Oh Lawd, it looks like I am going to have to go ahead and disappoint a few of you Obamaholics, and risk the pleasure of your visits to the fields; not to mention my marriage. Why? Because I am going to vote for Mr. Morton, that's why.
Field, say it ain't so. What could have possibly led you to such a decision?
Well , as most of you may or may not know, I am a big proponent of bringing back the draft (At least for this "war on terror"). Because from where I sit, this damn war should be a shared sacrifice. It shouldn't only be those brave men and women who sign up as reserves, and who joined the armed services (for whatever reason), having to put their butts on the line for us while we "pursue happiness." And now it seems that I finally have a candidate who agrees with me.
Supporter: "And these are the people we tied yellow ribbons for, and Bush patted on the back. If we don't reenact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase bin Laden to the gates of Hell."
McCain:"Ma'am,... let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said. Thank you, and I am grateful for your support of all of our veterans."
No, thank you Mr. Morton, for going ahead and putting it out there. These chicken hawks, and cowardly soft hearted A-merry-cans, need to realize that when you become our Commander in Chief, everyone will get a number. Yes, even you draft dodging Obamaholics. I am sure that many of you will run off to Canada. I hope you like hockey and snow.
Look, there is the frat boy's "war on terror", and it's like this: we are on the verge of another cold war, and we need all of our eligible and available citizens to be ready to rumble. And honestly, we can't depend on you wimpy liberals and chicken hawk repukes to volunteer your services. So sadly, at this point in our history, we need a draft.
I just want to say, thank you Mr. Morton, for giving us that little insight into some of your future plans.
Obama who?
Stephanie Tubbs-Jones.
I always liked her, despite the fact she was a Billary supporter
Thank god I'm old and gimpy, or they will ship my bee-hind out quicker than you can say," So what she's a girl?"
i totally feel you, field. people look at it like it's a fuckin' death sentence. the military ain't so bad (that's if you live to survive it). but, yeah, the onus needs to be dispersed.
and from my personal experience, the military is probably the most diverse institution in "A-merry-ca" today. if you wanna talk about whites slowly becoming the minority, visit the closest recruiting office near you. or we can all just wait till they implement the draft!
o/t: Usain Bolt. Wow.
Is Usain Jamaican for Hussein? That makes me like him even more.
The upper middle class in the country will revolt if the draft is reinstated. 1968 will be a joke when their done. Riots in Cold Spring Harbor, Conshochoken, and other suburban enclaves.
Of dem can't catch dat Yardie Bolt Field.
In the 80s, Costa Rica decided, upon seeing all of the civil wars breaking out all over Central America, that the best way to maintain their security was to dismantle their military.
That makes way more sense then the crazy you are pushing!
Field Negro,
I'd like to think this is a joke about you supporting McCain. . . . . Is it?
I must say--with all love— I believe you've been fooled again brother. McCain just told a woman he did not disagree with what she said about a draft. He will deny it by tomorrow or claim he didn't remember saying it .
But, Dear Field -- have you loved Mr. Morton all along and was just looking for a reason to step with him? I know what you feel about the draft,
but do you really trust a liar and a cheat!?
I have loved coming to your blog . . . . I will miss it.
mccain is a crazy old coot. the draft will interfere in my television watching!!!
McCain does NOT support a draft. You're wrong. The devil is in the details:
Does McCain Favor a Draft? Nope.
20 Aug 2008 09:01 pm
In Las Crucas, New Mexico, a woman asked McCain about the "horrible conditions" that veterans often see when return from combat. Here's the last few sentences:
My son is an officer in the Air Force, I'm a vet., and I was raised in a military family. And I think it's a sorry state of affairs. When we have illegal aliens; having a medic-aid card that can access specialists, top physicians, the best of medical, and our vets can't even get to a doctor. And these are the people that we tied yellow ribbons for and Bush patted on the back. If we don't re-enact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of Hell.
His critics focus on the first sentence:
SEN JOHN MCCAIN: Ma'am let me say that I don't disagree with anything you have said, and thank you.
So he agrees that unless there's a draft, the war on terror can't be won?
Not exactly. I've heard McCain tell numerous audiences that he opposes a new draft. As the context makes clear, McCain is focusing on the meat of the question and not the woman's exclamation at the end. Unless you think McCain privately favors the draft and let the cat out of the bag, you're going to have reach to conclude that he's radically changed his mind here.
McCain: I'm grateful for all of our veterans. I carry with me quite often a quote from General George Washington in 1789. He said, "The willingness with which young Americans will serve their country in future wars is directly related to the treatment of those who have previously served and sacrificed in conflict." He was right in 1789 and he's right today.
All too often our veterans do not receive the care that they have earned, and the scandal of Walter Reed is a blot on the honor of the United States of America and we can never let it happen again.
Now here's what.. I'll make this as short as possible, our veterans have earned our highest priority. And yet we know that there is also routine health care needs that veterans have that in my view, they should not have to go to the VA to receive. OK?
We have tragically and unfortunately in this war a dramatic...well, we're going to have a lot of PTSD. We also have severe combat injuries. Because thank God, we're able to get the wounded from the battle field to medical treatment more quickly than any time in history. That puts an increased burden on our medical, military medical care, as well as our VA.
Read the rest here: http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/08/does_mccain_favor_a_draft_nope.php
That's what Charlie Rangel said too.
Bring back the military draft, so the loss of treasure is spread out equally and not just among America's poor and lower-middle class.
Of course, the Old Coot McCain is very much like the Motherfucker from Midland and only enlisted because his daddy was a military man and the Old Coot (a young Coot back then) longed for his daddy's approval.
The Old Coot's personal saga of his 5 1/2 years held captive by the Viet Cong and told in his autobiography is a curious work of revisionist history. The Old Coot never mentions how his captors procured Saigon call girls for him to screw or how it was that when he walked off the plane in Honolulu, he weighed more than when he enlisted.
Like I said, McCain isn't an honorable man. Someone needs to hip Barack Obama to this.
"Is Usain Jamaican for Hussein? That makes me like him even more."
LOL! I'm sorry folks, thanks to the Mr. Bolt, and my other yam eating yawdies; I am enjoying a nice cold "Red Stripe" right about now. I can't focus on this little draft issue just yet.
anon. 1:23PM. Did you say McCain does NOT support the draft?.......Okay leota2, you can come back now :)
No, Mr. Magoo does NOT support a draft.
Here's the article:
It's easy for the FIELD to holler for the draft. He has no children. It's always "other" folks' children that do the hard and dangerous work. If you had a child, FIELD, and that child was draft-age eligible, you wouldn't be saying this stuff. Yeah, send someone else's child to get shot at and maimed up.
Are you really going to vote for a guy who probably can not remember his wife's name half of the time? He forgets what he's saying before he finishes a sentence!!
What makes you think that a draft is really going to result in "shared sacrifice'? Remember, Dubya, Darth Cheney, and Dan Quayle didn't share any of the sacrifices experienced by people like John Kerry and Max Cleland.
There is no telling what Mr. Magoo will say from one day to the next, but Sen. Obama seems to be fairly consistent. Go check out this interview with him from 1995:
Ummm ... so, now that they raised the enlistment age, I am assuming that they will raise the draft-eligible age. Where should they send your draft card?
Better start practicing those pull-ups.
All HAIL to the NO!!!
Field, you have GOT to be kidding me!
Should the professional grade draft dodgers of years past decide to take it upon themselves to force some Israel-like mandatory military service/draft ... I'll be the New & Improved Harriet Tubman delivering our younguns across the border by land, sea, and air.
The current day Underground Railroad is used primarily to smuggle folks/goods/drugs INTO the country and it is quite successful. I doubt if LEAVING will be any different.
Field, you know good & darn well WHO is gonna be on the front line and who is gonna get a medical/educational/religious PASS from service. Either that, or they'll be in stateside "support" positions typing & filing.
Nope. If all were truly fair, I'd feel differently. But it won't be.
Umm..Field... You do that this imaginary "war on terror" is a front right? Between the CIA, the FBI and the CIA, the good ole USA has pretty much done the worst of the worst to ALL of the world's citizens (at home and abroad). Seems to me like whenever Bushco wants to take away a constitutionally guaranteed right, the say "remember 9/11" and claim that it's for Homeland Security.
Yeah. Right. Whatever.
I guess I have three choices if Mr. Morton becomes POTUS:
1.) Grow an ass cyst to get out of the Army.
2.) Tell the draft board "I have other priorities than military service".
3.) Pay attention to the French version of Oh, Canada the next time the Leafs are on the CBC.
One would have to be blind not to see that a draft will eventually come.
This post concerns me and I hope someone in the Fields can verify my question.
Is it true if the draft is reinstated that our daughters will eventually be drafted?
WTF bring back the draft to support a war over oil? I think Field has become house.
BTW my son was REQUIRED to register for the Selective Service to recieve financial aid. I understand defending your county but the nonsense that has been given for the Iraq war is not good enough to risk the life of my child or anyone else's.
Well the draft ain't gonna happen Field. Maybe it should because that might just mobilize people to get off their butts and do something. You're just frustrated with the deterioration of this nation. As we all are to varying degrees. Except the 1% who's benefitting. You've got 11 weeks to change your mind.
field .. you are jesting right?
the good ole usa has thrown enough financial resource at this 'war on terror' and now you think throwing unwilling human resource at it will solve problems?
we do not agree with what is going on but we are paying anyway.. why throw our unwilling sons and daughters into the fray..
am with you on many, many things field but this... no.. no, no, no..
Another good one Mr. Field. This whole situation, and the blinders that the 50th percentile mouth breathers are wearing as McCain closes the gap (and surpasses) Obama made me think of General Robert E. Lee's quote that:
"It is well that war is so terrible, else we should grow too fond of it."
We will soon be reminded of its truth.
Chauncey DeVega
FN!? I can't even think of a response to this one... Oh! Now that Bush's boy Musharraf is out of Pakistan, maybe Bin Laden can be found. You know right there in the mountainous region of Pakistan... Where~is~it~stan.[sic] As for a draft, but our Military is broken. Throwing more people at it when the current Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are barely being supported can only be a Mr. Morten idea. We are so used to failure in the Whitehouse it will be a tough habit to break.
Hang in their Field. Mr. Morton is coming.
I assume that you're going to give up our Law practice to enlist since you're so concerned about sharing the sacrifice.
In light of your previous posts, I can only view this post as a joke or an attempt to raise some very lame controversy. You simply can't be naive enough to believe that that a foreign adventure would be an equal-opportunity draft. It would take something like "russians are coming ashore in Hoboken" to wake us up.
Field, I think you're a damn smart counselor but this post proved you still really don't get the America dream machine.
As a teacher, I'm appalled that you would advocate Mcsalty's positions. Oh yeah, you don't have chilluns yet do ye?
A real shame you don't have an 18-year-old you can sacrifice to the machine.
By the way, consider this: The current russian/USA dustup is really sleight-of-hand as these two northern hemisphere powers just took out any islamic/revolutionaries in the Georgia region. Result: USA and Russia (Northern Hemisphere) establishes an iron grip on the Georgia region oil pipeline chokepoint.
Reasoning: Both USA and Russia have had their asses kicked by Islamists and they both have a vested interest in neutralizing them. So we may bluster about South Ossetia but secretly we're giving russia a high-five for taking out local islamists.
And you want to sacrifice our (your) children to this foolishness?
I'll return when your sanity does.
a critical friend.
These bullshit wars would come to a screaching halt as soon as there's even a whiff of threat of Brandon and Buffy getting yanked outta their Ivy League dorms and into some Neocon-inspired meatgrinder.
Therefore, it will never happen.
Stop laughing Field!
You can just come right out and say that this country is really not ready to have a person of color. (The polls are discouraging.)
You remember that the people of uncolor have things like allergies, flat feet and "fragile X" chromosomes or "something" that makes them ineligible for war. The draft did and would fall most heavily on our poorer classes.
Come on just think of all those clean limbed yawdies that can run, and jump, you know the fit ones. Great soldier material.
Any way we can draft us boomers? There isn't going to be much social security and being frailer we wouldn't survive to take up all that second class medical care we splash about.
Ol' Cracker is still pretty good with a gun, and I train up pretty well myself if you are talking paperwork.
Tee Hee back at 'cha.
"All HAIL to the NO!!!
Field, you have GOT to be kidding me!
Should the professional grade draft dodgers of years past decide to take it upon themselves to force some Israel-like mandatory military service/draft ... I'll be the New & Improved Harriet Tubman delivering our younguns across the border by land, sea, and air."
spooked, I hope you have some good secret routes planned out. Because if (when) Mr. Morton wins, there will be a draft.
Isn't it funny, how folks don't get upset about folks like the frat boy sending us to war until you bring up the idea of a draft?
People are saying that it's the poor and people of color who would get draftet? Well who the f**k do you think is defending us now?
No, I don't have children, but I have already lost loved ones to this f****d up war, so spare me.
"... assume that you're going to give up our Law practice to enlist since you're so concerned about sharing the sacrifice.
In light of your previous posts, I can only view this post as a joke or an attempt to raise some very lame controversy."
"Lame controversy"? You consider this war and the prospect of a draft a "lame controversy"? You consider a Presidential candidate slipping and saying he would support a draft a "lame controversy"?
Sorry, to me a "lame controversy" is whether or not Brittany Spears should get custody of her children.
"These bullshit wars would come to a screaching halt as soon as there's even a whiff of threat of Brandon and Buffy getting yanked outta their Ivy League dorms and into some Neocon-inspired meatgrinder."
Great point ernesto. So again I say, bring brack the draft.
Who knows what was in his mind when he said it. What I do know is that by the next day J. Sidney McCain III had forgotten both the question and his answer.
I agree that returning the draft is a sure-fire way to end this insanity, but the thugs in Washington know that, too. There will never be a draft so long as they continue to hand over billions in "emergency" funds so that BushCo can continue to hire mercenaries like Blackwater at about 20x the pay of a regular Army grunt.
Field: "I just want to say, thank you Mr. Morton, for giving us that little insight into some of your future plans."
I think that this is more of Field's brilliant satire. His last sentenced must have escaped some of y'all.
A vote for McCain is a vote for more war, warmongering, and saber-rattling.
McCain tipped his hand. He got caught up in the moment.
Field's not gonna vote for a candidate with a chip on his shoulders, dying for a fight, and looking to drag the whole country into more wars by way of a draft.
McCain is daft, an old curmudgeon with scores to settle.
Had he been prez, he wouldn't have abandoned the Vietnam war; he detests losing, and, according to him, we left with our tail between our legs.
Not good for our image. It made us look weak and impotent.
If he's elected, he's gonna make sure that that never happens again. Hence his insistence that we stay in Iraq, even if it means the reinstatement of the draft.
McCain's saying that he won't seek reelection. He won't have to, there won't be a USA, and probably not a world, either.
WW III anybody? Let the missiles fly!
Seriously, McCain is dangerous. He will make George Bush, and his administration look like choir boys.
These good American patriots are the ones that have destroyed our country's economy, our image in the world, and have tripled our nation's debt, and for no better reason than to assert our military might, and to intimidate those that won't knuckle under to our demands.
Now McCain wishes to do his patriotic duty--to continue our downward spiral into oblivion.
Field, I don't think McCain supports the draft. I think he fell asleep halfway through the ladies question (It took her like 5 minutes to ask it) and when he woke up he just spit out one of his canned responses. She could have ended by saying "And that's why I think we need to support midget tossing" and McCain would have still said "Ma'am, I don't disagree with anything you said."
McCain's one sentence response was as vague and ambiguous as any of Obama's three and four paragraph answers. :-)
Drafts exclude males who are in college or university. FACT, blacks are notoriously low on college statistics. As a result of this, the pool will be disproportionally black especially when compared to the ratio of the black population.
This is HOUSE NEGRO behavior. That is exactly how McCain wants it, negros again will be the most expendable part of the population.
I really hope this is a joke...
Nah Field, that's some House Negro stuff you're talking. Why would you be down for the draft, knowing that the wars we are engaged in are for the wrong reasons. Remember, WAR - WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA what is it good for,ab-so-lute-ly nothing, SAY IT AGAIN!
How about ending the war asap. Period.
Field, I think you're pulling our legs. I don't have much faith in the "draft" system either. It's obvious only certain people will be drafted (yes they can). The rest will be visiting Europe, Canada, or a yacht somewhere in the Carib waiting out. You know, if this war keeps up, in the near future they’ll be drafting young women also.
I can't help but wonder, what would happen if they made military enlistment as a requirement to come into America, or for all the illegal immigrants... It would only be fair. Then again, I guess they would say it would cause potential patriotic breaches in the military.
I'm with you on this issue Field. Let's spread the love around. Rangel's been throwing this carp out there every couple of weeks.
Of course, I'm one of those nut jobs that believes in a consumption tax...
Wow - That one issue has allowed you to give McCain your VOTE? Wow!
Field writes:
"...a very good source that a prominent democratic politician will come under some serious investigation from the feds shortly."
Is it Sen. Charles Schumer and the IndyBank mess? There's a rumor there's someone living in his Brooklyn co-op who ain't his wife.
NO, draft needed just dropp the bombs (nuclear or whatever) that we have on Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Then send the military in to clean up what the devil didn't get to sort out. No American lives lost.
MCCAIN says UMMMH. Maybe I will start talking about the draft then I can bomb those sum bitches.
There is danger in the Fields.
War is a pissing contest between "dicks". The Iraquoi Nation had it right when they decided that only the Council of Women could decide when to go to war.
And don't even tell me there have been women who have engaged in war. Fact is, they were just tryin to "outdude" the dudes. And compared to how many men have been responsible for waging wars, it is a very small number of women.
If only the mothers were the ones who decided when to send their babies off to kill and be killed, war would be over.
LOL and right on to the comments! I love that last one by Ernesto. Jody I agree. It really is.
I love ya man. I love this blog as well. I don't get to visit as much as I used to but it is one of the best blogs on the net. Seriously.
I cannot cosign on this. I was in the military. I signed up at 17 and it was MY choice. I think that others should make that choice as well. They shouldn't be told unless it's a they have landed in Hoboken like someone said, and even then a draft would be unnecessary because every American would be up in arms and rightfully so.
This is the second post about what to do with other people's children I've read this week by people who don't have children.
I am not clowning that. I am saying that it's one-sided to propose a draft because you only know one side of the story.
Imagine you've raised two beautiful boys. They're smart, talented, have a whole life ahead of them and they get drafted. They don't want to be there and there morale suffers. To add insult to injury, you get news they've both been killed.
You can't possibly tell me you would feel great about that. No parent does. If my sons want to join and understand it's a sacrifice, so be it. I was ready to die to defend this place and her people back at 17 years old!! Putting someone into a meat grinder is not the answer.
Besides, if they don't want to serve, they won't serve and you'll have a whole lot of male on male "experimentation" going on...
Aside from the fact that I'm against the draft at this point in the game, I'd be further against it just because I don't think this was a conflict we shoulda been caught up in.
I mean I think the last real legitimate war we fought as a country was WWII.
Secondly, I think it's politically myopic and ignorant to vote solely because of one issue.
Like people who would vote SOLELY for one person because they allegedly "take the moral high road" when it comes to abortion, but yet and still have major legistlation that doesn't help their own socio-economic situation.
I just think it's overall being bamboozled.
Real talk Field, I'd be disappointed if after all of this you'd throw Barack under the bus simply because of the issue of the draft. Cuz you effing right, my ass'd be moving either to Canada or the Caribbean cuz over my dead body I'd go fight in THIS illegal war.
So, let me get this straight. You're for all of McBush's other policies too? Can you elaborate on why you're voting for McBush? Careful Field, McBush might literally put you back in the field with shackles. Get my drift. Don't fall for the Okie Doke. I never thought I would see the day where a field negro would pass up on a black candidate for a fool ass republican. Have you lost your damn mind. Obama 2008!!
I am with you FN on the draft. And this comes to from an anti war end the draft type. But it is unconscionable that only a few have to fight this war. The war in Iraq would have ended long ago if GW had brough back the draft.
But there is no way I will vote for Morton.
"No one should be immune from sacrifice."
I have felt for some time that universal service should be required or that service should be required for enfranchisement. I don't see why women should be exempt either.
There are so many things that might be done with that amount of manpower. Perhaps meeting and mixing with all levels of people would make people more tolerant.
I live so far back in the 'burbs that I really had no idea how bigoted this country was against poc. I keep hearing "Well, I don't think this country is ready for a black man as president."
I believe that non citizens can enlist, if they are legal. I seem to have read about some young Hispanics doing so.
The UN mandate that was stretched to coverup this illegal war expires in December. Then what?
Leota2 said...
Field Negro,
I'd like to think this is a joke about you supporting McCain. . . . . Is it?
I must say--with all love— I believe you've been fooled again brother. McCain just told a woman he did not disagree with what she said about a draft. He will deny it by tomorrow or claim he didn't remember saying it .
But, Dear Field -- have you loved Mr. Morton all along and was just looking for a reason to step with him? I know what you feel about the draft,
but do you really trust a liar and a cheat!?
I have loved coming to your blog . . . . I will miss it.
-Field just don't want to do the Streak in Philly after Election Day.
[McCain:"Ma'am,... let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said. Thank you, and I am grateful for your support of all of our veterans."]
Mr. 894 simply said that he didn't disagree with anything the woman said.
He did not say he would bring back the draft.
Keep doing those sit-ups, Field...and step away from that dessert.
So Field why don't you join the military? I'm sure they could use a few more JAG Officers to prosecute this war on terror.
So this is an issue you are willing to change votes for? How do you feel about women losing the right to choose? The deficit continuing to grow... the belief that our economic woes are all in our head while he sports $500 loafers... Having the guy with the most notable fits of RAGE with his finger on the button etc and THOSE are not issues enough to NOT vote for him? He is UNFIT to be POTUS.
I have never been a one issue voter, so I am of course saddened that you are.
Glad your wife is not speaking to you. You need to go to the cone of silence and think about how immature you are being.
And, DO NOT THINK for one minute that the frat boys won't write in a clause of three that will absolve the rich from being drafted and prey on the just the poor. They ain't stupid, stupid. (I say that with cyber-play-cousin love of course...)
Are you headed to the Democratic Convention? I keep reading where other politico bloggers have planned their grand appearance, and I just wondered if you too were convention-bound?
Other countries have a draft. No exceptions. You serve or else.
Yes, let's draft. Bush, Cheney, Yoo, Addington, Feith, Kagan and the rest can all be drafted directly to combat arms. If the slots are filled, then we can draft Muffy and Buffy to the service areas. Our elites want the goodies, let them lead from the front.
"I can't help but wonder, what would happen if they made military enlistment as a requirement to come into America, or for all the illegal immigrants..."
Google "Green Card Soldiers" and wonder no more. When it comes to making blood money off po' brown folk, Uncle Sam is always a step ahead of you, baby.
"The UN mandate that was stretched to coverup this illegal war expires in December. Then what?"
That's easy, our government will use more of our social security money to bribe foreign countries and have it extended.
Like others have stated,I do hope you are joking. I am no longer caught up in the Obama-aid but with an almost 17 yo son, the idea of a draft sends chills up and down my spine. My son is reason alone why I pray McCain is not elected.
I hear Canada's nice this time of the year. Although I don't care too much for hockey, there is the CFL. I've got some friends up there so if anybody wants to come with me, hit me up.
I am not getting drafted for some ass-backwards clusterfuck started by some other jackass that doesn't even concern me. In the meantime, you drag your black ass to the recruiting office. PROTIP: If you don't want to die, join the Navy.
Canada is not safe haven anymore thanks to Mr. Bush et. al. Maybe France?
If one can look at the past 8 years through the unimpassioned filter of history, you have to admire Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and the entire lot of so-called neo-cons for not reinstating the draft. It would have been to their advantage to have increased the number of troops before they declared war on Iraq, however.
If the draft had been reinstated, the people would have long ago risen up to protest the war and Bush and company knew this.
So even though most oppose this senseless war, few are in the streets protesting it.
I think Field is being sarcastic about voting for McCain.
Concerning the draft many people who are anti-war or claim to be like Rangel are pro-draft because they feel that sacrifices should be shared and the unpopularity of the draft would shut down wars.
In today's country I'm not sure that the people would have it in them politically to bring about mass resistance to a draft. Also if the warmongers and neo-cons had more troops there's a good chance that we'd have soldiers in Georgia and Iran now. And who knows where that would end?
And draft or not, rich men would still find it easier to avoid service than those who are poorer.
Black enlistment in the armed forces has dropped significantly since the start of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. So in that way we shouldn't want a draft.
@Jody: I think that under the right circumstances women can be just as brutal and eager for bloodshed as men. The lunatic Israeli settler women in the West Bank are an example that comes most quickly but there are many many others. Madeleine Albright said that the death of a 1/2 million Iraqi children was "worth it". And so on...
Quite often women can act to shame those men who don't show "valor" and reward those who do. So although one gender does do more of the killing, I think both bear equal responsibility.
I have the sinking feeling that McCain may win, because menz must have to be menz. I knew we women were in for it when Hillary lost.
The masculine hysteria these days is something awful.You have got a penis. You are a guy. Relax!!! You don't have to be working on being a man 24/7.
Restoring the draft is the stupidest notion I have ever heard. It was the biggest pain in the ass, similar to the prison system. In fact, very often perps were given the choice of imprisonment or the army. In the military, men learned to despise the weak, to kill, to treat women with contempt. Whoopie. Bring back those good old days.
I think we need deterrent force if we are invaded, but otherwise our military just makes trouble for everyone. And uses up all our money, too.
So does this make you a HOUSE negro?
Hattie, I have always wished there was a way we could send those, and the children of those who voted for Bush, and now McCain. I know that ideal sounds very layman, but that would be the only way to snap some of these people out this republican war mongering zommbie mode.
I feel the draft should be reinstated also. However, I do not believe McCain will do it. McCain will pander to anyone to get elected and if he succeeds he will pander to the majority of the republican party so he won't be stricken with sudden heart attacks or strokes courtesy of CIA.
The draft would make better young people for this country, it [the military] would teach them things that society sometimes leaves out. Field, if you vote for Mr. Morton, I'm voting for Janet Reno!
The purpose of the post WWII draft wasn't just to keep the military ranks filled up but to keep young, single men out of the labor market. That's why there were so many easy grounds for deferment. Our armed forces don't require the numbers of men & women a draft would supply. So a draft now would have to be for national service with military & nonmilitary options. The nonmilitary aspects of a national service system would seriously disrupt the labor market. If we forcibly hire & pay young folks to repair America's infrastructure, we can find workers & pay them without indentured servitude.
If McCain takes the oath of office, I'll be the first one emailing him to reinstate the draft.
I will spam him night and day--a draft is the surest way to end McCain's war ambitions, lead to his impeachment, and end any war(s) being conducted at that time.
It would have been to their advantage to have increased the number of troops before they declared war on Iraq, however.
Rummy was insistent on being all super stealth minimal force badass. He had been playing too much Metal Gear Solid.
The lack of a draft probably explains the minimal protesting though, folks my age don't have to worry about seeing their friends--or themselves--being called up to head off to war instead of school so the war doesn't 'hit home' for as many people.
Many folks wanting to know if field went into the house. Well, yes I did. I sneak in and out every now and then to see what's going on. Hey, how else can I report back to the rest of you FN's?
"Canada is not safe haven anymore thanks to Mr. Bush et. al. Maybe France?"
How does Jamaica sound?
"So this is an issue you are willing to change votes for? How do you feel about women losing the right to choose? The deficit continuing to grow..."
evita, I don't feel good about any of those things. But will his "O" ness being POTUS change the status quo? I was just thinking out loud.
"I have the sinking feeling that McCain may win,..."
And hattie, if he does, just remember that I am here for you :)
"Are you headed to the Democratic Convention? I keep reading where other politico bloggers have planned their grand appearance, and I just wondered if you too were convention-bound?"
No don, because if I did, somehow I think I would end up in that nice brig the city of Denver has waiting for everybody.
McCain campaign issued an official statement saying that Mr. Magoo does NOT want to reinstate the draft. Sorry. They said he just didn't hear the question or something like that.
Back to the drawing board, I guess.
Great satirical essay!
Black Rose,
Laughing in the Field.
Yeah right, I wish the fuck they would try to send me out their to clean their shit up, I'd be on the first thing smokin' back to jamaica. Fuck them and fuck this shitty capitalist country.
Field, I hate to say it, and maybe I'm missing the point somewhere, but to support the draft is to support continuing war.
I'm against the war, I advocate for bringing all our men and women home, and I'll fight tooth and nail against a draft.
If you were the parent of a draft-age child (as I am), you might have a different outlook.
I did my time in the military, and if someone wants it as a career, for whatever reason, it's not ours to judge. But don't drag everyone else along to the party.
Just cancel the damned party.
Umm, Field, I just tried to vote for you in the 2008 Black Weblog Awards, but here's what happened when I clicked your circle...
"You must vote for all the categories!
Instructions: Please submit your votes for ALL of the 30 categories. You must vote for each category in order to submit your ballot."
I don't read thirty blogs, let alone all the thirty contestants in the BWA. And I cannot just click on the ballot indiscriminately to serve my own end, because it will skew the results and be unfair to nominees in other categories.
Maybe you can tell the bean counters at BWA that their system needs to change.
Anyhow, you have my vote in your division, but it won't show up there.
I had the same problem myself concerning the Blackweblog awards, until I had to sit down and really think of twenty-nine other bloggers who fulfilled each catergory.
Thanks for the reply, FN. Too funny @ what you said about the city of Denver.
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