Let me go ahead and give my thoughts about the O man's health insurance reform speech.
I caught most of it tonight in between watching the U.S.A T&T soccer match on the Spanish channel.
First, how ignorant and disrespectful are republicans? If anyone saw a democratic congressman texting during one of the frat boy's speeches or saw anyone in the opposition yelling "liar" in the middle of a previous presidential address, please provide a link. I don't think one will be forthcoming, but I could be wrong. I did see Eric Cantor texting someone during the O man's speech-must have been calling his hair dresser for more hair spray-, and yep, there was a republican yelling "liar" in the middle of the speech. What a classy bunch.
Oh, and I loved the good doctor from Louisiana giving the republican response. (He has been sued for malpractice twice, so I am not sure he should be throwing any stones from his glass house.) The idiot actually brought up tort reform when his O ness already promised in his speech that it would be a part of his plan. That's what you get for writing your response before hand. But hey, it sure beats the governor from Louisiana giving the response, because as bad as bayou doc was he was better than the gov.
But back to the speech: First, let me say that it was a mistake for his O ness to give this health reform package to congress to work on. He should have crafted it himself and then handed to them to work out the details. I know he didn't want to do a repeat of what the Clintons did back in 1994, but that is exactly what he should have done. Different time, different mandate, and it would have worked. Now, unfortunately, our boy is playing defense. Having said that, let me holla at his O ness for a minute: I loved the tough talk O man. You aren't the first president to take up health care but you will be the last? Bringing up the ghost of John Dingell, Sr. was also a nice touch. You were all over the profit over people insurance companies, and rightfully so. If A-merry-cans weren't moved by some of those stories you told about real people, they don't deserve health insurance reform.
I loved the fact that you hit back at the right wing/FOX News smear machine. ( I see they bumped your speech for some dancing show. Just what A-merry-ca needs, more silly reality shows.) Who needs to hear about one of the most important legislation from our government in decades? I am still not sure about the public option part, but I think you were being intentionally fuzzy. I felt like you were talking to us progressives and telling us to chill while you try to get something done with health care. I am not a political pragmatist, but I know you are, and if most A-merry-cans can have access to proper and affordable health care I guess I am all for it. It sure as hell beats the insurance lobby driven system we have now.
I also loved the fact that you placed the blame for this mess that we are in where it belongs: at the foot of the frat boy and his crew. And, I loved the idea of putting actual facts into the speech. Facts should always get in the way of partisan bullshit.
"We are the only advanced democracy on Earth — the only wealthy nation — that allows such hardships for millions of its people. There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage. In just a two year period, one in every three Americans goes without health care coverage at some point. And every day, 14,000 Americans lose their coverage. In other words, it can happen to anyone. "
Not "anyone" O man, republicans don't believe it can happen to them. Only poor people immigrants and minorities can't afford health care.
"Then there's the problem of rising costs. We spend one-and-a-half times more per person on health care than any other country, but we aren't any healthier for it. This is one of the reasons that insurance premiums have gone up three times faster than wages. It's why so many employers — especially small businesses — are forcing their employees to pay more for insurance, or are dropping their coverage entirely. It's why so many aspiring entrepreneurs cannot afford to open a business in the first place, and why American businesses that compete internationally — like our automakers — are at a huge disadvantage. And it's why those of us with health insurance are also paying a hidden and growing tax for those without it — about $1000 per year that pays for somebody else's emergency room and charitable care."
More facts. Come on O man, you are letting it get in the way of a great political debate.
"But that's not what the moment calls for. That's not what we came here to do. We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it. I still believe we can act even when it's hard. I still believe we can replace acrimony with civility, and gridlock with progress. I still believe we can do great things, and that here and now we will meet history's test.
Because that is who we are. That is our calling. That is our character. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.'
Because that is who we are. That is our calling. That is our character. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.'
That damn Obama, I wonder if Mrs. Field have any of her O-Aid left?
1 – 200 of 279 Newer› Newest»FUCK YEAH! That's what I voted for.
Of course it had to be a pogue from my state to say that bullshit.
Oh, how that warmed the cockles o' me heart! To hear a citizen confront the lies of another citizen, boldly, and without regard to some false decorum of "place and time."
If Obama is addressing the people and their representatives, then the people should be able to respond. It's the proper way to run a republic and a democracy.
To see Pelosi and Biden act as though someone dared question their messiah, was priceless.
God bless President Obama.
Some ign'nant good ole boy had to get up and loudly insult the President of the United States in front of the world. That was a perfect touch, it portrays the wingnuts for exactly what they are: nutty and impetulant. That fool did more damage to his cause than he'll ever know. Good for him!
BTW...here's his contact info if you want to tell him what a good job he did:
Swiff, I thought the same thing, that is why I voted for him. That was powerful, tough, on point and I LOVED that he called out the lying liars and the lies they told and put them on notice he will be calling them out. I loved it! And, it was heart felt. At the end, he had me and just about everyone around him in tears.... this is what we need and I thank god he is my president.
You very clearly have no clue as to how the Congress works or the customs of the body.
Your boy, Joe Wilson, is equally uninformed. From Politico:
"There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false - the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally," President Obama said.
A loud voice from the Republican side of the hall answered, "Lie" -- my colleague Glenn Thrush reports it was Rep. Joe Wilson (R - S.C.) -- drawing a second "It's not true," from Obama and a shake of Nancy Pelosi's head.
The bill is designed to exclude those immigrants, though some Republicans have called for more explicit bans on funding for illegal immigrants and have claimed the bill will funnel money to illegal immigrants.
FactCheck.org described those claims as "false" and noted that one version of the legislation already includes an explicit bar on federal funding for illegal immigrants' health care.
Anonymous, obama wasn't lying the illegal immigrants get covered under medicaid.
At least they do in North Carolina.
Swiff did not mince any words and probably the seniment of a lot of peope. It was a brilliant speech and probably the best one that the POTUS has given to date. He was more specific and I hope that the American will finally have a better understanding. Rome was not built in a day, and expecting the President to get the process for reform started. The process of the bill will process if passed, and other iniatives will be added as time goes on. Remember, one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. The it's my way or the high way rarely works and someone always loses under that situation.
Anon 10:29: "It's the proper way to run a republic and a democracy."
Did you also believe that when Bush/Cheney were doing nothing but "invitation only" campaign speeches? And ejecting anyone who didn't stay on script?
Of course, you did...NOT.
Ahh hypocrisy, THE defining trait of the wingnut.
After tonight, I'm anxious to see how the GOP crawls off that wingnut branch they've been on all summer.
And climb down from that wingnut tree.
And leave the wingnut orchard.
I just have a feeling that they're not going to get away that easy.
"Oh, how that warmed the cockles o' me heart! To hear a citizen confront the lies of another citizen, boldly, and without regard.."
I agree, watching Obama confront the wingnuts and radio Rwanda (AKA FOX NEWS) was great.
Is it 47 million or 30 million Obama?Obama's having such trouble keeping up with his lies.
Joe Wilson was right to call Obama a liar.
God bless Joe Wilson.That is true field negro behavior.
"God bless Joe Wilson."
Totally agree, NO ONE could have done a better job of putting the Republicans further in the toilet than that man did. I am going to email him a thank you note right now.
this just in on the CNN ticker (you know that 'thing' that actually has REAL news?);
From Rep. Joe Wilson
“This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”
Ernesto said...
Did you also believe that when Bush/Cheney were doing nothing but "invitation only" campaign speeches? And ejecting anyone who didn't stay on script?
Of course, you did...NOT.
Ahh hypocrisy, THE defining trait of the wingnut
Seaking of hypocrisy,did you object to Democrats forcing people asking questions at townhalls to show ids,Democrats walking out of townhalls, or Obama packing his townhalls with his supporters?
Of course, you did...NOT.
Ahh hypocrisy, THE defining trait of the wingnut
Yes inded...
The Refuseniks looked like petulant children sitting there. And worse there were times when they had to look around to see if they should applaud or hiss. Why; because when you have no real convictions it's hard to know how to react unless prompted.
Ernesto said...
"God bless Joe Wilson."
Totally agree, NO ONE could have done a better job of putting the Republicans further in the toilet than that man did.
Its Obama and the Democrats who are in the toilet.Democrats have the numbers to pass anything they want.Yet they can't pass Obamacare.
What are Democrats scared of?
I love the sound of teabaggers whining.... it sounds like victory.
"Obama packing the townhalls with his supporters".... I'm still laughing about this one. I guess they were the ones calling him a Marxist and acting like ignorant rednecks.
Your boy apologized, anony. He knows his behaviour was inappropriate, even if you don't.
i imagine the Mr. Wilson's email & voicemail are filling up, & his phone is ringing off the w/ people calling him on the carpet.
i imagine he didn't anticipate that he'd be a 'house-hold' name - but for all the wrong reasons.
my favorite post-analysis statement came from Barnie Frank:
"when he (Obama said he was going to be a post-partisan president, i got post-partisan depression."
Anony and MrR..... you are so over... I am sticking with our president who said we must all move forward. The time for bickering is over. The time for action is now. And guess what, come this december, we will have health care reform...
You can snipe and snark to your little impotent desire... truth is, I will go to bed with a smile on my face knowing that OUR PRESIDENT just laid the ground work for getting it done.
We will move on and leave those of you who want to stomp your feet and call him/us names.
And, I will be relieved that health care will be there for you and me when we need it.
For those of you who like to tell Congress Wilson what you thought of his disrespect and rudeness and LIE!
Phone and U.S. Mail:
The Midlands' Office
1700 Sunset Blvd (US 378), Suite 1
West Columbia , SC 29169
Phone: (803) 939-0041
Phone: (888) 381-1442 (*only accessible when calling from area codes 803, 843, and 864)
Fax: (803) 939-0078
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Lowcountry Office
903 Port Republic Street, Beaufort, SC 29902
Mail to: Post Office Box 1538, Beaufort, SC 29901
Phone: (843) 521-2530
Fax: (843) 521-2535
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Washington Office
212 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2452
Fax: (202) 225-2455
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Now that was more like it Mr.Obama! And Watkins...well that apology was quick. HAHA!
And what a surprise Wilson is from South Carolina.
Oh lord why did I put "Watkins" instead of "Wilson"! My eyes must be tired from reading Spanish all day! XD
"What are Democrats scared of?"
Losing insurance company payola, of course. Thanks to a corrupt pay-for-play campaign finance system supported by wingnuts like you.
Are you serious mr. r?
What you saw was the visceral reaction of the embodiment of white male privilege when confronted with the knowledge that someone smarter, more thoughtful, more articulate, who actually made it on MERIT, is actually beating them by their own rules, using the playbook that they wrote.
They yell. They scream. They can't handle the mere image of a black president looking up at his black wife, then in the course of a speech, telling you what WILL happen. All of the republicans in the audience were looking like Strom Thurmond after his viagra prescription ran out. Impotent. Worthless. As obsolete as a white tailback in the NFL. All of the racism, bigotry, evil, death, destruction that people with your mindset hath wrought to this country. And even with all of that, all of the bullshit that we take from neo-con chronic chickenhawk pussies such as yourself and others he still made it. HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TODAY. RIGHT NOW. FOR THE NEXT 1200 DAYS. AND PROBABLY THE NEXT 1460 AFTER THAT.
Brain dead republicans with racist appeals have nearly destroyed this country. You can thank God for good Americans, black and white, who will save your sorry asses from yourselves.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Did anyone noticed Obama's look when the jerk Wilson shouted out? Wilson's disrespect was his audition to join the Faux News lying tour.
President Obama spanked the rethugs in front of the world. That a classy Field Negro behavior.
Granny, I know you would be all over this dude with his address etc. That's what I love about you. So he apologized, huh? I guess he wasn't such a radical true believer after all. Yep, mr. r and company must be very disappointed.
Go easy on em Jody. It's tough being a wingnut these days.
"Oh lord why did I put "Watkins" instead of "Wilson"! "
Raina.., that's an honest mistake. We knew exactly who you were talking about. You didn't even have to correct that,
Yo monie, what's in the water down there in SC? Wait, we gotta ask "Trapped In SC" he/she would know.
Anon 10:48 "did you object to Democrats..."
The townhalls were being disrupted by wingnuts yelling incoherently and getting rowdy. Are you telling me that Republicans would have allowed that at their events?
And can you IMAGINE what would have happened if Democrat had heckled Bush during a joint session of Congress? They probably would have been sent to Gitmo and waterboarded.
BTW, Granny done got over her upset spell with President Obama. For a minute there I had taken him out my black book and put in the the brown one, but now I'm taking out the brown one and putting him back in the black one. His speech was excellent.
Did someone move Mr R's rock? Would you please put it back so he can slither back under it. Whenever Mr R is not under his rock and exposed to normal people for long periods of time his ugly, poisonous fangs start showing.
It's called stupidity, field.
That's why I drink bottled water.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
For those of you who like to tell Congress Wilson what you thought of his disrespect and rudeness and LIE!
Obama is the only one telling lies.
Joe Wilson is a true American.
Yeah,Trapped in Joe Wilson Land (SC),Obama's a real tough black man.He's really making whitey shake with fear.
LMAO.Obama's nothing more than a empty suit.
It's that rebel flag on the Statehouse grounds down there in South Carolina. It makes them do crazy stuff.
Oh btw, our First Lady looked marvelous!
"It's called stupidity, field.
That's why I drink bottled water."
@Field: Thanks.
I love the way Repubtugs look like total assholes tonight..
Thanks to Wilson and the guy on the Blackberry..nothing like a brunch of jerks on national tv...
How long did it take Wilson to apologize.. Just priceless........
His website has crashed already from responses to his blurted out lie and disrespect.
Oh yeah.
BO's got the ball back in his court.
Now run the break and take it to the hole.
I had to work tonight teaching ACT Prep, so I missed our POTUS. Suppose there's a link on YouTube already?
Where are all those progressives(Keith Olberman and Company) whining about taking back their vote their campaign contributions and all their blood sweat and tears that they put into the Magical Negro aka Obama who can wave his magic wand and grant the wishes for everybody. Aren't all those progressives tired of standing on Obama's neck while dangling their precious vote and all that manufactured disgust about how weak Obama was and that he doesn't have the balls to do the job? Where are they now?
Anonymous 10:11:
You really need to lay off the caffeine or is it a LSD flashback? If I was you, I wouldn't be bragging on a liar like Joe Wilson. I understand that your a little backwards and I try to make allowances for that, but come on now, must you resort to lying too? Do you rightwing folks have any human decency or pride left? Your becoming a like a plague on society that needs to be eradicated. ughhhh!
Anon 11:10 pm: "He's really making whitey shake with fear."
It seems he sure is making y'all lose your damn minds! If you had much if one to begin with. I'm just sayin...
@Race Traitoress
Or you might try CSPAN. Sometimes they re-broadcast Presidential speeches either on the air or on their website.
The Prez was talking democrats, progressives, and independents, saying, "Obama the community organizer is still in the house." Now it's time for these sorry democrats to follow through and kick some ass!
field, I think Mrs. field has been saving some of that O Aid just for you.
BTW, Anonymous 11:10:
I'm looking for a good shoe to throw at Joe Wilson with his unpatriotic, lying azz. Yup, one with a nice thick heel on it.
whenever 'you' ReThugs drop a comment on here it almost NEVER makes sense. maybe its Haiku or something. when you make a point, make sense, use somewhat complete sentences, concise arguments, or don't say anything at all. and even worse: don't "give us" word 'diarrhea' otherwise you risk sounding like schizo w/o your meds.
The Rep/Con were sitting in quilt and they should be, the sad thing is, the older REP/CON are the one's sending the young rep/con out to stir up Discord for the President! now that's a shame! and then they sit back as if they are innocent!
The President need's to have a meeting with those older rep/con, he need's to let them know that, it is too late in the day for their mess!
We have a young President, but yet he has to Chastise a group of Old men!!! this is a disgrace, these Old men should be trying to help the President all they can, but, yet they are running around like little children, these men are a total disgrace to God and America!
After Ted Kennedy died, you would think at least, Horin Hatch would put politic's aside for Ted Kennedy's sake, after all he claimed to be a close friend of Ted Kennedy, some type of friend Ted Kennedy had! more like a secret enemy!
I have waited for months for the President to wake up and show the leadership we seek from him.
Tonight, he was awesome and rocked the house. As for the assdweebs in the GOPKlan they showed the townhall mentality they have abused for 6 weeks.
Fools, I now think they can be kept in their southern holes if the Dems will stop acting like scared kids......they have the leadership.
Maybe he can pull it together. I was disappointed Letterman didn't get into the topic of Great Britain's National Health program with guest Tony Blair last night. My Brit cousin, a true suburban "soccer mom" in a nation where soccer counts for something, gripes about aspects of the program, some of the delays for non-emergency services, but she says she would never, ever trade it for what we have here.
I am drinking O aid and I am not putting it down. He did his thing tonight
I was a little salty with the President before this speech. I even wrote him an angry letter. I was pissed. But I'll behave now. He made me proud. I just wish he would have done it from the start. I hope the public option bit wasn't just thrown in to cover his ass. And it is in fact plausible.
Black grl #1,
I just scroll right past their comments. They are simply a distraction.
Message on Wilson's website:
"This site is down for maintenance.
Please check back again soon."
Get'em lefties! Lol
Having to see Rep. Wilson's disrespect for President Obama breaks my damn heart. It was shocking when it happened at first, on the floor, it's even more disgusting played back.
Nevertheless, I am solidly behind Mr. Obama, and as matter of fact had just recently written a re dedication to myself. I have trusted our President's sense of political timing during the elections and I have that same faith now.
I will send my letter of support to him and to Joe Wilson's dumb azz.
Well done tonight, President Obama!
The "O" man does give a good speech. I hope he was for real when he said he wasn't going to let the Repugs roll him over on this one. I think they've shown their true sides in this debate. You know what? It's time for the ?Democrats to show their stuff. Take charge and rule, you dumbasses! The time is now!
And right as the wingnuts rally around the guy - POW! He apologizes. He even called Rahm Emmanuel on the phone to apologize. They made that schmuck bow down and kiss the ring. The Free Republic crowd is in pain right now.
The underlying issue is, (future appointments to) the SCOTUS.
Can you just savor the passing of time....
Can you just see how this presidency is going to be written up for school kids to learn...how small and petty the opposition was. If they, the opposition, might have been able to come up with reasonable grounds and mannerly objections, they would at least have earned the respect of a "loyal opposition." As it is...can you just see it?
Also the world is growing darker and darker in just a few decades; then who will be the silly minority?
Hey Field how about some more Republican shenanigans! Check this story out.
Assemblyman resigns as extramarital affairs come to light
@Dark Moon:
It was a speech. A good speech but just a speech. We have yet to see the actions. From a progressive standpoint there is a lot to dislike about the neutered public option and so-called tort reform. So I would withhold judgment until I see what's passed. I liked the speech. The President is a good talker.
As far as where the progressives are here's one who is still not quite sure of the President's plans. Sirota seems to be in the process of being dismissed by other liberals as a lunatic with an axe to grind but again, let's see what actually passes Congress.
Psst Field, the Dumbocrats own both Houses of Congress...only thing holdin up the Bill is renegade Donkeys, just like with Civil Rights...
Speakin of which, who was the only guy there who voted against the Civil Rights Bill, Thurgood Marshall AND Clarence Thomas?? His White pointy hat might be a giveaway...
Answer, the Senator from South Pennsylvania, Robert Byrd....
WASHINGTON – Public disapproval of President Barack Obama's handling of health care has leaped to 52 percent, according to Associated Press-GfK poll that underscores the country's glowering mood as the White House made a renewed pitch for an overhaul.
It doesn’t matter if you agree with this nutsack standing up in the middle of your boy’s “speech to end all speeches” and heckling him here’s the deal. It’s no different than a subordinate calling out their boss in front of all their customers and getting away with it!!! The world looks on while your boy’s underlings call him a freak’ in liar in front of the whole world!!! OMG
This is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world and he gets heckled? Hell I thought comedians were the only people that get heckled…..LOL Well, at least he can say he’s the only prez that’s been heckled…..LOL
Yea, he’s really got a good chance of he’s little bill getting passed.
Oh, don’t forget it’s NFL season and the male population at least at this point cares about nothing else. It’s like some fatazz woman standing in front of the tube pissing and moaning about this and that…..LOL get the F%@#K out the way the games on!!!
Sorry, maybe he can try again next year…..LOL
This is Ike…..Peace out !
Sadly Ike is right about one thing.
It shows no respect for our President.
blinders off-
President Obama spanked the rethugs in front of the world. That a classy Field Negro behavior.
i think your boy was the one spanked!!!
he was called out in front of the hole world....LOL
i can only imagin how you guy's felt when wilson stood up and called out your boy in his most important speech......oh crap
wonder how many of you spilled your kool-aid?
bet your heart sank.....LOL
At least 44 more moderate Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record in opposition to the current health care bill in the House, a Hill source claims. Likewise, at least 57 liberal Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record saying they will vote against a health care bill without a strong public option.
Unless multiple Democrats flip on their stated position on health care, Speaker Pelosi lacks the votes to pass a bill through the House on the strength of Democrat votes alone.
Anon.... 7:38-48...
Seriously, as Barney Frank said... on what planet do you live? Overwhelmingly, the rude little rep from S. Carolina has been roundly denounced, by both sides of the aisle. No one is defending him. And, he acted like the impudent child he is by running out of the room and then saying "I'm sorry" as soon as he got called out for his rude behavior. Everyone agreed, the only one that looked the fool, was the S.Carolina representative.....
Here is the thing you should reserve your glee for.... when health care reform passes, and it will..... it does not have an exclusion for stupid. So you will be covered, too.
"First, how ignorant and disrespectful are republicans?"
Not has ignorant and disrespectful has field and his fellow Democrats are.
What we got here is typical liberal behavior.Participating in the same behavior your complaining about.
Mr.R. if you cannot see the difference between murmors of "No" and yelling out "You Lie", then you are a bigger idiot than I suspected.... C'mon.... even Wilson's colleagues are saying it was disrespectful and uncalled for....
YOU just cannot bring yourself to admit, which was the rethugs and their supporters problem when Bush was in office, that you are WRONG.
Jody, how can you be for a healthcare bill that allows more IRS intrusion into our lives?
The IRS has a history of violating people's rights and has been used has weapon by both Dems and Reps.Who's to say the IRS won't abuse the powers and data its getting if Obamacare passes?
I will defend Joe.He was telling the truth.Obama is the liar-in-chief.
Jody said...
Mr.R. if you cannot see the difference between murmors of "No" and yelling out "You Lie
Murmors of no?? So typical of the left.Always trying to minimize your bad behavior.
The difference is Democrats were being disrespectful and Joe was telling the truth.
hey frank, robert byrd is from west virginia. nice post, field. yours is one of only two blogs i read anymore.
Frank Drackman,
Since when does white pointy hats bother you? (well they should. You are a Jew. But that's a different issue.)
If Byrd switched partys tomorrow, hypocrites like you would be calling him a "great American".
Which party do you think the Klan supports TODAY?
The one with the black guy at the top?
Poor Mr. R(acist) he's still looking for his 'great white hope'.
Remember what our mothers told us as kids "when people don't feel good about themselves, they put down others". Mr. R and the Rethugs are feeling really down right now. They have nothing else left but to agree with the disrespectful Joe Wilson and to find ways to put down our President. President Obama was awesome last night. His speech will go down as one of the greatest in history.
In a few years instead of the tea baggers carrying signs stating "Don't take away my Medicare!" they will be carrying signs stating "Don't take away my Public Option!". Oh yea, a Public Option will pass. And just like the Repugs love Medicare, they will love the Public Option. Damn hypocrites!
a speech does not a health reform plan make...
do not let the "facts" in this speech cloud the facts of this shady matter/obama's actual plans...
even i was appalled at the rudeness from the bigot from sc...indeed he owed obama an apology for his rabidly uncivilized outburst BUT
will obama ALSO apologize to him after we all see that this health reform plan is all lies/a HUGE medical corp sham???...
FOX news has 2 international empires...local affiliates in ALL cities and a cable news network...the FOX cable news network DID show obama's speech...
only the local FOX channels did not air it...
how is this any different from BET and BETJ??? at all????
BET did not air obama's speech either, only BETJ did...MILLIONS of people like me would rather die than watch any politico like obama tell any more blatant lies in a long boring speech...
so i thank god for BET, and FOX and EVERY other tv station that aired other options for viewers!...
Agreed. Wilson's a swine, but the focus needs to be on the fact that the speech was clear, Progressives have a lot to fight for (the P.O.'s alive, but needs to be pushed) and our moms and dads and aunts and uncles and grandparents need to be reminded of much of what the President emphasized tonight.
Besides I think the world saw, is clear on and is over the 15 mins. of self destruction repigs have subjected themselves to in childish antics sooo...
Check out Rob Miller a dem running for SC to replace that coward has doubled his campaign fund within just the past hour ...
change you can believe in..you betcha! ;)
though republikkkans = dems
if i was any politico running against the uncouth fool from sc,
i would already be editing constant loops of his outburst for all radio and tv ads to slay him in 2010....
What happen to those 17 Millon people that was removed from Obama's number of uninsured?
Were those the illegals that Obama claimed wasn't going to be covered?
Those ain't actual facts Obama was spewing but actual lies.
Obama was a master salesman last night. He sold the sizzle and not the steak; damn good move. Whoever wrote that speech did a fine job. And he was excellent in his delivery.
He made it easy to forget the ambiguity of much of what he touched on as far as policy details. But that's where we as a people must be vigilant and question just exactly what he said.
Personally, I wished he would have considered Single Payer instead of being beholden to Big Pharma as he and his cohorts are. Although this was an excellent sales job. This is not the "Universal Healthcare" many of us progressives envisioned during the campaign.
I get the feeling that Corporate America always wins. Hell, I read the proposed "Public Option" will be administered, ran and controlled by Blue Cross.
Rob Miller, Joe Wilson's opponent, raised over $100,000 last night after the "you lie" outburst. LOL!
Clintons did back in 1994, but that is exactly what he should have done. Different time, different mandate, and it would have worked.
don't knock the hustle, field yo. The bill already made it out of 4 committees already the last hurdle (finance) is going to be kind of tough but its further along than where the Clintons have gotten sans veto pen wave and following the hil-miester's footsteps in writing her own draft and proposing it to congress without any input from congress.
I share sentiment with the Germans, astounded at how could anyone NOT want the public option let alone the entire reform... can't wait until the repiglican tax cuts to expire and soon they too will be looking for CHANGE..on the ground! HA HA!!
i love u like jah do!
thank you for your constant humor and sanity herein...
no president ever pens his own speeches
obama is a great reader...
but he is horridly stiff and grossly inarticulate without his "UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM...YAKNOW" teleprompter...
my wife loves obama but also really loves my fantastic verbal impressions of him...smile
as a comm scholar and superb speaker myself, obama's HIGHLY OVERRATED & UNDESERVED pub as an orator irks me!!!!
Rob Miller, Joe Wilson's opponent, raised over $100,000 last night after the "you lie" outburst. LOL
YASSS!!! SC just might go blue..that piece of shit set repiglican destruction on 'blast' mode
Karl 'Turdblossom' Rove was on Fux Noise laughing it up after that little indecent..which if it were up to me his bitch ass would be laughing behind bars in a orange jumpsuit.
The only thing I'M FINDING funny is that J.W's website has been shut down..and the look Nancy gave that sorry ass..I'm sure if she had lazer beams in her eyes, that unpatriotic, unamerican piece of shit would have been red mist.
Whenever I get down on President Obama, I think about my experiences in Corporate America. I think about those times that I finally got a promotion only to fix a fkedup situation that no other person could fix. I remember being asked to outline a plan of action the day after taking on the position. I remember everyone, even the people that supported me, wanting me to fix shit right away. But in the end I got it done and not everyone was pleased but most were and then I was moved on to fix the next crisis because no way were they going to pay me six-figures to manage a department with no issues. I had to work for my damn money.
Our President is facing what most black people have faced in Corporate America for years - being given an opportunity to fix shit that somebody else broke and no other white boy can fix. And if the shit doesn't get fixed then guess what it's the black man's fault.
I am going to continue to support our President with my patience and my prayers. His heart is in the right place and I know that nobody else could be doing his job better. Because this country was in a crisis, a black man was elected President.
The naked truth is always chasing a well-dressed lie. Those damn lies being told by Rethugs are in their Sunday's best.
your analogy is severely flawed
you tried to fix things
obama is only destroying them in the same way as scripted!...and he is not even bothering to be clandestine anymore...
continued destruction + blackish swag = STILL destruction!
Oh BTW Joe Wilson jockers and other rightards.
Illegal aliens won't have INSURANCE. They won't be able to get INSURANCE or pay their premiums for the INSURANCE.
Am I going slow enough for you?
One thing Illegal Aliens will be able to get is emergency room care...the same as they do now.
Doctors aren't real fond of just letting people die.
Know what I mean?
krystalxlyte said...
Rob Miller, Joe Wilson's opponent, raised over $100,000 last night after the "you lie" outburst. LOL
YASSS!!! SC just might go blue..that piece of shit set repiglican destruction on 'blast' mode
uptownsteve said...
Oh BTW Joe Wilson jockers and other rightards.
Illegal aliens won't have INSURANCE. They won't be able to get INSURANCE or pay their premiums for the INSURANCE.
Lie much?
And Obama might just tell the truth for once.
Rob's gonna get his ass kicked again just like he did the last time he ran against Joe Wilson.
actually us:
doctors let poor people die daily
in major cities, they even give them taxi rides to be dumped to die in distant streets....so as not to mar the lawns at hospitals etc...
michelle obama did the very same thing in chicago as a hospital admin
here is more on the routine practice of "patient dumping" from 60 mins/cbs
alicia banks said...
actually us:
doctors let poor people die daily
in major cities, they even give them taxi rides to be dumped to die in distant streets....so as not to mar the lawns at hospitals etc...
michelle obama did the very same thing in chicago as a hospital admin
Stop confusing brainwashed Obama supporters.The facts won't get in the way of them worshiping their God.
Why do you lie so much?
From your link............
"Sen. Barack Obama's wife and three close advisers have been involved with a program at the University of Chicago Medical Center that steers patients who don't have private insurance -- primarily poor, black people -- to other health care facilities.
Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program, which aims to find neighborhood doctors for low-income people who were flooding the emergency room for basic treatment. Hospital officials say such patients hinder their ability to focus on more critically ill patients in need of specialized care, such as cancer treatment and organ transplants."
NakedTruth: In deed, you speak the truth. When I got my job in LA, I was essentially hired to fix a myriad IT problems within my department because all the hotshot consultants and the long term employees couldn't get things done. Which is why I'm not stomping on the mulatto Harvard cat in the White House too hard.
AB: I don't know what you're beef is with Obama my sister, but you're so far left that you're doing a 180 and smacking your right ear -- ala John Birch.
I know you're gonna flame me for having the audacity to agree with NT and point out that you're out on a limb, so I'll just say what I think anyway. IMHO, the 'angry militant left' in this country are almost as counter-productive as the loony right. Yes, single payer is ideal since the government (read every tax paying citizen) is negotiating with drug companies, medical tech firms (my field) and hospitals for the lowest prices of care. No, a lot of Obama's healthcare plan isn't ideal. And yes, we must fight tooth and nail for the public option, and eventually single payer.
But pie in the sky Naderite politics are just as destructive as the loony right, because in essence its holding progress hostage for lofty ideals that we all know aren't possible in this country right now. The problem with so called "radicals" like you are that your holding your breathe for change to happen overnight and checking out for the long haul. Bill Maher (who is another 'radical' prick who thinks he knows everything) said it best -- Obama is Jordan playing on a garbage team.
Republicans don't have to do much but scare their base because the center-left is fighting each other. Between so-called 'Blue Dogs' more worried about keeping their congressional seats than doing anything on healthcare and liberals who are ready to sit out the next 3 years until Obama is possessed by the ghost of Che, how can he get anything done?
Forget fighting or bickering about Obama -- because he's not the problem with healthcare reform. AB, if you want change lobby your Congressperson and Senator. Organize with other progressives in your local area and do a teach-in.
So, right now its going to be the long fight until December. I suggest we all want get ready to call our congressperson and get into the streets for the fall. We (occassionally) did it when the Chimp in Chief was bombing Iraq because of Big Oil and his own daddy issues -- we can do it now!
the truth hurts
but it will hurt you more to keep trusting and defending the evil done by elitists like the obamas!
read the entire article
then read this too:
On the rare occasions when other "news" media have bothered to connect the Urban Health Initiative to its glamorous creator, they have attempted to whitewash this tawdry program. Typical of such disingenuous coverage was a story in the Washington Post, which described it as "an innovative program to steer the patients to existing neighborhood clinics."
But no amount of journalistic lipstick can hide the reality that Mrs. Obama's initiative is a patient-dumping scheme. Such "cherry-picking," as Dr. Jouriles accurately describes it, was, at one time, fairly common. Prestigious institutions like the University of Chicago Medical Center routinely "dumped" Medicaid, uninsured and other unprofitable patients on less mercenary community hospitals. Many patients suffered needlessly, and more than a few actually died, as the result of this practice. So, in 1986, President Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Labor and Treatment Act (EMTALA) into law. EMTALA made such "redirection" illegal, but many high profile hospitals still chafed at being forced to treat poor patients. Enter Michelle Obama, UCMC's "Vice President for Community and External Affairs."
Mrs. Obama first hatched the UCMC program as the "South Side Health Collaborative," which featured a gang of "counselors" whose job it was to "advise" low-income patients that they would be better off at other hospitals and clinics. The program was so successful in getting rid of unwanted patients that she expanded it, gave it a new name, and hired none other than David Axelrod to sell the program to the public. According to the Sun-Times, "Obama's wife and Valerie Jarrett, an Obama friend and adviser who chairs the medical center's board, backed the Axelrod firm's hiring." Axelrod helped the future First Lady formulate a public relations campaign in which the "Urban Health Initiative" was represented as a boon to the community actuated by the purest of altruistic motives.
The resultant PR campaign was a study in Orwellian audacity. Chicago's inner city residents soon began hearing that UCMC's patient dumping program would "dramatically improve health care for thousands of South Side residents" and that the medical center was generously willing to provide "a ride on a shuttle bus to other centers." Likewise, the people who ran the community hospitals to which these unwanted patients were being shuttled began to read claims in local media to the effect that the Urban Health Initiative was good for them as well. Dr. Eric Whitaker, the Blagojevich crony who succeeded Mrs. Obama as Director of the program, repeatedly assured gullible reporters that the financial impact on these hospitals would be positive: "The initiative actually is improving their bottom lines." The CFOs of those hospitals were no doubt relieved to learn that treating Medicaid and uninsured patients is profitable.
wake up
your denial will never protect u/or any sick poor person
Come to think of it, isn't Obamacare being sold to us in pretty much the same way the Urban Health Initiative was sold to Chicago?
AB and Anon, what are you talking about? That's not only immoral its now against the law and has been since the 80's when LA hospitals were dumping sick poor people on Skid Row to die.
The American Thinker AB???????
What are you going to link next, Stormfront.com??
Enough of you for today.
Granny I tried to call several times to the various numbers you listed for the ignorant republican but the line was busy. of course they took the phone off the hook. Shame on him!
I am so glad he called out Palin - not by name but it was nice. I was proud of him and this is the man i have come to like. The one that doesnt back down from shit. But let it his him in the face, wipe it off and throw it right back. lol.
Go Obama Go!!
here is an even more scathing article on michelle obama's RENOWNED patient dumping from bm/panther/obama defeater/hero
bobby rush
alicia banks replied:
your analogy is severely flawed
you tried to fix things
obama is only destroying them in the same way as scripted!...and he is not even bothering to be clandestine anymore...
continued destruction + blackish swag = STILL destruction!"
I have been reading your comments and unlike you, I do believe that President Obama wants to fix things. It will not be an easy task but he is the man for the job. I will not try and change your mind because just like mine, your mind can't be changed.
Let's just pray for all of our sakes that this President is successful. Failure should not be an option for anybody, Republicans, Democrats or Independents, at this critical time in American history.
this is not a basketball game
this is the nwo
obama is not jordan
he is gwb redux
your delusion will never protect you
and where did you disprove that grossly flawed analogy???
i missed it
holla back in about 6 mos...
the truth its in own defense...no matter where or how it is told
bobby rush has 0 affiliation with the american thinker
maybe you need to more "thinker" and less blindly patriotic "american"?
all corps, but espacially medical corps, find legal ways to do illegal things daily...
wake up
patient dumping is old hat
uptownsteve said...
The American Thinker AB???????
What are you going to link next, Stormfront.com??
Comparing The American Thinker to Stormfront?Only a libtard would do that.
we agree to disagree
i think obama was groomed and selected to break things as never before broken...
and his blackish swag is working like a charm as he does what he is directed to do each day...
"Comparing The American Thinker to Stormfront?Only a libtard would do that."
Only a besotted idiot would patronize either one.
why are u so singularly obsessed with stormfront????
i have never ever linked it...
they do owe you a check for all the traffic you bring to them!
only illiterate people reject truths from any source
and bobby rush has nothing to do with stormfront either
stormfront is one website
it cannot hurt you
worry about that storm in DC called obama that rules your life!
that one is taking you out even as you post your bs herein!
much easier to call thorough researchers "idiots" and deter the convo herein onto unrelated and unmentioned websites than it is to admit that you are thoroughly ignorant about the belated
practice of patient dumping, or confess that you may need to expand your own online research...huh?
i see u...yet again
Rep. Wilson is a great and wise man. Obama is a liar and a stupid charlatan, who got his job on the Affirmative Action plan.
I don't get free healthcare, but illegals do.
Thank goodness the Dems will get swept out of Congress in 2010. The black racists will cry and whine, as usual.
2010 will not be about well read speeches
it will be about the joblessness, wars, and homelessness that are ALL escalating...
i will not worship obama until he earns it/just because his dad is black...
obama has failed on EVERY promise and his health plan is a distant fantasy
i need MUCH more from obama/gwb 2.0
Alicia Banks? Her IQ must be twice that of US and FN and the rest of the Obama lovers here.
I'm sure that she also realizes that the lesser minds here will never admit that they've been bested on a regular basis. They'll mindlessly defend that stooge of Wall St. at every turn.
I think I'll read her blog to see if she has a smarter and more honest class of participants than this one.
AB:"it will be about the joblessness, wars, and homelessness that are ALL escalating..."
Yeah put the Republicans back in like Fox news wants you to. That will help those issues improve a LOT.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out anon.
You can tell that Obama's speech was a home run.
The righties are ranting and drooling all over the web.
Claiming victory out of one side of their mouths and the end of Western Civilization out of the other.
anon 11:02. "who got his job on the Affirmative Action plan"
So how does a dim bulb like G.W. get into Andover, Yale and Harvard Business School again?
Let's not even talk about the GOP front runner Sarah Palin.
Where'd she graduate from?
Moose Antler Community College?
You are so right. Republicans are running scared this morning. They just can't find a "great white hope" and it's killing the hell of them. How much you want to bet that President Obama's death threats exceed the average 30/per day for the next few weeks?
White man try and destroy black men in a 3-step process.
1. Use other blacks against him to ruin his name. (Bring on House Negroes in most cases to do this.)
2. Try to corrupt him with women and/or money.
3. Kill him because nothing else will work.
Just one black woman's opinion. NT
sad but true!
politicos = farces
more wisdom from george carlin:
So I know later on this year you're going to have one of those swell Presidential elections that you like so much. You'll enjoy yourselves, it'll be a lot of fun. I'm sure as soon as the election is over your country will improve immediately. As for me, I'll be at home on that day doing essentially the same thing as you, the only difference is when I get finished masturbating, I'm going to have a little something to show for it, folks...
Rob's gonna get his ass kicked again just like he did the last time he ran against Joe Wilson.
yeah where? In Shitsforbrainsylvania? He only got 54% to Miller's 46% thats a rather close margin in between those numbers to suggest that Mr. Miller even got his "ass kicked.." in the first round. LOL!
but seeing the republican party's approval rates lately my guess is that's close enough to qualify as a land slide victory for you, that shit stain on lady liberty probably wont survive getting censure from Pelosi.
oh and let me guess.. in repiggie heaven Sarah 'too legit to quit' palin is prezidents in chief of the seceded Civilized States of America too, right?
you and your rethuglican accomplices effed up and are the losing team and you know it, we know it, which is the reason thus for your trolling. Its evident you and your fellow Reich wing peers are immature to say the VERY least.
Agreed. When they don't get their way they go out and shoot doctors and use scare tactics and say that it's an act of God or say that its all based on facts..with no substantive evidence...imagined or tangible. (and no, saying 'glenn beck said it' is not acceptable argument, fact, or evidence)
Back to the token Anon:
Even McCain thinks the right has lost its mind and has denounced their new ringmaster idiot and called him out for an immediate apology. LOL!!
No way you or your Holy Pinhead-ness can spin that...the numbers don't lie, teabagger, the town hall Freak Shows you are so accustomed to where you morons are so free to sling your shit have no place in the House Chamber or even at the town halls as you are being taught that lesson now with a good ass whippin from the left to continue in the days to come.
Naked Truth
i would ammend your steps:
1. fool millions of blacks into worshipping him solely because of his yellow skin
2. get all to cheer him on even as he bankrupts them and their great grandchildren
3. kill him ONLY if he dares to rebel against the genocide as directed/like jfk did
(how do your rules apply to the DROVES of whites who are at those town hall mtgs???}
Let's think outside of the box. I'm not an expert on this but maybe we can lodge complaints with the Sargeant at Arms for the House of Representatives Wilson (Bill) Livingood and ask him to levy a fine. Perhaps we should get in touch with the House Rules committee to request discipline.
i agree
but then would you not have to fine all the dems who audibly booed gwb (too softly and infrequently!) retroactively?
to be fair?
ever heard of vera baker/donald young/larry sinclair?
obama's typically human sexual frailties with both men and women are old news in chicago...
krystalxlyte said...
Back to the token Anon:
Even McCain thinks the right has lost its mind and has denounced their new ringmaster idiot and called him out for an immediate apology. LOL!!
Even McCain? Are you that ignorant? Its no shock to anyone with any common sense that McCain would be the first Gop'er to go after Joe.
Joe was right.Obama is a liar.
O.K. I get it now. You have a problem with President Obama because he has yellow skin? Because he's a light-skinned, redbone brother?
I grew up as a dark brown sister in the South and you can bet I had my negative moments with other black people and white people but I had to get over it and work on me. I support Obama not because I worship him and definitely not because he is black but because I think he is the better person to lead this country. Don't get me wrong, he needs to be held accountable just like anybody else but he has no competition right now.
And you are right, I should include uneducated, fearmonging and self-serving white people in step #1. They go along with house negroes. Always trying to bring a brother down.
We think differently, ab, but I respect that. I will definitely check out your blog. I am interested in why you think like you do.
I really think Alicia banks in not a female. I think she had her gender change put on a wig darken her skin and now goes by AB
i guess I will now hear all her filth and foul mouth for the rest of the day. lol. see you guys tomorrow maybe she will be at work for a change and her job blocked her access to the site. Help Field Negro please stop her before she self destruct with all her dribble.
Let's not even talk about the GOP front runner Sarah Palin.
Where'd she graduate from?<<
You are being too kind. Sarah Palin attended six different colleges before finally graduating from one of them.
got valium?
you just made yourself look sooooo sane...wow...
i have no problem with obama's skin
i only have a real problem with the millions of blindly adoring colorists who do
beauty comes in every color of the rainbow
see more:
i respect you too!
and thanks for showing that i can indeed disagree respectfully with respectful intellectals like u
The man that said(liar) was told to say those thing's! don't you people know how the REP/CON do thing's by now? these people try to Destroy anything that's sound's Good, True, and of a GOOD REPORT!!!
When will we begin to see these people for who they are? they have pulled the Cover's off!!! the LIGHT that the President carry's is too much for them to BEAR!!! so they Fight overtime to Destroy it!!
These people have a Subhuman Nature about them, read the way Troll's write, who can come up with that much Evil to write!in order to write this way, your mind has to be Indoctrinated to think this way!
Why do you think the White's in the Southern State's did not want their kid's to Hear the President's Speech? the President was speaking too much Positivity!
Their is a Blog on Huffington Post and it point's to FOX NEW'S! the Blogger'S focus was FOX NEW'S being on a Witch Hunt for every Czar that the President put in office!!!
The Blogger should have wrote! the WITCH'S, WARLOCK'S HIGH PRIEST, AND HIGH PRIESTESS of FOX NEW'S are out to Devour the President at any Cost!!!!
Now, when the President gave the speech to children Tuesday, he mentioned the lady who wrote HARRY POTTER! she was turned down TWELVE TIME'S before someone published her BOOK! I wonder why????????????????? think about it people!!!!
Some people cannot be Fooled!!! those people did not want to touch that book with a TEN FOOT POLE!!! They were Smart!!!
Alicia Banks is boring me, zzzzzzz
Ms. Banks' mental state is well known to the more veteran commenters here. It's why we largely ignore her unless she says something so jawdroppingly stupid that we HAVE to say something.
She's a loon. Nothing short of barring her from the blog will fix that.
thank you so much for the compliments as always
harriet t, malcolm x and ALL of my heros were also called "loons etc" by envious ignorant cowards like you...preesh "bruh"
ossie davis on perps like you in mx's eulogy:
There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to tell us to revile him, to flee, even from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain - and we will smile. Many will say turn away - away from this man, for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a subverter and an enemy of the black man - and we will smile. They will say that he is of hate - a fanatic, a racist - who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And we will answer and say to them : Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did you would know him. And if you knew him you would know why we must honor him.
sure, when dozens of Dems booed that idiot Bush at his State of the Unio0n Address, that was so *different*.
You reap what you sow, dimwits.
In my first day reading here, I can see that Alicia is smart, savvy and has class. In contrast, Uptown steve comes across like a lowlife, always with the childish insults like a little white college boy. Grow up, steve.
Alicia is smart and i can see so many posters are jealous of her.White boi steve is so childish.
stop playing!
knkow this if nothing else:
i have never posted anonymously anywhere and i never will
i have always had the courage, backbone, and integrity to show my face and stand behind all i post
i do not blog to be loved
most who tell the truth anywhere are despised...like jesus was
every single person/coward who has ever attacked me or begged fn to ban me herein has been slain by my truths and unable to debate them
Super Speech..I like it when Obama Black Voice surfaces..He brings so much more power to the table when he goes with his Black essence..
I was worried that his magic/happy negro costume was etting a bit frayed..
most who tell the truth anywhere are despised...like jesus was
"Anonymous" posters are pussies.
more info on Mr. Wilson from the Southern Poverty Law Ctr. - he's a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (no surprise there)
An "insightful" comment from their newsletter:
"Early editions of the SCV's Confederate Veteran newsletter defended the Ku Klux Klan, argued that the United States was created "for white people," and complained that "when a Negro has learned to read he ceases to work."
Black Girl,
Thanks for info on Wilson. That is the most interesting thing I've read about him yet. I will have to wander over to splc.org to check him out.
@Alicia Banks:
Not that I agree with anything you've written, that I've read; but miraculously, you've managed to stain the credibility you've fantasized having by your parlay into the "tas d'excréments", of Larry Sinclair.
Are you also a birther?
we never have to agree
but larry sinclair has held a formal DC press conference, passed a polygraph, and dedicated a book to obama
his PR people have been curiously silent
how can you dismiss all of that?
i think obama is hiding ALL of his history
including his academic financiers/groomers/and birth...
see all details at my blog
as a dl man
obama has LOTS of co in dc
Obama can give a heck of a speech. No doubt about it.
I, however, am more concerned with the content and ramifications of the plan rather than his oratory finesse.
Obama is proposing that government oversight will fix the fraud and abuse in the health care industry and use that savings to fund a $900,000,000.00 health care plan that the CBO says will really cost well over $1,000,000,000,00. The government's job in that area is nothing to brag about. Oh well Obama said so it must be true.
Obama is proposing a government option that will promote fair and improved competition in the health care industry. What will happen when the government regulates and taxes their private competition out of business? Americans will ultimately all be shifted to the government option when employers and individuals are financially squeezed. No doubt Obama will spin that end result to fault the greedy corporate and individual profit seekers. Profit is a bad thing don't you know? What will health care options be when there is only one show in town? VA health care is not the benchmark I prefer to use for health care in America.
Where are other goods and services for Americans being handled as a result of excessive government regulation? Thank goodness China's too far to get a blood pressure check so I guess Obama will just "insource" foreign nationals to care for our health needs when the greedy American doctors quit. Kinda like the inverse of job outsourcing to other countries from over regulation by the U.S. government.
Someone please explain to me this Tooth Fairy Plan whereby all Americans are going to get health insurance that is cheaper than ever before, provides for more care than ever before, prohibits rationing of services, holds nobody responsible for irresponsible behavior (except for the greedy profit seeking health care industrial providers) and all this will be deficit neutral?
I'm sure when the profit incentive is removed from the health care industry that research and development will boom and great new drugs and technologies will be discovered and provided for free or for mere pennies?
Who's smoking the crakepipe now?
Obama can give a heck of a speech. No doubt about it.
I, however, am more concerned with the content and ramifications of the plan rather than his oratory finesse.
Obama is proposing that government oversight will fix the fraud and abuse in the health care industry and use that savings to fund a $900,000,000.00 health care plan that the CBO says will really cost well over $1,000,000,000,00. The government's job in that area is nothing to brag about. Oh well Obama said so it must be true.
Obama is proposing a government option that will promote fair and improved competition in the health care industry. What will happen when the government regulates and taxes their private competition out of business? Americans will ultimately all be shifted to the government option when employers and individuals are financially squeezed. No doubt Obama will spin that end result to fault the greedy corporate and individual profit seekers. Profit is a bad thing don't you know? What will health care options be when there is only one show in town? VA health care is not the benchmark I prefer to use for health care in America.
Where are other goods and services for Americans being handled as a result of excessive government regulation? Thank goodness China's too far to get a blood pressure check so I guess Obama will just "insource" foreign nationals to care for our health needs when the greedy American doctors quit. Kinda like the inverse of job outsourcing to other countries from over regulation by the U.S. government.
Someone please explain to me this Tooth Fairy Plan whereby all Americans are going to get health insurance that is cheaper than ever before, provides for more care than ever before, prohibits rationing of services, holds nobody responsible for irresponsible behavior (except for the greedy profit seeking health care industrial providers) and all this will be deficit neutral?
I'm sure when the profit incentive is removed from the health care industry that research and development will boom and great new drugs and technologies will be discovered and provided for free or for mere pennies?
Who's smoking the crakepipe now?
u r late
and i live no fantasies:
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
As of 3:22 pm CST, Rob Miller, opponent of Joe Wilson has raised $415,467 in less than 24 hours.
I just want someone tell me what Republican want in the Health Care Bill . I have no idea how they want to solve it all I hear is want they do not like.
Do you republicans want a health care reform at all? If they do what does that look like. I do not want to hear what you hate about Obama or the dems I want to hear your ideas.
Pleas inform a sista
republicans want all the same things that dems want
i will be blogging about that later this pm...
what they want is for all of us to THINK they are bickering
so we will be too distracted to see that npne of them have presented ANY real plan to us...
because we were never the focus of any "reforms"...
and as the world gushers over obama's reading skills and wilson's lack of tact, that distraction is working like a charm
the republicans are pretending they object to "illegal aliens/abortions" being covered
neither will be...
see more on the their fabricated "difs" here
alicia, do ever shut up?
Were are your cheerleaders now you annoying fat wench!?
another mindless gem from you today
typical of the very best you ever have to offer herein
gimme a M
gimme an O
gimme a R
gimme an O
gimme a N...
yay shabass!!!
kufi claaaaaaaaaaad fake mussssslim mmmmmmoron!
unlike u
i am independent
even do my own cheers boi!
BTW alicia, YOU tell no truths.
Get off your fucking soapbox, nobody believes any of the shit you regurgitate here.
I kinda liked you better when you used to throw fits of rage in the middle of the highway in your nightgown; at least you spent less time here trolling.
*Peace Sista*
WAYNE, god damn it, ban alicia NOW. please. thank you.
only in your dry dreams/limp wristed fantasies where even your bored hands fell asleep...
i slew you in slumber just as i do herein
(i caught that shout out to li/kola...sure she did too..ya wimpy wannabee!!!)
Ditto maria!
are u a new member of the hater posse or just a selective lurker today?
Whatever you lying whale.
You look like somebody beat your ass with an ugly stick.
Ditto that one bitch.
never assume you are sane enough to speak for anyone else herein
grow a spine and a brain to debate/speak ONLY for your self
alicia,are u a new member of the rethuglikkkan posse or just a selective troller today?
you will never win any awards for
your vocab, wit, or originality....fyi
"grow a spine and a brain to debate/speak ONLY for your self"
I always do, and you seem to be touched by it whale.
u dimwitted drone
ccing my own queries will do nothing to improve your lack of originality
you are a tiny man
with an even tinier vocab
you are now repeating your own silly slurs...
Whatever you say plant.
BTW- you really need to work on your material.
You're about as witty as a twice used tea bag!
you are repeating me again
got a dictionary?
use it
Great speech by 44 yesterday and it was more awesome to see a Rethug lose his marbles. At least Van Jones didn't heckle the President during a joint address of Congress lol. Now let's see some follow thru and get a good healthplan passed.
@Alicia Banks I'm going to check out this patient dumping stuff at the UC hospital but I'm thinking that mess was debunked during the election. And think if a good healthcare plan is enacted people might go to the doctor more to take care of themselves and if they have to go the hospital, they'll have isnurance, so hopefully no more dumping lol. We'll see and you brought up Larry Sinclair? Come on even the guy who paid him $10,000 to just show for a lie dectector test called him a pathelogical liar. You're better than this I hope and since you don't want go into politics, who in the political spectrum represents your interests the most?
@Alicia Banks And once more thing luv what a cheap shot talking about Obama's speech delivery. He himself took out the telepromper in chief crowd and yes he has speechwriters all many Presidents did but I'm sure he goes over every speech to make and last minute edits, just like every other President has. You're better than this (I hope).
tea can be strong like me
tea can never be witty
though i am sure a witless "twice used tea bag (r u broke too???)" is probably STILL wittier than you
please share what you find
i stand by both claims
larry sinclair is not lying
obama is way overrated as a speaker!
@alicia banks, otherwise know in her circle of friends as "the great communicator"
ab stated: as a comm scholar and superb speaker myself, obama's HIGHLY OVERRATED & UNDESERVED pub as an orator irks me!!!!
AND DAMN! The CV again?
Alicia, Alicia everything is not about you, darling. It amazes me that one person could engage in that much navel gazing. Doesn't your neck get tired?
Quite frankly The Alicia Banks Show no longer entertains, it's derivative, trite, egocentric, and appeals to an audience of one...okay, maybe two. It's hardly a ratings blockbuster. So let's put baby on a shelf and only bring it out for reasons of nostalgia or mockery.
Now back to the subject at hand, healthcare reform, Joe Wilson's complete lack of decorum concerning President Obama and the fact that South Carolina is now batting 0 for 2.
contrary to rumor herein
i am posting to a blog
just like u
no more
no less
do me a favor
read what you just posted
too much?
i say yes
but it is your own issue
not mine
envy is even more toxic
than it is transparent
beware herein x 2
(r u broke too???)"
No, but maybe you are, since you have all day to languish on a blogsite.
Do me a favor you lying witch, shoot yourself in the head and go to hell!
AB, get a job. i guess you have to spend all your time here because no one posts on your blog. i feel sorry for you.
i have been online since 1992
long before i blogged, my fans emailed me...they still do
save your pity for your fellow obama nazis...you need it!
u go boy!
i am proud of u
keep that new dictionary open...
now look up "hypocritical" and "irony"?
as you are always languishing (mindlessly and vulgarly!!!)herein too
and no, i am not a new member, i am not a lurker, and i am only a hater of fools like you. you, lady, are on borrowed time on this blog. just ask.
what do u do?
i have 3 jobs
2 pcs
1 blackberry
1 laptop
is this your blog?
is maria your official police?
Field won't ban anyone, he really believes in free speech.
Aloha from Makaii
this is not even about free speech/rules/obama/fn or his blog for maria or any of her fellow haters herein
it is also not about me
it is ONLY about their ineptitude at debate and their hatred/envy of me and how expertly i refuse to allow them to bully me herein
i am used to that
alicia banks
blah blaaah blah blah blah blaaaah blah
tee hee you made a mistake and used "boi" twice!!!in your own fake anonymous post and in your real post.
Forget to take the medication to keep your personalities in order?
What an adorable little furby, have you named her yet?
arrogant ignorance is never comical
"boi" is a gay slur for a fake man
it is a perfect ref for dl wimps like shabass
here is another great site for details about health reform/obama's lies etc
fn is my hero because he practices 100% free speech
something even i have never done
have u noticed that there are also a lot of klansmen herein?
have you also noticed that you and your posse of hater house niggers are less offended by their racism than my field rebel debate skills?
i have never heard anyone beg fn to ban the kkk as they do me...shame!!!
dyam...how slavish/boi-ish is that?
funny, how would you know he won't ban you or why unless you already know he's contemplating it?
that lots of people have asked him?
fact is -- what you are writing isn't speech, it's illiterate nonsense. you write like english is third language.
i will not tell you anything about myself.
it's very clear you have 3 unpaid jobs or you wouldn't have time to write shit all day on here.
adios, chica.
For the sista who inquired, I submit the basic premise of The Republican Health Care Plan:
1. Reward responsible behavior eg. substance abuse and obesity should be discouraged with financial incentives .
2. Pre-existing conditions that are not a result of personal irresponsible behavior shall not be penalized in any fashion eg. an alcoholic would not be "entitled" to a liver transplant while someone borne with hemochromocytosis would be eligible..
3. All medical students must complete an accredited American residency program before being eligible to practice medicine in the United States. In addition, upon successful completion of said residency program the doctor must provide a minimum of two (2) years of community service at a location of greatest need, not of his/her choice. These doctors would staff Indigent Care Clinics throughout America and would be supervised by board certified attending physicians. Anyone in America could be attended at these locations for nominal fees. All meds would be generic. Medical malpractice would be limited to gross negligence or intentional wrongful acts and the proceeds of such claims would go into a fund for direct care to the injured party with the remainder, if any, to fund further indigent care, not pad the lawyers pockets or be a lotto. Atty. fees for these case would be on an hourly basis and consistent with equitable work performed. Emergency Departments would refer all non emergency non paying patients to these facilities for initial care and follow up.
4. Medical Savings Plans promoted that are portable.
5. Low cost catastrophic coverage plans with high deductibles and low cost loans to provide for the deductible as necessitated.
6. Severe civil and criminal penalties for fraud and abuse perpetrated by any party to a health care encounter.
7. Health insurance providers should be made as accountable and competitive in a free market environment as possible eg. policies all available across state lines
8. Reasonable and equitable Tort Reform for the non-indigent sector as well
9. Change the onerous rules and regulations of the FDA to make drugs more readily available and less expensive without unduly jeopardizing safety.....but appreciating that technology and all the potential it brings does not come with a 100% money back guarantee.
10. Reason over bureaucracy and greed.
The basic flaw in the American health care system is its abusive entitlement mentality without appropriate checks and balances that is perpetuated by both the health care providers and the the health care recipients.
Whenever an individual shops for goods or services, other than when an insurance company or another 3rd party is responsible, he/she evaluates the value of what is received based on the quality, benefit, convenience and COST. Further the individual knows that if the product purchased is not properly cared for and maintained it will result in higher incurred expenses down the road.
If that basic principle of responsibility is incorporated in health care we're on to something. The question is: are we as a people up to the challenge?
You act like the KKK, why don't you get a KKK furby?
Alicia Banks sucks more than that r. charactor.
manic maria:
i missed your listing of your own employment
news flash:
millions of educated employed peers live online all day...
i am also looking for why/how you are policing this blog?
i did see how you evaded that kkk query...
still looking for the rest...
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