Just when I started to feel sorry for the frat boy, I read some transcripts from his number two man, the devil incarnate himself, Dick Cheney. Seems now that we are just days away from the frat boy's final farewell the evil one has finally decided to talk. Oh he talked before, which is kind of how we know he is the evil one. Remember this interview back in 2005 with Terry Moran of ABC News?
Moran: "Don't you have to have a court give permission for that in any other circumstance -- to eavesdrop on communications in America? "
Cheney: "Terry, these are communications that involve acknowledged or known terrorists -- dirty numbers, if you will. And in fact, it is consistent with the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief. It's consistent with the resolution that was passed by the Congress after 9/11. And it has been reviewed repeatedly by the Justice Department every single time it's been renewed, to make certain that it is, in fact, managed in a manner that's fully consistent with the Constitution and with our statutes. "
Cheney: "Terry, these are communications that involve acknowledged or known terrorists -- dirty numbers, if you will. And in fact, it is consistent with the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief. It's consistent with the resolution that was passed by the Congress after 9/11. And it has been reviewed repeatedly by the Justice Department every single time it's been renewed, to make certain that it is, in fact, managed in a manner that's fully consistent with the Constitution and with our statutes. "
That was the evil one on domestic surveillance.
Moran:" How so, when it comes to cruel, inhuman-- What's the president's prerogative in the cruel treatment of prisoners? "
Cheney: "There's a definition that's based on prior Supreme Court decisions and prior arguments, and it has to do with the Fourth, Thirteenth, and -- three specific amendments to the Constitution. And the rule is whether or not it shocks the conscience. If it's something that shocks the conscience, the court has agreed that crosses over the line.
Now, you can get into a debate about what shocks the conscience and what is cruel and inhuman. And to some extent, I suppose, that's in the eye of the beholder. But I believe, and we think it's important to remember, that we are in a war against a group of individuals and terrorist organizations that did, in fact, slaughter 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11, that it's important for us to be able to have effective interrogation of these people when we capture them.
And the debate is over the extent to which we are going to have legislation that restricts or limits that capability. Now, as I say, we've reached a compromise. The president signed on with the McCain amendment. We never had any problem with the McCain amendment. We had problems with trying to extend it as far as he did. But ultimately, as I say, a compromise was arrived at, and I support the compromise."
Moran: "Should American interrogators be staging mock executions [and] waterboarding prisoners? Is that cruel? "
Cheney: "I am not going to get into specifics here. You're getting into questions about sources and methods, and I don't talk about that, Terry."
Moran: "As vice president of the U.S., you can't tell the American people whether… "
Cheney: "I don't talk about-- "
Moran: …or not we would interrogate… "
Cheney: "I can say that we, in fact, are consistent with the commitments of the United States that we don't engage in torture. And we don't. "
Moran: "Are you troubled at all that more than 100 people in U.S. custody have died -- 26 of them now being investigated as criminal homicides -- people beaten to death, suffocated to death, died of hypothermia in U.S. custody? "
Cheney: "No. I won't accept your numbers, Terry. But I guess one of the things I'm concerned about is that as we get farther and farther away from 9/11, and there have been no further attacks against the U.S., there seems to be less and less concern about doing what's necessary in order to defend the country. "
That was the evil one on torture.
Moran: "Does the United States maintain secret prisons around the world?
Cheney: "I'm not going to talk about intelligence matters.
Moran: Secret prisons?"
Cheney: "I'm not going to talk about intelligence matters."
Moran: "Does the International Red Cross have access to everyone in U.S. custody, as we are obliged?"
Cheney: "Terry, with all due respect, I won't discuss intelligence matters. I shouldn't.
Moran: I'd like to put this personally, if I can. You're a grandfather. I'm a father. When we look at those girls and we think that the country we're about to pass to them is a country where the vice president can't say whether or not we have secret prisons around the world, whether waterboarding and mock executions is consistent with our values, and a country where the government is surveilling without the warrant of a court, is that the country we want to pass on to them?"
Cheney: "I'm not going to talk about intelligence matters.
Moran: Secret prisons?"
Cheney: "I'm not going to talk about intelligence matters."
Moran: "Does the International Red Cross have access to everyone in U.S. custody, as we are obliged?"
Cheney: "Terry, with all due respect, I won't discuss intelligence matters. I shouldn't.
Moran: I'd like to put this personally, if I can. You're a grandfather. I'm a father. When we look at those girls and we think that the country we're about to pass to them is a country where the vice president can't say whether or not we have secret prisons around the world, whether waterboarding and mock executions is consistent with our values, and a country where the government is surveilling without the warrant of a court, is that the country we want to pass on to them?"
Cheney: "I want to pass on to them a country that is free, that is not plagued by terrorist attacks, doesn't see a repeat of the terrible events of 9/11 when we lost 3,000 of our people that morning to a handful of terrorists who had no justification at all for what they do.
I can guarantee you that we do do as a government, as an administration, is to support and uphold the Constitution of United States, that we do, in fact, take extraordinary steps to make certain we maintain our constitutional obligations and responsibilities, which includes both defending the country as well as defending individual liberties and protecting the rights of all Americans. "
That was the evil one on secret prisons.
Fast forward to 2008, and the evil one is still talking to ABC.
KARL:"Did you authorize the tactics that were used against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?
CHENEY: I was aware of the program, certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared, as the agency, in effect, came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn't do. And they talked to me, as well as others, to explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.
KARL: In hindsight, do you think any of those tactics that were used against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others went too far?"
CHENEY: I don't. "
CHENEY: I was aware of the program, certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared, as the agency, in effect, came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn't do. And they talked to me, as well as others, to explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.
KARL: In hindsight, do you think any of those tactics that were used against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others went too far?"
CHENEY: I don't. "
KARL: "And on KSM, one of those tactics, of course, widely reported was waterboarding. And that seems to be a tactic we no longer use. Even that you think was appropriate?
CHENEY: I do."
CHENEY: I do."
KARL: "You probably saw Karl Rove last week said that if the intelligence had been correct, we probably would not have gone to war."
CHENEY: "I disagree with that. I think -- as I look at the intelligence with respect to Iraq -- what they got wrong was that there weren't any stockpiles. What we found in the after-action reports, after the intelligence report was done and then various special groups went and looked at the intelligence and what its validity was. What they found was that Saddam Hussein still had the capability to produce weapons of mass destruction. He had the technology, he had the people, he had the basic feed stocks.
They also found that he had every intention of resuming production once the international sanctions were lifted. He had a long reputation and record of having started two wars. Of having brutalized and killed hundreds of thousands of people, some of them with weapons of mass destruction in his own country. He had violated 16 National Security Council resolutions. He had established a relationship as a terror-sponsoring state, according to the State Department. He was making $25,000 payments to the families of suicide bombers.
This was a bad actor and the country's better off, the world's better off, with Saddam gone, and I think we made the right decision, in spite of the fact that the original NIE was off in some of its major judgments. "
So waterboarding is cool, and we would have gone to war whether we found WMDs in Iraq or not."
"This was a bad actor and the country's better off, the world's better off, with Saddam gone, and I think we made the right decision, in spite of the fact that the original NIE was off in some of its major judgements."
Just a little off Dick? Thousands of lives lost, countless wounded, and approaching a trillion dollars in cost, and yet we made the "right decision"?
You know what Dick? The world might be better off without Saddam. But here is the irony of it all; pretty soon, you will get a chance to spend a whole lot of time with him.
I love the headline for this post.
Where are my f*#%ing shoes?
Why isn't this soul-less motherfucker in jail?
OK so I learned one really important thing: "freedom" is freedom from attacks by foreign terrorists. That explains a lot since most of the people I know who talk about having to fight for our freedom and so on are also interested in rescinding the Constitution and so on.
First Field, it seems fear of unemployment has spurred your Eagles (No. 5 and Reid). They are still inconsistent and one needs to go.
Second, our Georgetown students in their Daniel Pearl Project seminar still do not believe that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad killed Pearl, nor is their any proof besides his confession under torture, which would be inadmissible even in a Pakistani court. Amazing...
momo, stop it! :)
"Why isn't this soul-less motherfucker in jail?"
It's called money and power. And maybe a picture here or there of some very important people.
Yes Chris, my Iggles are still in it. Next week we face your boys. It should be fun. I must admit, "5" looked good tonight.
But who doesn't against the ]Clowns?
CHENEY: I can guarantee you that we do do as a government, as an administration, is to support and uphold the Constitution of United States, that we do, in fact, take extraordinary steps to make certain we maintain our constitutional obligations and responsibilities, which includes both defending the country as well as defending individual liberties and protecting the rights of all Americans. "
Really? Was this before or after they shredded the constitutional rights of individuals with all the "Homeland Security" bull sh*t?
This guy is a souless bast**d who will undoubtedly rot in hell. Your headline is a complete understatement!
Correct ending...the assumption that Cheney will spend eternity with Saddam....in HELL....so well deserved.
This guy is a souless bast**d who will undoubtedly rot in hell.
Major Co-Sign!
Anon.12:19AM. You know what's scary? I saw that movie on HBO. ("House of Saddam")And I guarantee you that if Dick Cheney, by a twist of fate, was born in Iraq and not A-merry-ca, he would have done the same things or signed off on the same things that Saddam did.
What momo said.
Why won't Cheney die?
The evil fucker has had 4 heart attacks, a by-pass and he still smokes and his favorite food is batter-and-fried onion rings.
Yet, he just keeps going and going and going.
I'm convinced they keep him alive via necromancy. Either that or he feasts on fresh after births peppered with Worcestershire sauce eaten raw.
Cheney gives new meaning to the term dickhead.
He's still in office because congress, most republicans but also a large number of cowardly democrats, have sat idly by while all this has taken place.
Afraid of opposing Cheney because if they did/do they will be painted as "soft on terrorism" or "unpatriotic".
John Dean, of Watergate/Nixon fame, has written some very insightful books on what is wrong with this country. His take is that the government is broken. I think he hit the nail on the head (or dickhead if you will). Nothing in this government works any more.
Just heard Ms prez elect has decided that because she had to give up her little job in the city of honor she wants the american people to pay her to be the ms baby mamma???
Cheney: "No. I won't accept your numbers, Terry."
Ummm, there's nothing to accept. Those numbers are established and documented fact. Those incidents are real, as in, they actually happened. There's nothing to dispute. This man should be arrested. The fact that he hasn't been, and probably never will be, is one of the greatest failings of our generation.
34 days, 12 hours, 35 seconds!
Dick Cheney, George W., and about a dozen of their senior aides should go on trial for war crimes.
I dont see anything wrong with cheney's response. war is what it is.
Lets see what the new commander in chief is going to do.
Old white guy:
"34 days, 12 hours, 35 seconds!"
You and granny both are on the same page. 5^
When the wicked rule, the poor suffer.
good post Brother Field. Its clear that Cheney belongs in jail. He has admitted to breaking the Geneva Convention and other international human rights standards and laws. He and everyone else who gave the orders or participated in the torture and killings should be tried by the international courts. Ironically, this is why the US steadfastly refuses to sign on with the rest of the world to give the court the ability to judge its actions as it does most of the rest of the world.
Cheney is a poster boy for the criminal with the pencil who looks humane and upstanding with his suit and tie, but underneath is actually worst than the common thug.
In fact we should start referring to folks who allow for the murder, torture and exploitation of human beings as what they are THUGS!! Field don't folks go on and on about the people who commit senseless acts of violence in your city and others. And in most of these senseless acts its safe to say that the victimizers were losers or folks who had been victimized with no real future. What do we say of murderers and torturers who went to the best of schools and enjoy the best of life and yet commit heinous crimes in the name of national security?
Cheney I assume is a human being because he has eyes and ears and a nose but so does a pig.
Speaking of animals where is the outrage? If he was torturing animals there would be protests nationwide by the PETA people. You know raised all kind of hell about Micheal Vick and his abuse of dogs. Don't human lives count for a little more aren't we higher on the evolution chain?
Where is the outrage? Is the quiet a revelation that more folks agree and that what is right is movable, changeable, or relative depending
on whats best for me at the time.
liberation then peace
"I dont see anything wrong with cheney's response. war is what it is."
But why exactly are we at war with the Iraqis again?
Well said brother mellaneous, nice to hear from you again.
C'mon. This dude was only in office so he could rape the country and stack paper.
Torture is wrong at all times and in all places. Not only that, but torture is for losers.
"Why won't Cheney die?"
Because, to quote what my grandma used to say, "Some folks, even the devil don't want."
"But why exactly are we at war with the Iraqis again?"
Field, good luck with getting a straight answer to that question from the dickless wingnut you addressed it to.
"Because, to quote what my grandma used to say, "Some folks, even the devil don't want."
Words to live by :)
I've been on outrage overload with Cheney since he flipped the U.S. people a big middle finger and had those closed door energy policy meetings with the Hunt brothers.
I used to work for Hunt Oil. I would go into the Dallas office quite often, and the evil bastards picture is all over the building there. I even got the misfortune of being in the same room with him (long story; they needed and IT geek to set up the projector in the classroom sort of thing), and the guy just gave me the absolute willies. He just sweats evil and intimidation. It didn't help that His secret service guards were backed up by blackwater goons that made them look like they were in the jrotc.
I quit Hunt Oil right after Katrina demolished New Orleans. The Hunt brothers sent memo after memo out following the hurricane, about how terrible they felt.......for the fucking off shore oil platform that got destroyed in the gulf. I ate a guaranteed retirement, and was making huge money. Didn't care. It wasn't worth it. I actually felt like a part of my soul was set free the day I left.
A part that I didn't even know was there.
Cheney and the Hunt brothers are peas from the same pod. Cold, calculating power hungry, megalomaniacs. Working for them is a part of my life I just don't miss.
Field, I don't know about that headline...
"Dick Cheney is a Bad Person"
I mean, are you SURE?
"bad person" ?????
You're positive he's an actual PERSON?
Wow. Learn something new everyday.
United Nations Resolution 1441,
Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions... in particular through Iraq's failure to co-operate with United Nations weapons inspectors and the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency].
ernesto, I got your dickless wingnut
There's a reason why I simply call him
The Evil One
and to this day, nobody has ever asked me ' who's that?'
Good evening Mr. Dickless,
Nice for you to confirm your Bizarro World credentials by that brazen attempt at bullshit. The UN never signed off on DickBush's little oil grab, as anyone with basic googling skills would find out in about 3 seconds. Wait a minute, you're telling me they don't have internet search engines in Bizarro World?
you can google what ever you want, every body has search skills, you can believe what ever you want. It really doesn't matter to me. I don't care about what you think or anybody else. I made my opinion, and you seem to have issues with it. Bush and Cheney ran the country as they saw fit, sure a war was created, and lifes was lost, I wish it would have been handled differently. what president didn't have a war on their watch. your issue its you have a personal problem, and you know I still don't care. I saw that with the wording of your first comment, mr attacker, your no different than bush or cheney yourself, go smoke one and get out my space.
Im APOLOGIZE Field Negro to enter your blog this way. I hope you understand my remarks toward Ernesto.
Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions... in particular through Iraq's failure to co-operate with United Nations weapons inspectors and the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency].
Your kidding right?
Even Bush and Cheney have long since changed their story from that little strawman you just produced for us. Hell-Colin Powell RESIGNED from his office and admitted that he knew that whole invasion and occupation was based on a pack of lies, and that he couldn't live with his conscience anymore.
Hussein complied with UN mandates and allowed the weapons inspectors free reign to inspect wherever they wished. He also produced all documentation that showed that there were WMD's and that any program to create WMDS had long since been disassembled as well. Bush's own personal stooge inspector was allowed free access anywhere that he wanted and could not find a damn thing.
And you cite non-compliance to the IAEA as evidence as well? The same IAEA that the United States and Bush Cheney refused to co-sign and thumb their noses at themselves?
Come on. This has been discussed all to hell all over the world. You should already know all of this.
But...thanks for giving us a little insight into the 24 percent of the US that still thinks this administration is doing a bang up job.
tjwash, what makes you think im kidding. like I stated 'I wish it would have been handled differently' And I stand by my first statement here 'I dont have a problem with what Cheney said' Cheney can say what ever he wants to, in this country we have the freedom of speech, not to say everyone agrees with it, but we do. If you don't like what Cheney/Bush says, change channels, like I do. Americans talk about Bush and Cheney all the time, I talk about Bush, Cheney. There are people that have said worst and have one far more damage than Bush/Cheney. This is all about the Republican Party. I went through wars with Clinton/Gore and Bush/Cheney and have never seen such divide in opinions. But im ok with it, Tjwash at least you were nice and respectful with your comment. Bush/Cheney will be out in a month, O'man will (i hope) get things back in order and America will move on. No country will cease fire for four years. Lets pray that nothing like another major war is presented on his watch, because he may have to make a decision that will cause harsh criticism towards him.
The Iraq War has nothing whatsoever to do with UN resolutions, or freedom, or terrorism against the United States. It is about oil, military contractor profits, and a security perimeter for Israel, not necessarily in that order.
Classic wingnuttery: when presented with the truth it's time to withdraw into the old "shit happens" routine.
What. the. Fuck.
The sad part is that the Democrats are taking just as much if not more AIPAC money, so this crime against humanity will go totally unprosecuted. Future generations will not judge us kindly.
Classic wingnuttery: when presented with the truth it's time to withdraw into the old "shit happens" routine.
WTF indeed Ernesto! The "shit happens" response means "I aint go no more facts I can throw in this conversation, so I'll resort to the classic shrug my shoulders, hang my head and say "shit happens". It's just so much easier than actually researching the Truth and THINKING!. That is the problem with the 24%, of the brain-dead Bush supporters! They do not care about facts or truth, or how the rest of the world sees us. It is almost agonizingly embarassing when one of them start talking.
"Im APOLOGIZE Field Negro to enter your blog this way. I hope you understand my remarks toward Ernesto"
No need to apologize here in the fields ES. We go at each other pretty hard here, it's how we learn from each other. Nothing is off limits. Well....almost nothing.
what truth? I still stand by my words as stated, who said I was a bush supporter, thats the problem with you, your so rapped up in hate that you dont understand anything. I said I dont have a problem with what cheney said. You are the one all beat up about what cheney or bush has done, not me. Since Field Negro has explained the rules here, keep on listening to bush and cheney, and getting bent out of shape everytime they speak, they will be speaking for a long time , so will I. (classic huh) the real classic of the wingnuttery: when presented with the truth it's time to withdraw into the old "shit happens" again both of you so smoke one 'truth please'. do some more reading and come back stonger cause you haven't effected me one bit. If Field Negro make another post concernging bush/cheney im going to make my opinion again according to the post. And Im going to stand by my word again. Lefty
Chenney is a real American Gangster
Jibreel Riley:
"Chenney is a real American Gangster"
LOL! Yup, for the first time ever, I truly agree with you Jibreel.
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