Every now and then we get one of these Negroes in A-merry-ca who is such a traitor to his race that you almost want to call the "Drop Squad" in on his ass. Take Jesse Lee Peterson, for instance. This slave catching Negro is such a despicable and reprehensible excuse for a human being that it pains me to even talk about him. But I must, because he is a pawn in a game far more nefarious in nature than his dumb ass even realizes. Ask yourself this: How can a man like Peterson, who speaks like a wino who hasn't slept in days, and whose ability to reason is clearly lacking, manage to be elevated to the status of a national figure and come into the living rooms of millions of A-mery-cans every night? I will tell you how: because the people bringing him into A-merry-ca's living rooms want the Jesse Peterson image and persona to represent how A-merry-ca perceives black folks, that's how. I keep telling you folks that Rupert Murdoch is a dangerous man, but no one listens.
Anyway, read the following excerpt from the fabulous web site' "Newshounds", and tell me what you think of one Jesse Lee Peterson:
"Sean Hannity finally made a show of distancing himself from one of his favorite African American guests, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. During last night's (2/3/09) Hannity, Peterson announced, “I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people.” Although Hannity professed to be shocked by Peterson's remarks, he has a long history of making such statements in Hannity's presence. Also, Hannity is associated with Peterson's organization, BOND, and gave no indication he would discontinue that association. Furthermore, Peterson is booked tomorrow on FOX & Friends. Will FOX News continue to welcome him? All indications are that they will. With video.
As soon as Peterson had a chance to speak, he launched his racial attack against Obama: 'I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people. Most black Americans, 96 percent of them, are racists who (unintelligible) white Americans. And white folks feel guilty and they are afraid of being called racists,' Peterson said.
This was too much even for Hannity, who usually tacitly approves Peterson's bigoted rants. This time, Hannity said, 'Do you really believe 96% of black America is racist? You don't believe that. 'Yes, sir,' Peterson answered.
'No, you don't believe that,' Hannity repeated.
OK, so maybe Hannity thinks Peterson believes only 90% of blacks are racist. Because that is exactly the kind of thing that Peterson has been saying for years on Hannity & Colmes, without a peep of objection from Hannity.
For example, last summer, Peterson said about a racially charged primary in Memphis, 'Most blacks, not all but most in Tennessee, especially in the Memphis, Tennessee area, are still living in the 50’s and 60’s. They are so racist that they don’t even realize that white Americans have moved on. And so whenever there’s a campaign like this, such as this, they always use racism in order to intimidate white America.'
Not only did Hannity not interrupt then, he refused to allow the other guest, who was duly outraged, to make a point in opposition.
Similarly, in December, 2006, Peterson told Hannity that it was “commonplace” for blacks to have antagonism against whites, that whites should speak up about it but can't because they'll likely be labeled as racists. Hannity responded by saying, “Always love having you,” to Peterson.
So Hannity's surprise at Peterson's latest attack on black Americans was somewhat suspect. It's especially so given that Peterson's
Making Dr. King’s Dream A Nightmare—for Black and White. Barack Obama has encouraged black Americans to worship him as a “Messiah”, and is planning to hand out government funds under the guise of a “stimulous package” to those who won’t work (this is the payoff expected by many of his constituents).
Peterson continued with a line that was reminiscent of his 2006 remarks above. 'As we move on, with Barack Obama being in there, you're not going to be able to speak out against him at all unless you, you will be called a racist.'
Hannity, with hammy humor, indicated he did in fact have some concern about being called a racist because he's a white critic of Obama. “So you think – as a chief critic of Obama – Well, I've been called a Nazi and everything else,” he said. Then he added that he thought “97% of Americans are not (racist).” (Comment: I've alleged for years that Hannity is a bigot but not because he criticizes Obama.)
Peterson went on to accuse those who voted for Obama of having done so 'because they have a socialist mentality. If you want to know what socialism looks like, look at the black community.'"
This Negro reminds me of Clayton Bigsby, the black white supremacist character from Dave Chappell's show who doesn't realize he is black because he is blind. Seriously, someone needs to ask Chappelle if he got the inspiration for that character from Ole Jesse. It wouldn't surprise me if he did. The tragedy is that Dave Chappelle's show is supposed to be funny; FOX NEWS, on the other hand, is not.
A lot of what he said rang true with me. But I never saw Obama as black, but realized that black people would and could be a good thing for them. I always saw him as a no nonsense lib. African Americans really need to diversify their politics if they want something in return. Pimps treat their whores better than the DNC etc... treats the black community.
Look, I hate it when black folks feel they need to tow the company line, but, to when it comes to this brother, I think Philly legend Schoolly D said it best (and I'm paraphrasing):
"Man, I got to do somebody up."
A couple of years ago I was in a clinic waiting room, and they had Fox News on. Not my fault.
They invited a 9/11 conspiracy guy, which was shocking to me. I don't believe in the conspiracy, but the fact Fox News invited him was strange.
But it became clear when he started talking about his version of the conspiracy: Planes never hit the towers. It was all just computer generated images.
Fox News doesn't have to say black people are racists, and they don't have to say 9/11 conspiracy theorists are insane. All they have to do is invite the right people.
I became aware of Jesse Lee Peterson a few years ago. He has/had a church in Los Angeles. Peterson is relatively unknown in Los Angeles. The only time he qets press is when he is on the Fox Channel, he doesn't speak locally.
Yes, he is too stupid to realize he is getting pimped.
Guess he and Juan Willaims are having a "cooning for the cameras contest" on Faux News. Well at least it pays well.
"If you want to know what socialism looks like, look at the black community."
Actually, look at the Wall Street bailouts. Criminalistic greedheads getting tons of our tax bucks thrown at them. Only in A-merry-ca!
Peterson is the same white stroker that said slavery was a good thing and black people should be thankful for it. White people mostly buy his books... no further comment.
I'm convinced there must be some sort of secret negro medal or a promised key to heaven just for Uncle Remus-ing white people in this day and age.
Peterson better watch his back, John McMcWhorter doesn't like competition.
Say What.......... 96% of us are racist, wow I never knew that.
I only know of a select group of Black Americans who call themselves racists, the rest of us are just prejudiced.
And if "White America" has moved on, I hope they told it to those peeps in Paris Texas or the poor guys parents in Lucedale, MS.
Maybe the boys over in Jena, LA I could go on....about racist injustice but were here to chat about good ole Unka Jesse Lee.
Jesse Lee Peterson has House Negro on lock. What an embarrassment to any African American pundit.
You don't have to like Obama or liberals, but to stereotype your own kind to please YT is some serious HN behavior.
"A lot of what he said rang true with me. But I never saw Obama as black, but realized that black people would and could be a good thing for them. I always saw him as a no nonsense lib. African Americans really need to diversify their politics if they want something in return. Pimps treat their whores better than the DNC etc... treats the black community."
(Yawn) Same ol' shit.
I'm waiting for someone to gather up all of these DISGRACEFUL HOUSE NEGRO and beat the SLOP out of them, I have had it!!!! they are getting by with BLOODY MURDER, and trust me, those are mild word's!!! FIELD NEGRO, in case, you didn't know it, SEAN HANNITY sit's in the GREEN ROOM, with these NEGRO'S and tell them what he want's them to say!!!
SEAN HANNITY, had a BLACK HEIFER on his show today, and she BEAT DOWN, the PRESIDENT? her name is SOPHIA NELSON, she has a WEBSITE!! as a matter of fact, this heifer, was on the show once, hugging SEAN HANNITY!! something need's to be done about these TRAITOR'S!!! these people are going too far!!! where did these people come from?
they are DANGEROUS, and please FIELD, don't be fooled by SEAN HANNITY, he has his question's prepared, and the TRAITOR'S, say what he want's them to say!!! this is all SCRIPTED!! if poor BARACK and MICHELLE can make it through the next FOUR YEAR'S without our people, bringing PHYSICAL HARM to them!!! then trust me, I want to see it!!! and trust me, JESSIE is nothing compared to REV, DAVID MANNING, and what about MYCHAL MASSIE, TARA WALL, AMY HOLME'S and the list go's on!!!!! and to think, the PRESIDENT and the FIRST LADY has to witness, these people DENOUNCING each and every positive thing he try's to do!!!!!!! FIELD NEGRO you should be ANGRY!!!
Peterson went on to accuse those who voted for Obama of having done so 'because they have a socialist mentality. If you want to know what socialism looks like, look at the black community.'"
What he says makes no sense. According to Peterson, the black community lives in a parallel universe in which we live under socialism while the rest of the nation does not. Now, how is that possible?
Furthermore, do you think he might consider, just perhaps, that blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Republicans, etc., voted for Obama because they believed he was the best candidate for POTUS?
FIELD when you have time, go to YOUTUBE and look up, PASTOR DAVID MANNING!!! he talked about MICHELLE like a dog during the campaign and he called the PRESIDENT'S mother every name, but, a child, of GOD, now, if you can stand to listen, to him, you are a good one!!! and oh, he was on SEAN HANNITY'S show during the campaign, talking about the PRESIDENT MOTHER like she was a DOG!!!
Wassup Field? How you be?
Ok, for the record, Jesse Lee is right about Memphis. I live here and it is pretty much still like the 50's. Hell as soon as I walk out of my house I get those racist german shepherds sicked on me. But that could be just because I wear the "I AM A MAN" sign around my neck.
Off topic:
Michael Steal is being investigated for paying his sister Monica Turner's company for work she did for his Senate campaign...but the company had closed down 11 months earlier. The RNC is throwing him under the double dutch bus:
The misuse of the following terms is like fingernails on a chalkboard:
Racism: the belief that you are better than those who are of a different race.
Prejudice: the act of prejudging something or someone based on one or several attributes.
Bigotry: the practice of seeking to deny a particular group of people a certain set of rights and benefits, which you enjoy.
Most black people are not racists. We do not believe we are better than others of a different race. We have actively sought to become a part of the so-called "melting pot" for centuries almost to our own detriment.
With regard to being prejudice, everyone is prejudice in the purest definition of the word. With regard to racial prejudice, I can only speak for myself and say that I am extremely prejudiced racially. With respect to whites, I have negative preconceived notions, which prove to be true most of the time. However, if those preconceived notions prove to be false on an individual level, I immediately abandon them. I don't practice "cognitive dissonance."
Since I am a staunch supporter of Affirmative Action limited to the workplace, then that makes me an unapologetic bigot in this regard.
Black Republicans:
When it comes to most black Republicans, why do they appear to have been produced from the same template?
Some attributes of the template are:
1. Appear to have visceral comtempt of black people who are Democrats.
2. Date or marry white folks.
3. Very unoriginal.
4. Toe the party line.
5. Mock most black Democrats as socialists who actively seek a handout.
6. Boot-licking Uncle Toms.
7. Effeminine (the males).
"A lot of what he said rang true with me. But I never saw Obama as black, but realized that black people would and could be a good thing for them. I always saw him as a no nonsense lib. African Americans really need to diversify their politics if they want something in return. Pimps treat their whores better than the DNC etc... treats the black community.
Would it be too much to ask for you to delineate instances in which the present DNC has mistreated the "black community"?
If I don't receive any instances, it's safe for me to assume that you have none to support your assertion.
I dislike this brother a great deal. What is wrong with him?
He's illogical.
Anyone as warped as Jesse lee- must be into additional strange behavior.
The Boy is twisted . It might be wise to keep him away from sheep and funeral homes- I'm just saying.
Anon.....ROFLMAO!!! I would add most small animals to that list! LOL
I tell you what folks, why don't we all here pool our meager resources and pay to have Ol' Jesse Lee Peterson deprogrammed.
He won't thank us now, but he will later.
Didn't Hannity have a long-time working relationship with an avowed racist?
I think he's priming white America to wage a race war.
This country, at last, is beginning to embrace its multicultural, multi-racial realities, and that mean more opportunities for others that are not white.
That non-traditionalism is killing the likes of Hannity, so they fight back by handsomely paying and using the likes of Jesse Peterson to cast blacks in the most unfavorable light as possible, and to dredge up the stereotypes that have worked in the past to appeal to white bigotry, and to inspire fear.
Does this crap work? With some, no doubt, else Hannity and his ilk wouldn't waste their time with the likes of Peterson.
This reminds me of something that Malcolm X said to a very proper black television host that was enthusiastically reaming him on behalf of whites.
Malcolm to his black host: "You know what white folks call you behind your back?"
Black Talk show host: "No."
Malcolm: "Nigger."
The black talk show host was visibly stunned and shaken by Malcolm's simple, one-word attempt to get the host to give up his proxy role--attacking him on behalf of whites.
For some, Black exceptionalism allows them to ignore the obvious--that people at bottom are all alike.
For them, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, and President Obama, and many others like them, are an exception.
Most blacks, they feel, are like Peterson, and as he has described them.
After all, Peterson is black, right. He's the authority on everything black, right, and privileged to a cultural understanding that whites don't have access to.
The tragedy: Peterson, and those like him, are the exception.
Most of us hold Peterson's ass in contempt, because we know who he is, and what he's attempting to do, and why--using his blackness to call blacks racist, and socialist and to trash President Obama to garner white approval, and a pocket full of green, while, at the same time, advancing the social, racial agenda of Hannity.
Y'all think about those de-programming sessions for Peterson. I've got a few dollars to put in.
Anybody else?
Didn't Hannity have a long-time working relationship with an avowed racist?"
Yes he did (does?)
Pretty funny point about Petersen sounding like a wino; my brother always says the same thing.
Petersen is pretty disgusting. I don't know where they find people like that. I understand why Fox hypes them up though.
I completely agree with Black Diaspora. The only good news about this is there are more and more white folks that see this bullshit for what it is.
Hannity enjoys bringing on Peterson to say what he himself believes but cannot say on air.
Frankly, this childishness is exactly what Obama was referring to in his inauguration address that needs to be put away.
Its time for thoughtfulness, intelligence, deterimination, kindness, patience, and perserverence to get through the muck that was left to us all by the Bush admin.... makes Peterson and Hannity and their ilk even more of a tired joke.
Field, they really don't deserve the attention.
I am an older white man who grew up in the segregated south. I contributed to Obama's campaign and voted for him not out of white guilt but because he was by far the best candidate.
"The Boy is twisted . It might be wise to keep him away from sheep and funeral homes- I'm just saying"
Now that's funny.:)
Black Diaspora, that's a great idea. I am down. Seriously, I thought of putting up pay pal and have folks contribute $1 $2 whatever and set up a "Jesse Peterson De-programming session fund". Maybe we could pay a shrink with the proceeds and make a very public spectacle of it. :)
I don't watch FIXED Noise so I never see Aryan nation defender Sean Hannity in action.
I hear about the Murdock klan network on Keith's program or I read something about what those scalawags are up to but, I have better things to do with my time than watch FIXED Noise.
I don't even watch CNN. A bit of MSNBC and/or C-Span and that's my game.
Speaking of Douchebags.
Michael S. Steele, the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed, his finance chairman from that campaign has told federal prosecutors.
Federal agents in recent days contacted Steele's sister, a spokesman for Steele said yesterday.
The claim about the payment, one of several allegations by Alan B. Fabian, is outlined in a confidential court document. Fabian offered the information last March as he was seeking leniency for himself during plea negotiations on unrelated fraud charges. It is unclear how extensively his claims have been pursued. Prosecutors gave him no credit for cooperation when he was sentenced in October.
The recent allegations outlined four specific transactions. In addition to the payment to Steele's sister, Fabian said that the candidate used money from his state campaign improperly; that Steele paid $75,000 from the state campaign to a law firm for work that was never performed; and that he or an aide transferred more than $500,000 in campaign cash from one bank to another without authorization.
I say let's wait until all the facts ascertained, before we condemn Steele despite my urge to condemn him now.
And on the intellectual level we have that Effeminant Non-Threatening Negro......Ron Christy.
Christopher,you can also go to Newshounds, their motto is we watch FOX NEWS so that you don't have to.(or something like that)
Rudy, I hear ya about Steele. Although there might be something else going on here. Do you think it's possible that some of these repubs who didn't want him to be the HNIC had some of this stuff leaked?
"Would it be too much to ask for you to delineate instances in which the present DNC has mistreated the "black community"?"
That's a good point. The only instance I can think of right now is the removal of the monetary limit the Federal Government can send to the States for welfare. The deconstruction of the public housing and the limits on welfare in the 1990's worked in my opinion. I see a lot more blacks working these days. Future problems for blacks would have to include making illegal immigrants legal.
I have said since the day Steele became Chairman of the RNC that the real scandal is how brother Steele managed to retire not one but, two bank liens against his home while he was the head of GOPAC.
The gig doesn't pay all that well and if Steele used GOPAC funds, then he's in deep bandini for misappropriating 501(c) non-profit funds that can't be used for personal use.
Now, there's the Washington Post story about Steele and his sister.
I think his tenure as RNC Chairman will be brief -- over before July 4th, 2009.
"Rudy, I hear ya about Steele. Although there might be something else going on here. Do you think it's possible that some of these repubs who didn't want him to be the HNIC had some of this stuff leaked?"
It's very plausible. Treachery knows no bounds.
July 4th, 2009, huh? That would be great to see.
Wasn't welfare reform signed by Clinton in the 1990's? I don't see welfare reform as mistreating the black community.
Further, you are making a fallacious assumption that the bulk of voting black Democrats are welfare recipients.
Most blacks (greater than 51 percent) do not receive welfare.
"I think his tenure as RNC Chairman will be brief -- over before July 4th, 2009."
Kris, you're just pulling this information out your ahh never mind.
One only needs to remember one thing about Michael Steele-- "Flying Oreos."
Christopher,you can also go to Newshounds, their motto is we watch FOX NEWS so that you don't have to.
I just noticed. They're on my blogroll. I think I got an add request from them like a year ago.
July 4th, 2009, huh? That would be great to see.
Wouldn't it? Memorial Day would be even better. Steele is a scumbag.
Kris, you're just pulling this information out your ahh never mind.
Porky, you gots to stop thinking of my butt. It's creeping me out.
This dude makes me think of Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks. At least Bigsby was blind, but Ruckus had to create the "affliction" Re-Vitiligo (the opposite of what Michael Jackson has) to explain his pigment. So sad ...
Sean Hannity is one of Peterson's board members, just check out Peterson's website.
That explains it all: Be a "Tom" for me and I'll give you air time.
Jessie P. has difficulties expressing his opinions and ideas in a logical and coherent manner. He throws out terms and statements without, obviously, thinking about what he's saying. I really think he thinks he's helping "someone"(although I'm not sure who that is). He needs to back up his assertions with facts. His statments are biased and subjective. It is a shame that he is allowing himself to be used.
I have a gut feeling Field is going to bring the Coonies back soon and Jesse Lee will need to clear a spot in his trophy case.
I visited my father last night and I had to sit through an hour of Falafel Man with that nasty Laura Ingraham sitting in for him.
I'm still rubbing my eyes out with bleach from that.
Wow...dude is something else...
Sandra, that's true, Faux News usually allows hyperbole but Patterson just can't seem to get it right. Had he dressed it up a bit, Hannity would have allowed him to continue.
Rudy, your list about Black Republicans is on point, at least in my experience. I dated one Black Republican with all if those attributes. He drove me nuts! This is TMI, but the deal breaker came with 6&7
6. Boot-licking Uncle Toms.
7. Effeminine (the males).
He literally wanted lick my feet, which was ok (lol), but then he asked me to make him my bitch/slave (his words). Someone needs to do a study on these fools.
Granny only watches MSNBC and CSPAN too. The rest of them are obsolete in my book, because Murdoch has his hands in them. I don't like dictator news, I like objective, factual, and honest news, and that is something America is lacking right about now. Most of them are nothing more than sleazy, gossipmongers passing it off as news, which is not helpful to Americans in making good decisions. True journalism is being objective, factual, and truthful.
Field, Murdoch is a very dangerous man, and Granny has been trying to tell folks that as well for a long time. His little playhouse is about to crumble in the near future and will have a domino effect, I pray that its soon. BTW, I would gladly pay a bailbondsmen, lawyer, and eat bread in water in a jail cell to give Jesse Lee Peterson a knuckle sandwich right in his kisser. He is a disgrace to the human race. Oh Lawd, I know, I'm going to have repent for thinking like that, but somethings just can't be helped.
AP CEO Admits Bush Regime Controlled Media !
AP CEO: Bush Turned Media
Into Propaganda Machine
LAWRENCE, Kan. — The Bush administration turned the U.S. military into a global propaganda machine while imposing tough restrictions on journalists seeking to give the public truthful reports about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Associated Press chief executive Tom Curley said Friday.
Curley, speaking to journalists at the University of Kansas, said the news industry must immediately negotiate a new set of rules for covering war because "we are the only force out there to keep the government in check and to hold it accountable."
Much like in Vietnam, "civilian policymakers and soldiers alike have cracked down on independent reporting from the battlefield" when the news has been unflattering, Curley said. "Top commanders have told me that if I stood and the AP stood by its journalistic principles, the AP and I would be ruined."
Curley said in a brief interview that he didn't take the commanders' words as a threat but as "an expression of anger." Late in 2007, Curley wrote an editorial about the detention of AP photographer Bilal Hussein, held by the military for more than two years.
Eleven of AP's journalists have been detained in Iraq for more than 24 hours since 2003. Last year, according to cases AP is tracking, news organizations had eight employees detained for more than 48 hours.
AP, the world's largest newsgathering operation, is a not-for-profit cooperative that began in 1846 to communicate news from the Mexican War. Curley has been the company's president and CEO since 2003.
Before his speech, Curley met for about a half-hour with Lt. Gen. William Caldwell IV, a former spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq. Caldwell is commander at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where military doctrines are drafted and a staff college trains both American and foreign officers.
"It's important for us to be very transparent," Caldwell said during an interview after Curley's speech. "If we do those things, ultimately, we're both trying to do the same thing."
Curley came to the University of Kansas to receive this year's national citation for journalistic excellence from the William Allen White Foundation. Curley also won national awards in 2007 and 2008 for his work on First Amendment and open records issues.
Answering questions from his audience of about 160 people, Curley said AP remains concerned about journalists' detentions. He said most appear to occur when someone else, often a competitor, "trashes" the journalist.
"There is a procedure that takes place which sounds an awful lot like torture to us," Curley said. "If people agree to trash other people, they are freed. If they don't immediately agree to trash other people, they are kept for some period of time _ two or three weeks _ and they are put through additional questioning."
His remarks came a day after an AP investigation disclosed that the Pentagon is spending at least $4.7 billion this year on "influence operations" and has more than 27,000 employees devoted to such activities. At the same time, Curley said, the military has grown more aggressive in withholding information and hindering reporters.
Curley said a military program to embed reporters with battlefield units in Iraq was successful in 2003, the war's first year. But afterward, the military expanded its rules from one to four pages, and Curley said they're now so vague, a journalist can be expelled on a whim if a commander doesn't like what's being reported.
"Americans understand hardships and setbacks," he said. "They expect honest answers about what's happening to their sons and daughters."
Caldwell now requires officers who attend Fort Leavenworth's staff college to blog and "engage" the media. "Not only when it's good stuff, but when it's challenging," Caldwell said.
Curley acknowledged that upon taking office, President Barack Obama rolled back many of the policies instituted by George W. Bush. But he said when the Pentagon faces difficulties again _ perhaps in Afghanistan, with the new administration's focus on it _ experience has shown, "the military gets tough on the journalists."
"So now is the time to re-negotiate the rules of engagement between the military and the media," he said. "Now is the time to insist that the First Amendment does apply to the battlefield."
He added: "Now is the time to resist the propaganda the Pentagon produces and live up to our obligation to question authority and thereby help protect our democracy."
Curley said examining the Defense Department's spending on its public relations efforts and psychological operations is difficult because many of the budgets are classified.
He said the Pentagon has kept secret some information that used to be available to the public, and its public affairs officers at the Pentagon gather intelligence on reporters' work rather than serve as sources.
Curley traced the propaganda efforts to former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. He cited a 2003 operations "road map" signed by Rumsfeld, declaring that psychological operations had been neglected for too long. Curley also noted that the current secretary, Robert Gates, has defended such efforts, including in a speech at Kansas State University in 2007.
"But does America need to resort to al-Qaida tactics?" Curley said. "Should the U.S. government be running Web sites that appear to be independent news organizations?" Should the military be planting stories in foreign newspapers? Should the United States be trying to influence public opinion through subterfuge, both here and abroad?"
He also said the Bush administration had stripped hundreds of people, including reporters, of their human rights. He noted that when an Iraqi judicial panel reviewed the evidence gathered by the military against Hussein, the AP photographer, it ordered his release. He declined in an interview to say who said AP could be "ruined" for sticking to its principles, but "I knew that they were angry."
"This is how you improve the standing of America around the world, by taking the universal human rights we enjoy as Americans and ensuring them for everyone," Curley said in his speech.
Both the award Curley received at the University of Kansas and its journalism school are named for White, who was publisher of the Emporia Gazette until 1944. A Pulitzer Prize winning editorial writer, White's commentary and friendships with prominent Americans made him a national figure.
"There's no doubt that White would have been angered by the last eight years," Curley said. "The right to access information and the ability to know the source of that information were diminished."
Associated Press writer John Milburn also contributed to this report.
@Granny: "He is a disgrace to the human race. Oh Lawd, I know, I'm going to have repent for thinking like that, but somethings just can't be helped.
Granny welcome back! You make my day. Like you, I'm trying really hard not to commit a sin by wanting Ol' Jesse Lee committed.
I'm thinking: "I just want him to get some help, not get hurt in any serious way."
At least that's what I'm thinking most of the time. Other times....
black diaspora:
Granny haven't went no where. I still drop by when I have free time. I've been busy working on a family project and doing a couple of other things that are dear to my heart. I love all of you and think about you guys all the time in my prayers. Even when I don't get a chance to post, sometimes I do a quick scan of the post that are written by all of you or read the topic. Besides which, Granny favors staying in the background more and enjoys reading what all of you scholars have to say.
Granny hope you hurried up and kicked him to curb and let him stay there.
Granny, thanks for that info, and your great comments to go along with it. I co-sign with Black Diaspora, it's always nice to have granny around.
Those GOP folks hanging out on Fox are not playing with a full deck.
Manning, Steele, and Peterson take the cake in my book. Steele is not quite as bad as Hannity's two negroes on a string, Manning and Peterson. Steele will try to bully women and the weak who don't agree with him. Manning and Peterson are fake preachers,their heart is so full of hatred, and they're the devil's representatives. All of them would sell their mammy for some money. Greed is a serious disease that destroys everything in its path.
This case is going to cause Oakland and BART some serious problems. One of my nephews was on that BART train sitting still and taped it the night this happened. He was sending text messages and video to my granddaughter and nieces while everything was taking place. From what he told me happened, whelp, I'll just put it like this, someone gots some splaining to do.
Ex-BART cop freed on bail
By Paul T. Rosynsky
Oakland Tribune
Posted: 02/06/2009 04:42:36 PM PST
— Former BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle was freed from jail Friday on $3 million bail, according to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office.
About 3:45 p.m., Mehserle was escorted from Santa Rita Jail in Dublin by the bondsman who posted a bond, said Sgt J.D. Nelson, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Office.
Mehserle — accused of murder in the Jan. 1 shooting of an unarmed, prone Oscar Grant III, of Hayward, at Oakland's Fruitvale BART station — was released a week after Alameda County Superior Court Judge Morris Jacobson set the bail amount.
It remains unclear how Mehserle's family was able to generate the cash needed for the bail. Nelson said Mehserle used the services of a bail bonds company but did not know the details of the agreement.
Typically, defendants using bail bonds companies must pay 10 percent of their bail in addition to having collateral worth the same as the bail.
Mehserle's release sparked anger among protesters who gathered in Oakland on Friday and on several previous occasions to voice their outrage over Grant's death and the granting of bail in the case. One such protest occurred Jan. 30, when Jacobson set the bail amount.
Jacobson ruled that bail was permissible because Mehserle did not pose an immediate danger to society, had not made threats against others and was not charged with a capital murder, the only three requirements necessary under the state constitution for a
defendant to be denied bail.
But, Jacobson said, because Mehserle is considered a flight risk, he set the amount at $3 million to ensure the defendant does not flee the country in an attempt to avoid a trial. Mehserle was arrested in Nevada on Jan. 13.
Although Jacobson said he was forced to set bail, many disagreed with the ruling. They said bail should have been set higher, or not at all, arguing that the former police officer is a threat to society.
John Burris, who is suing BART and Mehserle for wrongful death on behalf of Grant's family, said Friday that the only aspect that surprised him was that it took a week for Mehserle to post bail.
"I nor the family are surprised that bail has been met," he said. "We thought it should be no bail. We certainly believed whatever the amount of bail set he could meet it because of family friends and police associations."
Burris said Jacobson should have found Mehserle to be a danger to society because the former officer showed a lack of being able to control his temperament when he shot Grant in the back as he lay on his stomach.
"I don't care if he was a police officer or not. To kill someone the way he did shows temperament problems, and that poses a danger to society," Burris said. "Obviously, he couldn't control his emotions. Otherwise, he would not have done what he did.
"He has a mental state of a person who is a danger to society," Burris added.
Mehserle's attorney, Michael Rains, did not return phone calls seeking comment.
Mehserle will receive a sentence of 3 to 5 years, serve 18 months and go home on probation.
If the trial were in Simi Valley, CA, he would be found not guilty.
FIELD I am new to this sight, someone said something about putting a list of COONIE'S on your BLOG, so would you please, do so, I would love to see the COONIE list!
I didn't know Uncle Ruckus was doing Fox News now. He and his brother Juan Williams are playing tag team.
Sean Hannity finally made a show of distancing himself from one of his favorite African American guests, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
I guess Obama really did Change some things.
BTW, Field, the folk over at Newshounds are good people and analyze Fox down to the tee, exposing their mess on a daily 24/7The Newshounds do their homework and know how to research like a good journalist should with facts to back up whatever they say. That's one of my favorite blogs.
Change is coming and you can believe that. Obama wasn't playing games, he is serious about what he is doing. The GOP hasn't woke up to that yet, but they will, and so will a few Democrats.
"Wasn't welfare reform signed by Clinton in the 1990's? I don't see welfare reform as mistreating the black community. Further, you are making a fallacious assumption that the bulk of voting black Democrats are welfare recipients. Most blacks (greater than 51 percent) do not receive welfare."
No no no, Rudy. I am just suggesting that increasing welfare amounts is probably bad because I'm see more blacks working now. An adult that is dependent on government has very little control over their own lives, and really that's really that's the core or what life is about to me. Controlling your destiny is everything. Go back and read my post again, I thought it was clear.
Anonymous 7:44:
There were a lot of white folks that voted for Obama for the same reason as you did, in fact, they all did. People like Jesse Lee Peterson want to discredit Obama in any way they can by trying to degrade him, but it won't work. Nope, it is not going to work. In the end the light is going to be shined on Jesse Lee Peterson, Hannity, and the rest of those hatemongers so bright, until they'll be begging for someone to turn it off. What goes around, comes around and they won't be able to take what they've dished out for years.
Do you really, seriously, believe that the only folks that were on welfare were blacks? Do you really, seriously, believe that the only reason blacks were not employed is because of welfare or that they would rather have welfare? Please tell me if you really believed Ronald Reagan was telling the truth about the "Welfare Queen"?
Executive Compensation
American CEOs earned 411 times as much as average workers in 2005, up from 107 times in 1990. (United for a Fair Economy, Executive Excess 2006, based on Business Week and the Wall Street Journal).
It would take a whole year for the average worker to make what their boss makes in one day.
Peterson is a twofer:
He says things like Juan Williams and sounds like he's from the ghetto. It's a twofter.
Peterson is a straight up Sambo.
Jesse Lee Peterson is snake in the grass. Plain and simple. He is not worth two dead flies and the dung you can pick up with a knitting needle.
I remember seeing him on television once. He made the statement that beating women was okay, that sometimes they needed it. That let me know that he is a in the closet woman abuser.
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
Porky isn't the brightest bulb in the box. In fact, he's dumber than a plant.
"If the trial were in Simi Valley, CA, he would be found not guilty."
Not only in Simi Valley, but right there in Oakland where the trial will take place. You see, if it was a black on black crime, they'd get life or the chair, but when you wear a badge, that's makes it okay in their eyes to commit murder. When the BART police's trial is over, they will transfer him to another police department, probably in the same city. And it definitely wouldn't be any such thing as bail for black on black crime. Bail who? Before, anyone tries to say that I'm upholding black on black crime, let me make myself perfectly clear. Murder is murder anyway you look at it, if you do the crime, you should pay the consequences of it, and be held accountable. That is the way I look at it in type of violent crime.
FIELD NEGRO and WOOZIE! pay attention, HANNITY'S show is SCRIPTED! and the FIELD NEGRO, need's to get a CLUE, HANNITY is not surprised by anything JESSIE LEE PETERSON say's about the PRESIDENT, HANNTY is pretending as if he is surprised! but, how can he be, when he is the one that tell's JESSIE what to say before, they come on the air.
THEIR is one thing I know about SEAN HANNITY, HE HATE'S THE PRESIDENT with a PASSION! and this has nothing to do with journalism, LIMBAUGH and ORIELY are bad, but HANNITY is DANGEROUS! he is out to get the PRESIDENT and anyone that has any contact with him.
Interesting article on how the Rethugs pissed off the Hispanic vote...
Which is pretty much the way they pissed off the black vote for years.
Since the election, I've heard from hundreds of Hispanics who are still steamed at the GOP. That is no surprise. Time heals wounds, but this is recent history. (Ask the Mexicans about the Spanish. My people have been known to hold a grudge for 500 years.) Hispanics tell me they're angry that the immigration debate became so nasty, that employers escaped most of the criticism, that the tone went from anti-illegal immigrant to anti-Hispanic, that Latino culture and bilingualism were attacked, and that some Americans made the same argument that was made in previous decades against the Germans, Chinese, Irish, Italians and Jews — namely, that the real concern was about America admitting an inferior grade of immigrant.
Hispanics also resent the racism, the reluctance of many Americans to empathize with immigrants as similar to their ancestors, the assumption that anyone who looks Hispanic must have only recently arrived in this country, and the fact that opportunistic politicians proposed half-baked solutions for closing the border and getting rid of illegal immigrants.
Just look at Republicans in Congress who have put their weight behind efforts to declare English the national language, deny citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, and empower local police to enforce federal immigration law. All of these things are opposed by most Latinos.
Speaking of Uncle Rastus - the Rethug marketing of Steele as their new "Porch Negro in charge" is beginning to look like the Titanic approaching that iceberg.
Something like 80% of an iceberg is under water...
Meaning the news is just uncovering about 1% of the corrupt stink on Steele.
A Steele who is - the next best thing for the news cycle in corrupt politicians...
Since Blago.
Granny, a lot more whites were/are on welfare. The housing projects were targeted for blacks and the welfare checks kept them there. When I worked for the city, that was our vacation spot because our boss's boss wouldn't go there. The cops wouldn't even go there after 5 PM for any reason. I sort of like welfare if it's a helping hand but it shouldn't be a way of life.
What no outrage at Obama's Justice Department for "accidentally" releasing sealed legal files to the WaPo exposing Steele?? Color me shocked.
If Bush had did this to a black Democrat there would be much outrage from this site.
I thought I'd stop by again and bring the latest video from Peterson's church...lmaooo....j/k...but thought this was definitely field behavior...or is it house...you be the judge.
Thanks for your reply to my questions but what I was really getting at was that Reagan pulled the wool over folks eyes and used the "Welfare Queen Myth" to distract from what was really going on. Blacks were the scapegoat aimed at those who held racist ideologies. The great transfer of wealth from the American people to the rich. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, but in this case it was robbing the American people to pay the rich.
There was no such thing as Welfare Queens. The real culprits were "Welfare Kings" and they didn't drive Cadillacs, they flew in private jets, rode in luxury limousines, and on private yachts. The "Welfare Kings" had incomes that were 411 times the average citizen.
Reagan and Nancy were part of the rich culture. When he came up with the tickled down economics plan it was beneficial to him and his rich friends, not the American people. You see, he had his own self-interest agenda at heart when he came up with the "Welfare Queen Myth".
Poor people spend money, the middleclass save money, and the rich invest money. BTW, poor people do pay taxes. They pay sales taxes and use taxes, car taxes, utility taxes, and taxes on any product or services they buy. It is a myth that poor people don't pay taxes. How do I know? One of my jobs in the past was working for I.R.S. and a state tax agency. I.R.S. even taxes illegal money when criminals are caught.
They called Bill Clinton "Slick Willie", but that name should have been applied to Reagan, because he played the American people like a piano. Their plan all along was to transfer the wealth of the American people into the hands of their rich buddies.
However, he wasn't the first one who thought of it, Nixon did, he was just picking up the baton for what Nixon didn't get a chance to accomplish and running with it. Dubya set out to finish the mission, but whelp, what's in the dark always comes to light. Bush wasn't dumb, nope, he just didn't care. Bush wasn't the only culprit in destroying the economy either, Real Estate, Oil, Banks, and CEO's played a part in it too. Real Estate was a big one that had been overlooked up until now. They got real greedy.
Clinton knew poor people lacked jobs skills and jobs. He also knew was what crippling them. The excuses used not to hire them was lack of experience or skills. However, there were white folks hired who lacked those same skills and experience but it didn't stop them from getting the job. Most of them had worked their way up, but got their job through a friend of the family or family member, connections. Black people didn't have those type of connections. In a sense it was another slick way of discrimination and the list of excuses goes on and on.
In order, not to rock the establishments boat, Clinton came up with the welfare to work program idea when he saw an opening behind the big stir Reagan caused with the "Welfare Queen Myth". The Myth was a lie, but Clinton enabled more black people to get a job. It was just a bandage to stop the bleeding. The Bush Sr. and Reagan's pollution into black neighborhoods with the gun and drug smuggling had already taken hold. I can't really go into as much detail as I'd like. In addition, I'm trying to explain it the best I know how.
However, had it been left up to Reagan and the GOP Presidents, blacks would have never have been hired, another slick way of genocide and getting rid of what they considered undesirable people. If people are deprived of all of their basic survival needs they die. When people are desperate they will take desperate measures such as steal, rob, and kill in order to survive,which leads to incarceration and free labor in one of our modern day plantations--prison.
That tough on crime is a bunch of crock. The underlying motive is a completely different reason. The GOP could care less about blacks killing blacks, never have, and never will. Their goal always was to make more laws to cripple blacks and keep them from getting ahead. And well, like I said, desperate people take desperate measures to survive.
The GOP always fight for more prisons to prepare for the rise in crime because of the ripple effect from some messed up measure they have planned. They believe in the white male power structure only, not a we the people power structure that includes people of color. Nevertheless, I am not denying that black on black crime is a problem, because it is.
You would be surprise but some of those folks living in projects have jobs The only thing is they are very low-paying jobs or part-time jobs that are not enough to pay the market rent, barely feeds their families, or buy clothes, or even basics such a soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper. Most got more on welfare than they do from the jobs they have and is one of the reasons they are trapped in poverty and the projects.
The real Jesse Lee Peterson:
They need to pump up the volume on ole Jesse Lee Peterson and start exposing him for what he really is a snake in the grass pimp and not let it rest until he is exposed to the fullest degree. It's a lot of people that already know about him, but it's a lot that don't.
Start telling his business,his business dealings,let people know who he is affiliated with, and where he gets his money from. In a sense that would be killing two birds with one stone, Hannity and the rest of their ilk, and leave no stone unturned.
Thanks for the link, Granny.
I first heard of Jessie Lee Peterson when he appeared in Milwaukee during the 2002 National Association of Black Journalists. He was onstage during a session, ranting and raving about Jessie Jackson. He really came off as a nutbar.
Apparently he is that and then some.
According to this article, he has ties with the Council of Conservative Citizens, a right-wing white supremacist group that is the offshoot of the White Citizens Councils that championed segregation during the '50s and '60s.
He also is affiliated with Project 21, a brainchild of the National Center for Public Policy Research, which is funded by the Bradley Foundation and Richard Mellon Scaife.
Both the Bradley Foundation (which, in the 1990's bankrolled a The Bell Curve, a "study" that advanced the genetic inferiority of African Americans) and Schaife fund the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, so Patterson is hardly some grass roots activist.
This man is getting paid.
Granny, Rudy asked me what Dem's had done lately to harm blacks and I answered removing the amount of money that could be given to states for welfare distribution. In my opinion that's bad for everyone, but I did fall into the trap of saying it was bad for Blacks. My bad, but given the question's framework I hope you'll forgive me.
I came across a reason Blacks stopped voting repub the other day on the Weather Channel of all places. There was a huge flood on the Mississippi River in 1927 that everyone in the South knows about. Lots of people were stranded on what had become islands and were being rescued by boat. The farm owners blocked the rescue of the Black share croppers in Mississippi. They were eventually rescued through the efforts of a farm owner's son. The repub Prez (Hoover?) promised to make things better in Mississippi but after the flood didn't do anything. End of story.
There is no need to ask me to forgive you, you didn't do nothing wrong. You made me think of something that I had been wanting to bring up back some time ago, but had got distracted and forgot.
Jesse Lee Peterson is lower than dirt. He needs to be EXPOSED to the world. Activist and true journalist need to be blasting his name and all he is into every chance they get, and let it spread like a wildfire. Like I said earlier, there are a lot of people that know about him, but it's a lot that don't.
If I remember correctly, Roland Martin debated him once and made him look silly. I am not sure of that, because it's been a few years back, but I do remember someone putting him in his place.
Hannity even sent him once to try set Jesse Jackson up at a meeting with General Motors that was organized to help poor people get jobs to discredit Jesse and disrupt the meeting. Anyway, Peterson, claimed that Jesse Jackson's son and Judge Mathis had assaulted him, but he was lying. He tried to sue all three of them, but the case was thrown out.
He pissed that actor Joseph Phillips off real bad during one of those conservative conferences on CSPAN belittling black folks. That was the night of the million man march. Phillips was hotter than fish grease.
However, it was sort of funny because they were both representing the conservative party, and the audience was mostly white. They were supposed to be there to diss Farrakhan, but instead winded making the conservatives look bad.
Phillips got so angry it kind of scared those white folks. Phillip is an intelligent young man, but he blew his cool that night, because Jesse had went a little too far with his belittling comments. I hate to say it but I was hoping that he would sock Jesse in his mouth.
BTW, Hannity, also, belongs to the White Citizens Council, and so does O'Reilly and a few others. Bush even attended their meetings. I read it on the White Citizens Council's website and saw their pictures posted there as well. However, I mentioned it on the Newshounds blog and those pages suddenly disappeared. Hannity and the Fox crew read the Newshounds and other blogs to see what's being said about them. He's a very insecure person.
Watch that documentary "OutFox" it pinpoints with accuracy how Fox News operates.
What happened to "Freedom of Speech"?
Guess it only applys when you agree with what the person's saying?
Who is attempting to abridge Peterson's right to free speech?
He can say whatever he likes but he better expect to be called out for the bootlickin, ass-kissin, foot shufflin, head sctratchin Uncle Tom buffoon that he is.
That goes for Juan Williams as well.
BTW check www.coonwatchcentral.blogspot.com
The web's "Most Wanted List" for Lawn Jockeys.
Anonymous, You should understand that free speech is most free when it is subject to the marketplace of ideas.
Peterson certainly is entitled to his views and is free to express them, and others have just as much a right to weigh in with their views in response.
He also is free to appear in any forum that will have him. However, instead of falsely presenting himself as some guy who is some grassroots activist, he should forthrightly inform his audience that he is a spokesman for Project 21, which is bankrolled by Bradley Foundation and Richard Mellon Scaife through the National Center for Public Policy Research.
Petersen also is in bed with the Conservative Citizens Council, which is an offshoot of the White Citizens Councils that opposed intergration of the ‘50s and ‘60s. (Btw, Byron de la Beckwith, who killed Medgar Evers, was a member of the White Citizens Council.)
By doing so, he can be honest and give his wacky comments the context they deserve.
My friend Field Negro - I don't agree with Peterson's statements that 90% of Black people are racists.
I think that it is more accurate to call a good number of you all "Ideological Bigots". Despite having White folks - kill us, mis-educate us and destroy our businesses in the past.....when BLACK FOLKS do the same thing TODAY - many of you are unable to look past your ideological bigotry and call them out just the same.
Between the "Racism Chasing" and the "Non-White White Supremacy" that runs rampant among the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser faction - you have little credibility to attack Rev Peterson.
[quote] 'Most blacks, not all but most in Tennessee, especially in the Memphis, Tennessee area, are still living in the 50’s and 60’s. They are so racist that they don’t even realize that white Americans have moved on. And so whenever there’s a campaign like this, such as this, they always use racism in order to intimidate white America.'[/quote]
In another post I just read WhiteBowieSteve state that Mississippi is behind the times. If we drive across the river and check out Memphis - how is it contemptible to make reference of the same thing among Blacks in Memphis?
Clearly you don't watch "The First 48 Hours" to see just how Memphis is.
I think that it is more accurate to call a good number of you all "Ideological Bigots". Despite having White folks - kill us, mis-educate us and destroy our businesses in the past.....when BLACK FOLKS do the same thing TODAY - many of you are unable to look past your ideological bigotry and call them out just the same.
What gives you the impression that black on black crime is something the black community shuts its eyes to?
There have been countless articles, op-ed pieces (see Bob Herbert of the NYTimes) and marches over black on black crime. It certainly isn't considered acceptable. You would be crazy to do so.
That said, Peterson is a clown. He is the first black person I have ever heard advise that black folk "go back to Africa." He is truly a mouthpiece for right wing bigots.
And if he had a lick of sense, he would realize that many of us have ancestors who were in this country before Columbus arrived on these shores.
"What gives you the impression that black on black crime is something the black community shuts its eyes to?"
Even more so than that Constructive Feedback never details what he expects the "black community" that he so passionately rails about to do about street crime that we don't pay the cops to do.
To me this is kernel of conservative stupidity.
They seem to think that the "black community" is some stand alone entity outside and inimically removed from the rest of America furiously resisting becoming part of the mainstream.
They also think that the law abiding majority of inner city dwellers (predominately women and children) should I guess take up arms and conduct a civil war with violent street criminals.
They don't seem to understand that these folks are merely trying to survive in an unforgiving and hostile environment.
sharon from wi
OG's don't go to marches or community meetings. they may make you feel better but they're not slowing the numbers down.
They also think that the law abiding majority of inner city dwellers (predominately women and children) should I guess take up arms and conduct a civil war with violent street criminals.
are these the same women raising the same criminals we're speeking of?
hummm starting to see a pattern?
OG's don't go to marches or community meetings. they may make you feel better but they're not slowing the numbers down.
I was under the impression you were talking about law abiding, nonviolent people.
Of course the criminals are not going to particpate in the marches.
You are not that obtuse, but you are really being disingenuous in stating that the black community is not concerned about black on black crime.
are these the same women raising the same criminals we're speeking of?
There are some women who are not worth a box of salt when it comes to parenting kids who will be an asset to their community down the road.
Some, but certainly not all. So please, don't resort to the across-the-board smears that Monsieur Peterson so readily engages in.
"So please, don't resort to the across-the-board smears that Monsieur Peterson so readily engages in."
If he didn't smear and stereotype, he'd have nothing to say.
I just drop by for a minute. I really don't have time today to spend on the blog, so this is my last post, until I get some more free time. However, I just wanted to say, Sharon and uptown steve, I couldn't have said it any better than both of you did. Amen, amen, and amen!
I've observed your comments for a while now, and to tell you the truth, you need to get over the fear of black people that you have. One more thing, your always talking about the problem, could you please share your solution to the black on black problems, since none of the many suggestions that have been made seem to work for you.
Like Sharon said,(my words added here) that snake in grass Peterson is entitled to freedom of speech and to speak wherever he pleases, but it's a two way street, he should expect people to exercise their same freedom of speech and respond. The fake reverend is nothing more than a negro on string with Hannity pulling his strings and he speaks nothing but divisiveness and poisonous hatred. BTW, what do you do in the black community to help eliminate the problem?
Like I said in past post, I would more than gladly pay a bailbondsmen, a lawyer, and eat bread and water in a jail cell to give Jesse Lee snake in grass Peterson a knuckle sandwich right in the kisser. He is a disgrace to the human race with his lying, money hungry, no good, azz-kissing, lowdown, scandalous, trifling,hoodrat, crooked,shady, shiftless, insecure,and retarded self. Now, do you get it?
Yeah, anonymous, let me see, my son graduated from college, played professional baseball, graduated from the police academy, holds a license in real estate, works in law enforcement, all before he reached 30, so yeah, I guess it is a pattern there, huh. BTW, I raised him in an inner city.
Forgive me anonymous but the question below was meant for Constructive, not you. I was trying to hurry up, because I have somewhere to go in a few minutes.
"BTW, what do you do in the black community to help eliminate the problem?"
Don't waste your time Granny.
He's not going to answer.
I've been reading CF's foamy mouthed lectures about "kneegrow thugs" "black quasi socialist racism chasers" and "failed black political leadership for about 18 months now.
He's just a sad confused self-hating black man who comes on these boards and goes into autopilot with negrophobic rants that would give comfort and smiles to the average Council of Conservative Citizens dues paying member.
But check this out for anyone pays attention to CF.
Cut and paste his next post.
Then compare it to what he's already posted here and tell me if it's not the same damn thing with a couple of alterations.
[quote]What gives you the impression that black on black crime is something the black community shuts its eyes to? [/quote]
Sharron - with EVERY OTHER ILL in which BLACK FOLKS are disproportionate victims of you will see STRONG ACTIVISM to close the gap.
The fact that it is BLACK PEOPLE who are causing the ailment makes these typical responses impotent.
As a result these ideological bigots are forced into :
* Confiscating guns from everyone because their son's cant' stop killing each other with gun in hand
(One thing I like about my friend Filled Negro is that he tacitly admits the problem by keeping up his murder count and occasionally talking about the situation)
* Blaming it on slavery and Jim Crow and economic marginalization from years ago (They don't give the White Trash who killed Blacks in order to keep Blacks in their place economically the same benefit of the doubt)
As far as I am concerned the clock on BLACK ON BLACK MURDERS was set to ZERO on January 1, 2009 (and then RESET AGAIN on January 20, 2009 at 12 noon). Despite all of the symbolism and hopes for gravitational pull - THE MESSAGE DID NOT GET OUT TO THE THUGS to stop killing - They are increasing the Homicide County under Obama.
Granny - I like you because you are high spirited - despite having strong disagreements with nearly everything about you. (But I would never disrespect you as a woman or my elder - Now ask UptownSteve if he affords the same respect to women who disagree with him)
[quote]I've observed your comments for a while now, and to tell you the truth, you need to get over the fear of black people that you have. One more thing, your always talking about the problem, could you please share your solution to the black on black problems, since none of the many suggestions that have been made seem to work for you.
"BTW, what do you do in the black community to help eliminate the problem?"[/quote]
Granny - I live with a FULL HOUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE. If I had "fear of Black people" don't you think that I would have attempted to "lighten up" the gene pool of my progeny? This is but foolish talk. YOU want me to practice "My Race, Right Or Wrong". I am sorry I cannot.
The key methodology to resolve many of these problems is by ENFORCING STANDARDS.
1) Understand the general goals of the community
2) Communicate to everyone the BENEFITS that the attainment of these goals will have upon them
3) Tell EVERYONE the part that they play in this attainment
4) Identify those who are WILLING TO WORK WITH YOU as they plan to eat the fruit.
5) Manage their efforts, amplifying what works, suppressing what AIN'T WORKING
6) Document #5, open up a FaceBook site and SPREAD THIS NEWS TO THE REST OF YOUR PEOPLE.
7) Share the fruit and open up a second round for people who were too HARD HEADED the first time and thus missed the boat.
The key difference between me and you and WhiteBowieSteve is that I don't have the assumption that EVERYONE WANTS TO BE SAVED. Some people do EVERYTHING THAT IS NECESSARY to REMAIN WHERE THEY ARE. If you come to them with an alternative they will SMACK YOU DOWN.
Why do you ask ME, your ideological adversary for SOLUTIONS? Do you use this as a prerequisite for WHO YOU VOTE FOR PRESENTLY? It doesn't appear to be the case.
IF ONLY you would I would see this as a small victory for my cause, which is to make all competitors for our racial mindshare to COMPETE for our loyalties.
Wow! He's a real life Uncle Ruckus!
"Now ask UptownSteve if he affords the same respect to women who disagree with him"
You really are a lying slime aren't you?
Show me where I treated any black conservative woman (or man) any differently than they treated me.
Therein lies the problem with you coonservatives.
You expect black folks to give you the same patronizing pats on the head that white conservatives do and that ain't going to happen.
[quote]You expect black folks to give you the same patronizing pats on the head that white conservatives do and that ain't going to happen.[/quote]
With so many so called emancipated Black Progressives using source material for their blogs from White Liberal, often racist or patronizing web sites and sources - this frequent claim that you make against Black Conservative sponsorship falls apart like a 4 day old soiled diaper and smells just as badly.
"With so many so called emancipated Black Progressives using source material for their blogs from White Liberal, often racist or patronizing web sites and sources"
One example of this please.
Watch him disappear.
Coca Goddess,
I just have to ask. Who is Uncle Ruckus?
constructive feedback????
If you ever want to get rid of a coonservative, ask him a direct question.
I don't think you are far from the truth. I think Mr. (He ain't nobodies reverend) Peterson has a tumor or something sitting on some part of the lobe that controls logic and reasoning. That constant slurring and droopy eyed look, I think is due to a medical mal something or other. That would explain it. I have been thinking heavily about the "Drop Squad" for a lot of people this week.
If they brought back lynching tomorrow and people like this were the ones that were to be tied up to get lynched , I would not only chop the wood, but I would personally buy the equipment- the rope, the matches, and the gas-to see to it that people like this got burned myself-having a reserved spot in purgatory notwithstanding!Maybe this is too much-no, I would simply recommend folks like this for the local drop squad were one to come in existence!Shucks!
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