I learned a new word today while reading one of our weekly rags here in Philly. The word is "exceptionalism", and I learned it from a University of Pennsylvania sociology professor no less. Apparently it is when a person who holds a negative stereotype about a certain group will make exceptions for people he likes in that group individually. The author used our Mayor, Michael Nutter, and Barack Obama, as examples of African American politicians who the majority population has practiced "exceptionalim" on.
Now I don't know about our Mayor, but I do know that the "O" man is in some serious doo doo. And I don't think all the "exceptionalism" in the world will save him.
But Obamaholics I promised I would be here for you when this thing started, and I don't plan to let you down now. I told you that when the real A-merry-ca raised her ugly head and torpedoed your boy's run, you could come here and find some solace. So here I am. Ready to counsel console, and just be a shoulder to cry on.
And let's be honest, the man ran a hell of a campaign to this point. Honest to god I didn't think he could get this far. I have said that on this blog before. So please don't think I blame him for what was bound to happen at some point. In fact, at this point in time, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of a certain crab. A crab with a microphone in one hand and a bible in the other. At this point! I say at this point because it was going to happen whether the camera loving Reverend came out of the wood work or not. They were going to find something. "How can we have a President that can't bowl?" His wife is too angry." Or "the man smoked cigarettes for crying out loud, what kind of message is that sending to our children?" There is a certain segment of A-merry-ca's population who don't want the "O" man's unity message to fly. They need this country to stay divided, and stay split down the middle between red and blue states to hold on to political and financial power. Thing is, those people have a lot of power, and they influence a lot of people. Think people like Rupert Murdoch and the clowns at FOX NOISE.
But hey, that's Okay, all those old racist who influence our politics, our thoughts, and ultimately our vote, can't live forever. A new day might just be on the horizon. Maybe not in our lifetime, but maybe there are children alive now who might live to see that A-merry-ca.
I have read all the comments and the e-mails. I feel the disappointment and the frustration. Believe me, I live with one of you, life has been hell in the field household. You all don't watch the cable and news shows anymore. You tune out the pundits, and I can't say that I blame you. Not when they are going after your boy like a new parolee at a Victoria Secret photo shoot.
So all I can tell you is hang on, and see where this thing goes. Knowing your fellow citizens like I do, I am not sure this will have a happy ending, but we will see. Your boy was late again to respond, and you really have to wonder now just who is advising him. At some point "O" man you have to step up and decide who and what you want to be, or A-merry-ca will decide for you.
Hillary sure as hell is trying to.
"...he doesn't know me very well..."
Okay "O" man, but I sure hope you know yourself.
04 29 08
Hey FN:
Aside from all the stuff about Obama, what else is on your mind?
Jeremiah Wright or $3.70 a gallon gas
Jeremiah Wright or the mortgage mess
Jeremiah Wright or the falling dollar
Jeremiah Wright or rising urban crime
Jeremiah Wright or the National debt
Jeremiah Wright or off-shoring jobs
Jeremiah Wright or rising unemployment
Jeremiah Wright or rising healthcare costs
Jeremiah Wright or national security
Jeremiah Wright or ending the Iraq war
Jeremiah Wright or preventing war in Iran
Jeremiah Wright or the GI bill
Jeremiah Wright or repealing DOMA
My point is, I truly think and I believe, Americans have many more important concerns on their plate than what the bloviating Jeremiah Wright says.
I am really concern that this episode will get blacks in NC discouraged from voting. It was already disappointng to see that AAs didn't turn out as expected. I agree with you that Obama needs to be quicker than he has been.
Let's not get so down and out yet. I don't think that people who already support Obama are going to vote on this issue, and the people who don't make up their minds until the last minute always fall prey to some balogna at the last minute. And this isn't even the last minute.
Mr Field--Barack could get elected at this point if he comes out with a welfare queen, baby mama, lowlife negro speech. He just has to prove how much he hates black people and really wants nothing to do with the lot of them and all those scurrred white folks will rally to him in no time.
Other than that he can forget it, I personally was waiting for the rapist story. At some point in his life, maybe while he was buying a pack of cigarettes he came in contact with someone who had raped a white woman, and they were going to draw a straight line from him to Barack. You can see the ad I don't even have to describe it.
I was waiting to see how he would survive that one. Oh well. I voted for him and changed my voting card to D, I will promptly change it back. America is still in its knuckle dragging phase, just hope Barack didn't believe in the "goodness" of people too much.
I am willing to be wrong but we will see.
Field Obama is being control by what the folks on fox news is saying. If white woman and men have already said that they want vote for him based on his skin color I don't understand how disowning Rev. Wright is going to make them change their mind. He has pissed me off,right now my vote is being held up.
Obama can win no problem if he can get back on message. A black man he has known for 20 years has hurt his campaign more than anything else. And the AA will turn out in NC, bet on it.
Sometimes it is not about garnering additional votes. Wright was basically saying that Obama's a huckster. So Obama is supposed to say nothing. Personally, I think this whole business with Wright is sick. I don't think its fair for the media to vilify this man but Wright had no business conducting himself the way he did yesterday morning.
The problem with many whites and particularly those bullshit media pundits like Tweety Matthews, paleo-racist Buchannan, Limpballs, O’lielly, Sean Handjob and that lil bitch Tucker Carlson…and even some racist liberal pundits; they don’t have to offer a insightful or critical review of all facts and aspects in their “privileged” perspective. White privilege maintains a certain and peculiar pattern of assumptions. Father Phleger, the white Catholic priest that Faux News interviewed and didn’t air nationally said something quite disturbing but true. “If a black man speaks against the wrongs of this country, he is considered unpatriotic, anti-american…when a white man speaks out about the wrongs of this country, he’s being critical..” I read the blogs, liberal and conservative, and there is a peculiar line of thinking about any comments made by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and now Rev. Jeremiah Wright. They media portrays them as nothing more than unwarranted complaints from old leftist black radicals who are somehow looking for fame, media exposure or opportunity to get on their soapbox and stir up shit. Rev. Wright spoke truth to power in his sermons and to characterize him as some kind of racist, America-hating black man is a useful deception to maintain that peculiar divisiveness within the body politic. In context, Rev. Wright had every right to defend himself against those hateful and deceitful characterizations by a media that has become nothing more than a tool for corporate/state-sponsored propaganda. Those blacks (Cynthia McKinney, Harry Belafonte, Rev Wright, Louis Farrakhan, etc.) who still have the balls to speak out against injustice and inequality in this country are ALWAYS label as outside the “mainstream” and anti-American. Because symbolism plays such a subtle but profound role in shaping the American mindset, Obama’s denunciation of Wright was necessary in proving himself worthy of white America’s vote. And even after they played the tried and true willie lynch type, self-hating mindfuck...Barry won't get the brass ring.
This nation has become a caricature much more profane than anything Pastor Wright could ever said…
"Hey FN:
Aside from all the stuff about Obama, what else is on your mind?"
Mahndisa, that's a trick question right? Ahhhh Lark of course! What else is there?
LOL at christopher. But you made your point :)
"..I personally was waiting for the rapist story. At some point in his life, maybe while he was buying a pack of cigarettes he came in contact with someone who had raped a white woman, and they were going to draw a straight line from him to Barack."
Or maybe someone who knew someone who had a cousin whose friend raped a white woman. Don't worry, FOX is investigating that very story right now.
jjbrock, hang in there. You are a true believer. If folks like you hold up your vote it could be over for real.
"This nation has become a caricature much more profane than anything Pastor Wright could ever said…"
From your keypad to my eyes!
I posted something over at my blog about Obama stepping up and showing the world who he truly is. I think he's been trying to accomodate to many people for too long.
Christopher,Micheline and Szechuanpork said it right.
Rev. Wright forced the issue.
Only the haters will continue to kick this topic around. This may be just the ticket to break the tight race in Indiana. If he wins both Indiana and NC,Clinton is finished.
The weight lifted from Obama's shoulders will propel him through the next nine primaries and toward the Democratic nomination.
Rev. Wright stabbed Obama first in the back. Personally, I think he should have dropped Rev. Wright along time ago. Hey, look when a so called friend of 20 years keep putting his ass on Tv and causing you pain.
Then it's time to cut that person loose.
There is no way Obama will get through this election unscathed. We all knew it would happen, though we hoped Obama could avoid it.
But I will still support him.
People, Obama Knew he'd have to account for being a member of Trinity United Church of God, and he probably hoped a few cliches would have the whole incident forgotten.
This wasn't dying down, even before Rev. Wright's press conference here in DC yesterday, because the MSM wouldn't allow it to die.
They forced Obama to throw his pastor under the bus and he obliged. If you can't stand up for your pastor, you will fall for anything, and I mean ANYTHING.
Whether or not Jeremiah Wright was right in his remarks or whether he was wrong, I blame Obama for allowing the Borg Queen to make full use of the issue of his Pastor and not nip this before it got to this point.
He was running offense - now he has to spend the rest of his time and money defending himself and slinging people who were his friends under the bus in order to get the White House.
What will it profit him to get the White House and lose his SOUL?
I do not drink alcohol or do drugs. I do sip a little kool-aid sometime though. O.K. this whole thing was pre-arranged by the O man and Rev. Wright. Listen now listen. This is the ole' alley-oop. Rev Wright makes it look like he's going for the hoop but at the last second passes the ball off to Barry for two points. An easy lay-up. No one knew exactly how this was going to go down, but I'll bet dollars to donuts the Obamas are not naive about how low down and nasty politics are in this country. They knew from the door what their liabilities were and planned a coded game theory response based on what caught fire and when. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I can't see how a MAN, guided by his Faith can dismiss his beliefs for MAN'S LAW unless his Faith was a means to an Opportunity.
Rev. Wright stated that he is a Man of Faith and that his service is to that of GOD where as Obama is a Politician who must speak to the people and has to say whatever it takes to be a Politician.
I agree with Rev. Wright on this point, and thus Obama's dilemma for Being All Things To All People.
What Rev. Wright said, did, and his posture and attitude is the Black Church, Black Attitude, and truly and authenticly Black. It was Different. And Different isn't Defiecent.
I loved Rev. Wright's responses to the Media ... because when ever you respond in a way that flips the script and make the MEDIA look ignorant and dumb, SOMEONE will be punished.
adabu, i have wondered about that too but i don't know...
field, you are so right that it was going to be something sooner or later.
i would like to remind everybody that obama has won the white vote in many states. wisconsin, minnesota, washington, illinois, maine, iowa, wyoming, north dakota, utah, kansas, nebraska,with several strong showing in other states.
this is not about whitey voter this is about josef goebbels media.
rev wright is an idiot. even if i agree with the content of his rants his timing and presentation is disastrous.
i wish obama had scolded him but attacked the media for their mccarthy swiftboating and let the chips fall where they would.
but he didn't. he said uncle. i don't like it but i still hope it works. and winning is all i care about at this point.
Obama knew that Wright would be a problem for him, but why do so many people overlook the underlying psychology of what Obama found at Trinity? Why do they overlook that this man Wright was probably the first Black Male Mentor he truly connected with in his life. Why is that so discarded. And, through Wright's teachings - not the whacky- but the fire and brimstone and very CONSERVATIVE (social) values he taught, he helped shape Obama into a husband and father, so that he WOULD NOT repeat the mistakes of his father. Wouldn't you have a hard time breaking away from someone who gave that to you?
Obama has been abandoned for the second time by his Black ' father'. This time, for all the world to see.
And some folks don't think the pain on that man's face today was GENUINE?
I am not an Obamaholic, but I support Obama over Hillary and McCain, if he is not the nominee I will be voting for the Independent candidate.
I thought Rev. Wright speech was brilliant at the NAACP function in Detroit. I also knew MSM was going to turn it to their advantage and I hoped Obama did not feel pressure to denounce Rev. Wright once the MSM put their spin on Rev. Wright speech.
So much for hope, I was so disappointed to see the breaking news "Obama Denounce Former Pastor"...that was a big mistake for Obama. The people who were not going to vote for him are still not going to vote for him.
Finally, Wright also could have waited until after the primaries and November's election if Obama is the nominee since he knew MSM was using him against Obama.
I cosign Field that we will not see a positive change in our lifetime when it comes to race in America, but one thing is clear they are dying off and the rest have one foot already in the grave.
field, I have been waiting all afternoon for your post on this.
Rikyah - You are so right, and I thought the pain in Obama was quite real. I feel a lot of grief for him, because to me it seems this is a very personal "break-up" that should not be occurring in public view. It feels awful.
I don't like the use of the phrases "the American people" and "all Americans" that Obama employed in his message today, as the group who is disappointed (along with him) in Rev. Wright, as if Rev. Wright is somehow less of an American, or anti-/un-American, as opposed to an angry American (one of many of us). I hear people on the strategic need for Obama to repudiate Rev. Wright for his comments, but I also believed Obama today when he said that Rev. Wright was "divisive" and that is anathema to him. I think Obama is genuine in his philosophy of conciliation, and if that's the case, then he, as an individual (and of course, as a politician), has only so much tolerance for the confrontational, differently empowering theology of Rev. Wright.
Tonight on my local news station they referred to this as "black-on-black" crime/violence/betrayal/action...as if whites and the MSM are merely spectators/bystanders here...
I'm fuckin pissed. The Rev. and his bourgeois black and liberal white enablers deserve the blame and they need own up and stopping passing the buck. Obama was doing okay with working class whites, not every region but he was making inroads. He had a goddamn shot.
Then we have the fake ass Rev. with his phony racial patriotism that was mainly about helping himself. The well educated Rev. was no truthteller, he's knows perfectly well that AIDS isn't a government creation. He's a panderer, and apparently got quite rich getting his flock to pony up. The Rev.'s apologists are dupes.
Brother Field, Been enjoying this period of life. My people always hope for the best... remember that slogan: you are either SWAT or you not.. fill in the blanks. You are either ____ or you are not. Brothher Obama will never be able to fill in the blanks. Whatever way he turns, there will be some layer of white male jeleously (WMJ) waiting for him. I too am impressed how he has run the juantlet so far. His duality of existance can never be resolved, in my opinon, due to his alligence to his white rearing. P.S. His statement about Minister Farrakhan was coming from a generational lack of knowledge. When the Massa admonish you, you get truly disoriented. I will continue to read and wait. Again this is NEW TERRITORY for this experiment.
This settles it, Jeremiah Wright won't be getting my vote.
Wake me up when this is all over!
Good post, field
The entire episode between Re. Wright and Obama is a lot of nothing.
I'm not angry with Obama. I'm angry at the corporate media for elevating petty problems to national issues. This is so easy for them. They don't have to do any serious research to analyze the economy and what should be done about it. They don't have to deal with the reality that our sons and daughters are trapped in a hell-hole where all the ethnic groups know is fighting each other and corruption. The media doesn't have to talk about our rights being taken away from us along with our jobs. Just pit Rev. Wright against Obama and let the pompous, overpayed, self-centered pundits yell and scream nonsense.
One day, we will be doing conferences about the mdia's role in destroying our democracy by manufacturing issues so network fools could keep their J-O-B.
It doesn't really make sense to get mad at Wright for "sabotaging" Obama's campaign. Wright stood up for himself and the critical political black church traditions, in spectacular fashion.
Wright clowned the press because they deserve derision, and he told the truth about Barack's motivations. He refused to be a monkey boy, put hat in hand and beg Massa's forgiveness.
We all know that a great deal of what he said was true; many of us are simply angry at him for expressing it in public, thus causing the white public to condemn Barack by extension.
It doesn't make sense to get mad at Barack for finally caving 100% to the white hype machine. He held out as long as he could.
Those who are furious with Wright, and those of us disappointed with Obama should not lose sight of the fact that this has always been a bullshit story, and that the media and its embodiment of white privilege is responsible for all of this nonsense.
Great post as usual Field,
I co-sign with Adabu. This might have been planned by the O man and the Rev. They are both too intelligent to have not figured out a differnt way to play the game.That might sound a bit far fetched, but no more so than our believing he would get through without this happening. He is a politician, and that is some dangerous water to swim in. I saw the pain, angst and anger he was feeling. But, like it or not, he did what he had to do to give him any hope of winning.
Bottom line is that the country isn't ready for a brotha to be President. If they were, all the Wright stuff would mean nothing. But it just opens up the festering wound that America still has yet to treat. They want to be divided, and continue to be willingly manipulated.
... In fact, at this point in time, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of a certain crab. A crab with a microphone in one hand and a bible in the other. ...
field negro at 8:44 PM
Obama, used the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his church to gain street cred for the furtherance of his personal ambitions.
black (not yellah) wife; black south-side church; he can ball; he aw'ight, he one of us
Now, you blame the Rev. Wright for not letting Obama use him like a hoe and then throwing him away.
Reverend Jeremiah Wright is on time, right on time, when he speaks of this white boi and the evil things he has done against non-white people here and abroad. field, being from the Caribbean you should know better.
Did not Marcus G. try to tell you about this white boi?
I'm pissed off at the mainstream media, as I have been since Bush took office. Fucked News has always been what it is, but that's about the time when CNN and MSNBC started shifting rightward. I'd give my soul for a 24-hour BBC America news channel. At least they're impartial to both sides.
I still think Barack Obama will get the nomination for the simple reason that he has the numbers on his side. Even if he lost by 10 points in EVERY primary between now and June 3rd, he'd still have more pledged delegates.
For now, I'll probably post less on Obama until the NC and IN primaries come up. He's still got my support, and if all goes well after payday a few more dollars for his campaign. If he doesn't win, I'll give him all the credit in the world for getting this far and awakening my inner Tejano.
If that's the case, then I'm going to fuck Hillary's shit up between now and November 4th so she doesn't get elected and Obama can run again in 2012.
Besides, we need to have a good talk about Vince Foster and how his office was cleansed after his death. I remember something about Hillary and shredded documents from back in the day... (evil laugh)
The Rev. didn't clown the press. He was the damn clown.
It's not over yet Field
First stop blaming Rev.Wright,thanks to O'Klannity (both of those mofos) he's getting death threatsNow you know Rev.Wright tellin' the truth.Ameerica ain't ready for that shit.When Sen.Obama gets inthere its not going to be black heaven,but he will make it fair for everybody.We got a black President already , and his name is Min.Loius Farrakhan. Get Obama in there , and if you don't like him,get another black.
I'm going to talk like my grand momma did down on the E.S. of Maryland. "Who that little boy runnin fo' President...Byrack Obiama." Grand momma his name is Barack Obama! "Whatever the funny looking niggas name is he better git that Rev. off his ass cuz them white folks ain't gonna have it." Whatcha mean grand momma? "I knew 2 cents into his $4 speech Rev. Wright was only on TV get his 15mins. He ain't there to help no BARACK OBAMA or nobody else." But grand momma Obama has distance himself from Rev. Wright. "Well he ain't running fast enough and that preacher gonna ride along as far as he can. Mr. Baroma should leave his church goings be a private matter and let them newse folks dig up stuff all they want...you just keep you eyes on the prize." Grand momma his name is Barack Obama. "Humph! He still funny looking to me."
Saw Wright in a clip of his Press Club presentation.
If Obama wins, will RevWright be in a dilemma? Will it spell the end of the racial inequity he bases his ministry upon? Is this similiar to how JFK busted the anti Catholicism after his election.
Do some of our oldtimers REALLY want that? Who is a bit "afraid"?
"Will it spell the end of the racial inequity he bases his ministry upon?"
Do you actually believe Obama's election will end anti-black racism?
So after all the dogwhistling the Clintons have run against Obama, I wonder if they are going to run an anti-old people campaign against McCain?
yes i think anti black racism is changing and this country is ready for and to change. I do have the audacity to hope Obama leads us!
Call me paranoid but in Washington politics, things don't happen accidentally and without a reason.
Seems a New York Daily News reporter, Errol Louis, revealed the heffa, Rev. Barbara Reynolds, who claims to be a journalist, is also a Clinton supporter, suggested Jeremiah Wright appear as a speaker to the National Press Club awhile back. Reynold went on to organize his appearance this week.
Since Errol Louis broke his story, the relevant February entry on Barbara Reynold's blog has disappeared -- just vanished. In addition, neither Rev. Reynolds nor the Clinton campaign, as of the posting of this news alert, have responded to queries about whether Reynolds suggested and organized Wright's appearance at the National Press Club with the knowledge of the Clinton campaign or go-betweens for the Clinton campaign.
Using cache recovery and other techniques, a recovery of the key blog entry that Errol Louis quoted from was made before it was deleted.
These are, allegedly, Rev. Reynolds' words of support for Clinton and explanation as to why she voted for Clinton in Maryland:
Using Google's cache and examining the source code of the deleted entry, I have been able to reconstruct the posting from Barbara Reynolds' blog (http://reynoldsworldnews.blogspot.com/) dated February 14, 2008, titled "HOPE", in which Barbara Reynolds, the person who supposedly organized Rev. Wright's appearance at the National Press Club, praises and thanks the Clintons.
Bottomline, find Jeremiah Wright these days and you will also find a Hillary Clinton surrogate and supporter stirring the pot.
[quote]In fact, at this point in time, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of a certain crab. A crab with a microphone in one hand and a bible in the other.[/quote]
Field Negro:
Interesting that YOU call him a crab. I wouldn't even go there.
Once again I must point out the irony that we as a Black community have been told to RESIST being fractured as a unified front over any dissension between political parties. Dr. Ronald Walters, Political Scientist of the University of Maryland and Democratic hack warned us against splitting ourselves between Democrat and Republican. I give you all on this left blog and others for ENFORCING this by attacking anyone who dares stray. However, this is not a inter-party enforcement but an intramural fight.
It is disturbing for me as a Black man to see that indeed the loyalty to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is a passport to "attack the Black church" (as Rev Wright says about the Right wing attacks). For some reason this is not applied to the Black people who are doing it.
The Congressional Black Caucus has been attacked for daring to debate on Fox News (now its cool to go on Fox because Obama just went on and Hillary is going on TONIGHT. DON'T YOU FEEL USED?) You all attack specific members of the Congressional Black Caucus - NOT BECAUSE they have triple digit murder counts or double digit unemployment rates in their districts (some of them) or failing school. NO YOU ATTACK THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE OPPOSED OBAMA!!! As long as they where pushing the Democrats they were unscathed for their failure. Let them stray from Obama TO ANOTHER PERSON WHO IS A DEMOCRAT!!! and they get attacked! (Oh yeah - Hillary is a Republican. I forgot).
Who is indeed the SELLOUT from the REAL interests of Black People Field Negro?
You see a sellout is not a function of QUANTITY where just because it is POPULAR to do so those who accept such sell-out behavior won't attack. NO! A sellout is defined as someone who vacates his on REAL "best interests" in pursuit of some other priority that CAN NOT BE PROVEN TO BE IN HIS "BEST INTERESTS". With this in mind - many are GUILTY AS CHARGED.
the verdict is in. the media is a cancer. the elderly are standing in the door and blocking up the hall. obama has said uncle...
now enough swiftboating!
@Constructive feedback this is politics and politics as usual. I am a staunch Obama supporter and there is absolutely nothing that could sway me from him, with that being said, Obama, Billiary, McCain can bring no “REAL” change to Washington. Washington will continue to run on the status quo, the people will just have a different figure head. Yes I’m jaded because it’s not the politicians that make laws but we the people of America. We allow them to raise gas prices to raise the costs of college simply because we have NO POLITICAL WILL. Political will changes outcomes until America wakes up and its government begins to fear its people then things will continue as they have. That’s just real talk.
Good old Christoper
Jeremiah Wright or $3.70 a gallon gas
When I was in Canada about a month ago - gasoline from the largest supplier of oil to the USA was ALSO at record highs. Please articulate WHAT the US president can do about rising oil prices (except increase the supply by allowing domestic drilling or leading the effort to alternative energy - such as nuclear? You would support these two items - wouldn't you?)
Jeremiah Wright or the mortgage mess
The 'mortgage mess' is a market action. Too many garbage loans were made in the name of increasing access to homes. Now these loans are being purged from the system. Look at Japan as a reference of how God-vermit intervention actually extends the misery rather than curing it.
Jeremiah Wright or the falling dollar
If it were not for our purchase of foreign OIL the falling dollar would have little impact upon the US economy. It would actually make IMPORTS that are so loathed MORE EXPENSIVE. (and those rich Americans who travel internationally will pay more). The weaker dollar makes goods manufactured in the USA and sold overseas more attractive.
Jeremiah Wright or rising urban crime
This is more of a "Local Negro Problem" in cities such as Philadelphia, Atlanta, Newark, Detroit and New Orleans. What exactly do you expect a president to do? (Aside from ignoring the Second Amendment?)
Jeremiah Wright or the National debt
Hummmm. In the next 10 years the spending on the big 3 entitlement programs will double from $1 trillion per year to $2 trillion. Indeed you would like to talk about Iraq which is $150 billion per year. In ten years we would have spent $1.5 trillion in Iraq but the INCREASE in the big 3 would by (by approx.) $6 trillion (because it is a stairstep increase). Is it the POPULAR target that is going to sink our economy or that which you and others are loathed to talk about controlling the spending on?
Jeremiah Wright or off-shoring jobs
While a nice talking point - the numbers are not there to justify this talking point. If you were truly interested in this point you would talk about WHY businesses are departing the "Rust Belt" for alternative options - in the South, in Mexico or overseas.
Jeremiah Wright or rising unemployment
Yup - Rising Unemployment is more important
Jeremiah Wright or rising healthcare costs
Empty talking point. Are you willing to actually CUT care because you refuse to keep paying or do you propose having the government to pay your rising bill?
Jeremiah Wright or national security
Are you now apologizing for blocking some of the 'national security' policies that were attempted over the past 6 years due to domestic politics?
Jeremiah Wright or ending the Iraq war
Christopher - when you talk about "ending the Iraq War" do you see THE PEOPLE WE ARE FIGHTING as playing any particular part in ENDING THE WAR or do you only work with the United States to end the war? What attribute in these opponents that has you not working through them? Are they equally rational human beings in your view?
Jeremiah Wright or preventing war in Iran
Once again - Do YOU seek to prevent war with Iran by restraining evil Bush or would you focus on getting Iran to change? (As if I need to guess)
Jeremiah Wright or the GI bill
Whoa - I thought that you were warning civilians AGAINST becoming GIs because evil Bush was going to send them to get killed in "Bush's War". Are you now saying that you care about the benefits that those who went off to fight these Bush Wars? How many young people will not have GI bill benefits upon their retirement because they were told not to join over the past few years? Indeed you care about the GI bill.
Jeremiah Wright or repealing DOMA "Defense of Marriage Act".
Wow - now that's a hot one.
Since Rev Wright said from the pulpit that Republicans might take away a woman's right to CONTROL HER OWN BODY if they overturn "Roe v Wade" (he got this from the bible you know) I am sure that the same good Rev Wright would be in support of allowing man to marry man and woman to marry woman. While he strongly tied to the "Black Church TRADITION" he is not big on TRADITION when it comes to the marriage culture.
This is what happens when you pick and choose your bondage based on your ideological interests.
[quote]the verdict is in. the media is a cancer. the elderly are standing in the door and blocking up the hall. obama has said uncle...
now enough swiftboating![/quote]
AndyOfBrooklyn - can we analyze the inaccuracy of your statement above?
The "swiftboating" of John Kerry was with an EXTERNAL adversary being used to campaign against him.
REV WRIGHT is Obama's PASTOR BY CHOICE!!!! It is NOT "swiftboating" (or "Willie Horton" or any other label that you libs are quick tho throw out).
This is about EXPOSING that which Obama LISTENED TO on a weekly basis but ONLY NOW has been pressed to REPUDIATE.
AndyOfBrooklyn - here is what I don't get about some of you. Even today as OBAMA HAS SWERVED and dismissed Wright.....some of his most loyal Mau Maus are STILL DEFENDING JEREMIAH WRIGHT'S WORDS!!! If you were to hold to your logic - you would now be attacking Obama. He has vacated the position THAT YOU STILL HOLD!!
Now its the media?
I am sure you are saying the "corporate media". Not the Democracy Now or Huffington Post media I am sure. They are unbought.
[quote]. I am a staunch Obama supporter and there is absolutely nothing that could sway me from him,[/quote]
Wow Jazzy that is a disturbing statement to me.
When I was crafting my label for Black liberals which is "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers" I picked up the word "fundamentalist" as being unattached to any particular ideology due to a radio interview that I heard on NPR.
The author of a book said that he was a FUNDAMENTALIST in that "nothing that anyone could tell him about JESUS to the negative that would have him to vacate his faith and confidence in this GOD who came to Earth in the form of MAN".
.........you roughly said the same thing about OBAMA.
Jazzy - I ask that you step back and consider what you are ASPIRING FOR. Are you seeking to get A MAN elected as president or are you seeking to have YOUR COMMUNITY'S INTERESTS ADVANCED?
If the former is true then you are going to look past any failures to DELIVER for your community that this MAN has committed (this is where we are as a Black people in having more people of our popular choosing representing us today).
If the later is true then you would SUPPORT Obama in as much as he SUPPORTS your PERMANENT INTERESTS and then would redirect Obama when he works against these interests.
Not only have you detailed a PERMANENT FRIEND but you also gave him some god like qualities.....when he is just a MAN.
On a side note - many people talk about Obama's INTELLIGENCE as one man. The fact is that as president he is still but ONE MAN. He will have to MANAGE his generals and have them to execute the policies that are prioritized. The key point is that this INTELLIGENCE must be applied through these other individuals (as well as the several million federal employees that are retained regardless of the administration that is in place.)
For me - I choose to keep my locus of control CLOSER TO HOME and under my own control. There is NO MAN who's actions are removed from reinspection by me - even my own dad.
For the first time, Barack's campaign sent me an e mail on payday and I didn't fork over $25. It's not that I don't believe in him anymore, I don't believe in the system. I agree with Christopher; we should ask all those blue collar voters who think Barack can't bowl and is arrogant, how they feel about gas prices, healthcare, and Iraq. But I fear that we pick our leaders like American Idol and you know how that turns out: everybody votes for Ruben, but nobody buys his CD. I'm in a glass cage of emotion here.
@Constructive Feedback
Wow Jazzy that is a disturbing statement to me.
Sorry you are disturbed
The author of a book said that he was a FUNDAMENTALIST in that "nothing that anyone could tell him about JESUS to the negative that would have him to vacate his faith and confidence in this GOD who came to Earth in the form of MAN".
.........you roughly said the same thing about OBAMA.
Yes, and the reason is simple and a bit trite. I believe in him! He is and ideology that I want to hold onto. Simple as that, and no you don’t have to agree.
Jazzy - I ask that you step back and consider what you are ASPIRING FOR. Are you seeking to get A MAN elected as president or are you seeking to have YOUR COMMUNITY'S INTERESTS ADVANCED?
As I said before I am Jaded and Obama, Billiary, or McCain will not be able to advance my communities interest. MY COMMUNITY will have to advance their own interest and it’s done through POLITICAL WILL. I will suggest you read up on it by an author Sam- Daley Harris. Government is roughly the presence or absence of its people. So to answer your question I am aspiring to elect Obama THE MAN. Anyone that believes that by electing a certain candidate that the celestial choirs are going to open and begin singing (to steal a phrase from Billiary) is deluded. I am going to vote for this man SIMPLY because he makes me remembered what it was like when I cast my very first vote in an election year. Naive as I was at the time I was full of optimism and I want some of that back!
If the former is true then you are going to look past any failures to DELIVER for your community that this MAN has committed (this is where we are as a Black people in having more people of our popular choosing representing us today).
You keep putting the focus on government and on the figure head. Changes comes through but by one way POLITICAL WILL OF ITS PEOPLE! I can not stress this enough.
Not only have you detailed a PERMANENT FRIEND but you also gave him some god like qualities.....when he is just a MAN.
There is only one God, so don’t be obtuse
Voted for Hillary in the PA Primary as the spouse, who is never wrong in reading people, said Obama had something wrong.
Now that Obama has distanced from Reverend Wright, the spouse is proved correct. This is not some sleazy, hooker-sharing, coke-stealing BushFriend, this is a pastor of 20 some years. The churches, synagogues, temples and circles that have been part of my life have never agreed with me 100%. But do I repudiate any of them?
Barack should have stood by his man and told the SCLM to bite it-freedom of speech y'all.
Constructive Feedback,
You ask many questions of many posters but often wind up saying you already have the answer.
For example:
Do YOU seek to prevent war with Iran by restraining evil Bush or would you focus on getting Iran to change? (As if I need to guess)
In the strictest psychological terms, this is what's known as a dishonest question.
What is it that makes you feel the need to ask a dishonest question? Is it a need to feel superior when in fact, you feel inferior, so you try to trap people? This is not the way to get people to engage you.
Of all the good people who post on Field's blog, it is you who is consistently the most joyless and rigid.
NSangoma... Rev. Wright stabbed Obama in the back first. The fool should have stayed off the damn Tv. He says he is not running for President but then he goes and does a press confernece.The man is a pastor and should be preaching in chruch and given freaking press conferences.WTF!
For what to get some 15 minutes of fame? Yes, Obama used him and he used Obama to get his hussle on too. So, now they are both equally screwed.
Ahhh, you guys are crying over spilled milk.
Thanks to Wright's 'pre-emptive strike', the whole issue is now dead and gone thanks to Obama's somewhat late apology and distancing.
The pundits don't really matter. And as the poll show, neither does this Wright debacle.
In fact, ole' Martin of CNN just came out with the 'save the day' plan, not like he needs it, Field.
Because it ain't over till the last batter comes up to bat.
dear field, today's iraq bulletin...
The Sadr City violence continued overnight with the destruction of a school in the district. AP Television News footage showed that parts of the two-floor Baghdad Girls' School had pancaked as the result of an explosion. Desks were hanging down from the slanting classrooms where the outer walls were blown out by the blast.
Local officials said the school was the target of an airstrike on Tuesday evening.
An official at the local hospital, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information, said two people were killed and 16 wounded overnight in Sadr City. He said this brought the death toll in the district since Tuesday to 31, with 107 wounded.
The U.S. military had no comment about the school but said an Abrams tank fired at gunmen shooting at U.S. troops in Sadr City, killing all three. In another part of Sadr City, an unmanned drone fired a missile at a group of men planting a roadside bomb and killed one, the military said.
There is only one God, so don’t be obtuse
jazzy 8:27 AM
jazzy, this you cannot demonstrate, so hush.
"There is a certain segment of A-merry-ca's population who don't want the "O" man's unity message to fly. They need this country to stay divided, and stay split down the middle between red and blue states to hold on to political and financial power. Thing is, those people have a lot of power, and they influence a lot of people."
Truth Field. Truth. When all else is said and done, this is still at the heart of the matter.
Naj in VA
Obama. '08. O Yeah.
this morning i kissed my sweet daughter good bye and then she ran down the sidewalk to her school. moments before she had explained the meaning of a similie to me. i had been talking about how the puffy blossoms on a tree had looked like snow. she said , dad , that is a similie. i said, a what?
but our govt. is blowing up schools in baghdad and the media is trying to destroy this inspirational young man.
fucked up shit!
Christopher, I have one anwer to all your questions. There are no problems in the US of A..Anyone who thinks otherwise is just whining. Now can we go back and discuss this Wright thing? Or Agelina's pregnancy? How about Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch? No.. none of those interest you?
Excellent points Christopher, but we are a nation of soundbyters and Reverend "Spite", is Deux ex Machina for the paranoid and ignorant.
Just two comments:
It's extremely sad that Rev. Wright cares more about his moment in the spotlight than he does for the future of a 20+ year friend.
It's also extremely sad that most voters are so easily distracted from what matters. I guess that explains the scary history of our elected officials in this country.
I couldn't agree with you more. This morning, I told someone that I see O going from "Drive to win" to "Desperate to Win". I got a big problem with that.
But alas, I will support the man till they nail is but in the proverbial "coffin".
If I have one criticism of Barack Obama, it is this: he's too nice. National politics is a bloodsport and nice guys finish last.
Just ask Ned Lamont.
The latest Rasmussen Reports poll still has Obama ahead of the Borg Queen in North Carolina by 14 points -- down 5 points from a week ago. Races usually tighten as primary day approaches, so I think he will be fine.
But the Borg Queen has "35 years" of negative and controversial baggage Obama could use to his advantage and knock her on her ass, which is where she belongs. But for some reason, he won't do it.
Obama could completely destroy the Borg Queen's campaign by having his surrogates leak to the media the nature of her Eleanor Rooseveltian relationship with her assistant, Huma Abedin. In fact, the LA Times has a fully vetted story about the two women written and ready to drop but the paper is afraid to run with it because they don't want to be accused of throwing the election.
I hope Black People will stop once and for all believing these crazy conspiracy theories and quit acting like whitey is out to git them. Don't blame the Media for jack crap, blame yourself for being stuck in your monolithic ways of living. No one knows who Obama is (government wise) so this is what we have to base our judgment for this guy to be President.
Face it Socialist, Liberals don't win National Elections. Obama couldn't be a Illinois State Trooper with his associations however he can be President? As for Rev Wright, God bless that man, he is a very honesty guy. Delusional however honest. I hope he get his own TV show or something. This is a guy willing to tell it like it is (well at lest how he think it is).
As for Sen Obama, I dont see the Peoples Republic of Illinois changing anytime soon so that senate seat looks like its yours for a life time.
black republican from the Reagan Era!
McCain/Mitt 2008
This is nothing more than a high tech media lynching of two "uppity" Negros.
Lynchings accomplished.
"When black people criticize our government they are called anti American, when whites criticize our government they are called patriotic".
Obama threw the man that united him in holy matrimony with his wife and baptized his daughters overboard.
I can't get over that. Sorry.
Well, as someone whose ran in local politics before and worked as an congressional intern can say this, nothing short of a dead hooker or a live boy is going to keep Obama from getting the nomination short of Clinton/Rove dirty tricks. If the worse people can say is that your preacher is crazy says that your enemies are really on a fishing expedition.
As Christopher pointed out, what does reverend wright have to do with the litany of issues he listed above. Or Sean Bell here in New York? Or the cost of getting a college degree? A big fat nothing. And so long as Limbaugh, O'Reilly and the rest of these blown dry, combed over mannequins have jobs, its going to continue to be about nothing.
The problem for FOX News and CNN is in terms of corruption or moral quagmires, Barack Obama offers a big fat nothing. He has no love children, no known mistresses, no drug abuse (beyond experimenting in HS and the occasional Newport) and no really shady backroom deals like the Borg Queen or the Crypt Keeper. You just have a really smart, church going Black guy in his mid 40's who actually might want to change the world.
Nope, the worse they can say is that his pastor is one part Malcolm X and one part Yosemite Sam. Or that, gasp, any Ivy League educated lawyer might be smarter than most of the shit kickers in the Midwest.
As MacDaddy said, this is all shit shined up and called gold by the MSM. Yeah, Obama could have have showed a little more backbone and told the FAUX talking heads to bugger off. And Wright could have kept his mouth shut, enjoyed fishing on Lake Michigan and lied low until the election was over. Both were right and wrong in what they did, but its really not about them at it this point, its about how our media keeps us distracted on nonsense.
The MSM needs dirt on an otherwise squeaky clean guy. If they couldn't find any dirt they'll just make some. I'm suprised they didn't try to Wesley Snipes him and say he didn't pay his taxes will getting a professional from a crackhead on the South side.
Remember if the last PA debate where the 'O' man snapped and ripped into George the Judas for wasting 45 minutes on Reverend Wright and lapel pins? That's the problem, to really debate about issues not lapel pins, phantom Bosnian snipers or 5 minutes YouTube remixes of an 7 year old sermon would knock the Borg Queen, the Crypt Keeper and maybe even the O-man out of the race.
If this were about issues and not about bullshit it would a Kuicinich, Edward, Obama three way race on the Dems and the Republicans would be down to Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. And we might actually hear some Green or Libertarian debaters. I might actually care about watching the debates instead of watching CSI or playing Xbox.
But to demand that a change in politics is to demand change in the people. The American people would have demand intelligence and dedication to truth from the Media. It would demand Americans knew more about politics and people who actually run the world and less about the NBA playoffs or American Idol.
But, then again, I wish I were a little bit taller....
[quote]how they feel about gas prices, healthcare, and Iraq.[/quote]
KellyBelle - WHY NOW "ask your leaders" about THESE subjects?
Long, long time ago I have been challenging people to ask their LOCAL LEADERS about the RESULTS that have been brought about in the community after they have lead the masses to adopt POLICIES that were POPULAR with these same people.
Why do you skip over "speaking truth to power" with the LOCAL people that you have assisted in putting in place but instead seek to talk to the Feds?
The gas prices are a HOLLOW TALKING POINT. I ask you and "these leaders" if they are willing to do more DOMESTIC OIL DRILLING and support Nuclear power plants.
Why are these oil prices seen as a "policy failure" in the areas that you no doubt support (ie: the failure to NOT ALLOW the oil companies to make record profits) but NOT A FAILURE in the diversification away from oil that our enemies control?
Iraq? As in spending or dead Americans?
Spending - $150 billion per year VERSUS an increase of $1 TRILLION in the growth in entitlements year over year. Which is the bigger threat to our economy?
[quote]I am going to vote for this man SIMPLY because he makes me remembered what it was like when I cast my very first vote in an election year.[/quote]
Let me ask you Jazzy.
As you recall back to your "first time" and you got that tingly feeling in your stomach.......did the RESULTS of your voting change your city (I don't know where you live) in the way that you romanticized about how it was going to change it? Or is it that years later you are still not happy but you have now shifted your aspirations?
Youre on point again, man! I saw the name Renyolds mentioned several times in the many (well, about 3) Washington Post articles about the Rev. Wright speaking tour. All the articles said she was seminal in organizing the speaking engagements, but said nothing about her political connections. But, one article did say that Wright chastized her for her political leanings...perhaps the link with Clinton is what he meant...hmmmn.
[quote]Do YOU seek to prevent war with Iran by restraining evil Bush or would you focus on getting Iran to change? (As if I need to guess)
In the strictest psychological terms, this is what's known as a dishonest question.
Wow Christopher. You stated a point.....but didn't MAKE IT with your example.
Please tell me HOW this is a "dishonest question". Is it so because YOU SAID it was so?
Think of all of the anti-War marches that have been going on around the world for the past 5 years. Most have been demanding that AMERICA stop the war.
No amount of WAR ACTIVITY by the "Iraqis" or "Afghans" AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE (take away their actions against the USA - the invading army) was not rolled into their calls to STOP THE WAR. They were impressing upon the USA to stop what they are doing and thus THEIR VERSION of the war will stop!!!
Indeed there is some assumption of superiority implicit in these protests. In my opinion some yield that they are dealing with SAVAGES on the other side so that it is either fruitless to ask them to stop waring OR the protesters realize that if they were to travel to any of these nations and hold a protest march in front of a mosque asking that the war ends - their bodies will be found floating in the Tigris some weeks later.
Do you find it strange that some anti-war folks saw fit to travel to Iraq BEFORE the US invasion and to strap themselves as Americans onto military targets so that the AMERICAN INVADERS would not blow up the target and thus the HIGHER VALUE AMERICAN humans?
In their perversion they don't think to GO OVER THERE NOW and be shoppers in the outdoor markets where IRAQIS ARE SETTING OFF BOMBS and killing each other. You are more valuable as an American!! Why don't YOU go over and shop in this outdoor market. Upon the Insurgents seeing you present.....they will stop killing their own people.
This scenario which directly challenges your thinking Christopher might indeed be ABSURD with reference to YOUR current way of thinking but indeed it is not DISHONEST. You need to inspect if "your way of THINKING" is properly mapped to the realities of this world.
Let me ask you Jazzy.
As you recall back to your "first time" and you got that tingly feeling in your stomach.......did the RESULTS of your voting change your city (I don't know where you live) in the way that you romanticized about how it was going to change it? Or is it that years later you are still not happy but you have now shifted your aspirations?
OK last time because you obviously like to play at being obtuse. The first time I voted yes my dear I did get that oh so sweet tingly feeling in the pit of belly, however just as quickly as my cheery was popped it was over and not all that a good. As far as my community its about what you PUT into it, do I work in my community for something better for other people yes, am I as active as I could be no, will that change, A RESOUNDING YES. However, getting back on point though I can never be a virgin again in the proverbial sense I would like to give Americans another chance maybe they could find the right stroke this time.
[QUOTE]The Sadr City violence continued overnight with the destruction of a school in the district. AP Television News footage showed that parts of the two-floor Baghdad Girls' School had pancaked as the result of an explosion. Desks were hanging down from the slanting classrooms where the outer walls were blown out by the blast.[/quote]
Do you see AndyOfTheBrox's (:lol:) post above?
You see - this goes back to what I was saying to you.
Andy: WHO blew up the school? Was it the American forces?
IF SO......we have a COURT MARSHALL system to punish them for such an act.
Instead since it was an IRAQI who killed his own people.....what are you left to do????
BLAME AMERICA for FAILING TO PREVENT a SAVAGE (per your assumed inferiority of them) from doing what a SAVAGE DOES!!
Why do I say that you see them as savages rather than as rational human beings? It is all encompassed in your fake debate tactics.
You register inhuman acts by these 'equal human beings' but you say "See - LOOK at what the AMERICANS failed to prevent in Iraq where the Americans are supposedly providing security and democracy to the people".
But wait Andy......where are the Iraqi people? Shouldn't you look toward the Muslim religion to stop them from killing their own people????? They are killing Muslims and blowing up mosques you know.
Think about the relationship between a ZOOKEEPER and his animals. If I told you that a zoo keeper wanted to upgrade the display back to the natural African tundra landscape and he was going to work with the zebras, elephants and lions to sculpt the settings back to their home view...you'd say I was crazy for assuming that these ANIMALS could be counted on to do such a think. They lack the intelligence, the communication skills and the ability to systematically work toward this end.
If we can make this assumption about the zoo animals due to their subordinate state as crafted by God.....why do you closely approximate this scenario in your conversation about what is going on in Iraq with the Iraqi people having so little EXPECTATIONS placed upon them to CRAFT THEIR HOME?
Do YOU really believe that they are equal human beings per YOUR actions and comments?
I DO this is why I am asking of them!
You know field, this question was asked recently, I can't recall who asked it:
"Why is there firstly, a Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museum on the National Memorial Mall in Washington DC, and not an American Indian Holocaust Memorial Museum built first on the National Memorial Mall, and then built second, a Middle-Passage Holocaust Memorial Museum on the National Memorial Mall?"
The answer is as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright has stated, "this white boi likes to pretend that his hands are clean."
Again, and again, Negroe people, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright is on time, right on time. Those who do not know their history are doomed to have that history repeated upon them.
Please note I did not know if you were female or male prior to your last post. You took it there. (Your post got me thinking but YOU took it there. :lol:)
[QUOTE]As far as my community its about what you PUT into it[/quote]
So I must ask you - why is it that you and others in seeking improvement WITHIN your community seek to focus so far outside of your community to do so? You seemingly are skipping past the:
* Individauals
* the Heads of the Households
* The community leaders
* The ward captains
* The city leaders
* The county leaders
* The state leadership
* The representation in the US house and senate
and you are going for the big time!!
CHANGE THE PREZ to someone favorable and everything else will fall into place within my community.
For me as a Black man who is not bound to a party why is it out of line for me to LOOK AT that which my people were told to do for the past 40 years as the gateway toward achieving benefit in our community?
Why is it not rational for me to make note that DESPITE having popular leadership in place over all of the seats that my people have the final say or strong influence over......that CHANGE has STILL not taken place in the schools, the prisons that they now control locally via their control over the police forces and the business districts that they had out business licenses and zoning requests.
(Please note - my friend Field Negro says that despite the Democratic domination of Philly the EVIL REPUBLICANS still control the traffic court and thus millions of dollars in money that should be going to the Philly public schools are being denied to them. SURELY if this money was released by the Republicans - Philly will once again have a top ranked school system - indeed.)
Jazzy - IS IT POSSIBLE that we are in a perpetual CHASE MODE while never having managed to learn how to MANAGE the bases of power that we already have?
@conservative again
As I have stated in my previous comments it’s about POLITICAL WILL which begins at the levels you just described. Read up on it then we can talk until then peace out!
[quote]The answer is as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright has stated, "this white boi likes to pretend that his hands are clean."[/quote]
Indeed you are correct NSangoma.
But please note that Jeremiah Wright's hands are CLEAN as well.
* He finally got the gun oil stain off of his hands while carrying a weapon as a Marine that he would have used to SHOOT DEAD any "non white man" who he was told by the US government to SHOOT DEAD!!
* He doesn't have to pump his own gas when he fills up. This same gas that came from the OIL that he said that AMERICA is STEALING from all over the world as this nation acts upon its claim that it has a RIGHT to oil anywhere in the world. I wish we were STEALING IT. Then we wouldn't have to pay Venezuela, Iran, Russia and Saudi - $120 per barrel to "steal it".
* When he broke ground on the land STOLEN FROM THE NATIVE AMERICANS to build his $1.9 million "Yo MTv Cribs" mansion......he wore gloves during the ground breaking ceremony so his hands would not be soiled. The gloves were paid for out of the $10,000,000 line of credit that he got from the WHITE BANK that normally discriminates against Black folks you know. Now he has $9,999,980 to work with from the balance.
ISN'T A-MERY-CA a grand place to live!?
You can condemn the tree that was nourished by the blood of the bodies that were slaughtered in its founded BUT STILL eat the fruit from the tree that was nourished by all of that same blood.
How are YOU any different today from the WHITE FOLKS in the NORTH who imported the COTTON PICKED BY ENSLAVED AFRICANS after it was bleached to be white as snow. It was once pink from the trickle of blood that oozed from the hands of those that picked it, the seeds removed, bailed, transported to the ports of Charleston or N.O. and then received it into New York, Philly and Boston to make cotton clothing and other fine fabrics.
What type of FABRIC are YOU wearing today as a CONSUMER CAPITALIST CO-CONSPIRATOR to this system?
[quote]@conservative again
As I have stated in my previous comments it’s about POLITICAL WILL which begins at the levels you just described. Read up on it then we can talk until then peace out![/quote]
Jazzy - i have done more than READ - I have been making careful OBSERVATIONS about the real world circumstances in my own city and many others.
POLITICAL WILL is but one element.
EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT so that once the bill is passed, the desired end can be achieved is also important.
Before that comes the notion of ASKING THOSE SEEKING SALVATION to participate in their own TRANSFORMATION. I know of no outsider who can "save" someone in such a way.
Before this must come PROPERLY FOUNDED IDEAS of what GOVERNMENT and SOCIETY should be espoused. Depending on if you are creating "well fed zombies" or "independent people who's actions mostly support their progressive ends" dictates the VALUES that you will contribute to your initial strategy.
The MONEY thing is secondary as a people who VALUE the progressive ends that they claim to be of worth will easily dispense from wasting resources on unworthy things that depreciate and will instead organize their valuable resources into a basket that will multiply and feed MANY. (And they won't need those guys called the IRS as the main motivation agent to do it. They will be doing it because they want their COMMUNITY TO PROSPER.
Do you see the key difference between me and Michelle Obama? It is not our end game but the force that will have us to 'share'.)
What the media did to Rev. Wright was outrageous. They reduced him to a caricature. How else to explain to his cartoon-like performance on Monday? Rev. Wright was not only held up for ridicule by the media but he has been overshadowed and had some of his beliefs partially dismissed in a very public way by the same person, Obama. So I feel his pain, sort of.
But his performance on Monday was a vindictive, truly evil attempt to strike out at someone in the most public and hurtful way he could. And he did it while hiding behind Jesus. I'm so glad I'm not a Christian or religious at all. I can look you in the eye and tell you what I feel and not be in conflict with some pseudo Christian ideology. Once again, something hateful is done in the name of god. The coward didn't even have the balls to say he was representing himself, he had to hide behind Jesus. Jesus, indeed.
Wright made me think of that historic footage of Benito Mussolini addressing a mob-sized crowd and after speaking, mugging and crossing his arms defiantly. Disgusting.
Black people are so in love with feeling good for five minutes, they are happy to dismiss an opportunity to have a black man in the Oval Office who understands our issues. Just like all those handkerchief head buffoons who were clapping and cheering during Wright's Monday speech. Cornell West was in the front row. Thank you for confirming my distaste for that phony Negro.
Black people are never going to overcome a damn thing. We can't stand to be supportive of a black person who has exceptional talent. We pick at him/her until we've reduced them to an n-word then we feel good because we think we've knocked them down to our level. Crabs in a barrel. We are so insecure that we assume anyone doing better than us believes they ARE better than us and who do they think they are? Someone close to me is voting for Hillary because "Michelle Obama thinks she' so much..." Yep, that's how we make our public policy decisions, like pouting, jealous, children.
Someone said that Wright will be the only one left who will speak to Obama after he is abandoned by the all his liberal supporters. Excuse me but what makes you think that Obama will have anything to do with Wright? He's already stated that he might leave Trinity. This is no doubt horribly painful for him to be betrayed by a man he admired and looke up to.
Finally, where are all the black ministers? Are they really happy to have this black fool get on national television and be the definition of the black church?
Wright made an ass of himself and he's such an ass that he thinks he did something bold and brave.
Rev. Wright, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Who says black men don't have any power?
One last thing. Wright DID make some good points in his speech. Very good points that were completely overshadowed by his mugging for the camera. He shot himself in the head during a rare opportunity to present a different point of view when he decided the best way to make his points was to stick his finger in the public's eye at the same time. What he sure told them white folks (applause, applause)! What a complete fool.
That's why within 24 hours of Rev. Barbara Reynolds organizing Jeremiah Wright's appearance at the Nat'l Press Club, she pulled her pro-Borg Queen blog entries off her blog.
It wasn't difficult using cache recovery to reconstruct them and read what Rev. Barbara Reynolds' has been saying about the Borg Queen over the past 6 months. I wondered the identity of the African American woman nuzzling with Wright at the table and now we know. She's a Borg Queen surrogate.
I wonder how much Wright was paid to make the appearance? Camp Hillary could've easily laundered the payout through Rev. Barbara Reynolds and it would be untraceable. If true, Wright should be ashamed of himself. Why would he want to destroy Barack Obama's chances of becoming the first African American president? Is he jealous? Did he feel slighted when Barack denounced his comments?
It's this part of the puzzle I can't put together. But if Wright is ultimately responsible for destroying Barack's chances at becoming the 44th president, he'd better go underground or leave the country because he's become a wanted man, if you get my drift.
wn exceptionalism
No information available for noun exceptionalism
No information available for verb exceptionalism
No information available for adj exceptionalism
No information available for adv exceptionalism
I always trust wordnet. I don't think exceptionalism is a word.
Don't worry about "O" man, he always manages to make lemonade.
Constructive: I've reread your comments. I like a lot of what you say, but, for the most part, find them to be, well, not very constructive. You seem to be asking rhetorical questions, thinking that you already have the answers. If that's the case, just say what you think.
Here's what I think: Rev. Wright has a right to say what he wants without apology. And Barack Obama has a right to throw him under the bus without hesitation. Here's why. Rev. Wright, knowing the corporate media is racist, knowing white America, for the most part, is racist, knew that some of the things he said would hurt Obama. Obama, knowing the corporate media is racist, knowing white America, for the most, is racist, knew that, politically, he had to disown Rev. Wright. Rev.
Rev. Wright could have remained quite until the election was over, published his book and everything would have been cool. But by speaking at the National Press Club in the way he did, he looking more like a self-centered guy hurt by a friend than the minister who served his country for six years and the Chicago South side community for over thirty years.
The bottomline for me is that Barack, a black man, is trying to run for president in racist, white America and, therefore, has to make compromises that some of us blacks and progressives don't like. If he doesn't, he won't be president.
It's easy to criticize. It's a little bit harder to walk in someone else's shoes and understand.
And, constructive: If I didn't understand where you're coming from, I apologize. But I had to be honest and tell you how I felt.
dear constructive feedback, WE blew up the school. WE killed untold tens of thousands. WE maimed . WE traumatised. WE brought illness. WE destroyed cities. WE rendered populations homeless. WE stole their land. why? because WE good, THEY bad. it is tribal war. get it?
dear constructive feedback, my point is clear. i don't like destructive wars of choice for corrupt motives. i don't like false campaign issues perpetrated by the media and disingenuous politicians. what is your point?
I assume everybody saw this? Hillary did this. And she used a black female minister.
I'm pised too.
Excerps from an article in the Conservative Voice:
"In his lust for power, Wright, a haughty man, did irrefutable harm to every parishioner at Trinity United Church of Christ. Whether they know it or not, their minds have been deliberately poisoned by a man who demeans their human worth.
For thirty-five years they sat in the pews and were told unapologetic, racist, bigoted lies, while allowing themselves to become brainwashed with anti-American hate speech. Rev. Wright has no fear of (respect for) God. He has no conscience. To think that this manipulating man can put his head on his pillow and sleep at night is very unsettling. He can praise the Lord's name, but it's done for his own profit. Thirty pieces of silver is a pittance compared to what the he has gleaned in earthly riches and so-called fame.
Let's take a good look at this Judas within a black nationalist militant church, shedding light while applying the branch of knowledge to expel every myth about a man who has brought nothing but contention and racial tension to bear during a presidential election year.
"In retirement, Wright will continue a life of privilege that dates back to Central High. As a retirement gift, Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ is building him a million-dollar home abutting Odyssey Country Club and Golf Course in the nearly all-white Chicago suburb of Tinley Park. The home sits on land the pastor purchased in 2004 for $345,000. In December 2006, Wright sold the land to his church, which took out a $1.6 million mortgage on the property. In April 2007, the church applied for a building permit for the brick and stone structure.
"Wright's new home has 10,340 square feet of space, about four times the size of a typical suburban house. It includes four bedrooms, an elevator, an exercise room, and a four-car garage.
"Rather than being a victim of oppression of blacks, as Obama has claimed, Wright is a symbol of the American dream. Rather than meriting sympathy, he exemplifies what my friend Fox News contributor Juan Williams describes as black leaders."
he exemplifies what my friend Fox News contributor Juan Williams describes as black leaders who orchestrate support for themselves by manipulating blacks into seeing themselves as victims, creating a black 'culture of failure.'
Go to today's Washington Post, front page, and you'll see me quoted. www.washingtonpost.com.
The reporter had me on the phone for 30 mins but of course time and the press conference dictated an edit. Would have been nice to clarify the allegorical nature of "game over," the disconnect between Wright's speech and the Q & A, and my unwavering comparison/contrast vis. Sen. Obama and JFK. Re: the last point, both men promised a different way, hope, boundless energy. Both men were also "light-weight" and that does NOT mean weak, naive, stupid. The difference is that JFK had hardcore people around him, especially his father, Joe Kennedy, who would have had Jeremiah Wright locked in a box in a submarine for the past six months, with all copies of all but the most joyful sermons locked in that box with him.
David Axelrod is supposedly the expert. He should have anticipated this, planned for it. Yes, planned. Perhaps he didn't think the campaigned would get this far? Perhaps he underestimated the "old-school"/tribal politics of the this nation which even a kid could of picked up by watching "John Adams" or "Gangs of New York," on HBO. I don't know. The fact remains that given (1) the cable news and blogsphere's penchant for "soap opera-ization" of news (and that's a nasty, apt metaphor in and of itself), (2) the average viewer's passive, almost ignorant processing of such news and it's delivery through pundits/entertainers, and (3) that many white citizens will, consciously or subconsciously, glom onto any "excuse" not to vote for an African American (who isn't a cipher or humunculus like Clarence Thomas, or Blackwell or Swan, etc.), Axelrod should have been on top of this and had it nailed down from the start.
You can preach the politics of hope, a new path, unity...but sometimes you have to leave some dead bodies on the street to get there.
Clearly someone didn't tell O man.
BlackinUSA..that was hilarious.
The thing for me about Wright is...the THREE EVENTS
I believe that the Moyers interview was real, true and authentic Wright.
I believe that the NAACP Speech was real, true and authentic Wright.
He clowned during that Q&A. He showed his ass. Why are folks not willing to admit that? I don't even want to get into any of the ' is it the truth?' mess. You and I both know it's HOW you present your point that matters as much as what you say. If he couldn't do any better, that would be one thing. But, we had two examples of him 'doing better' and 'being authentic' for me not to believe that the NPC event was a purposeful attack on Obama.
Every question he got, he could have answered a different way that wasn't inauthentic.
Take the patriotism question..instead of his smartass ' How long did Dick Cheney serve?' answer, what he could have said was:
I sat in front of the tv, with my family, watching John Kennedy's inaugural speech. The President spoke to me and I took his call to service to heart. So much so that I LEFT COLLEGE, with one semester to go, and ENLISTED IN THE MARINES. I served X tours of duty, between 2 Different Branches of the Armed Services. Dick Cheney, on the other hand, gets FIVE deferrments, and I'M the one whose patriotism is questioned? Please explain that to me.
Now, you tell me, which one is better? Both 'flipped it back' to the audience, but one is like, ' up yours' and the other one challenges you to think.
The entire Q&A was like that.
There are politicians, and ' activists', that I know could never have done better than the clowning session at The NPC, because that's the core of who they are.
That's not who Dr. Wright is. Period.
IF he had clowned on Moyers. IF he had clowned at the NAACP Dinner. Then The NPC would have been 'more of the same'.
By showing that he didn't need to sacrifice his authenticity in his presentations on Moyers and the NAACP dinner...it became obvious.....they were just to lull Obama into a false sense of security, cause he had that planned at The NPC all along.
AND...he did it in collusion with HILLPATINE supporter Barbara Reynolds.
Yeah, I went THERE.
This event has not been spun for the white voter's benefit, but for black voters. Pitting Wright vs. Obama only serves to split the one consistent voter block Obama has--the black vote.
If it were two white men airing their political differences in public, no one would care and would continue to judge each of these men for their individual merits. These two men have the right to disagree with each other, and quite frankly, that's their business. As much as we want to feel we know the intimate details of their relationship, we don't.
Feel what you need to about what each has done/said, but don't fall into the trap that has been laid out by the media. They love in-fighting amongst us black folk.
I respectfully disagree with you, Field. Obama won the Democratic primary a while ago; we just have to wait for that fact to get through the skulls of the more ardent Clinton supporters. Even by the most pro-Clinton delegate count I can find, it's pretty much over.
What Reverend Wright says or does is unlikely to have a significant impact in the general election either.
The media didn't lay any trap. They created an opportunity and Hillary took it. And she found a worse than a house negro handkerchief head to do the dirty work for her. White people can always rely on some self hating black person to do their dirty work for them. I don't begrudge this woman's support for Hillary. But this? When you look at the history of how Billory have used and discarded black women like toilet paper, you can only conclude this broad has rocks in her head.
If Hillary wins the nomination, I repeat, I will not vote for her. I will not. She will have us attacking Israel's enemies, drag us into Iran, she will do whatever her big money lobbyist contributors want her to do. And she will do as much for black people as Bill did. She went back on her agreement about Michigan and Florida which makes her an untrustworthy lying bitch. I will not sulpport someone like that. I don't give a royal damn about the Supreme Court because that is about the only justification for supporting Hillary. I will not do it.
So if Obama loses the nomination, I am staying home in November. I left the Democratic party years ago over Iraq, the Patriot Act, and that it didn't seem to stand for a darn thing. Stick a fork in me.
I am not giving up on the O man.
But I will say this:
Most Ammerrycans are dumb. And these are the idiots who choose our President…
We are the most uninformed, uneducated, uncouth group of people on this planet. The same idiots who fell for Bush’s anti-gay and anti-terrorism act are the same idiots who are going to vote for whichever candidate spoon feeds them the most bullshit and wipes their mouths when they’re done…because that’s how stupid we truly are…
Y'all want a reason to get pissed? I went to TPM this afternoon and saw an article where a women's voting group with strong ties to Hillary Clinton is suppressing the Black vote in North Carolina.
Details here, but please take a few minutes to check out the comments in the post for additional corroborating information.
Barbara reynolds of HU (the real HU)...she's one of those black icons on campus. met her e few times and yeah, I can see her as a Hillary supporter. However, she has long contended she is "joyously undecided." Meaning she's for Hillary hahaha.
More on that later too--I'll try to give the blog shout outs when the Post follows up.
But consider this (again): the O man is a light-weight, and the O man should have been a lot more artful yet sure. Ther's a way to do it. Otherwise he's just another liberal yet with a big smile.
I told ya, McCain in 08'. I'm a realist. Sorry, folks. Obama is done.
His pastor is a typical black man. Arrogant as hell! Rev Wright at that press conference was RIGHT but his delivery was WRONG!
Fiery, in yo face, unrepentent, arrogant, humorous and OFFENSIVE to the almighty WHITEY. That delivery worked 30 year ago but it doesn't fly in 2008. You must excercise diplomacy when you speak. Looking at that man, you'd never would have guessed he had 2 PHDs and spoke 5 languages. He was a complete clown! This was black on black crime political assasinATION style. Stop blaming black women for that man. He accepted the invitation, enjoyed his jiggin', shukin and jivin, chitlin performance and relished the spotlight. Does it get any better! Nooooooooo. This black fool is soo arrogant he won't shut up and will continue to fuck Obama's campaign and black folks won't do anything about it. We love to see black people fight and kill each other. Nobody around that man will tell his old black arrogant ass too shut the fuck up, sit down and don't even make a face. Unfortunately, the black folks around him will tell him JESUS wants him to tell the truth. JESUS was crucified and so are you. Nobody from the black community will sit this old coot down and say, "Old man - be quiet!" Black fools will continue to invite this arrogant black fool to speak and continue to fuck Obama up. Did you notice how this old man talked about his book that's coming out later in the year!
Rev. Wright - you are a mess that won't stop!
McCain O8'
I turned off the news before Jeremiah Wright showed up.
I am tired.
I am weak.
I am worn.
Hey, now. If they had broke this before Iowa, he'd be done. Now we got no choice, and that's the truth. Obama will remain my choice, because change is necessary (as is hard truth, though that's bad for politicking).
It's all in psychology. Everyone who voted for Obama, they already committed. Everyone who Bought Obama with nickels and dimes and a ten-spot that came out of their lunch money? They committed. They not gonna change because of some bubeemitzeis (fairy tales).
Macdaddy: "The bottomline for me is that Barack, a black man, is trying to run for president in racist, white America and, therefore, has to make compromises that some of us blacks and progressives don't like. If he doesn't, he won't be president."
That's it--enough said!
Story for you:
D.C. Nonprofit With Clinton ties all over it behind deceptive North Carolina Robo-Calls
Wow Field you got the conversation started and I think Christopher brought levity though. What we gonna do after all this is over? I donn't think Rev. Wright played the crab but had his feelings hurt and decided to show his butt.
Somebody said it right earlier when they said that he should have been more diplomatic. Most of what he said was on point but the AIDS thing makes him sound like a lunatic to the true believers. Most of us know that this government has never been moral and is capable of doing anything for the sake of power or profit. There were enough real injustices that he could have referenced without allowing the thought initiators (press)to tell everyone that he is crazy.
If Obama wins it will definitely bring us closer to real change because the disillusionment that will surely come about when it becomes clear that he cannot or will not change the direction of US imperialism, may result in folks concluding that real change will have to come from the people.
liberation then peace
You know, when my ex the civil rights lawyer told me that a black man in the Republican Party was like a deer being a member of the NRA, I thought that the only person I'd have to use that line on was my twin brother.
Thank you, Mr. Reilly, for giving me another chance to drag it out.
I don't understand you anymore than I understand my twin brother, but then again, I'm an independent agnostic and he's a Republican, right wing Christian who actually has no real knowledge of the totality of Christianity.
I guess in it's own sick, twisted way, it makes sense.
This is actually a cool blog. I'll make it a point to check it out. Name's Denise by the way, but i'll come up id'ed by my blog. Sorry 'bout that.
I heard you blogger's session on NPR.
You just had to dog the "O" man - you were like a msm pundit, you just had to squeeze it in - off topic.
Turn the knife Field.
Other than that, you were great.
You just had to dog the "O" man - you were like a msm pundit
What? WTF? Field, you were dogging Barack on NPR?
Why? Tell us it isn't so? Barack doesn't need anymore people dogging him. What he needs are people to elevate him. Be kind to him. Show him the respect he deserves.
oh heck...I wanted to be the 100th comment
you've got a hot one here, FN!
Denise, welcome to the fields. Always feel free to check in.
Ms. Martin,you are killing me, I wasn't dogging your boy. Are you trying to get me kicked out of my house? WTF? [Thank god Mrs. Field doesn't listen to the radio :)]
Chris, you know your boy and I are cool :)
redlipstick might have summed it up best.
andyfrombrooklyn, don't mind con...feedback; he thinks that only repub-lie-cans are human beings.
And what's wrong iwth Clowning? Sometimes folk need to be clowned. Sometimes they need smartass comments dropped on them so they get the point.
What's wrong with that.
The amn was having a good time sticking it to the media bastards who've called him crazy, a wackadoodle, and racist.
They didn't treat him with measured tones and respect. Why should he?
Chris, you know your boy and I are cool :)
I know, Field. And we're cool too.
I'm just feeling protective about Barack nowadays. He's been drop kicked by so many comers and mealtickets in the media and it just ain't right.
I feel like we need to circle the wagons, send him love and defend him against the evil Hillbots.
[quote]Black people are so in love with feeling good for five minutes, they are happy to dismiss an opportunity to have a black man in the Oval Office who understands our issues.
West Coast Story:
You need to see the recently re-released documentary "Eyes On The Prize II". If you remove the name Barack Obama and President and replace it with Carl Stokes and Cleveland - it is eery how much history is repeating itself regarding the "AUDACITY OF HOPE" expressed by Black folks that ONE BLACK MAN in an elected office is going to do WONDERS for their community. While I am not saying that Stokes was a bad mayor I AM saying that the Cleveland of 2008 did not transform into the vision that was hoped by laying all of our dreams out for the ONE BLACK MAN IN OFFICE.
For me as a Black man who is OBSERVING MY PEOPLE IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THAT WHICH WE ARE BEHOLDEN TO BUT THAT WHICH IS ZAPPING US OF OUR POWER - it is clear to me that much of this is misplaced energy and assumptions of what POLITICAL POWER can do for you while failing to build up ECONOMIC, ACADEMIC and to some extent MILITARY power before hand.
You can ignore everything above that I have said only if you accept this one summary statement:
I dare to say that we can make an extrapolation by referencing the fact that despite Philly, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, New Orleans, Newark and many other cities having had BOTH a Black (more accurately - an individual who is POPULARLY elected by our community) 'chief executive' and an overwhelming legislative body that is of the favored party and STILL this has not translated into the expected transformation of our communities.
CLEARLY political power in the AMERICAN political system alone IS NOT the gateway toward the fix in our community.
Just like all those handkerchief head buffoons who were clapping and cheering during Wright's Monday speech. Cornell West was in the front row. Thank you for confirming my distaste for that phony Negro.[/quote]
Unfortunately CORNEL WEST is a very, very, very POPULAR FIGURE with the same Black folks that you talk about.
Black people are never going to overcome a damn thing.[/quote]
I reject this statement.
Ours is a problem with MANAGEMENT and EXECUTION rather than some permanent inferiority.
[quote] We can't stand to be supportive of a black person who has exceptional talent.[/quote]
West Coast Story:
This is a ridiculous comment. So often I have heard people talk about OBAMA'S INTELLIGENCE with the assumption that I am supposed to yield to him because he is "smart" or something. This in itself is not a justification to vote for the man. I damned sure guarantee that a "TALENTED Black conservative running as an evil Republican" will not be able to draw upon these same characteristics for support among Black people. Let's stop faking the funk on this one.
For me - Barack Obama is like the "Verizon Wireless" man. Its not just him to look at - it is the whole cast of LEFT WING EXTREMISTS who tags along with him.
I was actually disappointed that he sort of overgeneralized about Wright on Monday. Even as an evil Black Conservative I agreed with his history lesson about the Black church and other elements.
For me - it is not just the Black Leftwing Nationalist Church that is tied around Obama's neck - there are far, far, far more White Liberal Extremists with regards to ECONOMICS, PROPERTY RIGHTS (ie: confiscatory taxation), FOREIGN POLICY and IMMIGRATION that Obama is NOT going to distance himself from. He is THEM and THEM is HE.
If you want to talk about the BLACK COMMUNITY supporting someone - talk about the impact of ILLEGAL immigration and what Obama will do beyond what can be done by attacking CORPORATIONS? What would he do to the individual illegal who broke our laws? You can't always pander to the anti-corporate left. Sometimes you need to go against the grain in order to produce a better long term result for the people who's INTERESTS you are promoting.
[quote]andyfrombrooklyn, don't mind con...feedback; he thinks that only repub-lie-cans are human beings.[/quote]
Actually Field Negro - I have no control over what the Republicans Do.
I am more concerned about the question of if a certain IDEOLOGY that is prone to lump assumptions invalidism and inferiority upon Black people via their policies that attempt to always "distribute fish" to us.....can EVER view us as EQUAL human beings when they are the hand that provides for the "needy" in exchange for our votes?
What do you think Field Negro?
When someone has you where it is a matter of having you EXCITED to vote for them or......you don't vote at all and thus he provides you with VAN SERVICE to the polls to do what he knows you are going to do rather than ISSUE ADS spent in your community to CONVINCE you via your intellect (as you look past what your eyes tell you about their EXISTING domination of your community) indeed this man has you right where YOU benefit him the most. The reverse is very, very questionable.
Let me guess; this "someone", this "man" you talk about, he is a democrat, right? And of course you want us to follow your "man" to the light. Am I correct?
".. am more concerned about the question of if a certain IDEOLOGY that is prone to lump assumptions invalidism and inferiority upon Black people via their policies that attempt to always "distribute fish" to us.....can EVER view us as EQUAL human beings.."
Well I actually like "fish." So keep it coming. What good is it to teach me how to fish if there isn't any fish in the lake?
".. there are far, far, far more White Liberal Extremists with regards to ECONOMICS, PROPERTY RIGHTS (ie: confiscatory taxation), FOREIGN POLICY and IMMIGRATION that Obama is NOT going to distance himself from. He is THEM and THEM is HE."
Well I will be damned, I didn't know that. Well the "O" man has my vote now for sure.
All this mess going on the media about Billary, AARP McClain, and Obama has turn me back to watching regular tv shows...so Thanks to all this political smokescreen, I am now watching my previous shows...tried of giving the media rating...It all boils down to this, "vote for Obama or have 8 or 4 years of another f_ck up ecomony"...Tell that to the rest of clueless folks....
The best comments were by west coast story. Very thoughtful. This is the explanation for all the negativity towards barack from other blacks and even from field negro: "Black people are never going to overcome a damn thing. We can't stand to be supportive of a black person who has exceptional talent. We pick at him/her until we've reduced them to an n-word then we feel good because we think we've knocked them down to our level. Crabs in a barrel. We are so insecure that we assume anyone doing better than us believes they ARE better than us and who do they think they are? Someone close to me is voting for Hillary because "Michelle Obama thinks she' so much..." Yep, that's how we make our public policy decisions, like pouting, jealous, children. "
west coast story another gem: "White people can always rely on some self hating black person to do their dirty work for them."
Amen brother.
Now as for constructive feedback - i think he/she/it is a really really miserable person. He/she/it comes here purposely to be combative and argue with people. Talk about annoying. Get a life constructive. Or are you in love with field negro?
Don't stay home in November. If Obama doesn't get the nomination and that's who you wanted to vote for look into the Green or Libertarian parties or write his name on the ballot - do something. Vote for your values. Don't hold your nose or compromise and hope it will all work out, too many of our ancestors DIED for the right to vote. We have to make sure they count for something.
@Christopher about the lesbian/bi Hillary ... rumors or whatever?
Dear god please don't let Hillary be family. It's going to give the rest of us a bad name if she is.
Please please no. No. Do not want!
Whatever is true works for me but I hope it's not true because -- just no.
But seriously: if she is actually family and Senator Obama used that against her and played up his own acceptable hetero-ness, that would lose him my vote -- just like that. Because what kind of BS would that be for him to use it like that? That would just be a freaking ugly homophobic thing to do. Because on what basis would her being queer be reason for her not to be in office?
I think she should not be in office because she is a batshit-crazy corrupt power-hungry white terror on two feet. Straight or not, that's the problem with her as I see it.
I am a very strong Obama supporter BTW. And unlike Ms. Hillary he speaks truth to and about the LGBT communities, from what I can see.
Maybe you were joking, though. I'm so very much at that place about this primary where satire and reality begin to blur for me.
One of the odd thoughts which has occurred to me is that perhaps the Rev Dr Wright's comments were meant to push Mr Obama into running more of a "black" campaign.
Is that way off base?
I know. Hillary and Huma.
Now what kind of shit is this? If the people at FOX Noise gets ahold of this, they'll destroy the Borg Queen for Obama!
Constructive feedback: You put words in my mouth and I'm too busy to go point by point with you. If having a black man like Obama is not going to make a difference, then vote for McCain.
Questions to which I am still trying to understand the answers:
1. Just why is it so important for the elected leadership of our country and our free press, which Jefferson called "the only tocsin of a nation," to focus its energies and intellect on criticizing the views of a private African American citizen? What, we haven't spent enough time and energy in this country giving black people a hard time over the past 400 years or so?
2. Why can't "the only tocsin of a nation" take a couple of minutes off of the 24/7 coverage of a private citizen's opinions to investigate and inform the citizenry about issues about which our elected officials can actually do something? As one tiny example, why can't "the only tocsin of a nation" explore why it is that the leadership of this country (i.e., both its Republican-led executive and Democratic-led legislative) cannot even get it together to renew the status quo for development of wind power and solar power in this country (by simply passing an extension of already-existing tax credits)?
3. Can we get a little humility in this country (Part I)? Isn't it undignified for us to permit (let alone demand) our leaders to crow, over and over, that the USA is the greatest country on Earth? In fact, isn't that just a little goshdarn obnoxious ?
4. Can we get a little humility in this country (Part II)? What, exactly, is not correct and factually true about Rev. Wright's statement, "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards." Aside from "we never batted an eye" (which seems, in context, intended as a rhetorical flourish rather than a factual assertion), what, exactly, is factually incorrect about his statement? After all, it's not very different from what some very qualified people conclude (e.g., Michael Scheurer, Chalmers Johnson ["author of the prophetic book Blowback, written before 9/11"]). What might be possible for us and our progeny if, instead of getting all offended, we were to actually listen and try to learn something and do better next time?
5. Finally, who decreed that all politicians have to wear that particular tiny little anal-retentive flag pin to prove that they love this country? This is America, dammit! The next time some snivelling little "George Stay-on-top-of-this" tries this on the O man, I recommend that he pin an index-card signed photo of this or maybe this on his lapel , look him straight in the eye, and say, "Who are you to question the way I love my country, little fella?"
Sorry. Just had a few things to get off my chest.
Dave in West Jersey
From Dr. Boyce Watkins - YourBlackWorld.com
Banning Bill O’Reilly – The Patriotic Thing to Do
As some of you know, I’ve interacted with Bill O’Reilly several times on his TV and radio shows. I have also had the “pleasure” of interacting with Sean Hannity, host of Hannity and Colmes, another show on Fox. Rush Limbaugh, the ex-drug addict, is another member of the Right Wing Axis of Ignorance, consisting of individuals who use their platforms to socially terrorize people of color.
We are all affected by this and confront this hatred every day at work and at school. All of us know what it’s like to deal with that racist, sexist SOB who worships Bill O’Reilly because O’Reilly validates his racism. This person may be our boss, our co-worker or some other entitled, yet ignorant individual who has not been educated on the racial history of our nation.
Today I woke up angry. I was angry because I thought about what Hannity, O’Reilly and others have done to this election. They’ve worked to bring the worst out in the American people to attack Senator Barack Obama, who has run one of the classiest, most intelligent and conscientious campaigns in American history. The moment that America was on its way toward making a breakthrough in its addiction to racism, the hate mongers from the Axis of Ignorance came marching in to remind America that Obama was just a black little boy.
Bill O’Reilly needs to be taken off the air. Either he is ignorant, racist or represents the interests of racists. Either way, I continue to be insulted by the fact that this man feels comfortable attacking and disrespecting people of color. The type of racism that he and his sidekick Bernard Goldberg bring to the table is nothing short of the same old stuff that we’ve been dealing with for the past 400 years. We also can’t forget Juan Williams, the “Eternal Happy Negro” who conspires to provide black (not African-American, for he is Panamanian) validation for these racist viewpoints.
Among other things, O’Reilly has mentioned the idea of “lynching” Michelle Obama over controversial comments and stated that Hurricane Katrina victims deserved to be abandoned to die by the Federal Government. I can only imagine what would happen if someone said that the 9/11 victims deserved to die…….a black host making that kind of comment would be taken off the air IMMEDIATELY. I personally continue to fight these issues when I am on TV, but there is a point of disbelief one reaches when you see someone get away with one hateful sentence after another from networks that truly don’t give a damn what black people think. We are invisible, irrelevant and disregarded by many of these shows.
Personally, I am tired of it. I am tired of the unfair attacks on Senator Barack Obama, which represent the consistent, racist double standard of Fox News reporting. These individuals are consistently validated, even though they are far less educated, far more inflammatory and much less conscientious than Jeremiah Wright, the man they were licensed to demonize this past month. My skin shudders and my stomach turns when I hear any of them speak, and I do all I can to avoid turning to that channel. I have done a lot of interviews with Fox News in the past, and I don’t fault those who still do. But personally, I just can’t stomach them anymore.
I ask those who believe in American honor and decency to ignore this network. Disregard the analysis, don’t respond to O’Reilly, Hannity or any other racist who says something you don’t agree with. Kill the Devil by starving it of attention. Don’t even watch Fox so you can “see what the enemy is thinking”. Just let them go and focus on a positive and productive future of the country that was built by your people.
If you are so compelled, you may want to email Fox News (email addresses are below) reminding them that this behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to get something off your chest, please email us at info@yourblackworld.com and share your views on this issue. We also have another page at this link (http://yourblackworld.com/bill_oreilly.htm) that allows readers to vent on this issue. I know you’re hurting, and I believe that if we stick together, we can fight the demon. Additionally, ideas for change and fairness in American media are welcome from anyone who wants to send them to us.
Here are some email addresses and phone numbers for producers on Fox News. Even Bill O’Reilly’s address is included. If the spirit moves you, you may choose to email or call one of the producers for the O’Reilly Factor and tell them how you feel. The O’Reilly Factor should change its name to “God Damn America”, for O’Reilly is damning our great nation by enabling its addiction to racism.
Dr. Boyce Watkins
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