I bet the "O" man knows what the 1st Cavalry Division at the la Drang Valley felt like after tonight's ABC debate. I mean WTF? Was it me or did it seem like little George Stephanopoulos couldn't wait to get his teeth into my boy. I mean what the hell was that all about? The first half hour was all about Reverend Wright, and the "O" man's "bitter" comments. I thought this was supposed to be a debate about the issues? Honest to god they would have been better off on the FAKE NEWS NETWORK. These two clowns were a joke. I like a tough moderator, but come on George, I know you used to work for the Clintons, but could you have at least tried to put a journalist hat on? What a fucking disgrace! I bet the little motherfucker really felt like Napoleon tonight. Affirmative action, guns, all the wedge issues to fire up certain white folks and turn them off from a certain black candidate even more. If the former first lady was a baseball player she would be the league MVP after tonight's debate with all the soft balls she had thrown her way.
Now I can see why some folks in the black media here in Philly was against these two clowns moderating the debate in the first place. I am not sure it could have gotten any worse than this. Still, I have to give the "O" man credit, he did a good job just keeping his composure and not jumping from behind the podium and giving little George a real Philly ass whooping.
I know the debate is not over yet, but I haven't heard one question about any of the shit affecting urban A-merry-ca. Issues such as education, crime, a fair credit and banking system, housing. Or, what kind of judges do you plan to appoint when you become President? What are your views on NAFTA and immigration? How do you plan to rebuild the Gulf Coast? What about the mess we have with our Airlines in this country? The A-merry-can dollar is sinking all over the world and we owe the Chinese a zillion dollars, how do we get out of this mess? Do you have a plan to catch Bin Laden and bring him to justice before he dies in a cave of natural causes? And are you going to issue an executive order to force Lark Voorhees to call the field Negro? Okay that one was bullshit, but they might as well have asked it. Given the bullshit questions they did ask, how could a question like that have been worse? Pledged Delegates? Who gives a fuck? Let's see what they are going to do when they become President of these divided states. Let the dumbocratic party decide who they will elect and how they will elect them. You two clowns should have been asking questions that effect real A-merry-cans, not bullshit questions to satisfy inside the beltway pundits and political junkies.
Thank goodness this farce is over. I bet the "O" man is glad. The poor guy might have actually gotten votes tonight from people who felt sorry for his ass. I bet he thought he was in North Philly, or Southwest somewhere. He couldn't believe he was in a WSZ at 5th and Market. After the gang up and beat down he took from these two gang bangers in suits from ABC, he had to have been asking his handlers what happened. Where is Philly's finest when you need them?
Anyway, mercifully, it's over. I have a pretty strong stomach, but I can only take so much.
It hasn't aired on the West Coast yet and I wanted to watch it on tv instead of my computer. Now I won't even bother.
Unbelievable! I wish everyone would take a minute to send ABC news a letter complaining of the tabloid journalism we all just witnessed. The loser of the debate was ABC. The first 50 minutes on all the non-issue minutia for both of them. Barack held the high ground throughout and did not let ugly go without challenging it, from both the so-called moderators and Hillary. But really, ABC deserves to get blasted for their complete lack of integrity and for their total disregard for what the American public cares about.... its the issues stupid!!!
dear field, that was ugly and that is the unanimous consensus. obama is a saint. swiftboat extravaganza. i lost track.
what to do?
definitely send the saint some more money.
drink some ...what do you call it?
obamaide. YES WE CAN!
Oh Yea, on a positive note, Bruce Springsteen endorsed Obama today and he picked up 3 more super delegates and all the polls today show he is steady or gaining in PA, that he is considered more electable in the general election, and that he is ahead by significant margins in Indiana and North Carolina....
And finally, he held his own tonight. That is all he needs to do. He is going to win in November.
Stephanopolos should pick a team and stick to it. He's been beating up the Clintons ever since he left the White House, but for some reason, even those who left the Clinton White House are still showing loyalty to them when they don't deserve it.
The "O" man better "man up" and get ready to take a whole lot more arse whippings because what the Borg Queen hasn't broken out, the ReThugs are lining up with collective cans of "Whip-Ass" and they are ready to break them out on Obama.
I hope at the end, for Obama, it's all worth it, cause I'm tired of the whole dang shebangabang, and we haven't even gotten to the convention yet. The Borg Queen seems to not have a clue, and from what I hear, she has no money in those coiffers to buy herself one, either.
Because I was at a meeting and missed the debate, I went on Huff Post; and almost everyone seems to be saying the same thing you said: that it was a crappy debate due to the tabloid questions, especially by Stephanopolis. This makes sense. He's a Hillary fan.
One thing I know: i'll never watch ABC again.
Field your points are right on. This debate was disgusting. The flag pin question is so stupid. I dont see a pin on either of them. And damn I dont wear one, hell neither does any person I know. How stupid. Why dont we just let the head of the Klan ask the questions? Charles and George might as well have been, just that. I still say that these men can't seem to believe that a Brotha will be president before before any of them (and believe me if his skin was white, they wouldn't be doing this). Jealously rears it ugly head. A black man succeeding where they could not is a hard pill to for 99%of them to swallow. And I hope they all choke in november!
"definitely send the saint some more money.
drink some ...what do you call it?
obamaide. YES WE CAN!"
andyfrombroolkyn, sorry, can't send him anymore; this household is already maxed out. (I am pretty sure Mrs. Field is close to that $2,300 figure) I would drink some O-Aide, but they still don't have my flavor yet ;)
It just came on out here in LA. I'm boycotting and watching PBS instead so ABC doesn't get the ratings.
I read that the question that Stephanopolous asked abut Ayers came straight from Sean Hannity.
I hope this backfires on their sorry behinds bigtime. No questions on education. None on the Olympics, none on Hedge Fund managers having their biggest paydays ever? Yeah, let me watch this show about the Mayan language instead so I don't have to feel like throwing up.
los angelista, you make a good point about the question "little George" asked. Yes it did come straight from right wing talk rado. And they asked the idiot to ask the question tonight and he did it.
Wow! You can't make this shit up. And people think I am an Obamaholic because of my post. No, I just hate right wing talk radio mofos that much. And when they influence a debate with what is supposed to be a credible news organization, it is a flat out disgrace.
I decided pretty early to just watch until I head boos.
This is Philly. WE WILL BOO YOU.
We throw toilet paper and D batteries at our own mascots.
We have to remember that the people who arent involed enough dont care enough to attend the debate, so they need something to boo at too.
I think George C just wanted to deliver somethin' for the people.
And for the record, I'm just too proud - when "the crowd turned on" Charlie Gibson I started humming "Philadelphia Freedom" in my head.
Philly booed Santa...
Philly booed Destinys Child...
I laughed at all those...But when Philly booed these suck ass moderators, I stood and clapped.
I can't understand how ABC thought, when the economy is THE #1 issue in this country, especially in PA...and they spend 45 minutes on tabloid topics. I just hope the American people aren't stupid enough to fall for it. WTF was ABC thinking?
I had the same reaction. It was sickening.
Dude showed a lot of restraint cause I would have been much more aggressive once I felt like shit was getting out of hand.
I wrote about it a little over at my blog.
Another thing
That crap on Affirmative Action was ridiculous.
Georgie prefaced the question by noting that Obama had said that his daughters' affluence meant that they didn't need affirmative action to get into to college. Then that midget asked Obama if he thought affluent blacks needed affirmative action more than poor white people.
In asking your dumbass question you answered it. So why the eff are you asking the question?
Why not ask if poor white people need the help as much as poor black people?
Why not ask why the fuck black people with the same qualification are 50 percent less likely to get jobs that white people with the same qualifications?
Why not point out that white men with criminal records are more likely to get hired than black men with no recods?
When the fuck are we going to get some real, question asking black people on television. Some black people who challenge this bullshit. Cats like Eugene Robinson are cool, but they aren't aggressive enough.
We need some angry, competent black people on television.
"...when "the crowd turned on" Charlie Gibson I started humming "Philadelphia Freedom" in my head."
I may be a George Stephanopolis and Charles Gibson hater, but i'm a new fan of Philly. Booing those two clowns is field negro behavior all night long.
and let's not forget hill's role in that charade masquerading as a debate. among her ad libs: mentioning farrakhan. if you didn't know better you might come away thinking that there's a connection between sbo and farrakhan based on her juxtaposition of the two.
Awwwww when the soft balls were thrown at Obama it was a-okay. Now that the game is played fair it is all boo hoo hoo. If he can't take the heat, he needs to get the hell out.
He ain't talking about the inner city cuz he don't know a thing about the inner city.
^^^ this person cannot be serious. when he spent the first years of his career organizing an inner city project. went off to harvard, turned down six figure jobs and came back to work in the inner city. come on now.
and which debate were you watching where he got the 'soft balls'?
Anon 12:17-
Big Man-
"We need some angry, competent black people on television."
I agree, I have been saying this for a long time. We have no representation!! White women are the 1# beneficiaries of Affirmative action but they will never say that. They never will talk about certain stats that point to race as a factor. Please..they brought that up so that they can box him in. They knew exactly what they were doing.
anon 12:17,
is "gotcha" your idea of a fair debate? is it ok with you that charlie and george's line of questioning is one of the issues of the debate?
sbo handled himself well and withstood the firing squad.
I went and watched the first hour of this ridiculousness anyway.
First of all, my blood pressure has been raised.
I'm going to give Obama his props.
That he didn't go South Side on all them Mofos and cuss their asses out is a testament to him.
I couldn't even get past that, so obvious and blatant it was.
We can be disappointed that Obama wasn't on top of his game, but we can't abandon him. For, he is alone. He's Jackie Robinson and he has to shove all this racist bullshit down, because he is who he is. And, because he is who he is, I think it somewhat hurts him more than some of us who are more cynical, ya know?
I donated tonight, I will be calling again tomorrow. I will not abandon him, even though it was hard to watch.
Could he have done better? Sure he could have. Could he have been as vicious to that heifer as she was to him....I would love for him to have done so, but that's not who he is, and he's trying to be true to himself. Respect him for that.
Rikyrah really did speak my thoughts. Actually, reading her post almost brought me to tears. And I'm not even one to cry. But my heart is so sad that these racist clowns are making it TOTALLY clear that they don't want to see Obama POTUS. And sadly, Obama has to take it. If he lashes out, he's demonized as an angry black man, which is completely unelectable. But if he stays quiet, he's viewed a wimp.
It's a no win situation. My heart goes out to him. My heart goes out to all of us.
Like Rikyrah, I will make a contribution to the campaign within these 24-hours. And my prayers will continue to go out to the brotha. We cannot leave him. Not now...
I didn't watch the debate. My blood pressure has been inching up every since this race picked up speed a few months ago. I knew I couldn't handle it tonight.
And reading this post confirms it for me.
I will be taking a break from the racist MSM and even some political blogs for the rest of the week. I just can't continue to swallow all of this racist bullcrap, without taking a little breather.
Its not that I don't care. I think I care too much.
Field, I'll see y'all next week.
What we need to do is contact his campaign and the media and go after Klannity with the Hal Turner angle.At least Sen.Obama didn't let a racist ,anti-semite bomb maker sleep in his house.All day on Fox while Sen.Obama was visitiing Jewish groups, Fox ran on the bottom of the screen "Obama connection to Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan and anti-American ,anti-Israel Rev.Wright." Why isn't the media talking about Hal ? Unlike Ayers, he has a website and internet radio show.The Jewish press in Pennsylvania should know about this pronto.
Yeah that racist Sean Hannity is on a witch hunt for OBama yet his neo-nazi Buddy Hal Turner praised Timothy Mcveigh.
Field, the gloves are officially off. I had to do everything in my power not to hurl a weight plate, a dumbbell, or swing a 4-iron at the television screen when George Suckmy****alot asked about William Ayers.
I'm willing to go "West Side" (the crazy part of my small town) and kneecap Hillary and McCain on my blog. Hell, if there's a pro-Obama 527 that needs a hatchet man for a blogger, call me. I'll do the dirty deed with a smile on my face --for a fee, of course.
Man, I knew everybody'd be a little "warm" when I came in tonight. I watched the debate and I have to say I didn't expect Rev. Wright and the "bitters" right out of the gate, but I did expect it at some point, seeing as ABC was the network that released the Rev. Wright soundbites first.
You know I'm not an "O" man fan, but I felt for him tonight. Given the circumstances, I have to give him his props. His irritation was palpable, but he held it together under the barrage of questions. Couldn't have been me. And even though he was getting it from all sides, he didn't go there - though she did. I kept saying, "Leave that shit alone Hill, he's not bothering you."
I agree, the Q & A was nothing new or substantive as it relates to the issues you raised. But those issues have NEVER been raised in ANY debate really.
Only Tuesday will tell whether this one hurt him as much you guys think, (I don't do polls). Oh, and as far as those "handlers" you mentioned? I think they've been his Achilles heel the whole time.
Barack: In the lions' den.
Hillary: Tiptoeing through the roses.
Obama looked more presidential facing down the lions, than Hillary did picking roses for her "green and yellow basket."
That was the worst example of a debate I've seen in my lifetime. Before the debate came on. I've added another media outlet to the Faux news trash can.
There's nothing I could have come up with that would more accurately show that the press is not free and that media conglomeration is a bad thing.
They were in our faces tonight folks, trying to pick our nominee for us. The worst part, is that for people in rural places and the like, that only get three channels and this is the Barack Obama they know now.
The journalist’s job is to make politicians uncomfortable, to explore evasions, contradictions and vulnerabilities. Almost every question tonight did that. The candidates each looked foolish at times, but that’s their own fault. ...
Final grades:
Clinton: B
Obama: D+
No Whining About the Media
You Negroes wont sum cheese-its wid dat whine?
This isn't a beauty contest, the vote is next Tuesday. No body, but a few, wanted to see if their swimsuit rode up to make them uncomfortable.
George Stephanopoulos is Sean Hannity's bitch.
I've had bowel movements bigger than George Stephanopoulos.
Of course, who should be surprised about George Stephanopoulos?
It was Bill Clinton who gave George Stephanopoulos his career and in turn, George Stephanopoulos is a loyal Clintonista.
Without a doubt, last night's circus on ABC was the W.orst D.ebate E.ver. I hope Barack never agrees to appear on ABC News again.
If Obama supports thought they would let him make it to the White House with out trying to destroy him than year all dreaming.
Wake the hell up! If you think it's bad now wait unitl the general. That is if he surives Hillary to make it that far. And as for the Queen of the unliving dead I have give her a pass.
Because everyone knows Hillary is pure evil. The woman is only doing what is in her nature. Obama is and will not be the last politician that someone wants to bring down. I serious doubts Obama can surive this nightmare.
I meant year
Damn, I must be tired. lol I meant your!
I was wondering why they didn't just bring in Carville to moderate.
nsanganoma, you have been reading david brooks. i give abc a b+. they totally didn't mention obama's bowling issue. what an omission! otherwise they did a good job smearing him.
Unfortunately, I missed the debate b/c I didn't even think to turn to ABC when I was looking for what channel the debate was on...shows you how significant ABC is to me...I try to find some clips on the Internet.
However, based on the comments on this post, I only missed another opportunity to get angry with MSM.
What was the point of the debate if they didn't want to hear anything Obama had to say about the issues. I couldn't agree with you more. Enough with the debates its time for folks here in Philly to sound off about how we really feel about the issues. I don't want to hear anything else about "bitter" comments or Rev. Wright. These issues have no real significance in the election so therefore no one is really listening. I swear he is being attacked from every angle because he is a black man......
Now please can someone address what the F is up with Bob Johnson. Did he not make his millions on the backs of naive young black woman and men from poor urban areas. He exploited that socioeconomic group and I am sure if a study were conducted today that would be proven. Yet this Uncle Tom can go on national TV and utter the same disparaging, deplorable, and grievous remarks that Geraldine Ferarro uttered an no one give a damn. Get out of our city and get our to the way Bobby Boy.
What a country and what a media. I remember the day after the 2004 election a British friend of mine sent me that Daily Mirror cover photo.
After the most disastrous 8 years in the history of this country, these bozos masquerading as journalists should be asking questions like what are you going to do to restore trust in America, what are you going to do to restore the rule of law, the bill of rights, etc. etc. but no, these incredibly inane talking heads do the American people a tremendous injustice by harping on crap that has nothing to do with anything.
If it were not so critical to undo the catastrophic damage this evil administration has wreaked on the nation, I would just say screw it. These ignorant people will get what they deserve. 8 more years of the same old shit.
But I can't.
"the journalist’s job is to make politicians uncomfortable, to explore evasions, contradictions and vulnerabilities. Almost every question tonight did that. The candidates each looked foolish at times, but that’s their own fault. ..."
nsangoma: Stop using that bullshit rationale of today's phony journalist's rationale for playing gotcha politics.
I am a journalist; and I can tell you that the job of the journalist is to dig deep below surface problems or issues to aide the reader or listener in determining fact from fiction, truth from
What's clear is that Charley Gibsons and Stephanopolis' either don't address policy issues or don't go behind them to give us the real deal. For example, they played a snippet out of a Jeremiah sermon over and over again and not one asked what the main point of the sermon. Except for Eugene Robinson ( real journalist), Keithh Olberman and Eric Dyson, none went behind the gotcha-Obama video and gave any semblance of balance. No one mentioned that Rev. Wright is a world-renown biblical scholar and a long-time coordinator of numerous programs to help feed, clothe and provide healthcare (mainly AIDs prevention) in his community.
What you saw last night wasn't journalism but an attempt to keep people awake and ratings high by tossing out sexsy non-policy issues.
Ultimately, it was a disservice to journalism and an insult to all of us.
But you watch: the new polls will show an increase in Obama's ratings and a lowering of Hillary's. Blessings.
I am not surprised by any of this. I watched the games/Top Chef instead. The Pope should knock O-boya off the front page for a few days. How the hell has he managed to not say anything controversial? O-man should hire the Pope's pr peeps. At this point, you're more famous than Lark Vorhees, just call her. Tell her you got the number from the Debbie Gibson fanclub, ha ha.
Here's a plain and simple truth: Americans don't like racists.
They can try and smear Obama as best they can -- it'll rebound.
And maybe you don't see that so much in Pennsylvania... but Ford managed to get quite a few Republicans to vote Democratic last election.
We won control of the Senate by just a few hundred votes, way up in Montana where even the Republicans are mostly honest folk.
Pennsylvania is crying out because of it's misery. O-man ain't gonna win Appalachia, ain't gonna win PA.
But that's okay. He's already won, Hill just won't admit it.
I switched over to the first few minutes of the debate and heard the question about reverend White and came to the immediate conclusion like many that actually watched it that it will just make me angry.
By the way I feel his "bitter" statements would have resounded better in the middle of Philly than any other place in the state.
The media took a single paragraph out of context and ran with just that. I give Obama his due but is he ever up against it.
But he needs to own what he says, and in this he has. But I think he needs to do some swinging regardless. I don't think he would have lost any points if he looked little George ( another republican lite ) square in the eye and asked him what any of this has to do with the issues.
I watched the second half of the debate, it was obvious that the "O" man was back on his heels, I don't see that as having much impact on next tuesday primary.
My major concern with the "O" man is his unwavering support for Israel. To me Israel is a major destabillizer in that region, and for the O man to give unequivocal support to israel, especially at it relates to the people of Palestine, is quite troubling.
If you think the O man had a rough night, the people of Palestine have it rough everyday at the hands of the Israeli, and no one seems to care, except J Carter.
The O man got my support, no matter what, but I just saying...
David Brooks is a conservative asshole. I'm not suprised he gave ABC an A.
I missed a few minutes of the debate, but I noticed from very beginning as I tuned in that it was a let's jump on Barack today. The first hour did resemble anything of a debate, and silly me thought they were going to discuss topics like the economy. I must had a senior moment, anyway.
After watching the debate, I might as well been watching Entertainment Tonight because Charles and George seemed more interested in discussing the lowest common denominator than what problems are impacting the country. My ten-year old nephew probably had more thought-provoking questions than the two moderators last night.
This may be elitist, but going to write anyway. I wonder sometimes about the average American, and ask the question are they born stupid or a skill they practice to perfection. There are some people who watched the debate last night thought the first hour was important, and probably are the same people who believe that Elvis is still alive. I really do not understand this anti-intellectual movement that has seem to plague this country like ants covering a piece of chicken at picnic. There is not sense of curiosity, people do not want to ask question when they know something is wrong, and reading appears to be lost artform. I love technology as much as the next person, but it does not replace reading a book. Yet, some people believe everything they see on TV, and are too lazy to do any research on the candidates other than sound bites. Are we really that gullible or lazy, or a combination of the two? Disclaimer, I am writing in general and do not mean anyone making comments.
Like a typical law school lecturer, Obama is better suited to the campaign podium than the debate. His arguments and points are often too academic to explicate in a sound byte, where HRC has been there and done that.
There is no candidate, Dem or GOP, that will get elected without displaying support for our 51st State - Israel. Just not going to happen.
Man has to get into office first. Jimmy Carter has taken a great bullet for the next President...by being the first to break down that wall, it will take the sting out of it when the next President begins secret negotiations with Hamas to back away from their ' destruction of Israel' in their manifest.
explicate; explicate??!!
lee coles12:48 PM
I doubt if dat word is in deh field-negro's lexicon.
macdaddy 10:54 AM
Ise sorry macdaddy, did I leave out one of your favourites, which one is it:
cheese-whiz; cheese-tos; or gub-mint cheese; to go along with that whine?
I can honestly admit that Obama didn’t have a good night at the debate. Furthermore, I think he should have been better prepared to answer the questions about Rev Wright and the “bitter” comments.
With that said, I also don’t think so much time should have been spent on these “semantics games” by over examining every little thing that either the candidates or affliates have said.
There is a mortgage foreclosure crisis, crude oil is now over $110 a barrel, people are rioting worldwide over soaring food prices, America’s on the verge of a recession with unemployment especially among people of color at an all time high, people are worried about paying for health care…
…and all the candidates and the moderators could talk about was who isn’t wearing an American lapel pin!
Hell, you would have thought that someone would have wanted to talk about the high murder rate in the city (Philadelphia) were the debate was being held.
And people wonder why no one cares about politics anymore. Politics don’t care about people!
Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos should be fired! This was a great opportunity to actually ask about important issues and they didn't. Instead, they asked questions as if they had just watched the first ten seconds of every major story on the campaign trail and the problem with that is that they were irrelevant and silly questions! These are suppose to be newsmen, are you kidding me! The DUMBEST question asked was “Do you think Rev Wright loves America as much as you do”? I was stunned that such a question came out of the mouth of a Journalist. What kind of question is that? And shouldn't George Stephanopolous have to answer for going on Sean Hannity's radio show and letting Hannity feed him the Ayers's story?
The debate last night was embarrassing. It wasn’t even a debate, it was a Clinton controlled questioning session where Clinton was given alot of slack and Obama was interrupted when he had his turn at least over 5 -6 times. Last night, it was obvious that Disney owned, ABC, was not interested in showing an intelligent debate where the social issues that affect all Americans are discussed - - - poor public education system, housing crisis, economy, gas prices and food prices.
There are real problems that plague us right now! However, the first hour of this debate was spent on "controversies" that have been commented on by both candidates over the weeks ad nauseum. I haven’t watched ABC for years, it’s the only network I rank beneath FAUX NEWS and I will never watch it again!!
Below are the email addresses I obtained from the HUFFPO in case anyone wants to write ABC a scathing letter. I just did.
Natalie.J.Raabe@abc.com, aberke@constitutioncenter.org, feedback@abcnews.go.com, newsradio@abc.com, cristi.d.landes@abc.com, wayne.fisk@abc.com, jeffrey.t.fitzgerald@abc.com, heidi.b.oringer@abc.com, jonathan.m.newman@abc.com, joyce.a.alcantara@abc.com, james.f.kane@abc.com, andrew.l.kalb@abc.com, robert.garcia@abc.com, peter.salinger@abc.com, steve.jones@abc.com
OR CALL ABC NOW: dial 212-456-7777 or 818-460-7477 press 2 then 6 then 639
I watched every minute of the debate and I feel like O and Axelrod are doing all the right things. In spite of Wright and Bitter-gate, O's numbers are holding while Hill's negatives are way up after dodging sniper-gate.
Rikyrah you get it as usual that he can't go all "angry black man", but I think he's handling his business. I feel this brother through and through and when he's sitting in the Oval office on Jan 21, 2009 he will be laughing his a** off and so will I.
I just read on msnbc.com that a lot of the usual commentators are thinking that this debate will hurt Obama's numbers. Why, just b/c he was more ready to debate this real issues affecting this country rather than, as Macdaddy put it, the "sexy" issues?? This country is really messed up if this debate and the tabloid questions asked in it can help a majority of the voters decide who to vote for...or maybe those are the people who aren't being affected by the real issues...
I always appreciate your comments, none more than on that "so called" debate which was a disgrace considering it was done in the museum built to explain the Constitution to "We the People"
ya'll sound awful bitter. mite wanna clingon to sumthin
check out this video!
I can see through the unfair attack right into the candid honesty of Sen. Obama. His insights are inspired and he truly does understand the common man. He knows me inside and out. I am bitter at Washington politicians. It would be easy for me to cling to a hot-topic issue feeling that there is no hope for other issues of importance. But, this republican is letting go of hopelessness and embracing hope. I want it all for America and my family. I believe we've never been closer to having a leader that can unite America like Senator Obama can. He is our hope for an America that will be finally able to truthfully proclaim, freedom and justice for all.
I just saw the Democratic chairman of PA talking up Clinton, while sticking it to Obama. The DAMN chairman has put his power and weight behind a candidate against a fellow dem? Something is so wrong about this! I was like you about the kool-aid, but I admit, I really enjoy the way he takes the punches. You can tell he's holding back b/c he needs her supporters votes. Was I blind or was this really happening to Hillary a year ago?
[quote]Honest to god they would have been better off on the FAKE NEWS NETWORK. These two clowns were a joke. I like a tough moderator, but come on George[/quote]
I am not sure that you do LIKE A "tough moderator"....especially for a candidate that you favor.
Field-Negro - do you believe that Obama answered the question? He was asked (something to the effect of) "You were originally scheduled to have Rev Wright at your campaign kick off speech to give the convocation but you canceled his appearance" WHAT DID YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR FORMER PASTOR BACK THEN THAT TOOK YOU X # OF MONTHS TO DISTANCE YOURSELF".
Field-Negro, others DID YOU hear Obama answer this question directly?
Do you find it interesting that you all still TO-DAMNED-DAY bring up Ronald Reagan's campaign kick off in Philadelphia Mississippi and craft a story about his failure to acknowledge verbally the killing of 3 Civil Rights leaders that had happened there 16 years ago BUT you are offended about someone questioning Obama's KICK OFF choices AND STILL.......None of you have challenged the Democrats who have had now 2 debates in the city of Philadelphia while they failed to say anything specifically about the SEVERAL HUNDRED BLACK PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN KILLED ON THE STREETS OF PHILLY OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS.
The irony is burning.
[quote]Stephanopolos should pick a team and stick to it. He's been beating up the Clintons ever since he left the White House, but for some reason, even those who left the Clinton White House are still showing loyalty to them when they don't deserve it.[/quote]
CHRISTIAN progressive liberal - Hi.
Can I tell you my perspective as an independent who is NOT a "progressive" or "liberal" or "quasi-socialist"?
Here we have a Clinton/Democrat loyalist in George Stephanopolos. For years he has shown his left wing bias. NOOOOOOWW that his bias is working against YOUR interests .......you now voice concern about his antics.
Question for you CHRISTIAN progressive liberal: When we get beyond this intramural fight among the Democrats - will you STILL make note of Georgie's bias?
[quote]Charles and George might as well have been, just that. I still say that these men can't seem to believe that a Brotha will be president before before any of them (and believe me if his skin was white, they wouldn't be doing this). Jealously rears it ugly head. A black man succeeding where they could not is a hard pill to for 99%of them to swallow. And I hope they all choke in november![/quote]
You seem to be stating that the questions asked of Obama were RACIALLY MOTIVATED. (If I am misrepresenting your statements please tell me).
I wonder - if and when Obama becomes president can we expect you and others to keep throwing up the "racial thing" as a means of shielding Obama from tough questions?
Can I ask you a question Tia?
As we look at the past 5 presidents of the United State (all of the WHITE MEN) can you think of any question that they have been asked or news paper article that was written by them from an NON-WHITE person that YOU saw as being "racially motivated" and thus YOU were bothered by it?
[quote]andyfrombroolkyn, sorry, can't send him anymore; this household is already maxed out[/quote]
Field-Negro - the school district of Philadelphia would take any money that you would voluntarily choose to send to them for the advancement of education of the children of Philadelphia.
They don't have a "maximum".
Any chance of you trying to hit the "maximum" donation in support of Philly's public schools?
[quote]I read that the question that Stephanopolous asked abut Ayers came straight from Sean Hannity.[/quote]
Los Angelista:
Was anything about the question UNTRUE or slanderous?
You know just before the Debate I was talking to my parents. Just as it came on my Mother asked me if I was going to watch it and I said 'No". When she asked why, I told her, all they are going to do is ask the same questions they asked in the past GAZILLON Debates and rehash the nonsense of the past few weeks. So she told me, WELL I'M GOING TO WATCH IT ANYWAY.
40 mins later, "You know Son, you were right .. they ain't talking about SHYT."
FIELD There are alot more NEGRO ISSUES we can talk about... this one is OLD and TIRED.
[quote]Rikyrah really did speak my thoughts. Actually, reading her post almost brought me to tears. And I'm not even one to cry. But my heart is so sad that these racist clowns are making it TOTALLY clear that they don't want to see Obama POTUS. And sadly, Obama has to take it. If he lashes out, he's demonized as an angry black man, which is completely unelectable. But if he stays quiet, he's viewed a wimp.[/quote]
I will ask you the same question as I asked Tia since YOU TOO attribute the tough questioning asked of Obama as being motivated as RACISM:
"Do YOU recall having heard scathing criticism of EVIL GEORGE BUSH over the past 7 years" and thinking.........this was asked of him BECAUSE he is A WHITE MAN?
constructive feedback, you have it all backwards.
george w. bush became president because blacks were disenfranchised throughout the state of florida. it was a deliberate racist electoral strategy employed by the bush campaign from within florida's state government. bush is a racist. he prevented blacks from voting in florida. these are facts.
the racism of this campaign is more subtle, but everpresent.
do you remember when oreilly suggested that he did not want to lynch michelle until it was clear what she was saying? or recenrly the representative refering to obama as that boy?
anyhow even if you choose not to see it, that is how it will be percieved. MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS IS A RACIAL TEST FOR AMERICA.if obama does not become president, america once again confirms it's racist bona fides.
I can tell you they are laughing their asses off at the right wing blogs.
Yeah--Obama needs to man up. And he needs to fight back. Yes, even alone jackie robinson would break up double-plays coming in cleats-high. Then he'd dust himself off and run off the field if he was out. The key is not to get into pissing contests. The key is to show some fang and righteous fury. Of course Barack's a bit of a lightweight and this is going to have to be learned behavior. JFK had his dad, etc. Barack only has Axelrod. But you can turn the tables if you just say enough his enough. Welch and Edward R Murrow did it to McCarthy. Yeah you keep the whoop-ass in a can but you show them the can. But if you time things right, you can go off and face them and say "Have you no fucking shame? People are being thrown out of their homes, have no health insurance...and you are spinning your wheels on this just so you can be provocative, get ratngs have more pundit topics to bat about."
"Question for you CHRISTIAN progressive liberal: When we get beyond this intramural fight among the Democrats - will you STILL make note of Georgie's bias?"
Let me answer that for you CP: No!
Because the only thing I hate more than a sorry ass democrat, is a republican :)
"Field-Negro - the school district of Philadelphia would take any money that you would voluntarily choose to send to them for the advancement of education of the children of Philadelphia.
They don't have a "maximum".
Any chance of you trying to hit the "maximum" donation in support of Philly's public schools?"
If ignorance is really bliss, you must be the happiest person in the world.
Since you don't have a clue how much of my time or money I give to the Philly School District or any other entity in my fair city, I am guessing you are just throwing out shit to see how it reads.
That's never a good thing. It's a shame too, because sometimes (just sometimes) you actually make sense.
[quote]constructive feedback, you have it all backwards.
george w. bush became president because blacks were disenfranchised throughout the state of florida. it was a deliberate racist electoral strategy employed by the bush campaign from within florida's state government.bush is a racist. he prevented blacks from voting in florida. these are facts.[/quote]
Andy - after years of toiling over the issue I must agree with you about Bush!
Let us WORK TOGETHER to make sure that NO MORE BLACKS IN FLORIDA or anywhere else in the nation BECOME CONVICTED FELONS and thus expose themselves to the question of "Felon Voting Rights".
Develop your plan and forward it to my address: cs@constructivefeedback.us
Thanks in advance.
the racism of this campaign is more subtle, but everpresent.
do you remember when oreilly suggested that he did not want to lynch michelle until it was clear what she was saying? [/quote]
How do you define "RACIST"?
I define it as being one person who believes that HIS RACE is SUPERIOR TO another.
Technically how does this statement "I don't want to lynch Michelle Obama" prove that the man is a RACIST?
Here is what frustrates me Andy. The other day as I watched the morning news in Atlanta I saw an interview with a 70 year old Black GRANDMOTHER who's house was invaded. The two thugs beat up her elderly husband and tied him up, STRANGLED HIM and threw him into a closet. They beat her up, punched her in the face. She asked "Would YOU HIT YOUR OWN MOTHER LIKE THIS?". This question made him mad. She was tied up and thrown into another closet.
She freed herself, called the police and went looking for her husband. She found him DEAD!!
They didn't show her face on the television screen because of her injuries.
DO YOU SEE - I can't get mad over the FOOLISHNESS that you all keep up with Bill O'Reilly as you "Racism Chase". I have more of a "field level view" than even my friend FIELD-NEGRO does. (Despite being on the look out I am more productive than he is. My crops yield twice as much as his. Sadly as part of his hateration he says that I am just an 'Uncle Tom' producing twice as much for Da man.
Index this crime situation across America and you see that the GREATER THREAT TO BLACK PEOPLE to-damned-day is not someone STEALING OUR VOTE.....it is the THUG that threatens to STEAL YOUR LIFE!!
[quote]If ignorance is really bliss, you must be the happiest person in the world.
Since you don't have a clue how much of my time or money I give to the Philly School District or any other entity in my fair city, I am guessing you are just throwing out shit to see how it reads.[/quote]
Can we both agree that regardless the amount of time and money you spend with various interests associated with the School District of Philadelphia IT IS NOT ENOUGH...........to translate into COMPREHENSIVE CHANGE?
Indeed I don't know how much you have spent. I DO KNOW, however, that many of the same people talking about $30 year old text books in some school hadn't talked about "giving the maximum" in support of THEIR OWN SCHOOLS to buy books BUT they are motivated to donate to the OBAMA campaign DESPITE seeing that the "BIRD IN HAND" is the LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEM.....NOT having the "first Black president in history".
Thus let me simplify my vision to a "bumper sticker" message:
"Some of you want THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT as it would be a 'historic event' and a sign of America's progress........I, on the other hand, WANT ACHIEVEMENTS WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY where the key measurements of educational attainment, income, life expectancy and public safety are at HISTORIC HIGHS!!!"
Do you see the key difference?
You all have a ONE OFF path to your goals - get Obama/Democrats elected and the Black community will BENEFIT. I make reference to the HISTORICAL RECORD and say: THIS HAS FAILED TO DELIVER. Instead I choose a more DIRECT approach instead of going through an emissary.
Are you prepared to answer the question that Cleveland was forced to answer after they got their "First Black Mayor" as captured on "Keep Your Eyes On The Prize 2"?......WHAT HAPPENS after you achieve your electoral GOALS and it DOES NOT translate into the BENEFITS for your community as you had anticipated? Having achieved the highest elective office in the land will you begin now TO LOOK WITHIN rather than external expansion?
Co...feedback,because you are the type of Negro that you are,this migh be hard for you to understand.But has it ever occured to you that Obama just might be the best person for the job? Of course not,how could he be when there are white people running against him:)
Sorry folks,please excuse the missed words,i am on my trusty blackberry and I have a hard time with these keys.
ya'll better stop playing my baby for weak. watch him last night in raleigh - especially pay attention around 1:12 - have you ever seen a classier F YOU?
man - i love him! and I share his sentiments - man F them clintons - F em and everything they lie about standing for.
I don't understand why people like constructive feedback spend so much time scolding other blacks over who they choose to vote for. They tell us that the Dems "haven't done anything for blacks",and when you ask them what the Reps will do for us, the amswer you get, if you get one at all is basically "They won't do anything either, but at least they'll be honest about it".
Here's what I'm trying to get at- if neither party is going to "do something for us", then should it really matter to you who we vote for? Wouldn't it be more productive for you to just urge blacks to work together to try to alleviate all those pathologies you list, many if not most of which don't require help from any political party? Wouldn't that be a more productive course of action to take, rather than spending so much time flogging other blacks over who they vote for? Of course, that's assuming your goals really are what you say they are, and you're not feigning concern over the problems in the black communities as a pretense for...flogging other black people.
I agree, Constructive is everywhere scolding everybody deemed Democratic.
Why can't you be like other Republicans and just worry about yourself.
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