It looks like the Italian Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, got himself into a little hot water by dissing his O ness to a bunch of Italian conservatives. Yep, he called his O ness "some tanned guy"while joking about meeting him. But relax folks, this is not the field chasing racism tonight. Taken in its proper context I didn't find the Premier's words to be particularly offensive. Just a former cruise ship entertainer trying to be funny. And, I might add, not doing a very good job of it.
But I do want to blog about something related to the entire episode: It's the sleaze factor.
Guys, this is a woman thing, so we might have to sit this one out. Women have this sleazedar (yes, I made that word up) when it comes to men. No matter how he tries to cover it up, a woman can always spot a sleaze. Apparently Michelle Obama's sleazedar went off with Berlusconi:
" European media have played up photos showing Michelle Obama greeting many leaders at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh summit last week with a kiss but stiffly holding out her arm for a handshake when it came time to greet Berlusconi.
The photos show Berlusconi's gazing at Mrs. Obama's gown, instead of her face, and holding his arms out as if in delight at what he sees, while the U.S. President looks on, apparently not amused."
So she gave him the old stiff arm instead of a kiss. Nice. Sorry Mr. Premier, your "jungle fever" is a bit strong. (Someone get that man some old Jet magazines.)
Ahhh here it is. I knew it!
"The 72-year-old Berlusconi has made no secret for his admiration of attractive women. He has been on the defensive in a sex scandal that erupted last spring after his wife complained he was infatuated with young women and announced she is divorcing him.
Prosecutors in the southern city of Bari are investigating a local businessman, as a suspect in a cocaine investigation, who has said he sent some 30 young women to dinners and parties at Berlusconi's Rome palazzo residence and Sardinian villa. The businessman told investigators he paid the women's expenses and in some cases extra money in case they had sex with the premier."
Wait; "30 young women"? And he is what, 72? Dayam! O man, I would have stared his old ass down,too.
That old Berlusconi is a pervert. I found it totally disrespectful the way he treat First Lady Michelle like some chick off the street.Do you think he would have treated Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton that way? Hell No.
Obama looked like he wanted to punch the dude in the mouth. Poor Michelle she had to laugh it off. And where the heck is Berlusconi wife?!!!
Sidenote: Obama ass is tanned that I agree with the perv Italian Primer.
Berlusconi likes em white.
I think he likes em pre-pubescent.
Women of Berlusconi
Glad to see young Democrats in Chicago showing their Olympic spirit.
That ought to bring the Olympics to Chi-town.
"Poor Michelle she had to laugh it off. And where the heck is Berlusconi wife?!!!"
Trying to find a good divorce lawyer. :)
"That ought to bring the Olympics to Chi-town."
No, maybe they ought to bring it to Georgia, instead. I hear that the red-necks down there are much better at beating people to death.
LOL! Monie, you're bad!
I think Khloe Kardashian and Silvio would have made a nice couple. Premier tops NBA player doesn't it? Lol And just so it's clear I'm not sayin' Khloe a gold digga just becasue she ain't messin' with no broke fellas.
I thought the Premier liked them barely legal?
Kardashian like em's black, wouldn't work.
Italians and Black women. They hate us but love the women. I call it the "DeNiro" or "Boris Becker" syndrome.
LOL...nobody wants your prosciutto, Mr. Premier!
He's an aging guido. But he can go to the beach anytime & stare at topless vacationing Scandinavian women. The first lady was probably advised that if she put her cheek near the old guy, he'd try to stick his tongue in her ear.
It's a compliment that no First Lady since Jackie Kennedy so thrilled European men with beauty & class, but c'mon, even the totally Italian Sophia Loren wouldn't accept more than an air kiss from this dirty old man.
This is off-topic:
Field, I need you to talk about Derrion Albert's murder.
I need you to bring your Fieldian eye to this MADNESS.
i cannot belief that these young people beat a boy to death.
And yet, what keeps playing in my mind
Bill Cosby talking about 'Come On People.'
HAHAHAHA! This reminds me of the Stiff arm handshake that Janet Jackson gave Rev. Al Sharpton (he was clearly coming in for an embrace) after he gave his speech at the Michael Jackson Memorial. The message is clear in both cases, "I'm not the one!"
Albert was apparently an honor student and had just left his AP English class. So much potential stolen from that community.
Thanks for the shout-out on the sidebar, Field. I had to do a double take to make sure I was reading correctly.
Derrion Albert's murder is another killing of black children that has been going on for decades. The only difference with this one is that it was caught on video. But the murders continue to increase each year and each year Blacks say something must be done but nothing ever is.
Seeing it on video gives you an idea how vicious Blacks can be toward each other...like raging animals looking to kill and loving every minute of it.
Regarding Derrion Albert's murder
I wonder; if there was a count of all of the black on Black murders in the U.S. over the last 25 years would those numbers be large enough to be considered a genocide?
....And if so do you think we could request UN troops?
Derrion Albert was a diamond in the rough in that community, and for the crime of trying to do something with his life, he was sentenced to death by a jury of his "peers." The community is in total denial about its downward spiral, but this was all caught on tape for the entire world to see and judge. God knows what mix of rage, disgust and pity everyone else must feel.
As a black American woman living in Italy if Silvio tried to step to me I'd give him the Heisman too.
He thinks he's funny. He's not.
The upcoming divorce is going to be ugly.
I guess viagra does work. LOL
Who cares?? President Obama and First Lady should stay their azzes home instead of taking this opportunity to travel the world for free.
I am not Star Jones, I am all over that Derrion Albert murder. It's a sad and tragic story.I might blog about it later.
"I guess viagra does work. LOL"
Bad Attorneymom.
Black Diaspora, you are welcome. Check out your hits counter. Sometimes these field hands will check out the blog I am feeling to see if they are feeling it as well.
Thanks for posting on this. I just have to take issue with one line: this is a woman thing, so the guys might have to sit it out. Huh? Men can't care about human rights when the human in questions happens to be female?
i noticed that field-gro an't blogging about poor Derrion?
i don't remember seeing whitey up that video?
it's like sharks with blood in the water....the guy was down on the ground not even moving and dudes were running up kicking him in the head like he was still trying to defend himself.....he was prob all ready brain dead at that point.
Tragic thing, that poor colored boy getting stomped to death...
Where did it happen? Birmingham? Atlanta? Memphis? Had to be one of those Cracker Red States...
Oh and whats your Beef with Silvio??? At least he never left anyone to drown in an upside down Oldsmobile...
Amy,"human rights"issue? I don't know about that one.I think Michelle can handle this one all by her lonesome.:)
ditto fn:
s(o)b man is that special brand of letch who is openly proud of his lecherousnes...
kudos to michelle!
and after all the whores who openly groped obama, the infamously jungle fevered "obama girl" etc, the ongoing prez groupies...
it is time for obama to get a taste of what michelle endures daily from his own carnal worshippers!
one endured flirtation deserves another!...
My question is how many of us are crying "poor little black boy in the po' neighborhood with so much potential" but dont do a damn thing. in fact the next black kid that we see on the street who has their pants a little saggin or shorts a little short, we'll prejudge them saying "umm umm ummm what is the world coming to." i mean i bet that kid use to just hang out someplace and black folks are like "just another hoodlum on the streets". we never see "the potential" until its gone. and us middle class folks are sometimes the worst ones
Man I thought I was the only one in Pittsburgh who saw through this farce of the G-20!
"I found it totally disrespectful the way he treat First Lady Michelle like some chick off the street.Do you think he would have treated Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton that way? Hell No."
You make it sound like he raped her. Jesus f-ing Chris, move on past this "if it was a white women" bs
When has it become acceptable to allow any one to disrepect the President or his family?
it is painful to claim chicago these days
i blogged on chicago and obama last night...
and i will blog on derrion tonight
chicago is getting all the pub
but rabid teens are a national epidimic
and i have seen the teens of the future...they will make these teens look human
may god help us all in 2019
"When has it become acceptable to allow any one to disrepect the President or his family?"
It has always been acceptable. Black folks see "disses" where there are none. Hollering "I been dissed!!!" Is just another way for black folks to play the race card.
While it has been acceptable forever to dis the President and his family (maybe you don't remember when Chelsea was called ugly on SNL or a Russian politicain called Albright ugly?) neither the President or his family were dissed. So take a deep breath and put the race card away. Black folks like you are always lookin for someting to get offended at.
You sure don't come to the defense of whiles, asains, jews, hispanics, woman, or gays when we are dissed. Yet you think the world should halt when you feel slighted. Move on
And how, Field, will you "blog" about the Derrion Albert murder? The African-American community is drowning in the blood of the on-going, unabated genocide(?)and slaughter of our children - AT THE HANDS OF our own children. And not a peep. The domestic terrorism taking place under our noses in our communities defies and silences any and all acts of legitimate "racism" - "F...K racism!!!" We need to deal with the terrorism in our communities. But how? Black men who are self-reliant, responsible and have half a brain have permanently emigrated from the 'hood'. Which leaves us with what? the sistuhs to, so-called, 'raise our children'?(LMAO...)
Malcolm, MLK, Tupac(?) ain't here; we are on our own. The O-man needs to bring the troops, drones, and remote cameras home to patrol and monitor our 'hoods'. Yep...some WHITE folks are gonna have to save us from ourselves...Damn.
You want to tell me YOU WONT HIT THIS?
I do hit that shit hard and fast. Then segregate her ass afterwards. Segregation doesnt apply when i am hitting it. Just the other way around.
Oh...BTW... Why WOULD Berlusconi look at Laura Bush or Hillary Rodham? Are you kiddin' me? With all due respect, sistuh Michelle IS fiiyon! And she was right to shun a sloppy kiss from the lech...
Urban gangs have been a staple in lower economic urban areas for 100 years.
When I was growing up in the Bronx in the 70s there were black gangs like the Black Spades, hispanic gangs like the Young Lords and white gangs like the Golden Guineas who happened to beat a childhood friend of mine to within an inch of his life. He ended up losing an eye.
So stop trying trying to lay some unique dysfunction on black folks.
Whoever is at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder in the city is going have the preponderance of street criminals.
Whoever is at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder in the city is going have the preponderance of street criminals.
And whoever gets pregnant as a teenager, drops out of high school, has little self control or self discipline or work ethic will be at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.
uptownsteve said...
So stop trying trying to lay some unique dysfunction on black folks.
We'll stop when you field negros stop creating mythical rightwing boogeymen.
I wish Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson would at least say something. Afterall its happening in their town. I won't even bother looking for a statement from O and/or O about it. And Obama wants an Olympic event in that city? Who does he owe now? He always seems to have bad timing or judgement when it comes to these things. Wasn't he replaced by a black man? What prevents black politicians from working this type of shyte out of black neighborhoods?
who let the trolls in?
Damn, I'm glad I don't live in a jungle hellhole like that shit neighborhood of death.
The first time I saw the video, I thought it was Uganda or Darfur. The victim is in a better place.
"We'll stop when you field negros stop creating mythical rightwing boogeymen."
Okay Chimpout.
You seem more like a rightwing asshole anyway.
Prostitution is a human rights issue, treating humans as sex objects is a human rights issue. I agree that M.O. can handle this on her own, but that doesn't mean Berlusconi's general behavior isn't sexist and degrading, and I expect men to be able to care about and take interest in these issues, even if the issues concern how women are treated. Women are people, too, you know. The fact that you blogged on it is great; I was just taking issue with that one comment because it seemed to imply this is a women's issue that men shouldn't bother trying to relate to.
I am not Star Jones..
I was surprised it wasn't up after hearing about it on the Michael Baisden show, reading it in USA today and NOT seeing it with on MSNBC/and damn sure not flipping by it on FAUX NOISE NUTWORK. (which is being removed from my cable line up this weekend!)
'scuse me while I shout but I just have to praise him!
But lets not feed the underachieving non-election winning white supremacist imbecile trolls, they will be nothing more in life than that. ;)
We got realer isht to talk about..
Okay Chimpout.
You seem more like a rightwing asshole anyway....
and likes seinfeld and is friends with Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Gary Ridgeway, David Berkowicz, Scott Peterson!
"...on FAUX NOISE NUTWORK. (which is being removed from my cable line up this weekend!)"
You can have individual channels removed from your cable line-up? Will they be reducing your bill accordingly?
I don't have cable now mostly because I don't want to pay any of my money to BET (VIACOM) so if that's possible I would def get cable again.
"who let the trolls in?"
Trolls are like bedbugs, no one is ever sure how they got in but once they're in they never leave.
You can order channels ala carte... but only certain ones like HBO/Cinemax..depending on your provider. I have ATT and I hate those con-artist bitches but I don't pay the bill for the cable... But for some reason they feel that we need ANOTHER FIXED NOISE NUTWORK in HD (hell and damnation)..they said they gave us 30 free channels free in HD but I don't even want retarded bullisht for free on the TV.
To bundle channels is stupid when the powers that be tell you that you're getting a cheaper product because of it .
I do not watch sports yet I am forced to take ESPN, one of the more expensive cable channels. I hate soap operas; however, I was forced to take the Soap Channel when all I wanted was BET jazz/Vh1 Soul..I'm still trying to figure out the relevance of bundling that with BET channel together.
If I could choose my channels a la carte, I could kiss good-bye ESPN and the Soap Channel and EBT. Because I wouldn't be paying for those, I would be tempted to pick up premium channels such as HBO, Showtime, and/or Cinemax as greedy as they are you would think they'd catch that and apply it to marketing.
You are right to get rid of your cable..if it were up to me i'd just have internet but I am a testamony that ATT is NOT to be trusted.
Just think if this old fcuker couldn't get his hands on some viagra or cialis, he wouldn't be such a sexual predator!!!
The first lady was probably advised that if she put her cheek near the old guy, he'd try to stick his tongue in her ear.<<
You really shouldn't make people laugh at work like that. Thank goodness I wasn't drinking coffee or water. I would have had to get a new keyboard. LOL. :-)
I think the press would have loved it if they could have gotten some phoney picture of Michelle with Berlustconi.
Monie "....And if so do you think we could request UN troops?"
Monie, that is the only thing that might save our race now. History has proven that Blacks can't-and won't-do anything to save their kids or themselves. And history has proven that White America does not care.
Farrakhan once said, "Black America is on it deathbed and we are getting exactly what we deserve." (paraphrase)
IMO, every Black American should watch and listen to this impassioned advice to all Blacks:
Field, you are one big tired Hypocrit. Your blog contains so much self-righteous bullshit it's pathetic. You're the biggest House Negro I have ever read ... shuckin' and jivin' to the same old song. Not even one original perspective in your arsenal. Moron.
It sounds like you hate AT&T as much as I hate Comcast.
A la carte is a dream that I don't think is ever going to come true. A few years ago Congress/ FCC made a little noise about a la carte and of course the media conglomerates gave them a good azz kickin' for even talking about it.
Yeah I'd love to have Showtime and HBO if I could pick and choose the basic channels and lower my basic fee.
And I didn't even know there was a soap channel. That sounds like they should call it the torture channel.
Oh well.
THE LOOK on the President's face was hilarious. he couldn't even hide it. I couldn't stop LOL
please comment on the Derrion Albert murder.
uts, "So stop trying trying to lay some unique dysfunction on black folks.
Whoever is at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder in the city is going have the preponderance of street criminals."
One thing about UTS, right or wrong, he always covers for Blacks, no matter how immoral the act. By UT's logic, there is nothing to correct because things just aren't that bad in the hood. That vicious killing by those black teenagers is to be expected because of their socio-economic class.
UTS, your thinking supports crime, immorality, and callousness. You are such a good thinker...lol
please comment on the Derrion Albert murder."
Ah, what's the use of commenting? It won't matter. After all, FN has been down this road countless times. It NEVER amounts to anything, except a solution to sterilize most of the black race. Remember?
But at this rate of black on black killing sterilization will be unnecessary!
Anon Field, "you are one big tired Hypocrit. Your blog contains so much self-righteous bullshit it's pathetic. You're the biggest House Negro I have ever read ... shuckin' and jivin' to the same old song. Not even one original perspective in your arsenal. Moron."
Anon, what do you expect-a serious dialogue or a concern about a dying black race? Find another blog, because this one is geared toward "happy talk"- because if you are Black in America, tomorrow you may die.
i going comment on Derrion Albert's sad murder,
first, i so sorry to his mother, i cry to see what happened to your son.
Lord of the Fly's, that is what I was thinking.
I do not know what the answer is.
Kathy "Lord of the Fly's, that is what I was thinking."
What does that have to do with the killing of Derrion? Please explain the connection.
"Field, you are one big tired Hypocrit. Your blog contains so much self-righteous bullshit it's pathetic. You're the biggest House Negro I have ever read ... shuckin' and jivin' to the same old song. Not even one original perspective in your arsenal. Moron."
Damn it! Another ex found me:(
"One thing about UTS, right or wrong, he always covers for Blacks, no matter how immoral the act. By UT's logic, there is nothing to correct because things just aren't that bad in the hood. That vicious killing by those black teenagers is to be expected because of their socio-economic class."
As usual, you don't have a clue.
I hope those little bastards who beat Derrion Albert to death do serious time in the big joint.
I have no sympathy for criminals.
I just don't accept that criminal behavior has anything to do with as you seem to.
A white guy here in Maryland slaughtered his entire family over the weekend (and this crime is being downplayed by the media).
Was this atrocity any reflection of whiteness?
If not, why not....using your line of thinking?
"A white guy here in Maryland slaughtered his entire family over the weekend (and this crime is being downplayed by the media).
Was this atrocity any reflection of whiteness?"
First of all, you are full of shit. There was no such murder over the weekend in Md. But if there were, that would be rare, and it would make national headlines.
But the killing of black youths in the streets of urban America is quite common, I really don't give a damn what is happening with Whites.
I KNOW there is a MAJOR problem with black kids dying in the streets and filling up the prison system. Your minimization of it by trying to look elsewhere won't diminish that fact.
"First of all, you are full of shit. There was no such murder over the weekend in Md. But if there were, that would be rare, and it would make national headlines."
Oh really?
And wrong about every thing else as usual.
Often when whites victimize blacks it barely touches the media screen.
Such as when 6 rednecks stomped 17 year old Noah Jones to death in Pasadena, MD but none of them spent a day in jail.
I guess you didn't hear about that either?
You know that I have no qualms about embarassing you over and over.
UTS "Often when whites victimize blacks it barely touches the media screen."
That's because it happens far less than black on black crime but you won't acknowledge that because you are dishonest.
Btw, the dead family in Md has not been identified as White. This leads me to believe they were Black.
Regardless, what are you doing to stop the killing of BLACKS! Besides denying that there is a problem?
"That's because it happens far less than black on black crime but you won't acknowledge that because you are dishonest"
And white on white crime happens just as much as black on black crime but you won't acknowledge that because you're a racist.
"Btw, the dead family in Md has not been identified as White. This leads me to believe they were Black."
Sorry Goob, but ain't no black folks in Mt. Airy, MD and they interviewed Dalton's neighbors on TV.
All white.
"Regardless, what are you doing to stop the killing of BLACKS!"
About as much as you are doing about the killing of whites.
I'm not a cop.
"Besides denying that there is a problem."
Oh there is a serious problem in the inner city ghetto but you are furiously trying to tie it to racist to justify your hatred.
UTS "And white on white crime happens just as much as black on black crime but you won't acknowledge that because you're a racist."
There you go with that "you're a racist again."
You are a sick man.
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