
By all accounts this will be a historic night here in A-merry-ca. You Obamaholics should be proud of your boy. The first black man (albeit a half and half one) to win a major party nomination for president of these divided states. I for one will have to eat a little crow and admit that I didn't even think that the "O" man could win the dumbocratic nomination. All along you Obamaholics told me to watch and see, and all I could think of was therapy; these folks need some serious ass therapy. But you did it, as I write this your boy is six delegates short of his 2,118 needed to clinch the dumbocratic nomination and Hillary is begging to be on the ticket with him. Who knew?
I was also inspired by a post by my man Baratunde over at Jack & Jill Politics , and it made me want to talk about this past political season. It has been one hell of a ride, and we aren't even in the finals yet. We have had haters like Tavis Smiley, and Juan Williams throw in their two cents at every turn. We have had doubters like yours truly chirping about the Obamaholics and all his "O" love at every turn. And we have had the flat out racist (see the FAKE NEWS NETWORK and certain voters from the Appalachian states) who would just as soon vote for Charles Manson before they put a Negro family in their "white" House. And there has been the good too. Folks in states like Iowa and Oregon, Lilly white folks, ignoring the "O" man's race and buying into a movement. People like Christopher, a regular to this site, who has had nothing but love and devotion for the "O" man from day one. People like Christopher and all of you Obamaholics deserve all the credit in the world. You gave your money your time and your votes. And without it, the "O" man would be slinking back to the South Side of Chicago to work on his bowling and his jump shot. It has been beautiful to watch the Clintons and all of their minions (see the clowns over at Bartcop and other various pro Hillary sites) become unraveled and exposed for the patronizing racist frauds that they really are.
Now I will be in the gym every day for the next few weeks. Because I bet someone that if the "O" man won the general I would run down Broad street in my Jamaican birthday suit. Now I am pretty sure that I am safe. There will be no headlines screaming that a Philly lawyer/blogger was arrested for indecent exposure on North Broad street after the final election results were tallied. But the way things are going, you never know.
You Obamaholics might just have one more trick up your sleeve.
FN I knew you wouldn't let us down.
Let me say:
1. Congratulations Barack Hussein Obama. For pulling THE biggest political upset in political history.
2. Your boy Shelby Steele is holed up somewhere with a big bottle of scotch.
3. I've already had a few tears.
4. MSNBC's coverage is 10x better than CNN's, and that's even with Racist Pat Buchanan.
Please post the video of your run on YouTube just to verify, okay!
(wink, wink)
And you have to get him off the lawn now... LOL
I knew I would hear from you two:) But you know what, you deserve a good I told you so.
And Christ.prog. I didn't put him on the lawn, I just thought about it;)
Yes rikyrah, I am loving the MSNBC covrge too.
Yes, let's not get carried away!!
The Lakota consider the Black Hills to be sacred.
"Mount Rushmore", was intended as an insult and a sacrilege toward the Lakota; the North American Negroe should not join in this profanation, too.
You all know...they are STILL scratching their heads..
How in the #($* did this NEGRO (PC) do this?
The Dark Sith Ford is a HATER - plain and simple. And, if he weren't being paid right now...he'd be sharing that bottle of scotch with Shelby Steele.
HE DID IT!!!!!!!!! NOW TO THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!
I would scream tonight if AL Gore comes out on the stage with Obama.
This night holds more significance than you know:
The energy, mass consciousness matrix has just shifted.
What was below the surface has just surfaced, manifesting itself so that all may see.
What does this mean? This country will never be the same again.
What is seen, can never be unseen.
By the Democrats electing Obama as it's nominee, this country and humankind have just jumped another hurdle, crossed a major threshold.
The matrix has shifted to such an extent that it will have world-wide reverberations.
If he makes it to the presidency-- all to the good--the reverberations will continue, but it will not be as critical for the human race as this watershed moment.
Some of you out there know what I'm saying at the acknowledgment level. Others will feel it without acknowledging it. Yet, others will not acknowledge it all.
You all will have to tell me what Hillpatine says...the mute button just went on.
Is that you?!
Naaah, only messing with you .
Ford is a seroius hater. He always seems surprised that he can actually make words come out of his own mouth. Hope he's choking tonight.
She can't be trusted....isn't it obvious?
On November 5th, I will be out on Broad St, lawn chair and popcorn, waiting... watching and waiting......
*standing ovation*
A Long Time Coming.
An addendum: with a woman coming as close as Hillary did to becoming the next Democratic nominee has also impacted the collective consciousness energy matrix.
It was no accident that race and gender surfaced at this time.
It heralded a shift in the collective mindset.
Our country and indeed the world has shifted dramatically.
Hey FN,
what did you think of Mr. Morton's speech?
Classless to the end...that's our Hillpatine.
Time for a female POTUS; misogyny be damned.
Looking forward to seeing your run on YouTube. But seriously,"Albeit a half and half one" ??? Most of us are only part something or other. I'm one quarter Canadian, but it's good to have something I can be proud of. I assure you that haters all over our great land see him as all Black.
I think Hillary will go to Denver, making mischief.
Projected Winner: Barack Obama (MSNBC)
Told you so!
"...what did you think of Mr. Morton's speech?" I don't want to hate on Mr. Morton, but it was a bad speech. I have some issues with Mr. Morton, I don't know if he is all here.
And speaking of speeches; WTF was Hillary soing tonight? I think she wants more. I told you Obamaholics you will have to fight all the way to Denver.
And Jon you are right, that was a cheap shot with the "half and half" reference.
I can be such an asshole sometimes...well, most of the time. I hope Mrs. Field doesn't read that. She has mad love for the "O" man:)
Hilary's speech was absolutely classless.
You wrote a very humbling post and you are in deed the better person for it. I understand the doubts with people had about an African-American being the first to become President of the US. However, it is more rewarding to prove everyone wrong. I think sometimes as black people, we forget about how resilient we can be despite the obstacles that get in our way including racism. there is a great fortitude with black people in this country has we had to fight for our dignity and the right to exist, and I wish sometimes we could remember that. My grandmother use to say there is more than one way to skin a cat, and Obama found another way.
Michelle looked terrific tonight.
I plan to vacation in Philly this November!! LOL
Got this from the blog, The Field:
Important Update: 26.5 more superdelegates endorsed Barack Obama in the past five minutes! Here is the list, and their statements, at the jump…
CHICAGO, IL—With polls now closed in the final two contest of this historic race for the Democratic nomination, 26.5 superdelegates pledged their votes for Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. The superdelegates hail from every region of the country and every level of the Democratic Party leadership.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords said:
“Now that all primaries and caucuses have concluded, I am enthusiastically endorsing Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Since the outset of this historic race for the White House, I have been impressed by the intellect and patriotism of both Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. They have demonstrated the passion and wisdom to move our nation towards a brighter future. I respect and admire both of them.
“Every state has had a chance to vote and Barack Obama has emerged with more support. In becoming a delegate for him, I recognize his inspiring and thoughtful leadership that brought him to the finish line. I am proud to join Governor Janet Napolitano and millions of voters throughout the country in supporting Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. I agree with his policy priorities and his commitment to create a cooperative and bipartisan era in American politics. In states large and small, Barack Obama has shared his hope, optimism, and vision of what is possible. Americans from all walks of life see in him someone who can truly change our nation. I do as well.”
Arizona Democratic Party Chair Don Bivens said:
“Now that our historic season of caucuses and primaries is behind us, it is time for each superdelegate to choose between two outstanding candidates. For me, that choice is Senator Barack Obama. He is an extraordinary leader, with the ability to bring people together across party lines to solve problems. That is exactly what our country needs right now, a pragmatic change of direction.
“I congratulate Senator Clinton on her hard-fought campaign. She is a true leader and an inspiration to millions. I am confident she will act to unite our party, and our country, behind our party’s chosen candidate for President.”
DNC Member Christine Pelosi said:
“Barack Obama has captured the majority of the popular delegates from caucuses and primaries from sea to shining sea. Barack Obama has the vision, ideas and values needed to bring positive change to our lives, from economic justice to energy independence to an end to the Iraq war and care for our veterans. As an activist dedicated to participatory democracy, I am thrilled that tens of millions of voters and tens of thousands of volunteers have participated in this Democratic nomination and breathed new life intro our democracy. I have great respect for our other presidential candidates, particularly Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has proved herself to be a champion for working families.”
DNC Member Rachel Binah said:
“The people have spoken and I look forward to working with all my energy and enthusiasm for a man who I believe will make an extraodrinarily wonderful president. His environmental record is unparallelled and he has a sensitivity to the issues of our time.”
DNC Member John Perez:
“Now that the primary season has come to a close, I officially endorse Senator Barack Obama for President. I believe that now is the time for us to come together and unite for victory against John McCain in the fall. Senator Obama has run an extraordinary, forward-looking campaign focused on hope, unity and our shared values as Democrats. I am confident that he will bring our party and all Americans together as our nominee and as President.”
Congressman Sam Farr said:
“Tonight, after the polls close, the presidential primary for the Democratic candidates will have run its course. Although Hillary Clinton has won many of the big blue states and energized her voters, Barack Obama has won the nomination. After the final ballot has been cast tonight, I will officially endorse Barack Obama as the Democratic candidate for the presidency.
“Barack is an exciting new leader in American politics. He will work to end the war in Iraq, he will tackle domestic issues that have been neglected for years and he will help repair our battered reputation abroad. I look forward to working with him to bridge the current political divide and address the problems that face our country.”
Congressman Bob Filner said:
“I take great pride in announcing my support for Senator Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. As Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, I look forward to fighting alongside Senator Obama to correct eight years of neglect of our nation’s heroes–working for real gains for America’s veterans!”
Congressman Jerry McNerney said:
“Senator Obama represents hope for the future. He has inspired legions of young people who will energize our nation and help bring about the kind of change necessary to turn the incredible threats we face into opportunities.
“Given my background in wind energy, I am excited that Senator Obama has an appreciation for how to create clean, sustainable, family wage jobs in renewable energy. He also knows how important it is to use America’s greatest asset, innovation, to put America ahead of the rising energy costs with new energy technology including both efficiency and new sources of energy.”
Governor Bill Ritter said:
“I’m proud to pledge my support to Sen. Barack Obama to become the next President of the United States of America,” Gov. Ritter said. “Sen. Obama offers a strong sense of hope and promise for our country’s future. His success at inspiring people from all walks of life, his commitment to the need for education and health-care reform, and his sense of independence and purpose make him appealing to Coloradans and other Westerners. He understands the promise of a New Energy Economy, of opportunity for all, of building a strong economy for our children. He is the best person to help Americans and Coloradans achieve their God-given potential, and I am proud to endorse him.”
DNC Member Michell Ceasar said:
“Senator Obama is the clear delegate leader and I believe it is now time to focus on the general election and to prevent John McCain from providing a third Bush term.”
Congressman Ron Klein said:
“I will be casting my ballot at the Democratic National Convention for Senator Barack Obama. Senator Obama is the kind of leader that comes along only once in a generation. He has the unique ability to move our country forward, past the petty partisan politics that so many of us have grown so weary of, and his vision is a breath of fresh air. I believe he will serve our nation ably and well, and am proud to support his candidacy. With my vote at the convention comes a commitment to reach out to voters in South Florida throughout the general election season.
“The primary is now behind us, but we still have a critical task ahead. All of us, supporters of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton alike, must come together and stand united as a force for change in this nation. Americans will have a stark choice this November: a choice between a continuation of the failed policies of the current administration, or a fresh start. We must stand together, with one voice, and call for a fresh start on Iraq, on health care, on education, and on developing clean, affordable renewable energy. These issues are too important to focus on what divides us. We must now focus on what unites us as Democrats, and on the general election this fall.”
Georgia State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond said:
“This campaign has been one of the closest most hard fought contests in the history of our nation. Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have demonstrated their commitment to the changes that are badly needed in this country and their ability to lead America forward. Now that the primary and caucus season has concluded, the time has come for us to unify the party and throw our complete support behind Senator Barack Obama in order to win the November election. I am impressed by his vision, intellect, and his unique ability to attract new voters to the Democratic column.”
President of the National Federation of Democratic Women Helen Knetzer said:
“The American people have endured enough in the past seven and a half years from this Republican Administration and the United States is in desperate need of a leader who realizes our economic and international challenges. This has been a long and hard-fought primary and both Senators Clinton and Obama have shown the ability to lead us in this country, but today we must put our differences aside in a united effort to ensure that we win in November. I’m pleased to endorse Barack Obama.”
DNC Member Patsy Arceneaux said:
“I believe that it is time to put aside divisive politics and to unite as Democrats looking forward to a victory in November and the hope of real change in America.”
DNC Member Sam Spencer said:
“My decision, in part, is based on the fact that Senator Obama has won a majority of pledged delegates (which I believe is the most important measurement) and has attained a majority of all delegates. Senator Obama was the majority winner of Maine’s caucuses. Senator Obama is the Democratic winner of the nomination. Senator Obama is an extraordinary candidate and has inspired Democrats in Maine and across the country to show their support in record numbers. Now we must work to sustain this momentum into the national election to take back the White House.”
Congressman John Sarbanes said:
“I am excited to join in expressing my strong support for Barack Obama, who I believe will be an outstanding president. Now that the votes have been cast and the primary season has come to its close, I am pleased to play a part in ratifying the decision of the voters in my district and across the country. Moving forward, the importance of unifying the party behind one candidate is vital and Democrats in the Third District, the State of Maryland, and the nation are quickly turning their focus to electing Senator Obama as our next President.”
Congressman Bart Stupak said:
“This has been an historic presidential primary election with phenomenal interest in our Democratic candidates. With the conclusion of today’s South Dakota and Montana primaries, all Americans have had an opportunity to make their voices heard at the ballot box. Now that the nation’s last primary ballot has been cast and an agreement has been reached to seat Michigan’s delegates at the Democratic National Convention, I am proud to pledge my support to Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy for President of the United States.
“I am confident that Senator Obama will provide the leadership necessary to improve our economy, protect our Great Lakes, provide health care for all Americans, and put an end to the war in Iraq. I have invited the Senator to campaign with me in northern Michigan and share his vision for change with the people of the First Congressional District.
“One issue has been resoundingly clear throughout this primary process: Americans do not want four more years of the same failed policies that have driven our country deeper into debt and tarnished our reputation in the world. Senator Obama will provide the change we need to get our country back on track to prosperity and prominence.”
Missouri Democratic Party Vice Chairwoman Yolanda Wheat said:
“This primary season has been truly historic. The Democratic Party has produced two extraordinary candidates, either of whom would make a great president. I strongly believe that now is the time for us as Democrats to unite behind our nominee, Senator Barack Obama. In November we have a chance to make this a better country for our children and our children’s children. My respect and admiration for both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama has grown throughout this election process. I am endorsing Senator Barack Obama for President today because I believe that his leadership will bring about the profound change that this great country so rightly deserves. I hope all Democrats, regardless of whom they have supported until this time, will unite behind Senator Obama’s vision of hope and opportunity for all Americans.”
Nevada Democratic Party Chair Sam Lieberman said:
“I am proud to endorse Senator Barack Obama for president of the United States. Sen. Obama knows the challenges we face in the West and will work to stop the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump, create a better water plan and spur the development of renewable energy throughout the West. Together, we will engage multiple generations of Democrats to reform our health care system, end the war in Iraq and put our country’s economy back on track, especially for working families and seniors who need relief. Senator Obama recognizes that our diversity is our strength, and that is key in a rapidly changing state such as Nevada. Sen. Obama will be the catalyst who helps Democrats Win in the West and throughout Nevada.”
Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said:
“It is now time for the Democratic Party to unite behind one candidate. Through a unified Party we will defeat John McCain in November. I look forward to working with Senator Obama to create positive change for the citizens of Nevada and the United States.”
New Jersey
Congressman Rush Holt said:
“Barack Obama has a remarkable life story, has run a stirring campaign, and has offered an inspiring vision and an impressive strategy to bring about much-needed change in our nation. His successes in the primaries suggest that we can rise above cynicism and bigotry in America, and I am honored to offer my endorsement and support. Like millions in New Jersey and across the country, I have great hopes for an Obama Administration that will restore people’s faith in their government and strengthen America’s reputation for constructive actions abroad. I look forward to working in Congress with a President who will end our combat involvement in Iraq, invest in education, and enhance the role of science in his Administration and in society at large.”
North Carolina
DNC Member Muriel Offerman said:
“Barack Obama has spoken to America in a way that has drawn so many new voters who are excited about the real change he will bring to Washington. Now that the primaries are over, it’s time for Democrats to unite in taking on John McCain.”
DNC Member David Parker said:
“Senator Obama’s plans for strengthening America’s economy reflect his insight and empathy for all the people of this country. In this era of economic and environmental challenge, we are all simply Americans pulling together to strengthen our country– regardless of region, race, gender, wealth or any other qualification. Senator Obama’s leadership at the head of the Democratic ticket will help Democrats in North Carolina, including Kay Hagan, our Democratic candidate for US Senate. I look forward to his campaigning actively in North Carolina during the fall campaign.”
DNC Member Jay Parmley said:
“The race for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination has been historic. We have had two superbly qualified candidates, unprecedented numbers of newly registered voters and across the board near-record to record turnouts in primaries and caucuses. As an automatic delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, it was always my hope that Democratic voters across America whose votes determine the proportional make up of the pledged delegates to the DNC Convention would select the nominee of our Party. I believe they have done so, even if by the narrowest of margins.
“I will cast my vote at the DNC Convention for Senator Barack Obama. Senator Obama has brought thousands of new people into the political process and his campaign and election will restore people’s confidence in their government.
“Our task as a party is great. Our country is in crisis. Voters have a clear choice in November. Will we end the war in Iraq, fix our ailing economy, and provide much needed quality healthcare to all our citizens? These questions can only be answered affirmatively by electing a Democratic President. The fight for the Democratic nomination has been intense and now comes to a close. Our goal as Democrats is victory in November and that can only be accomplished if we come together in support of Senator Obama.”
Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury said:
“Senator Obama has the vision and commitment to bring people together. This country needs a lot of repair and Barack Obama will be well-suited to accomplish that.”
Oregon Democratic Party Vice Chairman Frank Dixon said:
“I am announcing my decision as one of Oregon’s twelve automatic delegates to the Democratic National Convention to support U.S. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois for President of the United Sates.
“I have waited until the end of this race to announce my decision out of respect for Senator Hillary Clinton, her campaign staff and passionate supporters who have made this closely contested primary an historic contest. No primary has drawn this kind of interest and participation from so many voters in so many states.
“In my view both candidates are capable of winning the election and becoming a great President. I can find no compelling reason not to represent the voters of Oregon who overwhelmingly chose Senator Obama. I do find many reasons to help bring this primary contest to a conclusion so that the Democratic Party may now focus on unity and the hard work necessary to elect our federal and state candidates.”
DNC Member Ian Murray said:
“I am now, after much thought and consideration, supporting Barack Obama for the presidency of the United States and will be voting for him at the convention in Denver. I have been a strong supporter of Hillary and Bill Clinton since 1991, having chaired and run Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 campaigns in Erie County. I have continued until this time to endorse with all my heart the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. She has been a true champion of the Democratic ideals that are so important to voters of Northwestern Pennsylvania. It is clear to me though that Barack Obama has the required votes for nomination at the convention in Denver. Barack Obama’s message of change and his positions on health care, the Iraq war, the environment, the economy, and other issues vital to the Democratic Party have resonated with record numbers of voters including young voters, independents, and like-minded Republicans. I have been involved in running campaigns in Northwestern Pennsylvania since 1972, this epic contest between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has fortified in me the vitality of the Democratic Party and its hopes and vision for our future. I pledge all my support, my heart, and my passion for Barack Obama and will be working night and day in the coming days and weeks to bring the Obama and Clinton camps together and unify in Northwestern Pennsylvania as we begin our quest for that which all our futures and health depend, the election of Barack Obama.”
Executive Director of the Virginia AFL-CIO Jim Leaman said:
“After a historical battle through every primary and caucus Senator Obama leads in elected pledged delegates to the Democratic National Convention. As a previous uncommitted delegate to the Democratic National Convention, I would like to pledge my support to Senator Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. I believe that Senator Obama is the right person, in the right place and at the right time to change politics in Washington from strict partisan warfare to one of jointly solving America’s problems. For me, Senator Barack Obama represents a new generation of leadership that will have to solve our problems in health care, social security, education, the environment, jobs, national security and the economy in the upcoming decade. The time has come to unite as democrats and turn our focus and attention to winning back the White House in November.”
Did you see the line of young men from Kappa Alpha Psi...looking so strong there...
Yeah, press them wrinkles out your birthday suit first! * Shudders *
Just kidding Field! I just can't endorse Obama on my blog yet (not that anyone gives a fuck because I have no influence) but hats goes off to my boy.
Maybe he is sincere. Just maybe. But that's not up to you all. You can't decide how I feel about a candidate. That's my job.
Great post as always. And if McCain wins, I will buy an Ashanti CD.
He's happy to have only Mr. Morton in his sights. No fighting with one hand tied behind his back anymore.
Let's keep these tapes...compare this crowd to the GOP in September....I believe this crowd will prove to be more boisterous.
17,000 INSIDE the Center.
15,000 OUTSIDE.
OBAMA's speech was amazing!!!!!!!! His speech was for all Americans. Clinton's speech was all about her, her, and her. McCain's speech can cure an insomniac.
I love that a subtext the entire night for MSNBC has been:
What a fabulous political story this is. How much of an upset this won.
Admitting what we've already known about Hillpatine and her advantages.
I dunno...has CNN even broached this subject?
The best political news I've heard all year. Now the REALLY tough work begins - Hillary's shenanigans were just a warm-up. When the Republican machine really starts focusing all their efforts on trying to woo the undecided votes with out and out lies and deceptions, we have to be ready to FIGHT BACK THIS TIME.
Are you an Obamaholic now, field? Good luck with the workouts!
Only 3 Words Field!
During the MSNBC commercial, flipped over to CNN....they were talking about Hillpatine's gracelessness.
Back to MSNBC.
We Did It!
We Did It!
We Did It!
Now onto Denver and November.
Okay you Obamaholics are killing me:) I am going to work out, but I don't think I will have to. Although after listening to Mr. Morton tonight....geez:( Like WTF? Is he even awake?
rikyrah, thanks for that info. Good looking out.
"Yeah, press them wrinkles out your birthday suit first! * Shudders *"
Great line Zack :) See, this is why your blog is going to be just fine, lines like that.
kellybelle and jody, you guys don't want to be out on Broad street in November, it will be cold out there:)
christopher, I was wondering where you were. Congrats!
Brother Field... glad to be along for the ride. I am not in the celebrating mood until the final whistle. It's half time with the final half being a more tedious adventure. The pundits speak as if all is finally well in America(I may get used to writing it that way). I am reserving and protecting my emotions until November. But tonight I will only taste that dish that you are eating. Get your boots ready for the pooh coming soon. "O" people gather your composure. Let's not celebrate a meaningless victory. I as an "older Black American" want to see that day in America where a Black man will recieve the keys to the plantation. I will be with this site to the end. I WANT TO CELEBRATE COME JANUARY.
You know Field, if we Obamaholics prove right once more and we see him in the white house, you know I will fly my ass over to Philly and document your little run for the benefit of all. Yes I Can.
This here "half and half" black Chicago native is sooo excited and still wiping tears off my cheeks! What an amazing moment, especially with Michelle rocking that royal purple in Prince's hometown! Loved it! Yeah!!!
McCain's speech was horrible and I could not stop looking at his yellow teeth juxtaposed against that green background. Hillary came across as a classless egomaniac. Her inherent sense of superiority would not let her have not one iota of grace.
But who cares about either of them tonight. This is quite a moment for all of us and I'm going to savor it.
Your Governor, who I loathe, is on FN,....so's my mute button.
Obama is a class act...he was still gracious to Hillary after her not so subtle speech that it is not over. She can learn something from him.
She keep screaming about she had more of the popular vote, but she is neglecting the fact there were states that popular votes were not counted. Once again, she wants to change the rules, the nominee is not about popular votes it is about 2118 delegate votes. According to the last time, I looked at the TV screen Obama has 2132 delegate votes and 13 of those popped up after she gave her speech.
She could have ended her campaign on a high note instead; she showed the world she is a sore loser.
She was disingenuous about uniting the party!
field, if Hillary had 1/4 the humility you have, she would have given a speech saying how proud she is to have competed against such a great field of democratic candidates, especially Barack Obama and she's going to do everything to unite the party.
What people are not saying is just how poorly Hillary was helped by the men on her campaign, and just, most of all, how poorly she was served by her hubby, Bill. But a columnist Carol Felsenthat, who wrote a book on Bill Clinton, laid it down over at Huffington Post:
"...I do believe that when the history of this Hillary/Obama race for the nomination is written, Bill Clinton will be seen as one of the key reason his wife lost. "The first black president" managed to turn African Americans who were supporting Hillary by large margins into almost unilateral Obama supporters. I also believe, as my chapter heading, "Philanderer in Chief" makes clear, that Clinton out of the White House is still the same undisciplined playboy that he was in the White House."
It may take a while, but folks going to come around to just how classless the Clintons are.
Yes We Did! :)
Field, you better pray I don't buy a plane ticket to Philly. I already have November 4th and 5th off from work and I've got a digital camera with a good video recorder so you better hit the weights. LOL!
"Michelle rocking that royal purple in Prince's hometown! Loved it! Yeah!!!
yes los angelista that was a nice touch.
Macdaddy,you are right about Bill. I have a post on his ass coming one day soon. What a disappointment.
"She was disingenuous about uniting the party!" Blinders Off, Hillary is about Hillary.
robster and woozie, you two scare me. I bet you could pull it off.
Oh lawd, come on Mr. Morton, yes you can :)
That Outrageous, Delusional Clinton Speech
Field remember you said you would put a sock on your Johnson because it would be cold.
field, Obama's speech was in the twin cities, where I live. I couldn't make it, but my friends, obamaholics all, were there. Now, they're calling me, speaking in platitudes, saying God bless America and yes, we can.
field, they crazy. I'm unplugging my phone.
It was a triumphant night. History has been made. I will not let Hillary's evil ruin my joy. Obama's speech gave me chills at the end. McCain was a big fat yawn. All I have to say is, no VP, no Cabinet seat, no NOTHING. I just want her GONE!!! And I am so tired of this popular vote crap and the shared ticket crap CNN is trying to sell right now. NO! NO! NO!
Re. Obama: You need to stop with that "half & half" bs. What's your problem, man? (And don't say, "It's my blog. I can say what I want to." We KNOW this is your blog, but you need to give that "half & half" shit a rest. We get it. Damn.
O yee of little faith. I guess we have to keep this up for another 6 months.
I hope our next congratulations from you isn't as half-hearted.
A Strategy on Winning Delegates, Not Battlegrounds
you just cracked me up.
Rikyrah and All: It was so hard for me to be happy for my man, because I was so damn pissed off at Klanton. That speech she gave had me so damn hot, I was still fuming when he made his beautiful speech.
I feel that Klanton spoiled it for many of us. That speech, which was clearly not the speech of someone that considers themselves out of the primary race, made me hate her more.
How classless is this woman!
She acts like someone owes her and the 18 Million folks that voted for her something. It was a damn race. And she lost it.
Get over it!
Her speech sounded like someone who still wants to make it clear that she is the most qualified.
She is so undignified!
I'm just mad!
If he makes her his VP, I will be so pissed. She can't be trusted. She's a snake, waiting for the right moment to bite his ass real good.
I don't like it because I think she thinks of these 18 million votes as assets, chips she can use to bargain a position in the White House. How dare she buy the VP slot with those votes?
Hopefully, I can turn my emotions off tonight. I have work to do. And having Klanton on my mind is getting me sidetracked.
Who-hoa!! I wept. Obama is an incredibly powerful person. I fretted, yelled, cursed, gnashed (sp) my teeth, and was driven to distraction by all the lying and willful misunderstanding that went on before his speech. But then after he'd talked for about a minute, that's when I felt the real victory.
On the McCain side, though I surely hate to make reference to that business, the man actually seemed to believe that he was speaking from New Orleans. And both MSNBC and CNN did, too, until somebody clued them in. There is a HUGE difference between New Orleans and Kenner. Generally (and of course this does not apply to everyone who lives there), Kenner is where, you know, those "hardworking" people go to get away from New Orleans and all it represents. Governor Jindal introduced him, and if McCain chooses him as a running mate (or even if he doesn't), I am "open to the idea" of keeping ya'll up to date on all the atrocities that Jindal is responsible for if that will help to unite the cause, you know :)
Go Obama! Geaux Bama! Yay!
I am an Irish/German/French/Scott/English American whose skin is as white as the winter snow after a light dust storm.
I started supporting Barack Obama prior to his announcement in a "Draft Barack Obama" group on the net.
He is the most impressive candidate of my lifetime; and I grew up in a very racist community in eastern Kentucky. I am now 63; and you would have had a stern rebuke from me as a kid about this ever happening.
I have come close to tears several times; but thinking of Billary just makes me mad again. I sure hope he doesn't put her in the VP spot or another high ranking position. If she'd been more gracious (and hadn't half heartedly threatened to have him assassinated) I might have felt differently.
Today, though, is the day we celebrate another great leap in the evolutionary cycle as the majority of American Democrats have said it is a new day, that race does NOT determine the quality of one's character, and that just as the place where I live, all races can sit down together and enjoy one another's company.
Thanks Field for your blogs.
I was so glad that Senator Obama thanked his wife and children. I thought it was beautiful that he called their names. The girls are going to remember this for the rest of their lives.
I tried to sit down and explain the significance of this to my 4-year-old niece. Of course, she didn't know what the hell I was talking about. But she listened. And I told her.
She does not understand today. But one day, she will.
I can't even put into words how I feel right now.
This is a major upset and the stronger campaign won.
Bill's response to the VF was priceless. He pulled Obama's name into it. Saying the media has been for Obama and is sexist. sigh. Let it go Bill. You're a big reason Hillary is where she is right now.
I don't know where to begin. I am lost for words. This moment needs to be frozen in time. Senator Obama worked hard for this night, and yet HRC refused to concede defeat and allow Senator Obama to be the object of praise tonight. That just goes to show that she never had a chance or going back in the White House. HRC had lost this race from the first primary in Iowa. Her tears were tears of defeat. She was on her way out from then.
Long live the Senator from Illinois
As noted on MSNBC, Hill intends to gloat with glee and hold her 18 million supporters over Barry's head as bargaining chips and assets. Reportedly the two are to meet tomorrow so she can layout the landscape "her way."
What does she want? To show out and be an absolute nuisance. In the end, her supporters with common sense will break Obie's way, despite what they're saying today.
O's in the driver's seat and Hill is now in his rearview. He indirectly spoke to that tonight when he generously praised her and gave her props. He owed that to her but owes her nothing more. She will rally behind his campaign, advise him and encourage her supporters to convert but she clearly will not be his Veep choice. PTL!
CONGRATS TO BARACK FOR A JOB WELL DONE! It only gets harder from here so bring the fire and the pain!
Congratulations To Barack Obama!
Field, a bit of crow for me as well.
Keep writing,
Black Rose
"Field remember you said you would put a sock on your Johnson because it would be cold."
jjbrock, I was going to say something like thanks for the compliment...but, you know, the thought police have been all over me lately :)
singaporeswim makes a good point though, what are you folks going to do about Hillary? She still wants to take her ball (18 million voters) with her and play by only her rules.
a.f. what's with the "Geaux" reference? Are you from the "boot"
like Mrs. Field?
Mike mansfield you are welcome. And it's folks like you who just might carry the "O" man over the top.
angie-Nuvision, "Klanton"? And people say I am tough :)
MacDaddy, my house phone is off as well. I can't take it. I am happy for the guy, but these damn Obamaholics, you can't escape them. They are everywhere.
Hillary Clinton won more votes than any other presidential nominee in United States history.
Of Clinton, Pfleger said, pretending to be speaking in her voice, "I'm white, I'm entitled, there's a black man stealing my show."
...can't wait to see that on youtube. ha.
and yay!!! obama!!
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win." Gandhi.
Field, please get ready for the run my good man!
Field (aka Naysayer Negro), stop resisting the taste. You should start being kinder to the Michelobamaholics, you never know when you're going to need a quick sip after the entire world catches on and it's in high demand.
You know field, shame on you. You should also be more �brotherly� to Obama. Um, did it ever occur to you that he might be reading your blog?
People..THIS IS OUR TIME.... Like others have already wrote, I sat in amazement watching him give his speech. He is superb! We have to dig in our feet now, cause it's bout to get real ugly, real fast. As for "over the hill" what more does she need to go sit her tail down somewhere? She is just a classless mess. Hillary it's our time, not yours..please just slink off into the sunset.
Everyone catch Michelle and Obama giving each other dap before his speech?...they are the realest. Its nice to see REAL love on the campaign trail for a change.
Oh...and will somebody pull Bob Johnson up outta Shrillary and Slick Willie's collective azzes??
Anyone think that Clinton supporters threatening to vote for McCain is real or a hoax?
"Geauxbama" quotes the tee-shirt we have in New Orleans to show our love. I can get one for Mrs. Field, too.
I'm ready to join up with John McCain to form a behemoth of a voting bloc that would tear NObama's ass up in the Fall. Oh how I relish it all! You all want to follow some skinny sexist arab name having no experienced boy and his scoop-moufted anti-American Aunt Esther looking wife into bitter defeat. He will lose, because NObama is a loser! He will lose because smart black women will be joining up with their sisters oppressed by Obama and his supporters who want to bring back the days when women could not vote. We will defeat him by voting for McCain.
At least with McCain he is all about the stuff I believe in; fighting Islamists which hates women, he is a military hero, he believe s in the flag and doesn't refer to this great country of ours as A-Merry-ca, and he is Christian,and will bomb anything that will fuck with the land that I love.
Obama's days are numbered.
Denver! Denver! Denver!
I understand the anger of Obamastans. The deep, deep anger at the reality that no matter what the fuck Barack Hussein Obama does, he can't win at this point because Hillary's supporters are like, "Fuck Him! I'm voting McCain!"
Our sister, Clinton wants to get government working again. You can see it in her manner. Look at her experiances; she's been in the Senate, she worked with Bill in dealing with Haiti, she's done it all! You can hear it in her words. You can feel it in her passion. She has faith in the United States, the American people, and she is can soothe to hurt body of these United States to heal the wound that the Bush Administration has deepened, with it's phallic dagger of misogyny.
Whenever I see the women executives like her at my job, it's as if I were them; head held up and doing things. Sure she was tricked to vote for the war; she couldn't play a loser's game like Cynthia McKinney did. You can take a stand all you want but in the facer of a right-leaning and while your country is at war, why be so stupid to stand against that war when you KNEW you'd lose your seat? So Hilary went with Iraq to play the bigger game; to get the white.
She speaks for those of us who are disenfranchised; white workers who did not want some buppie they cannot trust. Those of us who need healthcare oh-so desperately, white women, older white women, and finally, black women like me who have been oppressed and victimized by assholes like NObama.
Well, celebrate your prince of darkness for now, but he will get his in the end! That's all I have to say.
As the great Phil Collins of Genesis said:
Just as i thought it was goin alright
I found out how wrong when i thought i was right
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
I could say day, and youd say night
Tell me its black when i know thats its white
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
I could leave but i wont go, though my heart might tell me so
I cant feel a thing from my head down to my toes
Why does it always seem to be
Me lookin at you and you lookin at me
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
Turnin me on, turnin me off
Makin me feel like i want too much
Leavin with you is justa puttin me through it all of the time
Runnin around stayin out all night
Takin it all stead of takin one fight
Livin with you is justa puttin me through it all the time
I could leave but i wont go
But itd be easier i know
I cant feel a thing from my head down to my toes
Why does it always seem to be
Me lookin at you, you lookin at me
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
Just cause i love you, more then i wanted to
Theres no point in trying to pretend
Theres been no one who makes me feel like you do
Say we'll be together til the end
I could leave but i wont go
It would be easier i know
I cant feel a thing from my head down to my toes
So why does it always seem to be
Me lookin at you, you lookin at me
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
But i love you, more then i wanted to
Theres no point in trying to pretend
Theres been no one who makes me feel like you do
Say we'll be together til the end
But just as i thought it was goin alright
I found out along i when thought i was right
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
Well i can say day, youd say night
Tell me its black when i know that its white
Its always the same its just a shame thats all
Thats all
You will be running as long as she's not the VP!
I forgot, knucklehead Bob Johnson needs to be put out of our misery!
Here's a guy who doesn't understand that it's more important and more powerful to own a media outlet vs. a basketball team trying to force shrillary on Barack.
Please Bob take your sorry ass and go away!
Honestly, America has came along away for Barack Obama to become the standard bearer of the Democrat Party. Congratulations, now lets get ready the rumble.
Jibreel Riley
The GOP Future
Rikyrah you are truly "fired up and ready to go"!
Let us all practice our "President Obama"!
azucar negra:
Girl, you got ISSUES. Get thee to an apothecary!
azucar.. negra said "He will lose because smart black women will be joining up with their sisters oppressed by Obama and his supporters who want to bring back the days when women could not vote."
Black women are not pawns to be used by anyone. Who ever you are, please keep us out of your ulterior motive yadda.. You’re not fooling anyone.
The Great Phil Collins???
Those of us who have supprted Mr. Obama from early on are proud of the part we played in seeing this incredible and great piece of American history unfold and come to this point. Now we will march on to the White House and really make history.
Like I've told many Bush supporters, what are you going to tell your grand children 20 years from now when they ask you how in he world anyone could have supported George Bush?
What are you going to tell your g'children Field, when they ask if you were an Obamaholic?
Will you say "no, I ridiculed them on my blog and called him a "half and half."
azucar negra:
Focus on the positive. It helps us all to sleep better.
ummm oh no they didn't say aunt esther looking. wow.
*agrees with don and la*
Azucar negra:
Why do you disguise yourself as a black woman? It is obvious by your comments that you are not. But okay, if you want to play your little game, more power to you. However, I must warn you all blacks are not some little naive puppets.
Oh, you think that was a great job that Bill did with Haiti. If I remember correctly, when those refuges fled Haiti, Bill didn't even let them set foot on the American shore. He made them turn their boats around. Could that be what your referring to? I remember what Bill did for Rwanda too.
Don't make me laugh about you hear it in her words. What you're really hearing is how overly ambitious, selfish, and ungracious Hillary is. I would add the "B" word, but I'm not into profanity.
Cynthia McKinney was definitely not a loser. She was a very outspoken black woman who spoke against the policies of Bush's administration and didn't bite her tongue or mince words. So, therefore, they wanted her out the way.
Obama didn't and hasn't ever cheated on his wife whom he treats with the utmost respect as he does other women. Bill on the other, well...we all know that he is a womanizer and has no respect for women. Oh, he likes them young too, because Monica wasn't exactly in his age group.
Prince of darkness? What you really wanted to say is you don't want that darkie (I being polite here) up in the WHITE house.
Today... I am soo happy, not even azucar negra can harsh my groove!
Although seriously negra... you got issues.. I dont know what man hurt you and damn, seems to have hurt you bad, but you need some therapy. Now. therapy.
Azucar negra is NOT serious! She-he-it couldn't be:) Sounds like a McCain or Hillary plant to me.
But too funny. I can't stop laughing.
I havent cried, cause Im afraid the DNC and Hillary will pull some sort of trick out of their sleeve(s) and give the nomination to her. Yeah, Im a big ass pessimist.
But...just in case...let us know when youre going to be taking that run Fieldie...so I can be there with my camera...hehehe.
"What are you going to tell your g'children Field, when they ask if you were an Obamaholic?
Will you say "no, I ridiculed them on my blog and called him a "half and half."'
Segacious, if I should be so fortunate as to have grandchildren one day. I am sure they will be saying things to me like, grandpa, did people really drive with gas when you were growing up?
"Sen. Hillary Clinton will hold an event with supporters by Friday, likely ending her historic bid for the White House and ceding the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, ABC News has learned."
azucar negra is catty greenglen.
congrats to all obamaholics. i watch his campaign from across the continents and his victories so far have not gone unnotice by the asean countries.
hope to see him in the white house =:O)
There is an old saying, "If you do not want to know the truth, don't ask children and old people." (Wink)
Azucar negra:
Aside from the ridiculous quality of most of your comments I really take issue with one. I don't understand how you can proclaim to be a Christian and in the same sentence speak about the death (by bombing) of other human beings as if it were a glorious and righteous thing. It is not my place to judge but perhaps you should discover what Christ meant when he told us to love one another. I hope you sincerely find the essence of Christianity and will pray to that end.
95% percent prediction of a black blogger running down Broad Street.
That's my forecast anyhow...
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