It would be easy for me to chase racism again tonight. I could go here and do an entire post around it. I could chase the pathetic slave-catchers and write about them as well. And here is an example of just that. But I won't. Tonight I will chase self destruction and ignorance, instead.
This story was written by St. John Barnard-Smith and it was taken from Philly.com:
"Rashawn Woodson had gotten into some trouble, but he had a new daughter and was trying to turn his life around, his family said yesterday.
He liked to cut hair, fix cars and cook, but he never got the chance to do much with those interests. The 17-year-old was shot in the back Thursday on Norwood Street near Snyder Avenue in South Philadelphia and died just after 8 that night.
Police said yesterday that they had arrested a 16-year-old suspect whom they did not identify because he is a juvenile.
Woodson, of Gerritt Street near 20th, and the suspect had been involved in a disagreement before the shooting, police said.
Woodson recently returned home from Glen Mills, a residential school for juvenile delinquents, his family said.
"He didn't have a [specific] direction . . . he was just trying to find his way," said Mitchell Spencer, his uncle.
Woodson had been attending evening classes at South Philadelphia High School through the Work-Stream Educational Options Program, or Twilight program, according to Philadelphia School District officials.
Woodson's girlfriend was pregnant when he went to Glen Mills and had a daughter, Nalayah, by the time he came home.
His daughter's birth "was one of the big turnarounds," for him, said Woodson's father, Reginald Hoggard. Afterward, he began working to take care of his family.
Most days, "he went to school and then straight" to see Nalayah, who lived with his girlfriend, Hoggard said, calling his son's death "a terrible loss."
"I could see a change in him," he said. "It took for him to trip and fall - but he got back up, and got himself together."
Family members said that he was shot by a teenager with whom he had recently gotten into a fight.
"He didn't get in any violent act to get shot at," said his mother, Aquia Spencer. "To use a gun, that doesn't make any sense. Now, I don't have a child."
Okay, so now you have read it. Yeah field so what else is new? Young black man shoots and kills another young black man. Call me when you have some real news. I know. But can you find five things about this story -besides the obvious- that was also a tragedy? I know that I can.
Pic courtesy of Philly.com
A second chance snuffed out.
A daughter without a father.
A girlfriend without a possible husband.
Another kid for the monster known as the penitentiary system. He may never see daylight without a wire fence surrounding him again.
A family without a son that got his act together after taking a fall.
I would love to hear comments from the shooter's parents.
1. Victim had kid out of wedlock.
2. Victim had been to jail.
3. Victim had been in fight.
4. Perp one more kid with a gun.
5. If the victim died at 8 p.m., that probably means he was shot in broad daylight, or pretty close to it.
Problem is, all those five are pretty obvious. So what are the five hidden tragedies??
there was a lot of good, though, field--
1. Working to support his daughter
2. Trying to finish school
3. Emotionally involved with his baby
4. Learning from his mistakes
perhaps it's the good that makes it so sad.
Maybe if this young negro had more Republican friends and hung around Republicans more this never would have happen.
I'm sorry I just can't regurgitate the cycles of madness, sadness and/or irresponsibilities.....
While my computer was down, I attended a funeral in support of a family who suffered double grief over the lost of their loved ones being shot. One was a young female who was riding in the car with a young man who evidently had some serious enemies. She was shot 27 times. A couple of days later her cousin who was out here visiting from another state was shot and killed. His body was shipped back home yesterday. Both victims were a sister and a brother's children.
The family is a nice middleclass people into the church, workaholics, and they are all in total shock. Their main consensus about this tragedy is that the Lord is trying to tell their family something. This is what each that I talked in their opinion kept saying.
The young lady's older sister while crying said that she told her sister not to mess with that young man because he was no good. She said if her sister would have listened to her she would be alive today. Whether that is true or not, we'll never know, but one thing we do know is that when it is your time to go, it's your time to go, and that is with certainty.
No human being should take another human beings life because no one has that right to decide who should live or who should die. Time to pray like never before because the bible is fulfilling.
"He liked to cut hair, fix cars and cook, but he never got the chance to do much with those interests."
Okay, so if he had turned his life around why is it that he never got a chance to do much with those interests? If he was trying to keep out of trouble look like those things would have given him something to do.
"The 17-year-old was shot in the back"
The youngster that shot him, evidently, was scared of him because he shot him in the back. Was the victim a bully?
"Woodson, of Gerritt Street near 20th, and the suspect had been involved in a disagreement before the shooting, police said."
Means that he was standing on a corner when he got into this argument. Why was he hanging out on a corner?
"He didn't have a [specific] direction . . . he was just trying to find his way," said Mitchell Spencer, his uncle"
Okay, so that means he still didn't know what he wanted to do.
"He didn't get in any violent act to get shot at," said his mother, Aquia Spencer. "To use a gun, that doesn't make any sense. Now, I don't have a child."
Okay, so does that mean that he didn't own a gun but he did get into fist fights?
what is it with racist stupid gay people and out of wedlock babies? mad cause you and your partner can't have one fag? wtf
The victim, his father and mother all had different last names.
He was trying to turn his life around, but had just gotten into a fight.
He had a baby at a young age.
He was shot in broad daylight.
The suspected shooter was a minor.
Why did they tell the neighborhood of the victim?? Does that mean something to Philly folk?
Oh, maybe the mother's quote about him not "getting into any violent act to get shot at"--well, then why did he get into the violent act? For oreos?
His daughter's birth was a turnaround, but he was locked up when she was born and then came home fighting? What type of turnaround is that?
Both uncle and father made comments about his killing, but what did they do to help with his raising?
Although the article lists his academic history, a relative mentions that he worked to take care of his family, but no job is every mentioned.
I don't know really, just trying to give a guess. Please enlighten us, Field.
Mr. Field,
Lord Have Mercy! This story is so sad and so typical. There are so many tragedies in this story.
1) Rashawn Woodson was incarcerated in a facility for juvenile delinquents.
2) Rashawn Woodson had "no specific direction . . . he was just trying to find his way..." More times than not, this will lead to trouble. Children must have a purpose and a vision. They need guidance.
3) Rashawn Woodson was attending evening classes at South Philadelphia High School -- This means, due to his behavior/bad attitude/need to be incarcerated, he was unable to attend REGULAR high school and therefore, at risk of being a drop out.
4) Rashawn Woodson was a 17-year old dad; in all likelihood, the girlfriend is probably a teenager, too, so she’s a teenage mom...
5) A child (16-year old), who should have been somewhere reading a book or playing wii, SHOT Rashawn Woodson!
6) Rashawn Woodson had a different last name from his dad, which probably means that his parents aren’t married and he lived in a single-parent home.
I have a strange feeling that since they left out the race of the assailant that it was a white guy.
mad cause you and your partner can't have one fag?
You got that one exactly backwards. Not having kids is about the only benny that you get from being a fag, and I'll take it.
Can look at the young man's life drom a number of angles, but all based only on the information provided in the news story. We can't know for sure where his heart & head were at, but he lost his chance at turning around, & his daughter lost a chance at having a father.
The thing that caught my eye was that a UNCLE said the boy didn't have a direction and was trying to find his way. I'm thinking if you're his Uncle show him your way. Why do we let our own boys go out into the world like they have to interpret it by theirselves when we have already lived in it.
Brother Field....When did a 16yo kid "have" a life to "turn around" He should be someones' child and that someone is responzible for providing leadership/control over this period in the childs life. This girl and boy was "playing" grown. Too many adults surrounding these two did not provide care/comfort/security nor guidiance to them. To end...where/how did this other young man develop the hate to destroy someone who looks like him. Even the master killers on this globe create an image (long term) to justify their killing. When are we going to use the highly trained law enforcement to track down the person who provided this weapon and hold them responsible for murder as well. PS. I believe the hate-crime status should apply to Brother Chris Rock in his concealed hate for himself/you/me and others that look like my mother.sisters and spouse. It sooo easy to make mockery of an injured (lot of it auto) race.
Preach it Brother Stillapanther2!
Way too many of our young Black men are on the fast track to becoming an endangered species.
When it became an accepted mindset within the Black community for young women to raise their children on their own without the emotional and financial support, guidance and companionship of the father. That was the jump off point for what we are witnessing now.
I fear that an entire generation of young men AND young women are forever lost to this senseless cycle of violence, prison, having sex far too early in life, teen pregnancy, single parent families, drugs, a poor education, low paying jobs, no health care and poverty.
I honestly have no answer as to how we can turn this all around.
Here's the tragedy. Rashawn Woodson was what I refer to as a Sundown Child, someone born in the innercity or the Ghetto. As soon as he was born, the chase was on: To get as much life in before the sun went down.
Rashawn, like many before him and many will be after him, was in the race of his life, for life: to cram as much life as he could into what could possibly be a short life, before the sun went down.
Rashawn was chasing the sun.
Get a woman, although tragically, not a woman just yet, but a child herself.
Get a child, although tragically, he and the woman who bore his daughter, were merely children themselves.
Do the things you love, although, tragically, the time alloted wouldn't permit degrees, or college, or the preparation to be a doctor, a lawyer, or any time-intensive goal.
Get as much father time in with a daughter, because, tragically, this, more than likely, will be your last time fathering a child, and enjoying the role of parent.
Stand up and be a man, although, tragically, standing up may be your last stand, your last chance to know what it means to be a man with a woman, a father of a daughter, to love and be loved by, to enjoy what you created with your hands, before the sun sets on a life that was over too quickly, and too tragically.
The tragedy of Rashawn Woodson was a tragedy of location.
How come him and him daddy be having different last names?
How come him and him daddy and him mama be having different last names?
Him uncle and him mama have the same last name.
Reginald Hoggard, father
Aquia Spencer, mother
Rashawn Woodson, their son
What kind of Negroes am dhese people?
What kind of people am you Negroes?
Not much more to add here. I knew the folks who read this blog would be smart enough to nail the obvious things in this sad story which led to this tragedy. (See what Rock,Goldengraham,Crecilla,Grinder and RT, wrote) All the pathologies which makes up the sad reality of our underclass in urban A-merry-ca was already in place here.
So yes, the broken home (and I am saying things that I know which weren't in the story) the fact that the victim was ordered to attend Glen Mills (which is basically a juvenile detention center) The fact that the young shooter could get a gun so easily. (like going around the corner to buy candy. The fact that at 17 this young man had no direction and was not making it in school. At 17 he should have been concentrating on hitting his books and graduating high school. But too often children like this become victims of their environment. And of course that includes the home.
And yes, there is the newborn child. Born to continue the cycle of poverty and despair.
What I also find interesting, is how different people view the very same story.
Brenda and Brother Panther, I am feeling everything you said.
Granny, I am sorry to hear that story. My thoughts are with those families.
"Maybe if this young negro had more Republican friends and hung around Republicans more this never would have happen."
Do you want me to introduce you and your republiklan friends to some children like this? Will you be-friend them? It's an open invitation for you.
I will wait.....
Same stuff different day,when Lord are we going to take our children and communities back?Yea we can all sit behind a key board and guess at every situation,but it's time to get up off of our backsides and start to do the diry work that is needed in our neighborhoods!My question to all who are concern,when are we going to honestly address the mental health angle to this madness,mental health issues are never addressed in our community,what are we afraid of?
"mad cause you and your partner can't have one fag?"
I am a gay black man. I don't know what the above statement means except that the writer is probably some stupid, crazy black homophobe.
There is no solution to black male on black male murder except to get away from it. Just move the hell away.
"I am a gay black man. I don't know what the above statement means"
Nice try grind ass who told you I'm black, that's racist. glad you don't have kids, you might molest them.
Field, nothing new in our community. Self-destruction. Pisses me off that we cannot get our act together and thrive as a culture.
Obama is more popular than GOD among black folks.Obama is GOD to black folks.
Blacks vote at least 88% Democrat.
Field attacks any black person thats dares step off the Democrat plantation.
When are black folks gonna stand up and demand some kind of reward for their blind loyalty to the Democrat party?
When are black folks gonna stand up and demand Democrats stop this urban terrorism ?
When are black folks gonna show the same kind of outrage towards black on black crime has they show with white on black crime?
thanks fn:
too little education...
too much sex too soon...
too much turbo breeding...
too many toxic young parents who do nothing to be positive role models...
too many BLACK elitists like obama who ignore/pimp the ghettos...
too many fatherless children set to repeat the toxic life cycles...
too many toxic moms who neglect/coddle/ruin/sabotage/rob..
too much toxic recidivist incarceration/crime schools...
too much belated sanity/morality...
too much global doom...
we need more kids to be as obsessed with education and success as they are with violence and sex...
we need more parents to be as obsessed with parenting as they are with dumping their kids on surrogates...
we need citizens to care as much about teachers, education, and schools as they do about rappers, lotteries, sports teams, and dance clubs etc...
"Maybe if this young negro had more Republican friends and hung around Republicans more this never would have happen."
You got a point.
He probably just would have gotten locked up for offering blow jobs to guys in public restrooms.
"When are black folks gonna stand up and demand Democrats stop this urban terrorism ?"
Democrats are the cause of urban terrorism?
Actually the rates of street violence were much higher during the 80s when Ronald Raygun was in office.
What did he do about it?
Yawn.... a different version of the same story will pop up in another ghetto hell jungle next week.
assnon just reminded me of one more:
het parents/preachers/church sheeple need to fret over and love their own het kids as much as they fret over and hate gays...
het parents need to be as obsessed with birth control as they are with sterile gays...
nothing is as carnally blissful as 100% enjoyment of love making with 100% certainty of NO possibility of unwanted/unloved/abused baby making!!!
"Pisses me off that we cannot get our act together and thrive as a culture."
Like I said before, speak for yourself.
I live in a thriving achieving black community with positive, upwardly mobile black people in them.
you are demonstrating precisely what is wrong with so many lost black morons who spawn lost, macho, gaybashing, ignorant, suicidal, homicidal toxic child clones...
how fertile have you fatally been???
you do not lament or slur millions of sterile hets/many filled with birth control chems or stocked with condoms...you only bash sterile gays
many gays are wonderful bio parents and
we breed by CHOICE just as you do by ACCIDENT
sterility is a problem that MORE hets NEED as they turbo breed cycles of children they do not want and cannot feed/rear/educate etc...who eventually/typically do the very same unwanted breeding FAR TOO SOON!!!
"All the pathologies which makes up the sad reality of our underclass in urban A-merry-ca was already in place here."
This is a socio-economic tragedy.
It has very little to do with race and the fact that you have safe, well kept black middle class communities is proof of that.
Yet some folks just have to tie dysfunction to race in order to rationalize their hate or in the case of others, their self-hatred.
Now to those who keep yappingg bout "when are we going to get off our butts and do something", my constant unanswered question is "What do you expect law abiding black folks to do about urban crime that we don't pay cops to do?"
StillaPanther 3:30 am
Nice. On point.
I'll go out on a limb and be totally politically incorrect.
Commentors have said the fact that this young man was a teenage father is another tragedy. In reality that is the only bright point of this whole story. What you see as a continuing cycle of poverty I suggest is a continuing cycle of life. Statistics suggest this child may be another victim/perp in the making. Research suggests that many of our brightest stars have come from these same beginnings. Who are we to second guess life?
This young man had a child at 17? Maybe he already knew his fate? Waiting for marriage/good job/adulthood, etc. would have meant not procreating at all and lord knows the middle class is not keeping up with it's duties in that respect. Some say simply making a baby is not to be respected (sperm donars). Tell that to the family that cannot have children, tell that to LeBron's dad and the thousands of people now making a living off his donation. Do politics and economics mean we don't celebrate life anymore?
Back in the slave days some mothers aborted/killed their children for similar reasons we might abort today (quality of life). Thankfully they chose life or many of us would not be here today.
I don't condone teenage pregnancy per se and certainly have issues with those that don't take care of their kids. I'm starting to see a problem with our attitudes toward those who do as God/nature intended though. The biology is the same as it ever was but society has now moved legitimate baby making age into the mid 30s (after high school, marriage, two degrees and a career track position at a really good firm).
Abstinence made a lot of sense when people got married at 16, doesn't work so well anymore (condoms are still advisable though). We need to take that into account as we seek to address some of these issues we face in our community.
@Black Diaspora -- Your post, particularly this part (quoted below), was pure poetry.
Stand up and be a man, although, tragically, standing up may be your last stand, your last chance to know what it means to be a man with a woman, a father of a daughter, to love and be loved by, to enjoy what you created with your hands, before the sun sets on a life that was over too quickly, and too tragically.
For some reason, I can't quite place, it reminds me of Southern Gothic writers like Faulkner, Lee, O'Connor, and Capote. I guess because it captures the horror and tragedy of life in such an honest and yet painfully beautiful way. For a moment, I chased the Sun right along with Rashawn and the Sundown Children you describe.
uptownsteve said...
"Pisses me off that we cannot get our act together and thrive as a culture."
Like I said before, speak for yourself.
I live in a thriving achieving black community with positive, upwardly mobile black people in them.
Steve your not black.Stop pretending.
i think us is black
only a black eltist would post
"It has very little to do with race and the fact that you have safe, well kept black middle class communities is proof of that."
and he truly sees this tragic snobishness as justification of his black apathy
my parents taught me that my race was never eclipsed by my address/assets/education/rain etc
it is their greatest lesson ever and an eternal truth
even to the whitest or most rabid black obama nazis, obama's serial failures are making him look blacker every day
this racism is lost on steve due to his property value...shame!
AB the nut crazy carpet lickin furby, Li-incognita was right about you.
see your own vulgar juvenile hypocrisies????
your timely trifling typically made my day
"my parents taught me that my race was never eclipsed by my address/assets/education/rain etc"
What the hell does this mean?
No matter what your accomplishments in life, if you're black you still have the Willie Horton gene?
how did you possibly interpet that?????????
no matter who you are
there are those who will view you as a clone of willie horton
no matter how much you paid for your home!
i grew up in an exlusive are of lakeshore...but when i rode the trains or traveled chicago racists saw me as any other project dweller
and they see you the same way
even if you carry a photo of your expensive hm in your wallet!!!
leanita mcclain was a racial realist/an idol as a writer/an inspiration/and a tragedy
too many BLACK elitists like obama who ignore/pimp the ghettos...
what a ridiculous and irrelevant comment. you're gonna hang this one on obama. oh, wait, it's AB/assnon extraordinaire. duh.
uptownsteve said...
No matter what your accomplishments in life, if you're black you still have the Willie Horton gene?
Is that what their calling the sickle cell gene these days?
"but when i rode the trains or traveled chicago racists saw me as any other project dweller
and they see you the same way
even if you carry a photo of your expensive hm in your wallet!!!"
So what?
As long as they don't say anything to you, who gives a $hit?
That's your problem AB.
You're obsessed with white people's love and all important "respect".
I know exactly who and what I AM and expect to be dealt with on that basis.
white love means nothing to me
that is why your white love masked as black elitism means nothing to me either!
loving myself and those who look like me no matter what their address is is what rules me
if i was as absessed with white love as you are, i would evade the ghetto and believe that my address whitens me
i would pretend that poor white pizza boys deliver pizzas to exlcusive black areas in atlanta...they do not!
as a native of chicago, it is still one of the most racist and segregated cities in america
i cherish that i am unable to be lulled into delusions by my trappings as you are!
i would pretend that no poor black gang banger will ever enter my gated commununity as you do!
bill gates and undercover black cops expect to be dealt with unlike willi horton to...but they are not...they are often fatally disrespected!
your expectations, like your address. change NO racist reality
that we blacks are lumped whether we expect to be or not!
i am rushing
excuse the typos
i meant
SKIP gates
he is a renowned prof who never expected to be treated like willie horton on his own porch!
the thing about institutional racism, it that is never has to be "spoken" to be enforced...
in fact, the lumping racists do to ALL Of us is usually enforced in silence!!!
wake your comfy black ass up!!!!
when you perfect sons leave hm,
pray for them
they will be no safer in the street than any other bm corpse in america
even if they don your address on t-shirts!
Oh God I done got her all hot and bothered again.
you have got yuorself all hit and banged up/exposed and busted again/slain and shamed again
and you know this
your limited niche herein is clearly name calling/exhanging racist slurs herein...
realistic debate about actual racism is blinded by your delusion and handicapped by your lack of debate skills
like how you smoothly ignored the successful and elite leanita m
i saw that...fyi
She's the one who committed suicide, right?
You're all over the place.
One minute you're screaming about turbo breeding toxic households and black dysfunction.
The next you're yelping about how white racism stigmatizes all blacks regardless of social and economic station.
Well which is it?
AB... uptownsteve and Li always know how bunch up your panties, why fall for the bait. Oh yeah, you can't help yourself your crazy.
you are a moron because you think they are mutually exclusive
yuo are arrogantly ignorant because you dare to sincerely pose such a dually silly question
news flash:
both are relaities!!!
black genocide is BOTH external and internal
institutional racism is exacerbated by turbo breeding!!!
as fodder for the prison industrial complex/cycles of black pathologies etc
did you even read fn's post today??????
wake up x 2!!!
thank you for that typical gem of an intellectual contribution to this convo
La incognta said - "As for Alicia, she does not hold her own. She will have the ultimate meltdown when she can't have her way, or can't induce tyranny others. She's a joke, a self-important fraud. This is her M.O. in order to keep others from challenging her, she tries to intimidate with juvenile attacks and vulgarity. She displays classic bully behavior - smoke screening at best. She knows nothing about "debate", she copies and paste anything that might appear collective. if you notice, when challenged by certain individuals, her thoughts/post are usually spastic and scattered. She doesn't really know how to come back with finesse or anything thought provoking. Her comments then become derailed with the vulgarity, followed by her self-importance and delusional victoriousness.
No one is picking on Alicia. She is way too sensitive for grown conversation and constructive scrutiny. I will not, will not allow her attempt at bullying (she calls it slaying), and her annoying thread dominating to stop me from calling her out on her judgmental hypocrisies etc. - if I so choose. No one fears Alicia, they just don't want to expend the energy fighting or engaging with someone who has proven themselves to be unstable.
I honestly think she needs clinical help, she seems to be between being bi-polar and being schizophrenic. I will prove it to you. She will come after this post and show how sick she is with her name calling tantrums, paranoia, and a million unorganized comments behind each other. And all while she accuses me of being Kola Boof out of the thin blue air. Imagine that. That alone is certifiable. To sum it up, no respectable thought provoking view points will be found, she will then call it "slaying" and "fang" sharpening - akin to an animal. Go figure. "
That was some good shit... now prove her wrong.
are you really so bored that you have to cc my posts across topics herein?
and do so twice???
how pathetic
yes us:
she is the one who was broken by the fact that her gifts, fame, and fortune did not whiten her among her white peers/detractors.
and you dared to ignore that because you have not yet literally committed suicide
your similar elitist delusions have rendered you similarly dead figuratively indeed...
Nice try grind ass who told you I'm black, that's racist. glad you don't have kids, you might molest them.
I don't write anonymous comments here. Trust me, given all the shit I take here, I am tempted. But I don't do it. I am known here by a particular name, and I've decided that I will take the heat under that name.
Now, back to the main event. Of all the tragedies, the biggest is the easy availability of guns. Everything else was bad, but the guns end it all.
I read stories like this one and they are so terribly, terribly sad. I'll tell ya folks, the stories I've read about wrongful convictions in death penalty cases have made me creep right up to the edge of changing my mind and opposing the death penalty, but stories like this one make me continue to support it.
I think the death penalty needs to be reformed to require a higher burden of proof in capital cases. I'd like to see field, a lawyer, write specifically about it. If there was a way to fix it, then I would be in favor of quicker procedures and more use of the death penalty.
I think if more killers were executed more quickly, we could help bring this soul-crushing violence to heel. It would take time for everything to sink in. Nothing would happen fast. But as it became credible, I think things would change.
It wouldn't be any magic solution, and it wouldn't solve everything. But I think it could help. I also think it would have a positive moral effect on the community. To me, there are certain acts that put someone outside of the human family. That list is short, but senseless, premediated, brazen murder is one of them.
In executing murderers, I think it should be done quietly and without fanfare or even prior notice. Take them from their cell in the middle of the night, give them the needle, cremate the body, and throw out the ashes in that morning's trash. No grave, no marker, no remains.
But -- and this is the key -- make sure you know without a shadow of a doubt that this was the murderer. If there is any doubt, then send the perp to the slammer forever. But if you know for sure, then execution's the way to go.
I think each execution is a tragedy itself. I take absloutely no pleasure in any execution of anyone. But I do think it ought to be part of the approach.
"she is the one who was broken by the fact that her gifts, fame, and fortune did not whiten her among her white peers/detractors."
She wanted to be "loved" by white folks.
Whereas I would have been satisfied with my fame, gifts and fortune and told them to kiss my black ass.
Learn to love yourself.
In your case, that may take some real effort.
leanita died because she found out that nothing she did or was could protect her from racism
you see your elitism as a protectant/absolution
it is neither!!!
you love yourself so much that you see poor black people as disposable and you detach yourself from them as you wallow the comfort of your elitist things...and you see that as self love???
then dare to deny that i live self love by embracing and engaging all black people rich or poor?
i adore myelf
i do not have to evade or deny racism to love myself
as you do
i do not use my gifts and trinkets to shield me from racist realities as u do
unlike you, my trappings are not the source of my self love and they give me no illusions of otherness/superiority when it comes to poor black people
i never use my address as a shield as u do so repulsively and incessantly herein...
you have to distance yourself from poor blacks to love you...that is the ultimate internalized racism/white supremacy
your trappings make you feel white so your euro self can love itself whitenened and internally distance you from your poor black racial peers
"unlike you, my trappings are not the source of my self love and they give me no illusions of otherness/superiority when it comes to poor black people."
Is that why you refer to them as "turbo breeders"
"toxic moms"
"(we need) citizens to care as much about teachers, education, and schools as they do about rappers, lotteries, sports teams, and dance clubs etc...
Who are you discussing here AB?
Is that air your breathing?
u are a blatant liar
lies only make your ineptitude at debate more glaring herein...
they are not ALL toxic moms
just most
ALL public school students are not bad and proudly dumb
just most
i have never said they "all" were!
i said i quit my job as a superb teacher to pick and choose those i superbly educate as a pvt tutor!
i am discussing black elitists LIKE YOU who flee the ghetto and live in denial of its encroachment...and constantly encourage others to flee and ignore poor blacks as u do !!!
the dual air i am breathing is in both the ghetto and my own elite enclave
the difference in you and i is that in my nostrils, both locales reek of the very same BLACK DOOM!
Is this going to be the 99th thread that turns into a personal pissing contest between two people? I know I'm throwing stones inside a glass house, but when I get into pissing matches here at least they are about something that other people can relate to. Most of the time anyway.
Come on, us and alicia, all this stuff does is kill a thread. I thought I'd try this at the outset for once and see if it works. (rolling eyes)
This ain't your blog so mind your damn business.
Do you have any comments on the subject of the thread?
us, the crazy bitch is a liar... now she tutors. what a crock a shit. FN, do something she's dragging your blog down.
grind ass go jump a bridge ya racist cracka ass know it all and don't know shit. who the fuck cares about what you have to say.
you posts just as much as us and i!
you are a late lame babbling fool...sapre us all!
and where is your own daddy you stray?
yell for him rather than fn!
li was right about you, crazy bitch!
I've made about 3 comments in the last three hours and Ms. Grinder whines that we're "killing the thread".
I also notice grinder never wags his/her finger at racist provocateurs like Mr. R or Drackman.
I'm laughing, actually. While I was writing that, I said to myself, "They're all going to jump on your ass." Which is what they did. Ha ha! So predictable.
ditto us
grinder reserves his bogus rules for you and i alone
we all see u
how tragic
and you are still slain post antics anyway!!!!
I also notice grinder never wags his/her finger at racist provocateurs like Mr. R or Drackman.
That is not true. I regularly tell them off. In fact, I'd have to check, but I think I have reserved the word "shithead" for them.
i find all of the selective policing herein equally predictable...
remember when you dared to restrict only me to 2 posts per day?
"I said to myself, "They're all going to jump on your ass." Which is what they did. Ha ha! So predictable."
So why'd you post it?
Self-righteous or masochistic?
I'm more than willing to discuss the thread topic?
Do you have anything to contribute grinder?
I don't remember ever trying to restrict you to two posts a day. I might have said that if you didn't fill up a thread with five and six posts in a row that you'd have more impact. But two a day? Nah. If I wrote that then I didn't say what I meant to say.
Anyway, alicia, you just regularly get into these totally obscure slanging matches that kill threads. This one included. And now I've been drawn in. Trust me, it'll be the last time.
Good deeds seldom go unpunished.
does anyone else recall when grinder specifically told me to post no more than 2 posts back to back?
u were not pulled into this
u initiated this
with us and i
be clear
So, anyway, what were you and uptownsteve fighting about, anyway?! At least I got you off of that, briefly.
I beg your pardon sir.
We were having in intellectual dispute.
i am a pan african
i am a independent bohemian rebel
us is a black republican elitist
he is a snob and and a class sepratist
we will never agree on anything
but we have the right to debate it
at least until fn shuts it down
no one else herein can police his blog
ditto us...
and i welcome that always
even when u enrage me
some days you are actuall loveable
I tweak you now and then but you know you're my girl.
And if you weren't gay I'd have you singing the Star Spangled Banner better than Whitney Houston.
It's nice that you love each other. Hey, I heard about some black kid in Philadelphia who got shot in the back of the head in broad daylight. Tragic, huh?
yes grinder
tragic and far too increasingly typical
even beyond my chicago...
that is how our debate began
us views that tragedy as an isolated incident that only affects poor violent peers
i see it as further evidence of a festering cancer that will fatally affect us all...and that is becoming rapidly more malignant each day
that is why i tutor exclusively in the ghettos
and why i never feel safe or content anywhere in a america
Hate to laugh at the dead, but who the fuck names their kid "Rash-awn"...whatever happened to regular American names like "Harpo" or "Moe"??
And "Liked to Cut Hair and Cook"??? Sounds like a Homo to me, and y'all know how you N-words hate the Turd Burglers... The mystery is how he even made it to 17...Sounds like a hate crime to me...
Never a dull moment in the fields. Smh and LOL!
"@Black Diaspora -- Your post, particularly this part (quoted below), was pure poetry....
"For a moment, I chased the Sun right along with Rashawn and the Sundown Children you describe."
Thanks J.
Drackman, you are a racist shithead, and a waste of white skin. Even for you, to disrespect the dead is beyond the pale.
normally I'd sit back and enjoy your Minstrel Show,but....
Oh what the heck, I LIKE Minstrel Shows... Do "Old Black Joe" again...
Then go home and get your effin shine box...
"Hey, I heard about some black kid in Philadelphia who got shot in the back of the head in broad daylight."
Some white dude killed his whole family in Mt. Airy Maryland last weekend.
Somehow that's never a reflection on the race though.
re: house stock don samuels
ditto us:
only those who are hated are judged by the least among them
like blacks and gays and women etc...
and typically only by those who control all media
per karma
we are all touched by all good and all evil
and we are all connected irrespective of whom we choose to hate or love...or where we live...
By now, many of your visitors have posted the five things you asked for, so I will not.
This is on many levels. This seems to be the type of young man who would have skyrocketed into decent life and success with a mentor.
Stories like this give me pause to think more about mentoring a young person beyond my own three children.
I find it humorous how my name is being used as kryptonite. And some people just can't help themselves indeed.
uptownsteve said...
"Hey, I heard about some black kid in Philadelphia who got shot in the back of the head in broad daylight."
Some white dude killed his whole family in Mt. Airy Maryland last weekend.
Somehow that's never a reflection on the race though.
I was waiting on someone to bring up the " look at whitey defense".
grinder said...
Drackman, you are a racist shithead, and a waste of white skin. Even for you, to disrespect the dead is beyond the pale.
This comes from someone who compares black people who are friends with white Republicans to jews who supported Hilter.
Uptown Steve:
I believe in being as intellectually and emotionally honest about matters as I know how -
When I stop to consider the most vile, graphic, and hideous of crimes committed in this country, more often than not, there seems to be a white & male face attached to it.
While you and I know that the actions of a few do not define the entire group (race), I wonder to what extent (anymore) I would be viewed as suspect in communities of color because of the herrendous crimes whites commit against each other and against those of different backgrounds.
(Field, you are defense attorney...maybe you can weigh in on this too.)
well, i think society in general puts a lot of stygma on boys when they are little, the side of little boys that is nurturing and caring gets crushed, boys can't play with dolls, or cry, instead they get toy guns for presents and play video war games, that is what is expected of them, put them in a situation, like Black Diaspora wrote about, where all they are seeing around them is a short violent life, and then, what kind of purpose or hope is there?
Everybody needs to know they have a purpose in life, that they are worth something. '
To me, that is the tragedy, that the hopelessness and lack of purpose continue, without intervention, we will probably read another story just like this one tomorrow or the next day, just a different location. That is the tragedy, to me.
Granny, I am glad you are back, your story was so sad.
"While you and I know that the actions of a few do not define the entire group (race), I wonder to what extent (anymore) I would be viewed as suspect in communities of color because of the herrendous crimes whites commit against each other and against those of different backgrounds.
(Field, you are defense attorney...maybe you can weigh in on this too.)"
Adam, uptownsteve is right. Folks in the majority population are not stigmatized by the acts of a few within their race. I will say this, though. Certain types of crimes can more often or not be traced to white males. Serial killings (although that's changing)killing your family to prevent a spouse from leaving, and hate crimes.
mr.r, why is it that a republican like yourself feels the need to always defend Frank? Just curious.
"Never a dull moment in the fields. Smh and LOL!"
Granny, you got that right. :)
Did you hear about Bob Johnson's ex-wife's mocking of a Democratic candidates speech impediment?
Here's the link:
I'm not convinced that hate crimes are more common among whites than among other races these days. I think black people and other non-whites are perfectly capable of committing them, and do commit them, on a regular basis.
As for racial "stimgatization," you can drive a truck through that one. I think plenty of white people felt "stimgatized" by the shit that went on at Sarah Palin's rallies last year, and at the town hall meetings this summer.
I also think that most white people can, and do, distinguish between animalistic black gang-bangers and other black people. If there wasn't a lot of distinguishing going on, Obama wouldn't have gotten more than 40 million white votes last fall.
I will go further and say that I think many black people are too defensive on these issues. Field isn't, and for that I salute him. He has no problem calling it out, although I wish from time to time he'd give some more detailed thoughts of his on what to do about it.
The rampant crisis within parts of the black population is plain to see, so there's no use in trying to pretend that it's not a crisis. Black people are the biggest victims, and not just directly. This crap has a whole lot of white people quite simply afraid of black people, and any biologist will tell you that the "fight-or-flight" response is one of the most powerful we have. It is not in black people's interest to have whole groups of people, be they white, Latino, or Asian, or all of those groups, afraid of black men.
Whites do make distinctions, but I'd be bullshitting you if I didn't also say that their guard is up. That's why a black man can't hail a cab at night, and so on. It's a regrettable thing, but no one is going to get too far trying to legislate away the fight-or-flight response. If white racism is a big problem for blacks -- and it is -- then so is rampant black violence.
As for the stigma on boys and their gentle side, I have a mixed view of that one. I do think that the various American masculine archetypes -- white cowboy, black gangsta, Latino machismo -- rely on arresting male emotional development sometime in the third grade.
All kinds of distortions flow from it, from anti-gay crap to rampant violence to heterosexual dysfunction. To me, the movie Brokeback Mountain was only tangentially about two ranch hands in love in Wyoming in the 1960s. The real story there was the hollowness at the core of the Marlboro Man mythology.
However, at the same time, it's just as true that most boys are rougher around the edges than most girls. At least from what I read these days, schools make it harder and harder for boys to be boys. But I'm not close enough to the day-to-day to say anything more about that.
There is much more to say on that topic, but I will cut it off here.
One other thing to say is that on this blog, and in general with black issues, the conversation tends to be black vs. white.
That's becoming semi-outdated, given the growth of the Latino population, which is now larger than the black population. Parachute into L.A., and I think you'd find that there's a lot more daily tension between black and brown than between black and white.
That issue never gets discussed here, except when someone wants to lump all people of color into one pot, subsuming Latino struggles within black ones when in fact there are some important differences, the main one being that Latinos were never imported as slaves in the manner that black people were.
The world's changing, and one change is that the "minority" label doesn't quite mean what it used to. Over the next few decades, you'll see that really take on a different cast. One fallout, I think, may well be significantly less tolerance for the worst of the worst stuff that comes out of the nasty elements of the black population.
It's hard to know where this is going, but I wonder if the whole black grievance motif is very long for this world.
@Grinder: "One fallout, I think, may well be significantly less tolerance for the worst of the worst stuff that comes out of the nasty elements of the black population."
How's that Grinder. Latinos won't give the same credence to black grievances as whites?
You assume that they care now, white or Latino. It's been my experience that the only ones who have ever cared are blacks, with the exception of a few whites.
As long as we keep our violence to ourselves, no one to date has cared about black on black violence. And I don't think that's going to change, regardless of who's in the minority or the majority.
And if there's less tolerance, what are they going to do about it: nuke the innercities, bring in the military?
Just what are you seeing will be the fate of these "nasty elements"?
"It's hard to know where this is going, but I wonder if the whole black grievance motif is very long for this world."
And I could say the same for gays: How long will the gay "grievance motif" last?
We both know that the grievances of gays and/or blacks don't get serious attention.
You, yourself, have railed that President Obama is dragging his feet on his campaign pledge to gays.
"...subsuming Latino struggles within black ones when in fact there are some important differences, the main one being that Latinos were never imported as slaves in the manner that black people were."
Have you taken Chicano studies (now more likely to be called Latino studies), or black studies classes?
Were you to, you'd find many of the same grievances, the same concerns, the same fears of disenfranchisement in both groups.
If you closed your eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell one group from the other--the plaints are so similar.
Mexican immigrant workers may not have been brought here as slaves, and their treatment certainly not as harsh, but their status, historically, hasn't been that much better.
I lurk on here, so I apologize for the flipness of this comment, but there's some major sexual tension between uptown steve and alicia banks. You two should meet in real life. At the very least, you might have a fun hour or two together
Latinos won't give the same credence to black grievances as whites?
Yeah, that's what I think. Especially when it comes to issues like set-asides and affirmative action.
As long as we keep our violence to ourselves, no one to date has cared about black on black violence. And I don't think that's going to change, regardless of who's in the minority or the majority.
You've got a point there.
And if there's less tolerance, what are they going to do about it: nuke the innercities, bring in the military?
Great question. I don't know the answer.
And I could say the same for gays: How long will the gay "grievance motif" last?
In fact, the gay grievance thing has quieted down a whole lot. A couple issues keep it going to a degree, but gays aren't as pissed off now as they were when I was younger.
Have you taken Chicano studies (now more likely to be called Latino studies), or black studies classes?
Were you to, you'd find many of the same grievances, the same concerns, the same fears of disenfranchisement in both groups.
If you closed your eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell one group from the other--the plaints are so similar.
True enough I suppose, but I think the Latino experience has much more in common with that of the Irish than with blacks.
@Grinder: "[B]ut I think the Latino experience has much more in common with that of the Irish than with blacks."
Don't be so sure. The Irish weren't here when you came. And Irish are now practically an indistinguishable part of the American fabric.
Not so with Latinos.
Exploitation without representation can create a whole lot of hostility, or a whole lot of overboard tea, or Los Angeles being annexed by Mexico.
if black women would either learn to keep thier legs together or use birth control properly we wouldn't be having these problems
"Yeah, that's what I think. Especially when it comes to issues like set-asides and affirmative action."
When they existed (Bush and the righties pretty much eviscerated set asides and AA) hispanics benefited as well as blacks.
"I also think that most white people can, and do, distinguish between animalistic black gang-bangers and other black people."
You act as if there are no animalistic white criminals or seem to forget that when white ethnics were at the bottom of the social ladder and the inner city ghetto dwellers, they did the same $hit that ghetto dwellers do.
"I will go further and say that I think many black people are too defensive on these issues. Field isn't, and for that I salute him. He has no problem calling it out, although I wish from time to time he'd give some more detailed thoughts of his on what to do about it."
I'll just speak for myselk.
I get tired of people racializing criminality and making the inner city ghetto thug the face of the black community.
You say "defensive". LMAO!!!!!
Grinder, let somebody suggest that most whites are ignorant racist rednecks or that most gays are sissified promiscuous cretins and you'll be the first one screaming.
The arrogance is breathtaking.
[quote]The tragedy of Rashawn Woodson was a tragedy of location.[/quote]
Black Diaspora:
Could you tell me EXACTLY the reason why the CONSCIOUS adults who are in a position to sculpt the envrionment that these kids live within are NOT ABLE TO DO SO?
Is it possible that after being told for so long that they are "The LEAST OF THESE" that they have been turned into CONSUMERS, waiting for some EXTERNAL FORCE to rain benfit and CHANGE down upon them and in exchange their loyalities would be purchased.
What ORGANIC sense of DEVELOPMENT AND ORDER is being enculcated within this defined area that they control - INCLUDING THE HUMAN RESOURCES that walk within?
You act as if there are no animalistic white criminals
Bullshit. Jeffrey Dahmer was a white animal. So was John Wayne Gacy. So is Charles Manson. And on and on and on.
Grinder, let somebody suggest that most whites are ignorant racist rednecks or that most gays are sissified promiscuous cretins and you'll be the first one screaming.
Screaming? Nah. I'd do what I do here: Pick it apart and nail the pieces to the wall.
"Bullshit. Jeffrey Dahmer was a white animal. So was John Wayne Gacy. So is Charles Manson. And on and on and on."
Grinder, you're always referencing the celebrity serial white killers.
There are white gangstas (Hell's Angels, Pagans, 5 percenters) white low level thugs and street criminals.
Those thugs who beat 17 Noah Jones to death on the streets of Pasadena, MD were animals.
The white boys who beat a 78 year old black man to within an inch of his life in Baltimore last month were animals.
My point is that white folks are in no moral position to stand in judgement of black folks about crime or any damn thing else.
Grinder, you're always referencing the celebrity serial white killers.
There are plenty of unknown white animals. The law abiding are in a position to judge, and it doesn't matter what color the animal is. Animals come in lots of varieties.
But you seem to have a special focus on the "black" variety.
CF...54 percent of government spending is milatary spending, i.e., corporate welfare. Apparently, the U.S. government exists for one reason, to bail out conglomerates that are "too big to fail". The "least of these" are not considered too big to fail, and Obama has made no promises to help them. If they give him their loyalty it might be because he hasn't made as many promises to hurt them.
The dog eat dog mentality you advocate is an equal opportunity destroyer of worlds; plenty of white folks seem to be going crazy these days, too.
"Nah. I'd do what I do here: Pick it apart and nail the pieces to the wall."
That's what you call it? you really are full of yourself or something else.
But you seem to have a special focus on the "black" variety.
Uh, Steve? This is a black blog, and I posted my thoughts in a thread about a black kid who was shot and killed by another black kid in broad daylight. And you want me to talk about all the white criminals?
Quit being so defensive. The murder rate among young black men is astronomically high. You complain if white people don't notice it ("You couldn't give a shit") and you complain if white people notice it ("You have a special focus on the black variety.")
Make up your fucking mind, will you? Is black people murdering black people also one of those black things that I can't understand?
Whose getting defensive here?
Calm down.
First question:
Why do you, a white guy, like to hang around a black blog?
Serious question.
Secondly, I already spoke to you about racializing crime but it just seems reflexive to you.
What we have had in the inner cities for almost 50 years (actually the homicide rates were higher in the 70s) intramural carnage between gangstas and thugs.
You don't have this carnage in stable middle class black communities but people like you cannot see past race.
You've never heard me say anything like "white people don't notice" because many, especially white conservatives, are obsessed with racializing crime in order to rationalize their bigotry.
Why do you, a white guy, like to hang around a black blog?
Because it's interesting. Seriously. That's why.
You don't have this carnage in stable middle class black communities but people like you cannot see past race.
You deliberately refuse to actually read my postings, which are careful to talk about "elements" of the black population.
I am very aware of middle class black families where this shit doesn't happen, and make it clear in my postings. But you are so defensive about anyone who isn't black who pays attention that you immediately label it racist.
And then you wonder why so many whites turn their backs on the black population, thinking, "This is a no-win situation to get involved." Frankly, I can't blame whites for having that reaction. I don't have it myself, but it's very understandable.
You've never heard me say anything like "white people don't notice" because many, especially white conservatives, are obsessed with racializing crime in order to rationalize their bigotry.
Okay, so you want whites to ignore, for example, the fact that a black man under the age of 30 is 10 times more likely to be murdered than a white man? Okey dokey, then.
Now, to answer an earlier question here is someone who, if guilty of these crimes is a white animal who should be unceremoniously executed in the middle of the night, cremated, and thrown out with the day's trash. I don't give a shit about his tortured upbringing or any other reasons for why the killer did it.
Satisfied, or are you still going to play your bullshit race card all day long, every day, with everyone, no matter what?
Here's a couple more white animals for you. Do you want me to start making a list? How many do you need?
"You deliberately refuse to actually read my postings, which are careful to talk about "elements" of the black population."
You're still racializing behavior.
Tell me the significant difference between a hispanic barrio and a black ghetto.
The behavior and conditions are practically identical. The commonality is that they are urban and poor.
"And then you wonder why so many whites turn their backs on the black population, thinking, "This is a no-win situation to get involved."
Man, you are a real trip.
First off when the fuck have white Americans ever cared about black folks or owned up to what was actually done to blacks in America?
Turn their backs???? Ha!!
It hasn't been that long since you've taken your foot off our necks!
"Okay, so you want whites to ignore, for example, the fact that a black man under the age of 30 is 10 times more likely to be murdered than a white man? Okey dokey, then."
Grinder dude, my black middle class son is no more likely to be murdered than his white counterpart.
You HAVE to racialize this in order to rationalize your resentment of blacks.
Its obvious.
First off when the fuck have white Americans ever cared about black folks or owned up to what was actually done to blacks in America?
See, there ya go. First you complain that any white people notice. Now you complain that they don't care. This is a vivid illustration of the attitudes that repel so many white people: the idea that no matter what they do, or what they say, they will be called racist.
In that sort of atmosphere, it's much easier to withdraw to the relative safety of all-white enclaves, and never do anything to reach out. Like I say, it's not my way, but I sure as hell understand it.
Grinder dude, my black middle class son is no more likely to be murdered than his white counterpart.
That's likely true, and the truth of it actually makes my case. What it says is that the young black males who are at risk are at even MORE risk than the overall numbers would indicate.
But white people aren't supposed to notice any of it. To notice it is to be a racist. But to not notice it is to be a racist. Again, is there any mystery as to why so many white people simply drop out of what they correctly see as a rigged conversation?
"First you complain that any white people notice. Now you complain that they don't care."
No I did not. You're lying.
"To notice it is to be a racist."
No, to RACIALIZE it is to be a racist.
Just like racial profiling. Just because 90% of the criminals in a certain area are young black men doesn't translate into 90% of young black men being criminals.
Is any of this penetrating your skull?
"Again, is there any mystery as to why so many white people simply drop out of what they correctly see as a rigged conversation?"
What fuckin' planet do you live on?
Every damn conversation on race that I ever had with white people in my life, from casual discussion to government civil rights training to corporate diversity sessions turns out to be a discussion about crime.
For too many white people the issue of crime defines black America.
And you wonder why we're angry?
No, to RACIALIZE it is to be a racist.
A distinction without a difference. Field was the one to "racialize" the brazen murder of a black kid in Philadelphia. You don't call him a "racist," but call me a "racist" for noticing.
You complain when white people notice black-on-black violence, and you complain when they don't care. In your world, white people can do or say nothing that isn't racist.
For too many white people the issue of crime defines black America.
Well, think about it a second. Black crime rates, overall, are sky high. Given that men in all races commit 90%+ of all crimes, and young men commit many more crimes than older men, the reality is that black men under the age of 30, as a group, are FAR more likely to commit crimes than white men are, including young white males. The numbers don't lie.
Would you like to see the numbers? Or will you just deny them because they are inconvenient? Oh, wait. You will tell us that the crime statistics are a conspiracy, too. Hey, maybe field invented his story.
In such an environment, it's understandable that many white people would feel the way they do. They are reacting to facts on the ground. The result is that, if you're a black man, you almost certainly have to go out of your way in many situations to "not be a threat."
It sucks. It really does. It is tremendously unfair to law abiding black men. Now, the question is who do you want to blame. If I were you, I'd be casting most of my blame on young black criminals. They are the ones who make it impossible for you to hail a cab at night -- even when the driver is black. Law abiding black people are afraid of black men, too, and don't you bullshit me and try to deny it.
That is but one of the many ways that this ongoing crisis fucks up our society. You can blame it on white racism all you want, and in some instances you are going to be correct to do so. But when you sit there any fuckin' deny what is plainly true, then you might as well try to spit into a hurricane.
For once, why not shitcan your defensiveness, put away the fuckin' race card, and take an honest 360-degree look around. I never see you do that here. Others here do, but not you and not "La Idiot," who is the worst of the bunch. To the two of you, it's white devil this and white devil that. Well don't be surprised when the white devil tosses a few shitbombs back over the fence at you.
"Well, think about it a second. Black crime rates, overall, are sky high. Given that men in all races commit 90%+ of all crimes, and young men commit many more crimes than older men, the reality is that black men under the age of 30, as a group, are FAR more likely to commit crimes than white men are, including young white males. The numbers don't lie."
And you believe that race is the causative factor?
That if whites were in the same cycle of poverty and dysfunction they would behave differently?
I'm loving this because it proves my point with people like you.
The minute you get emotional then the racism just comes expectorating out like a fire hydrant.
Grinder, do you believe that a middle class black man is more likely to committ a crime than his white counterpart?
If so, why?
Do you understand that the overwhelming majority of black men and black people in general are law abiding citizens?
You keep accusing me of playing the race card when it's obviously you.
Whenever a black says something that upsets you or dares disagree with you, you launch into a crime rant as sort of a bludgeon to beat them over the head with.
"Well don't be surprised when the white devil tosses a few shitbombs back over the fence at you."
As if I would be hearing $hit I haven't heard a million time before from white folks.
You don't have a clue.
Oh, and white people don't care about black violence and its effects on black people? Well then chew on this. If white people didn't care, Chicago wouldn't be doing the program, the mayor wouldn't be involved, and the feds wouldn't be paying for it.
You want to see indifference? Travel to Rio for the 2012 Olympics. There is a place where no one in power gives a rat's ass about black people, poor people, or both, and it shows.
You can't just sit there and say, "Come save us from ourselves." That one doesn't fly in this country. If violence is going to be curbed in those black communities where it has taken over, then black people themselves will have to take the lead.
And you know what? White people are going to have to help, especially on the financial end of it, because that's where the money is. So, in reality, it's a shared enterprise. No one can do it alone. But black people are going to have to step up to the goddamn plate too. They're the ones suffering the most, after all.
Grinder, do you believe that a middle class black man is more likely to committ a crime than his white counterpart?
Of course not. We've had this argument before, and I've written it before. You are so wrapped around your every-white-person-is-a-racist tree that you willfully twist and misquote anything someone says.
It's really sad. Doesn't that chip on your shoulder ever get a little heavy?
In your mind crime and black is intertwined.
You're a racist.
In your mind crime and black is intertwined.
Sorry, but in America right now, they ARE intertwined. You have black people walking up to other black people in broad daylight in major cities and blowing their brains out. This is a regular occurrence. So, yes, crime is a "black thing" to a much greater extent than it is a "white thing."
If it's racist to see the obvious and to talk about the obvious, too bad. But this does not mean that every black man is a criminal. If I thought that, I wouldn't spend time on field's blog, etc.
Violence is a crisis in many black communities. The day that this cannot be mentioned or discussed because it's "racist" is the day that the problem can never be addressed. Lay down your race card, Sreve. It's getting in your way in a major way.
I notice you didn't answer my question in your marathon to equate black with crime.
You believe that race is the causative factor in crime?
If whites were in the same cycle of poverty and dysfunction they would behave differently?
Show me any discernible difference between a poor hispanic neighborhood in NYC and a black one.
"So, yes, crime is a "black thing" to a much greater extent than it is a "white thing."
Like I said, scratch guys like you a little bit and you'll find a racist every time.
Crime has nothing to do with race and everything to do with poverty and education.
You rant about crime in black communities.
Well I live in a 90% black community that is virtually violent crime free.
Why do you think that is grinder?
"The minute you get emotional then the racism just comes expectorating out like a fire hydrant.'
Steve, I agree. I've notice this from a long time ago. One thing, you are always on it like I am.
Get him heated and soon enough the code talk disappears in time to expose the "Fine n----- take this" attitude . He does it all the time.
You believe that race is the causative factor in crime?
If whites were in the same cycle of poverty and dysfunction they would behave differently?
This is a meaningless question in the current context, because whites were never slaves. I think the family structure is a big element of crime.
The overall black family structure is seriously screwed up, with close to three-quarters of all births out of wedlock and about 40% of them without a father anywhere to be seen, i.e., not cohabiting.
To the extent that whites follow in those footsteps, I think you will see crime become a bigger problem for whites, especially poor whites.
You rant about crime in black communities.
No I don't. But I don't shy away from the subject. It is a crisis, and has been for a long time. You hate it when white people notice, and you hate it when white people don't notice. It is a convenient means for you to cry racism no matter what.
Well I live in a 90% black community that is virtually violent crime free.
Why do you think that is grinder?
I don't know where you live, but my guess is that you live in an affluent black community with intact, two-parent families predominating.
Get him heated and soon enough the code talk disappears in time to expose the "Fine n----- take this" attitude . He does it all the time.
La Idiot, quit making things up. I never call anyone a nigger, no matter how angry I get. And no, I don't even think it to myself. I realize you'll never believe me, but it's true.
Who murdered that black kid in broad daylight in Philadelphia? Who murdered the honors student in broad daylight in Chicago? Those are facts that you don't want to see.
Ms. Grinder, you are so predictable. You are one of my favorites on this blog :)
[quote]Ernesto said...
CF...54 percent of government spending is milatary spending, i.e., corporate welfare.[/quote]
Really? Please detail which orifice you are pulling these numbers from?
Fear not though dude - in a few years the INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE FEDERAL DEBT is going to outstrip the Military spending.
The Japanese and Chinese will thank you.
Ms. Grinder, you are so predictable.
Love the subtle anti-gay comment, La Idiot. Only to be expected.
Ok, would you feel better if I call you La Grinder?
Are you a Will or a Jack. Based on your tit for tatting, I have my ideas. Btw, you do act the stereotype, you know...
All crime problems solved = Limit the # and type of convictions that a person may accumulate. Once that limit has been reached, either pacify forcibly with drugs, castrate either physically or chemically, or eliminate publicly.
Consequences and repercussions = problem solved.
Unabashedly Independent voter
Are you a Will or a Jack. Based on your tit for tatting, I have my ideas. Btw, you do act the stereotype, you know.
Sing it out, La Idiot! This is gettin' good!
Yes it is Madam grider, you provide such predictable pleasure. :)
Not that you're a bigot or a hypocrite, La Idiot. You? Couldn't be! Keep diggin' that hole!
"Keep diggin' that hole!"
madam grinder, care yo fallen deh hole eh... :)
I can't make up my mind, Will or Jack. Btw. I saw your post on the above thread, I didn't know your brother was gay too?
Good night, Sweet dreams madam grinder. If you're nice I'll give you a capital M again.
(P.S. remember, you started the name calling first, you always seem to forget stuff like that... "wink")
Yeah, La Idiot, I don't like you one bit. You, on the other hand, hate fags. Trust me, bitch, I'm accustomed to your kind. Keep it up.
madam grinder,
I am no more of a gay basher than you're a racist.
"You, on the other hand, hate fags"
No, just you.
"Trust me, bitch, I'm accustomed to your kind. "
It doesn't appear that way. And what kind would that be ?
"Keep it up"
I will.
And there is nothing you can do about it. Most be frustrating.
LOL steve, isn't he fun?
>>"My question to all who are concern,when are we going to honestly address the mental health angle to this madness,mental health issues are never addressed in our community,what are we afraid of?"
it seems that seeking that kind of help would be seen as a sign of weakness, which is probably not something you want to do in this kid's neighborhood, no?
"Bullshit. Jeffrey Dahmer was a white animal. So was John Wayne Gacy. So is Charles Manson. And on and on and on."
Grinder, you're always referencing the celebrity serial white killers.
There are white gangstas (Hell's Angels, Pagans, 5 percenters) white low level thugs and street criminals.
My point is that white folks are in no moral position to stand in judgement of black folks about crime or any damn thing else.
your right.....oh. wait we're not abandoning our own children to the point that celbs and gov officals are having to make speechs about it
oh, and not killing off our our bros at the rate that the negros in the inner city are'a
I am so sick of the killings and what passes for black culture in these inner cities. I'm about ready to raze all of the southsides i.e. South Jamaica, South Bronx, South Central, South Philly all of 'em. To be honest, as a mother, once you know that you are living and bringing up children in that atmosphere, a real woman would leave and take her kids somewhere else to live.
And today there was talk about Arne Duncan going back to Chicago with somebody else and talking (just talking about the Chicago school situation). It seems like this is done every year with no progress. Of course, these neighborhoods are there for a reason, they are not there for families to live in or to bring up children. I'm at the point where I would rather see one by one all these families who live in the inner cities relocated somewhere else where the kids can go to school and not have all the negative isht just outside their door.
Uhh Cesare
South Bronx is predominately hispanic.
Just sayin.
Interesting about the South Bronx. Has it always been predominanly Hispanic, or does that represent a change? If so, when did the change occur?
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