My friends and fellow field hands, I am posting tonight while in a very confused state of mind. You see, it's like this: I have been going back and forth all day trying to decide if I should join the republican party; that wonderful party of Lincoln. And, can you believe it, all it took was a visit to their new website to get me to, once again, reconsider my independent political status here in A-merry-ca. I saw all the minorities and the women posted all over it and I was hooked. I think they really do like me.
I have to give it to hip hop Mike, he sure knows how to push my buttons. Give me a nice website with your party's rich history of inclusion and fighting for the rights of us black folks here in A-merry-ca, and you will have "me at hello" every time. I wonder who came up with this idea to become more Negro and woman friendly? Well, whoever it was, I have to give it to them, it sure is working with me.
Forget what turncoat republican, Lindsey Graham, said; calling the republicans a party of "angry white guys, this new and improved web site sure doesn't say angry white men to me. In fact, I see quite a few black republican heroes. Fredrick Douglas? Joseph Rainey? Wow! Color me impressed. I guess you learn something new every day. So you lose Graham, but you get the field. Isn't that a nice trade off?
Thank you hip hop Mike. Now where do I sign up?
*Pic courtesy of stringdistro.com
I'm only posting to put you on to some news, so I'll just briefly mention that Michael Steel is an asshole, a modern, more cynical Uncle Tom, and move on.
Have you heard about this?
Or, this?
I think most black Republicans probably look like UnconFeedbag -- white, shiny and all plastic looking. I guess that's what happens you you live in the Big House.
Granny--> giving major eye rollage and yawning.
All of the black people on that website either:
A.) been dead a hundred years
B.) were "Rockefeller Republicans" which have officially been declared extinct in the wild.
BTW...where the hell is Armstrong Williams? Uncle Clarence? Don't they get a shout out?
Aaaah the gold old days, when the Republican Party was actually AGAINST slavery...
They were against it before they were for it. Feckin' flip-floppers. /snark
Can one of you tell the GOP that the days of slavery are long gone? No seriously, somebody tell them that it's not cool for White folks to run around claiming ownership of Black people anymore. I'm not sure if America having its first Black president has anything to do with it entirely, but I'm willing to bet a smidgen of it does.
According to the site Jackie Robinson was a “Great Republican” who campaigned for Richard Nixon's presidential campaign in 1960. Oh, and let’s not forget that in 1964, he also supported New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller's campaign. He did both, but according to his autobiography “Jackie Robinson: A Biography,” by Arnold Rampersad, Jackie Robinson identified himself politically as a “registered independent”.
But hey, that's revisionist history for you. If Jackie Robinson was a “Great Republican Hero”, can you imagine what they'll be saying about George W. Bush in about another 50yrs from now? The irony of Robinson’s description of the party is that there isn't that much difference strategically by the GOP of today. They are as divisive now as they were back then, and they play on the further polarization of the nation for political expediency.
Color me impressed.
Oh boy, there's a lot going on with this website, particularly Michael Steele's blog, originally titled "What Up," but later changed to "Change the Game" after a flury of ridicule. I did my best to add my own take on the situation: http://socialsciencelite.blogspot.com/2009/10/what-up.html
"Trillions in new spending"???
On what? Another idiotic invasion?
I doubt it will be something useful.
You people are soooo cynical and mean spirited.
"Aaaah the gold old days, when the Republican Party was actually AGAINST slavery..."
OK Ernesto, that was funny. But did the website move of you at all?
Chicago, IL City council 49 of 50 Aldermen - DEMOCRATS
Philadelphia PA City Council 14 of 17 Democrats
Atlanta GA - Officially Non-Partisan - though 100% Democrat
Baltimore DC City Council - 100% Democrat
Washington DC Council - All Democrat except 1 GOP and 1 Independent
New York NY - Of 54 city council - 47 Democrats, 2 Republicans, 2 Independents - 1 "Family First Party"
Milwaukee WI - 100% Democrat
Memphis TN - 100% Democrat
Filled Negro - it seems to me that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY NEEDS YOU to remain intact.
Just IMAGINE if your board stopped having Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers FOCUSED UPON REPUBLICANS each and every day!!! They might slip up and start focusing on getting the DEMOCRATS THAT CONTROL THE PLACES WHERE THEY LIVE to stop FAILING THEIR INTERESTS.
I think we already know what kind of Mike is. When are we gonna see what kind of guy Obama is? Or have we already see it? Do we have a party of wing nut on one side and a party of pussies on the other? I think we do.
Dear Mr. Field,
You're kidding, right?
Wow! Talk about trying hard.
I think you pegged them wrong all this time. They really really really care about us, Field. I've never seen so many negros on one Repub site before. I'll go sign up right now, I'm sold! C'mon, you can't say they aren't being sincere. The site even has a watermelon color to it.
Can't please you blacks.
(btw, do hey have a picture of CF on the site too? He's such a hard worker :)
Damn field...
You mailing it in tonight or you doing blow with Mercury Morris?
Okay, Field, when you sign up, I will too.
Meanwhile, I think you're being wildly sarcastic and funnier than %^#$. :-)
In their church of latter day saints, where is the likes of Fannie Lou Hamer.
Edward Brooks gets two tiny paragraphs, no mention of his civil rights accomplishments.
Okaaaaay, let's see so far the GOP has offered fried chicken, hip hop and bling bling, now they're offering black faces. So, let me guess... I got it! Next, they'll offer blunts, crack pipes, free get out of jail cards, and condoms.
History Dude said...
"I think we already know what kind of Mike is. When are we gonna see what kind of guy Obama is?"
If you're waiting for Obama to walk on water, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
The GOP's Web page is another Republican tactic to divert attention: They wish to give the impression of doing something, and standing for something, without actually doing anything, or standing for anything.
These days Republicans define themselves by being against, not for.
They're against Democrats, liberalism, and President Obama.
If the president stated that he prefers his steaks rare, PETA's numbers would swell over night.
[un]constructive on and mr. r, why the animus? See, this is why your tent is so small. Us "colored" folks try to sign up with you and look at how you diss us. :(
It's no wonder folks like SueCitySue think that I am snorting some of Mercury's stuff.
The sad thing is that at one time I thought that Mike Steele would be the sort of black Republican who could attract a significant number of African-Americans into the GOP tent..
I went to a couple of his campaign rallies in Maryland when he ran for the Senate in 2006 and he sounded reasonable. Willing to acknowledge GOP race baiting and how it must change (in front of black audiences anyway).
But he sold his soul to the devil for this RNC Chairmanship.
He knows that a black Republican can't get elected to significant office so he'll have to grin and coon to keep his political appointment.
BTW Field, I watched Stephen A. Smith and that disgusting ass-kissing fool Michael Myers on Hannity last night.
Almost made me ashamed to be a black man.
I like how Michael Steele looks like Humpty Hump...
And don't tell me y'all Nigg-ahs don't know who Digital Underground is... Shit, I'm more Black than most y'all.
Humpty had more talent in his big pickle nose, I mean little finger, than Michael Molester, I mean Jackson, had in his fake nose...
I bet y'all don't even know how to play dominoes...
So what is it that you really want?
Are all Republicans bad forever no matter what? Should they always be held in suspicion evermore no matter how much they reach out to be inclusive? Is your hatred and total distrust for Republicans that deep and unyielding? Are we as a people that unforgiving an angry? Is compromise always something that reduces us to "Tom" or "House Negro" status? Are the democrats really so kind and good to the black folks or are we merely their programmed pathetic proxy? Is government dependency and control really good for Americans of any color? White folks seem to be most concerned over government controlling every aspect of their lives but it seems we black folks ought to be the ones fighting against being controlled by others. Do you really believe that blacks are so inferior that we need to be taken care of by the government? We're better than that.
I call bullshit on hate for the sake of hate..ironic that you condemn Rush.
[quote]The GOP's Web page is another Republican tactic to divert attention:[/quote]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Black Disapora:
I was scrolling down the posts with the intention of telling my good Jamaican friend Filled Negro about my new "Black Progressive-Fundamentalist Don't Matter" (Media Matters) project.
I laughed as YOU SAID that the GOP is running a DIVERSION. Filled Negro, Afrospear and the entire Black Progressive Establishment KNOW NOTHING ELSE BUT how to "Run Diversions".
Not that YOU would notice, Black Disapora but the majority of Filled Negroes' posts are and effort to get gullible Negroes like yourself to FOCUS ON CONSERVATIVES. All the while you are made to look away from the PEOPLE WHO ARE RUNNING THE KEY INSTITUTIONS IN YOUR COMMUNITY which are failing you.
I was stunned that YOU articulated the GOP diversion. (As much as you all call me a Republican - I have never gone to this new web site that you all are so enamored with. IT IS IRRELEVANT). There are NO REPUBLICANS controlling any INSTITUTIONAL ELEMENT where Black people have large population numbers (above 35% of the voting base).
Thus I plan to keep a numerical count of Filled Negro's message threads and document them just as he does the MURDER COUNT in Philly. Philadelphia the 85% Democratic city that proves to be so deadly for Black people yet so SAFE for the establishment figures that run the place.
Stay tuned with more details about my analysis. My draft categorization list is:
* A Story That Focuses On Republicans
* A Story That Focuses On Problems In The Black Community
* A Story That Is Critical Of The Democrats
(The last one must be qualified. Not CRITICISM with the goal of DRAWING THEM LEFTWARD. I am speaking of abject scrutiny of their present position AND details of why THE LEFTIST position in is better.
As far as I am concerned the MODERN DAY BLACK COMMUNITY is evidence of THE HANDIWORK OF LEFTIST THOUGHT. They successfully keep us UNIFIED at the LEFT. Clearly THIS WAS THEIR GOAL.
They sold us on the notion that by doing so OUR PROBLEMS WOULD BE SOLVED.
Clearly this was NOT THE CASE.
There is no question that Field-Negro, Black Diaspora, Granny, Monie, WhiteBowieSteve, Tersi, LaIncogNegro and others are SOLD OUT on behalf of the Democratic Party and Progressivism and out of alignment with the PROVABLE Black Best Interests. The problem is that THIS IS A POPULAR position to be SOLD OUT IN. Thus they are not going to be attack.
The Black people who usually do the attacking are STANDING RIGHT BESIDE THEM.
"Should they always be held in suspicion evermore no matter how much they reach out to be inclusive?"
Reaching out to blacks by offering buckets of chicken and playing hiphop?
Sounds condescending at the very least.
"Is your hatred and total distrust for Republicans that deep and unyielding?"
Pretty much. For obvious reasons.
Name a black Republican elected official.
"Are we as a people that unforgiving an angry?"
Hey, we're not the ones bringing loaded guns to opponents public appearances.
"Is compromise always something that reduces us to "Tom" or "House Negro" status?"
Compromise????? ROTFLMBAO!!!!
So far ONE Republican has supported President Obama's healthcare reform plan.
The GOP has taken the position of reflexive opposing every initiative from the Obama administration.
What you seem to want is for black folks to adopt the Steele position vis-a-vis the GOP.
Bend over and grin widely.
"Are the democrats really so kind and good to the black folks or are we merely their programmed pathetic proxy?"
Is that why the leader of the Dems as well as the leader of the free world is a black man?
And a black Republican can't get elected sewer commissioner.
"Do you really believe that blacks are so inferior that we need to be taken care of by the government?"
See, stupid shit like this is what makes most blacks believe that people like you are foot shufflin, head scratchin Toms doing the bidding of white racists.
How dare you.
BTW, anonymous posters are pussies.
Oh field (sob*) they almost got me man. I was about to bite the watermelon and sip the "self-haterade" and become a mindless house negro.But i snapped out of that crap right quick because i am a field negro and this field negro can read. So allow me to drop some knowledge on you.
Now on the site they show a black republican (an oxymoron if there ever was one) Octavius Catto who was instrumental in ratification of the 15th Amendment ( which states inter alia right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude)in Pennsylvania and was killed by a democrat crony because of it. Now what the website fails to mention is that the amendment meant nothing and that it took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (almost a century later) passed by Democratic President pushed by the democratic party (inspite of dixie dems) to truly give black people the right to vote.
Therefore if it were not for dems great "black republicans" (gag* vomit) like Jackie Robinson and the plethora of house negroes(including hip hop Mike) would be relegated to campaigning(their souls away)for the republiklan party but would not be able to vote for its candidate.
If the Republican party wants blacks to understand what the party stands for they should add this little tidbit to their site : the states that are considered "red states" as we know them were actually blue democratic states. They became red states after...drum roll please...the Civil Rights Act of 1964.So that is why after 1964 you had that long run of republiklan presidents. Its known in political science studies as the "Conservative Backlash" or as i like call it "The Racist Bitch Slap".
Yo field thanks for the big up on the previous post. It meant a lot.
John Crow
[quote]Okaaaaay, let's see so far the GOP has offered fried chicken, hip hop and bling bling, now they're offering black faces.[/quote]
Actually Granny this is what many BLACK PARENT/TEACHER groups MUST OFFER BLACK PARENTS to get them to come out and focus on their kids.
(Granny = YOU are a motivating force for me. YOU justify the maintenance of my video library that I have entitled "What Is Making Black People Cry On The Evening News Today?".
Without such proof YOU will still be focusing on our ENEMY from "Back in the Day" when YOU wuz born.
See here- Chicago Public Schools:
The Parents:
The Teachers and Students
The new Obama EDU Secretary got PROMOTED despite the 87% Black and Hispanic School population having a 55.1% graduation rate. YOU ALL WERE MADE PROUD that the MACHINE that controls Chicago now is in the White House.
If you're waiting for Obama to walk on water, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
I'm waiting for him to grow a pair-not walk on water.
WhiteBowieSteve asks:
Name a black Republican elected official.
ANSWER: There are FEW!!!!
BUT if WhiteBowieSteve was more intellectually curious he would note that:
* The BLACK COMMUNITY is biased toward a certain ideology. Thus they have REPUDIATED the Black Conservative and the portion of us who are Republicans. (I am not)
* Steve would then do some INSPECTION of the PREVAILING IDEOLOGY that is in control of BLACK AMERICA - PROGRESSIVISM!!!!!!!
* The ABSENCE OF BLACK CONSERVATIVES in power means that BLACK PROGRESSIVES are in power!!!
* Steve would then note that DESPITE THEIR POWER - there are STILL massive grievances WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY.
* He would then frame the question into the metaphor of a DRUG:
Your more than 50 years the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser political establishment has SOLD US ON A DRUG COCKTAIL. They told us that THE OTHER DRUG would KILL US via KIDNEY DAMAGE. They told us that THEIR DRUG, if taken in high dosages WOULD CURE US OF WHAT AILS US.
Sold out Kneegrows like STEVE have NO INTENTION to step back and make the CHALLENGE In the name of BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS:
"YOU SOLD US on the promise that IF WE TOOK THE DRUG YOU GAVE US IN 2 YEAR QUANTITIES on each election day that WE WOULD BE HEALED AS A COMMUNITY. Now I see a bunch of ADDICTS yet the fundamental AILMENTS that were to be curred are STILL PRESENT:
* Education Problems In Our Community
* Crime Problems in our Community
* Labor and Productivity Problems
* Health Outcome Problems
They would begin to see that in HELPING AN EXTERNAL FORCE to grow in POWER they MAY HAVE indeed been helping forces that they favor grow in power. They have FAILED, however to obtain that which they were SOLD as the fix.
They would then GO and seek out the CONFIDENCE MEN who made the deal with this external entity. Who was the "DEMOCRAT who is BLACK" that worked as an embedded agent within our community to bring forth this day?
(Ron Walters, Ron Daniels, Jesse Jackson, Donna Brazille, the late Ron Brown, Al Sharpton, John Conyers, etc)
IF WhiteBowieSteve was more Black Conscious he would see that HE HAS BEEN USED. As long as he allows these forces to tap his HATRED for conservatives they are going to keep getting what they want just like a brother making a 12 midnight booty call.
It is time for CONSCIOUS Black America to say what all straight brother HATE to hear a woman that they have been dating say:
"I am sorry but WE JUST CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS. We need to change the terms of our relationship."
The PLAYER knows that he has NOTHING BUT TIME and "Friends With Benefits" on his side.
The FEMALE know that she in on a biological CLOCK and has more to lose by playing to HIS TERMS.
Sadly Steve and Filled Negro are HOES and they don't think about these type of things.
They have done everything necessary to "open the community's collective legs".
uptownsteve said...
Name a black Republican elected official.
Representative Pearl Burris-Floyd
"Are we as a people that unforgiving an angry?"
Hey, we're not the ones bringing loaded guns to opponents public appearances.
But you are the ones that turned the streets of this country into war zones.
How would things change in urban America for blacks if we elected conservatives?
Please answer the question.
BTW, I and many other blacks don't live in violence plagued ghettoes but clean safe prospering communities and our elected officials are black Democrats.
Just figured I let you know that.
"Representative Pearl Burris-Floyd"
A NC assemblywoman.
Well that's a start.
History Dude said...
If you're waiting for Obama to walk on water, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
I'm waiting for him to grow a pair-not walk on water.
Your black God is nothing more than a uncle tom.Get over it.
Mr. R.
Don't hate.
You've still got Sarah Palin.
The patron saint of inbred 'necks.
uptownsteve said...
BTW, I and many other blacks don't live in violence plagued ghettoes but clean safe prospering communities and our elected officials are black Democrats.
So you go marry a white woman,move to a clean safe prospering community.Doesn't that make you a uncle tom? Or do you pretend to be a field negro in order to hide your wannabe whiteness?
The U.S. is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the U.S. He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry.
But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zimbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the
amount of money that can be taken out of the country.
I love America, I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny. One merely has to look at "Rules for Radicals" to see what is coming next.
When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won't just be us gun owners or Flat-Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You'll be right there next to us.
You all think the Conservatives are "wingnuts". You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. You thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will change for the better. You'll have more rights, a better house, a bigger big screen television etc. After all,your high school football team won and the other team lost - go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov 4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as "politics as usual--the same old stuff". In
the end, it'll all be OK won't it? Not this time.
There are a growing number of citizens in the US that are ready to fight to shut down the government's grab of personal freedom, it's blatant abuse of
the constitution, and it's attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there.
As for you, why, you'll be shocked because you didn't see it coming. And eventually you'll be saddened when you see that what we have truly lost is the way of life freedom brings. You'll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you'll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.
We can't afford to negotiate with terrorists. Sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it -- get ready. It will happen. When that event happens, whatever "it" is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.
Anonymous - You are making a strategic mistake with your engagement of WhiteBowieSteve.
[quote]How would things change in urban America for blacks if we elected conservatives?[/quote]
I struggle deep down to UNDERSTAND YOUR QUESTION.
Here we stand as a Black community with near 100% CONTROL BY Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundemtalist Racism Chasers - JUST AS THE POPULOUS OF BLACKS HAVE DEMANDED.
YET - WhiteBowieSteve - instead of SELLING ME ON THE BENEFITS of what he and other Sold Out Blacks have worked for ASKS ME THE DAMNED QUESTION: "YOU TELL ME how things would have been better had we gone another way".
YOU sold us AFFIRMATIVELY on a starting line up and now YOU ASK ME to PROVE that the perspective players who WERE CUT FROM THE TEAM would have lead us to a championship.
THE TRUTH IS Steve - THOSE WHO MADE THE 'hiring decisions' are the one's who need to be SCRUTINIZED.
I mean this when I say this: I DO NOT BLAME THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. I ultimately CAN'T blame the Sold out Black establishment.
IT IS THE ENTIRETY OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY who must accept the blame. NOTHING has been done to REPUDIATE those who have lead us along yet failed our PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Just as the various African nations with a strong man in charge - the lack of TRANSPARENCY has meant that those with POWER have refused to yield to a management order in which they would be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their deliveries.
Thus - I must painfully concluded that "THE BLACK COMMUNITY HAS DONE EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO DELIVER THE RESULTS THAT WE NOW SEE IN OUR COMMUNITIES. If we continue along this course - TOMORROW will look the same. Except America will be more financially weakened AND the Hispanic population will be another force vying for resources.".
At least the DEMOCRATIC PARTY WILL BE THE DOMINATE PARTY - just as it is in:
New York
New Orleans
IN AS MUCH as YOUR GOAL is to have them retain their POWER - you will just have to content yourself that YOUR PERMANENT INTERESTS have not been addressed.
(Field Negro - at the end of the day man - I am not mad at you. "Republican Chum" thrown in the water is an effective diversion for the Black masses. It is NOT YOUR FAULT it is our people's fault for falling for your antics each time. They hate Republicans and the metaphor of "White Supremacy" that it represents MORE THAN they LOVE their own PERMANENT INTERESTS".
Next time a Black person in Philly gets killed (likely on Friday night) you only need to throw up a Republican story to make your followers feel better)
[quote]BTW, I and many other blacks don't live in violence plagued ghettoes but clean safe prospering communities and our elected officials are black Democrats.[/quote]
YOU have the damned mind of a 18 year old!!!
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT WHERE YOU LIVE!!!! You are in the "Talented 10th"
We are talking about the "INFERIORIZED 90%" who, despite voting the same way that YOU do - don't have these same benefits that you do.
"IT IS THE ENTIRETY OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY who must accept the blame. NOTHING has been done to REPUDIATE those who have lead us along yet failed our PERMANENT INTERESTS."
So you're saying black people were better off 50 years ago when we had no rights a white person was bound to respect?
When over 60% of us were in poverty?
When over half of us were illiterate?
When the ghettoes were pretty much the way they are today except the black middle class was one-fourth the size it is presently?
Face it CF, you're just a buckdancing shill for white racists.
You cannot acknowledge the tremendous and obvious success of black American over the last 50 years because it blows your argument out of the water.
"Everything has gone to hell with negroes since we gave them their freedom."
That's the message of the white conservative.
And you shuffle right along to it.
"Next, they'll offer blunts, crack pipes, free get out of jail cards, and condoms. "
You killed me with that one. Yeah, that was my laugh for the morning and I'm much obliged. Lets hope that Michael Steele doesn't read your response and decides to follow suit.
You can reply with a pseudonym and still remain anonymous. It would make it easier to reply too, that is, if you want responses.
anon 11:48 I think
When in the beginning of your comment, you state the "Constitution is in shreds," why would you think that we wouldn't suspect wingnuttery.
"You can reply with a pseudonym and still remain anonymous. "
Hathor, I agree, and I could never understand why some people still post as anons.
That was precisely my point....and soon enough the victim card will be the final nail in our collective caskets.
well if the G'NO'P wants to get new 'faces' theyre going to have to try a little harder, yo.
just check out 'gop faces' banner as you surf the the epic pathetic-ness! LOL
no wait..LMAO!! whos the future of the G'NO'P..YOU!!!
just check out the 'future leaders' page
Anon 1:20,
and there is no doubt who will be hammering in the final coffin nail.....the Azz Scratchin' Fool himself, upsidedownboy. I can hear the boy's cries now: "Massa Obama, Massa Obama I be yo shufflin' minstrel negro puleessse save me oh holy one!"......as the lid closes and steviewonderless is heard from nevermore.
Why do you hate being black so much?
Were you picked on a lot as a child?
I find it very sad.
upsidedownboy hereinafter referred to as potheadstevie,
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! OMGNP!
Joe Jackson ain't got shit on your baby daddy.
BTW, tell your white kin folk it's time for another one of yo azz whuppin's 'cause you've been a bad boy of late.
Answer the question dude.
What happened to you in your life to make you hate your own reflection in the mirror and the people who raised you?
Are you real darkskinned and kids used to call you "midnight"?
Oh, one more question.
If you could nominate one person, any person, for President of the USA who would it be?
@Anon, 11:48 am:
1) Venezuela's inflation != Zimbabwe's inflation. As a hint, Zimbabwe no longer has a usable currency of their own.
2) I wish the federal government would take over more; propping these things up with little or no accountability seems rather stupid economically.
3) I like the idea of a flat tax. Of course, I'm thinking of around 65%, with the sole exception being the first living wage (for a family)$ - which is not what most proponents mean - but I like the concept.
4) Most of us, including some of the detractors on this site, are still politically involved. That's why we frequent sites like this one :)
5) I don't think that most conservatives are "wingnuts". Many of them honestly think that conservative policies are better for them, their family and/or their country. Some of them are even right (at least about themselves and/or their family) - for example, if you're rich, getting fewer services for lower taxes is often a pretty good deal - at least in the immediate, short term.
6) Neither political party has a monopoly on God... that's more the purview of religions :)
7) I'm glad that you're for Civil Liberties. May I suggest helping out the conservative organization called the ACLU, who has consistently opposed the removal of privacy and reducing our rights for nearly a century? Just because many of these policies happened to be originally implemented under prior presidents dosen't mean they shouldn't be opposed now.
8) Socialism is an economic system, not a political system.
9) I'm curious as to your definition of "terrorist". It dosen't seem to match any definition I'm aware of.
I love your columns but, I have to stop coming here. Your comment section has become an absolutely disgusting free-for-all where previous intellectual discourse has turned into a wrestling match befitting the lowest common denominator. The cracka ass hatermongers and the negro self haters have many other places to congregate and yet, they choose this place and it's allowed. I'll always love ya, Field but I gotta go.
As my previous statement was slightly inaccurate, I figure I should correct it.
The Zimbabwean dollar's current status is suspended, and the most recent estimate on its inflation rate was 6.5 × 10^108% (Forbes Asia, 22 Dec 08). Yes, that's 65 million google-fold inflation.
Whoops... that's 6.5 million google, not 65 million google...
Your remarks are revealing. It sounds like you might have been the black sheep of your family. Be proud of your blackness fool, that ain't what this is about.
I'm going with your boy George Soros as POTUS 45. Then we can turn out the lights 'cause the party will be over.
Zimbel your analysis was a satire, correct?
C'mon Xi
I'm not the one calling Obama a Nazi and ranting how racist black people are and what failures we are as a people.
That's YOU.
You're actually offended by a black man as leader of the free world, aren't you?
You'd probably accept an invite to a lynching and be to stupid to realize you were going to be the main event.
Obama being a Nazi and an ignorant vocal group of black folks like you spewing hate and anger based on skin pigment does not denounce black culture generally it merely recognizes the bad apples in the bushel that need culling.
Your cavalier reference to the atrocity of lynchings is offensive and off base as are your rants generally. Ms. Banks was accurate in her assessment denouncing your limited intellect when she referenced your proclivity to bait rather than debate.
I asked you very legitimate questions which you are obviously avoiding.
I challenge you to produce any statement from me that would suggest that I hate white or anything approaching the bile you've directed at your fellow blacks.
"Ms. Banks was accurate in her assessment denouncing your limited intellect when she referenced your proclivity to bait rather than debate."
I like AB but the general consensus around these parts is that she's slightly off kilter.
And don't EVEN try to play victim now after you stalked for two days.
Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash.
CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK: I know where you are coming from, you are speaking of BLACK POWER in our COMMUNITY'S! in other word's why can't we just get it together as a people? why are we allowing Democratic Politician's to use us for their own SELF GAIN?
Now, I will admit, you are a very Intelligent Black man! so it's good to know, YOU are out their OBSERVING!! our people are not limited to the AL SHARPTON mindset of (in your FACE RACIST!!!! we are going to bring you down)!! but,a SEGMENT of our people have chose to INVADE the POLITICAL SYSTEM! they have decided it is best to FIGHT within the SYSTEM!!!
CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, you announce your FREEDOM as a BLACK MAN in your writing, for this tell's me you will not follow the CROWD just CAUSE they are BLACK! this show's your INDIVIDUALISM! in other word's you sit back and asses the situation before you make a move!
Now, we have BLACK MEN such as yourself that want our people to BREAK FREE of the so called (SLAVE MENTALITY)! you look at the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as being the (MASSA)when it come's to BLACK'S that vote DEMOCRATIC! it was a time that our people could not VOTE at all!!!!
So then, we have the REPUBLICAN PARTY! most BLACK'S in this PARTY speak of BLACK LIBERATION!!! they speak of BLACK PEOPLE breaking FREE of the (forever HANDOUT'S that MASSA has forever given our people) that being the Government! that being, CRUMB'S from the MASTER'S TABLE! that being, insufficient RESPECT as a people! so what they are saying is (it's TIME for our people to STAND on our own TWO FEET! without the ASSISTANCE of (MASSA)!!!
Are Black REPUBLICAN'S in error of this MINDSET? do they have the best interest of their people in mind? are they FIGHTING along with AL SHARTON! JESSIE JACKSON! and all the other BLACK LIBERATOR'S in AMERICA? are they all fighting for a COMMON GOAL? I say(YES)!!
For when it is all (SAID) and done, we are a (Unit) of people pulled together in SPITE of our INDIVIDUALISM! we may stray away from OUR (UNIT) but, we will find a way home!!!!
For if we were to pay close ATTENTION, we will see that, CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK cannot stay away from the (UNIT) too LONG, in SPITE of his (MINDSET)!!!
1. You demonstrate a tendency to overgeneralize and stereotype which leads you to act irrationally and draw conclusions not supported be the facts.
2. You greatly overestimate your relevance and authority while underestimating your adversaries.
3. Impugning the character of another does not elevate your own.
4. Notwithstanding my many flaws, I do not have a crippling chip on my shoulder like you that requires victim card poker on every issue.
5. I'm good for walking the walk and offer no excuses.
6. I don't live on your plantation and you ain't my Mr. Charley....so when you can engage in a rationale fact based debate on the issues I'm ready to rock and roll; until then you need to man up and stop showing your azz.
Just letting you know about a new 2 Hour Feature Length documentary called: MAAFA21 that you may find VERY interesting! It exposes Black Genocide in 21st Century America-Today! 2 Minute Preview here: www.maafa21.com
@Anonymous 3:24 PM
Well, to be honest, I'm not certain about (#3); it might make things worse for some people (between the living wage and the beginning of the top current tax bracket). One advantage of having a progressive tax system is that up to the top bracket, it's more efficient for a company to spend down-bracket. Thinking about it, there's an inefficiency in the tax code that there are brackets instead of a relatively continuous curve. However, my point that I think that those of us that make a high income are undertaxed and that those with lower incomes are overtaxed I'm happy to stand behind. I'd be more than happy to take the disadvantages of a flat tax in exchange.
"In less than 8 months Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the U.S."
Well actually, he bailed them out with our tax money because they were deemed "too big to fail". Are you not paying attention to how our economy works? Quick explanation: greed is good except too much greed causes some companies too fail. However, all is not lost because some of those companies will be SO GODDAMNED GREEDY that they will have gotten big enough to be saved by your tax dollars. Get it now?
I just visited the Republican's forum, and under health, there is a post about our African American hero's, here is just one snippet:
"John Franklin (10/14/2009)Why would we want those people in our party. We would just end up supporting them here as well.
And this ladies and Gentlemen is why Michael Steele exists!"
the next page has a big post all about defending Rush Limbaugh.
Under economy, somebody links to a cartoon that is supposed to be the best book ever written, the cartoon has men living on a desert island dressed in tarzan suits, using fish as an example of savings and capital.
[quote]Okaaaaay, let's see so far the GOP has offered fried chicken, hip hop and bling bling, now they're offering black faces.[/quote]
Actually Granny this is what many BLACK PARENT/TEACHER groups MUST OFFER BLACK PARENTS to get them to come out and focus on their kids.
Gee you are right Constructive cases like Columbine High School,Santana High School,and Landstown High School where the black parents were oblivious to the fact that their kids were building bombs in the basement, acquiring assault rifles, and bullet proof vests proves your point.Yep the vile negligence shown by these black parents resulted in the death of several innocent people in the first two instances.If only these damn black parents had focused their kids.
why is it when black kids do stuff its the parents(and as parents its rightly their responsibility). But when white kids with "problems" go postal they are portrayed as victims influenced either video games or bad music; while the negligence of the kids' parents are ignored.In any case the fact that some black parents(and white ones too) fail in their responsibility it is intellectually deficient to the infer that all black parents are irresponsible. In any case the statement was stupid. BTW not all black people love chicken.I prefer sprat fish and festival myself.
YOU have the damned mind of a 18 year old!!!
Interesting statement coming from someone who right after assigned a statistical break down to qualitative constructs. The social sciences are largely based on the examination qualitative variables. Qualitative variables cannot be measured ie the you cannot assign quantitative (read numerical) values to such variables. You see "talented" and "inferiorized" are qualitative constructs yet you assigned quantitative values to both. DUDE YOU CANNOT DO THAT!!! BTW my sister knows this, and she is a black 14 year old high school student.
I know what your going to say "but i put them in quotation marks".(sigh*) I understand this is an opinion blog, but if you going to have a name like Constructive Feedback i will not allow you to make frivolous statements (also factually and intellectual wrong and ignoring all understood academic principles) passing it off as a constructive critique.It might be just a blog that does not exclude having educated discourse where everyone can learn something.
John Crow
Sorry for grammatical mistakes in my last post people.
John Crow
"why is it when black kids do stuff its the parents(and as parents its rightly their responsibility). But when white kids with "problems" go postal they are portrayed as victims influenced either video games or bad music; while the negligence of the kids' parents are ignored."
Where are you getting your qualitative and quantitative information from? And why are you dodging the fact that black parents need to take responsibility for their kids, whether Whites do it or not?
And you prefer sprat fish and festival to fried chicken? Well, I prefer filet mignon to fried chicken.
Quantifying the number of Jim Crow's who prefer sprat fish to chicken, I guesstimate that it is only "1". That means you aren't to be trusted as a black person and have no idea what's happening in the BC.
Our Black kids need a lot of help in education and protection, so your white Columbine comparisons means nothing...notta.
Ernesto- "Well actually, he bailed them out with our tax money because they were deemed "too big to fail". Are you not paying attention to how our economy works? Quick explanation: greed is good except too much greed causes some companies too fail. However, all is not lost because some of those companies will be SO GODDAMNED GREEDY that they will have gotten big enough to be saved by your tax dollars. Get it now?"
That is a beautiful explanation of capitalism at work.
Frank "Shit, I'm more Black than most y'all.
Humpty had more talent in his big pickle nose, I mean little finger, than Michael Molester, I mean Jackson, had in his fake nose...
I bet y'all don't even know how to play dominoes..."
I always felt that you had some black blood in you, bro.
ditto and thanks
when moronic house niggers like us call me crazy
i wear that slur like a badge of honor
the day that house niggers "generally" stop calling me crazy,
it the day that i have sold out
which will NEVER happen...
every s/hero i have ever loved has been called insane and crazy etc
from harriet to malcolm, i am in great rebel "crazy" company
every person in amerikkka who has EVER told the truth or accomplished any single revolutionary act has been called crazy
i have enjoyed reading this debate today
as always,us and li/kola contributed nothing valid to it
and i stand by ALL of my righteous claims about all politicos...
there is ONE elitist agenda, irrespective of the meaningless label of dem or rethug...
the lesser of 2 evils is STILL evil, and ALL unchecked evil simply becomes more evil
obama/gwb 2.0 has made that fact more evident than ever
everyone paying attn can see that clearly...keep watching
the MOST evil is yet to come...
Republicans and Democrats are the same people being paid for by the same international elitists. Both are destroying America as we know/remember it and not for the better. Both parties believe in the Big Willie Lynch policy divide and conquer.
I don't live in Chicago nor do I live in Philly. I live in California and us folks in my city were doing fine until a REPUBLICAN governor got elected. We used to be one of the richest states in the USA until your REPUBLICAN governor took the rein.
One thing I can say about Republican leadership is that they sure do know how to bring a state down to poverty status. Must be the money, huh? That they love to pass out to their corporation gods.
The only good thing is that he won't be back when his time is up and "I'll be back" will not be missed.
BTW, if I motivated you, you wouldn't be cheerleading for the wrong team. You know a thought just came to me regarding you and Frank. Both of you should trade bodies because apparently he takes more pride in being black than you do.
Frank, I remember Digital Underground's hit "My Name Is Humpty' it had a nice beat to it. Frank I told you that you a black man in a white man's body. Next you'll be telling us you liked Tupac's, "I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto". Frank go away and confess, it's good for the soul.
I forgot to add under Arnold, we practically don't have an education system in California. Arnold has just about put the finishing touches to dismantling it with his cuts.
ANON said :
Quantifying the number of Jim Crow's who prefer sprat fish to chicken, I guesstimate that it is only "1". That means you aren't to be trusted as a black person and have no idea what's happening in the BC.
So i am not qualified to speak on black issues because i don't overindulge in fried chicken.ROFL... brother that is CLASSIC. Well i guess we are both unqualified since
you prefer...filet mignon (snooty voice*). Well excuuuse me...LMAO.
Thanks bro next time i buck a black republican i will apply your fried chicken test to see whether they are qualified to speak on black issues or not.
Man dammit now my face hurts...well that is a price worth paying for a good laugh. Thanks bro you brightened my day.
P.S. Oh and i like the play on words Jim Crow as opposed to John Crow. Awwww that is so cute. Did you come up with that one by yourself?...LMAO
John Crow
John Crow "Man dammit now my face hurts...well that is a price worth paying for a good laugh. Thanks bro you brightened my day.
P.S. Oh and i like the play on words Jim Crow as opposed to John Crow. Awwww that is so cute. Did you come up with that one by yourself?...LMAO"
I am glad I made your day. During these hard times I like to make a lost brother on sprat fish laugh.
And yes, I came up with the play on words all by myself. You made it easy.
ANON...c'mon son don't stalk.Okay so i am card carrying field negro and proud of it. Now what does that mean? Does that mean i hate white people? Does that mean i blame whites for all the ills of black people? The answer is no. It means i take pride in my race. I literally LOVE THAT I AM BLACK. It means that despite often times being misinformed (and thats a polite term) and in most cases never been told at all.I know that my race as contributed significantly to all fields of endeavors whether it be the sciences or the arts. In fact if were not for the achievements and breakthroughs by black pioneers the world would pretty backward place today. Listen don't be caught up in the thinking that black confidence is equatable to black supremacy.It will lead to an identity crisis and eventually self hate.
WTF now i sounding like Dr. Phil. ANON brother (i mean that sincerely) i have no animosity. The larger issues that are facing blacks worldwide are too great for me to allow myself to divert energy hating another black person.
N.B. I assuming you are black if you are not my bad.My comments still stand.
John Crow
John Crow
Great Post.
Ernesto et al,
Capitalism 101:
Think of Darwinism as a simple analogy. Survival of the fittest. Government bailouts are the antithesis of a free market capitalistic system, my economic neophyte.
The doom and gloom scare tactics by your boy Obama were bullshit and fooled only the weak drama mamas. Rather than use Bush's one world order playbook, Obama was supposed to be an agent of change. The only change was in the melanin category when it came to economic policies. My God the financial sector has made record profits even after repaying the TARP funds with interest. So the near collapse of the financial sector ought to be hard for even you to swallow. Regardless, free market capitalism would preclude such government intervention. Capitalism would call for the weak companies, irrespective of size, to be gobbled up by the private sector and thrive or be re-gobbled etc. Dumbing everything down to the lowest common denominator except for the bureaucratic self anointed elites of government is the socialistic state you admire. As for condemnation of Capitalism as greedy....c'mon brother what system of government does not focus on greed? Socialism just rewards the high level government folks rather than the corporations but at least with the free market we all have a chance for the golden ring not just the government politburo which precludes the common folk from exceeding mediocrity? BTW, name a socialist country with a higher standard of living than the USA. And then tell me why everyone seems to be flocking to our greedy hell hole and not there. Didn't think so.
John Crow,
Quack quack...I'm not a duck.
as Obama the elitist idiot continues his campaign against the poor, we can expect a new proposal: just as the solution to the problem of the poor not having health insurance is to pass a law forcing them to buy it, we can look forward to a solution for unemployment - a law to tell the unemployed to get jobs or they'll be put in jail.
estimated IQs here:
Xi: ~125
steve: ~99
granny: <80
field: well, field... let's just say that *nobody* would ever want you in the house. So naturally you're resentful and you spend your life demanding special privileges that you never deserve.
You have, though, proudly adopted the defense strategy of the true ignoramus: you ignore all opposing opinion and all criticism. So you'll be fine emotionally, nestled in your inner world of hate. Just keep blaming whitey for everything.
Lindsey Graham is as gay as can be. Everybody knows that, including Field, who seems to have a special attraction/affinity for gays. Maybe Field used to try to hook up with white gays in college, and when they rejected him, Field then embarked on his lifelong hatred of white people? That could explain a lot.
As Willie Shakespeare once penned:"Methinks the lady does protest too much".....you may be on to something anon 12:15.
like all other orgs
the rethug party is FILLED with closeted gay gaybashers
lg is one of them
see more:
Hathor "You can reply with a pseudonym and still remain anonymous. It would make it easier to reply too, that is, if you want responses."
I tried the ID route before but got no responses from the clique-ish type folks on this blog. "Anon" works better because it gets the attention of some enmeshed folks who run in same opinionated cliques and gangs.
BTW, thanks for responding, you are one of a 'few' who have always been an independent thinker even though I don't always agree with you.
ab "like all other orgs
the rethug party is FILLED with closeted gay gaybashers"
my dear ab, "if" what you say is true about the GOP, then there might be an exodus of gays, sooner or later. LG is just the tip of the iceberg.
But LG claimed to have left the party because of too many angry white men?
it is true
we gays are everywhere in all species and orgs
always have been
always will be
the gay rethugs will remain closeted gaybashers
such self loathing evil is their collective niche
lg is indeed just one flake in a political snowstorm of gay rethugs
larry craig is my personal fav gay neocon tho!..big smile
to Alicia: field ignores questions as to whether he is (or was) gay. What does your inner sense tell you?
He responds to everything, yet he always ignores the gay queries. That seems mighty suspicious. Is he ashamed of the answer? I believe in equality for all, and he shouldn't be ashamed.
Anon7:42p "field ignores questions as to whether he is (or was) gay. What does your inner sense tell you?"
What difference does it make whether Field is gay or not?
What matters is that you know whether YOU are gay or not: "KNOW THYSELF, ANON7:42P"--that is the most important and greatest discovery that you can make in a lifetime. Knowing whether Field is gay or not will not lead to your own discovery.
So, have you discovered if you are gay or het?
real het men like fn never lie about their sexuality...they have no reason to...
why do you care so much?
why are you asking me?
shake the haters off like i do
here is the balloon hoaxers' vomit video in case you have not seen it...
and here is their rap video:
this is a clear case of child abuse
and LYING for attn
ab "this is a clear case of child abuse
and LYING for attn"
ditto, ab. The father and mother have probably damaged their child emotionally.
Some people will do anything for fame- even use and hurt their children for it.
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