talesd@phillynews.com 215-854-5084
talesd@phillynews.com 215-854-5084
"With one arm clutching a teddy bear, Nikisha Ramsey hugged three teenaged boys who had come by to offer condolences over the loss of her 17-year-old son, Dwayne. 'Ya'll be careful,' she cautioned as they left her North Philadelphia rowhouse. Just moments before, she had arrived from the Medical Examiner's Office, where she had identified the body of her son, who was killed near their home Tuesday night. Police said that Dwayne Canty, who lived with his mother on Newkirk Street near Susquehanna Avenue, had been shot to death about a half-block away after being robbed at gunpoint on his way to a nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken to get dinner for his family.
He didn't make it far. He was approached by two individuals who shot him several times at close range and stole about $120 to $140, said Homicide Capt. James Clark. His killers fled on foot, leaving him lying in the cold in a vacant lot, Clark said. Canty was pronounced dead shortly after at Temple University Hospital.
'It's a senseless killing, it's a cold-blooded killing,' Clark said before asking for the public's help in apprehending the killers.
'Here you have a 17-year-old male who's never had any problems with the police, was in a GED program, and once he graduated from his GED program, he had plans to go into the Navy,' he said.
'It's senseless and we're going to do our best to bring these individuals to justice.'
Clark implored anyone with information about the killing to call homicide detectives at 215-686- 3334.
Earlier Tuesday, Dwayne had gone for his annual medical check-up, his mother said yesterday. He'd just gotten paid from his job at the McDonald's in Plymouth Meeting.
The family returned home to watch the presidential inauguration and remained in high spirits the rest of the night, she said.
Later on, she grew hungry and Dwayne offered to treat.
He left and almost immediately Ramsey said she felt something was wrong.
'I heard the shots and I got a sinking feeling,' she said, her voice quivering.
She flung the blanket that was draped over her onto the floor, threw on a pair of pants, and, forgoing a coat, ran out.
On the corner, police and a crowd of curious neighbors had already congregated by the time she arrived. Ramsey tried to reach her son, who lay riddled with bullets on a small grassy area, but was held back by cops.
'I just kept thinking, 'Why my son? Why my son?' she said. 'My son didn't do nothing but go to school, work and be with his girlfriend'.
'He worked for that money they took it from him.'
At a vigil held last night, supporters huddled next to the lot in the freezing cold, long candles held in their gloved hands. A man called for sinners to repent and requested that neighbors give donations to the family. One woman shouted for the community's help. Ramsey continued her plea.
'I want to know what happened to my son,' she said, surrounded by neighbors.
Tears spilled as a girl sang the gospel song, 'Still I Rise.'
Afterwards, Dwayne's younger brother, Deandre Ramsey, 15, headed home with his head bowed, shuffling his feet against broken ice on the sidewalk.
'I feel hurt, sad,' said the soft-spoken youngster. 'I know he's in a better place, but I want him down here with me.'"
No little man you don't want him down here with you, because chances are he would meet the same fate again. And Ms. Ramsey you aren't the only one who wants to know what happened to your son, I want to know too.
Yes it's me, field, the party pooper , bringing once again a dose of reality to these cheerful and euphoric post inauguration times. So here we are in Killadelphia, just two hours from the coronation, and it's more teddy bears, flowers, and another funeral home getting paid.
We have been down this road before, and everyone who comments here has grappled with this problem and struggled to find the answers. The truth is, we are still struggling, and those of us who care are out here every day fighting the good fight. A fight, that sadly, we are still losing. And as much as I wish it wasn't true, somehow I don't think having a man leading our country who looks like the perpetrators and the victims will make any difference.
"The family went home to watch the inauguration and remained in high spirits"
If they only knew.
This is my first time posting to your site and I must say that this is just too much. When will it end? My heart goes out to that family.
I lost my brother 11 years ago the day after my birthday, I have not celebrated my birthday since....I have been to more funerals than weddings in my family alone. There are no easy answers I just asked my sister if she had insurance for her 15year old son.....You just never know :(
I am ready for them to send in the army... go house to house.... search every damn one of them.... and take all the guns they find out. Then arrest every person who has a gun. The whole damn city. They can start with mine and then move on. I have had it. Declare marshal law. Shut these thugs down.
What is it going to take for this nihilism to end?
As someone who lived in Killadelphia (West Philly, 47th and Baltimore) and was robbed at gunpoint coming home I feel for this family. The young man that robbed me clearly WANTED to shoot me (I didn't have a dime to my name) - but didn't. Maybe because I'm white? Is the outrage greater when whites are killed? Clearly something stopped him. This poor kid's sin was having money on him. I agree with Jody, it's time for martial law - but the citizens have to do it - I honestly doubt the police are the ones to help. I remember the MOVE incident and the attitude of the Philly police afterwards. The day after, when I asked the officers hanging around the burnt-out rowhomes 'What the hell happened?' they looked sheepish and said nothing. They knew they'd fucked up. No, the people need to clean the city out. House to house if need be. Philly's a Great City and needs to wake it's own sleeping giant. Great post Field - as always.
Can we started treating violence as a public health issue and put the money towards treating this epidemic as a disease rather than a criminal issue.
Children living with this kind of exposure to violence are infected with the disease.
Sanjay Gupta are you lsitening?
Browngrl77, sorry to hear about your family's loss.
Honestly folks, I don't know what else is left to say.....we need some answers at this point, but no one seems to have any.
Jody, I am starting to like your suggestion more and more, and I hate myself for thinking that way.
"What is it going to take for this nihilism to end?"
Star, I am guessing maybe total self destruction and starting all over again.
Doogman, you made a deep point, and I am seriously thinking about that.
buffbaygrl, that's a great point.
BTW, is that the Buff Bay in Jamdown?
I hate that I can only come up with this answer too, Field. But, damn it! Enough. There has to be some radical action cuz same old same old isn't working. These young thugs have no regard for anyone, not even themselves. I talked to a kid this week that was shot 11 times last spring and survived. Still has 2 bullets in him! And he is only a teenager. And, this crazy kid will not talk about who shot him, even though his mom is convinced he knows who it was. He doesn't get that he survived THIS TIME, but there will be a next time and he will be on your sidebar as another number. I don't think it is fear that keeps him from talking. It is just the rules of the street that bought him his bullets and his silence. It is heartbreaking. Sickening. Maddening. Bring on the Army. Not Philly PD. The Army. It would be shocking, but maybe, just maybe, it would stop these little gangsters. I am willing to tolerate this for a limited time if it would stop the senseless killings that are turning our streets into rivers of blood!
Why must you tie the Inauguration to this killing? Okay: you want to write about your city (or any other), please do; we appreciate it. But, I must say, your continuous attempt to rain on parades of those who MERELY FEEL HAPPY ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA'S OFFICIAL ASCENDANCY is weak. Why can't you speak of reality without being purposefully a wet blanket? You don't NEED to juxtapose hope with Hell. We get it. Trust: your readers can keep two, ostensibly, different thoughts in their heads at once without your heavy-handedness or hard steering. Don't you think many of us know life sucks (leading to our voting for Obama so that perhaps it won't suck as hard, long, irretrievably, or outrageously)?! Ah, My Field: your missing the Obama boat has been forgiven by your readership. Apparently, you cannot either forgive yourself OR you have to pretend that even though you were wrong, you're still right. Sigh.... But, again: you're ours; we won't stop visiting your site. Today.
My heart goes out to the family. God bless them, and the city of Philadelphia.
I wish I could think of something that might make an impact. I'm just really at a loss. As the mom of a 13 year old boy this scares me to my core.
My heart goes out to this family in a time of mighty grief. I have no quick fix, no band-aid or solution to this problem. 23 years in the military tells me you don't want them on the streets. The British tried that once in 1774. Taking everyone's piece? Those who did the killing would still have the weapons. I carried warm bodies 42 years ago in Vietnam and I still haven't figured out why man has to kill each other. I am truly sorry.
Allowing the government/military/voluntary mob to complete martial law is ridiculous! Think about all of the false rape charges that black men died because of! The mob then did not care one ounce that they were innocent! TO freely ALLOW a mob of any sort to go after people like that is wrong, no matter what the race. It's admitting to the racists that blacks and other minorities are inhumane. The criminals in our communities are inhumane, but we know that most of us aren't. Do racists know that? It's like turning to white people to "save us". By saving us in that way, we hand them back our freedom to be rechained! It'd be their biggest fantasy! Just look at Gran Torino! An old racist white former veteran saves the day by killing off gang members!
Some people just can't seem to fight off the darkness...It creeps into the hearts of some folks and doesn't let go. There is no major explanation for it. We all have to change, and want to change. Imagery and building icons to worship has never worked...
Perhaps the good Docta' Heathcliff Huxtable a.k.a. Bill Cosby can rally a few followers to parade with him throughout the streets of Philly again after telling the poor black folk how worthless they are one mo' gen'...we love a good march...
"Come on People"
That's just so awful and unnecessary. I hope they catch the killer. There's not really more that the cops can do. You'd have to hire more of them and they get nice pensions when they retire, very expensive. I'm sure they've already tried zero tolerance. I know it works in short bursts but bad policy for a long time. Innocent people don't like being harassed and really that's a decent description of zero tolerance. I'd go with a concealed carry law if you don't have one. You can pshrink test the applicants and train them. Works here.
To anonymous that opined "You don't NEED to juxtapose hope with Hell" - you're right - life does it FOR us. I'm thrilled to death that America finally has a President that truly GETS how to BEAT discrimmination. Maybe now the answer can come from the top DOWN. The 'Hell' is WHY I hold on fiercly to hope and continue to work. Visions of happy Smurfs are nice, but the reality is kids with guns killing people for their needs - whatever they may be. the sad truth is - the kids with the guns are the FIRST victims.
"He was approached by two individuals who shot him several times at close range and stole about $120 to $140..."
Funny thing is, our government does this on a global scale and calls it "spreading freedom and democracy".
Doogman, you are a waste of oxygen. You can't beat discrimination, you deal with it. Most adults are eighth graders, you silly twat. And leaders obviously can't change people, they just lead if they're good enough. Rub your brown nose in cow dung.
Yes Field.
Buff Bay is my hometown :-)
I am a long way from home here in Los Angeles.
Brother Field.... the continuous saga can't be placed aside even for the coronation. I am in step with your reality. Whatever President Obama can do to ease the misery that we see daily I hope it comes soon. I am not waiting for the government=Prez to do anything that will change. His kids are now under 24/7 protection. I am 57 and the first 40 years of my life, this unnatural act of young Blacks killing each other was not present, I am sure some of you 30-40s can remember when this killing wasnt a daily thing with the young and Black. What happened 20-25 years ago that started this carnage. I could name a few. Crack, destuction of the families of two parents, increase in competition in sports, young men having role models their same age group. Another thing that happened was their modification of what we look like to self outside of our sphere. Maybe if we find the cause to the start maybe some solutions can be started. SOME THINGS I KNOW.... The police can only come after the incident. This killing keeps them in a job- mainly a career. Same for the medical profession. VietNam created many oustanding surgeons. Emergency room Docs and EMTs are having many subjects to gain proficency. Back at the start- no one cares for the victim but the immediate family. Some solutions. Instead of promoting single parent household, give more incentives to two parent household and mandate one parent to work and give bonus to further each member post-HS. We know a lot of women under current rules keep men out of the hoiusehold to protect welfare status. Stop crack at origin. Make each adult gun owner responsible for his gun purchase and punish when he allow the misuse of said weapon.
It's the "stop snitching" mentality that's killing these young people. You have to look at the deeper issue, this is a truly angry generation. Many of these young thugs don't know their fathers, have no idea what a real man is, so they grow up angry. They don't know how to look a man in the eye, all they know how to do is shot someone in order to solve their problems. And the older adults have taught them not to open their mouth if something happens....... Field, I don't know if you remember their was a case about two or three years ago, where a girl knew what happend and when she went to court to testify against the accused her FATHER was telling her to lie.(outside the courtroom no less), If I am not mistaken this had something to do with Faheem, the little boy shot in a N. Philly school yard. So the stop snitching code of honor is NOT generational. My own step mom was like if I see something I won't tell the cops sh*t....til one her grandbabies is in a coffin THEN she wants the public help in finding the killer.....unfortunately many people know,saw,or heard what happened but don't want to get involved...til it happens to them.
Sad, yet all too common. There is a significant element of the black community that is just out of control. God help anyone who wants to say that, but it's true.
Millions of people are uneducated, undisciplined, and unemployable except in this or that criminal trade. There is some lip service paid to the crisis by the black community at large, but the minute anyone really wants to get tough the will to do so vanishes.
I want to know what happened to her son too.
I also want to know why America and South Africa are the two nations in the industrialized world with the worst violent crime problem.
Where do criminals get their GUNS?
I grew up 80 miles down the road from Philadelphia-- Baltimore.
Baltimore had the same problem 25 years ago, when I was teenager. I am still amazed that I reached my 18th birthday.
I suspect Baltimore is still wrestling with this problem.
A solution for black families, with the means to do so, is to leave places like Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc.
Today, I have a child. There no way in hell I would raise them in Baltimore or send them to Baltimore public schools.
Hopelessness, anger, ignorance, fractured community and family = disturbing, pointless violence and death.
These are issues which government cannot solve by throwing money around. It requires a multi-faceted attack by community leaders, residents, educators and parents. Beat cops pounding the pavement, knowledgeable of who is real trouble and who isn't - keeping tabs on those who are and protecting those who are not. All nudging, pushing, and teaching those receptive - and starting early.
I'm truly sympathetic for this family, and all those who suffer likewise.
Anon. 11:32 PM, intervention can be painful sometimes, I know. But sorry,consider me your counselor in your ongoing battle to fight Obamaholism.
"You don't NEED to juxtapose hope with Hell". Sorry, but if we are living in hell, it's nice to know that there is a little hope, don't you think?
"Ah, My Field: your missing the Obama boat has been forgiven by your readership. Apparently, you cannot either forgive yourself"
Miss the boat? Hmmm, the Bennett household bank account sure didn't miss it. You must not have been reading this blog. (At one point I thought I was becoming one of you.) Funny thing about an addiction, you are always the last to realize that you have it. And If I missed the boat, hopefully it's not too late, I can't walk on water like his O ness, but I am sure that there will be another one (boat) coming along soon.;)
Buffbaygrl, that's what's up. My Dad is from Buffbay. Portland is a beautiful parish.
rainywalker, thanks for your service, you and Brother Panhter should talk. And brother Panther, thanks for giivng us some solutions, they are all good ideas. Now let's just hope that it's not too late to get to work.
Anon. 11:41PM, I know Jody, and I am sure that is the last thing she would want. But she is frustrated just like all the rest of the folks here in Philly.
Browngrl77, I am quite familiar with that case you mentioned. (More than you think) And although I despise the "no snitch" mentality and code, there are times when you really have to consider these poor people living in fear of their lives.
And as Rudy said, moving out would be best, but many of them can't afford to.
"Where do criminals get their GUNS?"
Ahhh, that's a whole different rant for another day.
"Some people just can't seem to fight off the darkness...It creeps into the hearts of some folks and doesn't let go."
Cheron...those people should not be allowed to be a part of our community. I say lock them away if they have committed a crime, or get them psychiatric help, and do not release them until they are cured, or the darkness goes away. Period.
I feel so sorry for this mother....I will pray for her today in church
I have lived in big cities and small cities and cities in-between. I have lived in cities with large percentages of African Americans and small percentages of African Americans and the problem of black-on-black crime is the same everywhere.
In America only approximately 12% of the population is African American. This is not a huge number. Yet, the sad fact is (and I know it isn't politically correct to say this, so flame away), but blacks kill other blacks at a rate far greater than blacks kill whites or than whites kill blacks.
I throw my hands up in the air in disbelief. Why is there so much black on black criminal victimization?
Here in Rochester, NY, I can go toe-to-toe with anything Field posts about the crime in the black community. When people get real they say things like, "we need more community centers," or, "we need to get the clergy involved," or, "it's the economy, stupid," or, "there are no jobs so people are desperate."
But even in relatively good times, when cities have money to build community centers and the clergy walks the streets demonstrating for an end to the violence, and jobs and jobs training is plentiful, black on black crime never really goes away.
I agree that there is fear for those in the inner city, but didn't Martin have a family? Malcolm had a family, Shuttlesworth had a family, Harry Moore had a family, yet these men were willing to die or risk death for the betterment of our communties....What happened since "68" ? Instead of WE it became ME.
Why must you tie the Inauguration to this killing?
The family members apparently were in good spirits--as is nearly everyone--over the President's inauguration.
That is the only "tie" that was made.
They can calculate crime rates. But How do they measure levels of sociopathy? Barack does make a difference in the hopes of the young folks working at McD's & getting their GEDs. But he makes the neighborhood no safer for them. Everyday, a tragedy like this ought to be included in the morning news digest aides prepare for the President.
The sas thing is we those who don't live in the innercity thinks it doesn't affect them, but it does your taxes pay to keep these thugs locked up...corrections is the only city dept that is NOT affected by Nutter proposed budget cuts.....
What is it going to take for all of unecessary kiling? It's going to take those of us within the African-American and Afro-Caribbean communities to not wait for inter-racial crime to occur in order that we protest and demonstration. We must take the same strong fist and determination when it comes to black on black crime. Until Black folks unify and take to the streets challenging the terrorist that reside within the bellies of our own neighborhoods, Dwayne's misfortune will continue to reach closer to home..
Uh, I have to agree with Anon. at 11:32. You're right, Sharon from WI: that was the only reference in THIS story. But Field seems a bit guilty or something for getting caught up in Obamamania. Before the Inauguration and during the campaign, Field was all snarky about "hope" and "change." Since the Inauguration, Field evidenced a bit of celebration, but seemed quickly to get back to snarking and snarling at folks who are still a bit happy about our new President. So, I guess the earlier Anon. was writing about the pattern, not the story (although, you're right: he or she didn't read or, perhaps, write carefully). But, I've also noticed that in keeping with his pre-election, pre-Inauguration theme, almost if to knock down those who "hope" for "change," he led a negative story (see, e.g., January 21 post) with renditions of the President, SAYING that we wasn't, essentially, trying to rain on post-Inauguration high. Glad to hear that the Field bank accounts backed up MRS. Field's love of our President's candidacy. I'm still awaiting the footage of Field's nekkid run.
So I guess the thugs who shot this child down weren't inspired to "change" uh?
My heart is broken for families who for cannot for financial reasons or because of sick provincialism refuse to move their precious precious commodities (their children) out of these war-zones.
Thanks Field. While I'm upset about Oscar Grant, we don't the ground swell when these animals--our own people--as when some renegade cop puts a bullet in someone. Of course these cops can always hide behind the fact that our own people do animalistic stuff like this to justify their murderous "deadly force."
We take away that cover, these rednecks will be less bold. Sounds naive? No more than asserting that the terror on streets is due to "misunderstood" youth or just plain poverty. Adequate contraception would likely have a bigger impact than mentoring or tossing more $. Moving makes no difference as look at the Dirty South now, or section 8 enclaves in the burbs. Just as dangerous, if not more. Ultimately it seems to come down to gentrification as the one measurable factor in stopping this tragedy. What does that say about us, and our sense of denial?
As for O man, recall that while he was having his big Election Night extravaganza, folks who had no business doing so were getting knocked up, drugs were being bought and sold, children abandoned, people shot. That was Chicago. Philly was worse.
Field this doesn't change unless we have a philosophical change. O man needs to cut the bullshit and get on the bully pulpit and say negroes, get real. Too many bammas out there think that now he's in office, their tude and way of life is somehow vindicated...
@ conservative moron
"So I guess the thugs who shot this child down weren't inspired to "change" uh?
My heart is broken for families who for cannot for financial reasons or because of sick provincialism refuse to move their precious precious commodities (their children) out of these war-zones."
Cue moronic comment from right-wing tool.
Let's see..son was working in McDonalds and had $140 (probably his whole check) in his pocket. Doesn't sound like that he or the family he comes from were that upwardly mobile to move to the 'burbs. I wonder when right-wingers can get their head out of that warm, dark rectal haven they call Amerikkka and learn the reality of class in the world that the REST OF US live in? Shut up if you don't have a real solution other than moving in neighborhoods with suburban cattle. Consider your blog marked, genius.
Yes, I guess it was rather daft of me to leave a comment on a blog frequented by "thought police". But, I'll keep reading to see what solution you can offer since apparently you and your "ilk" are the wise ones. By the way, I'm no one's tool, I'm no one's operative and I run nothing except my "genius" blog.
Thanks for your civility.
Enemies and traitors don't deserve civility.
Curious, I bet you live in B'more, don't you. Don't answer.
You know I hate it when speak about my city Philadelphia. I am born and raised, public school educated, and work in Philly. (S.Wkr). So I do know all about the downs of the city, but damn its still a great place to be. (Are you not here). I thank God none of my brothers or nephews are into the street scene nor have they been claimed by it but as you and i know the worse the economy becomes the more desperate people are. There may be more bank robberies, suicide instead of leaving their homes, robbing the till at the job and many others desperate choices people would not have to make if there were other options. I am sorry for the young man's life. All life is precious. May God bring peace to the family. Just please stop hating on my city!!
son was working in McDonalds and had $140 (probably his whole check) in his pocket.
My thoughts exactly.
What I found truly dismaying was that these thugs found the need to kill this kid.
They had his money. Why kill him?
Enemies and traitors don't deserve civility.
Curious, I bet you live in B'more, don't you. Don't answer.
To be fair, Conservative did say if families in these areas had the wherewithal to move, they should do so.
The sad thing is is that so many families in these terrible neighborhoods are trapped.
I never bought into the gross generalization of "blacks make up 12 percent of the population, but they commit x percentage of crime...blah...blah...blah." Further, I find it offensive.
People who utter that crap are implicitly endorsing a quota system for the commission of crimes, which is just as absurd as citing population and crime percentages.
A more sensible thesis would be the correlation between poverty, lack of education and crime.
Exactly Sharon from WI. I said my heart is broken for those who can't move. But my heart is also broken for those whose children are in danger because they refuse to move because they are bound by the "group think" like brotherkomrade.
For the record brotherkomrade, I don't live in Baltimore, do you? If so, how are you impacting said community with your solidarity, anarcist, radical ideology?
You know Filled Negro it is amazing how two people can post the very same content but the consumer of the material is able to accept the content of one of these persons in a different light than they are inclined to do so with the other.
You see Filled Negro - Atlanta is experiencing the very same murderous killing spree of our progeny as the city of my birth is experiencing.
However when I dare ask the Black community to LOOK INSIDE OF ITSELF for answers to the problems that WE suffer most acutely from and when I REJECT foolishness such as the theory of "DERIVATIVE BEHAVIOR" which says "The White man made me kill this other Black man because he enslaved us" for some reason I am said to be standing AGAINST the best interests of the Black community.
Filled Negro - who will you attack when there is no one else to blame? Who will you forge your political fight against after "the Last Republican moves out of Philadelphia" and yet the KILLING persists?
When will the Black Establishment stop seeking to GRAB POWER and instead start focusing on that which THE POWER is supposed to DELIVER TO OUR COMMUNITY???
I hear ya...I wanted things like crime to miraculously change over night too. But the more I look at crime and realize that many of our families have at least one "white sheep" who would kill or steal from their own mother; it leaves me thinking what is to be done when the victimizer is around us, like in our immediate family? I wonder if we have the courage individually and collectively to "snitch" on our own. One thing I know for sure is that many of us are victims or terrorists. How far are we going to protect them? Are we willing to assist the "status quo" in finding these terrorists or will fear and mistrust trumph human life?
[quote]I am ready for them to send in the army... go house to house.... search every damn one of them.... and take all the guns they find out. Then arrest every person who has a gun. The whole damn city. They can start with mine and then move on. I have had it. Declare marshal law. Shut these thugs down.[/quote]
I am none too surprised that Ms. Jody is willing to hand her RIGHTS over to the government authority if it is in support of the violation of a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT that she does not like.
Jody - If they were to search my house they would find that I own 3 guns.
The only problem, Jody, I AM NOT A THUG. The presence of my guns has not translated into me going on a murderous spree that has left Black people DEAD.
It is nothing short of IGNORANT of you to assume that it is the GUN rather than the PERSON who is responsible for the murderous spree in Philadelphia and other cities where chaos reigns.
It is quite perverted that some people's rationale boils down to "Government please pass a law that PREVENTS MY SONS FROM GAINING ACCESS TO A GUN AND THUS KILLING MY NEIGHBOR'S SON".
It is quite clear to me that these people are operating off of their MOTIVATIONS, not the TOOLS that they have in hand. As we see in Zimbabwe - absent guns - they'll use machetes.
It is ironic that when the Black community was under assault from the Klan we TRADED ILLEGAL GUNS.
This was because racist store owners would not sell weapons nor ammunition to local Blacks because THEY might be the receivers of the buckshot as they rode through our streets terrorizing us. Blacks took it upon themselves to smuggle guns into the neighborhoods to DEFEND their own homes.
Fast forward less than 100 years later and we see that while some Blacks are still smuggling guns - they are doing so as they set up the scenario where a Black man is the VICTIM of these illegal guns.
The AME church at that time was not calling for a gun ban. They were suggesting that every Black home be stocked with a gun for DEFENSIVE PURPOSES.
It was the WHITE RACISTS who would have loved to kick in our doors to CONFISCATE our guns.
Boy have the times changed. The threats to our rights and the people seeking to take our guns have expanded though.
Here is my favorite AME Bishop of all time who got it right in regards to both GUNS and BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS. It appears that you could use some of his knowledge:
Henry McNeal Turner
[UN]constructive Feedback, how much, exactly, does the NRA pay you? I tell you what; why don't you trade in those "three guns" and use the money for a down payment on a country club membership? Trust me, where you live in Atlanta or it's sorrounding area, there won't be anyone breaking into YOUR house anytime soon. So relax. I am sure you have moved far enough away from the "hood" and all of its problems to feel safe living within your white picket fence.
I'm black.Let me state this,most black youths are the problem(not all but most).D*** rap music is a contributer.Unmarried black folks having numerous children they can't afford is also part of the problem.Most(not all)black folks are a** backwards and ignorant.I watched black folks happiness during the election process and i thought to myself that most of those ignorant negroes will not benefit from mr obama's administration because many of them are too d*** ignorant.
[quote] Is the outrage greater when whites are killed? Clearly something stopped him.[/quote]
The outrage is greater when a WHITE person is killed because ultimately all of it is a function of MARKETING and MANUFACTURED OUTRAGE.
Let me let you in on some "inside baseball" as it relates to the Black community.
You see the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser is stuck within a certain boundary because of the ideological positions that he has chosen to encamp himself within.
* White or Police kills Black - he is able to make maximum marketing advantage of this. Here is no COST for him to demand that the KILLER GET PUNISHED to the further extent of the LAW!!!
* White kills White - he will use this information to make note "See THEY have the same problems that WE have". He pacifies himself (aka masturbates himself) into believing that by noting YOUR problems that HE is not so bad after all. Thus it is the NEWS MEDIA that is responsible for making Blacks look bad. All the while his new found rationalization has not done a DAMNED THING to reduce the number of B on B killings
* Black kills Black - this places our BQPFRC friends into a nullified existence. You see Boogman - If he rants about "JUSTICE" then this will mean "another BLACK MAN IN JAIL". They are opposed to the prisons being full of Black men already. Thus adding to this collection only confounds their condition. Sadly the BLACK VICTIM'S FAMILY seeking JUSTICE is S.O.L. in that they are not going to receive strong backing from the usual suspects as to their loss. This dead Black person is but a "N_gga who GOT himself killed" in their view. Wrong place, wrong time, received a bullet with his name upon it.
*Black kills White:
This is most problematic for them. They know that the WHITE community has something on them now. The angry White racists might decide to start talking about "Those N's........". Sadly the BQPFRC have to just suck it up and wait till things die down in the way of anger.
When the murder trial starts they lurk in the courtroom, watching the trial to make sure that the BLACK MURDER SUSPECT receives JUSTICE. Their only hope to turn the situation around is to apply "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" where they can find some TECHNICALITY done by the legal system that can turn the BLACK MURDER SUSPECT into a VICTIM of the American justice system.
There you have it Boogman - I quick synopsis of what goes on behind the scenes with regard to the interplay of RACE and HOMICIDE.
If you THINK that these people want ABSOLUTE JUSTICE without regard to RACE -then I will give you a $20 bill as long as you agree to have it hang out of your back pocket and take a walk down Cobbs Creek Parkway at 12:30 at night.
For the Black community it is ALSO going to take our willingness to promote the ASSAULTS done by BLACK THUGS to be EQUAL TO THAT of assaults done by WHITE RACISTS upon our people. In PROMOTING the Black Thug up to an EQUAL standing our community will work to TAKE BACK OUR STREETS by MANAGEMENT action rather than by the JACKBOOTED THUG HOUSE BY HOUSE SEARCHES THAT YOU TWO ARE NEARLY AGREEING TO.
Those who yield RIGHTS in pursuit of SAFETY deserve NEITHER!!!!
Wasn't this the statement when it was ACADEMIC roughly 7 years ago through to about 5 days ago?
Excuse me Filled Negro!!!
No diversion to
* The National Rifle Association
* Fox News
* The Republicans
* Conservatives
* Clarence Thomas
* I could go on but you get it
IS GOING TO CHANGE A DAMNED THING in regards to the PAINFUL TRUTH that is going on in Philly and elsewhere.
I thought that you "got it" with regards to the Transfat Obfuscation of a few weeks ago. Clearly you did not.
Do you not see that thus far your (collective 'your') forte had been PROTEST?
You now run things and now your MACHINE must come up with a means of bringing forth ORDER (lest more people DIE) all the while staying within the bounds of the CONSTITUTION.
Fox News did not KILL ANYONE.
Obfuscation is not going to decrease the MURDER COUNT in your right hand strip of shame.
Most black youths are not the problem. What percentage of black youth are perpetrating violent crimes? I dare say it is less than 50%.
Stop making stupid generalizations.
You keep making references to "generalizations."
Here's a numerical fact:
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, there are 36.6 million African Americans in the United States.
This number represents 12.3% of the overall population of the country.
The point I was trying to make by bringing up was, African Americans can't afford to lose anymore of their own. The killing has got to stop.
Christopher, now I understand. My bad.
I throw my hands up in the air in disbelief. Why is there so much black on black criminal victimization?
Poor people have always primarily gone after poor people. There is relatively little violent crime against rich people. This has always been the case in every society throughout history.
The issue with black people is that poverty is about 2.5 times as high as among whites. Poverty and crime historically go together. The better comparison would be, for instance, to compare crime rates among poor black people with crime rates among other poor populations.
Slavery did a real number on black people. It wrecked the family structure, and it didn't recover fully. You've got a big swath of the black community that simply does not have the life habits that people need to have if they expect to live stable, productive lives.
The second bomb was welfare, which started with the best of intensions but actually incentivized the further breakup of families. When Moynihan tried to talk about it in the late '60s (early '70s?) he was shouted down, but in fact he was right about the black family in crisis and the role of welfare.
The third bomb was drugs, especially crack. And then you have all these little bomblets around, like hip-hop and fights over running shoes, and smart black kids who are stigmatized by their peers for "acting white."
This is not a simple set of issues, but anyone who says that this is the fault of society in general is missing most of the story. You have shocking percentages of black kids who are uneducated and unqualified to hold a job in a damn car wash let alone anything better. That kind of thing traces back to families, or more to the point the lack of them.
[quote]Poor people have always primarily gone after poor people. There is relatively little violent crime against rich people. This has always been the case in every society throughout history.[/quote]
Grinder - this is not the case.
I just finished watching a foreign film from India over the weekend. You would agree that India has not only more than 3 times the number of people living within than does the USA they also have a far greater percentage of poor people than does the USA.
Despite this fact they are #26 on the world homicide list where as the wealthy USA is #24 (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_percap-crime-murders-per-capita)
The CULTURE that is present within India plays a part in their lower numbers relative to the USA.
If your theory was so they would have a far greater RATE of murder since their poverty rate is higher as well.
Slavery did a real number on black people. It wrecked the family structure, and it didn't recover fully.
The black family structure was actually in much better shape under segregation in the 1950's than it is now. Blaming slavery for that is an unfair correlation.
The following is from a December article in the Washington Post.
"There were other puzzling facts. In 1950, at the height of the Jim Crow era and despite the shattering legacy of slavery, the great majority of black children -- an estimated 85 percent -- were born to their two married parents. Just 15 years later, there seemed to be no obvious reason that that would change. With the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, legal barriers to equality were falling. The black middle class had grown substantially, and the first five years of the 1960s had produced 7 million new jobs. Yet 24 percent of black mothers were then bypassing marriage. Moynihan wrote later that he, like everyone else in the policy business, had assumed that "economic conditions determine social conditions." Now it seemed, "what everyone knew was evidently not so."
Since 1965, through economic recessions and booms, the black family has unraveled in ways that have little parallel in human cultures. By 1980, black fatherlessness had doubled; 56 percent of black births were to single mothers. In inner-city neighborhoods, the number was closer to 66 percent. By the 1990s, even as the overall fertility of American women, including African Americans, was falling, the majority of black women who did bear children were unmarried. Today, 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. In some neighborhoods, two-parent families have vanished. In parts of Newark and Philadelphia, for example, it is common to find children who are not only growing up without their fathers but don't know anyone who is living with his or her biological father.
What's the literacy rate of India's poor versus the United States'?
There is this knee jerk reaction to chalk it up to poverty amoung liberals, esp when the perpetrator is a black male (maybe not pc to say, but still true). This makes my blood boil. Am I supposed tyo believe that they were on the verge of starvation? No, I believe it is greed and going to pay for a bottle of Crystal not for chemo for mom.
If poverty were the cause of roberies most would be committed by people who are most likely to be poor- women and older people. Ironically those are the groups who are least invovled in these sort of things. I mean, how often are these crimes NOT committed by young men? It offends me that, with all the financial stuggles so many people have and bare with dignity I am told these young men of poverty. BS, I feel we are victims of them, and if they are unable to get legit work maybe it is their own character defects, not societal injustice, that keeps them on the fringes
"Slavery did a real number on black people. It wrecked the family structure, and it didn't recover fully."
BS, look at most of Africa and it is very common and accepted for males to not feel any obligation to act in a way that benefits their family as opposed to themselves.
Obama's father started a 2nd family without being upfront that he already had a wife and child. He ended up having around 8 kids with 4 or 5 women. AND HE DIDN"T TAKE CARE OF ANY OF THEM. Noone in Kenya seems to think this is a problem. Didn't you notice that?
And Obama's father was neither poor or uneducated so those two excuses flounder too.
[UN]constructive....I bet there is no NRA in India.
to Anon at 10>06 am: "Glad to hear that the Field bank accounts backed up MRS. Field's love of our President's candidacy. I'm still awaiting the footage of Field's nekkid run.
Do not hold your breath, anonymous-i agree with your post.
Field: To not acknowledge a self imposed bet you made with your readers because a crabs in the barrel mentality excluded you from thinking a Black man would actually be elected in "A-merry-ca"-THAT is house negro behavior.
it's all about incentives. The fact that you can get locked up longer for having an ounce of crack than holding a gun to someone's head is extremely fucked up.
Sentence for crack - 5 years
Sentence for mugging - 3 years
And what do you think the mugger will do when he gets out of jail? And how long before his mugging turns fatal?
Simple solution? Commit a crime with a gun. Life sentence. Period. Carry an illegal gun? 25 year sentence.
Now any conservatives who want to quibble with my anti-gun law. Any law abiding citizen is free to carry a gun. Hell, you can carry concealed if you want. As long as it's legal.
The other thing to keep in mind is you're still much much more likely to die in a car accident than a random shooting.
If poverty and education level are not reasons for black on black violence that knee-jerk-reaction liberals cite, then I must pose the following question:
Is violent crime the same among poor and uneducated blacks as it is among bourgeois blacks?
If the answer is yes, then I guess blacks, including me, have "character defects." If the answer is no, then I guess you have a slight reasoning or brain defect.
India, with a population of 1.1 billion has a literacy rate of 64.8% (53.7% for women and 75.3% for men) with various states like Kerala enjoying the highest literacy rate of 91% and Behar having the lowest at 47%.
The USA, with a population of 305 million, has a 99% literacy rate. Many high-income countries, having attained high levels of literacy, no longer collect basic literacy statistics so there could be a discrepancy.
Recently, I saw a piece in USAToday that said as many as 1-in-7 American adults either cannot read at a functional level or require some amount of remedial tutoring to read at a 12th grade level.
The issue of gun ownership in the USA v. India is telling. The USA has the dubious distinction of having the highest reported gun ownership number for any country on earth. 90 guns per 100 residents.
By contrast, India is 32nd in the world with 4 guns per 100 residents.
Thanks, Christopher.
Obama's father came from a polygamous tribe so it was not a big deal for him to go on a 'marrying' spree.
One more thing people were happy to see someone genetically linked to them get to the white house. Talk to a lot of kenyans and they also note that he wasn't there for Obama but bottomline is he is product of his parents genes.
Most Africans grew up in a two parent household. Most men take their families seriously. Yes we have wars and Aids but most men try and take care of their families and you can no way compare it to the statistics in inner city america.
Your solution was one that Granny always felt they should have done, but like someone else on this blog mentioned it wouldn't do any good. They'd always be able to get another gun, which is true. Beside which, there are some people against it. I was all for that idea and always thought it was a good one.
What I don't understand is why they don't crack down on the people that the kids are getting the guns from. I think that they should start making stiffer laws against those selling kids guns and go after them hard by giving stiffer penalties. Not only that, start doing police raids on these illegal gun sellers and smugglers. However, like the drug trade, I feel like they've let it get out of hand and it's overwhelming. California has a law that automatically gives a five year sentence if a person is caught with a gun that is not registered.
In order for guns to work they need bullets, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to stop the production of them as well. That might not make sense to some, but it makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Another thing, is that all these pro-gun and NRA folks don't help the situation. There are just as many folks with guns that are registered that kill people too. No one should have a gun, except soldiers and law enforcement, but then again, there are some law enforcement officers that don't need them, because they're worse than the kids.
I would even go for metal detectors installed all throughout cities, that would go off, when someone is carrying a gun, and the police could confiscate their gun on the spot. Installing them would, also, create new jobs.
My city used to be high on the list of murders. They went through this city and did a clean sweep and since then, it's been pretty quiet and peaceful, the killings have went down.
They want people to chastise their kids, but they tied their hands when they made laws that prevented them from doing just that. Time out doesn't change children's behavior, but a switch or belt on their behind does. Spare the rod, you spoil the child.
Another problem, is kids are raising kids nowadays, because both parent are forced to work or children are coming up in single parent homes. When mothers were allowed the privilege of staying home, they were able to keep their children on a straight and narrow because they were at home keeping a watchful eye on their children.
[quote][UN]constructive....I bet there is no NRA in India.
My friend Filled Negro:
I person so inclined to kill or maim you is going to use what ever tool that he has at hand.
Here are the various attacks in Zimbabwe using a machete. The NRA, along with other outside civil rights groups have been BANNED from the country.
"Someone hacked at my legs with a machete"
The manager of a white-owned farm in northern Zimbabwe has suffered serious head injuries, after a pro-government militant struck him with a machete.
A Zimbabwe opposition MP has been denied bail over an assault on a fellow MP and other party officials.
I focus on Zimbabwe because last year there was a report on the MSNBC web page about roving bands of thugs who were hacking up people with machetes - including BABIES.
Zimbabwe, as with Southwest Philly is going to have to get beyond the past MOLESTATION that de WHITE MAN has done to them and install a LAW AND ORDER REGIME to deal with the people ALIVE TO-DAMNED-DAY rather than paying honor to the ancestors who died before them by claiming that they can relate to the pain that they suffered. In as much as BLACK OPERATIVES today are inflicting the pain anyone stuck with this illogic are effectively enablers to the current chaos.
Filled Negro - YOU are the CHANGE that YOU have been waiting for.
I don't know what the answers are to such tragic stories as these.
I don't think that the revocation of constitutional rights or imposition of martial law can be part of the answer.
All these things are multifaceted with a lot of different causal factors.
Switzerland's males are required to undergo military training, join the militia, and keep military grade weapons at home-it was only recently that issuance of government ammunition was discontinued, though the government still subsidizes ammunition sales. Gun ownership is part of Swiss culture. Switzerland has a far lower homicide rate than the US. In Brazil and Mexico there is no constitutional right to bear arms; there are severe limits on private gun ownership. Both countries have much higher homicide rates than the US.
There are a MYRIAD of other differences but of course but the point is it's not the guns.
It's also economic inequality, the continuing impact of racism, greed, indifference to life, broken families, lax penal systems, etc, etc,etc.
All that said though it still comes down to an individual choice. Someone made the choice to take that young man's life. Other people, raised in the exact same circumstances, MOST people raised in those circumstances don't kill anyone.
I like the idea of greater punishment for crimes involving a firearm. I like the idea of more resources devoted to tracking and eliminating illegal gun sales.
I do not like the idea of police deciding to confiscate all guns or the Army being unleashed on US citizens. The Army's job is kill people and destroy things; it's not law enforcement.
This might not make sense, but then, again, sometimes what doesn't make sense works.
Another thing, I think that no one should be allowed to own a weapon, not even hunters. It's a way for them to compromise as well. They could set up stations at different hunting sites where hunting guns are stored under the watchful eye of security and personnel. Whenever, they want to hunt, they can go and check their guns out. All hunters would have their own personal lockers to keep their guns in that no one else has the code to.
It would be another way to create jobs, because someone would have to be there 24/7 to make sure that the guns are locked up, kept safe, and prevent them from being stolen.
First, I think education has a lot to do with it. However, schools need to come up with a better solution than sending kids home, for every little issue or kicking them out. They need to find a new way to teach that will grab the kids attention, encourage, and make them want to learn. There are some teachers who have that gift, and maybe, they should have training programs where other teachers could learn from them their teaching strategies. Some are just there for a paycheck and to practice and figure out new ways on how to get rid of students when they should be trying to discover and learn new ways to keep them in school.
I have to be honest with you. I have been reading your stuff for a while and on a RELATIVE basis I have to applaud you on your last 2 posts because they are an enormous improvement over your typical posts. Normally you would seek to shift the conversation over to the part that Conservatives/Republicans have played in the injury under discussion.
Don't get me wrong - I could not DISAGREE with you more strongly.
[quote]Another thing, I think that no one should be allowed to own a weapon, not even hunters[/quote]
So now we should NATIONALIZE the weapons, huh Granny? What happens when an unsavory and brutal regime takes over and then uses these weapons that YOU have yielded control of to KILL those like you who "Stand For Truth" but who don't have kevlar?
It would be another way to create jobs, because someone would have to be there 24/7 to make sure that the guns are locked up, kept safe, and prevent them from being stolen.[/quote]
Excuse me Granny - No doubt the "Gun Guards" will be making a living wage if you have anything to do with it. QUESTION - WHO is going to pay their salaries? Typically there are fees charged to the user of such services.
What happens to the rural area poor who REALLY DO "hunt" for that which they eat?
Earlier this summer I talked to an elderly Black man who told me that they used to be so poor that they used to shoot the little brown rabbits that I now see in my back yard (and occasionally run over with my car). I can just imagine how these poor families would fare in a world where YOU dictated the usage of such weaponry. I have little doubt that the starvation rate would exceed the homicide rate.
[quote]They need to find a new way to teach that will grab the kids attention, encourage, and make them want to learn. [/quote]
The THEY that you speak of were MY PARENTS.
My parents were the MANAGERS of my educational career. They were both proactive managers and "managers by exception". If any of their children's performances were slacking THEY were the primary source for corrective behavior. This included turning the television off or, when needed - using the leather belt method. This was an effective tutor in most cases.
Well, Granny. It's worse now given this economy-- you have more people posing as teachers just to get a paycheck.
When the economy tanks, the following safe havens are: education, health care and government.
[quote] Shut up if you don't have a real solution other than moving in neighborhoods with suburban cattle. Consider your blog marked, genius.[/quote]
Excuse me Brother Former Marxist - it is clear that the people who now have POWER in these communities under discussion got into POWER by promoting their SOLUTIONS. In as much as their SOLUTIONS were focused on OUTSIDE ENEMIES their assent to POWER has not changed the key points that the Black community became politically active to SOLVE.
Instead of holding CBW accountable for coming up with a SOLUTION before she is allowed to SPEAK.....you and other ideological bigots need to demand SILENCE from those who are now in POWER over these communities until they come up with EFFECTIVE solutions.
Enemies and traitors don't deserve civility.[/quote]
And with YOU as the judge of who is the ENEMY and the TRATOR I can assure you that those who receive the blows of INCIVILITY from your forces will just so happen to also be those who DISAGREE with you.
So much for freedom of speech and SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER.
It appears that once YOUR FAVORED PEOPLE get into POWER you take a vow of silence.
@ Field... I understand completely where you were going wth this and I am a Obamaholic (mostly a Michelle one ;) )
@ Christopher... I'm from Rochster, NY also. And I'm a member of the black community. You're right about Black on Black crime will never go away. Just White on White crime won't. There'll aways be crime, but we can decrease the instances. The community centers, clergy's and marchs that we have our great and do help in some respect. The thing is, I see the same people all the time. MORE people need to be involved in their communities. Poverty isn't always in issue, because here in the good ole ROC, we had black youth coming in from the burbs from pretty decent homes committing murders.
Part of the problem as I see it (and I in no way know all the solutions) is us black folk pointing fingers and running away, instead of becoming involved. What happened to being a parent instead of being a friend. Outside influences happen, but they major influence STARTS at home. As someone who makes themselve involved in the community, I am so tired of hearing xyz school district is bad and I would put my child in it, but yet you're not doing anything to try to improve it. I'm tired of hearing about how these kids are no good, but yet people would rather stay at home and watch tv, gossip at the salon or do whatever, and that wasted time spent could have been used to mentor or volunteer.
I'm 29, and can remember the whole if you got in trouble at school everybody on your block was waiting when you came home to tap that butt. When did we become scared?? When did we lose that village and community??
Obama and what he has done is great. But WE have to change our attitudes and WE have to do the things that it will take to get our community back.
Ok,I done. Sorry about that but I know so many people talkin junk where I'm from and not willing to get involved.
Field--I'm no shrink I'd bet the emotions displayed in these comments (including your back and forth with the NRA tip) clearly are rooted in our subconscious pain. The pain here is rooted in the simple notion that we do NOT want to face hard truths and decisions. One of which is that while poverty is a factor in this, it's not a cover or shield, either. The liberal mag The Atlantic did a story last year on crime rising in medium sized and small cities, and the suburbs. The scope of denial about moving patterns, Section 8 housing clustered in the burbs was troubling. We are angry and striking out at one another on this blog b/c it is painful to admit these things about ourselves.
It's like Hamas. It's easier to blame Israel and hide behind civilians (as Barack hinted in his Inaugural address) than it is to create, govern, build. Interesting analogies to our psyche on this issue.
I guarantee you the Obama UDSDOJ is going to reinvigorate community policing funding. That doesn't mean a nicer friendlier cops. It means cops will be all up in folks business, and the black community is going to have to make a choice: do you want renewal, peace, safety, nuture...or do you want the status quo, keeping your mouth shut and snitching on a son, boyfriend, granddaughter, terror, crazy warped priorities, etc.
That's it. Nothing in between. Leave this bullshit behind or die.
Of course, you have clowns on one extreme like brotherkomrade on the left, and nsangoma on the right, who are content to stick to nonsense.
Hey, we should all hook up sometime and have a beer and wings.
I know a number of cool places we could meet and talk politics. I'm not from ROC-City originally -- I'm a Cali boy, Bay Area and LA, and we're going to move back this year, so I would enjoy talking to you.
Give me a shout out.
Granny got another solution for you, sense all the black on black crime we’re speaking of appears to be committed by BLACK MALES why don’t you start confiscating the BLACK MALES?
Seems to me if this were done the problem would be solved over night?
Another positive from that would be the poor black babies born out of wedlock!
Oh, I know I’m a racist bastard for saying this BUT, you all know it would solve the problem.
LOL! I know you read the part where I said it might not make sense. That wasn't a real plan. If Granny had her way, though, there wouldn't be any such thing as guns in the whole wide world, people would learn to get along with each other, and live in peace. Too bad, I can't get my way, huh?
BTW, I do think it's ashame that our country is way down on the bottom of the list as far as education is concerned. Especially, since we claim a reputation of being a leading nation and great super power. Because our educational system is in shambles, and to tell you the truth, I'm embarrassed every time someone makes that claim. We're only fooling ourselves. And we really do need to get down to business, because some of the poorest countries in the world top us in education.
Kids in other countries are learning and know more than one language and that's mandatory. Yet, in our own country our children can barely speak, read, or write our one and only language, English. Other countries are proficient in math and science, but not here in our country.
Bush said, "Is our kids learning?" And that came out of the mouth of a Harvard graduate. Smh!
Took a few days off now I remember why. The formula never changes.
"BS, look at most of Africa and it is very common and accepted for males to not feel any obligation to act in a way that benefits their family as opposed to themselves."
And how much of Africa do you know?
Another one of those generalizations.
If you knew real traditional African Cultures, you would also know that for Africans generally their children are their life after death and one is considered doomed if they negelct their child.
And if you care to read articles about Obama Senior in African papers, you would notice that he is highly despised for his actions and life style. He is considered a tragic figure and the people of Kogelo as having no real right to celebrate his achievement. Many are embarrassed for them. It is a common cautionary tale to African men, If you negect your child and he/she becomes someone of importance someday, you should be truly ashamed.
Just as well he is passed otherwise it would have been extremely embarrasing for him.
There are disfunctional families and fatherless children but it is not accepted as the norm. Big difference.
Anonymous 8:36:
Snicker...snicker. Why so you could feel free to rape a sistah?
"I'm 29, and can remember the whole if you got in trouble at school everybody on your block was waiting when you came home to tap that butt. When did we become scared?? When did we lose that village and community??"
When I was going to school, you got that butt tapped at school, and another one when you got home.
A guy I knew in high school was shot by philly PD on inauguration day. They had to remove 1 kidney. The other one failed today and he died. They said he was resisting arrest and a struggle broke out over the gun when it "discharged" hitting him in the side. Witnesses were saying they heard *2 or 3* shots before "Get down on the ground!" was yelled. So who knows what the fuck really went down.
They found 20 vials in his car.
R.I.P. Jamaar.
Here are some unflattering articles on Obama Senior.
And this is just from one paper.
"Where do criminals get their GUNS?"
Trust me they not gone answer that question. I've asked the same question many times before.
Nope, because that cuts off the profits made from selling guns. When its a profit to be made in it, they just lay all the blame on the blacks, while the ones who are at the root of the problem just slide on down Park Avenue to Boardwalk and get rich off of death and blood money.
In the mean time no one comes up with a solution or will come up with one. The racist folks get to keep on harping on how worthless black folks are. Kids will continue to die in the streets, and those in the background selling the guns, smuggling in drugs get a free pass, and make a fortune.
Yup, that's the way it goes in America. It's like the kids are how you say dispensable, but those in the background who are smuggling drugs and guns into our neighborhoods are not. Hey! It must be the money. It's a vicious circle.
Forget the guns- look at the family
No men at home, that's really the story. Where are the fathers??????
Anonymous 10:31:
"Where are the fathers??????"
@ The useless conservatives:
First of all learn how to spell an anarchist. Now where to begin, I could make a long list of movements and coalitions in community activism in my earlier years, but that would be bragging and it would remind you of what an incredibly unproductive human being that you and most people of your ilk are. So stick to you just being responsible for yourself, thump your bible, wave your flag, and pray to the hippie nailed to the cross, and keep your thoughts out of the struggle for those who life pay-check-to-pay-check.
Solutions? Easy. Have a community effort aided by OUR tax dollars (instead of it going to carpet bombs) that will create jobs, and give young people something to do. People steal because they are poor. Morals and Sunday school don't enter into it. If you take the sociopaths of our community and locked them all up, you will still have the majority who will commit crimes because there are no jobs. This is not victomology, but plain facts. Read Manning Marable's How Capitalism Underdeveloped the black community.
I visited Cuba once in my lie and despite the economic crisis there (brought on by the U.S. embargo), the young people had something to do. They had a sense of responsibility to their communities that entailed volunteerism. We don't have that in our culture, but I believe that if we did, the issues that black conservatives wring their hands over will be dealt with.
"Anonymous said...
Granny got another solution for you, sense all the black on black crime we’re speaking of appears to be committed by BLACK MALES why don’t you start confiscating the BLACK MALES?
Seems to me if this were done the problem would be solved over night?
Another positive from that would be the poor black babies born out of wedlock!
Oh, I know I’m a racist bastard for saying this BUT, you all know it would solve the problem."
You aren't a racist. You are just ignorant, and it is painfully obvious that you and Constructive don't know many black people. Because many black males I know work, take care of their children, aren't depraved and have been married for a long time.
So you two, and others, can wallow in your ignorance.
LOL@ "First of all learn how to spell an anarchist."
If a person can't even spell "anarchist," it's probably safe to assume that he/she don't know much about an "anarchist." But yet, he/she is the most vociferous when commenting about an anarchist.
The above is one of the typical hallmarks of a "low-level so-called conservative."
If you ask him/her what publications do he/she reads, he/she will probably reply with, "why, all of them."
Brother Chambers,
Apologies for the long post...
On things Ghetto
This story is deplorable, no doubt. Black on black crime is a very sad reality. And we as a community ought to be outraged by it. Most of us are. I grew up in Inglewood--not the safest city in the world. Inglewood is like any other 'hood. Most people, our youth included, are doing their best to make ends meet. To reduce, as you do, black people to drug users and criminals is outrageous...
Law enforcement
The role of police officers has generally been to protect the white wealthy and/or politically connected elites, from non-white people. Harassment, brutality and frame-ups was pretty much a typical police officer/black person encounter up until around the 70s. Given this history one would thing that for any thinking black person, whatever "excuses" the white folks who control the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex come up with is irrelevant. Think about it. Don't you find it the least bit problematic that the white people who oppressed us still make the rules and enforce the laws?? (Btw thats precisely the problem in much of Africa--neocolonialism).
Victim blaming
I would agree that whilst we are resisting oppression we must also ensure that we are not reproducing the very same inhumanity that we are struggling against. But you seem inclined to believe that black people are inherently or hopelessly prone to criminality and that our problem is mostly about blaming white people--for why else would you bring up Zimbabwe? And to suggest that gentrification is the answer...well--im not even gonna go there with you. If you truly believe that then I would be wasting my keystrokes.
Savage African Americans/Africans
I have never been to southern Africa but I have traveled quite a lot in West Africa (seven countries). And I have had many convos with Zimbs, both Shonas and Ndebele ((sp?)--the two major ethnic groups). Using Zimbabwe to prove what you seem to believe is some sort of generalized black pathology is just bizarre. What do you really know about Zimb and Mugabe besides what the western media filters??
Simple. All is not Doom and Gloom. There is much more going on in the 'hood than crime. Continue to fight the good fight. Cosby and Obama aren't useful. Middle class House Negroes throwing money at the problem (Cosby) and berating the black "underclass" (Cosby/Obama) is unproductive. I, for one, will be on the ground using my tools to give back concrete skills to my brothers and sisters in the 'hood and in Africa.
Brother Former Marxist:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are far more effective operating as the sea creature that comes out of his hole to strike at passing fish and then returning into his lair.
[quote] I could make a long list of movements and coalitions in community activism in my earlier years, but that would be bragging and it would remind you of what an incredibly unproductive human being that you and most people of your ilk are.[/quote]
I have learned to ignore people's CHECK LISTS and ask one simple question:
Brother Former Marxist - WHERE YOU EFFECTIVE at addressing the problem that you sought to correct?
[quote] Solutions? Easy. Have a community effort aided by OUR tax dollars (instead of it going to carpet bombs) that will create jobs, and give young people something to do.[/quote]
AND THAT'S your problem.
Always looking at TAX DOLLARS to CREATE JOBS. Despite the wet dreams that some of you all have over the "Clinton Economic boom" it was NOT the government Enterprise Zones that lead to the large job creation numbers. It was in fact the FINANCIAL MARKETS which injected hundreds of billions in CAPITAL to BUSINESSES in conjunction with a technological revolution that created MILLIONS OF JOBS.
It is ironic that CAPITALISTIC exploits created the conditions that many SOCIALISTS point to as the glory days of their policies.
[quote]People steal because they are poor.[/quote]
Excuse me - Stealing is but one aspect of this crime at hand and the general condition of some parts of Philly. This was a ROBBERY at gun point and a MURDER. There was no reason to shoot and murder this young Black man. Add to that the murder rate that is fueled by the drug trade in Philly and you will see that you theories are misplaced.
People ROB and MURDER other people because they lust after another's property and they devalue the life of this other person over material possessions. If you can show me that the killer was at the point of starvation and thus chose the young man's life so that he could eat - I'd love to see it.
[quote]because there are no jobs.
This is not victomology, but plain facts. Read Manning Marable's How Capitalism Underdeveloped the black community.[/quote]
Manning Marable has little credibility with me. He is yet another LEFTIST humanities professor posing as an ECONOMIST.
There are ABUNDANT POTENTIAL JOBS in these areas which you speak of Brother Former Marxist. These jobs are not being expressed because LABOR has PRICED THEMSELVES OUT OF THE MARKET.
It is quite ironic that you can pride yourself in having visited FREAKING CUBA where the average citizen makes $27 per MONTH and yet you likely took offense to my statement above about being PRICED OUT OF THE MARKET. An America would scoff at $27 per DAY.
Here is the danger of your irreverent theories:
Where as you and others look at the PER HOUR PAY that is offered in some jobs and call it EXPLOITATION as you demand a LIVING WAGE - you fail to tally the COSTS to everyone in these same cities as the jobs vacate and the negative elements begin to rise.
Brother Former Marxist - what is the COST per hour of:
* Being locked up and away from one's family?
* Not being a father or mother who can make an impression in a child's life because of incarceration?
* Being addicted to drugs and thus wasting your potential?
* Sitting idle on the stoop, unemployed because you DEMAND a salary that is $3 more per hour than a "CONSUMER OF LABOR" is willing to pay for your skills and services?
CLEARLY there is a price that is being paid as this POTENTIAL LABOR is made idle.
Your friend Manning Marable is 100% WRONG in his concept of "How Capitalism UNDERDEVELOPED the Black Community".
We can make note of the city of Detroit just as a reference. Blacks moved North because there was an abundance of factory jobs in need of manpower. Thus CAPITALISM allowed Black people to trade their labor for salaries. The communities where these "sellers of labor" lived were DEVELOPED as money flowed in.
To make the case that CAPITALISM UNDERDEVELOPED the Black community is to argue that THE ICE SENT 'COLD' INTO HOT COFFEE AND MADE IT COLD. Whereas the natural state of man absent a SYSTEM THAT GENERATES WEALTH IS POVERTY. A people become UNimpoverished as much as there is a SYSTEM in place to generate wealth for them.
As such there is no such thing as HEAT and COLD. There is only HEAT and the ABSENCE OF HEAT. There are SYSTEMS THAT GENERATE WEALTH (heat) and then there is placement OUTSIDE OF A SYSTEM THAT GENERATES WEALTH (absence of heat).
In the example with the coffee - the water in the coffee was treated to energy that made it HOT. When ice was added - the HEAT from the coffee was transfered into the frozen water known as ICE and thus the coffee experienced a net TRANSFER of heat. Left untouched both the HOT COFFEE and the FROZEN WATER will gravitate toward their normal - which is ROOM TEMPERATURE.
The Room Temperature of man is POVERTY.
What you and Manning Marable NEED TO focus on is upon developing SYSTEMS that allow man to make full use of his own TALENTS and thus receive needed compensation for him to LIVE at the standard that he desires.
Your systems are based on CONFISCATION and REPRESSION.
It is ironic that you are more angered about the deeds that the USA has done to CUBA in absentia than the INTERNAL REPRESSION that the system in CUBA has done to the people.
Could it be that the poverty of Cuba today is in truth the productivity of the SYSTEM that has been left alone to operate at "room temperature"?
News of yet another untimely death in the black community certainly brings out the rightie celebrants from their perches on the...
You asked me a question yesterday about how would people hunt for food if they had no guns. I am going to answer that question. Then I'll be signing off and won't be posting as much for a while. I am working on a family project and need to get it done before our next family reunion.
Anyway, when there was no such thing as guns, how did people hunt? I know, I know, answering a question with a question. Nope, I plan to answer it. They set traps and threw out nets and food was plenty. (wink)
Have a blessed day!
@BT ~ "rightie celebrants"
Clearly you have reading comprehension problems.
Constructive Feedback~ Why both trying to reason with unreasonable people? They twist words, call names and basically engage in meaningless verbal sparring.
I'm just amazed at how bitter and vitriolic BQSPRC's are. You are good brother and I tip my hat to your veracity -- I guess since I am a "low-level" conservative that I'll just throw my hands up and say "Power to the People" I'm done with these types. I haven't seen this type of childishness since highschool -- and some of these guys are parents...how frightening.
I haven't read all the comments but once again no one saw anything, unlike the Oscar Grant killing where people recorded it and went to the press.
And Anonymous 11:41 is just lame. Better to trust the thugs who have declared outright war against black people than the National Guard. We won't clean our own house and we don't want anyone else to do it either. Pathetic.
I still say we have evolved to a group of committed victims.
I had forgot to say this to you. I agree with you, they don't know too many blacks and it's obvious. Their obsessive fear of blacks is overly nescience.
Have a blessed day!
The black blogsphhere's very own Sybil, calves yet another presence with -
I'm just amazed at how bitter and vitriolic BQSPRC's are.
If you really believe your rather stupid puppy is reviled nearly by the entire black blogsphere is because he spouts conservative "pricerples" (Wwhatever TF those are)...
Then you are dumber than he/she/it is.
The near universal revulsion held for the Porch Simian (AKA CF, AKA CS, AKA whatever...) by the mass of the blogsphere is based on the fact ...
Now, they claim the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
But that one rotted on the limb.
I've been following this thread off and on since it started. But what on earth is a BQSPRC??
BQSPRC is a nonsense term invented in the fecund imagination of the Porch Simian...
Could it be that the poverty of Cuba today is in truth the productivity of the SYSTEM that has been left alone to operate at "room temperature"?"
No, moron. Read a book. This country is the one that will not let any other country "operate" at it's own "room temperature" so it does everything it can to undermine the economic systems of other countries that threaten the way of life for the rich here. Read Philip Agee's CIA papers.
If we are so concerned with the repressions of Fidel (and there are many PAST examples), where was your concern when OUR tax dollars went to the Death Squad governments of El Salvador and Guatamala? (read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man) Why are the repressive governments of these countries ignored by you, but we can supposedly "free" the people of Cuba by starving them out because they dared not be enslaved whores like the rest of the Caribbean and Latin America?
The embargo was meanrt to cripple Cuba. Too bad it didn't work. And I'd like to know how repressed can a majority of people be who are by law, required to be armed at all time out-numbering both police and military? A fact that the CIA has always tried to exploit, but has always failed in doing so.
Really, stop trying to debate with me dude. I'm not some unshaven, unwashed dormitory Marxist. You and CBW are low-rent right-wing drones who only know what you're told and follow suit.
Manning Marable is wrong? How? Cite his works and prove where in particular he was wrong, you souless, loveless, drone. If you do not or cannot, then you will prove right now, that you, CBW, and that rat, Desmond Burton of Afronerd are the frauds that you are. GFY.
"WHERE YOU EFFECTIVE at addressing the problem that you sought to correct?"
let's see, drone...worked on the Clarence Brandley coalition - black man put on death row by racist DA, racist cops and racist jurors for a murder and rape that he did not commit. Evidence tampered with and "losts".
The coalition made his case international and finally on one of the appeal hearings, one of the true murderer's girlfriend confessed that he did it, and not Brandley. Without the activism, and work of thousands of people to make Brandley's case, know, he would have been dead within the year of his wrongful conviction.
Anti-apartheid work - enough said.
Currently working to manage a technology program in Harlem that can help to keep some o kids occupied and off the streets.
So I'm as effective as I can try to be.
Well, what about you, porch simian?
Peace to BT!!!
Well, actually I'm honored to be place in the same category of Constructive Feedback and Desmond Burton (Afro-nerd)so thank you BrotherKomrade for the compliment. I am alot of things, BK but I assure you that "low-rent" isn't one of them. Perhaps if I were "low-rent" you wouldn't find me so offensive.
Continue to "FY" ....
[quote]News of yet another untimely death in the black community certainly brings out the rightie celebrants from their perches on the...[/quote]
BET Uncut - you have already been exposed like a shake dancer working her magic on a pole with her garter full of money.
You are more INDIGNANT over my purported CELEBRATION over these sad events than you feel any particular anger about the KILLER OF THIS BLACK KID.
As long as he doesn't attempt to settle in your neighborhood in VA - all is well with you.
[quote]They set traps and threw out nets and food was plenty. (wink)[/quote]
Sorry Granny - the Progressive already have that taken care of as well.
[quote]Gov. Gary Locke vetoed a bill that would have rolled back a ban on the use of ''body-gripping'' animal traps. Voters passed an initiative banning the traps in 2000, but land managers, like timber companies, have said they cannot manage pests like mountain beavers without the traps, said Bob Nichols, a policy adviser to the governor. Mr. Nichols said the governor supported a partial repeal of the ban but considered the legislation contrary to the spirit of the initiative. Matthew Preusch (NYT)[/quote]
Sharon from WI:
BQPFRC- Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser.
DETAILED DEFINITION: http://withintheblackcommunity.blogspot.com/2008/08/bqpfrc-defined-in-practical-terms.html
You have to understand Sharon - there is a history of beat down between me and BET Uncut and WhiteBowieSteve. They are like the inflatable blow up clowns that spring right back up after being hit as hard as possible.
Sharon - I can't guarantee that you will AGREE with what I believe. However, no one will ever claim that I DO NOT HAVE a framework that I operate off of and can DESCRIBE in detail.
Now, by comparison - ask BET Uncut what HE BELIEVES?
See if he can make 2 complete sentences without the words "George W. Bush", "Republicans" and "Conservatives" being inserted into his core definition of himself.
I have learned that BET Uncut is a different type of Progressive though. He is a CORPORATIST PROGRESSIVE.
Where as "Brother Former Marxist" is an Anarchist Progressive and seeks to have this nation become like Cuba....BET Uncut is a capitalist on one hand but he doesn't like conservatives and Republicans. He is willing to do pole dances for Democrats, showing that he has no respect for himself in what he will do.
[quote]BQSPRC is a nonsense term invented in the fecund imagination of the Porch Simian...[/quote]
Please note people a SIMIAN is a MONKEY.
If BET Uncut is content with calling ME - a Black man
a Resident Father
a College Graduate
a Person with top certifications in his field a
and so many other names.......
What do you think that HE thinks of the poor people in Trinidad (in Washington DC) or Anacosta?
It is clear to me that as long as these "Ignorant Blacks" don't CHALLENGE BET Uncut - he will keep his bigoted elitist judgmentalism TO HIMSELF.
Ultimately BET Uncut likes INFERIORIZED BLACKS who are thankful for the money that HE took from someone else via the GOVERNMENT and gave to THEM.
He wants centralized POWER rather than INTELLIGENCE AND POWER distributed at the PERIPHERY.
[quote]This country is the one that will not let any other country "operate" at it's own "room temperature" so it does everything it can to undermine the economic systems of other countries that threaten the way of life for the rich here. Read Philip Agee's CIA papers.[/quote]
Brother Former Marxist - I listen to various people's debate tactics and then produce FILTERS by which to block your obfuscations.
You violate the COMPREHENSIVENESS filter.
Let us assume that everything that you say about the USA's activities to undermine Cuba. Let's just say that John Perkins the Economic Hitman turned "good guy" is 100% right.
Let me ask you "Brother Former Marxist":
As you look at the CURRENT OUTCOMES in Cuba - and had to place percentages on the impact of THE UNITED STATES upon the misery in Cuba - what percentage would you place upon the actions of the Evil United States - the land upon which you rest your head each night?
What is Americans fault in the present day Cuba?
I wish I could then go and interview a person who ACTUALLY LIVES IN CUBA and get their take on it.
It is ironic that where as there are MILLIONS of Cubans that would risk their life for a 90 mile water trek to the United States - YOU were able to use your PASSPORT to return back into the "Belly of the Beast".
Simply freeking AMAZING!!!!!
You see Brother Former Marxist - you are messing with the wrong guy.
Where as YOU are contented by getting Clarence Brandley out of jail for a murder that he did not commit in metro Houston Texas - I am interested in the HOMICIDE CLOSURE RATE in Houston and other cities.
(See page 24)
You see indeed Mr. Brandley was treated unjustly as he was imprisoned for a crime that he did not commit.
As you can see from slide 24 - HOUSTON has a piss poor Homicide Closure Rate.
This means that there are many GUILTY KILLERS who still walk the streets, without much fear that they will ever get caught for their murderous deeds.
The killer HAS NOT gone through any process of adjudication and he is free to KILL SOMEONE ELSE as he figures that he can get away with it again.
I do wonder if YOU did anything to find the real killer of f Cheryl Dee Ferguson? Or was your only goal to get Mr. Brandley free. The victim of the murder girls being on their own now?
"I am interested in the HOMICIDE CLOSURE RATE in Houston and other cities"
Good for you, Mighy Mouse. The world needs more apple polishers while the rest of us deal with the tangle of larger issues.
"As you look at the CURRENT OUTCOMES in Cuba - and had to place percentages on the impact of THE UNITED STATES upon the misery in Cuba - what percentage would you place upon the actions of the Evil United States - the land upon which you rest your head each night?
100%, now prove me wrong.
Our prayers and heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of Dwayne.
Such a serious expression on his young face. Probably had to grow up faster than he should have, and was carrying alot of burden (he offered to treat his family, sounds like a kind and loving son).
This young man did not deserve to die.
A family lost a beloved son.
The Navy lost a good future sailor.
Our nation lost some of its future.
God Bless and May you rest in peace, Dwayne.
Given this history one would thing that for any thinking black person, whatever "excuses" the white folks who control the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex come up with is irrelevant. Think about it. Don't you find it the least bit problematic that the white people who oppressed us still make the rules and enforce the laws?? (Btw thats precisely the problem in much of Africa--neocolonialism).
Hey, it's black people in the black neighborhoods who are dying, and you STILL don't want to take that boudler off your shoulder. Sad.
What do you really know about Zimb and Mugabe besides what the western media filters??
Are you now going to try to argue that Zimbabwe is anything other than the disaster on wheels? My God, half the people are starving, and their government just issued a 10 trillion dollar note. Oops, that's just Western propaganda.
Middle class House Negroes throwing money at the problem (Cosby) and berating the black "underclass" (Cosby/Obama) is unproductive. I, for one, will be on the ground using my tools to give back concrete skills to my brothers and sisters in the 'hood and in Africa.
Good luck with that.
Well, actually I'm honored to be place in the same category of Constructive Feedback and Desmond Burton (Afro-nerd)so thank you BrotherKomrade for the compliment. I am alot of things, BK but I assure you that "low-rent" isn't one of them. Perhaps if I were "low-rent" you wouldn't find me so offensive.
cbw you are a stupid bitch and a disgrace to the Black race. I guess the fact that you're not "low rent" explains it all.
Are you now going to try to argue that Zimbabwe is anything other than the disaster on wheels? My God, half the people are starving, and their government just issued a 10 trillion dollar note. Oops, that's just Western propaganda.
Grinder, it really slays me when some people try to downplay or serve as apologists for the problems in African countries.
Zimbabwe is a mess and denying there is a problem there (Western media propaganda) certainly doesn't help the poor people who are starving to death there.
And this pissing contest between the Marxist and his online foes is really getting tiresome.
Sharon and Grinder,
We have drifted quite a ways from the topic so I will keep this very brief...
Basically, I was questioning Grinder's use of Zimbabwe to prove that black American social problems are self inflicted and rooted in blaming white people rather than accepting self accountability. I think we would agree that personal responsibility will necessarily play a role in improving black American quality of life. His comparative point that black on black crime in America bears a family of resemblance to political instability in Zimbabwe would make more sense if he had actually bothered to study Zimb history, culture, politics beyond what is filtered thru the western media. Likewise the US media rarely highlights anything positive and affirming in black American communities..
To be clear, I am not denying that there are huge problems in Zimb. (and elsewhere in Africa). But without actually having some detailed and informed discussions with Zimbabweans, without having actually taking to some time to grasp all sides of southern African history, it strikes me as a superficial argument. It might help, too, if Grinder has actually spent some time in Africa. I can say from my own experience that there is much more going in Africa that fighting, disease and corruption. Now I could go into some detail as to why the Zimb comparison is problematic but again it just seems to take us too far from the original topic of discussion. Grinder, humble apologies if I have misrepresented your knowledge of African politics. Respectully, IB
Shabazz, I disagree and I'm opposed to using sexist hate words like bitch directed at CBW. I'm not cool with that all!
well, brotherkomrade, opinions are like assholes...
Do you really think cbw, as a black woman gives 2 fucks about anyone else that looks like her???
Why should I give a damn about her feelings? That little snyde remark about "low rent" speaks volumes about her. To me she's no different than sarah palin, rush limbaugh, szpork, or just pick a reich winger, their all of the same ilk. Instead of trying to stigmatize me brotherkomrade, why don't you ask her who she voted for, I promise you it's not Barack.
I've been at my job for almost 4 years, I lost my job 2 days b'fore xmas. (we all did) I haven't been able to find another job, and the real kicker is, my wife and I just gotten our house 3 wks b4 xmas, now we may lose it, b'cause her income alone can't cover the bills, and I can't get unemployment b'cause I'm a 1099 worker (contractor). We have 3 kids ages 5,3,1 and it pains me to feed my kids cream of wheat for dinner. Damn rethugs pretty much single handedly fucked up this country, every non us nation wants us dead, and the economy tanked.
As a black man, what drugs would I have to be on to support the ideologies this "black" woman supports?
BTW- As I'm writing this, my local news tells me pres. Obama plans to deploy 3,000 troops from where I live, and that number is expected to double by the end of next month.
Now you have another 6,000 young men and women, all probably younger than me on the way out to walk their military green mile.
I don't know, call me cynical, but part of pres. Obama's campaign was bent on sending the troops home, now this. I'm just as happy as the next guy that Mr. Obama is potus, but it's beginning to look like business as usual.
Shabazz@"Do you really think cbw, as a black woman gives 2 fucks about anyone else that looks like her???"
You are damn skippy I do! Just because my political ideology is different from yours does not mean that I hate myself or black people.
NO, did not vote for Barack Obama and I have at least 80 posts on my blog detailing why but I will not belabor that point here. But suffice it to say that I didn't like John McCain any better.
I am very sorry that you have you are having difficulties Shabazz. My snide "lowrent" comment was just that a snide comment.
You honestly believe that the "rethugs" are responsible for the state of the economy, but be advised that Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd both democrats are not without blame, neither are the democrats reps in congress who blocked regulations for Fannie & Freddie by McCain in 2004 claiming that such regulation was a racist attempt to stop homeownership for minorities.
Shabazz, why is it that a black person who does not support the democrat party in considered not to be "down" with their people, especially in light of the democrat party's racist history? Has you considered, Shabazz that perhaps the democrat party takes the black vote for granted? That perhaps the democrat party needs the support of poor people to remain viable? Let me ask you Shabazz, if one of your family members were addicted to a drug, would you support the drug dealer? Of course you would not. I think the democratic party wants to see poor people dependent on their programs not temporarily but indefinitely and even generationally. So, Shabazz, since you feel that I am stupid-- please enlighten me.
This is real tragic and sad. Field, when are you going to post about the Brandon McCLelland incident on your blog?
"In this corner, we have the 50 million or so Obamaholics who will defend his O ness with the type of fervor and devotion reserved for religious fanatics with bombs strapped to their belts."
NBC and MSNBC must have gone on one hell of a hiring spree than. 50 Million my ass! I know plenty of republicans and independents that voted for O because they didn't like the alternative.
Obama was viewed as the lesser of 2 evils by the folks that pushed him over. It's about 20-25 million O'holics and about 30 million lesser of the 2 evils. Still an impressive number for a half-white Marxist.
[quote]cbw you are a stupid bitch and a disgrace to the Black race. I guess the fact that you're not "low rent" explains it all.[/quote]
Shabazz PURPORTS to want to lift the BLACK RACE HIGH.....but then he spits in the face of a Black Woman in the process.
brotherkomrade - I give you CREDIT for not throwing out your standards, extending them to your ideological adversaries.
Enough of the hugging - let's get back to battling.
Shabazz it is AMAZING to me how much your actions model those of previous WHITE RACIST BIGOTS.
[quote]or just pick a reich winger, their all of the same ilk[/quote]
They too believed that an entire group of PEOPLE - BLACK FOLKS - were all the same.
I am happy that we now are able to express our INDIVIDUALITY without fear of ignorant people like you attacking us for not all being the same.
[quote]I've been at my job for almost 4 years, I lost my job 2 days b'fore xmas. (we all did) I haven't been able to find another job, and the real kicker is, my wife and I just gotten our house 3 wks b4 xmas, now we may lose it, b'cause her income alone can't cover the bills, and I can't get unemployment b'cause I'm a 1099 worker (contractor). We have 3 kids ages 5,3,1 and it pains me to feed my kids cream of wheat for dinner. Damn rethugs pretty much single handedly fucked up this country, every non us nation wants us dead, and the economy tanked.
As a black man, what drugs would I have to be on to support the ideologies this "black" woman supports?[/quote]
Shabazz any empathy that I would otherwise have for you is SQUANDERED by your HATRED.
One of the key reasons why Poor White Trash suppressed Black people during Jim Crow was because they felt ECONOMICALLY THREATENED. I see that you have learned well.
I actually feel sorry for you that you believe that it was the REPUBLICANS who have destroyed this economy. You will likewise assume that the presence of the DEMOCRATS is going to restore it. Sadly and shamefully you couldn't even begin to tell anyone the true roots of the past employment expansion that occurred and the primary forces who crafted it.
Keep on with your partisan bigotry bro - you will soon see that in your failed and hatefilled assumptions placed on OUTSIDERS to your issues - your internal issues still don't get addressed.
Ask Filled Negro if there are any Republicans in Southwest Philly. The Republicans used to sneak across the city border from Yeadon and do their dirty work, Oppressing Black people - now that Yeadon is all Democrat - there goes that alibi as to why the area is as it is - right Filled Negro?
Pr. George’s trails region in closing murder cases
[QUOTE]WASHINGTON (Map, News) - If you want to get away with murder in the Greater Washington area, your best bet is to commit your crime in Prince George’s County, where police have caught less than half of the county’s killers in recent years.
But having the lowest homicide case closure rate in the region doesn’t mean Prince George’s streets are the most dangerous.
Prince George’s County police spokeswoman Sharon Taylor said that although the county has at its best, in recent years, closed 49.6 percent of its murder cases, the number of homicides has gone down since 2005.
That’s not the case in the District of Columbia, where police have raised the homicide closure rate from about 40 percent in 2000 to about 70 percent at the close of 2007, but have struggled to keep the number of homicides from climbing. [/QUOTE]
I was questioning Grinder's use of Zimbabwe to prove that black American social problems are self inflicted and rooted in blaming white people rather than accepting self accountability.
What complete horseshit. I didn't mention Zimbabwe until you did, and I made no connection between Mugabe's disastrous rule and any problems in our country. You did that, not me, you god damned liar.
Too bad, that is life for you and i...
Let everyone accept JAH and i believe things will go in the best direction for all mankind. All we need is "ONE LOVE" and every other thing will be added unto us.
Call GirlS
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