Yeah right, like you care. Since when did you become concerned about the fate of black folks? Oh, wait, I know; since it become politically expedient to do so. I think this is just Hip Hop Mike trying to manipulate the political dialogue in a negative way for the dems. Anything to score cheap political points huh Mike? This is taking it a step further than just the usual disputatious back and forth between political foes.
“It raises a curious point for me. I think Gov. Paterson’s numbers are about the same as Gov. Corzine’s. The president is with Gov. Corzine,” Steele said. The RNC chairman was referring to Gov. Jon Corzine, the Democratic New Jersey governor who is facing a tough reelection bid this year.
Hmmm, he might have a point there...but let me leave that one alone. Because honestly, I think I could make the case that Paterson is much worse at being governor that Corzine. Bad numbers or not.
If you can't make that case, well then O man we might have a problem.
I just wish that someone other than Hip Hop Mike had said it.
Well, Hippity saw the opportunity and he ceased the moment. It's so important to get more blacks distrustful of Obama.
(He must be doing the smarty pants dance all now, or maybe they are all kissing his head, who knows)
the difference is that Corzine was actually elected governor....
So Hip Hop Mike (I looove that name lol) thinks Obama is racist against black people. And Glen Beck says he's racist against white people. So it looks to me like Obama can't be racist cause he hates EVERYBODY equally. There, Republicans you just made your own accusations paint you as dumbasses once again.
Corzine had no serious primary opposition, there were no obvious alternatives, plus he spends lots of his own money on campaigns. If you're so smart, Steele, how come your party didn't win back Kirsten Gillibrand's congressional disttrict after Paterson appointed her senator, & most people said he was handing it back to the Repugs?
hmm, Paterson appointed Kirsten Gillibrand, who seems like a fake democrat, and Paterson snubbed Obama by overlooking and insulting Caroline Kennedy, but on the other hand, Paterson has a very interesting and witty personality, I don't know if I believe the polls that say he is unpopular, Cuomo wants the spot, and he got points for speaking out about the bonus that people on Wall Street got, but so what, it didn't really change anything, they still got the bonus.
"Well, Hippity saw the opportunity and he ceased the moment."
Did you mean to say, he "seized" the moment? instead of he "ceased" the moment?
10:56 PM
Ernesto said...
So Hip Hop Mike (I looove that name lol) thinks Obama is racist against black people. And Glen Beck says he's racist against white people. So it looks to me like Obama can't be racist cause he hates EVERYBODY equally. There, Republicans you just made your own accusations paint you as dumbasses once again.
LOL great point! rethuglicans *thanks field lol* are a piece of work, always have been, always will be.
Let's be real here folks the Republicans see Gov.Patterson as the weakest link in the Democractic chain,so it's logical that they would come out in favor of Gov.Patterson being their oppostion.I don't see Steele being racist but simple playing the political game to their party advantage.Sometimes we need to think a little deeper!
Field Negro, I was able to get some ish off my chest on The Manning Report with Pastor James Manning. After that show, my political career is over. LOL. Check it out.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Bigmac.., I don't see him -Steele- as being racist,either. I know he is playing a political game, which is my point about Hip Hop Mike. He plays the political game while seeming to care about the plight of a black governor. Which he does not.
Attorneymom, you kill. I have to check that out.:)
Hi5@ what kathy said.
Field I have a problem supporting a politican simply because he looks like me,I have changed my requirement for any politican who claims to represent my community and the cheap talk is not enough,it's more like the old Wendy's commerical "where's the beef"!
You just cant throw bombs saying that "Patterson is a worse Governor than Corzine" without further explaining. As someone who lives two blocks down from the NY's Governors Mansion, I can tell you that NY State was/is in a really fucked up state when Patterson took over. At the same time, there are many folks throwing around the "Patterson is incompetent" mantra to justify Obama's big footism. Unfortunately, the only thing they can point to is Patterson's failure to appoint O's girl, Carolyn Kennedy to Hillary's seat.
Also, dont forget that NY State as a whole (im not talking NYCity) is actually dominated by big business-controlled Republicans. Now, if that was the situation in New Jersey, then we'd probably be talking about Corzine being the worse governor in the modern era. But Corzine has a Democratic-controlled State Senate and still has been magnificently inefficient.
Obama isnt always right......nor does he have the interests of peoples of color at heart.
"Did you mean to say, he "seized" the moment? instead of he "ceased" the moment?"
Yes you're right, I didn't proof read. (No wonder I was having a hard sending the comment through - it was a sign from above which I ignored). Thanks!
(Notice: My grammar errors, do not reflect the grammar or word meanings of any other non-republican who also post on this site).
Yes Mike is using race as a political tactic and that is not anything new. In the beginning, I thought Cozine would be a one term governor unless the opposition completely screws up and it has with Christie as their candidate. Chris has gotten some bad press and Cozine is using it to his advantage. Cozine is not a bad governor, but the reality is that Jerseyans have a problem with understanding fiscal responsibility and what is needed to run the state. People vote for simple stuff like money for our parks, but will vote no on having a stem cell research facility in the state which would created jobs. He had been making attempts of generating more revenue for the state, but opposition blocks it and now we have a tax on paper which includes taxes on the purchase of magazines at newstands,
As for Paterson, fairly or unfairly he was not prepared to run the state of NY. I liked Spitzer becaause was an effective politican. He may have been a prick, but he is an effective prick. As long as he did not take money from the state and was not invovled in a corruption scandal then I really do not have a problem with him. People do not hate Paterson, they do not believe he is an effective governor.
Filled Negro:
You are a one man propaganda machine. So many of the tactics that I have noted about the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers over the years YOU HAVE ACHIEVED MASTERY OVER.
Your latest tactic is what I call "Keeping Your Adversary On Trial". You want your minions to focus upon the evil Republican Michael Steele rather than focus upon the incompetencies of the Negro Democratic governor. Whereas the majority of NY is critical of the brother governor - the NAACP is planning a march to support him.
I take it that you are not interested in doing the historical research regarding Carl McCall - a different Black man who ran for governor of New York.
You see - Patterson was not ELECTED GOVERNOR he was Lt Gov on the Spitzer ticket. When McCall won the Democratic slot and ran for governor against the evil racist Republican Pataki - the national Democratic party limited the money spent to support the "Black guy candidate". Terry McAulffe and other Democrats believed that it was a waste of money. "The Black Guy candidate" didn't have a chance in this BLUE STATE.
The fact remains, Filled Negro: The state of New York has never ELECTED a Black man to be the governor of the state.
The way things look now - this will REMAIN as the case.
Your boy Patrick of Massa-Chusetts looks pretty vulnerable as well.
[un]constructive one, you might want to read what AM2k6 said above.
"Cozine is not a bad governor, but the reality is that Jerseyans have a problem with understanding fiscal responsibility and what is needed to run the state. People vote for simple stuff like money for our parks, but will vote no on having a stem cell research facility in the state which would created jobs."
Amen to that! But I always thought NJ was like another planet.
Well, whoever designed their roads IS from another planet.:(
Patterson has made some missteps, but he managed to push through Rockerfeller drug reform, and supported same sex marriage. However, perception is reality in politics, but does not necessarily equate to reality. He has serious image problem that he will have to overcome or NY state could face losing five seats in Congress and a senate seat which does concern the WH, and there is speculation that the Patterson camp leaked the rumors about POTUS asking Patterson to step aside. We will know more as the story progresses.
I'm not sure about NY or NJ, but as for MA, Gov. Patrick he wasn't given anything. He worked for his title and continues to work for it. His friendship with the President came much later.
I'm not sure what Constructive Feedback's inference of some type of slave mentality means????
Lastly, why is every fucking thing that Pres. Obama says and/or does considered bizarre, or odd, or unintelligent? Every other current President has always voiced an opinion about Governor and other key political positions that exist while they're leading the country. Wtf?
I don't think many people care who the NAACP come out and throw support behind. There are plenty of people in this country across color and party lines, that don't acknowlege this origanization as a majority voice, as a viable group or as a political threat!
I just can't let this thought past without sharing it with you folks,yea it's clear Mike Steele is openly being pimped by the Republican party and whatever rightwing nut he will take a payment from.But let's be honest the Congressinal Black Caucas is celabrating this week 40 years as a group.What truley honetly have they produce as a organization?Even the Charlie Rangels who have moved to chair important committees in congress has done knowing to write home to mother about!So let's be careful in our slamming of House Negroes such as Steele,at least I can see him coming!
You all better stop talking about my home state. Shout out to NJ. Keep it up and the mafia will get your azzes. LOL
Negro, I forgot about Part 6:
Negro, did you review my videos??? What did you think about my cross examination of Pastor Manning?? LOL
Hip Hop Mike is no wore than many on the opposite side of the aisle; he really isn't interested in welfare of most blacks. Of course, most black leaders in general don't seem to be either. They rail at the white man's crimes while ignoring the crumbling social and family structures of so many black communites; they rail at the treatment of the black men; yet, they marginalize the appalling treatment of black women, unless of course a white man is responsible. Long after the black community becomes a permanent underclass (pretty much already there) these leaders will be chasing the white boogeyman while other groups like Asians and Latinos race past us. Hey wait, that's already happened.
Hip Hop Mike is no wore than many on the opposite side of the aisle; he really isn't interested in welfare of most blacks. Of course, most black leaders in general don't seem to be either. They rail at the white man's crimes while ignoring the crumbling social and family structures of so many black communites; they rail at the treatment of the black men; yet, they marginalize the appalling treatment of black women, unless of course a white man is responsible. Long after the black community becomes a permanent underclass (pretty much already there) these leaders will be chasing the white boogeyman while other groups like Asians and Latinos race past us. Hey wait, that's already happened.
No one's listening to Steele. Not even white Republicans.
But here's the scoop. The difference between Dems and Republicans: the GOP would have forced Paterson AND Corzine to fall on their swords for the team a long time ago. That Sanford's still around is a testament to his Dumbocrat-like ego.
Paterson's not up to the job for a couple of reasons, Corzine for a mixture of others. So punt them. We're in a war, and in this death duel you have to shoot the wounded...especially if they're tools.
Getting back to Steele, he's not saying this for the good of black folks, and if any black folks believe this, they are as retarded as he is.
[quote]Also, dont forget that NY State as a whole (im not talking NYCity) is actually dominated by big business-controlled Republicans[/quote]
Filled Negro are these the words of brilliance from AM2K6 that you referred me back to?
The most AMAZING thing about the Progressive-Fundamentalist bigot is that REGARDLESS of how much political power you all wield over a place you are STILL going to find some evil GOP force to blame it all one.
AK - what specific force do these evil, Republican controlled corporations have on New York? Have they BOUGHT OFF the Democratic governor? Have they BOUGHT OFF the Democratic controlled legislature?
So many of you are into mental masturbation in which you say what sounds good to you and you never having to prove your claims when speaking among your fellow travelers.
Christopher Chambers you tickle me greatly!!!
[quote]We're in a war, and in this death duel you have to shoot the wounded...especially if they're tools. [/quote]
When you say WE who is WE?
* We Black folks?
Who are you at WAR WITH?
How do you know if you are winning?
Getting back to Steele, he's not saying this for the good of black folks, and if any black folks believe this, they are as retarded as he is.[/quote]
This is STUNNING!!!
* If I go to Philly and look at the several decades long FIGHT to get the school lead by the progressives who now run them - WAS THIS DONE FOR THE BENEFIT OF BLACK PEOPLE?
* If I go to Detroit and look at the 100% Democratic City Council that now presides over a city that is 100% in decline - was THIS done for the benefit of Black people?
* If I look at the Black employment situation in Buffalo, Rochester, Milwaukee, Akron and many many other places that are controlled by Democrats should I assume that this is all being done for the BENEFIT OF BLACK PEOPLE?
I just have the AUDACITY to ask you and others to PROVE IT!!!!
I realize that you all don't like answering questions though.
No one's listening to Steele. Not even white Republicans.
I think Steele is the most useful functionary that the Republicans have had in a long time. He provides effective cover for their extremist, racist element that is leading the charge against Obama.
You can measure Republican loyalty in nanoseconds; they will ditch Steele in the blink of an eye, when convenient. But for the moment, the man can say just about anything and he'll keep his job.
In fact, the more disconnected he is, the more effective he becomes. He drives the Democrats crazy, while playing an updated cake-walking, Camptown Races-singing minstrel show clown for the white Republicans who like their black people to be utter puppets and fools.
Along with Glenn Beck, he's the right man at the right time. Makes me puke, but there's no denying the genius. Not Steele's genius, mind you, but the genius of whoever put him in that job. If Machiavelli were alive today, he'd be taking notes.
[quote]. He drives the Democrats crazy, while playing an updated cake-walking, Camptown Races-singing minstrel show clown for the white Republicans who like their black people to be utter puppets and fools.[/quote]
If we could quantify the relative amount of damage suffered by the Black community where it counts the most would you stick this upon:
* Michael Stele and the Republicans - who don't govern anywhere where the Black community's voting strength is 35%+
* The Black Establishment and the fusion that they have with the Democratic Party? This machine controls EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION WHERE BLACK PEOPLE LIVE IN OUR HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS to which Black people look toward for civic services.
Instead of YOU focusing on how quickly the "racist" GOP will dispense of Michael Steele it is far more interesting for us to discuss why after having immobilized so many of the districts that they have monopoly power in where we live - THIS MACHINE not only retains power - most Blacks believe that if they are given MORE POWER they will eventually fix the problem.
Why is one Black man (Steele) more of a threat to you than the 10,000 other Black Elected officials (99% of them no doubt Democrats) who actually have POWER over Black people and our interests?
What the Fuck's wrong with his eyes??? Almost like he can't see or somethin'... Noone's gonna vote for a Governor who won't look you in the eye...
CF, it's an interesting argument, and there is one factor in your corner: You have nowhere to go but up. By the way, speaking of loyalty, whatever happened to J.C. Watts? The guy completely vanished.
"But let's be honest the Congressinal Black Caucas is celabrating this week 40 years as a group.What truley honetly have they produce as a organization?
What's the title of that old Billy Preston song? Oh yeah, "Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing".
[Un]constructive one, your loyalty to your party is commendable. I bet that they wish they had more blacks like you.
Once again, Humpty Hump is all kinds of wrong. Gov. Paterson's approval rating ia at 13%. I don't think Corzine's numbers ever got that bad.
Besides the numbers, the man's simply done a really awful job. I realize he was dealt a pretty bad hand, but he's made a bad situation much worse. I don't envision him being able to raise the money to run a strong primary campaign.
[quote]You have nowhere to go but up. By the way, speaking of loyalty, whatever happened to J.C. Watts? The guy completely vanished.[/quote]
Grider - check your blog. I tried to set you straight on many of your points.
[quote][Un]constructive one, your loyalty to your party is commendable. I bet that they wish they had more blacks like you.
That's just it, Filled Negro!!
I am a Black Conservative INDEPENDENT.
My main goal is to push the Democratic Party THE HECK OUT OF the "racial Nucleus of Black people".
"Democrats who are Black" LIKE YOU will have to wear a visitors badge and be escorted anywhere they go within the Black community because they loyalties have shown to be dubious.
No White Democrat would dare walk into the deepest, darkest areas of the Black community UNESCORTED. They may like your vote but they are still SCARED of being on the "Wrong side of town".
It is only via the help from Kneegrows like you that they are so entrenched within our communities.
I mean, seriously dude - how can someone look at Southwest Philly and Yeadon and then agree to EMPOWER the machine that now controls these places rather than throwing the machine that is now in control out on its rear?
Filled-Negro you would be called a sellout EXCEPT the main people who call names are standing right beside you in agreement with your sellout behavior.
Now Field, you know that the CBC has had a lot of chicken dinners over past 40 years. They have accomplished at least keeping Perdue in business. That is a good question and I would like to know the answer.
The democrats want Cuomo to run. That's who they will back financially. Obama will be in the same place as Patterson three years from now.
ditto fn:
hip hop mike is politically insincere indeed...
so are most politicos...
bur mike is also 100% correct about yet another racial betrayal by the blackish obama/gwb 2.0!!!
i like dp
i hope he wins and gets the last laugh on obama too!
I wish that Rahmbo and the White House would as agressive calling out Congressional Republican as they have Gov. Patterson.
As someone mentioned that Cuomo was way ahead in fundraising and had a much better popularity rating that Patterson so what exactly was the point Obama big-footing Patterson?
"That's just it, Filled Negro!!
I am a Black Conservative INDEPENDENT."
Yes, and I am Santa Claus. Ho ho ho!!!
[quote]I wish that Rahmbo and the White House would as agressive calling out Congressional Republican as they have Gov. Patterson.[/quote]
I wish that Black Progressive-Fundamentalists like YOU would get some nads and go after Obama as you go after Rahmbo. He has no POWER that does not flow from OBAMA!!!
As someone mentioned that Cuomo was way ahead in fundraising and had a much better popularity rating that Patterson so what exactly was the point Obama big-footing Patterson?[/quote]
Like Carl McCall before him - Black candidates don't do too well in gubernatorial elections in New York State.
Why don't you write Patterson the 3nd Black Governor a campaign contribution - just as you funded Obama's run.
Maybe you can create a "David Patterson Commemorative Plate". I bet that Filled Negro would buy one.
[quote]Yes, and I am Santa Claus. Ho ho ho!!![/quote]
No Filled Negro - you are forced to dress up like Santa Claus because the REAL St Nick refuses to come through Southwest Philly any longer.
After several times getting "Sleigh-jacked" as he slid across the roofs of row homes at 57th and Baltimore - I don't blame him.
Tell your thugs that they are ruining Christmas for the kids with their antics.
As Paterson probably expected, Gillibrand has moved leftward in the senate now that she doesn't have hold on to a congressional district she had barely won away from Republicans.
Negro and Feedback, what the hell are you two talking about??
I don't know much about this Governor except that he is blind and has managed to make a lot of headway in spite of it.
Even if you assume that he is a lousy governor, there are a lot of lousy white male governors running for re-election around the country, and I haven't heard that the president is asking them to step down.
If even Blacks who already hold a governorship lack the courage and determination to run for election, than how will Blacks EVER get the seven governorships that would be proportionate to our portion of the US population?
I think this guy should run and try, because there is no reason to believe that a white male candidate will be any more successful. We could bring in a white guy to run, only to discover that he is the protegé of both Senator Larry Craig AND Senator John Edwards. Give the Black candidate a chance to screw up this time, since white candidates do so regularly.
A Black governor has just as much right to be lousy as a white one does, and we ought not apply a hightened standard to this highly successful blind man just because he's Black.
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