Saturday, January 10, 2009

Doing like "The Man".

Because I am tired of being accused of being a "race chaser", and because I have come to realize that I am like the party pooper at this post racial A -merry-ca party, I am not going to post about racism anywhere in the world tonight. Nope, I won't mention a word about the racist Prince, or the young black man who was shot in his own driveway because his whip was just too damn nice. I won't even blog about the ignorance that has been taking place in places where people should know better. No sir, not tonight, tonight the field is an eternal optimist; tonight I can see the rainbow. Tonight I want to blog about the plight of black people improving so much in A-merry-ca that whether there is racism or not it won't really mess with our mojo. We will just do like Jigga Man and brush that shit right off of our shoulders.

Tonight I want to blog about the plight of black people improving, but I can't. Not when people we elect to work on our and the countries' behalf do dumb ignorant things to mess it up for all of us. Tonight my ire is directed at one Sheila Dixon (that would be the nattily dressed lady you see in the picture above). The Mayor of the fine city of Baltimore. The land of crab cakes, Ray Lewis, and "The Wire". This seemingly unscrupulous blackguard (no pun intended) allegedly took over $15,000 in gifts that she was not entitled to. And she has been charged with 12 counts of felony thefts, fraud, perjury......let me stop, it sickens me to even write about yet another black poli-trick-ster betraying our trust. Then she allegedly even took gift cards which were meant for needy families.....*sigh*.

Oh field, come one now, you know the man always goes after the black pol. "The Man" does the same thing, but you never hear about it. Anyone who actually believes that "The Man" actually doing the same thing should excuse Ms. Dixon for this type of bullshit behavior, can let us know about it in the comments section. I don't think I want to even speak to that type of idiocy in this post. It's late, and I am pissed, so leaving a lucid post is hard enough as it is.

Oh well, I am going to get some sleep now. I need all the energy I can muster to chase my man "racism".


Anonymous said...

Sheila Dixon has no shame, and has no moral compass. Otherwise, she would not have been able to do what she did. The woman is totally heartless--removed from her people and humanity.

She is a total disgrace.

La♥audiobooks said...

"Oh field, come one now, you know the man always goes after the black pol. "The Man" does the same thing, but you never hear about it. "

We just pissed over hundreds of millions of cabbage to questionable "white owned" corporations who are in bed with other crooked white city officials and I'm suppose to get upset and throw stones at this black woman? I mean really. And that's all they got on her? Please. Remind to never take money from my boyfriend and never to take my work-place flash drive home to work on.

Put one half black man on the top, and this is what you get. That's way too much "black power", one on top is enough. Now they can go after the little ones to try balance things out. Then they can shoot and beat the shit out the rest of us. You knee-grows need to be kept in your place. Don't scream racism, they'll just whip out the Obama card. Black people better watch out, it's open season again.

You know the funny thing, I'll bet prior to these incidents, black people like Charles Tyson and the Tolan family would have been accusing other black people of chasing racism.

I can't wait for the white cops to hurry shoot John McWhorter in his own driveway.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you there field. I live in Baltimore and to say I'm pissed is an understatement.My girl asked me was this just a case of the "Man" out to get a good sista??? I had to get real and say even if it was was just such a case with all of the history right before her eyes if Mayor Dixon was being shady/crooked or hopelessly naive(You can't date contractors with business before the city and not expect to get caught out there) by even thinking she can do some ole business as usual and not expect it to catch up with her in a city like Baltimore. Reading your good press can blind you and like Icarus I think our mayor got a wee bit too close to the sun or in this case the -good life-.To qoute one my favorite fictional politician "SHHHHHEEEEEIIIIIIT" Remember straight arrow Mayor Schmoke(not a hint of corruption on that brother )....the first elected African American mayor of B-more well now he's down with Roland Burris the soon to be junior Senator from Illinois. Just shows you don't sleep on Mobtown !!! The good the bad and of course John Waters. Peace

Black Diaspora said...

$15,000 in gifts

That's not a hell of a lot of money, even in this economy. What's with politicians, big and small, that they will sell out their integrity for such a paltry amount of money.

Not that they should be doing it at all, but for $15,000 in gifts.

I would never risk one year in jail for that, or any amount of money.

You'd think that these people got passed over for Christmas.

Santa, roll back the hands of time, and please leave Sheila that little black doll she has always wanted, and put a cap gun in Blago's red, Christmas stocking.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

YES it is open season, and for some reason, we are assisting the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE, it's one thing to be shot like a DOG in your drive way, but, what can you say about AFRICAN AMERICAN'S that have decided to be DELUSIONAL? when will BLACK AMERICA get it? when will we learn that we need to wake up pretty early in the morning to out smart, the MAN.

SHELIA is disgracing our race for a measly FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR'S, do you think that a WHITE POLITICIAN, would go down for a measly FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR'S? no way, they go in for the bigger game, so once again we have a BLACK POLITICIAN, who did not live up to their OBLIGATION, as far as assisting the need's of their PEOPLE, they are TRAITOR'S to their own race, they are voted in as FIELD NEGRO, and they come out as HOUSE NEGRO!!

Anonymous said...

These are allegations therefore as a barrister you should refrain yourself.Mayor Dixon is innocent unless proven otherwise.

La♥audiobooks said...

"SHELIA is disgracing our race for a measly FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR'S, do you think that a WHITE POLITICIAN, would go down for a measly FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR'S? no way, they go in for the bigger game, "

Yes you're right. What a disgrace to the black race. If she's guilty she should have gotten caught for much more money just like the white politicians. This was clearly a big premeditated scheme on her behalf.

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm, yea, white politicians go down for a lot less, its not race when it comes to greed, its the sense of entitlement. Remember the "roofers" scandel and "abscam" in Philadelphia. The roofers paid judges $300 for "christmas presents". Most of those judges were white. Abscam they got a few thousand dollars and one white Congressman was quoted on tape saying "money talks, Bullshit walks" His brother is now a major political operative in the city.

Shady_Grady said...

"You know the funny thing, I'll bet prior to these incidents, black people like Charles Tyson and the Tolan family would have been accusing other black people of chasing racism"

On what basis do you make that statement?

field negro said...

"These are allegations therefore as a barrister you should refrain yourself.Mayor Dixon is innocent unless proven otherwise."

Anon. please read my post again. And please note how the word "alleged" is used.

$15,000! Yes we do come cheap now don't we.

Anon. 7:52AM, I am quite familiar with that dark time in Philly history.:) And to think, some of those players are still around.

Shady_Grady said...

What is the basis of the perjury charges against her? Not listing her boyfriend's gifts on the financial disclosure form?

The whole case appears pretty weak. That said, if guilty she should take her punishment like anyone else.

It's true that Black politicians will be scrutinized unfairly but it goes with the territory. Black people in general get scrutinized unfairly..

Christopher said...

Something happens to a lot of people when they enter politics.

They see their election as an instant opportunity to 'get over' and they engage in personal enrichment.

I think this is particularly true when you come from nothing and all of a sudden, you have a salary, a staff and a budget. You get above your razor and think no one is watching.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]We just pissed over hundreds of millions of cabbage to questionable "white owned" corporations who are in bed with other crooked white city officials and I'm suppose to get upset and throw stones at this black woman? I mean really. And that's all they got on her? Please. Remind to never take money from my boyfriend and never to take my work-place flash drive home to work on.[/quote]

La Ingonita:

Can I ask you a question?


From what I can see it is purely REFERENTIAL in nature: "Ms Mayor you are NOT GUILTY because these OTHER PEOPLE in this OTHER DISTRICT are doing the very same thing that YOU HAVE DONE and thus we are not going to indict you until ALL OF THE OCEAN is at the same temperature - THE BOILING POINT"

I thank Jesus up above that some of you have no direct control over my life. We'd all be screwed if so.

Anonymous said...

Hey field,

It doesn't matter one iota what color a person is in our political world.

If a person is not honorable, they will take the shit.

The fact is that there are fewer honorable people in America than we tend to believe.

Anonymous said...

Where's the outrage over Stealy Palin and her 'gifts'?


Anonymous said...

I don't want to make excuses for black or white, especially the overly rich people who can't resist stealing even more. But we have so incredibly valorized the culture of consumerism in this country that I think a lot of people are drunk on it.

Combine that near-religious elevation of consumption with economic policies that have not only contributed to persistent poverty of the poorest Americans, but also to a growing asset gap between the very rich and the rest of us, and you got a lot of people who have just got to have more.

So what I mean to say is that I think focusing on individuals rather than systemic problems is helping the "haves" get away with perpetuation of the situation.

ArtMaggot Hysteria said...

Man and Woman, cut from the same cloth, subject to the same shortcomings.
We are truly equal.

Christopher said...

It's never enough for the rich.

Look at the CEO of Merrill-Lynch. As the company was feeding at the Federal bailout trough, what did he do? He went out and bought himself a $30 million dollar Manhattan duplex.

Same with Cheney. Already a rich man, he negotiated no-bid Federal contracts for Halliburton and when he leaves office in nine days, will exercise his 450,000 shares of Halliburton stock held in a blind trust. Fatty will be living like a Rockefeller.

RiPPa said...

Big up to Norman Manley, Eric Williams and all brethren from the West Indies!

On topic...

The trick is to not get caught. Or better yet, not be self centered!!!

BTW: There have been three Black men gunned down b y the cops within the last 11 days. Of the three, two of them are dead.

Damn, my bad, we wasn't supposed to talk about that racist thing on this post.

My bad Field.


Anonymous said...

Yes you're right. What a disgrace to the black race. If she's guilty she should have gotten caught for much more money just like the white politicians. This was clearly a big premeditated scheme on her behalf.

What a bullshit remark. It's amazing to me, Incognita, how much everything comes down to race with you. I've not see one post from you yet that doesn't blame white people.

I agree that she's innocent until proven guilty but you already have her innocent 'because her white counterparts are guilty for more'?! Classic.

rikyrah said...

I'll continue to say this:

What makes me mad at our crooked Black Public officials isn't JUST that they're crooked.

It's because they're willing to throw their careers away and destroy the public trust for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR.

Duke Cunningham?

He went down for MILLIONS.

While Dollar Bill Jefferson?

a hundred grand.

This woman is even dumber than that.

Maddoff is a thief, but he's going to jail for 50 billion, NOT $5,000.

Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...

The other thing is not recognizing, as a black politician, that you're gonna be far more thoroughly watched than a white politician.

It's the same damn thing that makes a black driver more thoroughly investigated than a white one.

It's the same damn thing that makes a black professional more thoroughly reviewed-- and criticized-- than a white one.

KNOWING this-- any black politician that does take bribes is a fool, because s/he will surely get caught.

Jody said...

I wonder if there is even a way to be honest in politics.

Seems that wheelin, dealin, crookin is all we ever hear about. And, the ones that get caught seem to get caught, not because honest politicians out them, but because other crooked wheelin, dealin members get crossed or busted and turn on them.

High Power Rocketry said...

Yeah what happened to dean?

La♥audiobooks said...

Shady_Grady, on what basis would you be inclined to disagree?

Tammy, I should have placed a sarcastic warning just for you. No I don't have her innocent "because her white counterparts are guilty for more". The thing is, if she was white, I would have shacked my head and walked away. Why is it because she's black I should scrutinize her more or feel anymore disgusted for my race? You just wanted something to say to me.

Well, it's not your mindless fault, you read deConstructive Flowback's comment, got the wrong impression (as he usually intends for people to do because Field won't play with him) and you tried to run with it.

Please refrain from reading my comments if they make you feel bitter or guilty in any way. BTW, I'm only attracted to men, men of all race by the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for being off topic, but the Eagles are about to beat the Giants.

Jody said...

Yea Sandra! GO EAGLES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Eagels!!! I hope they make it to the Super Bowl.

Shady_Grady said...

Shady_Grady, on what basis would you be inclined to disagree?

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I just wanted to know if you had any reason to believe that Tyson or the Tolan family in particular denied or would deny the existence of racism or chastise others for pointing it out.

knockoutchick said...

Well she looks like she is praying in the photo you posted :-)

She has been let the games begin. If she is guilty, all that she has done, hard work will be overshadowed by $15,000.

While on the other Marc Drier, a lawyer and hedge fund manager in New York stole upwards of $300 million dollars and was arrested last month while impersonating another lawyer. I guess he had stolen all the money he could using his own name, so he simply started impersonating another white guy to steal some more. His firm also had scores of vendors and creditors that will not get paid.

Lucky for him Madoff's $50B fraud was exposed at around the same time.

knockoutchick said...

Of course Madoff and Drier are not politicians.

Yet I do agree black politicians should KNOW they will face more scrutiny and act accordingly.

Like young black man have to behave differently in interactions with the police. We all know the facts.

Therefore being more scrutinized I guess black politicians who are crooked never advance to the billion dollar scams as they are hooked in the first rounds.

I would imagine most of the politicians we talk of today seeking big ticket Blago probably started out on a small scale.

I am sure Blago would not have been above stuffing C notes down his pants.

Bob said...

Although I'm not inclined to defend members of the British Royal Family, there's strong evidence that Prince Harry has matured considerably as an active duty soldier since he was a partying cadet at Sandhurst in 2005, when he made the remarks captured on the video.

Anonymous said...

The simple fact is that many politicians are greedy self-interested crooks, regardless of race.

A true post racial America will regard Dixon, Kilpatrick and others as just that...CROOKS, instead of representatives of an entire race.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]A true post racial America will regard Dixon, Kilpatrick and others as just that...CROOKS, instead of representatives of an entire race.[/quote]

Oh Jesus - please help this boy.

A true "post racial BLACK America" would not VOTE FOR THEM after they are indicted saying "DA MAN is NOT going to PICK OUR LEADERS. When DA MAN was in office HE STOLE TOO."

The ironic thing is that come of the main people who FOUGHT against CORRUPTION and the resulting resource marginalization that it resulted in for those who were in the most need are logically JUSTIFYING these past actions via their current positions.

So much for absolute JUSTICE and INTEGRITY. Right Rikyrah?


She's innocent until PROVEN guilty!!

Anonymous said...


Why are you concerned about Constructive Feedback calling you a racism chaser when he is obviously a white butt-cheek chaser?

With his lips.

field negro said...


Jody said...

Field, you do realize that for Christopher Chambers he is now facing the prospect of BOTH the Eagles and the Ravens winning... now beauty would be if they both ended up playing each other in the Big Dance.. then he would have to oil it up, no matter who won! hehehehehe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it is terrible that black people are so quick to help destroy other black people. that's not our responsibility. a lady getting some gifts from a suitor is not a serious crime. a mayor sending text messages to his girl friend is not a crime. it you short sided blacks have your way there will be no black politition left for obama to talk. wake up for once. we watched scooter libby be convicted and pardoned on the same day. this ain't about improving government,it's about getting rid of blacks. america politics works on senority. you ought to be catching on by now. these black polititions aren't hurting the black community. they are in line for committee appointments and chairmenships.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Uncles who passed away from lung cancer a couple years back always liked the Eagles so good for them.

Well, it's not your mindless fault, you read deConstructive Flowback's comment, got the wrong impression (as he usually intends for people to do because Field won't play with him) and you tried to run with it.

Right, Incognita, because I have to get my opinion from other people before I speak or write. The truth is, whenever I seem to post in a thread and see your posts you always seem to comment on race (and in particular negatively upon the white race) but maybe that's just my perception. So yes, it was hard to see the sarcasm this time around.

BTW, I'm only attracted to men, men of all race by the way.


I fail to see what this has to do with anything so I'll just say good for you.

La♥audiobooks said...

"whenever I seem to post in a thread and see your posts you always seem to comment on race (and in particular negatively upon the white race) but maybe that's just my perception."

Then you're on the wrong blog, because I doubt I'm the only one that fits that description.

You're singling me out. Like I said, I'm only attracted to men. I remember you. So if this is your way of getting my attention, refrain or don't read my comments.

Donald said...

I ain't even stressing over Ms. Dixon...stupid is as stupid does.
How about them Raven's. Baltimore has to shine somehow. Bad refs. or not...SCOREBOARD!

Anonymous said...

No excuses for this scum. The punishment eventually handed to her will most likely be greater than that which would be handed out to a white counterpart, regardless, she should never have stolen.

This reminds me of a black male classmate I had that was always having his hands all over white girls in the class. His behaviour was bordering on the risque. I confronted him about it and his excuse was that the girls liked it. Maybe they did, I don't know for sure. I later had a debate with an older black female about the issue. And my concern was, how does a black male in this society behave so carelessly knowing that the system will nail you if someone complains? She defended the guy saying, why should black men always have to be extra guarded more than anyone else?

So the same argument will be applied for this Mayor, namely, other White mayors probably do the same thing, she was just overly scrutinized. Then Sarah Palin will come up etc. So the big question is, should black leaders be operating at a higher moral standard or is that in itself unfair?

There is an African saying, 'whoever gets caught in the hole is the thief'. So whether 1000 thieves went through the fence, the one that is caught is the thief.

Miss you got caught, now you get to pay.

Anonymous said...

"That's not a hell of a lot of money, even in this economy. What's with politicians, big and small, that they will sell out their integrity for such a paltry amount of money."

Chinua Achebe advises in one of his great works, 'if you are going to eat a frog, you should eat a fat and juicy one'.
You go Madoff.

Jibreel Riley said...

nothing to see here, just another Democrat Big City Mayor caught in a another scandal. Move over Kirkpatrick, all eyes goes to BMore... yea right. Who cares really, I mean it will only take a catastrophic flood to peal back the years of failed liberalism that we all crave. The Bourgeoisie vs the Proletariat... I think i'll do with out, you can just call me Jibreel the conservative from Buffalo.

p.s. I did pick the Eggles to go to the Super Bowl vs That Union Hall known as the Steelers. I can also safely say my man Rush must be dining on crow tonight

Anonymous said...

Why is it when a black person fucks up, it's a discredit to the black race or the whole race is judged; however, when a white person fucks up, it's an individual isolated incident and they white race isn't obligated to carry that burden?

I am black, and have enough sense to know that the actions of Dixon doesn't reflect poorly on me. I am individual and am offended that I must feel shame for another black person's transgressions. That's bullshit!

Bob said...

Philadelphia 23, NY Giants 11
Pittsburgh 35, San Diego 24

Well well well.

Anonymous said...

Black public officials need to be extra careful in this After Barack era. All eyes are on them. It is part of the backclash. We will start hearing cases of public officials stealing pencils from the office. You watch.

La♥audiobooks said...

"Black public officials need to be extra careful in this After Barack era. All eyes are on them. It is part of the backclash."

Grata, I just made a comment about this backlash on Field's recent thread above. There will be backlashes of all kinds coming our way, all because of the Obama Effect.

Anonymous said...

You're singling me out. Like I said, I'm only attracted to men. I remember you. So if this is your way of getting my attention, refrain or don't read my comments.

Oh, that's perfect. Because I make a negative comment about something you say, I must be attracted to you and am trying to get your attention. Don't flatter yourself. I find it interesting, however, that a woman who is always looking to comment about race goes straight to sexuality to insult when someone disagrees with her. You, 'sweetie' are a hypocrite. Not surprising.

And, by the way, you are the one who remembered me whereas of all the women in this forum there are two I remember far more than you and, get this, for their intelligence (who'd of thunk it!). Best check yourself and your hypocritical attitudes. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ya'll chew on this:

Baltimore City Councilwoman Helen Holton was indicted by the same grand jury two days before Mayor Dixon was indicted.

They both have a connection with a Baltimore developer named Ronald Lipscomb, Jr. The charges against Holton are ( I believe) bribery, perjury, and failure to report gifts from Lipscomb; mainly, a $12,000 study conducted by Lipscomb for Holton.

Last summer, Mayor Dixon's home was raided. Furs, lavish gifts and computers were confiscated. It was at that time the Mayor admitted to a "personal relationship" with Lipscomb.

The conflict stems from the timing of the friendship. They were seeing each other while Dixon served as city council president. She failed to abstain from voting on legislation that would benefit Lipscomb; the ultra-chic waterfront condo and shopping area located east of Baltimore's famous inner harbor.

Holton seems to have done the same thing, although it isn't known if she was involved with Lipscomb personally.

just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Don't believe the hype, Field. I don't like Madame Dixon, I didn't vote for her and I feel she's a terrible mayor...but it took 3 years for them to "investigate" this case, after half-stepping at least twice before now. If they had the goods, it shouldn't have taken 3 years to indict. It looks suspiciously like the Marion Barry case...8 years of investigation only to set him up with a bitter spurned ex-girlfriend and a crack pipe.

Anonymous said...

Racism chaser ? No. Racism is used here like the out of control pitt bull on a flimsy leash that often gets loose while the owner trots along in its wake of destruction saying down boy, baaaa of these days I'm going to get you on a good leash... Pretty easy spot unless you're one of the failed negroes who comes here to worship.

Anonymous said...

the allegations are not true!the "man" has played you for the sucker you are against your sister.the "man" has tried 3 times to get an indictment for these bogus charges and finally found a republican racist grand jury to bring the charges. the republicans are so desperate to get in power in MD that they trumped up charges against the mayor so they can claim to want to clean up goverment (remember bush). BUT I am surprised field negro would fall for this bullshit?

field negro said...

Anon. 9:25Pm,I think smitty was addressing you.:)

"..Pretty easy spot unless you're one of the failed negroes who comes here to worship."

And since we are in house of worship I am going to pray for you, house Negro.

Anonymous said...

You don't WANT to post about anything other than racism and you know it. We don't want you to either - no one does it better than you. Keep making the mindless world aware.

Thanks for giving the "House Negro" award to the Giants. Please hand out another to my "fair-weather-EAGLES-fan" friends as well. They have nothing to say, now that the EAGLES are winning - not even "great job".


Anonymous said...

This is the end result of the whole PC "speech code" mentality. You create a nation of thin-skins. Unless you are expressing opinions that show an extreme conflict of interest with your job, what you say on your time should not be an issue.

Sharon from WI said...

She defended the guy saying, why should black men always have to be extra guarded more than anyone else?

I can only hope this student was not in grade school. In any case, any male student, whatever his ethnicity, should keep his hands to himself instead of groping female students of any color.

I certainly wouldn't take kindly to someone groping one of my daughters--who are African American.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]it you short sided blacks have your way there will be no black politition left for obama to talk. wake up for once. we watched scooter libby be convicted and pardoned on the same day.[/quote]


What happens to you when the evil, racist Republicans are in exile and you are then forced to develop some standards that stand on their own? Your REFERENTIAL STANDARDS are empty.

What is YOUR STANDARD of behavior for a politician to live up to?

If (sorry WHEN) an Obama Administration official does something to compromise himself will you make note of the charge OR will you make note of Scooter Libby in your argument that he too should be let go?

The ironic thing is that when the Libby mess was going down I have little doubt that you were advocating for his PUNISHMENT. You no doubt said that the SYSTEM IS UNJUST because he is not being punished.

Now that some one "you like" has been ensnared by the justice system instead of seeking to have the justice system to adjudicate the issue, asking for go back and base your justification for LEAVING HER ALONE upon a guy that YOU LIKELY SAID should be locked up.

Some of you need to sit back and rationalize your stances.

It falls on its face when you are "all alone" having to live with the discombobulated system that you support and thus your standard of living/justice is a function of your ability to PRODUCE this standard rather than your FAUX MORAL OUTRAGE in reference to someone else.

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