Glenn Beck was crying today on his radio program. He was begging anyone with an ounce of patriotism to "act" and "get involved" for their country. The Communist, he said, have infiltrated our borders and they are going to eat our women and children. Well, he didn't go quite that far....or, wait, maybe he did.
This man is absolutely certifiable. And you know what's even crazier? One in every one hundred A-merry-cans have been watching this fruit cake every night on Television Rwanda (AKA FOX News) Beck has become the cynosure for the anti black anti Obama sentiment in this country. The thing is, I still can't figure out if he is serious or not. I heard him on the radio today and he sure sounded serious. (The man was crying for crying out loud!) On and on he went about Van Jones, a "devout Communist" (or so says Beck) who has declared his allegiance to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. "He is the founder of a communist group who denounced America after 911" he said, and then he released an explosive audio tape (his words) of Jones passionately speaking about taking back America from those people. " Who does that sound like?" He kept saying. "Does one Jeremiah Wright come to mind when you hear Jones?" Now folks, I have to tell you, if this is the same Van Jones that I know, nothing could be farther from the truth. But I am sure Beck and his congregation will not let the facts get in the way of their fantasy. Quotes like the following have them all damp around the crotch area:
“We upheld the Marxist critique of capitalist exploitation. We agree with Lenin’s analysis of the state and the party. And we found inspiration and guidance in the insurgent revolutionary strategies developed by third world revolutionaries like Mao Tse-Tung and Amilcar Cabral.”
"We cannot let these people get away with this", he kept saying. "We owe it to our children and our grandchildren to fight for the country we believe in." Wow! And you know what's scary about this? Somewhere in middle A-merry-ca there is another Timothy McVeigh listening to this shit and being inspired to plot his next assault on all those who are Un-American.
This, of course, is all bullshit. I wonder if it ever occurred to Mr. Beck and his wingnut friends that the Tiger Woods president with the Muslim sounding name was democratically elected by the people of these divided states? I mean I don't know about you folks reading this, but that doesn't seem too much like communism to me.
But I get the strategy: Attach Jones to Obama, find another black bogeyman, and scare the heck out of middle A-merry-ca. Right now Van Jones is the flavor of the month. Beck will find more. - I guarantee you that they will all look the same.-
What's sad about all this is that there are perfectly legitimate things that Beck and those of his ilk could be debating with Obama about. Health care, the war, immigration, and a slew of other programs and policies that have been implemented since his he took office. Instead, we are left with this: Propaganda, fear mongering, and lies. All the while Beck's ratings continue to go through the roof. And why? Because he is telling some of our fellow A-merry-cans just what they want to hear.
*Pic courtesy of TheExaminer.com
[quote]Beck has become the cynosure for the anti black anti Obama sentiment in this country.[/quote]
Anti-Black / Anti-Obama?
Filled Negro:
WHO is more "Anti-Black"?
Glen Beck who is calling out the leftist radicals in the Obama Administration?
Whom ever is allowing the mess that is going on in the school systems of Philly, Baltimore and DC? - where "our future" is sitting in the seats?
It is interesting how Glen Beck is EXPOSING the agenda that I have told you about and instead of REFUTING the macro arguments that he makes - you seek to pettifog the issues.
Filled Negro:
* Did Van Jones make the communist statements that Beck is calling him on OR are you more set upon getting Beck pegged as the new "Joe McCarthy"/ Tim McVey?
* Did the guy from the FCC make the statements that "racist" Glen Beck said that he did? Or is Beck LYING?
Beck seems to be the unintentional Corbert Report for FauxNews. The stuff he says makes little to no sense...
[quote]Attach Jones to Obama, find another black bogeyman, and scare the heck out of middle A-merry-ca. Right now Van Jones is the flavor of the month.[/quote]
Here is where your FRAUD shows Filled Negro.
Beck also attacked the WHITE GUY who talked about "lawyers for pets" and that "no one has a right to be born" in the constitution.
You are running a "Janeane Garofalo Scheme" where if YOU state "Its Racism" and then force your adversaries that they are NOT acting off of racism BUT INSTEAD handing the "Black Guy In Chief" the same thing that the other 43 White guys received. This is your own "So When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife" type of questioning that you ask the VICTIMS on the stand that YOUR CLIENTS have attacked.
La takes offense: (Um, why the heck is President Obama being compared to the likes of Tiger 'Woo' (spit)? )
I wrote about this on my blog last week and the crazies came out in full force. You should check it out; it was fun.
Next thing Beck is gonna say is that Obama's uncle Idi Amin works in the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Beck is just crying and appealing to "certain people" who are patriotic enough commit "certain acts" of domestic terrorism.
Or worse...
start their own country
no jobs, foreclosures, bank failures, lack of healthcare, tent cities, three wars, corrupt politicians, etc,
and damn near everyone is affected by it or worried they might be, EXCEPT the elites.
and they're uncomfortable at the rising anger from the masses. they know what has happened in other countries.
so they use their coporate owned media to play the old reliable race & patroitism cards
and the result is blacks & other darker skinned people & whites who are very concerned or affected by many of the issues in the 1st paragraph, are arguing with each other over race & socialism.
its called the diversion of discontent & the elites are very skilled in this area.
Yes La~Incognita, your boy is a lot more Tiger than anything else. But it's all good. Tiger is a heck of a golfer. :)
Rippa, I will have to check out that post.
Anon.10:30PM, I actually agree with some of what you said. But trust me, these wingnuts rising up now (see the [un]constructive on e] are doing so for purely political reasons. If this was the frat boy and the gang that couldn't shoot straight in office, you wouldn't hear a peep out of them.
"Beck seems to be the unintentional Corbert Report for FauxNews..."
Ain't that the truth.
Field, do you actually listen to Beck's radio show or watch his TV show on FOX?
"All the while Beck's ratings continue to go through the roof. And why? Because he is telling some of our fellow A-merry-cans just what they want to hear."
I am growing tired of reading about Glen Beck on your blog, Field. Give it a rest, will you? Besides Fox, you must be one of his greatest promoters. You spend too much time worrying about his one-man high drama fake shows. Glen Beck's ratings are sky high and climbing because we live in a racist society and because Obama is President. Most people with half a brain probably know that.
I bet more and more Blacks are tuning in to watch Beck, thanks to blogs like yours that seem addicted to his crazy ass.
Take a break, Field.
I listen to him at times and I have watched him as well. Of course, if the Arbitron folks ever come calling, I would deny it. :)Hey, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
I always keep an eye and an ear on what the wingnuts are doing.
"I am growing tired of reading about Glen Beck on your blog, Field. Give it a rest, will you? Besides Fox, you must be one of his greatest promoters. You spend too much time worrying about his one-man high drama fake shows."
Can't do it. I understand the power of the mass media. I saw what happened with Radio Rwanda and the Nazis. You need to study up on your history. You might think Beck and the folks at FOX are just flakes, but if you keep thinking that way you will wake up one day and wonder what the f*&$ happened.
I am guessing you are an Obamaholic and you would rather ignore Beck and his posse instead of fighting back.
It's not working. You must always fight back in politics. (see John Kerry and the "Swift Boaters") this is A-merry-ca, the media is king, and you must learn how to use it or you will be in big trouble. If you are an Obamaholic, please pass that along to your boy.
Wait til Beck starts talking about how Obama hosted a Ramadan dinner tonight with a live feed from the White House. On the website where I caught this information, the wing nuts were coming out in force to complain he never went to the prayer breakfast, etc. There are evidently still many people across the country who believe that Obama is trying to set up his own Mosque in the White House.
BTW, George W. Bush also hosted Ramadan dinners at WH, and nary a word from Beck and his cohorts then, if I remember right.
Oh well....
who will the next bogeyman be?
Aloha from Makaii
I'm just waiting until the day Glenn Beck flips out (well completely) on air and they carry him off stage in a straightjacket mumbling gibberish. LOL
David Savage said it best on Olbermann tonight. The far right will not be satisfied until someone tries to take out Obama. It's that simple. Beck, Limbaugh, Savage and guys like them are giving the wingnuts all the political crack that they can smoke. If that happens.......we are going to fuck some shit up. (metaphorically, of course)
I'm just kidding..no. We are really going to fuck some shit up.
Field, I know you are crazy enough to take a 5-year old to Florida to the Magic Kingdom in July but you got the $$$ to pay someone to listen to Beck for you and report back. Man you don't gotta do it yourself!
And the beat goes on. Attempts continue to discredit the idea of a Black man as President, showcasing the "failure" of Obama as proof positive that the Negro is too feeble of a race to hold any position of power.
Unless it involves holding power over their fellow Negros, with the blessings and of course, close supervision, of their White masters.
If the GOP could front Steele as President, reaping the rewards of good vibes pr from people who think the GOP is finally evolving, all while Steele plays the Good Negro role and never, EVER steps out of line with Massuh Rush and Misstuh Beck, they would. Ordinary Blacks would scream.
Come next year 2010 when the Civil War that Beck, Hannity,
Bachmann, Limbaugh, and the rest of them have been persistently agitating breaks out, Anonymous 10:40 will be wishing that the MSM and others had talked about it more and warned the people. There is gonna be one but I guarantee you it is not going to turn out like those folks mentioned up above are hoping it does. It will be plenty bloodshed in some communities. The main ones that agitated it, they'll be trying to wiggle their way up out of it and claim innocence. That old song and dance has run it's course, and it won't work this time around. Their time will have come to pay the piper. No one will feel sorry for them either.
"David Savage said it best on Olbermann tonight. The far right will not be satisfied until someone tries to take out Obama. It's that simple. Beck, Limbaugh, Savage and guys like them are giving the wingnuts all the political crack that they can smoke. If that happens.......we are going to fuck some shit up. (metaphorically, of course)
I'm just kidding..no. We are really going to fuck some shit up."
God forbid the wingnuts end up hitting one of the children. At that point, we as a race will no longer be interested in coexisting with the White man. Only his blood will do as a toll.
And there goes whatever cohesiveness the US had as a country. The wingnuts may relish in their "opportunity" to lynch a few Negros, but ultimately they will live to regret their actions. If they manage to live.
"Field, I know you are crazy enough to take a 5-year old to Florida to the Magic Kingdom in July but you got the $$$ to pay someone to listen to Beck for you and report back. Man you don't gotta do it yourself!"
LOL! No Joy, I only trust my eyes and ears.
"keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
Amen! My mother, grandmothers, and grandfathers instilled that wisdom in my siblings and I all the time while growing up. I believe the President learned that too.
I don't believe Beck believes the stuff he says. I don't believe that most of the Foxites believe what they say.
Malkin, Coulter, Limbaugh are all just saying what ever it takes to keep getting rich.
I consider them disingenuous trolls and I really don't pay them any attention.
Btw, I didn't mean to imply that I don't think that their rhetoric is dangerous. I do. I just don't think that they believe the crap they say.
Does anyone remember Jim Jones and why he was so effective in talking over 900 people to move to Jonestown and commiting suicde? Glen Beck reminds me of Jim Jones in the way that he managed to get people were downtroddened and ignored by the rest of society.
People who listen to Beck believe that have been counted out by society. They have anxiety and fear and Glen feeds on that. He makes them that he is in the same boat as him. He is just like them when all know that is not the case. There is a scene in American President where Lewis tells the President that the people are looking for leadership and will listen to anyone who comes to the mircophone. They are so thristy for leadership that they will crawl through the desert to a mirage and drink the sand. The president responds by saying that there have been presidents who were beloved who could not find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. He continues to say that people do not drink the sand because they are thristy, they drink the sand because they do not the difference. That latter statement speaks to the current climate. Now we know that Beck is running a scam on his listeners, but they do not realize it. He is their pipe piper. It is ironic how people think Obama is Hilter, but Beck can tell these people that Obama and the government is the source of their problems. I am not comparing Beck to Hilter because Hilter is in a class of his own, but think Beck is using a page from Hilter's strategy.
I hope Van Jones sues Beck for slander.
I do too evita! I pray that he does just that and I hope he includes Hannity in it also because he was smearing Van Jones too.
"God forbid the wingnuts end up hitting one of the children. At that point, we as a race will no longer be interested in coexisting with the White man. Only his blood will do as a toll.
And there goes whatever cohesiveness the US had as a country. The wingnuts may relish in their "opportunity" to lynch a few Negros, but ultimately they will live to regret their actions. If they manage to live."
Well Mack, They'll have a heck of a head start with these machine guns and army tanks. I'd say we'll be the ones in trouble if we don't start paying attetnion and stock piling weapons as they do.
Mississippi Posse w/Tank Hunts Down Black Suspect
Field- "Can't do it. I understand the power of the mass media."
I have spent a career(30+) years in the media. Take it from me, there is much more to the media than Glen Beck.
Wingnuts need their shows to rant and rave about as much as the Left and others need theirs. There will always be room for the likes of Glen Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and other right wing extremists, especially during times like these.
Field, you might know your history, but do you know what's actually happening behind the scenes? That is, the producing and hammering out of a show to appeal and attract viewers?
Networks look for hits and Glen Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly are big hits. So don't expect Beck to ease up while Obama is President. In fact, without Obama, Beck would not be the star that he is. If Obama wasn't President, Blacks such as yourself wouldn't bother to watch or listen to Beck. He would be irrelevant.
But now, right wingnuts and Blacks like yourself love to watch Beck. One side loves him and the other side hates him; but both groups are watching and driving Beck's ratings through the roof and he and Fox are laughing all the way to the bank. You think Beck is crazy? That's exactly what Fox and Beck wants you to think. It's his craziness that is the centerpiece of his show. It attracts wingnuts and fearful Blacks.
One powerful aspect of the media is the power to ignore. That seems to be something you haven't be able to master. But then again, maybe you are like Beck-you are taking advantage of this moment in history to hype your own show? If that is the case, you need Beck as much as he needs Obama.
However, I am tired of your crying over Beck's crying. And like Becks's show, your blog will come to an end when enough people tire of the same old show.
Yes, I am an Obama supporter-but an Obamaholic? You know, I am not sure but I'll find out as Obama moves the nation forward....Peace to you, brother.
BTW, America isn't Rwanda but with humans anything is possible- especially without a God.
Beck is serious, and his minions are crazier than a group of Raiders fans surrounding a Steelers fan in The Black Hole. Do not take them lightly.
"It attracts wingnuts and fearful Blacks."
They've been collecting tanks and machine guns--their militas. Question is how did they get them? Where are they getting them from and who is supplying civilians with army tanks?
Our own soldiers went without proper equipment under President Bush.
anon 12:40
"BTW, America isn't Rwanda but with humans anything is possible- especially without a God."
I'm sure the people of Rwanda also thought that the violence that erupted could never take place in their own country. and im sure they weren't living in peace one day, and killing each other the next morning. it was a slow process of propaganda, fuelled by different media outlets. and the ones spreading the fear and hate were the ones with the weapons.
the same thing happened in the balkans. in nazi germany. in iran in 79, when the mullahs and islamists overtook the revolution from the students and leftists. and im sure there are countless other similar examples. So never say never.
as long as you have people like beck, and the rest of the fox mafia, you NEED to have people to speak out against them. whats that saying, bad things happen because good people stay silent?
and P.S most who murder believe they have god on their side
"and P.S most who murder believe they have god on their side"
If they are murdering they don't have a God. They have their own self-centered ego acting as a god.
Anon 12:40, Field has been blogging since 2006. And in case you haven't noticed he blogs about more than just Beck. There is more than enough foolishness and racism going on America. He surely dosen't need Beck to attract an audience.
Granny, I was wondering the same thing. I checked ebay, but they only had toy tanks.
Minnie "Anon 12:40, Field has been blogging since 2006. And in case you haven't noticed he blogs about more than just Beck. There is more than enough foolishness and racism going on America. He surely dosen't need Beck to attract an audience."
Sorry if I offended with an opinion to Field. I hadn't noticed anything else Field has blogged about other than Beck. Could you enlighten me? What else does Field blog about?
Mr. Field I love the Jesse Alert good job. Carry on.
Television Rwanda, Really?! Can you not even see how offensive that is?
And you are supposed to be fighting stereotypes?
You get a country that suffered an unfortunate calamity at the hands of extremists and use its name stereotypically? Incase you missed it, there is a difference between the actions of extremists in a society and the country that society is located.
Why didn't you use Germany or Yugoslavia?
Could it be that its because the two are not located in Africa and are "deserving" of more "respect"?
humm now this is why i dont watch or own tv... too many knee grows who are so affect/effected by colonist mind syndrome that they forget what they grannies whispered in their earholes and in the hopes of deprogramming that so-called education programming.
perhaps, we need folks like Beck for other folks to wake up and see how cotton be coming BLACK to Harlem in my ways than just lint and sheets... let me see.. they paid knee grows to kill el haji Malik Shabazz; they paid knee grows to creat chaos in the Black Panther party; they paid a Goode knee grow to drop a bomb on Move [your hood, Field]; over across the water, they paid knee grows to kill Lumumba, kill Cabral and oust Nkrumah. If fact, knee grows are so much like Massa, that some will do anything and say anything for that all might dead slave owning former president worthless dollar.
So, what is new here..knee grows that coins tossed to them to say anything they think Massa gone like.. fooles two cents a kilogram and idiots three but coconuts are five dollars each! let the talking heads babble on since the voodun high preistess has long since shut up and the heads aints saying much of anything.
Television Rwanda? Leave off my beloved Kigali as i think H.E. Paul Kagame is doing a heck of a damn good job given what the French and Belgian left in their neo-colonialist wake.
get rid of your TVs and read more books about histories
"What's sad about all this is that there are perfectly legitimate things that Beck and those of his ilk could be debating with Obama about."
Yeah but the problem is they LOSE EVERY TIME in a factual discussion on the issues. Therefore they have to make shit up and yell loudly.
They have been shit out of luck in fooling people ever since Hurricane Katrina exposed their version of "homeland security" as a massive fraud.
"Glen Beck who is calling out the leftist radicals in the Obama Administration?"
SAMBO PLEASE, there are about as many leftist radicals in the Obama administration as there are in a Wall Street executive washroom. In fact, they are almost one and the same.
"I'm sure the people of Rwanda also thought that the violence that erupted could never take place in their own country. and im sure they weren't living in peace one day, and killing each other the next morning. it was a slow process of propaganda, fuelled by different media outlets. and the ones spreading the fear and hate were the ones with the weapons.
the same thing happened in the balkans. in nazi germany. in iran in 79, when the mullahs and islamists overtook the revolution from the students and leftists. and im sure there are countless other similar examples. So never say never."
Now there is a person who knows their history.
"Sorry if I offended with an opinion to Field. I hadn't noticed anything else Field has blogged about other than Beck. Could you enlighten me? What else does Field blog about?"
Dumb Negroes.
"Beck is serious, and his minions are crazier than a group of Raiders fans surrounding a Steelers fan in The Black Hole. Do not take them lightly."
Or Iggles fans surrounding a Cowboys fan at the Vet. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
"I don't believe Beck believes the stuff he says. I don't believe that most of the Foxites believe what they say."
Monie, they probably don't. The problem is that the folks listening and watching do.
"Why didn't you use Germany or Yugoslavia?
Could it be that its because the two are not located in Africa and are "deserving" of more "respect"?"
Well, I did use the Nazi's. Yeah those African Nazis were a bitch. *rolling eyes and scratching head*.
"Dumb Negroes."
LOL. Do you think those dumb Negroes along with those dumb Whites are the ones driving up Beck's NSI and ARB ratings?
You watch Glenn Beck??
Might wanta watch who you're callin certifiable..I'd say its the pot callin the kettle black..but you'd make a racial issue out of it, and I don't drink beer...
Mack Lyons,
"And the beat goes on. Attempts continue to discredit the idea of a Black man as President, showcasing the "failure" of Obama as proof positive that the Negro is too feeble of a race to hold any position of power."
Dead on point.
The really sad thing is you bootlickin coons like CF endorsing the racism.
i hate gb
vj started this war with gb
vj will probably win it as well...
i was anti-gwb
i am anti-obama
i hate obama for the very same reasons i hate gwb!!!
gwb is not black
i am not anti-black
millions of other voters of all races are anti-obama
they are not anti-black
and this puppet obama, he too will pass...
what i find most amazing is this:
glen beck is just yakking about destroying our country and thousands of racists may be listening...along with millions of sane obama voters who are jobless, homeless, hungry, and who ALSO agreee...
while gb is talking, obama is actually destroying our country (and the globe by extension) and millions are suicidally cheering him on as he does so...
i distinctly recall 8 yrs of people praying that bush and cheney would be executed (who would dare hurl a shoe at obama/his teleprompter?!?)
why should anyone pray any less for obama when he is doing all of very the same things to us in even WORSE and GRANDER ways?
jfk was publicly executed for REFUSING to do all of the things that obama and gwb do!!!
gb is just a silly tv star
obama is a genocidal president
which one should we protest, fear, and lament most???
Why so much hate for Glenn Beck??
Glenn's just tryin' to warn you.But you negros just keep eatin' KFC has your house burns down around you.
What has Obama done since he's been president to make you people trust the government ??
Obama has a higher approval rating than God among you people.What has Obama done to deserve to be more popular than God??
Obama is a lot like Jim Jones--
Both are Democrats.
Both have a cult like following.
Both demanded blind loyalty .
Both tried to destroy anyone that spoke ill of them.
Both promised hope and change.
Both promised a brighter future has they slowly took away your rights and freedoms.
And if Obama opps Kennedycare doesn't pass Obama will tell black folks and white liberals to drink the red kool-aid.
Just like Jim did.
where are all those war protestors now???
obama's war policies make gwb look like a pacifist!!!
obama and his bankers & auto execs have fleeced us
next = his pharmaceutical/medical co execs/campaign financiers are standing by for his newest bailout bonanzas aka "health reform" pkgs
wake up!
Obama's police state is coming.
"pandemic response bills" are being talked about and being passed all over this country.
This will allow authorities enter your home,and detain you without a warrant.
Obama already has control over the internet.
Obama wants to control our healthcare.
Obama will soon have the power to tell us what houses we can live in and what kind of cars we can drive.
Obama's FCC will shut down talk radio and all media outlets that speak ill of him.
Obama's police state is here.
Mr. R
"Glenn's just tryin' to warn you.But you negros just keep eatin' KFC has your house burns down around you."
I have 'necks like you working in my yard.
Mr. R,
If America's becoming such a facist state under Obama, why don't you leave?
did you ask anyone to leave the usa from 2000-2008?
just curious...
I posed a question to Mr. R which he obviously is hesitant to answer.
In your zeal to throw yourself in front of a train for massa, you are blinding yourself to what is happening here.
These people on the far-right cannot and will not accept a black man, who legitimately won a national election (UNLIKE BUSH!!!!)
Wake up!
Talk of secession, the tree of liberty watered by blood, and armed protestors at Obama public appearances.
Was there anything resembling this activity by the left during Bush's tenure?
see how i posed a valid question to you?
see how you did not answer it but just attacked me instead with lies and slurs?
see how i am still awaiting your reply?
see how there are no rich whites at those town hall mtgs?
see how whites who live in malibu have no problem with obama?
gwb did not do what obama has done
to the poor/banks/auto cos/health care
obama has been more abusive to the poor whites than gwb
so unlike you us who are blinded by obama's blackish swag
i understand their excessive responses to his excessive abuses
i wonder when the poor blacks will rise up too???
any idea?
where are you to police the slurs that us just posted?????
hello out there?????
u too dd:
us just called me names...
where are u???
or did u find that prayer wall/name calling free blog?...
all of you...spare me!!!
Uptown Steve,
Mr.R's a cop so he's busy stylin' and profilin'...or maybe he's doin what we white folks call "Takin a Negro" Why else do you think they call it a "BM"
He doesn't go back the same reason you Spooks never went back to Africa....
Where's he gonna go? Iceland, Low taxes, hot blonde goddesses everywhere you look, and the last Black guy was a stowaway who gott off at the wrong stop...
Icelandic Air Baby,
i know that you know that every person at the town hall meetings/who hates oabam is NOT a neocon racist republikkkan etc...
i refuse to pretend that many of those who hate obama did not vote for him and that they are all racists
it is free world
u keep doing that...i never have and i never will
Alicia, you're such a bad-assed "warrior", and you "slay" so many of us poor fools, I figure you can handle Steve all by yourself. I ain't his momma, and I don't tell him what he can & can't say. You want to argue wih him, or anyone else, that's just fine. No need to drag anybody else into it.
So...leave me alone, and don't get me started.
"us just called me names..."
Like what AB?
You really are cracking up now.
Yo Frank,
If I want any shit from you, I'll squeeze your head.
send me no more selective directives about kathy or anyone else herien
are you not able to scan your own previous posts?
been taking moron notes from your clone li/kola?
seen this today?
obama has bailed on the public option
so, how will that "health reform" work for all those poor fans who need medical care now?
this was never about patients
and this is why sickly/poor/wise whites are wilding
it has NOTHING to do with his race
for most
so sad.
Ya know Field, not to be sexist, but since when is it appropriate for a grown ass man to cry in public unless someone he was close to died? I mean shoot, some folks give men the side eye on crying over anyone's death excpet their Mama's or maybe their child. So why does this fool sit on national tv and on the radio on cry and no one calls him on being a punk? I mean really. I'm all for men expressing their emotions, but this Glen Beck crocodile tears are just too much. He needs to grow a pair.
And to the anon who asks what else Field blogs about. HELLO? Scroll back and read some old posts. I've only been reading since maybe the spring and GB takes up only a small portion of what Field writes about pretty much every single day of the week. Some folks just want to start something.
Oh and again people, heed my words, stop feeding the trolls. Ignore their asses and they will go away.
[quote]:)Hey, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" [/quote]
Filled Negro:
This is the most insightful thing that you ever posted on this blog. I agree with you.
This is why I am here. This is why I have started reading left wing/socialist magazines. They are far more interesting than conservative or business magazines.
You all should check out "International Socialist Review". It represents the "politically untethered" view of the ideology that MOST OF YOU ALL HAVE. Whereas YOU all want the Democrats to win and thus you are bound to the American political system upon which they must operate the leftists in ISR are unbounded and thus appear more radical in their pronouncements.
Make no mistake about it, however - both of you end up in the same destination. They are simply more willing to attack the Democratic Party. Something that you will NEVER hear from the mouth of WhiteBowieSteve and others.
uptownsteve said...
Mr. R,
If America's becoming such a facist state under Obama, why don't you leave?
Because i'm not a Democrat.I would rather saty and fight for my country.
lol@ "Takin a Negro".Thats funny Frank.
"Because i'm not a Democrat.I would rather saty and fight for my country."
Does that involve violence, if you deem it necessary?
We're not union thugs or part of Obama's goon squad.So we don't believe in violence.
We let our voices be heard.Democrats have been listening.Why do you think Kennedycare hasn't been passed yet??
"We're not union thugs or part of Obama's goon squad.So we don't believe in violence."
So why are they bringing loaded weapons to Healthcare meetings.
You ever heard of Eric Rudolph, William Krar and Tim McVeigh?
They were one of you, weren't they?
"Why do you think Kennedycare hasn't been passed yet??"
Still early buddy.
There will be a universal healthcare bill passed by the end of the year.
[quote]If America's becoming such a facist state under Obama, why don't you leave?[/quote]
I think the better question is:
Since the progressives have such brilliant economic theories - why do they take over local economic systems, make them implode and now have to NATIONALIZE certain elements for their THEORIES to work properly?
Kinda hard when people can move across state lines (with their MONEY) and thwart your confiscatory 'brilliant ideas' isn't it?
I get the strange feeling that you are a reincarnation of a racist White man from the 1900 who told Blacks to "Go Back To Africa" if they don't like being lynched in the name of justice.
[quote]So why are they bringing loaded weapons to Healthcare meetings.[/quote]
The ONLY person that has been killed at a rally in America in 2009 is the little girl in TRENTON NEW JERSEY. The New Black Panther Party member running for office invited Gang Members to the "Community Day Rally".
He forgot that they had some opposing gang members who "Didn't give a damn about the value of this little girl's life".
It is amazing how powerful Non-White White Supremacy weighs upon your mind. THIS REAL LIFE KILLING will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER match up to the threat of what "MIGHT HAPPEN" if these White folks brought guns to the rally.
You are one sick man.
Wasn't it the rightwingers who ran this government for most of the last 8 years who screwed this economy up?
And if not, who did?
"Kinda hard when people can move across state lines (with their MONEY) and thwart your confiscatory 'brilliant ideas' isn't it?"
And the state you live in, Georgia, RED AND REPUBLICAN, is one of the poorest and most backwards in the union.
Yet, you're still grinnin for Massa Sonny.
"I get the strange feeling that you are a reincarnation of a racist White man from the 1900 who told Blacks to "Go Back To Africa" if they don't like being lynched in the name of justice."
Problem with your logic Rastus is that most black Americans never been to Africa, didn't ask to come here, and can trace their ancestry here longer than anybody but the Native Americans and the Pilgrims.
So how the f^ck is some Ellis Island immigrant going to tell US to go somewhere??
i get the strange feeling that you're an idiot
He's pathetic.
Jessie Lee Peterson's afterbirth.
AB i didn't see where uptownsteve called you any slurs.... see, your already calling people names and starting trouble. we are not going to do this today are we?
[quote]so, how will that "health reform" work for all those poor fans who need medical care now?[/quote]
Alica Banks:
Let us analyze this from a strategic standpoint.
As a Black man the two things that have pissed me off the most over these past 2 months are:
1) I keep hearing people staying "Black people NEED Health Care" and it is RACIST to deny them of this. Yet, after having taken over the communities where we live - these establishment figures have not done a DAMNED THING to dramatically increase the number of Black Health Care professionals who will be the SERVICE PROVIDERS of these needed services.
2) During tributes to Ted Kennedy I kept hearing Negro leaders referring to 'THE LEAST OF THESE'. I am convinced that they would rather FEED OUR PEOPLE than to manage our GROWTH.
Thus I struggle as to how someone can hate upon an entire Health Care industry that made a mere $14 BILLION in profits among the top 15 companies and prefer to have their new insurance provider - THE GOVERNMENT which as a $1,900 BILLION one year DEFICIT and a Debt of $12,100 billion that is going to grow to $21,100 BILLION IN 10 YEARS.
If the private insurance companies "Care about the Bottom line more than People" then the Federal government - Doesn't give a damn about either one. Anyone who shifts their people toward dependency upon an entity with $21,100 billion in debt, a Medicare system that will be broke by 2020 and a Social Security system that will be out of money by 2035 all the while NOT DOING A DAMNED THING TO INCREASE THE ABILITY OF OUR COMMUNITY TO DELIVER NEEDED SERVICES indeed hates Black people and believes that we are inferior.
What are we actually getting from the local domination of our institutions by the progressives other than less production out of our people and more DEPENDENCY?
(Now Steve will tell us how good things are in Bowie MD)
uptownsteve said...
And the state you live in, Georgia, RED AND REPUBLICAN, is one of the poorest and most backwards in the union.
Hasn't Georgia been ran by Democrats for most of its existence??
No wonder its so poor and backwards.
You ever heard of Eric Rudolph, William Krar and Tim McVeigh?
They were one of you, weren't they?
Were they against Kennedycare to? I think Jim Jones was for Kennedyvcare.
"I keep hearing people staying "Black people NEED Health Care" and it is RACIST to deny them of this."
WHO said this?????
Name them and provide a quote.
You're a pathetic liar.
He just makes things up and creates strawmen he can easily knock down.
"Hasn't Georgia been ran by Democrats for most of its existence??"
Not in the last 30 years.
Cigarettes and Coffee:
I think you for your ability to make your case with such brevity. I mean - it takes me a whole freeking page to convince people of my views.
You did so in one sentence.
OR - maybe you require people to tap into their bigotry and thus agree with you. Thus your task is much simpler.
WhiteBowieSteve says:
[quote]Wasn't it the rightwingers who ran this government for most of the last 8 years who screwed this economy up?
And if not, who did?[/quote]
When you say "Ran The Government" do you mean:
The Federal Government?
Your State Government in Maryland?
Your Municipal government in PGC and Bowie?
What are you talking about?
When you say "the economy got screwed up by those government forces that were in power" what are you talking about?
When I see that the city of Philadelphia had to do drastic cuts because their tax revenues are down and that they'll have a $2 billion deficit in the next 5 years - is this due to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT actions?
When I hear people like Dr Marc Lamont Hill give credit to Clinton for the "Internet Boom Economy" do YOU think that Dr Hill LIKED Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Merril Lynch and Goldman Sachs when they financed the key pillars of that economic boom?
Or did he start hating them when they moved over to the secondary market in REAL ESTATE? They made credit available to poor people for mortgage loans by packaging them and selling them as a component of the derivative market.
You see Cigarettes and Coffee would NEVER be able to explain anything beyond the POLITICAL domain.
He/she would rather me join in with the "Chorus of Ignorance".
See I told you Filled Negro - you and others would prefer a person who AGREES WITH YOU but could not substantiate their views in a broad manner than to have someone DISAGREE WITH YOU. Not only disagree with you but explain WHY they believe as they do and show you YOUR strategic flaws.
The main strategic flaw of UptownSteve is that he is unable to tell us WHY his preferred economic ideology has thus far failed to work at the local level and thus needs to expand nationally for it to finally kick in.
I swear CF you are so full of crap if you took a dump you'd be a glass figurine.
"The main strategic flaw of UptownSteve is that he is unable to tell us WHY his preferred economic ideology has thus far failed to work at the local level and thus needs to expand nationally for it to finally kick in."
My preferred economic ideology is regulated capitalism.
Can YOU explain why your unrestricted and unregulated free market ideology has failed to trickle down any benefits to the middle and working class.
Or that every time America has a conservative run government, the gap between rich and poor widens as well poverty rising?
[quote]And the state you live in, Georgia, RED AND REPUBLICAN, is one of the poorest and most backwards in the union.[/quote]
Really Steve?
In what ways?
I have called you and other Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers out for using tactics used by White Bigots.
You see, WhiteBowieSteve - you are comfortable throwing out attacks at the STATE LEVEL. As long as you can make the case that the "Red State" of Georgia is IGNORANT...."because of the GOP" all is fine with you.
However I have challenged you and other Non-White White Supremacist Blacks to GO MORE GRANULAR down to the ZIPCODE LEVEL with your assaults.
Then we would see that Atlanta 30311 has the same - crime, illiteracy and economic unproductivity of SouthWest Philly (What is that zipcode there Filled Negro?)
Likewise - the suburban, mostly White East Cobb County GA has the same profile as Montgomery County MD.
Once again - by attacking at the state level you are able to do the bidding of your White Snarling Fox Liberal bigoted sponsors want you to do: Win more turf for THEIR benefit.
It is quite funny that we have heard "Socialism is the new N Word" by Carlos of CNN.
With the balance of the Black population living in the SOUTH and with sold out Negroes like WhiteBowieSteve attacking the south I wonder if the term:
"'The Red States are Ignorant' is the new N Word"?
The South has far more black elected officials than does the elitist North east.
Even Black Enterprise's Earl Graves said that if he were young today he'd depart from the NE and move to the South to take advantage of the opportunities down here.
Whether you like Obama or not, I think this is kinda creepy:
creepy and VERY hitler-ish
as is MUCH more re: obama...
First of all, WhiteBowieSteve:
1) Georgia has its FIRST GOP governor since RECONSTRUCTION in office now - in his second term
2) The GA House and Senate has ONLY flipped GOP about 6 years ago. It was Democrat since Reconstruction as well - when the Democratic Red Shirts used guns to run all Black elected officials out of office in the South.
Where did you get 30 years from?
[quote]Can YOU explain why your unrestricted and unregulated free market ideology has failed to trickle down any benefits to the middle and working class.[/quote]
You don't realize how much you STRENGTHENED my argument with your question!!!!
First of all WE DO NOT HAVE "Unrestricted/Unregulated Free Market Capitalism" in this nation. Despite the incessant repetition - you can't make the case that the resent economic collapse was due to lack of regulation.
It is ironic that you all LOVE the "Stock Market Boom" yet don't see it as a time when there was not enough REGULATION.
The reason why you make my argument for me is that you point to TRICKLE DOWN as your main argument FOR regulation.
Steve - did you read the NY Times article about how the Black middle class in Michigan and Ohio is being decimated by the fall of the Big 3? In as much as you WANT TO give credit to GOVERNMENT REGULATION for PROSPERITY of the Middle Class - this claim falls flat on its face once tested.
Why don't we have a thriving middle class in the hollow shells of economic prosperity that exist in the old industrial cities of the North? You all HAVE YOUR GOVERNMENT still. You just lost your big evil corporations.
Thus when you say "Trickle Down" you need to focus upon WHAT FORCE was allowing the masses to express their ECONOMIC VALUE in the first place.
I know that you are ideologically bigoted Steve but I don't think that you are dumb.
Or that every time America has a conservative run government, the gap between rich and poor widens as well poverty rising?[/quote]
Jimmy Carter vs Ronald Reagan - Steve.
The creator of the movie "New Jack City" told of the glories of Harlem NY from Carters' GOVERNMENT JOBS PROGRAMS!!! People had money. He was dressing sharp. The areas was thriving. Then, he says, Reagan CUT THE PROGRAMS and thats when CRACK came to town.
Let's think about this Steve. Why did the Black community leave its economic definition to GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS rather than more INDUSTRIOUS sources of prosperity?
The government saw the need for the people to eat and thus created jobs programs that used TAX MONEY as the vehicle for payment.
Cities like Detroit, Rochester, Cleveland, by comparison attracted hundreds of thousands of Black people up from the South because they had INDUSTRY which needed their labor. They received money from MARKET FORCES which traded them their LABOR for salaries in support of the production process. These jobs were not created nor taken away by government dictate. It was the MARKET FORCES of supply and demand that created them and built up great cities in the process.
We can talk about petty partisan stuff all day long Steve. It think that you need to sit down somewhere and really THINK about the WORTH of Black people and why YOU feel that it is the GOVERNMENT that needs to express this value rather than having us focus upon SKILL DEVELOPMENT and the marketplace by which to exchange it and prosper in the process.
Your "trickle down" fails once the GOVERNMENT stops ARTIFICIALLY INJECTING valuation.
I support UNION REPRESENTATION far more than GOVERNMENT establishment of artificial valuation. At least the union negotiates. The government dictates.
This is a really great post, I do not watch any TV right now, cable broken.
And I think that it is very important to dispel all the lies that Beck is spouting, because as one of the links you provided already said, it's seems almost like a waste of time to convince Beck's followers to actually research the truth. But we have to do that, otherwise, they win with outright lies.
i also want to say on a side note, that i didn't want to believe that one of the posters here was a plant, but i can see now that there are some serious diversions going on here, and it's almost like spam where your posts and ideas are getting lost. end.
CF nevers answers a question.
He diverts and rants, diverts and rants, diverts and rants, diverts and rants, diverts and rants.
Field, these posts you are writing on Glenn Beck are on point... keep them coming. Although we and many others realize that the Fox Channel (I left out "News" intentionally) is basically Comedy Central 2 and Beck is the court jester, many folks take everything they hear on that channel as gospel. If Beck wrote Obama's name on his magic chalkboard and drew a line connecting it to Charles Manson's name, many of his viewers would believe that our president was responsible for the Tate-LaBianca murders.
Keep up the good fight!
CF 12:48-
If you can't explain a concept simply, you don't understand it well enough :)
most viewers know that gb is a blubbering hack but
gb is being embraced because he is also one who is NOT giving obama a pass as MOST of his tv peers do religiously
homohater dem sam nunn has also just officially moved left of obama re: gay issues
what happened to all those saved homes/jobs obama promised????
"Thus far, Obama's economic recovery efforts have kept more Goldman Sachs employees in their third Hamptons homes mortgages than average Americans in their homes and in their jobs."
"Although we and many others realize that the Fox Channel (I left out "News" intentionally) is basically Comedy Central 2 and Beck is the court jester, many folks take everything they hear on that channel as gospel."
How do you know most folks don't take Beck's show as comedic entertainment like you do? How have you come to the conclusion that 'many' watching and listening to his craziness actually believe him?
By your reasoning, any person watching 'any' show on TV is capable of taking 'any' program seriously. After all, the whole world is insane, but some folks are crazier than others.
I think we should ban television because there will always be some nut overwhelmed with passions greater than the next human who will be unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. Besides, television 'clutters' the mind and heart. Everybody knows it does but some still sit glued to it everyday, esp in the evenings...go figure.
I have a suggestion..... this evening across the country, there will be rallys in support of a public option across the US. Here in Philly, its at 5:30pm at Love Park. I suggest going to MoveOn.Org website and seeing where the one nearest you is located.
Then, step away from your computer, get up off of that chair/couch/floor/bed... wherever you are hooked to your computer... get out the door and join us. DO SOMETHING! Instead of all of the verbal regergitation. And, for those of you who do not support health care reform.... as you were. Stay here and continue your verbal regergitation and keep pretending like it is "doing something."
i think we define apathy/inaction differently
i refuse to get out and participate in a charade masked as "health reform" that will only reform the riches that benefit drug makers etc...
see more:
maybe we refuse to particip
Huh. If you're going out onto the streets of Killadelphia, you just might need some of that free medical care before the night's over.
"health reform" is a sham
one that will make "atimulus" pale by comparison/grander bilking
i have no desire to help this sham happen:
Jody said...
I have a suggestion..... this evening across the country, there will be rallys in support of a public option across the US.
These raiiies will be attended by union thugs and Obama's goon squad.They will have signs made up for you.You don't have to bring your own.We will also have klan outfits,and nazi outfits so you don't have to bring yours.
If you see any protesters please advise the union thugs.They will beat down the protesters and have them removed.
If that doesn't work the protesters will disappear like Jimmy Hoffa.
APOI.... I Live here. I love living here. And, I feel no less safe than any other place I have lived (NYC, Houston, TX, Vancouver Canada, and several small town communities
A Person of Interest said...
Huh. If you're going out onto the streets of Killadelphia, you just might need some of that free medical care before the night's over.
Thats bout like it is in every Democrat ran city.
Mr. R.,
Do you live in one?
Then how would you know?
While you're at it, name me a crime free big city.
This isn't just about the media putting on a show. And it isn't just about picking random people in the Obama administration to vilify.
They are creating a narrative.
It isn't just media. The Heritage Foundation is laying groundwork for the imaginary race war narrative that they are using to try and fight off polices. I wrote about this the other day in respect to torture investigations.
All of which is to say. We shouldn't give them more publicity than they deserve, but we should be watching the narrative very carefully.
Thank you uptownsteve! Mr R wants us to believe that what happened during Bush and Cheney rein is really all President Obama's fault and that black men are not good leaders. He's afraid of black men and especially of what President Obama might accomplish. Smh!
You know what came across my mind about those tanks. What if those are the tanks that were supposed to be delivered to our soldiers back when Bush was President and that's why our soldiers were put on hold and never got them. They were supplying their militas with them instead for what the GOP party has planned for us if would have won the election. Remember that Patriot Act and I not sure if I remember correctly but I think it was what the FEMA camps were really being built for.
Oh yeah, and to that anonymous person who was complaining about what Field writes on his blog. Field is a better person than me, because I would have pointed to the door and told you there is your hat what's your hurry. I'm just saying. People fail to realize that they are guest on someone's blog, and if you don't like what people write, no one has you chained down you can always go elsewhere and you'd be surprise how easy it is to start your own blog. He doesn't dictate to you what you should write or tell you that you can't write what you do. I won't dictate to people what they can write on my blog either, but I don't have the patience for people who come and try to dictate to me what I should write about on my own blog. If Field chooses to write about Mary had a little lamb, fishing, or whatever, it's his prerogative. Just like it's yours to start your own blog and write what you want to write about.
Don't worry about his readers, they'll be here reading and commenting on whatever he writes until he decides to quit blogging. Field is a blogger!
Bush and Cheney are no longer in office.Its time to stop your hate and end your obsession.
I know you along with 90% of black folk think Obama's your messiah and he can do no wrong.Wake up and smell the smoke.America is on fire and Obama's pouring gas all over us.
Van Jones (and his wife) are well-known and well-respected in this area. A few months ago, Jones was featured on the cover of Oakland Magazine, one of those prissy city magazines that lists all the latest in upscale living, not hardly a revolutionary rag. Anyone who bad mouths Jones is an uninformed, reactionary, mental midget.
Eva Paterson wrote a piece about Jones that appeared in the HP last week. Here is the link.
As for Glen Beck, I just don't care. I really wish the left put as much energy into supporting a national health care program as they do bitching about tea parties and rowdy town hall meetings. I don't understand why there haven't been any widespread massive demonstrations to support health care reform. I believe there was one in NYC.
How long are people going to continue to bleat about the right wing nut jobs without pulling off organized, purposeful, responses? If people can climb the Golden Gate Bridge over the treatment of animals, you'd think a few thousand people could march across the bridge for health care reform.
Granny "...I won't dictate to people what they can write on my blog either, but I don't have the patience for people who come and try to dictate to me what I should write about on my own blog."
Which Anon are you referring to?
Anon at 2:52 PM said:
"How do you know most folks don't take Beck's show as comedic entertainment like you do? How have you come to the conclusion that 'many' watching and listening to his craziness actually believe him?"
I don't know whether or not most folks look at Beck's show the way I do. Then again, neither do you. The reason I say that many believe the word of Beck is because I read several conservative blogs and they are firmly on board his bandwagon. Who knows how many other conservative blogs there are that I haven't read that are also Beck followers.
Although Beck's routine could be an act, I doubt that these bloggers are just pretending to believe what he says.
Jody and Alicia Banks:
Do you notice that the Health Care Insurance Industry is being attacked for its PROFITS and it has made "only" $14 billion per year:
The WOULD BE new health care insurer - the United States government has a freaking $1,800 BILLION DEFICIT in one year!!!
HOW IS IT RATIONAL that someone can HATE AN INDUSTRY that made a $14 billion PROFIT.......and yet LATCH ONTO an entity that is in the hole FOR ONE YEAR at $1,800 billion?
This same entity told you already that it will be in the hole for $9,000 billion additional dollars in the next 10 years.
It told you that Medicare will be broke by 2020
I told you that Social Security will be broke by 2035
How is it LOGICAL then to:
1) Blame the Drug Companies? If the US government started CONFISCATING ALL DRUGS from drug companies and handed them away for free this STILL would not materially change the fact that these two programs and THIS new proposed program are worthy of putting your stock into with the hopes of care.
2) Why would you ADD MORE STRAWS to drain upon that which is already planned to crash?
Seriously folks. They are already telling you what the next 15 years in this country are going to be like.
The worst thing you can do is to believe that such a scheme is going to be a cure.
IF ONLY they had a strategy to QUINTUPLE the number Black doctors that will be trained to provide medical services to our communities then I would have some marginal belief that this is anything more than a grab for centralized power.
Instead there is small plan to fund more minority grants for medical schools.
For some of you - Building a strong periphery is like taking a foreign language to you.
You love the government.
The government is going to care for you.
The government is going to redistribute money from people you don't like to those who you do.
Unfortunately - just as it too a bankruptcy of General Motors to get the organized labor to be more realistic about their compensation and benefits - I SEE THE SAME in this nations future.
Its not me WISHING for anything.
It is what the facts and direction clearly indicate.
I wanted to thank you for your motivation, I got up tonight and went to a Moveon.org Health Care rally, it was great, I enjoyed meeting other like minded people, and you wouldn't believe how much support we were getting from people driving by in cars.
Thanks again, Jodi!
Filled Negro:
As a non-believer in Jesus - is there anything specific about Rev Broden message that offends you?
It appears that since he is willing to talk with Beck - a man that you don't like - you are willing to attack this honorable man.
Let me ask you Filled Negro: When Fanie Lou Hamer joined the racist Democratic Party in 1962, despite being turned away in Atlantic City - did you characterize her as such when you learned about how she was spat upon by the racists that controlled the party?
"Well, I did use the Nazi's. Yeah those African Nazis were a bitch. *rolling eyes and scratching head*."
Thanks for clarifying that the difference to you is that they are Africans. Common sense would dictate that since FOX news is white owned and run, for an analogy, Germany would be the first choice and it still would be inapproriate to do so. But you had to go for an African country revealing your own deep seated biases.
Now what's the difference between you and the negroes on FOX you like to criticize? I see very little.
You have proven my point that there is nolonger a genuine Field Negro, just actors using labels to exploit and manipulate mass sentiments. So let the negroes on FOX do their thing, they have families to take care of. You are all after the same thing.
Grata, do the words reading comprehension mean anything to you?
"So let the negroes on FOX do their thing, they have families to take care of. You are all after the same thing."
Sure Grata, I will let all of you do your "thing". The house is alive with the sounds of Negroes.
"It appears that since he is willing to talk with Beck - a man that you don't like - you are willing to attack this honorable man."
"honorable man"? Wow! Me thinks uptown steve might be right about you there my friend.
I had Ms. Grata nailed from jump.
this is a funny place, where pretentious black racists like you and steve get together to try to convince each other that they are intelligent and that they are constant victims. But wait, you can 'win' every argument instantly just by saying: "you're a racist!"
yo folks sho are iggorant :)
but hey, this is an Affirmative Action blog, so to speak. You don't have to be good at anything, you don't have to be particularly intelligent, you just have to be black and then you get your special privileges. Just like your poster boy Obama.
"Just like your poster boy Obama."
Yo dummy, Obama actually WON a national election unlike Bush.
Talk about special privileges!!!!
What in the hell so whats next..
Beck. His followers and all the Red neck cronies should pack there shit, move to Texas and sever ALL tiies with the USA
Only backwards thinking, ignorant morons are swallowing all this shit without sugar.
No matter how bad Obama may be, he's better than what we had and what the Repug party wanted to shove down our throats like cut glass- McCain and dipsy Palin!
another amoral black racist bites the dust. So much for affirmative action - you always end up with useless dopes.
"Grata, do the words reading comprehension mean anything to you?"
Hmmm, the lack of comprehension fall back to defend your bias? Try another one.
Your attitude towards Africans is well documented on your blog Field. You can deny it all you want but its there in many of your blog posts.
"I had Ms. Grata nailed from jump."
Oh dear, ofcourse you did. What else could you do given your the glaring inconsitencies that your lot stand for? Label people.
@coffee and cigarettes You are absolutely right. I'm from Kenya and before violence broke out after election,the media kept on spreading hate and falsehood about different presidential candidates, but we thought we were a peaceful country( an island of peace among failed states like Somalia, Sudan etc).we thought nothing would happen, until the violence broke out and killings started.
Never underestimate the power of the media and the ignorance of fearful people and what they can do especially if pushed by malicious media outlets.
Call GirlS
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