberals who speak truth to power on Youtube. Goodman voted for Sanders then Jill Stein. When there are long hearings on C-Span, Fox News will tell you what News Corp wants you to hear. MSNBC tells you what Comcast wants you to hear. They lie for their corporate sponsors. Mark Dice is a conservative who exposes CNN lies. The other day I showed someone who didn't believe the claims, C-Span clips of Comey saying the DNC didn't let the government see their supposedly hacked server and that he didn't think Anthoney Weiner read the classified emails that Comey thought were sent to Weiner to print. Also Clapper saying the 17 agencies were really just 3, and Mueller helping lie us into the Iraq War. It is very easy to verify the WP CIA connecton with Google. You should turn off your TV and do some research.
Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comedian who dabbles in politics. I'm not sure how he qualifies as an actual news source.
HA Goodman is a raving lunatic who should probably be locked up in a mental facility somewhere. He is a former Ron Paul groupie who developed an unhealthy, deranged obsession with Hillary Clinton. I would be surprised if she doesn't have a restraining order against him. Very messed-up dude.
"So Roy Moore tried to fuck a 14 year old girl when he was 32?
It's Alabama, why didn't he just get his mom to adopt her? It would have been SOP if she was his little sister."
He actually could have married her at 14 with permission of her parents. That would have made it legal in Alabama.
You know what's crazy? The law still works like that in most of the U.S. If you're a middle-aged adult, you'll go to jail for sex with a teenager -- unless mom and dad sign off on you marrying him/her.
And Alabama allows this marriage exception down to the age of 14.
No Pilot,I do not envy anything that "Mr. Charlie" has.☺
I do have a black friend with a serious tennis court in his back yard.
Makes me green with envy every time I see or play on it.😐
What kind of mother in her right mind leaves her 14 year old daughter in the company of some white man stranger who is 32 years old outside of a courthouse to "watch her" teenaged daughter while she goes inside the courtroom for a custody hearing?
a) a retard
b) a pimp
c) a mother that doesn't even know or care that her boyfriend or husband is a closet pedophile
c) an opportunist
d) all of the above
*And we only know the parts of the story that the victim chose to share with the press.
..a rape may have actually occurred but the victim may be too embarrassed to admit it because
victims often blame themselves.
Judging from the white female vote for the POTUS...
I'm betting that Moore will have N.P.A.A. (No Problem At All).
Looks like OJ is up to his old tricks. How long before he murders again??
field negro said...
No Pilot,I do not envy anything that "Mr. Charlie" has.☺
So what is it then that drives your hatred?
Anonymous Clown World America said...
I wouldn't believe a fucking word the Washington Post writes or says. Especially when it comes to one of their ideological enemies like Roy Moore.
This shit-tier attempt at character assassination will only harden his voters.
Moore will never be seated, especially if Dems gain control. Moore has said numerous times he believes his bible trumps the constitution so if he takes his oath of office and swears to uphold the constitution, he will have committed perjury. Of course, that is a crime frequently committed by Drumpfuck's people and doesn't bother wingnuts in the least.
Ricky said shit.
There is nothing in your link that even hints at what you claimed. Better go back to elementary school and learn to read and comprehend.
You get a baker's dozen Pinocchios for this one lie.
Obama's mom and dad did not meet until she was 19 and in college in Hawaii. However, the age of consent in Hawaii is 16 and in certain cases 14-15 year olds can legally have sex with another person up to five years older. You want the gory details you will have to look them up yerselves.
Lawd love some stoopid wingnut legislators in Aladamnbama. This is brilliant. Charge the victims of sex perverts for not coming out earlier. It isn't bad enough that they would be savaged by the media and political hangers on, let's make not wanting to face humiliation a crime, too.
moron from iowa said...
Obama's mom and dad did not meet until she was 19 and in college in Hawaii.
1. Stanley Ann Dunham was born November 29, 1942
2. Barack Obama Jr. was born August 4, 1961.
That means she was 18 when he was born. And he would have been conceived right around her 18th birthday. Assuming he started banging her at least a week before she got pregnant, she would have been 17.
Anonymous said...
These child predator savages are constantly acting like they are the victims.
The real victims are the children and women that they victimize who have to live with the mental, physical and emotional problems that result.
Definitions for Dummies:
Child - anyone less than 18 yrs old.
Adult- anyone 18 years of age or older.
Barack Obama Sr. raped Stanley Ann Dunham when she was 17.
Bwahashahahahahahaha! Drumpfuck- an enemy of the state.
Maybe she was 18. Maybe. Now prove the rape. Not even statutory rape since she was above the age of consent.
I'm only giving you wrong 99.9% of the time fuckers a half inch. And, at least, I can admit when I am wrong .1% in a great while.
mike from iowa said...
"I'm only giving you wrong 99.9% of the time fuckers a half inch."
That's all you got.
'Member this wingnut fuckers?
Breitbart and wingnuts went gaga over this video for what they claimed she said about white farmers getting help from her.
And since the bible isn't true,and all the people in it never existed,what pedophile wrote it!!!
Here are a few of the wingnut excuses for Moore's behavior, if it is true he did this stuff. Not surprisingly, most would vote for Moore even if they had video proof of him doing the deed. They prefer child molestors to Dems.
My guess is the same 4 girls after Moore made this up in Minnesota. Can't wait for the spin on this one.
Despite what the president claims, Chicago does not have “the strongest gun laws in our nation.” It once did, but the laws that gave it that distinction have since been rescinded. And a spike in homicides occurred after those laws were changed.
There's no proof that these allegations from 38 years ago are true.
I still support Roy Moore.
Republican Establishment: These allegations are so terrible we must suspend due process and Roy Moore must step aside!
Moore: Nope
Republican Establishment: Y-you’ll be sorry!
No proof allegations against HRC were true 30 years ago, but did that stop wingnuts from bringing them up over and over and over and over and over and over and over.........
A teacher at a private school in Sioux Center, iowa-heart of the reddest, most conservative county in iowa has 140 counts of messing with 5th grade students. Must be genetic.
Teachers are all liberal democrats. Figures he was a diddler.
Foleys and Hasterts and Craigs, oh my...
-Doug in Oakland
Teachers are all liberal democrats. Figures he was a diddler.
I disagree with that.
Remember me? Speaker of the freaking House?
I still support Roy Moore.
Of course you do.
Barack Obama Sr. raped Stanley Ann Dunham when she was 17.
And none of us will vote for Barack Obama Sr. but you sick fucks continue to vote for child molestors. Sick bastards!
I voted for Obama because he was a homosexual.
When I was younger (15, before I transitioned to a male) Wayne Bennett trapped me in a hotel room and made me watch him insert an American flag up his anus.
Since The Field Negro believes all victims regardless of the source of the accusation, Wayne will be moving immediately to Jamaica.
This is the woman who accused Roy Moore pictured with both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton:
Anonymous @ 2:52 AM (who sounds like Mike from Iowa) you are incapable of discerning truth. You chose to believe Comcast and their BP and Boeing sponsors of their MSNBC network instead of honest independent journalists and what makes sense. Did your corporate masters tell you that the 17 agencies that decided the Russians hacked the DNC was really only hand picked individuals from 3 agencies. H A goodman said it long before the NY Times finally admitted it. And you can look up James Clapper saying it in a hearing. Did they tell you the one agency that would know for sure, the NSA, only has moderate confidence and even high confidence is only a quess. Did your corporate masters tell you about the VIPS group findings that the DNC "hack" was copied to a USB device and not hacked remotely. Goodman, The Nation, and Bloomberg did. Did they tell you that the DNC never let anybody in the government see their supposedly hacked server? Goodman and James Comey did. The Russian hack lie came from a private company the DNC hired, CrowdStrike. As for Jimmy Dore, only comedians could criticize the Soviet government. But you probably don't know that Russia isn't even Comunist anymore. And court jesters could make fun of kings. Al Franken was a comedian who dabbled in politics much less than Dore did.
Racist doesn't work anymore.
Hitler doesn't work anymore.
Nazi doesn't work anymore.
Homophobe doesn't work anymore.
Islamophobe doesn't work anymore.
Supremacist doesn't work anymore.
Let's try child molester without any proof and see what happens.
Oh Limpaw, you fucking moron rascal, you. The 17 intel agencies shit has been explained over and over.
Time to move on to the newat debunked scandal in your laundry hamper. Got to have yer little pretend fantasies. Tsk, tsk, tsk. There is evidence all over the place showing how and when Russia hacked, what Russia hacked and why. Do try to catch up. This is the last time I am going to gently rebuke you.
Funniest and most telling stat about wingnuts is I have not heard a single wingnut say lock him up if he is found to have done these things.
Of course they won't lock him up. There are statutes of limitations that have expired on these allegations. Nevertheless, no one has called for a penalty for an alleged child molestor. Maybe he had emails?
Let's try child molester without any proof and see what happens.
If should work because Rrpublicans love molestors even more than nazis, homophobes, racists and islamaphobes and they love them!
Gawd, is nothing sacred? Queen Elizabeth owns a MacDonalds restaurant of all things. Maybe that is where HRC is running her pedo ring out of its basement-if it has one.
mike from iowa said...
Funniest and most telling stat about wingnuts is I have not heard a single wingnut say lock him up if he is found to have done these things.
Maybe because he couldn't be locked up for this whether or not you think it is merited.
It's not a crime unless you actually have sex with the minor, and in any event the statute of limitations ran out over 30 years ago.
It's not a crime unless you actually have sex with the minor, and in any event the statute of limitations ran out over 30 years ago.
So let's elect guys who think it's ok for grown assed men to get 14 year olds to diddle their dongs. Republicans are sick fucks. And after we vote we can shoot up a pizzaria because. breitbard says so. Republicans are dumbassed child molestors.
Republicans can only get elected if they're treasonous, racist, nazi, homophobic, Islamaphobic child molestors. Now get out there and grab some 14 year old pussies!
"So let's elect guys who think it's ok for grown assed men to get 14 year olds to diddle their dongs"
Fight those straw men, faggot.
1. It's not a crime
2. He didn't do it.
No one is defending the right of grown men to fuck 14 year old girls.
Your party is the one that sanctified homsexuality, normalized transgenderism, and is working on pedophelia acceptance.
One of Roy Moore's accusers worked as interpreter for the Hillary Clinton campaign
Maybe because he couldn't be locked up for this whether or not you think it is merited.
It's not a crime unless you actually have sex with the minor, and in any event the statute of limitations ran out over 30 years ago.
OMFG! Why didn't I think of this? Oh wait, I did think of this and even put it in writing.
OTOH there are hundreds if not gazillions of black men in prison for crimes they did not do. So apparently locking up innocents is okay if they be blackuns, amirite?
Pedo Moore hasn't actually come out and denied he dated teenage grope toys. He said he didn't usually date teenage grope toys. Of course, he, like all other scumbag wingnuts runs directly to Fake Noize where they massage his balls and his tarnished image of himself.
Sammy Sosa thinks it's okay to be white.
Moore hasn't actually come out and denied he dated teenage grope toys
Yes he did.
Well, well, well said...
This is the woman who accused Roy Moore pictured with both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton:
Dang it. I looked and looked and could not find a single law saying that sign language interpreters couldn't work for HRC as sign language interpreters if they come out after the election is a year long memory as an accuser of a despicable fucking wingnut perv.
Just not illegal, fella. Course if you have irrefutable proof there is/was a conspiracy I'd sure like to hear it.
Anonymous STFU mike said...
Moore hasn't actually come out and denied he dated teenage grope toys
Yes he did.
No he didn't.
I knew those Anonymous comments were you Mike from Iowa. It was very unlikely there could be two people that stupid.You sure don't like having your cognitive dissonance illusions challenged.
Your party is the one that sanctified homsexuality, normalized transgenderism, and is working on pedophelia acceptance.
Says the guy who's party molests kids, burns crosses, idolizes traitors and flies the flag of the nation that fought against America. You traitorous racist homophobic child molesting fucks.
and is working on pedophelia acceptance.
that's a good thing because high ranking Republicans really love to molest kids. Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley and now a fucking state Supreme Court judge. Republicans are some sick fucks.
Mike Flynn, who had to quit because he lied, is going to jail.
No need to find a non-child molestor to run for office huh?
Limpbaugh said...
I knew those Anonymous comments were you Mike from Iowa. It was very unlikely there could be two people that stupid.You sure don't like having your cognitive dissonance illusions challenged.
Steeerikkkke whatever. Yer out. I don't hide behind anymooses. I post as mike from iowa because I am mike from iowa. What's yer excuse, dummy?
- Remember that the Bible ALSO justifies adult men having sex with pre-adult males (i.e., male children).
- Remember:
1) Leviticus very specifically cites that a *man* is not to "lie with another *man* as with a woman" (i.e., adult male, which was indicated in the original language and, as far as I've been able to find over the years, in all the translations as well).
2) There is NOTHING in the Bible which condemns adults having sex with children.
3) In the story of Joseph, the Bible specifically states that his story starts when he is "16 years of age, and not yet a man".
- You do the math.
- And add that to all the "greatness" that these Dominionists and other Anti-Civil-Law ((a.k.a. Anti-Constitution, a.k.a. Enemies of the Constitution)) and their stooges will let loose on this country.
- Meanwhile, get your passports in order, in case you need to seek Asylum really quickly...
You asked for it kids and here it is. About 2 million fucking wingnut political pervs- give or take a few thousand. Grab a box of popcorn and enjoy the ride through wingnut depravity.
ps they ain't all in here, yet.
SURPRISE! Trump is a HUGE HIT with foreign audiences. It happened in his Middle East trip and now it's happening again in Asia.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
7:27 PM
Anonymous trump=criminal said...
Mike Flynn, who had to quit because he lied, is going to jail.
7:29 PM
No. He's not going to jail. Hillary is not going, Obama isn't. Nixon didn't. Bill C didn't. Who has?
You should realize the picture.
bullshit. Lock him up!
Anonymous Ricky said...
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
10:12 PM
You get 25 Pinocchios and 25 Pants on Fire for lying again.
Prove yer claim. I want to see charges, court proceedings and a conviction or else shut the fuck up about stuff you obviously know nothing about.
Bill Clinton is a Democrat thus he doesn't rape little kids, that's what Republicans do. Just ask the former Republican speaker of the house who used to watch little boys shower. Now that's just sick but that's how they roll.
Bill Clinton is a rapist who flies around with convicted pedophiles on a private pedo jet to a private pedo island. Why is he not in prison?
No, you have him confused with Roy Moore. Dumbass.
Field, I think it's amazing how some Republicans, including some who've left comments on this thread, demonstrate an immediate reaction to attack the Washington Post and simply dismiss the sourced and corroborated stories of the women (plural) who claim Roy Moore was initiating sexual contact with them as an adult when they were in their teens.
One of the first steps in the establishment of an authoritarian regime is to undermine the press, suppress free speech and replace truth with a rigid ideology - it's sad that the current White House has been successful in achieving that with the alt-right community and many of the approximately 30 percent of the American people who still approve of Trump.
Also remarkable is that, for some, the gut reaction to virtually any press coverage unfavorable to Republican politicians is to attack Hillary or Bill Clinton - almost as if the Clinton's simultaneously function as a teddy bear to cling to and a boogeyman to despise for many Republicans.
I can't help but wonder, if the 14-year-old sister of some of the Republicans attacking the Washington Post story came in the door and said a 32-year-old man had initiated sexual contact with them, would that be okay?
I think this blanket dismissal of the claims of Roy Moore's behavior are reflective of a larger misogyny that exists within the Republican Party as a whole - a party now led by a thrice-married serial philanderer who once bragged to Billy Bush, "You can grab 'em by the pussy, you can do anything."
So sad!
trump molests his daughter.
I can't help but wonder, if the 14-year-old sister of some of the Republicans attacking the Washington Post story came in the door and said a 32-year-old man had initiated sexual contact with them, would that be okay?
yes they would
Bill Clinton
culturegeist said...
Also remarkable is that, for some, the gut reaction to virtually any press coverage unfavorable to Republican politicians is to attack Hillary or Bill Clinton - almost as if the Clinton's simultaneously function as a teddy bear to cling to and a boogeyman to despise for many Republicans.
- Um, "almost as if"...? There is no "almost", no "as if", about it; there are standard scapegoats and standard phrases which show up in every right-wing comment. (Not the same as "conservatives" - right wingers call actual conservatives "RINOs".)
- In the right-wing universe, ANY and ALL criminal and/or immoral actions by ANY and ALL right-wingers are magically made all hunky-dory and peachy-keen and the bee's knees through the verbal "alchemy" of invoking the prescribed name.
- So, they believe that ANY and ALL sexual misconduct, or downright crimes, are magically washed from ANY and ALL right-wingers who commit them by chanting "Cliiiiiinton, Cliiiiiinton..." over and over, as if the mere mention of the name constitutes a rational argument.
- Similarly, if anyone DARES have the temerity to complain about billionaires meddling in the election process, the right-wingers chant "Soros, SOOOOOO-rooooossss..." while sacrificing a fried chicken wing to their Golden Calf, or Golden Corral, or something...
CALLL GIRL kolkata
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