Every now and then I read about a story that pretty much knocks me out of my chair. The latest in my da hell were you thinking hall of fame, involves one Elgin Baylor, the former general manager of the woeful Los Angeles Clippers basketball franchise.
Now this Negro done went and sued the Clippers for employment discrimination and had the nerve to say that he was terminated because of his age and his race. Baylor was the GM and VP of basketball operations for 22 years in La la land, and under his tenure the Clippers played 500 basketball twice. Yes, that's right, they won half of their games twice in 22 years. And during that time they won exactly one, yes ONE playoff game. Not playoff series; but playoff game.
Elgin, my only questions to the Clippers would be why did it take so long to fire your ass? Honestly Elgin, you should have been fired 20 years ago. I know times are hard and your lawyers want to eat, but Carl Douglas (remember him from the O.J. trial?) ought to get real. He is obviously not a basketball fan, because if he was, he would have laughed you right out of his office when you mentioned the "s" word.
But this is what's wrong in A-merry-ca. We have Negroes like Elgin using the race card to spend on frivolous shit. So now the race card is damned near maxed out, and when we need it to make purchases that we really need, we are told that we don't have enough on that bad boy. (Officer, what do you mean I can't use my race card because you pulled me over to check my registration and not the five white guys who were driving in front of me? Sorry Mr. Field, your race card is over the limit. Damn that Elgin Baylor!)
Elgin, Donald Sterling might have been a bad owner.....wait I take that back, he is a bad owner, and he might even be a racist one. And there might have been a culture and atmosphere of racism around Clipper land as you suggest. But that doesn't excuse 20 losing seasons out of 22. It just doesn't. And why did it take 22 years and you getting fired to realize that there was a racist atmosphere in your workplace, Elgin?
Sorry Elgin, I am not buying it, and I hope the courts don't buy it either.
I dont have a damned thing to say about this...I just wanted to be first.
Damn it Lola! Anyway he should have the refs.
Elgin = hotmess.
He should have sued the refs.
I'm not buying it. My city had to put with those sorry Clippers before Elgin Baylor became the GM. The only decent draft pick they ever had on Elgin's watch was Danny Manning, and it's hard to screw that one up when you pick first overall.
lmaooo...it's too late to be a sore loser!!!
Typical, you’ll never change…..lol
Poor, poor me….boo-hoo
They’s pick’n on mez…..
We count on the Clippers to help us feel better about the Knicks. Then the Knicks go & lose to the Clippers.
Judging from the pic of him above, I'd say that he does have a valid case. Damn right he does Field and you're wrong. Don't you see the Jheri Curl on that Negroes head?
Forget the losing seasons. They let his ass stay in that position for a very long time with a Jheri Curl and now to finally give him the axe,is discriminatory.
Its Los Angeles for crying out loud. Sure Ice Cube doesn't wear one anymore, but surely there are young dudes out there still rockin it without anyone even trippin.
Fight the power!
Wait the Clippers beat the Knicks?
Lola, you are a trip! Now about that car...
RiPPa, stop it, you are killing me.:) Actually, I am pretty sure the jheri doesn't even belong to him. Is it me or does Elgin's, ahem ahem, hair, always seem to look just a little shaky?
R.J., didn't the Clippers used to play in San Diego? I bet you guys are glad you got rid of them.
Yes nyc/caribbean..., they beat the Knicks. Hey, they win about 19 games a year, so do don't feel too bad. There are about 18 other teams in the same boat.
Dude was pissed he got fired. Decided to not go gently. So, he shopped around til he could find a greedy enough lawyer to take the case. And, if he was dumb enough to go with this strategy, he probably agreed to pay the damn lawyer billable hours vs a percentage... which means the lawyer banks no matter what. Poor Elgin is about to lose his retirement too....
On another note.... Happy Love Day to you all!
As a long time Clipper fan and Lost Angeles resident, his time is over.
Rippa: I luv it.
FN: I totally agree with you on this one. This guy needs to go away fast. And by the way, many people on the "mean streets" of Philly are mentally ill. Whatever the degree of their mental health is dangerous. We dont know what their triggers are but i do know when i walk the streets of center city i am mindful of this. But still i luv this city and its where i will stay. Are you still in FN
"And by the way, many people on the "mean streets" of Philly are mentally ill. Whatever the degree of their mental health is dangerous. We dont know what their triggers are but i do know when i walk the streets of center city i am mindful of this."
Great point DD, and the worse the economy gets the easier it will be to set off those triggers. But we have some serious animals running around our city as well, and the sooner we get them off the streets the better.
Hey, Field your a lawyer so what do you say to a guy who has failed the bar three times? Because my cousin just found out he failed the bar on his third try. The first two times he couldn't find people to study with for the bar. So, I wondering should I just tell ole boy to give up the ghost?!
My cousin is almost similar to Elgin sad behind who kept losing games.
Field..now I came to your page at least expecting a good Field Negro love story! Disappointed....disappointed! But I like this post too. Hmm you could of at least posted a flower
Go B.
Iyfesimplified...He posted a very cute bear squeezing a heart....which is very festive
i am appalled at your commentary. are u selling out the black man! how do you know the owner hasnt made disparaging remark about race to baylor?These remarks should not be tolerated. How do u baylor wasnt retained because he worked cheaper than white colleagues and wouldnt stir up trouble? i believe mr baylor referred to his treatment as plantation mentality. field if i knew you i would suggest that u would use the same tactics if it could benefit you at your place of employment. i would bet in fact you have. field u shouldnt judge others without knowing all the facts. people lets stand up to the field.
im, Anon 5:20pm, he worked there for 22FRIGGIN YEARS! And they lost more than they won. In the world of pro basketball, that is grounds for firing. He may have been treated like shit but in the courts, that fact that he stayed for 22 years and did not complain until he was fired means he LOSES his case. And, the fact that they are a losing team is grounds for firing... HE LOSES HIS CASE!!!
In discrimination cases, they look at those elements... are there other grounds for firing and if there are, YOU LOSE. This guy does not have a leg to stand on, period.
I didn't even know the Clippers had a motherfucking general manager!
"But this is what's wrong in A-merry-ca. We have Negroes like Elgin using the race card to spend on frivolous shit. So now the race card is damned near maxed out, and when we need it to make purchases that we really need, we are told that we don't have enough on that bad boy"
Preach, my brotha, preach.
no, no, no!
Listen I know how this looks on the surface, but there really has to be some room left on the credit card here!
Baylor could certainly have been legitimately fired a long time ago. No argument there. But if you really know how much of a cheap bastard Donald Sterling is, then it is completely plausible for Sterling to keep Elgin around for his name and to keep paying him far less than other GMs. If Elgin left, he was not getting a new GM job and he knew that. For his part, winning has never been Sterling's top priority. But more importantly, Sterling has an ugly history of racism, most notably:
He has been charged with deliberately refusing to rent property to anyone who looks like Elgin and that is quite serious.
It was barely mentioned at the end of that LA Times link, and The Associated Press reports on Baylor forgot to mention it at all.
"According to the lawsuit, the Sterling companies also have refused to rent to African Americans at properties in Beverly Hills, and have misrepresented the availability of units to blacks and families with children. Prosecutors are seeking a court order that would bar future acts of discrimination, along with monetary damages for alleged victims, none of whom was identified."
Hate to nitpick, but didn't the Clips win a PO series in '06? That's when Sam I Am was running the PNR with Brand... Brand was unreal that year.
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