"Rather than engage in divisive ballot initiatives, we must have a dialogue and cooperation and mutual efforts together to provide every child in America to fulfill their expectations,"
That was Mr. Morton back in 1998 speaking out against an Arizona resolution to end affirmative action. Ahhh what a difference a decade makes. Today I read this little piece about the always salty one:
"..McCain, speaking on ABC's "This Week," said he backs a proposed ballot initiative in his home state of Arizona that would prohibit affirmative action policies by state and local governments."
Okay Mr. Morton, if you want to follow Ward Coonerly down that road, that's on you. But the flip flopping to get elected is troubling. I thought you said that the "O" man is the flip flopper? Don't tell me that you too will lie and parse words just to get elected. I guess you are no different than the "O" man then huh Senator? And to think I thought republicans were above such things.
But let's see how many people notice your latest pancake toss and comment on it. I bet not much, you talk about the press being in love with his "O" ness, but Senator, I gotta say; you get more passes thrown your way than a Vegas stripper.
Oh, and another thing: can you get a cohesive message and stick to it? All you did all week was attack and swipe at his "O" ness. You are starting to come off like a bitter and miserable old man. Well, you are a bitter and miserable old man, and senile to boot (yes that microphone is upside down in the picture that goes along with this post ), and you are making people start to notice that about you. Meanwhile, his "O" ness is back in all his sartorial splendor (Did you see that suit today?), trying to look presidential and saying all the right things.
"I am a strong supporter of affirmative action when properly structured so there it is not a quota, but it is acknowledging and taking into account some of the hardships and difficulties that communities of color may have experienced, continue to experience, and it also speaks to the value of diversity in all walks of American life,..."
Nice! Mr. Morton, you should be taking notes.
Why do I get the sick feeling will be calling McCain president in the future?!
The media keeps letting this guy get away with gaffe after gaffe. If Obama said half the crap McCain does daily "O" would be finished. Yet, they say it's Obama who the media loves.
Mark my words McCain folks will be our future president.
" McCain's a poor mans Bush"...
I'm still stuck back at the surge before there was a surge. I think that's the Double Secret Probation Surge. Or the first major conflict, Iraq. Uh, Senator the first major conflict was Afghanistan. How does he keep getting passes on this crap?
Didn't see the O man's suit today yet, but damn he looked Presidential in Berlin.
"I am a strong supporter of affirmative action when properly structured so there it is not a quota, but it is acknowledging and taking into account some of the hardships and difficulties that communities of color may have experienced, continue to experience, and it also speaks to the value of diversity in all walks of American life,..."
After eight years of Curious George, I'm so happy there is someone who can articulate his views so well.
Yes, B.O.'s suit looked absolutely great on him.
Wow, McCain's mic is upside down, and he is talking in it. Hmmm... he sure does get confused a lot, and has frequent, sporadic memory lapses.
Okay, McCain must be kidding when he says he's running for President of the United States, he meant to say President of the Arizona Retirement Home.
I see what they really mean now by another 4 years of Bush. McCain would be nothing more than a figure head and Bush would be running things behind the scenes just like Nancy and Bush Sr. did with Reagan when he was senile.
I don't know how long stuff like this will shock us FOLK. I mean does a skunk stop stinking because he said he's sorry. The guy is what he says he is and what you see now is him saying what it takes to win. Get Ready for 4 more years. The country is not ready for Obama which equals there is NO HOPE!
But there is a God, he is real, and he does exist, but there are believers and nonbelievers. It's a matter of personal choice if you choose to believe. It's an individual choice.
sorry wrong post.
I refused to give up hope. My faith is stronger than that. After every storm there is a rainbow.
I've been wondering ? When is Bill and Hillary gonna get on the campaign train for Obama ? I mean they said they would
Anon 5:56:
Evidently, they lied, you think?
"I've been wondering ? When is Bill and Hillary gonna get on the campaign train for Obama ? I mean they said they would"
""...I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Yeah Bill has been known to tell a fib or two.
"I mean does a skunk stop stinking because he said he's sorry."
freemanpress, maybe not, but he could try to paint over his stripe. Then we wouldn't know it's a skunk until too late.
I don't know. This bothers me a bit.
Obama said he would like to see affirmative action policies altered in a way so "some of our children who are advantaged aren't getting more favorable treatment than a poor white kid who's struggled more."
Connerly is an idiot of course but he was very successful here in Michigan. I think his anti-affirmative action initiatives are on the ballot in five states, including Arizona, this fall.
There is no one that loves John McCain...this is evident. There is no way if that was my grandfather would I let this continue, I don't care how much money or how inconvenient or what heads had to roll....you just don't let your granddaddy wander out there all confused and cranky when he needs to be somewhere eating strained peas and taking a nap. The second Mrs. McCain clearly has no emotional connections to this man at this point, this is ridiculous. Pretty soon the AARP's gonna start running ads on elderly abuse and it won't be a coincidence.
McCain is verging on sad to watch. The repubs have gotta be wincing, wondering is this the best they have to offer?
For anyone that thinks this guy is gonna win. Think again. Obama's campaign is registering new voters like no one has in years. If only those that voted last time were to vote.... McCain MIGHT have a chance. However, there are too many people who so badly want change... who have sat out past elections... but this time are gonna vote. Combine that with all the right wingers who dont like McCain who are sitting this one out or voting for Bob Barr and Obama is going to win.
New GALLUP poll out this morning:
Sen. Barack Obama now leads Sen. John McCain among national registered voters by a 49% to 40%.
Looks like Obama's world tour, coupled with McCain's constant whining, has resulted in the biggest bounce Obama could've hoped for.
Testing... testing... testing... Hey this thing isn't working! Testing...?
The media have been all over Mr. Obama lately badgering him to admit that the surge was a good idea. Hogwash!
What the asleep-at-the-wheel media should be asking Mr. McCain is if he thinks it might have been a mistake to send in 70 thousand troops to secure the peace when General Shinseki advised 200 - 400 thousand? And as a potential commander in chief, does Mr. McCain agree in hindsight that maybe if he had stood up to Secretary Rumsfeld and said, we need more troops to secure the peace, that maybe the surge would not have been necessary? Oh, and while we're at it, does Mr. McCain think that maybe we started the wrong war with the wrong country for the wrong reasons?
Do the media in this country really want 8 more years of McBush? They must! What the hell are those fools smoking?
Is This What the Old Coot McCain Meant When He Said the Surge was Working?
The American military admitted Sunday night that a platoon of soldiers raked a car of innocent Iraqi civilians with hundreds of rounds of gunfire and that the military then issued a news release larded with misstatements, asserting that the victims were criminals who had fired on the troops.
The attack on June 25 killed three people, a man and two women, as they drove to work at a bank at Baghdad’s airport. The attack infuriated Iraqi officials and even prompted the Iraqi armed forces general command to call the shooting cold-blooded murder.
It also bolstered calls from Iraqi politicians to pressure the American military to leave Iraq after this year.
Reality is really screwing up old man McCain's campaign. It is so hard to run for President on wining a war that essentially ends during the campaign. Damn that peace.
And as for the African Americans I think that if McCain cannot count on their support he would like those nappy headed voters to get the hell off of his lawn.
Remember this is the guy who voted against giving MLK his own day.
I am certainly no supporter of McCain and believe that he would be an AWFUL choice as president but I don't agree that changing your stance on something you said 10 years ago counts as flip flopping.
okay first McCain says Obama has not even visited Iraq, then he says he's over there (European trip) like he's president, make up your mind. It it just sad now, I once respected McCain for standing by his principles, now he's just a flip flopper, does he think no one is noticing?
CALI- In prison the Mexicans decided to stop warring with each other and war with the Blacks. In the 80's when there weren't so many Mexicans the Blacks would bully them in LA, now it's pay back I guess. The west coast affords the mexicans and blacks enough space to live in separate neighborhoods unlike the east coast where we were all forced to live together if we weren't white. In the east the spanish identify more with the blacks because many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and others come in a darker shade and some of their hair is like ours. Mexicans do not identify with blacks even though they come from Mexico with dark skin but their hair is straight. Most Mexicans I have befriended parents are racist, almost all. they call darker Mexicans "nigga" behind their backs. Like most mixed races (Indians, Philipino, etc) they look down on dark skin. I think most racism stems from lack of education about black people, the first thing everyone learns in Amerikkka is we were slaves and the depiction of Egyptians as light skinned straight hair.When I moved to Cali in 1983 I didn't even know there were Mexicans in amerikkka I thought there were only Puerto Ricans.
Anonymous said...
I've been wondering ? When is Bill and Hillary gonna get on the campaign train for Obama ? I mean they said they would
5:56 AM
Hopefully never. Obama painted them as racists, remember. They are not racists. The Clintons owe that race baiter, nothing, nada.
Umm, excuse me Field, but John McClean is a hero to this nation, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop bashing the good senator.
After all, he did comeback last year with a new "Die Hard" movie. Do you know how many 89yr old men could do something like that? Not many. But John McClean did.
Besides, "Barry O" isn't as qualified to be president. If he were a well known black athlete, maybe. But he's not an actor the likes of Ronald Reagan, and the good senator from Arizona, John McClean.
Field, this is about the epidemic of killings in Los Angeles, and this is a question. Is the epidemic of killings in Los Angeles different from the epidemic of killings in Philadelphia, aside from the ethnic heritage of the members of the various gangs?
What I mean is, although the political ramifications of Blacks and Latinos shooting each other are many, yet the shootings themselves and the pointlessness of it all, and the reasons for it, don't seem to be that much different from those where "Black on Black" crime is involved.
These kids are shooting each other to battle for a place in traditional society, since there is no place really in white society for the kids of either group, and shooting each other will not provide either group an advantage in battling for any resources.
If it's about "respect" or the knowledge that they don't respect themselves and nobody else respects them, then it's the same phenomenon as when Blacks shoot Blacks, except that their ethnic heritages are different.
The causes of the problem don't seem to be much different and, in this case, the ethnicity of the killers and the killed seems as important and unimportant as the projects from which Black on Black killers and killed come and the color of the clothes that they wear.
Hopefully never. Obama painted them as racists, remember. They are not racists. The Clintons owe that race baiter, nothing, nada.
1:40 PM
I'm shocked to you didn't talk about it coming to busting guns in church this weekend down in TN.
There are liberal Democrats who still will not even admit to the simple reason why Obama's "only" 6-7 points ahead in the polls.
JP, I slid FN some info on the shootings.
I attended UNITY in Chicago this past weekend (afterbeing sick for Comic Con). I saw Tom Joyner with as straight a face as he is capable, says that black bloggers had not shit to dowith the response to Jena or the context/real story of Rev. Wright. Nope, he said he was the voice of Black America. He and to some extent baisden. Bammas don't blog, basically. I could see the weird looks on Michelle Norris, Michele Martin's faces. Even Fr. Phleger was a bit astounded. Yep he was there for that statement, too. So if Barack wins, the internet and blogs will have nothing to do with that, either? Or showing poor Mr. Morton to be as weak as he truly is?
I'm shocked to you didn't talk about it coming to busting guns in church this weekend down in TN."
Don't be jp, I am all over it.
Chris, thanks for the info and the update on our radio coons, and what they were doing and saying in the Chi.
You have a point about McCain being senile. He his best photo op last week was riding around in a golf cart in Kennybunkport. Once was a media darling is know walking around aimlessly asking who ordered the veal cutlet. It is sad.
McCain constantly makes gaffes in the media cycle and not that many people really pick up on it. The man ignorant in addition to his senility. He mixes up countries he says Somalia when the press is asking him about Sudan. It is sad.
And is anyone bother that McCain's face gets bigger and bigger? That swollen cheek that you can't help to notice because I think it is going to explore at any moment. It is sad.
And when he says my friends, I wish a three year-old would say you're not my friend because that is a favorite phase of a small child when you make him or her angry.
You have a point about McCain being senile. He his best photo op last week was riding around in a golf cart in Kennybunkport. Once was a media darling is know walking around aimlessly asking who ordered the veal cutlet. It is sad.
McCain constantly makes gaffes in the media cycle and not that many people really pick up on it. The man ignorant in addition to his senility. He mixes up countries he says Somalia when the press is asking him about Sudan. It is sad.
And is anyone bother that McCain's face gets bigger and bigger? That swollen cheek that you can't help to notice because I think it is going to explore at any moment. It is sad.
And when he says my friends, I wish a three year-old would say you're not my friend because that is a favorite phase of a small child when you make him or her angry.
Yeah, the oldman is senile and a grumpy bigot, but when is Obama going to grow some balls and go after this guy? He is doing a big John Kerry right now with that Mr. Nice Guy shit and is going to end up with the same result. Never overestimate the intellect of the American public. They DON'T get it. If Obama doesn't start hitting McCain back hard, he will be swiftboated right back to Illinois.
What an ass! Affirmative Action was always designed to correct the past discrimination against people of color, QUALIFIED people of color. It was never about putting those ill-equipped into positions over others who could do the work. Besides thanks to white racial favoritism "women" got added to all the laws so that whites could still benefit the most.
"you just don't let your granddaddy wander out there all confused and cranky when he needs to be somewhere eating strained peas and taking a nap."
You had Granny cracking up laughing. Oh my goodness,strained peas? LOL If my grandkids ever bring me some strained peas, I'm gonna strain their peas, and I ain't talking vegetables either. (smile) LOL.
Miranda you owe me a keyboard. "wipes yoplait yogurt off keys"
Jody heck yeah it is hard to watch for the republ. I was on a conser. blog and they were lamenting over their choices. One had a point and said we had it with the morman, married, children and such. The ending tag line was "we need a nother Ronnie Reagan to give us hope again."
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