I know that there are copy cats for everything these days. But there is no truth to the rumor that Joe Wilson would have thrown his *shoes at the O man if he didn't have holes in his socks.
No, but seriously, I have been trying to tell you Negroes in A-merry-ca and you progressive whites that there is a very large segment of the A-merry-can population that will not even acknowledge his O ness as their president. They just can't bring themselves to do it. Obama could give everyone of their households a brand new home, promise them that they wouldn't pay taxes for life, and give free college tuition to everyone of their kids, and they still wouldn't acknowledge his black behind.
Joe Wilson, like most in the republican party, is one of those people. And just like the shoe thrower in Iraq, last night he just couldn't take it anymore, he finally gave in to his passions. To many in A-merry-ca, Joe Wilson is a hero today, because he did what many of them wish they could have done. What he did last night will guarantee him celebrity and riches that he could not have imagined before. (See Sarah Palin) All because he gave a big fuck you to his O ness. Oh, he didn't quite say those words, but given the time and place that he said what he did, he might as well have. Joe Wilson also has a dirty little secret. (Well, maybe it's not so much of a secret, it's probably why he got elected in the first place.) At least it used to be a secret until last night.
"Looking into the background of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, after his heckling of President Obama last night, I came across this:Joe also has been a member of the Columbia World Affairs Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sinclair Lodge 154, Jamil Temple, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Confederate Veterans, ....This is an organization that, as the SPLC has detailed assiduously, has been taken over in the past decade by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution. Leading the takeover is a radical racist named Kirk Lyons, who's been an important legal figure on the far right for some years.." [Thank you Crooks & Liars]
But it all makes sense: The "birthers", the vitriol, and the relentless unyielding attacks from the likes of glenn beck [No caps for his name] who will not stop until this president ends up under the wonderful manicured lawns of Arlington.
I will leave you with a little anecdote as told by Michael Smerconish: Michael Smerconish is a popular conservative talk show host who runs a nationally syndicated radio show out of Philadelphia. And rather than trying to give you all the details, I wil just let you go to this link and read it for yourself.
Folks, this is not an isolated incident, and if you think it is, well then I have some beautiful oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you. These are interesting times here in A-merry-ca. There is a war going on between those who think that they are losing their country and others who want to make the country better. Most people have already taken sides, and the ones who are trying to decide which side to go with are probably sizing up the different camps as I write this.
So in closing, I will leave you with this: For those of you who are still making up your minds, let me say right here and now that I don't bite. And neither do the rest of the people here in A-merry-ca who look like I do.
*Pic by ArtMaggot
"thrown his shows" Field, did you mean "thrown his shoes"...
"Michael Smerconish is a popular conservative talk show"
Once again we find field being dishonest.Michael Smerconish is not a Conservative and he voted for Obama.
From his webasite--
Q: You’re a pretty conservative guy for this area.
A: I’m not that conservative.
Field, I just posted about Mr Bigmouth bigot over at my blog
I like your pic better but Joe doesn't have his hood on!
Really, it is impossible to think that there are people so wilfully blind that they don't see the evil hatred that has arisen up into the open here.
As always, Field, you are spot on with your analysis. And check this out: Obama didn't come back at the asshole like most brothers I know would have: "What'chu mean, mothafucka', you can kiss my BLACK ASS!"...........
No, our man was cool, in the moment, and made the idiot look like an idiot. What Obama must do however is can the nicey-nicey bullshit----"we all make mistakes"-----and burn that rascist idiot behind the scenes: you know, send some hos up to crib, tape him on a hidden eating some pussy------------------SOMETHING!!!!!!..............so that future idiots don't thing a simple "apology" is gonna' get 'em off when dealing inapropriately with the most powerful man in the world!.
You need to spellcheck that joke(shows=shoes) LOL
Best news is that VoteVets.org is collectiing money for Rob Miller a Marine vet who almost beat Joe "Lie" Miller last time. Maybe with a little help from his friends Rob Miller will beat him next time. South Carolina deserves better.
Aloha from Makaii
The really sad thing about this racist disrepect of our President by someone who believes slavery should've never ended is that there will be those who still insist that it's just a guy being a jerk and it's not about race at all.
The truth of the matter is that Wilson is an unreconstructd bigot, that he is probably ashamed that he doesn't measure up to the least expectations of his illiterate constituents, and that he can't come to terms with the fact that President Obama scrapes better sludge from his shoes than Wilson could ever hope to be.
We should not be concerned with idiots like him.
Off Topic (would LOVE to hear your take on this: Even babies discriminate- http://www.newsweek.com/id/214989
@Shaw -- We have to be concerned with the likes of Wilson. Sure, he's unreconstructed but LOTS of black people, latin@s, and white progressives live in the South. We can't turn our heads away and just ignore the Wilsons of the world because they're representing us and setting policies that effect us. Wilson's also, like Field said, giving Obama the finger and in a time when O has shown some weaknesses. If you've ever taught a class or a workshop or observed the effect as a student then you know these guys are trying to establish who runs the classroom. If Obama doesn't grab the reins now then he'll lose them for the school year. And more than that they are trying to incite some fool with more guns and paranoia than sense to take a shot -- they really, truly, are.
@anon 9.34 -- I read that piece and it's got a horrible title. (Babies don't discriminate as they imply but do stare longer at unfamiliar faces and if a white or black child had parents or caretakers of the different races that extra time wouldn't happen. It's racial familiarity. And it happens with adults too. Unless you have encountered enough faces from another phenotype/race then you are prone to misidentification as an eyewitness. You zoom in on the obvious differences but you miss the details.). That said, if you can get past the really bad title, I think they raise some good points about talking about race. White folks with the best of intentions need to start talking about race or their kids will fill in the blanks with assumptions, other people's bad ideas, or worse, with what they see on TV. It's definitely thought provoking and worth a read -- though I have quibbles with parts here and there.
LOL@ Anon. That's what I get for trying to rush to see the game. Thanks Anon. I corrected "shows". It's now *"shoes" as it should be.
Oh well, back to the game. :)
Man, I LOVE that photo. T-shirts, anyone? I'd wear one to my local Waffle House (before dusk, thank you very much...) just to give these inbred birthers something else to complain about. Keep up the good work on the site. Hotep.
Anon. I honestly thought of blogging about that topic tonight. I read that Newsweek article as well.
Thanks Makaii, I am all over that spell check. (see explanation above) :)
mr. r., Smerconish is a big time conservative. He has guest hosted programs for Rush and beck, and he also worked for the first Bush and I think he was a youth organizer for Rea-gun.
These right winged nuts have toppled over the edge of reasoning a long time ago. Their degree of comfort in expressing their illogical and often extreme disrespectful comments is no surprise. White priviledge prevails. Even this last joker had to be encouraged by members of his party to apologize. These types of people with their behaviors have always been lurking around. Now they feel a false sense of security and tolerance in expressing themselves. They are unwilling to compliment President Obama on anything. If he takes time to take a shit they will find a way to condemn the man. They're paranoid idiots. But only one person can spew enough hatred to infect many with negativity, evil, lies and crazy behaviors. These people are out there in our towns, communities, neighborhoods, schools/colleges, workplaces, church and maybe even in our families, let's not fool ourselves to believing that there are only a few bad apples out there. There's plenty of spoiled fruit....some rotten on the inside, some rotten to the core some just gently bruised, but all poisonous.
Field, one does not need to find articles to link to this mind set... one only needs to read your blog during the day when "the one who shall remain nameless" goes off like a manic on speed.
I for one will not obsess about these folks. The internet and cable news is contributing to this discourse, which gives a false sense of these loons as you say, as "Many Americans." In fact, it may be some, but relative to the larger population it is not "most" and I would daresay not even "many".
Was it just me or did The President look pissed as he left Congress last night?
The following copied from recent AP story re: Rep. Wilson.
"But Wilson's shout is giving a financial boost to his Democratic opponent, Rob Miller, who is challenging the incumbent in 2010. In the first 24 hours after Wilson's outburst, Miller's campaign coffers swelled by $500,000, according to Jessica Santillo of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The contribution, she said, came in from 14,000 individual contributions. It's not clear whether the people who made the donations live in South Carolina."
Sort of warms the cockles of your heart, now doesn't it.
Aloha from Makaii
It's the plantation mentality. These old white men from South Carolina, look at their behavior. Sanford takes a vacation on the government dime to see his girlfriend and thinks nothing of it. This fool thinks he is more important than the president because, well because he is an old white man from South Carolina and the president...is not. I have been waiting YEARS to see them put in this position where they finally see their cherished institutions of racial priviledge turned upside down. It's absolutely killing them...and I LOVE IT.
On health care reform….for you who are pissing and moaning take a time out to contact your Senator and Representative on why you, your family, your neighbors, your church members, your Little League team etc need health care reform to pass and pass this year. Write letters to your newspaper editor.
For some of us contacting our elected representatives will be akin to pissing in the wind but that shouldn’t stop us from trying and dodging the pee.
I live in Texas in a Republican stronghold district. I may not have to worry since Pretty Boy Perry is thinking we Texans may succeed from these United States of America. If so, I have a request in to the Governors of Oklahoma to my visit my brother and Louisiana to visit my niece.
On Joe Wilson…for some of us White Folks it did not go unnoticed that this was the first time we recall a President being heckled and called out as lying at a speech before Congress by a Congressman and oh by the way that President happens to have darker skin than us White Folks.
A benign institution? For whom?! Not the slaves, I can tell you! This fool needs...needs...well, I dont know what he needs, but I know what I want to do to him - enslave him and let him see just what slavery is like!
Great photo, it's so fitting.
(That ArtMaggot, he so wrong, he need Geezzus)
Field, those clowns are getting closer and closer to the n-word, any day now (for some odd reason I'm bursting with anticipation). I just wish they would hurry up and say it though. All that pressure to restrain in public, those poor dears are bound to implode before the year is out.
@La♥Incognita -- They won't say the n-word if they can help it and I'll tell you why: saying the N-word would make them racist! See, in these folks minds they're not racist. Racist = low class and violent and they think they're better than that. As long as they don't call black folks the n-word they think they're not racist. They don't understand race beyond that and so they get frustrated when called racist for other obviously racist things they do or say. They haven't quite figured out that not being racist means much more than refraining from cooking black folks like barbecue or calling out a specific name.
But I agree that it's bubbling. They'll put up a mighty fight to keep from doing it because they won't want to deal with what that means on their own terms. Believe it or not, they don't want to be racist because they no that's bad. It will be interesting when they have to confront it.
--j, Great points in your first paragraph.
"They'll put up a mighty fight to keep from doing it because they won't want to deal with what that means on their own terms."
Exactly. And as long as the n-word stays under the hood (all pun indented), there won't be any 'proof' of racism, according to their rules. They will be able to openly continue with this race-driven disrespectful charade in public.
I'm waiting patiently, somebody is going to lose it, and end up with temporary Tourette's of the n-word. Then of course, there will be the apologies... and then the cold beers... smh
@La♥Incognita -- Ty. Apologies and cold beers for some (those that still have a semblance of sanity left I suppose) but I wonder about others. If they say it, and like with so many other words they've been tossing around like they meant nothing, there's no punishment or a weak punishment that's outweighed by what they gain then what? The GOP may cross the Rubicon and devolve even more. That's a frightening thought but lately I've been having a lot of frightening thoughts about where the GOP is trying to take us.
I hope they just lose it so we can get rid of what's building. It's coming one way or another and I think the sooner the better.
Man, how did I miss that Michael Smerconish story? That's awesome...
I actually wrote kind of a shorter version of this post on my blog. It's an open letter.
Oh, what the hell, here's a link.
I wish that Obama would have next accepted Joe Wilson apology. He has to stop doing this let's make nice shit all of the time. He should have issued a statement repeating his promise to call out those that lie and tell untruths about the Health Care Bill and starting with Joe Wilson
He could say something like this:
Rep Joe Wilson (r) SC Shout out disrespectafully, that I lied about illegal aliens, when in fact independent source Blah, Blah, Blah confirms that illegals are not covered. It is a shame Rep Wilson wants to undermine the office of the President and lie to his supports America we deserve better. I will accept his apology when he admits he also lied
Please Obama stop being so damn nice. It is red meat time
Oops not next it should never my bad
Just an FYI y'all might not know about: apparently this was shocking enough to make the BBC's 6 o'clock news. British commenter I talked to online said despite the more free for all environment of their parliament that calling someone a liar would get the person booted for a long time and in the most humiliating manner possible.
LMAO!!! Right on field. plug me to 50's Tia Told Me when he says 'your fuckin career is over' I was bumpin that today after hearing/seeing all the outrage over this bull and very well transfer the same measure of those lyrics to mr. wilson right now.
Lest we forget the avid strom thruman supporter (who is on some real Thomas Jefferson et Sally Hemmings shit) is getting death threats...he aint seen hell up in harlem yet..
how funny it is when weeks ago alot of these cracked ass 2fers (second amendment nuts) birthers, deathers ect showing ass all over fux noise proudly packin heat to town halls are so quick to impugn free speech and first amendment rights of angry Americans now that the tables are turned and they are turning up on the 'die cracker' list..
3.Comment by JD on 9/9 @ 8:26 pm #
"Why are the Leftists so full of anger, hate, and violence?"
They bood Bush...
waaahhh! Getting scared are we? You never have to worry about the nikka doing the most loud talkin throwin down a damn thing.
We've already begun to bring it to them raw, and we got these hoes backed in the corner now. The right got a taste of their own medicine and didn't like it forcing them to invoke fuher Bush.
Getting a taste of your own medicine, repigs, Hows that for medical reform?
I don't have teevee and even if I did I would not watch CNN and Fox so I don't know what that group of blacks who self identify as "black public scholars" and "black public interlectuals" have been up to lately. Or what that self-promoting RP, Travis Smiley, and the black consertatives has been up to.
But I would like to know if any of these people have been appearing on CNN and Fox in their usual role of criticizing President Obama by jigging for the white gasbags passing to hosts. Bet they just love them some Joe Wilson.
I know I don't need to name these people because I am sure you know who I am talking about.
aw, field. . .you don't bite?
that's no fun.
You can also tell them not to worry when they shake hands with those who look like US - the skin color does NOT RUB OFF.
I just clicked on the link in your post about the conservative talk show host and that link has a virus. You may want to remove it.
Nobody in congress called Bush a liar during his speeches even when everyone there knew he was lying about Iraq. Now that's polite.
The Joe Wilson comment has been huge news internationally and no one can believe it.
The level of disrespect for this President is very telling. Some folks in America are showing their true colors.
Jenee D,that shouldn't be with my trusted virus detector. But just in case I changed the link.
"Nobody in congress called Bush a liar during his speeches even when everyone there knew he was lying about Iraq. Now that's polite."
So true Bob. Although we called him damn near every name in the book, we would never do it in the middle of an important address to congress.
People In The Sun, I will check out your post.
"I wish that Obama would have next accepted Joe Wilson apology. He has to stop doing this let's make nice shit all of the time. He should have issued a statement repeating his promise to call out those that lie and tell untruths about the Health Care Bill and starting with Joe Wilson"
MD, I am always frustrated with his O ness and his cool as well. But hey, different strokes. I must admit that this is working for him.
It seems that this what we always knew what the undercurrent was and where it led to, and who was going with it's flow. They went from blatant to a bit more subtle and less lethal, now they're turning up the heat again.
Field, don't be surprised if you find out that there's quite a few of us Kaw Kayzhuns; red necks and all, who stand with you.
So true Bob. Although we called him damn near every name in the book, we would never do it in the middle of an important address to congress.
just shows the lack of respect for your boy! i mean OMG to stand up on national no world wide broadcast and spank his azz like that and then your boy's come back "no i'm not" WTF if i'm prez and some dipshit did that to me i'd walk over and bitch slap him! really the most powerful man in the world and all he can say is "NO I'M NOT"! yea, he really showed us who's powerful huh?
Wow, I saw this morning that Mr. Wilson has again put his finger up at the President. Again I say its there are many people who cant get pass that Obama is a BLACK president. its so sad they cant see pass the color of his skin.
The only think i hope will happen is that their hatred will eat away at their insides, rot from the inside out.
Just read on another black site they are encouraging rappers to get this “rap about health care and marriage” !!!!
Man are you that desperate? LOL
I’ll bet that not only does anyone rap about anything other than cap’in da popo, bitches, rims, grills and being held down by da man…..that they don’t rap about health care and marriage…..LOL
Field, you've blown my cover you nappy headed Ganja smokin Spook...
2 simple Syllables and I'm a front runner for the 12' nomination...
Now get back to your effin Shineboxes Poach Monkeys!!!!
Sad to say, the character Wilson has many supporters. These are people who will never change their minds about Black people. Their inbred racism cannot be expunged even when the majority of the country voted for a Black man as recently as last November. These are people who don't believe in the Constitution, but do believe in the racists who wrote it, and never considered Black people as people, but as chattel. They want to put us back in our place as servants and nothing more. I've got news; the genie is out of the bottle, and won't go back in!
Joe Wilson should be censured. Field, please add me to your blog list.
I really believe that the amount of lies and animous towards Obama is leading up to something happening to him; and it is being done purposefully.
I chuckled as the likes of a Hannity for instance started a stooge show wrapped up in the American Flag - and 3 out of 4 words out of his mouth is a lie.
I mean this fool said the other night that Obama said that Insurers are bad people and said that he was taken [a]back...when the man actually said and I quote "...[Insurers] do these things not because they are bad people, but because they are profitable." I mean it is so irrational, it is baffling.
Joe Wilson may have been just a tool; a puppet - the KKK faction of the US Congress probably put that liar up to it; and told him that they had his back.
John McCain, is a lying fool, and a two-faced liar, he smiles in your face, and then stabs you in the back; which is cowardice. To think, before he brought Palin on board, I was really considering voting for him... I tell you this, God always has a way of showing you the truth - always.
I stopped watching Faux News years ago, I never saw such vitriole and hatred on display and it seems like it has gotten worse!
And the way they go and find Willy and Wanda negroes from the fringes to come in looking for handouts to parrot what they say... to me was disrespectful to all normal Black folk struggling and striving in America; and especially to all of those who died so our Black asses could live with some semblance of freedom today...
But, I tell you this - one thing the KKK faction has done, and we knew they would - is drop a lot of those house negroes, lapping after their table scraps - they did not understand that their time was limited... just like they never brought anything to the Black Community - not even salient, orginal thought: and after the KKK faction realized that house negrodom was nothing new in Our Communities... even those most rabid of them today are a mere nuisance...whereby back in the good ol' days they were killed (figuratively)... and have no sway with us. I mean, what do they offer except an ass for KKK enrollees to pat or some nappy heads for them to rub their hands on for luck? Darkie Bobbleheads.
But, I tell you this. If something happens to Obama (God Forbid)... It will not be some trailer trash with the understanding of a 2 year old; or some disaffected White guy, with entitlement issues, or some racist cult Grand Wizard, who dresses in bed clothing - who will do it.
It will be some African American- sick-loveless-Godless Nothing,with psychosexual dillusions of White America embracing them as their own and loving them, who will do it.
I am still going to stand behind POTUS. This was written long before we ever believed that it would happen. I pray for him, because we don't need anymore martyrs. But I am braced for more hateful display.
Thanks for letting me have my say, Field.
Where oh where is History Dude who suggested that anti-Obama and anti-black sentiment amongst the rabid right was overstated???
you wrote....
"I mean this fool (Hannity)said the other night that Obama said"
"I stopped watching Faux News years ago"
so you got this telepathicly?
"so you got this telepathicly?"
So you're saying that the only place she could've gotten this information was from faux news?
If you spent more time searching other areas of the internet (instead of trolling blogsites), you would know there are other sources of viewing trash besides faux news.
You are a troll and a plant.
Go fuck yourself.
Glad to see Obama's ACORN in Washington,DC and Baltimore helpin' the pimpsta out.
Child prostitution is the game now.
With our brutha in the house and with democrat support,2010 will be the year of the pimp!
I left inaccurate information above, so I figure it's best to correct it. Wilson spent $1,266,821 last cycle, according to OpenSecrets.org
Miller spent $609,365, acording to the same source.
Sara Palin's Alaskan Independance Party links to the Sons of Confederate Veterans!They are on their link page, as SCV.
I see said the blind man to the deaf dog!
First Joe the Plumber now Joe the Rep...
The response to the POTUS speech from the so-called Strom Thurmond room was even more bizarre. Kinda of like a hollywood satire or something...
see even more scathing info on the racist wilson:
millions of rainbow people who hate obama also hated the white gwb
and we would still hate obama if he looked mauve/green/purple/oarnge...ONLY because we know he is really not yellow but very corp GREEN!
OH alicia, SHUT UP!!!
i just scanned all posts today...
as blog police
why did you play hooky herein all day...until now????????????????????
Pimpdatass,stop perpetrating a fraud. You are not black. You will have to come up with a more
original stereotype than that.
"who will not stop until this president ends up under the wonderful manicured lawns of Arlington"
Wow. It's not often that a line in a blog makes my heart skip a beat, but this one did. I've been worried about this in the abstract, but you just made it horrifyingly concrete.
There's a second video about ACORN?
I can't believe Obama and the Democrats support child prostitution.
So if a white boy calls a black President a liar he is a racist?
What do we then call black folks who call a white President a liar? Or do these rules just conveniently apply when the allegation is made in Congress?
Thank you Yvette!!! I have been waiting for you! Thank you Jesus!
Yvetta I am a Prophetess, and what you said was in due Season, I wrote on the last Blog, that, this man was put up to saying those word's!! and not one single person came behind me and commented on this!!!
This man was sent out to cause a distraction, it was all planned, those older men in the REP/CON party's put him up to this!!they will do whatever it take's to make the President look Powerless!!!
You said the word (WIZARD) well, let me take it a bit futher!
We are surrounded by Demonic Force's!
High Priest!
High Priestess!
Now, I will leave it at that for now, but, oh, you better believe I know what I am talking about! God will not allow me to walk around in Darkness!!
I will not sit by and allow a Group of Demonic filled people to bring Blood shed to America! the Blood of Jesus will continue to cover America!!
I will not sit by and allow the Glen Beck's to cause a Race War/ the Bible say's (there will be War's and Rumor's of War's!! well the (Rumor) will be sent back to the Pit of Hell! from which it came, in the name of Jesus!!!
Yvette or Denise, do you have a Blog or WEBSITE!!!
Go back to Digital Publius with the rest of the House negroes.
Now we all know that the good congressman from South Carolinuh didn't mean to say "YOU LIE!!!".
He mean't to say "YOU NIGGER!!!!".
Of course, his career would be deemed unsalvagable at that point. Plus he'd have a few broken-off feet sticking out of his hindparts.
"This man was sent out to cause a distraction, it was all planned, those older men in the REP/CON party's put him up to this!!they will do whatever it take's to make the President look Powerless!!"""
Yes! I agree, I think he was pulling a stunt too. It's an outrage, really, that he is saying now that he won't be "muzzled", so convenient, after his fake apology.
I am hoping that what Wilson did will wake people up, Wilson is part of the Palin Plan.
What makes me a house negro? Is it that I am not blinded by ignorance, racism and hate? Is it that you value the color of one's skin over the content of one's character?
Why do you resort to the weakness of insults instead of the strength of integrity and answer the question I posed earlier? Are you a coward or just plain dim?
"Niggers always lie."
God bless you field.Keep speaking the truth.
@XI, Why do you resort to the weakness of insults instead of the strength of integrity and answer the question I posed earlier? Are you a coward or just plain dim
Why do you like to ask questions where either answer is an insult.
What was said to our President, by a Representative, in front of the whole world, btw, was about as insulting as anything that could have been said, and given Mr. Wilson's participation with the Sons of Confederate Veterans, (can you read?), it' a sure bet that this was the intent of Wilson.
BTW, racism and sexism can both be very hard to PROVE, even when it's obvious. Just think, Emmitt Till's killers went free because the jury didn't even believe that Emmitt's body was his own body.
Good things come to those who speak the truth.
According to Roll Call,Joe Wilson has raised over $700,000 since he spoke the truth.
America agrees and supports you Joe Wilson.
Kathy, I agree that my last sentence was inappropriate. It was a childish response to a childish uptownsteve insult....I should not have sunk to his level. Notwithstanding, it should not detract from my original question: Why is a white person a racist for calling a black president a liar but when a black person calls a white president a liar the same rules do not apply? The hypocritical outrage needs to be questioned, that's all.
"Why is a white person a racist for calling a black president a liar but when a black person calls a white president a liar the same rules do not apply? The hypocritical outrage needs to be questioned, that's all."
Because 9.5 times out of ten the white man IS lying.
OK you got your answer.
What Black person in Congress ever heckled a President, while Congress was in session? Or hung signs around their necks, or treated the integrity and sincerety of our President's question for Republican ideas like Congress is a circus?
This is a disgrace that is being heard around the world, this is how our elected officials in Congress treat the first Black President? You don't think that is racist?
XI, you can twist and turn all you like, and even blame someone else for your rude response, did you take responsiblity for it? No, you just blamed someone else for your insults, so I don't think you are really asking a sincere question, which, btw, I thought I already answered your question.
I took this comment from an article in the NYTimes about Wilson, it sums up the disrespect shown to President Obama very well:
"Sarah Palin may not know the details of the issues, but she does know that there are those whom she can manipulate with lies and hate. Wilson is cut from the same cloth. He wanted to show his constituents that a Black man may be the President, but he doesn’t have to respect him."
bwa-ha-ha. luv it. absolutely. pungent.
The President need's to bring all of those men from Iraq and I Iran! the more White soldier's Die, the more White Racist will have a better reason to Hate the President!
It was said that(Sarah Palin) wanted the President to keep the soldier's in Iraq, well, that will be her Trump card! when 2012 come around she will be able to say(see white people, this Black man let your son's and daughter's get killed)!
So I PRAY that the President look's at the full picture! he is dealing with a bunch of Shrewd, Conniving Snake's!!! the only thing they care about is the 2012 Election!!!
MR.R, when the President was Elected, he brought forth a Subhuman group of people that was hid out in the Heartland! SCREAMING out (kill him) one White man was even rubbing a (MONKEY DOLL with OBAMA'S name on it)this is Subhuman behavior! God only know's what really go's on in the Heartland!!!
Xi,I know what your problem is,you do not want to believe that, we have a Sect of White American's that Hate Black people!
Now you can write all pretty all you want but, the reality is, a segment of White American's want to bring harm to this Black President.
I don't know where you have been hiding out, but, the President has to have more Security than any President ever, this is not about the word LIE, this is about trying to Dehumanize a Black man!!!
As I write, their are White Tea Party group's planning to March on Washington!!!! and do you think they have plan's to bring the President a present? these people are going to Washington to let it be known that they want the OBAMA'S out of the White House!
This is not about the Government spending too much money! the Government has alway's spent money! this is about Core embedded Racism!!!!
I pray to God that, the President and his family will be kept at a safe place Tomorrow!!! for GOD forbid if one of those foaming at the mouth! rabid tea party people will get anywhere near the White House!!
Field did you know that, the Tea Party people were told to go out and buy Gun's to take to Washington tomorrow!!!! the BLOOD of JESUS!!!
Field, I have to say that I commend you for putting up with this much vitriol on your blog. Personally, I'd be deleting the crap out of some of these ignorant comments, but I also commend you for letting them stand and revealing their ignorance for what it truly is.
- An upper middle class rural Connecticut white boy
From Media Matters:
A suggestion to CNN: On Saturday (and Sunday) another group will descend on the Mall for a positive cause. This weekend is the 24th annual Black Family Reunion Celebration, a "three-day cultural event celebrating the enduring strengths and traditional values of the African American family." How about reporting on African-Americans' views on taxes, health care, unemployment, etc? At least then you won't be merely echoing Fox News' coverage. After all, the tea party protesters have been given more than enough airtime on Fox News alone.
I'm starting to worry right now, the tea baggers will be there with the Black Family Reunion there also.I wonder if the 912 people planned this on purpose?
@Mr. R said: "According to Roll Call,Joe Wilson has raised over $700,000 since he spoke the truth.
America agrees and supports you Joe Wilson"
Yeah the people have spoken. Just not the way you think.
"Wilson had raised more than $700,000 since the incident as of Friday, according to the National Republican Congressional Committee. His opponent, Rob Miller, had received more than $1 million from 25,000 donors nationwide, said his campaign manager, Lindsay Zoeller."
America supports Joe Wilson's opponent. ;)
Xi said...
"Notwithstanding, it should not detract from my original question: Why is a white person a racist for calling a black president a liar but when a black person calls a white president a liar the same rules do not apply? The hypocritical outrage needs to be questioned, that's all."
Xi, I would think that the answer is fairly obvious, but I guess not.
Racism in this country is a white construct. It still is. You broadened your question to include all whites, and not just Joe Wilson.
Okay, let's take it from there. We live in a country that is predominantly white. That reality is rapidly changing, however, but it's still a fact.
Black folks' experiences in this country has been that of slaves, a hated group that's was largely segregated from the herd, and deprived of equality on many levels for reason of their color.
Unfortunately, racism did not end with desegregation (de facto segregation, still exists in some places, however), but continues in some form to this day.
Given the abundance of that history of hatred toward blacks, I would call a white who calls the president a liar during a joint session of congress, a racist.
You may, if you choose, call him the white Southern gentleman from South Carolina.
But I don't live under such delusions.
If a black person calls a white president a liar, I won't call him a racist just so we might even up the score, or look to some rule book that says that both events must be treated equally.
Pure equality, and an even playing field, have never existed in this country--blacks have never oppressed whites, or openly discriminated against them.
Had they done so, the outcome would have been swift and certain.
Now if you'd wish to have it both ways (that both perpetrators pay the same price), then first ascertain that both whites and blacks are on an equal footing, that both voices carry equal weight in the national discourse, and in the eyes of society.
Until that's done, don't call it "hypocritical," or insist that blacks show the same level of "outrage" when blacks call whites liars, as when whites do it.
There's no moral equivalency. And if punishment is meted out for a perceived misstep by a black person, whites are in a greater position to inflict pain and retribution.
Blacks possess no such power. Glenn Beck will do just fine, as will Don Imus.
Xi, you sound anti-God like. Are you?
By and large, our caucasian brethren go out of their way to excuse such behavior as being impolite or unfortunate, but not at all related to race. If one believes that the threshold of what is to be considered to be “racist” is that the "N" epithet must be hurled (e.g., if Wilson would have yelled, “You lying nigger!”), it is comfortable to believe that this so-called “post-racial” nation, such behavior is divorced from the nation's rich history of oppression and White supremacy.
Contemporary racism is not largely about job discrimination, lynching or legalized segregation. It's has become more acceptable in this age of the "angry white man" wanting America like it use to be...when niggas were tolerated and treated as second-class citizens. For almost 25 years of so, talking conservative asshats like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc., have been given carte blanche to make veiled...and sometimes not so veiled racist commentary without any fear of consequences. As you can see, Glenn "the president hates white people" Beck is still up to his tricks and has receiving a bump in ratings...IMHO this reveals the true depths of White America's moral and ethical decline.
And even though I personally didn't vote for Obama (Cynthia McKinney got my vote as she is a true patriot).
I know that sista Banks appears to annoy many folks here with her self-aggrandizement...but if you do your homework folks she is on point about brotha Obama.
He's nothing more than a puppet...a black marionette for the power elite.
@Black Diaspora,
Thank you.
Black Diaspora said...
"Pure equality, and an even playing field, have never existed in this country--blacks have never oppressed whites, or openly discriminated against them."
White lawyers in the DA'S office in New Orleans,white librarians in Atlanta,and white police officers in Fulton County would disagee with you about blacks never openly discriminating against whites.
"Field" Negro? He seems very content to now be a House Negro, squatting in Obama's pantry, waiting to be of 'service' to his half-black Massa Obama.
Obama = puppet of the rich of any color
even MLK hospital in LA had to settle a discrimination suit brought because of racism against white doctors
"Why is a white person a racist for calling a black president a liar but when a black person calls a white president a liar the same rules do not apply? The hypocritical outrage needs to be questioned, that's all."
Please give me an example of a black elected official calling a white president a "liar" in the halls of congress. Take your time, I will wait for your answer.........
"Sad to say, the character Wilson has many supporters. These are people who will never change their minds about Black people. Their inbred racism cannot be expunged even when the majority of the country voted for a Black man as recently as last November. These are people who don't believe in the Constitution, but do believe in the racists who wrote it, and never considered Black people as people, but as chattel. "
Hi5@ abundidi.
you wrote....
"I mean this fool (Hannity)said the other night that Obama said"
"I stopped watching Faux News years ago"
so you got this telepathicly?"
Anon 11:04AM, it's called "Newshounds" they watch FOX so that we don't have to. You don't have to watch FUCK News to see the BS that they are doing over there. Others are reporting it so that we don't have to give them ratings.
Anon 11:04AM, it's called "Newshounds" they watch FOX so that we don't have to. You don't have to watch FUCK News to see the BS that they are doing over there. Others are reporting it so that we don't have to give them ratings
Fuck News,lol~
@Anony: I said: [B]lacks have never oppressed whites, or openly discriminated against them.
Had they done so, the outcome would have been swift and certain.
>"The Court found in favor of the 16‘non-minority’ complainants, and has directed that they be paid $812,000 in damages (which amount includes $180,000 in punitive damages assessed against the Fulton County Marshall’s Department)."
>"A federal jury reasonably found that a newly-elected Louisiana district attorney violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by firing white and Hispanic support staff and filling the ranks largely with black employees, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled Aug. 15 (Decorte v. Jordan, 5th Cir., No. 05-31042, 8/15/07)."
>"A rare reverse-discrimination case recently concluded in Georgia as jurors awarded eight white female librarians $25 million."
Now, I could argue that these were not clear-cut cases of discrimination, but an attempt to redress past discriminations against blacks.
And where such perceptions of discrimination against whites exist, I said the outcome would be swift and certain.
I still stand by my statement.
In those instance of supposed black discrimination (I say redress.), the outcome was as I said it would be.
In all those cases, whites, not blacks, won.
@cingwitma3rdi: "I know that sista Banks appears to annoy many folks here with her self-aggrandizement...but if you do your homework folks she is on point about brotha Obama.
"He's nothing more than a puppet...a black marionette for the power elite."
You offered your opinion easily, much too easily, and without a shred of supporting evidence.
But I ain't mad.
Yet, tell me this: What black person living in this country is not in some way or another beholden to, or dependent on, the white power structure, if not the white power elite?
Even BET's founder, Robert Johnson, a Billonaire, couldn't support a black man for president, but had to genuflect before the alter of white power.
@Black Diaspora,
In all those cases, whites, not blacks, won.
Black Diaspora,
Even BET's founder, Robert Johnsoa Billonaire, couldn't support a black man for president, but had to genuflect before the alter of white power.
@Black Diaspora -- I both agree and disagree so let's start with the disagreement. Robert Johnson didn't genuflect; he picked who he thought would win and who he had a prior relationship with. You can't blame someone for choosing friends who've helped you out over an unknown who may or may not be loyal to you or return the favor. It would be different if Johnson was backing a GOPer but he wasn't. He committed well before anybody knew who Obama was and I don't believe you should have to break your word just because someone new comes on the scene. It also would've been different if it had been some unknown white dem versus an unknown black dem but it wasn't.
Also, Johnson could've jumped ship if he wanted to but he didn't. That's not a genuflect but a personal friendship.
Now, here's where I agree with you... It's without a doubt that Robert Johnson, Barack Obama, and everyone else are beholden to a white male power structure. Hillary Clinton would've also been beholden to that white male power structure as well. And even white males are beholden to it though the difference for them is that most of it is set up in their favor as long as they don't divert from the approved white male WASPy path.
The proposition for both candidate Obama and candidate Clinton was to see who could mold their image to meet the expectations of the white male power structure the most (republicans didn't have a chance this past election). Candidate Obama won that battle both for good and for bad. Like it or not, he was the most able to fit into the white male power structure and that came at the cost of what was most different about him. Obama was better at subverting and subduing his 'blackness' than Hillary was at subverting and subduing her 'femaleness.'
But like I said both good and bad comes from this. The bad is that he's molding himself into that structure but the good is that he's also changing the face of that structure just by being there. The first challenge for minorities and women has always been showing that we can be in such a position. Before Obama and before Hillary little black kids and little girls of every color never seriously dreamed that they could really be president one day. My God, what a change that we can now truly DREAM THAT DREAM! Now, America can envision a black face at the highest office and what a change that is too! There's no going back from there.
The future is when that becomes unremarkable -- when we are on our 4th black president and our 4th female president. That's also when the white male power structure breaks down and instead of us molding to fit it the mold changes to include everyone.
Obama won that battle both for good and for bad. Like it or not, he was the most able to fit into the white male power structure and that came at the cost of what was most different about him. Obama was better at subverting and subduing his 'blackness' than Hillary was at subverting and subduing her 'femaleness.'
J, I do not agree with you, Hillary lost the fight at the point that she got caught lying about "sniper fire", remember? She lost a lot of credibility over that one, and she lost a lot of credibility over the shit that her surrogates said, like, let's see, "unqualified black male", or, "Jessie Jackson won South Carolina, too," or, what was it? uhh, I can't think, what was it, that President Obama was "lucky" to be Black? Something like that.
Then, to add on to that, McCain, and the Republicans were stupid enough to appoint Palin, who is dumb like a fox, but not dumb enough that women would consider her for President, appointing Palin clinched the deal, it was over then, everybody knew that. I laughed when Palin got appointed, yes I was scared, but I still laughed, she is an idiot.
There are actually some female politicians who are far more qualified and talented than either Palin or Clinton, but its politics, smelly politics.
Field, you said the word (inbred) good! now you are talking!
I have been studying what is going on in America, and yes, these people have been Bred to hate, this go's all the way back to slavery! I use the word SECT and CULT!!!
Just to name a few, but, trust me their are many many more Movie's!!!sometime's movie's are made from a person's true life experience!
White Liberal's and Progressive's are trying to break free from that old (Inbred generational Spirit of Witchcraft!!!!
Field, do you really know what the word (INBRED) really mean's)
@Kathy -- All that was noise. I went through what you said in detail but I deleted it. I'm not going through the primary bull again. The GOP played the only hand they had that could get them the White House -- DIVIDE and CONQUER. When you think all of sudden someone you've known for 15+ years is all of a sudden your enemy instead of the GOP something is wrong. They kept us fighting like children --each side thinking they'd been horribly wronged and would never forgive their brother or sister-- and it would've worked if the Obamas and Clintons hadn't figured it out and put a stop to it by getting together. All the GOP needed was one side to fall for it to split the party forever and they damn near succeeded. Ferraro's sorry ass is the only one who needs to be banished.
@Kathy -- To clarify, I didn't mean the line about primary bull to be rude to you. I just mean the bull of the primary of which I think there was a lot.
Kathy said... "...its politics, smelly politics."
Seems to always have been the case that the money "subverts the democratic process." I followed one of Ms. Banks blogs and she had linked to some history books. I was curious as to how everyone on the right keeps making references to Hitler and Nazi in connection with Pres. Obama. Yes, I think superficially you could make some comparisons, but the real link is the subversion by the business corporations and the elites; then; now, and probably always.
I understand that you didn't mean to be rude, truthfully, I still do not like the Clintons, but I do agree about divide and conquer, you are right about that, it's going on right now, we lost the Employee Free Choice Act because of Wall Street, we will lose the Health Care Bill to Wall Street if we don't stand together, all of us, we need to let President Obama know that we are standing together to get this bill passed.
Lady Cracker, the business corporations and elite, yes, thank you, agreed!
"we need to let President Obama know that we are standing together to get this bill passed."
Let your Congressman and Senator know. Let them know their job depends on it. That is a very effective way of supporting Obama.
The trouble is, Americans are not standing together on this bill.
@Kathy -- It's all good. We don't have to like everybody all the time. We do have to stand united against the GOP though. Somebody needs to inform the blue dogs.
Off topic...it is going to be a very cold winter--the Free Libraries of Philadelphia are going to close.
Johnson's lack of support came from his willingness to attack Obama on behalf of the Clintons.
I didn't care if he supported Hillary. That was his political prerogative, but what I did take exception to was Johnson's attaboy approach to taking Obama down a notch or two, on behalf of the Clintons.
I wouldn't tear down a brother for the advancement any white man--or woman.
He was used, and he was willing to be used. That he and the Clintons had a quid pro quo relationship is indisputable.
But I could not, would not, under any circumstance allow myself to be used in the way that Johnson allowed himself to be used.
He said: “And to me, as an African-American, I am frankly insulted that the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Hillary and Bill Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues since Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood – and I won’t say what he was doing, but he said it in the book – when they have been involved.”
And this: “That kind of campaign behavior does not resonate with me, for a guy who says, ‘I want to be a reasonable, likable, Sidney Poitier ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.’ And I’m thinking, I’m thinking to myself, this ain’t a movie, Sidney. This is real life.”
Speaking of acting: I'd say Johnson played his part well. "But this is real life, Robert."
"Obama was better at subverting and subduing his 'blackness' than Hillary was at subverting and subduing her 'femaleness.'"
Perhaps. But for all their political savvy, the Clintons mishandled Hillary's run for the Democratic nomination miserably.
Early on, she had black support, despite Obama's run. But she and Bill couldn't keep their big mouth shut, but chose to alienate a large swath of the black community.
When they screwed up, they called on Bob Johnson to clean up the mess, and get blacks back on the bus, but blacks, by then, would have rather hitchhiked than ride.
It was the Clinton's stupidity, and white arrogance, that led to Hillary's defeat and Obama's rise.
"The first challenge for minorities and women has always been showing that we can be in such a position. Before Obama and before Hillary little black kids and little girls of every color never seriously dreamed that they could really be president one day. My God, what a change that we can now truly DREAM THAT DREAM! Now, America can envision a black face at the highest office and what a change that is too! There's no going back from there.
Well stated, and I concur-- wholeheartedly.
Getting really, REALLY tired of people using the race card to explain away their woes and troubles. YOU are the racist if you think people disagree with Obama because of his race. The truth is Obama's POLICIES SUCK.. hands down. If A white, green, or blue man had the same policies, I'd encourage the same dissent. Stop playing victim you pu55ies!
rebel anons:
you all made my day
racism will only blind those who adore obama
but they will never protect them from his evil deeds...which have only just begun to perish the blind
see much more at OUTLOOK
"smelly..." in ref to female politicos?
your incessant homoerotic olfactory obsessions are weirdly amusing...
Anonymous said...
"Getting really, REALLY tired of people using the race card to explain away their woes and troubles."
Getting really, REALLY tired of people attacking the race card to explain away their woes and troubles.
The truth is Bush's POLICIES SUCKED...hands down. If A white, green, or blue man had the same policies, I'd encourage the same dissent. Stop attacking victims you pu55ies!
@black diaspora -- It's about lights out for me (crazy schedule) but I wanted to drop a comment. I'm glad you clarified that and now I see what you're saying about Johnson and can agree with you to some extent. I'll get more in depth later. However, much of my view of the primaries has to do with stripping away the emotional view which I think slants things. We never give anyone the benefit of the doubt when we're angry, you know? Instead of a misspeak it's a lie and instead of this it becomes that and so on. I'm tired of democrats fighting over it so there's my ulterior motive laid out right there. I think there was certainly white arrogance but I also think Obama played them and played them good. The Clintons aren't stupid or inept and it never benefited them to turn off young people, liberals, or black folks when running in Democratic primary (I mean come on!) but such a thing would certainly benefit both the GOP and Obama or either one if you wanna try and pin it down on one or the other. And O has never been as naive as Hillary liked to portray him or the other side of that as sweet and innocent how he liked to portray himself.
You've given me much to think on though so I'd like to go ahead and say thank you for that right there. I'm enjoying the hell out of the dialogue.
"The Clintons aren't stupid or inept and it never benefited them to turn off young people, liberals, or black folks when running in Democratic primary (I mean come on!)"
Here's why I said stupid as well as arrogant. Hillary and Bill made the strategic error of assuming that blacks were in their corner, no matter what.
I believe that assumption led both of them into making indelicate remarks about Dr. King, and blacks.
In that they were stupid. They should have been more circumspect.
It was a big risk, and, because it was an unnecessary risk, it smacked of arrogance.
Ramifications were inevitable, but the Clintons believed that they could say what they pleased (diminish Dr. King's legacy...and for what reason?) and black folks would continue to give them big love.
It was an unnecessary gamble. And I think it cost Hillary the election in the Democratic primary.
Getting really, REALLY tired of people using the race card to explain away their woes and troubles. YOU are the racist if you think people disagree with Obama because of his race. The truth is Obama's POLICIES SUCK.. hands down. If A white, green, or blue man had the same policies, I'd encourage the same dissent. Stop playing victim you pu55ies!"
Anon. most of the "victims" posting here make more $ and are better educatd than your dumb ass. I would bet my Al kaline baseball card on it.
So spare us. We have heard that tune before, and it's not on the hot 100 anymore.
Posting anonymously to call people pussies, lol go die in a fire dude.
"You offered your opinion easily, much too easily, and without a shred of supporting evidence.
But I ain't mad.
Yet, tell me this: What black person living in this country is not in some way or another beholden to, or dependent on, the white power structure, if not the white power elite?"
Whose arguing that point BD?...I completely agree that ALL who function in this system of white supremacy and privilege are beholden to them...but there are some folks who haven't forgot the REAL shit facing us as a people and nation.
I heard so many of you good brothas and sistas say during the campaign how you wouldn't support Cynthia McKinney because she is crazy...didn't want to waste a vote...etc, etc., but never heard any of you folks arguments on what she really presented, quite soundly IMHO how both the Demos and Repubs were beholden to that same power elite that you referenced. Now if that's is truly the case...why vote for someone who represents the same shit over and over again?
I don't know about you, but my conscience would not allow me to vote for brotha Obama for that exact reason. And do me this favor, do some research on brotha Obama...I'm not talking about the smoke and mirrors, controversial shit (i.e., his birth place, etc.) I'm talking about his connections with Brezinski and that cabal of criminal pols and corporate gangsters.
I stand by my convictions...not the wind of opinion and media-created bullshit.
Like brotha Tupac said..."I aint mad at ya."
Nor reports on ACORN's support of Pimping and Child Sex Trafficking put forth by Filled Negro yet.
@cingwitma3rdi: "[W]hy vote for someone who represents the same shit over and over again?"
Because half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.
Yet, tell me this: What black person living in this country is not in some way or another beholden to, or dependent on, the white power structure, if not the white power elite?"
Whose arguing that point BD.
You suggested it with the following statement:
"He's nothing more than a puppet...a black marionette for the power elite."
It was my intent to show that Geo. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and all those who came before President Obama danced on a short string as well.
Had you said, "Like those who came before him, He's nothing more than a puppet...a black marionette for the power elite."
I would have understood, and kept my mouth shut. But you're free to express yourself in any manner you choose, and I'm free to infer your meaning.
"[B]ut there are some folks who haven't forgot the REAL shit facing us as a people and nation."
And what is that "REAL shit"? You see: you're leaving it up to me to fathom what you're saying.
I think that the economy is some real shit. I think that the wars abroad are some real shit. But the biggest real shit is all that karmic bull shit we have built up over the years (as the good Reverend Wright, so eloquently put it), the "chickens are coming home to roost."
9-11 was only the beginning of our woes. Now THAT shit disturbs me.
"I don't know about you, but my conscience would not allow me to vote for brotha Obama for that exact reason."
Frankly, your reason escapes me (You're not clear about what shit is occurring again and again), but I honor your choice to vote your conscience.
"[D]o some research on brotha Obama...I'm talking about his connections with Brezinski and that cabal of criminal pols and corporate gangsters."
Now you want me to back up your points! Okay, I'll bite. Obama's alleged connections shouldn't worry you, or me, as much as it should worry white folks in general, and the white power elite specifically, who you say he's in bed with.
If he's such a marionette why are the white power elite supporting him against their own best interest? Perhaps they're not, but you're suggesting it.
One of the biggest complaints that I hear from whites and his opponents, is that he's going to take from the whites and give to blacks, a kind of black Robin Hood who's out to right the wrongs of the past.
President Obama appears to be this chameleon that everyone is projecting their fears upon, their guilt upon, as well as their hopes.
For the record, I like Cynthia McKinney. But she's always going to be a no-loaf-at-all activist because she refuses to play nice with the big boys.
Dr. King associated himself with the white power elite. He knew that he had to go through them to get to the promise land.
He knew, once there, we'd have so much "milk and honey (power and wealth to make REAL differences)" it wouldn't matter so much how we got there, but that we were there.
"I stand by my convictions...not the wind of opinion and media-created bullshit."
And I respect that. And if I've sounded more harsh, than challenging, more opinionated, than informative, know this: I have mad respect for your willingness to share your point of reference and your worldview.
Because 9.5 times out of ten the white man IS lying.
OK you got your answer.
is that why the white man runs the courts and is the popo?
And I too completely respect your right to your opinion and worldview...and this goes to prove that we aren't a monolithic group that all think or perceive things alike..which is a good thing.
Now, let me address some of your points:
"It was my intent to show that Geo. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and all those who came before President Obama danced on a short string as well."
Had you said, "Like those who came before him, He's nothing more than a puppet...a black marionette for the power elite."
I would have understood, and kept my mouth shut. But you're free to express yourself in any manner you choose, and I'm free to infer your meaning."
My bad...I didn't perceive that(your intent) in your post. I thought I covered that by saying ALL who work or function within this "system" are beholden to the same elite...including those previous Presidents that you've mentioned...did I really have to point this out? I didn't think I had to because you'd already made that point, to which I completely agreed. I thought that was understood from the get...
"And what is that "REAL shit"? You see: you're leaving it up to me to fathom what you're saying.
I think that the economy is some real shit. I think that the wars abroad are some real shit. But the biggest real shit is all that karmic bull shit we have built up over the years (as the good Reverend Wright, so eloquently put it), the "chickens are coming home to roost."
9-11 was only the beginning of our woes. Now THAT shit disturbs me."
That's the REAL shit I'm talking about BD...were on the same page, and I really didn't think I had to spell it out. Do you really think that Obama...who we both agree (right?) now is "beholden" to the power elite...is going to do much to actually "change" the status quo...I emphatically say HELL NAW!
"I don't know about you, but my conscience would not allow me to vote for brotha Obama for that exact reason."
Frankly, your reason escapes me (You're not clear about what shit is occurring again and again)..."
You again have pointed out what I meant as I assumed you knew because you appear in your posts to be one of the more intelligent folks posting here.
AND that's the shit that's occurring perpetually...the declining economy and wages of the working class because of corporate corruption...the outright lies and deception by politicians...the human oppression and "resource" theft of nations for the purpose of greed and power...the wars, the lies, all of that SHIT. That's the shit that continues to occur in spite of WHO we've vote for in this nation...do you really believe that brotha Obama will really change the status quo much?
Never mind that Obama voted to re-authorize the repressive PATRIOT Act...or that he opposed Feingold’s move to investigate the Bush administration after the president was found to have illegally wiretapped U.S. citizens...or that he "moved" the war from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Brotha Obama has refused to join genuine antiwar folks in calling for a rapid and thorough withdrawal of all troops...even though this was a major part of his campaign promise. And let's not even talk about the recent health care situation...will there be a public option or not?
IMHO, brotha Obama is interested in fighting only for those changes that fit within the existing boundaries of what’s considered mainstream (i.e., Democrat/Republican = corporate ownership) in Washington, instead of using his platform and power to redefine and change those boundaries for the people.
I'll give brotha Obama some slack in that he's a good showman...one of the best I've ever seen in my 57 years of living. And let me end with this...if he wasn't a "player", he would have never got in the game...ya dig!
Much respect to you for the dialogue.
Walk in peace and live in truth.
"No, but seriously, I have been trying to tell you Negroes in A-merry-ca and you progressive whites that there is a very large segment of the A-merry-can population that will not even acknowledge his O ness as their president."
And they're trying to use anything - including the Health Care debate - to get more people against Obama. I wish people would just be straight up about their intentions/sentiments. Hopefully Obama doesn't lose it (a la Serena Williams) to give them yet another reason to say we're not worthy of titles in traditional "A-merry-ca".
Btw, this blog is the bomb! Thanks for keeping it real.
What is the racial mix of the SC Demos who voted for Al Greene? What % of Afro-Americans voted for him (vs his Demo opponent)? Walt
The 800 lb elephant that no one is talking about (ref Al Greene) is the racial mix of those Democrats who voted for this guy.
This is funny ! I know you can't put square things in round holes but some idiots (liberals)) will keep trying until they break the edges off and force the once square object to fit.
I guess the bottom line is: funeral homes will be busier than ever when all of this Obama crap boils over. I heard they are called "Southern Planters!"
I would have understood, and kept my mouth shut. But you're free to express yourself in any manner you choose, and I'm free to infer your meaning."
My bad...I didn't perceive that(your intent) in your post. I thought I covered that by saying ALL who work or function within this "system" are beholden to the same elite...including those previous Presidents that you've mentioned...did I really have to point this out? I didn't think I had to because you'd already made that point, to which I completely agreed. I thought that was understood from the get... You Can Find Also Best offset smokers
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