This post is going to make some of you uncomfortable, but as is usually the case with moi, I really don't give a fuck. (No, it's not about Glenn Beck, although I will be probably be blogging about his moronic ass again tomorrow.)
This post is about republicans, and the man that is charged- as of me writing this post- to lead them. His name is Michael Steele, and once again he made a damn fool of himself on a stage of his fellow humans while on the latest leg of his hip hop tour.
There are a lot of reasons I could never become a republican, and most of it doesn't necessarily have to do with their politics. It's them, the people who make up their party. They are clueless, out of touch, and live in a parallel universe which I never hope to see. But back to Mr. Steele. Or, as I like to call him, hip hop Mike.
Mike had a little town hall get together at Howard University Tuesday night. As the RNC chair and the sanctioned HNIC of the red neck...I mean red party set, it is his job to attract blacks, once again, to the party of Lincoln.
"Steele spoke at Howard in front of roughly 150 students as part of his outreach program to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. His effort to connect with young black students got off to a rather cringe-worthy start when right before the billed "student dialogue" two dozen white members of area young Republican groups arrived to sit in the reserved first two rows of the packed room. One wondered, as students grumbled, if Steele hired John Ashcroft to be his event manager. "
Of course, we can't have those "young republicans" mixing with those black students. Hell they might be packing. But let's move on with more of Dave Zirin's account:
"..But when challenged, Steele exposed himself, and it was awful to see the Tin Man's tin ear. When the RNC chair took a written question on health care, he blasted the public option, saying that "every time the government gets involved in something it doesn't work."
Then came Amanda Duzak, and Steele's evening just got a whole lot worse.
Duzak, a 23 year old Towson University grad, stood up, against the rules and out of turn.
"My mother died of cancer 6 months ago because she could only afford three of her six prescription chemotherapy medications," she projected. "There are 50 million people in this country who could end up like my mom, suffering or dying because they do not have adequate health care. Everyone in this room and everyone in this country should have access to good health care."'
Then came Amanda Duzak, and Steele's evening just got a whole lot worse.
Duzak, a 23 year old Towson University grad, stood up, against the rules and out of turn.
"My mother died of cancer 6 months ago because she could only afford three of her six prescription chemotherapy medications," she projected. "There are 50 million people in this country who could end up like my mom, suffering or dying because they do not have adequate health care. Everyone in this room and everyone in this country should have access to good health care."'
Good job Amanda. Nice to see a republican confronted about health care for once. So it wasn't a town hall meeting, but it was close. Let's see what our boy hip hop Mike did:
"The room woke up and other than those glaring from the front, the applause was wall to wall. But it's Steele's response that makes this moment both newsworthy and a terrible comment on his character. After saying that he believed in a mature, honest discussion and not in shouting, Steele said, "People are coming to these town meetings and they're like [he then shakes]." He then looked and gestured right at Ms. Duzak and said, "It makes for great TV. You'll probably make it tonight, enjoy it." He then turned his back to her, as the crowd clapped."
Wait, Dave, did you write "as the crowd clapped"? What the fuck were they clapping for? The young woman was right! I know a lot of college kids read this blog, -including some of you from Howard- and if any of you were in that auditorium with hip hop Mike as he tried to clown that young lady, you should be dusting off your tapping shoes and your head wraps right about now. But let me not jump to conclusions, let me look at the video again......yep, there was definitely some shuffling going on at old HU. I saw you Negroes grinning and "cooning" with Steele as he tried to play "I am down with you" while parroting republican talking points. The only thing worse than a house Negro is a college educated house Negro. That young white woman had more field Negro in her than all of you grinning Negroes put together. Oh field, stop it, the young lady was being disrespectful, she was interrupting Steele. Just like you claim the republicans do when the democrats hold town halls. What's the difference? You just say this now because you happen to share her point of view. That would be correct! And I will continue to share her point of view until every A-merry-can has access to affordable or free health care in this country, and until the crooked insurance companies and profit over lives HMO companies are a thing of the past.
"Think about what Steele did. He didn't only turn his back and rudely dismiss a young woman whose mother just died of cancer. He used the shameful recent behavior of the right wing town hall screamers -- his own party's base -- to try and turn the crowd against Ms. Duzak. "
Relax Dave, that's just hip hop Mike being hard core. Keeping it real to the end.
Field, what's next? A GOPer arguing that Hitler was forced into WW II?
Oops: too late for that.
That seems to be their modus operandi. Do they think that every one faces life in a stoic manner or is lying about their misfortune? No reason to be upset, because your mother died for lack of proper treatment.
I'm reminded how they treated Cindy Sheehan, because she could not be overwrought about her dead son and the war. She was against Bush and without scruples, funny thing she is still an anti-war activist now with the new administration. I guess she was to give birth and gleefully give her son to death.
The right only sees themselves as standing on any moral ground and we should ask the GOP HNIC if he is supporting his parents and paying for their health care.
I agree you field that was disrespectful to her dead mother. My grandmother died of cancer so I get it I also agree that the HU students were not even listening and clapped for no reason. She does have more heart. I cannot disagree with you at all. In the words of Kanye "some people graduate, buy be still stupid"
"Think about what Steele did. He didn't only turn his back and rudely dismiss a young woman whose mother just died of cancer. He used the shameful recent behavior of the right wing town hall screamers -- his own party's base -- to try and turn the crowd against Ms. Duzak. "
Oh cry me a river.
This is the same field that---
Said Robert Novak should burn in hell.
Compares FOX NEWS to Radio Rwanda
Compares Tim Mcveigh to Glenn Beck.
Talked shit about Beck's mother.
field speaks with forked tongue...
Mr. R.
Yet you still have your nose buried deep in Fields ass despite it all. :)
Mr. R,
Steels comment or lack thereof would have nothing to do with Field. Did you think his response may have to do with other people who may have been on the fence? Is that the way to win friends and new GOP members, make fun of someone's tragedy?
You remark, cuts your nose to spite your face.
Hathor said...
I'm reminded how they treated Cindy Sheehan, because she could not be overwrought about her dead son and the war. She was against Bush and without scruples, funny thing she is still an anti-war activist now with the new administration. I guess she was to give birth and gleefully give her son to death.
Maybe you should be reminded about how you on the left used her than dumped her like yesterdays trash.
Go check the Democrat Underground or Daily KOS to see what Democrats are sayin' about her now.
Or in the words of Charles Gibson she should "just go away"
Hathor said...
Mr. R,
Steels comment or lack thereof would have nothing to do with Field. Did you think his response may have to do with other people who may have been on the fence?
Field just posted about it and shared his faux outrage.So it does have something to do with field.
Is that the way to win friends and new GOP members, make fun of someone's tragedy?
Its work for the Demos for years so why wouldn't it work for us?
"Oh cry me a river.
This is the same field that---
Said Robert Novak should burn in hell.
Compares FOX NEWS to Radio Rwanda
Compares Tim Mcveigh to Glenn Beck.
Talked shit about Beck's mother..."
I could talk about his (Beck's) child as well, but I will leave that one alone for now.
Hey, I never said that I am not a hypocrite. I will be the first to tell you that I am not immune from certain pietistical pursuits. I am, after all, a product of my convictions.
BTW, mr.r, I love the new avatar. Is that the republican johnson I am seeing? If it is, it might explain a lot. ;)
"I also agree that the HU students were not even listening and clapped for no reason. She does have more heart."
The only one with a brain that evening was the one white student with a courageous heart. The rest of the people were fake dumb asses who not only displayed ignorance and scattered minds in a so-called black institution of higher learning, but will be future gutless house negroes with no character.
Just goes to show you that anybody can get a degree from HU as long as they are well-mannered and stupid.
I wonder what would have happened if a Howard student carried a gun to the meeting...you know, just to protect their right to arms.
Michael Steele is repulsive waste!
Steele is not just a moron, but he's a flaming asshole. Seems to be a Republican specialty.
MR.R said...
Off Topic--
field, Fanhouse is sayin' Vick likely eligible for week 1.
That means by the 3rd quarter of the first home game Philly fans will be cheering Vick and booing McNabb.
Go Vick.
I have to take a contrary position and say that I do feel sorry for DJ Mike.
He like Clarence Thomas, thinks that he is looking out for his (rich, white) people. He doesn't realize that they actually throw out the dishes and glasses after he leaves those fancy house parties. He doesn't understand that his masters are laughing at him and make fun of him as soon as he leaves the room.
He can scrub and scrub but the color just won't come off! He will run and run then one day the music will stop and he will realize that there is no chair left for DJ Mike!
Hmmmm.... At the health care rally here in Philly... the crowd started off small, mostly older, mostly white. And kinda boring. But then, a group of young hip hop/break dancing street dancers decided to join in and started "Dancing for Health Care." They were welcomed, it drew the crowds in and soon the event waslarger and quite joyous. Kind of the exact opposite experience.....
Jody said...
Hmmmm.... At the health care rally here in Philly... the crowd started off small, mostly older, mostly white. And kinda boring. But then, a group of young hip hop/break dancing street dancers decided to join in and started "Dancing for Health Care."
Than Obama's new healthcare plan can be called "Obamacare 2.0 Electric Boogaloo"
h/t wizbang
Hey, what is a Repub doing a tour of HBCU's for? I thought they were morally opposed to such institutions due to them being race based and therefore wrong?
Did Mr. Steele address this idea?
After watching the video provided by the link, I must say "Shame on Howard University" for having a format of submitting questions (So old man Steele can pick and choose) rather than opening up the floor for questions to be asked at random. All the Negroes in attendance that cheered are the new generation of up and coming "House Negroes"
..."every time the government gets involved in something it doesn't work."...
Oh the irony! Does he have any idea how stupid that statement was? Of course not.
Well it looks like this country is only going to have one viable political party for 2012.
In the dictionary, his face would be next to the word jackass. Hip Hop Mike has an attitude with everyone including Steve Inskeep last week on NPR. Michael Steele is feckless, uncompassionate and works too hard to be cool. He really does not know what he is doing. He is not inventive or very imaginative, in fact incompetent comes to mind.
Is that Steele's sister Monica in the photo?
And speaking of her wasn't there some kind of scandal involving Steele and Mike Tyson and some money?
Jody, you wrote:"Hmmmm.... At the health care rally here in Philly... the crowd started off small, mostly older, mostly white. And kinda boring."
same exact same here except i didn't find it boring, i was so glad to know that the shit that gets blogged about, like Beck and friends! is bullshit! there were many, many white people who dont like fuck news, (listening mr. R)?
The extent of mr.r(acist)'s responses in these discussions resembles a school yard fight between 2nd graders! "Well Field did it first!" Grow up!
Anyway, Field. I was wondering if you ever heard of the Algiers Point, NOLA story back in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina. I don't know if you already covered this story years ago but every time I read it I get a mixture of rage, disbelief and utter sadness.
The Nation ran a story on it in 2007. The story was never picked up by mainstream media though.
Any thoughts?
malik, you're not wrong. Steele is one step away from signing "Camptown Races" in a minstrel revival. I'm embarrassed for him.
No. Yall have to check the people on the stage behind ole hippity hoppity lemon headed Mike. Baby repugs. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The dude in the blazing red shirt really got his clap on. Oh the folks out in that audience especially the ones on the come up ("I want to be the next senator from Maryland?") were not expecting the flim flam and got a little intimidated after ole half slick Mike talked about all the media there.They need jobs after all when they get out of school. house
Hip Hop Mike is just a joke and the longer he goes on the worse the Repubs look to another generation of Blacks. I am sure they thought if they elected a black guy somehow the masses of ignorant black will say what do we do boss!
He is a joke and really I got to recognize he has a healthy hanging of nuts to walk in there and give the white republicans front row seats at Howard. You got to love this guy but like most politicians they will say and do whatever to stay in their position.
"Some of us don't know we free"
I am sure you are familiar with that old saying. It is truly applicable to this man Steele.
He is in the right party. The party of the Heartless.
Is it republican or conservative principles that make the likes of Michael Steele callous, unfeeling, and mean, or is it that callous, unfeeling, and mean people are attracted to republican and conservative principles.
I suspect that it's the latter.
And those who hide behind the following statement are equally detestable: "We don't believe that the government should be in the healthcare business, neighbors should be helping neighbors, and charities assisting those who can't assist themselves."
Too late, the government is already in the healthcare business.
And charities are limited as to what they can do, and your neighbors may, by washing cars, raise about $500.00 to help pay for a fraction of the thousands upon thousands of dollars of your healthcare bill.
When are people going to realize that they're the government, your neighbors are the government, and every person who enjoys citizenship in this country is your neighbor.
The government is not an entity that's faceless, lifeless, and heartless (although it behaves that way at times), it's you, and you, your neighbor and his neighbor, until neighbors alongside neighbors reach exponentially outward to include us all.
Universal healthcare is more than a moral issues, it's a humanity issue, it's a defining issue, it tells us who we are as a people.
Are we the kind of people willing to watch our neighbors suffer or die, because they lack health care, or have a healthcare plan that is as callous as the republicans resisting it?
This rugged individualism emphasis: get yours, because I've got mine, and don't look to me to help, has got to go.
This, we can't look to government to solve social problems, because small government is the answer, and big government is the problem, mentality has to be shown for what it is, a means for making the rich richer, and the poor poorer.
How many financial institutions turned down the government's bailout monies, although they were the ones who were largely responsible for the economic crisis in the first place?
Let's face it: The republicans have an image problem. And it's one they're damn well proud of. And they (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and, yes, Michael Steele, et al) have meticulously crafted it, although that image leaves non-republicans appalled, and mouth agape.
Conservative principles conserve money and power, and concentrate it into the hands of those who don't wish to share it, and will behave like spoil, truculent children if forced to do so.
And if you make noise about wishing to share it, you're branded a socialist, and a communist--or, worse, a Nazi, if they really wish to be mean-spirited.
And for the little guy to tout this bull as the holy grail of conservatism is to defeat not only his best interest, but the best interest of his neighbors, as well
I'll flatly say it: The only people that conservative values and principles serve are those who have a lot to value, and a helluva lot of wealth to conserve.
I'd rather die a liberal, or a progressive, where I place the value of people over things, and the value of life over wealth.
At least I'll die with a clear conscience, and with a great deal more wealth than those who spent a lifetime accumulating it, and conserving it, at the expense of those neighbors upon whose suffering their wealth was built.
@MRR:"field speaks with forked tongue..."
You're comparing apples and oranges. Field knew more about those you cited to make a judgment, than Michael Steele knew about Amanda Duzak.
He dismissed her in a cavalier, self-righteous fashion.
What galls me more were those who applauded Steele for his stupid, hurtful, and unsympathetic remarks.
I know Steele to be unsympathetic, but it's disheartening to know that he'd attracted an audience of similar, like-minded creeps.
[quote]There are a lot of reasons I could never become a republican, and most of it doesn't necessarily have to do with their politics. It's them, the people who make up their party. They are clueless, out of touch, and live in a parallel universe which I never hope to see. But back to Mr. Steele. Or, as I like to call him, hip hop Mike.[/quote]
Out of freaking touch he says!!!
In Michael Steele's home state of Maryland:
A resident of Baltimore:
* Has a city council representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a city council that is 100% DEMOCRAT
* Has a school board representative that is a DEMOCRAT
* In a school board that is dominated by the DEMOCRATS
* Has a state representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a Maryland state house that is controlled by the DEMOCRATS
* Has a state senator who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a Maryland state senate that has a strong DEMOCRATIC majority
* Has a US Representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* As the US House is controlled by the DEMOCRATS
* Has 2 Democratic US Senators
* In a US Senate that has a filibuster proof 60 votes
You see Filled Negro - whereas you keep focusing on YOUR enemy the Republicans and Conservatives - the more telling aspect of your flawed ideology is that you are not able to focus upon WHO DOES CONTROL the areas where you are focused upon and what you are most distressed about.
A similar orientation is the case in Philly, Chicago, NYC, Boston, New Haven, Milwaukee and DC.
Despite the fact that your ENEMY has departed these areas - the fate of these people have NOT materially improved in the areas of education, economics, public safety and health.
You spend so much time attacking your ideological enemies and running your war of political attrition that you fail to make note of the state of the lands where your tanks have already rolled over.
I struggle to understand why Michael Steele is a greater threat to you than is Michael Nutter or the city council in Yeadon PA that have the city shut the heck down because there is a 3 Democrat on 3 Democrat fight in the city council.
[quote]Black Diaspora said...
Is it republican or conservative principles that make the likes of Michael Steele callous, unfeeling, and mean, or is it that callous, unfeeling, and mean people are attracted to republican and conservative principles.
Black Diaspora:
Your analysis is ultimately laughable.
Let's talk about health care.
During the past 50 years there has been a run up to POWER by the machine that now controls our major cities. Especially where Black people live in our highest concentrations.
As they executed this power grab the key issues of:
* Education
* Justice
* Economics
* Health Care
were at the center of their drive to take over the Municipal Governments, to get seats in the state legislature and to form coalitions in the Federal legislature.
They worked to organize the labor movement forces to have the EMPLOYERS pay for health care and expanded benefit packages in general.
For some reason people are expected to NOT NOTICE that today they CONTROL these local areas and have their policies fully implemented where their victories have been won. YET these same areas have lost their economic base and employment base to PAY FOR health care and other services because many of these areas are now hostile environments for the very employers that once funded these benefits.
Black Diaspora - is it now any surprise to you that, having gutted their employment base - these forces are now forced to seek to NATIONALIZE the issue of health care?
The truth of the matter, Black Diaspora is the most CALOUS PEOPLE that you can point to are the people who push an ideologically bigoted agenda that IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. For some people the signs are clearly posted about how their policies have bankrupted the entities that they depended upon in the past (ie: GM) NOR the information that is available to them about the future (ie: Medicare broke in 2020) is not enough for them to shift to a more reasonable position.
Didn't YOU realize that YOU NEEDED HEALTH CARE prior to supporting the political machine that you do at the local level?
WHAT DID THIS MACHINE DO to increase the number of young people produced from their schools who later become medical service professionals - delivering upon these services?
Why don't YOU consider these miss opportunities and failure to make maximum use of the human resources that they have under their control an element of their misalignment in their ideological focus and/or serious doubts about the capabilities of the human resources that they were charged to develop?
What are the progressive principles other than being "Serial Fish Distributors"?
You seem to be pissed to see people who have moved away and allowed you to have your run of the city only to see your policies implode and now you seek to erode the internal political boundaries to force people into YOUR "Friends and Family" plan.
Who actually has more hatred within them Black Diaspora?
Mr R is on prozac. So, we just use him for entertainment purposes. I've been trying to talk him in to coming to visit so we can lay hands on him.
CF, thank you. Unfortunately, most won't hear you. Like the students at HU, they lack the focus to listen.
Let me ask you a question. Do you think that President Bush and President Reagan's policies were good for the country?
BTW, CF, I'm not asking for an essay, just a simple yes or no will do.
CF, you do know how to type a simple yes or no don't you? In addition, I'd like to add one more question to that,which requires just a simple yes or no answer to it. Do you belong to any of those preachers praying death to our President church?
Counting one, two, three, four, five, six... I'm still waiting on your answer CF.
What's the matter CF? Can't you answer those two simple questions for me or have your fingers suddenly froze up?
lol granny can i please add a few more questions to that:
do you believe that access to and standard of healthcare should be determined by how much you or your family earns?
If yes, then no more needs to be said. If no, then do you believe that healthcare is an unnegotiable human right that should be afforded to all citizens equally, not dependant on their pay brackets?
*how much money
You know, this is why I could never put Republican next to anything in my name. I am not saying all cold-hearted pieces of shit are Republican, I'm just saying cold hearted pieces of shit TEND to be republican. *SMDH*
To be fair, I can't stand excessive liberals either, but Republicans just have a brand of vitriol running through their veins that is intolerable.
Black Diaspora I agree with you.
I don't understand the Steeles of the world. Just don't.
In other Western countries healthcare is a right not a privilege.
LOL coffee and cigarettes, I'm still counting and waiting on CF to answer my two questions. I went and sat outside on my front porch for a few seconds, and watch a little tv, and I'm still waiting. LOL!
In what is supposed to be one of the richest countries our good ole America, healthcare should be a right for all individuals too. However, those that have a LOVE of money, don't seem to think so but the majority of the people do!
nyc/caribbean ragazza said...
"Black Diaspora I agree with you.
"I don't understand the Steeles of the world. Just don't.
"In other Western countries healthcare is a right not a privilege."
3:02 AM
Thanks, nyc/caribbean ragazza. I knew my comments would ruffle some feathers (see: ConFeed), but, what the hell, I said my piece.
And I wasn't in the mood to qualify any of it, especially after listening to Steele's rant.
Healthcare should be a right here, as well, and, for sure, the rest of the world is watching to see how we proceed: It will tell them volumes about our true national character.
Words are one thing, and how we conduct ourselves another. The world community will never again trust our intent, if we can't get this right.
How can we tell the world that we care about its welfare, when we, by our actions, or inaction, convey we don't even care about the least of those in our own country?
black diaspora, that was right on target.
i would much rather have my health care in the hands of a government, that i have the right to vote in, protest against, and hold accountable every couple of years; than a private corporation whose primary purpose is to make profit.
haha granny doesn't look like we're getting any answers. i think some people just don't understand the concept of human rights. human rights are both civil/political and economic. the two sets are interdependent, and you can't have a healthy and functioning society with one but not the other.
coffee and cigarettes:
"haha granny doesn't look like we're getting any answers."
You know, I got a feeling your right. LOL!
Black Disapora:
You were on target as always.
@CONFEED: "Didn't YOU realize that YOU NEEDED HEALTH CARE prior to supporting the political machine that you do at the local level?"
What makes you think I need healthcare?
I'm fighting for those who don't have it.
Who are you fighting for?
And what makes you think that replacing democrats with republicans at the local level will the the cure-all that you seem to be advocating?
We don't need politicians, black or white, republican or democrat, that has forgotten that the people are the government, and not some ideology, not conservatism, not liberalism, not socialism, not communism, or any other ism, but the people.
Give the government back to the people, promote the general welfare, and not just General Motors, the financial markets, and wall street.
And we need to stop the selling off of our country to foreign investors.
Now we're doing it in secrecy, to keep the American people from knowing just how the pie is being divided, and who's getting a piece of it.
It's our national shame!
@Granny: "Black Disapora:
You were on target as always."
Thanks, Granny. My heart grows heavier, day by day.
coffee and cigarettes said...
"black diaspora, that was right on target.
"i would much rather have my health care in the hands of a government, that i have the right to vote in, protest against, and hold accountable every couple of years;"
So would I, C&C. Healthcare is too critical to us all for it to be a for-profit proposition only.
People shouldn't be allowed to make insane profits off the misery of others, as they seek to have their health restored.
Reasonable compensation, I'll buy.
Blogger Constructive Feedback said...
Out of freaking touch he says!!!
In Michael Steele's home state of Maryland:
A resident of Baltimore:
* Has a city council representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a city council that is 100% DEMOCRAT
* Has a school board representative that is a DEMOCRAT
* In a school board that is dominated by the DEMOCRATS
* Has a state representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a Maryland state house that is controlled by the DEMOCRATS
* Has a state senator who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a Maryland state senate that has a strong DEMOCRATIC majority
* Has a US Representative who is a DEMOCRAT
* As the US House is controlled by the DEMOCRATS
* Has 2 Democratic US Senators
* In a US Senate that has a filibuster proof 60 votes
You see Filled Negro - whereas you keep focusing on YOUR enemy the Republicans and Conservatives - the more telling aspect of your flawed ideology is that you are not able to focus upon WHO DOES CONTROL the areas where you are focused upon and what you are most distressed about.
A similar orientation is the case in Philly, Chicago, NYC, Boston, New Haven, Milwaukee and DC.
Despite the fact that your ENEMY has departed these areas - the fate of these people have NOT materially improved in the areas of education, economics, public safety and health.
You spend so much time attacking your ideological enemies and running your war of political attrition that you fail to make note of the state of the lands where your tanks have already rolled over.
I struggle to understand why Michael Steele is a greater threat to you than is Michael Nutter or the city council in Yeadon PA that have the city shut the heck down because there is a 3 Democrat on 3 Democrat fight in the city council.
1:59 AM
So Michael Steele is from Baltimore, why in the fuck didn't he fix the damn place when he was in office.I get sick of you bubbling, shuffling assholes. They are trying to get the Presidents daughters killed.You are complicit in it.
By your Jesse Lee Peterson(thank you for slavery Mr.White man)logic Bush is a asshole. He has eight years to fix shit and America went to hell.Could you tell your boy Rupert to lay of of trying to start race riots please.Why don't you speak out against those republican assholes bringing guns to rallies.
"...WHO DOES CONTROL the areas where you are focused upon and what you are most distressed about."
Rupert runs America bitch ! His country has socialized medicine.Yes he wants every white person in Australia to live , why not blacks in America?He really hates blacks , his daughter married one.
Tell me something Stepin' Fetchit'when will you republicans stop putting out these bullshit lies about FEMA camps,death panels, and socialism?People die because of your lies.
I just sent you an e-mail with a link in it, I believe it is a hoax. I don't trust the source.
"Anyway, Field. I was wondering if you ever heard of the Algiers Point, NOLA story back in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina. I don't know if you already covered this story years ago but every time I read it I get a mixture of rage, disbelief and utter sadness.
The Nation ran a story on it in 2007. The story was never picked up by mainstream media though."
Javier, I am very much familiar with the story. I blogged a lot about Katrina, but I am not sure if I did anything specific to Algiers Point. (White vigilanties taking target practice on black Katrina survivors) You are right it didn't get much play in the MSM press. But shhhh; we can't have folks like the [un]constructive one saying that we are chasing racism. And what about our own urban "pirates" attacking us everyday they would say. Isn't that more pressing than white folks shooting black in Nola?
Speaking of the [un]unconstructive one. My man, you really need to brush up on your civics. You keep ranting about these local governments that dems control. You do realize that they are a part of a larger entity which is controled by the states in which they sit, and the federal government where the states sit, don't you? In government you can't get things done all by yourself. In the US senate, for instance, you need 60 votes. Most state governments work the same way. All the cities you mentioned are in states which have a pretty even split between repubs and dems in state houses. In fact, most of them have a majority republican state house. Let me give you a clue, because you have obviously never worked in government. Real FUNDS and MONEY come from places like Harrisburg and Washington to get meaningful programs in urban areas such as Philly. Your republican friends always vote against funding for programs that would be beneficial to cities such as Philly because they all think like you: "Let those blacks do for themsevles". Meanwhile, they tax the hell out of the properties in their counties, and so they get the funding THEY need for proper schools etc. Money we send to places like Harrisburg never come back. We won a law suit over ten years ago to have them fund our courts like they are supposed to but they have refused. Why? because it's those 'blacks & jews" in Philly".
And it's not only Pennsylvania, this happens all over the country. Republican lawmakers voting against programs that they think will help blacks and poor people, because, they are, well, republicans. "Let them pull their own selves up. why should we give them money?" Always forgetting that they benefited from social programs such as small business loans etc. as well. Large businesses that were here are gone. No more tax base, no more jobs, and no more $ generated in the community. Do you know why they are gone [un]constructive one? Your friends, the republicans and their polices on the federal level, that's why. Gone to other countries where they don't have to deal with the big bad unions....let me stop. What's the point? Some Negroes will never leave the house. It's just too comfortable in there.
BD, as usual you were on point. That shit was quote worthy!
Thanks granny, I will check out that link.
Part I
@ConFeed: "YET these same areas have lost their economic base and employment base to PAY FOR health care and other services because many of these areas are now hostile environments for the very employers that once funded these benefits."
You're making a good case for healthcare reform and a government option. What you're not acknowledging is the rising cost of healthcare, a cost far exceeding inflation, and the ability of businesses and corporations to keep up. I blame greedy health insurance providers for the current crisis in health care.
"Black Diaspora - is it now any surprise to you that, having gutted their employment base - these forces are now forced to seek to NATIONALIZE the issue of health care?"
No. It makes good economic sense. It'll take the burden of providing healthcare for the maintenance of a healthy national workforce (which businesses need), and shifting it to the government (the people).
"The truth of the matter, Black Diaspora is the most CALOUS PEOPLE that you can point to are the people who push an ideologically bigoted agenda that IS NOT SUSTAINABLE."
It was sustainable. It's not now, for the reasons I've outlined. And without healthcare reform, the problem will persist. Don't you see that? We still need solutions. And the only solution that your republican friends have provided is to keep the status quo, and to defeat the only solution that has a chance--a public option.
Of course, we all know that single payer would be optimum, but your republican friends would shoot their cats and dogs to keep that from becoming a reality.
"Didn't YOU realize that YOU NEEDED HEALTH CARE prior to supporting the political machine that you do at the local level?"
You're good at throwing bombs, but short on solutions. Are you suggesting that another local "political machine" would have provided more, or better, healthcare than the current one?
That doesn't make good horse sense.
"WHAT DID THIS MACHINE DO to increase the number of young people produced from their schools who later become medical service professionals - delivering upon these services?"
Increasing the number of healthcare professionals is not going to increase competition among healthcare providers. I'm afraid I don't see your point, or the connection between the two.
"You seem to be pissed to see people who have moved away and allowed you to have your run of the city only to see your policies implode and now you seek to erode the internal political boundaries to force people into YOUR "Friends and Family" plan.
Part II
"Who actually has more hatred within them Black Diaspora?"
I'm only pissed with those who place their interests, political, social, economic, or what have you, above the interest of the people, who, in the final analysis is the government.
The government is not the corporations, businesses, or the special interest that are perpetually before our elected officials seeking favors to advance their particular cause, whether it benefits the people or not.
How do they get these favors? By buying off those elected officials. It's not happenstance that those that are seeking to destroy healthcare reform are the very people who have received thousands of dollars in donations from the healthcare industry.
How do you feel about that? Is this how you wish to have your government run? Those with the money having the greater voice and exercising the most power in our democracy? That doesn't make us a democracy, but an oligarchy. How do you feel about that?
In one district, don't you remember, we were building military planes that the military didn't need, but did provide jobs. Surely, you see that as a waste of money and human resources that could have been better unutilized in more beneficial ways.
And to answer your question about who has the most hate. No time did I see those who opposed the Iraq war carry weapons to town hall meetings, threaten President Bush to an extent greater than President Obama, disrupt town hall meetings to keep others from learning, call for race wars, civil wars, secession, and a host of other hateful things, like calling President Obama a racist with a deep-seated hatred of whites, and a Nazi.
Republicans are doing these things. How do you feel about that kind of hate?
Your argument is feckless. Your republican friends are a sick bunch, with sick goals. You know these haters: Birchers, birthers, and deathers.
Just as your republican friends believe that the country's best interest would be served under their banner, I will feel no pity, if the American people, once and for all, make the Republican Party irrelevant, and create another party built on actually serving the interests of the people, rather than special interest, the general welfare, and not the welfare of those whose primary motive is greed (excessive, and obscene profit), and more greed.
Because greed drives our economy doesn't mean that greed is good for our economy. Look around you at the awful economic mess caused by greed when it's allowed to grow unchecked. How do you feel about that?
@Field: "Speaking of the [un]unconstructive one. My man, you really need to brush up on your civics."
Great civics lesson for ConFeed and the rest of us.
Black Diaspora said...
And to answer your question about who has the most hate. No time did I see those who opposed the Iraq war carry weapons to town hall meetings, threaten President Bush to an extent greater than President Obama, disrupt town hall meetings to keep others from learning, call for race wars, civil wars, secession, and a host of other hateful things, like calling President Obama a racist with a deep-seated hatred of whites, and a Nazi.
You must need better glasses.Or your just a fool.
Javier said...
The extent of mr.r(acist)'s responses in these discussions resembles a school yard fight between 2nd graders! "Well Field did it first!" Grow up!
Pointing out the fact that field is a demagogue isn't childish at all.
How about sending me a Twitter next time so I can be warned that you were asking me a question? How do you tease me when I had closed the browser upon the illustrious "Filled Negro" blog?
Do you think that President Bush and President Reagan's policies were good for the country?
What kind of question is this?
SOME of their polices were GOOD.
SOME of their policies were NOT GOOD.
Grannie - YOU should be more offended by someone who would put on their zombie mask and ANSWER the question to your liking or disliking.
Granny did YOU always do things in your life that were good for your interests?
This question is the same open and subjective question that you have asked me.
Do you belong to any of those preachers praying death to our President church?
I like you. Unlike many others on this board YOU have my respect regardless of what you do. Your wisdom is the reason for this. Others are still forming their views.
Think about YOUR QUESTION of me.
YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN and yet YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE asking ME "If I attend one of these hate-filled, non-Christian churches" BUT you are loathed to ask most of your ideological soul makes WHERE THEY STAND in their faith with Jesus Christ.
As the self-professed Christian, Granny - THINK ABOUT the irony of your actions.
Death Sticks And Shaky Nerves asks:
do you believe that access to and standard of healthcare should be determined by how much you or your family earns?
Let's think about this one.
If you live in Guatemala or Chad - WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?
If you are standing in an unpopulated area in AZ, CA or TX and there is no medical facility around AND YOU HAVE $1,000,000 in your back pocket - does your MONEY matter?
Clearly MONEY MATTERS as does your proximity to TRAINED EXPERTS with RESOURCES to do anything for you.
How can you masturbate your mind into PRETENDING that MONEY DOESN'T MATTER?
Death Sticks and Shaky Nerves - YOU are actually arguing for these COSTS to be ABSTRACTED from the POINT OF SERVICE and instead be transfered to the SOCIETY at TAX TIME. You need to at least be clear on what you are arguing.
The thing that YOU don't seem to understand is that this fantasy system that you aspire for WILL HAVE ITS STANDARD ULTIMATELY DEFINED BY MONEY!!!! You only want to shift the variety in "standard" from the individual experience over to the AGGREGATE. You only need to follow the UK to see that when the nation has a big budget gap - THEY BEGIN TO CLOSE HOSPITALS in the back country, forcing people to drive further to receive their "free care".
Make no mistake about it - MONEY IS ALWAYS INVOLVED. If not you could simply give people in Honduras the vote for "free health care" and they could VOTE themselves into top notch care. Of course it does not work this way.
What you REALLY need to be asking yourself is WHY after all of these POLITICAL victories at the periphery - WHY haven't more of the people within these places been trained professionally to provide these needed medical services - doing so at the rate schedule that you favor?
Having gained POWER locally, instead of EMPOWERING the people - you now use this as a stepping stone to TAKE OVER RESOURCES that belong to others so that YOU can redistribute them more to your liking.
Why weren't you able to leverage the resources that you now control, building them up to your desired level?
@anon 7:45am... excuse me, but BD is no fool and she is quite correct. I spent from 2000-2007 as national staff of a non-profit women's peace and justice organization, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and in that role, was on the committees to organize demonstrations, marches, etc. against the POLICIES of the Bush regime. At NO TIME did we call for civil war or secession. At NO TIME did we carry weapons to demonstrations. Unlike Obama's town hall meetings this summer, counter demonstrators were let NO WHERE NEAR Bush's so called public meetings where all in attendance were pre-screened and hand picked. We were being cordoned off in "free speech zones". We were, however, subject to arrest for wearing T-Shirts, holding up signs, or marching in the streets (sometimes with permits in hand).... We were spied on. We were beaten by police. We did not have a television network that daily presented our views. The weekend talking head shows did not invite us to "debate" our perspective on their shows. Our demonstrations, of which there were hundreds every year, and in some cases, hundreds of thousands in attendance, were not promoted or covered by the national media, except maybe a picture in the paper with no in-depth coverage or a short clip on occasion, and no analysis of why we were protesting.
There were signs carried by some individuals at some of those demonstrations that compared Bush's policies to Hitler, but they were never promoted by the organizers and that message was NEVER the message from the bull horns/stages of our rallies. They were not the Banner that was carried by most....
I was there, at demonstration after demonstration. I arranged legal support for hundreds that were arrested. I saw the injuries done by police that beat protesters. I participated in demonstrations with hundreds of thousands, only to turn on the tv that evening and see NO coverage.
I could have only wished that we had a sympathetic network, daily news coverage, access to Bush, etc during his reign... maybe then the damage done to this country could have been avoided.
I wonder if those were really students of Howard university or were they people brought in from other places.
Black Diaspora says:
[quote]Healthcare should be a right here, as well, and, for sure, the rest of the world is watching to see how we proceed: It will tell them volumes about our true national character.
Words are one thing, and how we conduct ourselves another. The world community will never again trust our intent, if we can't get this right.
How can we tell the world that we care about its welfare, when we, by our actions, or inaction, convey we don't even care about the least of those in our own country?[/quote]
This post is laughable because of what you draw upon Black Diaspora.
When you say THE REST OF THE WORLD - I count 6,500,0000,000 people.
How many of these people in this total who BELIEVE that "Health Care is a RIGHT" actually have access to Health Care to the level that ANY PERSON INSIDE THE AMERICAN BOUNDARY HAS?
How do you PROCLAIM that the 6.5B people are LOOKING AT WHAT WE DO in America......when only 12% of the world has anything closely approximating health care that is available in the WEST?
The last line in your rant above struck a nerve. All last week I heard tributes to Ted Kennedy in which so many BLACK SPEAKERS referred to Black people as THE LEAST OF THESE.
You see, Black Diaspora, once we place your views of the world into their proper context - we see that the 800 million people in the West only represent about 12% of the population THEN we can see the flaws in your quest.
You want the "Least Of These Americans" to be made "IN RECEIPT OF BENEFIT". These people will receive NOT ONE OUNCE MORE of capability to deliver health care services for their own communities or country men.
When I hear your name "Diaspora" I hear some intrinsic consciousness of the masses throughout the world.
Let me ask you a question BD - How does your plan to redistribute resources upon the LEAST OF THESE in America develop a model for the provision of Health Care in Haiti? In Chad? In Columbia? In Laos?
What we have is an American entity that is $1,800 billion in ONE YEAR deficit and you are latching the "LEAST OF THESE" upon this system.
How will this system be grafted and spread to others?
* Are there more doctors CREATED from the "Least Of These"?
* Do you have the productive actions of "The Least Of These" captured to provide the financing for their care?
* Have you communicated to the "Least Of These" on how, despite their lack of medical training they can participate in OTHER areas that contribute to the ultimate end of health?
I don't see any of this Black Diaspora. Worst of all I don't see any CONSCIOUSNESS in your post.
Consciousness about the proportions of the real problem
Consciousness about how to transmit solutions to the diaspora
All I see is YOU calling a group of people INFERIORS
And YOU delivering FISH to their front door steps.
Black Diaspora Says:
[quote]You're making a good case for healthcare reform and a government option. What you're not acknowledging is the rising cost of healthcare, a cost far exceeding inflation, and the ability of businesses and corporations to keep up. I blame greedy health insurance providers for the current crisis in health care.[/quote]
BD - YOU (and Nancy Pelosi) have the RIGHT to "Blame" who you wish.
It is your ability to PROVE your claims that I am concerned about.
Here is the 2007 PROFITS from the 15 largest EVIL Health Insurance companies that comes out to about $14 billion in profits.
I wonder who you blame for higher education inflating just as well?
No. It makes good economic sense. It'll take the burden of providing healthcare for the maintenance of a healthy national workforce (which businesses need), and shifting it to the government (the people).[/quote]
This is the LYNCH PIN portion of your argument Black Diaspora.
In YOUR logic "The GOVERNMENT" = "The People".
Just to ask you - "The Private Sector" = WHAT? The "Anti-People?"
I even heard my good friend Filled Negro say "The Insurance Companies ONLY CARE ABOUT THE BOTTOM LINE" (thus they don't care about people.)
Black Diaspora I ask you to DIRECTLY address this fact: You are attacking an industry that has $14 billion IN PROFITS while you have a favorable view of an entity that lost $1,800 billion during this same one year interval. This is what happens WHEN YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE BOTTOM LINE.
How do you reconcile +$14b being EVIL but -$1,800 billion being good and wholesome?
Did you miss Democrats calling for a civil war after the 2004 election?
Did you miss Vermont and cities in Washington State,and California talk about secession during the Bush years?
Did you miss the anti-Bush left and their Bush is a nazi signs?
Or what about the anti-Bush left hanging and burning Bush in effigy ??
I say anti-Bush because thats who the anti-war left really was.
Notice you haven't seen any major anti-war protest from the left since Obama was elected.
How many anti-war protest marches have you been in Jody since Obama's been elected? And how big were the crowds?
And you all wonder WHY my posts are so long. Refuting the rhetoric and distortions of Black Diaspora takes time to set up the CORRECT perspective.
BD Says:
[quote] I will feel no pity, if the American people, once and for all, make the Republican Party irrelevant[/quote]
Hate to break it to you Black Diaspora - THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS ALREADY IRRELEVANT in EVERY BLACK MAJORITY COMMUNITY and in the large cities around this nation.
What YOU need to come into mental consciousness with is the fact that with the PREVAILING ORDER that you favor...............YOUR CONDITION IS NOT AS WHAT WAS PROMISED.
Just a few decades of favorable control and NOW you are forced to NATIONALIZE the request for entitlements that WERE DELIVERED by the INDUSTRIAL BASE that is no more.
[quote], and create another party built on actually serving the interests of the people, rather than special interest, the general welfare, and not the welfare of those whose primary motive is greed (excessive, and obscene profit), and more greed.[/quote]
Do YOU believe that the Philadelphia Public School System - ran by Democrats is SERVING THE INTERESTS OF ALL THE PEOPLE? Or do I need to pull out the recent article on the damage of Social Promotions?
You see, Black Diaspora you are yet another "Serial Fish Distributor". I give the Progressive-Fundamentalist credit. You all are good at spotting a crisis in time and looking for the FIX.
When a person like me comes along and points out your previous "Fixes", daring to note the resulting implosion and how you are now BACK AT IT, only with "Bigger and Better" sights upon your land grab you call me "uncaring".
The UNCARING are those who sought to FEED THE PEOPLE rather than DEVELOP THE PEOPLE.
Your favorable ideology has more unfettered control over the masses and yet you have failed to leverage their productive potential.
"Is that Steele's sister Monica in the photo?"
Had a baby by a notorious DC drug dealer and then sent semi nude photos of herself to Mike Tyson while he was locked up in Maryland.
Hustling is a family trait.
"And speaking of her wasn't there some kind of scandal involving Steele and Mike Tyson and some money?"
The word here in the DC area is that Monica Turner and Michael Steele stole millions from Tyson.
MR.R said...
Did you miss Democrats calling for a civil war after the 2004 election?
Answer: We didn't
Did you miss Vermont and cities in Washington State,and California talk about secession during the Bush years?
Answer: Did they bring their guns?
Did you miss the anti-Bush left and their Bush is a nazi signs?
Answer:Oh Cracka' please, No one went to a Bush rally unless they were a Bush fan.People protested at anti-Bush rallies, not Bush rallies.Out of site ,out of mind.
Or what about the anti-Bush left hanging and burning Bush in effigy ??
Answer: Again not at a Bush rally.
I say anti-Bush because thats who the anti-war left really was.
Answer:Well he shouldn't have went looking for oil, instead of al-Qaeda.
Notice you haven't seen any major anti-war protest from the left since Obama was elected.
Answer: Well Obama not going to invade a country for revenge for his father or oil.
How many anti-war protest marches have you been in Jody since Obama's been elected? And how big were the crowds?
Answer:All I see is pro-war and lynching parties conducted by Rupert Murdoch and the health industry.BTW, you suckers bring guns.
Someone should tell you that Fisking is tired and old, played out.Yes you can give a reason why blacks should be exterminated.That just proves that you are a savage racist.
ditto fn!
i despise ms
the applause he garnered was due to the fact that NO truly wise student/rebel would waste time attending any event he hosted!!!
i hate the dems and the republikkans equally...as they INCREASINGLY AND FATALLY share a singular agenda in the new world order!...
like mumia abu jamal said:
"...a New Democrat is no different from an Old Republican."
Mumia Abu-Jamal
June, 1993
"Clinton Guillotines Guinier"
Live From Death Row
I actually need to go to work and express my productivity so I will refute your claims in a shot gun approach.
[quote]nd without healthcare reform, the problem will persist. Don't you see that? We still need solutions. And the only solution that your republican friends have provided is to keep the status quo, and to defeat the only solution that has a chance-- a public option.[/quote]
Your "Public Option" is based on several flawed notions
1) That by paying into the government you will recoup "Insurance Company Graft". I have already detailed the Insurance Company PROFITS which doesn't add up to the grandiose claims that the anti-corporate people like yourself make
2) The government will cap reimbursements. Perhaps you need to research the NOW CLOSED "SouthWest Atlanta Hospital". All of the wealthy Blacks with private insurance drove elsewhere for their care. Thus the hospital was left with MEDICAID/MEDICARE patients. Since there were not enough private insurance patients to balance out the shortfalls received from government reimbursements - THE HOSPITAL IS NOW CLOSED!!!!! So much for your government magic.
[quote]Of course, we all know that single payer would be optimum, but your republican friends would shoot their cats and dogs to keep that from becoming a reality.[/quote]
If you said "Optimum IN MY OPINION" I would have to accept this.
I actually support the "Single Payer Option"......APPLIED TO GOVERNMENT FACILITIES. Give public hospitals a budget and don't ask anyone for insurance that walks through the front door. Do this while LEAVING THE PRIVATE INSURANCE and PRIVATE HOSPITALS the hell alone.
Unlike YOU - I don't believe that my matriculation onto the government doles is a step forward.
You're good at throwing bombs, but short on solutions. Are you suggesting that another local "political machine" would have provided more, or better, healthcare than the current one?That doesn't make good horse sense.
Interesting that you felt no compulsion to tell me WHY the local economies that your ideology now controls CANNOT fund public health care and thus allow those who CHOOSE to live under this regime to live there?
I think that we both know the answer though. Your type of "Democratic Socialism" cannot allow such CHOICE. Yours is a FORCED "Friends and Family" calling circle. You need to commandeer members in and disallow them to exit OR your financing does not work.
Just as I tell my friend Jody - the reason why the Progressive-Fundamentalist who has taken over the LOCAL institutions and are now going after the NATION is because PEOPLE AND CORPORATIONS MOVED AWAY - thus making your financial theories collapse.
[quote]Increasing the number of healthcare professionals is not going to increase competition among healthcare providers. I'm afraid I don't see your point, or the connection between the two.
More physicians working in the communities and having those who commit to, as you say " THE PEOPLE AND NOT PROFITS" would INDEED lower the costs of health care to the people in the community.
You want society to RECOGNIZE THE WORTH of these PEOPLE.
The major dysfunction void in your theory is that YOU ASK NOTHING OF THE "LEAST OF THESE", having them to show THE WORTH THAT THEY SEE IN both HEALTH CARE and THEMSELVES.
Black Diaspora - YOU will always be more popular than I am with the masses. Unfortunately this is akin to a Diet Pill being more popular than an Exercise Regimen which makes your muscles sore in the morning.
[quote]I'm only pissed with those who place their interests, political, social, economic, or what have you, above the interest of the people, who, in the final analysis is the government. [/quote]
1) Your ideology DELIVERS upon the interests of the people. It might INTEND TO. Filled Negro INTENDED to have good schools in Philly after his machine took power.
2) You HAVE NOT proven that the MASSIVE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL that you seem comfortable with actually is "of the people" rather than the political machines who seek power.
[quote] Those with the money having the greater voice and exercising the most power in our democracy? That doesn't make us a democracy, but an oligarchy. How do you feel about that? [/quote]
This is fantastical rhetoric.
I can take a picture right now of a dirt poor community in Atlanta that is on my way to work. They have more campaign signs per capita than any other neighborhood in the area. This is because the POLITICIANS know they all represent ONE EQUAL VOTE and their vote is easy to obtain. In the end, BD - these community is one of despair and wasted human potential. They love the GOVERNMENT as you do. They are you LEAST OF THESE.
[quote]In one district, don't you remember, we were building military planes that the military didn't need, but did provide jobs. Surely, you see that as a waste of money and human resources that could have been better unutilized in more beneficial ways.[/quote]
The US military spending is about $700 B per year. The big 3 entitlement programs draw $1,000 billion and will DOUBLE to $2,000 B over the next few years.
It is interesting that you target the spending that you hate but never seem to see the abundance of spending that your entitlements are already receiving.
On top of that you FAIL to see the lack of PRODUCTIVITY that your theories cast upon the people.
Mr R... I already answered, if you bothered to read my response... the points you brought up.. as to Marching Against the War... I will be there, how about you?:
From the United for Peace website:
On October 7, the beginning of the 9th year of occupation and war in Afghanistan, we must mobilize nationwide a call for diplomacy, not war. Change ≠ War!
United For Peace and Justice is calling on the grassroots movements for peace and economic and social justice to gather in their cities and towns on October 7 for action, dialog, and reflection on the 8 years of death and dying in Afghanistan and now in Pakistan.
United For Peace and Justice is calling on its member groups across the country to initiate local actions or educational events in your community on October 7:
* Teach-Ins on the costs, human and economic, of the occupation and war in Afghanistan and impact on the region.
* Vigils, pickets and delegations to Congressional offices, as well as faxes, emails and calls.
* Rallies, demonstrations, vigils and marches to bring the peace and justice message into the streets.
* House parties to raise money for Afghanistan relief or other aid to the Afghan people.
* Creative actions to highlight the devastating effects of the Drone air strikes.
In the month of October, many activities are being planned here and around the world. On October 5, a coalition led by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) will have a procession to the White House, deliver a petition and hold a non-violent direct action in Washington, DC. It is urgent that we also bring our message to Washington and we hope you will join this initiative.
The Iraq Moratorium has called for local actions on October 17 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam War Moratorium. The Iraq Moratorium says, "Over 2 million people participated in thousands of communities [during the Vietnam War] and brought the anti-war movement into the political mainstream of American society. The lessons from that event in 1969 can help us strengthen the antiwar movement today."
Please call UFPJ at (212)868-5545 or email organizing@unitedforpeace.org for more information.
And to answer your question about who has the most hate. No time did I see those who opposed the Iraq war carry weapons to town hall meetings, threaten President Bush to an extent greater than President Obama, disrupt town hall meetings to keep others from learning, call for race wars, civil wars, secession, and a host of other hateful things, like calling President Obama a racist with a deep-seated hatred of whites, and a Nazi.[/quote]
Indeed ALL WHO OPPOSE BARACK OBAMA did this BD. Of course. Talk about PROFILING.
Sadly as the Left focuses upon the threats upon the MOST PROTECTED HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET - we are exiting a "Bloody Summer" where blood was gushing on the street. We heard little from you all on THESE DEAD BLACK PEOPLE.
The LEAST OF THESE are being terrorized while YOU focus upon protecting the SUPERIOR Black Guy - our
mr. r:
re cindy sheehan
Sheehan is one brave mother of one felled soldier among thousands of American casualties of the brutal and illegal war in Iraq. Admirably, she dared to relentlessly dog George W. Bush/King Shrub after her son was murdered in Iraq.
Now that she has finally seen how Obama truly plans to only escalate that very same war, Sheehan will heroically and belatedly begin relentlessly dogging Obama too.
Sadly, I do not expect to see any sincere media coverage of Sheehan’s war with Obama. Unlike Bush’s Nazis, Obama’s Nazis rule all media. Televised or not, Sheehan may become a righteously jagged rock in the ritzy sands of Obama’s upcoming opulent beach vacation. Stay tuned…
it is obama that hates hbcus...
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are more racially integrated than ever before. Yet, as HBCUs suffer legendary financial burdens, President Barack Obama has shown them who he really is once more.
Obama has axed millions of desperately needed funds slated for HBCUs! Maybe this will wake up a few more black Obama Nazis? At least those students who toiled on black college campuses so that Obama could secure nearly all of their votes? Think this may at least affect the sales of all of those Obama tees hung in black campus clothing stores?
See more here:
"Indeed ALL WHO OPPOSE BARACK OBAMA did this BD. Of course. Talk about PROFILING."
The question is when are responsible conservatives going to condemn them?
I'm not talking about you CF.
We already know that you're not allowed to criticize massa.
Field, I wanna respond to this post, and say something clever and insulting about Michael Steele. However, I just can't. After I read this post I happened to catch a glimpse of Jesse Lee "lawn-jockey" Peterson on your side bar and fuckin died!!
Damn that was funny shit.
AB..... did you read the article? While a supplemental additional 2 year increase in funds will have a net affect of decrease..... the amount of funds available for ALL students will increase..... Frankly, I would rather see the funding increase for more students across the board than worry about the net decrease to HBUs. They are NOT de-funding them. They are simply not renewing what was originally a temporary 2 year increase in funds. And, it seems Congress is set to put that money back in play.
If you have ever worked for a non-profit, you would know this dance happens all the time with various agencies across the board.
Forgive me, but I am far more concerned that my city is about to go nuclear on cuts across the board because the conservative, republicans in Harrisburg cannot stand the idea of funding for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, the largest cities, with the most people, who are being held financially hostage to small town ideologues who think the budget for major cities should be cut to the point of causing suffering, real suffering for the inhabitants.... Never mind that the overwhelming amount of dollars for the entire state comes from our friggin taxes!
[quote]The question is when are responsible conservatives going to condemn them?
I'm not talking about you CF.[/quote]
I PRIORITIZE my focus and resulting condemnations based upon that which is most threatening to my REAL interests.
Thus, while you and Filled Negro are willing to promote ANY WHITE REPUBLICAN who sends an e-mail, a slanderous "Obama Spook" picture or an ignorant comment to the FRONT OF THE LINE despite this person being a "No Body" the day before - I choose to NOT perform such a CHASE.
Sadly Steve - with the radio playing in the background, giving 15 minute news updates I keep hearing about a THREAT THAT I AM CONCERNED ABOUT that "The Color Of Change" WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT:
Spelman Student Killed In Campus Shooting
Steve - These Thug Pirates who went on campus and now has these YOUNG BLACK STUDENTS WHO ARE SEEKING TO IMPROVE THEMSELVES terrorized at the sight of seeking ONE OF THEIR OWN SHOT DOWN like a dog is more important to me than seeing ignorant protesters on both sides acting out.
Sadly Steve - this B.S. is a daily occurrence in Metro Atlanta and elsewhere.
[quote]I happened to catch a glimpse of Jesse Lee "lawn-jockey" Peterson on your side bar and fuckin died!![/quote]
Brother Rippa:
Indeed the original lawn jockey had the same effect upon racist White people who saw the slanderous intent of their bigoted neighbors who made use of this same statue on their front lawns.
I wonder why Black Diaspora doesn't question Filled Negro's CONSCIOUSNESS?
Here he is using the symbols that were used by Racist White people to impale Black people - "the least of these".
Next thing you know Filled Negro will be sporting a noose with an unsavory Black man pictured within.
From this he will receive mass applause from the minions.
"I PRIORITIZE my focus and resulting condemnations based upon that which is most threatening to my REAL interests."
But I thought you lived out in white suburban Clayton County.
Evil Democratic ghetto niggas shootin' and rapin' out there too?
i did...u?
But an Associated Press analysis found that even if all Pell Grant recipients at HBCUs got the maximum increase of $200 – and all won’t – HBCUs would still be nearly $50 million shy of what they’ve been getting for the past couple of years. And that could hardly happen at a worse time.
Was this an oversight? Considering the administration’s explanation about the Pell Grant increase, it’s obvious the Obama team is aware of the matter. So, oversight, overschmight. This was deliberate.
While the president pledged to cut waste – and he cautioned that there would be pain for everyone – he cannot do this to schools that have spent their lifetimes turning the other cheek.
This president cannot treat those institutions the same way as predecessors who had neither the heart nor soul nor cultural experience to appreciate how necessary the schools are and that their survival is imperative.
The other guys’ lack of caring was offensive. The president's failure to care-take would be just as offensive. Maybe more so. Because we know he knows better.
What are you doing about urban crime?
Because yapping about how terrible negroes are.
in addition to gutting hbcus, obama also failed to give even ONE commencement speech to any hbcu
"The US military spending is about $700 B per year. The big 3 entitlement programs draw $1,000 billion and will DOUBLE to $2,000 B over the next few years."
Where do you get your figures from CF???
Because most of the figures I've read have annual military spending at about $ 960 billion and social spending at about $ 780 billion.
us-"But I thought you lived out in white suburban Clayton County."
CF's has always been in the best interest of the BC. Where have you been?
[quote]But I thought you lived out in white suburban Clayton County.
Evil Democratic ghetto niggas shootin' and rapin' out there too?
Actually I live in Fayette County - the Republican Controlled county to the south of Clayton.
Ironically there is a big influx of "Black Flight Progressives" who are departing their progressive bastions to move next door to their IDEOLOGICAL ENEMIES.
This is pretty strange to me. Why do you all do this Steve?
In order to actually ACHIEVE your permanent interests on Education, Public Safety and Stable House prices you have to MOVE away from the policies YOU FAVOR and live in a area who's policies YOU HATE.
Here you go bro:
an open letter from tom joyner to obama re obama's gutting of hbcus:
[quote]Because most of the figures I've read have annual military spending at about $ 960 billion and social spending at about $ 780 billion.
Here you go dude:
Social Security
These are $1,400 billion per Obama's budget request
They are projected to grow to $2,000 billion in 10 years
Steve - Whereas here is a video of the "Fiscal Wake Up Tour" that I attended:
YOU need a "Fiscal Wake Up Kick In The Behind"
[quote]What are you doing about urban crime?
Primarily I am working hard to get SOLD OUT NEGROS LIKE YOU to start loving YOUR PEOPLE more than your PARTY and IDEOLOGY which control these places.
You spent so much time seeking to gain POLITICAL control over these places that you ultimately FAILED to deliver tangible benefits that you had promised to the masses.
"Ironically there is a big influx of "Black Flight Progressives" who are departing their progressive bastions to move next door to their IDEOLOGICAL ENEMIES."
Probably for more land and house for their money.
We all know why you moved there.
The nearness of massa.
"This is pretty strange to me. Why do you all do this Steve."
I've told you this repeatedly.
I live in Prince Georges County.
Majority black. Majority middle class. Black democratically run.
Those FACTS don't quite fit into your rant though.
"Primarily I am working hard to get SOLD OUT NEGROS LIKE YOU to start loving YOUR PEOPLE more than your PARTY and IDEOLOGY which control these places."
How can you possibly accomplish those when you hate being black and hate black people?
I live in a 90% black neighborhood which is safe, secure clean and virtually violent crime free.
I know that's difficult for someone of your jaundiced mindset to accept.
unconstructive dribble..
"If you live in Guatemala or Chad - WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?"
I wasn't talking about guatemala or chad, i was talking about the US. the worlds most powerful economy, not a second or third world country. If you want to compare countries, why don't you compare a developed nation? if you did, you would realize that the US has the poorest system of healthcare in the western developed world. fact.
universal socialized health care. both public and private health systems. those on low income, are compensated for nearly all medical costs by the government. those on higher income still receive compensation, but to a lesser extent. and individuals have the option to take out private health insurance if they can so afford.
universal socialized universal health care. Patients are usually refunded 70% of the costs. there is also an option of private health insurance. in 2000, the World health organization found that france had the best overall healthcare in the world.
universal socialized health care. the entire population has equal access to health care serivces.
And the same goes for Japan, Denmark, Italy, Britain, Israel...I don't see horror stories happening in these countries like you and your ilk suggest would happen if the government got involved with healthcare in the US.
The US is alone among developed nations with the world without a universal health care system.
"The thing that YOU don't seem to understand is that this fantasy system that you aspire for WILL HAVE ITS STANDARD ULTIMATELY DEFINED BY MONEY!!!! "
Yeah.. they're called TAXES!!! I would rather have my taxes fund health and education, than illegal wards and military spending. I don't see what is so fanatical or radical about having a system that has already been adopted by the rest of the developed world. I don't know about you, but i would sleep better at night knowing that ALL my fellow citizens have access to appropriate health care.
“Make no mistake about it - MONEY IS ALWAYS INVOLVED. If not you could simply give people in Honduras the vote for "free health care" and they could VOTE themselves into top notch care. Of course it does not work this way.”
You don’t say, because I was under the impression that was all it takes. Again..US-most powerful economy in the world…Honduras-developing nation. Honduras may not have the ability to supply all of its citizens with an appropriate and adequate level of health care. The US does.
And why do you keep comparing apples and pears? Is it because the US health system obviously doesn’t stand up when compared with nations on its economic par?
ps. putting EVERY third WORD in CAPITALS didn't HELP your ARGUMENT.
Steele is a tool. I must say though that I'm a bit dismayed with some of the Republican bashing. Don't get me wrong, there aren't too many (if any) elected R's on the national stage who I like, and I live in DC so we have no R's in city gov, but I must say that some of the nicest people I know are registered Republicans. I used to work on Capitol Hill and had a period where most of the Dems I knew and met who were staffers were some of the biggest jerks I knew and I made friends with some R's through a bi-partisan staff club and they were the nicest folks. I'm still friends with some of them and I swear I have known R's who would give the shirt off their back to you but for some reason that stops when it comes to the government. I don't get their politics and sometimes wonder why they are R's. I mean the only way I would be an R would be if I was filthy stinking rich and wanted to hold on to as much of every red cent b/c they would protect my money but I still don't know if I could do it. All of that is to say, lets not say that ALL people who are R's are evil (though I sometimes do wonder about my friends, and had to drop at least one over the current politcal climate).
Thanks. I always got bits and pieces of that story but never knew the whole deal.
Brother Field.....the acronym HBCU has the word "historical" in it. That denotes the past. The commenters that write so negative are not old enough to know the meaning nor the reason why these schools were starte. Being an alum of Howard University School of Medicine, I know many Black doctors, nurses and other medical professional are blessed that Howard as well as other schools were there in times prior to the birth of the commenters that now have the luxury to disparage........Just like the ideas of the Democrat and Rupublicans parties...they were formed long ago and now the parties have evolved into two opposite extremes...That said I contend that if the behavoirs of two "historical" parties can present today therefor the today'snegative behavoirs of the Black race also have a historical genesis. Only in America...After 400 years a race of people has controlled/manipulated/abused and now we have commenters writing about things through their young eyes of today's knowlege base..... I live at 83 Cheyanne Dr, Newport News.. please for the one that want to disparage my race come and take a historical walk ... I have a Black room (every Black housewhole should have one) to allow you an emotional sight through my eyes. A Black man that lived before our present "harmony". When you disparage Blacks....remember they were "made in America". PS....any response have been heard before...be dealing with America for a very young 58 years. If you wait long enough in 20 years their will be fewer of us to bash. America styled aparthaid is here. Politcs and race issues are like a cork in the ocean..to elusive for our infant hands to grasp. PSS most of the seats at HBCU schools of meicine and law are now hel by other race other than the "historicall" person.
@CONFEED: "Hate to break it to you Black Diaspora - THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS ALREADY IRRELEVANT in EVERY BLACK MAJORITY COMMUNITY and in the large cities around this nation."
And that trend will continue both at the state and national levels.
And for me: You're irrelevant on this blog.
Sorry, but I have no wish to change your mind, or to pursue anything akin to your stated goal:
"Primarily I am working hard to get SOLD OUT NEGROS LIKE YOU to start loving YOUR PEOPLE more than your PARTY and IDEOLOGY...."
Do me a favor: take your own advice!
"You want society to RECOGNIZE THE WORTH of these PEOPLE."
What do you have in mind for these PEOPLE, CF, a "final solution"?
Field, What does Hockey Night In Canada have to do with Michael Steele?
I see you called yourself replying to my two questions, however, I did not even bother to read them. Why? Because I asked for a simple yes or no answer. YES or NO is all I wanted, nothing more. I see now that just a yes or no answer is a little too complicated for you. Therefore, nevermind!
Why is everyone attacking CF? It's not fair. You have misunderstood CF, he's a nice guy trying to save his people.
I wish the students at Howard would've boycotted Steele's appearance. The man has clearly sold his soul in pursuit of power. How anyone could clap or cheer for him is beyond me.
ditto pather!
ditto panther!
all of those jewish and Caucasian admins who run hbcus also remained silent as they gave obama a rainbow pass to gut the coffers of their very own employers
And most hbcus are very racially integrated these days....yet another reason the blackish obama should NEVER have been given a pass to gut these legendary black bastions of academia!!!:
He is the first ever white male valedictorian of the graduating class at Morehouse College. He is a superb student who earned this honor. He is also interculturally competent and sincere. He is poised to become a uniquely multiculturally sensitive leader.
At age 12, I chose to attend the vastly white University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign because I wanted to excel in a multicultural world. I won many awards and honors, and I would have been wounded if anyone had denigrated my legendary and afrocentric achievements, simply because I did not look like 98% of the student body.
I revere and respect historically black academic institutions. But, I find it appallingly hypocritical that so many blacks are upset by Packwood’s honor.
As blacks fanatically embrace the rainbow phenomenon of Barack Obama, they must do so completely. It is hypocritical and impossible to restrict rainbows so that they exclusively exclude black spaces.
When America changes, we all must change with it, inside all of our spaces.
Congratulations to Joshua Packwood, an honored and honorary brother!
more on jp here:
here is the correct jp link:
have u heard yet?
an obama nazi has bitten off a finger of an anti-obamacare attendee...
hip hop mike and his ilk will have waaaaaaay too much fun with this one:
Surprise, Surprise
Imus joins the Fox Business Channel.
Tune in for a daily crossburning.
The Mayor of Vermont, WA has decided to give Glen Beck a key to the city. He claims it is not for political reasons but because he is from there. People are protesting and their is a petition against it out to sign.
Anonymous 7:45:
I hate to beg your pardon but black diaspora is no fool or dummy. He is a highly intellectual who is full of wisdom and knowledge. People who have been posting on the blog for years have the utmost respect for him because he does not just pop off to be saying something like you just did. Black diaspora thinks things through and is a very deep thinker. His wisdom and knowledge speaks for itself and is recognizable by any one with even an ounce of common sense and for you to even make that statement says alot about you. Shallow thinking midgets shouldn't jump in the ring with those of intellectual depth. Instead they should be sitting back trying to learn from them.
I love you, you are a fierce warrior. You cool with me.
Love you too granny.
ALWAYS on point.
"Imus joins the Fox Business Channel.
Tune in for a daily crossburning."
Uptown Steve:
We'll probably be hearing about Lou Dobbs, Don Black, and Pat Buchanan joining them next. They're gathering up all of their klan grand wizards and white supremacists together for their so-called revolution (race-war). Murdoch loves America...hahahaha! Truth is Murdoch is out to destroy America.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anonymous 7:45:
I hate to beg your pardon but black diaspora is no fool or dummy. He is a highly intellectual who is full of wisdom and knowledge.
He is full of something and it ain't knowledge.
People who have been posting on the blog for years have the utmost respect for him because he does not just pop off to be saying something like you just did.
Sure sounded like he did.How can he turn a blind eye to what Democrats were doing the last 8 years?I know you on the left tend to have selective memories but damn.
Black diaspora thinks things through and is a very deep thinker. His wisdom and knowledge speaks for itself and is recognizable by any one with even an ounce of common sense and for you to even make that statement says alot about you.
You can get off your knees now.
Shallow thinking midgets shouldn't jump in the ring with those of intellectual depth. Instead they should be sitting back trying to learn from them.
I agree.Theres no intellectual depth at this blog.The only thing thats at this blog are people who are blinded by their political beliefs.
Imus was actually taken off of the DC oldie station 105.9 FM in August for low ratings.
It seems they believe that the low ratings were due to the new and forced toned downed format and the black sidekicks.
Rest assured that Fox will allow Imus and his brownshirts all the leeway they want.
"Nappy head hos" will seem like Sunday school.
[quote]How can you possibly accomplish those when you hate being black and hate black people?
So it is ME who "hates Black people". Right Steve?
Last week at this time I was listening to various Black leaders recount their departed leader from Massa-Chussetts, telling the world that he cared for the 'LEAST OF THESE'. I saw clearly that these Negro Leaders and their Snarling Fox White Liberal partners wanted to FEED Black people more than DEVELOP US into full EQUALITY and competency. But YOU say that I 'hate Black people'.
Who HATES Black people when they now HAVE CONTROL over the public schools that are failing our children? (Oh yeah - except in Bowie MD0
Who HATES Black people when the streets that they govern prove deadly to "One Negro Every Day" in Atlanta?
Steve - you are left with your weak azzed argument - seeking to BLAME ME - one BLACK MAN - yet looking past the incompetence of the MACHINE that you support.
I don't hate Black people.
I hate how NEGROS LIKE YOU think.
We all know that YOU have it good in Bowie MD - WhiteBowieSteve.
I just beg that you answer - How is it that you feed the slop that YOU would not allow your family to eat to those who you call "Your Brothers and Sisters"?
Thus I don't question the commitment to high standards for you, BET Uncut or Filled Negro. I just wonder why you inferiorize so many of the rest of your people as you do? Can't THEY live up to the same standards as you demand YOUR OWN KIDS to live up to?
Or in doing so do you lose your popular appeal that you receive as you distribute fish to the masses that YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO DEVELOP?
"So it is ME who "hates Black people". Right Steve?"
Yes you do.
I'll prove it right here.
Say something positive about Black people or Black America.
alicia banks said...
have u heard yet?
an obama nazi has bitten off a finger of an anti-obamacare attendee...
Yeah i saw that AB.Thats what Obama's goon squads and union thugs bring to the table.
Looks like Obama is refusing to let Scotland release details of communications between the 2 countries concerning al-Megrahi's release.
What has Obama got to hide??
White House contact page---
“President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history.
Obama lied transparency died...
Death Sticks and Shaky Nerves says:
[quote]I wasn't talking about guatemala or chad, i was talking about the US. the worlds most powerful economy, not a second or third world country. If you want to compare countries, why don't you compare a developed nation? if you did, you would realize that the US has the poorest system of healthcare in the western developed world. fact.
Here is what gets me about the Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalists.
IF we were talking about GLOBAL IMPERIALISM - the very same DAMNED NATIONS that you promote as FIRST WORLD would the the nations that you would be ATTACKING for "Global Thievery", Human Subjugation and Imperialist Racketeering.
Now, because you WANT SOMETHING - you would have me to IGNORE 78% of the worlds population? And YOU want me to believe that YOU have some higher moral authority about the VALUE OF MAN than I am? Negro PLEASE.
But again - Back to my previous point. Recall "Black DIASPORA". By definition this name portends to speak of a more global consciousness. It is clear that he/she and you have NO DAMNED INTENTION of creating a SYSTEM among Black people in America in which we organically fund and execute upon more of our own fundamental needs. This with the thought of one day defining a system by which other members of the DIASPORA might be able to model these practices and ORGANICALLY raise their own standard.
NO - you all are convinced that by latching your health fortunes upon an entity that is is $1,800 in the red in ONE YEAR'S spending and which has a $12,100 BILLION debt is less reprehensible than an entire health care insurance industry that made $14 billion in EVIL PROFITS off of your backs???
If PROFITS ARE EVIL.....what the hell is a DEFICIT load that is more than 850 times the amount of these EVIL PROFITS?
Yeah.. they're called TAXES!!! I would rather have my taxes fund health and education, than illegal wards and military spending. ..... i would sleep better at night knowing that ALL my fellow citizens have access to appropriate health care.[/quote]
The best thing about you, Death Sticks and Shaky Nerves is that with you and your revulsion to military spending - it is easy to make you A SLAVE. Not only does your economy theory make you a SLAVE TO THE STATE - you will to cut military spending and thus open the door to some hostile agent to have you to do their will.
You say that you would PREFER TO SEE YOUR NEIGHBOR WITH HEALTH CARE. I don't know where you live but I can assure you that this was the very same THEORY that preceded the takeover by the machine that runs Philly, DC, Baltimore, Newark, NYC, Detroit, Cleveland, etc.
You need to look past the INTENTIONS of the delivery of these health, education and welfare SERVICES and begin to scratch your heard to figure out WHY THEY FAILED at their initial run for control at the local level and now need to NATIONALIZE THEIR PLANS?
With the amount of injury that your theories have already rendered - I be damned if I will roll over as you try to gain more power.
At least I am able to MOVE AWAY from your STATIST TYRANY.
And why do you keep comparing apples and pears? Is it because the US health system obviously doesn’t stand up when compared with nations on its economic par?
The American Health Care system INDEED stands up to the rest of these. You are only speaking with regard to ACCESS to the most advanced procedures - for those without money.
You seek to pool the nation's money, PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS BE DAMNED, and feed the people from the pile, per your own liking.
This might be a hell of a deal for you. It sucks for the people who have their property net confiscated from them by your agents - the government.
ps. putting EVERY third WORD in CAPITALS didn't HELP your ARGUMENT.[/quote]
Thanks for the guidance.
NOT putting so much flawed theoretical garbage in your posts would be of help in getting your point across.
You want people to VOTE FOR A PAY RAISE because they are CLOSE TO a system that has created abundance and technological advancement.
I WANT PEOPLE to leverage their innate capabilities and thus ORDER THEMSELVES so that they are clear about their fundamental needs and thus
* Train their young people to be the service providers
* Order the finances in their FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLAN so that they are leveraged to provide for their own needs
and finally to tell of the frivolity of having YOUR ADVERSARIES within your "Friends and Family Plan" mostly because you are DEPENDENT UPON THEM. You know that if they were to depart per the free will that you slip up and allow them - YOU would be left with a system akin to Honduras if you were all alone by yourself.
[quote]Say something positive about Black people or Black America.
Black people!!!, My people are getting WISE to ignorant people like you.
Those who ACT AS IF they have our people's "Best Interests" in mind yet they are moreso attempting to compensate for the ASSUMED INFERIORITY of Black people - expressed in the frequently used term "The Least Of These" will be eventually pushed aside.
The NECESSITY of the situation - when the Federal Government which is $12,100 in debt and GROWING FAST forces them to find new direction.
Then we will see Steve's head on a stick akin to "Piggy" in "Lord Of The Flies".
Or are you a character out of "Animal Farm" - the one who wrote the constitution in chalk so that you could change it every night while the SHEEP were sleeping?
Black people are wise to you Steve. My people have the INTELLIGENCE of thousands of years on this Earth to realize that what you push is FOUL and NO GREAT SOCIETY OF MEN can be built upon a system where the bulk of the people's STANDARD OF LIVING GENERATION resides outside of their LOCUS OF CONTROL.
It is simply a matter of time WhiteBowieSteve.
Hows that for "Pro Black"?
If do you have a mandate for YOU to be included into the "Pro-Black, positive commentary"?
When you ACT THE PART I will gladly include you.
ditto re: obama's lies
he is even LESS transparent and MORE secretive than gwb was!
and as always he is being given a pass by all to be so!...shame!!!
and obama is set to to destroy africa via africom
he is the new blackish half kenyan
mask of the nwo...a global joker
Dr. Marimba Ani concluded her remarks by reading an excerpt from a letter that Obama had penned in response to Kenyan officials who reached out asking for help. The letter talked about that help would be forthcoming if Kenya’s foreign policy was in line with that of the U.S. The letter noted that the U.S. would need to set up a base in that country to set up their Africom headquarters. You could tell by the crowd’s reaction that people were shocked to hear that.
Alicia, do all or most of your students have health care (outside of school insurance)?
like you really care?
like obama will fix it either way?
i will ignore you until you admit who you really are and show your face herein
@CONFEED: "Hate to break it to you Black Diaspora - THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS ALREADY IRRELEVANT in EVERY BLACK MAJORITY COMMUNITY and in the large cities around this nation."[/quote]
Black Diaspora said..
And that trend will continue both at the state and national levels.
CHECKMATE Black Diaspora.
As I have been noting to my friends Jody and Filled Negro - you have ABUNDANT PROOF at the periphery that the TAKEOVER BY THE PROGRESSIVE MACHINE where we live in our highest concentrations HAS NOT translated into the bountifulness that YOU HAD FIGURED.
Here is what is most frustrating in debating with a person like you. YOU have your entire agenda for "Black RECEIPT OF BENEFIT" based upon the GROWTH OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. No evidence of how you faired in the past is going to dislodge you from this bigoted position.
I told you all before: PROGRESSIVISM IS NOT ORGANIC. It is a CONFISCATORY ideology. Having gained land via attrition - you STILL DID NOT DELIVER. Now you ask us to look past the lower plateaus on the mountain that you control yet which are smoldering and we should STAY UNITED and keep fighting the conservative enemy.
And for me: You're irrelevant on this blog.[/quote]
Why thank you Black Diaspora. I can just imagine that with you valuing MY WORTH as a Black Man who happens to disagree with you that YOU have afforded the same amount of RELEVANCY to the LEAST OF THESE Black people that you seek to distribute fish to. Clearly - as long as they DON'T DISAGREE WITH YOU and tell you to SHOVE THAT FISH because you have laced it with "CULTURAL MERCURY" then they will run awry to your subjective RELEVANCY as well.
"Primarily I am working hard to get SOLD OUT NEGROS LIKE YOU to start loving YOUR PEOPLE more than your PARTY and IDEOLOGY...."
Do me a favor: take your own advice!
Black Diaspora - I have no fear of you. In fact I see right through you and am pointing out the gross flaws in your strategy.
YOU WANT BLACK PEOPLE FED. Plain and simple. The fact that there was a previous round of PROMISES that were sold to us and yet we now have Filled Negro's SOUTHWEST PHILLY is not cause for you to stop your SELLOUT behavior from our community's PERMANENT INTERESTS which your ideology has failed to deliver upon.
Those who have SOLDOUT would dare to allow our people to latch onto a vessel that has:
$12,100 billion in debt
Another $9,000 billion coming in 10 years
A Medicare system that will go broke in 2020
A Social Security system that will do the same in 2035
ALL WITHOUT NEVER DAMNED ONCE discussing the need to build up the ORGANIC CAPABILITIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE to split the difference - just incase Jesus comes and wipes away the entire US debt and saves us from collapse.
Tersi said...
"You want society to RECOGNIZE THE WORTH of these PEOPLE."
What do you have in mind for these PEOPLE, CF, a "final solution"?[/quote]
So NOW you value my opinions?
Lets look at the painful facts.
I told you in the post above what this nation faces in the future.
If I was a "Black Diasporatic Coffee Drinking Slave In The Field" I would seek to use the present Health Care debate to the MAXIMUM ADVANTAGE OF MY OWN PEOPLE.
1) Get more Black Physicians trained out of the deal. I am talking about more funding for Meharry (sp?), Morehouse, Hampton, etc. The goal being to quadruple the number of practicing African American physicians. When this mother collapses - at least they will have their medical training.
2) I would allow the "Hate Filled Racist Republicans" (We know that all of them are - right Steve) to keep their private system. Put SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE in the PUBLIC HOSPITALS. You come in - you don't get asked for insurance. Leave the private facilities alone.
3) Start refocusing your community upon MAKING THE CONTROL THAT THEY HAVE LOCALLY WORK!!! Again - if you think that this American system with its expanding debt is going to be around in the long run - YOU ARE A FOOL!!! If you think that the "conservative Whites are going to refrain from killing you" AND AND AND the Liberal Whites are going to remain your BFFs - you are a fool!!! (This is not a racial provocation. This is the bottom line. LOOK AT THE PRISONS SYSTEMS today. Skin color is thicker than liberalism. Liberals get their throats cut in prison)
At the end of this process - YOU HAD BETTER have smaller bands of SELF SUFFICIENT GROUPS, managed at the local level but coordinating when necessary - to survive over the duration.
THINK ABOUT IT Tersi - if Jesus comes down and wipes out America's debt and rescues Social Security and Medicare and thus NONE OF THE ABOVE HAPPENS - have you done your people any HARM by becoming more skilled and self sufficient?
Was that so evil out of me Granny?
more violent madness by the new breed on another campus
We have our eye's on Michael Stelle, but, we should be watching other Black men as well.
We have silent Black Men that we know not of, trust me they are out there, and God only know's where they are!
Michael Stelle is a public figure, we see him from day to day, but, what about the Black man, that listen to Glenn Beck and agree with everything he say's? what about those Black men?
We have no Idea what degree of Self Hatred they are festering in! they scare me more than Michael Stelle doe's!
Michael Stelle is a Dangerous Black man! he put's the President's life in Danger each and every time he OPEN'S his BIG MOUTH!!! and he could care less! he want's attention at any cost! he has defined himself as the Black President for the Republican/Conservative Party!!
Field good for you, keep it up, keep watching FOX NEW'S!!! because these people are not PLAYING!! and we have a Black man, that think's this is all about Politic's, no. it's about Divide and Conquer!! and Micheal Stelle is being used to divide America day by day!!
Begging your pardon, Alicia, but I was wondering: You certainly seem to have a fondess for the word "herein".
But...are you sure you're using that word in the proper context?
Just asking.
still majoring in the minor i see...
at the least, you are consistent...
as in:
in this cyberspace
in these written posts here/inside this cyberspace...
the trilingual logophile
anonymous 3:28:
You just proved my point when I told that you just pop off to be saying something. Thank you!
BTW, why would a super intellectual that you think are come on a blog where you feel that people are beneath you in intelligence. That does not make sense. If I felt that a blog I was reading wasn't up to par in intelligence, I would move on and not waste my time. However, I understand, you're just popping off to say that you said something. The thing is that what you've contributed so far to the conversation has no value of worth whatsoever and does not amount to a hill of beans. An uneducated and totally ignorant person can belittle people that does not take any thinking ability, even a 3 year old can do that. I'm sure most of the people that have been posting on here could do it with such finess until you wouldn't even recognize that you've been put down. Just goes to show you sometimes people are out of their league and can't recognize it because they lack common sense. Oh well, you'll learn one day.
What did I tell you about Constructive Feedback?
His utter contempt for his own people is so intense that, as my grandmother would have said, he can't even fix his mouth to utter a simple platitude.
Conservatism makes negroes crazy.
uptownsteve said...
Conservatism makes negroes crazy
White women make negros crazy to.
So does grapacola....
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
anonymous 3:28:
The thing is that what you've contributed so far to the conversation has no value of worth whatsoever and does not amount to a hill of beans.
Who made you the farmer??
People who are blinded by their political beliefs tend to get upset and confused when faced with facts and truths.Than they start mumbling and making no sense.You are at that stage.So i will leave alone.
Field, if no one has mentioned this young man to you, I'd like to pitch this young man, Kaleb Eulls, for Field Negro of the Day really of the Week!
This young man saved 22 lives at great risk to himself AND he's exactly the kind of young man America needs to see on tv hailed as a hero rather than in the news for sports alone or for all the wrong reasons. My only gripe about the report (not Mr. Eulls) is that they used way too many sports metaphors.
Please, everyone check out Mr. Kaleb Eulls.
It's just too bad I'm gonna have to root against him win Miss. State plays UT. :-)
i second that
he is a hero!
he nullified more new breed madness
Anonymous 5:37:
Thank you for being so generous.
Great post field - ur right, HBCU's have a ton of sell-out shuffling negroes & this meeting with Steele proved this point perfectly! White girl was bout it too bad the black kids were too busy chuckling at Steele's disses to take him up on any of the issues.....
BTW Here is the YOUTUBE video footage - a sad testimony for HBCUs
If you look at the video footage, majority of the clapping came from the first two rows, and those were not Howard University students. Those were "Steele" workers. Majority, if not nearly all of the other audience members (real HU students)did not clap and had disgusted looks on their faces when Steele disrespected that lady.
Please don't disrespect and put down HBCUs and Howard University based on this video. As many people know, photos and even videos are misleading and can conjure up multiple stories. This is one of the first things you learn in law courses.
Please know, Howard University is not full of "house negros" and "uncle toms". Howard University is an insitution with strong, proudful, extremly politically procative students. As a HU grad I learned so much about my race and how to articulate my strong views in a constructive way.
I repeat a picture and video can paint a thousand pictures. Look at that video closely. That meeting took place in a small room, where very few people were clapping. Out of 11,000 students, that video showed about 30 people; therefore, this "is not a sad testimony of HBCUs", because an entire Historically Black University is not being represented. An representation of a Historically Black Univeristy is when we protested Bush's appearance on campus or when the campus walked out classes in masses and marched down Georgia Avenue to the Capitol. That is an HBCU.
"..They're gathering up all of their klan grand wizards and white supremacists together for their so-called revolution (race-war)."
No Granny, Fox is looking for outrageous sensational talent that will attract and hold viewers for higher and higher ratings. Fox is in business to make money. Thus far, they are have been doing very well.
Viewers love to watch Fox; they have you and Field watching don't they?
[quote]Great post field - ur right, HBCU's have a ton of sell-out shuffling negroes & this meeting with Steele proved this point perfectly! White girl was bout it too bad the black kids were too busy chuckling at Steele's disses to take him up on any of the issues.....[/quote]
You gave me a perfect entry to peer into Filled Negro's soul.
One Day. 2 Different HBCUs
Note which one is more THREATING to the "Sold Out Negroes"
I guess since HuffPo didn't syndicate the Atlanta story - it wasn't picked up by AfroSpear. HuffPo doesn't typically focus upon what they think of as "Typical Negro Behavior". There is no votes in it for them.
"As a HU grad I learned so much about my race and how to articulate my strong views in a constructive way."
If that is the case, why didn't other students stand up and support that one lonely white student? No one supported her. Instead, they sat back and clapped for Steele. It was sickening.
So I question HU as an institute of higher learning. What are they teaching there? It certainly isn't about character and doing the right thing.
@CF-Thanks for the info about the college student who was shot by a stray bullet the same day the black blogosphere was talking about Steele being on the campus of HU.
It's quite sickening that Blacks will post about Steele but not even mention the tragic loss of the life of a Spelman student shot by rageful typical Negro behavior.
We have become callous to the murderous killings of our young children. We have joined the same apathetic pattern of Whites. It's pathetic.
Field, this story makes me cringe like the days I went to 2 HBCUs and encountered some of the biggest buffoons! good post. i can always count on you to blast it out the water. i needed that nice douse of field talk. now that i have my directives, imma go get'em.
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