"Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite — a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern [1]. Alternatively, the term elitism may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of the elite."
Okay, so now that we know what elite means I think we can try to understand the characterization of the "O" man as being an elitist, out of touch, snob.
It's funny, because I thought that is what A-merry-cans wanted in their leaders, someone who is elite. I mean aren't all of A-merry-ca's leaders wealthy? Google how many millionaires are in the U.S. Senate. How much money did the Clinton's make over the past few years again? Extraordinary skills? If you ask most A-merry-cans they will tall you that many of their past Presidents and leaders were blessed with extraordinary skills and talents. Aren't those the same qualities that an elite person is supposed to possess? I submit to you that A-merry-cans wanted their Presidents to be elite. That is, until, this potential President. This one, they don't want to be elite. "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a nigger with a nickle." Sorry "O" man, no elitism or uppity behavior from you. Here in A-merry-ca we will not tolerate an uppity black man. That trait is reserved for our white Presidents and Presidential candidates (Even when they are dumb like the frat boy). Sorry, but they see the Harvard law degree and think affirmative action. Like Gerri Ferraro they don't think you would be here without the benefit of your skin color. I thought you knew that?
So "O" man I know you are really trying to seem like the white as well as black candidiate, but you might want to change your message just a little bit. Do not tell poor and small town white people that they are poor and come from a small town. They don't need your black Ivy League educated, big city ass reminding them how fucked up their condition is. John McCain can tell them that, even Hillary, but not you "O" man, in their minds, their skin color is all that they have over you. Don't take that away, or you will lose their vote for sure.
So in the future, try to be a little smarter. For someone with a white mama you sure don't understand white folks. It's that damn Michelle isn't it? She just blackened you up too much. Well it's time to get in touch with your white side. Don't worry about black folks, they are going to vote for you no matter what. (90% here in Philly in spite of Mayor Nutter's pronouncements). Black folks will know what you are doing, and why you are doing it. (if it wasn't for that damn FAKE NEWS no one would have even known about your preacher.)
Next time say something like: Black people in the inner cities are bitter and frustrated. This is why they drink and take drugs. This is why they kill each other. And this is why the old people go to church every Sunday morning. That is what you should have said. Then you wouldn't be having these problems, and having such a hard time getting back on message. Then white folks in Wal Mart A-merry-ca would have been cheering their asses off, and would have been saying: right on Obama. Man that Obama sure rocks! He sure told those blacks about themselves. That's the kind of Negro we need in the white house, one that is not afraid to tell it like it is and will not pull any punches..... Oh well, back to the drawing board.
I am white and I do not understand white folks, either. But then I am a member of that t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. "elite" - of people who can think in a somewhat objective way about what is going on. *That,* I am convinced, is what the Republicans really mean when they complain about the "elite" - the "elites" are the people smart enough or enlightened enough to see through them.
That is it in a nutshell about the comment Obama made.
I also see the Clinton pattern again in the way they are running with the honest statement Obama made.
"Bitter and Frustrated" or "Angry and Frustrated" what is the freaking difference.
The Democrat Party need to step in and shut this crap down soon…it is nauseating and sad watching this Party destroy itself.
I actually read your post out loud, and satire is striking. I imagine that you have a deadpan sense of humor and it's really the best kind as it is honest and profound.
I can see him addressing the crime problem in Philly this week. I personally would like for him to critize the no snitching rule. But maybe it's like that judge in Georgia, I hope not.
You know... I am taking all of this in with a great deal of skepticism. Sure, I am listening to Hillary and McCain trying to spin this to the negative.... BUT, I am not hearing alot of folks who are going to be voting next week being outraged, disagreeing with him, or thinking this is as big deal as the media pundits are trying to make it.
They have 24 hours of air time to fill and I think this may be one of those things that gets blown up just so they have something to talk about. And, Hillary hanging in the bar, drinking shots and talking about shooting when she was young just flat out looks way too staged. I think most people, in small towns and big cities can see and smell the bullshit.
In fact, I would assert that Hillary is so out of touch that she is the one who is coming off as elitist in her reactions.
As someone who has been firmly in the working class, and during a time when my kids were young, the working poor, my BS detector tells me I would MUCH rather sit down and shoot the shit with Obama than Hillary or McCain, any day.... So, we shall see how this plays out, and truth be told, we wont really know until April 22nd. I suspect Obama will do pretty well here in PA, I dont think he will win it, but I think he will be close enough where Hillary cannot declare huge victory.
I've been bracing for this ever since Elizabeth Edwards said how Obama came off as arrogant when he came to speak to them in regards to courting his endorsement. It's been said a few more places since then, "arrogant" and well, I've been bracing for Hillary's people to find the right moment and handle to nail him as "uppity".
Goodness, doesn't he realise how humble he's supposed to be what with being handed the chance to succeed in life and to run for the President of the United States, just like that Jesse Jackson fella? Silly Obama, needs to be more common and humble ...
"They don't need your black Ivy League educated, big city ass reminding them how fucked up their condition is. John McCain can tell them that, even Hillary, but not you "O" man, in their minds, their skin color is all that they have over you. Don't take that away, or you will lose their vote for sure."
Sad but true.
You know, field: You better watch out. You're spearheading a blogfest that's exposing each and every day what that Jack Nicholson's character said in the movie "A Few Good Men"-- White America just can't handle the truth."
This Obama video response says it all
I feel a little sorry for Hillary. She is looking for something to to help her and nothing will help her at this point. And the reason nothing will help is because most of us have MOVED ON by now. We have gone from Clinton fatigue to election fatigue. And...we ...just...don't...care...anymore.
God, this is boring.
cosign Isaiah 58. Enough already!
It's a pundit monster of an issue. Meaning, bullshit. It's like Dyson expounding endlessly on Hip Hop, or Lebron talking about money. It signifies nothing but it tinges that melodrama, personal investment of the soap opera character. It embraces the dumb mu-fu in each of us.
Which is why it generates readers, ratings, clicks.
Edward R Murrow, where are you?
PS Field, the Pope's comign to DC. You think he's going to pray for economic and social justice for the miserable negroes in Southeast DC or West Philly?
Your post is right on the money!
Did you see this video? OMG, Obama dropped the gloves and he can chuck 'em when he has to.
No wonder the RNC is scared of him. He'll whoop their asses in a debate every time.
No wonder the RNC is scared of him. He'll whoop their asses in a debate every time.
You do realize he's trying to apoligize here for things he said a week ago. Never good to be on the defense. Field is right. Watch for brothers being dissed this week, by Obama.
cali hussein tejano
You made my night posting that video link
Field I have my doubts about the powers that be pulling out all the stops to prevent an Obama presidency, but I think you're being reactionary. Look how much time and space has been spent with us discussing this. It's time for the bloggers to stop letting Traditional media set the story and tone of the story. I'm sure you've heard about the bittervoters.org website and the Faux news reporter that asked the older white man about the 'bitter' issue and the man agreed and said he had no problem with what Obama said. Obama was speaking to someone who asked how they should their canvassing in PA so he would not have said anything about Blacks in the hood lol. As usual those idiots on to decided to tell people what they felt and everybody ran with it. My head hurts I am so sick of this crap! We need to start discussing McCain not voting for the GI Bill, not voting for MLK day and Civil Right's legislation for 25 years, his involvement in the S&L scandals from 20 yrs ago and how the past administrations' economic policies are still hurting people - mortgage crisis anyone. How about how Bill is making deals that funded the Clinton's $100+million fortune in private that Hillary 'officially' opposes. I know we need to stay current but we can flood these pundits and the news website with these questions and send in opinions pieces and add this to comments [as I'm doing now] to shift the focus on what needs to be discussed instead of the distractions as so-called news. If Obama had not mentioned it the other two - who are seriously joined at the hip - [THERE"S THE REAL STORY btw] certainly would NOT have brought it up. Also I'd like to mention that Bill said the very same thing in 1991 and Obama was on Charlie Rose in 2004 talking about this so it's nothing new.
Feel a little sorry for Hillary???? Oh, I passed that stage a few loooong weeks ago.
Now when I saw those pics of her doing shots with those "typical blue collar workers" that she is so desperately pandering to, with her "I spent my girlhood in duck blinds shooting rifles" I just think "oh yeah, you just knock another shot of Jamesons on down to wash that bitter, bitter taste right on out of your lying mouth." and honestly, I hope she chokes.
The corporate elite does not want a Black Man in the White House period. I have not watch cable news all weekend because I knew they would try to make a mountain out of this molehill and low and behold. If people stop watching this bull their ratings would drop and then they would be forced to do some real reporting. I have been on Cable strike since 04 and at the rate they are going I will stay on my strike. You would think that their is more important news happening than this bs. For staters, makeing torture plans in the White House - no story there.
A one-sided mirror that shows my ugly black ass is okay. But a two-sided mirror that shows my ugly black ass, and your ugly white ass, well, that's not okay.
By the way, both mirrors are on sale at your local "Goodwill Store."
They're practically giving them away.
It seems people have been dropping them off faster than they can sell them.
field, Isaiah 58 and Innercity Rose are laying it down. Not only has The Clintons lost black voters; new polls show they are losing support from white women voters. And if the Obama basing continues unabated, they will cause him to lose independent voters, who will make the difference in the general.
Behind it all, field, is the amazing recognition by anyone with a brain that not only is the democratic party losing its best chance to make history by choosing a black man or woman for president, more importantly, they're losing their best opportunity to take back the presidency and to rule congress, the senate and the executive office, to mention appoint up to three good members to the Supreme Court.
This sets up McCain to be president in 2008; and if Bush doesn't get us into war with Iran before he leaves office, warmonger McCain will.
Can I be honest?
As much as I hate to admit it, this Obamaholic is suffering from serious burn out. I am so sick of all of the ridiculous, unfounded attacks on Senator Obama. It's terribly annoying.
It's so clear that they (whoever they are) are just grasping for straws.
If they are going to bring the pain, bring it.
But throwing handfulls of dirt is just juvenile and ineffective.
That's why these handfulls of dirt they keep on throwing, just continue to fly in the wind.
I'm ready to see Senator Obama be president. What I'm not ready for is the games that "they" are playing to try to stop him.
But I guess all promotions come with challenges.
It's just one of those things.
There will be more attacks on Obama, and I'm fine with that. He'll not only weather them, but he will continue to win people over. Just as he has all along. If this is the kitchen sink, then McCain better come at Obama with the whole fucking house if he wants to beat him.
Mark my words. McCain will never be President. The American people will not continue to send their sons and daughters to fight in Iraq and Iran, lose their homes and their livelihood for four more years. It's guaranteed over half of them aren't that stupid.
Remember, the Con trolls do not represent the majority of voters. Just the most vocal 0.0001% of them.
This is a great post!
You are exactly right!
White people don't mind an elitist president - as long as he's not black!! That's the darn truth!
They loved the Kennedys and they loved the blue-blood Jackie O and CAMELOT.
They are scared to death about what Michelle will do as First Lady.
White people from the lower socioeconomic classes CAN NOT stand to see a well-educated, wealthy, confident black person.
Just ask the white maid who scrubbed my mother's floor every night before going home!
Thanks for telling it like it T-I-S!
They did the same thing to John kerry, pegged him as Chardonnay sipping, NPR listening, Massachusetts
liberal elitist and they got him.
The Borg Queen & her huzbind are worth $111 million, own three homes and travel by private jet, but they're accusing Obama of being an elite.
Is this some kind of batshit crazy or what?
Yes, I've always thought that the "Elitist" critique of Obama (& MIchelle!) had as its subtext that they were "uppity," that they didn't know their place, etc.
But it would be wrong to ascribe this totally to racism. Re-reading those comments of Obama in SF he really does come off sounding condescending and out-of-touch. No more condescending and out-of-touch than Hillary, but she's better at hiding it.
What the O-man has going for him is that he is charismatic and genuinely likable. People are inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, so maybe he'll pull himself out of this jam he's gotten himself into.
We'll just see after the next couple of primaries.
Clinton, Obama put politics aside to discuss faith
Obama, Clinton; these people do not want to hear you say that you believe in GOD, they want to hear you say that you believe in Jesus.
GOD's grace; and Christianity as a personal philosophy, does not necessarily mean that you believe in Jesus.
Yes, that GOD, without the convenience of marriage, knocked out some 12 to 13-year old human female knookie and produced HIS only begotten Son.
Or, should I say, HE knocked out dat sweet, sweet, young girl pre-pubescent cookie?
Hmmm, no word on begotten daughter(s); only or multiples?
Obama, Clinton; you kNOw that you edumacated elite do not really believe in that stuff.
Obama, Clinton; GOD ain't no 'baby daddy'. Or, is HE?
Hennasplace,me cynical? Noooo.
Yec Christopher,the pope is coming.i am sure that my Irish Catholic friends will be glad to see him.
"There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a nigger with a nickle."
So true. I grew up poor as fuck in Boston during the '70's and forced busing. Before busing race was a simmering, underlying issue that was something there, but rarely discussed. Poor Whites thought "What about us?" and felt that Blacks who were better off financially than them were getting special treatment, thus outrage and blame. They took out their anger on the Black school kids, not the system.
At the bottom of the food chain is where all the fighting happens and the larger preditors (government, corporations) love when poor whites and poor blacks battle it out because it deflects from their nefarious and exploitive agendas.
Sen.Clinton will suffer MAJOR blowback on this topic.Obama's "Annie Oakley" comment is just the beginning. Her "nostalgia" about her days of shooting duck will be equated with the photo of Kerry's hunting duds in 2004 and exposed for what it is--BLATANT PANDERING!
And her credibility in light of the the Bosnia story is non existent.
Good that Obama regretted but did not apologize for his"bitter" statement,because it is TRUE.
Jody above got it right. The longer this plays the better it is for Senator Obama. Clinton is just looking pathetic. President Obama. Has a nice ring don't you think.
Obama has a glorious opportunity this Wednesday in the 21st debate to just level the Borg Queen between her eyes.
If she calls him an "elitist," she can laugh in her face coming from a woman with a net worth of $111 million dollars.
If she brings up the Second Amendment, he can ask her if she's running for president of the United States or president of the NRA.
There's much to pick from.
oh role reversal satire, i'll play. The black folks in Unity Church will have their bitterness removed when the racism that is it cause is removed. White folks will have their bitterness removed by voting for the O man.
But folks--I stated this over at Jack and Jill politics--isn't it time to kill this soap opera political coverage and endless teeth gnashing? The answer is yes in theory but no in practice. Bloggers consider themselves somehow "better" than the so-called "main stream media" (which is a slippery, stupid term). Yet we engage in the same type of soap opera mongering as they do. Friction, visceral (though ultimately bullshit) issues increase ratings, readers clicks. That's what it's all about and the nation suffers accordingly.
Heynow is correct.
I am a "bitter" gay and an Obamaholic and I'm white, too!
We're talking about the damned trifecta!
I'm waiting for Obama to work his magic on me.
All I can really say is damn 8 more days of this is painful.
Do you really think that Annie had planned on voting for him anyway?
I'm with most of the readers on this one Field "So What"
every time that man opens his mouth the bias media finds something wrong.
She can tell big huge whooping lies but.....he can't say bitter folks aren't bitter?
what ever
Damn, this was a good one Field, great job! It seems like everyone is aware of the historical rift between poor whites and blacks (of any status)except for poor whites. It goes beyond the resentment of the elite. They will vote against their own self interests if they think a candidate or party is supportive of blacks as well. Many of them don't want to link their struggles with ours even though the majority of poor people in this country are white.
Angie -
Sorry you're fatigued, but this is just the beginning.
Should he survive this and the general, he will experience resistance you can't begin to imagine.
His presidency will only open doors for minorities to be takenly seriously - he will be something like the Little Rock Nine.
"he will be something like the Little Rock Nine." Ms. Martin
Times a million...
"But folks--I stated this over at Jack and Jill politics--isn't it time to kill this soap opera political coverage and endless teeth gnashing? The answer
is yes in theory but no in practice. Bloggers consider themselves somehow "better" than the so-called "main stream media" (which is a slippery, stupid
term). Yet we engage in the same type of soap opera mongering as they do. Friction, visceral (though ultimately bullshit)" Chris Chambers
Chris, I think you're right. I think I'm going to have to agree with you.
I think the O-man doesn't stand a chance in hell. Our country is a one conditioned to get riled up by catch phrases and half truths. From trickle down economics to wmd's. He is either going to have the nomination stolen from him by the ice queen'c cronies, or Morton is going to use the word "experience" to scare every white non liberal in America until they see it when they sleep. I would love to see an Obama McCain debtate. It would have been legendary.
Angela -
""he will be something like the Little Rock Nine." Ms. Martin
Times a million..."
Against 40 million and the MSM.
I find it fascinating that folks want Obama to lessen his tone or choose his words wisely or know his audience better. When will folks realize that Obama will be attacked no matter what he says. This is politics and it's a dirty game. And anyone who chooses to become a politican knows this going in. So please with all the blogs about this subject, aren't there other stories that piss us off besides following mainstream medias lead. We all know the game and aren't as niave as they think we are. I say "To hell with all the wordplay, speak the truth and shame the devil".
Barack Obama, an African American man, is a "boy" to at least one Republican.
US Rep. Geoff Davis, a Hebron Republican, compared Obama and his message for change similar to a "snake oil salesman."
He said in his remarks at the GOP dinner that he also recently participated in a "highly classified, national security simulation" with Obama.
"I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button," Davis said.
Evidently, Rep. Davis is clueless to about the insulting nature of a white person calling a Black man, a "boy." How do you spell M.O.R.O.N?
- a proud, bitter, Gay man
Christopher said...
Heynow is correct.
I am a "bitter" gay and an Obamaholic and I'm white, too!
We're talking about the damned trifecta!
I'm waiting for Obama to work his magic on me.
ya'll gonna over-confindent your ways right over the cliff. bitter? sit down shorty, have a cream soda, you ain't got no clue what bitterness awaits you.
Dude, your writing is just getting better and better! Awesome fucking shit, my friend!!
I'm confused, because to me, they're all guilty of elitism...
Isn't the belief that you have the right to be the leader of the free world elitist in itself?
I personally do want an ‘uppity’ president. We tried the ‘down to earth’ president route and it has gotten us nothing but 8 years of headache.
When will people learn that we have to stop picking our presidents based off of who is most likely to be our best friend and pick somebody with some real, honest ideas and is about working towards real change?
I just knew the word "boy" was going to creep in one way or another! Probably intended to use it then apologize later!
I'm finding this issue hysterically funny. First, Obama spoke the truth. He never said "white folks" although it is implied. But there are plenty of "other folks" who are in the same boat.
Second, who in the hell is Clinton to call someone an elitist? Has she even been in a grocery store in the past 20 years? The Clintons made $109M in just nine years. Do people in Pennsylvania really believe that the Clintons feel their pain?
Then today I read where Hillary says she shot a rabbit once when she was in high school. Man, oh man, I fell on the floor laughing. Now, in between ducking nonexistent bullets, she's become Daniel Boone. Or as Obama put it, Annie Oakley.
Something else occurred to me this weekend. This isn't just about Hillary becoming president. As I watched James Carville carrying on like a banshee on Meet the Press, it occurred to me that if Obama becomes president, it ushers in a whole new crew into the Democratic leadership circle. Bill and Hillary have been the darlings of the Dems for nine years and that comes to a crashing end if Obama wins. All of the Clinton operatives become obsolete. Obama will work with these people but they are not going to enjoy the status they once had with the Clintons. This is about more than just the presidency. This is about who will control the backroom deals and who will even be included in the back room deals. An Obama presidency will mark a sea change of the face of the Democratic party. Unlike Jimmy Carter, Obama has the ability to make a firm imprint on the Dems.
So that's why the Clintons can't let Obama win.
wow at that U.S. Rep calling him 'boy'.
and...man you are so right about this.
it's okay for the white politicians to come to the ghetto and speak about how angry and desolate the young black kids are, but let obama speak some truth about the trailer parks of america and we have a national controversy.
i'm SO over it.
wish november would get here already so we can paint the white house black.
That's not it at all.
Though what you provided is indeed the definition of elite, it's not what people think of when they hear that or even the more common elitist. They think of holier than thou, stuck up, pretentious, snobbish jackasses. The connotation of "elite" is far, far, far removed from its denotation.
Who among us likes that in any people?
People want someone who fits the dictionary definition of elite, whether they know it or not, yet someone who 'they can have a beer with'. Why else do you think GW Bush polled close enough with Al Gore to snatch the election? Because he was the humble guy you could have a beer with, and Al Gore wasn't.
And these 'elitist' remarks do damage him just because they seem to run counter to everything he's built his campaign on, like yes We Can for example. It doesn't help that he said it when he thought no one from the outside was listening, either.
It's not because white people don't want a smart nigger in the white house. Lighten up man.
BAM! Field Man nails it. Nice job dude.
I ripped you off and posted the most definitive paragraph on my page.
Sagaciously elite Hillbilly
The meat of Obama's comments may be upsetting to some, yet some white people have, shockingly, agreed with what Obama said about their bitterness.
Much of this controversy is fabricated by the media, and I almost never say that. His wording was poor but what he actually meant is not controversial at all, in fact what he meant hints at an aim to support rural America.
If you're looking for an institutional problem with this 'Bittergate' you'll find it in the Mainstream Media, not with white America.
You took literally all of the words out of my mouth. I dont think that Michelle had anything to do with that one. Someone told her to take her nappy head somewhere for the next few months so you cant blame that one on her...LOL! I am also a happily nappily headed black woman also. I think that the problem is that Obama started becoming too comfortable and feeling too accepted by white people. I understand the comments and remarks made and I agree. But he made those comments in an affluent community meeting behind closed doors. He forgets that SOME of those affluent folks used to be small time hicks. I notice that some of those white news people took these comments quite personal (even at CNN). Obama should be more paranoid around whites like most black professionals. Try to never say anything negative about one white to another. And remember that at the end of the day, YOU ARE STILL BLACK!! He should have learned in "THE ART OF DEALING WITH WHITES 101"
This sounds an awful lot like Tom Robinson being convicted for having the audacity to say he felt sorry for poor, white Mayella Ewell . . .
Hillary is doing something really smart (read: manipulative) in Philly and I'd love for someone outside of Philly to comment on it. Maybe it's just me, but all of the pro-Hills commercials I've seen feature Nutter or Rendell but not Hillary herself. Maybe I'm just subconsciously flipping channels as soon as I see her face, but has anyone else noticed this?
Maybe it's just me, but all of the pro-Hills commercials I've seen feature Nutter or Rendell but not Hillary herself.
Ed Rendell (?) to reign in the whites.
Nutter to reign in the blacks.
A double barrel sprays more buckshots, and hits more targets; and if you can get someone else, that's not so toxic at the moment, to carry, and aim, why do it yourself?
Of course I mean rein, and not rain, or reign.
It rains, reins, reigns mainly on the plains.
Hillary is as phoney as they come. This I would rather have a beer with my president if full of it. That is the kind of mindset that gave us Bush twice. Hell no, I don't want to have a shot nor drink a beer with Hillary. In my opinion it made her look like she has no class. I believe the Republicans said that about the Clintons during his presidency. This elitism is bull and is another dog whistle for uppity nigger. The traditional media - their corporate whores anyway - like they are poor - give me a break.
Field, First of all, thank you so much for the "Rich White Snots" picture from Gilligans Island. That had me laughing all day long.
Then I watched the Annie Oakley vid and got another good laugh.
Don't change a thing! Your blog has the best hook on politics, race, and pop culture, with humor !!!!I have ever read. And I read, a lot.
I thought you were being a bit harsh with this one at first. But then I read the comments of that congressman from Kentucky, the one who said, 'that boy's finger doesn't need to be on the button,' or words to that effect. You are completely right. This is about some white people thinking Obama's uppity.
One politician calls him elitist. Another politician calls him boy. As far as I can tell, Obama has patience. I don't. This entire thing is just too disgusting for words.
So well written, Field. 100% on point.
Take a minute and read Rasmussen Daily Polls.. this poll has proven accurate throughout this campaign.... of note, they say that Obama is viewed as 80% likely to be the nominee and that the Democratic Nominee is most likley to win the presidency.
I lived in a small town in Central Pennsylvania for a few years. Actually it was one of those small College towns where the Snobbish College Kids were uphill and the 'Hoobie Hillbillies' lived down hill and there existed a LOVE/HATE relationship. The town was maintained only because of the University and the Prison that supplied the major sources of employment. There were a few manufacturing plants but if not for the university, the town would be a Ghost town. The college students saw the town as a place to get cheap entertainment, beers and liquor, cheap rent and possibly extra credit doing volunteer work. There were no crossing of lines. In my experience, there was a respect BUT never a love for the University Elites. It didn't matter if you were on financial aid or barely getting by or even if you were a poor urban black child from the ghetto, if you attended the university, you were elite.
I listened to Obama and as respected, knowledgeable, caring, and generally committed as he is, HIS WORDS, VOCABULARY and POSTURE came off elitist. His presentation was no more different than if he had walked into a HIP-HOP convention and started speaking like Cornell West or a Yale Law School Graduate. No matter what his intentions, he'd be THAT TYPE OF PERSON ... NOT LIKE US.
I realized that the audience OBAMA was talking to was in San Fransisco when speaking about small town America (Pennsylvania), but the audience he was talking about are mostly those SWING VOTERS that will give him his edge, give him that chance, and they can be unforgiving because they DO dislike anything that might make them seem "dirty". Perception is Reality and Small Town America always get shafted by the Elites. If Black people can get Twisted if someone dances to close to racial suggestions, why wouldn't small town Americans react to an "elitist" dancing too close to a person's shortcomings with intellectual, financial, social and economic success?
I live in the CITY and heard his words and I thought he sounded a little KNOW IT ALL-ish.
here's the freedictionary.com's definition of elitism...
elitism or élitism (n.)
1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.
2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.
note the operative phrase @ 2. a...
"sense of entitlement"
who fits that bill?
it's rather elitist for a candidate to believe that the straight shooting, bullsh** detecting voters of pa. aren't perceptive or discerning enough to see through her bullish.
After reading half the responses and watching news channels fuss nonstop about what the O 'man said, I was literal cussing out my TV. Field, stop focusing on the media's bullshit attacks against O'man and go on to more pressing issue's affecting our community and the world. Leave the mainstream media to talk about the next useless smear that won't work,in fact I seen O man's response to charges' of elitism, and not only did he reflect the shit storm back at Hill yet again,and made a real funny diss at Hillarity, but when Hillary tried to respond, she was booed. It was the shit! Obama's campaign is safe and still has a ten point lead in national support. This is the only reason I go to blogs, to hear the stuff I don't hear in the msm, the real important stuff, not regurgitate the news from CNN+FOX+NBC=BS.
Great post, but I'm with woozie on this one:
"Though what you provided is indeed the definition of elite, it's not what people think of when they hear that or even the more common elitist. They think of holier than thou, stuck up, pretentious, snobbish jackasses. The connotation of "elite" is far, far, far removed from its denotation."
This brouhaha seems less about the denotation - "outstanding personal abilities, intellect..." and more about the connotation, "pretentious, snobbish."
I agree that people are bitter and cynical and some handle it in a myriad of ways (to include some he mentioned). For me, it wasn't what he said, but where he said it and how he said it.
Why wait until he got to the glitzy, San Fran crowd to talk about the "bitters?" Why not tell it to them from the stump in those small towns? Great orator that he is, I'm sure he could've convinced them - to their face - that he could feel their pain and would do all he could to remedy it.
It reminded me of the "twoness" W.E.B. DuBois wrote about in "Souls of Black Folks" when Blacks felt comfortable saying things about whites when among their own, but would never say those same things in the presence of whites. Only this "twoness" had to do with the haves and the have-nots instead of Blacks and whites.
Listening to the audio, from the introduction by Sheila Jackson Lee, to the end, I got the feeling he was among people around whom he FELT he could speak freely (since it was a "closed" fundraiser, I'm sure nobody expected his words to be recorded and replayed to the world - unless of course it was in a good light)- and he did. I don't think he "misspoke" at all. He's too good a speaker.
In that San Fran setting, he sounded condescending to the working-class. It has nothing to do with how much money anybody's made. It has to do with the perception (sometimes the reality)that people who have a lot of money feel and act as if they are socially or educationally superior to those who don't because of it.
As I always say, the "O" man needs to be who he is and let the people decide if they want to vote for that person or not.
There was a study done that took a look at all the living members of MENSA (the top 2% most intelligent known humans) and the results showed that virtually none of them were wealthy.
Truly great intelligence, a combination of many factors, is anti-elitist. If you ask me, ANYONE that would seek to be a career politician in American society has some serious issues. It's like that old expression, the best leaders are those who do not want to lead.
had to write to compliment on shazza nakim's post on his experience in small town PA. it was insigtful and real. it might really be possible to change things, if enough folks, myself included, had his vision. as oppossed to say, singaporeswim who goes to the dictionary to cite the defintion of elite, and skips right over the first entry to get to the second that she percieves as helping her case. like, it's not enough to goto the websites and media and what all else, so to hear exactly what you want, no you got to parce out the defintion of words as well. more of depends on the meaning of is is gone wild
Thanks for pointing it out that the issue about "elite" speak has nothing to do with wealth or power or even position BUT perception. Too often I find that people who like to Comment about injustices or just want to ride the BASH BUS often use the same responses and or tactics to BASH back.
I had this comment to a person today about the while Obama "elitism" issue and I responded simply, "Anyone who run for president has got to have a degree of self conditioning for elitism. its the HIGHEST position in the land and will be seen as LEADER of the free World. How Elite Is That?"
Come on folks, you have to let this one go to the people affected -- Small town USA. Just like Bill Clinton's Jesse comment in South Carolina, the frustration felt needs to roll like the wave it is.
Obama inserted Foot in Mouth with this one and needs to come back to Pennsylvania and fix it. Rural people do not speak "Elite", you need to keep it basic; not to be confused with "simple" because many people who live in rural America are well educated and with means. He needs to keep it personal and keep and "personable". No one likes a SMARTY PANTS nor to people like being ANALYZED and that is what the perception was. It has nothing to do with money in the pocket, or the Clinton's $111 million in the bank.
Obama, for a brief moment forgot his audience and leaned too much on promoting his themed RACE IN AMERICA. As much as what he stated was/is true ... there are still a lot of Americans that still DON'T GET IT and he does not haver time to make them ... he is still running for PRESIDENT. Obama, being from Small town USA should have known this nor should he be surprised.
Correction: Intro was given by Rep. Barbara Lee not Sheila Jackson Lee as I said earlier
What Barack Obama SHOULD say, in the middle of Western PA, in no uncertain terms is this:
1. I’ve spent my entire professional life working for the canary in the mines.
2. You think I don’t know about your pain ? I do.
3. The canary in the mine is the inner city. YOU are the actual mine. The similarities between you are striking.
4. Inner city folks love their guns. For you, it expresses itself through hunting. For the inner city, they have been so broken down, that the only expression of manhood many of these young men have is from the barrell of a gun, and they never realize what you do - for a big differential is that you do have respect for guns, and they don’t.
5. That inner city person, that city person doesn’t want to take your gun. But, the mother of the child who was killed ‘as an innocent bystander’ in a gang war, would like to know why you continue to allow those criminal gunrunners to hide behind you, like a shield, denying registration for these guns to be tracked. She doesn’t want your gun; she wants you to stop shielding criminals of a different sort.
6. That there isn’t one iota of difference between the lives devastated and destroyed by the crystal meth epidemic of rural America, and the crack epidemic of inner city America. Having seen one and the effects of it, I understand what meth has done to your communities.
7. Religion…you may not know it, but there is a common saying that there is a church on every other block in the inner city. When I say that in bad times, people turn to religion, I’ve seen it up close and personal.
8. You have a choice: between a crooked White candidate and an honest Black one. I might not be perfect, but I’m the most honest candidate you’ve seen in awhile.
9. My life story; this campaign IS the American Dream personified.
******and yeah, FN, it's all about calling Obama -UPPITY- without calling him UPPITY...you get my drift.
Something else occurred to me this weekend. This isn't just about Hillary becoming president. As I watched James Carville carrying on like a banshee on Meet the Press, it occurred to me that if Obama becomes president, it ushers in a whole new crew into the Democratic leadership circle. Bill and Hillary have been the darlings of the Dems for nine years and that comes to a crashing end if Obama wins. All of the Clinton operatives become obsolete. Obama will work with these people but they are not going to enjoy the status they once had with the Clintons. This is about more than just the presidency. This is about who will control the backroom deals and who will even be included in the back room deals. An Obama presidency will mark a sea change of the face of the Democratic party. Unlike Jimmy Carter, Obama has the ability to make a firm imprint on the Dems.
So that's why the Clintons can't let Obama win.
West Coast Story,
It's way deeper than that.
Jonathan Alter on Countdown last night says, that if Obama makes it to the White House, he'll be a President who owes the LEAST to big money and big donors it at least 30 years.
It's not just the Clinton cronies; it's the entire lobbyist/pac system.
Why do you think we hear at least once a week about Obama's problems with ' The Jews'?
Because, though he has Jewish support, he is NOT beholden to the big money donors of AIPAC. They don't own him.
Him NOT taking money from lobbyists and PACS is a HUGE deal.
There is an entire SYSTEM built upon this premise, and Obama owes very few of them; only the ones who were there in the beginning, and there weren't that many of them.
This is a threat to the GOP Big Money Donors too, because if Obama is successful, then what's there to say that there isn't a GOP Obama out there.....think about the possbilities if Ron Paul had taken off...or, if someone like Huckabee had had Ron Paul-like money, how far he REALLY could have gone.
Obama isn't really about Obama anymore, and of course we can't count on the media to point this out. The true threat that he is to the 'System' is just not being reported, because if regular folks realized that here was the first practical possibility for them to take back their government in 20 years; this election would already be OVER.
They hide behind the " Black" stuff, because it's easy, lazy, and because the deeper truth about how Obama threatens things isn't something they want to reveal to the average American.
rikyrah said...
They hide behind the "Black" stuff, because it's easy, lazy, and because the deeper truth about how Obama threatens things isn't something they want to reveal to the average American.
Good point.
I don't think Obama wanted to be a part of a "slave auction"...going to the highest bidders.
Knowing the racist history of this country, I think the imagery weighed to heavily on his conscience.
As long as he follows that North Star of Hope, he will maintain the freedom and the integrity to point this nation in a new direction.
truth is, sbo has said the gist of the "bitters" in small towns across the country during his campaign, as he stated when he met with the editorial board of some pa. rag
2day. he just used gentler words in front of the audiences.
michelle obama reminded a gathering today of where she and her husband come from - there's nothing elite about growing up in a working class family on the south side of chicago, princeton and harvard degrees and harvard law review notwithstanding.
singaporeswim..."sbo has said the gist of the "bitters" in small towns across the country during his campaign...he just used gentler words in front of the audiences."
Goes to both my points. If he's said it to other small towns, why not directly to this one? And why use "gentler" words in those small towns then wait until he got to the San Fran mansion to use the not-so "gentle" (your characterization, not mine) words? As I said, for me, it wasn't the WORDS, he said, but where and how he said them.
i'm not sure of the exact words sbo used in the small town that he referenced in san fran.
i wish that all of the candidates would "keep it real" all of the time but we know that those who do are not electable and have a short shelf life (see dennis kucinich, ron paul and ralph nader).
having said that, there is something to be said for diplomacy and discretion. sbo has the unique ability to communicate and hit his points smoothly, tactfully and effectively w/o making his audience feel demeaned or dissed.
singaporeswim..."i wish that all of the candidates would "keep it real" all of the time but we know that those who do are not electable and have a short shelf life"
So then you agree that Sen. Obama is not "keepin' it real" (like every other politician)to be electable and have a long shelf life?
"having said that, there is something to be said for diplomacy and discretion. sbo has the unique ability to communicate and hit his points smoothly, tactfully and effectively w/o making his audience feel demeaned or dissed."
I agree, he's an excellent orator, which is why I don't believe he misspoke this time and while the San Fran audience did not feel demeaned or dissed, the PA audience did.
i don't know what sbo's message was nor how he conveyed it to the pa audience in question. it appears that he was speaking off the cuff in san fran about his observations about some small towners. the general supposition, based on this one [that we know of] recorded incident, seems to be that he waters down his speeches to small towners and then turns around and mocks them in front of the elite set.
i'm almost certain that sbo doesn't deliver the same stump speech in the same fashion to each crowd - but they likely have similar content/talking points.
i don't agree that he's not "keeping it real" when he delivers the same message in different styles to different audiences. it's practical and only makes sense to tailor a speech and its delivery to your audience. there's nothing inauthentic or disingenuous about that.
singaporeswim..."there's nothing inauthentic or disingenuous about that."
No, just politics as usual. Which is the only point I'm trying to make here.
"politics as usual" w/a twist.
a different package w/different ingredients and instructions.
singaporeswim...I'll grant you different package, but the jury's still out for me on the different ingredients and instructions.
So in the future, try to be a little smarter. For someone with a white mama you sure don't understand white folks. It's that damn Michelle isn't it? She just blackened you up too much. Well it's time to get in touch with your white side. Don't worry about black folks, they are going to vote for you no matter what. (90% here in Philly in spite of Mayor Nutter's pronouncements). Black folks will know what you are doing, and why you are doing it. (if it wasn't for that damn FAKE NEWS no one would have even known about your preacher.)
This was too hilarious, FN. Blaming Michelle for ' blackening him up too much' ...
You so wrong.
Bottom line to all of this is when we "play" the game following "their" rules and win - then the rules always change. But for Barack, he forgot the most important rule of all - that being "stay in your place". Calling him elite is a reminder to all that he is Black. As Malcolm said - what do they call a Black lawyer, doctor, etc. "they call him a n*gger". So calling him elite, in my opinion, is reminding folks the "he's an up-ity n*gger" who's has garnered just too way too much support for simply being intelligent with a mind of his own!
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