So this is the week the dems meet in the Mile High City to make history. This is the week that they formally nominate his "O" ness. I think that it's historic, and for that alone it would have been interesting to be there. But that's not going to happen; three criminal cases,one case before the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, not to mention, being the trier of fact in my own domestic relations cases, says the kid couldn't be there if he wanted to.
Honestly, I am going to keep it real; I sure hope the bloggers who end up in Denver can give me something that I am not already going to get from the main stream media. I hear that the DNC is giving credentials to some state blogs, and the usual netroots suspects, and I have to wonder what I am going to learn from going to their blogs. (There are some issues with too few blogs of color being credentialed, but since my black ass didn't even apply I am going to leave that alone)
I am still trying to figure out just what the hell I would do in Denver to make my blogging relevant. Hmmm, let me see now, I guess the first thing I would do is try to figure out who the hell are these PUMA people? I always thought PUMA was the sponsor of my Jamaican track team, now I hear that it stands for "Party Unity My Ass" or some shit like that. Apparently, these are some Hillary folks who are pretty pissed off. I guess I would try to get into the head of some of these folks to try and find out why they hate on the "O" man so much? But what would be the point? They would try to tell me some bullshit, and I would know that they were full of it. But I would want to know who is behind P.U.M.A., and I doubt seriously if they (the individual members) would even know. Hillary is that you?
Then there are these anarchist. Why are they even in Denver? Shouldn't they be saving all their energy for Minneapolis? I mean go crash the rethuglicans party, they deserve it more. I guess I could hang with them in the streets a little bit and try to file a report....ahhh scratch that. I am not trying to go to jail with those crazy mother fuckers.
And what about all those FOX cameras all over the place? I even saw one clown in the middle of a protest asking why the people were protesting? I guess if I was in Denver I would want to know why anyone with a FOX microphone or a camera, should not be given a royal ass whupping. Hey, I am not advocating violence, just wondering out loud, that's all.
And let's not forget the Clintons. Can any of these bloggers get next to the Clintons? I would love to know what they are thinking? I know one thing; if the Clinton's walls could talk, it would make for one hell of a story.
And of course there is the star of the show, his "O"ness. I wonder if any of the bloggers will get next to him for a little sit down? If I did I would have only one question for him: Why do you have a stinking Dukie as your valet and personal "Man Friday"? Didn't you know that they are bad luck? And then his cool ass would probably tell me something like: Well field, this is America, and everyone can change, even Dukies.
Those PUMA freaks are fake-ass Democrats. Their leader contributed to John McCain's campaign in 2000 and wouldn't explain on national TV why. Enough said.
If I had vacation time and more disposable income, I'd crash Minneapolis. Then again, I'm not white so if we staged our own Operation Chaos it wouldn't quite work.
Field, are you doubling up on your workouts at the gym for November yet? :)
puhleeeeeeeze props to the official site of the R gathering: St Paul MN not Minneapolis of course so much will spill over to mpls. stupidly they think they will take this DFL town by storm and win some votes. NO WAY! but we'll recycle their $$$ to some worthy civic causes.
Yes, Denver.
And the Borg Queen is even planning to release her delegates to Barack Obama. Something she should've done weeks ago but then, Hillary Clinton is a tacky, petty, racist, power-hungry witch, who only cares about herself.
I have blogged about the Borg Queen rolling out a documentary about herself (as well as a new facelift) for convention attendees to relish and enjoy. That night -- Tuesday, I believe, I will NOT be watching the festivities in the Mile High City.
This broad is acting and behaving like it's her convention and not Barack Obama's. So typical of Hillary Clinton's narcissism.
Granny is sick of hearing about the Clinton supporters. The media is overplaying it and agitating as well. They're acting like silly adolescence do with "she said, he said, they said" hearsay.
Obama has a right to pick whomever he feels comfortable with, and he doesn't owe Hillary a thing. It's the other way around, she owes him, because what she said during the primaries is being used as ammunition against Obama and is damaging. I don't know what makes folks think Obama should bend over backwards and kiss her behind. Would they feel the same if he had lost the primaries? Their arguments and suggestions are ridiculous and well, too many cooks will spoil the soup.
Young people don't have telephones and some older ones don't either, they have cell phones, so the polls don't mean a thing.
Now, the septic tank starts to leak:
Obama Aides Defend Bank’s Pay to Biden Son
During the years that Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. was helping the credit card industry win passage of a law making it harder for consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, his son had a consulting agreement that lasted five years with one of the largest companies pushing for the changes, aides to Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign acknowledged Sunday.
Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, received consulting fees from the MBNA Corporation from 2001 to 2005 ...
... a company official had once described him as having a $100,000 a year retainer. ...
Mr. Biden’s support for the bankruptcy changes, which were signed into law in 2005, puts him at odds with Mr. Obama of Illinois, who opposed the bill and has criticized the presumptive Republican nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona, for supporting it. ...
Judgement not experience, yeah right.
Excellent judgement, excellent vetting, excellent choice.
Until Thursday night it'll be mostly Hillary with a bit of Bill. & Fox news will be interviewing people who say "I'm Democrat but.." & "I'm a liberal but..."
Now this is just GREAT. Few joys better than watching Faux Newz get humiliated. Fast forward to about 1:50 in -
The best part is when the crowd starts chanting "FUCK FOX NEWS!"
swiff I saw that, it was priceless:) It's about damn time.
anon.10:38PM, thanks for that correction. I plead ignorance when it comes to the Twin Cities.
"Granny is sick of hearing about the Clinton supporters. The media is overplaying it and agitating as well."
Granny, you and bob are right; all of a sudden the FAKE NEWS are all over her. And they will be looking for everyone that is against the party machine to interview at this point.
Thanks for that info nsangoma, but folks need to realize that MBNA Bank is HUGE in Del. And Del. is a banking state. Still, they had to have seen this coming.
r.j., did the P.U.M.A. people's leader really contribute to McCain? Wow!
Christopher, between the mofo from Midland and the "Ice Queen" who do you despise more?
"Then there are these anarchist. Why are they even in Denver? Shouldn't they be saving all their energy for Minneapolis? I mean go crash the rethuglicans party, they deserve it more. I guess I could hang with them in the streets a little bit and try to file a report....ahhh scratch that. I am not trying to go to jail with those crazy mother fuckers"
As one of those "crazy mother fuckers," I can tell you that people are in the streets because we want this war to end NOW! We want to tell the Democrats NO to war on Iran, which continues to rumble as a possiblity. We want them to know that they sometimes act like tweedle dee to the Rethugs tweedle dum... and just cause they decided AFTER we had destroyed a country that hey, maybe it was a bad idea, does not mean they are less accountable for continuing to fund said war.
And finally, most activists ARE saving the more intense actions for St.Paul and the repubs.... the numbers will be much larger. As for getting arrested... Thank Goodness for the National Lawyers Guild!
For direct stories of the streets during the DNC, check out the Indymedia sites.
Blue collar roots is only worth $150K because he has not used his position as senator to get rich; have other members of his family used his position as senator for personal financial benefit???, well that's another story.
The fetor from this election, rises from both sides.
I'm just gonna meditate all week.
Michelle Obama will open the Democratic Convention.
I'm a huge fan of Michelle Obama and Michelle Obama is an unapologetic supporter of the LGBT community.
She gets it and she is the first national figure I've ever heard to link the struggle for civil rights to the gay rights movement. Her command of the issues and of history is stunning.
I can't wait to see her in the White House. Michelle Obama will make a splendid First Lady.
Come on field, what's up with the Duke hate...hater
Just to make a little thing clear. The convention is in saint paul at the excel center. And I have no plans on being anywhere near there. Not because protesters are nuts, it is the people inside the building that concern me more than the people outside.
The GOP need a ribbing that is for sure. I did my part asking the Mayor of Saint Paul, a democrat why he sold us out. The staff said that it would bring income into the city, in my last response I noted as was the case in NY, that they will chew that up on security alone.
What does McCain's wealth, and the way he talks about it, reveal about his ability to be a successful president? ... He wants to pull the levers that Phil Gramm and others tell him work best, and he lacks the motivation to question whether these levers actually work.
We have a local PUMA and the biggest gripe she has is that Obama won. Oh, he's dusky too.
Personally, I want an Obama Presidency...to show that not just the offspring of the well-connected and wealthy can be President. To show that we value merit over birth, to show that the US still has the ability to be on the world's stage.
Denver is a Pep-Rally like Homecoming in High School. After they bring out the class of 77 that won the national title we can then begin to watch the real game. Everyone Hates Obama especially in front of the cameras but when he gives the speech at Invesco feild people will think he is dreamy again.
Oh yeah Yo Joe!
The SF Chronicle listed the featured speakers at this week's convention and not one Latino was listed. Is that even possible? Does Obama actually want to win this election? I certainly hope this was an oversight by the Chronicle (which is not hard to believe) and not by the Obama campaign.
Governor Bill Richardson will be speaking on the third night.
Too funny @ Hillary is that you?.
This will be the first time that I've had the chance to read some blogs that will attend the convention. I look forward to seeing whether or not they can bring a insightful perspective like I'm sure The Field Negro would have provided. I also wonder if there will be any who can, not only get next to Obama and Hillary, but actually obtain 'something' provocative and unique.
I always thought PUMA was the sponsor of my Jamaican track team, now I hear that it stands for "Party Unity My Ass" or some shit like that.
That TRULY is the sentiment of the Democratic Party as we head into this heavily-anticipated event.
" BLACKinUSA said...
Governor Bill Richardson will be speaking on the third night.
1:18 PM"
Thanks, much!
@west coast story,
Just checked the on-line schedule of speakers at official site. Every night there are numerous latino/a speakers.....
Good Looking out, Jody.
Asante sana!
Jody: Thanks. I haven't visited the convention website yet. I should know better than to believe what I read in the Oakland Tribune (which is worse than the mistakenly attributed SF Chron).
The SF Chronicle listed the featured speakers at this week's convention and not one Latino was listed. Is that even possible? Does Obama actually want to win this election? I certainly hope this was an oversight by the Chronicle (which is not hard to believe) and not by the Obama campaign.
1:14 PM
I agree he needs the latino vote,however they showed there true racist colors in texas,blacks need to realize the hard to swallow truth about latino's & their hatred for blacks.It sucks but its is true.
FN, I've been away for a while and I nearly had a coronary when you wrote you were getting on board with McCain!
Okay let me catch my breath--I know you don't want to relocate to the garage where you will surely be if Mrs. FN finds out.
The F-U Fox video was crazy---I damn near fell out of my chair!
Speaking of Lation voters, I see "Daddy Yankee" is supporting Mr. Morton, WTF? I didn't know that the salty one was into reggaeton?
Nice to see you back redliptick, and I think I am off the Mr. Morton band wagon again, he pissed me off with his rich starts at five million comment :)
"I also wonder if there will be any who can, not only get next to Obama and Hillary, but actually obtain 'something' provocative and unique."
Don, I doubt it, but let's see.
"As one of those "crazy mother fuckers," I can tell you that people are in the streets because we want this war to end NOW!"
Jody, this is why I love you. When the shit hits the fan, I want you on my side.
"daniggayaluvtahate said...
The SF Chronicle listed the featured speakers at this week's convention and not one Latino was listed. Is that even possible? Does Obama actually want to win this election? I certainly hope this was an oversight by the Chronicle (which is not hard to believe) and not by the Obama campaign.
1:14 PM
I agree he needs the latino vote,however they showed there true racist colors in texas,blacks need to realize the hard to swallow truth about latino's & their hatred for blacks.It sucks but its is true.
4:41 PM"
I'm tired of fighting this dumbass battle on this board so I will leave this statement where it lays. It's pitiful when you consider how many Latinos I personlly know who are supporting Obama and/or working on his campaign. Just ridiculous.
well if you would have went at least you would have gotten free drinks
all of the drinks at the convention are going to be free of charge
damn i wish i lived in denver lol
What sucks is the convention, at least in New Mexico, is not being covered except on cable TV. We have the very minimum Comcast service which does include C-SPAN which is covering the event. But, sheesh, what about folks who don't have cable access?
And sorry bloggers, but reading someone's interpretation of what is taking place is not the same as seeing and hearing it live.
Might as well follow via Morse code . :-o
I can't wait. I'm just going to cook up some food and sit down with my family, to enjoy this piece of history. Don't allow yourself to miss this moment in its totality. I know I won't.
Here is the list of all the bloggers one from each state selected to blog from the DNC.
@ Jody - "As one of those "crazy mother fuckers," I can tell you that people are in the streets because we want this war to end NOW! We want to tell the Democrats NO to war on Iran, which continues to rumble as a possiblity. We want them to know that they sometimes act like tweedle dee to the Rethugs tweedle dum... and just cause they decided AFTER we had destroyed a country that hey, maybe it was a bad idea, does not mean they are less accountable for continuing to fund said war."
Jody, again, you remind me why I know you're family. Thank you.
@ Field - it's all about the red and black, baby!!! Ha, Ha! Although it's been years since I labeled myself an anarchist, any true radical, anarchist, and revolutionary-minded leftist knows and understands that the presence of the left is needed at any convention held by political parties that hold state power in this country - power that allows tax dollars to be squandered on weaponry as opposed to education or social programs that can end poverty. Both political parties have been draining the life of the poor in this country forever - The republican push the lie that capitalism works and all the poor need to do is pull their selves up by the bootstraps and pull a living out of their asses. The Democrats-just make speeches about how bad the repubs are, but then support the same bills that reverse social support, and support wars that take resources from other countries.
The '68 convenetion was not about rioting. The rioting happened as a result of the police acting on the orders of the party bosses to 'purify' the convention of those who dared to be left of them on the war and other issues. People of color, radicals, feminists, etc. were seriously looking to become part of the party on invitation by a few party bosses who actually LISTENED to the ideas of the anti-war folks. But unfortunately, people like Eugene McCarthy were overwritten by those like Humphrey who were to right in the Dem Party and they wanted those kids, and niggers, and commies out of the convention and they were not to return until they grew up and become good little sheep like the current Democrat leadership we see today, or the drones you see hanging around at noquarter - that's who the PUMA people really are - uncreative, closeted republiKKkan drones.
The Dems deserve the black bloc, Recreate 68, AIDS activist, anti-war protesters, and my best friend who's out there as well - the Des deserve them just as much as the repubs deserve them. Why? That's REAL left politics - oppose any party that works against you and does not represent you!
I saw that yesterday that Daddy Yankee was at a speech for McCain. I was just about to buy his album on iTunes, I decided to just buy the single. WTf is wrong with him? I was reading how Mexicans have practically out populated everyone in Arizona, a republican stronghold and the question came up how are they going to vote since Repubs want to kick them out of the country and blame everything negative on "illegals", it will be interesting to see in the coming election. But why did they have a Puerto Rican in front of some high school girls. They announced him as he's been married for 15 years,he has two kids 12 and 10; wtf was the need to announce him like that? He's a rapper! It's like McCain had to tell his Repub friends oh he's a good negro not like those others, I wonder if he even follows politics, a Puerto Rican in a mostly Mexican state that has continuous rhetoric about "illegals". oh well he lost my $9.99 for $.99. Is that wrong of me?
Obama has now been elected and states to say that there will be CHANGE. Sounds to me like some moses straight from the bible. The way he speaks its more like he has the golden tongue. But as long as we're alive, nothing can stop us but the one above.
This website was... how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me. Thank you!
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