It's Friday in A-merry-ca and there are some things that I would love to know before the next work week begins: Where is that Ja-fake-can, Ms. Cleo, when you need her?
Who killed this little girl? I saw the momma on television crying her heart out, and....well, alright, I will leave this one alone for now.
What the hell were these two pilots doing in the cockpit of a stinking A-320 jet that caused them to lose radio contact for over an hour? Note to self: If possible, try to avoid booking flights on Northwest Airlines.
Where is Mitrice Richardson? She was in Malibu for crying out loud! Not South Central.
What will his O ness do in Afghanistan? Come on O man, make the damn call.
Is Oprah going to come clean and tell us that this is a joke?
Will Mrs. Phillips take Steve back? Nope, not after she sees his Mistress. :)
Will Mayumi leave her bad acting husband? And if she does, will she take the kids?
Should I get a flu shot? Hey, I remember Tuskegee just like the rest of you Negroes. So I would love to know sooner rather than later just how damn dangerous this H1N1 thing is.
Will some urban terrorist in one of our urban battle zones try to outdo his fellow terrorist in the Bronx and kill a 93 year old woman?
I'm out.
On the flu; it's just so hard to know if one should worry because the media has cried wolf so many times.
Remember SARS and the Bird Flu that were supposed to wipe out the whole planet? Well am I supposed to believe the corporate media now? I just don't know and that's dangerous.
As for the flu shot. I don't know about that either because I don't trust the government.
I'd like to know how many in Congress have had the shot. If they are getting it in droves then maybe I'd trust it. But if only one or two in Congress have gotten the shot then that's a problem.
field if i tell you this you won't believe me, but i was JUST asking my mom about ms. cleo a few hours ago lmao. so imagine my surprise when i go to your blog and see you asking about her too!
haha, no such thing as coincidences.
Should I get a flu shot? Hey, I remember Tuskegee just like the rest of you Negroes. So I would love to know sooner rather than later just how damn dangerous this H1N1 thing is.
Get the flu shot. But La Idiot, if you're listening, there's no need to buy into the white man's plot.
Mrs. Phillips is divorcing Steve. The divorce is having an effect on his money flow. So Brooke Hundley is the best he can do right now. No romance without finance.
I already received my "regular" flu shot. I am not in any category for the early H1N1 shots. When it become available to me, I will go and get it. If nothing else it gooses my immune system. I get every immunization that my HMO will give me and every booster too. My HMO gives the shots free to all of their clients, so the good docs believe that this helps or they wouldn't pay for it.
If you taken any other flu shot, you have the same risk. H1N1 is made like any other vaccine. Each year the flu vaccines start from scratch, because the scientist have to determine which flu virus has the potential to occur the next year.
If you are not in the high risk group you have less to worry about.
Gotta thro the BS flag on this one Field..
You remember Tuskeegee? Bet you can't even find it on a map...No Shame, I went to college just a few miles away and never been there except to watch the Greyhounds run.(Dogs not Buses) And WTF does Tuskeegee have to do with the Flu??
Might wanta cut back on the Sour Diesel,
When I was healthy I did not get a flu shot, now that I have been in the high risk category, I faithfully take my annual flu shot.
"I came down with the flu after getting a flu shot."
You had the flu before the shot; it just appears the shot gave you the flu.
I was hoping it was a joke Oprah having Palin on her show.
Something is not right about Mitrice Richardson disapperance. Hopefully, the truth will come out soon.
The conversation between the pilots could not have been that good to go 150 miles pass the airport and not to hear the ATC trying to reach them. We do not need Ms. Cleo to predict their future. The unemployment line is in their future.
I think those pilots were either sleeping or engaged in some type of hanky panky. I'm sorry but I just cannot buy that they were in such a heated discussion that they missed all the folks trying to reach them. From what I have read the only way to not hear is if they were sleeping.
Instead of a flu shot (which I never get and have not had the flu in years) I take vitamins, essential minerals, eat lots of greens and vitamin C foods, wear gloves on buses and subways and wash my hands alot. I do not fall into any of the "at risk" catagories and I figure since there seems to be a shortage, my dose can go to someone who needs it.
I too think the pilots were asleep. I predict a firing in their future. -;)
Go Phillies!!!...
Sorry, field. I couldn't help it.
The pilots were sleeping. Firing them is probably the next step.
According to the article about the murdered child:
"Angry that her sister told her to stop arguing with a playmate, Somer ran ahead of the group and was never seen again. Her disappearance triggered a countywide search involving helicopters, dogs and volunteers walking arm-to-arm through wooded areas."
Her disappearnce and death were triggered by a spontaneous act. Thus, it's unlikely a family member or friend is responsible.
More likely, an opportunistic sex offender living in the area -- according to the numbers included in the article, they flock there -- spotted her and was unable to control his impulse, and tragedy followed.
For the two pilots, the Captain, Timothy B. Cheney was probably busy waterboarding his first officer.You know how those waterboarding sessions get...time just "flies".
There is something off about the police statements about what happened with Mitrice Richardson.
Oprah needs the ratings she got in a bit of a slump after the Obama campaign.
Why should she leave? SHE WAS IN ON IT!!!
Doesn't the flu virus change every year? So the flu shot they give you is really a guess as to what "form" they think it might take in a particular year.From what i understand,the flu shot does not prevent the flu it just "lessens" the impact the flu would have if you get it.
I have never gotten a flu shot.Generations of my family, young and old, have never gotten a flu shot, and they had gotten the flu and survived.
What ever happened to chicken soup,lots of fluids, and bed rest?
BTW i caught H1N1 but i went to my doc early he gave me two pills, literally just two pills, and told me to stay home get some rest and try not get into contact with any one for two weeks.
John Crow
a Proverbs Wife, great minds think alike. :)
Hathor & Blinders...thanks for the 411. But quick medical question: (Even the fake Dr. frank can answer this one) Don't they actually give you a virus with those immmune shots?
And Frank, I used to date a young lady from Tuskeegee (Way way waaay before Mrs. Field, of course.) so I amquite aware of that fine institution and where it is l;ocated. Besides, --now I know you are not black--,L. Richie and the Commodores are from there.
"I think those pilots were either sleeping or engaged in some type of hanky panky..."
Blackgirlinmaine, Mrs. Field says the same thing.
MacDaddy, don't ever be sorry for a shout out to the Phillies. :)
"Mrs. Phillips is divorcing Steve. The divorce is having an effect on his money flow. So Brooke Hundley is the best he can do right now. No romance without finance."
Well he must be pretty broke...let me stop.*slapping hand* Bad field Negro. :(
Why should she leave? SHE WAS IN ON IT"
LOL. I also agree about the flu shot, I never took it, and I don't trust it. I get the flu every year and I'll still take my chances.
As for Oprah, I'll be watching the show, I miss Sarah, I haven't had a good belly laugh in months.
(Rest in Peace Somer).
best wishes fn:
this will be the first time in 10 yrs that i will NOT take a flu shot
too many doctors/nurses agree
and the swine flu shot is being rushed and inadequately tested
I try to eat right,put the right things in my body and mind,also I try not to be around unhealthy people.I simply don't think sick!
In some way, I do feel sorry for the kid who killed the 92 year old lady. Having your father murder your mother in front of you and then escape is supremely twisted stuff. No one he didn't grow up normally. It just goes to show what a circle of violence this stuff is.
I don't get La Incognita either. She hates black men but also hates white folks. Where does that leave you? Maybe she likes Asians?
Not all vaccines as made with live viruses. I don't know about flu vaccines. Some are made with proteins with receptors that emulate a virus, that would alarm the immune system, so that it would produce the right antibodies.
Don't we have a microbiologist among this group?
As for the flu, I do take annual shot because I have asthma so it becomes a good reason for me. I had influenza A back in June which is a sub-type of H1N1, so I do not need take to the H1N1 shot for since I built up an immunity for that, but still need to take a seasonal flu because I have no immunity for that.
If you healthy, then you the choice not to take the flu shot. The government is not holding a gun to your head to take it. If you have questions, then talk to your physician. Parentheorically, medical procedures and medications have side effects or risks, thus a good reason to knnow what they are to make a decision. Since, I had the flu I needed to take tamiflu for five days and the possible side effects are hallucinations and liver damage. It also a good idea to have a conversation with your pharmacist about drugs because doctor may not know.
Let us get the record straight about Tuskeegee. The men in the experiment already had syphillis, the problem was that they not treat the disease long after then penicillin was proven to treat it. The allowed the disease to progress in the men and did nothing. They did not tell the men that was a treatment for the disease and were able to get away with it because were poor and illiterate sharecroppers with no other access to healthcare. However, today it is a good idea to go to the Mayo or Cleveland Clinic sites to get medical data because the media are not health experts.
I have no ideal what the President is going about Aghanistan and will have to wait.
a black microbiologist? that's as prevalent as a black mass murderer
The flu vaccine is made from eggs and a medical professional will ask the possible recipent if he or she have an egg allergy.
"For the two pilots, the Captain, Timothy B. Cheney was probably busy waterboarding his first officer.You know how those waterboarding sessions get...time just "flies"."
John Crow, you need Jesus!
"Not all vaccines as made with live viruses. I don't know about flu vaccines. Some are made with proteins with receptors that emulate a virus, that would alarm the immune system, so that it would produce the right antibodies."
Thank you Hathor, I didn't know that.
And yes, there are some pretty smart people who read and post here. I am hoping that one of those microbiologist types will help us out.
"a black microbiologist? that's as prevalent as a black mass murderer"
Anon.sorry to bust your racial superiority chimera, but look around you; it's 2009.
There is a black president in the beige house. And I bet that most of the black people who post here are more educated and wealthier than your dumb ass.
Sorry folks, I promise I will try to be nice from now on.
Now back to the grown ups.
FN: What are your goals for this blog? Do you have a link for that? I came here a week ago and most of what is I see is less than grown up. Like you just attacked a poster and I truly feel that person was being sarcastic, as everyone does on here. That's not cool dawg. Unless I am wrong, it's a sarcastic statement derived from some of the recent conversations about how blacks and whites do crime differently.
Tonia, thank you for catching that. There is no racial superiority here, I am a field worker too. But even amongst us there is judgement I guess. That's sad. Everyone posts sarcasm from time to time. But, that's the way it goes I guess. I hope it's not indicative of a larger chip on someone's shoulder.
Peace. Back to the field.
As of 12 noon today President Obama has decleared the H1N1 flu a national emergency,ok so let the run on doctors and ER's begin!
I'm surprised that Sarah Palin wants to appear on Oprah, since she once told a Black member of the Duke Ellington Orchestra, while they were in Alaska for a show, I don't hang around with Black men." But Oprah's not a man, so that shouldn't be an obstacle. But I wonder how Palin gets along with Michael Steele, Chairman of the Republican Party, with whom she'll have to interact if she wants to run for president.
I'm glad they found 7 year-old "Summer" so they can stop speculating about where she is, because she's a little white girls with red hair and that's something no American can ignore.
My afro-Brazilian wife says the little girl "looks like an extra-terrestrial, so maybe whoever killed her thought they were doing society a favor." I'm not endorsing my wife's opinion, but just quoting it.
Oprah's not endorsing Sarah Palin, who might become the Ronald Reagan of the 21st century. If I were Obama, I'd be doing a lot of opposition research on Palin right now, because she's just the type of person that people who don't like Obama would vote for instead.
Palin has so much crap going on in her family in the present that her weird individual and family past need not be a subject of the campaign, but it can be.
Damn Francis, you are cute. I love you Blog. And no immature banter. Keep it up brother.
"I don't get La Incognita either. She hates black men but also hates white folks. Where does that leave you? Maybe she likes Asians?"
No, she hates Asians too. She likes granny?
Hate is a poison that fills the hearts of too many black folks herein
I believe Balloon Boy Mom was threatened with deportation and had to turn state's evidence. Yes, she will get to keep the kids now that she spilled the beans on Balloon Dad. His acting is worse than Mickey Rourke.
I saw on the news another girl in I think Missouri or Minnesota was killed right after that monster killed the girl in Florida.
Oprah numbers are slipping and now she's trying to win back the white women who turned off her show after she didn't invite Hill to her couch. Now she got rappers, republicans and everybody on her show...lol...I predict she will be doing paternity and pregnancy tests by December.
Ugh...shouldn't Grinder be on Datalounge.com with the rest of the racist white queens?
geocities will be internet history in 48 hrs
i am moving my blogs...
see 3 new posts at 1 new spot now
"Hate is a poison that fills the hearts of too many black folks herein
Yes, it is true, but no one is ashamed of it.
Speaking of random acts of terror, it turns out that the "public option" is probably going to be just another private insurance plan. You know, just when I think I am too cynical, I realize I wasn't cynical enough.
Ugh...shouldn't Grinder be on Datalounge.com with the rest of the racist white queens?
You mean Datalounge, now celebrating 14 years of "gay gossip, news and pointless bitchery?" EVERYONE gets their ration of shit there, including gay people.
alicia banks said...
geocities will be internet history in 48 hrs
i am moving my blogs...
see 3 new posts at 1 new spot now
1:29 PM
who the fuck cares? another BLATANT example of AB hijacking the comments and posting off topic about herself!!!
why is this tolerated? why is this permitted?
Two years ago: SARS
Last year: Avian Flu
This year: Swine flu
Next Year: Monkey Flu
Two years later: Butterfly flu
I wonder what happened to Cleo?
living it up in Beverly Hills?
La Incognita said :
As for Oprah, I'll be watching the show, I miss Sarah, I haven't had a good belly laugh in months.
I agree it might be interesting.Hope the questions Oprah give are not pre-screened. I hear that is one of "Pain-in's" demands before she agrees to an interview.
John Crow
I would like to see Sarah and Cleo fight it out on Oprah (in jello). Hot.
got valium?
i see people post links/announce/tag their...own blogs herein often
stress out much?
fix that
life is too short
They must be rapping about YOU - Black Diaspora:
FN, love your blog. I've never commented, but have to today:
Will you please go get your flu shots?
I'm the only one in my family who managed to get both shots early. They are now all sick in bed and I am fine.
Every year, more people die in the US of the regular seasonal flu than HIV. The 2009 H1N1 looks like it will be at least as lethal, possibly a little more. All flu vaccines are EXTREMELY SAFE and both vaccines available this year have been tested VERY WELL. If your doctor tells you otherwise, you need to find a new doctor. Seriously, that's malpractice.
There are many different kinds of H1N1 viruses. H1N1 is a very broad category and includes many distinct strains of virus. If you had one last year, you can still get a different one this year.
There are two vaccines available this year, the regular one for seasonal flu (which is actually a triple vaccine against three flu strains, including an "old" H1N1 strain) and the 2009 "swine" H1N1. Both come in two forms. You can have a shot, which is a killed virus, or you can have them as nasal sprays, which are weakened viruses. Both are very safe.
Now will you ALL please go get your flu shots? If you don't do it for yourself, do it for the people you might otherwise infect.
Field said:
John Crow, you need Jesus!
LOL...so i have been told.
John Crow
Anon 5:20
I do not think many people realize that flu is responsible for about 35,000 people each year or that puts about 100,000 people in the hospital. The flu is no joke. I know a lot of people do not like shots, but if it is going to save your life then it is a small thing. I had a seasonal flu shot each with the exception of H1N1 because it came late into the season, spreaded quickly, and there was no vaccine for it last year. Now I do not need the shot because I had it June and it ruined my summer vacation. However, I am taking the shot for seasonal flu because it is a different flu strain. I am going to discuss the vaccine for pneumonia which is given to individuals over 65 years old, people with supressed immune system, the same as the flu. People should also realize that hospitalized with flu may develop pneumonia which further complicates the person's health.
"Where is that Ja-fake-can, Ms. Cleo, when you need her?"
Shit fields, why you want that fake when you can get Sylvia Browne?
Don't you know Sylvia is da shit?
Don't you watch Montel???
Those two pilots were either doing blow or blowing each other.
Mitrice Richardson? She most likely been done taken by some white men who have got her hooked on meth and forcing her to do interracial porn.
Maybe when Obama gets done attacking FOX NEWS and partying with J-Lo he can do something about Afghanistan.
Fields, go gets your flu shot.Tuskegee was sooo yesterday.
Besides,black cherry kool-aid is what you black folks need to worry about.
Ever ask yourself why black cherry kool-aid has that funky color?
Just sayin' is all....
Support your local Planned Parenthood!!
Let's deal with the facts about the vaccine and who needs it.
It is doubtful Field could get a flu shot if he wanted. And people who don't really need it and are getting it are acting out of paranoia and using up supplies that more vulnerable people need.
It is still in limited supply. The CDC guidelines call for the vaccine to be given to the following priority groups:
"Pregnant women because they are at higher risk of complications and can potentially provide protection to infants who cannot be vaccinated;
Household contacts and caregivers for children younger than 6 months of age because younger infants are at higher risk of influenza-related complications and cannot be vaccinated.
Vaccination of those in close contact with infants younger than 6 months old might help protect infants by “cocooning” them from the virus;
Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel because infections among healthcare workers have been reported and this can be a potential source of infection for vulnerable patients. Also, increased absenteeism in this population could reduce healthcare system capacity;
All people from 6 months through 24 years of age. Children from 6 months through 18 years of age because cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza have been seen in children who are in close contact with each other in school and day care settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread, and
Young adults 19 through 24 years of age because many cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza have been seen in these healthy young adults and they often live, work, and study in close proximity, and they are a frequently mobile population; and,
Persons aged 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza."
The declaration of the "emergency" today has in no way changed these groups. It is a procedural move that has more to do with hospital transfer and payment for patients.
I'm a little shaky about taking the H1N1 shot too, but I've also been taking about 1,000 I.U.s of Vitamin D daily for about two weeks.
A doctor who was on The View (can't remember his name) recommended getting at least 12,000I.U.s in your body to help build up and support the immune system.
Can't hurt!
to each their own
my 12 yr old nephew took it
he is fine....so far
but i will never take a flu shot again...at least not until 2017
Now I am really confused. 0:
If do not have any health problems or small children in the home, then it is not necessary for you to get a flu shot. If you someone like me who has asthma (I have had at least 3 colds, a sinus infection, and laryngitis, and the flu over the course of a year), then getting the shot is a good idea. Sitting in the doctor's office with a 102 temperature is not my idea of a good time. I only hope that with my luck that I do not get bedbugs as that is a growing problem in the NY/NJ area.
alicia banks said...
and the swine flu shot is being rushed and inadequately tested
Great minds think alike!!!
Infectious disease is my area of expertise (next to breast cancer).Despite being asthmatic, I'm not getting the swine flu shot for the reasons you outlined and many more which I can't speak about.
I'll just continue to avoid public transportation, use my own pens (HUGE transport of nasty bugs) and wash my hands a zillion times per day in addition to taking extra Vit B, C and multivitamins. And no touching door knobs either!!!
you know you are my only prez!
i am riding til i die with you
i am ingesting lots of:
vitamin c
goldenseal root
green tea by the gallons
any other suggestions?
i am afraid of this flu
but i much more afraid of the shots
may god bless us all!
and all our babies!!!
i have 3 co-workers whose teen kids have had it and they and their kids and all of us are fine
it lasted app 4 days in each child
like any other flu
i was frantic that none of them took a day off...so were my peers
but we are all alive and well
Call me crazy, but I have this strange feeling and I have said it from the start, that someone working at that police station knows what happened to her. They say the state she was in and took advantage of it. But then someone says they spotted her in their yard.
I hope they find her safe.
I can't believe she hasn't been found yet. I do not believe the outcome will be positive.
I'm not taking the shot. However, I do work where there are students and I handle their papers! (Ugh!)
I like the look of your new website.
Well she kind of redeemed herself in my eyes with the Precious film (I cried looking at the trailer).
Since I have been to that police station that Mitrice walked out of that night; I am pretty sure that if she is ever found, it will be by DNA analysis from a pathetic pile of bones from some back canyon.
Makes me crazy.
Thanks for this post. I needed the laugh!
I mean, most of the subject matter was not humorous, but the way you presented it was brilliant.
and have a great day
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