Well, it seems like black folks aren't the only ones who are being profiled these days. If you are an aging rock legend it might help to always keep ID on you.
Now I am no Bob Dylan fan, other than "Blowin in the Wind", and The Times They Are a Changing", I couldn't tell you two of his songs. --And apparently he has had a few---. But I sure as hell know what he looks like, and if I saw him on the street and he told me that his name was Bob Dylan, then yeah, I would pretty much take his word for it.
I know Jersey can be like another planet sometimes, but do you mean to tell me that cops in Jersey shore towns don't know what Bob Dylan looks like? Wow!
And apparently Cambridge, Massachusetts isn't the only place with nosy neighbors. They are in Long Branch, New Jersey as well. Bob was checking out some shore digs (Are you sure that's all you were looking for Bob? Aren't you on tour with Willie Nelson?) and Ms. Kravtiz number two called the po po on him. "Sir, do you have any ID on you? Ahh, no officer, but I could sing a bar or two of Blowin in the Wind for you.... Now, to be fair, the poor officer was only 22 years old, so she can probably be excused for not recognizing the aging troubadour. Kids!
Still, this looks like a case of reverse profiling to me. Dylan was in the Latin part of town, and they say he "didn't fit in". Hey, I am trying to be consistent here. If I am going to get pissed when nosey neighbors profile a black man, why not call out nosey neighbors when they profile aging rockers? It just ain't right. And on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock to boot. Is nothing sacred in A-merry-ca anymore?
See field , this is how you act when the police approach you. Not like you black people and make national headlines out of the whole deal. The man took the police to his tour bus and showed proper ID. That's all. No "do you know who I am?" "Why are you profiling the black man?"None of that crap! This is how you act civil in A-merry-ca. You Negroes can be so angry all the time.
Of course, as it is with damn near everything these days, the loonies are calling this another example of a vast left wing plot. Yep, the wingnuts are saying that the main stream media intentionally buried this story right after the Gates incident because it was a case of the white man being profiled. I think that's a stretch, but I am sure the troops are buying it.
What a country. Can you imagine if Jimi Hendrix was still alive?
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Can you say Balkinization? Maybe the future is a series of "no go neighborhoods" where everyone stays in their own section. Hell, LA is already there! So is Phili, from what I hear.
I live in North Jersey may i ask what planet?
Field I got two more songs for you , "Like a Rollin' Stone" and "All along the Watchtower".Bob made them first, not Hendrix.Even Hendrix fans think Jimi did it first.You probably heard some Bob and didn't realize it.The cop probably didn't believe him because his license says Robert Zimmerman.
It just ain't right. And on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock to boot. Is nothing sacred in A-merry-ca anymore?
Dylan didn't play Woodstock. Oh, and here's the money quote:
"one of the slightly red-faced cops said he was a good sport about it:
" 'He was really nice, though, and he said he understood why I had to verify his identity and why I couldn't let him go.' "
See, Dylan knows a couple things. One, that he looks like something the cat dragged in, or in the words of the cops: ""We see a lot of people on our beat, and I wasn't sure if he came from one of our hospitals or something."
Second, even the famous protest singer knows that you're not the brightest bulb on the porch if you argue with a cop and refuse to show identification. Take a lesson, Skip Gates.
Now, if we want to put on our injuctice collector hat and get all out whack about an injustice, it would probably be good to find an unambiguously unjust situation. Like this one.
Bob Dylan is so peculiar looking that the cops figured he must be either who he says he is - some geezer touring musician - or he's crazy, maybe a window peep. A blogger at Huffington suggested Obama host a bong summit for this incident.
either who he says he is - some geezer touring musician - or he's crazy, maybe a window peep
Or both, like most musicians.
p.s.: Dylan was a good writer, but holy cow could that man ever not sing. His voice gives chalk on a blackboard a good name. My father was right.
I liked Dylan's song, "The Answer Is Blowing In the Wind" it had a message.
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, n how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, n how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before theyre forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind,
The answer is blowin in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, n how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind,
The answer is blowin in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before its washed to the sea?
Yes, n how many years can some people exist
Before theyre allowed to be free?
Yes, n how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesnt see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind,
The answer is blowin in the wind.
I was 22 just a couple of years ago and I darn sure knew who Bob Dylan was. How in the heck can someone not know who Bob Dylan is?
As I think about it Bob really might have been there trying to score something to have on his tour bus. Lol He is a rock star after all.
How in the heck can someone not know who Bob Dylan is?
Knowing who he is and knowing what he looks like these days are two different things. The man looks like a shoe that has been left in the middle of a country road for three months. I don't blame the cops for not recognizing him.
I doubt I would recognize him on sight, and I was once a huge Dylan fan.
Did you hear about the Bollywood star who was detained at Newark's airport for 2 hours because his name was on a computer alert list. His name is Shah Rukh Khan. The Indian Embassy had to spring him.
@ grinder -- how soon you presume and assume to forget the historical tenets. Mr. Gates needs to not to take any lessons since it was he in his own house who was confronting a cop who was trespassing into his home and without a proper search warrant signed by the presiding superior court magistrate of the area. Hence, the cop, Crowley, used Mr. Gates jet lag and anger to set up an entrapment scenario by inviting the verbose professor out of his front door to arrest him since he could not substantiate probable cause in his house. Did you miss that?
The Jew boy, B Dylan, had other things going for him and one of those were his white presumption and the fact that the kiddie police are just that..dumb arse kids. They probably wouldnt recognise Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Ted Kennedy or Madonna is sweatpants but sure could spot Britney S, or Mr. Timberlake.. i bet they would recognise Chelsea Clinton either...i digress..
But the main point is dont go putting words in B Dylan mouth for him unless you are the maggotbrain fly to be on the wall hearing the dialogue coming out of his chain smoking mouth. I would wage that he was quite peeved especially given the reference to looking like a patient from the local psycho wards. Also, recall Gates clearly showed Crowley his identification in his home. Duh! You here are like those media numbnuts you watch 25 - 8...dropping facts along the way to find you way back to your own prejudice of white justice must be the only justice but it aint working son. The two situations do not merit a comparsion in terms of police racial profiling and their abuse of exceding their penal code bountaries in that regard. Also, these "Ms. Kravitz" Hitler brown shirt Mommy snitches need to be "outed" and posted like sex offenders on the net. As a tax payer, any one has the right to walk down any street unobstructed nor delay due to someone else's presumption that they "seem out of place".
You start accepting shizzle like this, you will be in a police state for sure soon. I just cant wait for the unmanned drones to start dropping bombs in your backyard like they to in Waziristan and Afghanistan.
Wingnuts grinded to a fine polished powder and left to blow away in the wind...
Any African person who is a Hendrix fan especially his best band, Band of Gyspys, knows the Hendrix catalogue inside and out and knows who he covered and when. We have the original Electric Ladyland lps and have read the liner notes for content. You CD babies might have a difficult time with you liner notes as the type font is so small and you all tend to cover a lot of stuff but have no original content to pen notation on sheet music for copyrighting. i opine.
By the way, go check out my girl, Ms. Nina Simone's cover of Ballad of Hollis Brown. Another Dylan one.
beale street is talkin said...
The Jew boy, B Dylan, had other things going for him and one of those were his white presumption and the fact
Now that wasn't cool.
"the Jew boy"? Shit, you are the reason the word nigger was coined. Dumb ass nigglet. Run along little jungle bunny.
While I am surprised that the cops didn't recognize Dylan I see nothing wrong there. I don't think anyone should pull the "don't you know who I am" bs. To me there is nothing to be outraged at. Likewise with Gates there was a report of a possible burglary so there is nothing outragious about the cops demanding to see proof it was his home. One could say that his age or his clothes made it obvious he probably wasn't a burgler BUT that is profiling and the cops aren't supposed to be doing that, right?
beale street is talkin said
"Any African person who is a Hendrix fan.........."
An "african person"? Why not just use the phrase "little nigger boy" instead?
I've got a song for you. He did "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" before Eric Clapton and Guns N' Roses did covers of the song and made it famous.
If Hendrix were alive, he'd get a pass if they let him play the Star Spangled Banner. Best. Anthem. Ever!
Well, I see the babysitter is not on her job at someone's house tonight. We have a kid playing on the computer. If I were that person's parents, I'd fire the babysitter. I'm just saying!
You might be talking about yourself.
It is comical that Bob Dylan is "suspicious." That said, he would probably be the first person to say he is suspect. I am a big fan. Here is my favorite Bob... worth posting:
"Masters Of War"
Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks.
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain.
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion'
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud.
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins.
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do.
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.
Bob Dylan is a great songwriter and a beautiful guy with a great humanitarian streak. Dudes like him, Paul Simon and the old dude that recorded "If I had a Hammer," are saving graces for the mean-spirited image America has earned.
Btw, can you imagine: Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight
What happen to that white male privilege ya'll be talkin' about?
Of course the media buried this story.If this was MC Hammer getting detained for wandering around a trailer park the liberal msm would have been all over the story.
Dylan aslo wrote Mr. Tamburine Man, Knocking on Heaven's Door, and Got to Serve Somebody. He also received a special Pulitzer in 2008 citing his lyrics because they are works of poetry. It is true that the man cannot sing, but he is known for the political and societical themes in his lyrics.
South Jersey is a different place where I am concern, it is like the South. I live in Jersey and am not surprised. Dylan told the police who he was and they did not believe him because they did know his music. From what I understand from the story, a woman called 911 when she saw him peering into a house which she did know was up for sale. She probably thought he was a homeless mentally ill man. We can thank Christie Todd-Whitman for closing down some of the mental institution leaving a lot of the patients wthout a place to live.
There a lot of people who do know Dylan is from a musical perspective or physical ID. One night, I went NJPAC or New Jersey Performing Arts Center to see a play about a woman who was a blues singer who later became a nurse. I saw Leslie Uggams with her husband coming to see the play. She walked by a woman who told her that she looked like Leslie Uggams. I stood there and nodded my head in amazement and to myself it is Leslie Uggams you idiot.
I am not surprised by what the police did because they are not Sherlock Holmes possessing a keen sense of deduction or observation. NJ police are Iding people walking down the street if they look like they belong there. It is easier to ask people for ID as if having identification really means anything. As if having one gives assurance that the person is not going to commit a crime.
Field my Bruth-a, you down on yo game Yo! No post on that Cracker Shop Owner in Harlem gunnin down 4 da Boyz fo' jus walkin in his Sto'? Profilin, Word! Killed 2 da Homies, 2 othas in da Hospital, no Health Insurance either... Mo Fo used an unregistered Shotgun to, where he think he be? Aly-Bama? Yo got a hair on yo black ass yew run his pic an his address, hell Mofo i'll give it myself, umm well its Westchester County, New York, where that Hilary bee-otch lives,
Burn that MoFo down,
Peace Out,
Frank "Leon" Drackman
Frank not Frank.... which is it?... did you lie on your website about being Vernon Richardson? Or are you lying now about being Frank? Cuz I wrote to and received a response from the Bureau of Prisons that Vernon Albert Richardson does not have access to the internet. I copied Field, so he to has seen this correspondence. You are lying about something Frankie boy, what is it, Frank not Frank?
Dylan did "All along The Watchtower & "Knocking on Heaven's Door"? Damn! Well now am a fan. I love both those songs. My man has some skillz.
Porker...I did hear about that incident. But didn't it happen in Newark? New Jersey, like I said, another planet.
I don't know grinder, Gates was in his own home. But I can hear some people saying he should have just obeyed the cops like hobo Bob.
Oh ohh, Frank, I think Jody is on to you. I told you man, don't play with those field hands. :)
A lot of people in the autistic communtity believe Bob Dylan has a mild form of autism. Autistics are often profiled by the police because their behavior is different. They do not look in people's eyes which is interpreted as being dishonest. They may not answer questions or answer them slowle. They also may flail and yell if touched which the police interpret as resisting arrest. It was so bad in New York City that a few years ago the Chief of police asked the community to help him so he could write a protocol. Even if he is not autistic it may simply be that he is different that caused them to suspect something.
Hey Jody, thanks for posting that song "Masters of War". I have several old Dylan albums, but I'm not familiar with that one; going to have to track it down. Gee, think Bob dedicated that one to Dick Cheney?
Celia, that was interesting. Thanks for that bit of knowledge.
I co-sign wth Anon. 10:02AM about that song being written for Cheney.:)
Frank is a black Obama supporter who is pretending to be a white racist.
Just has we saw with that union member holding up a Obama nazi sign,that black football player who pretended to be a white racist,Obama suporters will do anything to start a race war.
The mistake ya'll be makin' is ya'll is thinkin that Obama will fallin on ya'll is side in the great race war.
But Obama knows which side of his toast is buttered.
Don't be suprise when Obama goes Bull Conner on ya'll is ass.
I heard the story this morning on NPR's Weekend Edition and the officers said despite the fact that were not familiar with Bob Dylan, he was very nice. However, you have to admit that he does look homeless, lol. The report also stated that he was in a low income area.
So Field, you do like some aspects of country music, lol. I'm teasing you because he does have country, folk, and rock influences in his music. The folk music was upset with dylan when he introduced the electric guitar into the music. Those ae purists for you.
I wonder if the same thing would have happened to Paul Simon as he was from Newark, NJ. Paul is probably more popular than Dylan although they are both well-known songwriters. They would probably think that Simon is some kind of homless person as well.
MrR.... please take your sick fantasies of a race war and head back under the rock from whence you came. I know that it gives you a hard on to think of a race war.
Sorry to disappoint, but you and your tin foil hat wearing friends need to get over it. Your days of white supremist reign are over. Dying. Dying every day with the birth of a new generation that looks at you and those who think like you and just shakes their head in wonder at your stupidity and ignorance. History shows the lie that you are. History shows us that we are moving toward a world that is different than your sick little, small minded fantasies. We have a ways to go. But,go we will and rest assured, we will not stay with you. We are leaving you and yours behind. You can rail and stamp and scream and threaten to your sick little heart's content. We are so over you. You are the past. We are the future.
And speaking of Jimi Hendrix. Did you guys know that Jimi was the highest paid performer at Woodstock? He was paid $32,000. The lowest paid was Santana. He got $1500.
No doubt Bob was happy his street cred was still intact and he was taken for a downtrodden nut. Bob can actually sing and very well, but with limited range, The early albums and the country albums show that. And let's be impressed that Bob was looking for a house in a ghetto. How transcendental is that? Finally, there is some question as to whether or not Bob {who happens to be a product of the midwest}is still identifying himself as a Jew. He went through a serious Christianity period there for a decade and i believe he is now just honestly confused about the Deity like a lot of the rest of us. As for talent in the melody and lyric department, if you don't know the early work Field, a man of words like yourself ought to try it out.
You'll love it. BTW he has hung out with the Latins for about the last 50 years.
The Jew boy, B Dylan...
So not necessary.
I am not suprised by the payscale. Santana was not well-known at the time. However. Woodstock was a springboard from as he gave a rememberable performance which led to a recording contract with Columbia where Clive Davis was there doing that time.
It is comical that Bob Dylan is "suspicious." That said, he would probably be the first person to say he is suspect. I am a big fan. Here is my favorite Bob...
Dylan was among those who lent a musical voice to the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's. Among his contribution are songs about Emmet Till and the death of Medgar Evers.
The Death Of Emmett Till
"Twas down in Mississippi no so long ago,
When a young boy from Chicago town stepped through a Southern door.
This boy's dreadful tragedy I can still remember well,
The color of his skin was black and his name was Emmett Till.
Some men they dragged him to a barn and there they beat him up.
They said they had a reason, but I can't remember what.
They tortured him and did some evil things too evil to repeat.
There was screaming sounds inside the barn, there was laughing sounds out on the street.
Then they rolled his body down a gulf amidst a bloody red rain
And they threw him in the waters wide to cease his screaming pain.
The reason that they killed him there, and I'm sure it ain't no lie,
Was just for the fun of killin' him and to watch him slowly die.
And then to stop the United States of yelling for a trial,
Two brothers they confessed that they had killed poor Emmett Till.
But on the jury there were men who helped the brothers commit this awful crime,
And so this trial was a mockery, but nobody seemed to mind.
I saw the morning papers but I could not bear to see
The smiling brothers walkin' down the courthouse stairs.
For the jury found them innocent and the brothers they went free,
While Emmett's body floats the foam of a Jim Crow southern sea.
If you can't speak out against this kind of thing, a crime that's so unjust,
Your eyes are filled with dead men's dirt, your mind is filled with dust.
Your arms and legs they must be in shackles and chains, and your blood it must refuse to flow,
For you let this human race fall down so God-awful low!
This song is just a reminder to remind your fellow man
That this kind of thing still lives today in that ghost-robed Ku Klux Klan.
But if all of us folks that thinks alike, if we gave all we could give,
We could make this great land of ours a greater place to live.
Copyright ©1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music
He also appeared at the 1963 March on Washington.
Wow, you all are dropping some serious musical history on me. The more I am hearing about Dylan, the more I like the guy. I remember him saying once that Bob Marley is his favorite song writer of all time. He had me right there. For me, growing up, it was Marley Marley amd more Marley, with a little Bunny Rugs in between.
To whatever Nigglet referred to Dylan as Jewboy-
You are the reason that Chris Rock occasionally feels the urge to join the KKK. You are the reason that even he points out there are black people.... and niggers.
Making demeaning comments about Jewish men doesn't change the fact that you are a Nigger. Making dispariging comments about other groups doesn't change the fact the you are a nappy headed ho.
anymos 1:14,
I didn't think it was possible, but your entire comment is an oxymoron.
To whatever Nigglet referred to Dylan as Jewboy-
You are the reason that Chris Rock occasionally feels the urge to join the KKK. You are the reason that even he points out there are black people.... and niggers.
Making demeaning comments about Jewish men doesn't change the fact that you are a Nigger. Making dispariging comments about other groups doesn't change the fact the you are a nappy headed ho. <<<
Your comments are just as base and reprehensible.
I saw Dylan years ago, with Joan Baez, he wasn't really the type to play to the crowd, seemed shy, I love all his music.
Off topic: The Dipshitocrats look ready to cave again-http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_health_care_overhaul
another great Dylan song that has been covered by Aaron Neville is one he wrote in 1963, "With God On My Side"--the lyrics are so powerful.
Mediatakeout (MTO.com) recently ran a photo of LARK, aka Lisa Turtle.
They talked about her real bad, Field, real, real bad. MTO talks about everybody 'real, real bad,' but they really served up LARK on a platter. On second thought, You might not want to go to the site. The read-up is pretty nasty.
Signs, Signs, everywhere signs, "Do This" "Don't do that", "Whites Only", can't y'all read the signs??? Ha Ha, bet y'all didn't think I knew any of that 60's counterculture shit... Music ain't been the same since Jimmy Morrison OD'd on Heroin in 1971, Dylans lyrics are pretty good, but he can't sniff the Lizard Kings leather chaps...
I think it's a bad thing when an antisemitic epithet inspires antiblack epithets here. I understand the anger, but it's the wrong response and a little depressing too.
All of the epithets, and the sentiments behind them, are wrong. I don't shy away from pointed words, but calling people "nigger" because some fool used the term "Jew boy" is just wrong.
Field Negro I think I love you.
as amerikkka becomes increasingly fascist, led by the blackish masked obama/gwb 2.0...police profiling and public executions by police will all become increasingly color blind...
killer kkkops are blue before black or white
as amerikkka becomes increasingly fascist, led by the blackish masked obama/gwb 2.0...police profiling and public executions by police will all become increasingly color blind...
killer kkkops are blue before black or white
4:03 PM
Agreed. As class rather than race becomes the characteristic that Americans are defined by, the beat downs will become more diversity-friendly.
Not the progress in racial harmony we had hoped for.
class is A new black
gay is A new black
black is STILL black
so as a poor black lesbian
my life is a triliogy of terror
that terror is grossly increased by sexist gaybashing obama nazis
like apoi herein...
these are petrifying and hopeLESS times for me...
Boy, I can't see that happening. I'd be hard pressed to name an industrialized democracy with less class solidarity than the United States. Class and labor issues are swept under the rug and never discussed. The socialist style democratic parties you see in Europe are entirely absent here. Even the so-called party of labor, the Democrats, are always in a rush to the right.
Race may become more complicated but along with ethnicity, I'm sure it will remain a dominate issue. Class seems to be much more of a lore in more homogeneous societies.
Here's another group, RM and ab who think they really know what it is to be oppressed.
"Here's another group, RM and ab who think they really know what it is to be oppressed."
I know, got any violins?
shabass and hathor:
only the vilest field niggers on plantations dared to joke and rejoice when other slaves were beaten by overseers/massas...
You seem so worried what Obama will do, do you ever speak out about rape and murder as a weapon against lesbians in some African countries? That is a real cause you could put your efforts, instead of being a doomsday apostle and trying to intimidate your fellow bloggers.
as usual, you are distracted, insincere, and late
i have spoken out about african rapes for decades
see much more at OUTLOOK
my doing so will not save any homes or jobs or bills...
you are also a hypocrite
i do not find my truths "intimidating"
but i do find your routine dismissals denials and dumb jokes about the suffering of others herein repulsively ignorant
what have YOU done or spoken out about that is sane or relevant in any way!?
"a doomsday apostle" about ongoing actual doom is a sage/clairvoyant
i told you so about obama long ago
Whew! Jody you rolled a full sets, some jabs, throwed a few hooks, and a couple of serious knockout punches on Mr R and Frank, who by the way are twins, but not twins, if you know what I mean.
All I can say is Preach it Jody! BTW, I liked Dylan too because his songs had a message and meaning to them. There were a few other people during that era whose songs had meaning to them, some were prophetic.
Hello Shabazz:
I missed you.
Amen Sister Hathor, Amen! I love your style.
Mr R:
What you need to do is go back and tell your bosses that those lies and deceptions of trying to put the blame on President Obama for trying to start a race war are not working and WON'T WORK! Anyone can buy a teeshirt with a union logo on it, or buy off a fool. People are up on y'all weak game now and can see through it. Of course, y'all wouldn't recognize that because of all that hatred in that is blinding you. Nevertheless, people are just waiting on the next elections so that they can finish cleaning up the White House of that filth in the GOP party, and replace all of those crazier than a road lizard nazi folks that have infilitrated the GOP party. It will be a breathe of fresh air to send y'all back under those rocks you came from. I'm marking the days off on the calendar.
BTW, Rassmussen is another one of them, only dummies pay attention to his polls, because intelligent people recognize that they are fixed.
alicia banks said...
"a doomsday apostle" about ongoing actual doom is a sage/clairvoyant
i told you so about obama long ago
What did you tell us a long time ago , that his wife and little kids will get death threats? That racist will be interview carrying a gun and wearing a shirt at his rally about killing him. Alicia go back to the CIA or mental ward you are from.Of course you and Alex Jones love dead black men.
5:41 PM
Hey folk , as some of you know we got plants here trying to start stuff. Yes if somebody see the anti-semitic remark on Fields blog they will call him anti-semitic.You know who usually post here and you can smell a phony a mile away.The health and Insurance lobby is trying to smear the President .As we can see it is legal in America to bring your Roscoe when you visit the President. You know what would happen if someone thought about doing the same to Sarah Palin.They would be shot.
The only lies and deceptions are coming from those on the left.
"Anyone can buy a teeshirt with a union logo on it, or buy off a fool. "
I guess any fool can hold up a Obama nazi poster and be filmed within hour handing out John Dingell campaign flyers.Yep that black man was a union thug.
Yeah anything that doesn't fit into your viewpoint is "fixed".
Thats how intelligent people think.
Ok. One more time for you right wing pro police at all costs MFs in the remedial class. The reason that conviction rates are so low for real criminals, the ones who actually rape, rob and kill, is that the police are mostly unprofessional wage workers in America. Here, instead of answering the call and just observing or inquiring, they had to take him somewhere to get his ID. What real crime happened while they were going for their ride?
For the rest of us, same game, different day. Why can't you just walk down the street minding your own damn business? If I need to carry ID, make it a law. If I need to disclose my business to every police person, then I will wear a sign stating my business when I go out so I can get where I am going without the annoying inquiries.
Why would I have to answer the questions of some 22 year old, high school grad (hopefully), younger than my youngest child, when I have committed no offense? Probable cause? No! Reasonably articulable suspicion that mischief is afoot? No! Then Fuck You Very Much and Have a Nice Day Ossifer! So it should alway be.
MR.R said...
The only lies and deceptions are coming from those on the left.
When a brother with a red bowtie and a gun can walk right in to a Palin meeting with a t-shirt like the guy in New Hampshire, then I might listen to you.
no kiddie
i told you that he is gwb 2.0!
and rev w told you that he is just a
everything else is par for the course as prez that only surprises retards like you
let the secret service fret over that
they are far less inept than you
kid said...
MR.R said...
The only lies and deceptions are coming from those on the left.
When a brother with a red bowtie and a gun can walk right in to a Palin meeting with a t-shirt like the guy in New Hampshire, then I might listen to you.
Democrats are the ones with the history of shooting presidents.Obama has mnore to fear from a Democrat than anyone else.
Yeah I just thought it was interesting. I suppose being paid $1500 was nothing to sneeze at back then. Heck, it's nothing to sneeze at now.
Hey folk , as some of you know we got plants here trying to start stuff. Yes if somebody see the anti-semitic remark on Fields blog they will call him anti-semitic.You know who usually post here and you can smell a phony a mile away.
Looks like kid's meds kicked in, because he made a good point. People need to rise above it. Call it out for what it is, but don't get down in the same mudpit.
Obama fell for his bosses telling him he doesn't have to read what he signs. The media touted him as the next Thurgood Marshall or even Johnny Cochran. Both of those lawyers would have familarized themselves with what was being signed.
Obama tells people that they shouldn't have signed mortgage papers without reading them. He said there would be transparency with the bills. He signed about four rushed bills without reading them (according to the media). He said he would read every line, etc. etc. Any $10 an hour insurance clerk has to read the endorsements before signing, any notary wants to know what they are notarizing, etc. We even tell our children not to sign anything until they have read it. This president paid attention to what his handlers told him to do and not cover his ass.
I also find it very convenient that once he told that other country they have to stop building settlements -- Rush, Hannity, Beck and all of them started hard on his ass. When Rush and the rest are not on air, the guest hosts rail about Obama's not helping Israel.
He should have listened a little bit to Rev. Wright and covered his ass dealing with his handlers.
"Nevertheless, people are just waiting on the next elections so that they can finish cleaning up the White House of that filth in the GOP party, and replace all of those crazier than a road lizard nazi folks that have infilitrated the GOP party."
Yeah thats why Obama's in full retreat mode and Democrats like Dennis Cardoza are hiding from their constituents.
MR.R said...
Democrats are the ones with the history of shooting presidents.Obama has mnore to fear from a Democrat than anyone else.
6:49 PM
So Palin not going to have Democrats around her.
You only need to worry about the democrats shooting themselves. Unfortunately, that is happening right now. I'll give the Republicans one thing: they have balls. Unlike the Dipshitocrats, they back up their talk with actions. Once again the democrats can't put anything together. If we only have a third party... sigh..
alicia banks said...
no kiddie
i told you that he is gwb 2.0!
and rev w told you that he is just a
everything else is par for the course as prez that only surprises retards like you
let the secret service fret over that
they are far less inept than you
Rev.Wright also vote for him too dumbass.Rev.Wright still supports him. Who pays you Alex Jones, Dick Armey, Rush Limbaugh,Sean Klannity?
Why is it that your dumb ass want him killed you fucking ghoul.You just like Jesse Lee Peterson dumbass.What flavor is Rush Limbaugh asshole?Fucking plant and tom.
Frankly speaking, I hope you and your bosses keep doing what you're doing. I am enjoying watching y'all self-destruct, myself. Also, I am getting a kick out of the fact that the majority of people will be voting soon to vote every last one of those mentally disturbed, racist out of office come election time. Yup, prison time is coming soon for some of y'all. I think I'll go out and stock up on popcorn, peanuts, and diet pepsi. Heck, I might even throw a barbeque for the occasion.
Bob Dylan-Hurricane
Granny, I think you are right, it looks like they are completely self-destructing.
History Dude said...
" ... I'll give the Republicans one thing: they have balls. Unlike the Dipshitocrats, they back up their talk with actions. Once again the democrats can't put anything together. If we only have a third party... sigh.."
7:25 PM
I don't call it balls , I call it cowardice. How tough is it to be 88% of the population and oppress 12% of the population .You are a damn coward! Your side threaten little girls ans their mothers. You bring guns to rallies . You cry reverse racism. If the republiklans get back in power what country is going to trust them? They seen how they treat their own people. No one can trust Palin. So go back to your insurance or hospital lobby and stick it.
They are self-destructing and they know it. That's why they're pulling all of those desparate, deceptive, scandalist moves. It's the main reason they are paying people like Mr R and all of our new found bloggers on here. Yup, they popping up like popcorn.
Peekaboo, I see you though. LOL!
kid said...
I don't call it balls , I call it cowardice. How tough is it to be 88% of the population and oppress 12% of the population .
Who is 88% of the population??
If it wasn't for Democrats and their negro project ya'll would be about 22% of the population.
I guess theres one reason to vote for Democrats.
"Y'all" need to stop engaging mr r. He is a waste of energy.
Mr.R give yourself some buckwheats.To find out what "buckwheats" is look at "Things to do in Denver when you're dead."
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
They are self-destructing and they know it.
Obama and the democrats are running this country.Yet they can't pass Obamacare. Obama and the Democrats are the ones hiding and using little children has plants in their townhalls.
Its Obama and the Democrats telling their supporters to walk around with Obama/nazi signs.Funny thing about those nazi signs.They didn't appear anywhere before the botox queen mention it.Than they are at townhalls everywhere.Democrats are using all the tricks in their playbooks.To bad American isn't buyin' your bullshit.
When Palin resigned, I was at the movie house, people were laughing about her resignation speech, many people knows she is a kook, the whole Republican party is making themselves look like crazy screwballs, worse than ever, if that is possible, and just think, a democrat won Hillary Clinton's replacement in a Republican base of people,
Yummy, that popcorn is good:)))
@Paid Plant Mr. R,
you write:
"its Obama and the Democrats telling their supporters to walk around with Obama/nazi signs.Funny thing about those nazi signs.They didn't appear anywhere before the botox queen mention it.Than they are at townhalls everywhere.Democrats are using all the tricks in their playbooks.To bad American isn't buyin' your bullshit."
lolol, so the democrats are paying u to wear that icon? lolol, that is too funny, or write all that crap in the papers, or send Eric Kantor to the Middle East, lolol.
kathy said...
a democrat won Hillary Clinton's replacement in a Republican base of people,
Yummy, that popcorn is good:)))
Hillary's district isn't Republican.Kirsten Gillibrand was appointed .She didn't win anything.
The salt is getting to you.
No! Then Fuck You Very Much and Have a Nice Day Ossifer! So it should alway be."
Malik, "you so crazy".
Duh, Mr. R, who replaced Gillibrand?
Who won that election, Mr. Plant?
millions of people like me voted for obama only by default...to keep mccain out as he would be worse
only morons like you equate critiquing obama with murdering him
only blindly worshipping fools like you consider an intelligent independent thought about obama's blatant serial betrayals evidence of employment by the fbi/cia...
politicos like obama base their lives on weak minded idiots like you...they know that racist like you will cheer them simply because they are "black/ish" even as they MURDER YOU!!!
you are greatly appreciated by obama and his ilk kiddie...they LITERALLY owe their success to the suicidal and masochistic clones of illiterate racists like YOU!
re alex jones:
how dare a partisan cowardly drone
like you bash a real warrior like him???...you will never be intelligent or educated enough to even shine his shoes boy...
Kid is not a drone,he is very intelligent, what u wrote is very sad, i see you link to prisonplanet, why do u do that?
you know u are making your own self sick with this stuff, do u see that? it so sad. i will keep u in my thoughts.
my third eye keeps me immune from the illness
curious that you cannot see that kid died from his mental illness long ago
pray for amerikkka
it is truly fatally ill...
prison planet is filled with far more truth than any network news source
why do you feel the need to defend a blatant sexist retard like kid?
unlike you kathy, i see the truth and respect it from ALL sources
alicia the only people that say Obama=Hitler are you and Dick Armey, the guy that made up the Death Panel stuff.You are a liar. You and Sugar put out the why did he/whitey lie from Larry C. Johnson . You put out the Larry Sinclair lie.You hate socialist,(which he's isn't) wouldn't socialism help black people out?Bernie Sanders the only socialist Senator says that the President isn't a Socialist, but he still supports him.You are inconsistent.You say you have a FCC license, what class is it? I have one. How come there are no broadcasts of you when you supposedly work with Sean Klannity. You hate men especially black men.You need a doctor.
my media bios are all over any library and the internet
but you are too illiterate to locate them
millions of radio shows are never taped daily...especially so decades ago you fool
what is it with your incessant retarded envious tangents????
i did not "put out" any of the great dirt on the slimy obama you claim herein
but i appreciate all the impossible power you are moronic enough to lend to me...
and unlike you, i am literate enough to actually research whatever i choose to learn/know
why do you feel the need to defend a blatant sexist retard like kid?
You wonder why I hate you, first for what you said about my father, second for what you say about people with mental disabilities. If you work around kids like you say your license should be taken away for the offending word you said.I'm not a doctor but either from your photo you A) have a thyroid condition or B) you are on Thorazine.
People are calling for the death of the President live on TV and on blogs.Maybe I should take a look at your blog at list. We all remember the first attempt on Dr.Kings life was a black woman.
i hate you and i hate obama
that only proves that i hate morons and hoaxes respectively
it has nothing to do with what i feel about any real men
like alex jones and pastor manning
i hate you too...and?
do not hate me because i have big sexy beautiful eyes
i live at my doctor's office as a diabetic and i have no thyroid problem
when was the last time you had a physical?
what do you look like?
what stds do you have?
your own eyes are wasted as you see no reality so they are as irrelevant to me as your lost soul
i would never kill anyone
and i will never worship obama to avoid being suspected of his murder
hateful hypocrites like you called for the murder of bush...so get over it
bush lived...so obama/gwb 2.0 may be as lucky as his puppeteer
death among dunces like you is redundant!!!
i never said anything about your father...but if he isanything like you then yes indeed i hate him too
rotten fruit rarely falls far from rotted trees
stop that right now, u not hate Kid nor u hate Obama,
u allowing them to take control u mind,
Kid is real man, stop that right now, start listening he is not hoax.
i do not speak or pray for you
i would appreciate the same from you in return
i despise obama and kid
i hate all soulless racist fools
my only drug is reality
i am no doctor
i prescribe reality, literacy, emotional security, and education for you
Alicia, stop saying things about Kids's father, that is not right, u know it is not right, what wrong with u for saying that, it is mean, just plain mean, Alicia, stop it for a minute, think, u got good heart, where is is?
i have never met a mentally handicapped child that is as vile or retarded as you
i respect all children
i have NO respect for you
i am only responding to kid
HE is a fool for senselessly and constantly dragging his dad into this
i have no idea what he is talking about
so i suggest you reserve your selective admonishments for the retarded kid
i will never take his abuses in silent...even when they are due to imaginary bs
how and why do you see what kid has posted as "good hearted"????!!!
what i said ,was U got a good heart, where is it? I know u got a good heart, and u hurting too, stop saying bad shit about Kid's father, that is not right, u know it is not right to say that.
I never say I pray for you Alicia, I never said that, I only pray if people say they want a prayer from me, otherwise I not pray.
Ab, how come you're not going off on kathy like you would have done to others? Auntie Tom ass.
why did you not ask kid about his heart/posts???????
why do you expect me to accept his hatreds in silence???
stop wasting your time selectively and exclusively scolding me herein
this is a blog
full of hatred
scan it!
this is not a prayer wall
why do you not ask kathy why she feels the need to defend the retarded bigoted kid so UNFAIRLY???!!!!
alicia banks said...
i do not speak or pray for you
i would appreciate the same from you in return
i despise obama and kid
i hate all soulless racist fools
10:27 PM
Bitch first don't fuck with Kathy.I guess you must be jealous because Glenn Greenwald from Brave New Films ask Pam Spaulding to take his place at Netroots 09.Wonder why he didn't call you, a legend in you own mind.
Then you call people who are mental disabled retarted. That's being a straight up bitch. You have no class.BTW,people on Thorazine have enlarged eyeballs.
You're the racist for insulting Pam Spaluding choice of a mate.
how is your own post intelligent or good hearted??????
why do you feel the need to defend kathy???
i am weary with the inept and unfair policing herein
you envious fool hater
you ARE retarded!!!
you prove your retardation with EVERY post herein
how do you know who calls me?
do you work for pam??
why do you not ask kathy why she feels the need to defend the retarded bigoted kid so UNFAIRLY???!!!!"
Ok kid, why are you calling Ab a bitch and defending kathy in the same sentence?? You don't defend black women on this blog like you do kathy {well except granny}, Please explain.
you would see far more of me if i was tame and wed to a wf like pam...
that goes for all afro het rebels too
if you were really one, you would know that... you lame limp lepton!
what is your obsession with pam?
why harp on it?
stop doing her wife's job stroking her so herein...she will never do you!
thank you anon!
kid and his posse of haters herein are obsessed with policing this blog
like kathy they are obsessed with selectively attacking some like me and coddling the likes of granny and anyone else who agrees with them
i will never take such bs in silence
Ok, who's pam? I'm trying to help you people work this thing out here.
pam spaulding is a very cool lesbian blogger
she stays on tv as all blacks who are tame with white spouses do
i am nothing like her
and sexist rabid dogs like kid who really hate all sane women like pam and i dares to think his tiny IQ is large enough to play me against pam
it is amusing
see her blog
i will never stop hating kid and his ilk herein
so there is nothing to be worked out
Yes I know granny has a swollen head from all the praises she gets on this blog it's so phony and ridiculous sometimes.
you say u work with kids, do u love kids?
why u say that Kid is "retard", that not like u, Alicia, I belive you think better than than that, now i am feeling like shit, why u say such things, Alicia?
YOU are the racist for insulting and OMITTING obama/gwb 2.0's white mom!
why do u presume i would ever treat/regard/address ANY child as i do a miserable twisted excuse for a male adult like kid???
i am not a special ed teacher
i have never had a student as retarded as kid
i do not just "say i work with kids"
i actually win national awards as an educator doing so
i am also a revered educator of adults
if it is any consolation, i have also never met any adults as retarded as kid
Ok kid, why are you calling Ab a bitch and defending kathy in the same sentence?? You don't defend black women on this blog like you do kathy {well except granny}, Please explain.
good question, thanks for asking that.
do not be played by kid
he is a rabid sexist ignorant uneducated dog who hates all women
lesbian and het and equally so
how is it good hearted for kid to keep calling me bitch? his mama's name?
Alicia, agreed, I not like that either. no one should be called bitch, can't apoligize for someone i am not. i never call u that.
thank you kathy
and i will never call you that either
Alicia you said some bad shit about my father. My brothers found him murdered when I was 13. He had four bullets in his back.I had to arrange his funeral.You insulted Pam a fellow member of the Afrospear who went to Denver knowing that Rush Limbaugh was planning a race riot on black people. Where was your ass.You are hear to try to start people saying homophobic things about you so you can take it to other media. We know who you work for Alex Jones,Lyndon LaRouche, the name don't matter, your job is confusion. You act childish when you keep repeating ad neaseaum the word retard. My brother is slow, that's another reason why I call you bitch.
Take your check from Aetna, Blue Cross or whoever and leave.
Kathy acted nice to you and you were rude. No one likes you here. You even dogged out Granny and that says a lot about you. You showed love to Frank Drakman and MR.R and called them gentlemen. You have a problem.
you are a rabid hallucinating fool
NOTHING you say is true
give it up!
i am ignoring you!
why bother harping on the same delusional paranoid lies????
you dirty evil retard
you posted in my name and dogged granny
and we all know that herein
your IQ is way too low to speak for anyone herein
you are not slow
you are mentally stationery
way beyond your bro
he has an excuse
you are WILLFULLY retarded by choice
"give it up! i am ignoring you!"
No, you are not ignoring him.
ab - aka the furby troll:
Why don't you shut the fuck up and leave here bitch, nobody sane likes you. There. Now I'm calling you a bitch, because that's exactly what you are. You are a lying ass lonely miserable bitch who has nothing better to do than pick arguments, spread hate, and make up conspiracy theories.
Go ahead with it now, call me shabass, etc. etc.
You're tired, and nobody believes the drivel you pollute this blog with. Why don't you go fuck off and harass some body else's blog.
PS- just like kid is "willfully retarded by choice", I guess it's safeto say you are willfully gay by choice?
kathy beat you to defending the overly coddled resident retard kid
today...so no need
so do not be redundant
try to contribute more than redundancy herein?
i am ignoring his frenzied details in 3 LYING posts and counting!
stop calling me a bitch
as i am not your mother
and fake muslims do not get to control me
so take your fake kufi clad orders elsewhere
You could never be my mother alicia bitch, my mother's a beautiful strong black woman who knows and loves who she is.
Your lies will not go unnoticed.
I have no desire to control you.
Your wrapped mind is doing a good enough job on it's own.
bitch = canine female
she is a bitch because you are a dog
also shabass:
women usually give birth to similar daugthers
you and kid are such weak whiny bitches that i figure your moms are too
a poem for kid and shabass
2 bitches yo:
bitches 2
ice- t
I once knew this brother
Who I thought was cool with me
Chilled out together
Even went to school with me
Fly nigga, my ace boon coon
Used to low ride together
Shot dice in the bathroom
Ya want trouble?
Well trouble ya found
Cause we diss ya, then issue
The critical beat down
He needed money
I would always come through
Needed a car? He could use mine too
But bust this!
Out on the street
People say he was riffin'
Callin' me a sucker
Talkin' bout how foul I'm livin'
Someone heard him
Poppin' that shit last week
Frontin' for some pussy
>From some big butt freak
Sayin' I'm his worker
I was on his dick!
Talkin' that craazy old weak assed shit
and after all of that
She still walked away
How ya gonna diss your boy
To get some play?
And when I stepped to him about it
He said, Who snitched?
Yo, how did he go out?
He went out like a bitch!
So ladies
We ain't just talkin' bout you
Cause some of you niggas
Is bitches too!
I knew this brother named Mitch
Stone player
He meet a girl, in five min. he lay her
Trucked crazy jewels
Hands smothered in ice
Been to prison not once, but twice
Kept a stupid thick posse
Made of thugs and
Crooks and hoods
and vet hustlers
Who were up to no good
But they all stood behind him
and watched his back
That's the only way
To roll on the track
But yo,
Mitch got rushed by feds last week
The snatchbared the runk
Of his white Corniche
Took a look inside
And what did they see?
Two keys, and a gallon of PCP!
Oh shit! The thought crashed
Mitch's subliminal
Three strikes, that's called
Habitual criminal
So insted of goin' under
He snitched on his whole posse
Maxed at the crib
And sipped Martini and Rossi
Sold out his whole crew
That rat named Mitch
I knew this guy
That was never that fly
Couldn't act cool
Even when he tried
When we played rough
He always cried
When he told stories, he always lied
A Black brother
Who was missin' the cool part
He had the color
But was missin' the true heart
When we would fight
He would always go down quick
So he took karate
and he still got his ass kicked
But now he's married
And he kicks his wife's ass
Says it comes from problems
That he had in the past
Doesn't like Blacks
Claims he's upper class
Joined the police, got himself a badge
Now he rolls the streets
and he's cut to jack
Doggin' young brothers
Cause they usually don't fight back
Got a White partner
And he asked for that
and every night
Another head they crack
So now he's big man
But he really ain't shit!
Out one night with my crew
and some new kid
I didn'T know homeboy, but Evil E did
So I thought he was cool
We rode in his ride
Rag top tray on Daytons
Lifted side to side
We hit the party deep
Niggas was hawkin' me
You could feel the vibe
Of thick artillery
Parliament was on, some O.G. shit
I put my back to the wall
And felt my pistol grip
al of a sudden
Niggas started trippin'
Flippin', the record started skippin'
Wildin', fools started locn up
Gats cracked
The room started smokin' up
Me and E hit the floor
And then the back door
My boys let off an automatic encore
But when we made it out to the ride
It was gone, we had to shoot it out
Side by side
Punk left us there to die in a ditch!
Yeah it figures, someone with your mentality would know that song word for word you bitch. Now I know why you act like that. Go find a piece of dick to calm your tense ass down.
But not from me though, sorry I don't do "amazons" or trannies.
i am a musicolgist and a vet dj
hate that too?
yeah u do
you beaten bitch!
you guys stop giving furby a hard time.
i beat their asses as usual
so dot bot bother defending me
furbies are adorable
with eyes even more beautiful than my own
thanks for the compliment
what beast do you resemble that keeps you posting without a photo?
i am really a lioness
we never need help
You are a liar and a hack alicia.
Everybody knows about you and your lies.
Liars are only successful at hiding the truth from themselves.
Your lies will be exposed.
You are a beast though, not a lioness.
You are pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for you.
"Alicia Banks - Eloquent Furby"
ta da!
@ the anons and grinder --
my reference to mr Dylan as a "jew boy" was not and is not antisemitic epithet. it is merely descriptive and if folks feel it is demeaning then perhaps they should defer from using such terms as "black boy, arab boy, white boy, etc." As i feel "jew boy" falls right within there. Afterall, i could have used the mystic and magical "H-word" now couldnt i have? Then i would be right there in the pantheon of this these so-called liberal racist whites [and some jews] who masked themselves and their white supremacist agendas. Obviously, to some and not so to others, I, as an African, dont necessary feel we all need to get along as much as i am all about the truth. Taking the moral so-called political correct high road aint necessary by my agenda. No apologies here especially for some of my African sisters here who feel that way. Some would think that jewish sentiments and more important than my global African systemic racism degradation ones, NOT! As long as jews can be silent about their financial interests and profits from the African slave trade, I can be and will be critical of the bantustanation and creation in 1948 of the creation of the state of israel on arab land. Colonialism is Colonialism and it means dispossession of one group of peoples by another. But i digress.
To the racist morons, that refer to me as what was that nigglet or nigger, i think your mister Dylan used such terms in his songs about Hurricane and George Jackson but you are too opulently obese with ignorance to see and acknowledge how that might have been perceived by your muscial icon as racist i bet.
Nice to know though as my granny said, you got a sharp tongue that makes folks uncomfortable. Good that since it is way pass time for some of you folks to be uncomfortable... "Mississippi Goddamn" as Ms. Nina Simone would say..
some of you folks just cant handle the truth and maybe once you wake up from your hollywood tv imaginary world, maybe then you will see you so-called country and its ideology is its truth light
beale, you don't even believe your own words. If you did, there wouldn't be so many of them.
And nobody believes your racist ass grinder STFU!
beale street is talkin said...
my reference to mr Dylan as a "jew boy" was not and is not antisemitic epithet. it is merely descriptive and if folks feel it is demeaning then perhaps they should defer from using such terms as "black boy, arab boy, white boy, etc." As i feel "jew boy" falls right within there.
Some would think that jewish sentiments and more important than my global African systemic racism degradation ones, NOT! As long as jews can be silent about their financial interests and profits from the African slave trade,
I just used your "logic". I black male referred to a 20-something year old as a "white girl" and I called him a "nigger boy". Yup, that isn't racist, you said it yerself! Don't go calling someone racist cause they talk bout black people the way Jesse Jackson does.
BTW nigglet, you couldn't give yourself away so stop deluding yourself to believe that someone would buy. This babble about Jews and slavery is just another pathetic attempt by black boys to blame someone else for your filthy culture. Black folks have been selling each other since the beginning of time to this very day. And you getting all self richteous about the Palestinians. You know what Nigglet? the Israelis treat the Palestinians better than most African males treat woman and gays. I don't see you gettin all judgement about dat.
You are a nigger and you trying to scapegoat Jews to cover up for the barbaric behavior of your own people is typical nigglet behavior.
The Jewish people do not need to answer to Niggers like you. I showed you more respect than you deserve by capitalizing the N. And dats all da respect yous gonna get nigglet. You take dat white sheet off nigglet. You can grasp at straws to justify it all you want but the reality is dat white sheet doesn't look good on nigglets. So run along nigglet boy
@ beale street- Wow it is cool to have you posting Jerimiah Wright! Tell FarraKKKhan I said hi! I appriciate your minstral show. Nothing more amusing than to see a nigger who talks more than he thinks. Unfortunately it is all too common.
It does get tiresome when a perfectly good topic turns into a pissing contest, doesn't it? And it is always the one or two suspects who wander in and botches it up for everyone.
my reference to mr Dylan as a "jew boy" was not and is not antisemitic epithet. it is merely descriptive and if folks feel it is demeaning then perhaps they should defer from using such terms as "black boy, arab boy, white boy, etc." As i feel "jew boy" falls right within there <<
Beale Street,
Who has used such terms in this thread? The term you reference is offensive and it is antisemitic. Now, if you believe that you were not being offensive, you were.
you are a dirty gnat who is still flying in my face because i exposed you as blatantly illiterate liar re: obama's bio...
shoo shrew!!!!!!!
the assnons posting in my name:
you are envious cowards
i know it is wonderful to pretend to be me but...how about using your own worthless names and ugly faces?
the 2 resident bitches aka shabass and kidding:
do all these afrocentric warrior bros at uhuru news who hate obama hate all black men too????
or is that pathetic lie reserved exclusively for females who hate obama as i do?
this lioness is beast enough to slay you fools herein as i always do so eloquently!!!!!!!!!
handle that
"and if folks feel it is demeaning then perhaps they should defer from using such terms as "black boy, arab boy, white boy, etc"
I've never heard anyone refer to any male adult as a "boy" and you probably haven't either. Really, take your mouth off the crack pipe on occasion.
Actually I take that back (not about your need to stop smoking crack, that I hold to) but I have heard an adult referred to as "boy". Our last president was called "white boy" on and "good ol boy". I'm sure Beale was infuriated!
Thanks, Sharon, and the sad part is they just won't go away.
I don't know why they feel the need to just hang around when they clearly aren't wanted.
Just wish we had a filter for trolls and the educated fools among them.
if that filter becomes accurate, you and your fellow nominally literate and immature haters/assnons/juvenile cowardly idiots will be the first to be ousted...
I know. This place is worse than a junior high school cafeteria sometimes. I shouldn't say that. At least junior high students have an excuse.
I feel sorry for your mother.
you are the DL school bully who always starts the cafeteria brawls herein you hypocrite!
sharon is the resident bimbo who literally licks your wounds and helps you lie to the principal after you are beat down and sent to the ofc
you lying second generation bitch!!!
my mother is my best friend
and a queen
a peasant like you knows nothing about her regal life
but you may read about it at my blog
if that filter becomes accurate...
Why wait?
I'd really appreciate it if you were to start ignoring me this very moment.
And while you are at it, do so for Kid, Shabazz and others whom you consider beneath you.
Believe me, we all would appreciate it.
But we also know that you are not that considerate.
You will be counted on, time and again, to f-up any discussion.
i want to apologize to the community for my outbursts. i have left a message for my doctor requesting he go back to prescribing my old medication. i took it a long time ago and it made me less crazy. i am ashamed of the person i've become and promise i will not engage in any more tirades, name calling, or bad attempts at poetry again. or at least not on this blog
each post exposes your gnat like selective pestering/whining...
what you cowardly, unfairly and ignorantly call f-ing up a convo, i call winning it via self defense
your pals attack me each time i slay obama herein
if you all were intelligent and bad ebough to finish what you start, i would never have to slay you so...
deal with the facts before u buzz in
i will never let you and your ilk attack me solo...never!!!
do not start f-ing with me and there will be no f-ing slayings/"convos"
many herein allow you tag team bullies to wild on them in silence
i will never do that
i will never be that one
deal with that
assnon imposters:
my only med is reality
i wish you could take a pill for your cowardice
then maybe you would have the testicles and spine to post under your own useless name and show you fugly mug
every post you and the 2 resident bitches (that fake muslim shabass and that bona fide retarded kid) et al post proves that you are all beneath me
all of you can NEVER defend obama so you attack me
which one of you vulgar fools dare defend obama's latest black betrayal????
thanks again for yet another back handed compliment
do count on me to slay you and your fellow bullies/morons with truths and fatal defensive blows herein always
do that 4ever
sorry folks. someone keeps posting biazarre diatribes under my name. like i said- i am trying to maintain composure. any rants, accusations, or bad poetry IS NOT ME, but someone writing under my name trying to smear my reputation.
i am attempting to rehabilitate my reputation and to whoever keeps posting these rants under my names, trying to make me a pariah and enemy i say- GET HELP!
it is much easier to moronically masturbate herein than it is to defend obama gwb 2.0
keep clowning assnons
your blackish joker boy in dc is a much better and badder clown
and his biggest jokes are on black nazi fools like you...until 2010 anyway...then his punchlines will be stolen at the polls...just as he has stolen this third term for his mentor gwb...
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
i'm trying to keep my mouth shut
ditto this:
You people who think President George W. Bush was "the dumbest president ever" (and, amazingly, many of you still do), please note that political blogger Josh Ray has this message for you:
If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent "Austrian language, would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to Cinco de Cuatro in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
If George W. Bush had mis-spelled the word advice would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoe as proof of what a dunce he is?
If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans , would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?
If George W.. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plans holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 5 months - so you'll have three years and seven months to come up with an answer.
Alicia, I'm not an O-laid drinker, but I can't help but to think there is something else about Obama's being that's really bothering you in a personal way. Something isn't adding up.
Now I am confused: Will the real Alicia Banks please stand up?
"The Jewish people do not need to answer to Niggers like you. I showed you more respect than you deserve by capitalizing the N. And dats all da respect yous gonna get nigglet. You take dat white sheet off nigglet. You can grasp at straws to justify it all you want but the reality is dat white sheet doesn't look good on nigglets. So run along nigglet boy"
Anon. 1:05PM, I think you are a stormfronter pretedning to be Jewish. Quick, what century is the Jewish historian Abraham Ibn Daud from? Hurry! And no fair using Google.
FN- I see nothing in the above post you quoted that indicates the person who owned Beale was "pretending" to be Jewish. It sounds like you assumed someone offended by anti-semitism must be Jewish. Kind of weird since there are a lot of white folks who will also rip someone a new asshole if they made a similar derogatory reference to a black person.
Nor does it come across as a racist as much as someone trying to prove a point about racism.
1:05, along with other posters, gave Beale a taste of his own medicine. Which was hearily deserved.
your fake query reeks of obama nazism
obama really can be less than a flawless god to sane people who think independently and see clearly
get over your worhip
obama nazis believe that anyone who dares to refuse to excuse and coddle obama must be a neocon with some fbi/right wing agenda etc
it thrills haters to pretend to be me herein
it is very clear that my real posts feature my uniquely intellectual voice & photo & and lower cased name
"alicia banks"
why are you playing?
furby fans/assnons:
peep obama's furry pud here
Alicia Banks asked: "why are you playing?"
Because it is Field's blog and he was being playful. You are right bout your voice being unique--also so very, very frequent.
52 of the 188 posts on this blog are yours, which does not include fake AB's of course.
I purely admire Field's non-blocking philosophy even it if is sometimes with gritted teeth. However, I would think that he would have scruples about letting someone else post with your name though, one's enough.
share your secrets for detecting the fake mes with the playful fn?
why did you not detect that i was playing too?
why did you count only mine?
i am always repulsed by the inept blog police here and that includes you, though i have far less time to count you and your self appointed policing peers than you have to count my posts...
got respect?
then let fn speak for himself
fn owns this blog
your suggestions are moot
next time you count
you might also count how many posts herein were direct vulgar attacks and retorts
by the 3 resident bitches and posse:
et al
such complete analyses will help you appear far less inept and hypocritical
It is Field's blog and his philosophy, but he seems to listen patiently to all of our suggestions. And to me the pity 'tis moot is that he will not block people who are trying to steal an identity; however playfully intended.
i hate that
but fn makes the rules here...
i never allow anyone to post without a full bio/name at my own blog
what is worse is that the blog police are blind to all the cowards and bullies herein
and only flash their badges when i defend myself
that makes them sorry assed devils in stolen blue dresses
AB do you hear voices?
Anonymous said...
"AB do you hear voices?"
I think Field just needs to charge her $10.00 per comment. It might probe her to make up her mind in one neat consolidated entry.
despite your obama nazi fog,
it is possible not to worship obama and be sane...
you should hear wiser voices than your own here:
wisdom and truth are free
your financial scheming is typical of a trick
if fn really wanted to get richer more quickly
he should charge you and your moronic hater friends only $1.00 for all the lies and ignorance you all post herein
tricks need financial advice too
glad i could help...
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