An avid reader of this blog who happens to be white, sent me that pic of the chosen one via e-mail. (I won't say her name because she asked me not to.) Her husband saw it in the window of a gun shop in rural Wisconsin and took a picture of it. Now I know that it's going around in conservative and wingnut circles, but for the most part they have just tried to make it their own little secret. Which is why I was surprised to learn that it was actually in a window of a business establishment.
Still, I am not going to make a big deal about it. If his O ness doesn't think that the actions of any of his political enemies is motivated by race, who is some race chasing field Negro to jump into the fray? His O ness is on his own with this one. It's his "post racial A-merry-ca". After they are done talking about his daddy and posting vile images of his wife, he can hold hands with them and sing kumbaya until his heart's content.
So what we have is a current president running away from the issue of race (too uncomfortable, and not smart politically) and a former one staring it down. If there is a more hated white man in A-merry-ca today than Jimmy Carter I would like to meet him.
The thing about my man racism is that he doesn't like to be spotted by white folks. (Especially former presidents.) Oh it's cool to mess with the field Negroes of the world and dare us to chase him, because folks don't really take us seriously. (Oh that's just field being field, he is always chasing the big R.) Jimmy Carter crying racism really upset the order of things. Here in A-merry-ca we like our racism to be kept hidden away. The crazy uncle in the attic who we only let out when our guests are gone. Thing is, Carter, at 85 years old, doesn't really care anymore. He is more than willing to open the attic door and let uncle R out.
Carter has been involved with Southern politics since the sixties, so I think he has heard the N word a time or two. If Bo knows football, Jimmy knows racism. The poor guy probably just got tired of playing the game. Peel the scab off and let the chips fall where they may. Yeah but field, did he have to label everyone who disagrees with Obama a racist? He didn't. Let's look at what he said again:"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African American,.." "An overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity.." A portion of a group is not everyone. I think my republican friends are being a bit sensitive.
But enough about Jimmy Carter. We always knew he had a little field in him, so I am not surprised at what he said. I am not surprised about what the White House said ,either. When it comes to some people, his O ness can be pretty consistent. When it comes to other people, on the other hand, not so much.
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»Jimmy Carter said what needed to be said. I very strongly agree with his statements. Obama has said what he thinks the politics require him to say. I very strongly respect the position he is taking.
Obama has a much tougher task than Carter does. Obama is trying to create a different reality, and it calls for him to try to put the usual battlegrounds in the rear view mirror. Hard to do it when you've got some people standing in front of the windshield, but Obama is banking on the idea that there are more people in the rear view mirror than in front of the car.
Jimmy Carter hasn't been president for nearly 30 years. He's a damn good man, not to mention the winner in the first presidential election of my voting life. It was amazing to vote for the winner the first time out in 1976.
But the reality is that Carter, as enormously as I respect him, is not part of the American future in the sense that Obama is.
Give Obama some credit here. Awkward as the moment is, the man is a path-breaker, and he's doing it during stormy times. It would be nice if this were a clearer, smoother, and more logical path, but let's be real about race: It's a tortured and complex history and reality, and working it through isn't going to be easy or pretty.
I supported Obama last year, and have been critical of him about health care, and for being too gentle with his Republican opponents, but when it comes to racial issues I can't find a lot of fault. He's doing the best he can, and ought to be supported in his efforts.
I will add that no one, myself included, really has clean hands.
That's where, in my view, black people have excellent cause to be pissed off at the pose of complete innocence taken by too many whites. It is also where white people have excellent cause to be pissed off at the pose of complete innocence taken by too many blacks.
Christ, if people could just get real, we'd be able to make more progress.
What did you expect?
Obama has been put in the position of having to lie to himself in order to curry false favor with people that will never support him. He has to publicly state that the opposition to his policies is not race-based, when said opposition is almost exclusively about race, but using exaggerated policy criticisms by proxy.
Unlike most politicians who have to lie to a part of the electorate to get elected, he is LYING TO HIMSELF in order to get other people to support him and his policies.
It might be genius, but I haven't seen it yet.
I just wish he could spend as much time calling out Joe Wilson as he spent calling out Kanye.
I agree Grinder. The President can not menton race like we can.
It would tear the country apart and the republicans know it. He needs Black media to step up. Black America is his advocate. Michelle and the President has to be suffering in silence. Remember they have two black daughters. You only can take so much. He has to be careful not to loose part of Black America. They are catching it from both sides of the fence. This family needs some serious praying.
These bellicose "wingnuts" on the fringes of the repugnant party know that we live in Amerikkka: Where any lie repeated often and loud enough becomes truth. These (armed, no less) alligator-brain wing-nuts also perceive "kumbaya" behaviors as laughable and weak. They WILL NOT be ignored!!! Their cancerous and militant ignorance will ultimately tyrannize and consume all of us.
Don't laugh, but, I'm a hopeless optimist who believes we Progressives and righteous Field "Negroes" will actually show up and vote in next year's mid-term elections. "Murphy's Law", however, says most folks will be laying up and sleeping. Bless us all.
I think it was absolutely appropriate and I am proud of President Carter for speaking truth. In fact, I think it is the job of white folks to call out racism when they see it..
I do not think President Obama or any other folks of color should have to bare the burden of the harm of racism and then be expected to defend that harm that is being done.
I saw that same picture blown up on the side of a van in FL at a grocery store parking lot.
In fact, I think it is the job of white folks to call out racism when they see it.
In a more perfect union, we'd have members of each race calling out racially motivated crap within their own group. Whites aren't the only ones commit race-based mayhem.
President Carter got more cohones than all the rightwing nuts. He was okay with the nuts until he wrote that book about the Middle East, then all hell broke lose. And I can't forget the picture that was taken of all the living presidents - Obama included. Jimmy Carter was way on the other side and had to poke his head out in order to get in the picture. That's a real man, he speaks truth to power and has nothing to lose. He has more integrity than all the elites (congress and the house) representing US and its citizens. He stands for something and doesn't fall for everything.
Grinder, it is so nice to see someone here who can use what occupies that space between the eyes. The minute the President comes out and says anything close to what unthinking and unsophisticated people wants him to say, it is all over. He carries himself with respect and it shows.
The President is not a ganster thug hidding is do rag in his pocket. He is an educated man with class and it shows. The unthinking winners want him to come out speaking in broken english, mfing everyone. These ideas are just plain and simple stupid. Turn off BET and pick up a few books, maybe you will learn something, anything.
Where are the black media? The black so-called intellectuals and black so-called scholars? That is, where are they when they are not pimping themselves on the white tv shows doing their part to tear down the President?
And the President is not lying to himself in order to curry false favor with people that will never support him. This is just another foolish and uneducated statement.
And as for Kanye West. He is just another ugly ghetto thug spewing garbage and calling it music that some are not smart enough to know is garbage.
Turn of BET before your brain completely rots.
Grinder... in a more perfect union maybe....
But might I suggest that it is far more productive for you and I as white folks to FOCUS on white supremacy and racism and challenge it whenever and wherever we see it (including in ourselves).
I imagine if whites of good will and commitment to ending racism/white supremacy were working on our end of it... then the other aspect of internalized racism and prejudice would also diminish.
Think of it this way... when my kids used to justify bad behavior by saying, "well he started it," or "he did it too".... my response was, "you are not him and that is no excuse and I expect you to do the right thing regardless of what others are doing."
Let us all do the right thing.
Those that will actually listen to Pres. Carter arent the ones who need to hear it. Now while racism does not split cleanly down political lines, the usual suspects, and what we expect to hear from them does.
Mr. Carter is a liberal Democrat that many on the right consider the worst President in modern history... better man than Bill but far less affective, especially fiscally. Carter said what we would all expect him to say which results in no one new listening to him.
Even if Obama spoke out, everyone expects a black person to see racism. In fact most of those who dont already recognize or admit racism expect black people to see nothing but racism everywhere they look (thanks Jesse and AL).
The only thing that could ever make those who are protesting the loudest... or those who listen to them, take notice, would be for a white, conservative Republican to stand up and call out the racists.
If Mitt Romney stood up and stated that the complaints have a racist tone, there would be shock waves.
There is no one else, or no other type, that would get the attention of those who need to be listening.
I'm not holding my breath.
I am at a loss for words after seeing that pic of the first lady being strung up the way she was by the Klan on that poster.
"But might I suggest that it is far more productive for you and I as white folks to FOCUS on white supremacy and racism and challenge it whenever and wherever we see it (including in ourselves)." - Jody
That's a good start Jody. I've been wondering where are all of the White Obama supporters when all of this racist vitriol has been spewed all around the country.
It's getting bad out there. I just read about a Black woman Army reservist who was beaten by a White man while he hurled racist slurs at her. The worst part is that people apparently stood by and watched.
Rush and Glenn may have started all of this but who is going to stop it?
All I can say is this: back in the early-mid nineties, I read a book entitled "Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior" by Marimba Ani. I wasn't ready for it and very little of it made sense. Just a few days ago I re-read one or two chapters, and it all made sense. Funny how that works.
@jody, @grinder, and, well everybody else.
A great web site that focuses on informing us about racism and the efforts of racists/fascists is
AFAIK, Jimmy K is still the man. Best I've heard out of him since "Palesteine Peace Not Apartheid."
Peace, Field. I think that the key word is animosity. Even if President Barack Obama were instead Conan's fake pale red-headed Irish twin brother President Bob O'Brien, a lot of the conservative opposition would exist and be intense. But the animosity - the fact that the wingnuts have given up on "the plan is bad" or "I don't like public administration of health services" and instead have gone birther, deather, and stone crazy - says it all.
It wasn't the Heritage Foundation's economics wonks on display last weekend in DC or some Chicago-school theorists, but a lot of vicious haters of the President not for his deeds (which are yet few) or his policies (grossly distorted to the point of batshit insanity) but for his existence.
Oops, Jimmy C
Monie said...
That's a good start Jody. I've been wondering where are all of the White Obama supporters when all of this racist vitriol has been spewed all around the country.
You haven't been watching ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC or reading The New York Times have you?If so,you would have known all the white Obama supporters have proclaimed any criticism of Obama to be racist.
MR.R said...
There's another Obamacorn video.Its from San Diego and the ACORN worker offers to help smuggle 13 year old girls from Mexico for prostitution.
The question is what did Obama know and when did he know it? Was Michelle Obama pimpin' dem underaged hos?
I'm jus sayin....
Ol' Jimmy nailed it..there is a certain there is an impulse to rascism in whites in the south to be particular they deploy particular strategies to hinder progress to a certain group of people.race has been used in the republican party a party made up mostly of old, white, wealthy, people to gain foothold and crediblity in the south among i guess 'real americans' the south being the former confedracy,but this guy lived, breathed, ate southern life...don't think for a minute the man being a former president living during the civil rights movement era doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
Mr R:
I'm about sick of you and your mess. If any smuggling of 13 year old girls from Mexico is going on it's more than likely Fox and some those rightwing haters that are doing it. Since, they have a bad habit of accusing others of what they are doing.
You never have anything of value to contribute to the conversation on this blog. Your conversation is that of a thug and trash. You need to shut up with your scary self and crawl back under that rock you came from under you slimy no good snake.
@brohammas -- Just a clarification/amendment. Carter is liberal now but he spent his time in office as a conservative democrat. Comparing Carter in office to Clinton in office would not be kind to Carter on any front. That said, Carter has been a trailblazer in terms of redefining what a post-Presidency should be like. He showed the power of being an ex-President for all to see. Clinton was able to follow a similar (global) community service driven post-Presidency and has turned the Clinton Foundation into the premiere philanthropic institution of today. Without a doubt, Carter led by example and showed just how much could be accomplished out of office.
Carter's also dead on in his critique of what's driving the venom.
Field, Jimmy Carter only stated the obvious in the hatred we see directed at Obama. In fact when I heard about Jimmy Carter speaking out about it I was like big deal anyone with two eyes can see the hate on parade in the news...lol
As for Obama folks speaking out about it "Give me a break!" Every time the man tries to bring up race he is called a race hustler etc...You can thank Rev. Al & Jesse Jackson for America never wanting a "Real"serious talk about race. When you have these two Black fools on TV hustling over the years it has done a huge disservice to race relations in America.
Obama needs all his focus on health care & economy in this country. Not keep worrying about the number of racist who want his head. Because there is nothing to stop these people from being "Racist" for example Poster Mr.R ...
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Mr R:
I'm about sick of you and your mess. If any smuggling of 13 year old girls from Mexico is going on it's more than likely Fox and some those rightwing haters that are doing it. Since, they have a bad habit of accusing others of what they are doing.
Awwww granny's bitter.Did you miss your nap or did they take the Jeffersons off the tv?
Mr R might be on John Tanton's payroll. He's the man funding the hate groups. Lou Dobbs has ties to him and attended the FAIR rally. I have a suspicion that Glen Beck is back by him too. Birds of a feather flock together. Lou, Hannity, Rush, O'Reilly, Beck, Malkin, Coulter, Drudge, and the rest of the racist crew.
As for whites speaking up, there has been many whites speaking up lately. Their just not getting as much air time as given to the teabagger, birthers, secessionist, etc. Don't forget that MSM is owned by Corporations who are not exactly supporters of President Obama.
Granny.... don't let Mr.R. bother you. The ugly that emminates from him says nothing about anything other than him. He is like a foul fart that kind of lingers in the air... it stinks for a minute, but then it is gone. And usually, that foul fart is a symptom of an illness of a rotting, sickness inside a person. Poor ol Mr.R. is rotting inside from his hatred and ugliness... the good news is, it is not contageous and he is from a dying breed.
Keep it up with the offensive posters and slurs! I am glad to see all of these racists and white supremacist folk coming out of the closet. Be proud of what you are! Say it loud! You hate niggers! You want to wipe all niggers off the face of the planet! Doesn't that feel better!
Now, you know that in these United States you have the right to say anything you want. The police won't stop you. HOWEVER: there may be consequences to your new found freedom of speech. Some of us do not appreciate racists, homophobes, anti-semites, bigots and/or plain old, corn-fed assholes. If you lose your job or get jail time instead of your probation on your next DUI, you can feel comforted that your Black supervisor or the Latino DA had "it in for you" because of your race.
Remember, things have changed. You all aren't "up in charge" of everything anymore. You still have some game, I'll give you that, but you are going to have to watch your back. Matter of fact, you better watch your front and your side too. You never know when one of us is going to pop up with a badge, a gun and a really bad attitude.
And Obama is throwing Carter under the bus too.
Nah, Mr R I'm upset because I can't throw my butterfly through this computer at you.
As always your right! (smile)
I agree with Obama Kanye West was a drunk jackass. Kanye displayed the worst stereotypes of Black men that night.
Off Topic... I am finding myself truly saddened by the news that Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary died today. Their music was a part of the soundtrack for peace and social justice throughout the 60s and 70s.... Rest in the Peace you so deeply yearned and spoke out for.
Granny said: "As for whites speaking up, there has been many whites speaking up lately. Their just not getting as much air time as given to the teabagger ..."
True, and it's been happening for longer than recently. Big, as opposed to "main stream", media has an agenda. That's why I come to places like FN to hear clearly an alternative point of view. Wish I knew how to get more people who suck on the big media nipple to take off the blinders and look around.
Carter didn't help the situation by saying what the hell even Steve Wonder could see from these racist.You can stop people from being racist they chose to be this way.
What you guys need to put your energy into is strengthening those civil rights laws and buying guns to protect your family from these nuts. You morons are wasting your time picking out racist material about Obama here and there all over America. Stop being shocked by racism and get laws on the books to further protect you Black asses. The Klan of the past was broken down do to "new laws", "blood shed" and "worldwide backlash".
Monie "That's a good start Jody. I've been wondering where are all of the White Obama supporters when all of this racist vitriol has been spewed all around the country."
During the Jim Crow days there were Whites against lynching of Blacks but they lacked the desire to stop the Whites who were doing the lynching. White racists have always had more passion and willingness than the so-called White non-racists. I remember during the Jim Crow days those so-called white liberals did nothing to stop lynchings, they hardly said a word about it, or even made an effort to bring the killers to justice.
Today, Whites claiming to be against racism today STILL just don't have the passion, or the fire in their bellies to stop the racists determined to perpetuate racism at any cost.
It's understandable, though...the White non-racists STILL don't have the desire to stop racism. But is there such a thing as a white non-racist? Whites don't feel the internal anguish, terror and human indignity racism has perpetuated for centuries. If they did, racism would have ended a long time ago.
Jimmy Carter is not a surprise. He was always for equality and outspoken about racism in America. BTW, Carter has never been beholden to anyone politically.
Very few men, Black or White, have the moral potency to say and do the right thing like Carter. He is in a class by himself.
I wouldn't hold my breath for any other President or high profile politician to speak out against racism the way Carter did.
Good news Jody.That foul odor coming from you means your not sick,your just full of shit.
LOL@hatred and ugliness.This site gives me a good laugh.I haven't laughed so hard at negros since Dolemite.
"Some folks say that Willie Greene,
Was the baddest muthafucka the world has ever seen.
But I want ya to light you up a joint and take a real good shit and screw your wig on tight
And let me tell ya about the little baaaaaad muthafucka called Dolemite."
President Obama is not in the position to say anything about race as evident from the Gates incident. It is better for surrogates like former President Carter or even Congresman Clibourne (I hope I spelled his name correctly). Politics is a different game always been and will continue to be particularly on the national level. There is a saying that all politics is local, well it is also emotional and President Obama cannot afford to tip his hand. We cannot afford to see him sweat either.
We live in a country where although we no longer have blacks drink a separate foundation or sit at the back of the bus, we still have a long way to go where race is concerned. There are still many white people in this country who are not in connect with black people. We do not know one another. Look at Mr. R who makes loathesome statements because using a computer gives him some protection of stating how he really feels about people. He does not have the courage to make these statements in person for fear of the backlash. Yes he is in the comfort of his basement blogging and tweeting. I blog and tweet, but will go out and protest because let us face it still works. There is something to be said for taking it to the streets. Say what you want about the fringe group, but they are willing to go out there and cable news is on it.
We need to be out there with correctly spelled signs and plaquards demanding health insurance reform. You cannot allow the fringe group to take over.
Obama is 2 for 2 when it comes to speaking his mind. First saying the Cambridge Police Dept. acted stupidly for arresting Professor Gates (he broke no law) and calling a Kanye a jackass (hell everyone else thought he acted lick one) with a nice dig at PETA (bet Mike Vick smiled a little when he heard that). The only problem was those comments were suppose to be off the record so the reporter who ran with should be in trouble but it is what it is. But I do wish that the reporter could of also ask what he really thought of "You Lie" Joe. Bet Kanye will point that out.
Ps Field nice pick up by the Eagles getting Garcia back. Too bad he can't stay the whole season unless they cut Kolb or Vick lol.
Jody, I remember them. I liked that song by them, "If I Had A Hammer." Do you remember "Puff the Magic Dragon."? I never did understand that one.
Anon 11:25, I might add that Carter was not a politican in the conventional sense. I think should have a discussion about race, but we will not and will continue with saga.
Oh how could i forget--
"Put Your Weight On It!"
I might add that Carter was not a politican in the conventional sense. I think should have a discussion about race, but we will not and will continue with saga.
What do you mean by "have a conversation? The whole country? Just politicians? How would that work? How exactly would anything change? I've had lots of conversations about race with people. They never changed much of anything that I can recall. It's like talking religion. People, for the most part, come in with their preconceived notions and they leave with them too.
hennasplace said...
Anon 11:25, I might add that Carter was not a politican in the conventional sense
You got that right!!
Carter was the first president to file a UFO report and Carter claims he was attacked by a killer rabbit.
No wonder he thinks any criticism of that black boy{Carter's own words} is racist.
Hofstra rape accuser RECANTED.
Carter said what we would all expect him to say which results in no one new listening to him. Even if Obama spoke out, everyone expects a black person to see racism. In fact most of those who dont already recognize or admit racism expect black people to see nothing but racism everywhere they look (thanks Jesse and AL).
Unfortunately, I think you're right.
By the way, Mr R, you're a piece of shit. Just sayin'
grinder "By the way, Mr R, you're a piece of shit. Just sayin'"
what has MrR done? he has been nothing but respectful to everyone on this blog except to those who deserved his disrespect.
grinder, you owe MrR an apology and please don't put a space between the 'Mr' and 'R'. show some respect.
@Field, you can take down the "THE JIGGING MUST STOP" sign. blacks don't jig anymore. we're in post-post-racial America now.
Some people love to play games. Makes you wonder if they have a Sybil personality disorder. Smh!
You got skills! Giving you fist jab and ^5.
Your history lesson regarding Jimmy Carter is not lost on me but has nothing to do with my comment. Again, it is all about how the right views Mr. Carter and whether or not they will/would paya ny attention to his opinions or statements on race. Again, I say "no". They expect it from him and tune him out as this whole racism thing is percieved by the Tea Party crowd as simply part of the left's agenda and usual talking points.
The messenger is all important when it comes to this message.
Who is the messenger that will not only speak up, but will be listened too?
Granny - thanks! ily--
I kinda agree with you and understand what you saying. We know that is not going to happen with anyone on the right though because they are cheering them on thinking that it is scoring political points no matter how cheap, at any cost at all, and they don't care how low and dirty they have to stoop to do it.
That, also, tells a lot about them to the majority of people who voted for President Obama too. Their game plan is gonna backfire on them! When you tell one lie you have to tell two and eventually you get caught up in those web of lies. The best way to fight lies is the TRUTH.
Field: Media Matters has this years winner of the Cloonie at the Million Klansman March.
In today's news FOX was busted for lying.They said a ACORN worker killed her husband. Because of their type of journalism they didn't check that the woman's husbands are all alive.Of course FOX didn't mention it.
Thanks Jody. Mary Travers was great friend to good causes. When she sang songs like "Blowin' In the Wind" & If Had a Hammer," she meant every word. As for "Puff," I guess one has to be a little kid or a little bit stoned, & Mary always seemed a little bit of both.
Yes, this is racism. There is no other explanation. I don't think any president has been shown such public disrespect since Lincoln, whom some newspapers called a "baboon,"and since it was suggested that Lincoln had Negro ancestry, race was in play then as well. And what has President Obama done to earn all that disrespect, other than fail to fix America by waving a magic wand? The man has far more intelligence, education, poise, and yes, "class" than the blue-blooded Anglo-Saxon scion from Connecticut and self-made cowboy-hat-Texan who preceded him in office. Thank God President Obama is half-white, so that this middle-aged white Anglo-Saxon American has an excuse not to be ashamed of my race.
Outright denial of racist motivation by the majority of passionate Obama detractors is both wrong and seriously irresponsible on Obama's part.
Jimmy Carter called a spade a spade and I think that it makes Obama look and sound terribly indifferent to the tension, violence, and hostility heaved on minorities since his election. There are millions of minorities who deal with the racist backlash of bigoted whites everyday in this country whether it be on the job, in the classroom, or during normal routine interactions with these racists.
Racism is a very broad and sophistocated tool and it is administered across a range of levels spanning blase casual to radically extreme.
I am really kind of cooling off on Obama because I am starting to feel like he is leaving minorities to twist in the wind it comes to the increasing level of racism and violence against minorities in this country,
Obama has top notch protection for himself and his family, but what about the rest of us?
If Obama tells the truth on this, you know what will happen. White people will go screaming into the night and then he'll be forced to have a beer with Joe the Gun Shop Owner or something.
However, if it were me, ... and that's why I'm not int he Oval Office.
I am down with the general idea of your post, but I've got a few bones to pick, in a respectful way, with you. Here goes ..
"But is there such a thing as a white non-racist?"
I'm talking to ya, and I am not alone either (e.g. Jimmy C). Seek an you will find.
"Today, Whites claiming to be against racism today STILL just don't have the passion, or the fire in their bellies to stop the racists determined to perpetuate racism at any cost."
You know, 'at any cost' is a pretty high bar. I see red when when I see or hear racism in any color. Makes my blood boil.
"If they did, racism would have ended a long time ago."
If what I work for always happened, Bush never would have been our President (in thief). Same goes for the denial of justice (of which racism is one facet).
"Whites don't feel the internal anguish, terror and human indignity"
Now that _I_ can relate to. There is no way I can feel the same as someone who has suffered that. I _can_ do my best to understand. You've got my ear. Help me, and others, understand.
LloydTate :
What would happen if the President said fuck Rush Limbaugh? It might feel good ,but health care might not pass.He's not a punk. People bring machine guns to his rallies. They hold up sign about killing his family.This isn't President Dolomite,President Richard Pryor, or President Tupac.He could go off on white people and start a race riot himself.He has to watch every word.He can't afford to be careless. Only FOX news employees and children can afford to be careless.
cosign @Lloyd Tate
Black men especially
cosign @kid
You're both right.
Its not really about thuggin out or being buffoonish, its about taking a stand at the appropriate time.
The act of ignoring relevant problems for too long a time is sufficient to be deemed ignorant.
As far as carelessnes, I would say that it is careless to blow this issue off after it has been called out by a seasoned, grizzeled, respected leader ssuch as Jimmy Carter.
The rabid racially motivated extremists in this country likely feel taunted by Obama's brush off and refusal to undertake serious discussion on this matter.
There are thing in life that cannot be wished into the cornfield and this is one of those things.
Like it or not it must be dealt with, and it is better dealt with sooner than later.
Listen we might be stuck right now in a crack right but in my heart I believe everything is gonna work out. In fact, it's working its self out now. More and more people are stepping up to the plate and exposing those people. Fox has began to attack other MSM outlets and saying that they aren't credible. How long do you think the other MSM outlets are gonna sit back and take that.
Everything is gonna work itself out. BTW, a lot of the Civil Rights Groups that are black, Hispanic, Jewish, and even whites are starting to unite together to fight against Fox and Rush as well.
Not only that people are starting to suggest going after FCC to shut Fox down. Those numbers are growing every day, people are sick of their hateful venom.
Fret not! It's gonna work out.
I live in a reigon that is very Klan saturated. There are like 5 Klan and/or Neo-Nazi organizations within an hour's driving distance that I am aware of.
The closet racists that are coming out because of the bad economy, increase in illegal immigration, and Obama being elected, are coming out angry.
If someone does not get a grip on this situation it is going to blow. Its like smelling a gas leak and denying the fact.
The racists extremists want to be acknowledged for who they are and how they feel. This is not the racism of the 90's, this is some real shit that must be called out and dealt with. This is a cancer and it must be treated.
If he calls FOX out on their racism, they will play the fairness doctrine card.If people with machine guns at his rallies are shot by the Secret Service, they will play the Socialist card.You know if it was Shrub, there they would have blown these people to kingdom come.People like Pat Robertson. Rev Jack van Impe, and radio host and white supremacist John Gibson are calling the President the anti-Christ.That's the dog whistles to be all dog whistles.
Well we all know what he needs to do. As the legally elected President of the United States he needs to declare Martial Law.They're trying to call his bluff on it. All of this is not being done by not just racist,but health and energy companies are involved.
grinder said...
"In a more perfect union, we'd have members of each race calling out racially motivated crap within their own group."
Granted, there's some crap on either side, but not as much as in your group, Grinder.
Your group perfected that crap.
It'll take us a few centuries to catch up with your group. You're crap experts and have had more time than us at refining and perfecting that crap.
Ask Native Americans, Mexicans, and Japanese. Your group cut your teeth on crapping on these groups, and refining your crapping techniques.
Take the lead to eradicated it in your group, and that'll go a long way toward destroying it in mine.
A large part of the crap I see in my group, is a response to the crap I see in your group.
We're call out our crap, and you call out your crap.
And when you're really prepared to do something constructive about ending the crap (rather than pointing out that we're not equal opportunity attackers of crap) then perhaps, just perhaps, we can work together.
Until then, keep your crap to yourself. And for Godsake stop pretending that blacks are the problem!
You can't deflect the problem from you and your group by holding us responsible for it.
That's just downright sick! It's that republican tactic of calling blacks racist, and President Obama a Marxist, a communist, a Nazi, a terrorist, and a socialist.
The list of names will carry me well beyond my 4,096 character limit on this blog.
Your smackdowns here are growing tiresome. Get on those white blogs where you can really see racism in action.
The photoshopped images of Obama's youngest girl being represented as pregnant, with some the most lurid comments, is more than disgusting, it's vile.
Then after that, after you've spent some time smacking them down for their racist crap, then come back here and reprimand us for our failure to act and respond as you feel we should.
Clean up your own crap, before you complain about ours. I haven't seen anything on this blog that approaches your groups' crap--it's easy to find, and readily available.
Your optimism is refreshing but Fox is a joke only taken seriously by extreme right wing nuts.
The real threat is the fact that there are so many mindless white racists willing to lash out because of perceived injustces.
If FOX news is muzzled, the expansion of a true grass-roots style white supremacist organizational media outlet would be much more dangerous.
FOX news is kind of like the Freeway Rick Ross of right wing propaganda. It is a dirty affair but it is still clean, manageble and preferable in comparison to a younger, bolder, more ruthless alternative.
I respect the position of obama...
LloydTate said... "It is a dirty affair but it is still clean, manageble and preferable in comparison to a younger, bolder, more ruthless alternative."
An automobile backfire can start a conflagration that destroys thousands of acres of timber, homes, and valuable infrastructure.
It takes days, a possible loss of life, and millions of dollars of resources to contain, and finally stamp out what a small backfire ignited.
Fox News is no guarantee that the fire won't come, and may be the backfire that ignites it.
Lloyd Tate:
Sorry but I disagree with you about Fox. Fox is dangerous. It is very dangerous. Those teabaggers, birthers, secessionist are people who listen to and believe every single word Fox News says. Where do you think they got the idea to bring guns to those townhall meetings from? Where do you think that guy that killed the abortion Dr get that idea from? The list goes on and on.
So, I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you about Fox is just a joke. It might be a joke, but it's a dangerous joke!
For Florida Activists, First Glimpse of D.C. Is a Letdown
Michael M. Phillips and Jonathan Weisman report on politics.
Conservative protesters are flocking to Washington this weekend to display their displeasure over what they see as the Obama administration’s creeping socialism.
One busload of 54 activists from Tallahassee, Fla., arrived in town late Thursday afternoon, after 17 hours on the road, entertained by Sean Hannity broadcasts and reminiscences about Ronald Reagan’s presidency. The bus rolled across the Potomac River and passed the National Mall, where white tents clustered on the green grass. “They’re already setting up for us,” one passenger announced. A whoop went up in the bus.
The passengers grew silent when they noticed a banner next to the tents. “Black Family Reunion Celebration,” it read. All but one of the bus riders were white.
@Tersi - I like what you said and how you said it.
I understand and agree that FOX news is dangerous and the preference of extreme right wing nuts, but I still don't think its the worst possible alternative.
FOX is a subsidary or coporate tycoon Rupert Murdoch and the bottom line on that guys mind is $$$. FOX is set up to pander to already crazy people. It is trusted and adored by them as a staple of patriotic America.
People like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are schills for whaterver talking point and agenda delivered them by the network. If they get too far out of line or go too far right, they will be either muzzled or reprimanded. Beck is on his way out as corporate sponsorship dwindles.
The more scary alternative would be a person like Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a filmaker, radio talk show host, and rapid right wing extremist dressed up as an American freedom fighter. He has been very critical of George W. Bush, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and a whole host of politicians and powerbrokers,
Alex Jones put out a movie recently called the "Obama Deception" and it is 100 times more frightening than anything that FOX would ever attempt.
I don't know if your familiar with Jones or not but he has several websites and is very active, I think that one of his websites is called http://inforwars.com. You might check it out.
As far as FOX news goes it is a joke, as is CNN for that matter with racist xenophobes Lou Dobbs and brainless robots like Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper.
I would like to think that intelligent people gravitate from media outlets like FOX and CNN because there is no substance in their broadcasts.
I used to watch FOX just to look at the elongated leg shots of Kiran Chetry and Laurie Dhue, but I eventually realized that FOX was nothing more than eye candy, smoke and mirrors for the brainless.
The same goes for CNN. The only good thing about CNN is watching Roland Martin break someone down point by point.
I think FOX is the pro wrestling of the 2000's compared to whats lurking out there.
Lloyd Tate:
You ever heard of John Tanton?
No I've never heard of him.
Do tell
I did already scroll up.
I wouldn't doubt the fact that this guy is backing them.
Unfortunately anything to do with race relations in America causes people to shut down and scream, "I'm not racist!" But Jimmy Carter spoke about it from a place of "unbiased opinion"; and that's something black people can't do these days. Our accounts of racism are "foggy", "clouded", "biased", or "manipulative", and sometimes it takes a guy who looks like Jimmy Carter, someone who has achieved what he has, to make such a statement and be taken seriously.
I cosign.
I am out, didn't realize its almost 3 am.
Good night Granny!
night Lloyd!
Very few men, Black or White, have the moral potency to say and do the right thing like Carter.
they (Gov't) needs to go after these people & groups like they went after every prominent black civil rights leaders & labor organizers like they did back in the day (Hoover-style). but 'label' them terrorists (which is what many of them are). then 'implant news' (which they probably wouldn't have to stretch), round them up -- we'll see how "brave" they are then.
i wish he'd stop fucking around w/ these people before they do something horrible to either him or his family.
LloydTate said...
"I understand and agree that FOX news is dangerous and the preference of extreme right wing nuts, but I still don't think its the worst possible alternative."
Why make this a comparison thing, as though a little bit of arsenic won't kill you as quickly as a whole lot of arsenic?
It's the combining and compounding of lethality that's worrisome--a little bit here, and a little bit there.
That little bit compounded could be as deadly as the "worst possible alternative."
Let's condemn and combat it all. They all have the same goal, to destroy this president and his agenda--and send a strong message to blacks and others who dare put a black man in a seat reserved for white males.
co-sign with vibaku, although I didn't want to. You speak truth.
LOL@ that anecdote from kid.
To all the people saying "what did you expect Obama to do". I have a simple question: Why didn't the WH not say anything at all? No comments on JC's comment. -Instead of taking a counter position-. I am just asking. I mean would that have gotten him in trouble politically? Sometimes it's best to just not say anything. The problem in the WH is that there are folks there who still think that Obama is running for president.
Technically he is still running for President if he wants to get elected for a second term. As long as he remains in the White House, he has to walk a thin line. He is damned if he does and damned if he does not. If he mentions race in passing. He going to get big time heat for it and not beneficial if he wants to get his agenda. Every time he makes a comment about race is every minute he is not paying attention to health insurance reform, two wars, or the economy.
There is no question that race is still a problem in this country and it is not going away anytime soon until people's attitude about race changes. Those people who protesting are using race because they are unable to win on the issues, and they know race is a distraction get everyone off focus and message. They know race hits an emotional chord with people and as long as they can use race, they will have control. They want to upset and they are succeeding because we not paying attention to health insurance reform.
I rarely read the comments since they tend to be long but I have to say I agree with Lloyd Tate. Obama's actions leave me feeling a tad uncomfortable and like Lloyd I don't think Obama realizes that its rough out here for the average Black man or woman since he was elected.
No one is saying Obama needs to roll out with a Dolemite or Sam Jackson type attitude but he could have simply stated that racism may be playing a role in some of the actions of the opposition.
As someone who lives in an area where there are not a great deal of minorities, I see a lot that my friends in more urban areas don't see and its not pretty.
Frankly I am reminded of Eric Holder's words we are a nation of cowards.
In a window of a business establishment? How sad. On the other hand, I am new to the site and am pleased to know that there are other white folks who read, enjoy, and believe what you are blogging about.
Cheers from Canada (formerly from the US),
Damn it Field, could you have made that thumbnail of Obama in his Native Garb any smaller???? I want to use it on my own blog....
Can't you help a white boy out? and I don't need help on my cross over dribble thank you very much..
field negro: To all the people saying "what did you expect Obama to do". I have a simple question: Why didn't the WH not say anything at all? No comments on JC's comment. -Instead of taking a counter position-. I am just asking. I mean would that have gotten him in trouble politically? Sometimes it's best to just not say anything.
Roderick: The same reason that Obama played Toby and invited Officer Cracker Crowley to the Beer Summit. He lost about 5 percentage points of white support with a quickness after he gave his opinion on the incident.
Obama knows that he can't afford to lose too much white support (especially in the districts of the Blue Dog Democrats) or he will end up with a Republican Congress for the last two or six years of his presidency like Clinton.
Granny to Mr R:
"I'm about sick of you and your mess.
You never have anything of value to contribute to the conversation on this blog. Your conversation is that of a thug and trash. You need to shut up with your scary self and crawl back under that rock you came from under you slimy no good snake."
Of course you're right about "R" but I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.
That's what he seeks.
These boards are cyberspece viagra to people like "R".
He gets to talk $hit to black folks and suffer no repercussion for it just like the old days in America.
"The thing about my man racism is that he doesn't like to be spotted by white folks. (Especially former presidents.) Oh it's cool to mess with the field Negroes of the world and dare us to chase him, because folks don't really take us seriously. (Oh that's just field being field, he is always chasing the big R.) Jimmy Carter crying racism really upset the order of things."
Oh yeah Field.
You nailed it with this one.
Notice how the GOP immediately sends their chief House Negro Steele to challenge the black President Obama to denounce Carter, the former President for speaking the truth about race in America.
I wonder how Steele sleeps at night.
ditto fn:
the poster you included is very racist!
but not all of the obamahaters are racists.
and millions of his haters are afrocentric blacks like me!
many white see obama as half-them/white
and millions see obama as corp green as i do!
jimmy carter is blatantly lying about seeing "bury obama with kennedy" signs
the signs never said that!
they ONLY said "bury OBAMACARE with kennedy"!
which is a valid request for obama's horrid health care hoax
but FAR more of a slur to ted than to obama
no prez is a saint
including jimmy c
jimmy was deeply involved in a VERY sinister vaccination scheme with euro michael jackson as a lure ONLY in the hoods in atlanta...i need some time to cc that...1994?
stand by
mj and jimmy c and who/cdc spent YEARS giving poor black kids shots!!!
I was on the air in atl in 93 daily…callers were obsessed with the fuzzy hoopla/
huge flap over a truck that was lost and a motorcade of cops that made sure that particular load of shots did NOT go outside of a poor black area…
As if those specific shots HAD to go to a particular area
Ever since the completely unprosecuted to date child murders
NOTHING is seen as happenstance in Atlanta ghettos
Atl is still hm of the CDC etc
A hdqtrs for the NOW still!
i trust no prez
especially obama and gwb!!!
2 of the most evil clones ever
more on jc and mj's curious med deeds:
Bribes. Within the same family of wily maneuvers, one may find the bribe ploy. For example, in England the National Health Service pays a "bonus" to doctors with vaccination rates above specified percentages.(161) Here in the United States, former president Jimmy Carter was seen on TV offering free Michael Jackson concert tickets to parents who agreed to vaccinate their children.(162) In Saginaw County, Michigan, children were promised "a free order of french fries" if they were one of the first thousand people to receive their shots.(163) And in Taos, New Mexico, "all students who return consent forms and receive vaccinations will be entered in raffles for great prizes!"(164)
see more on vaccinations etc
If only HE he were still alive to see this.
What we are witnessing right now is yet another chnge/evolution is how race is used in America. Please read David R. Roediger's "How Race Survived U.S. History." Despite all of nation's lofty rhetoric, very real blood-letting, and legal declarations, racism continues because it serves a purpose no matter what era we live in.
As for self and mine, I have a plan of action: I am getting a firearm (legally of course) and passports (Canada is 3 hours drive). All us so-called minorities need to be prepared to defend ourselves at all times.
jimmmy c is no liberal saint!...
there are many who believe that the atl child murders were never prosecuted as even they had a medical motivation re: melanin/aids cure etc
james baldwin died researching this
his classic tome on these murders was his final book:
oh STFU, Field. I'm so god damned sick and tired of your whining. Go start your own damned race war if you're so unhappy with the way Obama's handling things. He's got healthcare to pass, he's not concerned with your petty bullshit. Everything Obama had to say about the race issue was already said in March 2008. Go watch the speech again.
Cue Outer Limits music.
Seriously Alicia Banks, tying Carter to the ATL Child Murders?
Sounding like a conspiracy warrior about childhood vaccinations (paging Jenny McCarthy!)
Yeah...the govt has done some very evil things to blk ppl in the name of science, but vaccinations?
Let's try and stay sane, okay?
assnon u invisible foolish coward:
i listed the atlanta child murders as a documented conspiracy that explained the panic when the jc/mj shots fiasco occurred
your lack of comprehension skills are not my issue
re: risky vaccinations
they are constant headline news re: autism/adhd etc
your lack of medical knowledge is also a personal problem
tragically comical how drones like you are blissfully and arrogantly ignorant about all of the really crazy things that actually occur in the world daily...even as you swiftly call wiser persons crazy...
it is a crazy truth that MANY people were involved in the atl child murders and the framing of wayne w including the elder g bush/andy young/police chiefs/kkk/gbi....
truth is stranger than fiction
anything is possible
and illiterate drones like you are sure to deny/dismiss all thus co-conspiring always
you repulse me!!!
TiredOfThePhonies said...
And as for Kanye West. He is just another ugly ghetto thug spewing garbage and calling it music that some are not smart enough to know is garbage.
Your argument/opinion was good until I got to this line. I agree Kanye was jackass for what he did on MTV and yes BET does suck but you need to get your some off your facts straight before YOU spew garbage. Dude is not from the ghetto and his mother was a Chicago State University English professor, she had her doctorate in english. I don't know about you but I never seen an English professor living in the ghetto. Peace - Phonie
cue this
wake up!
"Dude is not from the ghetto and his mother was a Chicago State University English professor, she had her doctorate in english. I don't know about you but I never seen an English professor living in the ghetto."
You gotta understand "Tired of Phonies".
In his mind any black who doesn't vote Republican or pucker their lips whenever a white posterior is in the vicinity is a ghetto thug.
uptownsteve said...
He gets to talk $hit to black folks and suffer no repercussion for it just like the old days in America.
Only online can steve pretend to be black.
kid said...
LloydTate :
What would happen if the President said fuck Rush Limbaugh?
He would be a one term president like that UFO seeing Jimmy Carter.
kid said...
Field: Media Matters has this years winner of the Cloonie at the Million Klansman March.
In today's news FOX was busted for lying.They said a ACORN worker killed her husband. Because of their type of journalism they didn't check that the woman's husbands are all alive.Of course FOX didn't mention it
You need to be busted for lying.The woman said she killed her husband.Beck said he didn't know if that was true or not.
But don't let the facts get in the way of your crazy rants.
Anonymous said...
grinder "By the way, Mr R, you're a piece of shit. Just sayin'"
what has MrR done? he has been nothing but respectful to everyone on this blog except to those who deserved his disrespect.
grinder, you owe MrR an apology and please don't put a space between the 'Mr' and 'R'. show some respect.
Has you can tell most of the posters here are crazy moonbats that believe FOX NEWS is out to get them.I laugh at their insults and i'm amazed at their hypocrisy and conspiracy theories.
ditto us & top!
kanye had a superb upper middle class life
even his pop icon image is more preppy than gangsta/thug
To all the people saying "what did you expect Obama to do". I have a simple question: Why didn't the WH not say anything at all? No comments on JC's comment. -Instead of taking a counter position-. I am just asking. I mean would that have gotten him in trouble politically? Sometimes it's best to just not say anything. The problem in the WH is that there are folks there who still think that Obama is running for president.
For starters, he IS running for president. Campaigns are endless, and there is an election coming up in 2012. Don't kid yourself. The political advisers are thinking about it all the time.
I was thinking about all of this after I got up this morning (yeah, I do that sometimes) and it occurred to me that for Obama to sign on to a complaint, however valid, that many of the attacks on him are racist, would ultimately be a sign of weakness.
The typical political expectation in this country is that presidents will not stoop to direct engagement with the crazies among their opposition. Obama's seeming indifference fits a longstanding modus operandi among presidents.
What has been a bit different (so far) is that Obama's political operation hasn't been unleashing the "surrogates" to hit back. That's what's usually done, but Obama hasn't been doing it.
I think that's where Obama's people should do some rethinking. It's time to show some fist, in the customary indirect manner.
Jee-Zus Field, c-c-c-c an't we'all just get along??
It wasn't Whites who left Emmit Till's coffin in a dilapidated tool shed to rust like an old Co-ca Cola Machine (those things are worth some MONEY) OK, we did kill him, but that was 50 years ago, and y'know if you were whistlin at white women in 1950's Mississippi maybe its better you DIDN'T pass on your Genes...
So lets meet in the Middle, you don't laugh at my needle dick, and I won't tell everyone how you know about my needle dick,
PS My Word Verification is "Nigga" how the Fuck do you do that??
It seems like no matter what happens, there will always be an issue of racism to some degree.
Drackman, you are disgusting but funny.
Thanks Grinder, I have this feeling we were in the War together... The Civil War I mean, and I only use that term so yew Damn Yankees will know what I'm talkin about it...Sure you weren't my slave in a former life?? Wateva, I'll take compliments any place I can...
"Disgusting"?!?!?!? Check out my Own Blog where I Skull-Fuck Medgar Evans...
and before you call the Justice Dept Civil Rights Division, its not the REAL Medgar Evan's Skull, hes buried at Arlington...tough security there...
To the Kosher Klansman,
His name was Medgar EVERS.
Dammit, wrong Medgar, my bad..but Y'all do look alike...
see the incident in the ajc archives:
Can you imagine this happening to white/rich kids, especially if kanye/usher/lil wayne & bill c/obama did it????
Here is more on the sinisterly selective and invasive medical deeds of mj and jc:
re: jimmy carter as a racist himself
I do not recall jc being called a racist until he became an author who attacked israel
Drackman, you are rapidly becoming more disgusting and less amusing. A little goes a very long way.
here is a better ajc archive link:
"1993 immunization..."
unfair and exaggerated racist charges are merely smoke screens to mask an even more unfair health care hoax!
as jc blankets lies about obama
ed rollins is telling the truth
President Obama is about to undertake a full-scale blitz of all the Sunday talk shows to try to convince the American people one more time of the merits of his health care plan.
This is after he has spoken on the subject publicly more than 100 times and after he just gave a nationwide speech before the Congress and the country.
I know this is his highest priority, but what else can he say to turn around the nearly half the country that doesn't want his health care plan? And if he told us honestly that the plan he and the Democrats are proposing could cost you more and cut services for those on Medicare, even more people would be opposed.
OK, we did kill him, but that was 50 years ago, and y'know if you were whistlin at white women in 1950's Mississippi maybe its better you DIDN'T pass on your Genes...
@ grinder et al:
Folks, the fundamental issue with uneducated trolls like the moron who made this quote above this statement (I say uneducated because if the poster had done just a little more googling, the account given is that Till was only ASSUMED to have whistled at a becky) but the issue with inhuman beings like Mr R(ascist), Frank 'the stooge' D. who willfully deny the obvious the true motivation behind killing/hate/and to maintain a belligerent attitude to anyone different than you is done in the spirit of what any high ranking nazi right out of the pages of Mein Kampf would do..
create a white supremacist culture that oppresses non whites by justifying killing/hate/fear/racism to further the divide between people to "ensure" the survival of the white race..which was the driving force behind Till's death, which is the driving force behind the heckling, degradation of the POTUS and sentiment of the teabaggers, birthers, deathers, hicks who oppose the president with passion. Its about white supremacy at all costs.
However, why it seems to these inhuman beings like a necessity to troll internet websites that are ostensibly safe spaces for people of color to discuss issues of relevance to their lives to convince or berate the faithful readers of field's blog is stupid to say the least and beyond all logic.
Their presence is practically pointless when we ("the Niggas") are soooo over your hiding behind sheets..i mean screen contending for white genetic survival because its on every front we encounter and deal with it in our daily lives. In our school systems and education, entertainment, in our economy, in the media, politics blah blah and so forth. It boils down to white genetic survival.
We get it. Real men play with the BIG BROWN BALLS (football) and all the women admire them and pasty prissy rich old crackers play with the little tiny white balls. Its no wonder why you feel threatened by the likes of people like Venus, Serena, Tiger smacking that little tiny white ball around on the golf course trying to get into a black hole must be so infuriating to you. LOL!
But your need to checkmate the black king (field)as if this is a game of chess and play defense to keep the dark pieces from moving against the white court OVER THE INTERNET when its the opposite way around is senseless, petty, futile.
Your feelings towards any person of color taking a stand for the survival of their community, culture, race ect..is a perceived THREAT to your existence as you know it and its obvious enough just by looking through my window and TV that you and the inhuman beings that troll here are just a drop in that collective pool that struggles for white supremacy at all costs in A MERRY-KKKA.
i am not defending the kkk herein!
emmet did really whistle at her
all of his bm boy witnesses and kin said so
and et also flaunted his wallet photos of white girls he dated in chicago
at the time, all he did was suicidal
see more:
i am not defending the kkk herein!
emmet did really whistle at her
all of his bm boy witnesses and kin said so
and et also flaunted his wallet photos of white girls he dated in chicago
at the time, all he did was suicidal
see more:
@alicia, I think we might be able to agree on the following: The penalty for stupidity shouldn't be death. Not even in the South in the 1950s.
Great post.
yes grinder
we agree
emmet's own mother is haunted by not making him understand a fatal lesson in advance of his brutal murder:
"when in rome, do as romans do"
unprosecuted black men helped those 2 white dogs kidnap and kill emmett too
inhumanity has no racial boundaries
i meant was
mamie passed away just after she belatedly penned her classic biopic
As my grandma would have said.....
Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm.
AB every time I think you've maxxed out on the psycho-meter you take it up another notch.
What's next, huh?
Medgar Evers had it coming because he should have known trying to register black voters in Mississippi was gonna make white folks mad?
Uptowncrackasteve nobody buy your honky shit no more.You nothing but an azz wipe. You make MrR look like a mini Malcolm.
again us:
you have contributed nothing to the et convo other than a mindless slur
followed by a totally unmentioned and meandering tangent
get a new act you clown!
had you been on et's grandfather's porch that evening, like the coward that you are...you would have quietly waiting until the bi-racial lynch mob had deaprted then yelled out
"foolish rascals!...i bet they gone kill my black roosters too cause they been chirping at my white hens!"
spare me
I will be brief - many of you have commented at great length about these issues... some very valid points.
1. America was racist long before any of us were even a notion.
2. America will be racist long after we are even considered to have lived.
3. Blacks/African Americans have fought Racism so long; and have been deluded and dilluted by it, that giving up that Ghost is long overdue.
4. We are still here - living inside still legal, yet more subtle genocide... not because our enemies have given up or tempered their attacks - but because we have progressed and moved a few steps beyond.
5. I have my bones to pick with POTUS - I feel if you keep your mouth shut from virulent
attacks/-ers... then shut up and keep your mouth shut about the stupid bs. I.E. Gates and K. West.
Gates is an infiltrator wannabe, and West is a Jackass - don't know if he is still in mourning, hey it was just he and his mom (and his aunts, and grandmother of course); or he was drunk, as published reports say; his protest was not warranteed or wanted - it was wasted.
POTUS does have some out of this world focus... maybe, that, keeping our eyes on the prize is the lesson to gleam from this?
Let the Racists and their enablers deal with Racism.
I am pretty sure that the media made sure to ask President Obama's opinion, knowing that he wouldn't be able to agree with Carter.
I really can't fucking believe that you would think a 14 year old child would be "suicidal", like yeah, he asked to get tortured and murdered, yeah, right.
have you ever even studied et's case?
i care less about what you think or say than the dogs who slew et cared about the life of et
they slew him because he acted like OJ at a cali strip club and dared to so in that time and place
study your amerikkan history
to lose your arrogant ignorance
in ms at that time
it was indeed suicidal for any bm of any age to even look a wf in the eye as they passed on sidewalks...let alone brag/openly flirt/whistle/flaunt photos while
telling sex tales
i bet there are still some places in ms today where even oj would be tame...
AB, I love you if only because you are about the only person attacking Obama from a more or less left-wing perspective these days.
It's just too bad that you are batshit crazy. ;)
katty clueless:
please do not keep masking your empty brain with the mindless words you use to fill my mouth!!!
suicidal means fatally careless/mortally unwise...
never deserving/desired...
got literacy?
got a thesaurus?
earnestly deluded:
your love means less to me than bat feces
and so do u
save your back handed compliments for someone who cares....
The whole point of this excercise is divide and conquer. Obama would be playing right into their hands if he "went there". The other major objective by Fox Noise is to skew the debate waaaaaayy to the right by painting Obama as a socialist, which he certainly is nowhere near being.
The real source of the problem is the wishy washy middle in the electorate that can actually be cowed by the wingnuts into changing their votes by using these tactics.
Jimmy Carter can speak the truth since he isn't running for anything. Teddy Kennedy was able to because he was pretty safe electorally no matter what. Virtually no other well known white politician on the scene today can do that. And of course neither can Obama. I'm hoping the internet can be used to effectively bypass the corporate media false debates by focussing on real issues instead of noise.
AB, I'm crushed by your rejection. Crushed I tell you. ;)
Ernesto: "It's just too bad that you are batshit crazy. ;)"
ab is ten times smarter than you will ever be. What gives you the right to call her names, you classless jerk?
earnesting on the comedy bench:
is that failed humor or serial masochism?
Its cool..a lot of very smart people are also psychotic. ;)
ernecessarily envious:
where did a pissy lil moron like you ever learn anything about smart people?
psychotic people tend to attack others at random
by the law of averages, they always eventually run up on the wrong one...
Field we need to discuss WHITE WOMEN who strip for dollars, do porn and have alternative lifestyles to support their college careers lying on African American men about their ho lifestyles.
Looks like there is a low rent sex tape floating around. If your of age and want to do ho shit and live that lifestyle, don't have a morning after regret and want to bring black men up on charges. Sick of this shit.
link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090917/ap_on_re_us/us_hofstra_rape_hoax;_ylt=ArOeMNgiTFaiCNx8Sha3Wl9H2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1YTZmazd1BHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bi1jaGFubmVsBHNsawNkYXdvcmRvZnZpZGU-
ab "i am not defending the kkk herein!
emmet did really whistle at her
all of his bm boy witnesses and kin said so"
AB, why bother to explain anything to someone like Kathy who "always" misses the point, and takes "everything" out of context? Face it, she doesn't comprehend what she reads.
Her ignorance of American black history is on the scale of the universe....infinitely profound.
how annoying are white wannabee scholars/social workers who know more about black life/legends than real black scholars do???
katty is a star/stalker in the ab hater posse hereien
i really do try to evade her...
but she always guns for me
i think of katty like wheelchair bound persons must think of hemorrhoids
they ache but they must remain seated
ya know?
Hey Alicia,
that anon you seem to like told me a couple post back how i had to be nice to him or else, then he told me to scroll back through all the anonymous posters to find out which one he is, LOL
so I did, and the only one that fits that dopes description was a white rich boy living out west, hmm.
and your point is?
i am renowned as an anti-racist
i revere many whites and hate many blacks
the white anon has only proven that he is a better white person than you are
thank god!!!
i hope he stays here to redeem your foolish white antics indefinitely
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
Just curious AB... noticed that was 1997.... 12 years ago.... what radio station are you on today?
why do u ask? really?
do you plan to tune in?
what were you doing in 1997?
what have you ever done?
Most radio can be heard over the internet... so maybe. I am curious because you are the one that cites this as one of your very many accomplishments... so I am curious as to what radio program you are doing today.
As for what have I ever done.....
if you really want to know,
Google "Jody Dodd" all of the listings related to an activist are me.
CORRECTION: ANOTHER DUKE CASE HITS THE SCENE. IT WAS A BLACK WOMAN (NIGERIA?). Let's get together and stop these scandalous hos from ruining people's lives BLACK WHITE ASIAN AFRICAN with these false accusations. It's always funny until the finger is pointed AT YOU!
falserapesociety.blogspot.com (this is not my site and I am not affiliated with this site whatsoever)
you are arrogantly ignorant
millions of radio shows are never aired online daily
i have written extensively online and even herein about my resignation from neocon dominated radio at kpfa in cali in 1998....
glad u google
so google me
jodying to be me:
to enhance your google search
you may also
visit any public library
and check my bios there...
happy hunting!
Does that mean you are no longer doing radio?
incident #1: delusion re: van jones
incident #2: now...you actually do not comprehend the meaning of "resignation" do you?
did you own a dictionary in 1997?
do you have access to one now?
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
Yes. I have a dictionary. I also have a calendar and almost all the posts citing you above are from over 10 years ago.
I am also aware that there are many community radio stations in most communities. So, pacifica is not the only option.
And, ok, you left radio to become "as renowned as a professor" so where would that be? What are you teaching?
jodigging a deeper ditch:
are you still counting years???
how tiny your uneventful life must be!
let's see how well you google...
hop to it you envious shrew!
"I am also aware that there are many community radio stations in most communities. So, pacifica is not the only option."
i am a COMMERCIAL radio legend and a community radio legend...and i broadcast at both for decades
KPFA is also a legend as the eldest community radio station in the usa...(proud smile)
Didn't your Mamma ever tell you that people who toot their own horn shouldn't do it so loud.
Now quit picking on Jody and go over to the corner where you belong for the rest of the day.
Aloha from Makaii
i really despise you inept blog police/blind cowards...
my mom told me to never ever let an envious bully harass me
she taught me to slay tiny haters like jody when i was a baby
i have been slaying them ever since
works for me!
alicia is a has been who obviously has a lot of time on her hands
Anon and AB,
Neither of you have a clue.
you are a liar and a never-was
you are an invisible coward
that is triply worse!!!
why is it always the hater slackers who have never accomplished anything who dare to boldly degrade anything that others do?????
you have been morphing into "us"
late and lame
fix that
I stand corrected. Thanks for that. I was told/read otherwise by my U.S. history professor who didn't seem to so much care to elaborate on the subject and corresponding books not too many years ago. Clearly a result of Amerikkkan history texts...well..I'll digress from that for now.
i care less about what you think or say than the dogs who slew et cared about the life of et
they slew him because he acted like OJ at a cali strip club and dared to so in that time and place
study your amerikkan history
to lose your arrogant ignorance
Likewise; the feelings mutual. ;)
However, given that most historians around the time of all this controversy in Till's day were white, privileged males so on..I am not so convinced by the mindless optimism, blind patriotism (blinders by any other name..) that these people who write the books and half truths the historians give us give AND CONTINUE to give us, negate the point that the killings were of an in ulterior motive to maintain white supremacy.
Till's death was a critical turning point in a time where blacks were debating W.E.B Dubois/B.T. Washington essays should we integrate or should we not try to be equal with the white man until his death became a green light of sorts and we blacks said 'hell no we have GOT to have equality NOW by any means necessary!'whites lost their shit in their seats and upped the lynchings so on and so forth.. but we didn't understand why whites had fear of white genetic annihilation the way they do like so many blacks and other non white ethnicities don't either.
Because of the awareness and now that this supremacist culture has been identified, we have modern historians who have changed perspective over time (albeit a bit more without blinders)about that particular event and others similar to it; but there are still those as a repercussion to this white supremacist culture who have viewed, discounted and condescended something significant to black history to the point where a dead pubescent thirteen year old KID is likened to a grown assed man who couldn't stay away from becky but knew better and was given a second chance, just got his comeuppance…
i bet there are still some places in ms today where even oj would be tame...
True.. and for all the wrong reasons and yet tremendously sad for both the people of ole Miss and OJ.. Not even 20 miles from where I live in Denton, Tx there were 400+ lynchings took place in 1930 alone.
Not so many miles away from where I live, was a man dragged from behind a pickup truck and the Judge of Jasper County dismissed the case for the men who did it being ‘drunk’ and ‘having a good time’ and not too far where I live was where the temple where David Koresh assembled his anti government cult..
I lived in the south all my life, was born here. I won’t go so far as to say I eat breathe and sleep the racial climate, but I’m indeed a witness to the tension, am aware of it and I’m sure most of us can attest to that.
I don’t believe in any way you would back the kkk when time comes for the revolution to no longer be televised...and everything I’ve posted could be wrong as sin…
But what IDO know is that I would be damned ignorant and arrogant not to admit that I have not always been treated equally by whites and/or deny the white supremacist ideologies that I see around me or forget et and not apply the lessons learned from his mother’s misfortune to my life; to speak out when I see/hear injustice that would put our people before the jaws of the white supremacist structure.
What is fun and games to some is a matter of life and death for others..
A happy slave never revolts ;)
Field we need to discuss BLACK WOMEN who strip for dollars, do porn and have alternative lifestyles to support their college careers lying on White men about their ho lifestyles.
Looks like there is a low rent sex tape floating around. If your of age and want to do ho shit and live that lifestyle, don't have a morning after regret and want to bring white men up on charges. Sick of this shit.
thnx uptownsteve! ;)
each one
teach one
i was corrected too long ago by a dear friend/shero/"aunt" and prof named dr. clenora hudson weems!
small world
chw was like an aunt/goddess to me as a child
and she has always been my idol as a prof/scholar/rebel/queen etc
et's mom mamie gave chw an awesome tribute as her fav biographer long before mamie penned her own bio (must read!)
and i was blown away by what mamie said about my "aunt" in her bio...
i am obsessed with the et story and i did not know it all for a long time too
see chw's awesome work that she did with mamie as a grad student
jody/katty et al:
like nas said:
"u can hate me now"
huge lioness grin
ps k:
chw has been renowned as THE scholar on et for decades
see my shero here:
hunting help herein!
u r welcome
What I said, go back and read, was that you were talking about a child, right?
And you made it sound like it was HIS fault.
adults admit when they are wrong
you accused me of being elated/condoning his bloody murder
that was a vicious lie
i hate that he threw his life away
though euro, he was a great kid and son
and again katty
you are still shamlessly lying
i never implied it was his fault
it was his fatal error!!!!
no person or animal deserves to be tortured so
not even gwb/obama...
fyi jody:
people will tell u many things about me
i am complex...
my wife would call me a workaholic
my enemies would call me lioness
my fans would call me a kitten/dj
my friends would call me a comedian/child
but not a single person in the world would call me fake
unlike all u anons
i am always raw and real
and my mom also taught me that all rebels should be open books
so no one has the power to blackmail etc
so dig on!
I am not lying,
You said,
"at the time, all he did was suicidal"
and i said,
i can't believe you said that about a child!
to me, that sound like you were blaming him. thank you Alicia, for your clarification.
you are welcome
i would never blame any child for what rabid adult dogs do
i mourn and pray for et and mamie daily...
bon soir
AB said:
"and my mom also taught me that all rebels should be open books
so no one has the power to blackmail etc"
I simply asked you where you are teaching/radioing/whatever you are doing now. I would think since you are such an advocate for being an open book that you would answer my very simple question. Instead, you decided to call me names and said I should "google" you.
Ok. I did. So, you are a blogger by profession? Because I did not see anything other than your blog, and the earlier mentioned comments from the 90s....
Look, I am not being sarcastic. You are the one that brings up all of the accolades that you have received. I just can't find them on the internet. No one seems to write about you, except, well, you.
Maybe I am just a really crappy internet searcher... I do not claim to be an expert... but I am just not seein it.
toxic sarcasm does not trump technological ineptitude
try try again...
Field, the only problem is that its the President's job to be the keeper of domestic security.His O'ness racial myopia is blinding him to the resurgence of the antigovernment "Patriot" Militias around the country. These MF's are dangerous. Remember McVey and the Oklahoma City bombing. The Government can't shut them down, but it can SLOW THEM down. I pray that His O'ness gets out of his racial denial funk and makes a move before people start getting killed. The Militias' campaign to "take back America" has already started.
ab "i think of katty like wheelchair bound persons must think of hemorrhoids
they ache but they must remain seated
ya know?
ROFL. I love your beautiful wit and intelligence. You continuously squash everyone who comes at you. Poor sick Kathy.
Field-why won't you ban MrR and AB--I have gotten racist banned from Yahoo, Facebook, and many other sites. Why won't you ban these ppl? why must we be constantlt subjected to racists remarks and craziness? are you cosigning with them or what? I cannot believe racist can be banned from every site but yours, do you like the racist sentiments, the vitriol, making your readers upset? I just want to know why you're the only site that won't ban racists?
i am no racist
i am not crazy
and, most of all, i am not a silent doormat/punching bag for you bullying cowards and haters herein
and i never will be
deal with that!
MR.R said...
wtf is wrong wrong Field?,
I hate racist and racism makes my balls itch.
People like shabazzzz ,Granny, and Jody are some of the most racist people i have ever seen.Rumor has it they was banned from the black nationalist front because of their racist views.
Field needs to act quick and ban these folks.If not,i may get ghetto on dey ass.
I have raised a twenty-one year old son with autism.
There is no reputable scientific study that supports the assertion that there is any link between thimerosol based vaccinations and autism, and an excellent study that refutes it.
The increase in the diagnosis of autism is NOT an increase in the incidence of the disorder. The increase in diagnosis is due to a broader understanding of what autism is and can look like outside of the "classic" highly impacted child with autism.
Parents with an autistic child are often desperate for ANY answer to the puzzle of their child's disorder; some, perhaps understandably, also want to find someone or something to blame.
Robert F. Kennedy has no business spreading fallacious claims that vaccinations cause autism; his baseless assertions and those of others have caused serious harm to the status of our country's "herd immunity."
My neighboring state of Idaho has the lowest rate of child immunizations in the US at 69%, nine points below the national average and far below the 80-90% needed to maintain protection for under-immunized children.
The past few years at the school where I teach we have had several cases of whooping cough, which previously were never seen.
"i hate that he threw his life away
though euro, he was a great kid and son"
Are you saying that Till threw his life away?
Alicia, wrong is wrong.
Your analyses somewhat reminds me of people who blame women for being raped because they walked in a dark side street. And see, just like some on this very thread, who somehow seem to think women who "strip" can't be raped either.
Btw, just like Jody, I too am curious.
wtf is wrong wrong Field? .."are you cosigning with them or what? I cannot believe racist can be banned from every site but yours,"
Well, believe it. If you don't like the way Field runs his blog, why don't you do what any reasonably intelligent person would do: "LEAVE". But maybe you aren't that smart. I happen to enjoy ab. She's a lot more interesting and smarter than your self-centered controlling ass.
Don't insult Field's intelligence, or try to force your deluded agenda on him by trying to ban people whose opinions you don't like.
Were you raised to be ruler of the universe or something? FYI, there is only one God and it's not you.
millions of medical doctors and parents believe that vaccines cause autism
stop playing wench!
u know!
tell jody...
and u also know that any black woman who stripped naked in money ms in that day would have been raped you fool
and she would have been acting just as suicidally as till did
the fact remains that
had et not clowned and bragged and fatally fronted on a racist wf
in that time and place
he would have come hm to chicago
back to the wfs he adored in a safer space
truth hurts
i love u too...
u r such an evil female dog
u know i am an anti-rape activist
as usual u dig so dirtily
and still so messily in vain
u lie & reek
i slay & soar
that is the dance we do
i eternally hate you with a deep hot passion
u global whore
as obama is focused on kanye...
the second massive wave of homelessness will begin soon
per the bankers he legendarily gifted....yet, we have seen nothing yet!
and this new film was perfectly timed to be released during this second storm
AB...stop worrying 'bout vaccines and go find your meds.
ab: "li/kola
u r such an evil female dog"
btw, they call the evil dog JAWS!
that's a good movie by the way...
American Casino I meant...not JAWS
alicia, you need to make a rule for yourself: No more than two comments in a row. People would pay more attention. Sometimes, less is more.
just scanned the posts
will that new rule also apply to:
misc assnons
and i have seen many others
post even more on other days herein...
just me?
just curious?
millions of medical doctors and parents believe that vaccines cause autism
While that may be true, believing in something does not necessarily make it so. It seems these doctors and parents you refer to are confusing correlation with causation.
Also, the entire first page of search results to which you referred me (below) support my contention that there is no evidence to suggest a link between vaccinations and autism.
"And see, just like some on this very thread, who somehow seem to think women who "strip" can't be raped either."
Probably because they think just because a woman shakes a little tail for money, then she should be comfortable with a little "petty theft" now and then. Besides, we all know strippers, prostitutes and poor people have less value in this society than middle-class Thelma Thomas or super-rich Suzy Barker, daughter of famed scion Sir Francis Pettigrue Barker III, esq.
As for Ms. Alicia Banks, I don't know why the Field continues to allow a mentally unstable being to monopolize almost every single discussion on this site. Every discussion eventually comes back around to HER. It's narcissistic, and it wreaks of what I'd like to call ATTENTION WHOREDOM.
That's right, sweetie, you are a fucking ATTENTION WHORE.
"These boards are cyberspece viagra to people like "R".
He gets to talk $hit to black folks and suffer no repercussion for it just like the old days in America."
We know all about Mr. R, Franky Boy and grinder. They get such a thrill trolling the comments board like this, yet most people have long since tuned them out. Apparently, Ms. Alicia gets the message, hence why she double- and triple-posts like a madwoman.
chw was like an aunt/goddess to me as a child
and she has always been my idol as a prof/scholar/rebel/queen etc
et's mom mamie gave chw an awesome tribute as her fav biographer long before mamie penned her own bio (must read!)
and i was blown away by what mamie said about my "aunt" in her bio...
i am obsessed with the et story and i did not know it all for a long time too
It is indeed a story that conjures much emotion, thoughts and critical debate that I personally believe that NEEDS to be discussed and not just tap danced around. There are some issues and lessons in that particular piece of history that is often overlooked and needs to be told to the full extent of the truth, brutally and unashamedly.
People who know the truth are obligated to tell the truth.
That said, you were right in that instance to correct me, I misrepresented the story as it was "formally" taught to me.
To be so close to someone who was a part of history in the way that she was and being someone who I could be certain who tells the necessary truth, gives you a deeper perspective beyond what our text books give us of the experience, one who lived and breathed the struggle almost for us, certainly would make me feel honored!
I can't say I'm as fortunate as you to share that sentiment of being close to someone who has made such an imprint on our history, but I do know that and people we look up to and the company we keep often reflect our own values and traits we see in ourselves and being close to someone who was apart of the civil rights movement AND SURVIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT! means something especially now more than ever given the political, racial, social clime.
Proof of this I happened to see today was given by Ms. Pelosi's tearful account today when she reminisced about witnessing the revolution all up front, in her face, live and un-televised when she lived in San Fransisco in the late 1970s.
I think its interesting, and enriching to know that we all have a connection to some part of the history that shaped the world that we live in now..
I doubt this gem written by your nana (sorry that's what i call my aunties!) would NOT be something I think that would be making Oprah's book club anytime soon, or introduced into the 'African American' studies curriculum that I know of which must mean its definitely worth hittin up the local Barnes & Noble for all the more!
ab-"and i have seen many others
post even more on other days herein...
just me?
just curious?"
ab it is not just you. Some of those folks you listed do comment quite a bit to the point of being obnoxious but nothing is ever said about them.
Face it. They don't like what you have to say. Sometimes I don't like what you say about Obama but you are as much a part of this blog as anyone else.
Thank goodness Field has kept his word and has not been swayed by the wannabe "comment controllers". It's what makes his blog unique and special- because All of God's Children gets to participate here.
Thanks Field.
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