"Jay Tea, I, a black chick from Harlem, formally bestow unto to you, not just the authority, but the moral authority to speak about blackness...Now do keep in mind that I voted for GWB twice, loved Rudy G, wanted to smack David Dinkins quite a few times, never ever believed a word that Anita Hill said about my hero Justice Thomas and would love nothing more than for Hillary to have her clock cleaned come November 2008...So my blackness authority to give you authority (complete moral authority) may be a bit questionable...Nevertheless, consider yourself a brother and preach on my man...Preach on...
Feel free to use my name when folks question what makes you think you are an authority...Just tell them I, a black chick, from Harlmen, bestowed upon you this most precious honor...So there!
7. Posted by Adrienne Warden October 10, 2007 3:58 PM "
The following comments were lifted from a *wingnut* web site. [No links for you] I lifted a comment from one of my cousins named Adrienne, because I wanted every one reading this post to get an idea of what goes on in the mind of a house Negro.
So if you are reading this post, and you find yourself in sync with Adrienne, I really do need your help. I know we haven't always gotten along, and many of you (House Negroes) think I am nuts to spend so much time in the fields, --when I could have it so good in the house. But could you help me just this once?
If you do this for me, I promise I won't ask you for anything else.
Here is the deal; since you are in the house with massa, I need you to pay close attention when he is talking in whispers, or when he breaks off into a room and he thinks is out of earshot. I need you to do this because I have been sensing that massa is up to something and I can't quite put my finger on it. I don't know, massa has just been making me really nervous lately. All this talk about going to war with Iran, and on a domestic level, all this shit with the nooses, and the high profile right wingers race baiting on a regular; just have us field Negroes feeling a little nervous and uneasy. I mean I can tell you that we are seriously thinking of running away from the plantation. We are so frustrated and fed up with all the shit that's going on that we are actually killing and turning on each other in record numbers. We are turning our frustrations on each other instead of on massa, and that bothers me.
So come on house Negroes, when you get some information from massa could you pass it on to me please? Let's work together on this one. Just hook your brothers in the fields up just this once. I promise I won't tell massa you told me anything. You have my word as a field Negro, and you can relax, because your place in the house will still be secure.
*sigh* Did you post this to make me shake my head and tear up? Pretty cruel Field.
Field I'm a long time reader, and I ask this question in sincerity... What makes you a field negro? What are you doing that sets you apart? I ask because I am not sure I know the distinction (though I know where the analogy comes from), and sometimes it seems to me that someone is a house negro in your book if they disagree with you, especially politically.
I love your blog fieldnegro...but let's be candid here...if you are african living in america blogging on the internet you are in the house.
The brokest of the broke in this country still live better than 95% of the real field negroes who deal with american foreign policy instead of american domestic policy.
Massa making us nervous because we have a good enough view from the guest bedroom to notice his behavior change.
"Field I'm a long time reader, and I ask this question in sincerity... What makes you a field negro?"
dmd, that is a fair question. The best way to answer it is to tell you to read "Field Negro 101", which is a post I did in August of 06. (Check the archives on the side-bar for it)That post pretty much sums up my views on the entire house negro field negro dichotomy among black folks.
I think that 1965[i think it was 65] speech by Malcolm X is right up there with King's "I have a dream" speech and the "Gettysbrg address" as one of the greatest in American history. You could give the same speech today and it would be fitting.
And no, your politics doesn't matter. You could be a house Negro and be a democrat (see some members of the CBC) or be a field Negro and be somewhat conservative.
"I love your blog fieldnegro...but let's be candid here...if you are african living in america blogging on the internet you are in the house.."
Yes kemet...I am literally in the house, but metaphorically I am not.
Being a field Negro is all about your state of mind. Of course we can't literally live in the fields in 2007. Although if someone gave me my forty acres and Ms. Vorhies to work the land with, I would give it a shot ;)
I can most definetly feel this one Field. I'm a little nervous myself cuz it seems like they are get'n really bold (as if they weren't before) with the in your face stuff that they're say'n these days. Plus, the media isn't giving the coverage of the real goings on and the topics that really need to be in headlines. They play it off as a political strategy (meaning for the republicans to ditch the debate with Tavis) but I thought elections supposed to be for the people ( I know, how naive of me) not just how they can win and all this pandering. We need to vote, people! we have alot of power if we collectively use it!!
That really isn't fair, and is no different than the standard "purity" thing. After all, how can I care about the environment...and drive a car!!!? How can someone oppose the war...and pay taxes?!!!
The reality is that unless you wear sackcloth and ashes, and wander the countryside begging you are in some way a hypocrite if you also have a social conscience. The only choices are to give everything away and go for the sack cloth and ashes, or become a Republican, which is silly, but so goes the purity crowd.
all this shit with the nooses,
OMG i was just saying this yesterday....i am getting a little wary of where america is headed...
and, how have you been field? i've been muy busy and haven't had time to stop by my fav spots, so i've got a lot of catch-up reading to do.
hope all is well.
If selling out your dignity as a human being, in exchange for wearing Massa and Missy's hand-me-downs, and eating their leftovers, plus getting paid in shiny trinkets to turn on your brethren so they can get a beat down works for you, then don't cry to me about a damned "high-tech lynching" when Massa and Missy start to suspect you're getting to be an "uppity Negro" who needs to be bitch-slapped back into your "place" and sent to work in the Fields with those "field Negroes" you spent time dissing.
Dissing, just to curry favor with Massa.
No place to run, no place to hide. You still have to face yourself, and the conscience that confirms that a house Negro is the worst kind of Negro, and need to be dealt with permanently.
john, thanks for giving "kemetkind" a reality check.
Waaazup muze? Nice to hear from you again my sis.
christ. prog., this is what I love about u. You always say just how you feel :)
Field, is this ho crazy? She voted for GWB? Believed Clarence (hell I did I book panel with the brothers who wrote the bio from the Washington Post--it is documented, not he said/she said, that Clarence was a porn addict at Yale, he had this thing for Anita and his fat pinktoe wife's the crazy wingnut who wears the pants in that pair). Endorsements like that, you don't need.
Now, I'll tell you an inconvenient truth. I voted for Bob Dole against Slick Willie. I saw a debacle coming and I stand by my foresight. Black folks mindless worship of this m-f is staggering. You may as well call him the first black president, because he is as devious, self-aggrandizing and full of shit as any member of the Congressional Black Caucus and a whole slew of local black pols.
That said, is he better than Dubya's gangstas? Hell yes. But why are we always asked to pick the lesser of a dozen evils...like his wife over Barack? Or Hillary over any one of these GOP fools (though I stand by my boy McCain if he goes back to the way he was when he took on Bush four years ago).
If we take a moment to understand how white supremacy (lunacy) works then we understand we africans in america are tools being used to help prop it up.
As long as you're here in this country not investing in african nations every dollar you spend here helps prop it up.
While you're here propping it up, in relative comfort, the real field negroes on the planet who are still physically on the plantation have to bear the brunt of the beat down from this white lunacy.
If you black in America, think globally...literally and metaphorically...you in the house. You right up next to massa.
Sure, you can choose to be a "spook who sat by the door", or you can be a clarence.
But that's no different than it was back in the day when some house negroes ground up a lil glass in massa's tea every day and let him die a slow death...while others said "we sick massa" and really meant it.
Either way, both of em still in the house, and thus had choices real field negroes don't have.
Your post represents one house negro highlighting the assimilationist fault of another house negro. That's the reality.
Brother Malcolm's metaphor breaks down when you try to apply it narrowly.
Don't take it as a diss...you've a great blog.
kemetkind,I didn't take it as a diss. I understand your point-although I think you are a little misguided.
"Your post represents one house negro highlighting the assimilationist fault of another house negro. That's the reality."
Again, I might be a HN metaphorically, but I am not in actions or philosophy.
I am not sure I understand your point about real field Negroes. Are you suggesting that Africans in America actually move to Africa or some other Third World Country? Are you suggesting that Africans in America invest in business ventures in Africa, or send disposable capital to Africa?
If you are; I think I have you there. I am from a Third World country (Jamaica) and I do invest quite a few dollars in my native country-- thank you very much. I must confess that I don't watch my stock portfolio or my mutual funds as much as I should, so I honestly don't know where my fund provider is putting my money.
But I do know where I invest my time and volunteer my skills. And since it wouldn't be practical to do so in Africa or any Third World country (because I live HERE) I will continue to invest my volunteer efforts here in A-merry-ca.
I would hope my brothers and sisters in Africa (or Jamaica) would do the same thing.
Thats what's up. Keep doing what ya doing bro.
OK, Mr. Field, this is a House Negro giving you the 411 about nine months beforehand: It's obvious that the Democrats would win the presidential election in 2008, if a presidential election were held.
Instead, there is going to be a terrorist attack that compels my good friend President Bush to announce a State of Siege, after which he will brutally punish the terrorists, all of whom live in Iran.
Since we Republicans will never trust a woman or Black man with the safety of the United States, president Bush (who can be trusted) will retain the presidency until the threat is over, that is, until the War Against Terror is over, that is, indefinitely.
I can't give you any specific advice, except to invest in companies that will do well during a state of seige.
Also, stay clear of those who argue that "race" does not exist, because such people are viewed as subversive and dangerous by the Bush Administration.
Field, I appreciate that you find this insane stuff on the wingnut sites, because I just don't have the stomach to go there myself anymore. It never surprises me (Bush's ratings level off at about 30%, & that's still a lot of lunatics) but it never fails to make me feel sick.
Okay this is old...and I am just catching up, but since when did you and me become cousins?
It is rather interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.
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