"Not only am I against nationalized health care because it represents an inexorable path towards socialism, but also because the expanding ranks of bureaucrats will be filled with inept blacks, who simply lack the administrative and cognitive skills to process the mounds of paperwork resulting from such an imposing bureaucracy. Anyone who has spent a few years in the Army can tell you how the administrative, personnel and financial systems are screwed up. And the reason--incompetent blacks. This link demonstrates the incredibly frightening extent in which blacks are overrepresented in the federal work force."
Well, there you have it. Another reason not to go with the O man's health care plan. I was wondering what all this passion on the right was all about, now......well, let's just say some of it makes a lot more sense now.
Sometimes you have to go to these sites to see what these folks are thinking. (Check out what some cretin named LA writes in the comments.) The beauty of the Internet is that folks always feel free to talk to each other as if they are in their own homes. And then, of course, folks like us get to take a peek inside of their world. And what a world it is.
I was slow to catch on, but better late than never.
Thanks for the link Laurie! [AKA Race Traitoress to you field hands. ]
field, LA is the author of the entire blog. . .or maybe you knew that. . .lol
Field what is your point? be more specific!! I linked to the other BLOG, but, you did not give your insight!
Field I know what that BLOG was implying, but, are you saying you are in agreement with their assessment?
When L.A. referred to a Patrick Buchanan column as "great", that told me pretty much everything I needed to know about them.
Their heads are starting to explode. Yet another reason we need health care and man, we better hurry!
Wow...rendered completely speechless...la paix Field
Yeah I think most of us already knew that this isn't really about health-care.
I mean those idiots, the protesters, don't even talk about health-care when they speak at townhall meetings. They say silly things like "it's time to take our country back!". They never get into any details about the health-care plan. It's all about getting the White people who are mad that Obama is Prez to create a smokescreen so that the insurance companies can keep racking in the big bucks.
I wonder if they will ever figure out they are just pawns?
"And the reason--incompetent blacks. This link demonstrates the incredibly frightening extent in which blacks are overrepresented in the federal work force."
I am stunned by the naive stupidity of this remark. This takes us back to a time when such casual racism was qualified by the usual "Some of my best friends" caveat.
If I were in a better mood maybe I would make a joke of the whole thing, like pointing out that if this were true then my DMV office should be the most efficient in my state. Today this sort of shit makes me sick to my stomach.
Again, here comes the Idiocracy.
I'm not surprised. One protester in New Hampshire had a firearm, and another said illegal aliens should be sent home with a bullet in their head.
It's only a matter of time one of these things breaks out in violence. Not that push someone out of a wheelchair nonsense. I mean Cali prison riot style.
I already told my melanin challenged friends to buy Obama/Biden campaign buttons because wearing them in public is the only thing that's going to save them from an ass kicking or worse if President Obama is harmed.
That's what it has always been about. The main people at these rallies crying about "losing their country" in their minds, have been. They are old enough to remember a time where there were no black people who could realistically vote, organize or receive satisfaction for grievances. That wax poetic about the good old days when the days weren't that much better, they were just whiter.
These people have bought into the fear of right-wing projection as well as a little bit of deep-down bias that already existed.
This was never about healthcare, insurance or anything like that. It was about the notion that even the most obvious racism can never, be conceded, that even when they say that Obama is a racist, the theory is that they are enlightened enough to recognize it, instead of the real truth, that the people who accuse Obama of being a racist are such shrewd practitioners of racism, that they really think nobody will see their projection of their true racism onto Obama.
Remember, there were people in the crowd with loaded guns today.
MR.R said...
Yep...I knew Sunday was a comin'
field finally got around to playin' the race card.To bad your heart wasn't really in it.
field, who gives a rats ass who's opposed to this bill??
Here's some fact--
A Democrat is president....
Democrats hold a filibuster proof majority in the Senate...
Democrats have a 100+ advantage over Repubthugs in the Congress....
Obama and the Democrats can pass anything they want.So why do ya'll keep steppin' in dog poo?
American military personnel since George Washington was the commander have been griping about the "administrative, personnel and financial systems" of the Armed Forces. It's where we got the wonderful word SNAFU (Situation Normal: All Fucked Up), created by World War Two G.I.s. This is the first time I've heard blacks specifically blamed for it.
Anyone see Chris Matthews interview the New Hampshire man protesting in Portsmouth with a gun strapped to his leg?
Now I agree with the man that he has a right to carry a gun on his person.
The issue I take is that he could not explain why he was against health care reform and what carrying a gun had to do with that opposition.
It was obvious that he was intelligent enough not to reveal his racist views on a national media outlet like Hardball.
The sign he carried referenced a quote by Jefferson. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." That coupled with his being strapped?
And he throws a insult to Massachusetts! It's a good thing he's safe in a lily-white northern state.
"Well, there you have it. "
Yes, not only will black and brown people become more healthy and live longer lives, but they might actually get the "new" administrative jobs instead of cleaning the hospital toilet. Let the smoke screen and fear mongering begin.
This is so premeditative, its like spreading rumors to secure future employment discrimination. Sick.
These people are scared shitless, they're thinking too much. They're outdoing themselves.
I saw it live this afternoon. The DNC should rerun the interview as a ad on Sunday nights, just so everyone can see the face of the republican party.
There are 1.5 million assholes like that here.
La_incgnita, I like how you simplified that. These mofos can't see a good change if it bit them in the ASS. Fear have them dreaming up on all kinds of stuff. Its always about white control and keeping blacks unequal. These fucking crakas arent all old like we think, they work with us and go school with out children in college.
*they go school with our children in college.
My father passed away last fall in a nursing home. Most of the people who cared for him were black, including the administrators on his floor.
I was deeply appreciative for the jobs they did. If health care reform means having black people delivering the care, all I can say is that I hope I will get the same care that black people gave my father.
I keep hearing these republiclown teabaggers shout, " Read the Constitution!" Allright, this is from the Preamble:
1) ensure domestic tranquility.
2) promote the general wellfare.
Seems like you reactinaries need some remedial reading classes 'cause you dropped the ball on both.
Actually, the beauty of the internet is that you can meet the craziest people in the world without having to smell their apartments.
I saw that Javier. I haven't been around long enough to see many presidents, but I'd say these reactions are a first. Most of these lunatics can't explain why they are against healthcare reform. You'd think they were on the insurance company payroll the way they're acting.
There is nothing that white folk get more crazy passionate about than the possiblity of black folk taking what they thing is or should be theirs exclusively. And healthcare is just another one of those things.
Again, their stupidity of voting against their own self-interest. They don't care that their premiums(if they even have insurance)will continue to go up without reform. The estimated 1.2 TRILLION dollars of waste will continue to prevent them from getting care--but that might be a good thing.
They are scared about what a healthy black population will do. We have been so devastated as a people, just in the area of health, forget about education, poverty, violence. And we are still here and thriving.
Perhaps the President has something up his sleeve. But he needs to find his campaign stride.
He shouldn't be Democratic control slip through his fingers. I might be wrong, but I think both Medicare and Social Security passed without one Rethug vote. Don't think think any of these town hall idiots wish neither of those existed. Guess socialism ain't so bad after all.
Just saw on Olberman that a man had a knife on him in the school where the townhall meeting with the President was being held. And he also had an unlicensed gun in his car. I guess they'd rather see this country destroyed than have a black President.
Keep in mind the slogan on that guy's sign was the same one on Timothy McVeigh's t-shirt when he was arrested for the Oklahoma City bombing thirty minutes after it happened.
Patriots my ass. They want to bring down the country and all it stands for.
That's the saddest thing of all. Too stupid to see their being preyed upon by the very same people who will denying them coverage.
I don't think the framers of the Constitution envisioned the rights of corporations being held above those of the individual but that is exactly what you see in this country today. Corporate tax code leaves the tax man's purse looking like swiss cheese. I laugh every time I hear conservatives talk about how expensive it is for corporations to do business in America with their tax rate around 30%. They claim this to be the reason corporations go the expatriate route instead of the cheap labor, lack of unions, zero environmental restrictions placed on them. They can exploit, abuse and pollute as much as they want at an increased profit margin. To the US corporation American citizens have become entitled and ungrateful for the meager wages they offer. Mexicans, Indians, Vietnamese and Tawainese have no such qualms. Of course it costs much less to live in these countries.
Unfortunately, conservatives still believe free-market capitalism has the interests of the worker at heart. Any con should ask themselves if a Fortune 500 CEO had the choice of ensuring fair labor practices, wages adjusted for cost-of-living, generous benefits and diversified pensions for its workers versus a 0.5% increase in profit margin what would he/she choose?
Doc, you're right. Senator McCaskill asked how many people at one of the townhall meetings were on Medicaid. Half the room raised their hands. Then she asked how many wanted Medicaid to go away. Not one, that I could see, raised their hand. It was actually kind of funny. 1+1 isn't 2 with these people. I can respect the legitimate gripes with the plan, but something must be done.
They talk about their children being burdened with the taxes to pay for reform. But I'd rather be healthy enough to pay taxes rather then paying sky high premiums and still not have enough coverage. This is one of the few things worth adding to our tab.
Anybody hear about Kenneth Gladney? This fool has future House Negro status written all over him.
This guy claimed to have gotten a beat down from an SEIU volunteer even though video proves otherwise. He went to the hospital but had no health insurance because he was laid off (the irony is clearly lost on many) and is now accepting donations for his medical expenses (that are fabricated).
I bet Gladney was one of a very few if not the only black employee at his job but was the first to get laid off. If it came done to his job over the job of a white co-worker you know who's looking for the unemployment line the next day! This guy's a Loof!
You bring up a good point Minnie. If you go to Scandanavian and European countries where healthcare is a single payer system taxes are higher. But if you ask citizens of those countries whether they would give up their government-run healthcare for lower taxes and an American style system they'd laugh you back to the airport.
We in this country seem to have the sense that everything should be done for us without sacrificing on our part. It is why we are a nation of debtors.
Taken from sidebar:
What do you think?
Should I go after this guy for "jocking" my style?
After all, the back of my bald head came first.
Give the dude a pass. Smerconish is one of the few Republicans that is decent and likable.
Javier :
The guy from N.H. said he left Arizona because of it's lax gun laws. They have a law there where you can bring your gun into a bar, if you don't drink.Tell me again, what are bars for?
LOOK UP! Stop looking down. Blacks have survived being brought over here on ships. They've survived slavery and Jim Crow. Black people have survived the schemes of wicked men plots of subtle genocide in every form that has been aimed our way. Think about this. In the bible, Herod tried to get rid of the Jewish people through genocide by killing their firstborn son. Yup, he wanted to kill the males so that their seed would not live on. Same way, they tried to kill people of color's seed by incarcerating and killing people of color's males. We still survived that and multiplied as did the Jewish people when Herod tried to kill off all their male seed. Think about the war against drugs. It wasn't really a war against drugs, it was a war against people of color. We did not have the means to infilitrate our community with drugs or guns. But they did!
Don't you know who you are? You are a strong people, creative, intelligent, tend setters, and more. You have a beautiful heritage that is one to be proud of, but they've tried and managed with some of you to make you feel ashamed of your heritage and your own people. You came from a strong people who have survived every hardship and human suffering known and not known to mankind. They painted Africa as a uncivilized country of savages while robbing it of it's wealth. They did the same thing with the Indians and called them savages too. The Indians taught them how to survive in this nation. If it wouldn't have been for the Indians they would have all died, and they turned around and annihilated the Indians as a show their appreciation. The very same people, the Indians, the ones that saved their lives. Every trick in the book has been thrown our way, and yet, we've survived!
Like Angela Mayou said and yet we rise. Think about it, we've have done just that in spite of discrimination, in spite of Jim Crow, in spite of inequality we still keep on rising. Don't you know that greater is he that is in us than he who is in the world. We've been spit on, humiliated, mistreated, disrespected, and downcasted as a people, but yet we rise and we've survived. Don't let them kill your hope and faith, because when they kill your hope and faith you have nothing left.
Control is a spirit of witchcraft. I know some of y'all don't believe that, but it's the heaven's to God truth!!!!
They've always exploited poor whites to make them do their dirty work and the poor whites haven't woke up to their game yet. They've used them up and every once in while they throw them a few crumbs to make them think that they care about them. It's like a no good man who in the beginning makes a woman think he cares so much for her until he get her where he want her and then drop the bomb. But they don't. When they get through using them and can't use them anymore they'll try to figure out a way to get rid of them too.
Field, I guess I have lost my sense of humor because I don't find LA funny like others. I find him scary and representative of quite a few Whites in America who will derail healthcare reform in order to keep Blacks and Hispanics from becoming healthy.
LA is the mindset that keeps our Secret Service stretched to the max protecting Obama. LA represents those racist people who consider Blacks subhuman and would just as soon gleefully see all of us dead.
Again, I think he probably represents a lot more racist Whites than the black blogosphere wants to believe.
Let me hip y'all to the tax game. Corporation do no pay taxes. Let me repeat myself. CORPORATIONS do not PAY taxes!!!
How do I know, because I worked for IRS and on the State level of taxes as well. It is also a myth that poor people do not pay taxes. Every citizen of the United States that is middleclass, poor, and even at the poverty level pays taxes. Even those who have been incarcerated for big time crimes are sent a bill.
Poor people pay sales tax and vehicle tax, and if they rent they're helping pay property tax indirectly..
@Granny - You are beautiful. Your words are beautiful and true. You give me hope.
Thank you.
The LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL EVIL!
There is nothing wrong with having money. Nope! We need money to survive. However, when a person gets to the place that they LOVE money, GREED kicks in and that's when it's all bad. People who love money will sell their own mother for more money because they've made money their GOD. That's who they worship--money!!
When people worship money they don't care who they hurt, or step on in the process of accumulating more money, because they are in love with money. They're never satisfied and never have enough of it. They will kill and steal to have more of it. It becomes their only goal, and the only thing that they thirst after. It's sort of like a dope addict and the extremes a drug addict will go to in order to get their fix.
Think about this, a corporate CEO makes 300 times the average worker. It was an Insurance company mentioned on the news today, the name has slipped my mind for right now. I remember reading about them before in the business section. They layoff 3,000
and something workers just so they could pay their CEO's bonuses. That's what a lot of these corporations have been doing.
Not only that, think about this, every time President Obama made a good move to strengthen the economy, some of the corporations would lay off more people behind it. Why? Because not only do they want President Obama to fail, they want to pay out bonuses to their CEO's. Especially, when Barney Franks and the President begin talking about limited a bonus that CEO's could make. Corporations did not want that to happen at all. In other words, President Obama and Barney Franks was messing with their money. They don't care about the people at the bottom of the totem pole's money, it's their money their concerned about. All others can hop a freight for all they care.
Oh, but y'all don't hear me though. MSM is owned by corporations. Do you think they want you know to know the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God? That would be working against their own self interest--money in their pockets. Yup, greed is something else and it's very destructive when you think about it.
I think I better go back to my corner now and hush.
Race Traitor:
Have you been over to visit me lately at my blog? You know I miss your comments.
*I meant Medicare in my previous post.
Granny, I know you are right and maybe we will be ok because we have surely been through worse. But honestly, I have serious issues dealing with the hate that has been on display lately. These townhalls remind me of the time that I went to the DNC meeting for the seating of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Throughout the meeting these people hissed, yelled and screamed. And even after the votes were reinstated they carried on. One woman even ran up to me and another black couple yelling about us stealing their votes! And others yelled as we walked by. You could feel the hate coming from them. I've never done anything to them except be black. I'm tired of rationalizing and trying to understand their anger. I'm tired of the blatant disrespect and lies. Everyone I know works just as hard, if not harder, than these people. No one wants a handout! People need help! And we all are going down in a sinking ship because of these idiots.
They treat us as subhuman and then expect people to act like human beings when they are struggling to survive. I won't even go to the blog Field posted because I already know what it is. It's so said that others will deny themselves just to hold others back. I don't know if that makes sense but I'm just fed up with the madness.
From Daily Kos:
Republican congressman loses it at townhall, spews right-wing lies, stokes the fire:
CLARKESVILLE - U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens, walked into a North Georgia Technical College auditorium Tuesday evening to a standing ovation, holding three thick white binders.
"Folks, this is Obamacare," he said, holding the binders over his head.
"Let me start this by telling you what I think of this bill and (President) Obama," he said, and slammed the binders on the ground.
"This is a stinking, rotten fish, and they don't want you to smell it, and they want to shove it down your throat and make you eat it before you smell how rotten and stinky it is," he said.
..."(Obama) is going to let the old folks die, and I don't like that at all," Oconee County resident Gene Aycock said.
Young people who get sick would get preference over the elderly under the Democrats' plan, said Broun, a medical doctor who made house calls in the Athens area before taking office in 2007.
"Eventually, mama will be lying in bed until she gets pneumonia and dies," he said.
One woman attempted to ask a critical question about covering the uninsured while Broun was speaking, and Habersham County sheriff's deputies briefly removed her from the room before allowing her back inside. When she rambled for a few seconds during the designated question-and-answer period, Broun politely asked her to respect the people waiting to speak, but members of the audience shouted, "Cut her mike."
The U.S. is so fucked...if only Obama would try more bipartisanship
LOL - fucked
Baby, I know and truly understand how you feel. Sometimes I have to step back and take a break myself to maintain my composure and sanity. If I didn't do that, that dark side of me that every human being has would come out. I always try to the best of my ability to keep that side in check and fight to keep that side that represents who I am in Christ to rein. And trust me it wouldn't be nothing nice if that other side got out. You understand what I'm saying.
That's why sometimes I take a break from blogging and watching the news and get to myself and like my granny use to tell me all the time...tell God all about it, cast all your cares on him. That's what keeps me going and gives me the energy and strength to carry on. Sometimes I might get a couple of hours of sleep fighting the good fight but I'm always ready and more equipped for the battle.
Sometimes we have to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount with up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get weary, they will walk and not faint. Trust me when the Lord does it, it's a done deal. Think back to the elections when they were hurling every thing in the book at President Obama. There were many times he got quiet and just let them say what they wanted or do what they wanted. People got impatient and thought he was weak or he was that wasn't a fighter. However, it was none of that, he was standing still. President Obama is a strong black man and an intelligent one too. But when the time appointed came, he came out slugging hard with a knock out punch.
These last few months they have been showing their true colors for the whole world to see. Don't think that others are not watching and paying attention to how they are acting and what they are saying. You would be surprise but it's a whole lot of folks don't like what they see and their just as tired of it as you and I are. You didn't see any of us out there acting like that did you. The spotlight has been on them. I told y'all back some months ago about the spotlight would be shined on their mess. Well, it's shining bright on them and it is not a pretty sight.
Btw, the bible says, Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you. I always felt like this if someone treats you with disrespect, you have a right to treat them the same way. Because the way they are treating you must be how they want you to treat them.
Hannity, Rush, Glen Beck, Dobbs, Savage, Coulter, O'Reilly,Bachmann and Malkin, etc. are like Haman in the book of Esther. Haman had hatched a plot to have all the Jewish people executed and he wanted to get Mordecai hung. He even had the hanging gallows built ahead of time, preparing it.
However, when it came time, it wasn't the Mordecai who was hung on that newly built gallows. Instead Haman winded up being hung on the same thing gallow that he had built for Mordecai. You know that old saying when you dig one ditch you better dig...
Night, granny going to bed before these muscle spasms try to kick in.
"Field what is your point? be more specific!! I linked to the other BLOG, but, you did not give your insight!"
Some things go without saying, don't you think?
Javier, thanks for the 411 on Mr. Gladney, I have "The Drop Squad" on the line now.:)
"Actually, the beauty of the internet is that you can meet the craziest people in the world without having to smell their apartments."
Now Jon, that was funny.
Argrghh, these spammers have found us. It's a vast right wing plot. 0:
Rudy, you are right, maybe I should give Smerchonish a pass. He wasn't always a good guy, but lately he is starting to come around. The guy was a pretty good trial lawyer here in Philly. So....I will have to think about it.
Like Malcolm said, we's sick, it coming he should let them finish sinking, crazy cra*ka&, oops, I men folks
Joe Sestak hosting Town Hall in Philly tonight. All you Philly folks, SHOW UP!
WHEN: Wednesday, August 12th, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
WHERE: Broad Street Ministry
315 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA
(between Spruce and Pine, across from UArts and Kimmel Center)
I think private insurers should be able to compete. They do it all the time. I mean, if you think about, if you think about it, um, UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. Right? The, uh, no they are. I mean, it's the post office that's always having problems.
Talk about a incompetent house negro.
the remark about blacks is almost as stupid as the people you support calling dissenters un-American. send in the union thugs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anon 7:45am.... just a little reminder of what "Union Thugs" have given you.... by their efforts and organizing you have:
the weekend, an 8 hour work day, vacation, sick leave, family leave, a lunch break, a pension, OSHA, labor laws to prevent random firing without cause, an end to child labor, safe working conditions, overtime pay for work over 40 hours, comp time, paid health insurance, a grievance process.....
If you enjoy any of the above, and you should or you have a totally crappy employer.... then, THANK THE UNIONS! They are the ones that fought for these rights, even for non-union members. All of our working conditions are better because of Unions and every one of these rights were fought for because they were NOT given willingly and voluntarily by the owners. And during some of the above struggles, Union members DIED for you to have these rights!
Sorry for going off topic, but I am sick of Union bashing by ignorant folk
"Give the dude a pass. Smerconish is one of the few Republicans that is decent and likable."
FN, I did not give him a pass. I emailed him. When you give someone an inch they will take a yard. I am quite sure if it someone came after hima and did the same thing he would hit it will a cease and desist. watch.
Jody said...
Anon 7:45am.... just a little reminder of what "Union Thugs" have given you.... by their efforts and organizing you have:
the weekend, an 8 hour work day, vacation, sick leave, family leave, a lunch break, a pension, OSHA, labor laws to prevent random firing without cause, an end to child labor, safe working conditions, overtime pay for work over 40 hours, comp time, paid health insurance, a grievance process.....
If you enjoy any of the above, and you should or you have a totally crappy employer.... then, THANK THE UNIONS! They are the ones that fought for these rights, even for non-union members. All of our working conditions are better because of Unions and every one of these rights were fought for because they were NOT given willingly and voluntarily by the owners. And during some of the above struggles, Union members DIED for you to have these rights!
Sorry for going off topic, but I am sick of Union bashing by ignorant folk
Jody fails to mention unions gave us,
murder,violence,voter intimidation,higher prices for goods and a bankrupt car industry.
Thanks unions!!!
Bush's Crimes
This is funny because I don't know if Rippa told you yet, but a guy jumped off a building in downtown Memphis Monday. The reason he gave to a couple security guards at the hotel he jumped from was that blacks had been trying to jump him since he got the city and we were trying to take over the world. It's tragic since no one should feel suicide is the answer to anything, but it's just so ridiculous it's funny. I mean, most black folks are just trying to get by but somebody actually believes we've banded together to take over the world! We can't even agree with each other, but we're on a global campaign to kill and enslave white folk. Like I said before, everyone needs to get ready because something is going to happen because this is how Nazi Germany got started: bad economy, angry people, and a group that looks like it's getting ahead eventhough they're in the same sinking boat as you.
What unions didn't give us: outsourcing, unsafe working conditions, at will firings, crappy pay, overtime w/o compensation, the race to the bottom .
Thanks, scabs!!!
Thanks for the info. I am surprised Rippa hasn't mentioned it. Guess it wasn't that important.
You are right about Nazi Germany and the conditions under how it got started. They blamed the Jews then. This time, it is obvious that Whites have it in their minds that Blacks are out to take everything they have and must be destroyed.
Of course, it is natural that they would think that because that is what they did to us. People project on others what they themselves have done. It helps them to proclaim their innocence and goodness while doing evil deeds by declaring and blaming another group as bad.
"White is right and Black is bad," is their philosophy. I do not take it lightly because it has been buried in the American psyche for centuries. It lies latent, waiting to burst forth at the right time to destroy its target.
The beauty of the internet--you learn what people think behind closed doors. Do you know what your associates think???
'View From The Right'is what this jerkoff calls his blog. Right my ass, its view from behind the burning cross!
On CNN and MSNBC they showed the tape of the black ladies getting thrown out of the Missouri rally. The ladies were showing a photographer a picture of Rosa Parks, then a white lady in the stands came down and ripped her poster up.
Everyone make sure you watch that when you can.
Now tell me this bullshit isn't race related.
Tsk Tsk Tsk. It's obvious that the opposition is due mainly to race issue. not a healthcare issue.
Since Justice Sonya Sotomayor's initials are SS, I guess that makes her a Nazi, too, huh?
These people make me sick.
"They've always exploited poor whites to make them do their dirty work and the poor whites haven't woke up to their game yet. They've used them up and every once in while they throw them a few crumbs to make them think that they care about them. It's like a no good man who in the beginning makes a woman think he cares so much for her until he get her where he want her and then drop the bomb. But they don't. When they get through using them and can't use them anymore they'll try to figure out a way to get rid of them too."
So true, thanks for writing that.
Some of these protesters are not old, a 35 year old woman who was shouting at Arlen Spector, said(NYT page 1, 8-12-09)"This is about the dismantling of this country......We don't want this country to turn into Russia." See, President Obama is now a communist, too.
Any and all of those comments in the link could have been written by bloggers from Greta VanSustern's blog, they are all just that crazy.
[quote]the weekend, an 8 hour work day, vacation, sick leave, family leave, a lunch break, a pension, OSHA, labor laws to prevent random firing without cause, an end to child labor, safe working conditions, overtime pay for work over 40 hours, comp time, paid health insurance, a grievance process.....[/quote]
And all this is GRAND.......if you have an actual JOB.
I wonder who is responsible for Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee, East St Louis where the Unions and the Government is still present but many of the Enemy Corporations are gone.
Some folks still haven't seen the pattern.
Granny Says:
[quote]You are a strong people, creative, intelligent, tend setters, and more. You have a beautiful heritage that is one to be proud of, but they've tried and managed with some of you to make you feel ashamed of your heritage and your own people.[/quote]
INDEED we are a strong people.
We have been on this Earth for thousands of years. WHY do you frame us with regard to our relatively short experiences with WHITE FOLKS?
When we were BY OURSELVES in Africa, Granny - we had to provide our own care. The alignment between our diet, or physical activities and the knowledge of natural medicine allowed our ancestors to serve as the origins of the human species.
Control is a spirit of witchcraft. I know some of y'all don't believe that, but it's the heaven's to God truth!!!!
Granny who is the agent of CONTROL?
Those who are NEEDING resources from others because they can't generate the wealth or the education to provide professional services for their own people - or those who are FIGHTING to keep the GOVERNMENT from CONTROLLING the entire health care segment and thus their PRIVATE DOLLARS are no longer able to define their own level of quality?
They've always exploited poor whites to make them do their dirty work and the poor whites haven't woke up to their game yet. They've used them up and every once in while they throw them a few crumbs to make them think that they care about them.[/quote]
WHO IS "THEY"??!!!
At a time when our people live in more places than ever before that have FAVORABLE PEOPLE IN POWER over every single institution that defines the CIVIC SERVICES that define our standard of living - do you ever ask yourself WHY despite all of these victories that were followed with Happy Black folks - we are left now to seek to NATIONALIZE (at least incrementally) this key resource?
Granny did any one talk about the RESPONSIBILITIES present once the political take over that you supported was transpired?
Well, watch the video...a whiteman ripped apart the picture of Rosa Parks at the McCaskill town hall. Funny, the Police seems more interested in going after the black woman than the white man.
Post racial america, my arse. The video
What is also amazing is that, if you watched through yesterday, the MSM didnt show how the black woman was provoked...all they portrayed was a "disruptive black woman".
This, however, is what CNN showed.
[quote]They say silly things like "it's time to take our country back!".[/quote]
I understand your frustration Monie. I am hearing these words spoken a lot in Atlanta regarding our "Bloody Summer" where the Pirates are taking over.
I am sure that the video of these 2 Black men saying the same thing is as disturbing:
[quote] They never get into any details about the health-care plan.[/quote]
You are correct. The supports know this document front to back. I wonder why the opponents haven't bothered to read it yet. They clearly are ignorant:
[quote] It's all about getting the White people who are mad that Obama is Prez to create a smokescreen so that the insurance companies can keep racking in the big bucks.[/quote]
Monie: I am glad that you are not a Policewoman.
You know those "Racial Profiling" policies don't like generalizations about people. You may have to go to retraining.
Just imagine that. If you disagree with Barack Obama you are a RACIST and you have a problem with a "Black Guy In Chief". I'll give you credit. This is one hellava way to ram your agenda down someone's throat. Threaten to call all of them racists if they oppose the way that YOU think.
[quote]However, when a person gets to the place that they LOVE money, GREED kicks in and that's when it's all bad. People who love money will sell their own mother for more money because they've made money their GOD. That's who they worship--money!![/quote]
Granny You are on a roll today.
Let me ask you.
Does MONEY have the power to keep a PEOPLE who know that their people are in need of certain professional services and that, just as the Post-Katrina t-shirts that were selling said "We All We Got"?
Thus upon understanding their basic needs of Education, Housing, Health Care and Law Enforcement they tie their POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS with their core needs as a people. NOT JUST to their desire to have an ideology and a party GROW IN POWER.
They should have seen locally that when this ideology and party grew in power - their PERMANENT INTERESTS were not improved as a result. More ORGANIC and DIRECTED efforts were required.
Why do you place the "love of money" upon the Corporate CEO and Insurance company Granny?
Nearly ever major metro area in this country is flush with "Black Cash". Along with this is material wealth and in some cases abundant savings.
Why is it necessary for you to seek the CONTROL of the government to force people into your "Friends and Family Plan" instead of developing a system where your STRONG and CONSCIOUS people reorient themselves to be the:
* Financiers for the Education and Services for their own kind?
* The Service Providers of these services
* The Educators - spreading formal medical knowledge to those seeking to enter the field and informal knowledge to those who need a lifestyle adjustment
Granny I would love it if there was more of a linkage in these bills between the NEED FOR health care and the resolve to have MORE BLACK PEOPLE positioned to deliver these services to our own people.
It is amazing that the "Racist White person" gets to be so influential in YOUR health care decisions - despite the fact that some of them live 3 states away from you.
WHO is the "strong person"?
CF, you write:"and you have a problem with a "Black Guy In Chief". I'll give you credit. This is one hellava way to ram your agenda down someone's throat. Threaten to call all of them racists if they oppose the way that YOU think."
now, the truth is, that most of those people don't know anything about the healthcare package, that is the problem, they are just on a bandwagon, and correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the whole idea of "teaparties" started on stormfront, I could swear that there were posts about that a long, long time ago.
I know that most of them don't know anything about healthcare, because they are not saying anything about healthcare, they are saying shit like, Our constitution, or, We don't want to turn into Russia, the papers are filled with editorials that call President Obama a dictator, and lastly, I know from spending time on Gretawire, before I got banned, that when Obama was asking for peopel to trust the stockmarket, they hadn't a clue as to how to invest, I actually got some private emails from some of those nuts, and btw, when Obama was asking for trust in the stock market, I did, and I made a shit load of money.
Some people are just detached from reality. The ironic part about all the Obama-blacks taking over talk, is that Obama hasn't really done anything to help black people. He has however saved more than a few corporations. You would think the right would approve of that! Well, remember what they did to Clinton? He was a middle of the road Democrat and the Republicans acted like he was Marx reincarnated. Hell, the man signed NAFTA! It all goes to show you how far right politics has drifted. Moderates are now painted as radicals. And the lunatics are now painted as moderates.
History Dude,
Yeah, just think, Merrill Lynch paid out all our government bail out money to rich executives, so we had to bail them out twice!
oh those poor executives didn't get their bonus so they couldn't pay for all the homes, cars, boats, and expensive vacations, plus nanny they were counting on.
You are right, detached from reality.
"Those who are NEEDING resources from others because they can't generate the wealth or the education to provide professional services for their own people - or those who are FIGHTING to keep the GOVERNMENT from CONTROLLING the entire health care segment and thus their PRIVATE DOLLARS are no longer able to define their own level of quality?"
Are you serious?
You do understand, at least I hope that those on the more conservative side of the spectrum have used the specter of government control as a straw man for increased private control of health care that HAS NOT driven down prices due to increased competition nor has it increased access to people with or without the ability to pay for it.
Secondly, the people who are most at odds with the notion of a private option, or so called "single payer" are the same ones who are on Medicare or Medicare part D. Health insurance for the most part, for the elderly and for the lower income among us IS SOCIALIZED ALREADY. This has less to do with health care that is does with the incorrect opinions of a group of people whos closest foray into politics was a book review of "Atlas Shrugged". The people who are against this aren't the producers, the movers and shakers, or the privileged. These people are a combination of people who have seen the diversification of this nation and see it a purely a bad thing.
"I wonder who is responsible for Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee, East St Louis where the Unions and the Government is still present but many of the Enemy Corporations are gone."
Again, are you serious?
The same people that are responsible for every city in the south that did not have union protections and lost jobs too.
Like Birmingham, Charlotte, Charleston, Winston-Salem, Macon, Burlington, and so many others.
It is simply stupid to think that the anger displayed in the health care debate is merely anger and steam that has built up from the oncreep of a seeming socialist left flank takeover.
In all honesty, there is a group of people in this country that think that racial tolerance and unity is a medicine that only some can administer. That the black president, the puerto rican justice, the multiracial white house, all of these things are JUST TOO MUCH to the conservative movement. To the wingnuts of America, we are both too intelligent to wield power and to stupid to get a job. We seemingly don't have enough control to have a half-black president institute health care reform because of fears that even one poor black will be promoted from sleeping in shit to sleeping in mud along side a white person.
The white conservative experience is not the default experience in this nation.
Why can we not enjoy the same rights of legacy, shortcuts, backroom deals, and blatant racism masked as conservatism that only serves our needs?
thanks for the info fn!
this is evidence of what is causing such rage!
how has the govt/obama/gwb 2.0 earned the right to run ANYTHING????
especially something as crucial as health care???
even the used car program is a fiasco!
our medical lives are worth more than clunkers no?
trapped in SC:
"Secondly, the people who are most at odds with the notion of a private option, or so called "single payer" are the same ones who are on Medicare or Medicare part D. Health insurance for the most part, for the elderly and for the lower income among us IS SOCIALIZED ALREADY. This has less to do with health care that is does with the incorrect opinions of a group of people whos closest foray into politics was a book review of "Atlas Shrugged". The people who are against this aren't the producers, the movers and shakers, or the privileged.
These people are a combination of people who have seen the diversification of this nation and see it a purely a bad thing."
I think that some of producers and movers, ect, are using those Atlas Shrugged book review people, btw, I LOVE that defination, it really fits!!
Red Devil,
your post got lost in the middle of CF, wow, thanks for sharing those links, what a distortion of the facts.
the govt runs 3 major health care programs already:
vets admin
talk to a poor old person or a vet
maybe then you will understand the fears of the dissenters...
Wouldn't it be fair to say that the govt. regulates medicare, medicaid, and the VA, but that medicare, medicaid, and the VA, have their own separate administrations?
Also, it seems to me that insurance companies would stand to profit from health care for all, they would receive premiums for all kinds of people who don't have any coverage.
In the same way that rich CEO's didn't want their money messed with, having caps on their bonus, the medical industry doesn't want to have to account for the exorbitant fees that they charge, because people have no choice, either pay, die, or go bankrupt.
but if the govt is so inept even as a mere "regulator", is that not even MORE fodder for those who fear it as a "runner"?
here is more sanity on those dissenters:
private insurers would be nullified by lower fees via govt insurance
we all would get what we pay for..
inferior monopolized services
only the doctors and pharmacists would benefit as they could charge whatever they wish/get approved
they would become federal monopolies just like energy companies/ph companies etc
it is why utility/ph fees are horrid!
i am insured and employed
...my fear is that employers will abuse working privately insured to save money via govt insuarance
cost savings trumps quality always
[quote]they are just on a bandwagon, and correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the whole idea of "teaparties" started on stormfront, I could swear that there were posts about that a long, long time ago.
Kathy - I realize that no one ever posts on my blogs and thus this is why I hang out and give my good friend Filled Negro hell but - If you were to search on my "Within The Black Community" blog you would see that a "Tea Party" by any other name is still a Tax Protest.
I have several videos of Black folks and non-Racist whites (White liberals - that is) who are angry at their local officials for their tax increases OR who angrily demand a reduction in property taxes.
Now keep in mind Kathy, these are some of the Black folks who complain that the "ubiquitous White Suburb" spends more money on their schools. This did not stop them from demanding a cut in the property taxes in their county. These taxes go to the schools. (Where is Granny to talk about the "love of money" and the unwillingness to sacrifice when you need her?)
I still wonder though - Why is Strom Front such a concern for you? As I see it the Thug Pirates have killed far more Black people this year than StormFront has.
Maybe you can get Color of Change to start a petition against the killer Pirates? They don't seem to listen to me when I ask them to stop their sellout behavior and focus on internal issues to our community.
I know that most of them don't know anything about healthcare, because they are not saying anything about healthcare, they are saying shit like,[/quote]
Are you sure you want to take this line of argument Kathy?
I get the feeling that if the "Opposition Racists" where to stick a microphone in the face of some of the supporters they might not fare so well either.
I still can't get past the fact that so little is asked of the COMMUNITY to insure that more of their own people are brought forth to provide these needed services.
As Granny told us - We endured a lot. I am sure that more of us can endure Med School or training to be an RN.
Our communities depend on them pulling through
see this before you bash the birthers again
The BOTTOM LINE of the Federal Deficit is $1.27 TRILLION!!!!
And they have until OCTOBER until the end closes and the deficit balance resets to next year.
YOU may not be worried about the "bottom line" but you can best believe that those who purchase Treasury Bonds are looking at this bottom line.
Alicia, I use a doctor's group for my kids pediatrician, all the kids that are cared for by that group have a variety of backrounds, and differnt insurance, including medicaid, the kids all get the same exact health care, including vaccines and preventative, such as age appropriate on, healthy eating, smoking, the importance of reading to your children to help them in school, just about any issue can be addressed at this group, and you can always request a different doctor if you aren't happy with a particular style, I also use a family medical practive, which is a group too, and again, everybody has different types of payment, we all get good treatment, I think you have some valid questions, but also think you are projecting fear into the equation.
ditto kathy
i am very pleased as is...for now
but what will happen when there is no diversity of care/insurers?
when employers have all opted to merge to cut costs???
when the govt care is the ONLY care left???
the new clunker program has already ruined many used car lots!
CF,you write:
"I still can't get past the fact that so little is asked of the COMMUNITY to insure that more of their own people are brought forth to provide these needed services.
As Granny told us - We endured a lot. I am sure that more of us can endure Med School or training to be an RN."
Our communities depend on them pulling through
CF, I am sure of that too, and teachers and a lot of other professions are underrepresented
also, BUT, I also remember asking a private school why their entire teaching staff was white, and they smirked and said that they couldn't find anyone of color to hire, which is more b.s. from the progressive liberal elite. You seem to forget where the power and control and zombie thinking comes from.
it is always appropriate to interject fear into issues where fear is warranted
parents who fear strangers protect their kids from molesters
voters like me who always feared obama/gwb 2.0 are prouder each day that we voted for hillary as long as we could!
I highly doubt that government care will be the only care available, I know I saw an ad for special treatment medical care for an advance fee, believe me, you are worrying too much;))
more regarding fear:
i get the same care at my doctor's ofc as poor people on medicaid
but i do NOT get access to the same meds
i want to keep my access to supremely discounted supreme meds and not be forced to take only the nominal meds that medicaid approves see?
and fear is an understatement for
what i validly feel as an insulin dependent diabetic with obscene monthly bills for my meds
The BOTTOM LINE of the Federal Deficit is $1.27 TRILLION!!!!
Thin if the Republicans had never invaded Iraq? We'd have that defecit down in no time! We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on WORTHLESS defense spending. We recently spent 6.2 billion on a new aircraft carrier. We haven't fought a major sea battle since WWII!
Last time I checked, Reagan and George W. pushed the deficit into the stratosphere with defense spending. All that money could have cleaned up the urban centers of America you claim to care so much about. Too bad "Star Wars" and missile shields came first.
that's where we disagree, I STILL can't stand Hillary Clinton, her tactics or anything else about her. Now I do understand why she got mad recently when asked about two males' opinion, but she wasn't the ONLY qualified female in the world to be secretary of state.
ditto kathy
we agree to disagree
i have known hillary for decades
she is a cool warrior
i wish i could be as optimistic as you about ANY govt or politico...
i was told that obama would be different from gwb
instead, he has ONLY escalated every evil deed of gwb...from trillions to corp thugs to this health care scam...
Well, Alicia, you are right about that, no man would have even thought about being insulted, ..probably even chuckle and offer his wife's cookie recipe, lol.
i feel hillary was righteously enraged about the question iteself being posed...and i agree with that rage!
she loves and admires bill way more than he even deserves as a serial adulterer...
he is brilliant and she knows it
but the question was moronic!
agreed, the question was stupid, and i agree with that rage, too, still don't like her, and i lost admiration for him too during the primary, can't stand him either, sorry:))
to each their own kathy
we agree to disagree
i love them both
and i miss bill's surplus and anti-war stances!
History dude said...
The BOTTOM LINE of the Federal Deficit is $1.27 TRILLION!!!!
Thin if the Republicans had never invaded Iraq? We'd have that defecit down in no time! We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on WORTHLESS defense spending. We recently spent 6.2 billion on a new aircraft carrier. We haven't fought a major sea battle since WWII!
Is that what you think aircraft carriers are only good for??Sea battles??
Last time I checked, Reagan and George W. pushed the deficit into the stratosphere with defense spending. All that money could have cleaned up the urban centers of America you claim to care so much about. Too bad "Star Wars" and missile shields came first.
Obama's historic deficits will be much more than Bush or Reagan.
Get ready for those tax hikes Obamma said he wouldn't do.But than again, Obama has broken that tax pledge.
How about cutting out all that waste,fraud,and abuse that comes with all those social programs Democrats love? We could take those billions and put them into urban centers.
To bad lining the pockets of Democrats come first.
I think that number is $1.37 trillion.
"I'm not surprised. One protester in New Hampshire had a firearm, and another said illegal aliens should be sent home with a bullet in their head.
It's only a matter of time one of these things breaks out in violence. Not that push someone out of a wheelchair nonsense. I mean Cali prison riot style.
I already told my melanin challenged friends to buy Obama/Biden campaign buttons because wearing them in public is the only thing that's going to save them from an ass kicking or worse if President Obama is harmed."
And I thought that you were against "violence" especially that handed out based on color?
Also it would be lovely if we could say "some whites" and "some blacks." It does not make good sense to characterize or demonize everyone of a particular group. We all got crazies in our house.
Medicare hasn't abolish health insurance for those on it. They have to be cover by supplemental insurance or an employee health plan. If they can't afford it, there are some states who provide the supplemental insurance. Medicare is also administered by insurance companies, they determine eligibility for each service and process the claims. They follow FED guidelines, not their own. I wouldn't say that medicare could be considered socialize health care, but subsidized health care; one has to pay a monthly premium, which is deducted from ones SS benefit. As of now, it is $98 a month.
I would assume that the public option will contain some premium cost in order to be insured. It may be based on income, but I doubt if it is going to be free. If it were to be administered similar to Medicare it would cost a lot less, because the group risk would be less. The groups health and age would vary greatly.
History Dude,
Mr. R can't count or does he know who created this fiscal years budget. That was projected before Obama was sworn in.
The national debt doubled from 2000 to 2008; 11 trillion.
"Also it would be lovely if we could say "some whites" and "some blacks." It does not make good sense to characterize or demonize everyone of a particular group. We all got crazies in our house."
You make a good point.
It's only a matter of time one of these things breaks out in violence. Not that push someone out of a wheelchair nonsense. I mean Cali prison riot style.
I already told my melanin challenged friends to buy Obama/Biden campaign buttons because wearing them in public is the only thing that's going to save them from an ass kicking or worse if President Obama is harmed."
If that ever happens (remote possibility) wearing an Obama pin won't do you any good. It will be Yugoslavia part Deux in this country. i'd advise heading to a lilly white state. Better odds of survival there.
Field why was Mr. R's picture on Hardball with Chris Matthews today? Have you seen that? Anyone see that? Also anyone aware of the rise in Militia groups? I hope you black folks have your guns ready.
Black woman @ Rep. Claire McCaskill's th gets her Rosa Parks poster ripped to shreds by angry white man.
"Field why was Mr. R's picture on Hardball with Chris Matthews today?"
Yes I saw it. Does anyone know why?
Hathor said...
History Dude,
Mr. R can't count or does he know who created this fiscal years budget. That was projected before Obama was sworn in.
The national debt doubled from 2000 to 2008; 11 trillion.
Obama will have more than quadruple the US budget deficit his first year in office.
If Obama gets 2 terms his US budget deficits will double or even triple Bush's deficits.
My source is the CBO.You should check their website out.
Here's a nice chart from the USA Today
I watched the video. That woman was sitting there minding her own business when that man came over there and snatched her poster off the chair that she where she had folded it up and laid it, in front of her, and tore it up, and she gets thrown out of the meeting and blamed for it?
Lord I thank you. I thank you Jesus that woman was not me!
This is funny because I don't know if Rippa told you yet, but a guy jumped off a building in downtown Memphis Monday. The reason he gave to a couple security guards at the hotel he jumped from was that blacks had been trying to jump him since he got the city and we were trying to take over the world. It's tragic since no one should feel suicide is the answer to anything, but it's just so ridiculous it's funny. I mean, most black folks are just trying to get by but somebody actually believes we've banded together to take over the world! We can't even agree with each other, but we're on a global campaign to kill and enslave white folk. Like I said before, everyone needs to get ready because something is going to happen because this is how Nazi Germany got started: bad economy, angry people, and a group that looks like it's getting ahead eventhough they're in the same sinking boat as you.
9:18 AM
Indeed. This is a disgusting, but You may be right—which begs the question—since Blacks have been told ad infintium that we are inferior, that we have Low IQ’s, that we are lazy, morally bankrupt, ugly poxes, no better than gorilla, lip dribbling savages, and corrupt disgusting monsters- what pray tell do all those ordinary white folks have to fear from Blacks? Please explain why Whites should be afraid of people who they inherently believe are vastly inferior to them. I mean aren’t we these inferior beings that even the lowest white, Asian, etc person walking on the planet can feel unequivocally that they are better than Blacks, yet they are afraid that we --will collectively destroy them.
Amazing that so stupid and apelike a race such as Blacks have such laser like precision and indefatigable organizational ability that we will band together, corral White folks and send them off to death camps since based on FBI stats, OOW births, and every stat tool Whites and others use to prove our inherent inferiority—that we are all going to rise up and destroy whites and others quality of life.
And if there are concerned about Obama---hasn’t so many Whites and co keep repeating over and over that he is half white—so why would he go against his own.
It is indeed laughable---if it wasn’t so ominous a warning, but then we should be used to being the scapegoat (pink commies and bankrupt socialist who aren't American enough) that brings a wave a of misfortune, diseases and destruction.
see obama slip and admit his own plans to nullify pvt insurers
he is a puppet and a pathological liar who is coddled and adored by most american media
Alicia ,fuck you and that racist dumb ass bitch Hillary . She would have been President until she hung around Rush,drinkin' moonshine calling us nigger.You are a sorry ass ratfucker you miserable bitch.
America is supposed to be the leader of the 'Western World' but cannot provide its' citizens with health care? To see the vitriol between the yea and nay sides is mind blowing! Every other so-called 'first world' country provides free health care in some form. What do the naysayers have against their citizens having free health care? Will that not enhance everyone's life? I'm Canadian and cannot fathom living in a society where, depending on my income I may have to forgo medical treatment if you don't have private insurance. Hell people over 65 receive subsidized medication and in some cases free medication in Ontario; http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/drugs/odb.html. And the medical use of marihuana in cases where people are suffering from "grave and debilitating diseases". http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/marihuana/index-eng.php. Truly astonishing!
you are vulgar and retarded
and hillary and i could not care less about you, your grossly limited vocabulary, or twisted sexist rage...
you are vulgar and retarded
and hillary and i could not care less about you, your grossly limited vocabulary, or twisted sexist rage...
every single thing hillary said about obama's lies and inexperience have come true 10 fold!
which is prof that she spoke truths not racist slurs as you do
Why are you always kissing whites motherfucking asses bitch. I also didn't forget about you talking about my dead father bitch. You hate black men grow the fuck up and get over it.Yes I know you are gay so what. That don't give you a license to be a asshole bitch. One more thing guy carrying gun near the "black" President and you don't give a fuck,fuck you ho.You're a tom.
your demented and delusional rants about your dad are greek to me
i have no idea what you are talking about/have imagined...nor do i care
in your racist small mind
anyone who does not worship the half black obama is a racist
in reality
i am far more intellectual than you will ever be
and i know more about obama than you will ever be literate or sane enough to ever research or fathom
i do not hate intelligent black men
i do hate you
in reality
i am not and never have been an uncle tom
but ignorant black fools like you hurl that silliness at anyone who disagrees with your black racist drivel/bogus black suicidal agendas
in my world
being afrocentric means far more than it does in yours
that is
it means far more than insulting whites and blindly adoring black puppets ruled by whites...like obama
You are a tom.
"America is supposed to be the leader of the 'Western World' but cannot provide its' citizens with health care? To see the vitriol between the yea and nay sides is mind blowing!"
Yeah, it is mind blowing.
You are sick, foul-mouthed, and anti-Christ. You are truly a disgrace...a racist and you talk like the dumb stereo-typical shameless cooning Black. In short, you are an ignorant idiot.
Hey anonymous, who made you the resident director of moral affairs on this blog?
Why don't you mind your business and shut the fuck up already!
Solar "Why don't you mind your business and shut the fuck up already!"
Hey Solar, follow your own advice. Who made you the resident director? Mind your own business and STFU. Punk.
Sorry, dude, I like women punk.
There's nothing funnier than an internet tough guy.
What's the matter, having 'roid rage?
donning a fake muslim name does not make you black
i am far more afrocentric than you will ever be
that is why i do not blindly worship the half white obama as you do
that makes you the tom as he betrays billions of african people globally
solar, you can't fool folks, you are a punk and full of roid rage. Otherwise, you would not have commented in the first place.
Solar dude, just because you like women doesn't mean they like you. That makes you a punk.
Hey bitch banks, you know nothing about me so keep your fucking ugly ass out of my business.
Don't start your shit with me today.
What is with you and this "worshipping Obama shit?"
Do you think every Black person who walks the face of the earth worships Obama?
You need to spend more time working on your failed lesbian escapades instead of picking fights with people.
your vulgar sexist profane attacks always come after i critique obama...
fortunately, i could not care less...
like most black sexist dog fools, i see you ONLY praise obama herein
go figure shabass
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