I have tried to hold out posting in more detail about the Air McNair tragedy, but I can't anymore. I just have to drop a few lines about the power of the booty and some of the pitfalls that come with chasing it.
I must admit that I was inspired to write this post after reading one of my favorite writers, Elmer Smith's take on all this cheating and creeping going on in the news lately. At first, like everyone else, I thought it was great to see powerful men get caught with their pants down. Especially powerful men who happen to be first class hypocrites. But then, one of the the booty calls, took a tragic turn for the worse, and it (the booty) took the life of a man who most of us still want to remember in a different way.
Steve McNair was creeping on his wife. We have heard that it was getting serious with the "jump off" ( Will one of you Negroes reading this please explain to our white readers what a "jump off" is? Thanks). Now from all indication (and I am just speculating here, so please save your journalism 101 lectures) McNair's "jump off" was getting in too deep, and he wanted to end it all. Well, the "jump off" wasn't having it, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Now I have a partner or two (or three) with "jump offs" (don't worry, I am not going to do a Kobe on you guys) and if you think it's just rich athletes who stash their "jump offs", you would be wrong. There is quite a lot of that going on in society. *In my best Bernie Mac voice.*Long ago. Long long long ago. Waaaaayyy before Mrs. Field..... I was seeing a sister who, as it turns out, was a "jump off" for someone else. Girlfriend told me in no uncertain terms that our relationship couldn't go anywhere, because her benefactor was doing way more for her than the kid could ever do. I got the hint, and kept moving. BTW, I suspect that there are quite a few women with male jump offs as well, so please lets not make this a gender issue.
Now the thing about athletes is that they don't have to work as hard as the rest of the guys in society when it comes to dating. Women go looking for them. It's a whole different ball game (no pun intended) when you make millions and you have a high profile. I am not excusing what McNair did, but let's not pretend that what he was doing was that rare. And money is not the only aphrodisiac, power is a powerful one,too. Just ask Bill Clinton or any of those philandering clowns (from both parties) in Washington. Sadly, no matter how many of them the booty takes down they never seem to learn. Family,career, constituents, they can all be damned. Nothing beats the power of the booty. Nothing.
Personally, I don't come down as hard on those folks who fall to the power of the booty. We all have our weaknesses and shortcomings. Whatever happens is between the booty chaser, his wife, and his god. As long, of course, as he is not a hypocrite. Translated: As long as he is not some family values wingnut republican telling me how to live my life.
Steve McNair, wasn't telling me how to live my life. Steve McNair was a great athlete who I enjoyed watching play football and who played with great courage. Steve McNair also had some personal flaws and those flaws, more than likely, cost him his life. Steve McNair was unlucky, he picked the wrong "jump off".
Fellows, this is a PSA from the field: Always remember Steve McNair.
Oh, on a final note: I caught some of the MJ funeral today, and I must say it seemed like it was all done in good taste. --Color me surprised.--- The family really looked dignified and the send off had a good old fashion Southern Baptist feel to it. Good for the Jacksons, and good for all the people who were fortunate enough to be there.
*Pic. compliments of TMZ.
White booty--the black man's kryptonite.
Sad story indeed.Women are responsible for many a man's death.
I've been hearing a lot of people calling her a jump-off but as I think about it wasn't he, Steve, the jump-off? I mean he was the one doing all of the buying of Caddy's and paying rent and such right?
It just seems to me that when a man with money uses that money to get a women then he's the jump-off.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
@Mr R
She wasn't White, she was Persian.
I feel for his wife and kids! May this be alesson to both men and women who cheat! This women was obviously unstable, she could have hurt his wife and children too!
Instead of saying he picked the wrong "jump off", how about saying he shouldn't have had a "jump off: at all!
I suspect if more creepers thought the price was a bullet, there would be a lot less creepin.... and no need to explain the Jump Off.... it becomes quite clear what it means in your writing.
Funny. I don't hear the defenders of hetrosexual only marriage coming out to criminalize this behavior. Why not? This seems to be a much bigger and more common threat to marriage than gays and lesbians getting married ever will be.
No Monie, McNair, had a wife at home. The other woman is the "jump off". At least here it is. It might change from region to region.
Anon. That's a good point. It would be better not to have a "jump off at all. But since this is a blog about trying to keep it as real as possible, I have to try and...well, keep it real. We can't stop these men from giving in to the power of the booty, so maybe we can try to help them be smart about their choices.
"Funny. I don't hear the defenders of hetrosexual only marriage coming out to criminalize this behavior. Why not? This seems to be a much bigger and more common threat to marriage than gays and lesbians getting married ever will be."
AMEN to that Jody.
I also thought the Jackson memorial service was well done. I think a lot of us were skeptical, but it really turned out nice with some great tributes.
I've always looked at infidelity through the lens of cost-benefit analysis. How could the P > the years one has spent with one's partner + the loss of one's spouse + the loss of one's child(ren). It certainly can't be greater than one's own life.
I do actually have one cynical thought about today's memorial service, but I think it best to keep it to myself.
I don't know Field. I think you're being a little too easy on our boy, Steve McNair. He was a creep for cheating on his wife, and the young woman with whom he was involved was a creep for involving herself with a married man. That said, she was young and impressionable, and, Mr. McNair sold her a lot of junk, which she didn't have the foresight to know that it was junk. The only difference between McNair and Sanford is that McNair ended up dead. Apparently, the other woman wasn't having it any longer, or, at least that is what news accounts are leading us to believe.
Personally, the fact that McNair's girlfriend wasn't Black doesn't matter to me. I know we as Black people want that to be the issue. However, people choose who they choose. The larger issue is the act itself: a man who cheated, and a woman who helped him to cheat.
It's a sad state of affairs for all involved, and, as far as I am concerned, a blot on Steve McNair's legacy.
I hope that Steve McNair death will serve as a reminder to married and single men and women when they choose to play with another person’s heart. Your time with him or her is usually brief having fun and lust because that is what you sidepiece really is to you…an escape from the reality of your home life.
Male and female sidepieces usually never make it to the table; it is very rare a sidepiece will become the main dish. We hear about the famous and powerful, put there are just as many unknowns who are killed are maimed when they want to move on from their sidepiece.
BOTTOM LINE: Playing with a person heart and mind is VERY DANGEROUS. It is best to be up front about your intentions at all times, it does not take long to discover if they have a psychological disconnect about the reality of your intentions.
MJ's memorial service was absolutely beautiful.
I won't waste any more time on the "other" story in this post, roll eyes!
Well, creep on you old lady at your own risk for a booty call. He was with this Iranian chick, yes, she is Iranian as I can't find ancient Persia on a map where they claim to be from, and, got a total whack job, I feel more for his family than him, although no one, even someone who creeps deserves to be murdered.
And this straight "marriage institution" really needs some help since as of late, being with one person just does not seem to be the way in 2009 with all the "soul mates" and a little on the side events.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
Yeah I agree with you. The religious/ political crazies that are always talking about the "sanctity" of marriage seem to go into hiding whenever heterosexuals like McNair, Sanford, etc. do this kind of stuff. It lets us know how disingenuous they really are.
I wanted to share with you a different side of McNair that I saw and experienced first hand.
I hate what has been done to his family by his actions.
Field-"...I suspect that there are quite a few women with male jump offs as well, so please lets not make this a gender issue."
McNair and his girlfriend has already been covered in the comment section of "Duke Revisited: Or maybe Not." However, I am glad you mentioned this, Field because some black females have already done a lot of bashing of black men in your post about Frimpong. Why didn't you step in and mention it there? They talked as though all black men were dogs--users of black women but they were as blameless as the Virgin Mary.
I urge you to read the comments following the 200th poster in the thread, "Duke Revisited..." It's basically the same old blaming tune of woe and rage by the same black male hating crew.
McNair's end is definitely a cautionary tale, one that I would hope (but doubt) many will heed.
The Michael Jackson was very well done, though after that BET debacle the bar wasn't exactly all that high. Still, this memorial was at the high end as far as memorials for the rich and famous go.
The MJ funeral was dignified, and heart breaking. His daughter was amazing. It was very hard to watch and keep it together, which I failed completely.
One thing though. The gold plated coffin? I know he had a particular style. But that seemed a bit much.
Mr R- How do you define 'white'? Iranians are white.
Jody, EXCELLENT point about the hetero only crowd. They are so fulla shit their breath smells like crap.
Oh, by the way Mr R. There are a HELL of a lot more men responsible for women's deaths.
Jody-"Funny. I don't hear the defenders of hetrosexual only marriage coming out to criminalize this behavior. Why not? This seems to be a much bigger and more common threat to marriage than gays and lesbians getting married ever will be."
Are you saying that marriage will be holier with gays and lesbians getting married? I don't think so.
Regarding MJ's memorial; Jermaine can really sing. I'm so used to present day pop stars who can't sing outside of a studio that it was refreshing hearing him, and moving.
When Paris spoke I cried. I almost cried when Marlon spoke but Paris pushed me over the edge.
Over all I thought the memorial was very tasteful.
"Oh, by the way Mr R. There are a HELL of a lot more men responsible for women's deaths."
Not in my world. More men have died at the hands of either a women and or more often by another man. It isn't just the man who is creeping around. It takes "two" to tango in this game of betrayal. And IF someone is going to die, it's 'usually' going to be the man.
I missed the MJ service. My job keeps me away from the TV and the only thing I saw was bits and pieces on CNN this evening. Wish I could have seen the whole thing.
As for McNair, I'm going to remember him for what he did on the field. End of story.
Didn't I read somewhere that her parents were killed in Iran and she was raised in Florida by relatives? I'm thinking her abandonment issues were already in play; perhaps her PTSD was triggered, so to speak. Better know who you're messing with if you're messing with someone's heart and mind as Blinders Off says.
Sorry, field, but all I've got is a very general impression of what you mean by "jump off," so clarification of the etymology here would be appreciated. Or not. It's cool.
I'm in no way excusing her actions, if she indeed is the murderer as it appears likely.
Thank you Genmaspeaks for sharing your personal interactions with the late Steve McNair and particularly "his give something back to the community" generosity.
I've never had a problem separating a person's professional life from their personal life. I've worked with some great artists who's work is admired by thousands, but who's shocking personal life would knock you over with a feather.
Despite Mr. McNair's many accomplishments on the field, in his philanthropic gifts after he retired and his role as a father and husband - that has all been tainted and overshadowed by a selfish indiscretion that ultimately cost him his life.
And as much as I'm hopeful that Steve McNair's death will give those husbands and wives who are creeping out on their partners a wake up call. Sadly, I know it won't make much of a difference. And I'm preparing myself for the next famous or well known public figure who will end up with a bullet or two courtesy of an unstable jump-off.
'Cuz, you know it's gonna happen.
@Genmaspeaks-Thank you for sharing another side of McNair. That story showed Steve's good heart, generosity and kindness toward others. It was a big part of who he was.
Lust and greed are big trouble makers for most humans. In fact, some say that "lust and greed rule the earth."
When lust and greed are involved anything is permissible and anything is possible. Lust and greed can lead to anger and rage, which can lead to tragedy and death--as it did for McNair, his family, and his mistress. It can happen to anyone. Everyday, someone dies because of a relationship gone wrong.
However. Steve's human weaknesses does not cancel out his good qualities and his stengths. We humans are made good but have tendencies to do bad. So we have good and bad mixed together throughout our lives.
Genma, thanks again for sharing the good side of McNair.
RIP, Steve.
What a legacy to leave four black boys?
Field, don't you need to give Rev. Inc. Al his props?
"More men have died at the hands of either a women and or more often by another man."
You're kidding, right? I know it's easy to speak in generalizations, but many more women die at the hands of men than the other way around. Yes, men die all the time and that's a tragedy too, but claiming that women are the main perpetrators of violence in relationships is inaccurate. It happens, but not as much as you're saying.
It's real simple, it's not a booty call (Theres more than enough Botty at home)or a jump off.
It's called I fell in love with another woman and still love my wife. It's like a drug habbit that you want to break you know your hurting your wife. You care and love your wife and still have to look into the woman's eyes that has stood by your side and you have hurt her heart and you cry and hurt inside.
It's not call fun it's called pain. Rather than cheat just tell the wife you love another woman and head out the door tell her you can't hurt her anymore after all she already knows you and what you are doing. She will respect you for that and you will always have a chance to start over again when the other women becomes the wife.
Just get 5 jobs and always take care of the ex and children and you can always go back. It's called being honest and covering all your future options.
Then re-marry you ex. Does it sound like i've been there and done that? Marrying your first wife twice sometimes can stop all the future booty calls because you know what hurt is.
You children won't even be mad at you. Keep the booty call (second wife) away from your family and you will be ok.
HUH?--Now, no one and I mean no one deserves a death sentence, unless you are defending yourself from pending danger. Yet, no wife and especailly no children need to live with for the rest of their natural livies the fact that their father did not feel they were important enough to be informed that he and I quote "I'm NOT that into YALL". And if you find out later by proxy then you'll really know how unimportant you were in my life, and how much respect I had for you CHILDREN and your mother, none, I got things to do that don't include you guys, matter of fact I'm setting up a whole different fam only TEN!mile away, HUH? Now when the children hear about the stuff he gave anyone else including charaties do you really think it will matter? See as the old saying goes clean up your back yard before you go cleaning someone else's. Now when they go to school, social events etc. they have to live with that ish, and yes if the children are black it makes it even more painful(Persian,Iran it's all white, and that's scientific DNA talking)a young black girls black daddy dying over a white woman 16yrs his junior is not a comfortable add-on, I don't know how you black men do it, you know regulate yourselves into a penis, and then say it was just a booty call, and what's gay ish about anyway a WOMAN has no pleasure in the back so what is she getting out of the from the back fetish, knee grows pleaseeeee! Like Michael Richards said "you had a fork up your A$$ 50yrs ago" I feel for them all but the children now have a f-up legacy that will ultimately out shine any balls that got tossed, be straight ward and tell women I don't want you NO MORE, honesty is the safest policy kneegrowsssssssssss
FN my daughters have been lol all evening saying "It ain't nothing about OUR Daddy It's what OUR Daddy had to go through that was strange" at first I thought it was in bad taste but when they put it that way I've been laughing all nite.
They are getting T Shirts printed for themselves. Im in trouble!
Anonymous @2:05 am
(Persian, Iran it's all white, and that's scientific DNA talking)
HUH? You're entitled to your opinion, but don't give me that DNA bullshit. Please.
and what's gay ish about anyway a WOMAN has no pleasure in the back so what is she getting out of the from the back fetish
smh. . .
Aon: it should be that way, the Beauty Queen" always says I'd bring peace to the world but that's no real.
Women need to give up the black men thing after all as soon as Diana Ross got some money she went and got a white man.
What happens if a black woman gets rid of a worthless playboy husband and heads off with a japanese man? What he ain't worthless and she just falls in love.
I've always wondered if black women ever left their man for another woman? I've never heard of any black woman ever leaving her husband for another woman have you?
When will black women do what they always say when they get pissed off "I can do the same as you. Black women only and only want black men.
Hating black men with white women or reverse is KKK thinking, For god sake it's 2009. Give a brother a break please
"I've always wondered if black women ever left their man for another woman? I've never heard of any black woman ever leaving her husband for another woman have you?"
It happens. You just are not aware of it. BTW, more black women and white men are getting married each year. I see bw and wm together every day. I am glad to see it.
I still can't believe that a tough guy like Air McNair, who played while hurt, got taken down by a girl who looked Gonzo from the Muppet Show.
AON: now u know i've seen women leaving for women. When i use that point with black women it shuts them up real fast.
More than 50% of the time it's falling in love. many men want to control women, we want to have and keep as many as we can. Women love it in romance novels they dream of being the desire of another man.
The one rule in the whole game is a man should take care of his children first. The other woman should always say "if you can't take care of your children then how can you take care of me?).
Children should always know that they will get equal or more than the other woman first. You don't have to take your new one to the school events or anything else. It can be managed if a man understands what they need to do.
If a man wants to roll out get a seperate phone where his kids can always reach him no matter without out tbl from the new woman.
Never ever miss a child support payment and always let your new one know your kids come first. When you see your old ex never come home late to your new one.
If they don't want to accept mens, so called cheating, then close their bible cause it sure are lot of examples in the bible of men seeing and having other women.
If woman still don't want to work things out and call you names just say "EVE" ate the apple first now where does the shoe fit now?
My g-father was Irish so it been around in my family a long time.
Soap you haven't seen the real persian pics, she is a real heart breaker. I love all women and really love Black (real dark) women but those Persian can kill a man. I wish someone could ask Alexendar the great's army what they thought of persian women.
I buy persian dance music (Farsi), it really gams.
Love is love and women are women they all look bad in rollers.
Not that I'm an advocate for creeping or anything, but dammit, Steve McNair put a blackeye in the game.
I'm sayin, shorty was 19yrs old when he met her. And working at Dave & Busters? Buying this chick Escalades, taking her on trips and shit like that?
That's the shit you do when the chick knows how to work a pole. Last time I checked or visited Dave & Busters, I didn't see a stripper pole or some sleazy DJ who sounds like he jerks off between acts.
You're right: he picked the wrong jump-off. If she were a stripper chick, she would have played her position as he paid her college tuition.
Everybody knows that all strippers are in college.
Many men want the Dave and Buster type because they feed our ego more than the pole dancer. They make us feel like the almighty that are wives have long forgot that's what we had in them when they married them.
Most wives think their husband is great but after a couple of years we are just a rug. The D&B type will be real proud and show her thankfulness while the pole girl knows there is just another guy around the corner waiting.
The fact that the D & Buster type need you, they call and beg to see you. It just plays to your ego so much you get chills. You tell your friends that you have this little young innocent that is in a cloud just by you keeping her.
When you get a chance take at look at those other photos she is a pole girl without the pole. I'd buy her a "Lac" anyday of the week but I don't have that kind of money.
A man know the pole girl will not be in awe because she sees to many men. This one he wanted to keep at all cost and it cost him all
MJ's memorial service was absolutely beautiful.
I won't waste any more time on the "other" story in this post, roll eyes!
What? You are not going to spew venom and slither out of here? I do not believe it.
"You're right: he picked the wrong jump-off."
Anybody can end up in a 'fatal attraction' relationship without knowing it. Love addiction can be lethal. Check the news on any day and somebody is killing their lover, husband, or wife. And there is no Iranian involved either. BTW, how do you know what any "jump-off" is capable of before you get involved? Take it from me, you don't. There are just as many crazy lawyers, strippers, college students and teachers as there are waitresses at your favorite local restaurant or beer joint. They are all capable of having a fatal attraction moment and blowing your sick creeping lustful ass away.
This idea that Iranian woman are prone to kill is American racist bullshit. A black woman will kill your ass; a Latino woman will kill your ass; an Asian woman will poison your ass; and finally, a hot tempered white woman not only will kill your ass, she will stuff your black ass in a dumpster where her good friend Joe the garbage man makes his early pickup and no one will ever find your always-lusting-for-a-new-fuck dumb ass.
So spare me the racist BS about Middle-Eastern women. You don't know what you are talking about.
boukman70, what is your one cynical point? Come on brother, remember our motto:"Silence is NEVER Golden."
Genmasspeaks, I am going to check out that link now. Thanks.
"One thing though. The gold plated coffin? I know he had a particular style. But that seemed a bit much."
earlgrey, I am feeling you on that. But it's a minor point.
Anon. 12:00AM, I saw those comments after that post, it's one of the things that made me do this one. That's the good thing about being a blog host, you can respond to comments with an entire post.
kp, how did you get picking the "wrong jump off" with being an attack on Middle-Eastern women? I am not sure where that came from.
"The one rule in the whole game is a man should take care of his children first. The other woman should always say "if you can't take care of your children then how can you take care of me?)."
Great point Johhny Rocco.
"What a legacy to leave four black boys?
Field, don't you need to give Rev. Inc. Al his props?"
No comment! I think I am going to break my own rule that I just lectured boukman about. :)
That was my error, I meant to say some Persian women have looks that can drive a man crazy and then his wife will kill him.. I like women of all races I know all of them will torture your ass before they kill you.
You are 100% right about any woman killing. Maybe i should have used better wording.
Sorry about that
So... what does this mean for the future of marriage, or relationships in general? All this stepping out and cheating left and right. Is it too much to hope that my future husband stays faithful to me, as I undoubtedly will be to him? Damn, I guess times are a'changin'. And not necessarily for the better.
Jul 5, 2009
Former NFL QB Steve McNair killed
Nashville - Steve McNair, a one-time NFL co-most valuable player who was found slain along with a female companion in a Nashville condominium. McNair suffered multiple gunshot wounds, whereas 20-year-old Sahel Kazemi had one to the head. A pistol was found near her body. Police are treating the case as a possible murder-suicide.
I Bullet Am Sorry
anon said: "Are you saying that marriage will be holier with gays and lesbians getting married? I don't think so."
Anon..... the defenders of hetro-sexual marriage argue, THEIR argument, not mine, that gay marriage 'threatens' the sanctity of marriage.
So you tell me anon.... just how many gay relationships have caused divorce v infidelity. To be clear. I am NOT talking about straight relationships busting up because one of the members in said relationship left the marriage for a same sex partner. I AM talking about 2 people of the same gender choosing each other for a life partner. How does THAT threaten hetro-sexual marriage????
Lady M what you seek is out there, trust me. I am just telling what happened to me 24 years ago. The man you are looking for will find you not the other way around. Accept him don't look for one of those stereo T.V. types.
Give a man a chance to love you with his whole heart and if he wants to cheat then let him, just ask if his new thing has his back like you have his back if he says yes then just say C Ya wouldn't want to be you.
I slipped because it was the 80's and I was looking for ms business woman to help me with my business which my wife wasn't, she was a loyal loving wife and mother.
Ms Business woman turned into a nagging wife so it was c ya baby I might as well stay with wife one.
I went back and re-married her 20 years ago and i'm the same loyal husband i was before.
I see women i'd run away with everyday and I can even joke openly about I'm not leaving my happy home ever or at least for another woman.
Marring your first wife then marrying her as your third wife will send a man to a shrink.
Let a man get in all the trouble he wants if he's lucky and takes care of you and has proved his love he may have a second chance, I did and I'm blessed for it.
I'm still called my daddy by my 38 & 37 year old daughters and they have never had a day in their lives where they felt the weren't first. Nor do they have any bad memories from my past. My children thought their mother dorve me crazy She did lol!!.
I will just say I love your thoughts he's out there for you with honesty faith and love!!
This is in response to Anonymous @12:42 AM who wrote: "Oh, by the way Mr R. There are a HELL of a lot more men responsible for women's deaths."
Not in my world. More men have died at the hands of either a women and or more often by another man. It isn't just the man who is creeping around. It takes "two" to tango in this game of betrayal. And IF someone is going to die, it's 'usually' going to be the man." http://www.abanet.org/domviol/statistics.html
The link is to the American Bar Association's statistics on domestic violence.
As to the post, FN "everybody does it" is neither an explanation, nor an excuse. I wish he hadn't died the way he did, but glossing over how he arrived at his death does no one any good. Maybe none of us can be any good, but oughtn't we to try? Do we have to excuse (or seem to congratulate) disloyalty and betrayal, because, what, that's just how we do? I'm disturbed by the tone of this post; it seems to be "blaming" Mr. McNair's behavior on "the booty" rather than on Mr. McNair's CHOICES. (I put "blame" in quotes because I'm not sure that's really the word I mean.)
Race Traitoress said...
"Didn't I read somewhere that her parents were killed in Iran and she was raised in Florida by relatives? I'm thinking her abandonment issues were already in play; perhaps her PTSD was triggered, so to speak. Better know who you're messing with if you're messing with someone's heart and mind as Blinders Off says.
You know, I hate to bring race in this. However, just like the Columbine and V-tech shootings, I've always made some interesting observations when people analyze non-black criminals.
What if this woman was a black female, I wonder how many people (including black people) would pacify her actions? How long would it take for the terms "golddiger, ho, wicked, evil, animalistic, crazy bitch..." to surface? How many people would assume McNair 'messed' with her head? I'm not hearing black men warn each other to stay away from "crazy ass Iranian" women, especially based on the actions of one. And of course, to her credit, at least she's "good booty" - right.
As for the whining anony, it is not "man behavior" (thanks Focusedpurpose) to run on other threads to complain and solicit back up.
As for the memorial, it was beautiful (even though people are saying MJ was not in that casket - which is killing my spirit). Marlon made me brake down. MJ's pretend daughter touched my heart, but if they don't stop playing it out, I'm gonna lose it. I think everyone did wonderful. Jen Hudson shocked the crap out of me with her mid section (I'm so late). Field, we have to give Sharpie some credit too, he was on! (can you believe he was only born in 1958? – wtf).
O.K. Some may think I am crazy for what I am about to say but this is just my thought on the situation.
As a married woman of 13 years, I would have been more pissed about the money my husband spent on this "jump-off" and the fact that he spent so much time with her and not me and my kids than the actual sexual affair itself. Of course in McNair's case he probably had enough money to go around but he had four sons that I am sure needed him more. It's just a damn shame when booty get in the way of a person being a better parent. Remember Gov. Sanford of SC left his kids on Father's Day to get his booty.
Correction it appears Sharpton was born 1954. He looks so much older.
thanks for the patronizing remark regarding jump off explained for white people(isn't that the woody harrelson movie?)you know, somebody else explain it so i don't seem so condescending.
you are as about as classy as a jump off, field.
and then you excuse the actions of all males who are getting some on the side by saying it is alright unless they are a hypocrite.
let me tell you something. if you take a vow of marriage and then have an affair before you get a divorce or at least seperated for good then you are a hypocrite.
i know, i could have stepped out on my wife but did not because it reflects on my character not hers.
jesus, not one of your better posts!
A bit off-topic, but I thought y'all would be interested in this.
I lived in this small town of Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada, for a few years. It surprises me, because this area has a minuscule black population. Racial tensions are usually between white/Native American, or White/Indian (from India). I guess ignorance knows no boundries.
Props to the black guy for acquitting himself well!!
ditto times 2 fn
i loved the mj memorial!
see more on that at OUTLOOK...
it is this rabid hypocrisy of millions of married cheaters that i loathe!!!!!!!!!!
how dare these whores deny gays the right to marry!!!...as if we could be any more amoral at marriage or better at divorces
than they are...
i would not attend his funeral or let my kids do so if i were mrs. mcnair...if he loved us all so much he would be home and alive!
Hell, Alicia. Your ole booty wouldn't even coax a man who'd been stranded by himself on a desert island for twenty years into a rescue boat.
you are a lewd fool
and ageist sexist refs like this only work on bimbo hets...
i am immune as a lesbian with a perfect chocolate feline body...
my sexy nubian bump butt is younger than obama's bony flat butt that dl bros like you covet riding too...
i have not heard one bf say that the bullets that slew mcnair would have been any less fatal if the trigger had been pulled by black fingers...you?
cheaters are all more toxic each day...irrespective of race/gender/sexuality
There you go again, getting those XXL cotton panties of yours into a knot.
To be such a "warrior", you're awfully sensitive.
pray tell:
what is so "holy" about alimony/pre-nups/mistresses/divorce attys etc???
we gays have your holy in YOUR bible!
Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:
Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one
man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)
Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in
addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles
A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If
the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)
Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden.
(Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)
Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the
Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be
construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)
If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the
widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately
does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10;
Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew
5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)
Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10)
Perhaps most strangely of all to date: Black people who know that King Shrub is a
thief, a liar, a racist, a warmonger, and a global mass murderer who has literally
destroyed America’s economy, educational arenas, and international security will
actually vote for him soon simply because he hates homosexuals.
so it has moved from thong to xxl
you are indeed the resident sexist and comic relief herein
and i think your "jokes" are freudian
you crave a boat bob with a well endowed gay stripper...see?
Field, this is a great post. Hey, lets get real, fear will not stop a man from going after booty. Most men would gladly bang Halle Berry or big booty Jessica Biel is they had the chance and knew that they would not get caught. Air should have hit that ass a few times and moved on, but booty is like narcotics, can't hit it just a few times. Girl friend was Persian and they are considered white. They may have been whacked by other zealots who were ashamed of her actions. They are holding back evidence. It is highly unlikely she murdered Air. She was a fine looking woman and they had just started dating. He was already trapped by that booty, so he was not going anywhere. RIP Air, throw a long screen pass to MJ.
sexist men always blame women for all of the evil that men do...ever since eve was framed by that rough draft adam in the garden of eden (smile...just showing the inept apoi how actually joke)
real men who claim they love one woman never understand that true love is always enough to resist loving her less than they love cheating...they never learn to love her more than they love what chris rock calls "periodic dipping into strange new p"
it is easy to love more than one person...but REAL love means you DO/MUST love one enough to be faithful to only her!
most men are too carnal and insecure to get this...even when they have 4 kids like mcnair!
(well 5 kids if you count the kid who slew him)
and yes
many many lesbians steal bi/abused het/dl women from men daily
research busta rhymes and lou diamond phillips who both lost their wives very bitterly and publicly to lesbians
She wasn't White, she was Persian.
Trying telling some Persians they aren't white, they can get cranky about it.
Mcanir was just look for his "anything but black" piece. It's a very common occurrence, just ask Michael Jordan. This story very well could have happened to him.
There you go again, getting those XXL cotton panties of yours into a knot.
Fly-"I won't waste any more time on the "other" story in this post, roll eyes!"
Thanks Fly. You, ab, Grata and other black male bashers said more than enough about McNair in the other post about Frimpong. No need to push this thread past the 200 mark by making sure half the comments are yours.
It's time for you to take a break.
all whores are the same
men who claim their sex on the side is just a casual urge like chris rock, always dump their wives immediately when they cheat just once
this is what makes them true hypocrites sexually....
all wives who sit at hm with the kids and cry while their husbands cheat, do so ONLY because they know their husbands will dump them if they cheat also...
this is suicidal and masohistic to me...and more women like mcnair's young killer are flipping this script...they are cheating and killing back
in his bio, jim brown praises hugh hefner as a legendary pimp and the only true sexual feminist he has ever known...the only man who lets his women cheat as much/as openly as he does whom jim ever met...
most men are nothing like hugh hefner as they demand their wives be angelic and monogamous solo...
Like their heterosexual clones, homosexual hedonists use many sorry excuses to justify their repulsive lives: “I was molested as a child...so my first sex was loveless. This gives me a license to continue that twisted tradition... Christians say I am going to hell anyway. I know I cannot change my sexuality. So why do ANYTHING decent? I refuse to wait in line when I get to Hell... Monogamous lesbians are just mimicking the patriarchy. Marriage is a sexist institution that benefits men...” etc. etc. etc...... All of these bogus excuses to be whores actually make me want to vomit the blood from my bleeding heart.
Janet Jackson has a great new song called “What About”, on her new CD “The Velvet Rope”. I quote: “What about all the *hit you’ve done to me?...What about the times you lied to me?...What about the times you said no one would want me?...What about the times I cried you wouldn’t even hold me?...What about the times you hit my face?... What about the times when you kept on when I said “no more please”?...What about the times you shamed me?...What about the times you said you didn’t *uck her she only gave you head...” (Try that last line on YOUR lover if he/she ever catches you in a compromising position...)
Ever notice how the players who say “She/he meant nothing to me...it was just sex”, are the same persons who REFUSE to accept that SAME WEAK line when THEY are being played? Suddenly they understand exactly how pain and betrayal are ALWAYS something when they happen to YOU. Whores are always hypocrites.
@ LaIncognita
You know, I hate to bring race in this. However, just like the Columbine and V-tech shootings, I've always made some interesting observations when people analyze non-black criminals.
Since the vast majority of mass murderers and/or serial killers are white males, you're going to hear analysis of non-black criminals in those cases. Though I recall with the D.C. snipers a fair amount of analysis, especially with regard to the juvenile participant. At least in my mind.
Regarding McNair, my point was that you might not know what you're dealing with. Clearly, he didn't. Apparently his wife didn't, either. She and his sons are innocent victims.
my fav song by joe:
"what if a woman" = sheer poetry about the hypocrisy of cheaters
Johnny Rocco - you need your own blog.
Field: Ya gotta see this:
"...All this stepping out and cheating left and right. Is it too much to hope that my future husband stays faithful to me, as I undoubtedly will be to him?"
America is a sexually addicted society and it has destroyed the moral fabric of American values. It's a spiritual sickness and has become a runaway freight train.
You are right...times are changing. Relationships and marriages are becoming more and more untrustworthy and unreliable. Many are just plain miserable. American society is deteriorating in conscience. It's a sinking ship when it comes to moral values and ethics. Anything is permissible these days as long as you can get away with it. It is sad.
Some couples even believe in "open" marriages-that is, it's ok for husband and wife to have sex outside of their marriage. It's all about lust gone awry in America: no self-restraint, no self-discipline, no sense of right and wrong.
@La-"As for the whining anony, it is not "man behavior" (thanks Focusedpurpose) to run on other threads to complain and solicit back up."
You have some nerve to call someone whiny. FN blog is full of your scattered whiny complaining comments about black men. As for "man behavior"...what do you know about it? Do you have some model in your tiny lonesome mind what a man should be like? Whatever it is I am sure it is to your advantage and to the disadvantage of the man you are looking for.
You keep running around with an empty cup like a little girl looking for her daddy, expecting the man of your dreams to fill it up. Forget it. You first have to become a worthy woman to attract such a man. And your own behavior isn't attractive at all. You don't know what it is to be a woman...which is why you are still alone.
"...It is highly unlikely she murdered Air..."
I think you are right. It's amazing that people have concluded that she did it. BTW, Iranian women are no different from other women except they are the least likely to kill a man. I'm not saying she couldn't have done it, but it is antithetical to Iranian culture.
It just seems to me that when a man with money uses that money to get a women then he's the jump-off. <<
He apparently was not filing for the divorce that she believed he was doing.
McNair and his girlfriend has already been covered in the comment section of "Duke Revisited: Or maybe Not." However, I am glad you mentioned this, Field because some black females have already done a lot of bashing of black men in your post about Frimpong. Why didn't you step in and mention it there? They talked as though all black men were dogs--users of black women but they were as blameless as the Virgin Mary. <<<
I stopped posting there. The thread has become tiresome with tirades against black men. As if Frimpong(sp?) deserves to be sent up the river on some bogus charge because of his girlfriend's ethnicity and the race of the accuser.
Are you saying that marriage will be holier with gays and lesbians getting married? I don't think so.<<
No. Jody was saying that infidelity is more of a threat to traditional marriage than same-sex marriage.
no one ever said frimpong deserved to be incarcerated...
we only righteously suggested that the bfs he chose not to date/rape should also choose not to be jurors, apologist, and cheerleaders for him now...
attn begets attn
loyalty begets loyalty...
Brenda K I have 6 blogs, Face Book and lots of other things going on in my life. I have a blog that helps people with BiPolar Disorder, Basic Education, Understanding todays news and many, many other topics.
I drop by FN everyday and sometimes I get carried away.
Blame on Alica Banks she make things very interesting on here.
By the way I need help myself with all the things listed above.
Love you Alicia
i love you too johnny
ditto!!!...love all you post
please post your links...
Field, can't believe you're missin the real scoop here...
The KLAN murdered Steve McNair...they had MOTIVE...Black NFL QB, and you think its a coincidinky that the murder happened in a former Confederate State... And WTF, an IRANIAN chick??? You do know that "Aryan" is derivied from "Iran".... I see a Klan/Al Kaida connection here...
Admit it, if it was Clarence Thomas this happened to, y'all be happier than a possum eatin watermelon...
Maybe this woman got tired of being treated like an "it", a "jump-off" a piece of ass, booty, a thing. He played her, he lied to her, and then she didn't act like a thing any more. The booty will kill you? No, a person who has been treated like a thing will kill you.
just spoke to kin in tn...
they say mcnair's child mistress snapped when she found out that he was buying his wife a 5 mil dollar home on a lake...while she was stuck in a modest sparsely furnished condo/brothel...
tmz.com is now hinting at the same...
yet another toxic thing about this new breed of young "millenial" females/males:
they feel insanely entitled...they know no place or limits as greedy tricks...they demand the same EQUAL time/trinkets etc as spouses...so gifting has become far more complex for all whores
these millenials are ruining corp america and extramarital whoring...
they want to be CEOS after 2 wks of personal texting on the clock etc...
many corps regularly host workshops to teach us elders to tolerate these toxic young fools...
Anony, relying on that "70%" single black female statistic must be stroking your big empty head, as well as it does the little one. Your 'manless' retort is so predictable and arcade.
I am so in the mood. Do me a favor: Tell yourself I have loving man, and also tell yourself I have a father who seems to call every other day, even if it's a computer question. Then go back in your mother’s basement and reload with adequate ammunition that I might be able to feel. You keep throwing your little stereotypical dart all over the place, but you're not hitting the spot. Its ok, I enjoy your tickling. I realize men like you who bicker with women don’t usually hit deep enough.
And I wish you would stop being such a coward and use your real tag.
Ross, if you close your eyes and picture her black/African/Caribbean, would you be so doubtful or forgiving? You and Anony 1:21pm prove most of my earlier point. It's just an observation. Some people like you(for whatever reason) will always seem to find excuses when it's a non-black female criminal. I'm sure she did it, the evidence points to her and I hope she goes to whatever special hell designed for selfish murdering homewreckers. I am sure the hell McNair (or myself) might be going to is already full.
Btw Anony, I have not been cheated on (that I'm aware of), so perish that thought too.
yes, i have said pretty much what i have to say on the subject in the other thread. there is one final note though:
he who hates discipline, hates himself.
despite the masculine pronoun this is true for men and women.
@momo- it seems attempting to get bfolks (there are women that work feverishly to hold the system up and in place---kindda like bfolks' assistance was instrumental in the slave trade) to look at our collective homophobic, sexist, immoral destructive practices is like whispering in a windstorm expecting to be heard. it saddens me to see us BECOME the racist stereotypes and call it "keeping it real".
meanwhile, excuses and enabling is shouted and encouraged from the rooftops.
i agree with your assessment. thanks for sharing it.
and whoever pointed out the fact that to get married and then proceed to act as if one is single is lying, deceitful, manipulative HYPOCRISY (sp?:-) thanks for the courage to tell the truth.
and yes, i agree, AB makes this blog/comments interesting. it is righteous fury indeed. lol!
La, you are welcome:-)
blessings all,
i love yu like jah do!
an equally honest song about why so many married men love whores
was penned by the legendary whore dmx
it is raw and brutally honest
and explains why so many mistresses snap on brutal serial adulterers like mcnair...
"what these b's want from us?"
i should also say that i only have sympathy for those women that become involved with LYING married men that conceal the fact that they are in fact married. so no, i don't think the women in these arrangements are innocent. far from it. i can call the truth without qualms. when the stuff goes sideways, NO she is not a "victim". she volunteered. simple.
such was NOT the case as far as i can see in this scenario. she apparently worked at the D&B his FAMILY frequented. folks need to look before they leap. if grading on a curve i would do it for her though. young and dumb go together typically.
aside from that, i don't have much sympathy for either of these two. i reserve that for the wife and children especially.
those that pretend race makes no difference are doing just that...pretending. there are both unwarranted superiority and inferiority complexes attached to race in this country and world-wide. pretend if you want to. but that is a whole other oprah and i have not the time nor desire to go into it.
AB- LOL! gifting is becoming tricky for whores...lmbao and AMEN!
ok, done now for real. got to handle biz. have a great day!
blessings all,
ditto fp!
husbands do not cheat solo
and this whoring waitress smiled in mrs. mcnair's face and served her kids as mcnair wooed her!
this must wound his wife!
dual betrayal!!!
my wife is a gourmet chef who hates most restaurants...so her first reaction was: "i hope that slut did not mess with his wife/babies'food!"...
these milenials will spit in/poison etc food in a heartbeat...no work ethics and no scruples!
here is more re mcnair:
he was improperly gifting and distancing/standing the killer up = all fatal errors with an armed floozy!
"Btw Anony, I have not been cheated on (that I'm aware of), so perish that thought too."
Well its a good thing, don't want to see you in action lol. I'm not the anonymous you been fighting with, but I think all that you said was funny as hell!!
Anon.12:42PM,stay tuned,I am all over that.
I just heard about that shit in Philly that Anon 12:42 is talking about. I gotta say, I am not surprised, as I've told you before. I worked among more racists in Philly than down here.
Alicia Banks my email is johnnyrford@yahoo.com I'll give you my fb id. My FB is Str8 ahead and classical Jazz.
Started with Jazz as a child, it helps manic depression. I was on the manic side last nite.
Please take a moment and goto
let me know what you think ok
music is my balm in babylon
i am there!...
So it turns out that good ol' Steve had another jump off that the #1 jump off/murderer had just found out about.
What the hell kind of idiot ho' thinks a cheating husband won't eventually cheat on her too? STUPID!!
And she shot him in BOTH temples? Daayyyuummmm!!!!
is it wrong that I laughed at that pic? You're so foul for putting it up there. Do not allow photography when with a jumpoff. Damn..
A Playa has 4 different types of girls...
1. Wifey
2. Baby Girl
3. Side Piece
4. Jump Off
Wifey is the sexiest, most successful and most respected of all the women. She is loved, needed and wanted by her man...she is VIRTUALLY IRREPLACEABLE. She is the girl that the guy loves and will always love, he never wants to see her with another man...BUT he will cheat on her with Baby Girl until he is mature enough to realize that if he gets caught or f--ks up in any way and loses Wifey, he would be screwed, and NEVER be happy again. Wifey gets along with mom, is independent, never nags, loves to dress sexy for her man, can cook and loves to keep a clean house. Wifey gets called 5 or 6 times a day. Drawback of Wifey, she loves public displays of affection...which might interfere with the acquisition of a Side Piece.
Baby Girl is ALWAYS just as hot as wifey and usually has a very active social life...she IS replaceable, thinks she's the next Wifey, but will only be Wifey if an extreme disaster takes place. Baby Girl gets some of the benefits of Wifey, like quality time every now and then and even presents on birthdays and holidays, but that's as far as it goes. The main reason to have Baby Girl is in case Wife really really f--ks up, she can be replaced in a matter of weeks because Baby Girl has been groomed to slip right into her spot. Be careful of Baby Girl, she tends to be just as attached as Wifey and therefore can be dangerous to the Side Piece. Biggest benefit of Baby Girl...she is extremely private and hates causing a scene, baby girl can come into the same restaurant as you and wifey and wifey will have no idea you two even know each other. Baby Girl is a master of disguise as well.
Side Piece, usually a female that the guy uses only for sex and other pleasures, she is usually the one that he goes to for that 3-some or some late night head after the club. When Wifey is acting up and Baby Girl is at work, the Side Piece is usually the one to hold him over for a few hrs. He can meet with the Side Piece for reasons other than sex, but normally that only happens one week during the month. Side Pieces are hard to spot when they are out because most of her friends are either Wifey's or Jump Offs. Drawback of having more than one side piece, they usually know each other somehow...we kinda think there is a side piece network.com or something. Try to keep your side piece count below 4 if possible
Jump Off...every mans dream and worst nightmare. She is trying to move up in life, wants to be a Side Piece or Wifey but doesn't know how to go about it. They are just the girls he hollas at when he is with his boys...she is usually stored in the cell phone by a nickname because he barely remembers her real name and where he met her...he only recalls how fat her ass was. The Jump Off gets called in emergencies only, when wifey is moody, baby girl is on vacation and side piece is with her baby's father. The Jump Off is extremely dangerous in public for a number of reasons, she is usually 5 other guys jump off as well, so she might cause drama with you and one of those dudes if you slip up, she also has no problem confronting you in the mall when you are with Wifey (something that baby girl would NEVER do) and the most dangerous thing about Jump Off...she ALWAYS seems to find out where you live and or work.
I hope this helps....lol. now dont get caught.
I really enjoyed the memorial service for MJ. It was sentimental, spiritual, comforting and loving. Kudos to the family for letting us in to grieve with them.
Hey Field this is a story from your town. Why they kick the kids out the pool? It's hot as a mofo in Philly and they didn't approve of the complexion of the kids. KIDS!!!!
So it turns out that good ol' Steve had another jump off that the #1 jump off/murderer had just found out about.
What the hell kind of idiot ho' thinks a cheating husband won't eventually cheat on her too? STUPID!!
You have finally said something that makes sense.
this is why i hate the bleached adult mj and his lily white test tube mystery babies etc....
he made rabid colorism & white supremacy cool and WORSE globally!
Phil4Real said...
Hey Field this is a story from your town. Why they kick the kids out the pool? It's hot as a mofo in Philly and they didn't approve of the complexion of the kids. KIDS!!!!
There's racism in blue city and blue state America??I'm so shocked!!!
I declare a moratorium on rich and powerful dudes running their lives for exotic jump offs. Hate to quote the Bible, but the older I get, the more the Good Book proves itself again and again:
"The Wages of Sin is Death.." (Romans 6:23a)
But no just a physical death, but as the case with Mark Sanford, Larry Craig and the other clowns in politics getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar, you can ruin your entire career creeping for some PYT (RIP MJ).
And speaking of Micheal Jackson, the man is dead. Let his body settle in his grave before we as Black folks start spitting on the tombstone (that means YOU, AB). Hell, even most hardcore left-wing nuts laid of Reagan-bashing for a few weeks after the funeral.
YOU do not control me or my valid
and consistent laments about mj
got it?
i refuse to censor any truths about mj just because he was dead
even al lost major cool pts with me when he LIED about mj being strange as hell!
the truth never rests/dies like mj!
the mcnair story becomes more brutal as coroner has confirmed he was shot in his sleep!
shame you do not care as much about those poor traumatized unbleached black kids at that pool in philly as you do about my uncensored truths about that dead white mj!....
he is at peace!...
the hellish colorism he left to them has just begun to scar them for their entire black lives!!!
5 minutes? Wow, you're getting slow, Alicia.
You have a right to your opinion, but we must all be open to constructive criticism.
You can be critical of MJ, but its similar to lefty cranks who were lamenting about how "So what? Palestinian Children are terrorized every day" after 9/11.
Are your comments valid? To a certain degree, yes,
But its not just what you say, its how and when. First, you're tone comes off as rather snobbish and overly harsh on inconsequential matters -- the stereotype of the angry Black intellectual. Your comments are sometimes valid, but even when you're dead on, they're often extremely hyperbolic & overly simplified. Just my observation.
Second, think about timing. Think before you speak or blog. If you're lamenting about how 9/11 is traffic ticket in terms of global terrorism on the day Americans watch southern Manhattan become a small moon crater, or bashing a pop icon on the day after his funeral, you come off like an insensitive ass.
your envy and arrogance are equally transparent herein
i think you are proving that you are the brazen ass by being insensitive to the genocide that white supremacy and colorism has done to the entore black race
not to mention daring to ineptly boss me and police fn's blog
your observations and opinions are indescribably irrelevant to me...but as always i do sincerely appreciate the diverse backhanded compliments
those who are not intellectuals often view intellectuals as "snobs"...i feel your pain
your self confessed inferiority constitutes no issue for me
whoever broke down all the different disgusting terms that folks try hard to legitimize, let me help:
women with low/no self respect, esteem, nor wisdom
i like to keep it simple.
there is no "proper timing"
for any real revolution...
time is never a factor in saving the toxic euro psyche of an entire black race
nor the doom of an entire planet
and my typing speed is simply one more thing for you to envy....typos and all...you're welcome!
Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. You don't need anything else. - Malcolm X
Reverend Al made me so proud yesterday and if no one else noticed he even had Micheal's mother Katherine on her feet. It's time to let it go. He is a part of the community who has much respect and has earned that respect. we have to let go of the the pettiness that seems to surround his name. i mean sometimes this blog sound more like fox fake news that it does the field
the fakest news today is no longer on fox...try cnn or abc for glaringly faker fodder
what is fake is all the people who were saying the very same things as i until mj died...then they spoke of him as some afro saint
never that
never me
i love al
but he lied
nothing is stranger than mj's surgeries/racial morphing/test tube illegal adoptees etc...
Gabriela - Amen
AB - It is what is, girlfriend. I take no offense, I just see my own flaws in someone, I tend to speak about them. You might be surprise how much we think alike. My advice, BREATHE, it ain't that serious.
DuchessDee - That is the funniest and most accurate playa's chick breakdown I have ever seen.
@La-"Btw Anony, I have not been cheated on (that I'm aware of), so perish that thought too."
Well, obviously he's keeping it a secret. You are too emotionally constipated and brazen to NOT be cheated on.
I just have to comment on something new I learned in this comment section. Possums eat watermelons??? You learn something new EVERYDAY>
This is way off-topic, but needs to be kleiglighted. Please put it on the blog tonight.
Living in Philly, you're probably well aware of this, but it needs to get out there. People seem to think that Obama's election somehow ended all racism. They need to see that it didn't.
Why are Black folks still mad?
Alicia Banks said nothing is stranger than mj's surgeries/racial morphing/test tube illegal adoptees etc...
What is strange is that we continue to not deal with Michael s own internalized racism. Michaels surgeries and other issues are a response to the racist society that we live in.
can someone tell me why every black woman in america has straightened hair, weaved hair wigs etc. guess what mj blige is not a true blond, the carpet doesnt match the drapes ok stop the hate and start working on loving on our selves. what i would give to see a natural. i am seek of seeing beautiful black women with the ugliest scraggie hair but thinking they are cool cuz its straight. it looks like crap
gabriela-"Reverend Al made me so proud yesterday and if no one else noticed he even had Micheal's mother Katherine on her feet. It's time to let it go. He is a part of the community who has much respect and has earned that respect. we have to let go of the the pettiness that seems to surround his name. i mean sometimes this blog sound more like fox fake news that it does the field"
Gabriela, thank you, thank you, thank you. I am glad you recognize Rev Al's value to the black community. I have felt alone standing up for Rev Al, esp. when MJ died. The nasty comments on this blog about Al Sharpton were unbelievable. They treated him as if he has done nothing for the community when in fact he has been the 'backbone' of the community for many years. The man can make white corporate America shake. Who else do you know could have had Imus fired?
Again, it's good to know that I am not alone in my 'appreciation' Rev Al. He has done a lot over the years. The community owes him a big debt.
Mr. Field, don't be like the Fake News you detest. Give a 'fair and balanced' perspective on Big Al--Give him a decent post.
Second, think about timing. Think before you speak or blog. If you're lamenting about how 9/11 is traffic ticket in terms of global terrorism on the day Americans watch southern Manhattan become a small moon crater....<<<
She went there? Just after it happened? Man!
al media whore sharpton JUST lost cool points with you?
Dunbar Village+ Al Sharpton= another negro, focusedpurpose will NOT pretend she is sad about when he dies
for real for real.
he has demonstrated time and again that cares more for pimping black pain so he can get camera time and cash.
yep, i said it.
Sharon -
No, hopefully no one in the fields said that nonsense during 9/11. It was a comment I heard from a friend on 9/11 (ironically, primary day for municipalities). My first thought was "wow, what a jackass!" That an example of how and when not to say something.
"What is strange is that we continue to not deal with Michael s own internalized racism. Michaels surgeries and other issues are a response to the racist society that we live in.
can someone tell me why every black woman in america has straightened hair, weaved hair wigs etc."
Amen, Gabriele. Have you seen this 7 min. video about the psychological impact that racism has had on Blacks, especially black females? AB, you need to see this also. Maybe you will learn something. Actually, everybody should see it...You too, Field.
that is why i am locked 4 life
and so many women have lupus/baldness from lye/other toxic chems in perms
i agree with u fp
i like only SOME of what al does
i hated the tawana b hoax
the selective imus bs etc
i ADORE the way sharpton calls out gaybashing gay preachers/church folks!!!
i was waiting to see if he would out mj...ie as sapphire did in her classic tribute poem long before his tragic death
had mj's homohating macho jehovah witnessclan simply allowed him to be a gay man he may not have morphed into a self hating gay pedophile etc...like so many priests do...
i will always be convinced that mj was born gifted and gay...
randy t goes deep with this theory too in his book
The Myth, The Magic, & The Madness by Randy Taraborrelli
kathy i love u too
hey Anon 8:19, in your last post you made mention of something that i continue to note here and elsewhere.
go back to Gabriela's comment about our refusal to deal with MJ's internalized oppression. watch as she flips over and all that compassion goes right out the window when she address her concerns with bw.
Anonymous, yes, bw are just as impacted by racism, if not more, than bm, according to your assertion. add a nice healthy dose of sexism in there and you have women under seige. yet our american black "culture" protects the MEN.
Gabriela, stop with your generalizations please. "every" bw does not wear weaves, straigtening, etc. i am not imagining words you did not use. i am quoting you.
do you know, i have been wearing my hair natural FOR YEARS. guess who has had the most NEGATIVE things to say to me about it. lol! guess who has been the most complimentary? for all the say it loud, i'm black and i'm proud, WHO did these men end up with? watch the behavior.
MOST women want to feel beautiful, special, and appreciated. this pursuit of lighter whiter has the exact opposite effect. yet, when mentioned, we are "insecure", "jealous", etc. you know the script.
i alluded to it earlier. i will say it direct now. the assault on bw cannot stand without the assistance of other severely male identified bw.
Gabriela, you and others are patty caking and trying to shush folks that will speak on the loon MJ became, despite great resources to assist in his healing. i have heard every unacceptable excuse. yet, you come hard and are on a rant about our sisters that are ingesting the lies that white is right and acting accordingly. what gives?
these same bw LOVE to claim the last of the decent bm. can one of ya'll get one of them to weigh in on this sexist, excusatory post?
yet, when i say that the decent men are quiet and refusing to regulate...folks call it "bashing". kindda like wm call it "bashing" when one suggests that they have only themselves to thank for the crappy mess this country is in. it seems a page from the oppression handbook has been ripped out and used to the fullest to the detriment of bfolks by bfolks, and still folks get mad when sane bw dare to call it out.
lol! life is not a popularity contest. it is ok. i persist. there are bw and bgs that simply need to see others dance, before they take to the dance floor...
my friend. i just said it plain over at my house. MJ was just as gay as the day is long. WHY are we pretending otherwise? WHY do we play along with death inducing, crippling lies? at what cost are we bfolks going to continue with our homophobia, sexism, colorism and all our other isms that keep us in pain and counter-productive?
here's the thing...
no one LETS you be anything. freedom is seized. fought for. fiercely protected.
if you and i were waiting for folks to LET us tell the truth, we would be sitting quietly...waiting.
notice...any time oppressed people stand up and say NOW is the time for my freedom, the oppressor say, "no. wait."
just a little observation.
blessings sis,
"What is strange is that we continue to not deal with Michael s own internalized racism. Michaels surgeries and other issues are a response to the racist society that we live in.
can someone tell me why every black woman in america has straightened hair, weaved hair wigs etc."
Women of all races change the texture of their hair. I do not see the big deal.
Michael Jackson dermatologist is on CNN's Larry King. Michael really did have Vitiligo and was being treated for it.
The memorial was nice. I could have done without Sharptons' blatent attempt to justify Father Joes' life of behaviors in one sentence.
McNair died by the choices he and he alone made.
Again I say he no longer needs guidance or prayers. His sons must face a future that is now against the odds.
Rudy said...
Women of all races change the texture of their hair.
Now YOU have finally said something that makes sense!
fp-"Gabriela, stop with your generalizations please. "every" bw does not wear weaves, straigtening, etc. i am not imagining words you did not use. i am quoting you."
fp, why are you attacking people who think differently from you? BTW, 'generalizations' are just 'generalizations'. They cover 'most' but not 'all'.
Check out this 'response' from a Sister who speaks the "truth" about the prior video (A Girl Like Me). Maybe it will resonate with you.
K2 (Anon 8:19PM)
Granny-"Michael Jackson dermatologist is on CNN's Larry King. Michael really did have Vitiligo and was being treated for it."
Granny, think about all of the "know-it-alls" on this blog who said Michael didn't have Vitiligo BECAUSE they knew what Vitiligo was nothing like Michael's skin. Remember? It was ab and her omniscient band of MJ bashers.
Sharon from WI-"No. Jody was saying that infidelity is more of a threat to traditional marriage than same-sex marriage."
That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
michael never had vitiligo!!!
that liar on cnn is also lying about his own sperm in the veins of mj's kids
why do you believe him now????
see more in my new blog:
dyam...denia is more real than self hatred
i am falling in love with you!
i meant:
he was so abused for being gay
and he saw so much groupie sex orgies etc
and his dad smashed more than his sons in full view...
he lived with that sexual hedonism and chaos at such a young age
then his first sexual encounter was forced and watched with a pro on tour...his bros made him to it
it is all so tragic, taunting, traumtizing...eternally
we take who we are
but so much was taken from mj before he ever became a person...
he was too soon a pkg who became an empty shell
because most blacks are euro too
they love and envy and excuse his white face and kids...
white would NEVER have let elvis become naomi campbell surgically and then adopt 3 kids who looked like the black mj...NEVER
because unlike us
whites love their own skin...
u r late
i posted that same video here long ago
learn what?
Apparently he did.
i am on public transit everyday, work in public health. i do not remember the last time i saw a sister with a natural. Tell me what black artists, singers, actors etc. do you ever see with their own natural hair. to dismiss this with a comment that women of all cultures change the texture of their hair is a sad dismissal of self hatred. nothing in our community will change until we deal with this problem
Sharing my observations or trying to speak in love, or addressing the attacks that are constantly launched by those who hate is not shushing. I did not tell anyone to not speak or say that they were wrong. Rather it is simply to say that i am so tired of the hate inward and outward.
Joe Jackson was a steel worker in the Midwest when things like segregation were still the law. He did the best he could with what he knew and i think he did a pretty good job.
The first post? Really? Is bigotry really that inbred in America that the ONLY thing you see of this woman (who wasn't white, btw) is the color of her skin?
Like it would've been alright if she were black.
ditto g
blackness is a liability in amerikkka
and as bell hooks said
"loving blackness is a revolutionary act"
joe jackson was evil and abusive
but he was also a great manager who created the j5 and made his kids rich!
and ONLY mj became a poster boy for white skin/kids etc
it is racist to demonize joe totally and make him totally and solely liable for mj's extreme insane white supremacy!
joe is hated mostly for being a strong black man who made his black seed millionaires
people will believe mj and obama
no matter how much they blatanly lie
to their faces...
mj never had vitiligo
obama is gwb 2.0
the truth is its own defense
even IF mj had vitligo
his euro surgery cannot be excused in ANY color!!!
white skin matched the white surgeries!!
Apparently MJ did have this skin disorder.
apparently spin control includes videos
no more
no less
mj never ever had vitiligo
per quincy jones
I am truly amazed that anyone dares to believe a single word that the adult Michael Jackson ever stated. He told us all so many blatant lies for so very long! As I have said for decades, the rabid vitiligo lie was just one in a very long list of pathological lies repeatedly told by the insane white supremacist that was the adult Michael…
Now, Quincy has confirmed what Lisa Presley stated indirectly to Diane Sawyer long ago, Michael never had vitiligo! He deliberately bleached his skin so that he would look nothing like the beautiful black boy that I will always adore.
Rest assured: More people will tell more belated truths for fresh new cash. More old lies will end. No lie lives forever.
Read more about Michael’s skin bleaching here:
It's quite obvious that MJ had plastic surgery, but QJ's disbelief that Michael had vitiligo is just that. He didn't believe it. Now, it would have been different if he had witnessed something or had evidence to the contrary.
Amen, Gabriele. Have you seen this 7 min. video about the psychological impact that racism has had on Blacks, especially black females? AB, you need to see this also. Maybe you will learn something. Actually, everybody should see it...You too, Field.
I checked out the link, and I found it pretty sad that racial connotations are ingrained in children at an early age.
Kids should be exposed to books at an early age (between 1 and 2), not dolls. Dolls add zero value to a child's development, unless he/she plans to become a nanny.
Kids should be exposed to books at an early age (between 1 and 2), not dolls. Dolls add zero value to a child's development, unless he/she plans to become a nanny. <<<
Books, indeed. But what about teddy bears and other stuffed toys?
Eh, a teddy bear can give a child security at night.
Children, especially black ones, need to be ingrained with the scholastic bug as early as possible. Toys, can get in the way of that.
ab-"michael never had vitiligo!!!
I know it hurts you to be wrong, considering you are a narcissist. It must be killing you. You will probably be up all night. Take an extra valium.
i am not attacking anyone. may i suggest you check your filter?
that video may be groundbreaking news for you my friend...not in the least for me. thanks for sharing though. i hope YOU learned something since you seem so floored by the information.
Gabriela, you are correct, NO natural bw is featured in the media especially as "beautiful". this is NOT an accident. imagine what THAT would do to the present power structure? what is sad is that we are also ignored by those outlets started and sold by bfolks, you know, the ones that SHOULD celebrate black beauty. back in the day, i did not watch b.e.t. long before it became what it is now. why? i realized quickly that i was too dark and my hair too nappy. Ananda Lewis is closer to my complexion. her hair and mine are not even remotely similar. i could not as a youngster relate to the refusal to find a black black woman in her natural state and put her on black tv, doing and saying something that makes sense. as such, i decided they were not talking to me and i turned them off. simple. i haven't missed them either.
i don't support those that ignore me and my needs. if more bw did this, it would be a new day. it is my opinion that if bw took half the money spent fighting with the natural texture of our hair and instead channelled it towards the interests of bw and bgs we could truly come up.
but the fact of the matter is, quite a few bm and bw worship whiter appearance. i see the tale tell signs in both sexes. i hear the rules being enforced from the mouths of both sexes.
when you DO see bskin it is usually accessorized with straightened hair. this is deliberate and purposeful. it saddens me to see bw's tattered hairlines from REFUSING to treat hair extensions and other hair changing techniques like the accessories they are. yes, other races use these accessories, yet they also give it a break. some bw are in a category ALL by themselves in the fight with their natural hair texture. i want more of us to realize that our dna coiled, electric natural hair puts us in a category by ourselves in a positive way. rather than trying to embrace the word nigger (re-packaged poop with sugar as nigga) maybe we could embrace...nappy. if my hair was shorn and made into a rug, it would be hella expensive. i.see.clearly. no amount of lies and stolen whitened legacies will shake me from what i know for sure.
i have worn tiny 'fros, braids, weaves, relaxers and everything else a sista can do to her hair. i treated it like high heels one day and flats the next though, an accessory. my locks (i am not "dreading" anything and there is nothing "dreadful" here. i don't believe in adding sugar to poop and trying to pretend it is dessert, so no, i am not "dred"ing either!) are hands down my favorite choice. i love my hair and my beautiful rich dark complexion. i seek the sun, not run from it trying to keep from getting darker. i am rich in melanin and come with the necessary built in protection. my refusal to accept oppression has gotten me labelled odd on many occasions. it's all good.
i am simply asking how it is that you can have so much compassion... Michael was suffering from internalized oppression and JJackson, the abuser, did the best he could; while at the same time demonstrating none of that compassion when speaking to the plight of bw and the evidence you see of their internalized oppression? i notice it. i call it.
i recognize it to be conditioning. you might not even be aware that you are doing it. it hurt terribly when i took the time to wrench my head around and refuse to engage in backwards thinking. bm are committed to advocating for and protecting the interests of bm. quite a few bw also are committed to advocating for and protecting the interests of...bm. this despite the evidence that looking out for bm, alone, does NOTHING for bw and bchildren. that is backwards and out of divine purpose. you don't have to agree. i am simply asking you to consider it. if bw don't look out for one another who will? maybe i am missing something, WHO stands up for bw? for the love of God, we are dialoguing on a POLITICAL blog, any mention of Cynthia McKinney, her courage, humanitarian efforts, and subsequent imprisonment by anyone except for bw La? the bm host? do i hear crickets?! now if it had been a "brother"...
i am thankful that i was taught that my historical enemy will never tell/teach me the truth of who i am. i am eternally grateful that my parents taught me this truth. i reject ALL notions that white folks are the authority on ANYTHING. i have noticed long ago that when you do see "black" traits beautified it is on a non bw. corn rows, full lips, round bottom...
i have also noticed that those that will ridicule you for your glorious gifts, will turn right around and emulate them. i flipped that script long ago.
i have an affinity for black people. on my watch, i have watched bw/bg be deemed less than by wfolks and bfolks alike. as a healthy bw, it is my focus and purpose to share the gifts with which i have been blessed with other bw/bgs. my love for black folks mandates this course of action. if you destroy the mothers of a nation, you have successfully destroyed that nation. i recognize it to be the ultimate insult to bm that it is. it is no different than insulting, raping, de-filing a man’s personal mother. it is the ultimate insult. since the split of interests, when it became ALL about bm---a split that caught me off guard. i confess, i was busy powering to the people, fist raised, practicing having the courage to speak the truth and stand. lol! it was a beautiful record and song. then the needle scratched the record, long and hard, and i realized our very survival as women meant that we would need to start nipping the hatred of bw and bgs in the bud. rwanda, congo, dunbar village is what we can look forward to if we continue to pretend it is all good. it isn’t.
try this sometime, if you care to, ask little black bgs if they know they are beautiful? take notice of how many "yes" responses you get. you will get more "no" and shrug responses and this breaks my heart to report. so, if my passion and focus offends folks, i am good with that. helping my sisters and daughters is my greatest concern. i.am.not.sorry.
i teach all of my babies of all races to own their OWN unique beauty and colors each day...
your posts make me shout
i slept like a baby after watching larry king expose dr. klein as a bumbling liar about vitiligo and ALL else!...u?
Life is not fair. Not even for beloved and irreplaceable superstars like Michael Jackson. Michael died broke. Yet, those who bilked him are still being paid for bogus interviews.
Michael was a pathological liar. Michael isolated himself behind a posse of coddlers and enablers who were paid well to lie about him even more than he lied about himself. After weeks of Jermaine Jackson incessantly denying that Michael was a drug addict, we now know that the Jackson family worked hard to secure an intervention and save Michael from his extensive drug addictions long ago…
Larry King interviewed one of Michael’s most intimate leeches on CNN. He is dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. “Arnie” Klein is Debbie Rowe’s former boss. He is Michael’s most recent chief plastic surgeon. And, Arnie looks a lot like the two eldest children Michael purchased.
In case you missed this very strange public relations charade, here is a recap of some of the incredible claims Arnie made during this surreal interview:
Arnie is not actually a plastic surgeon. He just played one on Michael’s face and nose.
Arnie donated sperm to a random sperm bank once, which may have miraculously ended up in the DNA of Michael’s two eldest children.
Debbie Rowe had a real sexual marriage with Michael.
Arnie and Debbie actually care about the children whom they may have coincidentally created together. It is their mutually genuine parental love, rather than the millions they have been paid, that motivates them to be twisted key players in this strange biological saga.
Michael had vitiligo. Arnie treated that vitiligo by helping him become the evenly whitest person in the world. Michael miraculously had no brown freckles or blotches like every other person on earth with vitiligo.
Michael was a drug addict, but he did not die or lose his hair due to his diverse drug addictions.
Michael had lupus and that may have killed him. Michael’s s extreme drug addictions did not kill him.
Michael wore masks only as fashion statements, never to hide his perpetual cosmetic surgeries.
Michael’s children only wore masks as matching fashion statements, never to hide their white race.
Michael loved being a black person. Yet, he just wanted white skin and white children and white facial features…
If you believe ANY of Arnie’s blatant and mindless lies listed, President Barack Obama and I have a second stimulus package to sell you…
focusedpurpose said...
but the fact of the matter is, quite a few bm and bw worship whiter appearance. i see the tale tell signs in both sexes. i hear the rules being enforced from the mouths of both sexes
I think you need to be REAL careful wiht statements like this because the fact of the matter is that there are black men and women who have God given "whiter" appearences. And they are no less "black" than those with skin the color of ebony and hair the texture of lamb's wool.
"Blackness" had and will NEVER bwe about hair or skin color. It's about how you represent yourself and the race as a whole.
shame how cicely tyson is being caught in the mj lies too now...
miles davis exposed her own shocking eurocentrism in his bio...
"Klein said he treated Jackson's vitiligo with a cream that eventually bleached Jackson's darker pigmentation to even out his skin color. He said it was that treatment -- not a once-rumored desire by Jackson to be white -- that lightened his skin over the years"
if anyone ever finds this super white skin bleaching cream, they will get richer than the owners of KFC,Church's,Popeyes, Nike,Lexus,Kobe,& Cadillac COMBINED!!!
millions would cash in early on that stock
hey: maybe someone should send this cream to obama...it could instantly clear his cosmic trillions in debt!
Uh...Fly....I really like most of your posts, but this last one is a little suspect.
Listen, I understand that Blackness is a state of mind, but you are missing the point. Some people have to wear their Blackness, and if not for the physical markers of hair and skin and nose and lips, the mental and emotional markers of Blackness would not exist.
It is easy to think that you are a beautiful Black woman if you have god given blond hair, blue/green eyes, thin lips and nose and straight hair. If you look like the feminine ideal, chances are, you are not struggling to love your full lips and kinky hair. Yes, you can still identify as a Black woman, and be Blacker than Thou, but that identity of "Blackness" is based on color and hair texture. And if you look more like your European ancestors than your African ones, then that is fine, but the burden is more pronounced for those that wear the masks, as it were.
i just posted an open letter to obama re how mj's skin bleaching cream can save america....
i sent it to him too
Fly-"I think you need to be REAL careful wiht statements like this because the fact of the matter is that there are black men and women who have God given "whiter" appearences. And they are no less "black" than those with skin the color of ebony and hair the texture of lamb's wool.
"Blackness" had and will NEVER bwe about hair or skin color. It's about how you represent yourself and the race as a whole."
Thank you, Fly.
ab-"Klein said he treated Jackson's vitiligo with a cream that eventually bleached Jackson's darker pigmentation to even out his skin color. He said it was that treatment -- not a once-rumored desire by Jackson to be white -- that lightened his skin over the years"
Well, it's settled. I am glad you finally saw the light. MJ did not bleach his skin because he hated being Black. He had vitiligo and was trying to even out his discolorations.
I bet you have even bought into the MSM indictment of MJ as a child molester? If so, you are wrong again.
You are also wrong about Obama and I can't wait to hear your excuse when our President proves you wrong.
You have a lot of 'wrongs' going at the same time. But don't be sad, I still love you like a sister who is a little bit stubborn.
your brother,
Anon, The Man(TM)
Visibility said...
Listen, I understand that Blackness is a state of mind, but you are missing the point. Some people have to wear their Blackness, and if not for the physical markers of hair and skin and nose and lips, the mental and emotional markers of Blackness would not exist.
Wow! The question I asked myself after what this was what would you have said if you were lightskinned? I seriously doubt you would have said anything close to this. I "got" the point better than you think I did. And your next statement REALLY blew me away:
"It is easy to think that you are a beautiful Black woman if you have god given blond hair, blue/green eyes, thin lips and nose and straight hair."
WHY in the world do you believe it's "easier"? This is the most self deprecating thing I've read in a while and reeks of a lack of self confidence. "Easiness" with one's appearence can only be gained by the kind of self awareness and confidence that should be taught by parents. The commedian Moniqe' will tell you quickly she thinks she's the most beautiful woman in the world and it's because her parents taught her to love herself and certainly NOT because they were looking to the world to define for them what beauty is and is not.
This actually brings up another point of why Black men choose women of different races. If Black women don't believe in their "beauty", you won't project the kind of confidence that attracts men in the first place. I "get" that society in general looks down on Black women, but who says you have to "receive" that?
Fly-"This actually brings up another point of why Black men choose women of different races. If Black women don't believe in their "beauty", you won't project the kind of confidence that attracts men in the first place. I "get" that society in general looks down on Black women, but who says you have to "receive" that?"
Thank you. No one can define anybody unless they consent to it. And clearly some have consented against their own will and then blame others for it.
You completely, completely missed the whole point.
1. I didn't attack you personally. I actually start by giving you a compliment and then pointing to this ONE SPECIFIC post. If you have issues with what I wrote, great! But to then turn around and attack me personally, and to also make judgments about what I look like, is not helpful to an intellectual debate.
2. HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU TELL WHAT I LOOK LIKE BASED ON A POST? Seriously? Really? You can tell what I look like, huh? You know what's funny? I never assumed that you were light because of your post. Actually, I think that you bring up an interesting point, however I think that in general, Black beauty (or lack there of) is based on how close one is to a White ideal. That exists within the Black community and in the White community.
What if I am actually a light skinned woman with a keen nose and lips, who has a very dark skinned cousin with fuller lips and hair that was always thinner and shorter. What if, even as a kid, I was always complemented because of my "pretty" eyes, and I knew they were considered pretty not only because of their shape, but their light brown color. And what if, as a child, I developed a sense of COMPASSION for my darker cousin, who was not always seen as pretty, because she had dark skin and short hair. What if, I got, even as a child, the meaning of casually used terms like "good" hair and "bad" hair, and "pretty" eyes. What if, as an adult, I understand that it has to have an effect of the collective psyche of Black Americans to grow up hearing those terms, and other terms like "black and ugly", "if you black, get back", and the admonishments of elder Black people "not to marry too dark, cause you don't want no real black babies".
Fly, Vanessa L. Williams probably didn't really have the same beauty journey as Iyala Vanzant. Rhonda Ross (Diana Ross and Berry Gordy's daughter) has had a very different beauty journey than her sister Traci Ellis Ross. The more Black women talk about these things, the easier it will be for the little ones coming up behind us.
Lastly, I used to take ballet at the Y when I was kid. One day I came to class and all these little girls (all brown skinned) had surrounded this really, really light girl with really curly hair. They were going to beat her up, but I stepped in and broke it up. And I always felt bad for ALL the girls. Because I knew that the brown girls were only acting out because of what they had been led to believe about themselves, and the light skinned girl was now probably going to be scarred for life. And the cycle would continue.
BTW, Fly, there is a brilliant writer name TONI MORRISON. She wrote a beautiful book called THE BLUEST EYE. Perhaps you should read it and then, maybe then, we can actually have an intellectual discussion about this issue.
BTW, Fly, there is a brilliant writer name TONI MORRISON. She wrote a beautiful book called THE BLUEST EYE. Perhaps you should read it and then, maybe then, we can actually have an intellectual discussion about this issue.
My intent was NOT to attack you personally and I apologize if that's how you feel. But it's pretty clear from the tenor of your post that you're respoding on an emotional level for a reason, one which is clear to at least one other person commenting here.
FYI, Iyanly Vanzant ain't hardly cute and it has NOTHING to do with her hair texture or skin complexion. If you're gonna go Vanessa Williams on me (who isn't aging well IMHO), then you should counter with Lauryn Hill, Gabrielle Union, or Angel Basset. NOW you're comparing apples and apples.
All those things you menitoned in your narrative about a darker skinned "cousin", I experienced as a lightskinned girl growing up. But you'll never hear me going on and on, "woe is me, people called me bananna when I was growing up" and I won't have developed in adulthood, an aversion to certain fruit either. In other words, with the help of strong parents, I GOT OVER IT!!!
If you've read my comments it should be crystal clear to you that I don't allow people to define me and where I come from we call that self-confidence.
Now you're adverse to having an intelligent conversation with a 40+ year old who's obviously quite comfortable in her own skin without getting snippy, then that's cool. Just like other things in life, I'll get over that too.
"...and other terms like "black and ugly", "if you black, get back", and the admonishments of elder Black people "not to marry too dark, cause you don't want no real black babies"."
I remember hearing those terms while growing up. But it was always from the same people. Others seemed more sensitized and never mentioned anything along those lines.
The one that I thought was the most degrading was "I can't stand a greasy black n*****r". That one came out the mouth of my mean-ass ignorant grandmother.
Am I the only one who has heard that said?
She is so pretty too bad she is "so dark"
"She is so pretty too bad she is "so dark""
I forgot about that one.
Fly you said:
"I think you need to be REAL careful wiht statements like this because the fact of the matter is that there are black men and women who have God given "whiter" appearences."
with all due respect Fly, i don't care that you think i need to be "careful". you are making a point that has all of NOTHING to do with what i said. i think ALL black is beautiful.
really white looking bfolks are routinely held up as beautiful and the epitome of "good" black. i know this and you should. i am without apology speaking of black bw/bgs.
and since accusing folks of being dark seems to be the ultimate insult for you to hurl, as such, it appears that it is true, if one throws a rock into a pack of dogs, that one that yelps is that one that got hit. you have already been called out by others for your blatant colorism/hueism.
acknowledging the beauty of black black in NO WAY negates the beauty of lighter/white like black. in my experience, those bfolks that react in this way are frantic to maintain their "good" "beautiful" black status at the expense of black bpeople. think about it.
you don't need to tell me of the many beautiful hues of blackness. my family is a prime example. it in no way changes the truth...natural black bw/bg are deliberately left out, by and large, of the "beautiful" in this society and the so-called bcommunity. i have rejected this lie and am simply urging other black bw and bgs to do the same.
so again i say, i have seen bm AND bw worship white/whiter skin and enforce the rules of this practice. it is the truth and i reserve the right to tell it.
become if you can, Fly, as offended by THIS truth as you seem to be by the one i spoke.
you have permission to have the last word. i am moving forward...powerfully. i will not allow myself to be distracted.
i got nothing but love for you:-)
blessings in abundance,
Iyanla Vanzant is INDEED beautiful. i have met her and she is not only beautifully African in her features; her spirit, aura and wisdom is awe inspiring. a beautiful woman indeed. i do, however, understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i am eternally grateful that what i consider beautiful has NOTHING to do with what i am told to consider beautiful.
bm seek out non bw for many different reasons. bw/bgs need to embrace their God given beauty. this fact has NOTHING to do with bm or any man for that matter.
if you look at the features of Lauryn Hill, Angela Bassett, and Gabrielle Union, their features are not as pronounced as Iyanla's. they ARE rich complexioned women. maybe THIS is why they would fall, according to the "rules" that i spoke of earlier, in the pretty category? chocolate sisters with white-like features are typically deemed "pretty to be so dark" or "black barbies". i am one of these sisters and have heard these assertions often. i have practiced putting space between me and the mentally enslaved folks that make such assertions. lol!
unlike black bm, who come in and out of style, which is sick in and of itself, black bw have yet to enjoy such a reprieve. i also remember hearing and reading of black bm lamenting this "trend" and bw buying into the "pretty boy" garbage.
not only one's parents help people understand their worth, value, beauty and knowledge of self. cultures do the same. other cultures uplift the beauty of their women. the black american "culture" does the exact opposite for its women. it acknowledges only the whiter/white like women as beautiful. american culture does the same. i do acknowledge other nations pushing the whiter women out front. i am focused with purpose on bw/bg.
Anon, as i said, bm and bw perpetuate the "rules" and sickness. your "greasy" comment is simply corroboration. and yes, i have heard it before. i am originally from the south. i think i have heard ALL of the ways bfolks act on their internalized oppression. lol!
blessings all,
Since we're taking the gloves off, I'd be more than thrilled to accomodate that request........
What you are Foucsedpurpose, is yet another sista with a chip on your shoulder as it relates to what is and what is not black in particular skin color and hair texture. Articulate prose cannot hide that fact that you applaud folks who shout "I'm dark and lovely" while condeming those of lighter hues who say "I'm light and lovely". THAT makes you a hypocrite and an in internal racist against your own "people".
What's always so disturbing about posts like these is that it always highlights just who is and is not comfortable in their own skin.
gabriela said...
She is so pretty too bad she is "so dark"
Sure I've heard it. I've also heard it said of people "she's so pretty, too bad she's so fat or so thin" or "she's so pretty, to bad she always wears her hair in a ponytail".
Again, why are statements only "important/hurtful/meaningful"if skin color is the subject???
All future athletes...METAL DETECTORS for the bedroom.
Set it to detect a pound or more of metal...if the bint can't explain why she's carrying a pound of metal into your bedroom, you best not sleep on that hoe.
Fly-"Again, why are statements only "important/hurtful/meaningful"if skin color is the subject???"
It's because we've all been impacted by racism and in some cases are unaware of it, imo. Some can talk about it with some civility. Others can't do it without having a vitriolic meltdown. Others are struggling to become comfortable in their own skin.
Racism is an ugly vile thing. It is an outrage to human dignity and needs to be eradicated. But in combatting it, one has to 'be very careful' not to become the very racist they hate--as you have said, Fly.
Battling against the oppressive nature of racism really requires a stringent self-examination-and rigorous honesty. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a racist yourself. But some humans seem to be constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves.
the pic of Obama on the side-bar is misleading...
AB, despite the non stop lying that his O-ness does, i give the man mad props for the damage that he does to the american collective acceptance of who is worthy of honor and respect. i choose to focus on the upside.
a sidenote:
when oppressed people choose to focus on bickering and fighting among themselves, they ONLY ensure their CONTINUED oppression.
more bw MUST understand this...soon. i get it. it is for this reason that i don't accept invitations to act a fool.
"This actually brings up another point of why Black men choose women of different races. If Black women don't believe in their "beauty", you won't project the kind of confidence that attracts men in the first place. I "get" that society in general looks down on Black women, but who says you have to "receive" that?"
So its the black woman's fault that she has a low self esteem?
What is interesting about these debates between "African looking" blacks and "Euro" looking ones ss the level of denial with the "euro looking" ones about the privilage they have based sorely on their looks. And for one to turn around and blame Darker skinned women for their position is astounding.
There are many parallels between colorism and racism. Unfortunately there seems to be little interest among the lighter skinned to fight colorism. While with racism, you do have plenty of white people that will fight racism.
Light skinned/Euro looking blacks simply refuse to acknowledge their privilage like you are showing. Why is that? Seriously, you think by denying it those disadvantaged by colorism will let it go while you continue to benefit and they continue to suffer from its effects ?
I see some of you have taken a few hints from racism deniers. But your sense of denial may be alot more devastating in the long run.
"and since accusing folks of being dark seems to be the ultimate insult for you to hurl, as such, it appears that it is true, if one throws a rock into a pack of dogs, that one that yelps is that one that got hit. you have already been called out by others for your blatant colorism/hueism."
Now I think this is a pattern for Fly. Anyone that speaks against colorism is dark with a chip on their shoulder.
We need to accept how deadly colorism is. Racism and colorism are two sides of the same coin. We need to fight both with equal vigor. But like racist whites unfortunately those gaining from colorism will have to be fought hard to relent. But this battle is almost lost because the person affected most by colorism is the Dark skinned woman. The BM not so much. And since society at large has already written off the BW, the likes of Fly have an easy job hence forth. This battle maybe lost already.
Fly, maybe if you ever have dark skinned girls you will understand the impact of colorism. Until then I doubt you will see the reality for what it is.
Thank you Grata, thank you FocusedPurpose.
Iyanla Vanzant is beautiful. A beautiful woman with beautiful Afro-centric features. And yet, Fly, you call her ugly. Well, to each her own.
I also named a few other people, and you didn't bother to comment on those examples.
So here is another one for you. Alicia Keys and India Arie. India Arie speaks very candidly about the personal growth that she had to submit to, in an effort to deal with how she felt about the blatant colorism (and sexism) that affected the trajectory of her career and the career of Alicia Keys. Again, India Arie is very open about her journey.
I would like to posit the following; perhaps we are saying the same thing. However the language is tripping up the conversation. Perhaps we should be talking about the IMPACT of racism and colorism, vis a vis light skinned women and dark skinned women. There is a impact that can be measured and that impact is different for everyone, and the color of ones skin will be a variable in the equation. That is not to say that skin color can measure the very thorny subject of "blackness", but skin color can and will affect the impact of racism on an individual. Socioeconomic circumstances and educational opportunities will also be important variables on how deeply racism will impact an individual.
seems mcnair had a wf harem
"India Arie speaks very candidly about the personal growth that she had to submit to, in an effort to deal with how she felt about the blatant colorism (and sexism) that affected the trajectory of her career and the career of Alicia Keys. Again, India Arie is very open about her journey."
No doubt India Arie and Alicia Keys have both had a career impact due to their looks. India's talent is by far superior to Alicia's. I never quite unbderstood why Alicia keys became popular. She maybe a better song writer than a singer. She just can't sing.
I like that you are trying to focus on colorism rather than light Vs dark skinned women. However who stands to lose most from colorism? Its the Dark skinned woman. Talking about it in general terms can not be effective without mentioning the victim. The lighter/white woman gains at the Dark skinned woman's expense. I can't see how the two can be avoided.
"seems mcnair had a wf harem
Are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy?
The wife and children have my sympathies.
What are way to be widowed.
Grata, FP, and Visability,
All of you spoke volumes of what should be common wisdom amongst most black women regardless of hue. Thank you.
”So its the black woman's fault that she has a low self esteem?”
Yes Grata, I picked that up when she hauled the chicken and egg argument about black women needing to embrace their beauty, so that black men can do the same... etc etc. I realized more of that blame displacement was coming. That’s her angle. it alleviates her conscience while it festers her ignorance and denial. It's amazing from the sidelines to see how she just doesn't seem to "get it".
Fly, I don't know how to say this without being rude. What I find most embarrassing, is your lack of wisdom and your inability to apply deep comprehension for a woman of your well publicized age. And no, I am not dark skinned, which by your theory should at least cancel out the chip analysis. So I apologize if that little bit of pertinent information might bring inconvenience to you while you hunt for a different hypothesis.
(Side-note: It's also wearisome to see that the Mr. Anony is further instigating with derisive cheerleading while he still plants himself in the midst of woman converse - yet again.)
Field, I asked you to comment. I "guess" I have to accept your viewpoint.
But I'm just curious?
When will a man standup and tell another "married family" man that his active decision to court a jump-off is wrong. Wrong on so many fronts. If you can not respect the marriage, then get divorced.
Instead, you did the expected...
1) Kept your distance, turned the other the cheek, see and don't see, etc.
2) offered a PSA to remember him only to signal to other men to avoid that kind of jump-off personality but not to stop having jump-offs.
I just want men to start policing themselves. I want to see men really come down on a fellow man that is compromising his wife and kids.
That should be the PSA.
It's shocking to see so many people that take the "blacker than thou" stance that don't recognize that they see their own "blackness" as a limitation.
The feel obligated to restrict themselves in all manner of ways in order to remain "authentically black".
I thought my ancestors fought, bled and died so I can do whatever my mind, body and soul aspires to do. Not think about things I CAN'T or SHOULDN'T do because of "blackness".
This site has me shaking my head much too often.
And it's my personal experience with women that it isn't really about looks, but about personality and life experience. I like women who are open-minded, worldly and intellectually curious.
It's not a normal thing to meet black woman who think outside of the box as far as life experiences. When black men date women outside of their race, it's not necessarily about looks, it can be about experiencing different things. Different culture, music, places, EXPERIENCES that he may not experience with a black woman.
This goes back to what I hinted at before. We as a people have begun to limit OURSELVES in the chase of being "authentically black". We have such a pathetically limited view of what that is. Anything outside of Africa worship or obsessing over our slavery/civil-rights past seems to be frowned upon. Extending all the way out to NOT listening to certain kinds of music because "that's not us." NOT going certain places because "that's not us.".
If someone wants to experience more in this world outside of what they grew up with, is a black woman willing to take these journeys? Yes, she'll roll when a guy wants to go see Alicia Keys, but can she step outside her comfort zone when Dave Matthews comes to town? Or will she just say "that's not us?". She's cool when you chillin' with your black or latino friends, but when your white or Jewish friends have a cookout, will she want to go? Will a woman be willing to expand her mind and horizons beyond anything other than the limited definition of what "blackness" is?
THAT'S what attracts a man of any race to a woman of another race. That stepping outside of the norm. It's not always about looks, but about a different sort of experience that someone of the same race won't take. You see the same thing from white hip-hop heads dating sistas. He's into things and goes places a lot white women he may interact with won't go. Or Asians with whites. And so on and so forth.
I just read the ridiculous Alicia Keys/india.arie thing.
Really? Alicia had more success than india because she is fair-skinned and india is dark?
How about Alicia makes better music than india. More ambitious, melodic and memorable?
I do believe that 10 years ago, a very dark and nappy-headed Lauren Hill won 8+ Grammys including Album of the Year. Why? Because she made an all-time classic album.
Again my sistas, if you'd concentrate more on how you carry yourselves with class, intelligence, femininity and elegance (think Phylishia Rashad, Alfre Woodard, Angela Basset), you'd see that your looks aren't really that big a deal. We as a culture have to carry ourselves better. We have to be proud to appear in public, any kind of public with each other in any situation.
If I feel I can't take someone somewhere because I'm afraid they will embarrass me, or they can't appreciate it, I can't date them. That's REGARDLESS of race or looks.
A lot of us don't want to hear things like this, but there it is.
"It's shocking to see so many people that take the "blacker than thou" stance that don't recognize that they see their own "blackness" as a limitation."
Luv, I was wondering if I was the only male who disagreed with them. It IS shocking--they are like an island that has broken off from the mainland. From their comments on FN's 'public' blog, they are at war with not only with black men, but with other black women as well! I say 'public' because a number of them have indicated that men shouldn't be commenting on their conversations on FN Blog! Of course, they freely join in other's conversations whenever they please.
Well, if they want to limit their conversations to females only, they should post on a blog "for women only". Field has made it clear that he will not censor anybody. In other words, his blog is for EVERYBODY, including angry racist trollers--who consistently make much better sense than these women who are bm bashers and selective bf haters.
At least the racists see us as 'one' race to discriminate against. That is far less racist than the double standards these women have.
"It's not a normal thing to meet black woman who think outside of the box as far as life experiences."
REALLY? WOW! Is this one of your little justifications to date outside? BW are closed minded? Isn't that a stereotype that your type guys have built up for convinience. How many Black women do you know in order to make that conclusion? Not many I bet. Atleast not educated ones.
Black women to you are this stereotype that only listens to Black music and like to hang out only with fellow Blacks?
Man, the lies you people perpetuate. You are no different from those racists that stereotype Black people.
Is this truly your image of BW? How come I can not relate to her and almost all American Black Women I know don't fit that image? LOL! You have revealed too much of yourself here.
Mixing with other groups of people is nothing special, its part of everday life. I am surprised you think its an achievement, but then again not too surprised. As for the music tastes, Oh my. I don't know anyone with such a one dimensional taste in music. But you apparently think that is a unique thing too. My my! Don't lose your self in the name of "socializing" with other cultures. Even those so called people of other races who are culturally adventurous have enough sense to retain their core selves. You on the other hand sound like one that is trying to eliminate that. Very pityfull indeed.
FYI, personally I don't have a musical genre that is a favourite from Celtic, country, Classic, British pop, Blues, Rock , Blues, African, Middle Eastern etc There is good stuff in all of them. And I am a Black Woman, I know, shocking.
I don't know many black women? My mother, sister and girlfriend would take issue with that.
I don't need "justification" to do anything. I do what I want without the need to justify it to anyone.
That's part of being free. Why don't you join us?
And Greta, judging from your reaction, it's probably useless discussing this since you get so emotional.
If you have it in your brain that I stereotyped all black women then you either:
A) Have preconceived arguments in your head and reflexively spew them whenever this topic is brought up.
B) Didn't read my entire post
C) Didn't grasp what I was trying to say in my post.
But I understand that for people like you, there's NEVER any "justification" for black men to date anyone but other blacks. Just saying, "I met her, and we clicked" will never be enough because you view dating outside ones race as somehow "wrong" and one needs "justification" in order to do so.
I don't feel that way. I don't care who dates who. Date who you want. Whether for "good" or "bad" reasons.
There are those who date other races because they feel that they are "better" than their own race. There are those that do it because they are curious.
Mostly people do it because they met someone they like.
Strange, huh?
Oh, and Greta, what exactly is "my core self?"
You can't possibly know because don't know me. But I get the feeling that you THINK you know because I'm black. And you have this (as I mentioned above) limited and contrived opinion of exactly what "blackness" is.
So please, explain to me this "core self" that I'm "eliminating". I'm apparently "losing myself" in socializing. Which is bizarre since I do a fair amount of socializing with Africans (one of those cultures I like to explore).
You have my full attention. Please, continue the lecture about my inner self that you know nothing about.
"I don't know many black women? My mother, sister and girlfriend would take issue with that".
That's three, out of?
You said,
"It's not a normal thing to meet black woman who think outside of the box as far as life experiences."
Then said,
"If you have it in your brain that I stereotyped all black women then you either:"
And its me with the preconceived notions? You can't even be honest about your ridiculous generalizations that you wrote.
When you say its not normal, I imagine you mean, its not a usual occurrence. Which makes me conclude that you can't know many Black women.
You said,
"A) Have preconceived arguments in your head and reflexively spew them whenever this topic is brought up."
Ah, the bitter angry Black woman jab. People like you that apologize for the Black male behavior have perfected this argument. You are too happy with the status quo that benefits the BM. That anyone who questions the order of things gets that generic response. And people like me will always call you out on it.
"B) Didn't read my entire post"
Your 3 inital posts? You understimate my reading patience.
"C) Didn't grasp what I was trying to say in my post."
Naaa! Your writing is not too academic for me. Believe it or not, your point was pretty simple and clear.
"Again my sistas, if you'd concentrate more on how you carry yourselves with class, intelligence, femininity and elegance (think Phylishia Rashad, Alfre Woodard, Angela Basset), you'd see that your looks aren't really that big a deal. We as a culture have to carry ourselves better. We have to be proud to appear in public, any kind of public with each other in any situation."
This one was laughable. How condescending. So every Black woman should aim to act like Phylisia Rashad etal. Man, you have a dim view of Black women. To even start naming people they should emulate. WOW! This is like a white person telling a Black person to behave more like Tiger Woods, Oprah or Obama. In otherwords, Black women need to be 10 times better than the average woman to be appreciated by a Black man.
I bet you you don't hold the same standards for a White woman. All she needs is her skin.
"You can't possibly know because don't know me. But I get the feeling that you THINK you know because I'm black. And you have this (as I mentioned above) limited and contrived opinion of exactly what "blackness" is."
Please show me where I define Blackness for you to call it contrived. I bet you can't define it yourself.
"So please, explain to me this "core self" that I'm "eliminating". I'm apparently "losing myself" in socializing. Which is bizarre since I do a fair amount of socializing with Africans (one of those cultures I like to explore)".
When you show the level of ignorance about your own Black women like you just did stereotyping them while praising other races , you qualify as a candidate for racial and cultural escapism and therefore are on a path of denial of your core self as a Black Male. I know, I have met many Black American men that seem to embrace cultural and racial ambiguity in the name of "openness" to other cultures, read dating, but when they get into trouble they pull out their Black card. You sure sound like one of them.
"You have my full attention. Please, continue the lecture about my inner self that you know nothing about."
Refer to the above.
"Which is bizarre since I do a fair amount of socializing with Africans (one of those cultures I like to explore)."
Now you say. After you said this.
"She's cool when you chillin' with your black or latino friends, but when your white or Jewish friends have a cookout, will she want to go? Will a woman be willing to expand her mind and horizons beyond anything other than the limited definition of what "blackness" is?"
Reaching out for your Black card when socializing with Africans?
A Black woman being comfortable around your Jewish and White friends? WOW! In your world you are the one with those friends and she doesn't?
Like I said before it isn't an extra-ordinary achievement to have White friends in this day an age. Man, where do you live?
geez put away your wagging tongues and fingers. This thread has been going on for quite a few days now. Mr field sir I think this is something for you to write about. Obviously the issue of color is something that strikes a nerve. a raw nerve at that. something occured to me as i read the last few posts. i live in the real world and i dont socialize a lot. I work and am cool with most folks of any cultures. I find myself drawn to those
like myself. currently i work in a large office with a large number of people of color. They are all under thirty. For the first time in a long time i have more associations with white folk there because we are of the same (older) generation. But that being said I dont remember the last time I had whites come in my front door.
I dunno, I think if you shouldn't judge the way other people's relationships work. Clearly this girl was a bad decision, but a lot of people in relationships give their partners leeway to stray a little, especially in a situation like McNair's where he makes all the cash. Maybe his wife knew about it was okay with it (except for the getting killed part), maybe she didn't. Point is, we'll never know for sure so it doesn't make sense to pass judgment.
more whore drama from beyond the grave...shame!!!
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