So anyway, I got another one of those e-mails recently. And at first I was going to write it off as more of the usual. But something about this one was different. Something about this poor young lady's writing (she identified herself as such) and her tortured lament made me wonder about her. I actually thought of asking her permission to publish our e-mail exchange, when I stumbled on her blog. (And I know its her because the things she said in her post are the exact same things she told me via e-mail.) So anyway, because she actually published her position, I can now give you the post from her blog:
The owner of the blog claims to be a lawyer in Philadelphia. If he is smart enough to be a lawyer he should be smart enough to be able to defend his opinions and allow everyone to comment but he has shut the public out and allows only his friends to comment. I don’t blame him since his content is so lowbrow.
If a white person has a comparable blog about the view points of white people then we are stereotyped as racist. Only blacks, Jews and other ethnic groups can get away with that. That is the source of a lot of white resentment, that our freedoms have been taken away and we are second class citizens in our own country.
The map in one of The Field Negro’s posts shows a divided America based upon ethnic and religious identity.
It is my argument that diversity leads to the breakup of countries and I have talked before about the breakup of America that will result from multi culturalism. I’m glad to see that The Field Negro legitimizes my fears for America’s future.
It occurs to me however that there is no way that blacks, Jews or other minorities are going to attempt to divide up America. They are parasites who could not exist without white people to feed upon."
Now that was posted under the title; "Why is the field Negro's blog not considered racist and unpatriotic?" And my poor friend from the "Wasp" blog (I think that's the name) seems really upset about that. Honestly, if she knew that the field Negro could care less if he is considered racist and unpatriotic or not, she wouldn't have asked what I assume is that rhetorical question . But okay Wasp person, because us field Negroes are such nice people, I am going to do you a favor: I am going to give the link to your blog, and as a result, I am sure you will get more hits than you have ever gotten before; and hey, maybe even a comment or two. Try to be nice and not block out the comments that my fellow field and honorary field Negroes might want to leave you. Now let's see if you are willing to defend your position as you are asking me to defend mine.
BTW, part of your frustration might stem from the fact that you are just not that bright. I have never blocked anyone from commenting on this blog, and although I am sure I could characterize a few people who comment here as friends. I am quite sure that many of the folks who comment here would take offense to that characterization.
Whassup, Field.
Yeah, I went to the blog in question, and I left this:
"That is the source of a lot of white resentment, that our freedoms have been taken away and we are second class citizens in our own country."
-Oh, yeah?
Since when?
What ignorant garbage.
I got your link from the Field Negro's blog.
I am glad to say I won't visiting your pitiful blog again.
Oh, and be sure to have some cheese with your whine. :-)
It takes all kinds.
At least she did not post anonymously (or did she?)
What's up, brotha field?
I apologize in advance for being a little crude. But this lady sounds stupid. All kind of folks come to your blog and have their say, whether it agrees with you or not. A good example, I think is constructive feedback. Huh, I have yet to read anything constructive from him. He just argues to get attention. Much of the time, what he says doesn't even relate to your post. Yet, you allow him to say what he wants. I love it.
And, field, thanks for letting people know about the petition related to LaVena Johnson on your sidebar. I will do the same on my blog at daddyBstrong. Blessings.
If I could I would apologize for the white race, but happily I do not represent those particular "white is right" assholes.
Perhaps the only thing really great about being a blog that does not receive huge numbers is that the troll quotient is fairly negligible.
And sorry to say but as Obama inches closer to becoming our next President the anger and racial hatred is only going to intensify.
I left the following on the WASP site, I am still not sure if it is real.
2. joy316 | August 4, 2008 at 2:46 am
It thought this was a joke from the FN site. But apparently you are real. I really don’t understand people like you–so quick to criticize and label–who have very little substance to what they have to say. You are very good at name calling but very poor at thinking. I see nothing in your statement that illustrates why you believe FN is “racist and unpatriotic. Question: is this a real “blog” or just another way to distribute the Murddoch message?
SMH at the blatant ignorance. Its all going to come to a head soon.. Fear of the Black Man is rising faster than the Katrina levees.
The funny part is that these stormfront WP's actually believe that if all people of color left A-Merry-CA it will actually function better.. GTFOH!
Why not take all this hatred and move somewhere and prove us all wrong. I dare them!
AK, I hope you were nice to the "Wasp" lady in her house. You know you brothers can be a little intimidating at times.
No problem Macdaddy, and please sign that petition if you get a chance.
"And sorry to say but as Obama inches closer to becoming our next President the anger and racial hatred is only going to intensify."
gryphan, you might be right. Although the "next president" part I am not so sure about :)
And don't apologize for anyone else buy yourself or your own family. You are gryphan, not some ignorant uninformed person on the www.
"And sorry to say but as Obama inches closer to becoming our next President the anger and racial hatred is only going to intensify."
I totally agree with the above statement. When a sore is infected and full of poison, the poison has to rise up to the top, inorder for healing to take place.
I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous her statement that whites are losing their freedoms is. She has to be on dope or dynamite, braindead or something to even make such asinine statement. I'm with MacDaddy, I've never known of you to block anyone from blogging. So, she practices deception and is a liar on top of it.
Ah Field,
How kind of you to post the link to the poor nut hatch's blog. You hardly ever do that--but let us all agree it is in a good cause.
Sadly, people like Wasp lurk among us on city walkways, in public buildings and parks. If we still traveled by horses they'd frighten them in the streets.
I feel a bit sorry (just a bit) for someone with such putrid, ignorant beliefs. She was obviously raised badly--or not at all, in the wild.
But that's okay, I'm in a posting kind of mood. . . .
I'm amazed that this woman actually thought you blocked any commments. Particularly with the spate of anonymous folks lately, it should be VERY clear you let everyone have their say. But ignorance, as they say, is bliss.
"AK, I hope you were nice to the "Wasp" lady in her house. You know you brothers can be a little intimidating at times."
-Yeah, I wouldn't want to be "uppity".
Mr Field Negro, or may I call you Uncle.
Uncle, I suggest that you publish the emails that we exchanged because there was absolutely nothing in them that was offensive and you know it.
Calling people names is not refuting anything that they say so I would suggest that those who post on my blog make points and address the issues. I'm unaccustomed to lowbrow moronic dumb speak.
I made the point that this is a racist, provocative blog. Yet you say you don't care if people think you're racist. So why should others care what you think.
You are right. I haven't lost any freedoms because I have found my voice and I can give as good as I can take. The question is, can you?
When I first attempted to post here the blogger post did not work and I thought that I was being blocked, I emailed Uncle Field Negro and he after he responded I tried again and was successful. There is no need to make a big deal of it.
There was nothing untoward in our correspondense and Uncle Field Negro knows it. He is mis representing the facts.
Once again I must say that when you have a provocative blog you will probably not be received kindly and for that others cannot be blamed. You bait people and then you complain that THEY are racist.
It seems to me that perhaps you should treat others as you wish to be treated. Nobody should have to be scapegoated in order that you may look better. You have no right to say the things about white people that you do.
I think the statement is evident that the woman has some form of mental illness, and it is sad. She does not understand parody or satire, and believes that blacks, jews, and other minority are going to somehow to take over the United States. She probably does not know anyone other than white people and judges people based upon their color or religious affiliation. I prefer you not liking based on something I've done not because my color, but unfortunately she and others like her cannot make a discernment to know the difference. She may never become open to the idea of other people who do not like her she does. You can read the great sense of fear and ignorance that has taken control over her life, and she someone to blame for it. It is easy to blame others for your problems and failed to see the shortcomings within yourself.
She probably would come onto my blog and find something racist about it. My blog is my crocheting, knitting, and sewing projects. It really going to matter what you write because she will misconstrue as being racist when she could something like participant and ask questions. She can be part of the conversation, and we do have to agree with her but at least she can write is on her mind. I find it interesting that she would send you an email than to write a post on the blog for everyone to read. She is basically targeting you and I think would be a little concern about that. I went on the website and David Duke's face and I am little woeful about it. I am little concerned because she is mentally stable.
Oh Barbara and I guess you think that its okay for you say things like this:
"They are parasites who could not exist without white people to feed upon."
About Blacks and other ethnic groups.
May I suggest you buy a clue and realize that you're blog is nothing but your opinionated view of the dilemma of whites as Field represents same from the other side.
It is apparent that is a big deal for you. Sometimes, my post do not always take the first time when I attempt it. However, you did not think that could be a problem with Blogger as it does sometimes happen, but you just automatically assumed he blocked your post. Another point, you have an opportunity this particularly media to ask questions. It is quite obvious that you are frustrated about something. As grandmother use to day that it better to get flies with honey than with vinegar. So, let me start asking. What is troubling you?
hennasplace, if you have a blog about knitting could you tell us how many racist comments you get? Probably zero because you are not baiting people and calling them names based upon their race.
This blog is a hostile place. Therefore you get hostility back at you.
This blog is about the black experience in America and when you make comments about that then I can tell you how whites feel about it. Whats wrong with that.
If Uncle Field Negro wants to talk about race then I'm game.
OK shes on one side, youre on the other and the majority of us are just trying to avoid both of you.
We wouldn't drive into hillbilly central and try to hold a civil discourse on race...so why does this barbarous woman deserve any of our attention?
Barbara said:
when you make comments about that then I can tell you how whites feel about it. Whats wrong with that.
Last time I checked, white people don't all think alike. Maybe you'd like to prove me wrong.
You have no understanding of what is satire when Mr. field typed that post and the only thing right now who is hostile is you, Barbara for that atrocious blogpost you wrote. Now you're mad you got called out on it. What's worse is that you don't see what you wrote is incredibly terrible.
anonymous 11:58 I don't blame you for wanting to avoid both of us.
kemetkind, when you come into the United States you are coming to Hillbilly country. Hillbillies are the desendents of the founding fathers and the British Isles.
Here is the problem. The United Nations predicts that as a result of Globalism by 2050 the United States will be overwhelmed with immigrants from AFrica, Asia and the Middle East.
The United States will have a white minority and Islam will be the dominate religion. How should we expect to be treated by the likes of Uncle Field Negro then.
Every Western nation from Australia to Canada is overwhelmed with immigrants and the problems they bring with them because we created the nations where people wish to come.
Black Africans riot in France and burn vehicles at night. Muslims riot in Norway. People of color are overwhelming white nations. Where can white people go?
Blacks, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and other groups have nations of their own. White people don't.
What would you do if you were in our shoes. When Northern Europe is overwhemled by Muslims then that shows that whites have no place to go.
We all see what happened in South Africa and how the blacks slaughtered the white farmers and drove them out.
Blacks have an entire continent.
Even the Pope is worried that Europe is becoming Islamic.
Name one country in the entire world that is run by blacks where you would want to live. Blacks are lucky to live in America yet we have to take crap from blacks like Uncle Field Negro.
Kat, what Uncle Field Negro writes is terrible. Why dont you have a problem with him. You like talking about race as long as you're beating up on white people but if anyone says anything back to you then you get all het up.
this is what happens when white people refused to be silenced with accusations of racism and when we refuse to play political correctness.
I guess you can't fire me like you got that shock jock fired for talking about nappy headed hoes.
He is an example of how white people have lost their freedoms. Our speech is conditioned upon Jewish and black approval. You think we should be happy and kiss you for it. While you enjoy the freedoms that OUR people gave to us but we don't.
You are more sick than I thought.
You are truly mentally ill.
I hope you have health insurance
because you need serious help.
@Barbara, Why are you so afraid to live in a country you help made?
"We all see what happened in South Africa and how the blacks slaughtered the white farmers and drove them out."
Are you afraid the blacks in this country will wake up and do the same thing? Those chickens are coming home to roost.
Oh, Barbara...
I've never seen people with so much power whine and state they feel so powerless. Hell, Barbara's part of the precious protected class here in America, white women, and to here her tell it, white folks will be extinct by 2092 or something. Get real, Barbara. Either you suffer from some serious self-esteem problems, or, like Kat said, you are really seriously mentally ill.
Thanks Kat. I'll take a dose of my meds. In the meantime would you like to address my comments about how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson got that shock jock fired by NBC? What do you make of it. You do speak about issues every now and then don't you. Or are you simply a psychiatrist who was graciously reminding me to take my meds?
Now jjbrock and anon 12:34, you are perilously close to sounding like racists.
FYI, and I'm finding that I'm always having to give you information. White people are not reproducing ourselves anywhere in the world while people of color are breeding like flies. Therefore we are becoming extinct.
That is why white countries must allow immigrants to come to their countries to work.
go ahead, google it, you don't have to take my word for it.
jjbrock, I'm actually not afraid that blacks in America will wake up.
Yes I am worried that black violence would be a serious threat to white people if you ever stopped killing each other and began to concentrate on us.
Good God, Field. I can't believe I followed your link to stormfront. I feel dirty. I'm gonna have to scrape the scum off my keyboard. Aaarggh. What a horror of what passes for human thought on that site.
You are one courageous field hand to deal with that load.
Let me know when you've had enough. I'm feeling a serious lack of challenge here and I'm verging on bored. I might hit the sack shortly.
I'll take a dose of my meds. In the meantime would you like to address my comments about how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson got that shock jock fired by NBC?
That's one example. If "black people" had as much power over the media, wouldn't you think they would cover and report on missing black women and children the way they cover their white counterparts? You tell me, Barbara, the last time you saw extensive coverage on a missing black woman. I'll be waiting, btw.
That is why white countries must allow immigrants to come to their countries to work.
go ahead, google it, you don't have to take my word for it.
No thanks. Something tells me my google search results will just lead me to a stormfront hosted webpage.
I'm feeling a serious lack of challenge here and I'm verging on bored. I might hit the sack shortly.
Sure... You'll be here, responding to every comment. You need something to fill the void where your self-worth should be.
LMAO..Blame everything on the blacks just makes YT feel better.
Barbara is scared. That is why she picked the Field's blog to spout her hate, the truth hurts. She can't understand why we don't grovel at YT's feet and beg them to place us back under another 400yrs of servitude.
Btw this idiot said that we all have nations of our own and whites don't????? SMH at her stupidity, I don't think she has stepped one pinkie toe out of the good ole U. S of A.
I think it is so annoying that blacks are not able to express their own issues, Jews and all other cultures can speak about their struggles and pride, why is it, when we speak of our history it is always a problem?
This is my first time responding to your blog, but I've been reading it for months. Keep it up. It's nice to hear people with different viewpoints.
Now for my response:
>>>kemetkind, when you come into the United States you are coming to Hillbilly country. Hillbillies are the desendents of the founding fathers and the British Isles.
Technically, when the Europeans came over they took over Native American land. They are our true founding fathers and mothers.
>>>Here is the problem. The United Nations predicts that as a result of Globalism by 2050 the United States will be overwhelmed with immigrants from AFrica, Asia and the Middle East. The United States will have a white minority and Islam will be the dominate religion. How should we expect to be treated by the likes of Uncle Field Negro then.
Oh no! People with different backgrounds and religions living with each other! How horrible. If you treat other people with respect, then you are more likely to receive it also. That is how you should expect to be treated.
>>>Every Western nation from Australia to Canada is overwhelmed with immigrants and the problems they bring with them because we created the nations where people wish to come. Black Africans riot in France and burn vehicles at night. Muslims riot in Norway.
Follow the money. People immigrate to find jobs. Plain and simple. The reason for the rioting has to do with economic opportunities that immigrants are being barred from either from cultural or language barriers. If someone told a Christian that they could not wear their cross in public schools, there would be discontent. Muslim girls in France were told not to cover their hair, which is a sign of modesty and respect to them.
>>>People of color are overwhelming white nations. Where can white people go?
Stay and live peacefully or move somewhere else peacefully. There are still remote places in the world.
>>>Blacks, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and other groups have nations of their own. White people don't.
It's called the suburbs.
>>What would you do if you were in our shoes. When Northern Europe is overwhemled by Muslims then that shows that whites have no place to go.
See above.
>>>We all see what happened in South Africa and how the blacks slaughtered the white farmers and drove them out.
Ok. So learn the lesson about living respectfully and the anger doesn't happen.
>>Blacks have an entire continent.
Even the Pope is worried that Europe is becoming Islamic.
That's great. But the Pope does not control the world's population. Remember he's the one whose against birth control.
>>>Name one country in the entire world that is run by blacks where you would want to live. Blacks are lucky to live in America yet we have to take crap from blacks like Uncle Field Negro.
No, blacks aren't "lucky" to live in America. Most of us just happened to be born here. Nationalism is useless.
>>>this is what happens when white people refused to be silenced with accusations of racism and when we refuse to play political correctness.
Screw political correctness. Let's talk historical fact. That's what tends to silent racism and not just from white people.
>>>I guess you can't fire me like you got that shock jock fired for talking about nappy headed hoes.
Mr. Field, she works for you?!? Then, please fire her without pension!
>>>He is an example of how white people have lost their freedoms. Our speech is conditioned upon Jewish and black approval. You think we should be happy and kiss you for it. While you enjoy the freedoms that OUR people gave to us but we don't.
Darling, your people would have hated you too! Your so called beloved Founding Fathers didn't recognize you as a citizen of this country either when they wrote the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Let's see... people who back then weren't considered full citizens:
1) Poor white men (Keep in mid that groups such as the Irish and the Italians weren't considered "white" until centuries later.)
2) All white women
3) All people who weren't Christians and this included Catholics.
4. All minorities
5. All sexual "deviants".
anonymous what do missing women have to do with the fired shock jock?
Why is it the responsibility of the media to cover black missing women. Why don't blacks have channels on tv where such topics are covered if you want to see that sort of coverage.
Why don't you try a tv boycott since the bus boycott worked so well.
Why do you always expect white people to do those things for you? Why you've got a black man ready to move into the White House so you don't need white people to put missing black women on their tv.
Is there anything that you expect to do for yourselves other than sitting around complaining because whites don't wipe your black asses.
maybe the channels don't want to cover black crime because there is not enough time in the day.
If you watch City Confidential and other shows like it on cable you see plenty of black crime and black victims.
When you are a minority in other people's countries that is what you have to put up with. If you wish to be a majority and the center of attention then move to Africa. Of course I don't think they have tv channels there and you sure will miss your computer.
btw, they hired that shock jock back and Dog the Bounty Hunter also kept his job.
@Barbara said
well if you go further into your history, european i assume, you will see that the reason why people have immigrated is that europeans have imposed their racial superiority,economic western standards and of course their way of life around the world, so it Jamaica, and yes pay back what they stole from Africa and I will be happy to go BACK!!!
oh yeah, we , black people did not land on plymouth rock, it landed on us in the words of malcolm, and unlike white people that stole and raped countries, immigrants like my parents are looking for a better way to survive the effects of globalization your people did to us...
your brown sista :)
"When you are a minority in other people's countries that is what you have to put up with. If you wish to be a majority and the center of attention then move to Africa."
Now didn't you just say you were a minority in this country? Which is it Barbara???
And of course when things do not go YT's way the first thing out there mouth is "Go Back to Africa"
Why should I? I wasn't born there I was born here in good ole U.S. of A. Proud to be an American oh yes I am.
@ Barbara
No one is saying Blacks are waiting to be saved....that idea is similar to the reasons why your people went around the world " helping " others.....in reality, imposing racial and economic dominance....
oh yeah, and it is your history of being lazy, whites have been the largest welfare people of all time, they stole from the native americans, enslaved africans and colonized almost all the world, now no white person can ever call me lazy.....by the way
well actually you should go back to Europe your people did not work in the fields, and they were not Native Americans, America has 300 million welfare folks, that need to leave actually....and they are not me...
anon 1:07 The Irish and the Italians overcame a long time ago as did everyone except blacks.
The Indians are not the founding fathers because the United States did not exist until white people formed the government and created it. duh
Must we now lift the Indians up and give them a status that they never earned as we do with blacks.
Thank you for noting that the founding Fathers did not intend this nation to be for anyone other than people like themselves.
Would you like me if I were politically correct and made you look good. I guess I would hate me too if I were in your shoes. No I take that back. I would be able to out debate you no matter what the circumstances were. I feel your pain.
lewis911 said...
well actually you should go back to Europe your people did not work in the fields, and they were not Native Americans, America has 300 million welfare folks, that need to leave
actually....and they are not me...
Really not sure what you're getting at? I'm not from Europe nor am I arguing with you about welfare. Which last time I looked many people of different racial backgrounds are on. Welfare is not strictly for one racial group.
I visit because I like the writing, the attitude, & the humor. I also like to read about life in Philly, a great city with big city problems. I rarely feel that Field is beating up on white people generally. I'm not a white masochist & I wouldn't hang around for that. Most of the time he's specific about who is pissing him off.
lewis911 you are correct, whites did impose dominance.
If we imposed dominance and yet you enjoy freedom, how did that happen.
Are you going to tell me you won your own freedom by defeating the white people? and yet you still can't manage to overcome.
You got your freedom because it was given to you by white people but you can't overcome because you are not up to it. I don't know what else whites can do for you.
Your kids go to the same schools as our kids. You are equal under the Constitution. You can live anywhere you choose and you can attend college etc etc etc.
Yet you curse white people and act like we're the biggest bigots on Earth. You even get political correctness and that hurts a lot which you wouldn't know about because you never had it imposed upon you.
Why do you blame us for everything that is wrong with blacks in America. Just look at Uncle field Negro's front page and all the self pitying crap and accusations against white people.
Field Negro my ass.
Jmee I never said that white people are a minority.
Bob am I being specific enough about who is pissing me off.
Wow, like I said learn your real American History...
Blacks have been doing great things long before Obama lady....I know it is hard to accept....well see after slavery many blacks ran for government positions....and during the 1900's blacks were doing so great that the KKK had to be formed to stop them....thats why the jim crows came about, not because we were stupid but because white people feared us.... for what reason I do not know, maybe because they knew all the sick shit they did to us ....anyhow.... great black men,did great things.....it was white hatred and violence that burned many cities that had only black people in them across this country during the 1900's ....so I find it funny when white people make it seem as though an educated negroe is new....it is not new at all......oh yeah the reason why every other race come here and do well is that they do not face the same type of discrimination that blacks face....
please read your AMERICAN history...get the real facts before you start speaking about black folks....
also the reason why I bring up welfare is that many white conservatives act as if they got all their money on their own, well they did not, this country was founded on free labor....
wall street and higher education places such as princeton got millions upon millions from the slave trade, I really should be able to go to school free in America...
please read your AMERICAN history...get the real facts before you start speaking about black folks....
The only American history ole low self-esteemy Barbie reads is the history on stormfront hosted websites.
Lewis, I really think you're wasting your time on Babs. Her hatred regarding the black race comes thru in each post.
She probably goes onto to other sites and spouts the same idiotic ish....
Can Barbara hold the lantern for Harold? I think his arm's getting tired.
LMAO RJ..... She is so Lawn Jockey material
Why is it that the Declaration of Independence, which was created that said, ALL nations, nationalities, and races were created equal, but the white men don’t want to honor that Declaration that they created? So, was this a figment of our imagination as a minority or is it just another scheme produced by the white men to dilute our minds and cover up the BS that they really intended? Because we stand and live in a world that was created by God, and as I have said before, I'll say again, when it comes to color God have eyes like a dog, meaning he’s colorblind, because colors don’t matter to him. What matters to him is will you obey his command. Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, Cain brought death by slaying his own brother, and your dumb azz don't understand that.
BTW, hillbillies are not descendants of the founding fathers. The founding fathers were rich aristocrats from the King and Queen’s court, and well, hillbillies were the poor people—indentured servants to be precise and in bondage in America just like Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Indians, and other minority races. So I hate to beg your pardon but this is the rich elite’s country, because the founding fathers were not poor.
I don’t know where you learned history from, but you need to stop making false statements and talking about things, you lack knowledge in. You need to get your facts straight on a lot of things that you’ve stated. Because Africans over in South Africa were taking back possession of their land that was invaded and robbed of its valuable natural resources as Iraqis are trying to do over in Iraq. Further more, Blacks did not burn down Paris, Muslims did. Please get your facts straight.
Also, Your nothing but a kid under me, and I can tell by your post that you’re very immature, misguided, and full of dung. However, I’m not going to play into your web of lies. I’m sorry that mommy and daddy didn’t give you the attention you craved so much as a child, because it left you bitter inside.
Barbara said: "maybe the channels don't want to cover black crime because there is not enough time in the day."
LMAO. That was funny. But hon, we don't hold a candle to crimes done by those in power. Your beloved Founding Fathers murdered over 95% of Native Americans, nuked Hiroshima and Nakasaki, and killed over one million Iraqis in war based on lies. There isn't enough time in the day to show the current and recent slaughter in the middle east, or the thieves on Wall Street and big corporations that have run our economy into the ground and is killing unions.
I don't know if you're smart enough to have a job better than Wal-Mart, but don't blame black folks for the $7 per hour you'd get paid with no benefits.
Those are the kinds of crimes you should be thinking about.
To be fair, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. White folks don't have a monopoly on corruption, genocide, slavery, or murder. They just have the opportunity to do more of it, and do.
Now you and those like you are terrified that if a black man is elected, the tables will be turned. I'm surprised you're not reassured that Obama has a white mother, black father, Indonesian step-father, half-white/half-Indonesian half-sister, and grew up in Hawaii away from racism. In addition his dad was Muslim but he embraced Christianity over 20 years ago.
He is the epitome of the melting pot, and why he works so hard to connect everyone together so that we may live in harmony. He has disappointed blacks by not being more pro-black issues, and pissed off whites simply because he's not 100% white.
He can't connect us all by himself so we can all just get along, as Field says, nor can you find happiness in your own life as long as you obsess on fears and avoid some of the good advice on this thread, such as treat others with respect and they will treat you accordingly.
You have nothing to lose by trying this except your fear and unhappiness. Good luck with changing you because you nor anyone can change the ever-changing world.
If you cannot try this, for your own peace of mind, you should do what nearly everyone here does: avoid sites, places and thoughts that make you unhappy because life is too short.
Wow I feel sorry for Babs. What is she going to do with Obama becomes President?
'Jews' are a minority? Since when? And when is a religious or cultural affiliation the same as an ethnicity? But anyway this woman is in dire need of attention. She's hijacked the blog!! Make your point and move on lady cuz nobody's buying your rotten milk.
Hey there Field Negro!
Congrats on making folks UPSET!
{raised black fist}
Undercover Black Man had someone making posts repeatedly about the number of black men who rape white women...stats from the Duke website.
I suppose this is becoming more and more common, huh? The troll parades at the blogs of those who have a large black readership.
My blog is new and was deemed a "racist blog" by a white reader who mentioned me at another blog and said that I don't allow non-blacks to comment at my blog.
Then he called me an Oreo! That was soooo hilarious. He doesn't understand the correct use of the term because an Oreo would have nothing BUT whites *LOL* in the comments section!
I had to explain:
I'm Keebler Double Fudge! Get it right, please! (smiles) And read the sign on my front lawn:
Black Women, Blow The Trumpet! Nothing complicated about that. Geeesh. (smiles)
At MY house, I make the rules. My blog "ain't" a church service either.
Some people... they just get soooo offended when we don't act like Obama...ya know...asking for approval all the time...
Well, perhaps they need to have a little talk with Jesus, and tell Him all about their troubles...
I gather that the "map" you displayed a week or so ago really ignited some fears! Oh pooooo, now why can't some Um-meri-kkkans understand SATIRE?? Isn't that what they were saying when blacks objected to Michelle Obama on Daily Kos with her hands tied with rope and white hoods surrounding her? "It's satire!" they said.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
@ Henna's Place
Your blog is about knitting but I haven't seen any WHITE yarn in the photos....oh that's just soooo racist! *LOL*
Barbara said: "People of color are overwhelming white nations".
Payback is a bitch!
Where is your sympathy for native Americans (you know, those people overwhelmed by whites), and others that were forced to live under white colonial rule.
Perhaps if whites had stayed in Europe, instead of trying to conquer the entire world, and enslave people along the way, they wouldn't be finding their countries being overrun with so-called undesirables.
But don't worry, it all works out in the end.
It would appear that this Barbara woman is quite obsessed with you and this blog because she already has two more posts up about this place, complete with racial slurs. Yet, by her convoluted logic, you're the racist. That's a special kind of crazy right there.
"Kat, what Uncle Field Negro writes is terrible. Why dont you have a problem with him. You like talking about race as long as you're beating up on white people but if anyone says anything back to you then you get all het up."
Barbara, why uncle Field? Is there something about your past that I should know about? But seriously, I did not misrepresent anything about our e-mail exchange. In fact, I made it a point not to reveal anything about you. You published your blog. If you put yourself out there, you have to live with the consequences.
Now Barb(May I call you Barb?)can you show me my hate whitey post on this blog? I will take just one. And don't worry, I will wait.
You poor lonely soul. You seem so conflicted. You take offense to me having a blog, yet you make comments like this:
"Why is it the responsibility of the media to cover black missing women. Why don't blacks have channels on tv where such topics are covered if you want to see that sort of coverage."
Well, this is why we have our own blogs, to address such issues. But this too bothers you.
"this is what happens when white people refused to be silenced with accusations of racism and when we refuse to play political correctness."
Please don't be silenced. I gave you your 15 minutes because I DON'T want you to be silenced. I don't like political correctness anymore than you do. (Read the blog
"You are right. I haven't lost any freedoms because I have found my voice and I can give as good as I can take. The question is, can you?"
Yeah I am pretty good at taking it. And I am glad you can give as good as you can take. But honestly, it's not that serious. I used you to make a point, and tomorrow, I probably won't even remember that you exist. Racist clowns like you are a dime a dozen. So enjoy your 15 minutes, and the verbal beatdowns that I am sure you will continue to receive while you hang out in the fields:)
I am glad you finally got some sleep. I am sure defending the white race can be hard work.
Poor Barbara....but gee Field, its not nice to make fun of the kids in Special Ed. My momma took real exception to that, we'd get a butt whooping for sure.
Stormfront is a hideous place.
I felt the need to dash back to the shower and wash my body with Dial soap and hot water.
Old girl has her head up her coo if she thinks you block comments. I wish you would block the comments of douchebags like (Un)constructive Feedsack but alas, you even let him post his lunatic tirades.
I read an article years back that said the "internets" is the main conduit hate sites like Stormfront spread their filth. I really have to wonder if the Feds are behind them?
Oh.... my people, my people....
Barbara dear...can we talk? I know your momma and daddy told you if "those" people ever got control, they would kill all the white people. But first they would rape you. My grandmama used to say the same thing to me. They were convinced that since their daddys and grandaddys ran around ownin, beatin, hangin and generally keepin those black folk in their place... that if those black folk were ever truly free, well then watch out... cause treatin people mean was all they knew....
But, Barbara, as your fellow white sister, let me tell ya... its ok. You can come on outside and join the rest of us..... When you treat people with respect, you usually get the same in return. When you see people as individuals, they will see you the same.... Mama and Daddy lied to you... I know thats hard to take, but its true! In fact, if you would just open your heart and mind, you might discover that your world can be richer, fuller and far more interesting than that small, scary little place you are living in now.....
I haven't had a chance to use white yet, but will beige do? (lol) @ blackwomen
I find it interesting that Barbara use the term uncle as is trying to use it as an insult. Apparently, she does not anything about the historical term of Uncle Tom for if she did, then she would realize that it is more of a compliment than an insult. I constantly tell people that reading is fundamental.
People like Barbara live miserable lives, and thrives on that misery than doing the opposite of living with more joy. Barb is not a happy camper. Since you are so unaccustomed lowbrow to moronic writing, then it probably would best for you not to engage in the activity. I think you need a hobby Barbara other than journaling as that is proving to be too taxing for you. Something that is relaxing and relieves stress like knitting, gardening, making preserves etc. These a constructive hobbies like knitting squares to a charitable organization to make afghans and blankets for others less fortunate. You can start a community garden because food prices are high and every little thing helps. You can make preserves as gifts for people. I write all these things to tell you, Barb lighten up and begin to appreciate life as it too short to be angry and frustrated. Blacks and jews are not coming after you.
The worst thing about this is that these type of people are in the highest offices in "our" land. They are in charge of hiring and firing folks, they are all over the place smiling in your face then come up with BLOGS to talk that shit!
It just boggle my mind that these people refuse to see the error that whites have caused... then turn right back around and act as if they aren't responsible for nothing that has happened in this country. Even the shit that doesn't involve race.... like...like The Gulf of Tonkin incident the way the corporate conglomerates screw "hard working Americans" out of their 401K's... I guess that's all good since they are white. I could continue but I'm sure that the people here that have read a book or pays some attention to the real goings on in the world.
All this high-minded rhetoric aside, in answer to the title question:
No, we just can't get along. That's the way it is and will be.
A pity.
I am still on my first cup of coffee, so I am still waking up but really Barb if you think this blog is so bad, why are you here? Seriously?
On the other hand, I am with FN, I think you are a tad uptight because you really are not that bright. Having read your blog, its clear you are the type who prefers to blame others (in this case folks of color) for your own woes rather than taking some personal reponsibility.
To that I say get over yourself.
Barbara said...
"When I first attempted to post here the blogger post did not work and I thought that I was being blocked... "
You see Field, I believe her. She might be captcha challenged (like me). I keep telling you about that security verification. Some of us are just not smart enough to pass it all the time. Now look what you caused, a whole misunderstanding for nothing. Serves you right.
Chloe Black (nice last name), the wife of the scum who runs Stormfront and ex-wife of David Duke, was recently outed as the public relations contact for a philanthropist’s efforts to build a campus for children of poor black and Latino children in Florida.
That darn security verification can be a challenge sometimes Field, and get this sometimes I have to retype another!!!
Dang Field, you've done it now,
you've upset the WASP lady..That goes for all you too!!
You field negroes need to know you dam place...you tryin' to act uppity?
now..if only I can get this word verification tingy right...hope I am blocked
This woman hijacked this site. She should be ignored.
Those were some of the funniest blogs I've read in a long time. I laughed as I imagined they came from southern lady or gentleman, in an attempt to sound edumacated(LOL). Truly hilarious. Ignorance causes vision impairment(LOL). The truth is right before them, unfortunately they can't see.
On the bright side, at least Barbara identified herself. I've been getting a little tired of all the Anonymous folks with similar ignorant commentary, as it's so hard to figure out if you're speaking to one person or many...plus the fact it's just extra cowardly to go anon and go on attack mode.
"The United States will have a white minority and Islam will be the dominate religion. How should we expect to be treated by the likes of Uncle Field Negro then."
Oh, my God!
We're gonna be overun by the dark people!
Oh, and barbara...where the white women at?
Just trying to help you out ;-)
"When you treat people with respect, you usually get the same in return. When you see people as individuals, they will see you the same (...)"
Thank you very much, because what you wrote is true.
"FYI, and I'm finding that I'm always having to give you information. White people are not reproducing ourselves anywhere in the world while people of color are breeding like flies. Therefore we are becoming extinct."
This is better than The Wonder Twins!
People Of Color have the ability to stop white people from fucking!
Hmmm...who will we deny carnal knowledge to tonight?
But...with great power comes great responsi...OH, HELL NO!
Power up the BLACK satellite!
barbara, we white European Americans had our place in the sun and we f*cked it up royally. Maybe it's long past time for us to realize that we have to share the planet with the rest of the human race.
The fear that I hear in your comments is the same fear that Michael Moore talked about in Fahrenheit 9/11. The USA, founded on fear or the "other," has screwed over so many countries and so many people that now that we are in decline naturally we fear that we are due for the same treatment. Maybe you're just projecting your fears onto everyone else--ever think of that?
~democratic socialist
Thank you for giving Barbara a forum for her views. Mutual respect is wonderful, if only the posters would follow your example.
Some quibbles...
South African farmers were murdered. Go back to the source material.
AfAms are pretty damn lucky. Try Darfur, Biafra, Uganda....although I do believe Botswana is pretty decent.
Most of the posters should read the European press (not just the business pages) about their Muslim and African problems. These are real and may result in mass deportations. Only the liberal Western tradition has kept the police and the army from quelling the disruptions the old-fashioned way.
75 messages later, I won't lie and say I read them all, but I will say this. Keep up the good work Field. You are making people nervous and you have them talking stupid so it must mean you are speaking truth. You know you've gone wrong when everyone loves you.
This woman is simple and by shining a light on her simplicity you have strengthened all those voices who speak truth. She is not alone in her stupidity and hopefully your blog continues to set their nerves on edge. Keep up the good work
This is what I love about racists. Not only are they dumb as boards, they lie like rugs to justify their racism. If her comments have not appeared on this blog, it's only because she's not bright enough to figure out how to get them posted.
Reminds me of a woman who called in to Washington Journal the other morning foaming about Obama. She ended her anti Barack rant by practically spitting out that Obama had never taught constitutional law. Now, this is such a big fat lie and so easy to prove as a lie but she figured people would believe her lying white backside because she said so.
So here is some source info from the University of Chicago and CNN about Obama's credentials.
Also, I'm not sure why anyone would go to this woman's site and give her a bump in hits.
When I read about Blabara not being able to figure out how to post a comment and then expecting Field to fix it for her, I couldn't stop laughing.
Barbara - When you question whether or not Field is really a lawyer, you really show your ignorance. Think about it, why would anybody admit to being a lawyer? ;-)
(Sorry Field)
Well, you're dealing with a low information idiot here. That's a bout as simply put as I can make it.
She makes her first mistaking in assuming that someone who becomes a lawyer is necessarily smart. Thne she claims that you practice a policy of exclusion here on your blog. . . nothing could be more wrong.
I just respond appropriatly to these folks. . . sometimes they need to be ignored, sometimes they need to be challenged and sometimes they need to be slapped upside the head.
99% of the time, all you can do it ignore them and treat them as the pariah that they are unworthy of even the slightest recognition.
This is what I left on her site..
32. Evita | August 4, 2008 at 5:19 pm
I’m saddened about a number of things mentioned in this particular blog post.
What I think is NOT apparent to many whites is the very fact that there have historically been a differential experience in what is means to be an American in the United States, This is well documented and not an assertion I make off the cuff or through lived experience as a Puerto Rican born and raised in NJ. This I offer as a documented fact.
Most whites have no working knowledge of American history- for example slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. White people want to START the discussion about what is FAIR from the stance that the Civil Rights legislation righted all of historical wrongs as a nation.
WASP (or the person in control of this blog,) I want to say to you that your experience is your truth, and our experiences are our truths. Your very statement of asserting this is “your country” negates the TRUTH that African Americans, the Japanese have had an integral part of building this country. BUT MOST WHITE PEOPLE FORGET THAT. Colonizers stole this land from Native Americans, BUT MOST WHITE PEOPLE FORGET THAT. Puerto Ricans were given citizenship (with no voting rights,) in 1918 in order to fight in the World War on behalf of the United States with broken weapons and very little equipment, BUT WHITE PEOPLE FORGET THAT.
My friend, multiculturalism, has been a part of the United States way of being for a long time. Your issue is not multiculturalism, your issue is that people of color are demanding the equality articulated in the constitution. So WASP, perhaps your whiteness doesn’t get you VIP access anymore, but truthfully- should it ever have been that way?
By the way- you will stand a better chance at sounding well versed about race issues once you study it. Field Negroes was the term used to refer to enslaved Africans were worked outside in the fields. The lighter complected slaves, often born out of rape, were called House Negroes well allowed to work within the house. They were said to be very protective of their status and would often spy of the field workers etc. There is much argument over which form of labor was more treacherous, but modern vernacular refers to Field Negroes as those who question authority etc.
We don’t have to agree, but I wish you well and pray for peace for both of us.
I swear the first time I read your blog I thought the same thing. "I can only imagine the kind of hateful emails which he receives." But, since you appear firm in your stance I took it, and I still take it, that you can handle the 'spitballs' pretty well. Then I started seeing freedom of speech comments popping up within your comment section, and once again you stood firm on your convictions.
It's shocking to even see your name placed in a sentence like @ "It really burns me up to have to endure the lowbrow idiocy and the indulgence in self pity and hatred and blaming of other people that make up blogs like The Field Negro. Given the tone and content of the blog he should have called it The Field Nigger shouldn’t he.
I doubt very seriously if this person has really taken the time to read your smart and intelligent and humorous and insighful and strongly charged opinions. If so, she would see the difference between truth and rant.
You're the best blogger I've witnessed. And I doubt very seriously if there's another blogger (period) who compose the material you routinely compose.
Also, thanks for the shout. A shout from your blog is something like an ad on the Goodyear blimp. I was shocked to see my blog up there again. I really appreciate you, brother.
Oh, and did you see where I jacked your blog template. LOL.
People like Barb are the reason I think most whites ARE racists, but smile in your face; the reason why we can't move past the hurts of the past because racists act like shit never happened. Racism by whites is rising because of Barak Obama, read the comments on Bill Clinton on cnn.com stating he is not a racist.
BARB- you must hate the creator, because HE PUT US ALL ON THE EARTH, NOT IN SEPARATE COUNTRIES. HE CREATED ALL MAN, so espouse your hate to Him ask him why he put all these separate races on Earth? why he didn't separate each race to live in certain countries, how dare HE?
racist whites (see I don't categorize all people only ignorant people do that) are so afraid of losing what? please explain that to me, afraid of being a minority and Native Americans or blacks will treat you the same racist evil ways YOU TREATED US?
Okay I'm hear to say it, when are numbers outnumber the population of whites we are bringing back slavery.Blacks will exact their revenge for 400 years, we will take your children force them to serve in the fields from sun up til sun down, we will rape your daughters, we will force you to speak our language. Native Americans will give you a disease through a blanket, we will have you sign treaties that will set aside some land for you and then take it back. We will hang you as a Friday night event, we will through rocks at your children's school buses, we will accuse you of playing the race card whenever you speak. We will impose the same hatred, vitriol, and evil upon you until there are only a few of you then will will ship you to Siberia, we will take back all of our stolen lands, FEAR US FOR MY EVIL WILL REIGN DOWN ON WORSE THAN THE PAST EVILS COMMITTED YOU
BTW- in the world population blacks outnumber whites, so do muslims, and I'm one
damn- I can't spell! and I am Muslim, when did being Muslim become evil? The first slaves, the Moors, present day Jamaicans were Muslim. What scares me, more than my typos, are people's lack of knowledge of history, even recent history. You need to look up the population of the WORLD because blacks already outnumber whites, so do Muslims (slang word about the people of MU, mistakenly called Atlantis, who were a peaceful people, Mu-saleem). How many cities in America are called Salem, this is where they would take the first slaves and teach them witchcraft to turn them away from their way of life. How many of you today still won't split a pole or have follow some other ritual, throwing salt over your shoulder, won't lay a hat on the bed, all from slavery. I read a lot! and it scares me how little knowledge of the world Americans have, racists=ignorant, unknowledgeable people who just make up facts. African nations are warring? really it's great the white man has been so peaceful, accepting, and sharing on whatever land he has landed. In mexico there are pyramids, evidence the black man traveled the Earth before the white man, and the black man traveled and left, not subjugated people, but I digress I have no time to give a history lesson, stay ignorant if you want, there are many books to enlightened the racists but why would they read them. It's embarrassing that all other nations know more history about Amerikkka than the people living here. The pope looked at the earth's population he knows blacks ALREADY outnumber whites that's why AIDS was invented as a form of population control. Now I'm ranting, I'm sick of racists, take it up with the Creator, or kill yourself if you hate being on the Earth, please just STFU you sound so stupid!
bean twn.... LOL.... you know shes gonna take you at your word.... LOL!
Field, your new troll is crazy as fuck. I found this nice comment aimed in her directions after one of her anti-Semitic screeds:
Southernvoice: I am sorry you are such an ignorant, brainwashed fuck. I can only hope that your hatred consumes you and you spontaneously combust. That or someone tasers you, slowly skins you alive (as one would supreme and orange) then castrates you while your racist family and brethren watch you scream like a little bitch, before finally roasting you on a spit so they can eat you with poi- because you know how much you wasps like to eat the “other white meat”.
You disgust me, almost to the point that I considered not responding to your post, but then i decided i wanted to make your blood boil so that your pimply racist face matches your red neck.
On that note, I thank my fellow Field dwellers for showing restraint.
Canada, the USA and Australia were previously inhabited countries. Imagine what the tone on aboriginal and Native American blogs must be like. Why is she referring to him as "Uncle"?
I truly regret that white people bought black people and enslaved them in America. These black people built the United States of America, just think, if we had left them in Africa then Africa would now be the greatest continent on Earth instead of America.
Are you black people going to fund science as you run America. I notice that America is falling behind in science and that our schools are becoming inferior to those in some other nations. Please tell us what your greatest priorities will be in running America.
Also could you please tell us how you are going to pay for all the government programs you will have.
Will Obama's preachers get government cabinet offices. If so what will be their specific jobs and their job discriptions.
I look forward to hearing about your plans for America. Thanks for everything that you do for us. America could never have survived without your many contributions. You are to be praised for being able to get your early training by gangbanging and then be able to lead a nation.
If Obama should lose the election will you destroy neighborhoods in America. Should we be expecting billions of dollars worth of damage, rampages and general mayhem.
vdubjb - Yes it is true that the North American continent, Australia and other lands were previously inhabited before white people arrived.
Actually the natives have been planning to get revenge and take their lands back but it is all still in the planning stages.
We await their decisions with great anticipation because we are very eager to see what they will do.
A spy discovered that the American Indians are planning nation wide dances in which they will chant "Die Whitey Die" and Witch doctors will smoke native plants and go into trances where their Indian ancestors will guide them about what to do next.
The only problem is that Indians will be left with no one to gamble in their casinos if white people are gone and they fear what black gang members will do to them if whites are not hear to protect them.
So the planning stage continues. We expect to hear from the Indians sometime in mid 2056.
I'm sorry you are all right this chick is mentally ill, she needs some attention. " a spy discovered American Indians..." this statement speaks for itself!
Alert! I just got the latest news! The Indians are heartened to learn that Obama may sit in the White House and they believe that they could form an alliance with the blacks and together Indians and blacks can get revenge for what white people have done to them.
It was just reported on Fox Network that as Indians and blacks were preparing to take action against the white people they armed themselves with bows, arrows and spears dipped in poison.
Then they focused upon ritual ceremonies and began dancing and got to having so much fun they forgot to go beat up on the white people.
Therefore their plans were put on hold until their next planning meeting which takes place on the second Monday of every month.
Barbara said...
" I truly regret that white people bought black people and enslaved them in America. These black people built the United States of America, just think, if we had left them in Africa then Africa would now be the greatest continent on Earth instead of America."
You may have thought you were being.. sarcastic, but you're actually correct.
"Also could you please tell us how you are going to pay for all the government programs you will have."
What government programs? WE won't be needing any, we'll be taking all your high end jobs for ourselves, remember.
I don't know about you guys, but I like Barb.
"So the planning stage continues. We expect to hear from the Indians sometime in mid 2056."
Nah it's not going to happen. Racist scallywags like you knew what you were doing when you introduced them to the bottle years ago.
"It was just reported on Fox Network that as Indians and blacks were preparing to take action against the white people they armed themselves with bows, arrows and spears dipped in poison."
Holy crap people, she's going haywire, she can't keep it together any longer. She's actually quoting the voices in her head now.
A majority of Americans (54%) say a candidate’s position on affirmative action programs is important in determining how they will vote, and 46% say such programs are no longer necessary. But nearly a third (32%) believe that affirmative action should continue.
Rasmussen Report 08/04/08
hummmmm....where does that leave you guys ;D
Btw Field, It's official. Barb slipped up and exposed the mother ship... Fox News. As you suspected for a while now.
During July, the number of Americans who consider themselves to be Democrats fell two percentage points to 39.2%. That’s the first time since January that the number of Democrats has fallen below 41%
Oh, no Mr.Bill!!!!
Rasmussen Report 08/04/08
Affirmative Action, wtf does that have to do with the illegal war in Iraq, high gas prices, unemployment, lack of healthcare for war veterans, the things Affecting ALL amerikkans,racist love to change the topic
BTW-Africa is a CONTINENT, America is a country, quoting polls show pure idiocracy
Could we please give these fools (barb & friends) what they deserve? Silence. f
i'm not a racist:) just qouting what the majority of citizens want...
and your right it doesn't have anything to do with our brave men & women fighting for others freedoms around the globe or the fact that demos won't vote on drilling????if it doesn't help fine show us don't run away:)
demos screwed the pooch on this one...he-he
All you can do is whine that Barbara has a dissenting view? Where are your debating skills? Can't you defeat her with logic and proof? Or are you satisfied with calling her names?
One poster cries about blackmenz being Tased. I think if you check out the 'bros' you'd do more than Tase them, especially if they dropped by your 'crib'.
Despite all the vile slaveowner history of rape, the most dangerous person to AfAm females is still a black male.
As an ancient and crabby person, I can recall the distinct separating of races. Today, I see sisters choosing pale SOs because the bros won't get a job. We are not talking Philly lawyer here, this is more of being a clerk at Home Depot/Lowe's. Heck, even working at BK would fill the bill.
Slavery was evil, Reconstuction never happened for Africans, and Civil Rights weren't afforded. Umm...what are we-all going to do now?
Ok, since I have caused so many problems for Uncle Field Negro let me make some arguments on behalf of black people.
Black people are a minority in America and they have reached a place where they can see one of our own sit in the White House. We cannot be blamed for feeling excitement about this nor for believing that perhaps a new day can dawn where we will actually have a say in self government.
For years blacks have faithfully supported the Democratic party and we have been responsible for pushing Democrats over the edge and helping them to win office and yet we have been ignored and not been able to hold high office.
Finally our day has arrived and we are getting our shot at playing a prominent role in leading America. This situation confers dignity and self respect that has been systematically denied to blacks for much too long. We have had to fight for our freedoms in a nation where we have had no access to media, government or power.
It is only appropriate that at this time we would reflect upon not only where we are going but where we have been.
There may not be a majority of blacks serving in Iraq but we have certainly done our fair share of serving honorably in the United States military and at times when the military was segregated and we were forced to fight for freedom in America when we had none.
Today blacks are reflected in major motions pictures and other entertainment and some of the greatest actors of all time are black. Morgan Freedom stunned people with his break through performance in Street Smart. A preformance in which he stole the show from the star, Christopher Reeve.
Blacks have great influence upon American culture in music, athletics and clothing. Now we will be able to put our imprint on American government. Clearly the American experience has reached a milestone in Democracy and multi culturalism. Our system does work.
Now it is up to the American people to come together in order to take our government back from corporations and rich elites and to end the oppressing neoliberl economic policies that are destroying us. Blacks will obviously play a pivotal role in carrying out this responsibility since Obama will probably win the White House. In the future the history books will feature the accomplishments of blacks who have had a profound effect upon what America has become as well as its future.
Everyday science and technology make our world grow smaller and smaller. We are understanding better and better that the people of the Earth have more in common that there are differences. It will be the human race that goes into space and creates a future for our children and grandchildren that we can only imagine today.
It will be the human race that transforms and populates other planets in the distant future. Our survival will depend upon our cooperation because in the big picture we are all in this together.
Our system and way of life makes it possible for everyone to have their own opinions and it is with interest that we view the philosophy of groups such as Stormtroopers. They have different views about what America should be than we do. That is their freedom and it is up to us to work hard in order to measure up to the possibilities that are before us so that our lives refute everything negative that Stormtroopers say about us because negative values are not our values.
We must never allow our lives to be dependent upon the kindnesses or whims of others. We must determine our own futures and for that we must be the very best. In this process we must vow to treat others with dignity and respect no matter how they treat us.
We have been through too much and have not only survived but we have excelled and we have learned the hard way that our futures must be firmly in our own hands.
America offers us the opportunity to reach our highest dreams and hopes. But we cannot reach those dreams if we have animosity toward others so we should not be at odds with others but we should always seek the general welfare. We cannot argue that we are the same as everyone else at the same time we claim to have special needs and interests. Our dreams are the same as those of white people and every other ethnic group and we have the same interests as others. We look forward to working with everyone in making America become the nation that it should be. We will play a role in the greatest experiment in the history of the world and that is the American experiment. For this we are humbled and grateful. We the people. All of the people of the world. God bless America.
Look at these anonymous bloggers, afraid to use their names. Wonder why. Speaking of Iraq, my cousin just got back. He's been protecting oil company exclusively. All the work over there is based around the oil wells and refineries. You better do you homework. The war is making money for Bush and Cheney.
Ok, since I have caused so many problems for Uncle Field Negro let me make some arguments on behalf of black people.
Black people are a minority in America and they have reached a place where they can see one of our own sit in the White House. We cannot be blamed for feeling excitement about this nor for believing that perhaps a new day can dawn where we will actually have a say in self government.
For years blacks have faithfully supported the Democratic party and we have been responsible for pushing Democrats over the edge and helping them to win office and yet we have been ignored and not been able to hold high office.
Finally our day has arrived and we are getting our shot at playing a prominent role in leading America. This situation confers dignity and self respect that has been systematically denied to blacks for much too long. We have had to fight for our freedoms in a nation where we have had no access to media, government or power.
It is only appropriate that at this time we would reflect upon not only where we are going but where we have been.
There may not be a majority of blacks serving in Iraq but we have certainly done our fair share of serving honorably in the United States military and at times when the military was segregated and we were forced to fight for freedom in America when we had none.
Today blacks are reflected in major motions pictures and other entertainment and some of the greatest actors of all time are black. Morgan Freedom stunned people with his break through performance in Street Smart. A preformance in which he stole the show from the star, Christopher Reeve.
Blacks have great influence upon American culture in music, athletics and clothing. Now we will be able to put our imprint on American government. Clearly the American experience has reached a milestone in Democracy and multi culturalism. Our system does work.
Now it is up to the American people to come together in order to take our government back from corporations and rich elites and to end the oppressing neoliberl economic policies that are destroying us. Blacks will obviously play a pivotal role in carrying out this responsibility since Obama will probably win the White House. In the future the history books will feature the accomplishments of blacks who have had a profound effect upon what America has become as well as its future.
Everyday science and technology make our world grow smaller and smaller. We are understanding better and better that the people of the Earth have more in common that there are differences. It will be the human race that goes into space and creates a future for our children and grandchildren that we can only imagine today.
It will be the human race that transforms and populates other planets in the distant future. Our survival will depend upon our cooperation because in the big picture we are all in this together.
Our system and way of life makes it possible for everyone to have their own opinions and it is with interest that we view the philosophy of groups such as Stormtroopers. They have different views about what America should be than we do. That is their freedom and it is up to us to work hard in order to measure up to the possibilities that are before us so that our lives refute everything negative that Stormtroopers say about us because negative values are not our values.
We must never allow our lives to be dependent upon the kindnesses or whims of others. We must determine our own futures and for that we must be the very best. In this process we must vow to treat others with dignity and respect no matter how they treat us.
We have been through too much and have not only survived but we have excelled and we have learned the hard way that our futures must be firmly in our own hands.
America offers us the opportunity to reach our highest dreams and hopes. But we cannot reach those dreams if we have animosity toward others so we should not be at odds with others but we should always seek the general welfare. We cannot argue that we are the same as everyone else at the same time we claim to have special needs and interests. Our dreams are the same as those of white people and every other ethnic group and we have the same interests as others. We look forward to working with everyone in making America become the nation that it should be. We will play a role in the greatest experiment in the history of the world and that is the American experiment. For this we are humbled and grateful. We the people. All of the people of the world. God bless America.
Mr. Field Negro-thanks for the truth on your blog. Sorry on behalf of my fellow ignorant white people for the sorts of violent, racist rhetoric you have to endure. Not all of us are like this (obviously), but it's not enough (I'm talking to you fellow white people) just to confess these people are douches if we are asked, we have to name and shame these people. This is the sort of hatred that will destroy American from within. If it raises anger toward us, well, isn't it better to be right? Anyway...
I did my homework, I was talking about issues that affect ALL amerikkans every day lives, Killing of my fellow human beings to solve a conflict seems archaic we haven't come up with a better way to solve differences?
Field can I change the subject? did you see the stories on Morgan Freeman and Bernie Mac, I may not know these brothers personally but we are all apart of the human family, I hope they both recover.
What a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say! (not the same kind of Maroon as they have on Jamaica, right Field?).
These fools simply cannot unblock their heads, for if they do, they're afraid that folks like you are right about things. Then their whole universe and belief system collapses. Better to write them, co-opt their kids with Soulja Boy or Chris brown, and wait till they die off.
Man, Ive been reading your blog for close to 2 years now, and I don't think you've ever "blocked" anyone. Well, perhaps for that Ngsaoma dude, but he seems like he needs to be kept on a short leash.
I truly feel sorry for white folks, particularly for lower/working class whites. They've been marginalized by the white elites and used as fodder in their race/class (and sometimes even actual) wars. These folks are so confused, they cant see the forest for the trees!
Listen whitey- diversity aint the problem! People of color aint the problem! The problem is quickly becoming that of the haves and the have-nots, and guess what, whitey? You gettin left behind.
Sorry for getting all preachy, Field.
I've got a bad feeling about this. Before this contest is over and done with we will see just how racist this country is. I do not think a black man will be allowed to sit in the big house.
What's it take to be considered a field negro and you're a white boy? I'd love to be able to say that just to fuck with them.
evita said...
This is what I left on her site..
Your comments were reasoned, and well stated.
Sorry to be OT (not really). What's happened to Morgan Freeman? I heard about Bernie Mack. Just googled Freeman. Sounds serious but not life threatening. Did anyone check out Morgan Freeman in The Dark Knight? Great movie. Heath Ledger really was all that and a bag of chips.
Sending up good thoughts for Mack and Freeman both.
Barbara @4:06... whats your point? Do you believe any of what you wrote?
See, why you gotta go and be RACIST Field.....White Racism ended with the beginning of Martin Luther King Day, didn't u get the memo? My bad, you musta missed the e-mail...
One of the Anonomous' answered..."
>>>Blacks, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and other groups have nations of their own. White people don't.
It's called the suburbs. "
and I laughed out loud. I do indeed live in the suburbs and itis indeed very very light. But if someone really wants a country with very few people of different colors may I suggest Russia or Germany.
Kit said "To be fair, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. White folks don't have a monopoly on corruption, genocide, slavery, or murder. They just have the opportunity to do more of it, and do."
That is a very fair comment....but as a whole....things are changing. All of us are aware of corruption and genocide and slavery and see them as bad things, not business as usual.
The class war between the haves and have nots is the place to focus efforts to change this country for the better. Whether we are crackers or cookies we all seem to value the same things and there is enough for all if we can share. For sure we need to work on our schools!
When it comes to conquering people and stealing things--it just seems to have been naturally human even though we now deplore such actions. Being darker does not mean that your ancestors didn't it just means that they weren't as successful. It used to be our "manifest destiny" and the Native Americans were pushed a little further.
Now it is "destino manifiesto" and the Hispanics are going to eat all of our lunches.
If you read the July, 2008 edition of "Scientific American" The Migration History of Humans: DNA Study Traces Human Origins Across the Continents, you will see that we all started in one place and are all related, that they differences between the cookies and the crackers are just minor mutations.
If we could move beyond superficialities maybe we people could help all of us people, we are in the same damn boat.
"Think about it, why would anybody admit to being a lawyer? ;-)"
see what I have to put up with Barb? (I can call you Barb right?)
S"ee, why you gotta go and be RACIST Field.....White Racism ended with the beginning of Martin Luther King Day, didn't u get the memo?"
swiff, I did get the memo. But I don't think Babs got it:)
Don, you are welcome. You have a nice site there fam. And imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so it's all good.
"What's it take to be considered a field negro and you're a white boy?"
Well,if you are on this site representing as a white person, and debating and reasoning with folks with an open mind; I would say that you are on your way to honorary field Negro status. There are quite a few who come to the fields on a regular who fall into that category. Maybe that's what Babs wanted all along:to be considered an honorary field Negro. Sometimes folks just want to be loved.
phil4real, thank your cousin for his service for me.
r.j., you are off the hook :)
Yes, Morgan as "driving Ms Daisy" when the car crashed. No further comment.
la~msviswan, that's some cold shit:)
if so he was driving ms. daisy in a 1997. is times that hard? a 1997 ride? don't hate cuz morgan can deal with the vanilla.
One of our "Anonyomouses" said:
All you can do is whine that Barbara has a dissenting view? Where are your debating skills? Can't you defeat her with logic and proof? Or are you satisfied with calling her names?
Um, Anon...as soon as she starts using logic and facts, instead of mere hateful diatribe, THEN logic and proof can be used against her.
Those who have done lost their minds are pretty logic-proof and proof-proof. I'll debate from time to time with someone like Nsangoma or Constructive Feeback, who often have contrary views here but who can back their shit up a lot of times.
Barb...well, Barb is just flailing around with what amounts to psychic diarrhea...
Thanks, Field.
While I may not support the O-man's politics, I fear for this brother's life--next time a lunatic like this may be armed--yes, an assassin can fake press credentials and a button down shirt:
Oh Field...the white bigot troll lady has found you. Like you actually have the capacity to block folks by race. She must think we all emailed you a photo or something.
Here attempt at humor, FOX breaking news, shows that she is just jealous. Talking about us and the Native Americans dancing. Is that the best stereotype she can come up with, dancing?!!
If Barbara the bigot troll would leave her white supremacist cave and join the 21st century she might discover that all of colored people cannot dance.
And I though you had troll problems last week.
Hey Barbara, are going to attack every blog that dares give black people a forum to express their opinions about the shortcomings about our glorious homeland?
I'm sure I'll feel bad for saying this, but until then I'll say ti anyway. That woman makes it easy to wish bad things upon her and everyone she loves....ok I feel bad. But i wish people would stop commenting on her blog. It's such a waste of words. You don't talk sensibly with people like that. They cannot comprehend the idea of an intelligent conversation. They are not mentally balanced. They are crazy. Ugh, what a dumb dumb soul she is.
still love your blog.
"we are second class citizens in our own country"
...That's kind of precious. Anybody want to mention that her ancestors either stole it from the Native groups living here pre-colonization, or just came over on the boat like everybody else?
Her head might explode.
Please don't feed the trolls.
From Barbara's comments (warning! first paragraph snipped):
"Here is the problem. The United Nations predicts that as a result of Globalism by 2050 the United States will be overwhelmed with immigrants from AFrica, Asia and the Middle East."
Could you be a bit more specific - for example, which UN agency, report, or person made this claim? I think you're incorrectly interpolating two disparate pieces of information (trends of minorities in the U.S.A. versus immigration patterns).
"The United States will have a white minority and Islam will be the dominate religion. How should we expect to be treated by the likes of Uncle Field Negro then."
The first may occur, although it would still be a plurality. Since most of the likely immigrants are from South and Central America (which are heavily Christian), I'm unclear as to why you think that Islam will be a major religion in that short of a period of time. I'm unclear as to what any of this was to do with Field's blog.
"Every Western nation from Australia to Canada is overwhelmed with immigrants and the problems they bring with them because we created the nations where people wish to come."
Australia, Canada, and the U.S.A. are all primarily made up of immigrants. I guess you're making some argument about recent immigrants versus less recent immigrants?
"Black Africans riot in France and burn vehicles at night. Muslims riot in Norway. People of color are overwhelming white nations. Where can white people go?"
White people riot, and burn vehicles - but the headlines don't say "white". I'm unclear that "white people" are really much of a people; skin color is only a tiny percentage of the human genome. To answer your last question: wherever we want.
"Blacks, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and other groups have nations of their own. White people don't."
Try most of Northern Europe. I'm unclear why you're conflating religions with skin color and nationalities (particularly since nationalities have nations of their own by definition).
"What would you do if you were in our shoes. When Northern Europe is overwhemled by Muslims then that shows that whites have no place to go."
Can you give some statistical support to this? Also, are you ignoring that there are a significant percentage of White Muslims?
"We all see what happened in South Africa and how the blacks slaughtered the white farmers and drove them out."
Please look at your South African history again. Most of the leaders of the old apartheid system are alive and well.
"Blacks have an entire continent.
Even the Pope is worried that Europe is becoming Islamic."
Interesting that in your opinion that England is not White, but that Africa is Black. There's quite a range of skin colors in Africa. I'm still not clear what skin color has to do with religion.
"Name one country in the entire world that is run by blacks where you would want to live. Blacks are lucky to live in America yet we have to take crap from blacks like Uncle Field Negro."
South Africa (universal health care).
So in your opinion, having your ancestors brought over in, genocidal conquest to be sold as slaves, to be forced to be slaves for generations, finally freed due to a civil war, then assaulted by near-genocidal activities, partially re-enslaved, freed again, denied rights to this day, and being legislated against to this day is luck?
I think that's pretty bad luck, myself.
Another way to look at it is how those same African nations would be doing now were they not victims of European war, genocide, and mass enslavement. I suspect most of them would be doing a lot better.
west coast story said...
Please don't feed the trolls.
6:28 PM
@West Coast Sotry-
I'm not clear that Barbara is a troll on this thread. Even if she isn't the/an author of the repugnant blog that Field linked to, she apparently espouses similar beliefs, which is exactly the subject of this post.
Ordinarily, I'd post on the blog Field is referring to in response, but I'm afraid that I have a policy on not posting to any blogs that advocate genocide nor ones that favor the assassination of major U.S. politicians, even in possible jest. Reference:
"Ok lets make the United States of America into an Aryan Christian nation and ethinically cleanse Obama."
She's not engaging in debate. She's flame throwing. Why waste good bandwidth on her? Since many of us would like to see her go away, the best way to make that happen is to ignore her.
That is the source of a lot of white resentment, that our freedoms have been taken away and we are second class citizens in our own country.
What she categorizes as rights are actually unearned privileges that come with white supremacy...some people are so whiny when they are forced to validate the humanity of others that they cannot help but cry..what about me....My answer, who cares
Some people are just plain ignorant....
I know you think that whites are trying to keep you down, but what do Asians think?
They have no TV shows, no professional teams. They just work.
Gotta agree with whites. Look at what you have and quit being envious.
You create your own problems by passing along an attitude. In fact, from the looks of this site that I just stumbled upon. You make quite a living off not only having an attitude but trying to get your people to have one.
Take it from the Asians. You will do a lot better if you quit dwelling on the negative.
What would this country/area be like if the Europeans had not come here?
I think a lot of blacks wouldn't be here. They would be in Africa and things are not good there now.
In fact, some poor black children there depend on monthly funds from white Americans.
Why don't you look into the many children's programs for Africa - and give us a report on which RACES of people are supporting them?
And then keep on talking about white supremacy and how you are so downtrodden.
We (and that includes other races besides whites) are sending money so that little children can buy a goat for Christmas. I would imagine they would expect more from you besides complaints.
They would love to be in your shoes.
ok ya'll i need your help
In response to CNN's Black In America segment & Ms. NAYABA ARINDE -CNN's 'Black in America' keeping the uninformed uninformed, Amsterdam News Editor challenge. http://www.amsterdamnews.com/News/article/article.asp?NewsID=90268&sID=4
I too saw the CNN show and was deeply disturbed. I agree with Ms. NAYABA ARINDE. The community has to begin to take on representing ourselves within this arena.
It is On Portland!
This is an open call:
The Mama Africa Show in Portland Maine is actively seeking African Americans to begin to share their experiences about being "Black" and living in Maine, live on the air. In fact, it does not matter where you live. If you have an experience to share, tell us about it. If you want to be interviewed on the show, or know of anybody who does, contact me at www.myspace.com/themamaafricashow or at themamaafricashow@gmail.com
It's on ya'll , are you ready?
Spread the Word! One love, peace
Lady SoulShine, The Mama Africa show
WMPG 90.9/104.1 12- 12 est Sundays
listen live www.wmpg.org
on air call in# 207.780-4909
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