Is that tire marks I see on Van Jone's back? I know I know, no one in the White House asked him step down, he just didn't want to be a distraction from the president's agenda. Yeah right.
Anyway, I am not writing about that tonight. It's a victory for the wingnuts, and I don't want to think about wingnut victories right now.
What I want to write about is the outrage over his O ness speaking to all those school children all over A-merry-ca. Conservatives are breathing fire over this one. Who the hell does this Obama guy think he is? They are saying. He might have been elected president, but he is not really our president.
"Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me," suburban Colorado mother Shanneen Barron told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH. "I'm an American. They are Americans, and I don't feel that's OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."
There are a lot Sharon Barrons all over A-merry-ca. The very thought of his O ness talking to her kids about anything scares the blue right out of her eyes. One Florida GOP Chairman, Jim Greer, basically came right out and said that his O ness is pushing a "Socialist ideology" on A-merry-ca's children.
"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology," Greer said.
"The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans ... is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power."
"The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans ... is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power."
Hold up. Didn't the fake ass cowboy from California deliver a political speech to school children?
Yes, I think he did. And I think it got far more political than any speech his O ness could ever give. But hey, Reagan isn't a Socialist with an African father and a funny name. He, my friends, was a real A-merry-can.
And then, of course, there was the first Bush, who gave a speech to the kids as well. I tried to remember if there was this type of outrage over any of those speeches, and I am comfortable in saying that there was not. Consider, some wingnuts are actually saying that this talk by his O ness to the kids violates the constitution. They are saying that this president's access to communications is "dangerous". Dangerous? Isn't he the president of the United States of America? How dangerous can he be since we elected him?
But I get it. Barack Hussein Obama is not a legitimate president as far as these people are concerned, because they still cannot stomach the fact that he is their chosen leader and the most powerful person in their beloved country. This is not about his politics, it's about him. Had this been Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, we would not even be having this discussion. You know it and so do the other 300 million plus people in this country. Let's just go ahead and keep it real with each other: This is about the president's race and nothing else. The last thing white folks want (present company excluded of course) is this Negro talking to their children. " He can go talk to his kids or kids who need to be told about getting an education. My kids know the value of an education." That is what one man from the majority population was saying on the news the other night. And believe me, I got his message loud and clear. I am just amazed that folks in the White House do not.
Honestly, a lot of these political mistakes could be avoided by his O ness if he would just surround himself with more people who understand the real A-merry-ca and aren't buying into this "post-racial" crap.
"The President is a political leader. He is not in office to be an educator. His duties are clearly laid out, and they do not include educating children. By the same token, the President is not the parent of all these children. He is not their teacher. He is not their religious leader. The reason for these boundaries is so that political figures do not use their power and influence to dominate our social lives. It is a special danger to liberty and society when national powers are developed. These are powers in which the national leadership directly controls or influences individual citizens, while bypassing or circumventing other local sources of governance and influence such as parents, families, churches, schools, and local governments."
Who says he is not a "religious leader"? I bet that author has never attended the church of Obama?
*Pic courtesy og 3.bp.blog
It was OK when Reagan and Bush the Elder did it. It's not OK when Obama does it. Feckin morons.
Stupidity rarely gets more blatant than this.
You know this is sort of funny to me because whenever Obama talks in front of Black people we always get the responsibility speech. And of course White America loves when he gives the responsibility speech to Black folks. But it's funny that they don't want Obama to give a speech on being responsible to their kids.
So you're right Field; Obama needs to save all of the responsibility speeches for us lowly Negroes.
That Field always chasing racism... (suck teeth)
Oh c'mon Field, Shannon the American just wants her American children to grow up seeing how the world is their oyster, just like she did. But how can her children grow up and feel this way if they realize they don't look like the President of the US of A. There is no need to rub this confusion in the faces of the poor children, let's just pray the next three years hurry up and passes.
She has a legitimate concern, Field, try to understand.
(I wonder if he's going to speekie de ebonics.)
"I tried to remember if there was this type of outrage over any of those speeches, and I am comfortable in saying that there was not."
Selective memory field??
Outrage at Bush's speech--
Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.)-- "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students."
Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.),Said it was outrageous for the White House to "start using precious dollars for campaigns"
Rep. Martin Frost (D-Tex.) said that if Bush feels obliged to use government funds to hire outside consultants "to make him look good," then he should fire some of the public relations experts on the White House payroll. "
There's more if you want.The big difference is the speech Obama is giving is well, all about him.
Obama uses the letter "I" 56 times.
At the end Obama will ask God to bless America.How is that gonna go over with his Godless Liberal base?
oops I meant Sharon, I don't know why I was thinking "Shannon".
Sigh. Mr. Racist, those 'examples' are not cutting the mustard. You are trying to divert by comparing apples with toilet paper - as usual.
glenn beck won
but wise warriors pick wiser employers and wiser battles
this was all van jones' bad...
many parents hated bush speaking to their kids
but there were some major difs:
the illiterate bush did not attach lesson plans to his speech
the elitist bush had been far LESS elitist and enraged the public far less before his speech to kids (ie he had not signed 3 bailout plans and was not prepping a 4th when he spoke to kids)
the media did not exaggerate the parental outrage due to their own adoration of bush...
the extra rage against obama/gwb 2.0 is not all racist but it is all relative indeed...
I think we should all start taking prop bets on a couple of things.
1) The first time Obama gets called a Nigger on tape.
2) The first time an act of violence is directed towards him or his family.
We know it happening so we should all try to cash in. It's like knowing the lottery numbers the night before.
Monie said...
You know this is sort of funny to me because whenever Obama talks in front of Black people we always get the responsibility speech. And of course White America loves when he gives the responsibility speech to Black folks. But it's funny that they don't want Obama to give a speech on being responsible to their kids.
So you're right Field; Obama needs to save all of the responsibility speeches for us lowly Negroes.
U are so correct..When President Obama is talking down to us, it is ok..
but President Obama has to take a stand and talk to all American including us.
Forget the next election, he needs to worry about today..
and no more of these Beer meeting. Get a backbone and tell it like it is and dont worry we have his back.
As an educator, I know that our children NEED to hear this speech. ALL of our children--- rich, poor, black, white, yellow, W/E!! Obama brings a message of unity, peace, and hope..how can ANYONE object to that?
I said that stupidity rarely gets more blatant than those protesting Obama's speech.
Then Mr. R. posts a comment and proves that stupidity is not as rare as I postulated. Some things don't seem to change.
Oh hell no we can't have Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivering any kind of rhetoric to our schoolkids! What are y'all, some kind of idiots? Who the hell wants to allow their kids to sit in a classroom and listen to soundbite after soundbite of some crazy old Black man if he doesn't look like Uncle Ben.
But I get it. Barack Hussein Obama is not a legitimate president as far as these people are concerned, because they still cannot stomach the fact that he is their chosen leader and the most powerful person in their beloved country. This is not about his politics, it's about him. Had this been Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, we would not even be having this discussion. You know it and so do the other 300 million plus people in this country. Let's just go ahead and keep it real with each other: This is about the president's race and nothing else.
That sums it up Field!
Therefore, President Obama needs to STOP trying to reach the unreachable and get on with the agenda of the populist who voted him in. Eff the racist element in the Republican Party and start swinging back!
Great site you have here!
Just sit back and relax, folks. Barack Obama is only performing a routine presidential duty that has been performed by presidents for generations. There's nothing to be afraid of. He's not trying to turn your babies into mini Marxists. This isn't the Trotsky For Toddlers program. The president of the United States merely wants to have a heart to heart talk with the children of America about the importance of a good education, that's all. I promise you, we Progressives do not believe in evil, subliminal messages. Chill out!
Just kidding.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This is so fucking embarrassing. Damn stupid white people.
If it matters at all, I know plenty of white people who are delighted to have President Obama speak to their children. And not just liberals or progressives.
I cant wait til we elect our first latino president...LOL
It has only been eight months... Those who supported the losing candidate are trying to regroup and recoup. This "out cry" is only a function of the media, a by product of conservative journalists. There are a minority of people who only want to see President Obama fail, even if it means America failing. Like most of the criticism / attacks directed towards President Obama, this too is politically engineered. The so-called conservatives who voice empty and fabricated criticism of President Obama are truly unAmerican and unpatriotic. He is President Obama.
They've already published the TEXT of his speech, and it is EXCELLENT - nothing that doesn't fit every SINGLE STUDENT AND PARENT - regardless of color...........
He's a communist, socialist, Muslim, racist, AntiChrist. Why don't they just call him a nigger already. At least then what they're doing would make a little more sense.
If these idiots thought they might have any disagreement with what the PRESIDENT has to say to their children why not use it as a teachable moment to further indoctrinate, I mean teach their children about their world view.
"I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."
Then LEAVE, motherfucker. We had to put up with your shit for 8 of the longest years in American history. You're turn now. :D
"Obama uses the letter 'I' 56 times."
Wow, a half dozen of you asshats had to get together and take off your shoes to tally up that statistic.
Either that, or you just pulled it out of your ass, as usual.
Sorry Field I'm in a cussin mood tonight. ;)
I read his speech and it might be the best on since the 2004 DNC and while Mz upthread my have here heart in the right place, Its really beginning to look like all this is about is 44's race. Anyone (other than the usual Obama haters) go read that speech and tell me what kid wouldn't want to hear those words from someone who came from humble beginnings.
Oh Monie and anyone else, the only speech Obama gave where he was speaking down to black folk was that Father's Day speech he gave during the campaign if you want to call more black fathers should be involved in their children's lives speaking down to black folk. Sheeh but maybe you can list some more speeches he made talking down to black folks that I missed but I doubt it.
@Noble Giant
First I think you missed the sarcasm and the point of my comment. But...since you asked; how about last February in Beaumont, Texas. Obama admonished the African American crowd to "stop letting them (their kids) grow fat eating Popeyes chicken for breakfast."
Here read about it for yourself;
It’s about politics not race ….crackhead!
If just for the sake of argument it was race then PLEASE tell me way these folks aren’t pulling their kids out of school because of black educators????
There are a few of them out there aren’t they?????
Oh, yea Van wasn’t that hard to pull down either…….he did it himself…..duh
They really screwed up with the instructions to the teachers. "Write a letter to yourself about how you can help the President"? Yeesh. I know that's out now, but it set the tone. AND the Principle wanted me to fill out a form stating my family income even though we wouldn't qualify for gobmnent foods.
Van's a crazy racist commie. Someone should point out to these guys that the most polluted parts of the planet are or were Communist ruled. Everything is levered to them, just like Wal-Mart.
"It’s about politics not race ….crackhead!"
Ever wonder why it is that someone who smokes crack always brings it up in a conversation? I guess that's because it's always on their minds.
"Obama uses the letter 'I' 56 times."
I agree with Ernesto. The fact that you wingnuts even keep track of such things is scary.
I'm with Mz; as a teacher, I want this speech seen by as many kids as possible, and if my school doesn't show it, you'd best believe I and my department will be showing it; in excess of 100% of public school kids sit in English classrooms, so come Hell or neo-con water, "my" kids will see it...But then again, my students watch and read Jeremiah Wright's sermons. What they see is passion and pain and truth--and they get it; all those blue-eyed babes recognize a dollop more of our brotherhood through Wright's powerful rhetoric. It's a damned shame more of their parents aren't as literate. That's a change I hope to see coming as a result of this Obama presidency. Idealistic, I know. However slow but sure, our path IS upward.
"It’s about politics not race ….crackhead!"
didn't respond field.....
sorry, about the crackhead thing just get tired of blacks complaining EVERYTIME! anyone says something neg about YOUR boy.
ya'll did the same with bushy boy so just suck it up and get ready for a long 4 years cuz your boy is REALLY good about screwing things up!
he does have a few good ideas...just doesn't know what to do with them....LOL
Mrs C-
just keep showing Jeremiah Wright's sermons in your classroom...
some child will tell someone parent or not and your out'a work!
and who's this unliterate you speak of?
Anon 7:25.... I suspect the "unliterate" would be you....
Last I checked it is "illeterate."
Ok.... I find these stupid parents amusing because anyone who has raised a teen knows that as soon as this speech was made "taboo" by their mama and daddy.... you know little bobby and buffy will be going on line to listen and see what all the fuss is about. And, once they see that there is nothing in this speech that promotes socialist, communist, baby eating, grandma killing ideas... their PARENTS will be seen as the fools they are. Children are usually quite good at seeing bullshit and it will be one more lie racked up to rebel against their parents' narrow-minded, paranoid view of the world.
MY kids won't be watchin the Mulatto in Chief...No racism,they go to a private Jewish School, and they got that important "How to skin Christian babies" class...
But even if they take a gander at his big nappy head (seriously, that Boy needs some Afro-Sheen) I've already pre-indoctrinated them with years of Amos & Andy DVDs (got em at Wal-mart)...
Frank Drackman said...
MY kids won't be watchin the Mulatto in Chief...
That would be effective if you actually had custody of your kids and you weren't in prison.
Don't you have some knobs to polish?
"Forget the next election, he needs to worry about today..
and no more of these Beer meeting. Get a backbone and tell it like it is and dont worry we have his back."
Obama needs to realize that there is a certain element in America that is never going to accept him no matter what he does so stop trying to be nice.
Speak the truth and speak it boldly.
Stop rolling over to rightwing pressure.
Throwing Van Jones under the bus makes you look weak.
Just one more kvetch - yeah, 'pilin' on - about all of the lizard-lip, alligator-brain un/educated semi-literate, jingoistic dixiecrat rethuglicans who are given credence in MSM. Their collective and abysmal ignorance takes one's breath away. I once saw a bumper sticker that read: "Stupidity should be painful." And, I would add, "Willful ignorance should be fatal."
Isn't there some kind of painful and deadly disease that these reptilians can catch? Clogged arteries and diabetes aren't working quick enough.
Thank you...just had to get this off my chest.
"Keep those public officials out of our public schools!"
You can tell the priorities of some folks/MSM are really skewed when one can find "controversy" in a stay-in-school speech by POTUS...
Ya know it was funny listening to all the white people last fall saying that Obama's election would usher in a "post racial" America.
A lot of us black folks knew that it would be just the opposite.
His election would tear the scab off of the always festering racist sore in America and bring a lot hate and anger to the surface.
It's going to get ugly.
Nothing much to add other than hopefully the President will figure out who his friends and enemies are and react accordingly.
someone needs to point out that MR R's post doesn't make any sense - the blogger here was asking for criticisms on the previous presidents _talking to children_, not _spending tax dollars for some purpose_.
The fact that we are even discussing this is a sign of a right-wing victory. Never mind that we are headed to a "jobless recovery"; never mind that for the first time, the U.S. has lost the top spot in a poll of the world's most competitive economies; never mind that we are bogged down in an unwinnable war, etc.
Regardless of whether you agree or not with the speech, the point of the matter is there is a total lack of respect for the person holding the office of president. These "scared" folks are not scared,(don't get it twised) they disagre solely based on the fact that the office holder is not the status quo (White). They hate this so because the man holding the office of president is a BLACK man! Post racial society .... bullshit!
"His election would tear the scab off of the always festering racist sore in America and bring a lot hate and anger to the surface.
It's going to get ugly."
You must be a young one. "Getting ugly" was the 1960's. NOTHING now remotely compares to the all out violence of that era-nor is it going to. This is a different time and place, with different battles.
I find it comical that those opposed to Obama's speech appear to believe that there is some boundary between the presidency and the public school system. McFly - they're both part of the "government." See, there are three branches - executive, legislative and judicial. Since public schools clearly are not legislative or judicial, the only other branch they could be part of is the executive branch. Coincidentally, the president is the head of the executive branch of government.
I also find it comical that those opposed to Obama's speech appear to be oblivious to the fact that but for that paragraph in the U.S. history textbook about Martin Luther King, the public school system has been used to spread the white man’s racist ideology since Thelma, Minnijean, Elizabeth, Gloria, Jefferson, Melba, Terrence, Carlotta, and Daisy enrolled at Little Rock Central High School.
how can obama really care about school kids and simultaneously ensure that their parents are jobless and homeless?
how can he really care about schools and break all of his promises to eradicate the academic genocides of NCLB?
how can he publicly ignore all of those babies gunned down in his own adopted city of chicago and feign that any child can remain focused in such war zones?
keep the work of his speech writers..i remain unimpressed by obama's reading skills
give me some real hope and change!
History Dude,
"You must be a young one. "Getting ugly" was the 1960's. NOTHING now remotely compares to the all out violence of that era-nor is it going to."
Maybe you should start calling yourself Soothsayer Dude.
How do you know that it "won't be"?
We've never had a black President before and contrary to popular opinion, Obama did NOT win a majority of white votes.
Do you listen Beck, Savage, Limbaugh and Liddy?
These people have large audiences and they are feverishly fanning the flames of hate.
White supremacist groups are giddy over the amount of new attention and membership they are recieving.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
And putting your head in the sand only leaves your ass in a position for a swift hard kick.
And.... now for a humorous take on this......
"As the father of four children, "
Really, how is that relevant? Is he indicating that he is not fertile enough to create ten offspring? or he is man enough to impregnate a female of the species?
I'm just amazed that there is still this level of racism. Obama is our president elect. Elected by the people. He is obviously intelligent and motivated. He is someone we can all take lessons from. I don't understand why his talking to school children is a threat. It's a privilege for them to meet and talk to the President of the United States. Think of how that might positively influence the children he speaks to!
field in your hast to play the race card did you forget to do a little research?
Democrats held hearings and order investigations into the legality of Bush's speech.
Do you even care about what you blog or is playing the race card the most imporant thing ?
Ernesto said...
"Obama uses the letter 'I' 56 times."
Wow, a half dozen of you asshats had to get together and take off your shoes to tally up that statistic.
Either that, or you just pulled it out of your ass, as usual.
I will take my dick out your mom's ass just long enough to tell you that there is software you can buy that will tell you how often words or letters come up in speeches.Now i'm back in your mom's ass.
It will be their loss when the speech is over.
"Honestly, a lot of these political mistakes could be avoided by his O ness if he would just surround himself with more people who understand the real A-merry-ca and aren't buying into this "post-racial" crap."
@Monie touchee and I remembered that speech about eating Popeye's chicken in the morning lol. Most folks load up on breakfast food which calorie wise is worst than fried chicken. Also I appreicate your point of view here and your blog and I have love and upmost respect for you. But I'm a still come at you if say something I don't agree with and I expect the same ;)
@Alicia - I've been reading some of your posts here and I have a suggestion; you should run for public office. You have a great background and education and to my knowledge, no one but you holds so many unique views. You should think about it.
This is clearly about race and a way to distract the masses even more.
politics have never appealed to me
they compel people to lie and compromise to please those who control our wicked and elitist political systems...
my views are not unique
i believe in all of the things obama promised before he won...
thanks but no thanks
like van jones before all of the beck bs, i prefer to do my works in the streets...
Just listened to the President's speech. The people who criticized him should be ashamed of themselves. The comments have been positive.
President Obama's speech coincides with another program later today being held by the Gates Foudation and Viacom. Tonight at 8pm all Viacom stations will play a 30 minute video about education and staying in school.
Field, you are right. It's all about race. As Americans we are cowards when it comes to discussing race, Eric Holder was right.
Post racial my a**.
A lot of us can remember when we had to look in the back of the JET magazine to find out if any Negroes were going to be on T.V. during the next week. It might be Nate King Cole or the dancing Negro on the Lawrence Welk show.
Now there is an African who can come into white folks homes any time of the day or night right through the damn T.V. set! It is like Poltergeist, "They're Here"!
The best thing you can do is tell a kid who or what not to watch on T.V. I am sure most of these nut rolls' kids are going to the library to see what forbidden message is hidden in the President's words. I am also sure that many of them have actually looked up Socialism and have hidden such forbidden literature to read when their parents aren't around.
Malik, there'd have been alot more Negroes on TV if y'all hadn't pressured CBS into pullin Amos & Andy out of syndication... and what about that Redd Foxx, don't tell me you didn't laugh your black ass off during that episode where he accuses the Black Judge of bein a racist...and how about that Negro cook in that 3 stooges episode, You know, the one where they hook the plumbing up to the stove and his eyes bug out when water shoots out of the oven... how much did HE lose in royalties???
Probably none, those Stooges were Jewish, you know.
Ernesto said...
"I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."
Then LEAVE, motherfucker. We had to put up with your shit for 8 of the longest years in American history. You're turn now. :D
1:59 AM
hahahahaha. couldnt have said it better.
frank drackman= internet coward, coward
frank= socially isolated, child molester, serial killer or some evil father, spews evil and negativity-- infer is negative and evil
One of the anonymous wrote: "but for that paragraph in the U.S. history textbook about Martin Luther King, the public school system has been used to spread the white man’s racist ideology since Thelma, Minnijean, Elizabeth, Gloria, Jefferson, Melba, Terrence, Carlotta, and Daisy enrolled at Little Rock Central High School."
Absolutely, and some folks are worried about indoctrination! Hmph!
Every three months a nazi film is premiered, History Channel got nazis all day long, books out every week--our children know more about Nazis, holocausts than they do Rwanda, Darfur, Rosewood, Black Wall Street, even the US constitution.
That's why China/India do better educating their kids--no heavy nazi rotation in education.
Thank u wingers/GOP for turning a minor speech into a major media event that makes Obama look awesome. He told them it wasn't that likely that they'd become rappers or ballplayers. He's trying to make them corporate, socialist bureaucrats like himself! What a bastard! lol Fox noise where you at??
I liked where he added in the part about personal responsibility to appease the conservatives.
Mr. R
If conservatives are so much into "personal responsibility" how come they never accept any for their fuckups?
"Still Here" Harlem Productions has sent you a link to a blog:
Blog: allthingsharlem.com
Post: Racist watermelon soda on sale at Target?
Link: http://allthingsharlemproductions.blogspot.com/2009/09/racist-watermelon-soda-on-sale-at.html
@Noble Giant
Right back 'atcha'. Lol
This would be a good time for Obama to release his college grades/transcripts.Whats he got to hide?
obama's speech - lesson plans = done deal with no glitches
what set this off was never the speech, but the attached and unique lesson plans, which were insanely nazi-ish
oh geez.
Get a life fool.
My last post was directed to "anonymous".
cool us
see new genetic racism
more post racial gaming
greetings field from a yardie
i was wondering who i can email you directly i was looking over your blog the adress but i just cant seem to find it.
AB is a fool and she needs to get a clue.
Check this out. The RepubliKKKan Racism Tour '09 continues:
The real problem is that this uppity boy in the White House just don't know his place...
obama read a great speech that was hypocritical as always...financially and academically
let's see his grades and transcripts!
"Obama needs to save all of the responsibility speeches for us lowly Negroes".
This is meant to be funny, but it really is true.
With high school drop out rates as high as 50% in some black communities and with so many black children unable to speak even basic english, have never read a book, can't add five plus two, but have time to hang out on the block looking worst that the worst thug, the President really need to save the responsibility speeches to us Negroes (as you put it).
Who else is doig it?
The black so-called ministers who should be deliving messages about responnsibility are to busy collecting the meager benefit checks from old ladies with which to purchase the latest model of Rolex watches.
First, I wanted to tell you that I'm glad to see you back. I missed you.
About Obama's school speech to children their afraid that he might out shine them as parents. They've probably spent most of their waking days teaching their children negatives and hatred towards black people. President Obama would make them look like liars in their children's eyesight. Besides which, President Obama's children represent some good, mentally healthy, happy, decent, well mannered children. Their not full of hate or negatives mannerisms and that's a problem for the rightwing.
"At the end Obama will ask God to bless America.How is that gonna go over with his Godless Liberal base?"
Now, that would be an hilarious statement if it wasn't so asinine, but then we're used to asinine statements coming from that jerk. It's his way of life.
I came from a long line of preachers. One of my grandmother's was what they'd call a prayer warrior and people would come from miles around for her to pray for them and would actually fall out from the anointing of her prayers. Another one of my grandmothers was what folks would call a holy roller, sanctified, filled with the holy ghost women. If you sat down at her table to eat, after prayer was said over the food, each person had to say a bible verse before you could eat. I went to bible college, was one of the main speakers in revivals,Sunday church services, and active in church. However, never in all my church going life from the time I was a child have I ever heard any liberal preacher, evangelist, prophet, etc, praying for someone's death or preaching hate like I've observed those on the rightwing side do. And they call themselves Christians. They're the ones who have given Christianity a bad name because they preach, teach, and pray the devil's work! More like the devil's disciples if you ask me.
"Sorry Field I'm in a cussin mood tonight. ;)"
Don't feel like the lone ranger because even granny is ready to pull out all of her substitute cuss words and let it rip. Y'all know I use substitute words for the real ones. I've been hotter than fish grease lately at some of the latest events to take place, and one of them is Van Jones resignation because of Beck. I would like Beck to explain the reason for him wearing a nazi suit on the cover on his latest book and explain some of his associates who are of questionable character.
"MY kids won't be watchin the Mulatto in Chief"
You should be in Ripley's believe it or not. That is quite a strange accomplishment for a male azz like you to produce some goats. So, you really do believe in interracial mixing after all. Wow!
Thanks Granny!
"someone needs to point out that MR R's post doesn't make any sense - the blogger here was asking for criticisms on the previous presidents _talking to children_, not _spending tax dollars for some purpose_."
Anon 10:53AM, you just did. Thank you!
"greetings field from a yardie
i was wondering who i can email you directly i was looking over your blog the adress but i just cant seem to find it.
Big up yawdie!! You can e-mail me at fnblg@yahoo.com
waah! waah! waaaaaaaahh! it's "racism"!
there you go, you can save lots of time writing your very unintelligent posts if you just paste the above whining into your posts, every day. Then add to it some picture, so your regular readers can have some idea of what topic you're brainlessly whining about racism - on any particular day.
Don't thank me, I' glad to help out.
why have the Democrats declared war on poor people? Now the plan is to fine people who can't afford health insurance. The Democrats seem to believe that the poor all have big secret stashes of cash.
Let's review recent history. The AIG executives got their big bonuses. The proposed law to 'fine' them via taxation never materialized. Also, the proposed law to generally tax the rich never materialized. But people who could afford new cars got free money to help them, while people who can only afford used cars are on their own.
Let's review recent history. The AIG executives got their big bonuses. The proposed law to 'fine' them via taxation never materialized. Also, the proposed law to generally tax the rich never materialized. But people who could afford new cars got free money to help them, while people who can only afford used cars are on their own.
Very true anon.
Ask me how I know.
I'm assuming that the wingnuts have become obsessed with the pronoun "I"(56) from the references in the comments. I quickly went to the text of Mr. Obama's speech and had my computer do a search for the prounoun "you" and cam up with 109 (plus or minus) I quickly counted them up but didn't do it obsessively.
What would they say to that??
I'm thinking when they point out details like that they are only repeating a "talking point" they heard from someone they admire. Who started it I'm wondering...
aloha from Makaii
this is not racial
it is elitism
obama is green!
and why am i the only one herein slurred as a fool by fools like assnon when i am only saying the same things about obama's hoaxes???
his clunkers program failed even as he extends it
he stiffed new car dealers
and robbed used car dealers/buyers
only rich new car buyers benefitted etc
to date
obama has done NOTHING for poor people of any race
and he never will!!!
"someone needs to point out that MR R's post doesn't make any sense - the blogger here was asking for criticisms on the previous presidents _talking to children_, not _spending tax dollars for some purpose_."
Ummmm those were criticisms of Bush's speech.
Lets don't let the facts get in the way of the race po-po.
"...Who else is doig it?..."
Ha! You're kidding right? The question is; who doesn't preach to Black people like we're children?
Let's see; Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, mainstream media, bloggers, to name a few.
Since the first Black person was dragged kicking and screaming onto these shores we have been getting the paternalistic 'you gotta do better' speech. Heck even car companies give us paternalistic commercials while selling us cars! Haven't you seen those condescending car commercials for the 'urban markets'?
As for President Obama; shouldn't a President tell his constituents what he's going to do for them? That seems to be the way it works for everyone else. Obama is very happy to tell Jews, Latinos, Whites and others what he will do for them. It's only us who are told by him what we should be doing.
Obviously there is a lot of room for improvement in many areas but we are beat over the head with the millions of things that we, Black people, supposedly suck at.
obama is stacking the ct to aid rich corps...
i told u what obama picked sotomayer to do:
AB, you are right has always.Even the haters know your right.They are reading and learning.
"He's a communist, socialist, Muslim, racist, AntiChrist. Why don't they just call him a nigger already. At least then what they're doing would make a little more sense."
Sad, but true. You know that's what it's about.
"waah! waah! waaaaaaaahh! it's "racism"!
there you go, you can save lots of time writing your very unintelligent posts if you just paste the above whining into your posts, every day. Then add to it some picture, so your regular readers can have some idea of what topic you're brainlessly whining about racism - on any particular day.
Don't thank me, I' glad to help out."
It's called the world wide web. And there are thousands of other blogs to read in it. May I suggest that you find one. Oh, wait, you can't do that, you want to read some of the "unintelligent" things that I have to say. So you come here and add to my hit count.
Well for that I DO thank you. ;)
millions of whites now bashing obama called him "the one/hope/messiah" when they voted for him
this is not racial
this is classism
mostly poor whites are being called "birthers/wingnuts etc"
obama is ONLY half black
he is a WHOLE "disappointment/dejection/deception/dunce etc!!!"
i am not the only one right herein
though i am the only one slurred
To Mr.R.--Anybody who lived through 1991 and was old enough to vote then should remember the real story behind Democratic objections to George H. W. Bush's speech at Alice Deal Junior High School in D.C.
Context of objections to Bush senior's 1991 speech.
Nice try though.
Field, extreme conservatives came by to object to a list of books, tell me Van Jones is a communist, say they're not racist even though I didn't call them that in the specific post, and to tell me to get a job and to go home and take care of my children. You know us black women. We always have a boatload of kids at home that we don't care for.
Clearly they don't want to know anything about black people other than the sliver in the conservative version of history.
Please forgive me, but I am going to ramble a little. To those who take offense at President Obama supposedly talking down to our folks, I use to take offense too. “Who are they to talk down to us”? Don’t they realize that America ‘s culture is geared to keep us down?” “How can they talk like that in front of the them?” I also use to be especially embarrassed whenever the MSM reported on a vicious crime or shooting, praying it was not one of our own. However, l now realize I have nothing to be ashamed of. I was once down and dirty, and could have "chosen" to stay where I was, but I remembered the guidance counselor, who happened to be black, that came to my home and begged me to think of my future and go back to school. I thought of mom and how she struggled to raise 8 children, and the future she wanted for us. Of course, I had to do it my way, but eventually I found my way out of the hole. I say all of this to say, what is wrong with our President or any other accomplished Black man or woman giving a little tough love. Sometimes we need someone to get in our face and ask us the tough questions. Who loves you more, the one that lets you fall off that ledge or the one that attempts to make you see your beauty and self-worth and helps you find your way? Many of the so called "real" Americans could give a damn about the misery, murder, and mayhem in our communities. It enhances their sense of superiority, even though some may live in worse conditions. Some have nothing but their whiteness to base their superiority on; however, they still point at the crimes we perpetrate against ourselves to support their belief that we are the "other" & not worthy of respect. And, because of our silence, the same people can blatantly disrespect our President in every media form, because he IS BLACK (forget that half-black crap, we are talking about America! There is no half-black!), while the silence is deafening. This is the time to take offense, because when they disparage the President they disrespect us all. No, I'm sick and tired of making excuses. President Obama isn't the one we should be ragging on. We have to stand-up! We have to realize that we are the MASTERS of our destiny, and until we take responsibility for our own lives and our own communities and realize are true potential, we will never be truly free. Remember divide and conquer, is what they’re good at. However, I want us to finally win!
Hang in there Nordette, and keep fighting the good fight. Don't let these people get you down, it's who they are.
Anon. 11:38PM, that was well said.
"Since the first Black person was dragged kicking and screaming onto these shores we have been getting the paternalistic 'you gotta do better' speech. Heck even car companies give us paternalistic commercials while selling us cars! Haven't you seen those condescending car commercials for the 'urban markets'?"
God Bless you my sista!
I am so sick of these self hating Chicken Little negroes I don't know what to do.
There are many black people doing wonderful things in this country that aren't athletes and entertainers.
There are thousands of thriving, successful black communities with upwardly mobile and achieving black people in them.
These negroes who insist on making the inner city ghetto the face of black America need to just shut up and get the hell out of the way if they aren't doing anything to improve it.
Negro, I am so done with President Obama. For real. Three strikes you are out in my book. First it was Rev. Wright, then Van Jones and now every poor Black school district in this country. Memo to President Obama, there are some white folks (and blacks) that will never like or accept you. Get over it and stop dissing Black folks by pandering to folks that will never accept you.
We are the only group of people judged by the least amongst us.
In its coverage of the evening news last night, ABC report that the Arlington (TX) School District did not show the President's speech. However, the same school district is also planning to allow several students to attend an off-site speech to be given by former President GW Bush at the opening of the new Cowboys stadium. AMAZING, but we should not be surprised...
Blogger Monie said...
We are the only group of people judged by the least amongst us.
Wow! Well said and so very true in this country.
I don't know how to relate antisemitism to that, Jews seeming to be the default whipping boy after/besides blacks and not judged at all, or judged by events 2,000 years ago.
The president-leader of the free world-has inherited rights commensurate with the office, that no rational person should question.
He's also the undisputed role model for young Americans and no amount of screaming on the right will change that.
GOD bless America.
p.s. van jones has enough education to know that he should read over petitions BEFORE signing them.
Man, Alicia, why are you doing this to me - hey Field, what's up; haven't been here since the last crop of folks was laying it down out here in the fields.
Alicia; sister, and I have been callin' you mine for many years - back in the day, reading your blog etc... we have even shared an email or two from time to time.
I worked for the DNC for 3 years - getting their picked candidates to congress etc... voter registration... and yes, for Obama- and I have been and continue to be a registered Independent. It took a minute for me to even want to vote for Obama - I thought that he was not ready, that maybe he was a shyster like 90% of all politicians and 98% of Black politicians... but then I realized how focused he was, I watched him take racist and unfair hits etc... and he kept moving - and I had to vote away from home - but I checked the box for him, and I hoped.
Yes, it is racism that is driving his adversaries - everything that comes against him is so bogus, if it wasn't the saddest thing to watch, all that hatred in full view, like we have not seen (us in present, I mean, y'all know)...I would laugh.
Yes, I agree with Alicia and a few others that he has a paternalistic way of talking to Us... and I too, do not like it... and why is that?
But, I cannot hate on him for that because we, are still in our infancy, and maybe I am giving him a pass because I knew coming in that he was going to catch a type of hell that has been in reserve for the first negro ascending to such heights... in fact I am surprised that it is not worse - so, I made a pact to not expect too much, if anything.
I mean, we expected nothing, and was told that we did not deserve to expect anything from any other President!
So, I am still going to stand in his corner, give him a chance... although I agree with some of the sentiments of Alicia and a few others.
And Alicia - for whatever reasons you have, you are spewing some bordeline racist things at Obama; and the resident Racists attack you because even though you agree with the Racists and expond on their racist invectives, more cogent and concise than they can - they still think you are a N - a.
Akin to how they rail in our sorrowful Black Republicans - use'm and then kill'em... but I think that even this trailer park lot recognize in you, as I always have - you can't be bought (you don't need them to pat you on the head, or slap you on your butt and say how good a negro you are???)...
Anyway, that is my say... keep on pushing Field - glad you are still here.
hey denise
u made my day
proud to be your sista
even when we disagree
u know i have always judged all exclusively by their actions...i always will
i will not love obama until he earns it....still waiting
much love and respect my sista fire,
I am stunned by the backward reaction of school officials who surrendered to the cries of ignorance of many parents by not broadcasting our president's educational speech. It is shameful that educated people allowed themselves to be bullied by the intellectual cowardice of some parents who now view our president as an enemy of the state.
Soon there will be charges of treason and sedition targeted at the white house one wonders if our educated elites will lend themselves to those noises and unworthy chants of the ignorant. Time will tell...
there is only one party: the rich elite rulers
republikkkans = dems!
and they all keep us distracted by switching teams...recall how bubba haters gave the republikkkans power for so long?
george carlin said it best:
“I don't vote. Two reasons. First of all it's meaningless; this country was bought and sold a long time ago. The shit they shovel around every 4 years *pfff* doesn't mean a fucking thing. Secondly, I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around – they say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain', but where's the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.”
you are welcome at my blog and websites anytime!
you will find many afrocentric intellectuals and a rainbow rebels
all of whom know that obama is gwb 2.0:
I know Im really late, but I wanted to correct you on something Field. I am not an Obama stan. Well, I am, but not politically. I like him as a man, as a person, as a family man - those sides of him I completely dig! But politically, not so much. The thing that pissed me off the most were his comments on the DC gun ban snafu. But hes done other things as well.
So dont lump me in with all the other Obama-heads, k??
it's good to see this information in your post, i was looking the same but there was not any proper resource, thanx now i have the link which i was looking for my research.
Call GirlS
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