Let this be a lesson to all you people out there who like to lie down with the FOX dog: You will always wake up with fleas, or even worse, in the unemployment line.
Seems Radio Rwanda found it necessary to dump Dr. Marc Lamont Hill after a shareholder confronted the Grand Pupa at a recent shareholder's meeting. The man was not pleased that Dr. Hill has been known to support alleged cop killer, Mumia Abu Jamal in the past, and he wanted to know what his black mug was doing on the people's news channel. Well, right then and there, Rupert Murdoch informed the giddy man that Hill would be fired. Yep, bye bye Marc. No more sparring with Bill O'Reilly on his daily show, no more offering your opposing views on important issues of the day to millions of red state minions. Nope, this is how it's done in FOX world. Only certain types of left leaning liberal views are allowed. (See the wimp, Alan Colmes.) And certainly only certain types of black people are allowed as well. (See the slave catcher, Jesse Lee Peterson.)
I feel bad for Dr. Hill. --Even though he pissed me off a time or two when he was here at Temple University, (Never forget where you come from Marc, because, in the end, Karma will bite you in the ass.) he didn't deserve what the folks over at Radio Rwanda did to him. So he defends Mumia Abul- Jamal's right to have another trial,- so do a lot of other people- and Jamal posted a column on his my space site, that doesn't make him one of the 911 hijackers. But apparently the folks on the right didn't like his "radical politics" and they felt that it was time to drop his black ass.
And that's all fine. It's Rupert's network and he can put on it whoever he damn well pleases. I just wish that the folks on the right would remember that when they start crying foul because the fat drug addicted one down in South Florida gets the same treatment.
1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»and they say shareholders have no voice!
let's hope he gets picked up by some show i might actually listen to. could be the start of something better.
"alleged cop killer" hee hee hee. I agree, give him a new trial and hopefully this time he will get the chair.
I agree Field.... those that are screaming that Obama is taking away their rights or that he is gonna shut down Fox news or Rush.... the emphasis is on "gonna"..... not has. I have yet to see one right taken away... It has always been the far right that have fired folks for their political views (think McCarthy era). And, it is the far right who work to this day to take away rights.... (free speech rights, gay rights, workers rights, women's rights, etc.).
Amen, tell it Jody. The right has always pointed fingers of accusation at others, but all the time it is them who is guilty of what they've accused others of. That is a straight up FACT! They are the supreme deceivers.
Jody, Field and Granny:
To be honest, I see a lot of comments shrouded in racism directed towards our President. And the good doctor who got fired pissed off the wrong people. However, Jody and Granny our government has slowly but surely been taking our rights away for a long time. The Obama administration, sadly is not substantially different than the GWBush administration in this regard.
Sebelius (at the behest of the White House) announced that swine flu vaccine manufacturers will have blanket immunity from lawsuits EVEN IF their vaccines injure people.
Talk about abrogation of rights...
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill wasn't built for Fox News. He just didn't have the foresight or ingenuity to know what or how to play the game at Fox.
JL Peterson, Juan Williams or some of the other Blacks at Fox are a lot smarter and a lot more savvy when it comes to playing the game at Fox. It was clear to me that Hill wouldn't last on Fox.
Maybe Dr. Hill will end up on a leftist radio left show in Philly or somewhere in CA, where he belongs.
"However, Jody and Granny our government has slowly but surely been taking our rights away for a long time. The Obama administration, sadly is not substantially different than the GWBush administration in this regard."
Yeah. What ever happened to "Change"? IMO, the Dems are no different from the Repubs. They both continue to take away rights of Americans to feed the rich. But that's what capitalism breeds in the long run.
Neither party is any better or worse that the other. They both stink.
such is the life on radio
you go gig to gig up and down the dial
"Sebelius (at the behest of the White House) announced that swine flu vaccine manufacturers will have blanket immunity from lawsuits EVEN IF their vaccines injure people."
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Bush and the republican congress had already made that law before he left office when the swine flu first came up. If I'm not mistake that is some of his residue policies he left behind that is just now taking effect. That along with those malpractice no sue suit policies.
M. Rigmaiden, I am not too thrilled with his O ness at this point when it comes to individual rights, but I am trying to be patient like I promised the Obamaholics that I would.
Anon said: Yeah. "What ever happened to "Change"? IMO, the Dems are no different from the Repubs. They both continue to take away rights of Americans to feed the rich. But that's what capitalism breeds in the long run."
Oh ye of little faith. :)
No Granny, Sebelius made her blanket declaration at the behest of the Obama administration earlier this year. The Bush administration had implemented similar policies, but the Sebelius declaration was the nail in the coffin. I know you guys love Obama, but let's be honest and call a spade a spade. It is patently immoral and unethical to deprive people of the right to sue Big pharma when big pharma is in collusion with state governments to make their poorly tested vaccines mandatory. Texas is a good example of this with Gardasil where they were one step away from making it mandatory when all the ill fated stories about Gardasil reactions took place.
Our entire government is corrupt. You can blame it on capitalism but you see corruption across economic systems. Our problem is that we put people last when we ought to place loving one another above all that other stuff.
"Dr. Marc Lamont Hill wasn't built for Fox News. He just didn't have the foresight or ingenuity to know what or how to play the game at Fox."
Anon. what is the FOX game?
Two things.. first, there is a suit by health care professionals right now on the mandatory issue of the vaccine... the ONLY people I am aware of that are told the H1N1 vaccine is required.
Second, this from the act:
What compensation is available for vaccine injuries?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is establishing a Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program for H1N1 vaccines. Under this program, compensation may be available to eligible individuals who suffer serious physical injuries or death from administration of the vaccine under the declarations. Eligibility, and the types of injuries for which compensation may be available, will be defined by regulations. Compensation can include medical benefits, lost wages and death benefits.
I am not a fan of tort reform... however, they see H1N1 as a pandemic and that sets emergency policies in place..... And, there is a provision (above) to compensate people in the event they have a bad outcome due to the shots....
I also agree that corporations have too much protection and too little responsibilities to the common good (corporate personhood) and there needs to be major reform.
another down low brother...boring. actually, FN you ought to do a piece on all the BMs who suck dick and then go home to their wives...another sickness in our black community
Man the crude are up and running this morning,there are really some sick people posting here!Where is the deep thoughts and ideals?
I wondered where he went off to when he left The Root until I so happened to tune into Faux to glance at Bill'O. I figured Fuax was "trying" to turn a corner or his tenure would be rather short...guess it was the latter.
what example beside vaccine immunity is there (which i believe misstates the situation) is there for claiming that obama is taking away individual rights?
when obama came in he put a 90-day or longer hold on all bush regs that had been rushed thru to review them. that was just one sign that he did not intend to continue with the policies of the past. he revised the so-called conscience rule, eg. opened up stem cell research...i could go on but it wouldn't matter.
and btw, a new york judge stuck down mandatory vaccinations of healthcare workers.
"Yeah. What ever happened to "Change"? IMO, the Dems are no different from the Repubs. They both continue to take away rights of Americans to feed the rich. But that's what capitalism breeds in the long run. Neither party is any better or worse that the other. They both stink."
Now I'm not an across-the-board apologist for Obama or the Dems, but things like health care reform, open dialogue with hostile states, and tighter carbon emission standards wouldn't even be on the table if the Republicans controlled the govt. We have a duty to be critical of our current administration, but let's not forget that our prior president started 2 wars, brought our financial system to the brink of collapse, and generally used the Constitution for toilet paper.
Please keep that in mind this time next year.
Field, Field, Field,
No comment on the Poor U Conn Baby-Daddy, I mean, Football Player senselessly shot to death over the weekend? I mean, Stabbed to Death, WITH A KNIFE!!!! that you can buy with NO BACKGROUND CHECK/WAITING PERIOD/SAFETY CLASS at all, you can even get em at Wal-Mart for under $10, and THERES NO LIMIT!!! you can buy as many as your Stolen Credit Card will bear, even OJ SIMPSON could buy one if he wasn't already in Jail...
You dissapoint me Field,
and hasn't Mumia died of Old Age yet? Niggers gotta be pushin 90...
Try and not reinforce every Lazy/Shiftless/ stereotype...
I can't comment on Dr. Hill because I don't watch Fox, but who is this shareholder from Radio Ruwanda-- a black person? I doubt it! It's amazing how folks get to dictate what other cultures learn/discuss by pretending to offer a voice without being part of the culture itself. Why would Ruwandans focus on Mumbia rather than their own problems?
Anyway, the credit card companies will be charging fees for those with good credit because they have-- good credit. I believe the figure is $30 per year, if you have paid your credit card on time. I thought Obama made credit card law changes--oh that's right Biden's state (Delaware) is the credit card state.
Sigh..... trickster.... here is the credit card reform act and the schedule of implementation.... Good god people, changes are coming, but there is a FRIGGIN PROCESS! And, unless you want Obama to act like a dictator and mandate a bunch of the change, which really would be subverting democracy.... things have to go through a process... he is the president, not the omnipotent.
ditto fn:
mumia was framed
and marc's firing was racist
there are racists at every network...
racist FOX news is STILL the only REAL news on tv!!!
everything else is just a perpetual pep rally for obama...
i will continue to watch fox as long as they are the only network telling ANY truths about obama and his hoax of a presidency!
War via Bush = Bad
Same war + new wars via Obama = Good
Sheehan is one brave mother of one felled soldier among thousands of American casualties of the brutal and illegal war in Iraq. Admirably, she dared to relentlessly dog George W. Bush/King Shrub after her son was murdered in Iraq.
Now that she has finally seen how Obama truly plans to only escalate that very same war, Sheehan will heroically and belatedly begin relentlessly dogging Obama too.
Sadly, I do not expect to see any sincere media coverage of Sheehan’s war with Obama. Unlike Bush’s Nazis, Obama’s Nazis rule all media. Televised or not, Sheehan may become a righteously jagged rock in the ritzy sands of Obama’s upcoming opulent beach vacation. Stay tuned…
as other media become INCREASINGLY controlled by obama nazis
i truly see FOX news as revolutionary!
george orwell was a media rebel and a sage
and orwell would be watching fox news if he was alive too!
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.
To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself.
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
"Anon. what is the FOX game?"
For black folks it's grin real wide while you attack your fellow blacks for the pleasure of white bigots.
See Juan Williams, Jessie Lee Peterson, Michael Myers (what's up with that 'do?)
How can you say this while Obama and company are doing the exact same thing, albeit on a far grander scale, to FOX News generally! WOW! Your hypocrisy on this piece is damn revealing.
But I'm sure the minions of victim hood logic will cry that FOX be bad and brother Marc be saint like. 1st Amendment privileges are, after all, only afforded to Field followers, right? PLEASE!
Get back on the lawn boy!
fox is far less biased than ALL of the other media
ALL bias is equally wrong
ABC literally moved into bed with the obamas!!!
FOX would have been crucified had they moved into the white house with gwb EXACTKY as abc has done...
obama's telemprompter & pre-selected questionned "press confernces" etc...
FOX news has hot to number one because MILLIONS of people crave ANY iota of real news about obama!
folks let's focus on something more closely aligned to our community...like AIDS and downlow bros who spread it.
Sounds like a Fox News employee right there.
XI.... Obama has not shut down FOX. He has not fired anyone or demanded anyone from FOX be fired. FOX has and will continue to do what FOX does.
On the other hand, Murdoch FIRED him.... how can you possibly say they are the same?
Luffa-boy( Bill O'Reilly) sexual harassed (and thats putting it lightly) a female consistently over several months. Its on tape.Got a show on Fox News.
Oliver "ollie" North sold arms to a then "terror-state"Iran and funded the Contras who repaid the support provided by the U.S. by trafficking cocaine into the country destroying an entire American generation. Got a show on Fox News.
Enough said.
AB said:
i truly see FOX news as revolutionary!
You are supposed to "sip" the kool-aid not drink the entire jug.
John Crow
Don't expect an intelligent answer.
Fox viewers don't think or process information.
They just regurgitate what they are fed.
Jody said...
I also agree that corporations have too much protection and too little responsibilities to the common good (corporate personhood) and there needs to be major reform.
Yeah, major TORT reform!!!!
AB, I've got to disagree with you: Fox is so horribly biased it is ridiculous. In fact I can say they caused the imabalanced reporting that is going on now. A lot of right-wingers got mad about being called out on their crap and made a whole network where the have the only voice and boot off anybody who disagrees with them. I remember seeing Beck on Headline News and the manchild who wears the bowtie on MSNBC. Guess where they went?
I'm all for sounding the alarm, but if you can't have a discourse with folks off differing views so the people can decide for themselves what works, all you're doing is the equivalent of incest since it's just concentrating the same strength and weaknesses over and over again till your latest kid has a body built like a buick but the engine of a civic running it. And it goes for the liberal side also.
The thing is though Beck and Fox need to grow up. The Constitution guards free speech, but it doesn't prevent people from voicing an opinion after you get done talking. If they can march down the street calling themselves the tea party, some one can call the tea baggers. If Obama say something, someone else can disagree whether they are wrong or right. It's what makes this country work and if they need to realize that.
uptownsteve said:
Don't expect an intelligent answer.
Fox viewers don't think or process information.
They just regurgitate what they are fed.
You are so right brother.
BTW FIELD here is a video of some real field negro behavior. I felt inspired and proud watching it.
John Crow
Fly... it might surprise you to know that when it comes to the health care discussion, I agree that Tort needs to be a part of the reform. In countries where there is nationalized health care and the doctors are employees of the government, they are far less compelled to order unnecessary tests and procedures to cover their butts and there is far less medical malpractice claims. I am open to tort reform in exchange for affordable, accessable health coverage for all, and with provisos... much like the one written for the vaccine, that in the event that a harm is done, there will be compensation.
As it stands now with insurance companies, they fight tooth and nail to pay out on what THEY SAY they will cover and fight even harder when a harm has been done due to negligence.
we agree to disagree
i despise hannity/beck/oreilly
but there are MANY others at FOX
i am equally repulsed by ALL of the obama FANS barely posing as journalists at ALL of the other netwks
i feel your pain ONLY when i am NOT watching FOX
obama nazis like you have just begun to choke on obama's gray kool-aid
it is an endless pitcher of toxic swill that will quench yuor thirst right into the nearest homeless shelter/fema camp etc...just stand by and keep gulping
nothing is more blatantly incestuous than abc tv wooing obama from inside the white house
even that buffoon beck has not committed a comparable sin!
"i am equally repulsed by ALL of the obama FANS barely posing as journalists at ALL of the other netwks"
Such as whom specifically?
watch any of them!
but start with msnbc
chris mathhews and keith o are the anotoine and blaine-ish homoerotic superstars of the obama nazis with mics set...both became his gay groupies long ago!!!
black males on cnn literally drool when they speak of obama
george s DOGGED hillary in debates and still is an attack dog for anyone who challenges obama on air...
it is just endless
if u cannot see it
you have not been paying attn
at cnn
wolf b and his sidekick look like 2 old queens in a love fest every time they adoringly speak obama's name
it is just endless!!!
it started 2 yrs ago and gets worse each day:
the media worship is just glaring and endless!!!
so go FOX!!!
"watch any of them!"
Classic Fox dronehead answer!!!
You can't make this stuff up!
AB, neither Olbermann nor Matthews claim to be journalists.
They are pundits and both have been very critical of Obama on certain issues particularly Olbermann vis-a-vis Obama going soft on the public option.
You don't WANT to see reality.
That's why you watch Fox.
whatever happened to reporters who at least tried to appear neutral????
where is the NEWS about obama on any netwk other than FOX?
i do not want to see his rock star tour/michelle's dresses/arms etc...that is all the obama bs i catch surfing the netwks!
i want to see his DEEDS!!!...FOX tracks his actions/inactions etc
i am siding with the parties that bash obama and his evil deeds over those who cheer him on blindly as he bilks and dupes them!
i despise rush l
but i would rather hear even a pig like him tell ANY truths
than some black talk show host brag about how cool obama walks etc!!!
I always wondered how long Fox would keep MLH around...
only a bold tangential fool like you would ask me to name hosts
and then AFTER i do
you dare to nitpick their actual titles and roles
cm and ko are the NEWS stars of msnbc
deal with that
"where is the NEWS about obama on any netwk other than FOX?"
Oh, you mean bull$hit like he was really born in Kenya and some rightwing hack has a recorded telephone conversation from Obama's grandmother that proves it?
C'mon AB stop it.
People are laughing at you.
FOX Myths makes people who'd ordinarily be a little stupid shamelessly gullible and easily mislead by.........the usual suspects. However, I like watching FOX to find out "who's who" in the land of house Negroes. If it were not for FOX, I wouldn't know who Jesse Lee Peterson is, or some of the other buffoons that Hannity and company can use at will. The WEAK liberals that FOX invites to their "fair and balanced" debates is telling, also. The "debates" ALWAYS put the liberal on the defensive end of some topic, and in predictable fashion, they make the right wingers seem like reasonable people (Ex. Karl Rove).
P.S. Field, what do you think of Oprah inviting Ms. Sarah Palin to her show?
AB, let's be real: you don't like Obama and they don't either. It's the whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend deal." It's great in wartime, but in everything else, it takes you to places you wouldn't think you would go if you're not careful. But with Beck, give him time. I've already heard his opinion on what to do with all the brown people in the Middle East, so I know where he stands.
even you are not foolish enough to think i care about who/what obama nazis laugh at...
fox reports on what obama is doing!
his waffling lies and cowardice on wars
the vulgar joke of his nobel prize
the bleeding jobs and homes unaffected by his bilking bailouts
his obsession with his teleprompter
his attack on snl etc
THIS is real news!
i OPENLY despise obama
i openly despised his mentor gwb too
for his deeds
i want to see those deeds reported
not excused and edited
that is why i watch fox news
those who love obama watch abc tv?
so how are they any better than me?
beck is a fool and hoax
FOX is much more than beck!
EVERYONE at fox is richer than i am!
obama is YOUR ennmy and MINE
not theirs!
they are personally his fellow elitist peers
and yet thry dare to report his deeds
when you see this
you will join me watching fox
all of you who are bashing fox for hating obama
where were you all when ALL media were SIMILARLY hating on hillary and HELPING obama win????
hillary need all of you ardent defenders against media bias???
why were you all missing in action way back when???
obama is OUR enemy!!!
black children are freezing, starving, dying, killing, and turbo breeding in chicago and he is STILL JOKING about his 2016 olympic bid
uptownsteve said:
C'mon AB stop it.
People are laughing at you.
I used to think her comments were funny, but now they are just said.
I have some questions for AB:
How did you feel about Fox's coverage of obama's "mentor" (as you put it) GWB?
Where were they in uncovering Bush's terrible "actions/inactions"?
How can you consider them credible when their coverage Obama's "mentor" was so different? They were as you accuse the current media of doing drooling over Bush.
They were the main champions and defenders of Bush's policies.The same "evil" policies that you accuse Obama of continuing.
But here is the critical thing if Obama is a disciple of Bush as you claim and is continuing the Bush evil policies as you claim.
Why then isn't Fox championing and defending Obama like they did Bush?
Doesn't the fact that they are not defending his policies (like they did Bush) prove that his policies are nothing like Bush's policy?
Doesn't the fact they attack him day in and day out show they believe what he is doing is contrary to the Bush policies that they supported for over 8 years? The same policies you considered evil, right?
The fact is you just hate Obama you don't care if he ends world hunger tomorrow or that his policies might actually help people. YOU HATE THE MAN. So stop trying to associate him with the Bush doctrine as a way of covering up your irrational hate of the man.
John Crow
John Crow
Great job but let me warn you that AB is not going to answer your questions but instead launch into self-serving irrelevant rant about her courage and status as an internet iconoclast who sees things the rest of us mere mortals are incapable of.
you are a clssic obama nazi
as long as beck calls obama a socialist, you will excuse obama for being an elitist...and ignore the real news on the same channel about his elitism
thank you for proving to us all that you are being played like a fiddle
when gwb was in ofc i hated fox
because they treated gwb the same way abc treats obama
fox became NEWS after obama
just as all other media became OBAMA TV
see my blog for all your other ignorant queries!!!!
the only thing more ignorant than you and kola never having anything intelligent to say
is yor transparent and insincere cheerleading of others who do...
AB, I'm waiting for black politician who is going to call things as they are like Malcolm, but try to fix thing for everybody like King too. So with that, I really don't blame you. It seems like as far blacks go, we're either told to be quiet or having our necks stomped on.
But as far as Seeing Obama as the enemy, I don't really don't. I'd like foe him to talk about black issues more, but the big picture is that he has to deal with the broad issues of this country before he can look at what's effecting each segment of society. It would be great if he told gangs to stop killing people, but if no one can get a job, who's going to listen?
Same token though, if he's operating on a broader scale, why aren't we pushing him to end NAFTA? It was great were helping Canada and Mexico, but to put it bluntly, it screwed us up. Why do we allow the DEA to continue when truthfully they allow a certain amount of drugs to come in so our economy won't tank? Heck, drugs are a driving force in a lot of street crime in one way or another. I mean, I would hold him to task for that, but I say what goes on in the streets is up to the people who live in the streets.
did you hate bush?
then why do you not hare obama for doing much worse than bush did in ALL arenas?
why are you posting my hatred for obama as news?
you and EVERYONE else who claims they hated bush but love obama are ALL liars and fools
your denial will never protect you from obama/gwb 2.0?
i hate you all and obama too!
nothing is sadder than poor blacks cheering on obama as he pays off white bankers
you lost me
malcolm and king loved poor black people
clearly obama does not
To date, rabid and unprecedented elitism is the sole hallmark of President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0’s dejecting presidency. Though Obama’s most rabid Nazis will eternally blame King Shrub/George W. Bush for all of Obama’s evil deeds and flagrant failures, the truth will continue to be its own defense. The truth is that despite Obama’s bilking of the poor to bailout the rich, jobs and homes are STILL profusely and permanently bleeding from America’s economy!
Obama’s inherited, belatedly misnomered, and wickedly worsened recession continues to escalate into a brutal depression. Millions more Americans will become homeless. Millions more will become jobless. Millions more will starve in the streets. Perpetual lies will continue to create perpetual miseries. These lost jobs, homes, and lives will never be saved or replaced.
Like reality, the revolution will not be televised. Disinformation will always trump journalism. Lies will always obscure truths. Wall Street’s bumps will always eclipse Main Street’s betrayals. Warmongers will continue to sugarcoat war casualties. Obama’s “health reform” hoax will exclusively benefit medicine’s corporate elites. Yet, racist Obama Nazis will endlessly blame racism for Obama’s eternally ruthless elitism.
Obama’s elitist scams are truly ABOMINATIONS! Tent cities of squatters are the new gentrification! They are surfacing all over. Get used to seeing them. And, pray that you never have to move into one as sincerely as you pray that one never moves near to you.
was bush our enemy?
if obama has abused blacks and poor people worse than bush, and escalated wars worse than bush, and taxing us all more than bush ETC...then why/how is obama NOT ALSO our enemy???
Damn field,you still sad about your Eagles getting their ass kicked by the Raiders?
Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton,Malik Shabazz,and other negros have appeared on FOX NEWS. Are they all slave catchers?
Alan Colmes isn't on FOX NEWS anymore.
"I feel bad for Dr. Hill."
I do to.This negro will be on walfare before long and he will be murdered by some gang member leaving his job at BurgerKing.
Boo Hoooooo
Jody and all...so sorry if this reply is a little off topic in regards to the FOX comments...but I wanted to reply to Jody's post above. I can't speak for other Americans living in Japan, but I can honestly say that I am extremely happy to be covered under the Japanese national health care plan. For those of you back home, maybe you shouldn't knock it until you have at least tried something like it.
In Japan: I have no worries about my health care being rejected (even if there are pre-existing conditions)...I can visit any doctor I please...I don't have to worry about losing my home because my care isn't being covered by the people I PAY to cover it!! I can visit the doctor as much as I please, getting ALL the necessary tests (regardless of costs) without fear of my premiums being raised or my coverage suddenly being cancelled. I usually leave the doctors office paying less than $10 per visit (including my medicine!!) There are annual health checks offered to the public that cost a few dollars per test (cancer and diabetes and other major screenings included, etc. We are contacted by mail from city hall with a list of health check dates and participating clinics... participation is optional. In the mail sent is a list of tests that are suggested based on the age and gender of recipient). And to top all of that, I don't have to worry about skyrocketing health care fees as I get on up into my 60s and 70s (which is when we tend to have LESS money to spend on such care, the same care which undoubtedly increases as we age and become physically and/or mentally weaker).
In my opinion, trying to survive our health care system after a major illness is akin to playing a game of Russian roulette. I know from personal experience. As I have mentioned in here before, my family has lost MUCH to our system...including both of my mother's legs. And even then, they didn't want to help provide rehabilitation, in effect grounding her to life in a wheelchair (didn't want to provide a motorized one either!!) at the tender age of 58. I've seen Japanese men and women here in their 70s and 80s with more pep in their steps than our 50 and 60 somethings back home. Well sure, maybe it has to do with the diet...or culture...and yessssss, definitely a touch of that easy access that residents of Japan have to affordable, QUALITY health care. What I have here isn't perfect (care isn't as personalized as back home)...but it's a heck of a lot better than what my mother got (and what some of you are getting). If you think you deserve something better, then start fighting the current system for it. Why pay for such an expensive service when you literally have to sue somebody's pants off to get your money's worth...?
Yes, Japanese national health care is based on salary...so maybe I pay a little more than some other people at this point in my life, as I make a very decent living here. And there are people who earn more and pay more than me. In the long run, it all evens out....so NO, I don't feel that my money is supporting every Tom, DIck and Miyagi here in Japan. And even if it was, one day those same Toms, Dicks and Miyagis may be earning enough to help me. That, dear friends, is the Japanese idea of COMMUNITY. It is not the "socialism" that so many people in the States are quick to label it. Ignorance is very quick to breed greater IGNORANCE!
Having the privilege to personally experience both US health coverage and Japanese national health coverage, I would gladly champion the cause for national coverage hands down. I can't wait for the day that our American ideals of "me, mine, my and I" start leaning a little bit more toward the ideal of "we, us, our and ours." (Oh and one more thing to those who just need to attack...go ahead and call me a "socialist" if that helps to make you feel better about the quality of health care you're choosing to settle for...but just remember that I'll be merrily patting my little "socialist" health card without regret each an every single time I use it!! LOL...)
still waiting for the answer to my question:
where are the examples that supposedly prove that obama is taking away individual rights?
and AB stop posting numerous rambling long pieces of of crap. you have your own blog. no one wants to read your shit.
there's nothing like coming over here to read some intelligent conversation and then seeing 12 posts in a row from AB!!
you are not just a thread killer you are a blog killer!
Field, your trolls are real special. LOL
Eddie sez,
"AB, I'm waiting for black politician who is going to call things as they are like Malcolm, but try to fix thing for everybody like King too."
A person like that would never get elected to statewide, let alone national office.
You know that.
The closest we came to that paradigm was Adam Clayton Powell and you saw what they did to him.
Ok, back to Bush bashing. I was aboutto just not talk about him since I was hoping I would hear about him overdosing on all the blow he's probably doing, but it's whatever. Bush messed thing up all the way around. Couldn't catch the man who killed thousands of people in one day and started another where he tried to match it. Created a new do-nothing government department, made friends rich off of our blood, made this country even more authoritative, really made an effort to put black politicians out of office through the justice department or whatever means nesecary, and has made it easier for our kids to be dumbed down. He made it hard for us, but even him I'm not devoting my time to hating.
Why? Because I realized a long time ago people have to stop being with the bull**** and start doing what needs to be done in their own lives. I never waited on GW to tell me to do the right thing like I'm not holding my breath waiting for the O-man to do it. I do think he is a lot more open than GW since Obama is more concerned with consensus though it but it will truthfully take black folks themselves to get over the contentment of having a black President to start voicing a clear message. It's going to take us to clean up some of these going on. It's like a story here where a girl and her aunt lost a child and almost lost another because they left the kids at home to go shopping. Did it happen because GW told them to go shopping? No. Should it have taken Obama to tell them they need to be good moms? No. What should happen is that black folks should get rid of all this negativity and get united so we can stand up to elitists and racists.
Angie.... your experience has been what I have heard from all of my friends who live in a country with national health care and my own experience from living in Canada years ago.... and poll after poll, when asked if they would give up their national health care for private, the answer is a resounding NO!
It constantly amazes me that the Insurance companies and some politicians speak of the health services in other countries as though they were crap, when in fact it is OUR system that is craptacular. My favorite "mis-speak" was by the congressman who declared that Stephen Hawkins would have died if he was forced to use national health care.... Funny, the very British Mr. Hawkins responded that the national health care in the UK had been wonderful to him.
only a blind fool would question the starving homeless jobless "individual" masses being CLONED in the streets as obama jokes about the olympics...
just as only a bumbling idiotic bimbo would pretend to be ignoring my posts my asking me questions i have already asked
this is NOT your blog!!!
individuals should have the right to have their individual homes saved after their individual taxes are stolen to give to bankers who will rob their individual progeny for decades!!!...
This means the lenders control the process. They determine which modification agreements would be most profitable to the bank given the government assistance they would receive for making the mortgage.
Again, a house that is already underwater and whose value has dropped significantly and whose owner has a low income is an unlikely candidate for a loan modification under the program. It simply would be less profitable for the banks. As the white middle class begins to feel the squeeze of the mortgage crisis there will be a limited number of these who might benefit from the program.
Most significantly this plan fails to address the more than 16 million estimated homeowners whose loan balances are more than 5% higher than the value of their homes. This alone eliminates most Africa and Latino and other poor homeowners.
please send me a date that you consider a fair one to mark on my calendar as a date to stop blaming bush for all that obama has done SOLO...
i have been begging for that date since obama took ofc
the best parents need jobs and homes ediie!
i bashed bush for 8 years
obama spent more on EXCLUSIVELY rich pals of bush in 6 mos than bush spent in 8 yrs
i am done bashing bush now
he is out
his blackish clone obama is our prez now
i will bash obama until 2016!
obama already has 2012 on lock just as bush stole 2004
the greatest conspiracy in the world is that obama is NOT gwb 2.0and that republikkkans are not demokkkrats!
"For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government."
uptownsteve said:
John Crow
Great job but let me warn you that AB is not going to answer your questions but instead launch into self-serving irrelevant rant about her courage and status as an internet iconoclast who sees things the rest of us mere mortals are incapable of
US you were so right. AB did not address one question i posed just gave the usual conspiratorial rants.No counter arguments (atleast not any based in reality) just RANTS. It seems Glenn Beck has taught her well.
Eddie said:
Ok, back to Bush bashing...
Lol... man u r too funny.
John Crow
you are a liar
and i did
and much more is at my blog
none of your questions or my answers will excuse the elitist evil that obama is doing at this very moment
John Crow
Told ya.
Now just wait for "Xi" to show up and say that you and I enable drug dealers and gangstas and that he is a black who is off the plantation because he recognizes the wonders of de white man!
If it wasn't so pathetic it would actually be funny.
this duplicate post is by request of assnon and his slow ilk:
How did you feel about Fox's coverage of obama's "mentor" (as you put it) GWB?
Where were they in uncovering Bush's terrible "actions/inactions"?
How can you consider them credible when their coverage Obama's "mentor" was so different?
Why then isn't Fox championing and defending Obama like they did Bush?
Doesn't the fact that they are not defending his policies (like they did Bush) prove that his policies are nothing like Bush's policy?
Doesn't the fact they attack him day in and day out show they believe what he is doing is contrary to the Bush policies that they supported for over 8 years? The same policies you considered evil, right?
u missed my original abreviated
replies edited above
got it now???
got glasses???
Ms. Banks,
Your compassion, insight and strength of character intimidates under educated folks....all you can do is lead the ignorant to the fountain of knowledge.
Their racist anger and resentment stems from their lack of self worth and general inferiority.
Their arguments rarely address the issue, their questions are usually rhetorical or vaguely open ended and their rebuttals are mere nonsensical drivel for the most part.
Crow and stevie are angry to be the under achievers they are and blame white society for their inadequacy rather than taking responsibility. People like them don't change they just get angrier and angrier as others around them pass them by. So don't sweat their insults and consider the source.
For example, their limited intellect will reduce them to the lowest common denominator of society as they lash out in response to this post by exercising their racist BS calling me a Tom, house negro or yard boy....if not immediately soon enough.
Hang tough sister and know that you are appreciated for your passion and sense of righteousness.
now U go boy!:
i love u
and i am proid to be your warrior sista!
Uptown, a man can dream. But it's like Cee-lo said in a song before he left Goodie Mob: "others tell how it is but I tell how I would like it to be."
Believe me, I hear you.
If you can produce a statement from me where I "blamed" white folks or society for anything, I'll leave this board forever.
If you can't then you leave.
Come to think of it, Marc Lamont Hill is my kind of negro. In a recent radio interview he said--
"The White House attacks on his former employer[ FOX NEWS] reek of propaganda."
"CNN and MSNBC, are far more to the left than Fox News is to the right."
This real field negro can teach you wannabe field negros something.
what is happening at nbc with snl and what obama is doing to fox news only prove that he is indeed like hitler
hitler controlled all media and slew those who did not worship him like the staff of abc news
gwb was a moron
but he was also crucified by most media
and i never heard him whine half as much a the pissy emaciated and thin skinned hoax obama
dick cheney is sheer evil
but even he gave his critics in all media less hell than the whiny
"CNN and MSNBC, are far more to the left than Fox News is to the right."
Where'd you get this quote because it damn sure wasn't from the Hill/Malzberg interview.
Wow,Xi. I'm under educated now? Ok, I'm going to laugh that one off.
But to AB, I don't think tha date will ever come because we're still dealing with stuff from slavery and more recently the aftermath of the Cold War. My point is that I'm not waiting for Obama to come down like Superman and save the day. At the same time I don't see him trying to carry on everything Bush did. The Iraq War is being drawn down, the man is hestitating on sending more troops to Afghanistan, and he's trying to get some kind of reform passed. As far as him spening more money than Bush, I don't believe because two international wars are costly, creating another department is a large investment, no one knows how much the missle defense program cost, and dumber kids mean less good paying jobs. Oh, and he was the one who passed the first bailout if memory serves, so that another thing.
And see how we've been going back an forth without someone getting fired or drug out by security? Fox News can't give you that.
uptownsteve said...
"CNN and MSNBC, are far more to the left than Fox News is to the right."
Where'd you get this quote because it damn sure wasn't from the Hill/Malzberg interview.
Gots that wrong.I had to go back and listen to the full interview.Malizberg said it,Hill agreed with what was being said.
i like marc and i am sorry he is gone
it was wrong
he will land on his feet...
but i will keep watching fox as the ONLY "news" channel in my book...with its racist warts and all
and i have never and will never watch beck!
i edit hannity and bill o daily
i hate them both
the OTHER staff at fox rock!
NO politico can ever be my hero
especially a weak hoax like obama
with his thin resume and thinnner soul
i DO expect him to do as much for poor people as he has done for bankers...
and to keep ANY of his promises
to gays/soldiers ETC...
that bony bastard obama will get NO love from me until he EARNS it
AB: but even he (Cheney) gave his critics in all media less hell than the whiny obama.
Bush and Cheney had the media muzzled pretty effectively after 9/11 with their "with us or against us" schtick. Not until Hurricane Katrina did the media finally realize they had been played. Fixed News is the propaganda wing of the RNC, but I guess to a disappointed Hilary Clinton dead-ender such as yourself, the Tea Party crowd looks like true patriots. Sad! There is valid criticism of Obama out here, but you won't find it on Fox.
how many times did we see cindy sheehan shadow gwb?
how many loops did we see about his incessant "bushisms" spoken?
how many COUNTLESS snl spoofs did he never react to rather than gun for like obama?
the truth is its own defense
and the truth is that MILLIONS of people like me and abc tv dogged bush daily for 8 yrs and millions of liars like you never said a thing in his defense as you dare to defend his clone obama now
spare me your amnesia!
see e?
you have no problem with biased media sabotaging hillary
so stay just as silent when fox slays obama!
go fox!!!
as a sista I wanna support you, but you make it difficult always having to be "right"...you use the words love and hate too flippantly.
i could not care less
i do hate and love many things
i am being honest about both
i also hate vocab police like you
love and hate are real emotions
i am offended by neither
i am offended by people like you who demand that others speak as you do
good luck with that
"Gots that wrong.I had to go back and listen to the full interview.Malizberg said it,Hill agreed with what was being said."
That wasn't established either.
In other words you used the Fox method of reporting.
"Making it up."
"having to be right"?
i am expressing my own opinions
like you and every other person herein
look at this column by an obama nazi that is dissing supreme top black scholars just because they do not worship obama
how is this any worse than fox news???
i have stayed away from field because i got so tired of reading articles that spoke to me and then going to the comment page and seeing the beginnings of thoughtful provocative conversation.
only to be be bombarded by the hate of alicia banks
first of alicia you have a website of your own. if you want to discuss a article of Fields then do a link to his article on your website and do your discussion there.
If you have no readership to generate a discussion then that is something you must deal with yourself
I am so tired of your hate. your nancy grace style of self righteous sanctimonius bs is just beyond me. perhaps you should apply to take marc lamont hills place at fox. hate is welcomed there.
since 90 percent of your comments on your own blogspot are your own. nobody cares alicia
your hate ruins whatever small valuable info you might have.
Your hate is so blatant and overwhelming that your vision becomes only hate hate and more hate.
you have my sympathies.
Field when are you going to block this hack
this is not your blog
you will never control me or fn
i hate you and your envy
and do not hate me because i am a supreme multi-tasker
care to debate?
all else you say or do herein is completely irrelevant to me
save your sympathies for your own envious soul
i need and want nothing from reptilian whiners like you
funny how you never crawl over all the real haters/kkk herein
yet you selectively slither up to me
you amusssssssssssssse me
lizard slimed:
"Your hate is so blatant and overwhelming that your vision becomes only hate hate and more hate."
when i evoke such insane and incoherent drivel, i know i have touched a nerve with my truths
Brother Field....Taking the thread in the original premise with a twist to the conversation. Sometimes how you look in America determines some of your political show/posture. This brother may have developed his stance due to looking like/akin to the picture of crime in America. With his looks he has to immediately show/impress that he is not a gangbanger/thug. Therefor he may/might overcompensate politically/socially. Imagine some other conservative Brothers and they tend to look sinilarly. In my race, appearence is either a hinderence or an enhancement. You dont see anybody of my race buying skin darkening creme. My beliefs come from living. By the way, he looks like my son and I encouraged him to ALWAYS put his BEST foot forward. MMe being of another skin tone understood early in life how many people (fair/unfair) traeted people. I am so happy that he is not in jail, running from the police or ready to rob me when I go to 7-11 to buy my squares(bad) tonight.
correction lizard:
i have 3 websites of my own
i blog at many more
and my over 90% of my fans email me as they have done online since 1992:
slither by them all!
uptownsteve said...
"Gots that wrong.I had to go back and listen to the full interview.Malizberg said it,Hill agreed with what was being said."
That wasn't established either.
Hill did say "i agree" to the point the host was making about both CNN and MSNBC being biased.
In other words you used the Fox method of reporting.
"Making it up."
I Bet you believe everything CNN and the NYTimes tells you.
Fear of death fills the American psyche with the notion of "I can do this by myself." Not admitting there is nothing in this world that you do by yourself, except to die. Even in the wilderness one is dependent upon the community of the flora and fauna.
"Am I my brother's keeper?" is more than a Biblical rhetorical question, it is the essence of living.
The rugged individual myth makes man ascendant to angels and if one believes Genesis, angles were a separate creation of God's.
Let me say that I am an agnostic, but grew up in the Christian tradition, in which I draw my analogy.
It bothers me that Health Care is discussed in terms of socialized medicine or that those who propose health care alternative that involve government are call communist, because I think as a nation we should be discussing this in ethical terms, as what we think is governments ethical responsibility to its citizens or to the world; as we do with war and torture.
That is, what is the right thing to do?
have you seen this?
this is more really bad and untimely news for al sharpton:
liz--thanks for the support....i am so with you. as are many, many others here, and those that have left because of her.
malarky and lizard:
your arrogant little love fest reeks of bestiality
you speak only for yourselves as i do!!!
one dunce + one snake
will NEVER one blog police make!
especially when you two haters comically conspire to police FN's blog!!!!
ps: i am still waiting for either of you 2 racist shrews to debate my posts which allegedly vex you so
to attack all the KKK herein!!!
Angie-in-Japan said...
....... As I have mentioned in here before, my family has lost MUCH to our system...including both of my mother's legs. And even then, they didn't want to help provide rehabilitation, in effect grounding her to life in a wheelchair (didn't want to provide a motorized one either!!) at the tender age of 58.
Before I comment, let me preface this by saying that my father is dead because of his choice to 1) Smoke cigarettes 2) Not treat his blood pressure and 3) Not treat his colon cancer because he didn't want to loose his hair.
In other words, all the free healthcare in the world couldn't have saved my Dad because he didn't choose to save himself.
Almost every Black person/patient I've ever come across that didn't have legs lost them because they were diabetic and REFUSED to eat healthy, REFUSED to exercise, REFUSED to maintain a healthy weight, and REFUSED to comply with their Doc's recommendations for their own health. In fact, how much people can honestly say that their serious illness "came out of not where"?? Not many.
So while I can empathize with your Mother's medical plight, I wonder howe much of HER own behavior contributed to it.
"Hill did say "i agree" to the point the host was making about both CNN and MSNBC being biased."
But who made this remark that you put in quotes???
"CNN and MSNBC, are far more to the left than Fox News is to the right."
Remember I have a link to the interview.
Xi said...
Ms. Banks,
Your compassion, insight and strength of character intimidates under educated folks....all you can do is lead the ignorant to the fountain of knowledge.
Their racist anger and resentment stems from their lack of self worth and general inferiority.
Agreed! I've never had a problem with AB expressing herself but of course, I'm not the type to shoot the messanger because I don't like the message! And most fo the time, I do agree with her viewpoints,
But now that you mention it, I'll bet those who are comfortable with AB expressing herself are probably the more highly educated of Field's posters, LOL!!!
thank you my sista
there are many klansmen here
whom i ban from my sites
i simply ignore their posts herein also
the ab haters have no self control
otherwise they would just ignore me too!
and did you notice how i slew the bona fide wm nazi no soul in that other post....
hmmmmmmmmmm...i wonder if all the wfs suddenly bucking up now could be his aryan concubines??
thank you my sista
there are many klansmen here
whom i ban from my sites
i simply ignore their posts herein also
the ab haters have no self control
otherwise they would just ignore me too!
and did you notice how i slew the bona fide wm nazi no soul in that other post....
hmmmmmmmmmm...i wonder if all the wfs suddenly bucking up now could be his aryan concubines??
big eyes just needs to rant, i know her, she's miserable
i have an even bigger blacker brain/soul/heart....to match my big dark beautiful eyes
you are senseless, faceless, bainless, eyeless, ETCless... herein
i am so happy that i shake off haters like you with ease
i will never be co to you in your own cowardly misery
your loss
why do morons unable to debate me believe that fantasies about my being miserable mask that ineptitude?
if i still slay you, does it even matter?????
i do not get that
when i watched ali knock people out, i never cared about his wife/misery etc...i just loved how he laid lesser boxers flat out on their asses!!!
Lets be honest.Prof Hill was not too bright and out of his league. He has some kind of odd self-study Phd in Hip Hop studies or some such nonsense, and he was on TV trying to speak intelligently about Iraq, Afghanistan. It was obvious to me he was on there as a "black face" that could easily be made to look like an idiot by more intelligent white folks or black conservatives.
So I'm not sad he is gone.
Juan Williams is a moderate Democrat and far more intelligent, can go toe-to-toe with people like Bill Crystal, Hannity, etc. and win.
That is the type of black folks we need, not Prof HipHop...
it's always amusing when house negroes get kicked out of the house, isn't it? i have no idea how a self respecting black person could work for FOX, but then again, i'm not a "reporter" or "news reader" so i guess i'll never understand. the sad thing is, i bet all Negroes with FOX credits on their CVs are more employable in Village circles than those without. i'm not worried for this guy, he's toted enough bales for the white man, i'm sure someone will give him a closet to sleep in, inside another SCLM big house.
ps to the 2 wf shrews:
i am also waiting for you to become webmasters and tech advisors for ALL of the other posters herein who ALSO have their own blogs...
i will pass on your techinical advice
only FN will police me herein
never you!
Dragon Horse,
"Juan Williams is a moderate Democrat and far more intelligent, can go toe-to-toe with people like Bill Crystal, Hannity, etc. and win."
Juan Williams is House Negro Emeritus and typically allows those Fox racists to disrespect and humiliate him.
Like when Brit Hume told Williams he needed to be "hosed down" and Williams just sat there looking stupid.
I've seen Al Sharpton and Malik Zulu Shabazz come on Fox TV and get those 'necks beet red and sputtering with rage.
Think about it.
It is Fox's mission to make black folks look bad so if they were accomplishing that with Hill, why would they have fired him?
i am not a racist. i am not a troll. field knows me. AB DOES NOT.
and it is impossible to ever tell if AB has anything relevant ON TOPIC to say because everything she writes in her broken prose comes down to this:
1.she hates men. white, black, etc.
2. she esp. hates white women.
3,4,5,6 ...to infinity: she hates obama, who today she actually described as underfed, as if that matters (or is true).
and she disrespects and insults other posters, giving them derogatory names.
if this blog were in any way moderated she would have been kicked off years ago, if for no other reason than the constant, repetitive, self-indulgent posts.
I think this place should be called "a bunch of negro babies" I found this site for a research paper and boy, am I glad I am not black. get your shit together.
I agree with Maria. Namecalling?? Are you a child?? I taught my kids better than that, too bad your momma didn't.
When is the circus going to be over and the children go home so that adults can discuss the topic?
i hate YOU 2 racist shrews!!!
and your boss man no sense
do not drag others into it
you are a blatant liar!!!:
i love many men
of all races
see tributes to many at my site
FN is a man i love
i love mumia and malcolm and many more
i love michael moore and john brown
and many other white men
i do indeed hate obama
and his clone gwb
and all of the black racists who love obama but hate gwb
just because obama is black
i also hate all jungle feevered shrews like you because you covet obama's half blackish swagger
and i love FN because he is man enough to know that NO REAL CONVO IS EVER CENSORED!!!!
woman up wenches!!!
and stop calling for fn to ban me like he is your black daddy
ONLY respect begets respect
from me
i am 46 yrs old
and i have been MUCH kicking adult ass herein all day
mlh is brave to be a pt of fox
and he is a very cool bro
he took one for mumia
mumia gave his life for all of us
since he was a baby teen editor
of the BPP news
so good karma will take care of marc
which is far more than i can say for the ab haters herein
once more with feeling!:
neither of you will EVER police:
this blog
my blog
my prose
my posts
or ANYTHING else remotely related to me
Dey can't handle you alicia banks .
i also love lots of white women too
like eleanor roosevelt
arianna huffington
nancy grace
gloria allred etc
all are warriors
unlike u 2
they are not lusting after obama's blackish swag
and many hate him as much as i do
just as they hated gwb
4 all of the same reasons!!!
see many of your superior wf sisters here:
"I think this place should be called "a bunch of negro babies" I found this site for a research paper and boy, am I glad I am not black. get your shit together."
You are on OUR site getting information for your paper. So I think our "shit" is pretty much together. Enjoy the "A". ;)
"Lets be honest.Prof Hill was not too bright and out of his league. He has some kind of odd self-study Phd in Hip Hop studies or some such nonsense, and he was on TV trying to speak intelligently about Iraq, Afghanistan..."
Out of his league debating Bill Oreilly? You can't be serious. I could win a debate with that guy in my sleep and with my brain tied behind my back. :)
And I wouldn't take a doctorial degree (especially one from Penn) lightly. I don't care if it's in basket weaving. You have to write a dissertaion for that bad boy, and that's no walk in the park. I remember, as a kid, watching my parents go through it, and you always have to earn those things. Even if it's in Hip Hop or some form of urban or African studies. Don't fall into that trap that says all forms of Afrocentric studies is easy and Eurocentric studies is hard.
Chicagodyke, I have to co-sign with you a little bit on this one. I mean Marc is my man and all but.....
being hated by lesser souls is the story of my life
i am cool like that
Why don't you act like your 46 year olds instead of all of the juvenile name calling. That is not necessary to get your point across. As for respect, you have not really shown anyone on here any if they disagree with you.
Now, AB, I told you back some months ago I don't have anything against you. You and I just don't agree with each other on certain things. However, people have a right to disagree with you like you disagree with them. It doesn't have include all of that name calling because that's childish and irritating to people. People would pay more attention to what you have to say if didn't do that.
thanks 4 defending mlh
this brother is legit!
i respect everyone in here who respect me
and that is ALL i will ever do
those who matter to me do pay attn
and none of them try to police me either
i assure you the name calling is not their issue with me...
the fact that they cannot win in any debate is the real issue
some hate me because i am gay
but many more hate me because i am gifted and blessed
juvenile is a selective slur
i think it is juvenile to call adults children...
especially when they are burying name calling fools in this sandbox
msnbc = obama tv
and there are even racists there too:
AB, regarding that link about the woman who's recanting her abuse story. Isn't she retarded? She doesn't have many mental capabilities to be telling these stories. Sounds like she was coached to hide something.
Another thing I find is getting fishy about these "black woman lied about abuse" stories is that it takes the focus off of all these grown ass priests who were screwing these boys and girls for all these years and got away with it. Shit is getting out of hand.
On topic: all of the house negroes are slowly being phased off of Fox, especially if they go 1 inch off of the script over there. I think the doctor spent too much time trying to be the hip hop doctor. Unless white folks are making money off of it, they're not trying to hear this hip hop shit. Look what they did to Cornel West.
this is why i hate obama with a deep hot passion!!!
i hate him and all of his elitist ilk who LIED about the trillions he gave to his banker pals!!!
why is it ok for all of you to hate fox/beck et al
but not ok for me to hate
got hypocrisy?
it all seemed fishy to me from day 1..so i never penned a word about it
she was dating one of the wm assailants
why reverse it all now?
after sharpton has been so deeply entrenched...THAT is suspect to me...
i will be watching...
have you seen all the other name callers herein???
FN included??
i love that!
ditto on the pedophile priests
pimping pampergate
I don't think they hate you because you're gay or that they hate you at all because more than you on this blog are gay. The people that post on this blog come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, with straight and gay people posting. Your sexual preference is irrelevant and that's your business. At least that's the way I look at it. I could care less about how you or anyone else on here chooses to live their personal life or what their sexual preference is. You shouldn't care either because you don't have to sleep with anyone on here when you go to bed at night nor are they putting any eggs and bacon on your table.
I'm talking to you like I would one of my own. Like I said, I don't have anything against you. We just differ in opinions. Nor am I trying to make you feel bad but I am just trying to point out something to you that irritates others on this blog and is not necessary to get your point across.
Yes, I see others doing name-calling and they shouldn't be doing that either. We're supposed to be discussing topics in an adult manner. There have been a few times I wanted to tell y'all about something uphead I see in the future, but I couldn't get pass all the diatribe and by the time I did, I'd forgot what came to me.
i have never seen anyone's wife brutally vulgarly attacked like mine herein...and she never blogs anywhere!
especially no het wife herein
and i have never seen you call out anyone else or say that they would be paid more attn too etc
we agree to disagree about the haters herein
but i will never stop slaying them as i see fit...name calling and all
field negro said...
And I wouldn't take a doctorial degree (especially one from Penn) lightly.
I guess you have to be in the Dr. pipline be it JD, PharmD, or PhD to understand. And speaking of the pipleine, I'll be in that line beginning next summer!!! IMHO, the PhD is the hardest "Dr" title to get for reasons too numerous to name.
And congrats on getting the attention of college students writing papers! Personally, I think you should consider a radio or talk show, but maybe I'm jumping too far ahead of myself, LOL@!!
Keep your head up AB and shake ALL the haters loose!
thanks fly!
"i OPENLY despise obama"
Alicia, I'm curious, who do you hate more? Me (La), or Obama?
u know it's u
obama is a politico/puppet
but you have no excuse
u dangle your own evil strings
"A person like that would never get elected to statewide, let alone national office."
Steve, she said on another thread that she has 4 jobs and health insurance. I won't be surprised if she's actually on mental disability with Medicaid. This would make Alicia the biggest "governmental health subsidized" hypocrite on this blog, and it's getting to me. Trust me on this, something is not right.
see kola:
i have always earned evey dime i get
never been on any meds or doles
bet you are though
this is why i despise you so you trifling global whore
my bio is all over any public libary
stop hating
and congratulate
you will never be me
get over it
[quote]Dr. Hill has been known to support alleged cop killer, Mumia Abu Jamal in the past[/quote]
Hey Filled Negro I that that "alleged" was a term that you criminal-criminal defense attorneys used UNTIL the CONVICTION was rendered?
(THANK YOU FILLED NEGRO - you just gave me a linkage):
The LEFT will feature a CONVICTED MURDERER'S Radio Broadcast FROM DEATH ROW!!!!
Yet they HATE RUSH LIMBAUGH as a Racial Provocateur!!!!
That's it Filled Negro.
That is the linkage that I failed to consider a few weeks ago in the heart of the Limbaugh attack.
Thank you Filled Negro.
I could not have done this with out you.
Alicia ...
Here's the thing, you hate Kola so much that somehow you continue to transfer your hatred of her towards me (you are incapable of attacking me, La). I notice how you also unleash your unreasonable anger and hatred towards Obama. it's like the same type transference of anger you have for someone else. I see it in your eyes (literally).
I have good reason to suspect that you are also conveying your hatred for some other "blackish, urine color skin" male onto Obama. Perhaps someone in your past who may have hurt you, or made you feel rejected. Alicia, what's his name? Steve?
AB: "how many loops did we see about his incessant "bushisms" spoken?"
Read what I wrote. Between September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005 Bush/Cheney were unassailable in the media. You may not remember the bad old days right after 9/11, but I do. There were blogs and websites that were BANNED by their ISPs for daring to call Bush/Cheney the real terrorists (which subsequent events confirmed).
I understand that you're still bitter about the perceived injustices against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries, but most people got over that when she made that comment about the RFK assassination. Time to move on!
"Yet they HATE RUSH LIMBAUGH as a Racial Provocateur!!!!"
Ahh...what's the use...
"I understand that you're still bitter about the perceived injustices against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries"
Ernesto, why didn't I see this before, it may have always been about. um.. Hillary. I may have been wrong all this time.
Alicia is such a difficult patient, and Medicaid doesn't even pay well.
Field, "Anon. what is the FOX game?"
Fox MEMO For All Employess:
"Stay to the right".
Uts "If you can produce a statement from me where I "blamed" white folks or society for anything, I'll leave this board forever."
Goodbye Steve.
FlyNMy40s said...
"In other words, all the free healthcare in the world couldn't have saved my Dad because he didn't choose to save himself."
Dear Fly...I'm sorry to hear about your dad. And in my opinion, you make an excellent point regarding our responsibility to take care of self. Many people don't...and those who do may eventually get sick anyway.
"Almost every Black person/patient I've ever come across that didn't have legs lost them because they were diabetic and REFUSED to eat healthy, REFUSED to exercise, REFUSED to maintain a healthy weight, and REFUSED to comply with their Doc's recommendations for their own health. In fact, how much people can honestly say that their serious illness "came out of not where"?? Not many."
Sure, my mother could have eaten healthier foods, exercised more, maintained a healthier weight and more seriously entertained the recommendations offered by her doctor. She SHOULD have been more proactive regarding her health...and the only good thing to come of her illness is that everyone in our family has learned that important lesson from her experience.
Then again, not everyone with diabetes is destined to lose a leg over it. SInce this is seen as more of a "lifestyle disease," it would only be fair to note that diabetes has increased dramatically in Japan since the end of the war. This problem is often attributed to the shift amongst Japanese to a more Western diet. Even so, I have yet to meet a Japanese amputee. This country is known for hammering down the nails that stick out, so maybe those people choose to stay home and hide from the discrimination that often shadows those who are different "physically." But honestly, in 16 years....I have met none. Makes me wonder what the major difference attributing to that factor is...? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89626309
"So while I can empathize with your Mother's medical plight, I wonder howe much of HER own behavior contributed to it."
Thank you! WIth all the chaos and discontentment circulating in this world, it is nice to be in touch with others who can empathize with our concerns and problems. While it is true that my mother's behavior undoubtedly influenced her chances of becoming diabetic, my "beef" with our health care system, if you will, is not that they couldn't stop her from getting ill. I am voicing my displeasure with some of the companies because of the subpar, "frugal" amount of care my mother received AFTER her illness was detected. (Often the doctors wanted to do more for my mother but their hands were tied by the insurance companies handling my mother's claims).
I understand that private insurance companies are out to make a buck but being witness to all the MALICIOUS games they played with my mother's life and legs TRULY pisses me off (apologies for the language...)! From trying to find ways around paying for her care to thinking up ways to drop her policy to other means to save money at our family's expense. They didn't seem to have a problem with her as a customer until the day she became a drain on their corporate wallets...an unnecessary financial "burden." Now they are screaming out in pain and shedding tears over the possibility of losing their private-sector status to a national health care system. Well, sorry...but some people have had to cry far bigger tears over the years as a result of the way they have chosen to conduct their business.
No pity party for them being thrown here.
ab "and i have never seen you call out anyone else or say that they would be paid more attn too etc"
ditto, ab...neither have I. With all of the name calling and ganging up on you, one would think the ones who say they care about you would have said something to those jerks.
So watch yourself, ab. it sounds like a double standard to me.
AB, I cannot figure out how you think you are slaying others and winning any debate, I think that's a distorted view of your discourse.
the double standards herein are incessant...especially as perpetually practiced by psycho self-loathing bimbos like kola too ugly to show their faces, too evil to conrtol their hatred, and too cowardly to post in their own globally poisoned names...
hillary never paid one banker
obama barely won even with MILLIONS of nazis and media fans assisting him
obama makes me PROUDER each day that i voted for her...
got glasses?
put the pom poms down
the pep rally is over
your team lost!
you grow more moronic each day
only bitter horny bimbos like you are ruled by scars from men
you are really VISIBLY sex starved and alone...that is why ALL you post eventually meanders back to imaginary man....it is truly pathetic!
i dated many regal ebony skinned kings ONLY i was never abused by any man until i came out at 21...
i would still hate obama if he was black as kenyan...
i am a lesbian...duh???
In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renown scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:
“When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians."
Angie-in-Japan said...
They didn't seem to have a problem with her as a customer until the day she became a drain on their corporate wallets...an unnecessary financial "burden."
Thanks for taking my comments in the context in which they were communicated. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen much with my comments around these here parts, LOL!!!
I agree with you in that the insurance companies run them like they are Gods, but I also understand that without the assistance of Lawyers, this wouldn't be possible.
Bottom line, Pres. Obama will NEVER address the real culprits of the health care fiasco because he attended Law school/shares the same career as many of them.
Liz said:
first of all alicia you have a website of your own...
You could have fooled me the amount of time she spends on here. I guess like liz says biz must be bad and this is the only place where anyone would engage AB in her tirades(and i am being kind). Maybe if we stop responding to it she would just "evaporate" from this blog.
I expect her to say that she will never go away because its her "duty" to spread the "truth" (read manure). AB all i can say is that you can "spread" your "truth" somewhere else. May i suggest the Fox News blogs they would love you there.
To Uptown,
Steve you know these clowns so well.You are my Obi Wan man. I loved the ultimatum u gave Xi i have not seen him since. He must be searching for those racist comments he alleges you made on the blog, and we both know he wont find any. I should try that with anon.
John Crow
John Crow,
Like I always say, if you ever want to get rid of one of these coonservative frauds, all you have to do is:
a) Ask them a direct question
b) Issue a direct challenge
They'll haul ass every time.
Total phonies.
"Steve, she said on another thread that she has 4 jobs and health insurance. I won't be surprised if she's actually on mental disability with Medicaid. This would make Alicia the biggest "governmental health subsidized" hypocrite on this blog, and it's getting to me. Trust me on this, something is not right."
It's getting downright bizarre.
But I'm gonna lay off AB for a while.
She's catching it from all directions these days and I don't want to seem like I'm piling on.
Not my style.
this is not your blog
lying about my blog/fans nor envying my multi-tasking skills/quadruple careers/diverse and supreme blessings etc...
NONE of that will ever control my posts herein!
ignore me
debate me
they are your only options
pick one asap
all of you ab stalkers/haters are all such pathetic evil and trifling fools...even as you slander my entire life and hurl slurs you dare to feign offense when i call you names in return fire...and just because my flames are higher and hotter!!!
spare me your sporadic morality!!!!
you did pile on
you all always do pile on
piling is what all fecal matter/cloned turds like you all do best!
ie assnon
rather than waste time with the mindless mantra you chose to post...
you could have called out that stalker shrew kola
i prefer uncencored debate always
i will:
the typically vulgar foolish fantasy that kola posted ignores
NATIONAL popularity polls that are TANKING as more voters begin to HATE obama and his ruthlessly elitist hoaxes just as much as i do...
to follow her twisted "logic":
all the men who hate obama are homosexuals who have been hurt by yellow men
see what a complete moron this whore is??????
so joe wilson is one of obama's dl ex-lovers??...."YOU LIE!!!!!!!"
here is a tip:
if you want to appear to be my frenemy
steer clear of that vicious whore and arch enemy kola
she has horrid karma that curses ALL allies...
ab, "assnon:
this is not your blog
lying about my blog/fans nor envying my multi-tasking skills/quadruple careers/diverse and supreme blessings etc...
NONE of that will ever control my posts herein!
ignore me
debate me"
ab, i love the way you handle yourself with these knuckleheads,
they don't know 'how' to ignore you or debate you. They only know how to cry incessantly like some infantile high chair two year old.
they are complaining that the world is not devoting itself to making them happy.
they really need to learn how to "live and let live." instead of trying to control someone else's blog to suit THEIR needs.
they need to get a life!
who is this alicia freak, why is she rambling? and "US" don't go to the dark side obvsiously. freaks.
their amusing lies prove that they have NO idea who i am...
they have no idea how suicidal they are being...
they are masochists
either way, i will continue to slay them
a win win deal for me as always
i am blessed
i live online
i purchased portable gadgetry to make that possible...
got "best buy"?
uptownsteve said...
She's catching it from all directions these days and I don't want to seem like I'm piling on.
Not my style.
Where I cone from only punk asses "gang" up on people because they're too chicken shit to take a person head on. Then again, to take a person on like Alicia, you'd first need to be college educated and well..............., LOL!!!!
i love you and anon
what is even more punk assed, is that i still slay the whole damn sorry gang SOLO & always!!!
that is how all real field negros always do!
always have
always will
whenever you see a pack of hyenas brawling with a lioness like me...help those hyenas asap!!!!
as i said yesterday. Count the postings of Alicia Banks on this blog. just on this one particular subject. no one else can get a word in edgewise without being attacked. its boring and i just dont participate on this site anymore because it no longer belongs to fn or his readeres it has been hijacked by a banks.
YOU attacked me first
YOU ignored all who attacked me first
YOU pretend i am the only serial poster herein
slither your selective lying reptilian self on away already!!!
stop whining, harping, and curiously COUNTING as you go!!!
it is ONLY delaying you further
BE OUT!!!!!!
liz "as i said yesterday. Count the postings of Alicia Banks on this blog. just on this one particular subject. no one else can get a word in edgewise without being attacked. its boring and i just dont participate on this site anymore because it no longer belongs to fn or his readeres it has been hijacked by a banks."
liz, i have no problem commenting on fn blog, what's your problem? is ab too fast for you? you think ab should be limitied to a specified number of comments?
what's the MAXIMUM limit for ab? and what about you? i think there should be a MINIMUM limit for you and the rest of your slow ass gang of ignorant cry babies.
you, granny, li/kola and all the others who try to manipulate and pile on ab ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
the combined IQ of your entire gang is still 50+ pts below ab's IQ.
you should be thankful ab is on this blog. now you can make good use of that forgotten dictionary on the shelf that has been collecting dust for decades.
you can even get a lot of information from ab because she is constantly giving you dumbasses a rich plethora of references to fill your empty heads with.
instead of being a bunch of unappreciative shitheads, you should be thankful for ab.
you should be begging ab to lead you out of your self-inflicted bondage of ignorance and stupidity. you should beg her to never leave this blog!
attack this:
you are a uniquely special fool to feign that i am attacking anyone as:
ALL blogs are filled with attackers
you and many other haters herein dare to attack me daily
i have never attacked anyone who did not attack me first...which is usually done in packs herein!
here is the real deal:
i attack BACK better than ALL of you combined!!!
and i attack you BACK better SOLO even when you attack me in gangs
just as you will NEVER police me on FN's or my own blog
that too will NEVER change!!!
now YOU BACKslide on away on those facts!!
i am proud to be your sister warrior!
thank you!
they all are in shock that i do not take the bullying that had become so beloved by them...
they are so grossly OBVIOUS and UNFAIR with their trifling traumatized bs!
what grand hypocrisy to call anyone a troll when they are bumbling billy goat gruff-ish beaten down buffoons every time they buck up to get backed up herein!
and lizard also ignored all the furby fools who post in my name etc herein...hating on my hypnotic beautiful eyes with their hypcritical blind buffonery!
what is a book ref to a moron who has never been in a bookstore and has no library card....nahmean???
i love u like jah do my sista
I guess I just don't see how you attack back better than anyone AB. What is your definition of slaying and attacking better etc. You are a grown woman getting into childish games, I am not sure that's a whole lot to be proud of.
who are all these randomly cloned self appointed post judgers????
why are they scoring only my posts?
do any of them REALLY think i care?
imagine you are holding your greatest wish in life in one hand
now imagine you are holding what i think of your opinions about ANYTHING!!!
which hand is heavier???
now slap yourself with both hands and be gone!!!
you win ab i am a shithead. i have a job all day and have a life outside of the blogosphere. but i did enjoy this site at one time now that enjoyment is gone.
this is not about limiting anyone. but rather that others are limited by ab. i have spent too much time just scrolling past ab because i would like to hear other voices. so great i will be gone. your attacks have done there job. attack and minimize anyone that speaks to your hate. i sorry that we all not not have the quick sharp tongue that you have. i am not here to attack or be attacked but too share. but there is no sharing when a bully takes over. how very big of you. to allow us all to be controlled by your anger
great post liz, i think ab is becoming what she most despises.
I gotta post this one here, this entry is way more fun to watch than the most recent...
Confession Alert: One of my local radio stations here in the Windy City was just talking about "Soap Opera Moments". I called in with this website and told everyone it's a good soap opera. Should be scores of traffic now.
I have been lurking all day and laughing.
Keywords for the day: Jew and herein
see ALL my previous posts!!!
what is taking you so damned long to do what you say??????
each of your own belated post gets worse!!!
read what you just posted?
see the envy?
see the cowrdice?
see ALL of the other gangs of bullies you ignore herein?
there are actual nazis and klansmen and buybull gaybashers in droves herein and you are still calling ME a hater????
you lyiing lizard?????!!!!
sssssssssssssssssslither off already!!!!!
you did not slap yourself hard enough since you are still typing drivel
follow instructions!!!
never that
what i despise mosts are cowardly foolish hypocrites like you and lizard
you both have those roles herein on lock
i enjoy being myself:
a superior debater who bashes bimbos like you back!
seek help ab
your hate will kill you
are you dyslexic too?
the slur is accurate
but i never called you a "shithead"
i routinely avoid stating the obvious
especially when it appears in pairs
just saying....
I pray for your poor soul.
It's obvious your parents were either absent or strung out on something.
you have found a role and you are playing it to the hilt, but you are becoming what you claim to despise. how is your PhD coming?
how would a brain dead zombie like you ever be qualified to advise the living?
ignorance is worse than death
save your own eternally ignorant soul
now you are actually talking about my parents hatefully as you demand that i play nicely and
not name call????
see what i mean???
you are a raging hypocritial fool
your own retarded parents should have chosen college over coitus/the defective breeding that became you
are u a raxist wf clone of lizard too?
i see u assume all black parentas are absent drug addicts
mine are both retired scholars who wed at 19..fyi!
my hate may kill YOU
as it helps me fatally slap you BACK!!!
neener neener neener
nah nah nah nah
ab if it wasnt so sad it would be hilarious
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