I wanted to blog about 09-11-01 today and the horrors that we always associate with that day, but I can't. I just don't have the stomach for it. Besides, what else can be said that has not already been discussed dissected and pondered by all of us?
Tonight, instead, I want to blog about a few people in A-merry-ca who are carrying us down a road that will ultimately lead us to a place in this country where what happened on 9-11-01 will pale in comparison.
Tomorrow, those people are planning a march on Washington. They are a part of Glenn Beck's 09-12 movement (his name not mine) and an assortment of conservatives-including the"tea baggers"- and self described angry citizens who want to take back A-merry-ca. (I sure hope they storm the BET studios, they would be doing us all a favor.)"The Million Mob March" as some are calling it will be a loud call to the black man inside the people's house to give us our country back, and to take his black ass back to Chicago with his militant A-merry-ca hating wife. Joe Wilson calling him out days before the big march was right on time.
It should be interesting. If only people on the left had such passion. I wonder if there will be counter protesters? I swear, there is nothing like a black man in the people's house to fire up the masses and get them organized. They are calling it an "uprising". A "conservative counter revolution". I wonder when our revolution against the conservative revolution is going to start? Or do we even need a revolution because our boy is in the White House? I think we need a revolution because our boy isn't even really our boy. He is still trying to be president for all A-merry-cans, including the people who are revolting against him. Man this revolution shit sure is confusing.
But I will give the conservative revolutionaries credit. Lately they have have stepped up their attacks. They scalped Van Jones, and went under- cover to expose the ACORN folks. The three pronged attack of Drudge, Beck, and Brietbart have been working overtime. (BTW, unlike Keith Olbermann, who made the call and then backed away from it. Let me say this right here and now for the record: If anyone has any dirt on any of these guys, please shoot the field an e-mail. I will be glad to blog about it. I am not a journalist, so please don't expect me to care of it's accurate or not.)
And finally, a little PSA from the field [taken from a wingnut web site] for those of you who will be marching to take back A-merry-ca tomorrow:
"The day is expected to be HOT (82), HUMID (66%) and BRIGHT (UV index 7) Bring SMALL plant spray bottles with water to cool off DO NOT BRING WATER PISTOLS OR ANYTHING LIKE IT (remember where you are) Bring extra water Wear loose clothes and a hat or have something to cover your head from the sun (I have [...] "
Yes you always have to be careful of the sun. You don't want to end up looking like the guy who is in your house.
From Media Matters:
A suggestion to CNN: On Saturday (and Sunday) another group will descend on the Mall for a positive cause. This weekend is the 24th annual Black Family Reunion Celebration, a "three-day cultural event celebrating the enduring strengths and traditional values of the African American family." How about reporting on African-Americans' views on taxes, health care, unemployment, etc? At least then you won't be merely echoing Fox News' coverage. After all, the tea party protesters have been given more than enough airtime on Fox News alone.
Field didn't know if you seen this the first time on the other article.
Kid, you know that aint gonna happen. The MSM presenting Black folks as having intelligent, resoned perspectives? BOOOOOO-ring!
equa yona:
It's in the same place as the tea party.I hope there's a lot of police there to protect them.We know how Beck's fans act.
"Yes you always have to be careful of the sun. You don't want to end up looking like the guy who is in your house."
Thats not the reason why Field, they just dont want their necks to get any redder. Makes them more noticeable if they do.
Thanks for letting me know this is going on in DC. I actually work near the site of the march, so Ill be sure to be extra vigilant now!
Hey Lola Gets:
How many people do you expect ?Is this the one that Tom Joyner sponsors? Someone said he did his Labor Day.
Kid, I saw that. Good looking out. sure hope they will be safe.:)
Lola, you are too funny. I think you better leave early for work tomorrow.
"Kid, you know that aint gonna happen. The MSM presenting Black folks as having intelligent, resoned perspectives? BOOOOOO-ring!"
Yep, co-sign with equa..
Glenn Beck has done more to promote racism and further the racial divide than anyone else in my lifetime. He is THE prime example of how deeply one individual can missunderstand another, and how dangerous that can become when fear is added.
I wish nothing more than for him to stop attempting to invoke the name of my God in his messages.
"Our" faith has nothing to do with YOUR message Mr. Beck.
"wish nothing more than for him to stop attempting to invoke the name of my God in his messages.
"Our" faith has nothing to do with YOUR message Mr. Beck."
Yes, Glenn will call on "God" in a heartbeat.
May be time to get some more bullets...
I was hoping you'd blog about Semenya's results and her subsequent public humiliation in the name of "fairness." I hate people.
But you're right, there isn't much you can say about 9/11 that isn't already on everyone's mind.
They will spend the day whining and crying about "their" this and that and then slink back to whatever hole they crawled out of.
BTW, you mentioned that piece of work Wilson, well while he has raised $200k supposedly, his democratic opponent has raised $1mil in the last 48 hours.
Looks like his "plan" didn't work out the way his dumb ass planned.
How much anyone want to bet they don't even get 100k to show up?
I just wish the real silent majority, the ones who elected Obama, would rise up and call Obama out. Just like Bill Maher said a while ago, nothing that he says or does will change their opinions of him. Yeah, there are about as many true patriots at the 9/12 meeting as their would be at any Klan meeting or SCV convention. Their true "concern" for the state off this nation is about a mile wide and a inch deep. They think he, his wife and family and supporters are simply the world's most well known affirmative action/welfare recipients. The way they look in disgust at Obama, mock his very existance, reflexively are against ANYTHING he is for is just a reflection of the thousands of slights, rejections, dismissals, and covertly racist gestures that blacks go through each and every day. The only difference is that Barack Obama is THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD. If you can really think about what that means, you can begin to understand the degree of hatred that is directed towards this man. But we are accused of playing the mythical "race card" by folks who deep in their heart wish they could call a President of the United States a nigger. Growing up in the south, the arguments about state's rights have always been around, but thanks to all the informed folks I think I now have a better picture of how the conservative, states rights, anti-civil rights, christian, militia, militaristic, gun loving and personal property rights groups are all trailing leaders who took their ideology from century old arguments and bitterness and intend to tear this country apart if they don't pull it intact back to the 1800's.
Just as poor dirt farmers suited up in homespun and became cannon fodder to protect the landowner's wealth in the south back then, the most ignorant and least powerful among us are marching as the willing army for movements that will ensure their own annihilation.
In I think 1996 in Cleveland we had the Klan march here at city hall.It cost 1 million dollars. On the same day we had the NAACP National Convention, the black family reunion, and the black college football classic.This was not a accident.Nothing happened because they put up a fence around the Klan. You had to go through three metal detectors.Every racist in America is going to D.C. tomorrow.
The fact of the matter is that the atmosphere in DC tomorrow could become volatile.
As for 9/11
Here is a short time and motion study.
9/11-The Dixie Chicks and Cognitive Dissonance
Before 9/11, a dissonance so shrill rang from the Bush/Cheney administration bell-ringers that it caused an increase in racial and political hostility; as a result, even the internet was buzzing with strife and polarization; those of us, with an ounce of cognition saw through all of it.
Ultimately, after 9/11 and the aftermath of our invasion of Iraq, even the 9/11 families became a vilified group of Americans. In addition, the shocking levels of contempt that the Bush/Cheney regime felt for right-wingers, the religious right and all the rest of us, surfaced. It was then, a new sense of patriotism was borne and we all became more aware.
Those of us with progressive values, among whom many people of color are drawn, found our patriotism, the Dixie Chicks by default, and our voice; while those who formerly claimed to be “the real Americans” suddenly felt dejected, became bellicose and began to scramble to find theirs. We are living in the aftermath.
Kid "Every racist in America is going to D.C. tomorrow."
If that is true, there could be big trouble.
I hope there are not any counter protesters. They would be an easy target and scapegoat for violence. I also hope they will nowhere near the Black Family Reunion.
These people are looking for martyrdom. (Of course without them getting hurt.) They want to be compared to the march from Selma to Montgomery.
I just hope that 912 won't be worst than 911.You know and I know that there are going to be some counter protesters.They send people to his rallies with guns, doctors get murdered, people hold up signs calling for harming the Presidents kids.Glenn Beck , Rupert and FOX need to be committed.
"The way they look in disgust at Obama, mock his very existance, reflexively are against ANYTHING he is for is just a reflection of the thousands of slights, rejections, dismissals, and covertly racist gestures that blacks go through each and every day. The only difference is that Barack Obama is THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD."
Yes there is a tremendous amount of inbred hatred toward Blacks. That's the foundation of racism in America. I sometimes wonder just how powerful Obama is as President compared to past Presidents. Thus far, he has looked rather weak to me. He gave a great speech the other night but he has always been good with words.
Where is the power? Those crusty looking white republicans continue to openly show their disrespect and resentment toward Obama. Not only are they not penalized they are supported and honored.
It is plain hatred that is begetting more hatred, picking up momentum day by day.
So what does this do to the power of Obama? Does it make him weaker than other past Presidents?
Security is working overtime, Glen Beck is more powerful than ever and getting stronger, and the Whites who voted for Obama are doing what Whites have always done: sit on the sidelines and let the white racists do the dirty work.
So when are Blacks going to march on DC to counter Beck and company? Just kidding. Blacks aren't going to march anywhere. They aren't nearly as united and organized as racists.
It's in the same place as the tea party.I hope there's a lot of police there to protect them.We know how Beck's fans act.<<<
I just wonder if the planners behind this "protest" had any idea that this weekend would also have black folks converging on the Mall for their celebration of the African American family.
I Pray that the Black Reunion use wisdom and just change their date!
I cannot believe the Black Family Reunion will let theirselve's be trapped! these Tea Party people are out to Shed Blood! they had all this planned from the beginning! this is the way they do thing's!
It's is no way in the world, Hillary Clinton would stand by and allow a Race War to take place in America! that woman would be riding all through Washington DC, in a ARMY TANK with Military gear on, and she would be ready aim and FIRE!!!
Hillary would have taken down the entire Rupert Murdoch Empire by now!! and Glenn Beck would be in the Crazy House where he belong's!!!
I will be so glad when BARACK wake's up and face the fact that he is a Black President! and then maybe he will begin to think in term's of his Survival as well as African American's survival!
I think the President do think of his survival. they threatened to kill his children, he's not a punk.
I Pray that the Black Reunion use wisdom and just change their date!<<<
At this point in time, I'd say that's impossible. Holding such an event had to take months of planning, reservations and people who have made plans.
Just think of any convention and the planning that is involved in that. It would be no small matter to "just change the date."
Glenn Beck and his friends are not that crazy. Just remember DC stands for Dark Country.
I don't know how much play this 9/12 movement is going to get from the MSM tomorrow but I've got my popcorn ready just in case.
@You Lie! (Trapped in SC): "Just as poor dirt farmers suited up in homespun and became cannon fodder to protect the landowner's wealth in the south back then, the most ignorant and least powerful among us are marching as the willing army for movements that will ensure their own annihilation."
Cosign. Well stated.
Sharon let me say this, what is more important, a Black Reunion or your life!!!! what Black person in their right mind would care about a Black Reunion when people are just looking for an excuse to gun you down!
Now I may sound a bit extreme, but, we are dealing with Extremely Angry White people!!! and they are still hyped up behind those Town Hall Meeting's!!!!do you think they are going to Washington to see the White House!! these people are like a bunch of Wild Animal's!!!
Now I don't know what's going on with some African American's but, we have Gun toting White people roaming around America, and who do you think they have those Gun's for!!!
I will ask again, where are poor White people getting money from to buy GUN'S? KID do you know? do you know Sharon? do you know field?
In addition to running up against the Black Family Reunion event, I am Sick of Right-Wing Smears is planning to hold a vigil counter-demonstration against Glen Beck.
My point is, is that there likely are people in D.C. for the Black Family Reunion at this moment. And I am certain there are more than just a handful of early birds.
Kid I remember a while back, MALIA and SASHA were being driven to School, the window was half down in the car on SASHA'S side of the car, that poor baby's entire face could be seen! I had a FIT!!! I couldn't believe it!!! who would let that child's face exposed like that!!!! how dangerous!!!
Since the President was Elected I pray daily for those baby's safety, to be honest, I am at the point where I hate the day BARACK ran for President!!!
Michelle has lost weight, Joe Biden has lost weight! this is because of stress!
I have to change my name...DC does not stand for Dark Country and you need to go back to school. If I post again it won't be under Sandra. That's for sure! Strange people on these boards.
I am an old man born and raised in the south and I have seen these faces all my life. If you can play back the tapes of Little Rock in the 50's and Mississippi's Ole Miss,Selma and have a look at the hatred in tose faces and look at the faces now,No difference.
They know this is their last stand, and they don't like it one bit! They are asking themselves "How did this happen"?
But when a person can call The President of our country a lie on Internation News, with very few lifted voices,it tells you just how deep this really is....
For anyone who thinks racism is dead in their areas because of their position, should think once more, it has only become more Sophisticated !
The tea baggers, birthers,and those groups just did not get that message..
This is Mississipi,Georgia,Alabama,and the South all over again, just at a national level.
My chest is tight just reliving the thought!
I have just discovered your blog and I thank you for your insight.
Hey Field,
I wonder how the tea baggers would feel if they heard this installment of Glenn Beck's show.
I agree with Race Traitoress. The young lady from South Africa has been humiliated. They have exposed a part of who she is to the world that will rdicule her. She will be the butt of many jokes. I pray she stay strong and true to who she is. I believe she is a brave soldier trying to define her trueness in the face of hate and jealousy.
"have to change my name...DC does not stand for Dark Country and you need to go back to school."
REALLY? What does it stand for? Here I always thought it stood for "dark country". I really have to brush up on my civics.
"The way they look in disgust at Obama, mock his very existance, reflexively are against ANYTHING he is for is just a reflection of the thousands of slights, rejections, dismissals, and covertly racist gestures that blacks go through each and every day. The only difference is that Barack Obama is THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD."
Trapped In SC, your comments were profound.
Yes, that is a sad story with the SA runner. I feel bad for her. Why was she singled out? I remember those East German female athletes back in the day and they looked just as masculine, yet they were never singled out for ridicule like this. :(
SickupandFed said...
BTW, you mentioned that piece of work Wilson, well while he has raised $200k supposedly, his democratic opponent has raised $1mil in the last 48 hours.
Joe has raised over $750,000 and thats going to rise to over a million by Sunday.
Anonymous said...
Sharon let me say this, what is more important, a Black Reunion or your life!!!! what Black person in their right mind would care about a Black Reunion when people are just looking for an excuse to gun you down!
The only people that are going to be gunning people down are other black people.
When was the last time black people got together and violence didn't break out?
Crime stats show black people are at least 5 times more likely to rob,rape,assault, or murder white people than the other way around.So white folks are the 9/12 rally need to be careful around ya'll.
Why would the tea baggers be worried about the sun? You'd think their tinfoil hats would do a good job of reflecting it.
Oh great, another one of those historic Klan marches on Washington that our generation has only seen in Black & White films. This would be good for our kids to see in all it's splendor. I guess someone was right when they said that history repeats itself.
Tomorrow. Sunday, September 13th is a large rally for pro-health care (ideally with public option) in Washington,DC. It's expected that thousands will come out. Initally we were suppose to march from the national mall to the capitol, but obviously the Black Family Reunion will be at the national mall. Therefore,those who want to rally and support the President will meet at the Upper Senate Park, which is by the Capitol. So, the teabaggers and those other looney tunes have their day in the rain and chilly weather, and tomorrow those who support the President and Health Care Reform will have their day in a expected sunny and warm sunday. How ironic is that.
Hey, negro - what you mean "we?" You keep saying "we." There is no "we!" This is ameriKKKa!
Thanks for that info Dawn!
"Why would the tea baggers be worried about the sun? You'd think their tinfoil hats would do a good job of reflecting it."
Now see..:)
Just thinking...wouldn't it be fun to get a bunch of people together, dress them up in Klan hats, give them really rude signs, and send them out to join the teabaggers? You know, provide a little "truth in labeling?"
BTW, I LOVE the "glen beck" website on the sidebar! Thanks so much for providing the link.
I suppose I can just WISH people would leave Mississippi alone.
Yes, we have a past, and not a pretty one. But, we get along pretty good around here, these days. If it was so bad, you'd hear about it.
It's kind of ironic, when outsiders come to MS, both the blacks & whites want you to get the hell away from our state, and leave us the hell alone.
We see the shit you Yankees try to push on us, and the majority, both black & white, don't appreciate it.
Anon 11:37,
Assuming someone born in the south is a Yankee. Is that's why Mississippi was at one time ranked 50th in education.
Someone in this stream of blogs is right. What's new? There are white people who will never accept Obama as being President. They must not have voted, because the majority of this country voted for him last fall. Racism is alive and well. This country was founded on the backs of slaves who were thought of by the so-called Founding Fathers as chattel. Nothing much has changed. I believe that white people fear Blacks because of the history of mistreatment. They are afraid that Obama will make them slaves. Guilty conscience for hundreds of years of mistreatment. And the whites who are second and third generation Americans feel they have certain rights because they are white. We descendants of slaves were here before you, remember. Jim Crow and discrimination didn't gives us the same rights that you had. And yet despite that, there is a Black President. Hard to swallow isn't it?
@You Lie (Trapped in SC)
So well said. I totally agree--
I've been shaking my head over SC all summer, but then THE MESSAGE blog reminded me that Stephen Colbert is a South Carolinian, and that's something to be proud of! He graces the cover of Rolling Stone this week as the #1 reason to watch TV.
word verification: BLAST
"Just thinking...wouldn't it be fun to get a bunch of people together, dress them up in Klan hats, give them really rude signs, and send them out to join the teabaggers?"
Why not just have the tea-baggers cover up their klan hats and rude signs and PRETEND that they are not klansmen?
Yup, just saying.
" Hathor said...
Anon 11:37,
Assuming someone born in the south is a Yankee. Is that's why Mississippi was at one time ranked 50th in education."
No, Hator, mmaybe we're a "rural" State, and all us folks are just stupid.
You have no idea.
I actually live here, and know better.
As I said, just ask Oprah. She spend her money in S. Afica.....NOT MISS. Why don't you call her on your speed-dial, & ask her about that.
Atlanta, Georgia 1909
WHITE DEMOCRATS GATHERED - Black folks were killed in a major race riot. The Georgia Association of Black (Democrat) Elected Officials commemorate this attack on an annal basis.
DURING THE LAST TEA PARTY - APRIL 15, 2009 - despite having HUNDREDS of gatherings of WHITE FOLKS around the nation - NOT A SINGLE NEGRO was injured as these "Angry White folks" disbursed to go home.
The NEXT WEEKEND in Baltimore Maryland's "Inner Harbor" - a warm day brought a larger than expected crowd of all types of people.
2 people were STABBED THAT DAY - all of them BLACK.
A roving band of Black Pirates did the stabbing.
Filled Negro was SILENT over this assault.
Welcome to the News Coverage from AfroSpear in a joint venture with MSNBC/HoffPro/DailyKOS
[quote]How about reporting on African-Americans' views on taxes, health care, unemployment, etc?[/quote]
It would be nice if BLACK PEOPLE 'reported' on their views on these important subjects by VOTING TO PUNISH THE LOCAL DEMOCRATS who have been failing them on ALL OF THESE POINTS at the local level.
Where Blacks live in our highest concentrations - THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE STRONGEST. The Unemployment Rates have been in double digits for a long time.
With the destruction of JOBS by the progressive policies that are anti-corporate - the ability to pay for health care has been attacked.
TAXES??? Black folks have been having TEA PARTIES against tax increases by their cities ALL YEAR LONG!!!!!
A person of interest,
Anon 11:37 appeared to be commenting to a southerner, which had some experience in Mississippi.
The one thing I didn't say, that while Mississippi was 50th, Tennessee was 49th, where I lived at the time.
Then, I most humbly apologize to you, Hathor.
I just get so sick & tired about people dissin MS, when us folks get along better than the Northern states.
Assuming someone born in the south is a Yankee. Is that's why Mississippi was at one time ranked 50th in education."<<
MS has been second-to-last (often preceded or followed by LA) or dead last in nearly every poll or study regarding quality of life or achievement in this country.
Boy, Constructive Feedback, you'd make a pretty good little ol house nigger, a real Step'n Fetchit. Go on, boy, make your master real proud.
@Sharon from WI
Don't forget South Carolina. S.C. is usually fighting Mississippi for dead last in every category.
Sharon from WI said...
Assuming someone born in the south is a Yankee. Is that's why Mississippi was at one time ranked 50th in education."<<
MS has been second-to-last (often preceded or followed by LA) or dead last in nearly every poll or study regarding quality of life or achievement in this country.
1:42 PM
This, coming from a Cheesehead, will be given the consideration, it's due. And, you show me a link to that "Quality of Life" bullshit.
When was the last time you heard any Mississipins complaining? Our coast was wiped-out by Katrina, except we didin't build our Gulf Coast below sea level.
Today, it still looks like nuclear bomb hit it.
Yo freaking Yankees think you "deserve" someting. We live with it, and move on. It's Hurricane Alley.
I marvel at how some Black people "lacking consciousness" make "state level" attacks against Southern States and/or Red States. So much of this echos the words of their White Racist Snarling Fox Liberal journalists.
First it must be mentioned that the balance of Black people live in the South and thus this is an implicit attack upon our people.
The sad fact is that if you go more granular and focus on ZIP CODE LEVEL analysis OUR PEOPLE are disproportionately represented in these educational short fall figures. BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH.
Of course we should ignore the following sorry graduation rates among large, PROGESSIVE cities.
The "Enlightened" city of Chicago has a HIGH SCHOOL graduation rate of 52.2% yet out of 50 Aldermen - only one is an EVIL REPUBLICAN. HE must be causing the problem.
You all would rather focusing upon White folks marching in DC than upon the fact that Chicago's public school which has 85% Black and Hispanic students has such a poor graduation rate.
Our future leaders are sitting in those student seats.
Oh. And by the way....anybody who drills an 8 inch hole in the ice to catch fish, while freezing their ass off, is an idiot, or has no sex life in the winter, just like a freaking moose.
[quote] Boy, Constructive Feedback, you'd make a pretty good little ol house nigger, a real Step'n Fetchit. Go on, boy, make your master real proud.[/quote]
Dwight Cummins:
I notice that Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers are far more likely to call me a Nigra more than the "White folks" that you love to focus upon.
The sad fact is that EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL DISTRICT in America that has a 35%+ Black voting base is dominated by people who are FAVORABLE to the Black population.
Despite having this favorable array of representatives sitting in power - you are more inclined to focus upon EXTERNAL IDEOLOGICAL adversaries than you are upon your competency to MANAGE your human resources WITHIN.
Should I be intimidated by your words in some way?
I don't judge ignorant people like you on who you attack.
Instead I sit back and observe who is undercutting the interests of Black people and how you are SILENT about the one's that don't fit a particular profile. These are the forces from which YOU receive no particular political or ideological advantage by going after them as they assault us.
IN THIS SPACE our communities suffer. It is mostly the fault of ignorant and ideologically bigoted people like YOU.
Constructive Feedback:
why aren't you at the first annual Glenn Beck I hate the President race rally?Because your conservative friends would beat your ass.You know it and I know it.
They polly put CF on waivers, kid.
Today, it still looks like nuclear bomb hit it.<<
And you folks are happy that it looks that way? Quite strange to take pride in something like that.
And BTW, I am a "cheesehead" by way of MS and FL. Daddy's folks hail from MI via Florida--including some Seminole Indians.
Mama's folks are from Duckhill, MS. And it's not for nothing they hauled azz out of Mississippi and headed North.
Kid,how do you know that the un-constructive one isn't on his smart phone and commenting from DC?
I am sure he would feel safer and more at home with that crowd than with a bunch of us . Isn't that right CF?:)
BTW,I was at the MMM,and it was pretty peaceful.Just love all around.
Oh. And by the way....anybody who drills an 8 inch hole in the ice to catch fish, while freezing their ass off, is an idiot, or has no sex life in the winter, just like a freaking moose. <<<
I think you are confusing WI for Minnesota. Milwaukee is not one of the Twin Cities.
Ice fishing certainly can't be any worse than tractor pulls (like watching paint dry) or car surfing, (which is insane). And who says such a fisherman can't go home and snuggle with his honey after a day on the ice?
[quote]why aren't you at the first annual Glenn Beck I hate the President race rally?Because your conservative friends would beat your ass.You know it and I know it.[/quote]
I would feel more comfortable walking through that crowd with my iPhone playing a Young Jeezy song than I would in walking through the Trinidad section of DC or SouthWest Philly with this same device showing.
Did you say a DAMNED THING about this tragedy on Spelman's campus Kidder?
Field, it was Mr. R who contends that black folks can't gather in large numbers without violence occurring.
Well, the National Association of Black Journalists, other black organizations of many stripes, in addition to a constellation of fraternities and sororities do so each year without incident.
And the cities in which these conventions and conferences are held welcome with open arms these black organizations and the dollars their members spend.
Furthermore, the MMM, as you noted, and the 1963 March on Washington was held without incident.
[quote]Field, it was Mr. R who contends that black folks can't gather in large numbers without violence occurring. [/quote]
Sharon - I agree with you. It is preposterous to believe that Black folks can't congregate without violence. A person who believes this does not know Black people.
We are being ASSAULTED by a FEW ignorant people that are terrorizing our people. The only fault that the greater Black populace has, in my view, is that too much effort is made to protect these pirates for fear that if we agree that they are no good - this would confirm the bigotry that is resident in some White folks.
In our silence and defensiveness - our people continue to die.
I attended the original Million Man March. Not one incident of violence occurred in that crowd. The consciousness that was present drowned out any possible "Slavish behavior" among the few.
"Kid,how do you know that the un-constructive one isn't on his smart phone and commenting from DC?
I am sure he would feel safer and more at home with that crowd than with a bunch of us . Isn't that right CF?"
Man I'm laughin my muthafuckin ass off at that comment right there.
Field, you so damn mean!
Look at the black guy singing at the tea party....Lloyd marcus
CF, is that you?
[quote]I am sure he would feel safer and more at home with that crowd than with a bunch of us . Isn't that right CF?:)[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Define who YOUR 'Us' is.
If US is "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers" then I would be on guard for my wallet. No not my money or credit cards. But instead my social security number. I am sure that the majority of you would not bother stealing from me until April 15th.
If you are saying "Black People" in general - why would you say such a foolish thing? For me to fear my people would be for me to fear my wife and kids and the image that I see in the mirror every day.
While I don't agree with the PREVAILING ideological order that has hijacked too many of my people from pursuing their PERMANENT INTERESTS - this is in the POLITICAL domain, Filled Negro.
What you need to be focused upon is the void in the Cultural Consciousness Domain that our people suffer. You and others have spent so much time fortifying your position in the Political domain on behalf of building up external interests that have unfettered access to our communities and loyalties that you allowed the Cultural Consciousness/ Cultural Confidence to atrophy.
I have a history of success in my Black fraternity, a small Black owned company and a majority Black city government that I used to work for. What about your inclination to stereotype and slander caused you to assume this about me?
I do notice that in each and every case - when I was operating in these majority Black environments it was my "counter-prevailing" order disposition where I focused on "doing the right thing" that had me recognized as an effective leader or worker.
In the political space, however, I am a threat to YOUR desire to retain the POWER of Progressivism for you to yield from your attacks upon me.
Unfortunately I hold the INCUMBENT POWERS more accountable than I wish to go chasing external windmills.
If I ever commit a crime in Philly and need to get off via the good works of a unscrupulous lawyer - I know who I am going to call. There is none better than you to blame history for my murderous actions.
[quote]Man I'm laughin my muthafuckin ass off at that comment right there. [/quote]
Now RiPPa - do I need to go and get Von to clown you again?
@Contructive: Von clown me? Sorry pal, but Von made herself look like the idiot I exposed her to be. Anybody who says to me that they hate socialism and defines it as "Welfare" and "Section 8" is an idiot. But hey, you supported her, so should I clown YOU next?
It's pretty funny how you showed up on my posts and deflected from the the point of any presentation except for this one...
Since nobody wants to listen to the smart negroes, lets spend some time with some smart white dudes, shall we?
Don't tell me you couldn't hang with that one. Or is it you were too busy spending time with people who accomodate you?
[quote]It's pretty funny how you showed up on my posts and deflected from the the point of any presentation except for this one..[/quote]
RiPPa - first I "stood against Black progression" because I disagree with you and the Black left.
Now you say that I am scared to debate you on this point? Please.
Chomski said that "Working people need to be in control of the means of production".
My biggest criticism of the progressive life is that DESPITE your having gain control over the local economies that you now preside over - YOU HAVE FAILED to field a system that leverages the talents and need for income that your most loyal subjects are looking for at the periphery.
You all are on a permanent chase against the CAPITAL that seemingly keeps escaping your grasp. I struggle to understand when you all will stop the chase and begin to do some organic developments where you are most powerful.
I won't event get into the fact that at present there is a run upon the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT which as a capitalist generated CREDIT LIMIT that other non-capitalistic nations don't have access to. Thus, ironically, an increasing spread that exists between the PRODUCTIVE value of all Americans and the STANDARD OF LIVING at which they live within is being funded by the $12,000 BILLION debt which is expected to grow to $21,000.
Perhaps you should contribute to the coffers of the News Corp and go purchase the Saturday Wall Street Journal that I have in front of me. The big battle this fall will be for the Treasury Department to raise the debt ceiling in the United States.
People like Chomski bother me because they never seem to allow the painful truths of how CAPITALISM has afforded the average American a far greater standard of living that he would have had in a different system get in the way of his ideological bigotry in preference for these other systems.
Sharon from WI said...
Today, it still looks like nuclear bomb hit it.<<
And you folks are happy that it looks that way? Quite strange to take pride in something like that.
And BTW, I am a "cheesehead" by way of MS and FL. Daddy's folks hail from MI via Florida--including some Seminole Indians.
Mama's folks are from Duckhill, MS. And it's not for nothing they hauled azz out of Mississippi and headed Nort
Now, Ms. Sharon,
The Miss Gulf cast has been wiped-out many times by hurricanes. Remember Camillle? You could still see aa the pine trees bent, and growing towards the north 25 years later...untill Katrina hit. Now, it's a whole new generatioon. I live about 190 miles from the coast, she tore my whole roof off.
Insurance companies are refusing to provide insurance for those home owners who are within about a 25 mile demarcation line from the coast. Oh, you can get it, but the insurance premiums cost more than you house payment. Can you blame them? If you live on the Gulf Coast, soon or later, a big ole hurricane is going to wipe you out...it's not a matter of, IF, but When. If I was a better typist, I could tell you so many stories.
By the way, best pot I ever got in MS was from Duck Hill. They called it "Duck Hill Thrill".
You damn Yankee.
To the other Sandra
Obviously, you don't understand the term "Dark Country" as used in reference to DC.
The next time you want to criticize someone for their comment, you might want to check the internet. Do not respond to comments/terminology/things that are unfamiliar to you.
I don't need to go back to school, an MBA is good enough. I'm not bragging just making a point.
Please change your name I don't want to be confused with you. I have a few suggestions but I won't say.
Have a nice day,
The Real Sandra
Thank you!
Rep. Joe Wilson's campaign says his fundraising has broken $1 million -- and surpassed that of his Democratic rival, Rob Miller
God bless Joe Wilson for standing for the truth and thanks to everyone on here who gave him money to fight the evil empire.
Oh Lawd!
Glen Beck out did himself last night. Yup! Not only is he going after President Obama's administration. He went after MSM. Yup! He is working on destroying MSM credibility as well. Beck attacked all of them and made them out to be unreliable with no credibility. What he is doing is building up a case to make himself look like the only credible source.
I don't know if feel sorry for MSM because they were not exactly fair and balanced during the elections, they went along with Sean Hannity's deceptive game and helped him destroy Jeremiah Wright a man who contributed more to better communities than Fox ever has. BTW, what has Fox contributed to make our society better? MSM played the race card right along with Fox News.
MSM were cowards when Bush and his cronies were working on destroying America and failed to report the news objectively. They didn't have the guts to stand up to Bush and their bullying tactics. Yup, they were afraid to report the news so that people could make well informed decisions. They didn't want to lose their press passes with Bush's White House
Well, how do you like Fox We Make It Up News now MSM? Glen Beck an ex-cocaine and alcoholic, ex maybe, playing MSM like a piano now. I wonder if MSM will fight back?
In the beginning, instead of giving Fox News any sort of credibility, MSM should have been helping bloggers to get Fox off the air instead of helping Fox out with their deception. Well, like they say you reap what you sow. MSM needs to learn the lesson that you don't put a snake in your bosom because it will turn around and bite you. The only way to treat snakes is cut their head off. Fox News is a vipers nest.
Oh, I know some of you MSM folks read this blog. Good! Maybe, this time you'll take heed to what I'm saying. I'm not just pulling stuff out the hat.
Mr R:
What god would that be that you calling on? It sure isn't the God that I serve. The God I serve is a Spirit of Love, NOT HATE!
By the way, best pot I ever got in MS was from Duck Hill. They called it "Duck Hill Thrill".
You damn Yankee.<<<
LOL. Among my grandmother's recollections of her hometown, that's not one of them, lol. :-)
regarding per pupil spending, I believe Utah wins (in 51st place), at least most recently
and our legislature STILL thinks we spend too much on education, and tries to cut funding every year
because, you know, those damn teachers are just so greedy. . .
As ever, the rally has proven to be a lovefest of disrespect. If they want to change hearts and minds of people in order to effect policy, do they think that those people would want to be associated with people who carry signs of Obama as a Nazi.
Sharon from WI said...
By the way, best pot I ever got in MS was from Duck Hill. They called it "Duck Hill Thrill".
You damn Yankee.<<<
LOL. Among my grandmother's recollections of her hometown, that's not one of them, lol. :-)
Small world, ain't it?
Of course, this doesn't excuse you from being a cheshesded Yankee,& people with snow-blowers have serious climatoligical problems
6:11 PM
These people make me want to vomit. They had 8 yrs. To fix things and most didn't give a damn. They spew lies, hatred and loads of misleading innformation, blah, blah, blah. Where's the alternative plans? They are in an uproar about what exactly? Pres. Obama didn't create this shit. And what do these people offer as alternatives to the thousands of uninsured across the country? It makes liittle sense that in a country so 'great' we suffer from the same social ills that permeate countries without any resources. Move the Hell to Texas and create your own god damn land. Like anything else these people for the most part ate full of shit! When. They face death or severe illness if they don't have insurance they will wish they did and if they have any insurance they will see that in the end that won't come close to being enough.
To organize a protest leaves doubt about the concern over real issues. Far be it for a Black man to encourage preventative care and wellness plans. No matter what too many don't want to listen to him, yet they are absent in their local and state elections when these 'players' are really calling the shots. Obama is the CEO, a figurehead, not the one doing the grunt work, smf...
move the Hell to Texas and create your own god damn land.<<
Hey! My BF, a cousin and a friend of mine lives there!! :-)
kid aka (punk)-
From Media Matters:
A suggestion to CNN: On Saturday (and Sunday) another group will descend on the Mall for a positive cause. This weekend is the 24th annual Black Family Reunion Celebration, a "three-day cultural event celebrating the enduring strengths and traditional values of the African American family."
i'll tell why.....becuse if there was in fact a black family reunion there would be mass confusion cuz no one would know who they baby daddy is.....lol
Anonymous 7:03:
"i'll tell why.....becuse if there was in fact a black family reunion there would be mass confusion cuz no one would know who they baby daddy is.....lol"
You mean like how you know that you daddy is really your brother? Yeah, I guess you got a point.
Well, I am jumping in late because I just got back from DC. I had gone yesterday morning on a pre-planned visit with an old friend who was there for a meeting. We stayed at the hotel directly across from where the rally gathered, and so I watched for awhile and then went up to our room to look down for a sense of the crowd. There were about 60 thousand or so folks that were gathered. (I have organized and marched in marches in DC for the past 20 years, and so have a pretty good sense of crowd sizes). And, it was WHITE, WHITE, WhITE! And middle aged and older. No youth delegations... just lots of middle aged folks with signs and various color coordinated tshirts and LOTS of American flags. And lots of signs against communism and socialism and Obama as a Nazi.
Then I went to the Holocaust Museum. FYI, if you go to DC, you should make time to go there. One of the things that really struck me was the section that listed the "Enemies of the State." The list put together by the Nazis as their enemies were: Communists, Democratic Socialists, Trade Unionists, Liberal Intellectuals, Roma people, Homosexuals, and the Jews." I just hope that some of the Tea Baggers took the time to go to the Holocaust Museum, especially because they compare President Obama to Hitler, and see the incredible hypocracy of their statement.... that in fact THEY are the ones who rail against the above listed groups.
Then, my fr
"Man this revolution shit sure is confusing." -- Field
You got that right. How about some intelligent dialogue? (Seems like President Obama favors that roll.)
It's estimated that 15,000 to 50,000 showed up. They had 6 months,spent millions.One TV network attacking 24/7.Right wing radio. Newspapers.The MSM a willing participant.1.3 million HCR petitions.The hospital industry. The energy industry.Rupert Murdoch,and they failed.
In two months the President got 2 million people there to see him with little to no organization, in winter.
Next on the agenda is nullification, each state following it's own laws and not the federal government .These people are called Tenthers because of their interpretation of the 10th amendment.Seven more years of this bull.
kid said...
It's estimated that 15,000 to 50,000 showed up. They had 6 months,spent millions.One TV network attacking 24/7.Right wing radio. Newspapers.The MSM a willing participant.1.3 million HCR petitions.The hospital industry. The energy industry.Rupert Murdoch,and they failed.
Your rants are always lacking in facts.
lets have your take on this week's events......
1. van gets outed
(yo boy gets spanked)
2. wilson calls him a lier on national tv and the best he can say "no i'm not".
(yo boy gets spanked on national tv)
3. acorn (yo boy's former client) gets outed by 2 skinny wht kids and loses billions in tax dollars lol (yo boy gets spanked)
4. and to top it all off (yo #'s) 50,000 wht folks protest in his frt yard....lol
yo boy's azz got to be sore!!!!
love ya kid
"I thought you would want to hear a black man speak to you without a teleprompter," --Mason Weaver
In two months the President got 2 million people there to see him with little to no organization, in winter.
maybe but yo boy wuz running for prez.....hell he can't even get healthcare passed AND everyone agrees insurers and med comps rip us off daily.
the reason yo boy wants more free-bes to peps sit'n on thier azzez do'n nothing.....work'n peps are sick of it(excuse the pun).
hey ya'll ever watch "Cops".....you know bad boys, bad boys what'cha gon'a do!
seems like the brothers can't stay off the damn thing.....lol
and it never fails they got to argue with the man ....lol....then comes the beat down....lol
what's wrong with you people?
Jody, thanks for the report.
" just hope that some of the Tea Baggers took the time to go to the Holocaust Museum, especially because they compare President Obama to Hitler, and see the incredible hypocracy of their statement...."
Why would they want to go and look in a big mirror?
"and it never fails they got to argue with the man ....lol....then comes the beat down....lol
what's wrong with you people?"
The "beat down"? Let's see now, he is in the White House, and the last time I checked, Sarah Palin was hunting moose meat in the great Northwest. Lovely.
Jody said
I just hope that some of the Tea Baggers took the time to go to the Holocaust Museum, especially because they compare President Obama to Hitler, and see the incredible hypocracy of their statement.... that in fact THEY are the ones who rail against the above listed groups.
Then, my fr
Did any of you leftwingers take the time to go to the Holocaust Museum,since you also called/compared Bush and Republicans nazis??
hey ya'll ever watch "Cops".....you know bad boys, bad boys what'cha gon'a do!
seems like the brothers can't stay off the damn thing.....lol<<
You apparently miss the episodes when the white, trailer-park living, wife beater shirt wearing, Jerry Springer rejects and high school drop outs are being chased out of their meth labs or getting a beat down after beating up their toothless girlfriends.
Black or white Cop illustrate the worst of humanity at its worst.
Mr.R., as a veteran organizer of many demonstrations during the Bush years, let me point out that you did NOT hear Bush being called a Nazi from the stages, the media reps, the leadership of our movement... but even if we had.... like I said, I just spent the afternoon at the Holocaust Museum... what I did find that was eerily similar is the following:
Bush nor Hitler tolerated dissent in their presense. Bush pre-screened and excluded dissenters from ALL of his appearances. And, when people DID gather near to where he was going to be, there were arrests for T-shirt messages, there were regular arrests and beatings of the protesters... something Hitler did as well... using the police to carry out the work of the SS. Hitler would lie and manipulate the media to engage in war. Sound familiar? Hitler, through the SS, spied on his own people. Sound familiar??? Hitler hated homosexuals and railed against them as a threat to the homeland. Sound familiar???
So with absolutely NO Due respect, because you do not deserve it, your analysis is as full of crap as suggesting that Obama is Hitler-like in his policies...
I will remind you.... guns allowed to be carried at demonstrations against him, no arrests for protests and in fact, no pre-screening, and allowing questions from those who disagree with him..
Sharon Wi:
"You apparently miss the episodes when the white, trailer-park living, wife beater shirt wearing, Jerry Springer rejects and high school drop outs are being chased out of their meth labs or getting a beat down after beating up their toothless girlfriends."
Dang! Girl, you beat me to it. I was getting ready to post the same comment. You and I on the same page.
Mr R:
At least President Obama can read a teleprompter and has a vast vocabulary. Too bad, I can't say the same for Bush who was limited to "MY PET GOAT". Yea, in the famous words of Dubya Bush, "Is our kids learning?"
Bush pre-screened and excluded dissenters from ALL of his appearances. And, when people DID gather near to where he was going to be, there were arrests for T-shirt messages, there were regular arrests and beatings of the protesters...<<<
He most certainly did, Jody. Whenever Bush held sway over an audience, he and his handlers made sure he was talking to the choir.
LOL! I rarely watch Cops but what I just described impressed me the most when I caught a few minutes of the show while channel surfing.
Incidentally, one Saturday evening, I was doing so at BF's house on vacation. I watched a few minutes of it and BF walks in. He looks at me and asks, "You're watching people getting arrested?"
I just turned the channel--quickly, before he thought my I.Q. had dropped 25 points, because that's just the look he had on his face. LOl.
The last few days granny wasn't feeling well. However, I am feeling much better now and well rested too. If they want to throw some stones tonight, I got a bunch of them to throw too, and I'm feeling real nice nasty with an attitude. I've pulled off my earrings.
Hell, every time frat boy appeared in front of a teleprompter he had that scared, deer-in-the headlights look on his face.
move.org had 2 ads on it website comparing Bush to Hilter.
Chuck Kaufman of answer compared Bush to Hilter.
I'm not asking you to read but scroll down the page and you will see anti-war prosters in LA with their Bush is Nazi/Hilter signs.
Its much worse than anything that has been said about Obama.
Mr R:
What part of you don't understand, we did not disrespect Bush for the umpteenth time. Your playing that revenge game with the wrong people. However, if you insist on playing it, let me warn you right now. We play hardball up in here.
Mr. R.
You seem to think that any criticism of Bush was automatically wrong, not that the right could be. Tit for tat does not make a fact.
You need to go and find those people that was disrespecting Bush and play that game with them. I refuse to be the scapegoat that you dump that dung on. So, run along and show that mess to the ones that you should be talking to.
granny, glad you are feeling better.
granny, glad you are feeling better.
You ask, what's wrong with you people? well, to begin with, we are still here and so is the President!
Yes, once again he was gained up on by the Subhuman's, you know who they are don't you? if not, I will tell you!
The Subhuman's are the people that are beneath the rest of Humanity,these people have done and will do what ever it take's to survive! they will Steal land, Rape a man's wife, change the color of a person's original skin tone and then say it was done in the name of God!
We have a Black President that live's in a House, that was build for White Men only!! and he live's there free of charge! change has arrived!
At the end of the day, he can put his feet up, and have White Servant's bring him anything he ask for! change has arrived!
Change has arrived! whether you like it or not! and Glenn Beck should be very very Grateful that the President has compassion on the meek!
No Granny,hommie don't play dat shit.
You're the first one up in here to take a bad apple and throw it in with the rest of the batch.
So you shouldn't get mad when a bad apple messes up your batch.
Hathor said...
Mr. R.
You seem to think that any criticism of Bush was automatically wrong, not that the right could be. Tit for tat does not make a fact.
Nothing wrong with calling someone hilter unless he's a Democrat.
Mr.R. I noticed you did not address the my point on similarities between Bush and Hitler.... I suggest you google Miami Model and watch just how shit went down under Bush. I was there and it was the most horrifying display of police abuse I have ever witnessed. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING like that shit has gone down around anything having to do with Obama.
Anonymous or Mr R, whichever one you prefer to be tonight. Granny don't play dat dung either and my name ain't skippy!
Did you get my e-mail?
Off Topic:
Man who renovated, moved into wrong condo ordered to vacate
DENVER - He bought his first home, spent $30,000 fixing it up, and now, six months later, Jonathon Kyte has learned the home doesn't belong to him.
According to the City and County of Denver, Jonathon owns the dump next door. He found out about the mistake almost by accident when he received a map which showed the unit he's living is actually unit No. 4.~~Heidi Hemmat KDVR Denver
March 5, 2009~~
If you look at the images in the link that Mr. R put up; you will see that signs and messages are very similar only with the names and "crimes" changed. Pres. Bush was pilloried for the war and supporting Israel and Pres. Obama for health care and the economic situation.
It seems that the people that are taking to the streets on either wing are repetitive and unoriginal. Those people that can speak to the issues with out resorting to schoolyard name calling and mind killing sloganeering are to be much respected and encouraged. People like Rippa that are bringing in the facts and underlying theories are wonderful.
"move.org had 2 ads on it website comparing Bush to Hilter."
Links please!
here's one where a bunch of mooslum women calling him a monkey
another hitler image
there are literally thousands.....so stop all the freak'n whinning about people calling burrack names and making funny little images of him.....
if'n you can dish it out better be ready to take it big boy!!!!
other wish your simply a two face piece of garbage....just like granny! she loves to call names and someone calls her or her boy a name she freaks the fuck out!!!
guess it's all part of being black and old?
guess it's all part of being black and old?
No, more like apart of being mislead by a flaky crusty crackers for eight long years who was considered by other countries as well as his own to be a failure on every front! HA!
Not to mention how it was Prescott Bush (granddaddy bush) who supported the Germans during WWII LOL!!
Oh.. did you need a link to prove that?
Heres one EVEN from your dear leader in propaganda supporting the claim:
http://www.foxnews.com/story /0,2933,100474,00.html
yep. Throw the rock and hide your hand is what you krazy kkrackers do best isn't it? LOL!
lolz @granny
I've pulled off my earrings.
"guess it's all part of being black and old?"
Well that makes her two for two in my book.
"move.org had 2 ads on it website comparing Bush to Hilter."
Again, links please.
People seem to forget that Obama has only been President for 8 months. How in Hell can he be responsible for all the crap that this country is swamped in?
8 mos was long enough for obama to do MANY legendary things for rich elites and war mongers...
so, it was also long enough to do ONE thing for his poor fans...
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